President Linda (Ralph) Lambert brought the June 9, 2002, meeting of the Federation of Square & Round Clubs to order at 9:05 a.m. at the Polk County Fairgrounds, Rickreall, Oregon.

Roll call was taken by Recording Secretary Nancy Cobb as follows:

Officers: First Vice President Kay (Jim) Rogers; Second Vice President Carolyn (Bob) Bosch; Recording Secretary Nancy Cobb; Corresponding Secretary Marilyn (Ron) Schmit; Treasurer Bill (Annadale) Rooper; Membership Clara Kilbourne; and Past President Barbi (Lee) Ashwill.

Appointed Officers: Financial Advisor Gary (Betty) Willoughby; Parliamentarian Larry (Carol) Reetz; and OFN Editor Jan (Jim) Steele; State Publicity/Reporter Jill (Floyd) Bard; Historian Bonnie (Jay) Stimler; and Education Chairman David (Kathy) Krause.

Delegates: Blue Mountain - Bonnie (Don) Berry; Central Oregon - Virginia (Hal) Meyers; Eastern Oregon - Lorene (George) Griffith; Emerald Empire - Angie Barta (Alan Prichard); Interstate Highlanders - Cathy (Ron) Pochatko; Lincoln-Tillamook - Kathy (Buzz) Buczkowski; Mid-Willamette - Dianne (Toby) Beard; Portland - Al Wolf (Gail Domine); Rogue Sis-Q - Rex (Jeri) Bounds; South Coast - Karel (Don) Morris; Sunset - Sylvia Davis; Tualatin Valley - Tim (Kathy) Roberts; and Umpqua - John Hernandez (Esther Thompson-Wood).

Committee Chairs: 2002 Summer Festival and 54th National Convention - Lee & Barbi Ashwill; 2003 Mid-Winter Festival - Gary & Betty Willoughby; 2003 Summer Festival - Buzz Buczkowski for Dave & Jodene Hughes; 2004 Summer Festival and Round Dance Screening - Barbara & Larry Schaumburg; Insurance - Jim (Kay) Rogers; BMI/ASCAP - Ralph (Linda) Lambert; Youth Coordinator Ann (Roger) Skoe); State Fair - Fran (Ray) Bunch; and ORDTA - Dennis (Elaine) Smith. Absent: Caller Advisor - Roger (Linda) Putzler; and State Trailers - Jim (Avis) Kinkaid.

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: Dick & Marge Pentecost; Ray & Betty Jones; Don & Karel Morris; Benjamin & Penny Brown; and Ray & Zola Jones. Past President Barbi Ashwill gave the invocation. First Vice President Kay Rogers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

MINUTES. Cathy Pochatko moved to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2002, meeting as corrected to change Sundance Round Dance Club to Sundown Round Dance Club in two places within the minutes. Motion was seconded by Rex Bounds and carried unanimously.

PRESIDENT'S REPORT. President Linda Lambert introduced the Washington State Federation President Jim and Polly Burnside. She stated the meeting was being recorded. She reminded everyone that no mileage and motel reimbursement was given at Festival meetings. She thanked the Summer Festival Committee for a wonderful weekend of dancing and mentioned that several dancers had expressed appreciation for available seating during the Saturday evening ceremonies. Linda said many hours had been spent attempting to resolve the OFN deficit situation since the last meeting and thanked Ralph especially for his time. She noted Bill and Annadale Rooper had volunteered to be representatives at the United Square Dancers of America (USDA) meeting held at St. Paul in June 2002. She and Ralph wished everyone a fun summer of dancing and look forward to seeing everyone again in Eugene in September.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT. First Vice President Kay Rogers thanked the Summer Festival Committee for a fun weekend, noting the special events were very enjoyable. She and Jim attended services for Bill Young, the PAC president, commenting on the extended family of square dancers. They also attended dances at the Stars 'n Stripes and a Rose Festival dance. She said her budget proposal was distributed, and she reminded everyone it was a draft based on best estimates and shows a shortfall, due to several factors including lower interest income. She's been working on Board appointments for the coming year, with the following persons accepting positions: Tim Roberts - Parliamentarian; Judy Gelmstedt - Insurance; Peter Woods - Youth Advisor; Harold Kleve - Caller Advisor; Janice Young - Publicity and State Reporter; Barbara Schaumburg - Round Dance Advisor; and Ralph Lambert - BMI/ASCAP. Those staying or coming on the Board need to provide a photograph to Carolyn Bosch, who is producing the State Directory. She asked that delegates remind the Council secretaries to send her copies of the Council minutes. Kay concluded by saying she and Jim were looking forward to attending the Diamond Lake Festival.

2002 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Lee Ashwill thanked all the dancers and the Federation for supporting the 2002 Summer Festival. The official count was 796 dancers, but no financial figures are yet available. Linda granted Lee's request to be excused from the remainder of the meeting.

2003 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL. Gary Willoughby congratulated 2002 Summer Festival Committee on a successful weekend. He said he had registration forms and ribbons for anyone who wanted to pre-register for Mid-Winter Magic 2003. His committee will now begin visitations throughout Oregon and southwestern Washington. Each of the delegates were given a letter from the Style Show chairman about a new idea being considered.

2003 SUMMER FESTIVAL. In the absence of Dave and Jodene Hughes, Buzz Buczkowski thanked Summer Festival for a wonderful weekend. He reported all was back on track for Summer Festival 2003 since discovering the Convention Center was double-booked and the Committee had to change its dates. Buzz said he knew the change caused a number of concerns but whichever date they considered was in conflict with another event. Callers and cuers have been secured and the Convention Center has made monetary concessions because of the double-booking that allow the Committee to include the Trails End Dance on Thursday at no additional charge to the regular registration cost. The dates are June 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2003. The Chamber is working on advertising for the program book, which is being developed. And the Cows will be back!

2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Barbara Schaumburg also thanked Summer Festival Committee for a nice job. She reported 2004 Summer Festival was on track, with dates being the last two days of July and first of August, at the Seaside Convention Center. They have secured their caller and cuer.

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS. Jan Steele reported meeting with Mick McKinney to review ledgers for subscriptions and advertising and with Gary Willoughby for his review of those records. Chris and Debbie Funk are the new When & Where editors, and have been working on their own. She's still collecting payments from clubs who have advertised but hadn't paid, with $224.00 in recovered checks since June. Jan is still working on bringing subscriptions up, with the OFN now having 1,072 subscribers. Revenues for both subscriptions and advertising year-to-date total $15,898.33.

Kay reported there was a POOF meeting yesterday discussing OFN issues. She noted the POOF's and the Federation had approved a classified section in the magazine sometime ago, which will now be implemented, with Sandy Eddings being in charge of the section. A service card directory for business being of service to square dancers will also be implemented by Jan on a quarterly basis. There will be a one-half page limit on all articles submitted by officers to the OFN and a maximum to a three photograph limit, with photographs needing to be good quality and reproducible. A special edition for new dancers will be coming out in the fall, with a cost to be determined. Smaller editions will be produced in July and August to coincide with fewer advertisements and less dancing. Kay moved that the cost of the When & Where for the clubs be increased to $10, $20 and $30 annually. Motion was seconded by Carolyn. After a brief discussion, motion was voted on and carried. Linda noted the increase would be effective one year from now (as clubs have already paid for this year).

SECOND VICE PRESIDENT REPORT. Second Vice President Carolyn Bosch thanked 2002 Summer Festival for a wonderful weekend. She mentioned it was her responsibility to produce the State Directory and asked delegates to find out how many directories each club needed and report the numbers to her by August 1st (at 503-646-5754 or e-mail at SQDINI@AOL.com). She also reminded officers she would need a photograph. Directories will cost $2.00 each.


CORRESPONDING SECRETARY REPORT. Marilyn Schmit reported cards were sent as follows: Thinking of you and sympathy card for Bill Young and Sam Scott; get well cards to Cindy Marie Elliott; Clint Barnes and a thinking of you card to Kathy and Buzz Buczkowski (house fire in January); sympathy card to Bonnie Stimler (loss of mother); get well card for Patty Hermann; and a thinking of you card for Lowell Chamberlin. She asked again for the names of new Council delegates. She thanked Tim for sending out agendas via the internet. She wished everyone a happy summer and asked that everyone contact her about anyone needing a card.

UNITED SQUARE DANCERS OF AMERICA (USDA) REPORT. Marilyn reported her part of the USDA display was done and ready for shipment. Her USDA agenda arrived last week containing resolutions for consideration, officers to be elected and consideration of adding South Dakota as a new affiliate. Marilyn is working with the Washington Federation President and a committee to provide information for Washington's membership vote in September. She is also supplying Washington with 5000 prescription script cards to use.

TREASURER'S REPORT. Bill Rooper reported Mick McKinney had completed the audit report which provided Bill with beginning balances on all the funds in the Federation budget. He requested anyone with history of the Emergency and the Contingency Funds to contact him. His report (distributed) shows profit and loss figures, but he is still learning how to get a budget comparison between the last and current years. In response to Barbi, Bill confirmed the audit report was satisfactory but he would request a letter from Mick for the Federation's records.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT. Clara Kilbourne thanked Summer Festival Committee for a great time and for the hugs from everyone. She thanked all the delegates for providing the officer information in a timely manner, noting she was only missing information from five clubs (Interstate Council - Klamath County Squares; Tall Town Twirlers, Tule Lake Twirlers; Emerald Empire - Rainbow Wranglers; and Rogue Sis-Q - Charlie Brown Squares). Clara will provide this information to the When and Where Editor, and Second Vice President as soon as she returns from a needed vacation. The Corvallis Squares from Mid-Willamette Area voted to stay Federated even though they don't have a place to dance at this date. Clara will check the Corporation dues as they become due.

INSURANCE REPORT. Jim Rogers had no report.

PAST PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Barbi Ashwill had no report.

PARLIAMENTARIAN'S REPORT. Larry Reetz had no report.

PUBLICITY/STATE REPORTER. Jill Bard again said the 1-800 number was not being used to capacity and that bumper stickers are available for $1.00 apiece. She encouraged everyone to promote new dancers. Her e-mail address is JFBard@earthlink.net.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR'S REPORT. Gary Willoughby had no report.

EDUCATION ADVISOR'S REPORT. Dave Krause said there was a seminar yesterday on how to form a teen club, however, attendance was poor. He challenged every delegate to try to get a teen club started in each area. The next seminar is scheduled for 2003 Mid-Winter to be given by Lee and Barbi Ashwill entitled, "What's a National Square Dance Convention and How Can I Help."

HISTORIAN'S REPORT. Bonnie Stimler said she hadn't received anything except minutes, but she understood she was to receive copies of the OFN and photographs. There have been some responses from clubs regarding the Square Dance Museum, and she received a donation of memorabilia. A building may be available in Salem that was occupied by a non-profit organization and must be reoccupied by another non-profit organization for which the only expense would be remodeling and refurbishing. Linda asked Bonnie to keep her informed on the status of the building.


BMI/ASCAP REPORT. Ralph Lambert had no report.


STATE FAIR COORDINATOR'S REPORT. Fran Bunch said she had informed her contact at the State Fair that the Federation had decided not to dance at this year's Fair. The contact was disappointed and hoped something could be worked out with another area for a couple of times from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. She reminded everyone of the cost to have a space at the State Fair and that the Fair had actually been very good to square dancers. Fran will be contacting the Fair in February 2003 to check on the status.

ORDTA REPORT. Dennis Smith's reported ORDTA met Saturday morning and was well attended. The criteria for cueing at Mid Winter was discussed as was the "So You Want To Be a Cuer" clinic. It was announced that the Dancing Jewels will be performing at Mid Winter 2003. The next ORDTA meeting will be October 12 at the Springfield Dance Center.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING. Barbara Schaumburg reported the Round of the Month for October 2002 would be the Phase II Waltz "Santa Lucia" by Bob Paul. She had not received information from South Coast on the Round of the Month for September but Tualatin Valley will be choosing their Round of the Month at the Hahn Barn Dance on June 29th. E-mail notification, certificates and post cards have been sent out.

CALLER ADVISER'S REPORT. Roger Putzler had no report.

54TH NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION REPORT. Barbi Ashwill reported the St. Paul Convention would be held the end of June with a number of Convention Board members, as well as 50 plus other Oregon dancers and some Washington State dancers, planning to attend. The Ways and Means Committee distributed a packet requesting recipes for a cookbook being developed (deadline to receive recipes is August 31, 2002). The website address is 54thnsdc.com.

SHOWCASE OF IDEAS REPORT. Marilyn Schmit reported the Showcase of Ideas display had been completed and was ready for shipment to St. Paul. The three picture boards all have photographs of Square Dance Blitz Week and the Fort Dalles Riders (as they learned to square dance on horseback). She thanked in advance George and Nancy Clark of the Promenade Shop for bringing the display back home.

DELEGATE MEETING REPORT. There was no delegate report.

OLD BUSINESS. Kay Rogers moved that the tabled motion be removed from the table for discussion, seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion was voted on and carried. The original motion was as follows: Kay moved that $15,000.00 be transferred from the Square Dance Enhancement Fund into the OFN Fund. Kay then moved to amend the motion to read that $15,000.00 be transferred from the Square Dance Enhancement Fund to the General Fund. Motion was seconded by Carolyn. Kay explained the money requested to be transferred had already been spent to cover expenses in producing the OFN so funds needed to be transferred into the General Fund to replace operating capital already spent. The motion to amend was voted on and carried. The amended motion (reading that $15,000.00 be transferred from the Square Dance Enhancement Fund to the General Fund) was voted and carried.

ADDITIONAL MID-WINTER INFORMATION. Gary Willoughby read a letter into the record that was received from Ray Jones reminding the Federation that the P&P's contained a section stating that Mid-Winter Festival would not promote registration until the preceding Summer Festival and that Summer Festival would not promote Summer Festival until the preceding Mid-Winter Festival. He believed this was a good practice and the Federation should return to that practice, with the main reason being that the Federation, councils and clubs should be concentrating on promoting only one festival at a time, instead of competing with each other. He asked that the delegates formally consider his request. Linda asked that the Emerald Empire add the matter to its agenda for delegate consideration at the September meeting and that the officers also consider it over the next couple of months.

2002 MID-WINTER REPORT. In response to Bill Rooper, Ray Jones gave a final verbal report that the exact figure lost at 2002 Mid-Winter was $641.31(a written report will be provided). Bill Rooper moved to authorize the payment of $320.66 for the Federation's share of the loss, seconded by Rex. Motion was voted on and carried. Discussion ensued regarding where the funds would be taken from and Bill Rooper reiterated his desire that someone with some history regarding those Funds put together a report. Barbi said Lee had a computer print-out with definitions for the funds that she would provide to Bill.

BREAK. 10:25 TO 10:40 p.m.


BUDGET. Kay Rogers moved that $8,000.00 be transferred from the Insurance Fund into the General Fund, seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Kay explained the Insurance Fund had been building steadily over the last few years because the administration costs of the chairman were not taken from this fund. Since the budget expenditures are going to be more than the income, Kay believed this was an appropriate time to transfer money from the Insurance Fund to help cover expenditures for the coming year. Bill Rooper objected because the P&P's state the Insurance Fund is to be used to reduce insurance costs for members. After a brief discussion, motion was voted on and failed, with many abstentions. Barbi Ashwill moved to reconsider the motion to allow the delegates to request input from the clubs in their councils, seconded by Rex. Floyd Bard explained the insurance program charged 50 cents per attendee at the Summer and Mid-Winter Festivals to offset insurance premiums. After further discussion, the motion was voted on and carried. Tim Roberts moved to table the motion to reconsider until the September meeting, seconded by Rex. Motion was voted on and carried. In response to Dennis Marsh, Linda asked Kay to prepare a report for the delegates to consider in September.

BALLOTS. Kay moved that future ballots be sent out via regular mail and include a post card for the clubs to verify receipt of the ballot, seconded by Rex. Kay explained in the past ballots have been sent out registered mail to insure all clubs have a fair voting opportunity. Since there is not much competition for positions, it's unlikely that any club would attempt to fix an election. Sending post cards instead of registering the ballots would save several hundred dollars in postage. Carolyn spoke in favor of the motion. Motion was voted on and carried.


MID-WILLAMETTE AREA COUNCIL. Dianne Beard said her e-mail was not working but would be going again. As hosting Council, Mid-Willamette Council provided a gift of salt water taffy to the Federation Board. Dianne said that one club in the Council was not happy with the rescheduled 2003 Summer Festival dates and would be commenting later in the meeting and she had some thoughts that she would share at the next delegates' meeting.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL. Al Wolf reported the PAC sponsored a successful Rose Festival Dance, dedicated to the memory of Bill Young (PAC president 2001-2002). PAC had a float decorated by the Canby Cloverleaf Teen and Checkerboard Square Dance Clubs in the Rose Festival Starlite Parade. The Swap & Swing's held their 53rd anniversary dance on May 19th. The River City Dancers will celebrate their 12th anniversary on June 15.

ROGUE SIS-Q AREA COUNCIL. Rex Bounds had no report.

SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL. Karel Morris said the Sets in Order received first prize in the Gay 90's Day Parade in Coquille.

SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL. In the absence of Sylvia Davis, Delmer Niemi had no report.

TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL. Tim Roberts said the annual Hah Barn dance would be held on June 29 in North Plains, with a potluck dinner before the dance. The Hillsboro Hoedowns have a new president, Mike Duyck, who is taking over for Katherine Byerley.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL. John Hernandez noted the Buckeroos had a successful Round-Up and the Council was still planning Blitz Week activities.

BLUE MOUNTAIN COUNCIL. Bonnie Berry had no report.

CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL. Virginia Meyers reported the Sun Down Round Dance Club are very active with once a month dance parties. They are in the process of designing club outfits. New officers have been elected for the Red Rock Squares Although the club was dark for Memorial Day and the June 7th dance, plans are developing for a busy schedule in the upcoming season. The Club Campout was held at McKay Creek in the Ochocos. The next dance will be the Red Rocks Birthday Dance at the Terrebonne Grange on June 21st.

The Sagebrush Shufflers will start beginning square dance lessons in September and Plus lessons in January. The Club will participate in the Crooked River Round-Up parade on June 29, and performing at the Rim Rock Festival at Crooked River Ranch on August 29th.

The Bachelor Beauts 50's & 60's dance on June 1st was a big success. The Sagebrush Shufflers from Prineville and the Swap & Swing Club from The Dalles attended on a visitation and were presented with Bachelor Beauts banners for their efforts. The Bachelor Beauts extended helping hands in many areas in the last months by giving to the Red Cross 9/11 New York Disaster Fund, Bend Hospice, The Tim Fox Van Fund, The Teddy Bear Dance in December, the Red Rocks Benefit Dance, besides keeping the highway in front of the Eastern Star Grange clean. The Club feels that making their presence known in the community is a great way to promote Square Dancing.

The Swinging Mountaineers Birthday Fiesta Dance was very well attended, with dinner at The Ranchero. The Sisters Rodeo, the Club's only fund raiser, is being held this weekend and supports this Club's generous charity donations as well as making it possible to have excellent dance programs during the coming year. The club has donated funds to 9/11 Red Cross Fund, Tim Fox Van Fund, Bend Hospice and the Red Rocks Benefit dance to mention a few. Additionally, the Club members volunteer in many varying positions in the community.

The Eastern Star Grange appreciates the efforts of Goodwill Ambassadors Ray &

Zola Jones in clearing out the weeds in front of the Grange when they attended the May 19th meeting. The Central Oregon Area Council appreciates seeing so many smiling, happy faces during the weekend.

Barb and Tom Wines are the incoming Presidents of the Central Oregon Area Council, with Doug and LaDauna Hartzell serving as the incoming State Delegates to the Federation.

EASTERN OREGON AREA COUNCIL. Lorene Griffith reported the Hermiston Square Knots had a successful Hat Rock Camp-Out with good attendance. The Square Knots' portable floor is in need of repair and the club will be deciding on a course of action during the coming year. They are dancing this summer and folks in the area can call 541-567-2391 for information. The Ione Grand Squares are dark for the summer, but had their annual barn dance and potluck.

EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL. Angie Barta said the Emerald Empire Council would be dancing at the Lane County Fair this year. The Council discussed guidelines for Mid-Winter and a committee has been formed. They will not have a July meeting but will have a barbeque and meeting in August. They are looking forward to hosting the State meeting in September. Immediately following the State meeting on Sunday, they will have their annual benefit dance, with the proceeds this year going to the Sheriff's Office Explorer Scouts. The Emerald Teens will be having their first dance June 15th.

INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS. Cathy Pochatko said the Tule Twirlers won't be having dances, but will continue Monday night classes. The Happy Huggers have two dances and then are disbanding. She and Ron are hoping to do a lot of dancing this summer.

LINCOLN TILLAMOOK COUNCIL. Kathy Buczkowski said the Coast Swingers are having a benefit dance for Jack Shelly and Sherri Miller on June 15th. June Dairy Days will be on June 22nd with a parade in Tillamook with the Coast Swingers having their dance with a pie raffle. Garibaldi Days Dance will be June 27th, along with other activities, and a visitation to the Golden Squares in Woodburn on July 29th.


DICK AND MARGE PENTECOST. Marge reported attending the Portland Area Council meetings as delegates for the Columbia Gorge Plus Dancers. The Columbia Gorge Plus Dancers are dark until September, when monthly dances will begin again on the first Friday of each month through May. They will hold their 22nd annual campout and dance in Carson, Washington in August. In addition, Marge and Dick have been participating in activities with the Fort Dalles Riders, the Swap & Swing Square Dance Club, the Hermiston Square Knots, the Bachelor Beauts, the Swinging Mountaineers and WyEast Whirlers.

RAY AND BETTY JONES. Ray and Betty sadly attended services for Sam Scott, their long time friend and club caller. On a brighter note, they are volunteering at the Newport Aquarium on Mondays and Tuesdays, and are on the road almost every weekend to enjoy square dance events. They reported former Oregon Goodwill Ambassador, Nancy Morrissey, moved from Texas to Washington, DC, where she has a new job. She'll be in touch with Ray and Betty when she's back on the internet in about three months.

DON AND KAREL MORRIS. Karel reported she and Don had been staying close to home since the last meeting. They had a potluck at their home on Memorial Day. They are trying to re-establish a South Coast summer picnic.

BENJAMIN AND PENNY BROWN. Benjamin thanked Summer Festival Committee for a wonderful weekend; noted Bill Rooper was doing a great job as Treasurer; and was pleased at the involvement of the delegates. He and Penny will be heading to Montana to spread the word about the Oregon dancers.

RAY AND ZOLA JONES. Zola said she and Ray had not been to a dance since the last state meeting because their club, the Whirl-a-Ways have not been dancing. The Whirl-a-Ways canceled their dance this weekend to attend Summer Festival and have 32 members in attendance. She and Ray thanked Summer Festival for a wonderful weekend, and on behalf of the Whirl-a-Ways, thanked the Committee for the plaque they received for having the most members attend outside the local Council. They participated in the Emerald Empire Council meetings, as Ray serves as interim treasurer. They are leaving in nine days for a three month motor home trip north to Alaska and will take information about Oregon dancing events.


Jim Burnside, current Washington State President, said he had enjoyed the weekend. He told the Federation to keep up the good work, noting that Washington shared some of the same problems and concerns.

Cathy Pochatko asked everyone to remember the Potato Festival in October and expressed her appreciation to Summer Festival, saying she and Ron had a lot of fun.

Barbara Schaumburg was going to give Lee Ashwill, who teased her at the last meeting about her Texas drawl, a Texas style language lesson (but he wasn't present to receive it). She also told Benjamin Brown if he was going to wear a Texas style hat, he had to wear boots instead of tennis shoes!

Larry Baker, president of the Lebanon Square Circlers, read a letter objecting to the dates for 2003 Summer Festival, which conflicts with Strawberry Festival. The following outlines the points contained in the letter: The Lebanon Square Circlers have participated in the Strawberry Festival for 52 years and their activities are tied to the community dates, which are not subject to change. The event is their major annual fundraiser and they are struggling to maintain and need good attendance. "For the Good of Square Dancing" is a common goal for dancers throughout the state and scheduling a Summer Festival in conflict with any traditional event was felt to be counter-productive to that goal. They questioned why it was necessary to promote Summer Festival in the month of June, when year-end activities, graduations, weddings and other family occasions occupy dancers' time. They felt July was a better month to schedule the Festival. Reciprocal cooperation between clubs and state planners was felt to be vitally important for the mutual benefit and survival of square dancing. The Club strongly urged the 2003 Summer Festival Committee to reconsider the dates. Mr. Baker understood the decision was made because the Convention Center was double booked, but they wanted to know why other weekends in July weren't considered.

Jim Steele felt the Federation should be considering ways to bring more people into square dancing.

Jan Steele encouraged all old and incoming delegates to take some of the extra issues of the OFN for their local clubs to promote the magazine and advertising, which will help keep dancers informed.

Floyd Bard said the OFN Advisory Committee has been working hard on its budget and that Jan Steele was doing a great job. Ray Bunch developed a request for proposals for the printing of the OFN recently and Advisory Committee received several good proposals, which are being considered now.

Janice Young thanked the Federation for all the love and support given her since the loss of her husband.

Ray Jones introduced Dennis Marsh, who is the elected Vice President of the Emerald Area Council. Ray suggested everyone take a good look at Dennis, because Ray was training Dennis to be the resident antagonist from his area! He had suggested at the May State meeting that consideration of a Square Dance Museum at this time might not be a good idea. His reason was the decline of square dancers in general, noting the recent election of officers had only half the candidates it should have had, and the dancers left support a benefit dance and two State Festivals, as well as a National Convention. Clubs and Area Council are struggling and he felt a museum would be an additional burden.

Dave Krause thanked Lee and Barbi Ashwill for setting up a room for the education seminar yesterday.

Kay Rogers said Roger and Dee Newell had agreed to be Financial Advisors for the coming year. She introduced the other appointed chairs who were present.

Gary Willoughby urged those who had the information about the Village Inn for September Federation meeting to pass it on to incoming delegates and officers, as there are some rooms still available.

ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Cobb
Recording Secretary