Proposed Budget 2005-2006

General Fund Receipts
Area Council/Club dues 275.00
Directory Sales 1,400.00
Festival Income
Summer Festival (2004) 2,553.00
Winter Festival (2005) 5,000.00
Interest Income 500.00
Total General Fund Receipts 9,728.00
General Fund Disbursements
BMI/ASCAP Dues 100.00
Directory Printing 1,900.00
Equipment Insurance 215.00
Mileage 3,000.00
Motel 1,200.00
Miscellaneous 300.00
Postage 100.00
Printing/Copies 400.00
Supplies 500.00
Telephone 100.00
Corporate License 50.00
Total General Fund Disbursements 7,865.00
Special Project Disbursements
Trailer Maintenance 100.00
National Showcase 100.00
Round of the Month 100.00
Youth Fund 100.00
Total Special Project Disbursements 400.00
Total Disbursements 8,265.00
Surplus Carryover 1,463.00

Proposed Budget 2005-2006

Insurance Fund
Club Premiums 12,400.00
USDA Premiums 12,000.00
USDA Dues 100.00
Copies 100.00
Supplies 100.00
Postage 100.00
Total Disbursements 12,400.00
OFN Fund
Advertising 23,000.00
Subscriptions 14,000.00
When and Where 1,400.00
Total Receipts 38,400.00
Supplies 100.00
Publishing 26,000.00
Postage 3,000.00
Miscellaneous 100.00
Total Disbursements 29,200.00
Profit 9,200.00