Meeting brought to order by President Carolyn Bosch at 9:00 AM.
This meeting is being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Jodene Hughes.
Officers: All present
Appointed Officers: All present except Jim (Avis) Kinkaid, State Trailers and Aaron & Linda Gibbens, 2004 Mid-Winter Festival.
Delegates: All present except Reta (Phil) Harkins, Interstate Highlanders
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All absent except Harold & Barbara Kleve.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Kay Rogers
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Dave Cooper
MOTION by Dave Cooper
I move that we accept the minutes as presented with corrections on page 14, Mid-Willamette Area report missing and page 17, Sylvia Davis was present and Karel Morris sat in for Mary Miller of South Coast. Seconded by Ray Fenn. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT: Carolyn & Bob Bosch
I want to thank the Lincoln-Tillamook council for their hospitality and delicious meal. We appreciate all you have done to put this fun filled affair on.
Bob and I did a little bit of traveling last month. We attended the Halloween dance with the Wolf Pack, the Potato Festival in Klamath Falls and the Seaside Sashay in Seaside. All of these were extremely fun dances and the welcome we received was so warm.
We have run across a little snag in getting the OFN off to a good start with our new, very efficient and pleasant editor, Vivian Fairburn. When the former editor turned in the expense report, there were charges, which were not authorized. We declined to pay them. As you can see by the handouts I have distributed, all the correspondence to date on this matter. The letter to Fidelity Collection Services was sent on Friday and we are currently awaiting their response. I will be glad to take any questions on this matter. Should this go to court and they win, we will turn it over to our insurance company to handle the matter. So you see, the insurance is something we all need in this sue happy world.
I will be handing out more information about Square Dance Week slated for September 2004 to you at our next meeting during Mid-Winter. Remember; start thinking of what you can do to showcase the activity. We will be getting back to you in January with more information.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dave & Barbie Cooper
I was thinking on the way out her today. It was about 10 years ago in Newport, there was a State meeting and Lee Ashwill was guarding the State Banner and we stole it from the State and now I am packing it around.
One thing on my mind is Summer Festivals, we have a need for some council to step up to the plate and start thinking about future festivals. I sat beside Ms. Schaumburg about 3 years ago and said you should do this and next year Summer Festival will be in Seaside. They are not a whole lot of work, but they are some work in putting them together, but in the end the effort is well worth it. So please, Councils step up and take part. We need to have a Summer Festival in 2006. There will not be one in 2005, due to Nationals.
2004 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Aaron & Linda Gibbens (absent) given by Peter Wood
First a quick note on the chair Family. November 8th, Linda went into the hospital for an emergency surgery that involved removing the ovaries and a hysterectomy. As of Friday night she was off of her IV pain meds and starting to eat solid food with the hope of being home on Saturday. We ask for your prayers for a speedy recovery now that she has escaped the hospital.
Things are starting to move in the right direction. Registrations are pouring in and RV spaces are filling fast. We now have the new program books available for everyone and registration forms that can be filled in if you don't have your ribbons yet. We look forward to seeing you in January.
2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
We had a meeting Saturday, November 1, 2003 and we are right on schedule. The vendors are replying to invitations sent out. Shuttles to and from the RV parks are being checked out. The skit is planned for Mid-Winter. We are selling a lot of raffle tickets on the treasure chest. To date we have 32 registered.
We plan to dance at the turn around in Seaside down close to the beach, but that has not been approved yet. If we can't dance there, other locations are being checked out. We also plan to have a Moonlight Stroll dance, which will be out on the deck outside the convention center. Dancing outside is weather permitting. Games are also being planned. Anyone interested in registering for summer festival that didn't get to last night, I have registration forms and ribbons, please see me at break or after the meeting.
There are 1024 subscriptions at the current time.
I am keeping an accounting spreadsheet by month tracking dollars that are applied to each month, regardless of when the money was deposited. I include the Where & When and Long Term ads pro-rated per 12 months.
This is the breakdown for a 40 page issue | OCT | NOV |
Income: | ||
Subscriptions including current deposits | $1590.75 | $1563.75 |
Ads | 909.30 | 916.80 |
Long term Ads & Where & When prorated / 12 | 344.30 | 355.10 |
TOTAL INCOME | $2844.35 | $2835.65 |
Expenses: | ||
Printer | $1973.00 | $ 190.00 |
Mailing | 343.54 | 343.54 |
Misc Expense (Including Office) | 202.61 | 21.01 |
TOTAL EXPENSE | $2519.15 | $ 554.55 |
Loss of one Mail Bag for Sept (32 Subscriptions) | $40.00 | |
I gave credit of 1-month subscription | ||
TVC Ad - August no date on ad | $65.50 | |
PROFIT & (LOSS) | $219.70 | $2281.10 |
The printer didn't charge us for printing the November issue. | ||
I also applied credits for ads appearing after the fact in Oct issue | $760.50 | |
I gave an additional month to 1024 subscriptions for the lateness of issue | $1280.50 | |
The total credits equal | $2040.50 |
I am turning this amount into the Western Web's Insurance Company hoping for reimbursements.
The November issue had 40 pages of which 25% were ads (10 pages).
The December issue will have 12 pages of ads for an approximate increase in revenue of $700.00.
2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter & Beverly-Hills Wood
We have arranged for the fairgrounds in Albany. I will actually be getting the contracts to look over in about 2 weeks. We have Tony Oxedine and Jerry Story for the callers and Debby and Tim Vogt. If you were at Summer Festival last year, they were the featured cuers. We are working under contract with Mark Pearson to come up from Phoenix, the head of the Federation of the cloggers and he will head that up. The clogging will go from 2 days to 3 days in 2005. We are also working on getting someone from Canada for our teen program. The fairgrounds needed future dates, so I have provided the fairgrounds with dates thru 2015. So, we do not have to worry about having a place to have a festival.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh & Ilana Widders
I would like to thank the Lincoln/Tillamook County for a wonderful time yesterday and the Toledo 49'ers for a great time. Basically the only thing that I have is that I was going through the old state directories and I am short 4 of them, to keep everything in tact. The ones that I need are: 1982, 1996, 1997 and 1998. If anyone would have those books that I can have to put in our file I would appreciate it.
No report
Get Well Cards
Bill and Annadale Rooper's son: Ryan for cancer of the tongue.
Dale and Deanna Padgets son: Darren Padget a serious bug bite.
Bill and Neva Reid, his mother is in the hospital.
Dick Pentecost, loss of his voice and was unable to call a demo dance.
Patti Nielsen, trouble with her feet, might have to have foot surgery.
Dolores Trowbridge, a slight stroke.
Sympathy Cards
Lesa Mauroni, the loss of her home due to a house fire.
Condolence Cards
Connie McClendon, the loss of her son.
Joan Gauthier, the loss of her husband Hank.
Arla Thompson, the loss of her husband Cal.
Phil Coblentz, the loss of his father.
Ron Schmit, the loss of his mother.
Nadine Collette, the loss of her mother.
TREASURER REPORT: Bill & Annandale Rooper
For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file.
MEMBERSHIP: Clara Evarts
Thank You Lincoln-Tillamook Council. It is always good to come to the Coast. I have always tried to get here a couple times a year if not more, but this year I spent in California instead. I am home now and hope to stay.
I have checked as late as Friday evening for updated information on Corporation payments made with the State. I am still reporting that the Buccaneers of the Emerald Empire Area, and Re-Vu-N-Q of the Mid-Willamette Area have not paid their 2003 corporation dues and have been dissolved by the State of Oregon.
As of October the Tule Twirlers have disbanded. I received a letter from Ben Casad dated October 22, 2003.
I still need badges for the badge board from the Corvallis Squares of the Mid-Willamette Area, and a new club Buzzin' Bees of the Portland Area Council.
INSURANCE: Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos
Until yesterday, we had four councils turn in their insurance. As of today I received them all but Eastern Oregon. WyEast Whirlers will only hold 2 dances after the first of the year. The ones that are holding class now, if you did not include a class list I do need that. Anyone that is doing classes after the first of the year, please send me your class list as soon as your classes close. Remind everyone that if they have new members they have to pay, as there is no grace period. Events need to be turned in 4 weeks ahead of time and additional certificates, 6 weeks ahead. Honorary and lifetime members, if they are on your roster, you have to pay for them. Each club has to have 100% paid insurance. Some of the callers and cuers are telling us that they belong to Caller and Cuers Associations and the ones that we recognize so far are North Willamette Callers and Cuers, Capital Callers and Cuers and Cascade Callers and Cuers. I have had two couples tell me that they belong to the American Callers Association. They are not on our list and I am checking with USDA to see if they will accept that. I checked on Friday night and we still do not have an answer.
PAST PRESIDENT: Kay & Jim Rogers
Thank you so much to the Lincoln Tillamook Council for the terrific weekend and dance. Please turn in your Randall Award ballot if you have not already. I have some ballots here if you forgot yours, you can vote today and give it to me to be counted. This is the last day. Start thinking now about who you can nominate next year, there are a lot of deserving people out there.
We need to get busy and fill in the prospective state officers for the coming year also. The nominating committee meets at mid winter to finalize the ballot.
The Benefit dance for HORSES is April 4th at the Salem Square Dance Center. Daryl Kalmbach is the caller and Barbara Schaumburg and Dave Cooper are the cuers. This is going to be a terrific dance, and a good cause, so do not miss it.
I remind you to Register, Register, Register. Register for Mid Winter, Register for Summer Festival and Register for the 54th National Square Dance Convention.
Think Positively!
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim & Kathy Roberts
I've distributed an update for your copies of the practices & procedures. There are updates to the annual stuff like the Randall Award winners, plus several of the policy changes that came up at the last meeting. Elected and appointed officers have one copy of the update, and delegates have two copies: one for yourself, and one for your council.
Be sure to contact me if there are any questions.
No report.
Since our last gathering, I have had time to clean up a few piles of "to-do's" in the sewing room and clean up the in and the out box on the computer.
I have also done some publicity for the Federation. I have answered two emails regarding Mid-Winter. One, from a couple the other from a lady doing info articles for Triple A.
I also answered an email that was forwarded to me from Janice Young. The family was asking for information on the clubs that dance at the Springfield Square Dance Center. I gave their name to Dennis Marsh and Sharon Greenman and gave the family the email addresses of Dennis and Sharon.
I have included a non-descript flyer giving you information on the Education Seminar at Mid-Winter. Hopefully, you will spread the information out amongst your area clubs and encourage attendance to get a feel for our favorite pastime. If anyone has more imagination than I do, then create a flyer for me and send it by email so I can get it out to potential participants.
1-888-637-7321 now rings into my house. I hope you share this number with the out of town dancers who have questions.
In my October article, I wrote about Stacey Pederson from the Mid-Willamette Area. I received a real nice thank you email from her and I'm going to share with you.
I'm still waiting to receive council minutes from several councils. I know that some of you don't meet monthly, but I really would like to receive them as soon as they are published. I currently get them from TVC, Umpqua, MWA, PAC and will receive soon from Blue Mountain as their meeting is on the 29th.
Hope to hear from a lot of you soon with special events that need that extra touch of publicity in the article.
Look in the January OFN for a new "piece" that will be done with myself and Vivian. Just another reason to feed me with information for upcoming events.
Imagine that you are in the audience and there are youth dancers in front of you telling you what they would like to see square dance look like in the future.
Bring with you to the state meeting, a question that you would like them to answer about the future of square dancing. It could be on most any topic, after parties, food, clothing, seminars, whatever.
The Education Seminar is at 10 am on Saturday morning at Mid Winter and I would like to have the potential youth participants have questions and some answers in hand and prepared for the seminar.
HISTORIAN: Ronnie Wiser
I had a brainstorm regarding the OFN. If you made it mandatory that everybody that joined the club automatically, with their dues paid for a subscription to the OFN and whenever someone's membership came due that they would have to subscribe to the OFN or renew that subscription. That way everyone would get the OFN and it would help the OFN as well.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph & Linda Lambert
BMI & ASCAP - Public Performance Licensing for copyrighted music.
Everything is current with both organizations.
These are the two organizations we deal with in order to legally use copyrighted music in our square and round dance programs. For club dances, using licensed callers and cuers pays the fees. For State Festivals and the National Square Dance Convention, individual event licensing is done.
HARRY FOX AGENCY - Mechanical Licenses to make and sell records.
The producer of the record does this. If we buy legitimately produced records from reputable sources, we as individual callers, cuers, or dancers do not need to be concerned about this agency.
ORDTA has pointed out a problem being experienced where a cuer records music and cues onto a tape or mini-disc, and gives the tape or disk to the caller or another dancer to be played at the dance. If the caller is BMI/ASCAP licensed for public performance of music, there is not a problem with BMI or ASCAP. But there is a problem in the fact that the maker of the tape or mini-disc needed to get a "mechanical license" and pay royalties for each song placed on the tape or mini-disc. This type of license is obtained through the Harry Fox Agency. Clubs - please do not ask your cuer or caller to place themselves in this type of a problem situation, just so the club can avoid paying to have a cuer at the dance. Sooner or later someone will be caught doing this, then fined, and we all will loose in the process. The fines will be levied against the person whose voice is on the recording. The fines can range up to $10,000 per tune.
RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - Downloading of electronic music files and the payment of royalties.
This is the group that is making headlines in the newspapers. In order to try to reduce the "stealing" of music off of the Internet, they are filing lawsuits against about 200 parties each month. The following is a portion of a recent newspaper article I read:
Music piracy is nothing new. Who hasn't taped a CD for a friend? But peer-to-peer programs like Kazaa allow perfect copies to be made and distributed to millions of people with the click of a mouse. The sheer scale of file sharing has had a devastating impact for the industry, which has seen its sales plummet 31 percent during the past three years.
Jonathan Larny, spokesman for the Recording Industry Association of America, said file sharing is largely responsible for the thousands of jobs lost, hundreds of music stores closed, new artists not being signed and existing artists getting dropped.
"This is not a victimless crime," Larny said. "Real people are hurting when people steal music."
And the industry has decided to get legal on what it perceives as abusers.
"We've been talking about this issue as nauseum for years," Larny said. "What other choices do we have left? There comes a point when you simply can't ask nicely. "There needs to be a carrot and stick."
Statesman Journal 9-30-03
I haven't heard a lot of any activities that are going on for the youth. Emerald Teens will be starting lessons in January. It will be a five-week, youth orientated fast track. It will be like an introduction to try and get them up to speed. We are still looking into the possibility of a Youth Festival/Youth Fund Raiser combination dance to help support the youth with the Youth Festival activities.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim & Avis Kinkaid (Absent)
No report
ORDTA: Dennis & Elaine Smith
ORDTA held their fall meeting on October 25, 2003, in Springfield. Several topics were discussed including: selecting "Could I Have This Dance" as the Classic ROM for March 2004; the lack of good, fun dances to choose from for ROM; opening up the ROM selection criteria to permit any phase III figure - the dance would still have to be phase II, limiting the number of phase III figures to 2; and the "So You Want to be a Cuer" clinic.
There was discussion about cuers not being happy where they were placed to cue at Mid-Winter. The consensus of the group was that 1) We do not ask for favors and 2) That, being professionals, we cue wherever and whenever we are needed and placed with no complaints. The statement was made that Oregon provides ribbons for callers and cuers who may only have one spot to call or cue. Other festivals out of state do not provide ribbons for their own committee members let alone callers or cuers. The feeling of the group was that being professional applies to any festival where we are invited to cue. Barbara Schaumburg reported that she is getting some of these same feelings in regards to scheduling cuers for summer festival in Seaside. The Mid-Winter committee has a ruling concerning both callers and cuers. The ruling states that any caller or cuer unhappy with their spot and refusing to call or cue for this reason will not be asked in the future.
The legality of a cuer providing recorded cues dances to be used in the cuer's absence was discussed. The conclusion of the group was that this is not only unprofessional, but also illegal. I was directed to request that Ralph Lambert, in his capacity as the state BMI/ASCAP contact, draft a letter to federated clubs, associations, and cuers concerning this practice. Ralph and I discussed this on October 27, and Ralph proposed that he provide the information that was published in the ROUNDALAB Journal Spring 2002 and Summer 2002 issues to ORDTA members as well as at the state meeting today.
ORDTA's next meeting will be held Saturday morning, January 24, at 9 AM in the Round Dance Hall at Mid Winter. ORDTA would like to encourage any and all interested in becoming cuers and/or instructors to attend the "So You Want to be a Cuer" clinic Saturday afternoon.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
OROM December 2003
"ALL THAT JAZZ II" by Maxine & Dale Springer
Record: Star #123
Phase II + 1 (fishtail)
Rhythm: Two Step
I am sorry to say this record is not available at the present time. When the Promenade shop called their supplier for availability they were told the record was available in the quantity they needed to supply Washington and Oregon cuers. The Promenade shop ordered the records. They waited and waited for the records to arrive. Then after several weeks their supplier notified the Promenade Shop that the records are not available now. Palomino Record Company presses Star Records and they are not pressing any records at this time. All That Jazz II is on a Star label. I am sorry for all the inconvenience this may have caused, but it is out of our hands, The Promenade Shop, their supplier and myself. The record "All That Jazz II" may be pressed at a later date, but no one knows.
OROM for January 2004
"TENNEESEE WALTZ" by Mike Seurer
Record: Collectable # 4225 Patti Page
Flip side: (How Much Is That "Doggie In The Window")
(OROM July 1991)
Rhythm: Waltz
Phase: II
OROM march 2004
"COULD I HAVE THIS DANCE" by George & Johnnie Eddins
Record: Capital #4920 Anne Murray
Rhythm: Waltz
Phase: II + 1
I was wondering if anyone might have a solution to the problem with December's ROM? Should I go back and see if that council would like to select another dance or just let it go?
FYI: It was suggested that Barbara take the councils second choice as the ROM and that is what will be done.
CALLER ADVISOR: Harold & Barbara Kleve
Northwest Callers and Cuers Association are going to continue, but as soon as their association with the federation is over, they will not renew their affiliation and will be independent.
Advanced Registrations are coming in, but at a slower pace than we had hoped for.
We continue to receive questions from dancers asking the status of the "Fund Raising" for the rental of the Lloyd Center Ice Arena. We do not have a good answer for them at this time. We have heard of clubs and councils doing various things to help us raise the required funding. We are asking that those clubs and councils forward the funds raised to Bill Rooper, Treasurer of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. If Bill has the money on deposit, we can contact him and keep a running status of where we stand on this project. We certainly appreciate the efforts of all concerned and especially the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs for voting to match the contributions received from dancers, clubs and councils.
With the matching funds from the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs, our goal is to raise $10,000.00. This will take a concerted effort and the help of all the dancers in Oregon and Washington. We believe this is a worthwhile effort and that the goal is attainable. Remember that if the Ice Arena is not secured, these funds will be returned to the originator.
To try and generate some interest in this project, and to be able to tell dancers what progress is being made, we are having a thermometer to each State meeting so the officers and delegates can see the progress. We are asking for your help in accomplishing this goal.
The Oregon Trail Board, along with all the committee members, is working very diligently to get ready for the Pre-Convention during the period March 17-20, 2004. All committees have room for more volunteers and the duties can be as much of a commitment as 18 months or as little as 2 hours during convention. We need for everyone to get involved. We ask the delegates to return to your councils and promote the need for volunteers. This will be a great part and we believe they will not want to miss it once they learn how rewarding their participation can be.
We ask that everyone mark their calendars for June 13, 2004. That is the date that Tony Oxendine will be donating his services to assist us by presenting a "Benefit Dance" at the Clark County Square Dance Center, Vancouver, WA. The dance will be from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm at the mainstream level. Neva Reid has graciously volunteered to cue the rounds that afternoon. Admission is by donation and all funds, after the hall rental, will be earmarked for the Lloyd Center Ice Arena project. We have distributed a packet today to each delegate. In those packets there is a flyer with each club's name on it and a flyer for the council. Please promote this dance. It will be advertised in the OFN at a later date.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn & Ron Schmitt
We have received the post card from Denver, asking if we are interested in participating and have checked yes. We have put our name on it as the Federation representatives. That will be mailed tomorrow. Thursday afternoon we picked up some Portland magazines and box of Oregon maps, so we have start towards the Federation table. We are asking for ideas for the Federation display.
STATE DELEGATES REPORT: Kathy & Buzz Buczkowski
The Delegate's meeting consisted of a round table discussion on putting articles in the OFN and what information we may put in them. Another discussion was on banner stealing. Spencer Lewis distributed some suggestions regarding this activity. It was the consensus of the group that there cannot always be two squares to reclaim or steal a banner. Small clubs could call ahead and let the host club know they were coming and get approval to steal the banner with having less than two squares. The main idea is to promote fun and have a good time. It also helps to find a fun way to pay the club admission to the dance.
A question was posed: Can there be a list of area delegates included in the OFN with their e-mails?
There was no old business at this meeting.
MOTION by Dave Cooper
Madame President: I move that the Round of the month guidelines in the Practices and Procedures section 7 be modified to allow any "Phase II plus 1" or Phase II plus 2" dance instead of the explicit Phase III list we currently have, assuming the dance meets the other criteria in that section. Seconded by Kathy Buczkowski. Motion carried.
Discussion: Barbara Schaumburg - many of the moves in our rounds of the month are actually Phase III moves but with different names. We should be using the proper names. This was discussed at ORDTA and they are in support of this motion and will have a letter of support sent to President, Carolyn Bosch.
"Triples" - cued as 2 quick two steps
"Progressive Rock" - is a rock apart holding hands but moving down the
line of dance.
"Whisk" - is just a hover but stepping behind the other foot instead of to
the wall.
I would like to thank the Lincoln-Tillamook area council for hosting this meeting. I would like to apologize for Sharon and myself for not being able to stay for the dance. We had to go back to Eugene for meetings.
The Wagon Wheelers held their last dance and will be resolving their club the first of the year. I have flyers for in your folders, of upcoming events, so you can distribute them to your clubs. I would like to make special note of the Whirl-A-Ways and the Sweet Home Squarenaders Christmas Dances, which are Toys for Tots. It is such a wonderful charity. On the New Years Eve dance at the square dance center they have added a new dancers hall.
Mid-Winter, this is our last year at the Lane County Fairgrounds. I would encourage everyone to get a ribbon and go out with a bang and show them what they are missing. Albany is very excited about us coming.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Reta & Phil Harkins (Absent)
No report.
LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA: Kathy & Buzz Buczkowski
Coast Swingers had a small beginners class and have asked them to attend their dances. They had nothing further to report.
Sea Twirlers have been rather inactive the last few months. Some have been traveling; others have had illness and injury. Certain couples have attended Braids and Braves Barn Dance. Crazy Creek Rockers birthday dance and Seaside Sashay. They also had couples attend the regular dances of Crazy Creek Rockers, Valley River Dancers and Toledo 40'ers and are looking forward to Mid-Winter Festival.
Toledo 49'ers have also had several members incapacitated by illness and injury and now our snowbirds have left for Arizona and are greatly missed. The club had a fairly good response to the party-type lessons. Seven people attended the class from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm on three successive Saturdays. They had a morning and afternoon coffee break and lunch was served. They seemed to enjoy the schedule and learned and retained the moves they learned. They now come for ˝ hour workshop before the regular dances to reinforce the moves they have learned. The club is making plans to hold another session of party lessons n February 2004.
Canned food will be collected at the November and December dances for the food pantry in Toledo and at the December 20th dance they will have a potluck dinner and gift exchange prior to the dance.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA: Spencer & Barbara Lewis
Report from State Meeting of September 21, 2003
August, the slow month for many square dance clubs is over. Now all clubs, including those that went dark, are again gearing up for an active fun filled fall season. About thirteen of our clubs have already begun their fall lessons. The Corvallis Squares have a rather unique way of presenting their square and round dance lessons. They have worked out a co-sponsoring system with the Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department. They are listed and written up in the department's quarterly bulletin sent to all homes in the area. The Department also helps the club find a suitable school for their lessons and hopefully will be able to help them contract for a lower fee for the facilities.
Other area activities include: Fran Bunch was again asked by the State Fair to provide square dance demonstrations. With the area council's help there was square dancing on four evenings during the fair. One couple that watched were impressed enough to start attending our club's lessons two weeks ago.
Our area President, Phil Coblentz, has appointed a committee to study the Banner Stealing guidelines as published in the OFN last year. They are to present to the Council possible modifications to enable smaller clubs the ability to get involved in the fun of banner stealing.
Plans are now under way to put on a Fall Festival on November 29, 2003 at the Salem Square Dance Center.
Our thanks to the Lebanon Square circlers for their part in helping our area host the state festivities and meetings this weekend.
Report from State Meeting of November 16, 2003
Collecting the 2004 insurance forms, rosters and checks turned out to be a time consuming project. Approximately one in three had to be returned for corrections. Finally, the last forms were returned to me this past Tuesday. Some interesting statistics were uncovered from this pile of paper. Our 18 clubs have a total of 658 primary members and 65 supplemental members. The number of students in classes at present is 210. We can get a better perspective of that number if we break it into 3 groups.
1. Square dance student……….96……….from 9 clubs.
2. Round dance students………38……….from 1 club.
3. Clogging students……………76……….from 1 club.
I visited the Cherry City Cloggers at the Salem Square Dance Center last week to see how they handled such a large class. The students were spaced about 8 to 10 in a line, approximately 3 to 4 feet apart. There must have been 7 or 8 lines extending back from the stage. There was no way the last rows could possible see the steps being taught by the instructor. They had solved this dilemma by aiming a video camera at the instructor's feet, and showing each step she was teaching on a huge screen that was visible to all. They credit the large class to several things. First, they need no partners, second, when they mess up a step, they haven't messed up anyone else and they just start the next step right where they are standing. Third, the club does a great number of demonstrations through the year. The students do not join the club for an entire year.
Banner stealing has been a concern to some of our clubs, especially those with fewer members. Our area has come up with a few suggestions they want all our clubs to follow. A copy of these suggestions and the two copies from our OFN have been reproduced for your information.
Our area is having its annual Fall Festival, November 29, 2003 at the Salem Square Dance Center. We invite you all to attend if possible to work off that turkey dinner. A flyer about the dance is also at your table.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL: Al Wolf & Gail Domine (absent) Chuck Bos sitting in
A "Howling" good time was had by eight squares of dancers at the PAC 5th Friday Halloween dance on October 31st. What a variety of costumes.
Classes are in full swing with club jamborees already held or going to be held soon. Country Capers, was yesterday, Nov. 15th, Swap & Swing will be on Nov. 22nd, checkerboard Squares on Nov. 23rd, River city Dancers on Dec. 7th, Country Cut-Ups on Dec. 14th and Buzzin' Bees on Jan. 17th. Let's support our clubs and new dancers.
The Country cut-Ups annual pancake breakfast on Oct. 19th was a "delicious" even; as always. They really know how to feed a person.
Daryl Clendenin, National caller for many years, has now come back home to Portland after calling for many years in Arizona and around the country. He has started several classes and is guest calling for various clubs.
Clubs are already advertising their New Year's Eve dances. Check the OFN for their ads.
Several clubs will start square dance lessons after the New Yyear. Bachelor "N" Bachelorettes and Oakey Doaks will start in January.
P. S. the River City Dancers are still waiting for the wood Award and Chairman's Trophy.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John & Glory Guches
Council Activities: On the 7th of October at the Council meeting Rex Bounds retired as the Council Delegate and John Guches was appointed as his replacement.
Charlie Browns: On October 4th celebrated the Birth of a Comic strip, as the comic strip was first published on Oct. 2 19--. There class is going strong with 20 new students.
At that dance the Pioneers and Petticoats of Canyonville also honored them as the most brag able club for 2003. Their Birthday dance will be on the 6th of December.
Circle 'N' Squares: There 49th birthday dance was celebrated on the 20th of September with 10 squares dancing to Lawrence Johnston, Clubs from the Rogue Sis-Q Council, Interstate Highlanders, and Northern California were in attendance.
They will hold their Christmas Party on December 15th.
Gypsy Squares: Held their 38th birthday dance on the 25th of October.
Lantz's Dantzers: During the holiday season, from 2 Nov thru Dec 21 the club will be collecting canned Food and Money for the Access food bank, for all there classes and dances added to the price of admission will be 1 can of food or .50, at the dancers discretion.
Southern Oregon Single Squares: No report.
Star Promenaders: No report.
BEACHCOMBERS - Reports they had a great July 4th Birthday Celebration, with 11 squares on the floor, and great coverage by KCBY cameras. Calling on the 3rd was Peter Wood with Steve Hoisington cueing, on the 4th Dale Roberson called; Steve Hoisington and Ed Phillips shared the cueing. Scott Zinser called on the 5th with Pat Hintz cueing.
Labor Day weekend went off without a hitch. As many as 12 squares on the floor at one time. Enjoyed the calling of Denny Lentz, Darrell Newell and the cueing of Marion Cook and Ed Phillips.
The "Dancing in the Surf" created a great scene for the spectators and fun for the dancers. On now to our fall dancing and visiting and looking forward to our New Years Eve Dance. See you there.
SAINTS-N-AINTS - had a good summer, with lots of visiting to other clubs throughout the state. While Sherm enjoyed a summer off for vacationing and lots of fishing we enjoyed guest callers. Lenny Ludiker called for us July 19th. On August 2nd we enjoyed Steve Porter, Wayne West on August 16th. Wayne will be our guest caller in September, October and November when Sherm attends the OSU (his alma mater) football games. We appreciate Wayne West, Lenny Ludiker, Ivan Koehn & Steve Porter for coming over to help us out. We always have such a great time. Lots of SNA's attended the South Coast Area meeting and picnic hosted by Sets In Order in August. Kudos to Jim Harris, for wielding a mean spatula on those burgers. They were delicious.
SETS IN ORDER - have been having guest callers at our dances due to our caller Johnnie Nichols having health problems. Many thanks to Dale Roberson, Wayne West, Jim Gadberry, Ray Graves and Coleeta Quigley for all their help. Our lessons have started with Jim Harris teaching for us.
We had a float in the Coquille Gay 90's parade on June 7th. During the Coos County fair in July, we had a community booth, parade float and danced one evening. Hosted the South Coast Area picnic and meeting at Sturdivant Park in Coquille on August 17th. Our 57th Birthday dance will be October 11th with Wayne West calling and Denise Harris cueing.
The Seaside Sashay was a great success. We had 228 dancers sign up. The weather could not have been any better. We danced 2 hours at the Turnaround, 1 hour of Mainstream dance & 1 hour of Plus. Johnny Preston & Norm Yoder called & Janne Norton & Susan Healea cued.
We had a drawing for pre-registered people for 2004. Janne Norton won. She gets into the dance free, gets a free motel room & free food. She was very excited about winning.
We are working hard for next year's Seaside Sashay. We have Daryl Clendenin & Scott Zinser calling & Debbie Taylor cueing.
For Thanksgiving we are collecting canned food for those less fortunate. At Christmas we are giving unwrapped gifts for children. Les Schwab collects these gifts & gives them to kids just in our own area.
We had a meeting on the Summer Festival 2004. Things are moving along well.
On November 19, our Club is going to be stuffing envelopes for the 2005 National Convention.
Lessons are on going.
The last dance is not the words one wishes to hear but we have to announce that the RV 8ers held their last dance in October and will dissolve their dance activities with the TVC and State Federation.
Nov 29this the TVC 5th Saturday Dance at the Aloha Grange, 8 PM, 185th & TV Highway. Darrell Newell will be calling and Barbara Schaumburg will be the cuer.
Upcoming events: December the 8th on Monday at 6 PM, Christmas Party/Dinner for everyone that wants to come and enjoy the seasonal spirit of the TVC and PAC members. This dinner and night of good times is to be held at Buster's Bar-B-Q on 11419 SW Pacific Highway in Tigard. Contact TVC President for details.
New Years Eve Dinner and Dance held that last day in 2003 at the Odd Fellows Hall, 267 E Main St., Hillsboro. Time of the dance will be 8 PM. Again we promise more food than you can eat. Tickets available from TVC club representatives for $10.00, dinner/dance. Note that there are limited tickets for this event. Callers, Host and MC for this event are: Harold Kleve and Bill Lundin and special guest cuer Bev Flint. New Dancers are WELCOME.
Jan 26th, Monday, the Presidents Potluck, everyone is invited. Come to enjoy the food, fellow dancers and celebrate the honored dancers of the Recognition award and all past and present Presidents within the TVC.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL: Darlene "Dar" Sconce
Umpqua Area Council held a 5th Friday dance on October 31, 2003. Six squares of dancers with lots of wild and crazy costumes. All who attended had a great time.
Boots & Calicos: Christmas Dance will be December 13, 2003 and Pajama Dance will be on January 10, 2004. Jim Gadberry will be the Caller and Claude Butler the Cuer for these dances. Jim Gadberry announced his retirement in March of 2004.
Buckeroos: Buckeroos held a very successful Thanksgiving Dinner/Dance last evening. Their annual Christmas Wreath Project takes place on December 4, 5 & 6 at the Buckaroo Barn. The Buckaroos will be dark on December 6th. The Christmas Dance will be December 20, 2003 and A New Year's Eve Dance with Dale Roberson, Calling and Steve Hoisington, Cueing. We will have party favors, good food, great fun, plus a $3.00 p/p breakfast on New Year's Day. There is free RV parking at the barn. Due to lack of new dancers, our class lessons were altered and are currently holding mainstream workshops and plus classes on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:30 PM. Pat Hintz is also conducting round dance classes on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM.
Pioneer 'N' Petticoats: Held a successful Halloween dance with 5 squares dancing. There are 9 new students taking lessons with Jim Gadberry as the instructor. They held a "surprise party" on November 9th for Wayne West, who is retiring. On November 6th, the P N P held their 6th Birthday Dance with Scott Zinser calling and Denise Harris, Cueing. Upcoming dances include Christmas Dance, December 12th; Brag Book Student Dance, January 9th and 50's 60's Dance on February 27th.
Timber 8's Plus Club: Their plus workshops on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM have been moved to the Buckaroo Barn. The club will be dark on December 5th due to the Buckaroo's Wreath Project. On November 21st, Roger Putzler will be calling with Claude Butler, Cueing. Sherm Welch will be calling for their December 19th Christmas Dance
The Hobo Halloween Dances in our council are over with great fun had by all. The clubs have been supporting each other with visits, which helps tremendously. Plans are now being made for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The Elkhorn Swinger of Baker City changed their dance nights to the 1st and 3rd Saturdays.
The next Blue Mountains Council meeting and dance, will be hosted by the Indian Valley Paraders of Elgin on Nov. 29, 2003
THE CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL Had a Halloween Dance in October that was greatly attended with lots of costumes, great decorations and lots of fun.
On April 30th, 2004 the Council is going to hold a new dancers dance, which will include a potluck and clothing sale. This will be a 5th Saturday and the Council is anticipating a good attendance.
Our Council Vice President was burned seriously last weekend in an accident while helping his brother build a home. He is currently in the Oregon Burn Center in Portland and doing well.
SAGEBRUSH SHUFFLERS: had their "Back to Dancing" dance in September with a BBQ. Darrel Newell did an excellent job of calling and Dave Cooper was the cuer. All had a fun time.
They are still hoping and watching for the new Community Hall and anticipate dancing there again. Perhaps that will happen next spring or summer.
SUNDOWN ROUND DANCE CLUB: Two Step lessons in both Bend and Redmond are doing great with a lot of attendance and new dancers to Round Dancing.
They continue to dance on the first Monday of the month and are anticipating adding some upper level dancing this fall and winter.
RED ROCK SQUARES: Did a Champagne Brunch and pumpkin carving contest fundraiser in October that was lots of fun for those present. There were some very unique pumpkins. Great food and of course, great companionship.
Red Rocks will start their lessons the first Sunday in January at the Clog Hall from 1:00 to 3:00 PM with Ron Dowse doing the calling. We will be using a sign up sheet for hosts for all lessons. The Red Rocks will also be helping the Shufflers with their lessons and the Shufflers will be helping the Red Rocks with theirs.
SWINGING MOUNTAINEERS: Their yearly fund-raiser is a lot of fun and helps the Mountaineers make it thru the year for their callers and other activities. The Swinging Mountaineers help put on the Fort Rock Hoedown and it is a great summer activity well attended by square dancers from all areas.
The club has decided they will keep the Mexican theme for their Birthday dance, however, are looking into having the dinner catered.
BACHELOR BEAUTS: Recently had their annual Thanksgiving dinner and there were many dancers from other clubs along with dancers from the Beauts who no longer dance for one reason or another. It was great to see some of the experienced dancers.
The Bachelor Beauts also help with the Fort Rock Hoedown and have a great club participation in that. Their Detroit weekend was wonderful with great weather, conversations and dancing.
Area is planning the May state meeting. We will have packets and details at Mid-Winter.
Ione Grand Squares will be dancing in five different locations this year. Please call ahead to find out which great eastern Oregon City they will be dancing in before you visit.
Hermiston Square Knots are dancing on the 3rd Friday only this year. They hope to have lessons beginning in January
Don & Karel Morris
No report
Benjamin Brown (Absent)
No report
Ray & Zola Jones
Since the September State Meeting, Raymond was gone 10 days in October for deer hunting in Eastern Oregon; so we have just been attending all of our own club dances and Angeling at our club New Dancer Lessons.
Also we are excitedly awaiting the birth of our first grandchild, as our daughter is due any day now!
At this November meeting once again the Mid-Winter Festival Program Books are here for your information and distribution. Please take a supply back to your clubs and encourage them to be sure their New Dancers receive Program Books too. Thank you.
Our sincerest wishes for wonderful Holidays for you with family and friends; and we look forward to seeing all of you in our hometown, Eugene in January at Mid-Winter Festival.
We will NOT be at the Nov. 16 State Federation meeting because our daughter (our one and only child) just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl late this afternoon, (our first grandchild)! She and her husband live here in Eugene too, and she and baby will be going home Saturday and of course we need to be here for her.
Al & Fran Westphal
Welcome to Lincoln-Tillamook area. We will be thinking of you and joining you in a square - in spirit. Our "new" home in Yuma presented some challenges, but we think things are now under control. We are back into the dance circuit here, squaring with Bob and Jan Stutevoss, Don and Ronda Young and Jerry and Janice Jestin and rounding with Ron and Mary Noble and Arnold and Jeanette Tramp. Each week more dancers are flocking in. The past 30 hours brought about 1/2 inch of rain. Made us quite homesick. It is so rare for Yuma to have any sustained rain. We have a new address and new phone no. The welcome mat is out for any of you who can come this way. We would love to have you join us for a day, a week, a month or the season.
Al and Fran Westphal
Shangri-La R.V. Resort
10498 N. Frontage Rd., Space 27
Yuma, AZ 85365
Harold & Barbara Kleve
Since our appointment in September we haven't gone far, we have held classes and dances with our home club. We attended several other dances in the area and have called for several dances as well.
Vivian Fairburn - Just for your information, I talk at the rate of 450 words per minute.
Marilyn Schmit - Reported that $15 was donated to H.O.R.S.E.S. from the September meetings Arts and Craft show put on by Oregon square dancers.
Barbara Lewis - mentioned that the MWA Fall Festival flyers were in our packets and that they were collecting can food.
Lee Ashwill - thanked everyone for their donations toward the hall rent for the Benefit Dance. A total of $73.00 was collected.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodene Hughes
Recording Secretary
This statement is not part of the minutes, it is just information only. There is a possibility that there will be no dancing under a covered bridge at Mid-Winter.