SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2003 | 9:00 A.M. General Meeting |
CALL TO ORDER | President, Kay Rogers (Jim) |
ROLL CALL | Recording Secretary, Jodene Hughes (Dave) |
INVOCATION | Immediate Past President, Linda Lambert (Ralph) |
FLAG SALUTE | 1st Vice President, Carolyn Bosch (Bob) |
MINUTES | Recording Secretary, Jodene Hughes (Dave) |
President's Report, Kay Rogers (Jim) | 2 Minutes |
1st Vice President, Carolyn Bosch (Bob) | 2 Minutes |
03 Mid-Winter Festival, Gary Willoughby (Betty) | 2 Minutes |
03 Summer Festival, Dave Hughes (Jodene) | 2 Minutes |
04 Mid-Winter Festival, Aaron Gibbens (Linda) | 2 Minutes |
04 Summer Festival, Barbara Schaumburg (Larry) | 2 Minutes |
OR Federation News, Jan Steele (Jim) | 3 Minutes |
2nd Vice President, Barbie Cooper (David) | 2 Minutes |
Recording Secretary, Jodene Hughes (Dave) | 2 Minutes |
Corresponding Secretary, Marilyn Schmit (Ron) | 2 Minutes |
USDA Report | |
Treasurer, Bill Rooper (Annadale) | 2 Minutes |
Membership, Clara Evarts | 2 Minutes |
Insurance, Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos) | 4 Minutes |
Past President, Linda Lambert (Ralph) | 2 Minutes |
Parliamentarian, Tim Roberts (Kathy) | 2 Minutes |
Publicity/State Reporter, Janice Young | 4 Minutes |
Financial Advisor, Roger Newell (Dee) | 2 Minutes |
Education Advisor, Dave Krause (Kathy) | 2 Minutes |
Historian, Barbara Wines (Tom) | 2 Minutes |
BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert (Linda) | 2 Minutes |
Youth Activities Coordinator, Peter Wood (Beverly Hills-Wood) | 2 Minutes |
State Trailers, Jim Kinkaid (Avis) | 2 Minutes |
ORDTA, Dennis Smith (Elaine) | 2 Minutes |
Round Dance Screening, Barbara Schaumburg (Larry) | 2 Minutes |
Caller Advisor, Harold Kleve (Barbara) | 2 Minutes |
54th National Square Dance Convention, Lee & Barbi Ashwill | 3 Minutes |
Showcase of Ideas Ron & Marilyn Schmit | 2 Minutes |
Delegate Meeting Report | 3 Minutes |
Blue Mountain Council, Bonnie Berry (Don) | 2 Minutes |
Central Oregon Council, LaDauna Hartzell (Doug) | 2 Minutes |
Emerald Empire Council, Angie Barta (Alan Prichard) | 2 Minutes |
Interstate Highlanders Council, Reta Harkins (Phil) | 2 Minutes |
Lincoln-Tillamook Council, Kathy Buczkowski (Buzz) | 2 Minutes |
Mid-Willamette Area Council, Spencer Lewis (Barbara) | 2 Minutes |
Portland Area Council, Al Wolf (Gail Domine) | 2 Minutes |
Rogue Sis-Q Council, Rex Bounds (Jeri) | 2 Minutes |
South Coast Council, Mary Miller (Don) | 2 Minutes |
Sunset Empire Council, Sylvia Davis | 2 Minutes |
Tualatin Valley Council, Bob Bosch (Carolyn) | 2 Minutes |
Umpqua Area Council, Darlene Sconce | 2 Minutes |
Eastern Oregon Council, Jodene Hughes (Dave) | 2 Minutes |
Ray and Betty Jones | 2 Minutes |
Don and Karel Morris | 2 Minutes |
Benjamin and Penny Brown | 2 Minutes |
Ray and Zola Jones | 2 Minutes |
Al and Fran Westphal | 2 Minutes |
Just a reminder that the following motion will be brought off the table for discussion at the Summer Festival meeting. It was tabled at the November meeting.
Motion tabled by Bob Bosch. Original motion by Linda Lambert.
Madame President, I move to combine the Summer Festival Emergency Fund and
the Emergency Fund and the Festival Emergency Fund into a Festival Emergency
Fund. Refer to your minutes for the discussion that followed.