Meeting brought to order by President Carolyn Bosch at 9:00 AM.
This meeting is being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Jodene Hughes.
Officers: All present
Appointed Officers: All present except Roger & Dee Newell (Financial Advisor), Vivian Fairburn (OFN Editor), Ronnie Wiser (Historian), Ralph & Linda Lambert (BMI/ASCAP), Peter & Beverly Hills-Wood (Youth Coordinator), Jim & Avis Kinkaid (State Trailers), Harold & Barbara Kleve (Caller Advisor), Peter & Beverly Hills-Wood (2005 Mid-Winter) and Lee & Barbi Ashwill (54th Nat'l Convention)
Delegates: All present. Ray & Ginger Fenn (Bonnie & Don Berry substituting, Blue Mountain Council), Doug & LaDauna Hartzell (Central Oregon), Reta & Phil Harkins (Interstate Highlanders). Coleeta & Chuck Quigley (new delegates for South Coast).
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All absent
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Kay Rogers
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Dave Cooper
MOTION by Dave Hughes
I move that we accept the minutes as presented. 2nd by Dennis Marsh. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT: Carolyn & Bob Bosch
We would like to thank the Eastern Oregon Council on their hospitality, dinner, dance and friendship.
Bob and I traveled to Sacramento for the California State Convention; Dance Fever and Teen Dance; River City Dancers; Teen benefit Dance @ the new facilities in Albany.
The 2005 Charity Dance will be at the Oak Grove Community Club in Oak Grove on April 3, 2005. This is at the corner of Maple & Cedar in Oak Grove.
A "Thank You" goes out to Tim Roberts with all the special issues that have come up during the last few months.
The representatives for the USDA meeting in Denver will be the Rogers and Schmits.
"Square Dance Week" is the full week after Labor Day. We would like the Councils and /or Clubs to pick an activity where you could dance and return to Summer Festival with this information to me. A challenge, as I understand, will be made between councils based on the percentage of dancers in attendance. I would like to know the challenge and prizes
Today we count the ballots for our group. The following people will count the ballots:
Dorothy Daggett, Annadale Rooper and Laurie Cooley. The results will be announced before break.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dave & Barbie Cooper
No written or email report
2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
It was reported at last meeting callers/cuers have been scheduled, but that changes day to day... At the festival you'll be able to pick up an updated dance schedule.
Program books have been printed. I have bags for each of the delegates with the program books inside. I have 3 books for each of the clubs in you council & 3 for council officers.
We have 6 vendors coming. Bosch Engraving, Carrie B's, Swirling Skirts, Hermann Maria Western Accessories, Cloud Nine Dance Shoes, Pat & Sid Benge with clothing from Oklahoma
We have 189 registered as of last Thursday. Please remember to register. You can use your Visa. Play now and pay later.
Come "HEAR THE ROAR OF 2004".
2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter Wood & Beverly Hills-Wood
Peter and I are sorry we cannot be there today; we are in Winston, OR at the Wildlife Safari where Peter is emceeing the benefit dance for the animal sanctuary there.
Here is our report:
Stayin' Alive, the theme for Mid-Winter 2005 is also the name of the music the Banner Bandit Raiders have been loudly playing during our entrance into club dances for a raid. So far, we have raided 12 clubs and stolen 12 banners. Our challenge to the clubs is simple; send a square of pre-registered dancers to Mid-Winter 2005 to reclaim their banner. A simple majority of their membership, if they have less than 15 members, will suffice.
We have sent the banner pole along to be displayed, so that the various banners can be seen. The number of raiders is growing. At our last raid, in the Portland area, we had 3 shy of three squares. We wear eye masks of Mid-Winter material and have a great lot of fun. Beware; any square dance club is a possible target; we may even have promotional visits to round dance clubs.
As for the Festival: the callers, cuers and clogging prompter have signed contracts. We are still awaiting response from the youth caller and have a second choice in the wings in case response doesn't come soon. Contra dancing will have 4 hours of dedicated space throughout the weekend. The Contra caller has donated his time.
We have a signed contract with Linn Co. Fairgrounds now. The first installment is due on July 1, 2005 with the balance due the first day of the Festival. Financially, we have more than enough for the first installment, with more coming in daily with registrations.
The two hotels next to the Fairgrounds have had all rooms reserved (except for maybe a few Jacuzzi suites) and we are working on filling the third hotel, originally planned as our overflow. Who knows, maybe a fourth hotel will be needed before it's over, wouldn't that be nice? The top floor of the Comfort Suites is reserved for Committee members and performers. The winners of the Grand Prizes at the Youth Benefit Dance, Summer Festival and the Washington State Festival are in the other two hotels.
There are now 46 "electric-only" RV spots, with plans by the Fairgrounds to provide electric to 14 more by summer's end. There are still "electric only" RV spots available on a first-come, first-served basis. Generators are allowed. The on-site waste dump is available to all festival registered RV's. 40 spots of "dry camping" are also available in the secure gated area on a three night basis only. Unlimited dry camping is available as parking lot space permits on a night by night basis. See registration for prices.
Recently, on May 20th, the Youth Benefit Dance was held at the Willamette Events Center at the Linn Co. Fairgrounds. The use of the building was donated by the Fairgrounds specifically as a "sound check" for our equipment; that required a dance to properly sound the building; thus the benefit happened, but that is a different report. A tour was given to those interested in seeing the different areas available for Mid-Winter, basically, the whole Fairgrounds.
Ribbons have been ordered and should be here within 2 weeks. More registrations are being printed as Dennis reads this. We will send some to each club and hope to have a person designated to sell ribbons in each council around the state.
I think we pretty much covered everything, if not feel free to call or e-mail us.
The OFN has showed a profit for the last four months:
Month | Income | Expenses | + / - | # of Pages |
Feb | $2605 | $2813 | - $207 | 40 |
Mar | $3839 | $3245 | $591 | 48 |
Apr | $3634 | $3368 | $290 | 48 |
May | $3241 | $2781 | $480 | 40 |
June | $3421 | $2782 | $638 | 40 |
These figures are based on the actual ad revenue, pro-rated Where and When, Directory Ads and current subscriptions paid for each month.
The postage and printing costs are fairly constant. The income fluctuates depending upon the number of ads. These figures show a monthly picture of the financial status of the OFN based on the current figures each month.
July and August will most likely be 32 page issues as so many clubs are dark and there won't be as many ads.
The # of subscribers remains fairly constant. The new subscribers offset those who don't renew due to various reasons. The subscription numbers are approximately 1050 each month.
I am in the process of soliciting bids from printers and will meet with the advisors after the July 15th deadline to discuss the results.
We have had several errors in the last few months. I don't have a way to proof the corrected proofs of the printer. Last month she was ill, didn't have the proofs for me until late on Saturday the 24th. She had to have the corrections back on Sunday evening (25th) which really put my day in a crunch. She did get it printed on the 26th but some corrections were not made. On her current schedule, we are not able to proof the corrections. I have included that request in the new bid. I think it is important to be able to follow up to see that the corrections are made.
We have tried something new this spring between the TVC and the OFN. In order to encourage visitations and to promote the OFN, we inserted a coupon for $1 off with The ad to a club dance within the TVC. We restricted it to the month it appeared in the OFN and it couldn't be used to the member's home club. We received a few back from the club's who turned them in at the council meeting. I discounted the ad 1/2 off so that the OFN would pay half and the TVC paid half.
I believe that new ideas and promotions are what it takes to build the subscription base and to have it become financially successful.
I am sorry I couldn't make the meeting. I will see you all in Seaside for the next one.
2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter & Beverly-Hills Wood
Things are going just fine. We hope to increase the profitability of the festival, although Aaron has done a wonderful job this year. We look forward to signing a contract within 30 days and a deposit due July 1st, which will be drastically reduced from what we pay now. We have lots of people come up and volunteer to help with 2005 Mid-Winter. We hope to continue the fun activities for the youth. Hotel and RV registrations are going very quickly, so I suggest you get yours in fast. We are looking into having a catered dinner on Saturday evening. More information on this later.
2006 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dennis Marsh & Ilana Widders
Good Morning, I am Ilana Widders. Dennis Marsh and I are the chairs for the 2005 Mid-Winter Festival. We want to thank the Eastern Oregon Council for a very delicious dinner and a fun dance last night. For 2006 we will be "Dancin' Down-Under" with Koala-T Square Dancing to a caller from Australia, Brian Hotchkies. Our cuer is Randy Preskitt from Washington. Both have agreed through emails to be here and we are expecting their signed contracts shortly. Our co-chairs are Dan and Ginger Allen from the Sweet Home Squarenaders. With our new location in Albany, look for more changes and new surprises as Mid-Winter Festival gears up for some terrific years.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh & Ilana Widders
Thank you Mid-Winter festival for a great weekend. At the last meeting I asked for some back state directors. Between Carolyn Bosch and Marilyn Schmit, I have all but one. I still need the 1982 state directory.
Thank you to all that came to Eastern Oregon.
I would like to thank the Eastern Oregon Council for their hospitality hosting the state meeting. Dave & Jodene Hughes for an excellent and very informative information package and Jodene for introducing us to her famous Sloppy Joes.
Cards requested: 5 condolence cards, 9 get well cards, and 1 anniversary card.
Get Well cards:
Bobbie Stewart's Father is seriously ill.
Bill Reids Brother-in-law is ill and his granddaughter had surgery.
Beulah Dallas Brother-in-law had surgery.
Jerry Christiansen had back surgery.
Bonnie Stimler, a stroke with pending surgery
Joanne Ward, her Mother is not well.
Joyce Frazer had surgery
Condolence cards:
Rita Russell's husband, Larry passed away.
Everett Foss's wife, Arlene passed away.
JoAnn Hinkle, her Mother passed away.
JoAnn Repp's Mother-in Law passed.
Wayne Chipman's Mother passed.
Bert Casad her Husband, Ben passed away. Ben Casad was a Caller.
Wedding Anniversary Card:
Jerry and Sues Kindrick celebrated their 34th anniversary.
TREASURER REPORT: Bill & Annandale Rooper
For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file.
MEMBERSHIP: Clara Evarts
Thank you Eastern Council, Dave and Jodene for the hosting of the State Meeting good food and a great dance with caller and cuer.
I am collecting officer forms for the Clubs and Councils here, and thru the mail. I will be checking them over and sending copies to the 2ndt Vice President and OFN Editor for When and Where. The monies will be deposited as soon as my records are updated...
The Councils that have Clubs with renewal coming up with the Corporation Board before the Summer Festival meeting, have a letter for them so they can let me know the fees have been paid.
I have received a letter that the Clatskanie Promenaders from the Sunset Empire Council that they have elected to disbanded.
MOTION by Clara Evarts
Madam President, I moved that we accept the Happy Hoppers from Washington into the Portland Area Council. They have submitted to me all the papers required to belong to the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. 2nd by Bob Bosch. MC
MOTION by Clara Evarts
Madam President, I moved that we reinstate the Re-Vu-N-Q from Mid-Willamette Area Council they sent checks for their fees, and have paid insurance with membership list. They also are up to date with the Oregon Corporation Board. 2nd by Bob Bosch. MC
INSURANCE: Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos
No written or email report
PAST PRESIDENT: Kay & Jim Rogers
No written or email report
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim & Kathy Roberts
I've distributed a short update for your copies of the practices & procedures. Barbara Schaumburg wanted to make sure the new policy on Rounds of the Month was out there for people to read. Elected and appointed officers have one copy of the update, and delegates have two copies: one for yourself, and one for your council. A PDF file of the entire P&P document is available on the Federation's web site.
Be sure to contact me if there are any questions.
We have one other little item that needs to be addressed. As you may have heard once or twice, this Federation will be hosting a National Square Dance Convention in Oregon next summer. Because of that, there will be no Summer Festival, and that means we do not have an automatic location for our summer Federation meeting.
The last time this happened, in 1994, the Central Oregon Council volunteered to host an extra Federation meeting in July. We either need to have a council volunteer to host a summer meeting in 2005, or we need to vote to skip the summer meeting. I, for one, love meetings, so I would rather we had it. Please talk this over in your councils, and we'll bring it up again at the Summer Festival meeting.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Roger & Dee Newell (absent)
No report.
The Education Seminar at Summer Festival will be at 10:30 am on Saturday morning in the Sea Mist Room of the Seaside Convention Center. Each person has a flyer and the delegates have enough for each club in their council. Please encourage your dancers to attend and learn about Club Leadership Certification. If there are any questions, see me.
The "Upcoming Special Events" page in the OFN continues to grow. I get email with information to add to it and that is very helpful. I intend to keep this page after going out of this office in September. It is fun and real quick to update each month. It is my contribution to the success of the state square dance magazine.
After Summer Festival, I will get information together for the Education Seminar at Mid-Winter. Peter Wood asked that the 2004 Seminar be repeated. It will be up to Ed Warmoth if he wants to oversee it or if I handle it.
My articles in the OFN have been helpful and newsworthy, I hope. I'll be looking forward to receiving information from Madame President about Square Dance Week in September. The next issue of the OFN for deadline purposes is July. Hopefully, there will be some information available to get the dancers attention with follow up in August and September. Stay tuned.
There has been no activity on the 800-line since our last meeting. I, too, think that it should be discontinued. That money could be better spent elsewhere. The phone numbers of the Federation board are listed on the Web page and there are contact numbers on most all flyers or advertising.
I would entertain the motion to discontinue if that is the feeling of the rest of the Federation board.
MOTION by Bob Bosch
I move that the toll free phone number that the Federation currently uses be discontinued. 2nd by Dar Sconce. MC
HISTORIAN: Ronnie Wiser (absent)
No report
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph & Linda Lambert (absent)
No report
YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Peter & Beverly Hills-Wood (Absent)
Report given by Dennis Marsh
Thank you to all who attended and those who helped us in our recent benefit try. Roger Putzler, Kirby Goode and Les Seeley for calling; Ron Noble and Christina Corellie for cueing. Laurie Cooley for manning receipts, Dennis Pemble for split the pot, Lisa Gibbens for helping all-around at the front table. Lois Klinok for her help with the front table coverage, Aaron, Linda and Brandon Gibbens for the wonderful help they provided. And to all the others without whom many tasks would not have been completed, we THANK YOU.
Approximately 150 people attended; others even donated cash who could not be there in person. We filled one-third of the 4600 square foot building and a good sound check for Mid-Winter happened. We thank EVERYONE.
On May 20th, 2004 the 1st Annual (we Hope) Youth Benefit Dance was held at the Willamette Events Center at the Linn Co. Fairgrounds. Linn County Fairgrounds generously donated the use of the building as a "sound check" for Mid-Winter; that required a dance to properly sound the building; thus the benefit was born.
With the callers and cuers donating their time and skills, there was very little expense involved. Pretty much all that was needed was supplies fro the front table and eating. $711.14 was the net income of the Benefit. We hope that this money will be used to offer partial or full funding to potential youth dancers who are in financial need at the time lessons occur, and to help defray costs to youth who otherwise could not attend a festival in Oregon.
Besides the Grand Prize donated by 2005 Mid-Winter, 19 other door prizes were donated by Albany Businesses. Winners were a good cross of all those attending: different areas, clubs, etc.
Split the Pot was a healthy $40 to Jack Anderson and Leonard ad Nancy Thornton won the Grand Prize.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim & Avis Kinkaid (Absent)
No report.
ORDTA: Dennis & Elaine Smith
ORDTA met on May 8 at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield.
Peter Wood spent a few minutes talking with us about the changes coming with the change of venue for Mid Winter 2005.
We reviewed our "So You Want to be a Cuer" session held at Mid Winter 2004. The consensus was that this was the best session so far. Several suggestions were made on how to make it even better next year.
We're still looking for Round Dance topics for the Cuers Corner in the OFN.
ORDTA now has a web site. The URL is Please visit our site.
We had a fairly lengthy discussion about the rapidly dwindling sources of music for Rounds of the Month (ROM). According to the current Practices and Procedures on page VII-6, the music for ROMs is to be available in quantity on 45 RPM records. (The P&P's state 12 inch 45 RPM records. Somewhere over the years, 45 RPM records have grown from 7 inches to 12 inches. May I suggest that the Parliamentarian review the P&P changes over the years to determine when this growth occurred?) As time marches on, there is less music available on 45 RPM records. This is true even for Round Dance labels, which are transitioning to CDs. New music on pop labels is often available only on CDs. An increasing amount of music is becoming available as MP3s for purchase over the Internet for downloading. The time is rapidly approaching when the state federation will need to decide to expand the permissible media types for ROMs or face a very limited selection of candidate dances.
Our next meeting will be July 31 at Summer Festival in Seaside.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara & Larry Schaumburg
Rounds of the month have been emailed out to the cuers that I have email addresses for. If you have email and are not on the list & would like to be, email me at . You will be notified of the ROM each time a selection is made.
ROM for September 2004
Selected by Lincoln-Tillamook
CALLER ADVISOR: Harold & Barbara Kleve
No report
54th NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION: Lee & Barbi Ashwill (absent)
Once again, we encourage everyone to get registered for the 54th National Square Dance Convention and we request that if you are not currently on a committee, that you please step forward and volunteer. Workers are needed in almost every area, so come join the fun of "many hands making light work" of an important project.
Oregon's Pre-Convention held March 17-20, 2004 was a resounding success thanks to the dancers of Oregon and Washington and the organization of all seven major committees. All feedback from the National Executive Committee has been not only are we on track to host this Convention, we are ahead of the time lines established. Our sincere appreciation goes to the many volunteers involved.
Registration numbers have started to increase, but we are still below our projected goal for this time period. We ask each of you to go to your respective clubs and encourage the club members to get registered. Additionally, it is our hope that we will return from the 53rd NSDC in Denver, CO with an armload of registrations to be processed.
The Ice Arena Project is progressing. We still need to raise more funds for the rental of the Ice Arena. We thank all the Clubs, Councils and dancers who are making donations for this activity. We want to remind everyone that there will be a Benefit Dance to help raise additional funds for this project on June 13, 2004. It will be held at the Clark County Square Dance Center from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The caller is Tony Oxendine and the cuer is Neva Reid. Admission is by donation. We hope to see all of you there, but if for some reason you are unable to join us and would like to make a contribution, please send your check to us and we will gladly add it to the contributions that day. If there are any Clubs or Councils who have fund raising projects ongoing, we request that you forward the money to Bill Rooper, Treasurer of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs, to be deposited in the account established for this project.
The Post-Convention Alaska Cruise is gaining momentum. The original plan was to open the Cruise to the general public on May 1, 2004. Due to some administrative processes, that did not happen. So, at this time, this cruise is still open only to Square Dancers and their families. This allows those interested to have a better selection of cabins.
The Ways and Means committee is doing an outstanding job selling their wares and earning money for this Convention. At this time, the Oregon and Washington dancers have made most of the purchases. Our thanks to all of those supporting this endeavor. When they open shop in Denver, CO, the opportunity will be there to sell these items to the rest of the Square Dance world.
If you are attending the 53rd NSDC in Denver, CO in June 2004, stop by the Ways and Means Booth and sign up to help for a shift or two.
The Wednesday Night Special Event has been contracted. The featured entertainment is Johnny Limbo and the Lugnuts. For those who may not be familiar with this group, they play the music of the 50's and 60's. We are encouraging all who care to, for the ladies to wear poodle skirts and the gents to wear blue jeans, T-shirts, sunglasses, etc. You do not need to dress the part to attend the event, but if you want to, it is appropriate attire. There will be a small dance floor available for those in attendance who would like to dance during the performance. The cost for this entertainment is $15.00 per person. This is much less than you would pay to attend one of their performances anywhere else. Tickets to this event may be purchased for family and friends. (Note: If you are already registered, you can add additional Special Events tickets as an "add on" to your registration by completing another Registration Form, indicate the number of tickets desired and include a check, or credit card information, for the number of tickets ordered at $15.00 each.) These tickets will be in your packet at Packet Pickup when you arrive at the Convention.
A reminder, to be sure and purchase a Program Book on the Registration Form when you register. This is the only way that you will receive the Daily Schedules. Again, if you have already registered and did not order a Program Book, you can easily order one as an "add on" to your registration. Just complete a Registration Form, indicate that you are ordering a Program Book, attach a check for $6.00 per Program Book, or list your credit card information, and the Program Book will be in your packet at Packet Pickup when you arrive at the Convention.
To keep track of all that is happening with the 54th National Square Dance Convention, log on to the Convention website that is maintained by Tim Roberts. The website is:
We send you our very best wishes for a tremendous Federation meeting and you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We have received the confirmation letters from Denver for the five combined tables we requested.
Oregon Federation will have two tables and the 54th will have three tables. They will be skirted and back dropped. We have purchased the plastic sheeting for the table covering.
We look forward to showing the world that Oregon is a great place to visit and dance.
The Showcase will be located in the Hall of Education. All volunteers will be welcomed to show our hospitality.
We realize that we are also checking out our counterparts for our positions in 2005. But we will always be available.
Most of our supplies are going to Denver with George Clark and Ron will assist him in setting up his shop along with setting up the Showcase on Wednesday of convention week.
This makes our 14th year as Showcase chairman and we appreciate your support.
Ballots have been counted and the results are as follows:
President: Dave Cooper (incoming president)
MOTION by Dennis Marsh
I move that we destroy the ballots. 2nd by Dave Cooper. MC
MOTION by Spencer Lewis
Madame President, I move that the Oregon Federation match the funds
donated by individual dancers, clubs and councils made towards the ice
arena for the 2005 National Convention, retroactive to 4/27/03.
Federation funds will come from the general fund. 2nd by Bob Bosch. MC
MOTION by Kay Rogers
I move that a petty cash fund of $100 be established for the insurance
chairman, in the form of a checking account. 2nd by Dave Cooper. MC
Discussion: Bill Rooper voiced some concern that we would loose internal
control by not having two signatures.
Lois Klinok
Sweethome Squarenaders, Wolf Pack, Boots and Sandals, Single Trees and
Danebo Circle Eight all held birthday dances in the last quarter. Danebo
Circle Eight at 54 is one of the oldest clubs in the sate. All the
birthday dances were well attended and had many visitors.
A delicious entrée of Barron of Beef and Chicken Cordon Bleu lured many
dancers and their families to the Danebo Circle Eight's Valentine Dinner
Whirlaways welcomed caller Mike Sikorski to their April 10th dance. Area
president, Sharon Greenman cued the dance. Thirteen squares filled the
dance floor.
On April 20th Dan Nordbye called a dance for Danebo Circle Eights. There
were 11 squares on the floor. Christina Corelli cued.
Single Trees welcomed Jim Voss as their new club caller in April. The
Mexican fiesta dance held by Single Trees on May 14h with guest caller Dan
Preedy and cuer Pat Hintz was a huge success again. The Taco Bar at the
break was fabulous and o one left the dance hungry.
Reta & Phil Harkins (absent)
No report
Kathy & Buzz Buczkowski
Coast Swingers have withdrawn from our area council and joined the TVC so
we have no longer had a report for them.
The Sea Twirlers are traveling and there is no report from that club this
Toledo 49'ers had a very successful Loyalty Days weekend. There were 10
callers and 6 cuers for the Friday night dance and made for a very
enjoyable evening. There were 104 dancers in attendance both Friday and
Saturday night and silent auctions were held at each dance. A group
danced on the dock by the bay in Newport on Saturday morning, and there
was a plus dance in the afternoon, both called by Les Seeley in addition
to the Saturday night dance. Some attended the Loyalty Days Parade and
some went shopping in the afternoon. All in all, it was a great weekend
with beautiful weather. Some of the profits of that weekend are being
given for a scholarship for a Toledo High School student that will be
studying directing and dance at Portland State University.
Other news, they have 4 couples planning on attending the National
Convention in Denver. Beginning July 17th, the Toledo 49'ers will hold
their dances at the Gleneden Beach Community Club in Gleneden Beach. Come
visit them on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays with pre-rounds at 7:30 and
mainstream with every 3rd trip plus, from 8:00 to 10:30.
Spencer & Barbara Lewis
Our Mid-Willamette Area clubs have been active these past few months. In
fact one club, the Independence Wagon Wheelers, divided up its members and
captured two banners on the same night.
The Capital 8's had a great time at their 50's Sock Hop dance where they
offered Root Beer Floats to all at break time. Those present enjoyed
dancing to all the old time hits from their younger days.
The Crazy Creek rockers encouraged their members to light up for their
annual Flash Light Dance. There was lots of ingenuity at work as each
square danced by its own lights n an other-wise darkened hall.
Our Cherry City Cloggers is one of the largest and fastest growing
clogging clubs in the Northwest. They keep busy putting on demos around
the area. There most exciting performance took place at Disneyland a few
months ago when 17 of their group actually clogged down Disneyland's Main
Street leading all the Disney characters in their famous Star Parade.
Seven of their more experienced cloggers have formed a special precision
team called the Cherry City Rhythm Rockers. They enjoy sharing their
intricate dance steps and elaborate costumes when they put on
Capital Callers and Cuers Association will host a special Spring Fling
Dance Saturday, May 29, at the Salem Square Dance Center. Pre Rounds:
7:30, Dance 8:00 -10:30. Door prizes split the pot-Fun for one and all.
The Golden Squares of Woodburn have graciously invited two clubs to join
them at one of their dances to celebrate the graduation of students from
the spring lessons. The Golden Squares plan to serve pie and ice cream as
part of the celebration.
Four of our clubs, The Timber Twirlers, Corvallis Squares, Lebanon Square
Circlers and the Sweethome Squarenaders are planning a Big Barn Dance and
potluck dinner August 8th in the Scio area. Look for a special flyer
coming soon!
In closing I would encourage you all to come to Lebanon for the annual
Strawberry Festival over the weekend of June 4,5,and 6. The Lebanon
Square Circlers provide a great time for all who attend, including a
special treat of Strawberry Shortcake! Call 541-451-3480, or check out on
the web… Free RV self contained parking.
Al Wolf & Gail Domine
PAC election of officers for the year 2004-2005 was held on March 15th.
All officers agreed to serve another year, thank goodness.
The Happy Hoppers, a plus club in Vancouver, WA has joined the PAC. They
just graduated 46 mainstream dancers as well as 30 plus dancers.
The Bachelor 'N' Bachlorettes started another new dancer class in February
as the September class was not large enough to continue. They will
graduate 24 dancers on May 26th the Oaky Doaks will graduate 12 this
month. River city Dancers graduated 42 in February and were fortunate to
have 20 dancers join the club. All have pre-registered for the 54th
Checkerboard Squares had a great Valentine Dance with 145 in attendance.
PAC 5th Friday Dance on April 30th had 8 squares of dancers having a good
Happy Rock'rs celebrated their 42nd anniversary on March 27th. Steve Hays
is their new caller. They had a "Welcome Dance" on April 24th. They are
looking for a permanent cuer. Happy Hoppers were 45 on April 34d.
Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes celebrated 39 years of dancing on April 7th.
Buzzin' Bees celebrated their 46th Anniversary of 48 years on April 17th.
Country Capers also celebrated an anniversary of 48 years on April 17th.
Silver Stars were 24 years old on April 24th. Oaky Doaks celebrated 44
years of dancing on May 15th. River City Dancers will be 14 on June 16th.
If you are heading back to Portland after the meeting, stop at The Dalles
and help the Swap & Swing Club celebrate their 55th anniversary.
Daryl Clendenin will call and Neva Reid will cue.
The Canby Cloverleaf Teen Club traveled to Canada on may 14th for a two
day Festival of teens. They took home several trophies for novice and
junior dancing as well as calling. Ann Skoe reported that there were 9
clubs represented and 23 squares of dancers.
Stars & Stripes weekend of dancing is May 28-31 (Memorial Day);
sponsored by the Silver Stars at the Clark County Square Dance Center.
Check the OFN for registration forms and dancing schedule. Darrell
Kalmbach and Bill Helms are calling and Tami Helms, Susan Healea and
Dorothy Lowder will cue.
On June 13th at the Clark county Square Dance Center, Tony Oxendine will
call and Neva Reid will cue for a dance with all proceeds going to the ice
area rent for the 54th Nationals in Portland.
The Silver Stars & River City Dancers are in charge of decorating the
floats for the Starlite Parade on Juen5th. Darrell Kalmbach will call for
two squares of dancers on these floats. Pray for good weather!
Some clubs are going dark for June, July and August. Check your OFN for
their dance schedules.
George & Patty Hermann were caller & cuer. The 5th Friday dance
in July will be cancelled due to the Summer Festival in Seaside. The next
5th Friday dance will be October 29th at the Oak Grove Community Center.
John & Glory Guches
February 28 2004
Star Promenaders Birthday Dance with 12 squares danced to the excellent
calling of Nassar Shukar of San Francisco.
March 5 2004
Southern Oregon Single Squares Birthday Dance with 12 squares dance to the
great calling of Randy Dibble.
April 3rd 2004
Lantz Dantzers Birthday Dance with Les Seeley there were 14 squares a
fabulous time was had by all that attended.
April 9 & 10 2004
38th Annual Pear Blossom with Scot and Erin Byers of Sacramento Ca. called
and cued a wonderful dance for total of 20 squares of dancers.
May 7 & 8 2004
A bus load of Charlie Browns, Lantz's Dantzers, and Beach Combers went to
Reno Nevada to attend the 57th Annual Silver State Festival, We danced to
Tony Oxendine, Jerry Story, and Larry Letson, and it was a fabulous
weekend of dancing and fellowship.
Up Coming events
May 28-29, 2004
37th annual Boatnik Festival at the Josephine County Fairgrounds Square
Dance Center, Grants Pass Or.
Friday Programmed callers and cuers, Mainstream/student level,
Callers Dean Black, Kirby Good, Wayne Weaver, and Denny Lantz.
Cuers, Marian Cook, Ed Phillips, Freddie Loveless, Christina Correlli
Saturday, Mainstream/Plus Level
Callers, Wayne Weaver & Jim Steele
For more information call Elaine Funk at (541) 476-2539 or Dorene
Hollensted at (541) 476-7650
July 21-24 2004
31st Diamond Lake square Dance festival Wed. 21 callers and cuers from the
floor, Thur. 22 Wayne Weaver calling all functions, and Ray and Virginia
Walz cueing. The featured Caller for Friday and Saturday nights will be
Mike Sikorsky.
Birthday dances
Star Promenaders - February 28 2004, Nasiar Sukhar Calling
Southern Oregon Single Squares - March 5th 2004, Randy Dibble calling
Lantz's Dancers April 3rd 2004 - Les Seeley calling, Marian Cook cueing
March, 26 - 28 Spring Soiree Round Dance weekend, Josephine County Square
Dance center, Josephine County Fairgrounds Grants Pass Or.
April 9-10 2004 39th Pear Blossom Festival Scott and Erin Byers
Sacramento Ca calling and Cueing. Mainstream, with plus tips both
evenings, A1 & 2 Saturday afternoon 1:30 to 4 PM
April 23 - 24, 2004 Spring Fest, Dan Nordbye and Joe Saltel calling Plus
tips, Elaine Funk Cueing. Josephine County Square Dance Center, Josephine
County Fair Grounds, Grants Pass Or.
May, 28 - 29 2004 Boatnik, Secret Caller look for fliers. Elaine Funk
cueing Josephine County Square Dance Center, Josephine County Fairgrounds,
Grants Pass Or.
July 21-24 2004 31st Diamond Lake Festival Mike Sikorsky and Wayne Weaver
calling. Ray and Virginia Walz, Cueing. Wednesday, the 21st; Callers
and Cuers from the floor, 22nd Wayne Weaver calling, 23rd and 24th
Featured caller and cuer.
Coleeta & Chuck Quigley
Beachcombers plus lessons are over for the year but we are still plus
dancing with a plus dance on the 4th Saturday of each month. Our new
officers are in place and plan on trying new things for more fun which is
the name of the game for dancers. Plans are underway for our birthday
dance over the 4th of July. We have a good line up of callers and cuers
so plan ahead now to attend.
Jefferson Squares - No report.
Saint's 'n Ain't have been having plus lessons on Sunday's with excellent
results. All of the South Coast Clubs have been participating with 6 to 7
squares of enthusiastic learners. We will be dark the 1st Saturday of
both June and July. However, we will have our regular dances the 3rd
Saturday and are utilizing "local" talent by using Moe Owens and Coleeta
Quigley (callers in progress) for those dances.
Sets-In-Order have been having guest callers at our dances due to Johnnie
having to retire from calling because of health problems. We will be
having Dale Roberson and Ray Graves throughout the summer and into fall.
Darrell from Hillsboro will be calling our BIRTHDAY DANCE October 13. Our
lesson class will graduate May 25. Jim Harris has done a wonderful job
with them and they are very enthused to become a part of our club. We
will have a float in the Coquille Gay 90's parade on June 5 and are also
planning a float for the Coos County Fair Parade July 31.
Skyloff - No report.
Sylvia Davis
The sad news is that the Clatskanie Promenaders have decided to fold. Some
of the members will be joining the Hayshakers.
We have had our election of officers. They are: Kathy Worthington,
President, Sylvia Davis, VP, Cynthia Weber, Secretary, Eva Moore,
Treasurer, Bill Vinciguerra & Candace Whitley, Members at Large.
We had a rummage sale in April. We cannot make our expenses without
additional monies coming in. We made $800.00.
We had our Beach Bum Dance on May 15. The Hillsboro Hoedowners visited, so
we had 3+ squares. Earlier that day, we had a Summer Festival meeting
discussing the whats & wheres for the Festival.
We will be having our 4th Seaside Sashay, October 22 & 23, 2004. The
callers are Daryl Clendenin & Scott Zinser, the cuer Debbie Taylor. We
hope all of you will come.
Our 3 fun summer dances will be taking place in the cool coastal weather.
Our Mardi Gras dance is June 5 in square dance clothing or costume. The
Carnival dance is on July 17, casual dress. The Beach Bingo is August 21,
casual dress. If you want to visit, please come & if you want to come
as a group, do so. Just let us know ahead of time.
On August 29th, at Sunset Beach, we will be having our summer picnic. We
will have a floor to hold 2 squares. If you want to join us, please do so.
Just let us know so we can adjust how much food to bring.
Bob & Carolyn Bosch
The TVC will again participate in the 4th of July parade in Hillsboro. We
will have the daughter and cousin of caller Ed Craig calling.
May 29th, TVC will have a 5th Saturday dance at the Aloha Grange.
Hahn Barn Dance and Picnic will be held at the barn on a Sunday this year,
August 22. The picnic will start at about 6PM. Dance in the barn at
approx. 7PM.
Coast Swingers have joined the TVC. We wish to welcome them.
5th Saturday Dance in October will be the Tri Council Dance at the Clark
County Square Dance Center and Evergreen Council will be the Host. Come
join us, the TVC, PAC and Evergreen Council
Congratulation goes out to the Valley Squares of the TVC on their 55th
Anniversary and today to the Swap and Swing of the PAC on their 55th
Anniversary. Dinner and Dance will be held in The Dallas at 4PM.
Coast Swingers will hold Trails Thru dance in July leading up to the
Summer Festival in Seaside. This dance is featuring Wade Driver.
TVC will be Dark for the Summer Festival in Seaside. We hope to see you
New Officers for the TVC: Gary Clark, President; Co-Vice Presidents.
Vivian Fairburn and Dan Mathews; Secretary Stephanie Kroft; Treasurer, Tom
Sminia; Delegate, Kay Rogers; Alternate Delegate, Otis Jones.
A reminder: June 13th, The 54th is having a benefit dance for the ice rink
at Clark County Square Dance Center, featuring Tony Oxendine. Entry fee is
a donation to the Ice Rink Fund.
Darlene "Dar" Sconce
UAC will be hosting a "Relay for Life" Benefit dance on Saturday, May 29,
2004. There will be Jamboree Callers and Cuers. All proceeds will be
donated to the Relay for Life Fund Raiser. Also, we will be dancing at
the Douglas County Fair, the week of August 10-14, 2004. Our callers will
be Dale Roberson, Sherm Welch, Cheryl Muir, Ray Graves, and Umpqua Valley
Boys, consisting of Dale Roberson and Don Marshall. The cuers will be
Donna Hiserote, Claude Butler and Steve Hoisington. Come on down and join
us. It will be lots of fun. We will be having great entertainment, John
Michael Montgomery, Diamond Rio, BTO, and CCR. Entrance is free to those
dancers who wear square dance attire and a club badge.
Boots and Calicos have moved their dance location to the Buckeroo Barn
located at 5051 NE Stephens Street, Roseburg, OR. They have hired Ray
Graves as their Club Caller and will be dancing the second Saturday of
each month. They held their Birthday Dance in March and their last dance
at the Community Center on April 24th with Dale Roberson calling and
Claude Butler cueing.
Buckeroos held their 52nd Birthday Dance on April 3rd and had an excellent
turn out with over 12 squares. The club traveled to Coos Bay for the
Saints and Ant's Birthday Dance with 3 squares and our club caller, Dale.
The Buckeroos were dark on March 20th and several dancers attended the
Pre-Convention Dance. We are fully geared up for the Buckeroo Round Up to
be held on June 4, 5, & 6. Our featured caller will be Joe Saltel
from Pharr TX on Saturday for the workshops and dance. Pat Hintz is the
Cuer. We hope you can come join us. In February, we collected over $70.
for the ice-skating rink at the Lloyd Center from our silent auction. We
also have designated one-half of the split the pot monies each month. I
don't have a $$ amount at this time, but will try to get a check to Bill
Dancing Friends will be having Dance Parties on 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evenings beginning June 8, 2004 through August 25, 2004. They will not
have a party on August 11, due to the DC Fair.
Pioneers N Petticoats are holding their "Dance for the Animals" today at
the Wildlife Safari in Winston; they are having Jamboree Callers and
Cuers. This is their annual fundraiser for the Safari and has been a huge
success in the past. They will be participating in the Pioneer Days in
Canyonville in August.
Timber 8's Plus Club held their 25th Birthday Dance last night with Cheryl
Muir and Don Marshall Calling and Dave and Barbie Cooper Cueing. They
will take a summer break from their workshops and will start back up in
Ray & Ginger Fenn (absent) report given by
Bonnie & Don Berry
All our clubs are swinging into summer with classes ending and
preparations for graduation and Beginner Dances being made.
The Elkhorn Swingers "Spring Fling was a huge success with nine squares
present. Ralph Moore has been helping them with lessons. They
participated in a Health Fair just prior to lessons and have had four
squares out to lessons each week. It's been very exciting for the club to
have so much success. They held a Beginner dance before the class was
graduated to help them get a feel of dancing to other callers and with
other dancers, the La Grande Star Promenaders joined in for a fun evening.
The La Grande Star Promenaders are making plans for demos this summer at
Crazy Days, the Union County Fair, and Celebrate La Grande. They are also
planning a Yard Sale and BBQ to help raise funds to put a new roof on the
grange. They have started researching grants, to help fund the project.
Many of them do not help with buildings. If any one knows of a grant we
can go for please let us know. The Star Promenaders have been having a
theme dance every month. For May our caller suggested Amateur Night.
Several rallied to the call and started practicing. What a fun night. We
all appreciate our callers and cuers even more after trying to walk in
their shoes. We want the callers and cuers to know that we appreciate
their dedication, God bless them. Don and Bonnie Berry have been holding
some Advanced Round Dancing Classes. So our dancers are learning a new
language and the steps are fun now.
Upcoming Activities in our area: Muddy Frog Weekend August 21 & 22,
this is a community event so things are planned for the whole town not
just square dancers. It's a must if you haven't. The Wallowa Weekend Hoe
Down will be Sepetember10-12, another great place to dance if you have
never had the chance. See you in a Square!
Doug & LaDauna Hartzell
Dave & Jodene Hughes
No written report.
Ray & Zola Jones (Absent)
A few days after the January State Federation Meeting at Mid-Winter
Festival we left on our annual winter trip to Southern California and
Arizona. We spent a week in the Palm Springs area visiting friends who
Winter there, including two couples from our own Whirl-A-Ways Club. From
Palm Springs we traveled on South to Yuma, AZ. where we attended the
annual Yuma Square & Round Dance Festival for the third year in a row.
It was their largest attendance ever; another successful festival, again
Chaired by Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors, Al and Fran Westphal! Zola's
brother and his wife live in Yuma, so we spent most of our time there, and
also enjoyed seeing a lot of Oregon dancers we know who Winter there.
And-we also got to see Oregon Goodwill Ambassador, Benjamin Brown and his
new wife, Emily; who were there for a week. We missed connecting up with
Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors, Don and Karel Morris, who were also in Yuma
at the same time. So-of your five active Goodwill Ambassadors, four of us
were in Yuma during their Festival! From Yuma we went to Tucson, AZ.
where we spent a week at the same RV Resort where two couples from our
Whirl-A-Ways Club stay, and we also danced to the featured Caller and Cuer
who hold dances in the Ballroom there. Then we traveled northwest to
Mesa, AZ. to spend some days visiting with former state federation
officers and Goodwill Ambassadors, Ken and Nancy Carson. Where-ever we
visited and danced, we distributed Registration Forms for the 2004 Oregon
Summer Festival in Seaside, and the 2005 National Convention in Portland.
We returned home by March 15 this year, earlier than usual; so we could
attend and help at Oregon's Pre-Convention in Portland, March 18 to 20th,
as we are serving on the Program Committee for the 54th N.S.D.C.
Since returning to Eugene; we have attended our own club's dances and two
special dances of other clubs in our Area. And on May 7, 8 & 9 we
traveled to the 3rd Annual "Dance Fever" square & round dance weekend
in LaPine. Such a fun time-hosted by the High Lake Swingers Club!
We are unable to attend this weekend, and be there with you today-due to a
family wedding on Sunday (the 23rd) in Salem. So-we look forward to
seeing all of you again at Summer Festival; July 30, 31 & Aug. 1 in
Until then - - Safe travels and 'Happy Highways'.
Don & Karel Morris (absent)
No report
Benjamin Brown (absent)
No report
Al & Fran Westphal(absent)
Sorry, forgot to get this done. Fortunately, Al just reminded me. I hope
it's not too late and that your weekend is great.
We're back into our Oregon life. Fran is working at the same Best Western
Agate Beach Inn, as in times past. Schedule means most Friday and Saturday
nights are spent there.
We are sorry to be missing out on this weekend with all of you. We send
greetings and our love.
We've enjoyed reunions with our square dance families at Toledo 49'rs and
Spinning Antlers. Mostly, that's where we have been dancing. The 49'rs
Loyalty Days Weekend went very well and we were able to attend a dance
sponsored by Danebo Circle 8's with Dan Nordbye and Christina in
Springfield. In addition, we've visited Corvallis Squares and plan to
attend the Lincoln-Tillamook area dance tomorrow in Gleneden Beach with
Darrell Newell and Carolyn Stitt.
Highlight of the recent past was a brunch with Ray and Rae Scofield in
Newport a couple of weeks ago. The Scofields were in town for a conference
(National Association of Retired Federal Employees), held at "Fran's"
hotel. It was great to get a chance to catch up.
News of past presidents:
George and Bernice Gruchalla are at home in Salem, where George is
dramatically slowed down by recurrence of cancer. He is not suffering at
this point and they would love to be remembered by those who know them.
Clint Barnes has had to enter a care facility in Corvallis. He is
suffering with Alzheimer's and Lucille could use support.
Harold & Barbara Kleve
We have been busy with our club (Sunset Promenaders) dances and classes.
We graduated a class of new dancers in Feb. Just last week we also
graduated a class for the Tri Squares. We have attended dances of several
clubs in the area. In March we took in all the pre-convention activities
and met some wonderful people from out of state. April was our club beach
trip. We invited 4N8ers to join us and had a very good outing.
The end of April we attended the 49ers Loyalty Days celebration in Newport.
We just had to buy something from their Silent Auction. Just last week we
called a demo dance at Portland Community College for the Washington County
Historical Society's annual Draft Horse Plowing and open house.
Kay Rogers - Don't forget to attend the Benefit Dance for the ice rink.
Coleeta Quigley - Thanked everyone for making her and Chuck feel so
2004 Summer Festival - Don't' forget the Trails End Dance at Seaside.
ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned
Respectfully Submitted,
1st VP: Dennis Marshall
2nd VP: Marilyn & Ron Schmit
Rec Sec: Jodene & Dave Hughes
Cor Sec: Glory & John Guchess
Membership: Judy Gelmstedt
The Shufflers are still working diligently with the Powell Butte Community
Center group to assist with anything they can and with the floor for the
new Community Center. Things are moving along pretty good there. The
Shufflers will be dancing until July when they go dark; however, they will
be sharing a casual dance with the Red Rock Squares on July 16th at the
Clog Hall in Redmond.
The Red Rocks recently had a successful yard sale fund raiser and all that
participated had a great time regardless of the rain showers now and then.
The Red Rocks call their yard sales, Exchange Sales, exchanging 'stuff'
from one member to another.... They are busy planning their birthday dance
the first Friday in June; this will be a birthday party this year with lots
of fun and surprises. There are lots of dances, camping trips and
traveling set for the Red Rocks this summer.
The Bachelor Beaut Luau was a great success with many of the new dancers
attending and enjoying dancing to Dan Preedy and Christina Corelli. Fun
was had by all who participated. The Bachelor Beauts are working on their
Detroit Lake weekend and many are planning to attend Diamond Lake Festival.
The Swinging Mountaineers just celebrated a very successful birthday dance
with Jim Hatrick and Elaine Funk. This was a "challenging" dance for
all...Jim did a good job of making everyone "think".... There were
wonderful Mexican finger foods for all, great time. They are getting
ready for the Sisters Rodeo which is their main fund raiser each year.
They man the concession stands at the Rodeo. This is alot of work, but
also alot of fun.
The Highlake Swingers just had their Dance Fever and it was well attended
and ALOT of fun. They also had a Frog Hop on Saturday presented by the
Central Oregon Council, the TVC and PAC councils. This was fun for all
those that went do dance with the kids. They are trying to get their
club back up and dancing again, Jim Steele will be their caller. For a
note, Dance Fever will not be on in 2005 due to the Nationals, but will be
ready to go again in 2006.
Our last Council dance - the Bunny Hop - turned out to be a great success
with lots of bunnies..., ears, tails, etc in the garden patch. Farmer
MacFarland was not available so the bunnies did play. All the clubs in the
area have their new officers for the coming year in place - some are new
and some are returns....
Love to all,
Al and Fran
Jodene Hughes
Recording Secretary