Meeting brought to order by President Kay Rogers at 9:00 AM.
This meeting is being recorded.
ROLL CALL Recording Secretary, Jodene Hughes.
Officers: All present except Barbie (Dave) Cooper, 2nd VP and Linda (Ralph) Lambert, Past President.
Appointed Officers: All present except Tim (Kathy) Roberts, Parliamentarian, Roger (Dee) Newell, Financial Advisor, Jan (Jim) Steele, OFN Editor, Janice Young, Publicity/State Reporter, Dave (Kathy) Krause, Education, Barbara (Tom) Wines, Historian, Ralph (Linda) Lambert, BMI/ASCAP, Jim (Avis) Kinkaid, State Trailers, Harold (Barbara) Kleve, Caller Advisor, Lee (Barbi) Ashwill, 54th National Convention and Aaron (Linda) Gibbens, 2004 Mid-Winter Festival.
Delegates: All present except Rex (Jeri) Bounds, Rogue Sis-Q
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Benjamin & Penny Brown, Don & Karel Morris and Al & Fran Westphal.
INVOCATION: Given by Buzz Buczkowski
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Carolyn Bosch
MOTION by Dave Hughes
I move that we seat Buzz Buczkowski as Parliamentarian to replace Tim Roberts for this meeting only. Seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion carried
MOTION by Buzz Buczkowski
I move that we accept the minutes as distributed. Seconded by Dave Hughes. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT Kay & Jim Rogers
Since our last meeting Jim and I have been in a whirlwind of dances and meetings and having the time of our lives. We made a trip to Denver for their pre-convention and one thing becomes perfectly clear when we travel: Oregon is the prettiest, has the best weather, and is the nicest place to live. We toured the new convention center and are very proud of the facility. I need to appoint four delegates to attend the USDA meeting in OKC. That meeting is on Wednesday June 25th. Are there any volunteers among us?
I have distributed registration forms and information on USA West. Please join us in August for a trip to Ogden, Utah to help promote our convention.
Some of the clubs have begun collecting funds to help pay the cost of the ice arena. The Cross Trailers have an ice skate with a jar inside for their collection. We would like to visit some of your clubs and councils and get them fired up about donations to this cause.
Genevieve sent a lovely card thanking everyone for the cards and letters. She loves hearing from us. She went to a dance recently and had a wonderful time. She can serve as a terrific role model.
We hope to see many of you at the Summer Festival in Pendleton in June. You know you want to go and I am sure you will have a good time.
Bill and Annadale Rooper will be delegates at the Denver National Convention. We still need to have another couple, so please be thinking about it, and let me know. Thank you. Kay and Jim Rogers
1ST VICE PRESIDENT Carolyn & Bob Bosch
It has also been a whirlwind for us. We have been to Denver to the pre-convention and also at the Oregon Convention Center. It is a beautiful facility and we have a lot to be proud of. Please get all your registrations in.
2003 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Gary & Betty Willoughby
The 2003 Mid Winter Festival was, in our eyes, a total success. We received almost no complaints (a miracle in itself), everything went smoothly and everyone had a great time.
Both the Lane county Event Center and CVALCO, the convention and visitors Bureau, were instrumental in providing opportunities for the Festival to earn a total of $3,573 to help offset expenses that the festival incurs. The number of hours worked by committee members on these special projects is impossible to calculate accurately, but I would guess that it exceeds 450 hours.
There is not enough that can be said about the Festival committee. They operated, as always, as a team. If we had to describe their attitude and ability, I guess in a word it would be "fantastic".
Beyond all of that, the festival made some much-needed money this year. It is our pleasure to announce that the Oregon Federation of Square and Rounds Dancers share of the proceeds from the 2003 Festival is $3,701.24. Now, there may be a small problem. It seems that our Treasurer departed for Europe last week. The good news is that she is expected back next week. The bad news is that I cannot confirm that she will not have spent all of the money. I am betting that she will return relaxed and rested, and will send the check to Mr. Rooper as quickly as possible.
It has been great fun. As I have been known to say, if it were not so much fun, it would be an awful lot of work. With the group we had working with us again this year. It was bound to be fun.
2003 SUMMER FESTIVAL Dave & Jodene Hughes
Mid-Willamette is leading the registration parade, followed closely by Portland and then TVC. However, everyone is being out done by Idaho and Washington. They are coming in good numbers. This is a good time to build good relationships between the states. Jodene and I are going to be spending the next two weekends out dancing. One in Clarkston Washington and then Spokane. Everything is coming along fine. Kathy and Buzz are keeping us in line and on track and we really appreciate them. The booklets are out today, so if you would like to have some for you or your club, come see me. We are following Mid-Winter's example and we will have a small pocket size dance schedule for you at Summer Festival with a list of callers and cuers. We do have sun visors available for the sunny drive home. The cost for those is only $5.00, be sure to get yours today.
2004 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Aaron & Linda Gibbens
Plans proceed apace.
We are pleased to announce Doug and Janet Seavey as our featured cuer for that weekend. Doug and Janet cue for the Dancing Jewels in Seattle Washington. We also would like to announce that the 3 time Northwest Teen Festival Champion Caller, Elizabeth Baird, will be joining us for our teen program. Elizabeth is a member of the Western Wranglers in Vancouver, B.C.
Ribbons have been ordered and we have 3000 flyers to hand out at Summer Festival.
The contract for the Lane County Fairgrounds is in the mail. Some details have yet to be ironed out, due to the move to Linn County in 2005.
The committee is shaping up well, but there is always room for one more couple, and we invite anyone who would like to help to contact either Peter and Beverly or ourselves.
Come join the Dance Family's Reunion in 2004!
Quack, quack.
2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
Summer Festival 2004 is progressing right along. We turned in our budget to Kay Rogers & Carolyn Bosch. We would like to request our funds so we can continue with our plans for the festival.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS Jan & Jim Steele (Absent)
No report. Jan was unable to attend as she was working on OFN Magazine
2ND VICE PRESIDENT Barbie & Dave Cooper (Absent)
No report.
Thanked everyone who sent their reports via e-mail. Also encouraged them to continue to do so.
The delegates that don't have their ballots in have been emailed. If you didn't hear from me, than your ballots are in. Those with 100% were Central Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Lincoln/Tillamook, Sunset Empire and Umpqua Area. Remember all ballots need to be in and post marked May 1, 2003 or before.
There is also a 9-page handout, which is a bill before the representatives and senators to promote the square dancing as your national folk dance. There is a letter of instructions and petition to sign. Let's help get this passed.
No report sent
No report sent
TREASURER REPORT Bill & Annandale Rooper
For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file.
Thank you, Blue Mountain Council for the great dinner and dance you had a wonderful attendance and the caller and cuer were excellent.
Please, Council delegates turn in all the 2003-2004 Directory information from each club and council in your area as soon as possible along with the correct monies for state dues and When & Where dance information used in the OFN, and absolutely before the Summer Festival June 5 thru 8. Tthe membership figures on these forms are needed to give out awards at this Festival.
I will be out of my residence for the next 12 weeks, working in the office in the Sacramento area. The mailing address, and phone number will stay the same. I will be up and back several times before Summer Festival to collect my mail. They are listed in the State directory, OFN and the letters I gave you at our last meeting. If you have any questions please call me, or see me after the meeting today.
INSURANCE Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos
We would like to say thank you to the Blue Mountain Council. We have had a great time.
The insurance is coming along just fine. Everyone is sending in there new members as they come in. I would like to say that if you have a notice of event any place that is not your regular dance place or time, please send us a notice of event or if they require an additional certificate of insurance. You can send them at any time. We need to request them at least a month in advance. Again thank you very much. Have a good day.
PAST PRESIDENT Linda & Ralph Lambert
I am sorry that Ralph and I are not able to attend this meeting.
I think the last of the donations for the benefit dance have come in, but if there are anymore coming in I will be more than happy to forward them on to H.O.R.S.E.S. At this point we, the dancers of the Oregon Federation, have donated $1,786.46 to this very worthy cause. I want to thank everyone who made this dance such a success, especially the callers, Loren Marberry and Jim Voll and the cuers Cindy Marberry and Joyce Voll.
I have mailed to each Council Delegate the information and nomination form for the Randall Award. I want to thank each of you in advance for your active participation in this project.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the Summer Festival meeting.
PARLIAMENTARIAN Tim & Kathy Roberts (Absent) Buzz Buczkowski sitting in
No report
No report
FINANCIAL ADVISOR Roger & Dee Newell (Absent)
No report
EDUCATION ADVISOR David & Kathy Krause (Absent)
No report
HISTORIAN Barbara & Tom Wines (Absent)
No report
BMI/ASCAP Ralph & Linda Lambert (Absent) Given by Marilyn Schmit
All BMI/ASCAP related to the 2003 Mid-Winter Festival have been completed.
ASCAP has notified us that the new rate per dancer has increased from $0.0064/dancer last year to $0.0065/per dancer for 2003. The 2003 Summer Festival has been advised of this change in rate.
I would just like to say that the PAC and TVC put on a wonderful Teen Dance, the Frog Hop, about a month ago. It was a great time. It was very encouraging to see. If there are any other dances like this, please let me know because we would like to attend.
MOTION by Carolyn Bosch
Madame President, I move that a fund be set up within the OFSRDC (Federation) to manage donations to subsidize Oregon youth activities for those youth registered at festivals and conventions. The Youth Activities Coordinator will administer this fund. Seconded by Kathy Buczkowski. Motion carried.
STATE TRAILERS Jim & Avis Kinkaid (Absent)
No report
ORDTA Dennis & Elaine Smith
Good morning. Thanks to Blue Mountain Council for a very enjoyable weekend.
ORDTA met on April 5 at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield.
The latest Mid Winter Festival was discussed including concerns about the long periods of time that the featured cuers were actively involved and short breaks; individual sessions; the possibility of cuers paying for their own ribbons; and the "So You Want to be a Cuer" session.
The status of the 54th National Square Dance Convention was reviewed. The membership voted to donate $500 to the 54th National Square Dance Convention to be used for the Round Dance Program.
A number of topics were discussed during the "good of the order" portion of the meeting. I was encouraged to mention some of these at this meeting. These are not to be taken as official ORDTA positions but as concerns of ORDTA members. Please consider these as information only. We do not expect this body to act on these other than to encourage the delegates to take this information back to their councils and clubs as topics of discussion.
1. It was noted that, as a general rule, cuers generally get paid substantially less than callers do. For example, some callers are reportedly paid $1.00 to $1.85 per dancer after a base amount while some cuers are reportedly paid $0.50 per dancer after a base amount. In some cases, the cuer does a solid hour of intermediate and easy level pre-rounds. A number of cuers are expected to provide their own sound equipment. They tend to buy more records than do callers. They are expected to purchase the Round of the Month each month in addition to popular dances. Some are expected to purchase dances that were taught at festivals and special weekends. They obtain BMI/ASCAP coverage by paying ROUNDALAB dues. As another example consider Mid Winter Festival. It's been reported that the national cuers were paid $750 and the national callers $2000. The national cuers put in about 6 more hours of work than the caller. They also had more hours of preparation time and the extra expense of more records for there teaches. In summary: cuers work at least at hard as callers do; cuers have similar equipment costs; and cuers probably have higher media costs. At least one club has recognized that the caller and cuer both contribute to the success of their dances and have implemented equal pay for the caller and cuer.
2. A question was asked concerning whether angels should pay for Round Dance lessons. The consensus of the members present was that if a person, whether an angel or a cuer, is learning something at that class, they ought to compensate the teacher.
3. Round Dance classes were discussed, in particular people other than the teacher helping the newer students. Some of the cuers complained that dancers were helping other students and disrupting the teaching session. Angels and cuers alike should extend the courtesy of refraining from teaching someone else's class. Let the instructor in charge do the teaching.
4. A number of clubs are currently in the midst of selecting new club cuers. Some of these clubs are having prospective cuers audition as part of their selection process. It appears that some of the clubs holding auditions have already selected their cuer, at least unofficially, even though the auditions are still in process. This kind of action is unfair to the cuers who have not yet done their audition.
Perhaps the topics are being presented today from a perspective that hasn't been considered by the individual clubs. Please take this information to your councils and clubs for discussion. The well being of your cuers may be at stake here.
Our next meeting will be June 7th at the Summer Festival in Pendleton.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
OROM July 2003
OROM August 2003
E-Mail notification, post cards and certificates have been sent out. Cue sheets have been mailed to the OFN & Promenade Shop.
CALLER ADVISOR Harold & Barbara Kleve (Absent)
No Report
54th NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION Lee & Barbi Ashwill (Absent)
Report given by Gary & Betty Willoughby
The Oregon Trail Board and all the volunteers of the 54th National Square Dance Convention have been working extremely hard to bring a "Class Act" Convention to Oregon in June 2005. We have not asked much of this Federation, at this time, except to assist us in getting the Oregon and Washington dancers to purchase an Advance Registration. Again, we are asking for your assistance in this endeavor. We should have about 2,000 Oregon and Washington dancers Advance Registered at this time. Unfortunately we are far below that figure.
The Oregon clubs voted to support this Convention and we would appreciate all the help we can get in getting the Advance Registrations sold. With the facilities we have to host this event, we would think that every Oregon and Washington dancer would want to be there. Our facilities are far better than the facilities to be utilized in Denver in 2004; however, they are far ahead of us in getting their local dancers Advance Registered. Please help us.
Over 30 Oregon and Washington dancers attended the 53rd National Square Dance Convention Pre-Convention in Denver, CO during the period April 10-12, 2003. It is our opinion that this State can be extremely proud of that contingent. Not only were they very professional in their clothing, they were professional in representing this Convention. The report presented to the National Executive Committee was very well done and we even put some humor into that process. We received many laudatory comments from members of the National Executive Committee about the professionalism of this group.
Our Ways and Means Committee has been very active in procuring and selling items for the benefit of the 54th National Square Dance Convention. They are attempting to get to as many "Special" dances as they can. If your area is holding a "Special" dance and you can allocate table space for the Ways and Means Committee, please contact Mick & Shan McKinney at (503) 643-2531 or E-Mail:
We (Lee & Barbi) left Denver and attended the CallerLab Convention in San Antonio from April 13 through April 16, 2003. This was a very interesting experience and we feel that the National callers are planning on attending the 54th National Square Dance Convention.
We (Lee & Barbi) apologize for missing this State meeting, however, we are currently in Long Beach, CA attending the California State Convention and publicizing the 54th National Square Dance Convention. Do not waste any sympathy on us as this event is being held aboard the Queen Mary and we can guarantee you that we are having a great time.
So until Summer Festival in Pendleton, OR, we wish you all a great spring and Happy Trails.
HOST DELGATE REPORT Blue Mountain Council Bonnie Berry
We had a good meeting. We discussed creating a team fund to manage the funds that are donated. We discussed making donations for the ice rink in 2005. There was a split on whether or not to do it. But we did come to the conclusion that it would be good publicity. Ray Jones visited with us regarding the concerns of transferring the $8000 from the insurance fund to the general fund. He asked us to do some research and encourage us to do some personal research. We also discussed, do we need to have 5 state meetings in the year. We felt that it would be more work to delete some than to have them. However, the delegates meeting could be eliminated if deemed not necessary. We also discussed the possibility of using the 1-800 number on bumper stickers. I would like to thank all of you for driving all this way to the meeting. I would also, like to thank the Elkhorn Swingers for sharing this weekend with us. This is a team effort and that is what makes it so great, because we are a team and work together.
MOTION by Bill Rooper
I move that the Oregon Federation match the funds donated by the clubs and councils made towards the ice arena for the 2005 National Convention. Federation funds will come from the general fund. Seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion carried.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL Angie Barta & Alan Prichard
Frank Dietz, Florence Fun Bunch delegate made a complaint that the Summer Festival usually fell at the same time as school graduations.
The Fern ridge Twirlers have disbanded.
Wagon Wheelers have become a traveling club.
Danebo Circle 8 is now dancing the 1st and 3rd Saturday.
Whirl-A-Ways are taking the 2nd and 4th Saturdays (who previously danced at the Santa Clara Grange).
As the dancing floor at Diamond Lake is deteriorating, Emerald Empire Area will purchase a new board and put the area club's names on it.
The area clubs will again be dancing at the Lane County Fair, but will try for a better spot with more observers.
Someone noticed in the Area By-Laws that the area was to OK the Chairman and Co-Chairman for the Mid-Winter Festival which wasn't being done. Therefore, they were approved for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005.
The area voted to send $100.00 to the State Benefit dance for H.O.R.S.E.S. Dennis Marsh will deliver the check to the Benefit Dance.
The area Benefit dance for the Pioneer Youth Center made $729.00.
Sharon Greenman, President of Emerald Empire Area has cancelled our June meeting to support the Summer Festival and also the July meeting due to July 4th holiday.
No report. (Tape recorder not working, no written report turned in)
LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA Kathy & Buzz Buczkowski
Coast Swingers will have a Pioneer Dance August 9th, with a casual dance from 2-4 p.m. and a regular dance with rounds at 7:00 and Mainstream dance from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. with Wade Driver calling and Debbie Combs cueing. All their dances will now be with rounds at 7:00 and dance from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. due to so many traveling a distance to dance with them.
Sea Twirlers continue to get out and visit various clubs while helping promote Summer Festival.
Toledo 49ers put on a demo dance for an RV park, participated in the HORSES dance, and made several visitations to promote both Summer Festival and their upcoming Loyalty Days weekend on May 2-3. Les Seeley will be caller and Doug Pederson will cue. They have obtained many very nice items for the silent auction. A new feature this year will be a dance down by the bay, weather permitting, on Saturday morning. The club has hired two callers, and one cuer. The first Saturday will feature Bruce Lowther calling and Doug Pederson cueing. The third Saturday will have Lloyd Larson calling and Goldie Restroff cueing. They are very pleased to have Jay and Bonnie Stimler coming to the coast on the first Monday of each month to call a round dance at the Senior Center in Newport, from 7:30 to 9:30p.m.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA Spencer & Barbara Lewis
The winter chill is disappearing! Several clubs are preparing for special outings.
The Independence Wagon Wheelers have already had a week end Coast Crash at Lincoln City where members danced but also relaxed, shopped, walked on the beach and enjoyed lots of games and entertainment in the evenings.
The Braids and Braves have planned a campout at the coast in June. It will also include having a square dance float in the Annual Tillamook Dairy Days Parade.
The Rounds-aRe-Us plan a weekend in September at Mt. Hood R.V. Park, while the Capital 8's will participate in the Iris Festival Parade in Keizer in May.
The Silver City Squares have a tradition of picnicking with the Willamette Squares when warmer weather arrives.
The Mid-Willamette Area Council will sponsor a Square Dance demo this summer at the World Beat Festival in Salem's River Front Park.
Several clubs have new dancers joining their membership lists. The Salem Swinging Stars had 8 graduates in January and are getting ready to graduate another 8 in June.
The Silver City Squares actually doubled the size of their club with a graduating class of 14.
The Cherry City Cloggers had 29 members last year now their number stands at 75. They are planning many demonstrations over the summer with the possibility of one at Disneyland.
Plans are still progressing for our hosting the September State meeting in Lebanon, thanks to the Lebanon Square Circlers.
Elections for PAC officers for year 2003-2004 were held on March 17th. President: Mark & Bev Engerman (Checkerboard Squares); Vice President: Dwight & Nita Jacobson (Country Cut-ups); Secretary: Annadale & Bill Rooper (Swap & Swing); Treasurer: Enid & Mark Wheeler (Country Capers); State Delegate: Al Wolf & Gail Domine (River City Dancers).
Two big dances were held recently. The Tri-Council dance (PAC, TVC and Evergreen) held at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver on march 29th with 320 dancers in attendance. 152 from PAC, 66 from TVC, 89 from Evergreen and 13 unaffiliated dancers. I was told that this was one of the largest dances held at this hall. On the following day, PAC sponsored the Frog Hop Youth Dance at the Milwaukie Community Club. There were 124 dancers with 24 clubs, 6 councils, 11 callers (including 3 youth callers), and four cuers in attendance. Janice Young did a marvelous job coordinating this dance with a lot of volunteer help.
Several clubs celebrated or will celebrate anniversaries. Happy Rock'rs celebrated 41 years of dancing on March 22nd. Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes had their 38th on April 9th. Country Capers celebrated 47 years on April 14th, the Silver Stars celebrated their 31st anniversary last night, April 26th, the Oaky Doaks will celebrate 43 years on May 17th and Swap and Swing will be 54 years old on May 18th.
104 dancers came on April 12th to help Checkerboards cuer; Janne Norton's retire from club cueing. Jeannine Norden is their new cuer.
Wy-East Whirlers held their annual Blossom Festival dance the weekend of April 19th with Dick Spooner calling and Neva Reid cueing.
Memorial Day weekend Stars & Stripes Dance will be May 23-26th sponsored by the Silver Stars at the Clark County Square Dance Center. Callers are Daryl Clendenin, Bill Helms and Darrell Kalmbach. Cuers are Susan Healea, Tami Helms and Dorothy Lowder. This is one of the best dance weekends at a reasonable price. A free pancake breakfast is served on Monday morning.
The PAC will again participate in the Rose Festival Starlite Parade on may 31st. The Checkerboard Squares and Silver Stars will be dancing on the parade float.
The Rose Festival dance sponsored by the PAC, will be at the Clark County Square Dance Center on Sunday, June 1st from 2 to 5 pm. Darrell Kalmbach is the caller and Janne Norton will cue. Ribbons are $5.00 each. Judy Glemstedt and I have ribbons for sale.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL Rex and Jeri Bounds (Absent)
No report
Sets In Order - Held their Valentine's dance on February 8th with a silent cake auction. We plan to use the funds to host the Area picnic again this year. The picnic is tentatively scheduled for August 17th. Attended the Boots & Calico's 50th B-Day dance in March. Always have a good time. Hosted the South Coast Area Council meeting and dance on March 29th with Johnny Nichols calling and Denise Harris cueing. We were very pleased to have a great turn out, at least seven to eight squares. Was a lot of fun for all.
Saints-N-Aints - We are happy to announce Sherm Welch is back. A big thank you to all the callers who came to our rescue during Sherm's absence. New officers are in place for the coming year. The club traveled to Winston to the boots & Calicos B-Day dance. It was great to see so many familiar faces. SNA's are canceling our dance on May 3rd for club visitations to LaPine, OR for their Dance Fever celebration or to Newport, OR for the Newport Loyalty Days Dance. We will also have a club visitation to the Whirl-A-Ways dance in Springfield on May 10th. SNA's will host the South Coast Area council meeting and dance on May 31st. Meeting at 6:30, dance 7 to 10 PM at the Tioga dance Hall, Coos Bay. SNA's celebrated their 25th B-Day dance on April 19th. It was great to see so many people. There were eight squares on the floor. Thank you's to all the clubs who came and made it such a fun evening. Coasta Fanta-Sea has been cancelled for this year. Plans are to resurrect the dance but not for Memorial Day weekend.
Beachcombers - Beginner lesson class graduated March 20. Looking ahead to our 50th B-Day weekend scheduled for July 3rd thru 5th with Jamboree calling and cueing Thursday night, Dale Roberson and Denise Harris Friday night, with Scott Zinser and Steve Hoisington Saturday night. After the Sunday breakfast they will send their visitors off with smiles on their faces.
Skyloft Squares - are holding their annual club campout at Kimball Creek on the Rogue River this weekend. It is a time to welcome the returning snowbirds and share stories and adventures from winter travels.
HAYSHAKERS Our Club has been very busy. We just had our annual Clam Diggers Stomp on March 15. We had a lot of fun & everyone got a door prize. Next year we plan to combine the Stomp dance with our Beach Bum dance. (This year the Beach Bum dance is May 3rd. Casual dress is suggested).
Our dances that we have planned this summer are coming along nicely. Remember, the Coast is cool & pleasant in the summer. Our Mardi Gras dance is June 6, (square dance attire), the Carnival dance is July 19 (casual attire), & the Beach Bingo dance is August 16 (casual attire). Hopefully you can come to at least one if not all three dances.
Already we have 10 people signed up for the 2003 Seaside Sashay Fall Festival, which is October 24, & 25 in Seaside, Oregon. The last 2 summers we went dark to advertise the Seaside Sashay, but because of numerous complaints, we came up with our summer dances.
Our lessons are over for this year. We have 4 new members.
We had elections at the beginning of April & we re-elected the same officers. They are:
Dale Worthington - President
Wayne Winther - Vice President
Joy Winther - Secretary
Eva Moore - Treasurer
Kathy Worthington - Member at Large
Bill Vinciguerra - Member at Large
We had a meeting this week on the 2004 Summer Festival. We broke down the various tasks and assigned them to individuals. There are a couple of interesting possibilities happening. More, on this later.
We are doing 3 demonstration dances. One was Friday night for the Seafood Festival, Saturday night we are dancing for the Coast Guard wives fund raiser & May 10, we are dancing at the Extended Care Facility at the Seaside Hospital.
Our Club will be putting on a Trail's Thru dance in Astoria Oregon just before the 2005 National Convention in Portland. It is just in the planning stage at this time.
Tri Council dance was held on March 29th. PAC at the Square Dance Center in Clark County Washington hosted this dance. 39 squares filled the floor and for the first time in 3 years PAC was finally 1st in attendance. The challenge is still there for the next year.
TVC is proud to present "Rose Garden Gala" a 5th Saturday dance, May 31st at the Aloha Grange, (185 and TV Highway). Calling will be George Clark and cueing, Barbara Schaumburg. This is a subscription dance for the Oregon Federation News. Purchase at the door a subscription or renew an existing one and your night of dancing is free. Come join us.
Paper work distributed at the last State meeting, which included forms for when and where and dues were forwarded to the councils' club. Progress is being made for their eventual return by the 1st week in June. Keep an ear to the ground for info about the TVC "Hahn Barn Dance" later in the year. Remember this is a campout, picnic and dance in a 100+-year-old historical barn. The shotgun wedding was only one of the highlights of last years dance.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL Darlene "Dar" Sconce
Thank you Blue Mountain Council for your hospitality, dinner and dance.
Umpqua Area Council will be having a 5th Saturday Dance on May 31st 2003, with Cheryl Muir calling and cuer to be announced. (7:30 - 10:30 pm) It will be held at the Buckeroo Barn located 5031 NE Stephens Street, Roseburg, OR. Hosted by the Timber 8's Plus Club. This will be a Mainstream Dance w/every 3rd tip plus. Many of the clubs will be dark to attend Dance Fever in LaPine on May 2, 3 & 4, 2003. All clubs will be participating in Square Dancing at the Douglas County Fair - August 5-9, 2003. The slate of callers will be Dale Roberson, Jim Gadberry, Don Marshall, Scott Zinser and Cheryl Muir. Cuers are yet to be selected.
Boots & Calicos held their 50th Birthday Dance with 11 squares dancing for a super turnout. They would like to thank everyone who attended their birthday celebration. Their next regular dances will be May 10th and June 14th. Their new dancers classes are going well with graduation not too far down the road.
Buckeroo had their 51st Birthday Dance on April 5th with a large turnout, somewhere around 20 squares. Our club caller, Dale Roberson was back from Parker Dam, California and Pat Hintz cued the dance. A big thanks you to all the clubs that came to make our dance a huge success. Our beginner round dance classes has been going full speed ahead with Pat as our instructor. We are currently planning for our 29th Buckeroo Roundup on June 6, 7 & 8, with Daryl Clendenin, Dale Roberson, as callers; Pat Hintz as cuer.
Dancing Friends will be holding their Birthday Dance/New Dancer's Graduation on Tuesday, June 3, 2003 at the Buckeroo Barn. Pat Hintz will be cueing. The dance will be from 7:00-9:30 PM.
Pioneers & Petticoats will be holding a car wash on Saturday, May 17th; dance at the Wildlife Safari on Sunday, May 18th. Wayne West, Caller and Claude Butler, Cuer. They will be dark on May 23rd, for the Memorial Day Weekend.
Timber 8's Plus Club will be celebrating their 24th Birthday Dance on Friday, May 16th, 2003 with Randy Dibble, calling and Pat Hintz cueing. The club is currently holding Plus Workshops on Wednesday evenings from7-9:00 pm, with Jim Gadberry, instructing
La Grande Star Promenaders and the Indian Valley Paraders are joining the Grange in order to have a place to dance. The granges are struggling for membership, so this is a win win situation. I did some research, and there are 35 clubs using 25 grange halls in Oregon. So using the grange halls is not a new thing.
Lessons were not very successful. So we'll work on being more visible and try again next year.
Many of you know Charlie and Dorothy Daggett. Charlie went into the hospital last week. Dorothy said it was getting real hard to take care of him at home. Also any of you know Lee and Jessis Mc Donald. Lee had a knee replacement done and some complications followed so they were unable to be here this weekend.
Our last council meeting was a joint meeting and dance with Washington's Blue Mountain. Council. It was a great evening with a dinner too. The Muddy Frogs do a fun thing with their Recycled Clothing Sale; things are put on a dollar table, and small items on a fifty-cent table. There are some more expensive items also. What a fun way to make some money and move product.
Thank you all for coming our way through rain, sleet and snow to the state meeting.
Bachelor Beauts: The Beauts celebrated their 40th birthday on April 5th with their Luau - Dan Preedy called and Christina Corelli-Goode cued. There were lots of dancers and lots of good food.
They graduated 21 students form their square dance lessons and 10 new round dancers.
Swinging Mountaineers: The Swinging Mountaineers will celebrate their b/d on May 9th. This is always celebrated with a special dinner before the dance. Jim Hattrick will be the caller and Christina Corelli-Goode will be their cuer.
Sagebrush Shufflers: The Shufflers celebrated their b/d on March 8th and was well attended by all the local clubs.
They had their annual Amateur Night on April 12th with some great amateur callers and cuers--perhaps some new ones coming up...
Their club caller, Rob Scribner has announced he will be retiring from calling and June 14th will be his last dance. The Shufflers have been dancing in the Clog Hall in Redmond, since they lost the Powell Butte Grange.
Red Rocks: In February the Red Rocks had their Sweetheart dance and announced Gary and Linda Danner of the Sagebrush Shufflers as this year's Sweethearts.
The Red Rocks recently invited the Coop's Troops (Dave Cooper's school kids) to become Associate Red Rocks and were presented with bars to wear on their badges.
The Red Rocks also put in another work day for the Habitat for Humanity and had a large turnout and alot of fun.
Sundown Round Dance Club: The round dancers have been doing great with attendance at their 1st Monday of the month dances and their club continues to grow.
They continue to vote on the Round of the Month and have a great participation. They just recently finished teaching the Cha Cha and everyone was pretty enthused about that.
C O Council: The council will be doing a 5th Saturday dance on May 31st at the Eastern Star Grange. There will be a plus workshop in the afternoon with a mainstream dance in the pm with Dale Counsel calling and Dave Cooper cueing.
The C O clubs all have alot of activities planned for the summer months camping, BBQ's, etc.
Ione Grand Squares had their anniversary dance Saturday (same as State Dance). George & Lorene both send their hello's to everyone and sorry they couldn't be here.
Hermiston Square Knots are well on their way to their Hat Rock Dance. It is the weekend before Summer Festival. So you can come and enjoy the Hat Rock Dance and them come to Summer Festival
Ray & Betty Jones
Well, as you can see, we are back again in Oregon. Again we were greeted back to this lovely green world with rain, hail and snow. Most of it in Northern California and not Oregon this time. We are glad to be back even if we had to change our wardrobe from shorts and T-shirts to something much warmer.
We danced through the winter in Arizona and enjoyed seeing many friends from Oregon as they visited and vacationed, including most of the other Goodwill Ambassadors.
We were home in time to attend the benefit dance in Salem for H.O.R.S.E.S. We were impressed with the expansion of their program and how they appreciate the donations we have made. It was a great dance and it was so nice to see a lot of your smiling faces there.
We did come home to a mess. A feral cat got into our house through one of the basement windows sometime during the winter - and worked its way through the house, and a 5# sack of dog food, and then tore down the curtains, and drapes and scratched windows everywhere trying to get out. Poor, poor expired cat - we found its body behind a door. We scraped, scrubbed and bleached and started our Spring Housecleaning early! The mess we will survive and gave us an excuse to replace all our throw rugs, bedspread, and drapes. That was our surprise homecoming.
It is so good to be back among the great Oregon Square and Round Dance people. You are the best! We dancers have an important asset in our Oregon Federation. Arizona does not have a federation so there is no central organization for receiving or getting out
information. There are a few strong clubs and the rest of the state is caller and cuer managed. With no statewide mailing lists or newsletter, it is a challenge to contact other dancers. Thankfully, the grapevine works!
We are nearing the end of our term. We have enjoyed the last 5 years as Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors. We have been proud to represent all of you and will continue to support and promote the Oregon Federation wherever we go.
Don & Karel Morris
What a great time we had spending ten weeks in Arizona! After a 3-day Escapee Rally at Quartzsite, we spent the rest of the time in Yuma. We got to see lots of people we knew at the Yuma Square Dance Festival - and realized there was a reunion of sorts with 80% of Oregon's Goodwill Ambassadors there: Westfals, both Ray Jones' and ourselves! We later connected with Ray and Betty Jones who, after taking us to a totally disreputable-looking Mexican restaurant, gave us some bags of oranges off the tree in their yard! What an absolutely luscious treat! They also shared grapefruit from their yard. Incidentally, the Mexican restaurant was great - just the building was abominable!
This weekend is the annual Skyloft Squares campout at Kimball Creek on the Rogue River. It's always the last weekend of April and being in charge of the campout meant we really should be there.
Benjamin & Penny Brown (Absent) Report given by Barbara Schaumburg
Penny wanted me to thank everyone for all their positive thoughts, emails, cards and prayers. They are really appreciated. Penny has finished 15 radiation treatments on her head. She had a porta-catheter placed in her chest last Wednesday. She will start chemo in the next week for the other cancer sites in her body, which are the left lung & liver. Penny is weak & her immune system is really low. She is staying at home a lot, so she "isn't exposed" to the sicknesses that are out and about. Penny's attitude is very up and positive. She always has a smile. Benjamin is having a tough time with Penny's illness. He also needs a lot of our support. Please keep Penny & Benjamin both in your prayers. Penny and Benjamin will be in Portland area for a while. If you would like to send cards they are staying at the address below.
c/o Roamers Rest RV Park
17585 SW Pacific Highway # 43
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
Ray & Zola Jones
We have recently returned from our annual winter sojourn in our Motor home to Southern Arizona and Southern California. Most of our time was in Arizona; and while there we attended the annual Yuma Square Dance Festival--where we visited with many other Oregon dancers who Winter there including, Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors Al & Fran Westphal, Ray & Betty Jones, and then Don and Karol Morris-who were traveling too. Also Oregon Cuers Ron & Mary Noble and Caller Bob & Jan Studevos. Then in Tucson we visited with another couple from our Club in Eugene who were also on a Winter trip; and we danced to National Callers, Marshall Flippo and Frank Lane, and to Oregon Cuers Ray & Virginia Walz. We also visited with Don & Shirley White; who were General Chairman of Oregon's 1994 National Convention, and are currently N.E.C. Advisors to the Trail Board and Committee of Oregon's upcoming 2005 National Convention, and they have bought a home in an area South of Tucson. From there we traveled to Phoenix/Mesa area where we visited with Nancy & Ken Carson, former Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors and State Federation Officers. We ALSO distributed Flyers and Registration Forms for the 2005 National Convention, Oregon Summer Festival in Pendleton, and the Washington State Festival--in all of these areas! Then we went to visit friends in the Palm Springs area of Southern California; and while there went to the Roy Rogers-Dale Evans Museum in Victorville--it's a wonderful Museum, brought back childhood memories; and as of March 30 the Museum is in the process of moving to Branson, Missouri-to re-open Memorial Day. On our route back home; we traveled North along the Colorado River, a drive we always enjoy--through Parker, Arizona, spent time in Lake Havasu City, then to Bullhead City, Arizona and Laughlin, Nevada, and on up to Las Vegas for a few days. From there up through Reno; Alturas, California and on to Oregon. We always REALLY enjoy our winter trips south to visit with friends, and soak up the warm sunshine!
Since we've been home; we have attended our Emerald Empire Area Council Meeting, two dances in our area, and also the Independence Wagonwheeler's special Birthday Dance in Rickreall--which was such a fun time with three Callers and three Cuers.
We always enjoy the State Meeting Weekends; visiting and dancing with so many friends, and we thank the Blue Mountain Area Council for their fine job of hosting this weekend.
So--until we see all of you again, in just over a month in Pendleton, as always, Safe Travels and Happy Highways . . . .
Al & Fran Westphal
In January we managed to attend a portion of Tucson Festival. We were pleased to reunite with John and Bev Nasholm and to be there to support transplanted Oregonians and now part-time Arizona cuers, Ron and Mary Noble and Ray and Virginia Walz. Both couples represented us well. Oregon can be very proud of them.
We were also excited to hear that Don and Shirley White have moved to the Tucson area. We were eager to see them, but we didn't find them at the festival. The winter dance program in Yuma went well. Yuma Association sponsored a welcome back dance in November, December and January association dances and a March Hoedown, which is an end of the season dance. The big event each season, of course, is Yuma Festival. 90 R.V.s and over 700 dancers enjoyed a fun, friendly and danceable Fiesta Ole', ably chaired by Buzz and Lila Reynoldson, Buzz and Lila are former Toledo 49'rs and former delegates from Lincoln-Tillamook area to the state federation. Featured cuers for the festival were the Nobles. Wade Driver, Ray Brendzy and Jerry Jestin were featured callers.
Plans are well under way for Yuma Festival 2004 with callers Ken Bower, Dan Nordbye, Jerry Jestin, Bob Stutevoss. Anne and Charles Browning, Nobles and Arnold and Jeanette Tramp will be cueing. You will be hearing more about this festival as time passes. We're hoping you will put it on your calendar for Feb. 13, 14, 15 and come on down to the sunshine. We will be very pleased to welcome you and show you the friendliness of Yuma dancers.
Karol and Don Morris and Don and Marlin Newborn popped up at Fiesta Ole" - a nice surprise. We have been dancing regularly here in Yuma to two excellent, transplanted Oregon callers, Bob Stutevoss and Don Young. Don has cut back his calling program to a Monday night plus dance, because he is back trying to work full time at Home Depot. He is also having treatments for cancer. In spite of the difficulties, he called great this season and had good support from several squares of dancers every Monday night. He had to cancel just two dances during the season due to health problems. We are asking for Don and Ronda to continue to be in our prayers.
We are just days from our departure from Yuma to return to our "other life" in Oregon. We are hoping to be back in Oregon in time to see the skunk cabbages and daffodils. If we are unable to attend the meeting in Baker City, we send our greetings to all. We will be with you in spirit.
Don Wiggins: Remember we visit other clubs so we will get a return visitation. Make sure you register for 2005 and also for Denver. Help get everyone to pre-register for these conventions so we can get them to pre-register four our convention.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodene Hughes
Recording Secretary