President Linda (Ralph) Lambert brought the May 19, 2002, meeting of the Federation of Square & Round Clubs to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Eastern Star Grange, Bend, Oregon.
Roll call was taken by Recording Secretary Nancy Cobb as follows:
Officers: First Vice President Kay (Jim) Rogers; Second Vice President Carolyn (Bob) Bosch; Recording Secretary Nancy Cobb; Corresponding Secretary Marilyn (Ron) Schmit; Treasurer Bill (Annadale) Rooper; Membership Clara Kilbourne; and Past President Barbi (Lee) Ashwill.
Appointed Officers: Financial Advisor Gary (Betty) Willoughby; Parliamentarian Larry (Carol) Reetz; and OFN Editor Jan (Jim) Steele. Absent: Historian Bonnie (Jay) Stimler; State Publicity/Reporter Jill (Floyd) Bard; and Education Chairman David (Kathy) Krause.
Delegates: Blue Mountain - Bonnie (Don) Berry; Central Oregon - Virginia (Hal) Meyers; Eastern Oregon - Lorene (George) Griffith; Emerald Empire - Angie Barta (Alan Prichard); Interstate Highlanders - Cathy (Ron) Pochatko; Lincoln-Tillamook - Kathy (Buzz) Buczkowski; Mid-Willamette - Dianne (Toby) Beard; Portland - Al Wolf (Gail Domine); Roque Sis-Q - Rex (Jeri) Bounds; Sunset - Sylvia Davis; Tualatin Valley - Tim (Kathy) Roberts; and Umpqua - John Hernandez (Esther Thompson-Wood). Absent: South Coast - Karel (Don) Morris.
Committee Chairs: 2002 Mid-Winter Festival - Larry & Carol Reetz; 2002 Summer Festival and 54th National Convention - Lee & Barbi Ashwill; 2003 Mid-Winter Festival - Gary & Betty Willoughby; 2003 Summer Festival - Dave & Jodene Hughes; 2004 Summer Festival and Round Dance Screening - Barbara & Larry Schaumburg; Insurance - Jim (Kay) Rogers; BMI/ASCAP - Ralph (Linda) Lambert; State Fair - Fran (Ray) Bunch; Caller Advisor - Roger (Linda) Putzler. Absent: Youth Coordinator Ann (Roger) Skoe); ORDTA - Dennis (Elaine) Smith; and State Trailers - Jim (Avis) Kinkaid.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: Dick & Marge Pentecost; Ray & Betty Jones; Benjamin & Penny Brown; and Ray & Zola Jones. Absent: Don & Karel Morris.
Past President Barbi Ashwill gave the invocation. First Vice President Kay Rogers led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES. Cathy Pochatko moved to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2002, meeting as presented. Motion was seconded by Angie Barta and carried unanimously.
PRESIDENT'S REPORT. President Linda Lambert stated the meeting was being recorded. She and Ralph thanked the Federation and all of its members who called or sent cards with regards to the double loss their family suffered shortly after the last meeting. Linda also thanked the Central Council for hosting a wonderful weekend, noting it's enjoyable to travel to an area that she doesn't get to visit that often.
Linda reminded everyone that mileage and motel reimbursement is only given when members have traveled more than 25 miles one way to the meeting and actually stay in a motel/hotel. The only exception to the policy is that members who stay in their RV's are entitled motel/hotel reimbursement.
At our last meeting Gary and Betty Willoughby volunteered to represent Oregon at the United Square Dancers of America (USDA) meeting in St. Paul Minnesota in June 2003. Oregon is allowed a total of four representatives and Linda asked any volunteers for the two vacancies to contact her at the break or after the meeting so she can submit names. The meeting will be held Wednesday afternoon prior to the start of the National Square Dance Convention.
Due to the short time between this meeting and the next meeting at the Summer Festival everyone was reminded submissions for the agenda need to be forwarded to Linda by Sunday, May 26, 2002, which is only one week from today.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT. First Vice President Kay Rogers thanked the Central Oregon Area for a fantastic dance and dinner. She hoped that anyone who had special budgetary requests had turned them in for the upcoming budget, as she would be presenting a rough draft of the budget at the Summer Festival meeting. She noted there are some budget shortfalls for the upcoming year. The Federation will be looking at ways to make up the difference and her own suggestions will be made in the form of a motion at the next meeting. She asked anyone with creative ideas that might help with the budget, she would welcome them. She thanked the 2001 Summer Festival Committee for all its efforts to have a successful and money making event, noting funds to operate the Federation come from both Summer and Winter Festivals, interest and dues. She reminded everyone that OFN subscriptions need to increase and everyone could promote the OFN by purchasing subscriptions for new dancers and holding subscription dances. She said the Federation was very fortunate to have Jan Steele and her family as managing editors and that everyone should express appreciation for their efforts.
She and Jim have been to many dances since the last meeting, noting the wonderful camaraderie going on in the dancing world, with clubs, councils and federations coming together for fun, friendship and dancing.
2002 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL. Larry Reetz reported that 2002 Mid-Winter Festival appeared to have been very successful both in terms of fun and finances. However, there were some last minute changes due to the replacement of the featured round dance cuers, whose non-refundable airfare had just been purchased, plus rearrangement of dance halls. Pre-registrations were down by 50 from last year, but overall attendance was 1,669 dancers and 27 RV's, with a loss of $641.00. A final audit is underway and Larry hoped to have a final report at Summer Festival.
2002 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Lee Ashwill reported all was ready for 2002 Summer Festival, noting set-up would start on June 3, 2002. There will be buses available to transport RV'ers without tow vehicles to the River Boat trip. There have been sufficient pre-registrations to cover all costs. A flyer for the Sail Boat races has been distributed - there will be teams of three consisting of a captain, navigator and bailer. Contact Martie Coblentz to sign up. Lee encouraged everyone to watch the square dance demonstration on horseback and listen to the cowboy poetry.
2003 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL. Gary Willoughby Mid-Winter Magic 2003 is on-track. A generic badge has been developed that should save about $500.00 annually. The badge will belong to Mid-Winter with a bar to be kept by committee members. In April, a number of committee members sold and took tickets for a Lane County Fairgrounds event earning about $800.00. He said a proposed budget was attached to his report, based on attendance of 1,800 dancers, which should show a profit in January 2003. Gary's committee will have a booth for ticket sales at Summer Festival 2002.
2003 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Dave Hughes noted just prior to this meeting he was prepared to report everything was on track. However, he received a call last week from the Convention Center advising they had double booked the weekend for 2003 Summer Festival. After some panic and quick calculations, the event dates were moved to June 6, 7 and 8, 2003. As a result of the Convention Center's mistake, a large discount has been made on the facility costs and there will be a number of other concessions. Dave said the Committee is in the process of confirming callers and cuers. Ribbons should be available at 2002 Summer Festival. The Trail's End Dance on Thursday will now be a part of the ribbon (due to the double booking mistake). The local Chamber is putting together some short tours around the area, since during the day Saturday, there will be only one floor with a mix of plus and mainstream dancing.
2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Barbara Schaumburg said 2004 Summer Festival Committee was doing well and on track.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS. Jan Steele thanked all the officers and delegates of the Federation for their words of kindness, support and individual encouragement that she could do the job as editor. She was determined to make a difference in the appearance of the OFN, noting a letter from a subscriber who had decided not to renew until they received the May edition with the "Memories Articles," which changed their minds. Jan thanked Tim Roberts for updating the program data and installing a macro button (allowing the computer to automatically scroll to the next new subscription number) on the Subscription Computer. He also worked on the Advertising Computer to correct a corrupted Windows File. Jan appointed Debbie and Chris Funk in March to act as the new "When and Where" editors and they are working with her very well. Jan said she was updating change of addresses as they come in, but noted she didn't feel they could "hold" magazines while dancers are gone for short periods of time. She was still reviewing the accounting issues with advertising. Instead of sending out reminder postcards for expiring subscriptions, Jan has been writing a note in red on the mailing label that a subscription is about to or has expired; response to this method has been great. Overall year to date subscriptions came to $6,213.00 and advertisements came to $6,918.20.
Kay noted the OFN financial situation was reported at yesterday's meetings. As a result, Kay moved that $15,000.00 be transferred from the Square Dancing Enhancement Fund into the OFN Fund. Carolyn Bosch seconded. Virginia Meyers moved to table the motion to the June 2002 meeting, seconded by Rex Price. The motion to table was voted on and carried unanimously.
OFN BUSINESS MANAGER'S REPORT. Gary Willoughby indicated he would have a complete written report at the next meeting, noting Jan had assured him that everything was in order.
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT REPORT. Second Vice President Carolyn Bosch thanked everyone for calling, e-mailing, sending cards, saying prayers and giving her hugs during her health problems, assuring everyone that all those efforts help. She is again dancing a little and said it felt great. Bids are out for the State Directories and she is waiting for results and a time line for having them printed before the September meeting.
RECORDING SECRETARY REPORT. Nancy Cobb thanked the Central Oregon Council, saying she had enjoyed the dance last night. She advised the Umpqua Area Council had scheduled November 16 and 17, 2002, at the Buckeroo Square Dance Barn in Roseburg for the November State meeting.
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY REPORT. Marilyn Schmit reported 104 ballots had been mailed, with only three returned unclaimed, two of which were remailed regular first class mail. She thanked Jan Steele for resumes and pictures which were reprinted to put in the ballot envelopes.
The following cards were sent: Get Well: Darrell and Juanita Newell, Hillsboro - auto accident; Bill Uto, Dufur - surgery; Cyndi Silicki, Portland - heart attack; Lloyd Larson, McMinnville - back surgery; and Mell Schwartz, Salem - brain surgery. Thinking of You: Lee and Barbi Ashwill, Salem - Randall Award congratulations; and Carolyn Bosch, Beaverton - card on receiving test results. Sympathy: Vivian Fairburn, Portland - loss of mother; Family of Al Pedigo, Salem; Family of Hank Roebuck, Albany; Linda Lambert, Salem - loss of brother and nephew; Betty Sharp, Monmouth - loss of ex-husband (Al Pedigo); Paul and Frances Stolhand, Salome, Arizona - loss of daughter; Jean Stubblefield, Enterprise - loss of husband; Family of Frank Kilbourne, Independence; Donna Brown, Amity - loss of son; and Herb Watts, Dufur - loss of mother.
She asked that new delegates starting terms in September to contact her so new badges can be ordered and ready by September.
UNITED SQUARE DANCERS OF AMERICA (USDA) REPORT. Marilyn reported she had revised the officer and committee pictorial board for display at St. Paul and will be updating the scrapbook that will be shipped with the pictorial board to St. Paul. A report from the Callerlab convention indicates they are working on fundraising to promote square dancing. Missouri sent a measure to their governor that would approve square dance license plates, which would make ten states with such plates. Marilyn hoped she would be reappointed so she can run for Western Region Vice President next June, but will know more after receiving her report packet from the USDA secretary.
TREASURER'S REPORT. Bill Rooper indicated he distributed his report to everyone. Mick McKinney finalized the 2000-01 audit report, which provided Bill with beginning balances. He hoped to have a budget comparison statement at the next meeting. He said he would be happy to answer questions.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT. Clara Kilbourne thanked all the Square Dance family for the cards and caring during her recent loss of her beloved husband Frank. He would be proud of you all.
She hoped the Delegates did not have difficulty collecting the papers for the Club Directory information these past months. She found there was some miscommunication and that some clubs sent the membership information directly to her, rather than being given to the Delegate to bring to this meeting with payment. Copies of the membership form for the Directory information are in the Practice and Procedure Notebook, Section V, Page 23. Although she is willing to help, everyone should know where the information can be found.
Renewals with the State Corporation Commission for each club should be sent directly to Clara, along with a copy of the check paying for renewal, or the check number and date. Clara advised the renewal information can be obtained online at the Secretary of State's website, but she would prefer the clubs make it part of the operating procedures to forward the renewal information directly to the Membership Chairman. She provided a print out of the corporation renewal information for each club in each Council and asked the delegates to remind each club they should send verification of payments to her, noting some clubs have already done so.
After she reviews the information provided at this meeting, she will compile a list of the clubs that are not in compliance, and call those club secretaries and the Delegate to let them know what she needs. She would like all clubs to be in compliance prior to the next State Meeting and thanked everyone in advance for making that happen.
INSURANCE REPORT. Jim Rogers thanked everyone for doing such a great job of reporting and paying for new members, noting there were 250 new members this year who did not belong to another club. He reminded everyone to keep reporting and paying for new members through June; after June, new members only have to be reported, but not paid for through the remainder of the year.
PAST PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Barbi Ashwill noted the Randall Award duties were moved from the Mid-Winter Festival Committee to the Immediate Past President. She apologized for not having letters and nomination forms to each delegate at the January meeting. Since the time line is shorter and many Clubs go dark during the Summer, she modified the deadlines as follows: completed nomination forms are to be mailed in time to reach her no later than September 10, 2002. At the September 22, 2002 State Meeting, she will distribute nomination packets to each delegate, who need to make enough copies to provide one packet for each Club in the Council. The delegate will need to establish a deadline for the clubs to return their ballots so the delegate can tally the results and return the ballot from the Council to Linda Lambert (who will be Past President at that time) at the November 2002 State Meeting. Barbi provided each delegate with a letter of instruction and nomination form and an envelope addressed to her for the delegates' convenience. She asked that each Council return at least one nomination, noting that more than one nomination was acceptable.
The Oregon Federation Benefit Dance to benefit H.O.R.S.E.S. was held at the Salem Square Dance Center on Sunday, April 7, 2002. There were 14-½ squares of dancers. Jasmo, the square-dancing horse, stole the show as he sashayed the ring with Barbi in tow as his partner. She noted that the local paper had an article about Jasmo, which attracted non-dancing visitors to the Benefit Dance, and the paper also did a nice follow-up story. Barbi extended heartfelt thanks to all dancers who contributed to this worthy cause; not only to those who attended and those who had other commitments that day, but still sent contributions. She also thanked each of the 13 Councils for being part of the team, noting that contributions were received from all 13 Councils. $2,587.00 was collected, with $756.00 coming from DMV license plate Sales and $1,831.00 from dancers, clubs and councils. After expenses of $224.00, H.O.R.S.E.S. will be given $2,363.00, which still leaves $250.00 in the operating fund for H.O.R.S.E.S. in our Special Fund Account. An additional $15.00 was collected today.
PARLIAMENTARIAN'S REPORT. Larry Reetz reported he had distributed to everyone changes to the Practices and Procedures, some of which were actual changes and others just to page numbers. He wrote a job description for the computer coordinator position that was approved, which should be distributed at Summer Festival. Some other areas are being reviewed.
PUBLICITY/STATE REPORTER. Zola Jones read Jill Bard's report, who said she was sorry to miss the meeting but both she and Floyd had been out of town for the last two weeks. She advised she only received a few calls for the 1-800 number, which costs from $25.00 to $40.00 monthly. She suggested this might be an expense that could be eliminated if necessary for budget purposes. As previously suggested, the estimated cost for a tri-fold flyer to be placed in Chambers of Commerce, Visitors Bureaus, etc. would be $55.00 for the first 500. She asked that all dancers let her know of upcoming events for clubs and Councils.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR'S REPORT. Gary Willoughby reported that after discussion with Linda Lambert and Bill Rooper about the shortfall of funds for the upcoming year, he asked Bill to roll over all Certificates of Deposit as they became due except for one, which was converted to $5,000.00 cash in the checking account and $5,000.00 reinstalled as a CD.
Gary noted the September State Meeting would be held in Eugene at the Emerald Square Dance Center on the 21st and 22nd. The Village Inn is located close to the Dance Center, with an in-house restaurant, that still has rooms available at a group rate of $62.00 a night, plus tax. Gary asked anyone interested in staying at the Village Inn, sign up on the sheet being passed around.
BMI/ASCAP REPORT. Ralph Lambert reported everything was current with BMI and ASCAP. As he reported at the Mid-Winter Festival meeting, the Federation has been losing some money on being reimbursed for the full cost of the BMI annual fee. Ralph will be monitoring the state festivals this year for attendance figures. After 2002 Summer Festival, he will attempt to renegotiate the Federation's annual fees to a lower rate due to smaller festival attendance than in the past.
STATE FAIR COORDINATOR'S REPORT. Fran Bunch advised the State Fair dates are August 22 through September 2, 2002. Dancing will only be on August 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the gazebo just inside the yellow gate. The poultry barn has been rebuilt so the police and fire departments are taking over that area, with the Oregon displays, for a Safety City, which provides activities for children so in the evening there will be very little activity in this area. If the motion being made to discontinue dancing at the Fair doesn't carry, Fran will need lesson information from all areas. Free lessons were given away last year to obtain names and addresses of interested persons, which were given to areas the interested persons were from and to get it to clubs in the area. Fran asked if free lessons should again be given away, because the only feedback she had was that it was a waste of time. She reminded everyone that 24 dancers and a caller and cuer and spouse or partner were needed for each time slot. No ad appeared in the OFN this year, so Fran will need help getting dancers. Scott Zinser said he would do sound equipment for $200.00. Fran further reminded that she has to turn in dancers' names by August 1, 2002, so the State Fair can get them and in their system, noting the Fair would not publish club names in the daily schedules or in the paper. Fran said it had been very frustrating the last three years as they were unable to get dancers to fill the slots. As a result, the Fair filled the unscheduled times with other events.
ORDTA REPORT. Dennis Smith's e-mailed regrets he was unable to attend the meeting. His report related that ORDTA held their spring meeting April 27, 2002, in Springfield. Among the business items discussed was the "So You Want To Be A Cuer" session ORDTA has held the past two Mid-Winter Festivals. The most recent session held did not attract any potential cuers, but the new and experienced cuers were able to ask questions of the ROUNDALAB Executive Secretary, Al (Linda) Shaw. The program portion of the meeting included Christina Corelli demonstrating the use of PVC pipe to help dancing posture. Dennis demonstrated the use of his laptop computer for dances. The PC holds the music in MP3 format as well as the cue sheets for the dances. Dennis ended his report asking that everyone be informed that his e-mail address is changing to due to his layoff from Tektronix this past week. He said he's doing fine for now, but is looking for a new job and would appreciate it if anyone has leads on any software engineering openings if they would pass the information on to him.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING. Barbara Schaumburg reported the Round of the Month as follows: May 2002 - Wednesday's Child by Gene and Lois Noble; June 2002 - Sarah's Song by Doug and Leslie Dodge; July 2002 - I Can't Dance by Nancy and Dewayne Baldwin; and August 2002 - Maiden's Prayer by Ron and Mary Noble. She received a letter from Lloyd and Brenda Juhala in British Columbia thanking the Federation for choosing their dance "Spinning Wheel Waltz" for April's Round of the Month. E-mail notification, certificates and post cards have been sent out.
CALLER ADVISER'S REPORT. Roger Putzler had no report.
54TH NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION REPORT. Lee Ashwill reported the Oregon Trail Board is "off and running," with an excellent Board for the 54th National Square Dance Convention, with all the committee chairs currently seeking volunteers for positions requiring as little as of two hours of time during the Convention or of greater involvement. The Board is pleased that the advanced registrations have exceeded 450. As of May 1, 2002, the cost of the advanced registration was increased from $30.00 to $40.00. Registration at the door and registrations received after Oregon's pre-convention in March 2004 will be $50.00. Lee reminded everyone that the profit from the Convention would be shared between the Federation, the 13 Area Councils and the clubs belonging to the Federation. The Convention's budget is based on an attendance of 10,000 dancers and hoping to attract 15,000. As members of the Board travel, they are getting positive comments about coming. All members of the Board are "cost conscious" and will be keeping costs to a minimum to achieve a higher profit. Portland area hotels and motels are being contacted with a goal of having 2,500 room nights available for each night of the Convention, with the hopes that more will be needed. Hotels and motels at this time are guaranteeing the Board 2005 room rates and, in some cases, those rates are less than what is being charged today. SHOWCASE OF IDEAS REPORT. Marilyn Schmit reported Ron has started to assemble the pictures that will be used for the Oregon Federation display. There are five tables available and part of those will be used by the 54th National Square Dance Convention. The pictures represent the Blitz Day activities last August and include the Fort Dalles Riders as they learn to square dance on horseback. Other components of the display include OFN's, state road maps, and "Where to Stay in Oregon" magazines from POVA. There will be trading pins that Ron and Marilyn personally purchased to trade with friends and foreign dancers. Marilyn said they just found out that St. Paul will not provide table coverings and skirting due to a budget crunch, so green plastic table coverings have been purchased for use this year. They hope that future conventions will have table coverings and skirtings to make a unified display. Anyone with ideas for future displays should see the Ashwill's or Schmit's. Chris and Debbie Funk are assisting with the table for the next year and plan to take over in 2003 as Ron and Marilyn will take the Vice-Chairman of Organizations position for the 54th. She asked that those folks going to St. Paul stop by and assist them in greeting the dancers of the world, especially on Thursday afternoon, as she and Ron are going on a sternwheeler tour of the city. The hours of operation are Thursday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Marilyn will provide last minute details at the June meeting.
DELEGATE MEETING REPORT. Virginia Meyers reported the delegates had a good discussion about State Fair Dance at their meeting yesterday. There were a lot of good ideas shared about needing new membership in the clubs and Ray Bunch was very helpful about the State Fair dancing.
COMMITTEE TO COUNT BALLOTS. Linda appointed Ray Jones, Chuck Eddings and Carol Reetz to count ballots.
BREAK. 10:15 TO 10:35 p.m.
Carolyn Bosch moved that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs discontinue square dancing at the Oregon State Fair effective immediately, seconded by Sylvia Davis. Fran Bunch said the status of dancing at the Fair was covered in her report, further noting that over the last few years it had been difficult to get dancers to commit to participating at the Fair. As a result, the Fair was forced to have other events. Kay Rogers spoke against the motion, saying the Federation would be losing a valuable tradition. She urged everyone to consider ways to encourage dancer participation. Barbi Ashwill agreed, saying there should be ways to revamp the program to have better participation. Nancy Cobb suggested that it might be time to put more effort in Blitz week activities that were so successful last year. Roger Putzler felt it was time to "walk away" from State Fair dancing. Ray Bunch noted that ideas to improve dancing had been voiced in the past with no action and if there isn't square dancing at the State Fair this year perhaps that will cause a reaction. Peter Woods noted square dancing was the State dance and suggested there be dancing at least one night. Cathy Pochatko suggested going to the press, but Fran noted it was not the State Fair that caused the problem; it was lack of dancer participation. Doug Hartzell thanked Ray and Fran for the wonderful job they have done over the years, noting this conversation was the most enthusiasm over Fair dancing he had seen at a Federation meeting. He thought the enthusiasm might result in better participation and the Federation should wait another year. Toby Beard said if there was dancing just one night, a good time would be Seniors Day/Night. Motion was voted on and carried.
ELECTION RESULTS: Barbi Ashwill reported election results as follows: President - Kay Rogers (automatically ascending from First Vice President); First Vice President - Carolyn Bosch; Second Vice President - Barbie Cooper; Recording Secretary - Nancy Cobb; Corresponding Secretary - Marilyn Schmit; Membership - Clara Kilbourne; and Treasurer - Bill Rooper. Linda thanked the nominating committee and the ballot counters. Barbi moved that the ballots be destroyed. Motion was seconded by Cathy Pochatko and carried unanimously.
NEW CLUBS: Clara advised that two new clubs had submitted appropriate paperwork and fees to join the Federation. Clara moved to accept the Sundance Round Dance Club (Central Oregon Area Council) into the Federation. Motion was seconded by Dianne Beard and carried unanimously. Clara moved to accept the Emerald Teen Square Dancing Club (Emerald Area Council) into the Federation. Motion was seconded by Cathy Pochatko and carried unanimously.
OFN REPORT: Linda Lambert asked Treasurer Bill Rooper to provide the OFN Advisory Committee with the following information: amount of funds derived from both subscriptions and advertising and costs of mailing and printing, within seven to ten days. The OFN Advisory Committee will use this information to develop suggestions to be presented to the POOF meeting in June.
CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL. Virginia Meyers welcomed the Sundance Round Dance Club to the Central Oregon Area Council. Dave & Barbie Cooper are cuers for 30 plus dancers on the first Monday of each month at the Pine Forest Grange in Bend.
The High Lake Swingers are dancing on the second Saturday of each month now and will be traveling on the fourth Saturday. The First Annual Dance Fever was a huge success, with LaPine being an enthusiastic supporter with the Classic Car Club, who staged a cruise as part of the festivities.
The Swinging Mountaineers Plus Club donated $100 to the "Tim Fox Back On Track Fund," which was established to purchase a van for Tim, who was seriously injured in a swimming accident last July. There was a wonderful Birthday Fiesta Dance at the Pine Forest Grange on May 10th, preceded by dinner at the Ranchero Restaurant. Plus workshops have been concluded and deemed "the most successful session ever."
The Bachelor Beauts' 39th Annual Birthday Luau dance at Kenwood School in Bend on April 6th had 13 squares. The food table, featuring pot stickers, Hawaiian Chicken Wings and an assortment of other delightful goodies, along with appropriate decorations made the evening most enjoyable for all dancers. Square dance lessons have been completed and all but two class members joined the Club. Detroit Lake Weekend is well along in the planning stages. The Bachelor Beauts donated $100 to the Tim Fox Van Fund.
Sagebrush Shufflers are gearing up for summer dancing with plans to be in the Crooked River Roundup parade and participate in the Children's Festival in Bend in July. The Shufflers will be dark during the months of July and August again this year.
The Central Oregon Area Council held a benefit dance at the Pine Forest Grange in Bend to help the Red Rock Squares buy a Williams Sound System that was lost when the Redmond Grange was destroyed by fire. Nine squares were in attendance. The Red Rocks are anticipating being back in the Redmond Grange by fall.
EASTERN OREGON AREA COUNCIL. Lorene Griffith reported both the Hermiston Square Knots and the Ione Grand Squares held lessons and gained new members. She pointed out the Square Knots will be hosting its annual Hat Rock Camp Out on May 31 and June 1, 2002, at Hat Rock State Park. They will be dancing through the summer on their regular schedule but suggest if you plan to visit to call in advance.
The Grand Squares held a welcome dance for classes on April 12 with a good turnout of club members and the Square Knots made a visitation. They plan to resume dancing in the fall, with dances scheduled in Condon, Arlington, Ione and Heppner. Watch for the schedule in the OFN When and Where.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL. Angie Barta reported attendance is down in several clubs, but all are still dancing, with the exception of Fern Ridge Twirlers who have become a traveling club. The Fern Ridge Twirlers will continue to hold the annual Chinese New Year dance.
Emerald Empire Area last two meetings were primarily discussion about Mid-Winter Festival. It made a donation of $100.00 to the State Federation Benefit Dance for H.O.R.S.E.S. New officers for the Emerald Empire were elected. The Emerald Empire Area will have benefit dances as follows: 2002 - Lane County Sheriffs Scouts; 2003 - Pioneer Youth Corp for Color Guard; 2004 - Food for Lane County; and 2005 - Meals on Wheels. The Council's garage sale in April to benefit the hall made over $1,000.00.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS. Cathy Pochatko said she distributed one flyer to each person for the Potato Festival but could have more at the June meeting.
LINCOLN TILLAMOOK COUNCIL. Kathy Buczkowski reported the Coast Swingers are working hard to create new contacts for their September class by having demonstration dances at stores and various church activities. There will be a Remembrance Day Dance on May 25 in honor of those who have served our country. They plan to attend Summer Festival and the Dairy Days Festival in Tillamook (June 22). Jack Shelley is out of the hospital and recovering well from his burns. He hopes to be dancing by June. He and Sherrie thanked everyone for their help and prayers.
Sea Twirlers continue to visit around the coast and valley areas.
Toledo 49er's have been visiting clubs to promote their Loyalty Days weekend, which resulted in 11-1/2 squares Friday night and 15-1/2 squares on Saturday. They will be dark the first weekend in June to attend the Strawberry Festival and will hold their regular dance on June 15th. They will be dancing the 1st and 3rd Saturdays and ask that you keep them in mind if visiting the coast.
Sam Scott has been in the hospital and in ICU following surgery. Kathy asked that everyone keep him in prayer.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA COUNCIL. Dianne Beard thanked Central Oregon for the wonderful hospitality. The Mid-Willamette Area will be down by two clubs, Corvallis Squares and Roadrunners did not rejoin. The Timber Twirlers, which had become a traveling club, will begin dancing once a month in September. Mid-Willamette Area is very excited about hosting Sail into Summer and will be putting out the welcome mat for dancers. The area has a new cuer, who will hold round dance lessons in September.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL. Al Wolf reported the Portland Area Council (PAC) held elections in March, with two people nominated for each office except president, who moved up from Vice President. PAC will sponsor a Rose Festival Parade on May 31st at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, Washington. Area clubs will participate in Rose Festival activities by dancing at Waterfront Village in Portland on June 1st, 3rd and 4th and on the stage in front of Memorial Coliseum on June 8th for the International Showcase, taking the opportunity to hand out flyers advertising new dancer lessons starting in September. PAC selected the round of the month for July.
Approximately 40 new dancers have joined various PAC clubs after taking lessons. The Swingin' Saints have disbanded. During the last few months the following clubs celebrated anniversaries: Happy Rock'rs 40th on February 23rd; Silver Stars on April 27th; Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes 35th on April 3rd; Country Capers 46th on April 30th; Oaky Doaks 42nd on May 4th; and Squaws and Paws on May 10th. Squaws and Paws moved to the Maplewood Grange in Aurora and now dance on the second Friday and third Saturday. Scott Zinser resigned as their caller and Tom Adamson will be the new caller. The Silver Stars will have their annual Stars & Stripes Memorial Day weekend May 24th to 27th.
ROGUE SIS-Q AREA COUNCIL. Rex Bounds noted the Rogue Sis-Q Council held elections. Area clubs graduated 47 students. They had a successful Pear Blossom Festival and Spring Fest in Grants Pass was well attended. He invited everyone to Boatnik the first weekend in June. The Oregon State Clogging Association held its annual workshop at the Emerald Square Dance Center this weekend.
SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL. Karel Morris reported via e-mail that the South Coast Area had election of officers and did get all the offices filled, so are continuing as an Area after all.
The Beachcombers are finishing up lessons and gearing up for their Birthday Dance weekend July 4 - 7 with the traditional pancake breakfast. Battle Rock weekend is August 30 - September 1, with another pancake breakfast and dancing in the surf planned.
Jefferson State Squares have decided to go dark for now. They are maintaining their membership in the South Coast Area and the Oregon Federation.
Saints-N-Aints celebrated their 24th birthday in April. They appreciated all who came to make it so much fun. The club held a benefit dance for the Boys and Girls Club (local chapter) in March, raising $365.00 for scholarships to cover the fees for memberships for children that are less fortunate in our area. They canceled their May 4th dance to travel to LaPine for their special dance weekend and will cancel June 1 for the Buckeroo Roundup. Saints-N-Aints graduated 16 new people from their lesson class this year.
The Coastal Fanta-Sea is coming up very quickly for Memorial Day weekend, so final preparations are being made for that.
Sets In Order finished workshops. They will be doing a float in the Gay 90's parade in Coquille June 1 and for the Coos County Fair in August and Bandon Cranberry Festival in September. Their birthday dance will be in October.
Skyloft Squares had their annual spring campout on the Rogue River. All their snowbirds have returned to Oregon, so it was a fun weekend. There are very few club members who are still dancing but they continue to have get-togethers twice a month.
SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL. Sylvia Davis said members of the Clatskanie Promenaders have danced at various clubs.
The Hayshakers had their yearly Clam Diggers Stomp in March and a successful rummage sale April 26th & 27th. Election of officers was held April 6th. A demonstration dance was done for the Coast Guard Spouses' Fundraiser on April 13th and another demonstration is planned May 17th in Arch Cape. The Seaside Sashay is coming along quite nicely, with mystery trips planned for any group that might like to come to the Sashay. If anyone is interested in a mystery trip with a group, let Sylvia know.
TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL. Tim Roberts reported the Tualatin Valley Council (TVC), PAC and Evergreen Councils held a joint dance, sponsored by the TVC, at the Clark County Square Dance Center on March 30, which was a huge success with more than 36 squares on the floor. PAC will be the sponsor next year. A donation bucket was put to help the Red Rocks restore the supplies they lost in the grange fire and $109.00 was collected.
Council elections were held in March, and both the new president and vice president have not previously held TVC board positions.
The Cross Trailers graduated 20 new dancers from their mainstream class this month and the Toe Draggers graduated 12 new dancers.
Henry Horton, long-time caller for the Valley Squares, is retiring this month. His farewell dance was just yesterday. Ernie Powell, cuer for the 49ers, is also retiring from cuing after some health issues.
The annual Hahn Barn dance will be held on June 29 at the Hahn Barn in North Plains, with a potluck dinner before the dance.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL. John Hernandez noted the Buckeroos were getting ready for their annual Buckeroo Round-Up the first weekend in June, with a pancake breakfast planned for Sunday morning.
The Pioneers 'n Petticoats have had a successful April Showers dance and made visitations to the Saints N Aints birthday dance and the special dance in Grants Pass on April 27th. They plan a yard sale on May 3rd and 4th and a car wash on May 18th. They are doing a service project to provide funds for school supplies for kindergarten to Grade 8.
The Umpqua Area Council is making plans for Blitz Day activities in August.
BLUE MOUNTAIN COUNCIL. Bonnie Berry reported the Enterprise Alpine Twirlers will be hosting their Dick Spooner Dance the 4th weekend in May.
The LaGrande Star Promenaders will be dark in June, July and August, but will continue with weekly Thursday workshops. They are planning picnics, parades, visitations and a mystery trip. Also, they are making a quilt for a fundraising project. They have decided to use their share of the 1998 Summer Festival profit to purchase hearing enhancement equipment.
Bonnie said she had asked the clubs to write a "Club Profile" for the OFN and will keep a copy for her Council notebook. The notebook will contain all pertinent information such as bylaws, constitution, letter of tax exemption, annual corporation renewal, membership and insurance information and officer information that's included in the State Directory. She hopes the notebook will help her assist the clubs in filling out their paperwork properly in the future.
DICK AND MARGE PENTECOST. Marge reported they had been busy attending PAC monthly meetings, dancing/calling/cuing with the Columbia Gorge Plus Club, Ione Grand Squares, Swap & Swing Square Dance Club, Bachelor Beauts, Swinging Mountaineers, Hermiston Square Knots and WyEast Whirlers and assisting with the Fort Dalles Riders (square dancers on horseback), which will be performing at the Summer Festival.
RAY AND BETTY JONES. Ray said it was nice to be back in Oregon and that they were enjoying the spring dances and looking forward to Summer Festival. However, they enjoyed their winter in Yuma, Arizona, and the Southwest, doing things they enjoy like dancing, golfing and quilting. They had lots of square dance friends visit, making it seem like most of Oregon's dancers must be in Arizona. They attended the Yuma Festival in February, chaired by the Westphals. The 2003 Festival will be chaired by Buzz Reynoldson, formerly of the Toledo 49er's. Everyone was invited to visit in Yuma, as they enjoy sharing the warm, dry Southwest with friends from Oregon.
DON AND KAREL MORRIS. Karel reported via e-mail she and Don regretted being unable to attend this meeting, but she had oral surgery this week so can't eat or talk well. They spent eight weeks in Arizona, noting the contrast in temperatures from 7 above zero in the Verde Valley near Sedona to 101 in Yuma. They appreciate the moderate, although rainy, climate on the southern coast of Oregon that is so GREEN! They attended a dance at North Ranch, the Escapee park near Wickenburg. They enjoyed seeing Oregon dancers and had a memorable barbecued rib dinner with Ken and Nancy Carson and Ray and Zola Jones. They plan to see everyone at Summer Festival in Rickreall!
BENJAMIN AND PENNY BROWN. Benjamin and Penny thanked Central Oregon for hosting the state meeting. They enjoyed hearing all the delegate reports and hearing how active everyone is. They have spent time in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, then several weeks in Arizona. They attended the Yuma Area Square Dance Festival in February, noting that Oregon's Fran and Al Westphal were the chair of the festival and that Oregon had a large group in attendance. In March, they attended an Escapees Rally and Escapade, where they were installed as Volunteer Club Representatives (similar to being a Goodwill Ambassador). In April they traveled in California and returned to Oregon on April 15th.
Benjamin and Penny spoke to Lowell Chamberlin who wanted to tell everyone hello. His health has been on a roller coaster lately but is on the up side now, although he has been diagnosed with cancer, so please keep he and Donna in prayer.
RAY AND ZOLA JONES. Ray said he and Zola attended a special dance at the Eugene/Springfield Dance Center, called by a well-known national caller right after Mid-Winter Festival. Then one week after Mid-Winter, they left on their annual winter trip to Arizona and Southern California. They attended the Yuma, Arizona annual square and round dance Festival on February 8 and 9; and put out many Oregon Summer Festival flyers and pre-registrations forms. Other Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors attending were Benjamin and Penny Brown, and Ray and Betty Jones. They returned to Eugene on Easter Sunday; in time to attend the special dance honoring Ivan Midlam for his 50 years of calling and teaching dancers, with over 150 in attendance. On April 27, they traveled with their club on a mystery trip to Willamette Squares in Sale, with everyone having a very good time dancing and enjoying a great dinner. Then on May 3, 4 and 5 Ray and Zola and several other couples from their Eugene club attended the Dance Fever weekend hosted by the High Lake Swingers Club. Ray is still serving as Interim Treasurer for the Emerald Empire Area Council; so they have been attending council meetings too.
Linda Lambert reminded everyone that the September state meeting had to be done by 1:00 p.m. because of an event following.
Lee Ashwill commented on all the Oregon dancers in Arizona, noting the OFN's financial situation could be helped by charging them $10.00 each for changes of address!
Barbi Ashwill advised information on the 54th National Square Dance Convention outfits was available, as well as kits. If dancers have vests from 1994, please remove the tree and replace it with a wagon logo.
Dave Cooper invited everyone to the Round-Up in August, guaranteeing good weather and sunshine, in Prineville.
On behalf of the Red Rocks, LaDauna Hartzell thanked everyone who donated to help them replace items lost in the fire.
Peter Woods thanked the Federation for accepting the Emerald Teens, noting they would have their first dance on June 15th at the Emerald Square Dance Center.
Jan Steele said she had a sign up sheet for the OFN table at Summer Festival. Also there is a flyer announcing the meeting OFN Editors meeting from 11:00 to 12:00 on June 8th. She thanked Carolyn Bosch for being her supporter and encourager. She challenged everyone to promote the OFN subscriptions to square and round dancers and advertising from dancers, clubs, etc. She reminded everyone that OFN gift subscriptions are available. Also there are May OFN over-runs available to hand out to encourage promotion of the OFN. She reminded that a three month introductory subscription is available for students to keep them dancing. There's a surprise retirement party for Cyndi Silicki on June 15 at Sunnyside Grange (don't tell her!).
Ray Jones thanked Bill Rooper for his help in auditing the Mid-Winter accounts. He noted he had been hearing about the square dance museum, noting it was a good idea. However, he suggested it would be more appropriate to make keeping square dancers the primary and sole consideration of the Federation at this time.
Lonna Bramhall thanked the Federation for accepting Sundance Round Dance Club into the Federation and expressed special thanks to Dave and Barbie Cooper for dedication and inspiration in making this happen. They have 54 members and expect to have many more members with representation from every club in Central Oregon.
Ray Bunch expressed that it was very difficult for he and Fran to put the motion on the table to discontinue dancing at the State Fair. He challenged everyone to recruit people to work on the ideas expressed earlier in the meeting. Betty Jones felt dancers could be challenged to go to the State Fair dressed in square dance attire to promote dancing even though there won't be dancing. Fran Bunch agreed that the best advertisement was dancers coming in square dance attire.
Marge Pentecost reminded everyone about the Fort Dalles Riders who will be performing on horseback at Summer Festival.
Gary Willoughby said that Don Reed had improved, was in total remission and that he might be at Summer Festival.
Marilyn Schmit noted she just learned that the Buczkowski's had a house fire and asked them to let Federation members know if they could be of assistance.
Barbara Schaumburg said she put out 2005 National Convention registration forms in Texas and thought everyone would be surprised at how many had said they would be coming to Oregon.
ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Cobb
Recording Secretary