Hosted by Sunset Empire Council
Pacific Grange, Warrenton, Oregon

Meeting brought to order by President Dave Cooper at 9:05 AM.

This meeting is being recorded.

ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Marcia Snodgrass.

Officers: All present.

Appointed Officers: All present, except, Vivian Fairburn (OFN Editor); Jim & Avis Kinkaid (State Trailers); and Peter & Beverly Hills-Wood (2005 Mid-Winter).

Delegates: All present except, Doug & LaDauna Hartzell (Carol Bro substituting for Central Oregon); Reta & Phil Harkins Interstate Highlanders and Buzz & Kathy Buczkowski (LaVonne & Al Bussey substituted).

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All absent except, Lee & Barbi Ashwill.

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Carolyn Bosch.

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Dennis Marsh.

Correction to the minutes of September 19 by Tim Roberts; page 9, section 2 should be omitted. This was changed in error by Tim Roberts before posting to the web.

Marcia added another correction to page 9 under Education Chairman should be Publicity and State Reporter, Bob & Carolyn Bosch.

MOTION by Carolyn Bosch

I move that we accept the minutes with the corrections. 2nd by John Guches. Motion passed.

PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper (Barbie)

Barbie and I are sorry we couldn't be at the dinner and dance yesterday. We had a previous commitment and felt obligated to honor it.

Since our last meeting, Barbie and I have had the opportunity to dance with many clubs here in Oregon. We cued at the Wy'East Whirlers, Red Rock Squares, Swinging Mountaineers ice cream social dance and boy did we enjoy that, the Swap and Swing Halloween dance, The Central Oregon Council 5th Saturday dance in October, The Sagebrush Shufflers, we visited Washington and attended Falling Leaves festival in Leavenworth (a must for all dancers), our very own Sundown Round Dance club (we are pretty proud of that group), Bachelor "N" Bachelorettes, the Squaws and Paws in Canby, and the Funtastic Squares in Salem. At each of these events, we were gladdened by the attendance. The smallest turnout was 5 squares, and all the rest were 8 squares or more! People were having a great time at each of these, and Bill and Neva Reid had great costumes at their Halloween dance. Who says square dancing is declining? The round dance lessons that we are teaching with the Sundown Round Dance Club in Bend are going great guns, with 30 new dancers still coming. And, these "students" have been out "planting seeds", telling their friends what fun they are having, so we anticipate and even larger group for beginning waltz lessons in December. Plus, we are putting together a dance for the Showcase of Rounds at Mid-Winter which will feature these new people!

We received a message from Elaine Funk stating that the Gypsy Squares were going dark due to a lack of a caller for their club. It is sad that we can't help out in some way to attract new callers to areas outside of the Willamette Valley. Any suggestions on something we can do as a body to get new callers and cuers, so lessons can be held in those areas, and our activity will continue? What kind of seeds can we plant?

Since we won't see a lot of you until Mid-Winter in Albany (Mid-Winter 2005), we want to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and a happy and prosperous New Year. Keep cultivating those seeds.

1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)

Thank you Sunset Council and Hayshakers for a great weekend. Ilana and I have been very busy with Mid-Winter Festival Visitations and Mid-Winter 2006. We feel the visitations are bringing back camaraderie between clubs and councils and encouraging positive feelings between all involved. We believe this fits in with Cooper’s "plant the seeds" theme for his presidency and is building a stronger relationship between the clubs and councils throughout the state. As leaders, delegates and officers of the Federation, we also need to show the same spirit and direction in promoting positive feelings and looking for solutions to help one and all to pull us together.

2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter & Beverly-Hills Wood

No written or emailed report. Program books were brought to the meeting by Dennis and Ilana.

2006 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dennis Marsh & Ilana Widders

The 2006 Mid-Winter Festival is trying to get a jump start as soon as possible. We have just received our festival ribbons and will soon be numbering them and getting them ready to distribute. We will have them available for sale at the Mid-Winter Festival 2005 registration booth on Saturday and Sunday morning. For those pre-registering their RVs, their ribbons will be available on the spot for purchase. No waiting for the mail. We have asked the delegates if they would like to sell ribbons again this year in their areas and receive their ribbon free. They are excited and ready to go! For those delegates that would like to receive Mid-Winter Festival material, just let us know at the January State meeting. It will be available to them at that time. We have quite a few volunteers already signed up and are beginning to form our committees early. Energy is high as another Mid-Winter Festival approaches!

2006 Summer Festival: Kay & Jim Rogers

We have secured the rental of the Seaside Convention Center by paying the deposit and signing the contract.

Dave and Barbie Cooper will be the featured cuers.

We are right on track.

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Vivian Fairburn absent

No report.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn & Ron Schmit

Since our last meeting, I have had one of the microphones fixed by Ralph Lambert and one of the microphone stand fixed by Ron.

I have been taking the state directories with me wherever I go in hopes of selling some and I have turned over some money to Bill Rooper. I would like those clubs that are having lessons, to purchase some directories for their graduating students. It would be a nice gift for them. Think it over and let me know how many you need. There are over 200 left to sell.

My seed project is to make sure that all dance locations have physical addresses. I have three more to go before that is completed. We can’t get dancers to a hall if the location can’t be done on MapQuest on the computer. I use MapQuest if I don’t know how to get there. The three locations are here at the Pacific Grange, Memorial Hall in the County Court House in Lakeview and the Gilliam County Fairgrounds in Condon. I will be speaking with the delegates, if I haven’t already done so, to complete my project.

They are currently listed by city with the dance location underneath that and the club/clubs that dance there listed next.

It there are some alternate halls that are not listed please let me know so they can be included.

My travels took me to Seattle to attend the McGregor Award dance in honor of Ron and Pat Hoot. I also attended the council dance in Milton-Freewater that hosted the Blue Mountain Oregon and Blue Mountain Washington councils meeting and potluck. I took Genevieve Churchill with me and we had a grand time.


Leonard and I are sorry we missed the dinner and dance last night due to a previously scheduled commitment.

Thank you for your patience with the minutes and I fully expect to have the minutes from this meeting published no later than the end of December if not before.

A big thanks goes out to all of you who emailed me your report for the meeting today, I really do appreciate it. I really do need to express how important it is for me to receive these reports before the meeting in electronic form. I need to minimize the time that it takes to process the minutes and this is one of the only ways to do it. There are 6 councils and at least one coordinator, who hasn’t sent me an electronic copy of your report, please do so as soon as you get home. I have only had one person say they don’t have email and in those rare cases I need to have you snail mail me your report a week before the meeting as the others email me theirs. As a reminder the reports need to be in Arial 12 point font. My address is 4130 Center St NE, Salem, OR 97301.


I wish to add my thank-you to the Sunset Empire Council for the warm hospitality, good food and dance.

The Cards I have sent out:

Condolence Cards:

Get Well / Sunshine Cards:

Birthday Card:

Mitch Hecomovich recently celebrated his 90th Birthday.

TREASURER REPORT: Bill & Annandale Rooper

For report see Recording Secretary. Report on file.

MEMBERSHIP: Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos

We have two Clubs that have disbanded: Skyloft Squares - South Coast, and Capital 8's - Mid-Willamette. According to the State Corporate pages Sagebrush Shufflers, Hermiston Square Knots and Umpqua Council have also dissolved. No notice has been sent to membership notifying the state. R Square D Square & round dance club from Longview, WA have submitted their application for Membership to the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs to be voted on at this meeting. Also the Funtastic Squares in Salem have submitted their paperwork for Federation. I make a motion to accept these two clubs into the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.

Corporate Dues for November:
Indian Valley Paraders
Mix N Mingle

Past Due Corporate fees:
LaGrande Star Promenaders - October

If you have paid the past due fees please send me the information, date paid, amount and check number and a copy of the check front and back, if possible. If there is a charge at your bank now please just send the information. Thanks.

We need some additional badges for the badge board. If you could get them to us before Mid-Winter, we would appreciate it and they could be displayed at that time.

Interstate Highlanders Council
Happy Hoppers
Silver Stars
South Coast Council
Funtastic Squares

MOTION by Judy Gelmstedt

I move to accept these R Square D and Funtastic Squares into the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. 2nd by Carolyn Bosch. Motion carried.

INSURANCE: Jim & Kay Rogers

Most of the clubs have turned in their insurance papers before today and we thank you for that.

A lot of you did not send in class lists. Some of you sent square dance class lists, but not round dance. Please send round dance lists also.

Do not forget to send in notice of event forms for special dances and demonstrations.

PAST PRESIDENT: Carolyn & Bob Bosch

Remember to put April 4, 2005 Benefit Dance on your calendars. It will take place at the Oak Grove Dance Center.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim & Kathy Roberts

I have distributed yet another short update for your P&Ps, including the new round dance guidelines that I thought I was distributing last month.

Beyond that, I have nothing to report.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike & Shirley Odell

No Written Report.


Need written report.


(1) Arrangements have been made with the Mid-Winter Festival Committee to present a Square and Round Dance Seminar at the Festival Saturday morning, January 28, at 10 AM in the Benton Room of the Comfort Suites Inn.

This will be part of the "Plant the Seed" campaign of President Dave and Barbie Cooper and the theme will be WORKING WITH YOUNG DANCERS AND NEW IDEAS.

(2) Information columns have been prepared and submitted for the November and December issues of the Oregon Federation News. We want to remind clubs and Councils that the Christmas Season is an excellent time for square dance organizations to connect with community events and show the spirit and goodwill that we have as dancers. Congratulations to those who already have plans and activities to gather food and toys for local distribution.

(3) Since the 54th National Square Dance Convention® in Portland will take the place of the usual State Summer Festival, as Education Chairman we are concentrating on an Education Program for the Convention. This will include 21 Seminars organized by Harold & Barbara Kleve and 17 Panel sessions under the direction of John & Glory Guches. Al & LaVonne Bussey will be working with them to designate some classes for Club Leadership Certification. Ron & Marilyn Schmit will have An Organizations Round Table, Showcase of Ideas and Publications Display. The Sew & Save display and Sew-minars are coming along nicely under the leadership of Janet Wilken and twin sister Janis Pederson as Co-Vice-Chairmen. The fifth and final part of the Convention Education Program is Clinics, coordinated by Bob & Theresa Joy.

At the present time we have 45 people working on Education. We will need many more volunteers to help during Convention Week as room hosts, sew & save helpers, and similar short time assignments.

(4) Since there will be many visiting dancers in Oregon next year, we would like to see a leaflet prepared to show where clubs dance in Oregon. This could be made available to Visitor Centers and Chambers of Commerce. It would be a listing similar to the Where and When in the OFN and I have talked with Editor Vivian Fairburn about how it might be done. The cost to print an 8 ½ by 11 trifold on colored paper would be 500 for $42.50; 1000 for $71. If the larger sheet 8 ½ by 14 is needed, print cost would be 500 for $57.50; 1000 for $101. I offer this as a suggestion for action.

HISTORIAN: Patty Reese

No report.


BMI/ASCAP: Ralph & Linda Lambert (absent)

Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP.

For BMI, the fees received from the mid-winter and summer festivals are not covering our $118.60 per year annual fee. The shortfall has been about $23.00 each of the last two years. On August 23, 2004, I wrote BMI and requested a rate adjustment based up current festival attendance information. I was only partially successful. On November 2, 2004, BMI notified me of a total credit of $12.20 for years 2003 and 2004. This credit will be reflected on BMI’s billing for our 2005 payment. For 2005, the Federation only has one festival, the Mid-Winter Festival, because of the National Square Dance Convention in Portland in June.

I provided a memo to the Chair of the 2004 Mid-Winter Festival outlining BMI/ASCAP requirements.


The first multi-council sponsored, state supported dance was held on November 6th. It was not as well attended as we would have liked. Even though people expressed a lot of interest prior to the dance, we only had around 20 kids and 20 adults. Apparently, we competed against Royal Romp, Christmas shopping with mom and sports activities. However the youth that attended had a fantastic time. There was a lot of laughter and fun.

Due to concerns expressed by the delegates and officers in their meetings yesterday, we will be changing the remaining 2 dances to be State Youth Benefit Dances. These dances will be financed by the state in different areas of the state, hopefully with council support. If there are any profits, the profits will be placed back into the State Youth Fund. We will be encouraging and requesting state, council and club support by way of attendance, advertising and cookies.

Plans are underway for the 2nd state youth dance. Leonard Snodgrass from the Mid-Willamette Area, is the chair and caller for this dance. It will be held at the Salem Square dance center on Saturday, March 5th from 1:30-4:00 p.m. The proposed third youth dance will be in the Central/Eastern/Blue Mountain areas during the summer.

Mid-Winter is planning a special youth party. They will be dancing and enjoying pizza at Cidicci’s Pizza, which is in the old Albany Electric Station.

If your council has a youth square dancer that needs help paying for square dance activities, a committee has been established to review requests. The committee includes President Dave Cooper, TVC Delegate Kay Rogers and myself. Please submit your request in writing to me at kathy@4roberts.us. Please include a brief explanation of the request, the youth’s name and club affiliations. We will review the request and notify you of our decision.

STATE TRAILERS: Jim & Avis Kinkaid (Absent)

No report.

ORDTA: Dennis & Elaine Smith

Good morning.

ORDTA met October 16 at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield. There were 13 teaching units in attendance.

Except for Monday by Susan Healea was chosen as the Classic ROM for March 2005.

The So You Want to be a Cuer session to be held at Mid-Winter was discussed in depth.

Patty Hermann is looking for more volunteers for the upcoming National Square Dance Convention.

The spring meeting will be April 16 at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield. There will not be a summer meeting since Oregon is hosting the National Square Dance Convention.

The next meeting will be held at 9:00AM at the Comfort Suites in Albany in conjunction with Mid-Winter Festival.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara & Larry Schaumburg

Rounds of the month selection have been emailed to the cuers, Promenade Shop, OFN and cue sheet magazine.

ROM for January 2005 "Dancing Like Lovers II" Phase II Waltz

February 2005 "Charisma ‘93" Phase II+2 Waltz (hover & sd corte)

March 2005 (classic) "Except for Monday" Phase II Two-Step

CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard & Marcia Snodgrass

No report.


We are 7 months from opening the doors to the 54th National Square Dance Convention® and we are getting excited! How about you? Our registrations are continuing to trickle in and we now have almost 4,000 dancers registered for the Convention. As you talk up the Convention (and we hope you do every place you go) you might be interested in sharing some of the following statistics regarding those dancers already registered:

Registrants represent every state.

There are 217 dancers registered from 18 Foreign Countries. (Can you imagine the expenses involved for them to come all the way to Oregon for this Convention?) Be sure to give them an extra yellow rock or two when you see them and make sure they know how glad we are to have them here.

OR - 902 registered dancers
WA - 521 registered dancers
CA - 481 registered dancers (Watch out WA, CA is on your tail)

Remember, it could easily be another 10-15 years before Oregon would bid on another National Square Dance Convention?, so we encourage you to share Convention information with all of your Club members and friends and get them registered so they don’t miss out on this wonderful experience.

The Tour Committee has put together a fantastic set of tours. We would like to take each one of them. If time allowed it that is what we would do. We could tour all day and dance all night. Consider taking a tour or two and see parts of Oregon that you may not have seen.

The Convention Wednesday Night Special Event is Johnny Limbo and the Lugnuts. This is an energetic group that will play your favorite 50’s and 60’s music. If you haven’t seen this group perform, this is a must. Tickets are $15.00 a person and you can order them on your Registration Form. If you have already registered and did not order tickets, you can send in another Registration Form and mark it as "ADD ON" at the top of the Form. Then indicate the number of tickets you want to purchase and enclose a check for the proper amount. You will find these tickets in your packet when you pick up your packet at the Oregon Convention Center. Packet Pickup is scheduled to open at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, June 21, 2005. They will be open until 6:00 p.m. and will reopen at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 22, 2005. Remember, if you have relatives or friends who would like to attend this Special Event, they can do so. The only requirement is that a square dancer must purchase their tickets. That square dancer is responsible to get the tickets to the attendee once they pick up their Convention Packet.

The plans for the RV Caravan are almost completed. Watch your National Squares Magazine for schedules of all they plan to see and do on this exciting adventure from E. St. Louis, Illinois to Astoria, Oregon. At the present time there are 61 rigs registered to travel in this Caravan with Wagon Masters, Merlin and Dolly Yarnell. Can you imagine, there is even a group of four dancers from Denmark who are renting an RV and traveling with the Caravan. Watch the OFN for welcoming activities to greet these travelers in Astoria, if you would like to join in the celebration.

The Fashion Show is a "You won’t want to miss this" event. Chris Kastella and her Fashion Show crew are putting together an extraordinary event. Check your Program Book for time and location.

Speaking of Program Books, this is another item you will want to order on your Registration Form (or order as an "Add-On" if you missed it on your original Registration Form). The Program Book sells for $6.00 and with that you receive three smaller schedules of daily events, which are called Dailies. These schedules are small enough to fit into a small handbag or a gentleman’s pocket and outline the events day-by-day. You do not have to carry the large Program Book with you and you will still be able to locate where and when all activities are taking place. Please remind your Club officers that the Program Book Committee has offered to publish a Business Card size add for any Club for $25.00. So far this has met with small results, but we are hoping that every Club will take advantage of this opportunity.

The 54th NSDC has leased a parking lot on the West side of the Oregon Convention Center. This is right across the street from the loading docks. This lot was originally leased for parking space for the Vendors. There is additional parking space available in this lot. The Convention is renting these parking spots to Convention workers first. The cost is $7.00 per day with In and Out privileges. Parking at the Oregon Convention Center is currently $8.00 a day without In and Out privileges. If any workers want to rent a parking space, they need to contact Mick & Shan McKinney, Business Chairman. We need to have a gatekeeper on the gate from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 21, 2005 through Saturday, June 25, 2005. Mick and Shan McKinney are looking for volunteers to staff that gate. If there is anyone in any of the clubs willing to donate any amount of time to staffing this gate, please have them contact Mick & Shan. From 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. we will have hired Security on this gate. Mick and Shan can be contacted at Business@54nsdc.com or telephone: (503) 643-2531.

The 54th NSDC has established a volunteer coordinating section. The acronym for this group is the C-DOVS. That stands for Co-Directors of Volunteer Services. It is a proven fact that dancers will volunteer to help during Convention and then are never contacted again. Karen Burger-Kimber and Dave Luchini are the Co-Directors and they are establishing a database of dancers willing to volunteer some time during Convention. They will enter volunteers in their database and maintain contact with them. They will have a listing of where volunteers are needed and will supply that information to the volunteer dancers. There is a huge requirement for volunteers during Convention. Please tell your Clubs that if they have dancers willing to work even as few as one or two hours during Convention, to contact Karen Burger-Kimber at E-Mail: office@pcez.com.

Happy Trails to each of you until we meet again,


The Showcase of Ideas has 180 tables available and we have sent out invitations to 167 different organizations, federations, and councils throughout the United States and Canada.

We have heard back from enough people that we have 24 of the tables reserved already. We look forward to hearing from more as they have meetings to decide what their plans are for Portland.

We are always looking for volunteers to be expert huggers in the Showcase and it will be a great time greeting the visitors as they pass through the aisles of the Showcase to look at square dancing and how it is expressed at the various locations.

DELEGATE MEETING REPORT: Sunset Empire Council, Delmer & Bonnie Niemi

No written report received.


15 Minute Break


  1. Motion by Kay Rogers

    Mr. President, I move that we authorize spending $100 each for 3 youth dances, sponsored by the councils.

    Kay dropped her motion.

  2. Motion by Kay Rogers

    Mr. President, I move that we authorize spending $100 to help offset Mid-Winter’s youth activities expenses.

    Kay dropped her motion.

    Kay requested that we start sending out the minutes to the Council Presidents.

  3. MOTION by Dar Sconce for Ed Warmoth, Coleeta Quigley second. Mister Chairman, I move that we authorize $100 expenditure to publish 1,000 leaflets showing where clubs dance. Discussion: Where will money come from? General fund. Who is going to do this? Vivian with help. Marilyn is gathering information for this. Motion passed unanimously.


SUNSET AREA COUNCIL: Delmer (Bonnie) Niemi

It's hard to distinguish between Sunset Council and Hayshaker Club now that there is only one club. Anyway, both of them welcomes you to our area and hope you enjoyed the evening meal and dance last night.

Hayshaker beginner lessons, with Russ Bean instructing, are coming along really well. Their monthly dine-outs are being held following lessons on Sunday afternoons. Also, several couples have been attending plus dances and/or workshops on the second and fourth Friday evenings in Knappa-Svensen with Harvey Hunsucker calling.

Visitors to October club dances have been the Checkerboard Squares and the Sunset Promenaders.

The fourth annual Seaside Sashay was a huge success - 280 people came for a wonderful time. Dancing at the turnaround lasted until ll:50 a.m. when the weather quit cooperating and it started to rain.

They are getting ready for the holidays with a canned food drive and toys for needy children. The Club Christmas Party and dance is planned for December 4th.


Thanks goes to the Hayshakers for a terrific dinner and dance last night.

The TVC is participating in the three-council Christmas meeting being held on December 13th at North's Chuck Wagon. Each year the TVC, PAC and Evergreen Councils get together for our December meeting, which lasts about 30 seconds. Then we eat and visit and party. TVC and PAC take turns hosting this party.

The TVC is having a New Year's Eve dance this year at the Odd Fellows Hall on 3rd and Main in Hillsboro. There will be a ham dinner served. Craig Abercrombie and George Clark will be doing the calling, with Connie Clark Cueing. This is a New Dancer's Dance.

Tickets are $10 each; see someone from the TVC for tickets.

We have submitted an application for a new club R Square D from Longview, Washington to join the federation.

Lessons are underway at some of our clubs. Some of the clubs are not having lessons until January. We have a flyer out with lessons dates and locations if you would like to angel or bring a new dancer.


Clubs in the Umpqua Area Council have been super busy “planting the seed” in our area.

November 11th, over 20 of us participated in the Veteran’s Day Parade in Roseburg. We decorated our float with red, white and blue. Dale Roberson was our caller and danced our way through the parade route distributing goodies for the kids. Our group took home a 1st Place Trophy, too.

On November 12th, the Pioneer ‘N’ Petticoat’s held the first annual Plumb Fancy Ball, which was a square dance to honor and thank Ms Francie Plumb for her work and dedication to help those who are visually impaired. In cooperation with other Umpqua Area Square Dance Clubs they started a trust fund in her name. These funds will assist the Oregon Commission for the Blind and other agencies that work with senior citizens living in Douglas County with vision services and aids; they raised funds through grants, donations, and the proceeds from the dance. Their goal was to set up an account in honor of Francie Plumb. Ms Plumb’s goal was to keep seniors active in the community and working environment by providing education and vision aids. Francie Plumb was responsible by supplying Karoline Schmidt, Pioneer’s & Petticoats President with vision aids and equipment in her sewing business in Canyonville. These funds will be used to help purchase low vision aids such as magnifiers for elders; free or reduced eye exams and/or eyeglasses. They raised over $800 for this event. We also had visual equipment etc. displayed at the dance.

The Buckeroos hosted their 2nd annual Thanksgiving Dinner/Dance on November 20th, whereby they invited new dancers, past club presidents, dancers who used to dance, dancers who can no longer dance, etc.

Also, the Buckeroos are participating in the Umpqua Community Action Network’s Canned Food Drive now through January 15, 2005. So far we’ve collected over 150 items.

Square Dance Lessons are going well. We have new dancers as well as renewing dancers. Looking good.


Lessons have started in one of our clubs. The Elkorn Swingers of Baker City have 36 new people. With Angels they have 6 squares dancing. Way to go, guys!!!! This club has also contracted with Daryl Clendenin & Dave Cooper to call and cue their Spring Fling in April.

The Muddy Frogs and Star Promenaders will have lessons beginning in January 2005.

The Star Promenaders Hobo dance was a huge success with all the Hobo’s having a great time. Dwain & Bev Schaer of Baker City were voted King & Queen Hobo for the second consecutive year.

The Star Promenaders will enter the LaGrande Starlight Parade to help start the Holiday Season.

The Blue Mountain Councils of Washington and Oregon held a combined potluck and dance October 30. Each Council held their separate meeting then enjoyed a wonderful meal and evening of dancing. Don Wiggins was MCX with callers from the floor. Pat Wiggins was cuer. We were honored with the presence of Genevieve Churchill and Marilyn Schmit.

CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL: Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell absent, report given by Carol Bro.

This fall Sun Dance Round Dance Club began the lesson season with Two-Step lessons that will finish up in December. There are about 30 new dancers who attended their first dance last week with the Sage Brush Shufflers. The club will begin waltz lessons in December after the completion of the 2 Step lessons. Round Dancing has become a very popular activity in Central Oregon thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of Dave and Barbie Cooper, our cuers.

Mainstream Square Dance lessons will begin in January for many Central Oregon clubs. This includes the Sage Brush Shufflers, the Red Rock Squares and the Bachelor Beauts. The lessons will be held on Sundays Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays which will allow many opportunities for new dancers to find lessons that will fit into their busy schedules.

The Swinging Mountaineers and Sage Brush Shufflers will also begin Plus lessons in January on Sundays.

The Red Rock Squares will lead the Holiday Season of activities and demonstrations by participating in the Redmond Starlight Parade the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The Beauts will hold their annual Teddy Bear Dance on December 18th. This dance provides about 125 Teddy Bears to the local community for needy children.

Central Oregon Holiday Dances

December 3rd Red Rocks Christmas Bazaar and Dance

December 11th Sage Brush Shufflers Christmas Dance and Potluck

December 18th Bachelor Beauts Teddy Bear Dance

December 31st Sage Brush Shufflers New Years Eve Dance with

Jim Steele caller and Dave Cooper Cuer.

EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL: Lorene & George Griffith

The Council has just one club as of this dance year; it is the Ione Grand Squares.

Ione Grand Squares dance twice a month, but not always in the same place. The first dance of the season was held in Ione, on November 13 at the Ione Legion Hall. Grand Squares are dancing today, November 21 in Condon. They will be dancing on Sunday p.m. most of the winter months.

Would like to have company, but call if you are planning to come visit.

EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Lois Klinok/Sharon Greenman

Boots and Sandals kicked off the hunting season with a special dance. Their Hunter’s Ball was attended by dancers wearing all manner of camouflage attire.

October was a month of Halloween Goblins and Witches.

Danebo Circle 8 dance featured a Chili Feed along with their traditional Halloween costume contest. Bob and Barbara Ewing dressed as Edward Scissors Hands and his Tree took 1st place with Mike Freeman as a Bucking Bronco taking the second place prize. What Fun!

The Single Tree’s Halloween dance featured caller Randy Dibble in his Over-size sneakers. I think they would have fit a giant. The prize winning couple was Lyle Oswald and his fiancée Earline who were dressed as Davey Crocket and Sacagawea. Vonda Clayton came as a Vampire and Lloyd Mutinsky and Joy Pitts as Hippies came in 2nd and 3rd. Since I caused so much confusion in my square with my large wings (I dressed as an Angel of course) they also gave me a prize. Costumed dancers also abounded at both the Whirl-a-Ways and Wolf Pack Halloween dances and a fun time was had by all.

Sweet Home Squarenaders hosted their annual Thanksgiving Dinner Dance on November 13 at the Evangelical Church in Sweet Home. It was a well attended affair with visitations from both Single Trees and the Mid-Winter Committee.

The Mid-Winter Banner Bandits continue to visit clubs in pursuit of their banners and have collected 27 banners so far. Recent visitations included over-night trips to The Klamath Falls Potato Festival and Charlie Browns. Independence Wagon Wheelers were also recent victims of their persistent pursuit. I wonder where they will strike next?

INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Reta & Phil Harkins (absent)

No Report

LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA: Buzz (Kathy) Buczkowski (absent) Report given by LaVonne & Al Bussey

Toledo 49’ers Activity Report

The Toledo 49’ers hosted the Lincoln-Tillamook Area Council dance on October 30th at Gleneden Beach Community Hall. Pumpkins and fall decorations on the tables added to the festive atmosphere. Calling and cueing was by Randy Dibble and Jeanine Norden to an enthusiastic and fun group of dancers.

The Toledo 49’ers have asked all dancers to bring to the dances on the first and third Saturday in November canned and dry foods which will be donated to the Lincoln County Food Share.

Plans are being finalized for the New Years Eve dance which will be held at Gleneden Beach (South of Salishan) starting at 8:30 pm and dancing until the new year arrives. Breakfast will be served after midnight.

Visitations have been made at different dances in the area. A number of couples will be attending the Oregon Mid-Winter Festival in Albany and looking forward to the new facilities.

Sea Twirlers Activity Report

Fall 2004

The Sea Twirlers had a successful and fun Birthday Dance on September 12, 2004. Since then we have attended the Braids and Braves Barn Dance, Crazy Creek Rockers Birthday Dance, Seaside Sashay and our Lincoln-Tillamook Area Dance. We have also visited the Toledo 49’ers and Valley River Dancers regular club dances.

The Lincoln-Tillamook Area Dance was held on October 30, 2004, at the Gleneden Beach Community Center. The dance was hosted by the Toledo 49’ers. The Toledo club provided fall decorations for the tables that created a Halloween theme for the dance. Randy Dibble and Jeannine Norden called and cued a really fun dance for 4 squares of coast square dancers.

The Sea Twirlers have four couples signed up for the Oregon Mid-Winter Festival in Albany, and are looking forward to dancing to callers Tony Oxendine and Jerry Story.

During the upcoming Holiday Season, the Sea Twirlers, due to family activities and travel, have little time available for square dancing. Our next club meeting is scheduled for January 2005.

MID-WILLAMETTE AREA: Barbara & Bill Tipton

The Mid-Willamette Area had a very successful Fall Festival on October 30th at the Salem Square Dance Center. Approximately 16 squares enjoyed the calling of our Area callers. The Cherry City Cloggers entertained us at break. Thanks to the Braids and Braves for hosting.

The Salem Square Dance Center is for sale. This hall has been the center of Mid Willamette functions for many years. A group of dancers formed a committee to “Save the Square Dance Center”. They want to save it for the future of dancing in the area. They are proposing the dancers purchase it and are asking for people to buy shares at $1000.00 each, donate towards expenses for legal, financial consultations, advertising and other expenses. The goal is to raise $200,000.00, $125,000.00 for the hall, the additional to go to upgrading the hall and expenses. To date a total of $69,000.00 has been raised. They are looking to form an LLC from the shares sold. Mid-Willamette Area purchased 5 shares. Some Area clubs and individual dancers have purchased shares also. The response has been wonderful. Any one interested in purchasing shares or getting information about this, look for the people with ask me ribbons.

Cherry City Cloggers have 44 new dancers. They are really exited to add these dancers to their 86 Charter Members. They will be doing a demo at the Portland Airport on December 18th from 3 to 5 PM. If any of you are in the area drop by and watch them. They really put on a great show. They suggest you use the entrance close to Alaska Airlines and go back towards the shops. That is where they will be dancing.

Lebanon Square Circlers had their 2nd annual Black Light Dance on October 16th with 5 squares dancing. Everyone was dressed in white; with the black lights it was pretty eerie.

Mainstream lessons are progressing nicely. Braids and Braves reported they have 10 new dancers, Lebanon Square Circlers have 8, and Independence Wagon Wheelers have 16.

We are looking forward to the 1st New Dancers Dance of the season on November 28th at the Square Dance Center.

We have a new club in our Area. They are the Funtastic Squares sponsored by Leonard and Marcia Snodgrass. They dance the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at the Salem Square Dance Center. Welcome to the Mid-Willamette Area. Lets all go visit them and wish them well as a club.


The PAC 5th Friday dance on October 29th was our Halloween Dance with wild and weird costumes. Seven squares had a “Howling” good time dancing to the calling and cueing of Bill Lundin and Debbie Combs. Die to New Years Eve falling on Friday, our next 5th Friday dance will be April 29, 2005.

On the following evening, 245 dancers came to the Clark County Square Dance Center for another “Howling” good time. Many came in costume and the big winners were “chickens”, Mark and Bev Engerman, president couple of the PAC. Even though the PAC and TVC were well represented, honors went to Evergreen Council for the most dancers in attendance.

The Youth Dance held on November 6th was not very well attended: only about 4 squares of dancers. Hopefully, the next one in March will see more dancers support this dance and our young future dancers.

Plans for many jamborees are in progress. The Checkerboard Squares are having theirs today. Swap and Swing as well as the Silver Stars will have theirs on November 27th. The Silver Stars also will have their annual New Years Eve Jamboree with Prime Rib dinner on December 31. Bachelor and Bachelorettes will have one on Tuesday, November 30. Squaws and Paws will have theirs on December 12. River City Dancers and Buzzin’ Bees on December 4. Country Cut-Ups on December 19 and Happy Hoppers will have a mainstream jamboree on January 6. Many of these are advertised in the OFN. Check it for details.

The Oaky Doaks are sponsoring lessons for new dancers starting January 6 at the Oak Grove Community Center. See the OFN for details.

Several clubs will have New Years Eve dances. Country Cut-Ups with George and Patty Hermann calling and cueing. River City Dancers with Les Seeley and Daryl Clendenin calling and Dennis Smith cueing. Silver Stars with Darrell Kalmbach and Dorothy Lowder calling and cueing. Swap and Swing wit Bill and Neva Reid calling and cueing and Happy Hoppers with Jim Hattrick calling and cueing.

Several callers and cuers have retired. Pat Harper of the Tumbleweeds, Loren & Cindy Marberry of the Country Capers and Tom Adamson of Squaws and Paws. Country Capers are auditioning callers. Tumbleweeds and Squaws and Paws are having guest callers for now.

The Tri-Council annual Christmas dinner for PAC, TVC and Evergreen Councils will be on December 13 at J.J. Norths in Portland. This is open to everyone so come join us at 6:30 pm at 10520 NE Halsey. Price is $9.95 pay at the door.

ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John & Glory Guches

Oct. 30th the council held their 5th Saturday council dance with 12 squares of dancers from Southern Oregon and Northern California, South Coast Council, the Interstate Highlanders Council , and the Umpqua Area Council.

Charlie Brown Squares:

The end of September they held their 1st Annual Club Campout at Howard Prairie Lake.

At the end of September they also launched their club web site it can be viewed at


On November 6th the held their first annual Toys for Tots dance with admission to the dance a new unwrapped toy, the colors were presented by the Young Marines, and they collected 92 new toys, That night we were also Raided by the Mid- Winter Banner Bandits, and it turned into a Birthday party for one of the raiders, Ilana Widders with a presentation of a cake to her, and Yes Ilana they also tried to find a male stripper to present the cake but they were all booked at other functions.

The club also had a square and a half go to Vancouver for the Royal Romp, a great weekend of dancing DBD plus to Tony Oxendine and Jerry Story.

The club currently has 45 new students with angles there are 9 squares of dancers in the hall on each Tuesday night.

Circle ‘N Squares:

The club celebrated their 50th birthday dance on the 18th of September with Bill and Tami Helms calling and cueing.


The club held their 39th birthday dance on the 23rd of October

Star Promenaders:

On September 25th 2004 they held their first annual back to School night and were collecting school supplies for the Little Butte School in Eagle Point Or. The school Principle was present for the dance and was presented with the supplies.

SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley

Beachcombers: The Beachcombers are busy with a new class of 10 enthusiastic beginners. We are again sponsoring an Early-Bird Bazaar on December 4th as part of Port Orford’s Holiday Event. Participation is growing each year and we feel it’s a good way to get publicity for our club. Planning is underway for the big New Years Eve dance. The Beachcombers have started a "travel badge challenge" It is designed to get our members to do more out-of-the-area dance visitation.

Jefferson Squares: We are alive and well...but down in numbers. We have a beginning lessons class for the first time in a long time and are hoping to get our enthusiasm rolling.

Saints ‘N Ain’ts: Wintertime is square dance time at the Tioga ballroom in Coos Bay. Sunday afternoons find Sherm Welch fine-tuning the "old-timers" skills so we can dance Plus inside out or all position. After this one hour workshop, the new dancers arrive for mainstream lessons. We are busy planning our Christmas dance will be December 18th.

Sets-In-Order: Our 58th Birthday dance was a huge success with over 10 squares dancing to Darrell Newell from Hillsboro. Lessons are going well with few in number but lots of enthusiasm. We have 3 square dance beginners and 10 round dance beginners. We had a club meeting to plan the up-coming year and with the new members we had lots of great ideas. We had a demonstration dance at Pony Village Mall at the Women’s Crisis Center request. It was a great place to get square dancing exposure.

Skyloff: Refer to letter


Benjamin Brown (absent)

No report

Ray & Zola Jones

We are unable to come to the coast for the weekend; and therefore cannot attend the meeting on Sunday.

Since the September state meeting, we have been attending our own club’s dances, and also went to a special chili-feed and costume dance at another club in our Area in late October. We always carry a supply of Registeration Forms for the 54th National Convention and Pre-registrations for Mid-Winter Festival, and try to remind everyone to please ‘Register’!

We have been busy again--putting together the Program Book for the 2005 Mid-Winter Festival. The printer finished them just in time to start their distribution this weekend, and we assume by now that all of you have a supply of Program Books to take back to your Areas and Clubs. Please help to see that all of your ‘New Dancers’ get a copy of the Program Book -- because of all the information it has about the Festival, besides the dance schedules, and New Dancers have never been to a State Festival before!

Our sincerest wishes to all for a ‘Bountiful Thanksgiving’, a ‘Wonderful Christmas’, and a ‘Happy New Year’.

We’ll be looking forward to seeing all of you again in late January at Mid-Winter Festival at it’s new location at the Fairgrounds in Albany.

Until then,

Safe Travels and Happy Highways.

Al & Fran Westphal (absent)

Greetings to each of you. We hope you have enjoyed the weekend. As always, we have been thinking of you and wishing we were there to join in the fun.

We expect to be in Yuma, Arizona today for the first Yuma Association-sponsored event of the season, a "Welcome Back" dance. All area callers and cuers participate, so it is always a great way to launch the season. A meeting follows, so we can catch up on the business that has not been attended to over the summer.

Before returning to Yuma, we took our usual fall trip to Colorado to visit family and friends.

Past Officers Report:

We held a successful reunion in Salem in September. Photo and some details should appear in the next OFN, so watch for that.

Past President George Gruchalla passed away Oct. 29. We were able to attend the very large service, along with a few other dancers and former dancers.

Past Portland area delegate and past OFN editor Ray Scofield is critically ill as we write this. He fell on Oct. 31 and suffered a head injury. He has been hospitalized at OHSU. As you may know, he is an Oregon heart transplant pioneer. He and Rae (past state treasurer) are long-time members of the Country Cut-ups. We are praying for a miracle. Donna Scott of Klamath Falls (and Yuma) has recuperated well from her surgery and she and Leonard are in Yuma.

As always, we encourage you to come to Yuma to visit us and dance. If not, we will be looking forward to joining you again in the spring.

Harold & Barbara Kleve

We have been busy working on the Education Committee for the 54th National. Besides calling for my home club, The Sunset Promenaders, I have recently called dances for the Toe Draggers and the Independence Wagon Wheelers. My clubs classes are going great with about 30 students. It's an unusual class with a real mixture of ages. We have four students under 10 yrs old, a few teenagers, some young and some older adults. For those that remember Caller Bill Allen we have his wife Joanne in our class taking a refresher course. I was very cautious about taking on the two youngest students that are 6 & 7 yrs old and

talked with the parents before the first class. My worries were unfounded as those two love to dance, pay attention during the entire class, and are dancing well.

We recently did a square dance party for a Gaston church with seven squares of young adults. This was our third year with them and they have a ball. This week I took on the volunteer job of teaching square dancing to three P.E. classes ant Beaverton High. It's easier to teach 6 yr olds, but they learned a lot about square dancing, had fun, and maybe in the future I will see some in MY CLASS.

Lee & Barbi Ashwill

Once again, we would like to thank Carolyn and Bob for the honor of being appointed as Goodwill Ambassadors for Oregon. We are truly humbled by this appointment.

We have managed to stay fairly busy these past two months. On a bittersweet note, we attended the Capital 8’s last dance on September 24, 2004. For years this was one of the strongest clubs in the Mid-Willamette Area and it was sad to be losing them. On the sweet side, they had a tremendous dance and an outstanding attendance. One of their members was heard to say that they needed to schedule their "Last" dance twice a month and they would be able to remain an active club.

On September 25, 2004 we attended a celebration in Olympia, Washington for the 25th Anniversary of Square Dance being designated as the State Dance for the State of Washington.

We attended the last Mid-America Jamboree in Louisville, KY on September 30, and October 1 & 2, 2004. This was a super weekend and we promoted the 54th National Square Dance Convention?. We only sold 9 registrations, but were able to generate some interest in dancers attending the 54th NSDC. We felt that we did promote a lot of Goodwill.

On the weekend of October 22, 23, 24, 2004 we attended an Octoberfest dance in Kennewick, WA featuring callers Ken Bower and Gary Shoemake. It was a super Plus weekend and we again promoted the 54th NSDC. Ken Bower and Gary Shoemake both agreed to attend the 54th NSDC.

We attended the Tri-Council Dance at the Clark County Square Dance Center on October 30, 2004. Another great example of three Councils working together to provide a wonderful experience for dancers and to add a little fiscal plus to their treasury.

November 5, 6, 7, 2004 found us attending the Royal Romp at the Clark County Square Dance Center and dancing to Tony Oxendine and Jerry Story. We did spread Oregon Goodwill as we talked to everyone who would listen about the new Mid-Winter facility and how they should come and enjoy Tony and Jerry as they are the featured callers.

We are helping, as much as we can, in the endeavor of finding prospective investors among the square dance population to purchase shares in the Salem Square Dance Center. As you have heard, it is for sale and it is our opinion that if that facility is not purchased by square dancers, square dancing will become a thing of the past in the Salem area. Shares are being sold for $1,000.00 each and we are pushing those shares as an investment in square dancing. You may never realize a dime in profit, but you will realize an investment return by square dancing remaining an active activity in the Salem area. If you cannot afford to purchase a share, but you still would like to help, the consortium will gladly accept any contributions, as there are additional expenses such as legal fees and accounting fees that need to be paid.


Barbi Ashwill thanked Leonard and Marcia Snodgrass for taking the time and effort to go through the process for Federating their new Caller run club and supporting the State Organization.

Barbi reminded everyone that she had Volunteer Forms for the 54th NSDC.

Kay Rogers reminded everyone the every time you visit a non-federated club you are diluting our activity.

Genevieve Churchill thanked everyone for remembering her birthday.

Ilana Widders has programs for Mid-Winter.

ADJOURN: Dave Cooper adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marcia (Leonard) Snodgrass

Recording Secretary