Meeting brought to order by President Kay Rogers at 9:00 AM.
This meeting is being recorded.
ROLL CALL taken by recording secretary Jodene Hughes.
Officers: All present
Appointed Officers: All present except Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg, Round Dance Screening and 2004 Summer Festival.
Delegates: All present except Reta (Phil) Harkins, Interstate Highlanders and Mary (Don) Miller, South Coast.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Ray & Betty Jones, Benjamin & Penny Brown, Don & Karel Morris and Al & Fran Westphal.
INVOCATION: Past President Linda Lambert
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Carolyn Bosch
MOTION by Kathy Buczkowski
I move that we accept the minutes as distributed. Seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT Kay & Jim Rogers
Thank you, Emerald Empire for another wonderful Mid Winter Festival. We realize how much work and planning has gone into this weekend and we appreciate your efforts. I especially enjoyed standing on stage and seeing all those wonderful smiling faces. That must have been a real thrill for Gary and Betty, too.
Thank you, all for your participation in the Education Seminar, What is a National convention and how can I help? I hope you were inspired.
We are planning our trip to Denver later this year and looking forward to having the opportunity to promote Oregon dancing there and in Utah this summer. We have distributed USA West registration forms to all of you and we hope some of you will join us in registering. This is an exciting time for Oregon with 2005 just around the corner.
I received an invitation from SOLV and have it available here for any club that is interested in putting together an event for Earth Day, April 26, 2003.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT Carolyn & Bob Bosch
I would like to thank the Mid-Winter festival committee. They did a marvelous job and I know that they work very hard each year. We need to thank each and every one of them for a job well done. I would like to thank you all, for the Randall Award, we are so blessed. Thank you so very much.
Yesterday in the POOF meeting we took care of some housekeeping things and it set into motion some things that we need to do in the upcoming year.
MOTION by Carolyn Bosch
Madame President, I move that we do not allow refunds on any of the OFN Subscriptions that need to be canceled. Seconded by Bob Bosch. Motion carried.
(12 Yes - 2 No)
This has been the policy in the past and we just needed to get it into the P&P's.
There was some discussion for and against.
2003 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Gary & Betty Willoughby
Approximate attendance is 1441. We are approximately $4,000 to the good.
2003 SUMMER FESTIVAL Dave & Jodene Hughes
Dave thanked Mid-Winter Festival for a very successful and pleasurable festival.
Thank you again for a wonderful time.
The Trails End dance will be called by Dick Spooner from Clarkston, WA and our own cow will be the cuer (COW GIRL, Jodene). It is free with a festival package. FREE is a very good price!!!
We are progressing with the Program Book. We should be finalizing in a month. If you would like some advertising please be sure to see me. We are finalizing the vendors.
For those of you who were in Pendleton in 2000 the Round Dance Hall has been expanded and will be twice the size. For an UDDERLY MOOVING experience, Pendleton, June 5, 6, 7 & 8th. I don't want to embarrass anyone, but I don't see a lot of ribbons for Summer Festival around the table.
2004 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Aaron & Linda Gibbens
Half of the committee is put together at this time. The band and caller have been confirmed. Still working on featured cuer. Elvis might show up.
2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL Barbara & Larry Schaumburg (Given by Kay Rogers)
HEAR THE ROAR!! We are on track with everything that needs to be done. After party in Pendleton is being planned and organized. It will be a skit and not a dance. Come and see what we are up to.
The process in changing all data, formats, club information, etc. over to Western Web Press has been quite the transition yet smooth, considering the business savvy between "Shelle (Western Web Press Owner) and myself."
1,113 magazines were mailed out on January 24, 2003 CONFIRMED on my travel to Mid-Winter.
Subscriptions…we continue to receive subscription renewals. We have picked up with receiving new subscriptions. These totals are from Sept. 2002 - Nov. 15, 2002.
TOTAL New Subs: 29 - Student Subs: 2 - Renewal Subs: 49 (3 are 3 yrs) - Gift Cert: 6
The February OFN printed out at 40 pages including the front and back cover. Enclosed is a copy of our "New Look" edition.
I have secured the necessary paperwork for changing our "Re-Entry" form the Dayton Post Office to Castle Rock, WA. I was given the ultimate run-around on which post office was responsible to handle this transaction. I started on January 3, 2003 and finally, this process was finalized on January 18, 2003. (See further details on this subject under the heading "Postage and Mailings".
Meetings: I have spent well over 25 hours directly in Castle Rock, WA with our new press company, Western Web Press, Inc. going over all the layouts, getting all data into her system, re-building Ads, etc. My first trip was on January 11th and my second trip was on January 18th.
I have spent a multitude of hours in communicating, proofing all Ads, in color and black and white through a FTP.file with Shelle at Western Web going over multiple issues, endless to possibly list all the details.
Office Equipment: the subscription computer had to have an upgraded program installed to convert the OFN address database onto Avery 5160 labels instead of printing our mailing labels on the Epson Fx-286 old Dot Matrix printer. This change had to happen as the amount of time it took to print out labels from the Dot Matrix printer was five plus hours and that could not continue to happen. Also, our new printer company will only accept our mailing labels on peel off type labels. They are willing to print our labels, but at this point it is not included in their original bid.
Postage and Mailing: The OFN postage balance was $958 as of January 10, 2003 for closing our Advanced Deposit Trust Account with Dayton, Oregon Post Office after mailing the January 2003 OFN.
As of January 18, 2003 I opened our new Advanced Deposit Trust Account with Castle Rock, WA Post Office in the amount of $1,000, which will allow us to mail the magazines for at least 3-4 months, depending on postage costs.
As of most recent date, January 22, 2003 I received phone call from the main post office in Portland, from Glenn Jackson, whom informed me that the re-entry form #3510 that I had filed and paid $40, was accepted incorrectly at the Castle Rock, WA location and Newberg, OR branch should have taken care of our re-entry periodical permit location transfer back on the 10th of January. So we are operating on pending for our first mailing through the Castle Rock, WA Post Office. The Portland office has given me the go ahead to mail out, because they know that we have put our the honest effort in trying to make the transfer on our periodical permit.
Amount of February magazines mailed out was: 1,113 (up 60 - 1/03)
Misc. Info: We have now purchased a 3 X 5 banner that reads the "Oregon Federation News" in black lettering on white vinyl, to be able to use for advertising at festivals and subscription dances if we need to. Total cost: $65.
Subscriptions/Annual Directory Ads Renewals: We continue to mail out subscription renewal postcards on a monthly basis for subscribers expiring with 30 days.
Amount of subs received from end of Nov 2002 to Jan 20, 2003. New Subs - 26; Student - 12; Renewals - 145. Total paid subs - 183.
Deposits..pending for Jan 2003: Subs - $1513; Advertisements - $1,075. Total $2,588.10.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT Barbie & Dave Cooper
Thanked the Mid-Winter Festival for a wonderful time. It was one of the best festivals that we have attended in a long time. It was so nice to see all the new dancers out there and smiling. The new dancers hall is absolutely wonderful. We have heard this from the callers, cuers and the dancers.
I think that the new OFN is great and it will sell itself. It is a world of difference.
No report
The postcards are being printed and the ballot awaits the names of the nominees. The envelopes have my address sables in their proper places and await their contents. The ballots will be mailed n February 28th and will be due back at my house, postmarked by May 1 or before. They will be opened at Summer Festival in Pendleton on June 8th.
There has been an abundance of cards sent since November and I have run out of sympathy cards. They have been ordered and should be here in the next few days. Keep up the good work in letting me know about cards that need to be sent out.
I received thank you cards from Shan McKinney and family and from Ronnie Wiser and Travis. I have also received a thank you email from Shan McKinney on her recent hospital stay that I will share with you.
Mell Schwartz-brain tumor | Esther Thompson-Wood -timber incident |
Patty Hermann-heart problems | Jeri Bounds-carpal tunnel |
Donna Silen-kidney problems | Barbie Cooper-sick |
Ruth Pearson-broken pelvis | Genevieve Churchill-broken hip |
Shan McKinney-sinus problems/bowel blockage (2 cards) | |
Jill Bard-gall bladder | Tom Sminia-knee replacement |
Loretta Flint-Aloha |
Ed Plouff-cancer
Family of Mel Canby | Family of Tony Robello |
Darrell Newell-father | Family of Delbert Elliott |
Linda Lambert-brother | Lenny Ludiker-father |
Lee Denny-grandmother | Marilyn Howard-mother |
Larry Schaumburg-cousin | Jane Riedasch-mother |
Family of Eva Seely | Don Wiggins-mother |
Shan McKinney-mother | Family of Myrtle Russell |
Ev Martinson-mother |
I have emailed the chairperson of the Oklahoma City Showcase of Ideas and also sent an email to the Vice Chair of Organizations to find out where the invitation went to for the 54th National Square Dance Convention. We have received the Oregon Federation invitation. We are still awaiting a reply.
The Oregon Federation display is being handled by Kay Rogers. I have not talked to here so don't know where it stands yet. There was a possibility it was going to be done by this weekend.
I asked the talented Kathy Roberts to work on the 54th NSDC display and hope to be able to report more details by today
As we meet here in Oregon, the Executive Committee of USDA is finishing their meetings in Tysons Corners, Virginia.
There was a meeting of the Alliance for the ARTS on Wednesday, meetings with various state representatives and senators regarding the National folk dance bill on Thursday, and the regular Winter Meeting on Friday and Saturday.
There will be a new Western Region Vice President in June as Sam and Marianne Baines have resigned due to health reasons. I would have put my name in for election but will wait until after 2005 then run for office in USDA. I would like to remain on the board but will see what happens in June when a new President is installed.
I have my copy of the reports for the Winter Meeting and will receive the financials in February after the meeting is over.
TREASURER REPORT Bill & Annandale Rooper
For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file.
Thank you Emerald Empire for another great Mid-Winter Festival. I noticed that all attending seem to be having a good time.
I have placed at each delegate station the club directory information for the 2003-2004 Federation year. Please make sure you read your directions. You as the area delegate are responsible for collecting this information from the clubs. Please look over the information and that it is legible. Also, be sure the club census is filled in. You will collect the monies from the clubs and turn the papers and totals to the council for them to write a check to the State Federation, one check for where and when and one check for the State Federation dues. These checks are due to me at the State Federation meeting, June 8th in Pendleton along with 3 copies of the forms. Any club not turning in the information may not be in next years state directory and also out of compliance with the Federation Practice and Procedures.
There is also another letter to the clubs that have upcoming State Corporation Division Annual Reports due and the month that they should be paid by.
I have to report that the Corporation Division has dissolved a club in the Rogue Sis-Q-Council. Lords and Ladies they have not paid their corporation dues for 2002. They should have been paid by May 2002. My efforts in getting this done have not worked. The club, Oregon State Cloggers also have not paid dues for November 2002, and soon will be out of compliance.
MOTION by Clara Evarts
I move that we drop the Lords & Ladies from the Oregon Federation as they are out of compliance at this time. Seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion carried.
Barbie Cooper mentioned that since we have a shorter time frame for getting the information for the State Directory, please get the changes to the State Directory to her as soon as possible. That way when it gets time to put it together it won't be so difficult. Also, if the Council wants information in the Where and When, they can submit that information regarding their meetings or dances and that will be included in the Where and When.
Kay Rogers - every year when the membership papers go out to the councils, and come back all the information is listed for the clubs and some councils know to include the information for the council dances and usual fee, which I believe has been raised to $10. If you do that for your council, your council dances will be listed in the
Where and When. If you don't do that, your council dances will not be in there.
INSURANCE Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos
We would like to say thank you for a great time this weekend. Delegates, in your folders, are your insurance certificates for your clubs. Please take them back to your clubs to be held. If they are holding special dances, they do need to have a notice of event or a request for a certificate of insurance. If you know when you are having these special dances or events, anytime up to December 31st, you can send them in for now. If you need more forms, either make copies of what you have or see me and I will get some for you.
PAST PRESIDENT Linda & Ralph Lambert
I really can not believe that I am doing this again, but here goes, once again I would like to thank the Oregon Federation and all of my square dance friends for the cards, calls and prayers after the passing of my Brother, Lynn. Once again I have been given the opportunity to realize just how little time we might have with our loved ones.
I want to thank the Mid-Winter festival committee and the Emerald Empire Area council for hosting such a wonderful weekend. As always I have had a great time.
I have spent sometime this weekend working on the Benefit Dance, which will be held April 6th from 1:30 to 4:00 pm at the Salem Square Dance Center.
I hope everyone is planning on attending this dance. This is the one benefit dance that the State Federation sponsors each year. If you are not able to attend the dance you can send a donation made payable to the Oregon Federation c/o Linda Lambert, 419 Idlywood Dr SE, Salem OR 97302. Your Councils may also make a contribution by mailing a check to the same above address. The Horses Adaptive Riding Institute certainly will appreciate all contributions. This is such a wonderful organization.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the Summer Festival meeting as I will not be able to attend the meeting in April.
We need to have nominations from the floor. Proposed ballot is as follows:
1st Vice President | Marilyn Schmit (Ron) MWA |
Dave Cooper (Barbie) Central Oregon | |
2nd Vice President | Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders) Emerald Empire |
Corresponding Sec | Gloria Gulchses (John) Rogue Sis-Q |
Dan Mathews (Shirley) TVC | |
Recording Sec | Jodene Hughes (Dave) Eastern Oregon |
Membership | Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos) PAC |
Clara Evarts MWA | |
Treasurer | Bill Rooper (Annadale) PAC |
Bill will be in his second year term.
Nominations from the floor.
Membership Chairman - none from the floor
Corresponding Secretary - none from the floor
Recording Secretary - none from the floor
2nd Vice President - none from the floor
1st Vice President - Lee Ashwill nominated Dave Cooper.
All nominations were closed - seconded and motion carried.
Linda needs to have picture for OFN.
You should already have found an update packet for your P&Ps. I believe these are all of the accumulated changes over the last year or so. I think this also takes care of the handwritten changes from last September.
We do not have anyone to sponsor the 2006 Summer Festival. That would be the 50th Summer Festival for the Federation. So someone may want to make that a special Festival.
It has been a fun festival. I have received 4 phone calls on the 1-800 #. There is a youth dance scheduled for March 30th, it will be the Frog Hop Youth dance, from 2-5 on Sunday. The hall will be announced. The caller will be Scott Zinser and the cuer will be Carolyn Stitt.
I would just like to congratulate Jan on the wonderful OFN. I have been reviewing the financial updates every month on that and she is doing a great job on tracking. This new one is giving us a opportunity, if you will notice in the directory there is far less than there use to be and that is because they have not been maintaining currency on that. So if you do not see your ad, you need to make sure you are current and up-to-date. The cost was not brought out but we have a reduction of cost with this new vendor. We will have to wait a few months to see what the real difference is. But it does cost us far less.
EDUCATION ADVISOR David & Kathy Krause
Our Education Seminar was great, with 42 people in attendance. Lee and Barbi did a great job. Thank you very much. I would also like to thank the people who attended.
HISTORIAN Barbara & Tom Wines
I have received most, if not all, of the historical materials that pertain to the office of Historian.
There are business cards at your stations with name address, phone number and e-mail address. This, maybe will help you if you have a request for materials, or for sending pictures or articles, flyers or anything that you feel would be of value to Square and Round Dancing.
BMI/ASCAP Ralph & Linda Lambert
For BMI, I have received our annual billing from them. It is for $118.60, which is down from the previous $186.30. This is because of the work done last year in exercising a term of the contract to adjust the actual cost to the actual attendance. Through this work, the Federation received a credit of $176.75. This year's payment of $118.60 was deducted from the credit. We still have a credit of $58.15 for next year's payment. The rate per dancer will remain at $0.050/attendee.
For ASCAP, we normally receive notice of a new rate at the beginning of each calendar year. So far I have received no such notice for 2003. Therefore, we will continue to use the $0.0064/dancer rate from last year until we are notified otherwise.
The 2003 Mid-Winter Festival has been advised of the fees due.
The 2003 summer Festival has been advised of their fees that will become due.
For callers and cuers that get their BMI/ASCAP licensing through such organizations as CALLERLAB, ROUNDALAB, or the American Callers Association, their fees are increasing this year approximately as follows.
50 Dances or less per year: 2002 - $60; 2003 - $88
More than 50 dances per year: 2002 - $88; 2003 - $125.
Some callers or cuers may point this information out when negotiating dance fees.
The teen party was a great success. They sold 68 dangles and raised over $400 and kept the expenses to $550. I would also like to thank those councils for their donations. I believe they were Blue Mountain, TVC, MWA and PAC to cover the cost of the youth activities. The teens did get a visit from Tim Mariner that last tip. Nobody left until it was over. Once again thank you for the support of the teens. We are going to try and do something for Summer Festival
STATE TRAILERS Jim & Avis Kinkaid
The trailers were used 10 times by 9 different clubs.
So far as I know, both trailers are in good condition and are ready to be used in 2003. No major work, regarding the floors, needs to be done. Several tires should be replaced.
We still have the materials from the caller/cuer stand. Hopefully someone in the square dance network could use this. Delegates, mention this to your clubs. There are 6-8 sheets of ½" plywood or equivalent and numerous 8' & shorter 2 X 6's.
Starlight Parade? May 31st?
ORDTA Dennis & Elaine Smith
We held our annual meeting yesterday. Nominations for next year's officers were presented and were elected, since everyone ran un-opposed. I will be in this position for another year.
We finished up with questions and answers with Steve and Judy Storm. There were several interesting discussions on various different topics. "So You Want To Be A Cuer" session had 4 or 5 people interested in becoming cuers as well as several newer cuers in attendance. Christina did a very fine job in introducing them to what it takes to become a cuer. Our next meeting will be April 5th at 10 AM at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
OROM for April, 2003
OROM for May, 2003
OROM for June, 2003
I have received a note of thanks to the Federation from a couple of cuers
for selecting their round dances as a OROM.
E-mail notification, post cards and certificates have been sent out. Cue
sheets have been mailed out to the OFN & Promenade shop.
CALLER ADVISOR Harold & Barbara Kleve
I hope you have noticed that I have had an article in the OFN for the last few months on various topics. I certainly would invite anyone if you have a subject or topic that you would like to have a caller's opinion on, I would be happy to address it.
The 54th national Square Dance Convention is proceeding very well. Committee Chairmen are busy recruiting committee members.
We are extremely proud of the 54th NSDC Oregon Trail Board. They are dedicated, hard working, competent and energetic.
The biggest thrust since the last State meeting is the Ways and Means Committee. This group is doing a truly outstanding job of identifying items for sale, locating a vendor and procuring these items. They have designed and procured the commemorative belt buckles for the 54th NSDC. Anyone that did not get by the Ways and Means table this weekend missed a chance to see these belt buckles up close. We believe if you did you would certainly appreciate the workmanship that went into them. Sales were brisk this weekend and we had not planned on having to order a second batch, but it looks like we may have to. Of course, that doesn't make us too mad. Ways and Means is the only way to raise funds for this Convention other than the Sale of Advance registrations. Since the Advance Registration sales are slower than we had hoped, Ways and Means will help to pick up the slack.
The Program Committee has proposed Benefit dances to help raise the necessary funds to try and procure the Ice Arena in the Lloyd Center. This is the only venue where non-dancers will be able to observe our activity. The cost of the Lloyd Center ice arena is in the $15,000 to $20,000 range, if we can even get it. Since this money is not in our budget, the Program committee plans to host a Benefit Dance to help raise these funds, and then challenge all Area Councils to host a 54th NSDC Benefit Dance.
We are actively seeking a location for the RV Campground. We have visited two areas and are working with one to see if the details can be worked out. We tried to locate at Washington County Fairgrounds as that was the site of the RV Campground during the 43rd NSDC. We met with a very negative attitude at that location so, we have shifted gears and are heading in another direction. Watch the Oregon Federation news as we will be inserting an article about the RV Campground as soon as we have one under contract.
We have two very POSITIVE activities scheduled and these will happen. First is a 2,600-mile, 20-day trek for RV'ers from St. Louis, MO to Astoria, OR following the Lewis & Clark Trail and arriving in time to kick off the 54th NSDC. The second activity is a Post-Convention cruise to Alaska. This was very popular in 1994 and we have decided to do it again. Our Director of Alaska Cruise, Rick Ewing, is in the process of selecting a Travel Agency to handle this Cruise. They had 12 Travel Agencies submit proposals and they narrowed that list to 4. They interviewed the 4 agencies last Saturday and are awaiting some additional information before they make their selection. So, if you are ever questioned as to whether or not the 54th NSDC will have a Post-Convention Alaska Cruise, you may give them a resounding YES!!!!!"
Since The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs is the sponsoring organization for the 54th NSDC, we ask that all of you become ambassadors for this Convention and encourage our Oregon and Washington dancers to purchase an Advance Registration. The Federation, Area Councils and Clubs belonging to the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs are the ones that will benefit if a profit is made from this Convention. You can also help by wearing your Advance Registration ribbon and promoting the convention whenever you have the opportunity.
The Committee volunteers are giving a lot of their time and talents to this endeavor. In addition, they are spending a considerable amount of their own money. So, if you see a dancer wearing a 54th NSDC badge, please tell them "Thank You" as they are doing this for the dancers and the love of this activity.
HOST DELGATE REPORT Emerald Empire (Angie Barta)
No report
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL Angie Barta & Alan Prichard
We will have our area benefit dance on March 29th.
Because some clubs hold their elections late for getting club information into the State Federation, they will be urged to have elections sooner.
Danebo Circle 8's held a New Years Dance with about ten squares.
Single Trees had a canned & packaged food drive, which was donated to the Food for Lane County. Approximately 144 pounds were donated.
Whirl-A-Ways had their annual toys collection for Toys for Tots and got lots of them.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS Reta & Phil Harkins (Absent)
No report
LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA Kathy & Buzz Buczkowski
Coast Swingers - Had a joyful Christmas Dance with a potluck, gift exchange, and dancing to the Virginia Reel and other old time dances. Their Retirement Dance for Bob and Joe Schindler was very well attended and a great time was had by all who came. We will miss Bob's cueing. But will enjoy dancing with Bob and Jo as a couple.
Special dances coming up will be their Valentine's Dance on February 8th and Shamrock dance on March 8th. March 29th they will host the area dance with Bill and Tami Helms calling and cueing.
Doug Hatch has been hired as their cuer for their 2nd Saturday dance and they are still looking for a cuer for the 4th Saturday.
Sea Twirlers - are out and about visiting various clubs. Some members are planning to venture south to Yuma to visit at their upcoming festival in February.
Toledo 49'ers - had their class members join them for the Christmas Dance and gift exchange and everyone had a great time. Class is just about finished and will graduate on February 1st so the new dancers have been encouraged to attend the Mid-Winter Festival.
Plans are progressing for their Loyalty Days Dance on may 2nd and 3rd with Les Seeley calling. They are also hard at work getting ready for Summer Festival in Pendleton. You can check the website at to get the latest information.
Last but most important, due to Charlotte Jeskey giving them a letter of resignation this past week, they now need to secure a caller for the 1st and 3rd Saturdays. Also, due to Bob Schindler's retiring, they still need a cuer for the 3rd Saturday dances. They would appreciate anyone interested in helping to call the president, LaVonne Bussey, at 541-574-0132.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA Spencer & Barbara Lewis
I want to thank the Emerald Empire Area Council for sponsoring another most enjoyable Mid-Winter Festival Dance. Even though we live only an hours drive from Eugene, our Independence Wagon Wheelers club took over a down town motel so we could make the most of the three day event.
A fun time was had November 30th at the Salem Square Dance Center when our Area Council sponsored our fall festival dance. The 131 dancers brought canned or dry food, which was donated to the Marion-Polk Counties food bank. Over 290 pounds of food were collected.
This coming month many of our clubs will be holding graduation programs for the classes they started last September. One club reported that their membership rolls will almost double when their new dancers join their group.
Another club recently mentioned how they solved their transportation problem whenever they go on visitations or mystery trips through the use of a converted school bus one of their members purchased and upgraded to include restroom facilities and more comfortable seats.
Our area council is now offering our single dancers a solo hard badge which can be easily attached to their regular club badges. At the present time they are free to anyone who is willing to attend one of our area council meetings.
The Lebanon Square circlers have offered to host the state meeting in September. Plans are under way to include a separate room for displays of arts and crafts projects made by our Oregon square dancers.
The Country Cut-Ups celebrated their 42nd Anniversary on October 5th. The Checkerboard Squares also celebrated their 42nd Anniversary on November 9th.
Many clubs held new dancers Jamborees in the last month or two. On November 17th, the River ci8ty Dancers packed their hall with 157 dancers. On November 24th, the checkerboard Squares had 125 dancers in attendance. The Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes had 100 at their Jamboree dance on November 26th. The Squaws & Paws January 10th regular dance had 24 new dancers enjoying themselves.
Forty-five dancers from PAC, TVC and Evergreen Council enjoyed their annual Christmas dinner on December 16th at North's Chuck Wagon Restaurant in Portland. Special guests included Lee and Barbi Ashwill and Kay and Jim Rogers.
Several clubs will be graduating new dancers within the next few months. We hope they will enjoy many years of "Friendship Set to Music."
The PAC 5th Friday dance on January 31st will have Les Seeley calling and Janne Norton cueing.
The Canby Cloverleaf Teen Club will be going to Canada on May 2nd and 3rd to enter a competition of round and square dancing. They will have two squares of dancers along with two rounds dance couples. They will be the only Oregon teens to compete. Other competitors will be from Canada and Washington.
The committee is working hard preparing for the Rose Festival Dance on June 1st at the Clark county Square Dance Center in Vancouver, Washington. Darrell Kalmbach will be the caller and Janne Norton will be the cuer. Price is $5.00 per person. Chairs, Judy Gelmstedt and Chuck Bos have flyers and ribbons available.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL Rex and Jeri Bounds
We lost two clubs since the last state meeting. The Lords and Ladies and the Rambling Rogues. Due to the surgery on my wife's knee we have not been dancing and hope to get back to dancing next month.
SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL Mary & Don Miller (Given Marilyn Schmit)
Sets In Order - Our 56th Birthday Dance was lots of fun. Dale Roberson always makes it such a good dance. We held a silent cake/goodie auction to boost the club treasury during the Birthday Dance. Lots of good-natured bid raising made it fun for all. Some of our club traveled to Canyonville to help them celebrate their Birthday Dance. Both square and round dance lessons are doing well.
Saints-N-Aints - Have enjoyed guest callers in September, October and November. Roger Putzler, Don Marshall and Ivan Koehn. Many thanks, to all for the fantastic help during Sherm's absence. Our own Donna Hiserote did a fantastic job on the rounds. Square dance lessons were canceled for fall, as Sherm has to go in for back surgery. We hope all goes well and we can start our lessons in the New Year. The club is planning a visitation to Canyonville for the Pioneer's N Petticoats Birthday Dance.
Beachcombers - Traveled to Grants Pass to retrieve their banner from the Charlie Brown Squares. Hosted a pancake, scrambled egg and ham breakfast for a car club that was visiting Port Orford. Both square and round dance lessons are doing well. Lots of enthusiasm.
Jefferson State Squares - No report.
Skyloft Squares - We are very saddened by the death of our caller and friend, Chet Martin. Chet passed away on November 11th at the age of 80. He will be greatly missed by all.
Clatskanie Promenaders The Promenaders are not active at this time. Havey Hunsucker has called at various clubs including the Hayshakers. Delores Hunsucker had a surprise birthday party for Harvey at Fultano's in Clatskanie. Close to 70 people showed up.
Hayshakers The Hayshakers are planning an amateur night of calling & cueing, February 15. Anyone wanting to come & try calling with us is welcome.
March 15 is our Clam Diggers Stomp dance. Norm Yoder is calling, Janne Norton is cueing.
The Seaside Sashay is coming along nicely. Johnny Preston is calling along with a state caller, Norm Yoder. Janne Norton is cueing Friday night & Susan Healea is cueing Saturday.
Usually during the summer, the Hayshakers go dark in order to do visitations to promote the Seaside Sashay. It was brought up that during the summer, the beach was one of the few places that was not too hot to dance. For this reason the Hayshakers have come up with a special activity dance each month during the summer. The first Saturday in JUNE is our Mardi Gras Dance with a King & Queen, masks, beads, coins & plenty of dancer participation. The 3rd Saturday in JULY we will have our Carnival Dance. The activities on the midway will include the ring toss, bean ball throw, darts, shooting gallery & prizes for everyone. The third Saturday in AUGUST will be the Beach Bingo Dance. Try your luck with Bingo from the floor with prizes and fun for all. Mardi Gras is square dance attire, & the Carnival & Bingo will be casual. Come one, come all.
November 30th the 5th Saturday Dance had approximately 8 squares in attendance.
December 16th the TVC/PAC held the joint dinner at North's Chuckwagon in NE Portland with 50+ in attendance.
December 31st our New Years Eve dance was held in Hillsboro, OR with 17 squares present, new dancers were invited. Dance callers were Harold Kleve and Jim Steele with Ruth Canby cueing. Ham dinner was included. 35 pounds of ham was consumed along with 6 gallons of AuGratin potatoes, 6 gallons of green beans, and fresh veggies. Desserts covered two picnic tables and leftovers - only a few scraps!
On January 27th the TVC will hold its annual Presidents potluck. This dinner and meeting will honor all presidents from the clubs and TVC. All are welcome to attend. At this gathering the Recognition Award will be presented. This award is given to a person or couple that does behind the scene work at club and TVC functions. This award is for those not given public recognition.
Next Council Dance will be at the Clark County Square Dance Center on March 29th. This is the annual Tri Council dance hosted by PAC. Mark your calendars
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL Darlene "Dar" Sconce
Clubs in the Umpqua Area Council are working diligently to recruit new dancers throughout the area. The Buckeroo class graduated 10 students in December. Pioneers & Petticoats are currently holding classes and the Boots and Calicos began classes in January. The Timber 8's Plus Club had good classes in 2002 with 2003 getting off to a slower start.
Boots & Calicos have decided to change their dance schedule in 2003 with Dancing only one Saturday a month. They plan to hold their dances on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Their January was a Pajama Dance, February 7 - Valentines Dance and March 8 is their 50th Birthday Dance.
Buckeroos held their Christmas and New Year's Eve Dances in December. They made and sold 200 wreaths as their major fund raising project. On February 22nd, they will have their annual Barn Sale. They are currently having guest callers as Dale Roberson has gone to Parker Dam for a few months for a well-deserved vacation. Beginning Round Dance classes started in January with a large class of students, 23 couples! Pat Hintz is the cuer. Their 51st Birthday Dance will be held on April 5th with a 50's theme. Dale Roberson will be calling and Pat Hintz cueing. They are promoting their 29th Buckeroo Roundup with Daryl Clendenin, Dale Roberson and Pat Hintz. This is scheduled for June 6, 7 & 8, 2003.
Pioneers & Petticoats held their Brag Dance in January with visitors from several clubs. Their beginner classes are going well with Wayne West calling.
Timber 8's are holding plus dancing workshops with Jim Gadberry and Cheryl Muir helping. February 7th is their Valentine's Dance with Jim Voll calling and Claude Butler cueing. Their 24th Birthday Dance is May 16th with Randy Dibble calling and Pat Hintz cueing. Timber 8's will be dark on May 2nd, June 6th, July 4th and August 1st.
Blue Mountain Council has been busy making plans for the next meeting. It will be held in conjunction with Baker City Elkhorn Swingers Special the weekend of April 26th and 27th.
Packets have been distributed. I have a few extra if someone else would like one. They include information from the Baker City Chamber of commerce and a visitors guide for Baker City and County.
The meetings and dinner will be at the IOOF Hall downtown on main street.
The dance will be at the Extension Building about 6 blocks away. There is lots of room at the Extension Bldg for dry camping.
For a fun motel experience with a touch of the past you might want to stay at the "Restored Geiser Grand Hotel." It is located just a couple of blocks from the IOOF Hall. Another fun place if you like model trains, make sure you eat at the Sumpter Jct. Restaurant. It is fairly close to the freeway exit #304.
Thanks for a wonderful weekend and we will see you in Easter Oregon in April.
The Central Oregon Council is preparing for a special plus dance and workshop on May 31st. Dale Council will be calling and Dave cooper will be cueing. There will be plus workshops and a dance in the afternoon with the evening dance as mainstream with plus tips. We'd like to invite all those that can to come to this fun dance.
Sagebrush Shufflers The Sagebrush Shufflers have lost their dance hall, which was the old Powell Butte Community Hall. They will begin dancing at the clog house at 1988 SW Canal Blvd in Redmond as of their first dance in February.
They are having their amateur caller & cuer night on Aril 12th for all those who wish to try their luck. They had to cancel their plus lessons and have sent their plus dancers to the Swinging Mountaineers lessons.
The new community hall will be starting to build soon, the ground has been "broken" and they are ready to get started.
Highlake Swingers The Highlake Swingers have not had a delegate at the council meeting for a couple of months; so no report at this time.
Bachelor Beauts The Bachelor Beauts as of the first of 2003 have been dancing at the Pine Forest Grange in Bend. No more wood stoves and now have air conditioning and a better hall to dance in. They held their casino night the 4th of January with Les Seeley. This will be the last casino night that Les will be calling.
The Teddy Bear Dance held in December was very well attended with many, many teddy bears donated for children.
The Bachelor Beauts square dance lessons on Thursday, January 2, 2003 at the Pine forest Grange with 23 new dancers attending.
Red Rock Squares The Red Rocks held a dinner in December at the Terrebonne Grange and invited members who had been forced to quit dancing due to age or health. Special invitations were sent out and all those invited attended and had an excellent reunion and visit.
The Redmond Grange is finished, however, due to increase in fees the Red Rocks may not be able to dance there. We are still dancing at the Clog House at 1988 SW Canal Blvd.
The Red Rock lessons started the 5th of January with 10 new dancers. Ron Dowse is doing an excellent job and lessons are moving along quickly. Dave and Barbie Cooper are teaching the waltz to those round dancers interested after the Red Rock square dance lessons and doing very well.
The Red Rocks have decided to do something very special for their Christmas Dance this year. The theme will be a Victorian Christmas. We are urging all those who plan to attend to dress in the appropriate Victorian fashion. This promises to be a fun affair.
Swinging Mountaineers started their plus lessons on January 5th and have several dancers in attendance with some of the Sagebrush Shuffler Plus dancers also attending.
The plus club is also dancing at the Pine Forest Grange in Bend as of the first of 2003.
The club is planning a summer picnic in June. The picnic will be held in Bend and will be catered to the members.
The plus club is financed by a once a year event which is manning the concessions stand at the Sisters Rodeo. This enables the club to operate all year long.
Sundown Round Dance Club The rounds dance club dances the first Monday of every month and occasionally a special cuer is invited to do a special dance for the club.
They have started the phase III Rumba lessons. We hope that all the clubs and dancers saw the showcase of rounds done by the sundown round dance club here at Mid-Winter.
Ione Grand Squares George and Lorene Griffith send their hellos to you. She did talk to me this weekend and wanted me to let you know she misses being here. We have been dancing on Sunday afternoon during the months of January and February. Please call for information when coming to dance as we dance in about 5 different areas.
Hermiston Square Knots are well on their way to their Hat Rock Dance. It is the weekend before Summer Festival. So you can come and enjoy the Hat Rock Dance and them come to Summer Festival
Ray & Betty Jones
We are still winter-based in Yuma, and see more and more Oregon dancers around us - such a nice thing to happen. We aren't always at the same dances, but we may meet at the DQ afterward, or at other times anywhere, any time and any place. Dances are well attended this winter. The usual evening dress code is prairie skirts and fancy tee shirts for the gals - very comfortable. The guys pretty much dress the same wherever they go, with long sleeved shirts and fancy bolo ties and matching belt buckles. Daytime workshops are always completely casual for everyone.
The Reynoldsons, Westphals, Nobles (and us) are working hard to make the 53rd Yuma Square and Round Dance Festival a success over the Valentine's
Day weekend - after that, some playtime before some of us come back to Oregon to cool off and enjoy the greenery and ocean breezes.
This winter we have seen the world changes close at hand, with local troops from the Yuma Marine Base leaving on deployment, and the business community concerned because the military forces who usually arrive for spring training will not - and so many young families left behind.
There is continual growth in Yuma - more new housing developments in all price ranges, new RV parks and expansions, and new and improved streets and highways with ongoing modifications that stress traffic. We can still find desert and sand though - and when the wind blows, it finds us.
We enjoy our winters in Arizona with the star-filled night skies, and look forward to seeing more Oregonians join us. As the front license plates say on so many local vehicles "N JOY AZ" or "CU N AZ" (Enjoy Arizona - and - See You in Arizona).
Don & Karel Morris
We missed the September meeting because of Karel's cousin's reunion in Nebraska. That reunion led us on a 6,800-mile 6-week trip through the Midwest. Early in the trip we stopped at the Lola Pass Square Dance Center in Idaho, received a warm welcome and managed to leave a stack of pre-registration forms for our upcoming National Con-vention. We also distributed some of those same forms at the Nebraska's equivalent of our Summer Festival.
We enjoyed 5 days in Branson seeing more shows than we could absorb and taking a cruise on Table Rock Lake on the Branson Belle sternwheeler. We arrived in Houston the same day Hurricane Isadora was coming ashore. Fortunately (for us) it veered toward the east and we only experienced windy weather. While in that area, we visited Donna Chamberlin, who will be a familiar name to many of you. She seems to be doing well, was happy to have some visitors from Oregon, and is tentatively planning to go back to school and pursue something in the nursing field. Maybe all those hours spent in and near hospitals with Lowell gave her inspiration. She said to tell everyone "hello".
We are grieving the loss of Chet Martin, our special friend and caller for Skyloft Squares. He died Monday, November 11. During lessons, especially Plus lessons, Chet would run us through paces from every which direction. There would be lots of confusion, as well as laughs. That was his version of All Position Dancing and it seemed to work. We will miss him. A memorial service will be held November 20th at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Coos Bay.
Benjamin & Penny Brown No report
Ray & Zola Jones
Once again we are glad to see all of you here in Eugene. What a great time Mid-Winter Festival always is; visiting and dancing with friends, some of which you may only see at Mid-Winter or Summer Festival.
In November we went on a Mid-Winter visitation to a special "New Dancers" dance at the Clark County Square dance center in Vancouver, WA. Was a fun dance with a large crowd in attendance.
We have been attending our Emerald Empire Area Council meetings here, and of course dancing and participating with our won club, the Whirl-A-Ways in Eugene. Recently we went with a square and our Caller from our club on a demonstration at a retirement complex in this area.
In just 3 days we will be leaving on our annual trip south to warm sunshine in southern Arizona and California, and wherever else the whim takes us! We will be attending the annual Square and Round dance Festival in Yuma, AZ; where we will see Oregon goodwill ambassadors, Al and Fran Westphal, and the 'other' Jones's, Ray and Betty; plus many other Oregon dancers. And we will of course take flyers and registrations for the 2005 National Convention and the 2003 Oregon Summer Festival with us to distribute at the Yuma Festival and wherever else we can. We expect to be gone approximately 3 months. So, until we see you again. Safe travels and happy highways.
Al & Fran Westphal No Report
E-mail address:
Barbi Ashwill - Norm Yoder will be retiring as club caller as of April 26th. He will be doing special dances.
Barbi also mentioned that they got the idea of the SOLO badges from the WA area.
Carolyn Bosch has State Directories available.
Harold Kleve phone number under his picture is incorrect. Correct # 640-5140.
Jan Steele January OFN issue is available. New guidelines are on page 32.
Kathy Roberts mentioned that the TVC/PAC wanted to thank Mid-Winter for the visitation. Normally Mid-Winter does not do visitations. Also, wanted to say how attractive the OFN table was at Mid-Winter.
Dave Cooper August 14,15,16 is the date for Central Oregon Roundup. They have an AC Hall. Charlotte Jeskey, Jim Steele, Ivan Koehn and Leonard Snodgrass are the callers and Ron & Georgine Woolcock will be the featured cuers.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodene Hughes
Recording Secretary