Hosted by Portland Area Council
Boring Barn, Boring, Oregon

Meeting brought to order by President Carolyn Bosch at 9:35 AM.

This meeting is being recorded.

Carolyn appointed Marcia Snodgrass to be recording secretary for this meeting as Jodene and Dave Hughes are away on a cruise.

ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Marcia Snodgrass.

Officers: All present, except Jodene & Dave Hughes (Recording Secretary).

Appointed Officers: All present, except Ralph & Linda Lambert (BMI/ASCAP), Peter & Beverly Hills-Wood (Youth Coordinator & 2005 Mid-Winter Chairman), and Jim & Avis Kinkaid (State Trailers).

Delegates: All present except Dave & Jodene Hughes (Loraine & George Griffith substituting for Eastern Oregon), Reta & Phil Harkins (Interstate Highlanders).

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All absent except, Harold & Barbara Kleve, Ray & Zola Jones and our newly awarded Goodwill Ambassadors Lee & Barbi Ashwill .

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Kay Rogers.

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Dave Cooper.

MOTION by Dave Cooper

I move that we accept the minutes as presented. 2nd by Ray Fenn. Motion carried.

PRESIDENT: Carolyn & Bob Bosch

A big Thank you to the Portland Area Council and especially the wonderful people of the Country Cut-Ups for their hospitality in hosting the State Meeting.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that helped make my year a success. We worked together through good times and bad times for the betterment of the Federation and I appreciate all your helpful hints as well as your concerns.

As those of you who were at the dance last night know, Bob and I feel that the Goodwill Ambassador badge should be handed out at the dance as the new ambassadors represent you, the dancers of the state. We have appointed our newest Goodwill Ambassadors to Lee and Barbi Ashwill, truly goodwill ambassadors in all they do for square dancing.

I would like to also thank my sole mate, friend and wonderful husband Bob who has helped me through the last 4 years. Without his support and help this would have been almost an impossible task. Thank you.

As I move into the Past President Position, please be sure to have your calendars marked for the Charity dance to be held Sunday April 4th, 2005 at the Oak Grove Dance Center. We look forward to seeing you there to help support our state charity H.O.R.S.E.S.

I hope you will extend Dave and Barbie the same respect you have given me throughout our term. They will truly need your support.

1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dave & Barbie Cooper

Thanks to the PAC for a fun dinner and dance last night. Barbie and I had a fun time dancing and visiting with all who attended.

Since our last meeting, Barbie and I have been to a few dances. We were honored to be the feature cuers at the Central Oregon Roundup in Sisters in August. What a great place to have a dance. The high school was perfect, great sound and a wonderful dance floor. We were very nervous as we performed our dance demo in front of all those people. After that weekend, we have attended dances in the Central Oregon area. At the “Back to Dancing Night” held by the Bachelor Beauts, it awesome to see so many dancers, especially all the youth who graduated with their class in the spring and have continued to dance throughout the summer. Now, they are all going to take round dance lessons and Plus lessons the first of next year.

Thanks for a fun year as your 1st Vice President. We look forward anxiously as we undertake all the responsibilities as your President.

MOTION by Dave Cooper

I move that we accept the proposed budget for 2004/2005 year. 2nd by Bob Bosch. Motion carried.

2004 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara & Larry Schaumburg

I would like to say thank you to all the federation members for the support you gave to the 2004 festival. It was really appreciated. 2004 was a success with 504 paid dancers. We made a profit yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a check here for the federation to repay our loan of $3,000, which we needed to get started 2 or 3 years ago. Thank you.

After repaying our loan and our bills, our ending balance is $4,643.09. The 2004 Summer Festival Committee would like to present the federation with one half of the profit, which is a check for $2,321.54.

2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter & Beverly-Hills Wood

No written or email report.

2006 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dennis Marsh & Ilana Widders

Thank you to the Country Cut-Ups of the Portland Area Council. We very much enjoyed your lively dance last night. A great time was had y all.

The 2006 Mid-Winter Festival “Dancin’ Down Under” is moving along. We have received our callers’ contract. Our flyers and ribbons have been designed and will be ordered around October 1. The material has been purchased and is in hand. Some of our committee members have already been appointed and our energy is high for Koala-T square dancing.


I need logos from all the councils and clubs as we are procuring a new printer and the existing logos belong to the printer.

The delegates all have copies of the OFN to distribute to new dancers. We have gone down in subscriptions by 100 and we need to build that back up. If you have any suggestions or changes you think would make the publication better, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do. We can’t continue to make a profit this way.

Carolyn was issued a check from the Silver Stars for $200 towards the Ice Rink Fund.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh & Ilana Widders

No written or email report. State Directory’s are here. Big Thank You to Vivian Fairburn for the extra work she did for us.


My email address is hugndance@comcast.net. Please have your written reports emailed to me one week prior to the meetings in Arial 12 pt. font. If the recording Secretary has announced that she will be absent prior to a meeting, please forward your reports to the corresponding secretary.


I would like to thank the Portland Area Council and the Country Cut-Up’s for their hospitality, good food and a great dance with Randy Dibble calling!

I would also like to add I enjoyed working with my fellow Oregon Federation officers, Member’s and State Delegate’s in 2003-2004. Thank-you all for helping me learns the "ropes"! On this note I would like to welcome the new Oregon Federation Officers, Members and State Delegates of whom I am one and would like to say I am looking forward to working with you.

The cards I have sent out:

Condolence Cards:
Laurie Cooley, her Father, passed away.
To the family of Richard Kirkpatrick, he was a member of the Muddy Frogs.
Roger Newell, his Father passed away.

Get Well Cards:
Grace Stoddard for her foot surgery.
Betty Roberson, wife of Caller Dale Roberson, she had Gall Bladder Surgery.
Bill & Erma Uto. Betty had hip surgery and Bill’s health is not doing well.
Curtis Walter had knee replacement surgery.

Wedding Card
Newly wed’s of the Danebo Circle Eight’s. Mike & Rose Freeman. They were married August 21, 2004. Their wedding reception was a potluck and square dance at the Emerald Square Round Dance Center in Springfield, OR.

50th Anniversaries
Howard & Nancy Kinzey celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary August 1, 2004. Their family sent them to Victoria.
Frank & Eileen Foster celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary August 7, 2004.

They sent a very nice thank-you note, which reads: Thank-you so much for the beautiful card. It is much appreciated, signed: God Bless, Frank & Eileen Foster.

TREASURER REPORT: Bill & Annandale Rooper

For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file.

MEMBERSHIP: Clara Evarts

I want to say thank you to all of you who have supported the changes that I have established during my four years as Membership chairman for the “Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dane Clubs”. I am sure that the next person will do a great job and I will always be there for any support needed. I have enjoyed working with everyone during my tenure.

Also thanks to the Portland Area Council and Country Cut-Ups for the food, dance, and meeting place for this year’s officer installation.

I have copies of a spreadsheet and form letters that I use and have given them to the incoming chairman along with files over the last years.

I have also distributed to the delegates a letter to clubs that have corporation dues coming up in the next months before our next meeting. Please see these clubs get this reminder letter.

Thank you and see you in a square somewhere.

INSURANCE: Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos

Email should be on its way

PAST PRESIDENT: Kay & Jim Rogers

Thank you for the terrific dinner and dance last night. We had not danced to Randy Dibble before and we really enjoyed him. I distributed ballots for Randall Award nominees. They are PAC: Bill and Neva Reed AND Bill and Annadale Rooper AND Dick and Marge Pentecost; Blue Mountain Council: Don and Bonnie Berry; TVC: Tim and Kathy Roberts. Please return your ballots to Carolyn Bosch by November meeting.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim & Kathy Roberts

I have distributed a short update for your P&P’s, including the new round dance guidelines and my “suggested seating chart”. I went to add my suggested policy that the Federation President should announce the date of the next 4 meetings, but I discovered that it’s already in there.

I recently received a phone call from an individual who said that at least one club (and possibly more) has added a clause to their By-Laws that grants voting rights to only those members who claim the club as their “primary club”. This disturbs me, for several reasons. The “primary club” thing is strictly a paperwork issue for the insurance chairman. It has no other meaning or status. It does not mean “favorite club” or “preferred club”. As such, it has o business being used for any other purpose.

In this particular case, the change was apparently made specifically to annoy one member into quitting the club. Folks, that is just childish. By-Laws are an important formal document. If you have a non-profit recognition letter from the IRS you are supposed to send Constitution and By-Laws changes to the IRS district office. You should not be playing games with them. In fact, in most clubs, By-Laws cannot be modified by a simple vote: you generally need to supply written notice of the change to the members in advance, have a quorum present, and get a 2/3 vote.

Our clubs need all the members we can get. We shouldn’t be creating artificial barriers like this.


I would like to thank the State Federation Board for the opportunity to work with them. It has been very enlightening to see the interaction within the state. I have enjoyed working with Bill Rooper on financial reports and Vivian on the OFN. I will be continuing to work on the OFN as an advisor.


It has been a good year for Education. I managed to chair two seminars, one at Mid-Winter and one at Summer Festival. Both could have used more support by having more attendees.

My replacement, Ed Warmoth, is working on the seminar for Mid-Winter 2005. Please support the Federation by attending these seminars.

The Special Events page has been a good idea that was implemented. I keep receiving information to include on it. I hope you like it and use it. I am going to continue to do the page.

Publicity has also had a good year. I received several emails of information that wanted more mention in my articles. My replacement, Bob Bosch, would now like to receive those emails. So remember to keep him informed of events that need that extra mention in the Publicity article.

Madame President, thank you for your encouragement in giving me both offices for the past year. It was fun.

Onward and upward to my next venture in the 2nd Vice President seat.

HISTORIAN: Ronnie Wiser

No report.


BMI/ASCAP: Ralph & Linda Lambert (absent)

No report.


No written or email report

STATE TRAILERS: Jim & Avis Kinkaid (Absent)

No report.

ORDTA: Dennis & Elaine Smith

No report.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara & Larry Schaumburg

Rounds of the month selections have been emailed to the cuers, Promenade Shop, OFN, & cue sheet magazine. ROM for November 2004 is”Java" chosen by Portland council ROM for December 2004 is "One Waltz With You" chosen by Rogue-Sis-Q

CALLER ADVISOR: Harold & Barbara Kleve

It has been my pleasure to serve as Caller Advisor for the past two years. I have especially enjoyed writing the articles for the OFN. The positive feedback makes me feel that my thinking is on the same track as dancers throughout the state. Soon Leonard Snodgrass will be sitting in this chair and I’m sure he will do a great job.


We continue to encourage everyone to get registered for the 54th National Square Dance Convention? and we request that if you are not currently on a committee, that you please step forward and volunteer. Workers are needed in almost every area, so come join the fun of "many hands making light work" of an important project. Karen Burger-Kimber and Dave Luchini are maintaining a database for volunteers. If you, or any dancers you know, are willing to spend some time during Convention week, whether it be one hour or ten hours, please get your name, E-mail address, telephone number and the time you are willing to work to one of the Oregon Trail Board members so that information can be entered into the data base. When these names are entered into the database, the volunteers will receive communications so that they will know they haven’t been forgotten. One of the largest complaints we have heard is that dancers have volunteered to work on the Convention and have not heard anything since that time. We need every volunteer we can get and do not want to lose even one because of lack of communication.

The Oregon Trail Board met with the National Executive Committee Advisors to Oregon on Saturday, September 11, 2004. Then on Sunday, September 12, 2004, there was an "Open Meeting" with everyone interested in the 54th NSDC invited to attend. We realize that we were up against the Washington Federation meeting and several club functions, but there were approximately 150 in attendance. It was very gratifying to see those dancers in attendance.

Our quest to rent the Lloyd Center Ice Arena is gathering momentum. To date, $9,986.24 has been collected from donations. Due to the generosity of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs, with their offer to match dollar for dollar contributions from dancers, Clubs and Councils up to $10,000.00, we are within $13.76 of reaching our $10,000.00 goal. We will continue to solicit donations up until Convention time. The more we collect, the less the Federation will have to match. We are so grateful to the Oregon Federation for their offer that we feel we need to collect as much as we can to reduce the amount they will match.

The registration numbers are approaching 3,500. Of those, 846 are from Oregon and 451 are from Washington. It is California’s goal to have more dancers registered than the host State has. They now have 402 registered and that number is climbing each month. Do the dancers of Oregon want to be outnumbered by the California Dancers? We don’t think so. Our challenge, and this includes all of you, is to get our Oregon and Washington dancers registered. The Post-Convention Alaska Cruise currently has 365 dancers registered with deposit paid. The contract Cruise Masters has with Holland America precludes any other square dance organization to be on this cruise. Cruise Masters recently learned of a square dance group who had reserved 35 cabins on this ship. Cruise Masters contacted Holland America and reminded them that there was not to be any other square dance organization booked on this cruise. This had slipped through the crack and Holland America did the honorable thing and notified the other group they had three options. 1) Register through Cruise Masters for our cruise. 2) Be placed on another ship. 3) To be cancelled totally. The other organization opted to be placed on another ship and will leave from Vancouver, BC rather than Seattle, WA

Again, we remind you to be sure and purchase a Program Book on the Registration Form when you register. This is the only way that you will receive the Daily Schedules. If you have already registered and did not order a Program Book, you can easily order one as an “add on” to your registration. Just complete a Registration Form, indicate that you are ordering a Program Book, attach a check for $6.00 per Program Book, or list your credit card information, and the Program Book will be in your packet at Packet Pickup when you arrive at the Convention.

To keep track of all that is happening with the 54th National Square Dance Convention?, log on to the Convention website that is maintained by Tim Roberts. The website is: www.54nsdc.com


No Report. Please show up at the Showcase with your Yellowrocks at the 54th NSDC.

DELEGATE MEETING REPORT: Portland Area State Delegate: Al Wolf

A lively discussion about the upcoming motions took place.


Motion by Dave Cooper: Madam President, I move to remove from the table the tabled motion on clubs and councils. 2nd by Bob Bosch. So untabled.

DISCUSSION: Kay Rogers and Tim Roberts were tasked two meetings ago to come up with a policy to cover hose clubs who wish to join more than one council. We do not feel it is the Federation’s job to restrict the activities of the councils, but we do believe that the Federation’s position needs to be clarified. We propose the following addition be made to Section III, page 3 of the P&P’s:


  1. Each club needs to select and join a primary Area Council. The primary area council is the one through which the club’s insurance premium will be paid, Federation dues will be paid, and monthly OFN news article will appear.
  2. A club may belong o more than one Area Council, if it feels is would be beneficial. The Club needs to satisfy the membership requirements of each area council it joins, and must pay ach area council’s dues, if applicable. Federation dues are paid only once.
  3. Regardless of the number of Area Councils it joins, a club has only one membership in the Federation. Specifically, each member club is entitled to exactly one "club news" article in the OFN each month, exactly one listing in the annual State Directory, exactly one share of any funds that might e distributed to the clubs, and exactly one vote in any Federation-wide election, including the annual election of officers.
  4. However, the Federation does not control the actions of the councils. When an issue is referred back to the Area Councils for a later vote by the Delegates, each Area Council should consider the opinion of its entire member clubs, even if one club’s position affects more than one Area Council.
  5. Nothing in this policy is intended to discourage a club from being mentioned in more than one Delegate report.
  6. It is hoped that an Area Council which accepts a club as a member will treat that club as a full member, even if the club also belongs to other Area Councils. Multicouncil clubs need to be very careful to avoid misunderstandings.
  7. A club may change its "primary Area Council" association, after getting the written approval of the old and new primary councils, by notifying the Membership Chairman. This kind of action should be extremely rare, because of the high potential for misunderstandings and hard feelings.

Kay Rogers and Tim Roberts would like to make a motion to amend the previous motion to drop paragraphs 5, 6 & 7 from the previous motion. 2nd by John Guches. Amendment carried.

Tim Roberts read the motion as amended.


  1. Each club needs to select and join a primary Area Council. The primary area council is the one through which the club’s insurance premium will be paid, Federation dues will be aid, and monthly OFN news article will appear.
  2. A club may belong to more than one Area Council, if it feels is would be beneficial. The Club needs to satisfy the membership requirements f each area council it joins, and must pay ach area council’s dues, if applicable. Federation dues are paid only once.
  3. Regardless of the number of Area Councils it joins, a club has only one membership in the Federation. Specifically, each member club is entitled to exactly one “club news” article in the OFN each month, exactly one listing in the annual State Directory, exactly one share of any funds that might e distributed to the clubs, and exactly one vote in any Federation-wide election, including the annual election of officers.
  4. However, the Federation does not control the actions of the councils. When an issue is referred back to the Area Councils for a later vote by the Delegates, each Area Council should consider the opinion of its entire member clubs, even if one club’s position affects more than one Area Council.

After much discussion Kay made a motion to amend the motion to read:

  1. Each club needs to select and join a primary Area Council. The primary area council is the one through which the club’s insurance premium will be paid, Federation dues will be paid, and monthly OFN news article will appear.
  2. A club may belong to more than one Area Council, if it feels is would be beneficial. The Club needs to satisfy the membership requirements f each area council it joins, and must pay ach area council’s dues, if applicable. Federation dues are paid only once.
  3. A club has only one membership in the Federation. Specifically, each member club is entitled to exactly one “club news” article in the OFN each month, exactly one listing in the annual State Directory, exactly one share of any funds that might e distributed to the clubs, and exactly one vote in any Federation-wide election, including the annual election of officers.

Vote on the amendment passed.

A paper ballot was taken and the amended motion passed closely but it did pass.

Motion by Dennis Marsh: Madam President, I wish to let the motion die about the Benefit Dance Funds for the teens to be put in a scholarship fund. Motion died on the table.

15 Minute Break

Motion by Dennis Marsh: Madam President, I move that we destroy the paper ballots. 2nd by Dar Scounce. Motion carried.


PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper, how lovely you are in "Hot Pink". Don’t lose those Lugnuts and Barbie; make sure you keep them tightened down. Thanks to Barbie Cooper for finding the correct key to unlock Dave so we can go on with the meeting.

Mr. President introduced the New Officers:

PARLIMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts

EDUCATION CHAIR: Ed (Mary) Warmoth

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike (Shirley) Odell

HISTORIAN: Patty Reese

BMI/ASCAP: Ralph (Linda) Lambert

INSURANCE: Jim (Kay) Rogers


STATE TRAILERS: Jim (Avis) Kinkaid

ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg

CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard (Marcia) Snodgrass


Thanks for a humiliating installation!

For the coming year, I will be asking each of you to Plant The Seeds: of Square and Round dancing. This is not a new concept! But, we have a unique opportunity to lure new and recycled dancers into our activity. With the Mid Winter Festival moving to a new location in Albany giving all of us the chance to experience new places, and be a part of all the enthusiasm that is in the air with this move, and then with the National Convention being right here in Oregon in 2005, we can use these seeds to attract new dancers. I will be expecting each of you to include in your reports at all meeting all the things you have done or are going to do to sow these seeds. I would like to hear things like: Impromptu dances in parking lots, restaurants, and other public places, demonstration dances at locations such as churches, health clubs, and other places where people gather in large groups. Maybe be on local television, ask to be on radio talk shows, any place where these seeds will come in contact with people looking for something exciting and fun to do.

Let’s all work together to make this a great year.

Barbie presented a very special gavel to Dave with a lot of special history to be used during his rein as President.


Motion by Carolyn Bosch: Mr. President, I move that we appoint Marcia Snodgrass as recording secretary for 2004-2005. 2nd by Bill Rooper. Motion carried.

Motion by Carolyn Bosch: Mr. President, I move to suspend the rules requiring a motion prior to a discussion, for the purpose of the summer festival discussion. Motion was seconded. Motion carried. When the discussion is complete Mr. President will ask for a paper ballot and Lee & Barbi Ashwill will count the ballots.

Vote was taken by paper ballot and counted by Lee & Barbi Ashwill. Seaside won the vote by a very small margin for Summer Festival 2006. Mr. President encouraged Tillamook to bid in 2007.

Motion to destroy the ballots was made and seconded.


All PAC Clubs are back to their regular schedules and another season of great dancing. Many clubs are sponsoring square and round dance lessons. Country Cut-Ups started square dance lessons on September 9 and will start round dance lessons on September 21. Happy Rockers started o September 12. Country Capers on September 16, as well as Swap & Swing. They will also start rounds on September 20.

Canby Cloverleafs as well as River City Dancers are starting today. Happy Hoppers start mainstream lessons on September 27 and plus lessons on October 4. Checkerboard Squares will start on September 18 and Squaws & Paws on October 3. Bachelor & Bachelorettes will start on October 5. Some clubs will start lessons in January or February, 2005. All this information along with time and location can be found in the current OFN.

The August 5 benefit dance with proceeds going to upgrading and maintaining the Oak Grove Community Club was a great success. $400 was realized from this dance. Canby Cloverleaf Teen Club sold refreshments and netted $120 for their club.

October 17, Country Cut-Ups will have their annual pancake breakfast right here in this building. Check your OFN for time and details.

October 19 – 5th Friday PAC dance will feature Bill Lundin as caller and Debbie Combs as cuer. Again, check your OFN for details.

October 30 will be the Tri-Council dance hosted by the Evergreen Council at the Clark County Square Dance enters. Greg & Sue Weber, caller and cuer at Seaside Summer Festival will do the honors for this dance.

December 13, PAC hosts the Tri-Council Christmas dinner at JJ North’s (Chuck Wagon) in NE Portland. PAC, TVC and Evergreen Councils will participate.

ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John & Glory Guches

The Charlie Brown’s have recovered their banner from the Danebo 8’s. They also attended the Battle Rock Dance in Port Orford over Labor Day weekend and stole their banner.

Classes started this month in all 3 dance/lesson locations; Charlie Brown’s had 42 new students at the first night of lessons.

The Rogue Sis-Q Council would like to present this check in the amount of $200 to the General Chair of the 54th NSDC for the Ice Rink Fund.

SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley

Beachcombers: We had a wonderful dancing summer. July 4th and Labor Day Weekends ere well attended and everyone had a great time dancing and relaxing for three days each weekend. Lessons are starting on October 10th. W are excited o have Coleeta Quigley as our instructor this year and looking forward to helping her with her first beginner class. We are till dancing mainstream on the 1st Saturday night and Pus on the 4th Saturday. Thanks to all who have made the trip to the beautiful south coast to dance with us.

Jefferson Squares: No Report

Saints ‘n Ain’ts: We are starting our beginning classes on October 0th, with a Plus workshop from 3-4 and Beginning from 4-6 pm. Sherm Welsh will be teaching Monday evenings starting October 11 will see Round dance lessons with Phase 3 from 6-7 and Beginning 7-8:30and Donna Hiserote will be teaching. We had Ian Koehn calling our 1stdance in October with Donna Hiserote cuing. Sherm and Donna will back calling our dances beginning October 16th.

Sets-In-Order: We are sad to report our long time caller Johnnie Nichols passed away on August 12. The square dancers of the South Coast Area all honored him by wearing our square dance finest to his funeral. Everyone in attendance thought this was the highest honor we could have paid him. We have been having Dale Roberson, Ray Graves and Coleeta Quigley as guest callers. Darrell Newell from Hillsboro will be calling our Birthday Dance October 13. We had both a float and a community involvement booth at the Coos County Fair the end of July with both of them winning ribbons. Our square dance class started September 14 with Jim Harris teaching and our round dance class started September 6 with Denise Harris teaching.

Skyloff: No Report

SUNSET AREA COUNCIL: Delmer (Bonnie) Niemi

Hayshakers: Sylvia M. Davis

We have had a very busy summer with the Summer Festival and our fun summer dances.

We had visitation to the 4n8er’s. It was a lot of fun.

We are staring lessons today (September 19) from 3-5. We are hoping to have a good turn out.

The Seaside Sashay is coming up the 22 & 23 of October. We are hoping to see you there. Be sure and bring our booklet for coupons, etc.

The November 20 & 21 State Meeting will be at the Pacific Grange in Warrenton. You should al have your packets.


The Cross Trailers won the Chairman's Trophy at summer festival. Toe Draggers received the Wood Award. For square dance week TVC members were asked for dress up for dancing and ride MAX or Tri-Met, go to Costco and hand out flyers listing our lesson time and places.

The TVC changed the caller and cuer fees for their dances. Callers now get $50 and the Cuers now get $35 for the first five squares. Both of them now receive $.50 per person over five squares. TVC, Evergreen Council and PAC are holding their joint dance on October 30, 2005 at the Clark County Square Dance Center. Come and dance with us and sign in as TVC.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL: Darlene “Dar” Sconce

Thank you, PAC for a super weekend. Dinner was great and the dance was too.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL: On Sunday, September 12, 2004 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm the UAC kicked off the National Square Dance Week with an Open House & Dance Party at the Buckeroo Barn. Area clubs displayed information about their clubs and upcoming events and square and round dance lesson schedule. We had a very good turnout of visitors, former dancers, and interested parties. Pat Hintz cued some rounds and Ray Graves called some squares. Visitors were invited to participate and give it a try. We also asked the Ballroom Dance group and Line Dancers, who also dance at the barn to participate. We had an excellent turnout and hopefully we were able to pick up some new dancers. Also, our clubs will be starting square and round dance lessons this week.

In August we danced 5-nights at the Douglas County Fair and had a good turnout of dancers. There were visitors from the South Coast, Emerald Empire and Rogue Sis-Q Councils. We also held a square dance demo at a local cinema for moviegoers.

Upcoming Events: Boots & Calicos: October 23, 2004 – Halloween Dance or Orange & Black dance; November 13, 2004 – Before Thanksgiving Dance; September classes begin Sunday, September 19, 2204; Squares 1:00 –3:00 PM and Rounds 3:30 – 5:30 PM. Ray Graves, Calling and Claude Butler Cueing.

Buckeroos: Saturday, September 4, 2004 - Regular Dance (Square Dance Attire) Dale Roberson, Caller and Pat Hintz, Cuer; Saturday, September 18, 2004 - Regular Dance Dale Roberson, Caller and Steve Hoisington, Cuer; Saturday, October 2, 2004 - Regular Dance Dale Roberson, Caller and Pat Hintz, Cuer; November 6, 2004 - Regular Dance Dale Roberson Caller and Pat Hintz, Cuer; Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 2nd Annual - Harvest Dinner/Dance - Dale Roberson, Caller and Steve Hoisington, Cuer

Buckeroos held their annual picnic on Sunday, August 29, 2004 and had a good turnout and played horseshoes and Bolero Golf - Lots of food, fun and fellowship

Dancing Friends Round Dance Club: Lessons started on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 with Pat Hintz as Cuer.

Pioneer N Petticoats: Sept 10, 2004 - Back to School Dance - Terry Halley Caller; Sept 24, 2004 Autumn Leaves Dance - Scott Zinser Caller; Oct. 8, 2004; Fall Back in Time - Scott Zinser; Oct 22, 2004 - Halloween Dance - Dale Roberson Caller. Claude Butler will be cueing these dances. November 12, 2004 - Plumb Fancy Ball with Scott Zinser Caller and Denise Harris Cuer. (This dance will be held at the Buckeroo Barn) Dec 10, 2004 - Christmas Dance - Dale Roberson Caller. There will be no dances on November 26, 2004 and December 24, 2004.

Timber 8’s: Don Marshall called their September 17, 2004 dance. They will be hosting the October 30, 2004 – UAC 5th Saturday Halloween Dance at the Buckeroo Barn.

Special Event: On Friday, October 15, 2004 and Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 1st Annual Myrtlewood Stomp Weekend will be held at the Buckeroo Barn - Callers are Bill Helms and Dan Preedy, with Tami Helms cueing the rounds.


No Written Report.


Our council meeting held on September 5 was long but energetic. Much was discussed about this year up coming season of lessons. All of our clubs will be having lessons this year with some being held at the same time, some overlapping and some going end to end. There will be lots of room to refresh r angle.

Sagebrush Shufflers: The Shufflers are seeing their new home beginning to take shape, and are getting real excited about getting back into their old stomping grounds (Powell Butte). Members of the club went to the old Lookout Grange, where a number of local folks have expressed a desire to learn to square dance. The area is about 30 miles east of Prineville. Cowboy and Rednecks. This was done n participation of Square and Round dance week September 12 thru the 18.

Sundown Round Dance Club: The Sundown Round Dancers continue to dance on the fist Monday of the month. Dave says that he and Barbie will be starting two step lessons (phase 1 and 2) on September 26 at the Pine Forest Grange fro 4-5:30 pm.

Red Rock Squares: The Red Rocks are going through their By-Laws and making some revisions and also setting up a Policy and Procedures book for incoming Officers and Chair persons. Our lessons will start in January on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Rob Scribner as the caller. We are looking forward to a fun time in lessons and hopefully lots of new dancers. Summer has been quiet with a lot of the dancers gone during the summer months. Many Red Rocks went to Summer Festival and had a great time, and are looking forward to Mid-Winter Festival.

Swinging Mountaineers: No Report.

Bachelor Beauts: Detroit Lake Weekend will again be held in October and a good chance for the valley folks to come and joins them. Oct. 1, 2, 3. The Putz (Roger) and Kirby Goode will b calling and Cristina Corelli Goode with Helen Dennis doing the cueing. Be advised that when dancing with the Beauts there is a new Deputy in town. Jack Fine, 17 years old and full of energy and excitement "Don’t Mess Up".

High Lake Swingers: Jim and Jan Steele have started a caller run club in Central Oregon and as the High lake Swingers were about to fold, they picked them up. Holding about four dances a year, on 5th Fridays. The next dance will be Pitchfork and Plate Country Style on October 29 at the Pine For4est Grange.

Central Oregon Roundup: Now if you were not there, you must have been very sick or dying. Chairman Linda Danner and her crew worked very hard and long to make this fantastic, and may I say Profitable "Country Affaire". The city of Sisters went out of their way to see that we had a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonite. Starting off the weekend, Dancing at the Old Hotel known as Bronco Billy’s. Folks were stopping traffic in the streets and sidewalks just to watch us dance.

EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL: Lorene (George) Griffith

Eastern Oregon Council is represented by members George and Lorene Griffith, at the present time.

Ione Grand Squares is the only active club at this time. They have not begun their dance season yet. They will in October, watch the OFN for more information.

EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Lois Klinok/Sharon Greenman

The Emerald Empire Area installed new officers at its last meeting. The new officers are:

President: Dennis Marsh
Vice-President: Laurie Cooley
Secretary: Ilana Widders
Treasurer: Debbie Chamberlain
Past President: Sharon Greenman

Whirl-A-Ways and Sweet Home Squarenaders have resumed dancing as of September 1st.

Florence Fun Bunch has dissolved their club and distributed their treasury according to federation guidelines.

Single Trees had a well attended Black Cat Dance on August 13; Jim Voll was the caller and Pat Hintz the cuer. Guest caller, Georgia Bailey called the dance for them on August 27.

Wolf Pack featured summer theme dances in August and a back to school dance in September. Larry Dupray and Sharon Greenman called and cued both dances.

Danebo Circle 8 featured guest callers, Peter Wood a Bruce Lowther and guest cuer Sharon Greenman at two of its summer dances, as the club caller and cuer, Kirby Goode and Christina Corelli traveled to several summertime festivals.

Boots and Sandals: No Report

We all enjoyed a weekend of dancing to Mike Sikorsky in August.

The Mid-Winter Banner Bandits are still striking regularly and have acquired 22 banners. Watch out hey could raid your club next.

INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Reta & Phil Harkins (absent)

No written or email report turned in.

LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA: Buzz (Kathy) Buczkowski

Sea Twirlers have been very busy this summer with vacation travel, family activities, and square dancing.

Two couples attended the Diamond Lake Festival and club members have attended club dances at the Salem Swinging Stars, Toledo 49ers, Valley River Dancers, Crazy Creek Rockers, Braids and Braves.

The Sea Twirlers 8th birthday dance was held o September 12th. A god turnout of about 6 squares danced to caller George Hermann and cuer Patty Hermann. They also enjoyed dancing to five club callers and three club cuers in attendance. The guests were from 8 visiting square dance clubs. The Mid-Winter "Banner Bandits" also attended and captured Sea Twirler’s banner. The Sea Twirlers were able to sign up four couples for the Mid-Winter Festival to make their banner safe and the "Bandit" was also able to sign up a few other couples at the dance. Michael and Samantha - two teenage grand-children of George and Patty - called and cued a tip for them and did an excellent job.

Toledo 49ers did a lot of traveling during the summer and early fall. Four couples attended the National Convention in Denver and did some extra traveling on their way home. Some attended the Diamond Lake Festival, Beachcombers Battle Rock Dance at Port Orford and the Mt Hood Village Labor Day Dance. August 2 the club had a casual dance with a "Beach Party" theme and everyone enjoyed hot dogs and salads prior to the dance. September 18 the club celebrated their 55th birthday. They are enjoying their new dance location at Gleneden Beach Community Club and encourage anyone visiting Lincoln City r Newport to come visit the 1swwt of 3rd Saturday evening at 7:30.

Next on the agenda are lessons, beginning Sunday, September 26. In the past t years they tried a 3 day set of lessons and t has not proved to be sufficient for the new dancers to learn all the moves. Weekly workshops are being held, trying to get them up to speed but it is a long, dawn out affair. This ear the classes will be 16 weeks.

Also in the planning is a New Year’s Eve Dance to be held at Glenden Beach and the Loyalty Days weekend next year which will be the last weekend of April, the 29th and 30th, because the first weekend of May will be Mothers Day. Please mark your calendars for this fu weekend at e beach.

MID-WILLAMETTE AREA: Spencer (Barbara) Lewis

The slow month of August is over. As the clubs are beginning to organize their fall activities, thirteen in our area are planning lessons. Two however won’t start till January. The number of students range from three to eighteen. The Cherry City Cloggers are planning on thirty. Their president, Mary Ellen Ramseyer, feels this umber will be easier to work with compared to he seventy pus that they worked with last year.

The Willamette Squares appreciated the use of one of the Federation owned trailers which they danced on at the Summer Festival in Scotts Mill. Their pr4esident Vince Till mentioned that it was quite exciting, hanging onto your partner, keeping yr balance and hoping the driver keeps the rig going slow and smooth.

The Salem Swingin’ Stars had a casual dance I August where they encouraged all to come in outlandish T-shirts. First prize had to be split three ways when three gals all showed up in the same kind of Bikini T-shirts.

To kick off the National Square Dance Week, the Independence Wagon Wheelers had a tail gate party, September 1. They invited former club members and potential students. They did have 18 new people at their first class. For this special dance the hall was decorated in a sports theme, ad all were encouraged to wear jerseys representing their favorite team. For some unknown reason, orange and black outfits prevailed.

There was o square dancing at this years State Fair in Salem. The gazebo where we formerly danced was part of a Hispanic complex this time. A question came up at our last area council meeting as to the possibility of dancing there next year. Ray and Fran Bunch, the former coordinators, told me that as the years went by ewer clubs seemed willing to participate. At the same time the fair polices changed, eliminating free parking passes and changing the location of our dancing. If the Federation would like to see this activity reactivated, it would be wise or a committee to explore the pros ad cons first.

In closing, I must add that we are sorry to have to say, "Good-by" to a square dace club that has been part of the Salem scene for the last 4 years. The Capital 8’s will be holding their last dance on September 24 with a prom theme at 8:00 pm at the Salem Square Dance Center.


Ray & Zola Jones

We've not done much dancing since Summer Festival--as most weekends in August and Labor Day weekend were spent at Family Outings.

We did attend a special dance on August 14 by National Caller, Mike Sikorsky at the Dance Center in Springfield, and sponsored by our Emerald Empire Area Council. And of course attended our own Whirl-A-Ways Club's first dance of the new Season on September 11. We will also be Angeling at our club's New Dancer lessons. We still serve on the Mid-Winter Festival Committee, doing the Program Book again this year. And--we saw a lot of you a week ago in Portland at the 'open' meeting of the 54th National Square Dance Convention; as we are also on the Program Committee for the National Convention.

We always enjoy seeing everyone at these special weekends of State Federation Meetings.

So-until we see all of you again at the November meeting; Safe travels, and ’Happy Highways' - - -

Don & Karel Morris (absent)

No Report

Benjamin Brown (absent)

No report

Al & Fran Westphal (absent)

(Hi, guys. I will do the "flock shooting" approach, since I see from the Aug. minutes that Jodene and Dave are not expecting to attend this meeting. Thanks to somebody for delivering this report.)

Goodwill Ambassador Report for Sept. Federation meeting:

Greetings once again from Al and Fran. We are sorry not to be able to participate in any of this weekend's activities, because Fran has to work. Darn it.

Fran has been working and Al has attended dances on occasion, but he has been dancing little because of a bad knee. Appointments are scheduled in October for knee injections.

We were able to attend the Sea Twirlers' birthday dance last Sunday in Gleneden Beach. It was fun to meet and greet. Lots of callers and cuers attended, as well as a delegation from Mid-Winter.

Toledo 49'rs were celebrating the club's 55th birthday last night. Al was there, though he may not have been able to do any dancing. You will be pleased to know that Shirley Scott is still active in the club.

Yesterday was a past officers' reunion in Salem. It is always neat to spend some time with friends from the earlier days of the Federation. Those expected to attend were Genevieve Churchill, Glenore Carrier, Jack and Rosemary Williams, Dorothy Murray, Anna Ashby, Lucille Barnes, Ray and Rae Scofield, Ruth McKnight Steeprow, Jean Brigl, George and Barbara Winterfeld, John and Bev Nasholm, Larry and Ann Lauderdale, Jim and Dorene Millard, George and Lorene Griffith and (Lord willing) George and Bernice Gruchella. Hosts were Floyd and Evelyn Carson. Others were attending meetings here in Boring; we will try not to schedule in conflict with the state meeting again.

Cards, notes, calls would be appreciated by Donna and Leonard Scott of Klamath Falls. Donna had surgery recently. This couple is still actively dancing in Oregon and in Yuma, Arizona. They may be the only couple still dancing who were a part of the organization and first years of the Federation. They are a delightful, hard-working couple, who have danced since the early 50's. Their address is P.O. Box 7326, Klamath Falls, OR 97602-0326.

Another who would appreciate cards, notes, calls is Dorothy Murray (Ray was Federation President in 78-79). In addition to back problems, she has heart trouble. Her address is 200 S.W. D Street, Space 7, Madras, OR 97741.

We will be attending the Spinning Antlers dance today in Corvallis, providing refreshments. That's after also providing refreshments (with Betty Jones) after church.

We will be visiting family in Colorado towards the end of October and then will find our way to Yuma for several months.

Congratulations to the new officers and delegates. We will once again offer the invitation to come and visit us in Yuma, where there's lots of dancing fun in the sun.

Harold & Barbara Kleve

We were on the road in our motor home for a month this summer spreading goodwill. We attended the National Convention in Denver and traveled through ten states.

Upon our return we attended and called at the Summer Festival in Seaside. It was a great festival in an excellent venue.

We attended and called at the Central Oregon Roundup. Again an excellent location sponsored by a fun group. Congratulations. We then called the TVC’s annual Barn Dance at the Hahn Farm. Unfortunately the weather was taking a turn for the worse but we didn’t let it rain on our picnic.

A beach trip with The Eager Beavers Club and the beginning of classes for the Sunset Promenaders and Tri Squares signals the start of fall. We are busy working on the Seminar committee for the 54th National Convention.


Barbie Cooper announced that the "Plant the Seed" badges can be purchased for $2.00 a piece.

Doug Hartzell stated that the State Directory did not reflect that Dave Cooper cues for the Red Rocks on the 1st Friday and Kitty Fox-Kaler cues on the 3rd Friday.

Carolyn Bosch reminded us of the Benefit Dance on April 3, 2005 with proceeds going to H.O.R.S.E.S. It will take place at the Oak Grove Community Center from 1:30 to 4:00 pm.

Kay Rogers encouraged everyone to register (if they are not) for the 54th NSDC. If you advanced registered Kay offered to help you convert your registration to a full registration. Please try to carve out some time to volunteer during the Convention as well.

LaVonne Bussey, Director for Club Leadership Certification (CLC) of the 54th NSDC informed us of the program and a little bit about how it works. It is an Educational Program that includes Seminars and Panels for the promotion of leadership and promoting square dancing.

Barbi Ashwill encouraged the promotion of the Washington State Festival and distributed registration forms. Because the Festival is just a week before our Convention they are concerned that some people won’t make the time and effort to go to the Washington State Festival. Please bill this festival as a Trails End event and encourage people to register for it.

Barbi also reminded everyone that they received Volunteer forms in their packet for the 54th NDSC.

Lastly, Barbi also distributed a booklet called "The Story". This publication comes from the National Executive Committee and has a wealth of information. Please read it and inform yourself and share with others. Don’t forget educate your new dancers and everyone else in your clubs and councils.

Ed Warmoth reminded everyone about the extra copies of the OFN and to distribute them to the New Dancers. Don’t forget that to take one to your Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureau and local Newspapers to get the word out about our great activity.

Kathy Roberts shared her ideas about what she is planning on doing this coming year at Youth Coordinator. She is leading a campaign to find out "Where are the Kids". We would like to have council youth dances throughout the state of Oregon. She would like to have councils work together to sponsor youth dances. The first one is November 6 with the Sunset, Lincoln/Tillamook, TVC, and PAC Councils working together. We are currently using callers that call to the youth already but would like to work in teen and youth callers and cuers 18 and below.

Marilyn Schmit told us about the USDA Traveler Program. After you have visited 12 States you get a red bar and after 48 states you earn a paid admission to a National Square Dance Convention. See Marilyn if you have any questions. Those of you that travel and dance should participate in this program.

Barbara Lewis announced the MWA Fall Festival on October 30, 2004. Halloween costumes are optional and encouraged, Georgia Bailey will MC the callers and Jay Stimler will MC the cuers as Braids and Braves are sponsors for this dance at the Salem Square Dance Center.

Vivian Fairburn brought Newsletters from other states and organization that are free for you to take. Please note on page 4 of the State Directory: Email addresses appearing in this Directory are to be used for square dance business only. Please respect the privacy of our members.

Lee Ashwill made us aware of the 54th NSDC "Build-a-Frog" program. We are youth friendly and this will help prove it. We will also be having a Showcase for Youth Caller so get the word out and get the youth involved and support them.

John Guches let everyone know that he had video taped the installation and that one copy will go to Barbie Cooper and the second copy to Americas Funniest Videos. Be looking for it!

Dave Cooper informed us that with Tim Roberts help the agenda could be changing. Delegates are supposed to bring a copy of their brief report for the secretary. I plan on these meetings not going over 45 minutes.

ADJOURN: Meeting was adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
Marcia Snodgrass
Recording Secretary