Hosted by 2003 Summer Festival
Pendleton Convention Center - Pendleton Oregon

Meeting brought to order by President Kay Rogers at 9:00 AM.

This meeting is being recorded.

ROLL CALL Recording Secretary, Jodene Hughes.

Officers: All present.

Appointed Officers: All present except, Jan (Jim) Steele, OFN Editor, Janice Young, Publicity/State Reporter, Dave (Kathy) Krause, Education, Barbara (Tom) Wines, Historian, Jim (Avis) Kinkaid, State Trailers and Harold (Barbara) Kleve, Caller Advisor.

Delegates: All present except Rex (Jeri) Bounds, Rogue Sis-Q - John Guches sitting in for Rex Bounds, Darlene Sconce - John Hernandez sitting in for Darlene Sconce.

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Benjamin & Penny Brown, Don & Karel Morris and Ray & Zola Jones.

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Linda Lambert

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Carolyn Bosch

MOTION by Carolyn Bosch

I move that we accept the minutes as corrected. Page 10, 1st Paragraph, should be teen not team. Seconded by Sylvia Davis. Motion carried.

PRESIDENT Kay & Jim Rogers

Thank you Dave and Jodene and the Lincoln Tillamook Council for a great weekend and festival. We had a ball as usual. I hope you all enjoyed the seminar on the "Power of Positive Thinking" yesterday. That is my favorite subject and the key to happiness.

I know you all enjoyed the skit last night and plan to come to the beach next summer.

Jim and I have been pretty busy since our last meeting, going to more meetings, and dancing every weekend. We are getting ready to go to Washington State Summer Festival in the next couple of weeks. One thing about getting involved in square dancing, there is always something to do.

I am going to deviate from the normal agenda at this time and allow Gary and Betty Willoughby, Chairman of the 2003 Mid Winter Festival, a couple of minutes at the mike.

Gary Willoughby - thank you everyone for allowing me to take a moment out of the middle of the program. We are not able to stay for the meeting as we have other commitments to take care of in the Eugene area. Last month Betty and I were invited to participated in a banquet sponsored by the Conventions Visitors Bureau of Lane County. On behalf of Mid-Winter Festival we received an award from the hotel and restaurant association for the Mid-Winter Festivals continuing contribution to the community in Eugene. We are very proud of that. With your approval we would very much like to display that in the display case at the Emerald Square Dance Center in Eugene.

Betty Willoughby - I just want to say thank you. We accepted this on behalf of the Federation as well as Emerald Empire Area.

Kay said thank you for all your efforts


1ST VICE PRESIDENT Carolyn & Bob Bosch

I too would like to thank Dave and Jodene and all of the Lincoln/Tillamook council for a wonderful festival. Also, congratulations Gary, that is wonderful.

2003 SUMMER FESTIVAL Dave & Jodene Hughes

We want to thank everyone for coming and enjoying the weekend. We really enjoyed being here. I waited to distribute the gifts until now, because Jodene said that every one I could get back she would give me a kiss. Asparagus is one of the local crops in the area and the hand cream is from Udderly Smooth. If you would like to have more of the asparagus, there is an address of Walchli Farms on the jar.

We have had a wonderful time. The numbers are down this summer. We had approximately 387. The good news in that is that we did make money. We did contribute to the fund. We did have some problems with the floor on the outside, but we did do okay.

Dave & Jodene Hughes excused from the meeting to continue their duties as 2003 Summer Festival Chairpersons. Betty Jones sitting in for Jodene as Recording Secretary.

2004 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Aaron & Linda Gibbens

We still have a few key spots on Mid-Winter Festival to fill. We still are in the need of a Wagon Master. We have our caller, cuer and teen caller (from Vancouver BC). Ribbon sales are taking off as well as the advertising. Things are going well.

We sent several boxes of stuff off to Oklahoma City for the National Convention. Among them were a couple of boxes of rubber ducks. Since I know how much Kay and Jim like ducks I captured a couple for the Queen and her husband.

2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL Barbara & Larry Schaumburg

Summer Festival plans are moving right along. We have our ribbons, registration forms & flyers advertising the festival at the Seaside Convention Center in Seaside, Oregon, July 30, 31 & August 1.

Registration forms & flyers were distributed to everyone on the board. We will be selling little bags of taffy with a ticket on the inside the bag. The ticket will be a raffle ticket for the treasure chest. So we hope everyone buys lots of candy.

It will be hot in the valley & in the desert, so come to the coast & "Hear the Roar in 2004".

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS Jan & Jim Steele (Absent)

My apologies for not being present for the Summer Festival and the State meeting, due to our Construction/Plumbing business keeping us in town to begin new remodels that our bid proposal/contracts were accepted.

The only information that the State Federation board seems to want to know about is "Totals" of what comes in and what goes out. So, I will give only the information that is of interest to the Board. Since our change over with our new printers of Western Web Press, Inc. we have brought our previous amount paid and mailed out subscriptions of 1,053 in January 2003 up to 1,254 in May 2003 which is an increase of 201 paid subscribers year to date. The amount of paid subscribers this time last year in June 2002 was 1,001 of which we are up by 253 subscribers. This effort takes time to build revenue and I'm pleased to say the efforts are successful, but slow growing. There have been a significant amount of renewals that have come in that have been expired since early 2001, saying that they "love the new OFN, with professional layout, easy to read text, wonderful articles and they look forward to receiving their upcoming issues each month"…I think that is saying something about "making a difference" for the monthly magazine. Since my report in January 2003 at Mid-Winter Festival, I have been extremely diligent in collecting the Directory Ads "annual" payments from clubs throughout the State, and the amount collected since January 30, 2003 is $2,309.20 currently paid YTD.

Just a reminder that I'm still needing to have the next candidate for the OFN Editor position ready to train by September 2003 in order to be ready to roll out successfully. We are holding steady at only 42% advertising in the monthly issues. We are allowed up to 75%…I'm still working hard on this area.

We continue to mail out subscription renewal postcards on a monthly basis for subscribers expiring with 30-60 days ahead. Amount of subs received from February 2003 thru current date of June 3, 2003: New subs 31; Student Subs 43; Renewal Subs 317 and Gift Subs 2. The total paid subs is 349. This includes TVC council dance totals of 9 renewals, 3 new and 1 gift certificate.

Deposits…Combined Subs and Ads: Feb 03 - $3,648.40; Mar 03 - $4,093.90; Apr 03 - $3,416; May 03 - $2546.50 and June 03 - $1,332.60 (Ads Only).

Total deposits: $15,037.40.

MOTION by Carolyn Bosch

Madame President, I move that for the months of July and August the OFN magazine not exceed 32 pages and for the following months not to exceed 40 pages. There will be a priority set in the following order: Ads - Club News - Articles from the Officers (1/2 pg per officer) - Related square and round dance news - Filler, that we provide if needed. Seconded by Kathy Buczkowski.

Discussion: Aaron Gibbens, does the OFN have any statistics on the size it has been over the last three years? Carolyn Bosch - it has been running about 48 to 62 pages and we have lost $12,000 so far this year. Kay Rogers mentioned that we are trying to limit the contents to square and round dance related activity and to try to get the magazine into a position where we are not losing so much money until we can increase subscriptions and advertising and bring it back up. The more advertising, the bigger the magazine. Don Wiggins - voiced the concern about limiting the pages of the OFN. This could limit National publicity.


Madame President, to change to the word months to month so we are only talking about June, July and August at this time. Seconded by Bob Bosch. Motion carried.

AMENDED MOTION by Carolyn Bosch

Madame President, I move that for the months of July and August the OFN magazine not exceed 32 pages and for the following month not to exceed 40 pages. There will be a priority set in the following order: Ads - Club News - Articles from the Officers (1/2 pg per officer) - Related square and round dance news - Filler, that we provide if needed. Seconded. Motion carried


Madame President, I purpose the following amendment that we insert the year 2003, referring to July, August and September in this motion. Seconded. Motion carried.

AMENDED MOTION by Carolyn Bosch

Madame President, I move that for the months of July and August the OFN magazine not exceed 32 pages and for the following month not to exceed 40 pages in the year 2003. There will be a priority set in the following order: Ads - Club News - Articles from the Officers (1/2 pg per officer) - Related square and round dance news - Filler, that we provide if needed. Seconded. Motion carried.

MOTION by Carolyn Bosch

Madame President, POOF's would like to recommend Vivian Fairburn as the new OFN Editor following the term of Jan and Jim Steele. Seconded. Motion carried.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT Barbie & Dave Cooper

I would just like to say that it is so nice to be back dancing. It is wonderful to be back among all our square and round dance friends that we have here. I have not done any dancing since the last state meeting. Thank you for all your emails and cards, they really do make a difference.

I really want to say thank you to Dave and Jodene and Buzz and Kathy and Lincoln/Tillamook Council for all their hard work. There is so much work that goes into these. The air conditioning is wonderful. Dave is finished with teaching so we are looking forward to getting out and dancing more this year.

If you are looking for something to do later on, the Central Oregon Roundup is having their festival hoedown the 3rd weekend in August. We have Oregon callers and Ron and Georgine Woolcock from the Olympia Washington area. Looking forward to seeing you all there.


No report


The ballots are ready to be opened and reveal the new officers for 2003-2004. Good luck to all of us on the ballot. 89 out of 100 ballots were received. Four of those will not be counted due to wrong envelope for two and wrong postmark for two others. The delegates, President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents and the Past President have received a printout of the individual council results. There were seven councils in at 100% for ballot returns. They are Central Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Lincoln-Tillamook, Mid-Willamette, South Coast, Sunset Empire, and Umpqua Area. The printouts show how the postcards came back but I did not tally a percentage for those.

I would like to know who is coming back as delegates for the new term. I would like to know if there are any new delegates coming on board. If so, I need to know in order to place a badge order for the September meeting.

It has been a slow few weeks for cards. They were sent to Roberta Casad for surgery; Al Tobin for cancer; Frank Kadramas for shoulder surgery; Bob Tallman for esophageal surgery, and Harry Niesen for unknown get well purposes. Sympathy cards were sent to Cloida Peyrollaz for the loss of her mother and to Gloria Borgaes for the loss of her stepfather.

At the September meeting I will give each of you a notice of who the new Corresponding Secretary is with an address, phone number, and email address so you can send card notifications to them. I will forward on any that I receive after the installation of officers.

Showcase of Ideas

Everything is set for Oklahoma City. Kay Rogers has the Federation display done and delivered to George Clark for transport. Kathy Roberts has the 54th display done and ready to deliver to George. It is a wonderful display of Oregon and what it has to offer. She has written a beautiful narrative to go along with it. If you are attending the national convention, please stop by and look at it. Better yet, volunteer some time to help give out Yellow Rocks and answer questions about Oregon. See Ron or me for more information about helping. The Showcase is open from 10 am to 6 pm on Thursday and Friday and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday.

USDA Report

Our meetings in Oklahoma City are set and the report packets are in our hands. We are meeting on Tuesday all day and Saturday morning at the Best Western Saddleback Inn. The Wednesday afternoon meeting is being held at the Westin Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. I have updated the USDA history from 1998 through 2002. I have updated the USDA News collection and preparing the boxes for shipment if I am not reappointed Historian.

It was noted in the winter meeting minutes that I was to prepare a presentation on new display cases for the four regional Vice Presidents. I have been in contact with several trade show companies in Portland and have received information from two of then and one in Salem. Wish me luck in getting some USDA money to spend in Oregon.

TREASURER REPORT Bill & Annandale Rooper

For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file.


Thank you, for a wonderful festival.

Council delegate I will distribute to you at break a current list of the clubs in your council that I received information from. Please look at column labels number of members. Some of the clubs did not furnish me this information. This is a required field because this information is used for several purposes thru the year. I am requesting that you as your area delegate call these clubs and get the information to me.

Of course this information was what I had in the possession as of today. With the deadline of July 1, 2003 I will need the information by June 15, 2003. I have to receive and the forward on to the next person, and the clubs that do not get the information in they face being left out of the State Directory. The importance as the delegate for your council is to see that this information gets to the membership chairman along with the monies due on time. We were given an extra month this year and this has shortened the time for turnaround. Please ask the clubs to return the information to you and then they can be sent to me. You need to look at the information submitted that it is complete. You have a closer contact to the clubs in your area than I do.

I will still be working in Sacramento, California so getting them in the mail for me to get it turned around is very important.

I would like to request from the president a time during the delegate training at the September State meeting to cover information required for membership with the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance.

Thank you all for your cooperation

INSURANCE Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos

No report.

PAST PRESIDENT Linda & Ralph Lambert

It is good to be back at a State Meeting.

Since my last report there have been some more donations for the benefit dance. The Federation has been able to send donations to H.O.R.S.E.S. of approximately $1,900. for this I want to once again sincerely thank everyone who gave so freely to make this such a success.

The Randall Award information and nomination forms are now in the hands of the delegates.

The election process comes to a conclusion at this meeting. I certainly appreciate all the work that everyone has done to bring this project to a successful conclusion. I would especially want to thank al the candidates for stepping up to the plate and offering their service to the Federation and the activity that we all enjoy.

I want to wish everyone a happy, safe and relaxing summer.


I didn't find anything in the minutes from the April meeting that should require a change to the P&P's. Over the summer, I'm, going to review the whole year's minutes, and I'll issue a master update in September if necessary.

I did want to bring up one reminder regarding our procedures. According to our By-Laws, the only people who may make motions, second motions, or vote on motions, are the elected officers and delegates. That means, specifically, the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Membership chairman, and Past President, along with the 13 council delegates. The rest of you around the table may participate in debates, but you need to get one of those 21 people to make your motions for you.

Kay Rogers announced that we had in our presence the Washington State President, Elmer and Betty Toup. We would like to thank you for being a part of our process to put on the National Convention. It is nice to have a new group of friends.


No report


I completed a review of the OFN through May 2003. During the transition in January/February to the new printer, there were several concerns. Some ads were not right sizes, some color vs no color, pd vs not pd. By the arch issue Jan Steele had identified most of the concerns and fixed them either by collecting payment or giving credit for wrong ads.

Two issues were sent out after the first of the month. This caused some concerns with the clubs having dances at the beginning of the month. Again Jan made some concessions and gave credit.

April issue had several discrepancies. March dance in issue, several ad size differences, previous months ad rerun, wrong months listed on several pages.

I understand that Jan worked closely with the printer to resolve the concerns. It must have worked because May issue looked great from an audit perspective.

I would like to thank Jan for all of her hard work and effort to provide us with the best OFN possible. I realize it is a difficult task and she has done a great job managing the OFN given the challenges.

EDUCATION ADVISOR David & Kathy Krause (Absent)

No report

HISTORIAN Barbara & Tom Wines (Absent)

No report


BMI/ASCAP Ralph & Linda Lambert

Since the last State Meeting, the Boots & Sandals Square Dance Club in Cottage Grove received a letter from BMI requesting that they sign a license agreement and submit a fee. The Boots and Sandals own their own "barn" square dance hall. BMI wanted them to enter into a license agreement for "Eating and Drinking Establishments" in the amount of about $700/year. The club requested my assistance in resolving this matter. After several phone calls by the Boots and Sandals Club president to BMI in Nashville, TN., and a letter from me to BMI, the matter has been satisfactorily resolved. As long as the hall is used exclusively for square dance functions and the club uses BMI/ASCAP licensed callers and/or cuers, no additional license fees are due. When all was completed the club president wrote me an e-mail saying in par"…Ralph, I want to thank you for your help in this matter. I did learn a lot because of that letter, and I hope I can use that knowledge to better my club in the future.


Thank you to Lincoln/Tillamook, Buzz, Kathy, Dave and Jodene. This has been a great weekend. We had some fun yesterday. We had some of the kids here and we went and got some ice cream. We had 5 kids. I wish we could have had more so we could have danced in front of the ice cream parlor. We took who came out for the 2 o'clock event. We got some good ideas of what they would like to see happen at future festivals. I would like to ask the chair people, that whoever is in charge of events if they would like to coordinate with them. I would be more than happy to help them with that. One of the things that we have been discussing is the possibility of holding a 1- day mini-festival. We would like to invite the youth from Washington and Oregon and to have it happen on the 2nd Saturday in June. It would be a 1- day event. Please give me your input. Maybe would could coordinate with the Salem Square Dance Center and hold the first one there. Maybe we could even go up to the Silver Stars for one. This event could run from 1 PM to 6 PM. So those who would like to come, but not spend the night could do so. If this does come about I would like to see the proceeds split between the youth and the state.

STATE TRAILERS Jim & Avis Kinkaid (Absent)

No report

ORDTA Dennis & Elaine Smith

We have also enjoyed the festival and thank you to the committee for a wonderful time. We met Saturday morning and we had seven teaching units in attendance. We continued some of our discussions from the previous meeting. We also, had a short

Q&A with Tim and Debby Vogt. Our next meeting will be October 5th at the Springfield Dance Center. Besides our regular business meeting and the program, which is deciphering old cue sheets, there will be opportunities for cuers to buy, swap and sell records.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING Barbara & Larry Schaumburg

Thank you for a wonderful festival. The OFN has published the wrong dates for the month for the ROM in it. Someone emailed with this information. Brown Eyes is not May ROM it is actually June. It has been like that for about 2 months. I contacted Jan and she said that she will take care of it.

CALLER ADVISOR Harold & Barbara Kleve (Absent)

No Report


We would like to start this report with a very sincere "Thank You" to the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs for their support by agreeing to match, dollar for dollar, any contributions that we receive to assist with renting the Lloyd Center Ice Arena for dancing in front of the public during the 54th National Square Dance Conventionâ. That is a most generous and appreciated gesture.

This time, we are not even going to beg for more Advance Registrations. We understand financial obligations and that our economy is not the greatest at this time. Those back on the East Coast tell us that it is turning around and we certainly hope so for everyone's sake.

We have some important dates to tell you about and remind you of. The first date we would like for you to mark on your calendar is September 13, 2003. On that date we will be meeting with our National Executive Committee Advisors to review the plans that have been made for hosting this Convention. That is a meeting we would like to have as many Oregon/Washington dancers attend as possible. It will start at 9:00 a.m. at a location in Portland to be determined soon, we hope. As soon as we know the location, you will know by reading your OFN or Footnotes. Our Oregon Trail Board will be in their Convention Business Attire and we ask those attending to wear clothing other than "Casual Attire".

The next date is March 20, 2004. That is the date of the "Kick-Off" Dance at the end of the Pre-Convention. Anyone who has purchased an Advance Registration or a Registration, will be admitted to this dance without charge. The only way to be able to attend this dance is to have purchased either an Advance Registration or a Registration. You will not be able to come to the door and pay a door fee and come to the dance. This dance will be held at the Oregon Convention Center with Dan Preedy from Spokane, WA as the caller and Christina Corelli-Goode will be the cuer. Pre-Rounds will start at 7:30 p.m. and the Mainstream Dance will start at 8:00 p.m. So, get Advance Registered and come and enjoy this dance.

Be sure and schedule this next date as well. Sunday, June 13, 2004. Tony Oxendine is coming to Oregon to do a Benefit Dance for the 54th National Square Dance Conventionâ. We are currently looking for the largest hall we can find to have this dance. At the present time we are looking at the Clark County Square Dance Center or Oaks Park in Portland. Get yourselves ready to have a great dance.

Denver's Pre-Convention was a very good learning experience for the volunteers who attended. It is our turn next and we will be ready.

All Committees can still use help. There are jobs for as little as two hours during Convention all the way to the next two years of involvement. We had two primary motives when we considered hosting another National Square Dance Conventionâ. First, and foremost, was to try and make a profit to be able to get some financial help for our clubs. Second motive was to have a National Square Dance Conventionâ in the State of Oregon to allow all of the Oregon/Washington dancers to attend. We have accomplished our second motive and now all we need to do to accomplish the first motive, is to make a profit or as our Business Chairman refers to it, wind up with un-liquidated assets.

Thanks for your support. We appreciate all of you and hope that you all had a chance to visit the Ways and Means table yesterday and Friday.


MOTION by Bob Bosch

Madame President, I move that we remove from the table the motion by past President, Linda Lambert. Seconded. Motion carried

MOTION: Madame President, I move to combine the Summer Festival Emergency Fund and the Festival Emergency Fund into a Festival Emergency Fund. Motion defeated.

Results of election:
President:Carolyn Bosch
1st VP: Dave Cooper
2nd VP: Dennis Marsh
Recording Secretary: Jodene Hughes
Corresponding Secretary: Gloria Guches
Membership:Clara Evarts
Treasurer:Bill Rooper


MOTION by Bob Bosch

Madame President, I move that the Oregon Federation combine all Emergency Funds and Contingency funds into on Emergency Fund and cap it at $25,000. This fund will be for emergencies such as but not limited to Mid-Winter and Summer Festival. (Failures beyond Federation and Festival control). Seconded. Motion defeated.

MOTION by Bob Bosch

Madame President, I move that all emergency funds in excess of $25,000 be given to the Youth Coordinator and cap it at $3,000. All excess funds to be deposited into the General Fund. Seconded. Motion defeated.


EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL Angie Barta & Alan Prichard

No written report provided. No report on tape (Tape recorder mal-function).


No report

LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA Kathy & Buzz Buczkowski

Coast Swingers are having a Father's Day dance on June 14th. June 28th there is a June Dairy Days parade in Tillamook in the morning. Braids and Braves will have a float n the parade and Coast Swingers will join them. That evening they have their dance in Garibaldi from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Plans are being made for their beginning dance class in the fall.

Sea Twirlers continue to be out and about, visiting around the valley.

Toledo 49ers Loyalty Days weekend was very successful. There were over 13 squares with 17 clubs represented. Sixty-nine silent auction items were up for bid. They danced on the bay front Saturday morning and had an A-1 and plus workshop in the afternoon. After the evening dance, Charlotte Jeskey, King Les Seeley and Queen Ed Chuniard put on an after-party skit for the enjoyment of he dancers. You would have to see it to believe it. Can't wait to see what they come up with next year. June 21st will be their annual picnic in the afternoon, the area meeting at 6:30 and a casual dance at the high school with rounds at 7:30 and dance from 8:00 to 10:30. They donated funds to Toledo High School for purchase of materials for a bench to put in their patio area. The club will go dark the 4th of July weekend and go visiting at Port Orford for their 50th birthday

MID-WILLAMETTE AREA Spencer & Barbara Lewis

It has been enjoyable for me to have the opportunity these past few weeks to get acquainted with all the new club presidents elected for the 2003-2004 term of office. They had a chance to share any concerns or changes in policies, programs or activities that they would like to see introduced during their tenure. Most felt that their clubs were going along fine and no significant changes needed to be made. Several had been re-elected to the presidency or accepted it because no one else would run for the office. They did through, say that they would do their best to make the club a success while they were at the helm.

Some areas of concern included:

· Many remarked about the difficulty their club has in finding students for their beginning classes. Two specifically wondered if it would be possible for the state organization to develop attractive flyers or posters which would promote square dancing and have a space at the bottom for the club's name and a phone number.

· Several voiced a concern that their club should try to be friendlier to visitors who come to their dances. One emphasized the need to be sure all who attend the dance have FUN. Along this vein another expressed a concern that singles or those with a spouse unable to dance, including the caller's and cuer's spouses, should have the opportunities throughout the evening to be invited onto the dance floor.

· One newly elected president expressed concern over the fact that some clubs seem to have different interpretations regarding banner exchanges. Their club has recently been refused banners on two separate visitations when they felt they deserved them.

Overall these newly installed, or soon to be installed club presidents were very enthused about their clubs and the club officers they'll be working with.


A large number of dancers attended the "Big Bash Dance" on April 19th, celebrating the completion of the Oregon Convention Center in Portland.

It was a beautiful evening for the Starlite Parade on May 31s. The PAC float was decorated by the Checkerboard Squares and Silver Stars. Ed Craig was the caller for them.

A good turnout of dancers enjoyed dancing to Scott Zinser and Carolyn Stitt for three exhibition dances at the Rose Festival Waterfront event.

The Rose Festival Dance held at the Clark Ccounty Square Dance Center on June 1st, brought out 17 squares of dancers on a rather warm Sunday afternoon. Darrell Kalmbach and Janne Norton did a great job of calling and cueing. A bit "THANK YOU" to Judy Gelmstedt and Chuck Bos for they're hard work chairing this dance. They put in a lot of hard work.

It was reported at the last PAC meeting, that Pat Harper; caller for the Tumbleweeds, had a mild heart attack but is doing fine and is back to calling. Also, Patty Hermann, cuer for the Oaky Doaks flew to Boston, Mass on June 3rd for observation and some type of medical procedure to repair her heart condition. More details will be available in a few weeks in the Oaky Doaks OFN report.

Several clubs are going dark for June, July and August and most others that are dancing throughout the summer, are going casual.

August 15, 16 and 17th is the Carson Campout sponsored by the Columbia Gorge Plus dancers. Bill Helms and Marge Pentecost will call and cue plus and bill and Neva Reid will call and cue mainstream.

River City Dancers will celebrate their 13th Anniversary on June 14th with les Seeley calling and Tami Helms cueing.

The Buzzin' Bees of the Evergreen Council have applied for membership to the PAC. The Silver Stars and the 4-N-N8er's of the TVC also hold dual council membership. This brings a total of 20 clubs in the PAC.

ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL Rex and Jeri Bounds - John Guches sitting in

Lantz's Dantzers held their 11th birthday dance on April 5th with Steve Porter calling and Marion Cook cueing. There were 15 squares in attendance. Lantz's Dantzers graduated 21 new students from their second class this year, class was held twice a week. The first class that started in September graduated 9 students in December.

The Charlie Browns graduated 19 students on April 8th.

37th Annual Pear Blossom on the 11th and 12th of April with Ron Nilson calling and Marion cook cueing, we had visitors from Anderson, Crescent City CA and Roseburg.

Spring Fest in Grants Pass was well attended with Dan Nordbye and Joe Saltel calling and we had the largest turn out of all with 15 squares on the floor Saturday night. They will be calling next year. Elaine Funk cued.

A large contingent of dancers attended Dance Fever in La Pine Oregon. The first weekend in May.

The Ramblin Rogues held their 42nd birthday dance on the 10th of May, which will be their last as they folded the club that night.

The 36th Annual Boatnik festival was held on the 23rd and 24th of May.

The Callers and Cuers association, in concert with the council and clubs run a local paid advertisement/demo tape on the local cable TV system that helps recruit new dancers for the fall classes.

Diamond Lake Festival will be held the 23rd thru the 26th of July. Mike Seastrom will be the featured caller.


BEACHCOMBERS - Our caller, Johnny Nichols, has had to turn in his resignation due to health problems. We miss him and hope he improves. We wish both Johnny and Barbara our very best. Jim Gadberry was our caller for both May and June. That was special for us to have him.

Unfortunately, Denise has left us also. We wish her well. We had Ed Phillips as an emergency cuer. Now we have lined up both callers and cuers for several months. We have our new officers in place and getting acquainted with their offices.

During the Wild Rivers Windfest Celebration in Port Orford, our club held a breakfast. It was hard work but a success and lots of fun. A total of 65 people were served. Now we are counting down the days to our 4th of July, 50th Birthday Celebration. Sounds like some good callers and cuers are going to be on hand along with potlucks and BBQ's galore. Plans are being made for a float in the jubilee parade. Come join in the fun. Then it will be time to plan our Labor Day Battle Rock weekend and don't forget the "Dancing in the Surf". Beachcombers are alive and well. Come join us for some fun in our big fun hall.

SAINTS-N-AINTS - Sherm is back and we are thankful to have him back. Again thank you to all the callers that helped in his absence. The club did some traveling in April and May. Club member, Gabriela Todd, had surgery in Portland this month to remove a tumor. Results are benign. Bud reported she is home and feeling much better. New Dancers lessons will begin the 2nd Sunday of October.

SETS IN ORDER - club members got together on the 24th of May to prepare the float trailer for a paint job. Also made the decorations that will be put on for the Gay Nineties parade on June 7. Had a good visit while enjoying a BBQ and potluck.



No written report provided. No report on tape (Tape recorder mal-function).


On May 31st, the TVC held the 5th Saturday Dance, "Rose Gala". Eight squares were in attendance. Roses were given away at this dance.

TVC wishes to invite you to one of their most special dances of each year, The Hahn Barn dance on August 30th. Picnic (potluck) will be held prior to the dance at 6 PM. Dance will start about 7:30 in the 100 year-old barn. Over night camping will be available at the site of barn or at lakeside. We would love to see you there.

A challenge has been issued: We challenge all clubs. We the TVC clubs will do our best to support the 54th National Square dance convention with 100% of our members. We are on our way to this goal. Examples: Sunset Promenaders have a Vice-Chairman of Ways & Means, Asst. Dir of marketing & volunteers for Cookbook, Editors & Costume Kits; Computer coordinator of Education; Vice-Chairman for Seminars. Toe Draggers 2 Chairman, Chairman of Registration and Housing, and Chairman of Services. A Computer Coordinator & Board member; Valley Squares; Chairman of Business. Almost every club has someone working for the convention. We are going for a 100% of all club members working on the convention. HOW about your club? Another small statement of support is the contributions to the ice rink fund; Tri-Squares, a $200 contribution and ˝ of their split the pot until convention time. It's your convention, lets make it a 1st class success.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL Darlene "Dar" Sconce

UAC: A 5th Saturday Dance was held on Saturday, May 31, 2003 at the Buckaroo Barn. Our caller was Cheryl Muir and cued by Claude Butler. The next UAC dance will be held on the 5th Friday in October for a Halloween Dance. The dance will be hosted by the Buckaroos and Dale Roberson will be calling.

Fair Dancing: There will be dancing at the Douglas County Fair - August 5-9, 2003. Dancing will be Tuesday through Saturday evenings. All dancers are free with square dance attire and club badges. Callers/Cuers will be as follows: Tuesday, August 5th Dale Roberson and Pat Hintz; Wednesday, August 6th, Cheryl Muir and Pat Hintz; Thursday, August 7th, Jim Gadberry and Claude Butler; Friday, August 8th, Scott Zinser and Claude Butler; Saturday, August 9th, The Umpqua Valley Boys (Dale Roberson/Don Marshall) and Steve Hoisington.

Relay for Life Benefit Dance: On June 28, 2003 the UAC will be sponsoring a Benefit Dance for Relay for Life. There will be Jamboree callers and cuers. All proceeds will be donated to the Relay for Life to help fight cancer.

Boots & Calicos : June 14th:and July 12th Regular Dances with a workshops for class members from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. Jim Gadberry, Calling and Claude Butler, Cueing. Class graduation will be held on June 14th. The club will be dancing on August 9th at the Douglas County Fair. September 13th will be their Westward Ho Dance.

Buckaroos: Held their regular dance on May 17th with Dale Roberson Calling and Steve Hoisington Cueing. They are working diligently toward celebrating the 29th Annual Buckaroo Roundup, June 6, 7, and 8. With spring cleaning the barn and decorating. There will be a regular dance on July 19th with Dale and Steve. The club will be dark on July 5th and several club members will be following Dale to Port Orford for the Beachcomber's 50th Birthday Dance. During August and September Regular Dances will be as scheduled in the Where and When.

Dancing Friends Round Dance Club: On Tuesday, June 3rd, Dancing Friends had their 13th Birthday Dance in conjunction with the Buckaroo's New Round Dancer's Graduation. Forty-four dancers were in attendance with visitors from the Siskiyou Area Council. Pat Hintz, Cuer and Robert Sherman, President issued diplomas to the new dancers and Angels. It was heartwarming to see so many new round dancers. Good job, Pat!

Pioneers & Petticoats: May 9th was a Regular Dance with Scott Zinser, Calling and Claude Butler, Cueing. On Sunday, May 18tha Benefit Safari Dance was held at the Wildlife Safari in Winston, with Jamboree Callers and Cuers. All proceeds from the dance were donated to help with the medical needs of the animals. There was a good turnout of dancers, with several dancers for from the South Coast Area. There were lots of door prizes, contests, and fun dances. On June 13th there will be a Luau Dance, Pioneer Park - Hot Dog Barbeque & Potluck. On June 27th a Summer Break Dance will be held with Wayne West, Calling and Claude Butler, Cueing. On July 11th will be their Independence Dance and dark on July 25th to attend Diamond Lake Festival. August 8th the club will be dancing at the Douglas County Fair. On August 22nd there will be a "free" dance for Pioneer Days and on August 23rd they will be participating in the Pioneer Days Parade in Canyonville.

Timber 8's: Club. May 16th Timber 8's celebrated their 24th Birthday Dance with Randy Dibble, Calling and Pat Hintz, Cueing. There were lots of door prizes, food and cake and ice cream. Timber 8's are planning their annual picnic for June 22, 2003. They will be dark on July 4th and August 1st. They will have their regular dances on July 18th with Roger Putzler, Calling and Claude Butler Cueing; August 15th with Scott Zinser and Claude Butler; September 5th with Cheryl Muir, Calling and Claude Butler, Cueing; and September 19th with Don Marshall, Calling and Claude Butler, Cueing.


Re: Bumper Stickers Linda Burgess located a company and then we checked with the company that was used by Summer Festival 2003.The later had the best price. We can get 1500 Bumper stickers @ $.20 each and if we get a large quantity it can go as low as $.12 each. They have a one time set up fee $50.00. So a minimum order would cost us $250.00. It would take about 2 weeks to get them. I have a sample that is not quite full size, but you get the idea of the layout. We can have red or blue for the square dance logo. I like the red it shows up better. The wording would be " Learn to square dance"

1-888-637-7321. These could be a fund- raiser. For the meantime, Kay Rogers has brought some window clings that their area used and had left over. You can write your local phone number on them or you can use the 800# if you are going to be traveling around. You are limited with the window clings on tinted windows. You need to give the information to the Publicity Person so they can respond to the calls they receive. Also, I think we need a state- wide calendar with all the councils and state activities listed. This could be a great help in planning future activities. Many weekends get doubled up. Also, I've handed out flyers for the Wallowa Lake Hoedown Sept. 5, 6, and 7. The caller will be Dick Spooner and Al Wolverton.


The Central Oregon Council had a great 5th Saturday dance and workshop on May 31st. Dale Council was the caller and Dave Cooper was the cuer. There were five to six squares on the floor Saturday night and it was a really fun dance.

SAGEBRUSH SHUFFLERS: The Shufflers last dance for the summer will be June 14th with rob Scribner doing the calling and Kitty Fox cueing. This is also Rob's last dance as he is retiring and the Shufflers will be going to guest callers in the fall.

Their amateur night went great and everyone had fund dancing to some "new" callers and cuers.

The new community hall will be starting to built soon, the ground has been "broken" but having trouble with all the red tape and permits, etc.

They are looking at doing a full-moon dance this summer. Not sure where or what yet.

Their new officers are in place, and are the same as last year with Linda Danner as President.

HIGHLAKE SWINGERS: The Highlake Swingers have not had a delegate at the council meeting for a couple of months; so no report at this time.

BACHELOR BEAUTS: The Bachelor Beauts have been planning a lot of activities for the summer. Many plan to attend Summer Festival, Diamond Lake, The Central Oregon Roundup and the Fort Rock Hoedown. They will be very busy this summer.

They have their annual campout at Detroit Lake in October and this year Roger Putzler will be calling and Christina Corelli-Goode will be doing the cueing.

Their new officers are in place with a few changes for the coming year.

RED ROCKS: The Red Rocks squares have elected officers for the coming year, with a couple new members taking on positions. Their last meeting was a salad bar fundraiser charging $5.00 per person. Great food, as always.

The RR birthday dance is June 20th with Ivan Koehn calling and Kitty Fox cueing. It plans to be a great event for all who attend.

The RR will be in the Redmond 4th of July parade and this is always a lot of fun with great decorations and ribbons to be won….

The RR is also planning a club picnic and a club campout sometime early this fall.

SWINGING MOUNTAINEERS: The Swinging Mountaineers had their Fiesta Birthday dance in May and it was well attended. Jim Hattrick called a might fun and interesting dance. Think we all learned a few "new" moves…

Next weekend, they will be doing their yearly fundraiser by serving at the concession stand at the Sisters Rodeo. This is their only fundraiser for the year and takes a lot of hard work and coordination. Afterwards, there is a picnic planned for all those who put in all the hard work for the rodeo.

SUNDOWN ROUND DANCE CLUB: the round dance club dances the first Monday of every month and occasionally a special cuer is invited to do a special dance for the club.

There was not a delegate present at the council meeting, so this is the only report we have.

The clubs in Central Oregon have had lots of their members out with surgeries, illnesses, etc. and it has been hard on all the clubs.

The Central Oregon council has a completely new set of officers for the new year.

A list of the 2003-2004 Central Oregon Club Officers is on file with the recording secretary.


No report


Ray & Betty Jones

No written report provided. No report on tape (Tape recorder mal-function).

Don & Karel Morris (Absent)

Karel's sister and husband are visiting from Nebraska, so we planned to take them camping and to visit Crater Lake. We're sorry to miss Summer Festival. We hosted a Memorial Day potluck party for the Skyloft Squares group and appreciate the get-togethers we can have, even though most of us are no longer dancing.

Benjamin & Penny Brown (Absent)

No report

Ray & Zola Jones

On May 2 and 3 we attended "Dance Fever" in Lapine, sponsored by the High Lake Swingers club. Such a fun weekend-dancing to two National Callers Deborah Parnell Jones and Johnny Preston. We wore our "50's Outfits" complete with Poodle skirt, Pony-tail and Bobby-socks, and Raymond had on jeans with white shirt, white socks and loafers-we even got 'Honorable Mention' for our outfits.

From the State Meeting on April 27 to May 1 we spent time in Eastern Oregon in our motor-home; did some fishing and exploring, and enjoying how green and lovely it was there at that time of the year, and ending up in Lapine for the special weekend. The rest of May we attended our own club's regular dances.

This summer we are planning to attend the Diamond Lake Festival in July, and also travel North to Penticton, B.C. for their big, 50th Square Dance Festival in August. So until we see all of you again in September; have a great summer, with safe travels and Happy Highways.

Al & Fran Westphal

Thanks to each of It's always a thrill to attend a Summer Festival and meet and greet. Thanks to each of you for doing your part to make this weekend a success. Lincoln-Tillamook council appreciates your support. We are enjoying the beautiful Oregon spring and summer and doing a bit of dancing. Most memorable was the Loyalty Day Weekend dancing in Newport the first weekend in May. You should plan to attend that weekend event next spring, if you haven't already put it on your calendar.

Another special event for us was attending a monthly luncheon reunion of the former Willamalane club in Springfield. We were able to participate in the May reunion at Izzy's; each month the former club members and guests get together. Irene Cyphert was there. We greatly enjoyed visiting with her and seeing her still going strong at 89-years old. Several others of our favorite people attended and we shared good memories of dancing with the club in the 50's through the 80's. Fran danced frequently with Willamalane when she attended the U of O (go Ducks !)

We journeyed to Springfield another time, on a Tuesday, to dance to Dan Nordbye and Christina Corelli-Goode. It was a fun dance and great to renew acquaintances with several old friends. By the way, we may as well mention Dan Nordbye will be one of the featured callers, along with Ken Bower, of Yuma Festival 2004. You may want to plan a trip to Yuma so you can be a part of the festival, to be held on Feb. 13, 14 15. Bring your sweetheart or come and look for one.

Our prayers and thoughts continue to be with Penny and Benjamin Brown and with others of our square and round dance family who are struggling with health problems.

Glenore Carrier is much in our thoughts. She served as Federation secretary for several years. Her husband Buzz died at the age 90 in late April or early May. Glen and Buzz were active in the Portland and TVC areas for many years.


Don Wiggins: Publicity coming for 54th National

Buzz Buczkowski: Thanks to everyone who helped lay & pickup floors.

Tim Roberts: The seven newly elected officers are from seven different councils

Barbie Ashwill: Washington Festival June 11-12-13

Lee Ashwill: Diamond Lake (board by Kathy Roberts). Also, Patty Hermann had surgery Friday to correct several electrical impulse problems in her heart.

Barbara Schaumburg: Genevieve Churchill to visit Oregon in July

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned at 11:26 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jodene Hughes
Recording Secretary