Holiday Inn Express, Oregon Room

SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2006 9:00 A.M. General Meeting
CALL TO ORDERPresident, Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
ROLL CALLRecording Secretary, Virginia Myers (Ed)
INVOCATIONImmediate Past President, Dave Cooper (Barbie)
FLAG SALUTE1st Vice President, Barbie Cooper (Dave)
MINUTESRecording Secretary, Virginia Myers (Ed)


President's Report, Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)2 Minutes
1st Vice President, Barbie Cooper (Dave)2 Minutes
   06 Mid-Winter Festival, Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)2 Minutes
   06 Summer Festival, Kay Rogers (Jim)2 Minutes
   07 Mid-Winter Festival, Dan Allen (Ginger)2 Minutes
   OR Federation News, Vivian Fairburn3 Minutes
2nd Vice President, Jim Rogers (Kay)2 Minutes
Recording Secretary, Virginia Myers (Ed)2 Minutes
Corresponding Secretary, Glory Guches (John)2 Minutes
Treasurer, Bill Rooper (Annadale)2 Minutes
Membership, Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos)2 Minutes
   Insurance, Kay Rogers (Jim)4 Minutes
Past President, Dave Cooper (Barbie)2 Minutes
Parliamentarian, Tim Roberts (Kathy)2 Minutes
Financial Advisor, Mike Odell (Shirley)2 Minutes
Publicity/State Reporter, Marilyn Schmit (Ron)4 Minutes
Education Advisor, Marilyn Schmit (Ron)2 Minutes
Historian, Patty Reese2 Minutes


BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert (Linda)2 Minutes
Youth Activities Coordinator, Kathy Roberts (Tim)2 Minutes
ORDTA, Dennis Smith (Elaine)2 Minutes
Round Dance Screening, Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)2 Minutes
Caller Advisor, Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)2 Minutes
Showcase of Ideas Ron & Marilyn Schmit2 Minutes
Delegate Meeting Report, John Guches (Rogue Sis-Q Council)3 Minutes


  1. Motion (John Guches): Mr. President, I move that we untable the summer festival proposal that was tabled at the November meeting. The motion was:
  2. Motion (Jim Rogers): Mr. President, I move that we hold the 2007 Summer Festival in Seaside, sponsored by the Tualatin Valley Council.



  1. Motion (Bill Rooper): Mr. President, I move that the Federation set up a 3 person committee to receive applications for an Award Scholarships, not to exceed $500.00, to Caller School for worthy applicants. The committee would also have the power to make loans to new callers under terms to be agreed to by the committee and the new caller.

    Discussion: We are losing Callers as well as Square Dancers and we need to encourage new people to learn to Call so that there will be a adequate supply of Callers available. The cost of learning to call may be a reason for not learning to call and the Federation has an obligation to help Square Dancing in whatever manner possible. I have run this idea by several existing callers and other people and have received nothing but encouragement.
  2. Motion (Barbara Tipton): Mr. President, I move that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs adopt the following outfit as the official Oregon outfit to be worn at all future National Conventions commencing with the next one to be held in June 2006 in San Antonio, TX.

    Ladies: White skirt and Blouse (or white dress) with Green overskirt and green petticoat.

    Men: White shirt, Green tie and Black pants. (they can wear the vest with the wagon on it, but it is not required.)
  3. Motion (Cooper) Mr. President, I move that the attached guidelines for awarding summer festivals be inserted into Section VIII of the Practices & Procedures.

    Bidding for a Summer Festival

    Any organization wishing to host a summer festival shall create a printed bid package consisting of, at a minimum:

    The organization should make 38 copies of the bid package, one for each delegate and officer.

    Organizations may announce their intent to bid at any Federation meeting. Bid packages should be distributed at the May Federation meeting 2 years prior to the proposed date. The winning bid will be chosen at the Summer Festival 2 years prior to the proposed date. If only one organization has submitted a bid package, the award may be made by voice vote. If more than one organization has submitted a bid package, the award will be made via a written ballot. The choice receiving a plurality of votes cast will be chosen.

    If no organization has submitted a bid package by the Summer Festival meeting 2 years in advance of the proposed date, bid packages may be submitted at the September and November meetings 22 and 20 months in advance, respectively and a vote will be taken at the Mid-Winter meeting 18 months in advance.

    If no organization has submitted a bid package by the Mid-Winter Festival meeting 18 months in advance, there will be no Summer Festival during that year.


Eastern Oregon Council, Lorene Griffith (George)2 Minutes
Emerald Empire Council, Lois Klinok / Sharon Greenman2 Minutes
Interstate Highlanders Council, TBA2 Minutes
Lincoln-Tillamook Council, LaVonne Bussey (Al)2 Minutes
Mid-Willamette Area Council, Barbara Tipton (Bill)2 Minutes
Portland Area Council, Al Wolf (Gail Domine)2 Minutes
Rogue Sis-Q Council, John Guches (Glory)2 Minutes
South Coast Council, Coleeta Quigley (Chuck)2 Minutes
Sunset Empire Council, Dale Worthington (Kathy)2 Minutes
Tualatin Valley Council, Pat Young (Ted)2 Minutes
Umpqua Area Council, Darlene Sconce2 Minutes
Blue Mountain Council, David Stutzman (Sharon)2 Minutes
Central Oregon Council, Carol Bro (Ben Oakes)2 Minutes


Ray and Zola Jones2 Minutes
Al and Fran Westphal2 Minutes
Harold and Barbara Kleve2 Minutes
Lee and Barbi Ashwill2 Minutes
Don & Lonna Bramhall2 Minutes