President Linda (Ralph) Lambert brought the September 22, 2002, meeting of the Federation of Square & Round Clubs to order at 9:04 a.m. at the Springfield Square Dance Center, Springfield, Oregon.
Roll call was taken by Recording Secretary Nancy Cobb as follows:
Officers: First Vice President Kay (Jim) Rogers; Second Vice President Carolyn (Bob) Bosch; Recording Secretary Nancy Cobb; Corresponding Secretary Marilyn (Ron) Schmit; Treasurer Bill (Annadale) Rooper; Membership Clara Kilbourne; and Past President Barbi (Lee) Ashwill.
Appointed Officers: Financial Advisor Gary (Betty) Willoughby; Parliamentarian Larry (Carol) Reetz; State Publicity/Reporter Jill (Floyd) Bard; and Education Chairman David (Kathy) Krause. Absent: Historian Bonnie (Jay) Stimler);
Delegates: Blue Mountain - Bonnie (Don) Berry; Central Oregon - Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell; Eastern Oregon - Lorene (George) Griffith; Emerald Empire - Angie Barta (Alan Prichard); Interstate Highlanders - Cathy (Ron) Pochatko; Lincoln-Tillamook - Kathy (Buzz) Buczkowski; Mid-Willamette - Dianne (Toby) Beard; Portland - Al Wolf (Gail Domine); Rogue Sis-Q - Rex (Jeri) Bounds; Sunset - Sylvia Davis; Tualatin Valley - Tim (Kathy) Roberts; and Umpqua - John Hernandez (Esther Thompson-Wood). Absent: South Coast - Karel (Don) Morris.
Committee Chairs: 2002 Summer Festival - Lee & Barbi Ashwill; 2003 Mid-Winter Festival - Gary & Betty Willoughby; 2003 Summer Festival - Dave & Jodene Hughes; 2004 Summer Festival - Barbara & Larry Schaumburg; 54th National Convention - Lee & Barbi Ashwill; Insurance - Jim (Kay) Rogers; BMI/ASCAP - Ralph (Linda) Lambert; ORDTA - Dennis (Elaine) Smith; Round Dance Screening - Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg; Caller Advisor - Roger (Linda) Putzler; and OFN Editor - Jan (Jim) Steele. Absent: State Fair - Fran (Ray) Bunch; Youth Coordinator - Ann (Roger) Skoe; and State Trailers - Jim (Avis) Kinkaid.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: Ray & Betty Jones; and Ray & Zola Jones. Absent: Dick & Marge Pentecost; Don & Karel Morris; and Benjamin & Penny Brown.
Past President Barbi Ashwill gave the invocation. First Vice President Kay Rogers led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES. Rex Bounds moved to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2002, meeting as corrected (to correct the proposed Youth Coordinator's name to Peter Wood under the First Vice President's Report and to change language in the second paragraph under OFN to read - a maximum to a three photograph limit, with photographs needing to be good quality and reproducible in hard copies mailed via US Mail), seconded by Cathy Pochatko. Motion was voted on and approved .
PRESIDENT'S REPORT. President Linda Lambert stated the meeting was being recorded. She thanked the Emerald Empire for hosting last night's dance and the Federation meeting. She enjoyed participating in award opportunities during the last year, but had looked forward to appointing the incoming Goodwill Ambassadors who have served as mentors and role models for her. After reviewing their many accomplishments, she appointed Al and Fran Westphal. She thanked many people in her last OFN President's article, but especially wanted to acknowledged Ralph's help and advice. She said it was been a wonderful opportunity to serve as president and wished that everyone would treat each other with kindness, compassion and understanding.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT. First Vice President Kay Rogers said she enjoyed attending the Mid-Winter and Summer Festival meetings and had learned a lot through her attendance. She and Jim enjoyed all the summer dances and Diamond Lake Festival. They also have tried to give guidance and ideas for the OFN. Kay said she's looking forward to a positive and enriching year ahead.
2002 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Lee Ashwill reported the 2002 Summer Festival was very successful. Two major complaints were received. The first was that no "solo" ribbons were purchased. As a result the Mid-Willamette Area Council approved a motion to purchase 100 solo ribbons. It was suggested that each Council consider this option. Ribbons are an expense for a Festival and there's no way to know complete attendance numbers in advance, so it's difficult for a Chairman to authorize this expense. If Councils purchased solo ribbons for the solo dancers in their Councils, that expense would be eliminated from Festival budgets. The second complaint was that there was not enough flooring on the Plus Hall Floor, which was accepted as a compliment! Flooring was available, but the Committee had felt there was enough flooring down to accommodate the number of registrations in hand at the time the Festival started. Barbi Ashwill's idea of placing four Oregon callers in the hall opposite the National caller was very successful, with the floors remaining balanced throughout the Festival. Lee stressed the importance of dancers registering for Festivals early. There 802 dancers in attendance and a check in the amount of $401.00 was given to the Insurance Chair. Lee said that although attendance was not as high as the Committee would have liked, all the Committee members were very diligent in managing their budgets and no one utilized the entire amount in their budget. Because of the Committee's thriftiness and ingenuity, the 2002 Summer Festival Committee presented a check to the Federation in the amount of $6,068.66. Lee thanked all the members of the 2002 Summer Festival Committee.
2003 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL. Gary Willoughby congratulated Lee and Barbi and their entire 2002 Summer Festival Committee. He reported planning for 2003 Mid-Winter Festival continues on schedule. The Committee received confirmation that a group of young people, the Dancing Jewels, will participate in the Showcase of Rounds on Saturday night. The group has entertained all over the Western United States. The dance program is complete and the program book will soon be ready for the printer. Contract negotiations with the Lane County Fairgrounds are underway. Last weekend, about 30 people spent the day serving lunch to over 2000 bicyclists participating in Cycle Oregon. It was a great experience and resulted in a donation of $2,500.00 to the Mid-Winter account. The Committee has done other extra curricular work to provide over $3,300.00 to help pay bills for the 2003 Mid-Winter Festival. He thanked everyone who helped with those projects. Gary noted he had provided information packets to delegates to be given to area clubs.
2003 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Dave Hughes thanked the Emerald Empire for the weekend. He said the Convention Center has commenced work on the entry way, which will double its size. The dancing programs for the 2003 Summer Festival are being finalized and ads for the program book are starting to get notice. He displayed "Tilly from Tillamook," a stuffed cow, who is looking forward to dancers coming back. Bonnie Berry has been helping with vendors. He reminded everyone the Trails End Dance would be free with the Festival ribbon.
2004 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL. Aaron Gibbens reported Debra Parnell-Jones would be the featured caller for Friday and Saturday nights for the 2004 Mid-Winter Festival.
2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL. Barbara Schaumburg said Lee Ashwill's report was great, but the Federation hasn't heard anything until the "Roar of 2004." Planning is coming along well, with the first meeting being held on September 7th. There are still a couple of openings on the Committee. There were some great ideas for logos, themes and after parties.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS. Jan Steele thanked OFN Advisory Committee Chair for his diligence working with the three proposals for the bid to publish the OFN. Bidders considered were Insta-Print, Eugene; Vivid Image, Eugene; and Western Web, Castle Rock, Washington. The OFN technical equipment has been operating well, with the exception of the scanner, which stopped communicating with the computer. When & Where Editors Debbie and Chris Funk have kept information up-to-date and running smoothly. Debbie has started mailing the postcard renewal reminders. Don and Pat Wiggins became Assistant Advertising Managers on September 1, helping promote additional advertising from clubs and for special events. Jan collected $240.00 in subscription renewals at the Tualatin Valley Barn Dance in June and the TVC took in $75.00 and a gift certificate at their August dance. Jan mailed out 443 postcard renewal reminders in June and received 130 back by July 3, which about a 30 percent return rate. The OFN postage balance was $144.74 as of August 31 but Bill Rooper mailed a check to bring the balance back up. A US Post Office audit has been scheduled for September 26th. The June OFN was 56 pages, with 1,056 copies mailed, and a 38 percent advertising rate; July was 44 pages, 1,001 copies mailed, at a 30 percent advertising rate; August was 44 pages, 1,077 mailed, at 36% advertising; and September 48 pages, 1,087 copies at 46 percent advertising rate. The October OFN will be 60 pages. Since Jan's report at the June Federation meeting, there have been 250 additional subscriptions, with 855 new subscriptions year-to-date. Jan deposited the $4,519.00 for June, July and August subscriptions; $5,122.80 for advertising ($1,233.60 to be deposited for October); for a total of $10,875.40. In response to Linda, Jan advised the OFN had 1,087 paid subscribers.
OFN ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Floyd Bard said the OFN Advisory Committee had a recommendation for a printer for the Federation's consideration. Floyd thanked Buzz and Kathy Buczkowski, Ray and Fran Bunch and Jan Steele. He and Jan visited all three printers that made proposals, as well as considering staying with the Dayton Tribune. The Committee's first recommendation would be Western Web, with the Dayton Tribune as second choice. He apologized to his wife Jill for not helping her this morning.
Carolyn Bosch moved to accept the Advisory Committee's recommendation to go forward with Western Web as the Federation's new printer as of the February 2003 issue, seconded by Rex Bounds. Floyd said the Committee shared a sample of Western Web's work. Having the effective date as February 2003, will give the Dayton Tribune time to close out their work. In response to Kay Rogers, Floyd said the Federation would be charged 1,200 magazines, even if there was an overrun up to 1,500 magazines. Western Web would give the Federation the overrun copies. Motion was voted on and carried.
OFN BUSINESS MANAGER REPORT: Gary Willoughby has been reviewing the OFN financial records, comparing the advertisements with the list of entries compiled by Jan. In the January 2002 edition there were a large number of discrepancies and in the June and July 2002 issues there were still a significant number of discrepancies, but Gary couldn't tell where the problems really lie with the information he had. Gary made it clear that Jan is doing a great job trying to pull the magazine and all its attendant problems together. He made the following suggestions to help make Jan's job, and Gary's successor, a lot easier: 1) set up a data base to allow tracking of each ad, which could be done utilizing the current data base; 2) Sort the ads by the length of time the ad is to run; 3) add a code and date to the lower corner of each ad which would show the type of ad and the final month the ad would run; 4) Make a print-out available in alphabetical order, by types of ads, for future Business Managers to quickly check the accuracy of the data against the advertisements; and 5) E-mail the individual responsible for any ad two months and one month before the ad expires, so advising them-if no response is received, the ad should be dropped immediately.
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT REPORT. Second Vice President Carolyn Bosch thanked the Emerald Empire for hosting the weekend activities. Although she and Bob haven't been dancing a lot, they attended the annual TVC Barn Dance and potluck and the Washington State meeting held in Vancouver. On behalf of the Oregon Federation, she welcomed the new Washington President Elmer and Betty Toops. She thanked everyone for getting information in for the State Directories.
RECORDING SECRETARY REPORT. Nancy Cobb said she had danced quite a bit in Central Oregon and at home until her partner had an accident. She apologized for missing last night's festivities due to illness. She asked that anyone who wasn't getting minutes to contact her.
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY REPORT. Marilyn Schmit thanked everyone who answered e-mails and phone calls updating addresses and other information for the incoming Federation Board. She had a fairly large badge order because many of the new people had not held a Federation office in the past. She welcomed everyone, saying she looked forward to getting to know new Board members. Marilyn said she had stationery and envelopes available for anyone who needed it. Cards were sent as follows: Get Well: Floyd Carson, Salem; Jim Fehr, Lyle, Washington; Nancy Sand, Vancouver, Washington; Glen Benjamin, Goldendale, Washington; Mirth Hecomovich, White Salmon, Washington; Marge Pentecost; The Dalles; Erma Hickman, Hood River; Sylvia Davis, Warrenton; Pearl Fehr, Lyle, Washington; Bill Tipton, Sublimity; Lorene Griffith, Ione; Betty Richmond, The Dalles; Rosie McKinley, Salem; and Barbara Lewis, Salem. Sympathy: Family of Lowell Chamberlin; Family of Erl Svendsen; and Patty Key, loss of sister. Thinking of You: Janis Pederson, Janet Wilkin and Doug Pederson, illness of mother. She asked new delegates to let her know of anyone who was ill or had a family member pass away so she could send a card on behalf of the Federation. She received thank you cards from Jack Harmon of the Swap and Swing and from George and Nancy Clark for cards sent on behalf of the Federation. The next agenda will be out about October 19, with e-mail notification to those who have that capability and regular mail if not. She reminded everyone that motions for the state meeting must be submitted to the Federation President 30 days in advance of the meeting.
UNITED SQUARE DANCERS OF AMERICA (USDA) REPORT. Marilyn reviewed that the USDA meetings in St. Paul went well, with Bill and Annadale Rooper and Gary and Betty Willoughby attending, as Oregon delegates. She said copies of a Resolution of Support for the USDA's National Folk Dance Campaign, which is an effort to establish "Square Dance" as the National Folk Dance, were distributed to delegates for further distribution to area clubs. Dancers are encouraged to contact Congressmen and Congressional Leadership asking for support of the proposal. A sample letter and addresses for legislators were also included.
TREASURER'S REPORT. Bill Rooper said he distributed a copy of the Federation financial statement to everyone. He explained that page 3, the budget comparison combined items like supplies and miscellaneous into one figure, although they are also shown on page 2.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT. Clara Evarts (Clara changed her name back to her birth name of Evarts although she had used Kilbourne with her Square Dance family) thanked the Emerald Empire for a good meal and dance last night. She provided in the delegates' packets a letter listing area clubs that will need to renew their Oregon corporation status in the next three months, along with a letter and envelope for the subject club's president. The information is available on the web at, and Clara also has it if the club has no way of finding out who received the renewal forms. Three clubs are out of compliance and have received a letter an envelope to provide Clara information as soon as possible and before the November 17 meeting. In order for the Federation to stay in compliance, these three clubs must meet the State corporation renewal requirement (Emerald Empire - Buccaneers; Mid-Willamette - Re-Vu-N-Q; and Rogue Sis-Q - Lords and Ladies. Clara also provided a letter for some clubs that don't have a current badge on the badge board, or have changed the look of their badge. Clara asked that delegates please help area clubs understand the importance of staying in compliance with the Oregon Corporation Division. Clara also received a letter from the Happy Huggers of the Interstate Highlander Area that they voted to disband, which became effective this date.
INSURANCE REPORT. Jim Rogers, on behalf of himself and Kay, thanked everyone for making this job so rewarding. Packets with everything clubs needed for next year were handed out yesterday. If anyone had questions or comments, he asked that they contact him.
PAST PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Barbi Ashwill said that each delegate received a ballot for the four Randall Award nominations received. She hoped everyone would go back to their Councils and clubs to generate interest and provide information in this prestigious award, noting there are many deserving dancers who should be nominated. She reminded everyone that voting for nominees is the responsibility of the thirteen Area Councils, not area clubs. If delegates would like to discuss voting, prior to turning in ballots to soon-to-be Past President Linda Lambert, they have the opportunity to do so at the November Federation meetings. Barbi read portions of a letter from the Adaptive Riding Institute, the charity supported by the Federation, thanking the Federation for it's support and outlining some of the activities provided by the Institute. Funds raised by the Federation were over $2,400.00 and Barbi had received an additional $49.50, which will be turned over to the Institute. Barbi said she had started a notebook covering the three functions that are the responsibility of the Past President. Those functions are the Randall Award, the annual benefit dance, and nominations. She thanked the Emerald Empire for the activities.
PARLIAMENTARIAN'S REPORT. Larry Reetz said it was great to be in the Emerald Empire. Although he and Carol will be leaving the Federation Board this year, they will continue to serve on the 54th National Square Dance Convention Board. There are some updates for the Practices and Procedures that will be distributed at the break. He did not include a change for the P&P's for the motion to discontinue dancing at the State Fair because it seemed to pertain only to this year and perhaps next year, but the historical information was retained. He apologized that the page number changes that had been provided because they also should have been made to the table of contents. Some housekeeping changes are being passed on to incoming Parliamentarian Tim Roberts. Larry said he and Carol had a busy summer, since July, dancing with Washington State Federation and attending the USA West Convention in Boise, Idaho.
PUBLICITY/STATE REPORTER. Jill Bard again asked the Federation to consider the effectiveness of having a 1-800 number when she receives from zero to three calls at a cost of about $30.00 per month. She suggested, but never received approval, for creation of a tri-fold flyer naming clubs and contact people for Chamber of Commerce, at a cost of about $45.00 for 500 flyers. She will pass that information on to her replacement. Also, she reminded everyone she had square dancing decals that cost $1.00 each.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR'S REPORT. Gary Willoughby thanked members of the Federation for making his years of service a lot of fun. He said he would like to continue as Financial Advisor, however, he cannot with the time constraints prior to the 54th National Convention. One of the tasks Gary wasn't able to complete was reviewing and discarding, if outside the retention period, a collection of old records. In response to his question, it was pointed out there was a retention schedule in the Practices & Procedures.
EDUCATION ADVISOR'S REPORT. Dave Krause had no report.
BMI/ASCAP REPORT. Ralph Lambert said the Federation was current with both BMI and ASCAP. In response to a letter he wrote last spring about not recouping as much at the Festivals as the Federation was being charged by BMI, and a letter outlining the last three years' Festival attendance being less, the Federation was notified of a credit on the Federation's account in the amount of $176.75.
STATE TRAILERS REPORT. Marilyn read a letter from Jim Kinkaid stating he had dismantled the call-cuer stand as authorized by the Federation at its January meeting. As Toby Beard, who donated the materials, does not want them, Jim suggested an article be written for the OFN asking if anyone wanted them. The materials consisted of six to eight sheets of plywood and other boards. Jim can be contacted at 503-581-8679, although they will be traveling in September and October. He will have an annual report at the January 2003 Federation meeting.
ORDTA REPORT. Dennis Smith stated ORDTA had not met since Summer Festival. Its next meeting will be October 12 at 10 AM at the Square Dance Center in Springfield. He and Elaine have a new address as well as a new e-mail address (phone number is unchanged), as follows: Dennis and Elaine Smith, 5816 NE Tunbridge St., Hillsboro, OR 97124-7289 (503) 640-1941
ROUND DANCE SCREENING. Barbara Schaumburg reported the Round of the Month for September 2002 was Like You Used To, written by Mike Seurer. She related receiving a note from Mike thanking the Federation for choosing his round. The Round for October was reported at the last meeting. The Round for November is Cincinnati Rag, written by Bob Paul, who also sent a note thanking the Federation for choosing his round. E-mails and certificates have been sent out and cue sheets have been sent to the OFN and the Promenade Shop.
CALLER ADVISER'S REPORT. Roger Putzler thanked past Presidents Dave Cameron, Larry Reetz, Barbi Ashwill and soon to be Past President Linda Lambert for having "faith and confidence" that he could serve as Caller Advisor for all those years, that it had been an honor and pleasure to serve the Federation and wished Harold and Barbara Kleve well. He reported that some issues arose during 2002 Summer Festival regarding the sound system. Although some of the issues were dancer related, the majority were caused by callers. He asked for everyone present to "pass the word" that the sound contractor should be consulted prior to any changes being made, i.e. plugging in hearing enhancement systems, speakers or adding or deleting equipment from the festival sound system.
54TH NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION REPORT. Lee Ashwill thanked the Emerald Empire for hosting the Federation and that he enjoyed the dinner. The 54th National Square Dance Convention will be one of the few times Duck and Beaver fans will work so closely together! Convention Committee members met with the National Executive Committee advisors last weekend. The NEC advisors not only believe the Committee is up to speed, but may be ahead of the game. There are many Washington volunteers helping the Committee, including purchasing advance registrations. He asked the Federation Board members to be ambassadors for the Committee and help get advance registrations.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS REPORT. Marilyn Schmit reported the Showcase had eight tables at the St. Paul National Convention, displaying Oregon's Square Dance Blitz and the Fort Dalles Riders, and three months' of OFN issues and Oregon maps for dancers to pick up. She will be working on the 54th National Convention display for the 2003 Oklahoma City National Convention and asked for ideas. In response to Linda, Tim Roberts explained Kathy had their children act as Oregon Sunbeams at the St. Paul Convention and they distributed Oregon State and little wagon stickers throughout all the halls. They received many positive comments, including from a couple they met at a stop in North Dakota on their way home.
DELEGATE MEETING REPORT. Angie Barta said the delegates had a lengthy discussion about the proposed motions on this agenda, Federation involvement in promoting square dancing and felt more ideas should be given to the Publicity Chair, that there should be more state involved dancing demonstrations. It was also noted that sometimes the minutes were not printed out as recorded and it was felt they should be accurate.
Tim Roberts moved that the tabled motion be removed from the table for discussion, seconded by Barbi Ashwill (tabled motion was "to reconsider the motion to allow the delegates to request input from the clubs in their council"). Motion was voted on and carried. Tim read the motion being reconsidered, which was "that $8,000.00 be transferred from the Insurance Fund into the General Fund." Bill Rooper said he had reviewed the three insurance funds and assumed the Festival Insurance Fund was where the transfer would be authorized from, if approved. He pointed out the fund was built up by assessing 50 cents for members attending festivals, which was to be used to reduce premiums to the Federation. He objected using funds set aside for a certain purpose and changing the purpose mid-stream. Ray Jones agreed and felt the funds should be used as dedicated. Kay clarified that in her opinion the funds had already been spent administering insurance over the last several years and the Fund built up because nothing was deducted from it. The Fund has been used to reduce Federation insurance premiums because they were not raised because of the fund. Kay called for the question. Motion was voted on and carried.
Bill Rooper moved that the Contingency Fund and the Emergency Fund be combined into one fund, to be called the Contingency Fund, seconded by Tim Roberts. Bill said he was trying to reduce the number of funds the Federation carries on its books. He had felt these two funds could be combined because he felt the funds were for the same thing. Barbi Ashwill disagreed, saying that Webster's Dictionary defined an contingency as a situation where an unbudgeted proposal for the good of dancers could be approved by the Federation if sufficient funds were budgeted in contingency; an emergency is a situation where the Federation had no control and funds must be spent. She had no objection to combining the funds, but felt it should be called the Emergency Fund. Rex Bounds moved to amend the motion to change the name from the Contingency Fund to the Emergency Fund, seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion to amend was voted on and carried. The motion as amended was voted on and carried. Linda noted the change related to the Practices & Procedures, needing a committee to develop the change. She deferred appointment of the committee to Kay Rogers.
Bill Rooper moved that the Club Premium Fund and the Insurance Administration Fund be combined into one Insurance Administration Fund, seconded by Rex Bounds. Bill explained the Federation was entitled to collect 10 cents out of every insurance premium to be used for insurance administration. The Club Premium Fund was funds collected and paid to USDA - the difference had been accumulated in the Club Premium Fund. Both funds are for the same purpose, just duplicated. Motion was voted on and carried.
Kay Rogers moved that the proposed budget be adopted, seconded by Bill Rooper. Motion was voted on and carried.
Before the break, Linda thanked everyone sitting around the table for their help during her year as President. She advised her computer had crashed and asked that everyone to send her an e-mail so she can add them to her address book.
Floyd Bard advised there were extra OFN's available to take back to clubs. Lee said there were also copies of the National Squares magazines available.
BREAK. 10:53 TO 11:14 a.m.
INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. The meeting was then turned over to Tim Roberts, and Jim Rogers wheeled in Kay Rogers in a red wagon wearing a crown and ceremonial robe - Driving Miss Daisy. Tim stated Kay was to be "crowned" as Federation President! Stories and anecdotes were shared by Kay's friends and fellow Federation officers, including giving Kay a ceremonial balloon gavel.
The following officers were installed: Elected - First Vice President Carolyn (Bob) Bosch; Second Vice President Barbie (Dave) Cooper; Treasurer Bill (Annadale) Rooper; Recording Secretary Nancy Cobb; Corresponding Secretary Marilyn (Ron) Schmit; Membership Clara Evarts; Past President Linda (Ralph) Lambert; Appointed - Parliamentarian Tim (Kathy) Roberts; Publicity/State Reporter Janice Young; Education Chair Dave (Kathy) Krause; Financial Advisor Roger (Dee) Newell; Historian Barbara (Tom) Wines; Round Dance Screening Chair Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg; ORDTA Chair Dennis (Elaine) Smith; BMI/ASCAP Ralph (Linda) Lambert; Caller Advisor Harold (Barbara) Kleve; Insurance Chair Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos); Youth Advisor Peter (Beverly) Wood; and State Trailers Jim (Avis) Kinkaid; Delegates: Blue Mountain - Bonnie (Don) Berry; Central Oregon - Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell; Eastern Oregon - Jodene (Dave) Hughes; Emerald Empire - Angie Barta (Alan Prichard); Interstate Highlanders - Reta (Phil) Harkins; Lincoln-Tillamook - Kathy (Buzz) Buczkowski; Mid-Willamette - Spencer (Barbara) Lewis with David Luchini as alternate; Portland - Al Wolf (Gail Domine); Rogue Sis-Q - Rex (Jeri) Bounds; South Coast - Mary (Don) Miller; Sunset - Sylvia Davis; Tualatin Valley - Bob (Carolyn) Bosch; and Umpqua - Darlene Sconce.
Kay thanked everyone. She distributed SOLV (Stop Oregon Litter & Vandalism) packets, noting the organization provided opportunities to help ensure the quality of life in Oregon. The packets included literature involving SOLV and Kay hoped the square dance community would participate in one of SOLV's programs, which could benefit everyone. The packets also contained littler bags to be shared with other dancers.
Kay said during the coming year she wanted to emphasize the need to bring dancers back into the Federation, noting everyone had friends who dance but don't belong to a club. Kay felt it was important to find ways to bring those dancers back into our clubs and the Federation. She plans to work with Membership to make joining the Federation a little easier. She also would like to work toward a larger attendance at the Mid-Winter Festival and bring new subscribers to the OFN. Most importantly, she would like to see a positive attitude from everyone at the table that would reflect the enjoyment we have at the Federation meeting, which could encourage attendance. She introduced her daughter Cindy and family friend Elizabeth.
Linda Lambert moved that the Practices and Procedures be revised to allow the sales of Mid-Winter and Summer Festival ribbons, outside the hosting area, no sooner than the first day of the Festival preceding theirs, seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Linda said this issue was discussed at the June meeting and the motion was made to allow further discussion. She said she personally would not vote for the motion because it would allow dancers coming to only one festival to purchase their ribbons for the next year on site. Lee Ashwill spoke against the motion because he did not believe that six months was adequate time for festival pre-registration. Zola Jones said she and Ray were in favor of the motion because the sale of different festival ribbons, at tables side by side, made dancers have to choose between which festival because they couldn't purchase both ribbons. She felt one festival at a time should be promoted. Dave Cooper spoke in favor of the motion, noting his summer festival committee had complied with the unwritten rule. He felt the key was to sell festival ribbons at other functions. Peter Wood was not in favor of the motion. Betty Willoughby felt dancers would be looking at each event as it came up. Dave Hughes was opposed to the motion, saying he wasn't sure the competition existed. He concluded by saying there were many reasons to have a year's time for advance sales. Aaron Gibbens said festivals were Federation sponsored events and that the Federation should focus its energy on one event at a time. Linda called for the question, motion was voted on and failed.
Bill Rooper moved that the "State Square Dance Enhancement Fund" be abolished and whatever money is still in the Fund be transferred to the Emergency Fund, seconded by Bob Bosch. Bill indicated the purpose of his motion was an attempt to cut down on the number of funds on the Federation books. Doug Hartzell was opposed to the motion, indicating Central Oregon was able to purchase a trailer through a grant from this fund and another area might have a need that could be accomplished through a similar grant. In response to Lee Ashwill, Bill said that all the funds could be considered for square dance enhancement funds. Barbi Ashwill pointed out the trailer Doug mentioned was purchased with matching funds through a special program but the program ended and those funds are no longer available. In order for Kay to discuss the motion, First Vice President Carolyn Bosch took the chair. Kay understood both points, but was concerned if a club had a legitimate need that the Federation wanted to assist with, where would funding be available from. Bill pointed out that the program mentioned was set up to help clubs and councils with advertising and, although that program was no longer available, the Federation could set aside funds for a program with a certain purpose. Approving this motion won't change the Federation's ability to make such a decision. In response to Floyd Bard, Lee Ashwill said there was no requirement under the Federation's tax exempt status for this fund. Motion was voted on and carried. Kay resumed her place as chair.
Bill moved that the Festival Loan Fund name be changed to the Summer Festival Loan Fund, seconded by Carolyn. Bill said this fund was only used for Summer Festival loans. Motion was voted on and carried.
Bill moved that the "Festival Insurance Fund" be used to reduce the cost of insurance premiums charged to clubs, as provided in the Practices and Procedures, and the reduction be prorated over a four year period, seconded by Linda. Bill reiterated that this fund was to be used to reduce the cost of insurance premiums for clubs. After a brief discussion, motion was voted on and failed.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL. Angie Barta said the Emerald Empire had been busy. The Single Trees and the Wagon Wheelers have combined their lessons. They danced at the Lane County Fair Tuesday through Friday nights, averaging two to three squares. Sweethome Squarenaders held a subscription dance on October 12, and are giving a free pass to a dance with each subscription. They also will be in the Christmas Parade the first Saturday in December. Several other clubs are also considering dates for OFN subscription dances. The benefit dance for the Explorer Scouts is being held this afternoon after the meeting and Angie invited all to participate.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS. Reta Harkins reported all three clubs in their Council danced at fairs this year. In Lakeview, they had approximately a square and a half. They have also started lessons. They are looking forward to a great year of square dancing.
LINCOLN TILLAMOOK COUNCIL. Kathy Buczkowski said the Coast Swingers are looking for a cuer since Bob Schindler is retiring. Janet Shannon will bring cuers to their dances so members can be exposed to other styles and voices. Lessons are planned to start in Garibaldi on September 10. They had a nice crowd for their June Dairy and Garibaldi Day dances. They are having a Harvest Ball Dance on September 28, with garden goodie auction to help raise funds. The Sea Twirlers are holding their sixth birthday dance on September 28th at Gleneden Beach Community Center, with a casual plus dance from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and rounds from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Toledo 49'ers were busy all summer, holding a demo dance in June at Waldport, having a float in the Gleneden Beach July 4th parade, a demo dance at the Toledo Antique Fair in August and their 53rd Birthday Dance in August. They continue to have guest cuers. They also had a End-of-Year picnic in July. They look forward to a good year and are making plans for their annual Loyalty Days Dance the first weekend in May and are hard at work getting ready for Summer Festival 2003.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA COUNCIL. In the absence of Spencer Lewis, David Luchini said the Mid-Willamette Area received its check from the Summer Festival Committee in the amount of $6,068.66. He thanked the Committee and all those who participated in putting on a really fun Summer Festival. They installed new officers at their last meeting. They have been doing a lot of demo dances at county fairs and parades, including a covered bridge fest. Lessons have started with pretty good participation. The Golden Squares are starting plus dances once a month on Sunday afternoons at the Woodburn Senior Estates. Englewood Twirlers are celebrating their 20th birthday. Crazy Creek Rockers are having a birthday dance today. On October 26th, Willamette Squares will be having their eighth birthday dance. There has been good participation in turning in articles for the OFN. There will be a Mid-Willamette Fall Festival in November, with a food drive. The Council has formed a committee to investigate the possibility of developing a solo dancer badge or pin.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL. Al Wolf reported several clubs participated in dancing at the Waterfront Village in Portland in conjunction with Rose Festival activities in June, including dancing on a stage in front of Memorial Coliseum after the Rose Festival Parade. Many clubs in the PAC were dark for the summer but are now dancing again. Round and square dance lessons started in either September or October, with a few clubs planning lessons in January. Activities for the last few months include the Bachelor N' Bachelorettes new dancer jamboree on May 14th, Tumbleweeds 30th anniversary dance on July 19th, the annual Carson Campout the weekend of August 17th sponsored by the Columbia Gorge Plus Club, PAC's 5th Friday dance on August 30th, Recycles 15th anniversary on September 13th, and Darrell Kalmbach celebrating his 15th anniversary as a caller for the Silver Stars on September 28th. Four squares of dancers from England visited the Bachelor N' Bachelorette's July 4th dance, along with 20 squares of other dancers. On September 6th, about 20 dancers, including Lee and Barbi Ashwill, attended the live AM-Northwest program at KATU Channel 6, in square dance attire. Many dancers were shown on television and the host, Paul Linnman, mentioned square dancing several times on the show. On September 7th the River City Dancers hosted the 2005 National Committee members at their regular dance, with 140 in attendance.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL. Rex Bounds said that due to his wife's Jeri's injury, they hadn't danced much this summer. He thanked all those who helped make the Diamond Lake Festival a success. His report included that student level dances were scheduled for each weekend after the first of the year.
SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL. Mary Miller submitted a written report via mail. Sets in Order revived and hosted an Area Council Picnic on September 18. They had a booth and float in the Coos County Fair, earning a red ribbon for their booth. They also danced at the Fair with at least 40 people participating. At the request of Coquille merchants, the club held a street dance during Hot August Nights. Lessons started in September with four couples participating. Saints-N-Aints attended the July Beachcombers birthday celebration in Port Orford. Their August 17th dance was canceled so many Saints could attend a dance at the Emerald Dance Center, and return for the Area picnic in Coquille on Sunday. Saints have discussed changing the date on the Coastal Fanta-Sea. The Beachcombers celebrated their 49th birthday in July with 12 squares attending. They participated in Battle Rock Labor Day festivities with dancing in the surf, a Sunday pancake breakfast and Monday morning were sent off with Norman's homemade cinnamon rolls. They started lessons in September with a full square of beginners. Although Skyloft Squares aren't dancing on a regular basis, some members have been out and about at the Stars & Stripes over Memorial Day weekend, the Lebanon Strawberry Festival, joining the Beachcombers for their birthday dance and Battlerock Festival, as well as some going to Labor Day festivities in Longview, Washington, and the South Coast Area picnic. The Skyloft ladies meet once a month for a birthday luncheon.
SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL. Sylvia Davis thanked everyone who sent her cards. The Clatskanie Promenaders have had five couples travel to Scappoose where Harvey called for the Fireballs. Harvey also called for the Ruff & Ruffles in Longview, in Boring, and for the Promenaders, as well as a couple of tips for the Hayshakers at their beach picnic. The Hayshakers have been very busy even though they were dark the months of July and August, visiting the Coast Swingers, the Fireballs and the Hillsboro Hoedowners for fun and to let them know about the Seaside Sashay dance the last weekend in October. The first beach dance picnic was held with the Promenaders and the former Chinook Washington club invited. Sylvia said there was a large crowd, with a sixteen foot square dance floor down on the sand, a sand castle contest, a pancake flipping contest that was a lot of fun. The Hayshakers also painted two sides of their grange and the inside hallway. She invited everyone to the Seaside Sashay in October.
TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL. Bob Bosch said Tualatin Valley Council hosted their annual barn dance, with about 100 participants in their pre-dance potluck and 19-1/2 squares at the dance. They have new officers, with officers from almost every club within the Council. The Hillsboro 4th of July parade was attended by Council dancers with a patriotic float advertising lessons that started in September. Five clubs started lessons in September and three will start in January. The Council will hold lessons for clubs for those clubs that can't afford the overall cost or those with small attendance. The TVC will have a New Year's Dance, with a theme of Decadent Delights; location to be announced at a later date. TVC has four members participating as 54th National Convention Committee board members and asked everyone to volunteer a couple hours of time, as everyone needs to help with YOUR CONVENTION.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL. The Umpqua Area Council held Blitz dances in August at two locations, with a good turnout. They will doing a demo dancing at the Heritage Celebration at the Umpqua Valley Arts Center. After many years of fundraisers, the Buckeroo Square Dance Club has a new roof. Their new dancer class has 16 new dancers. Although the Boots and Calicos had to cancel lessons because only two people showed up, they had a Westward Ho dance with a good turn out and a good time. The Pioneers 'n' Petticoats participated in Canyonville's Pioneer Days parade and their float went away with the Grand Sweepstakes trophy. The Council is looking forward to hosting the November Federation meeting. Information about the dance will be forwarded soon.
BLUE MOUNTAIN COUNCIL. Bonnie Berry said the Blue Mountain Council was busy over the summer participating in county fairs, parades, crazy days and demonstrations at schools and churches. The Muddy Frogs had an excellent community activity the third weekend in August with breakfast, games and dancing. The Alpine Twirlers are excited about lessons, which six to eight couples participating, with help from the LaGrande callers. They had a fun filled weekend at Wallowa Lake. The LaGrande Star Promenaders are having a theme dance once a month, with September's theme as an old fashioned picnic in the park with games, a barbecue and dancing afterwards. The Council is revising its bylaws and creating a Practices and Procedures. LaGrande now has hearing enhancement equipment.
CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL. Doug Hartzell said the Council is preparing for its Volunteer Appreciation dance on November 30th at the Eastern Star Grange. A 2003 calendar for all area clubs is being developed with a schedule of regular and special dances, with caller information. The Council is considering a progressive dance for new dancers and perhaps non-dancers so they can dance with all the area clubs and get to know each other. The Bachelor Beauts were in charge of the pie social at the Central Oregon Round-Up, which was well received. Their next big event will be the Detroit Lake Weekend. They will sponsor two-step lessons beginning September 17th. The Swinging Mountaineers are working on the Fort Rock Hoedown being held September 27th, 28th and 29th. They voted as a club not to participate in the Central Oregon Round-Up because the majority of their members have a primary club that already participates. They are having plus lessons starting in January running through April. The Red Rock Squares sponsored a successful barbecue for the Round-Up. They start lessons the first Sunday in January and will be sponsoring round dance classes starting with two-step. They also had a successful yard sale fundraiser. The Sagebrush Shufflers had a ground-breaking ceremony for their new hall. They were offered the old grange for dances at least through December. They started lessons on September 17th. The Shufflers will have their Halloween Dance on October 26th. They participated in the Prineville Street Jam chili cookoff and won third prize. The Sundown Round Dance Club had a successful dance in August and are planning another special dance with guest cuers. Central Oregon participated in the Deschutes County Fair and were paid $150 to do so. The Council will be picking the next Round of the Month on October 7th. Please note the Central Oregon Round-Up had to change its dates for the 2003 event to the third weekend in August. It will again be held in Prineville. They also purchased a parade trailer with the help of the Federation.
EASTERN OREGON AREA COUNCIL. Lorene Griffith thanked the Federation for the card. Hermiston Square Knots are still dancing the first Friday of the month in Hermiston. They are planning the Hat Rock Dance on May 30, 31 and June 1 in 2003. Lessons are scheduled to begin in October. The Ione Grand Squares are making changes, but are still dancing in Ione, Condon and Rock Creek. She asked everyone planning to visit to watch the OFN for the schedule. They will dance at the Ione Legion Hall in October, November and February. She announced she was bowing out as delegate but had enjoyed the many friendships and had a wonderful time serving.
RAY AND BETTY JONES. Ray noted the "nip in the air" and scent of rain meant it was time to head south! They plan to go south via Wyoming and Four Corners, then through New Mexico and on to Yuma for the winter. They had a busy summer dancing, visiting and enjoying the beautiful state of Oregon. They invited everyone to visit them in Arizona.
DON AND KAREL MORRIS. Marilyn read Don and Karel's report, highlighting they were attending a family reunion in Minden, Nebraska, where they will visit Pioneer Village. They will then travel to Branson, Missouri, Houston, Texas, and head back home through Denver, Colorado, visiting friends and family along the way. They will spread the word about Oregon square dancing at Lolo, Montana, and at the 23rd Annual Nebraska State Square and Round Dance Convention. Before they left to travel, they attended the South Coast Area meeting and picnic on beautiful sunny day, with a good turn-out and more than enough food!
BENJAMIN AND PENNY BROWN. Marilyn also read Benjamin and Penny Brown's report. They congratulated Kay Rogers and all the new board members initiated at this State Meeting. Since Summer Festival, they took their 8 year old grandson on a one month trip through Washington, Idaho, Glacier National Park in Montana, an Escapees Fun Days in Great Falls, Montana and Yellowstone National Park. They had a great time and finding it's fun to travel with a grandchild ONE at a time! They also went camping at Cove Palisades with the rest of their family in August. After several doctor appointments and medical tests for Benjamin, the doctor finally released him on August 30th and they left the Portland area on Tuesday, September 3rd, traveling north to visit Benjamin's parents, then east to Riverton and Thermopolis, Wyoming and on to the Winnebago manufacturer in Forest City, Iowa, then further east through Illinois, Indiana and into Ohio where they are currently attending an Escapees Escapade in Van Wert, Ohio. They plan to attend the square dance functions sponsored by the Escapees Square Dance Birds of a Feather. They send lots of square dance hugs.
DICK AND MARGE PENTECOST. Marilyn read highlights from Dick and Marge's final report as active Goodwill Ambassadors, noting they truly enjoyed their term and thanking Barbi and Lee for giving them the privilege and honor of serving. They have participated in Portland Area Council meetings, the annual Carson Campout with the Columbia Gorge Plus Club, the Fort Dalles Riders, Washington State Festival, the Circle 8 Dance Ranch at CleElum, Washington, in USA West, Boise, Idaho, the Bachelor Beauts and the Swinging Mountaineers.
RAY AND ZOLA JONES. Zola told a story about Ray, a diehard Beaver fan, retrieving a Duck flag in Alaska (especially for the benefit of diehard Duck fans Lee Ashwill and Floyd Bard). After the Federation meeting held at Summer Festival, they left for Alaska in their motor home and were gone over two and a half months, traveling 7,050 miles! They took in all the sights; saw lots of animals - moose, caribou, deer, eagles, foxes, mountain Dahl sheep, mountain goats and black bears, and Ray having an up close encounter with a huge grizzly bear while taking pictures of salmon at a state park. They took flyers with registration forms for Oregon's Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals and the 2005 National Convention and left them at the Northernmost Square Dance Hall in Fairbanks, at the Square Dance Hall in Anchorage and in Valdez where they attended a special square dance during their annual "Gold Rush Days" celebration. There were three couples from Eugene at this dance, plus two other couples from Oregon. They also left flyers in Chilliwack, British Columbia as quite a few dancers from this area used to come down for Mid-Winter Festival and other special dance weekends in Oregon. She concluded by saying they were especially glad to help welcome everyone to their Area for this September State Meeting! Ray thanked Gary and Betty Willoughby and the Wagon Wheelers for hosting last evening's dinner and dance.
AL AND FRAN WESTPHAL. Fran congratulated Kay and Jim and thanked Linda for the honor of being Goodwill Ambassadors. On behalf of Lorene and George Griffith, she reminded everyone that there will be a past officers potluck reunion next Saturday at Jack and Ilene Brinson's home near Bend - anyone who has taken an office now becomes a past officer and are invited to the potluck (details are in the OFN). She noted that in the past two weeks the Federation has lost past state officers Ruth Nogle (she and Nick were tenth Federation president from the Sunset Area) and past Lincoln-Tillamook delegate Helen Bernard. She also advised that Don Young, who now permanently resides in Yuma, is ill. Al also thanked Linda for the honor bestowed on he and Fran. Al gave a detailed report on square dancing in Yuma, Arizona, noting there is a Yuma Square and Round Dance Association with every dancer in Yuma being members - there are no clubs. Over the past two years, several key figures in Yuma dancing are Oregon transplants or part-time residents, including callers, cuers and officers. Dancing goes on every day and evening, with a variety of halls with good floors and sound equipment. The Association sponsors several special dances beginning with a November hamburger barbecue and casual dance, the February Yuma Festival, and going on through March with a free dance to end the dance. The 53rd Yuma Festival will be held on February 14th, 15th and 16th, 2003, at the Convention Center, with on-site RV parking and vendors. Al invited everyone to join.
Kay asked that everyone thank Linda Lambert for her services for filling the presidency for the last year.
Gary Willoughby said Betty had distributed 2003 Mid-Winter flyers to everyone to take back to area clubs and he asked that everyone pre-register before leaving today.
Barbara Schaumburg, representing Round Dance Screening Committee, said she had been chair for a few years. She asked why she doesn't get to vote at Federation meetings. Tim Roberts explained it was because she is an appointed officer, rather than elected. She felt she worked just as hard as others and should have a vote. Kay said it would be a good idea to consider a change that would allow appointed officers to vote, but it would require some investigation.
Floyd Bard thought this meeting went very well, with a great installation officers. However, he wondered if a vote was called for if the actual vote was to be recorded in the minutes, to which Tim responded negatively. He believed there was at least one illegal vote as only elected officers and delegates could vote and he thought non-elected officers were voting. He suggested a past practices of having voting paddles would eliminate this problem. Linda clarified the reason the Parliamentarian counted the votes was to ensure only those legal votes were counted.
Carolyn Bosch advised there were more State Directories available at $2.00 apiece.
Zola Jones, Emerald Empire, suggested the solo ribbons discussed for Summer Festivals might be purchased in bulk, with any remaining being sold to the upcoming Festival Committee. The color would be the same each year and could thus be recognized as solo ribbons.
Harold Kleve, the new Caller Advisor, corrected his phone number in the State Directory on page 13, which is 503-640-5140.
Jan Steele, OFN Editor, asked that anyone going South for the winter contact her to change mailing addresses so the OFN magazine doesn't come back to her. She asked that everyone encourage area clubs to use the OFN to advertise special dances and other events. The magazine is averaging 36% advertising and is allowed 75% advertisements. Increases in the percentage of advertising help support the magazine. She welcomed Kay as new president. She gave Linda flowers to honor her for all she has done over the past year. Kay encouraged everyone in attendance to subscribe to the OFN.
Tim Roberts, Parliamentarian, said that printed copies of Larry's report showing corrections needed for Practices & Procedures were available.
Marie Dorsey, Sweethome Squarenaders, said they are having an OFN subscription dance on October 12, 2002, in Sweethome.
Marilyn asked anyone who hadn't picked up packets from the "bucket" to please do so before leaving today.
ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Cobb
Recording Secretary