Meeting brought to order by President Kay Rogers at 9:00 AM.
MOTION by Linda Lambert
I move that we have Jodene Hughes sit in as recording secretary for this meeting. Seconded. Motion carried.
ROLL CALL taken by recording secretary Jodene Hughes.
Officers: All present except Barbie (Dave) Cooper, 2nd Vice President.
Appointed Officers: All present except Dave (Kathy) Krause, Education; Barbara (Tom) Wines, Historian; Jim (Avis) Kinkaid, State Trailers; Dennis (Elaine) Smith, ORDTA.
Delegates: All present except Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell, Central Oregon.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Ray & Betty Jones, Benjamin & Penny Brown and Al & Fran Westphal.
INVOCATION: Past President Linda Lambert
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Carolyn Bosch
MOTION by Rex Bounds
I move that we accept the minutes as distributed. Seconded by Kathy Buczkowski. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT Kay & Jim Rogers
Thank you to the Umpqua Council for the terrific meeting place and wonderful dinner and dance last night. Such beautiful country. I always look forward to coming down here for our meeting.
Jodene Hughes will be taking over for Nancy Cobb, who has resigned as secretary. We thank you Nancy, for the great job you have done for us and we will miss you. We also thank Jodene for coming in and taking over this job. She has been our secretary in the past and we are happy to have her back.
I apologize for the oversight on my part at the September meeting. I have a gift for Linda Lambert and a hearty Thank You from the Federation for her services as President.
I hope all of you are going to have a wonderful holiday season, blessed with friends, such as we are. Please drive carefully and remember to include new dancers in your plans.
I would also like to ask the delegates and officers to go back to their clubs and ask them if they would consider having a collection can for 2005 National Convention. We would like to rent the ice rink at Lloyd Center for a dance. The cost to rent the ice rink is above and beyond what we planned, so if your clubs would like to donate funds to help the 2005 National Convention be able to do that it would be great. They are not obligated to, but if they would like to help with that project it would be wonderful. Dancing there would be great exposure for square dancing. THINK POSITIVELY!!
1ST VICE PRESIDENT Carolyn & Bob Bosch
I too, would like to thank the Umpqua Area. That was a wonderful meal and dance and would like to thank you for your hospitality. I also, would like to say that I attended the most fabulous dance this past month in Seaside. If any of you get a chance mark your calendars for the Seaside Sashay. I also have directories for sale at $2.00 a book; they make wonderful Christmas gifts or door prizes. Come see me I would be glad to take your money.
2003 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Gary & Betty Willoughby
Planning for the 2002 Mid-Winter Festival continues on schedule.
The program book is complete, and we have several boxes of them available for you to take with you to distribute to dancers in your area.
The contract with the Fairgrounds is signed. All is ready to go there.
We have a meeting scheduled at 5:00 PM today at the Extension Office in Eugene. At that time we will have reports from all of the Committee Chairmen. At this time, we see no problems, and we expect that all committees are on track. We have two areas that we need help with, those being the Ticket Booth and the RV Pre-Registration table. If we are unable to fill those positions, we will have to assign individuals that are already working in other areas.
Ribbons sales as of the end of October were not too encouraging. By October 2001 there were 228 ribbons sold; as of October 30, 2002 there were 190 sold. We realize that the big influx of ribbon orders will begin within the next two weeks, so we will continue to remain positive in our expectations.
We look forward to seeing all of you in Eugene next January for the 2003 Mid-Winter Festival. It is going to be Magic.
2003 SUMMER FESTIVAL Dave & Jodene Hughes
On behalf of Summer Festival 2003 we would also like to thank the Umpqua Council for a wonderful weekend. We are just working our way through, before we do our big push during and after Mid-Winter. We would encourage those who didn't raise your hand to get their ribbons for Mid-Winter because I will not talk to you about Summer Festival until I see Mid-Winter ribbons first.
Kathy & Buzz, who are our Co-chairman, are doing most of the work, we just kind of sit over in Eastern Oregon because the phones, roads and mail service doesn't work over there, so they have to do all of the work. Kathy has distributed flyers for each club in your council, so if you would take those back and distribute them we would appreciate that.
We talked about hats. This is Western Oregon and you need hats to keep your head covered during the winter, so Buzz's job was to go out and get some hats that we could market and make some money and this is what he came back with. Buzz will sell these hats for $5.00 and I will charge you $6.00. They will keep you heads dry if you stay in side. We are having a good time. We hope to see all of you at Mid-Winter, where we will be out in force.
2004 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Aaron & Linda Gibbens
Plans are proceeding as scheduled. We are putting together the budget. We are planning the callers and cuers and things are going just fine.
2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
We are working on ideas for flyers and promotional ideas and we are right on track. More to come in 2003.
Status on our New Printer... Western Web Press... I spoke with the owner, Johnny, regarding our breakdown to begin the process of changing our magazine production and layout over to them beginning the first couple weeks of January 2003. Our first OFN edition with a completely "REFRESHED LOOK" with Western Web Press, will be coming out with our February 2003 issue. We hope that our readers will enjoy the change.
I am now in the process of getting the data of files, directory ads of clubs, etc. all transferred over to our new printer... what an incredible process.
Another area of importance with changing printers was how we handle our mailing periodicals. I was extremely concerned about change over to mailing "bulk mail" with Western Web Press, and did many hours of research to understand that in my findings with USPS, that once we have had a "Second Class Mailing Permit", you truly don't want to let go of it, if not necessary. I discussed with Johnny that we should not change our mailing permit to "bulk mail" and agreed with me that we certainly should keep it and they would not have a problem processing our monthly paperwork for "Second Class Mailing" from Castle Rock, WA.
The next step that has to be taken is to secure the paperwork for changing our point of entry from Dayton Post Office to Castle Rock, WA. This will be in motion approximately January 2003.
Meetings... Floyd Bard (OFN Advisory Chairman) and I met for lunch with George and Edwina Meitzen of Dayton Tribune on November 22, 2002 to discuss with them personally how we will need to make our transition to the new printers, so it can go as smoothly as possible. Also, we discussed how grateful and honored it has been through the years for the Oregon State Federation to have worked with them since November of 1967, in the printing of our monthly magazine. (A very tender and emotional relationship is connected with them and several individuals also). We informed them that we would like to honor them at Mid-Winter Festival on Saturday evening during the evening ceremonies. Details need to be discussed amongst my OFN Advisory committee prior to Mid-Winter 2003.
Advertising Accounting Ledgers... I had a phone conversation with Financial Advisor, Roger Newell at the beginning of October 2002 and discussed our plan of action to stay in direct communication on what his role was to oversee the accounting ledgers with the Advertising Dept. We originally discussed that we would attempt to meet around the 29th of October, but my schedule did not allow us to meet at that time.
I sent an email to Roger informing him that I would leave the past few months OFN's and accounting ledgers to cross reference to, at the Dayton Tribune for him to be able to pick up at his convenience. They remained at Dayton until just this past week, as I was with the understanding that he did not receive my email until recently. This has delayed him in beginning his audit on the advertising ledgers.
Technical Equipment... The OFN Office is operating as normal. I will report for the 3d time that the scanner still needs the technical attention of Tim Roberts. As I have stated before in previous reports that it has stopped communicating with the computer. So, I still need to have Tim Roberts work out a time schedule to come out to the OFN Office to trouble shoot the problem.
Postcard Renewals... the reason why our monthly numbers of subscribers keep fluctuating is partly due to the fact that each month we have a different number expired subscribers. These are the amount of expired subs so far this fall... September = 32; October = 45; November = 29 which makes a total of 106 subscriptions that could have been added to our mail out total.
OFN Postage... The OFN balance is $1,555.48 as of October 25, 2002 for the November OFN mailing. October was 60 pages/mailed 1,075 copies = $297.20 40% Advertising
November was 60 pages/mailed 1,065 copies - $292.06 20% Advertising. December in progress as of this report.
Subscriptions... we continue to receive subscription renewals. We have picked up with receiving new subscriptions. These totals are from Sept. 2002 - Nov. 15, 2002.
TOTAL New Subs: 29 - Student Subs: 2 - Renewal Subs: 49 (3 are 3 yrs) - Gift Cert: 6
Deposits... Combined for Sept. 02 - Oct. 02 - Nov. 02 - Dec. 02. Subscriptions $951, Nov. in progress; Advertisements $4,463.80 + $977.80 undeposited for December. Not including... December ads undeposited and November subscriptions in progress for a total deposit of $5,414.80.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT Barbie & Dave Cooper (Absent)
No Report.
I would like to thank everyone for the warm welcome and it is good to be back.
Remember to submit any club secretary changes to me soon so I can get an early start on getting envelopes ready. Remember that the ballots will not be certified anymore but will contain a return postcard to let me know that the ballot was received.
I have sent a lot of cards since our last meeting. There have been about three to four a week since our last meeting.
Ray Fenn-LaGrande | Beth Christiansen-Hillsboro |
Cathy Pochatko-Klamath Falls | Larry Schaumburg-Portland |
Beuna McKee-Keizer | Ray Bunch-Keizer |
Kevin Day-Sutherlin | Nancy Cobb-Sutherlin |
JoAnn Hinkle-Salem | Don Young-Yuma, AZ |
Keith Schiewe-Portland | Nancy Kinzey-White Salmon |
Loretta Flint-Aloha | Kirby Goode-Eugene |
Family of Nancy Sand-Vancouver | Family of Ray Nichols-Junction City |
Janne Norton-Oregon City (Uncle) | Larry Schaumburg-Portland (Nephew) |
Susi Kendrick-The Dalles (Father) | Doug Hartzell-Bend (Father) |
Elaine Funk-Grants Pass (Mother) | Chris Funk-Salem (Grandmother) |
Family of Chet Martin-Coos Bay | Beulah Dallas-White Salmon, WA (Father) |
Patty & Lewis Key-Milton Freewater (Grandson) | |
Ronnie Wiser & Family of Joe Maxwell-Newberg |
The display for Oklahoma City is in the works. Kay and Jim Rogers are working on the Oregon Federation display. I have or will be talking to Kathy Roberts about the 54th National Convention display. We are awaiting the arrival of the request for tables from the Education Committee in Oklahoma City. It should be out soon. If you plan on attending the Convention next June, stop by the Showcase and see what these talented people came up with to showcase Oregon.
The Treasurer that was elected at the annual meeting in June has resigned due to health problems. So the Treasurer that went out of office has been appointed to fulfill the rest of term through June 2003. I have just received an email that the Western Region Vice President has also resigned due to health problems and I do not know what the status of that new appointment is. As soon as I know I will let everyone know.
I am not going to the winter meeting in January, as it is the same weekend as Mid-Winter. They are going to spend time with legislators; regarding the Folk Dance and as a personal choice I don't vote.
TREASURER REPORT Bill & Annandale Rooper
For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file. Roger Newell has completed audit report and the tax return was filed on time. Last years tax return was assessed a penalty of $1,840.00 for late filing, but the IRS forgave it after I sent a letter begging it off.
Thank you, Umpqua that was a wonderful meal and dance. From the September meeting I have two out of three clubs that were out of compliance, that have applied for reinstatement with the state corporation. They were the Re-Vu-N-Q and the Buckaroo's. I have not had any phone calls from the Lords and Ladies of Rogue-Sis-Q, whether or not they are filing. I have talked with Rex Bounds, the area delegate and let him be aware of it. I have also instructed our Insurance Chairman, Judy Gelmstedt, that she cannot accept any insurance money as far as insuring them until we get them in compliance with the state.
INSURANCE Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos
Thank you, we had a very nice time last night. I want to say thank you to all the delegates who got there reports back on time. To date we have eleven in and two still outstanding. One thing that I would like to say, is please read the instructions, send back the right forms.
PAST PRESIDENT Linda & Ralph Lambert
I would like to thank the Umpqua Area for hosting this weekend. Since my family lives in the area it is wonderful to get the opportunity to visit not only with my square dance friends but also get a little time with family members.
I have taken a little bit of a breather since the September meeting. In a way it is nice to not have the responsibilities of President. I have however distributed nomination packets to all of my committee members. Also, you will find in your packets two copies of the nomination forms so all officers, delegates and committee chairmen can participate in the nomination process. The entire nomination committee asks that you distribute the forms to persons in your area who are interested in a state office or whom you feel would be good candidates. Please feel free to make as many extra copies as you need, remember the original is in your practices and procedures manual if you run out.
I am still collecting ballots for the Randall Award through this meeting. I have only received ballots from 11 councils. This is the responsibility of the delegate to cast their vote on the official ballot.
Ralph and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and we look forward to seeing everyone at the Mid-Winter Festival in January.
There were a few minor changes to the P&P's as the result of the September meeting, but I'm going to hold off on releasing a printed update until Mid-Winter because there are some things I want to address.
For example, the Recording Secretary's job description still includes a paragraph that requires her/him to keep the cassette tapes from the September 1995 Federation meeting in which we voted to set aside $25,000 for a possible future convention bid. Since we are now using that money, I'd like to propose deleting that section.
Also, Kay, with Clara's help, has written a very good set of instructions on how to bring a club into the Federation, and I'd like to include that.
MOTION by Jodene Hughes
Madame President, I move that the Recording Secretary no longer be required to keep the cassette tapes from the September 1995 Federation meeting. Seconded by Linda Lambert. Motion carried.
I acknowledge and thank Umpqua Council for your warm hospitality, generosity and lively dancing.
I received a call from a Las Vegas dancer inquiring about our Mid-Winter Festival and any other January Oregon dances. I mailed her a Mid-Winter registration form and program book.
I emailed the board members with email, a 2002-03 Publicity Form and distributed copies out at the meeting. I request each club publicity person submit to me a special club event, special dance/event, lesson information, jamborees and square dancing ideas, including your council, club, name of dance/event date, time, cost, caller & cuer. Note…my OFN submission date is the 10th for the following months OFN edition.
An Audit of the Financial Records for the period of September 01, 2001 through August 31, 2002 was completed. During this time frame, we lost Don Reed and Bill Rooper stepped in to cover the treasurer duties. Bill has done an outstanding job of identifying and reconciling financial documentation. The overall report is satisfactory. The Profit and Loss Statements and Balance sheet report with modifications were submitted at the September 2002 meeting. A review of 142 payments was completed with several minor discrepancies noted. (Documentation: 4 invoices are completed in pencil, 3 payments with no invoices (email requests only), 4 miscellaneous payments with no approval, 7 payments for cooperative Advertising paid during October 2001 with no approval, 1 check was not countersigned (162 checks reviewed). Review of bank statements confirms $45,000 in 5 CD's maturing incrementally during the year.
There were several areas of concern. 1. Found one over payment ($1.00) for Cooperative Advertising. 2. Payments made to Dayton Tribune (OFN) were from copies not original of monthly statements. Also, there was no recognized approval for payment. Recommend insuring proper documentation is received when we switch to new vendor. I would also recommend the board provide blanket approval to treasurer for payment. The Treasurer could then annotate the approval on invoices. 3. Procedures for insurance payments need to be reviewed. I was not able to determine whether invoices or billings were received. Last year the Insurance Chairman was authorized to approve requests for checks. The current chairman is not an officer authorized to request checks. Recommend procedures be established to insure proper requests and approvals are in place. Bill should be commended for the outstanding job he is doing for the State Federation.
I am currently reviewing the OFN financial records with Jan Steele. I find no major problems and will continue to discuss findings with Jan. She is doing a great job of tracking Ads to payments. I should have more to report at the next meeting
New email address:
EDUCATION ADVISOR David & Kathy Krause (Absent)
No report.
HISTORIAN Barbara & Tom Wines (Absent)
No report.
BMI/ASCAP Ralph & Linda Lambert
No report.
My wife and I went to the Canby Cloverleaf's dance the Turkey Trot. There were 10 squares of teens dancing. The group from North Vancouver came down. Bob Dalman brought down 35 youth to dance with us. They did a flag exchange with us. The Canadian youth gave out pins from Canada and the Canadians received dangles from the Turkey Trot. It was really exciting.
I would also like to bring up to the delegates from the area council, we are looking for a way for the youth that attend Mid-Winter and Summer Festival can have their after party without having to pay for it out of their pockets. So, what I am asking is that all the delegates go back to their councils with the suggestion that the councils make a donation to a fund that would be administered by the State so the youth can have their after parties without having to pay for it themselves. Because the future of our activity relies on our youth. They are the ones that cannot afford to go to the after parties, especially with families that have multiple children that would like to go but can't due to the cost.
If you could let me know if there is any special youth activities going on in your council, my wife and I would like to try and attend whenever we can.
Kay Rogers has advised Peter to request funds from the TVC and the PAC. They have youth funds that were established a few years ago, so he will request funds from that to help offset expenses at Mid-Winter. It would be great if other council would contribute to a youth fund.
Lee Ashwill mentioned that MWA has funds available.
Gary Willoughby also encouraged the delegates to take this request back to the councils.
STATE TRAILERS Jim & Avis Kinkaid (Absent)
No report
ORDTA Dennis & Elaine Smith (Absent-Report Sent in)
ORDTA held their fall meeting on October 12, 2002, in Springfield. Several topics were discussed including: mentoring, the "Weavers" email list, software for writing cue sheets, the upcoming Round of the Month selections, Mini Lab, and NSDC 2005. Mid Winter topics were also discussed, including the "So You Want to be a Cuer" session to be held by ORDTA. John and Suzette Juhring were accepted as new members. Nominations are open for next year's positions. ORDTA is considering sponsoring a dance. This is still in the idea stage.
ORDTA's next meeting will be held Saturday morning, January 25, at 9 AM in the Round Dance Hall at Mid Winter. ORDTA would like to encourage any and all interested in becoming cuers and/or instructors to attend the "So You Want to be a Cuer" clinic Saturday afternoon at 3 PM in Expo Hall 2.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
ROM for December 2002
Written by: Yasuyo Watanabe - Japan
ROM for January 2003
Written by: Mike Seurer
ROM for February 2003
Written by: Dave & Barbie Cooper
ROM for March 2003
Written by: Jack & Na Stapleton
Email notification, certificates & post cards have been sent out. Cue Sheets were sent to the Promenade Shop & OFN.
In the last year I have been having a few problems getting the ROM information to the right person. I have found that the person I send the information to is no longer doing that job & the information is forwarded to another cuer or returned to me with out a selection being chosen. I have written letters to some of the cuer coordinators around the state that over sees the selection of the ROM for their area. All letters have been returned to me with the correct information added.
I need to have a ROM coordinator names for the Lincoln-Tillamook & Umqpua Areas. The person for Lincoln-Tillamook area is retiring the end of the year. The person for the Umqpua Area has already quit and has moved to another state. I would appreciate it if those delegates for these two councils would get in touch with the council presidents and make them aware of the situation. If they could notify me as soon as someone is chosen for their area. Notify me by snail mail, email or phone that would be a great help. If the councils don't have a ROM coordinator to see that a ROM selection is made, then the ROM for their area is chosen by the round dance screening committee.
CALLER ADVISOR Harold & Barbara Kleve
I will report on the status of North Willamette Callers and Cuers Association. I understand that the membership of the other callers and cuers associations are down as well. The NWCC in the next year will drop their membership in the PAC and the Oregon Federation. The basic reason is financial. Our membership dues is our only source of income, so as membership drops, so does our operating funds. One of our biggest expenses is the State insurance. I think we spent $230.00 for that. It is my understanding that the insurance does not do us any good on the stage, where we spend most of our time. By being a member of the Federation and the PAC, we are treated like a dance club and we are not a dance club, but an association of Callers and Cuers. Not only do we have to pay insurance that does us little good and if we needed it, we can get it through our local club. They only good it does is that we are listed in the State Directory, which we really don't need either. So in order to cut expenses we are going to find the association dropping and also, possibly changing how often we meet. So we will either cut expenses or raise our dues and it is not likely that we will raise our dues. The purpose of this association is the self-improvement of callers and cuers. It is not sponsoring dances.
The Oregon Trail Board and the volunteers of the 54th National Square Dance Convention (54th NSDC) are working diligently on all areas that can be accomplished at this time. They are willingly giving of their time and resources to bring the best possible Convention to Portland, OR in June 2005. All they ask of you is that you assist by purchasing an advance registration and help in the selling of advance registrations to all dancers you come into contact with.
There are proposed areas that we find to be very exciting. First, in the Education area, the Education Committee is planning a "First Timers" get together. This gathering will introduce those attending their first National Square Dance Convention to the happenings of a Convention. It will start with a "get acquainted" session and then proceed into a "Forum" process where the Ins and Outs of a National Square Dance Convention will be shared.
The second area is on that we are not advertising outside Oregon and Washington until the program of the 53rd National Square Dance Convention in Denver is set. Oregon is well known for Trail Blazing and we hope to continue that trend, therefore, we do not want a Convention prior to the 54th NSDC using this idea as theirs. The Vice-Chairman of Youth has proposed this idea and we believe it is an excellent one. At some point during the Convention, a two-hour block of time will be scheduled in one of the main halls to "Showcase Youth Callers." This will allow all youth callers interested to perform on a stage in a main hall with the chance to perform before the adult population as well as any youth wanting to attend. We keep voicing the fact that the youth are our future and we are willing to put our schedule where our mouth is.
Barbi and I will be presenting an Educational Seminar in Hall 3A at the 2003 Mid-Winter Festival. This Seminar is entitled "What is a National Square Dance Convention and How Can I Help?" This Seminar is scheduled from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Saturday and we encourage all to attend. For those who have not attended a National Square Dance Convention, we hope to provide you with enough information to wet your appetite to attend. We hope this will cause you to want to volunteer to help and be a part of this historic event. There is no such thing as too much help and there is a job for everyone. We hope to see you all there.
Lee Ashwill presented Summer Festival 2003 with the split the pot aprons that the MWA area made for 2002 Summer Festival. These aprons are to be passed on to the next Summer Festival. If the next Summer Festival does not wish to have them, they are to be returned to MWA.
Marilyn Schmit - the display for Oklahoma City is in the works. Kay and Jim Rogers are working on the Oregon Federation display. I have or will be talking to Kathy Roberts about the 54th National Convention display. We are awaiting the arrival of the request for tables from the Education Committee in Oklahoma City. It should be out soon. If you plan on attending the convention next June, plan on stopping by and see what these talented people came up with to showcase Oregon.
HOST DELGATE REPORT Darlene "Dar" Sconce
The delegates discussed the motions that are going to be presented at this meeting.
MOTION by Linda Lambert
Madame President, I move that the Oregon Federation discontinue the use of the 1-800 information telephone number. MOTION FAILED for lack of second.
MOTION by Linda Lambert
Madame President, I move that the Festival Emergency Fund be changed to the Summer Festival Emergency Fund. Seconded by Rex Bounds.
Discussion: Linda Lambert made the comment that this is a housekeeping motion. By renaming the fund it brings it in line with the renaming of the Festival Loan Fund, that was done at the September meeting. This also removes any doubt as to which festival the fund is to be set aside for.
Madame President, I would like to amend my motion. I would like to amend the motion to combine the Summer Festival Emergency Fund and the Emergency Fund and the Festival Emergency Fund into a Festival Emergency Fund.
Discussion: Linda Lambert, the reason for this is, it has been pointed out to me, and as I remember also, that several years ago Mid-Winter pulled their portion of Mid-Winter funds out. So what is left in that Mid-Winter Festival Fund is the Federations money. And then we have the other fund, so if we just make it a Festival Emergency Fund, then we can use it for any Festival, it won't make any difference. That wasn't pointed out to me when the original motion was made. That is the reason for my amendment.
Kay Rogers - If my memory serves me correctly, this is the Mid-Winter Emergency Fund of $5,224.00 that is shown on our financial statement. And the $1,148.00 Contingency Fund shown on our financial statement is that right Bill. Is it just the $5,224.00?
Bill Rooper - To my knowledge we had a an Emergency or Contingency Fund that was closed out last meeting and transferred to the Emergency Fund. I don't have any knowledge of a Summer Festival Emergency Fund. I think we need to go back and check.
Kay Rogers - Summer Festival Emergency Fund has been previously dispensed or disbursed through previous motions. At this time would take the $5,224.00 Mid-Winter Emergency Fund and would place that in the Emergency Fund, which would represent all of our Emergency Funds including any Mid-Winter or Summer Festival Emergency money. Does that make it clearer?
MOTION by Bob Bosch
Madame President, I move that we table this motion until Summer Festival 2003. So that we can get the accounting history on this and make sure that it is complete. Seconded by Dave Hughes. Motion carried.
Marilyn Schmit regarding Arts & Crafts - MWA is the host Council for the September 2003 installation of officers. In my opinion we have lots of talented people within the Federation and as part of our Saturday happenings, in addition to the Insurance and the get together. I would like to see the dancer of the Oregon Federation bring their arts and crafts to (tentatively Lebanon) we will find out at our MWA meeting tomorrow night. I would like them to bring their arts and crafts and exhibit them to show them what they do in there off time. We know that there are a lot of talented dancers in our area. If you bring things to sell, I would ask that you donate a portion of that to the State Benefit Dance or just bring your things to exhibit. I have been given the okay to go ahead with this project. I would like to have some feed back from the delegates. Please take this back to your clubs and let me know what they think. My email address is on the front cover of the OFN. I would like to have some feed back on the proposal.
Kay Rogers said that the Parliamentarian pointed out that since there were no motions in order, this should have been under the Good of the Order.
Dave Hughes. Contrary to my best interest, I think that we need a motion to seat Jodene Hughes for the next two meetings to fill out the position as secretary.
Kay Rogers..I have been advised that under my report, appointing Jodene Hughes to fill that position is sufficient. But thank you for you input.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL Darlene "Dar" Sconce
The Umpqua Area Council was pleased and happy that you all could come and join our dance. I hope you had a good time and found your accommodations in Roseburg comfortable.
In December of this year at the nations capitol, a magnificent 70-foot Douglas Fir that was obtained from the Umpqua National Forest will be placed on the White House lawn. This gift at your place is a smaller version of the ornament that the Umpqua Council made for this tree. The Council made over 35 of these figures that were hand painted, in various colors of the Umpqua area clubs. These ornaments will be placed on the tree along with 6,000 ornaments made around the state. I want to give a special thanks to Lloyd and Kay Trudeau who were instrumental in coordinating this project. If you will look at the clock the figures are a little larger than the ones we sent for the tree.
All the clubs in the area are working very hard at promoting square dancing in Douglas County. We have two clubs that are holding beginning lessons. One club is holding plus lessons and a third club will join in having lessons. We are also going to have a new dancers dance in January. We are looking into having some community service work, such as participating in the Relay for Life, which is in July and looking at having a square dance team who will also do some dancing in the talent contest.
LaGrande Star Promenaders hosted their annual Hobo Dance with everyone bringing something for the stew pot, which is always so good. We vote on the best-dressed hobo. They get their name on the rotating hobo plaque. We also vote on a hobo King & Queen, to reign over the event. The hall was uniquely decorated with opened cans hanging from the ceiling on fishing line. It was a real fun evening.
Elkhorn Swingers are hosting a Christmas Dinner and Dance this year. The LaGrande Star Promenaders will be joining them. We have been alternate with this activity for a few years and have worked out well. We always have a visit from the jolly little man wearing a red suit.
Blue Mountain Council will be meeting on November 30th to finalize plans for hosting the State Meeting next spring. Information will be handed out at our Federation meeting in January.
CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL Doug & LaDauna Hartzell (Absent)
Report given by Marilyn Schmit
The Central Oregon Council has not had a meeting since August, so will report what news we have for the area.
Sagebrush Shufflers graduated their beginner dancers on November 9th with 10 beginners in attendance and lots of Angels. Their Halloween Dance was small but fun and attended by the local clubs.
They are now preparing for their New Year's Eve Dance on December 31st, which is always a lot of fun.
The new community hall will be starting to build soon, the ground has been "broken" and they are ready to get started. They will be able to dance in the old hall thru the end of the year but may be looking for a temporary "home" until the new community center is built.
Highlake Swingers have not had a delegate at the council meeting for a couple of months, so no report at this time.
Bachelor Beauts recently lost a couple of their long-time members: Jim Maddox and Leonard Crofoot.
The Bachelor Beauts had their annual Thanksgiving potluck dinner on November 6th. They also held a used square dance clothing sale and an arts and crafts sale during their dinner.
They have several dances coming up: their Pumpkin Pie night on November 16th; Teddy Bear Dance on December 20th and Casino Night on January 4th.
They will be starting square dance lessons on Thursday, January 2, 2003 at the Pine Forest Grange.
Red Rock Squares have been busy with various activities. Several members spent two Saturdays working on a house for Habitat for Humanity. A really rewarding experience.
The Redmond Grange is rising fast from the ashes and the walls are up and they are moving right along. We will be in contact with them soon about dancing in the new hall.
The Red Rocks will be dancing on the float in the Christmas Parade the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This is always a fun time, however, can be a CCCOOLD time too. We almost always have at least two squares, lots of fun and exposure.
Red Rocks will be starting their lessons on Sunday January 6th, 2003 at the Clog Hall from 1 to 3 PM.
The Red Rocks are doing a Christmas potluck this year from all members, families and past members who do not dance anymore. This will be on December 8th at the Terrebonne Grange.
Swinging Mountaineers no report.
Central Oregon Council will be holding a Council Dance on November 30th with Steve and Patty Porter calling and cueing. This promises to be a really fun dance. If you can make it to our area, we'd sure like to have you.
Ione Grand Squares have been busy dancing and having a good time. They are working on their upcoming Christmas Dance, which will be at Rock Creek on December 14th. There will be a gift exchange-bring a pound of something at the dance.
Lessons will be starting the last part of January or the first part of February. Over in God's country, we have to wait for all the hunting to be over before lessons can start. Everyone is looking forward to a fun filled time at lessons. I am not sure who had more fun last year at lessons, the Angels or the Students.
Hermiston Square Knots are still dancing the night away. Everyone is getting ready for the Holidays and some of their dancers will be out of town in sunny Arizona visiting their grandson. It is a tough job but someone has to do it.
They started lessons in September, but due to a lack of interest and of Angels have decided to cancel them until January sometime. They will try to get the word out and let everyone know what a great time square dancing really is. Also, to let them know that they can work off those extra pounds from the Holidays, by square dancing and having fun. What a way to lose weight.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL Angie Barta & Alan Prichard
Wagon Wheelers had their 50th Birthday Dance November 2, 2002 with about six squares present with Don Marshall calling.
The Emerald Empire Council meeting for February has been canceled.
Marie Dorsey, delegate from Sweet Home Squarenaders, reported that they had five squares for their OFN subscription dance in October and they sold four subscriptions.
They also had their Turkey Dance November 9th with eleven squares. Jim Hattrick was the caller and he gave us a grand time. As usual we had lots of food and they had the dinner early this year at 6:30 PM.
Emerald Empire is having their Beginner's Jamboree, Sunday, December 1st from 2 to 5 PM, hosted by the Cascade Callers & Cuers Association.
In our Council we have two clubs holding lessons. We had a Potato Festival last month with ten to twelve squares in attendance. We had a great time.
Tall Town Travelers had a Pie Social, with Dan Black calling and lost of good pies and two squares in attendance.
We are inviting anyone who comes to our area to come to our Christmas Dance, which will be Saturday, December 14th. We are having a Russian gift exchange. You bring a gift that weighs a pound and there is a number system on how you get to that gift.
The last invitation is that the Interstate Highlanders will have a New Years Eve Dance, with a dinner, entertainment and dancing. So please come see us.
LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA Kathy & Buzz Buczkowski
Coast Swingers - November 23rd is the Turkey Cut-Up dance and May Duke will be cueing. December 14th will be the Christmas Dance with a $5.00 unisex gift exchange. January 11th will be the Retirement Dance for Bob and Jo Schindler, with an open invitation to all clubs that want to come help make it a special night for them. Then they will be dark for Mid-Winter.
Sea Twirlers - Their Birthday Dance was a fun event but the turnout was light. The members continue to travel, going to McMinnville, Leavenworth and Seaside Sashay and Portland and the valley. In the future they will be visiting around the state to publicize our Summer Festival 2003.
Toledo 49'ers - November 16th is the Thanksgiving Dance and they have invited all the class members to come for a potluck dinner and then stay for dancing at student level from 8 to 9 PM. They will also be collecting non-perishable food items to be donated to the Food Bank. Their Christmas Dance will be December 21st with a gift exchange and all the new dancers will be invited to attend. Since some of the class members miss from time to time, they may not be graduated in time for Mid-Winter. Charlotte seems to think it will be necessary to continue class time up into February. Plans are going forward for Loyalty Days, May 2 and 3, 2003 and members are getting geared up for Summer Festival 2003.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA Spencer & Barbara Lewis
The Mid-Willamette Area Fall Festival will be held Saturday November 30th at the Salem Square Dance Center. Pre-rounds begin at 7:30 PM and the square dancing at 8:00 PM.
Dave & Valerie Hauser of the Crazy Creek Rockers have encouraged each person to bring either canned food or non-perishable food items to be contributed to the Marion-Polk Counties Food Share Program.
Our area's first New Dancer's Dance this fall will be Sunday December 1st from 2 to 5 PM at the Salem Square Dance Center. The Independence Wagon Wheelers are the sponsoring club. We have heard that new dancers from Central Oregon and possibly Portland will also be attending.
Over 100 pieces of experienced square dance clothing are being put on display at our November 18th Area Council Meeting, which is held at the Salem Square Dance Center at 7:00 PM. New dancers from all area clubs are invited to come look them over and take what they wish. Donations will be given to the Horses Adaptive Riding Institute.
Mid-Willamette Area Council has been working on a special SOLO hard badge that can be attached to the regular club badge or worn separately. The purchase price will be minimal and will be available through the council for use at all area dances and festivals.
Many clubs in the PAC started lessons in September and October. By all reports, increasing numbers are taking lessons with several clubs reporting 25-30 new dancers. Jamborees are in process. B&B's had theirs on November 10th, Country Capers yesterday, the 16th, and River City Dancers are having theirs today, the 17th. Swap & Swing will be having theirs on the 23rd and the Silver Stars are having one on the 23rd and the Silver Stars Evergreen Council Dance will be on the 30th. The Checkerboard Squares will have theirs on the 24th.
The Canby Cloverleaf Teen club had an International Turkey Trot Dance, yesterday, November 16th. Caller was Bob Dallman from Ladner, BC. A busload of teen dancers came from British Columbia.
The 5th Friday PC dance will be on November 29th with George and Patty Hermann calling and cueing.
Several clubs are sponsoring New Year's Eve Dances. The Silver Stars are having their annual new dancers party, the Country Capers and River City Dancers will have mainstream dances.
The Carousel Cloggers have not renewed their membership in the State Federation and have been dropped by the Federation. They are not listed in the current State Directory.
The PAC voted to have a "youth" dance to be held sometime in March. Time and date will be in the OFN at a later date.
Plans are being made to have the Rose Festival Dance on June 1st. All details are not finalized as of this date. Look for additional information in a future OFN.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL Rex and Jeri Bounds
Due to Jeri's injury and operation on her knee we haven't been very active in our Council. Thanks for the concern.
Decembers Council meeting has been canceled. The Midway Dance is schedule for December 15th in Grants Pass for all the beginners. Following that every weekend there will be beginning level dance for our new dancers.
The Circles & Squares Birthday Dance was September 21st and was a very well attended dance. The Star Promenaders, this fall held an animal drive (stuffed) to be given to the Police Department. It was an overwhelming the amount of stuffed animals they received.
Sets In Order - Our 56th Birthday Dance was lots of fun. Dale Roberson always makes it such a good dance. We held a silent cake/goodie auction to boost the club treasury during the Birthday Dance. Lots of good-natured bid raising made it fun for all. Some of our club traveled to Canyonville to help them celebrate their Birthday Dance. Both square and round dance lessons are doing well.
Saints-N-Aints - Have enjoyed guest callers in September, October and November. Roger Putzler, Don Marshall and Ivan Koehn. Many thanks to all for the fantastic help during Sherm's absence. Our own Donna Hiserote did a fantastic job on the rounds. Square dance lessons were canceled for fall, as Sherm has to go in for back surgery. We hope all goes well and we can start our lessons in the New Year. The club is planning a visitation to Canyonville for the Pioneer's N Petticoats Birthday Dance.
Beachcombers - Traveled to Grants Pass to retrieve their banner from the Charlie Brown Squares. Hosted a pancake, scrambled egg and ham breakfast for a car club that was visiting Port Orford. Both square and round dance lessons are doing well. Lots of enthusiasm.
Jefferson State Squares - No report.
Skyloft Squares - We are very saddened by the death of our caller and friend, Chet Martin. Chet passed away on November 11th at the age of 80. He will be greatly missed by all.
I would like to say that our Seaside Sashay was very successful, partly due to those of you who showed up for the dance. We did make a small profit, which is pretty good for the second year that it took place.
Daryl Clendenin was one of the callers and I cornered him and talked with him about getting our students to stay once they have taken the lessons. He suggested that after they come to two lessons, that we make them members automatically at that time. We are considering this suggestion. No graduation or anything, they would just become part of the group at that time.
The last two years because of the Seaside Sashay, we have gone dark and just visited various clubs. It was suggested by a person in this room that we stay open and have special dances, because it is nice and cool at the coast. So we are making plans to have dances in June, July and August. There will be a flyer sent out at Mid-Winter Festival. Right now we have the Mardi gras in June, Carnival Night in July and Beach Party in August. Come to one if not all three.
Lessons are going on quite well. According to our last count we have more than 50 students in the four clubs that are producing these lessons. In December the TVC and the PAC will be having their annual dinner. This time it is the PAC hosting, thanks for that. The fifth Saturday Dance with Norm Yoder and Barbara Schaumburg will be November 30th at the IOF Hall. The New Years Eve Dance is on schedule. According to our caller advisor it will probably start about 9 PM and dance until?. There will be a Ham dinner. The caller will be Harold Kleve and Jim Steele and the cuer will be Ruth Canby.
Each one of you got a flyer about a Benefit Dance on December 8th from 1 to 4 PM for Joe Maxwell. This will be held at the Toe Draggers dance hall (Kinton Grange). Jim Steele will be the caller MC and Dave Cooper will be the cuer MC. Ronnie did not have any insurance coverage, so please come and help.
Kay Rogers, President - Would like to deviate from the agenda and hand the mike to Bonnie Berry, who would like to present a motion.
MOTION by Bonnie Berry
Madame President, I move that our next State Meeting be moved to the weekend of April 27th. (The meeting will be held in Baker City) Seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion carried.
Discussion: This is an inconvenience to the Council to switch their date around. They are doing that in difference to the State who has a Summer Festival coming up in the first weekend in June. In order to avoid two meetings, three weeks apart, they are wanting to move their meeting up. Other weekends in April were unavailable for one reason or another and March makes it to early. Is there any other discussion.
Barbi Ashwill - The May meeting is when we count ballots, so how will that be addressed if you meet prior to May 1st. Kay Rogers said that we had researched this earlier, and we are going to appoint a committee to assist in counting the ballots and the results will be announced at the June Summer Festival meeting. Also, the club information and directory packets will be due to the Membership Chairman at the Summer Festival Meeting instead of the normal May meeting. MAY MEETING WILL BE MOVED UP TO APRIL 27TH, 2003.
Ray & Betty Jones
It was a long journey, but a very nice one. The roads were in good condition, with many just repaved. We left home October 19th, and first went to Burns, Oregon and visited friends…we highly recommend The Pine Tree restaurant there, great steaks and extras. Love to see the vast flocks of Gambel Quail rushing around the residential streets in Burns. Next stop was Twin Falls, Idaho, and then on to Garden City, Utah, a quaint little resort town on Bear Lake. The town had just closed down for the winter, so it was quiet. Hunters were up in the mountains, but we watched many mule deer in a pasture right behind our RV Park on the lake. Wyoming greeted us properly, when we arrived it quickly snowed 2" and temperature got down to 22. A little cold for us. Our destination was Evanston, Wyoming where we spent 2 ˝ days with high school classmates from a long, long time ago. We visited friends and saw beautifully restored Edsels and older Ford vehicles. We then went to Moab, Utah and Canyonland National Park, which is just about as outstanding as the Grand Canyon. Also saw petroglyphs along the Green River, a properly named river as it does appear green when you look at it in the canyon. On to Cortez, Colorado (a very nice city) and a 20-mile drive up the mountain for a day at Mesa Verde National Park. The many cliff dwellings were well worth the trip. The blackened remains of earlier fires were evident throughout the park, no birds or other wildlife visible. From there to Four Corners and then trough many Indian reservations, for our last stop at Meteor Crater near Flagstaff, Arizona. The sky was threatening again, it was windy and cold, so a brief stop and then to the warmer, lower part of the state. It was 82 degrees in Yuma when we got here 2,225 miles and 10 days from our Oregon home. Last night we had 6 inches of warm rain, that's 6 inches between drops and not very many of them. We are into full swing, square and round dancing again and enjoying seeing old friends from all over Canada and the United States. We have danced every day this past week and it has been great to have the opportunity to do so. The Yuma Association's Welcome Back BBQ and dance is this coming weekend. The Reynoldson's will chair this event and we will be helping. We miss all of you and hope someday you too can enjoy the pleasures of the Southwest. Be sure and stop and see us if you are down this way. We are in the phone book. Time your visit to Yuma for Valentine's Day and you can also attend our Annual Square and Round Dance Festival. E-Mail
Don & Karel Morris
We missed the September meeting because of Karel's cousin's reunion in Nebraska. That reunion led us on a 6,800-mile 6-week trip through the Midwest. Early in the trip we stopped at the Lola Pass Square Dance Center in Idaho, received a warm welcome and managed to leave a stack of pre-registration forms for our upcoming National Con-vention. We also distributed some of those same forms at the Nebraska's equivalent of our Summer Festival.
We enjoyed 5 days in Branson seeing more shows than we could absorb and taking a cruise on Table Rock Lake on the Branson Belle sternwheeler. We arrived in Houston the same day Hurricane Isadora was coming ashore. Fortunately (for us) it veered toward the east and we only experienced windy weather. While in that area, we visited Donna Chamberlin, who will be a familiar name to many of you. She seems to be doing well, was happy to have some visitors from Oregon, and is tentatively planning to go back to school and pursue something in the nursing field. Maybe all those hours spent in and near hospitals with Lowell gave her inspiration. She said to tell everyone "hello".
We are grieving the loss of Chet Martin, our special friend and caller for Skyloft Squares. He died Monday, November 11. During lessons, especially Plus lessons, Chet would run us through paces from every which direction. There would be lots of confusion, as well as laughs. That was his version of All Position Dancing and it seemed to work. We will miss him. A memorial service will be held November 20th at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Coos Bay.
Benjamin & Penny Brown
We trust you have enjoyed your beautiful fall weather. We have been in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa and South Carolina and have had everything including tornado warning, below average temperatures, above average temperatures, wind, cold, rain, sun, warm and even one day of snow. We have had a great time seeing this beautiful country of ours.
When we started writing this report, we were traveling south on highway 75 through Kentucky. The fall colors through the rolling mountains were glorious with the trees clothed in a kaleidoscope of all shades of yellow, gold, red rust, orange and interspersed with green. It was awesome!
Since the September State meeting, we attended the Escapees Escapade in Van Wert, Ohio. While there, we attended the square dance activities and even danced in the "Ham a Rama" show, which is like a talent show. We had three squares in the show and the caller, Robert Ferguson, did a great Elvis Presley medley including costume. We gave him and his wife some registration forms for the 2005 National Convention and they said they would distribute them as they travel around the Midwest. They also plan to attend the convention in Portland.
After the Escapade, some friends gave us a great all day tour of Chicago. Chicago is a beautiful city with 29 miles of park along Lake Michigan where people can walk, jog, roller blade, and enjoy boating. We were very impressed with the area. In October, we traveled south through Indiana where all you see is corn and soybean. Then Kentucky - what a pretty state with green rolling hills and brick plantation type homes. And finally, Nashville, Tennessee where we attended a 7-day disaster Relief training taught by the Red Cross. It was very interesting and intense. We have a new respect for what Red Cross does in a disaster situation. And everything they do is FREE to the disaster client: a GIFT from the American people. We still have more training to do but our goal is to become certified in disaster Relief so we may be able to assist with disasters. Tennessee is also very pretty, lots of hills, like Portland's west hills - also lots of trees and an assortment of fall colors.
Currently, we are in South Carolina and from here we will head south to Florida to spend December and January. We wish you all Happy Holidays - a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas and a successful Mid-Winter Festival.
Ray & Zola Jones
We would also like to extend our thanks to the Umpqua Council for the wonderful food last night and Dale Roberson always calls a great dance.
We would also like to make note of other friends that we haven't seen in awhile, who were also Goodwill Ambassadors, Ken and Nancy Carson. Most of you know them, because Nancy served as an officer for a lot of years.
I would like to thank the Publicity Chair, Janice Young for bringing back being able to send in items for a special events column in the OFN. She emailed us and we emailed her right back with information about our New Dancers Dance.
Al & Fran Westphal
We write this on Saturday, November 2. Our plan is to leave for Yuma in the morning and be ready for Yuma Association's opening event of the year, a welcome back Barbecue and casual dance, followed by association meeting. This is scheduled for Sunday, November 10th. Yuma area callers and cuers will participate. Hopefully, this will include Jestins, Stutevosses, Youngs, Nobles, Tramps and Colleen Brown.
We've been back in Toledo for about ten days, following a vacation to Colorado, Utah, Nevada and California, visiting family and Arches, Canyonlands, Great Basin and Yosemite National Parks.
We were able to dance twice on the trip, both very enjoyable experiences. We joined the Palmer Plus Dancers in Colorado Springs and the Fallen Arches in Moab, Utah. We made contacts for sharing information about dancing in Oregon and Yuma.
We've also tried to continue to support our local clubs, attending Toledo 49ers and Spinning Antler regular dances and an informal plus workshop Monday evenings in Newport.
We will be missing you and thinking of you all, as you enjoy the holiday season in the beautiful Northwest.
For anyone who is able to visit Yuma, please call us or drop by. We would be so proud to introduce you to "dancing fun in the sun" in the warm and wonderful Southwest.
Our winter address and phone number are: Al and Fran Westphal, Space 83 Gila Mountain RV Park, 12325 S Frontage Rd., Yuma AZ 85367. Phone (928) 305-2726.
E-mail address:
Barbi Ashwill - The 54th National Square Dance Convention website address is as follows:
Jan Steele mentioned that her and her family would be leaving on vacation so the OFN will be on a tight schedule this next month. PLEASE have things in early (no later than the 10th). The OFN is still looking for business ads for the OFN. If you are unable to attend the Benefit Dance for Joe Maxwell, please send donations to OFN and they will make sure that Ronnie receives them. Also, you need to be looking for a new OFN Editor.
Kathy Roberts would like to ask that you bring some cookies and special goodies to the Benefit Dance, also bring recipes for those goodies.
Nancy Carson mentioned that it was good to see old friends and new faces. They are getting ready to go to sunny Arizona, so please give them flyers for upcoming events.
Buzz Buczkowski has sun visors for sale for Summer Festival 2003. Cost is $5.00.
Barbara Schaumburg thanked everyone for the cards.
MOTION by Carolyn Bosch
ADJOURN:Madame President, I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Rex Bounds. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodene Hughes
Recording Secretary