Meeting brought to order by President Dave (Barbie) Cooper at 9:30 AM.
ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Marcia (Leonard) Snodgrass.
Officers: All present.
Appointed Officers: All present, except: Mike (Shirley) Odell, Financial Advisor; Vivian Fairburn, OFN Editor; Patty Reese, Historian; Jim (Kay) Rogers, Insurance; Ralph (Linda) Lambert, BMI/ASCAP; Jim (Avis) Kinkaid, State Trailers; Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg, Round Dance Screening; Dennis (Elaine) Smith, ORDTA; Peter (Beverly) Hills-Wood, 2005 Mid-Winter Festival; Kay (Jim) Rogers; Co-Chair 2006 Summer Festival.
Delegates: All present except: Coletta (Chuck) Quigley, South Coast Council; Kay (Jim) Rogers, Tualatin Valley Council.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All absent except: Lee & Barbi Ashwill.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Carolyn Bosch.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Dennis Marsh.
Dave Cooper appointed Bob Bosch, Lonna Bramhall, LaDauna Hartzell and Annadale Rooper to count the votes received from Oregon Federated clubs for the nominated officers for the coming year.
MOTION by: Carolyn Bosh
I move that we accept the minutes as published and distributed. The motion was seconded by Dennis Marsh. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper (Barbie)
What a great dance last night. I personally thank all the Central Oregon dancers who followed Barbie and me here last night. What a great group of friends.
We have been busy these last few months. We had the opportunity to go to Baker City in April to attend their annual Spring Fling. It was a huge dance, both Friday and Saturday nights, and there were many new dancers in attendance. It was a fun dance, called by Daryl Clendenin on Saturday, with local callers on Friday, and there were quite a few of them, all very good. We also danced with the Squaws and Paws in Canby, another great night with at least 8 squares. Just shows that dancing is alive all over the state.
Barbie and I have also been busy in our personal lives. We decided to try to sell our house and maybe find another one closer to Bend where I work. Trouble was, the house sold in 8 days, the people had cash, and they wanted to move in right away. So, we had less then two weeks to move. All of our stuff is in storage, and we are living in our 5th wheel until we can find another place!
We hope everyone has registered for the 54th National, and are planning on attending. This will be a great convention, thanks to all the work done by Lee and Barbi and all their committee members. We'll see you there.
Let's have a great meeting today, keeping in mind that what we do is for the good of all dancers in the Oregon Federation.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
Ilana and I have been very busy these past months working on the 54th National and Mid-Winter Festival from communications to cutting Bamboo!! But we will have more details with our report of Mid-Winter Festival 2006.
2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter Wood (Beverly Hills-Wood) written report was read by Dennis Marsh.
Peter is calling at the Wildlife Safari Benefit dance and was unable to be at the meeting today.
We currently have approximately $10,700 with two small bills of approximately $30 to be paid yet and $375 that is being aggressively collected. All bills with the fairgrounds were finalized last week. We are looking for positive results in our efforts to collect the final amounts due. If this is accomplished we will have just over $11,000 for the final split. With the delays in the final bill from the fairgrounds it has delayed our ability to get to our final numbers. As soon as we can get this resolved the split will take place. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
2006 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
The Mid Winter Festival has done several visitations already and has collected banners to be displayed at the Festival. I know our wonderful Visitation Chairman, Laurie Cooley has many more in store for us. Ribbon sales have slowed a bit with the 54th Nationals right around the corner, but we are happy to say that we are still ahead of last year at this time. We have had a bit of expensive news from the fairgrounds that they are not giving us the same discount on one of the halls we used last year. This means that we either have to pay a lot more to keep that hall, or make do without it. We are still looking into our decision on that matter. We plan on only shutting down the halls for the supper time from 5-6pm and for the grand march. We plan on keeping them open for dancing at all other times. We are excited that we will be giving the dancers more dancing time and more choices on when they can dance different levels. Our Decoration Chairman, Dan and Ginger Allen, have big plans for lots of decorations with our Dancin' Down-Under Theme. Our Teen Chairman is planning more activities for the youth including a scavenger hunt to begin in July. This promises to be a very fun festival with new things to see and do.
2006 Summer Festival: Co-Chairman's Kathy &Tim Roberts and Kay & Jim Rogers
Plans are continuing for celebrating our Federation's 50th Anniversary at "Seaside 5-0", Summer Festival 2006. The chairman for the festival is Jim and Kay Rogers, with Co-chairman Tim and Kathy Roberts. Our committee is made up of current and past state officers and volunteers. Summer Festival will be held in Seaside, Oregon, July 14-16, 2006.
We will have a Hawaiian theme, with Hawaiian outfits, badges and decorations. Our theme song will be the old "Hawaii 5-0" song that was performed by the Ventures. Tim and Kathy are wearing our proposed costume for your review. Since we are going with a Hawaiian theme, we feel that it is appropriate for the gentlemen to wear short sleeve Hawaiian shirts with the ladies in coordinating Hawaiian shirts and square dance skirts. While promoting the dance and during the Summer Festival dance weekend, gentlemen will be allowed to wear short sleeve HAWAIIAN shirts. If they are not in Hawaiian shirts, normal square dance attire will be expected while promoting the Festival and while dancing during Summer Festival's Friday and Saturday's dances. The festival will have casual dress on Sunday.
If you would like to help with the plans for this fun and exciting weekend, please contact either the Rogers or the Roberts. We will start be meeting after the Convention to continue planning this festival. If you have any questions about the Summer Festival, please contact one of us.
2007 Mid-Winter Festival: Dan Allen (Ginger) given by Dennis Marsh
2007 Mid-Winter Festival has contracts for their callers, whom are Mike Sikorsky, John Jones, and Debora Jones. Their theme is "The Roaring 20's '07". The dress pattern is the original square dance pattern for the 20's. This will be a change from what everybody is use to. They will also be displaying Model A cars at the festival.
As you heard from the Treasurer, the OFN is in the black. The actual pro-rated P&L for January thru May is $2984. As you can see we have saved money by changing graphics designer and printer. We will be trying some changes in the paper style and color this month. Please take a look at your June issue and let me know if you notice the difference.
I am so very pleased with our choice of River Graphics and Eagle Press. Joyce Sherman, our graphics designer is so pleasant to work with. She is enthused about our activities and continually thinks about new ideas for material and ways to present it. She is very efficient. Working together, we have been able to refine the whole process and keep the costs down. She is so supportive of my ideas; especially my desire for the clean, clear, crisp look that we have now. Proofing is painless and the changes are made while I am at the office so am able to approve the Final Proof.
Eagle Press prints as soon as they receive the CD. They don't put us behind other, large projects. They are very professional and honor their commitment to us. They have a separate division for mailing so we have been able to have the address labels printed directly on the magazine at no additional cost.
Due to our refinement of the OFN process, it is IMPERATIVE that we now have a new deadline: EVERYTHING (except ad payments) is now the 5th of the month. This is effective for the July issue so from this point forward, all articles, pictures, ads, subscriptions, etc MUST be in my hands by midnight on the 5th of the month. Ad payments are still due by the 24th of the month.
Please notify everyone in your clubs and councils including callers and cuers as many dancers don't subscribe. However, these non-subscribers still send in material.
Please note that we are again having a dance lesson 2 page pull out section in the September issue. All information regarding dance lessons must be in my hands by August 5th. I need:
Starting date and time, instructor name, location, contact name and phone number. This listing includes all forms of dance and is not limited to Federated clubs only.
Lastly, I have a suggestion for Councils and Clubs installing new officers.
Last year there were many officers who did not subscribe to the OFN. I would like to suggest that Clubs and Councils verify that they do subscribe and encourage them to do so if they don't. Another idea would be for the Club / Council to purchase a one year subscription for their President. This will insure that the President is informed of activities and it supports the OFN.
There is a HP 5100C scanner available for sale or donation to a worthy cause. It is a flatbed scanner. I will provide the driver on a CD as the software and the book are not available. Please contact me if interested.
Thank you everyone for your continued support and encouragement of the OFN and my efforts. I am really enjoying this work.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
Hello everyone! Thank you to Interstate Highlander Council for hosting all of us this weekend.
In your packets are order forms for the state directory. Please fill them out and give back to me at the July meeting in Springfield. If you need more information, my email address is included. Proposed cost again is $2.00.
As you can see from my seed badge, it has grown quite a bit. My seed project is completed all except for printing and its' use in the state directory. I have heard from a few people that they would like to see a separate printing of my information in addition to the state directory. So we'll see what happens.
My travels have taken me to Tri-Cities, WA, to attend the reception/dance for Patricia Wiggins as the recipient of the McNutt Award. She is round dance Teacher/Cuer of the year in Washington. Also tended to my parents after their car was totaled in an accident. My parents are lucky to be alive according to the State Police. I also went to the Washington Federation meeting in Lacey, WA, at the end of April. I took Genevieve Churchill and we had a grand time. About 20 squares at their Saturday night dance. Barry Sjolin was the caller and he is from British Columbia.
I extend congratulations to those who were elected on the Federation ballot and encourage those who didn't make it to try again. If you are new to the board, remember that I need a picture for the directory. Our new incoming Recording Secretary, Virginia Metheny, is getting married September 24 to Ed Myers at Silver Falls State Park. Best wishes for a good weekend.
See you at the convention and at our next meeting in July.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Marcia Snodgrass (Leonard)
No report.
It is good to be in Klamath Falls again, beautiful country. I would like to thank the Interstate Highlanders Council for hosting the state meeting.
The cards I have sent out for this quarter are:
Condolence Cards:
Tom Tobin & Family. Father Albert Tobin passed away January 18, 2005
Helen Hammock & Family. Her Husband, Wesley Hammock passed away January 30, 2005.
Greg & Linda Loubier, Father passed away.
Keith & Nancy (Cobb) Day. Her Mother passed away. Nancy was Recording Secretary a few years ago for the OFN.
Mrs. Robert Hinkle. Her husband Bob Hinkle passed away on Sunday April 10, 2005
Get Well Cards:
Janet Wilken, surgery.
Pat & Glen Benjamin'[s son-in-law suffered a severe heart problem and is in rehab care in Eastern Washington.
Virginia Carrier has had back surgery. She has been a dedicated dancer in the Gorge.
Hans Baradenhagen is another long time dancer. He is living at the Oregon Veterans Home, 700 Veterans Dr. The Dalles, OR, 97058. He has been declared legally blind.
Bev Flint, The club cuer for the Toe Draggers of the TVC Council, Her husband, Harlan Flint, had open heart surgery on April 21, 2005.
Ray Jones. Major Surgery.
State Delegate for Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Kathy Buczkowski underwent knee Surgery.
Neal Jaenke injured on the job.
Terry Stoddard, has been to the ER several times with severe nose bleeds.
Marge Pentecost has had Cataract Surgery.
Jay Taylor, Heart Surgery
Maxine Center, Surgery
Ray Vaughn- Shoulder Surgery
Ruth Pearson. Had a fall and broke her arm in two places, possible.
Sharon Hahn's Husband, David Hahn has had surgery.
Now for the ballot report. I wish to thank everyone, for helping out with the return of their club ballots to me. First my program for making the labels malfunctions. Second we had to move with in a certain deadline and things were pretty topsy tuvey. With resourcefulness and ingenuity all over came and adapted. I am pleased to report that the 87 ballots mailed out, 60 have been mailed back.
Blue Mountain Council: 2 out of 5 clubs.
Central Oregon Council: 4 out of 6 clubs.
Eastern Oregon Council: 1 club and they sent in their ballot.
Emerald Empire Council: 4 out of 10 clubs.
Interstate Highlanders Council: 2 clubs and both sent in their ballot.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: 1 club and they sent in their ballot.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: 16 out of 19 clubs.
Portland Area Council: 12 out of 19 clubs.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: 3 out of 4 clubs.
South Coast Council: 2 out of 5 clubs.
Sunset Empire Council: 1 club and they sent in their ballot.
Tualatin Valley Council: 10 out of 12 clubs.
Umpqua Area Council: 4 out of 5 clubs.
TREASURER: Bill Rooper (Annadale)
I made a couple of estimates on the financial statement because I didn't get the actual figures yet.
Report is on file.
MEMBERSHIP: Judy Gelmstedt & Chuck Bos
Thank you to the Interstate Highlanders Council for the very nice dinner and dance last night. We had a really good time. There was only one problem, too much good food and too much of it. I think we all ate too much.
To date I have received Membership reports from all councils except Eastern Council and Interstate Highlanders Council.
I have an application in hand from the Grand Squares dance club located in Olympia, Washington to join the Tualatin Valley Council.
Motion: I make a motion that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs accept the Grand Squares into the Oregon Federation. The motion was seconded by Carolyn Bosch. Motion passed.
Clubs that have not paid their corporation dues as of May 20th are:
Central Oregon Council: Highlake Swingers, due May 9, 2005; Sagebrush Shufflers, due in July 2005.
Emerald Empire Council: Cascade Callers & Cuers, due on June 15, 2005.
Interstate Highland Council: has been dissolved by the state effective May 28m 2004. The Klamath Country Squares and the Tall Town Travelers are current with their corporation dues.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Braids and Braves, no receipt for 2004; Capital 8's, due in July (disbanded September 30, 2004); Funtastic Squares, no receipt for 2004; Re-Vu-N-Q, due in June 2004; Spinning Antlers, due on June 18, 2005.
Portland Area Council: Buzzin Bees, due July 31, 2005; Cross Trailers, also Tualatin Valley Council, due June 25, 2005; Oaky Doaks, due June 25, 2005; Silver Stars, due June 30, 2005.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: Circle N Squares, due in May 2005; Siskiyou Stompers, due April 16, 2005; Southern Oregon Singles, due June 2, 2005; Star Promenaders, due July 11, 2005; Rogue Sis-Q Council, due July 9, 2005.
South Coast Council: Beachcombers, due July 2005; Skyloft Squares dissolution by the state May 6, 2005.
Sunset Empire Council: Hayshakers, due June 19, 2005; 4N8er's (also PAC), due July 2005; Eager Beavers, due July 23, 2005; Fireballs, due June 22, 2005; Tri-Squares, due April 29, 2005.
Tualatin Valley Council: 4N8er's also Portland Area, due in July; Cross Trailers, also Portland Area due June 25, 2005; Eager Beavers, due July 23; Fireballs, due June 22; Tri-Squares, due April 29.
Corporation numbers for the following are not listed in the membership files: R Square D, Tualatin Valley Council.
According to my records I do not have registry numbers for the following club: Elkhorn Swingers, Blue Mountain Council.
I would like to request permission to make some changes in the badge board box. It is very heavy and awkward to handle. I am hoping to acquire some PVC pipe and some felt and use that. If that works the cost would be minimal and if it doesn't, of course there would not be any charge until we find something that will work. I would guess that the cost would be less than $30 if that much.
Marilyn Schmit stated that the board was created so it would be shippable via airlines and survive.
INSURANCE: Jim Rogers (Kay) given by Tim Roberts
Most of the clubs are doing a great job of sending in class rosters and new member lists. Thank you and keep up the good work.
One thing Tim noticed, when he was comparing registrations for the 54th National Square Dance Convention® with the insurance lists, is there are a lot of callers and cuers who are no longer insured through USDA. North Willamette Callers and Cuers Association did not renew their Federation membership. None of their callers and cuers are insured through USDA. ORDTA never pays insurance for their members. Oregon State Cloggers Association did not turn in any insurance papers. The means that unless their clubs name and pay for them, a lot of callers, cuers, and prompters are uninsured dancers.
If you have any questions about this, call Jim at 503-556-0202. Kay will be in Hawaii.
PAST PRESIDENT: Carolyn Bosch (Bob)
We'd like to express our thanks to the Interstate Highlanders for the wonderful hospitality.
You guys done real good! The charity dance was a big success. We have cut checks to H.O.R.S.E.S. for over $2,100.00. Congratulations to all of you. Many thanks to Darrell Kalmbach and Darrell Newell for doing a great dance. A very special thanks to Jeanine Norden for cueing for us. Jeanine actually gave up her hall and dance lesson time to give us a hall to hold the dance. If any of you see her, give her your thanks as well. Our hope is that you can be just as helpful next year when Dave & Barbie Cooper are the organizations.
It is Randall Award Time again. I have distributed to all of you forms for your special people you want to nominate. Please have the forms back to me NO later than 9/1/05. Our address is 8465 SW Parkview Loop, Beaverton, OR 97008 and we have a fax # of 503-646-5754. Take time out to give someone who has always been there to help our activity the recognition they deserve. This is such a meaningful award.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts (Kathy)
I have distributed an update for your practices and procedures. This corrects the mistake I made in the new council membership guidelines, and it contains a rewrite of the OFN Editor's job description, thanks to Vivian Fairburn.
I have also distributed a document entitled "Area Council Reorganization Proposal". This is a first step - a way to start a conversation that I really think we need to have. When Kathy & I started dancing, this Federation had 10,000 dancers in 150 clubs, and 13 councils were needed to divvy up the work. Today, we have 8,000 dancers in 85 clubs. Three of those councils have exactly one club. This is not a healthy situation for the Federation. What I've suggested is not the only possible way to reorganize the clubs, but it will let us start talking about it. Look this over, and we'll talk more later in the year.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike Odell (Shirley)
No Report.
No Report.
(1) Dance Location Leaflet: We still have available some copies of the tri-fold leaflet that the Oregon Federation produced this year to advertise where Federation clubs dance in Oregon. We will out them out on the table at the May 22 State Meeting and hope to get them all in circulation. We have set aside a stack for the Oregon booth at Showcase of Ideas at the National Square Dance Convention® in Portland.
The primary purpose of this leaflet is to provide visitors to Oregon with a list of the cities and clubs where they can find square dancing. It is also a tool that local clubs can use to tell Chambers of Commerce, Visitor Centers, motels and news media about your club and dancing throughout Oregon. If your club or caller has a business card, include it along with the leaflet when you make a contact.
(2) Education Committee Program at 54th NSDC: Mary & I are pleased to be Education Committee Chairman for the 54th NSDC. Be sure to see the Education Chairman column in the June issue of the Oregon Federation News for details. With help from a dedicated team we will present World-class education & information: THANKS to : Lee & Chriss Denny, Asst. Chairman; Secretary, Erika Steiner; Computer Liaison, Jack & Mary Fisher; Vice-Chairman Panels, John & Glory Guches; Vice-Chairman Seminars, Harold & Barbara Kleve; Vice-Chairman Clinics, Bob & Theresa Joy; Vice-Chairman Sew and Save, Janet Wilken & Janis Pederson; Vice-Chairman Organizations, Ron & Marilyn Schmit; and Director Club Leadership Certification, LaVonne & Al Bussey.
We can still use volunteer help for Sew and Save and other parts of the Education Program. Get more information at the Education Coordination Center in Room D140, at the south end of the Oregon Convention Center. SEE YOU AT THE 54TH NSDC IN PORTLAND IN JUNE!
(1) Arrangements have been made with the Mid-Winter Festival Committee to present a Square and Round Dance Seminar at the Festival Saturday morning, January 28, at 10 AM in the Benton Room of the Comfort Suites Inn.
This will be part of the "Plant the Seed" campaign of President Dave and Barbie Cooper and the theme will be WORKING WITH YOUNG DANCERS AND NEW IDEAS.
(2) Information columns have been prepared and submitted for the November and December issues of the Oregon Federation News. We want to remind clubs and Councils that the Christmas Season is an excellent time for square dance organizations to connect with community events and show the spirit and goodwill that we have as dancers. Congratulations to those who already have plans and activities to gather food and toys for local distribution.
(3) Since the 54th National Square Dance Convention® in Portland will take the place of the usual State Summer Festival, as Education Chairman we are concentrating on an Education Program for the Convention. This will include 21 Seminars organized by Harold & Barbara Kleve and 17 Panel sessions under the direction of John & Glory Guches. Al & LaVonne Bussey will be working with them to designate some classes for Club Leadership Certification. Ron & Marilyn Schmit will have An Organizations Round Table, Showcase of Ideas and Publications Display. The Sew & Save display and Sew-minars are coming along nicely under the leadership of Janet Wilken and twin sister Janis Pederson as Co-Vice-Chairmen. The fifth and final part of the Convention Education Program is Clinics, coordinated by Bob & Theresa Joy.
At the present time we have 45 people working on Education. We will need many more volunteers to help during Convention Week as room hosts, sew & save helpers, and similar short time assignments.
(4) Since there will be many visiting dancers in Oregon next year, we would like to see a leaflet prepared to show where clubs dance in Oregon. This could be made available to Visitor Centers and Chambers of Commerce. It would be a listing similar to the Where and When in the OFN and I have talked with Editor Vivian Fairburn about how it might be done. The cost to print an 8 ˝ by 11 trifold on colored paper would be 500 for $42.50; 1000 for $71. If the larger sheet 8 ˝ by 14 is needed, print cost would be 500 for $57.50; 1000 for $101. I offer this as a suggestion for action.
To Contact Warmoths -
Ph or Fax 503-628-3227, E-mail
9219 SW Line Drive, Cornelius, OR 97113-9631
HISTORIAN: Patty Reese
No Report.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert (Linda)
We have a problem!
I have not received the BMI/ASCAP information and checks from the 2005 Mid-Winter Square Dance Festival. I sent Peter Woods a reminder e-mail March 10, 2005. On 3-14-05, Laurie Cooley, Festival Treasurer e-mailed me saying it was tied up in an audit process. On 4-12-05, I sent another follow-up e-mail on status. Laurie responded on 4-17-05 that the audit problems were taken care of, and that the checks would be mailed. I confirmed my mailing address. As of 5-18-05, I still don't have any checks or report information.
Meanwhile ASCAP contacted me 4-21-05 asking where there report and money is. I responded with some of the above information that it was in process. On 4-22-05 I received an e-mail from ASCAP acknowledging the information.
This needs to get taken care of ASAP.
Everything is ok with BMI. As discussed above, we just need the check from Mid-Winter to reimburse the Federation.
On March 5, 2005 we hosted our State Youth Benefit Dance. Leonard Snodgrass from the Mid-Willamette Area, was the chair and caller MC for this dance. He was joined by Kirby Goode & Ed Craig. Christina Corelli was the cuer MC with Caroline Stitt the guest cuer. We also had two youth callers, 9 year old Amber Craig and her 6 year old brother Jonathan Craig. They both did an outstanding job! Be sure to look for them in the future! The dance, while lively and fun only had 20 kids and 22 adults attend. We had a loss $16.50 for this dance.
Since I have not been able to secure a location or time for a dance in the Central or Eastern Council this summer, I am canceling my plans to host another youth dance at this time. There are already so many dance activities going on this summer, including the Convention at the end of June. Hopefully, after the Convention and school resumes, people will be more responsive to attending and bringing their youth to a dance. I would like to encourage all of the square dancing youth in Oregon to attend the Convention June 22-25. Ann Skoe and her crew have put together a fantastic program for our youth dancers. There will even be a special frog badge that the youth will be able to earn if they attend special dances in the youth hall.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim Kinkaid (Avis)
No Report.
ORDTA: Dennis Smith (Elaine)
I sent this report to Marcia since I'm unable to attend the Federation meeting. My wife and I are in Southern California taking a class related to our new business. We invite you to stop in and visit RoseSprings Center for the Healing Arts when you're in the Hillsboro area. We'd love to give you a tour.
ORDTA held their spring meeting on April 16, 2005, at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield. 18 members and one guest were in attendance.
Elaine Funk was presented with a photograph of her receiving Life Membership at Mid Winter.
After a short business meeting, Patty Hermann presented the current status of the Round Dance Program for the 54th National Square Dance Convention. She had each of her Directors in attendance present their status. The Round Dance Program is in dire need of volunteers for the coordination room, emcees for exhibitions, hall monitors, etc. Please contact Patty and George Hermann.
Our next meeting will be October 1st at 10:00 AM at the dance center in Springfield. We will not be having a summer meeting since there won't be a summer festival this year due to the 54th National Square Dance Convention.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)
Oregon Round of the Month
July 2005
By: Dorothy Sanders
Record: Grenn #14212
Chosen by: Central Oregon
August 2005
By: Bill Elliott
Record: Capitol #4445 or 4376
Collect #6367
E-mail notification has been sent out to the OFN, Promenade Shop, Cue Sheet Magazine and All cuers on my email list.
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)
I have enjoyed writing articles for the OFN and have received some positive comments from both callers and dancers. In picking topics I have tried to include something useful for both callers and dancers. If anyone had suggestions or topics for articles, they would like to see I am open for suggestions. The caller's organization has been on the bottom of my pile because my plate has been so full. I will do my best to move it up and get working on it again. I have however been talking to a number of callers and have been getting ideas from them as to what they would like to see and what will work and what will not.
We have a very short report this time. There are 30 days left until we open the doors for the 54th NSDC.
As of Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - we have 7,063 dancers registered. Of those, Oregon has 1,497; Washington has 1,081 and California has 1,052. = 3,630 dancers. That is 51.14% of the total registrations.
The biggest success story so far is the attendance of the Square Dancers on the Alaska Cruise. There are approximately 650 dancers registered for the Cruise. During the 43rd NSDC in 1994 with an attendance of 21,170 dancers, approximately 800 of those dancers took the Alaska Cruise at the conclusion of the Convention. So, we feel that we have done a very good job of selling the Alaska Cruise.
We invite all of you to bring your non-dancing friends and family to the Wednesday Night Special Event (Johnny Limbo and the Lugnuts). The cost is $15.00 per person and the show will be well worth it.
Bill Rooper recently received an E-Mail from a caller from Hawaii asking where they could send their contribution for helping to rent the Lloyd Center Ice Rink. His club has raised approximately $300.00 to be donated for that purpose. Square Dancers are wonderful.
We thank everyone that has registered for this Convention and a special thanks to all the volunteers who have already been working on this Convention and those who will be working during the Convention. There are still many opportunities to help if you have not already volunteered.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn & Ron Schmit
We have 117 tables reserved and Oregon is well represented. Emerald Empire Area, Central Area, Mid-Willamette Area, and South Coast Area councils are displaying, as are the Star Promenaders and Beachcombers Square Dance Clubs. The Federation also has tables. So venture by and see what we have to offer. There will be information going out next week for those displaying and we will set up on Wednesday of convention week in Exhibit Hall D at 9 a.m. If you would like to assist and are in Portland during that time, please come by and see what we have for you to do.
Listen to tape.
Discussion and presentation from Wendel Mann transpired. Hearing no more discussion a written ballot was requested. Motion failed.
Original motion, Barbara Tipton: I move that the Oregon Federation purchase a membership interest in the Salem Square Dance Center in the amount of $10,000.
15 Minute Break
Motion by: John Guches to destroy the ballots and Dar Sconce seconded; motion passed.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Reta & Phil Harkins (absent) report given by Donna Fink
The Interstate Highlander's Council welcomes state officers, delegates, & visitors to Klamath Falls, OR.
There were 109 registered at the door for dinner and dance on Saturday night, with 10 squares on the dance floor.
Klamath Country Squares (KC's) are dancing the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Altamont School Cafeteria, 2450 Summer's Lane, Klamath Falls, OR, with club caller: Larry Sprout. The KC's have their lessons workshop each Thursday. New dancer's class is the 1st hour from 6:30-7:30, and plus from 7:30-8:30.
The KC's would like to invite you to attend their annual Potato Festival in October, watch for the ad in the OFN.
The Tall Town Traveler's of Lakeview, OR, are struggling to maintain a club. The club has been unsuccessful in having a new dancer's class for the past two years. Although do continue to meet every Thursday evening. Their club dance is the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Memorial Hall, F Street & South 1st, Lakeview, Oregon. The Tall Town Traveler's will be dark for the summer, with the exception of hosting the Interstate Highlander's dance on July 30th in Lakeview.
As council President, I have been working with a new group that has started in Alturas, CA. John Burkes is the caller. He is brand new to calling and just is finishing up his first class. He has 10 students in the new dancer's class. They aren't having dances as of yet, but sure are enthusiastic.
LINCOLN-TILLAMOOK AREA: Buzz (Kathy) Buczkowski
The Sea Twirlers had four couples attend Mid-Winter Festival in Albany. They felt that the callers and cuers the committee selected made the festival a great success.
Their members also attended club dances at Country Capers, Coast Swingers, Yuma Festival, 49'ers Loyalty Days, Braids and Braves, Valley River Dancers and regular 49'er dances.
The Toledo 49'ers had no members attend the Horses Benefit Dance but they sent Horses a check for $50.00.
Doug Pederson retired as their caller for the first Saturday dance and Goldie Restorff has agreed to replace him. She began giving beginning waltz lessons at 6:00 p.m. before each regular dance starting in April. Several newer members are happy to have the opportunity to learn some round dancing.
Special dances have been a Hat Dance, with several amusing hats being displayed, and the fuzzy animal dance which collected many stuffed animals that were donated to Newport Hospital. They are very grateful for the animals which they give to children being treated at the hospital.
The Loyalty Days weekend was a great success and the club really appreciated all the callers and cuers that participated along with all the visitors from various clubs around the state. Everyone seemed to have a great time.
Last weekend the 49'ers put on a demo dance for the Oregon Retired Teaches Assn. that was meeting in Newport. The teachers said they really appreciated and enjoyed the dancing, as several of them had been square dancers at a time in the past.
The 49'ers will be dark on June 4th and July 2nd, but encourage anyone visiting the Lincoln City or Newport area on the first or third Saturday of the month to come visit them at Gleneden Beach Community Club to dance on a nice wooden floor.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA: Barbara (Bill) Tipton
The New Year rang in with several of our Area Clubs celebrating their birthdays.
Lebanon Square Circlers celebrated their 56th Birthday with Jim and Joyce the Voll calling and cueing. They are the second oldest club in Oregon. Congratulations Lebanon Square Circlers!
Independence Wagon Wheelers and Salem Swinging Stars celebrated their 45th Birthdays in April. It is great to see so many long time dancers kicking up their heels and having fun.
Mid Willamette Area held its new dancers dance on March 13. It was hosted by Willamette Squares and co-hosted by Valley River Dancers. There were 10 plus squares in attendance. What a great time we had with the new dancers from our area.
Save the Salem Square Dance Center Committee is working hard to get the needed funds to purchase the Salem Square Dance Center. They have raised $110,438.00 in donations and memberships. It is amazing what Square Dancers can do when they put their mind and hearts to it especially under the leadership of Wendel Mann and his crew. They have held Benefit Dances in February, April and May with callers and cuers donating their time. Capital Callers and Cuers have purchased two memberships with the donations from their last two dances. We have no doubt with a little more help from all of you that this will be accomplished by our deadline. Remember memberships are only $500.00 each.
Golden Squares in Woodburn hosted another successful Plus Dance called and cued by the Crew in April.
Several Area Clubs are having beginning Square Dance lessons. They are Valley River Dancers, Salem Swinging Stars, Silver City Squares and Timber Twirlers. Funtastic Squares just graduated three new dancers. They should all be finished by the National Convention to be held the end of June in Portland.
Even through this happened in January, we are very proud and happy that Bill and Annadale Rooper were the recipients of the Randal Award at Mid-Winter Festival.
Those clubs who started lessons for new dancers in the Fall, have now graduated them and many have joined federated clubs. Many clubs are already planning their lessons that will begin this Fall.
Many Club Anniversaries have been celebrated since the last State meeting in January. On March 26 happy Rockers celebrated 43 years of dancing. Happy Hoppers were 46 years old on April 2nd. Bachelor n Bachelorettes had a great 40th anniversary on April 6. Country Capers and Buzzin' Bees both celebrated anniversaries on April 16. The Capers were celebrating their 49th and the Buzzin Bees their 47th. The Silver Stars had their silver anniversary (25 years) on April 23rd and the Oaky Doaks were 45 on May 7th. One of the oldest clubs in the Federation, Swap and Swing in The Dalles are having their 56th Anniversary today with Daryl Clendenin calling and Neva Reid cueing. River City Dancers will celebrate 15 years of dancing with Les Seeley and Tam Helms calling and cueing.
The Silver stars offer a great weekend of dancing starting May 27th and ending Memorial Day, May 30. This is their annual Stars and Stripes celebration. Darrell Kalmbach and Bill Helms will call and Dorothy Lowder and Tami Helms will cue. All the information is on the back page of the current OFN.
The next PAC meeting on June 13 will be a "picnic meeting"; a very short meeting it will be.
The April 29th, 5th Friday dance was well attended with 10 squares dancing to Bill and Neva Reid; caller and cuer. On the following night, many PAC members attended the Tri-Council dance in Vancouver. This was a great dance with approximately 238 dancers enjoying the calling of Greg Weber and cueing of Ken Pratt. TVC had the most dancers in attendance.
The River City Dancers and Country Cut-Ups will have a float in the Starlite Parade on June 4th.
The River City Dancers will sponsor a "First Timers Welcome Party" at the 54th Nationals. This will be on Thursday, June 22 at 10:00 a.m. I rooms 105 & 105 at the Oregon Convention Center. If your club has any dancers who have never attended a National Convention, please feel free to bring them to this function for information and fellowship.
The PAC has made posters and flyers to be put in places of business around the convention area. These will advertise and welcome people to the convention.
Our council will decorate one of the stages for the Convention.
The Columbia Gorge Plus Club will host their annual campout on August 19 through 21 in Carson, Washington. Bill Helms will be the plus caller and Marge Pentecost will cue. Bill & Neva Reid will call and cue the mainstream dances. Check your OFN for details.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John & Glory Guches
Clubs in the Council graduated 60 new dancers.
The Fifth Saturday dance on April 30th was well attended with over 120 dancers.
The Pear Blossom festival was held on 8 & 9 April with a total of 25 squares of dancers in attendance at one of the 3 dance activities that were held, to include a square of the banner nabbers from MWF 2006 on Saturday night.
Diamond Lake Festival will be held July 20 thru the 23, on Wed the 20th the trails in dance with jamboree calling and cueing, Thursday 21 Featured Caller will be Wayne Weaver and The Cuers will be Denis and Ginny Crapo from Olympia Washington, Friday and Saturday nights Featured Caller will Be Jerry Haag from Pharr Texas with workshops each day.
SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley
Beachcombers: We are VERY BUSY preparing for our July 4th Birthday Week-end festivities. We hope many of you are planning to come down our way. If for some reason you aren't….then plan for our Labor Day Battle Rock Sashay. Everyone always has sooo much fun! Pick up a flyer to check out callers and cuers.
Jefferson State Squares: We are still "hanging in there". Lessons continue each week with usually 4 to 5 couples. We decided to continue lessons because we started late and it keeps everyone involved…since we don't have regular dances. We are having trouble getting out of town to attend other dances, but still "fight time" and plan too!
Saints N' Ain'ts: We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a Mexican theme the first Saturday in May. Such fun was had by all that we consider making this an annual event. Our club will go dark the first Saturday in June to support the Buckaroo Round-Up in Roseburg. We will also be dark the first Saturdays in July and September for Port Orford's annual special week-end dances. Caller Sherm Welch vacations July and August, hence we will have guest callers to be announced the 3rd Saturday of July and August. (Note: dark the 1st Saturday of August also).
Sets-In-Orders: Our lessons are finished for this spring. We really appreciate Jim Harris teaching our class again this year with Coleeta Quigley doing the singing calls. We will be having the same schedule for lessons again in the fall. Beginning Square Dance lessons will start Tuesday, September 13 and Rounds Thursday, September 15. Our floats in the Gay 90's parade on June 4 and the Coos County Fair parade July 30 are the highlights of our summer. We will also be dancing at the Coos County Fair on July 30 with Area callers and cuers. Regular dances will continue throughout the summer with Coleeta Quigley, Ray Graves and Dale Roberson calling. Our 59th Birthday dance is coming up on October 8 with Dale Roberson and Denise Harris.
SUNSET AREA COUNCIL: Delmer (Bonnie) Niemi
The Hayshakers are working out the final arrangements for the Lewis and Clark Encampment on the Wednesday through Sunday of the week just prior to the National Convention. As of the beginning of May only 38 RVs had been signed up; they are hoping to have 50.
The Hayshakers are happy to have Larry and Barbara back doing their usual fine job of calling and cueing. Probably Barbara isn't too happy to be back, considering what the weather has been since they landed back in Oregon!!
At the Council meeting on April 10th there was considerable discussion as to the possibility of forming a new plus club in the Sunset Council. Also, discussed was the suggestion that the Sunset Council join with another council or perhaps some clubs from other councils join the Sunset. It was agreed that there are many issues to be considered before, or if, any action is to be taken.
Harvey Hunsucker's plus dances at Svensen continue to be well attended, but will not be held during the summer.
Summer is going to be busy with special dances being held as follows: June 4 - Mardi Gras; July 16 - Carnival; and August 20 - Beach Bingo. Hayshakers are also looking forward to the Seaside Sashay the 4th weekend in October at which Dan Nordbye and Craig Abercrombie will be calling and Deb Taylor will be cueing. You are all invited to come and join in the fun!
The Tualatin Valley Council managed to get all their club membership and directory information forms turned in. This includes our Washington Clubs.
We have admitted The Grand Squares, from Olympia, Washington into the TVC.
This is something that should have been completed sooner and was intended sooner, but because we did not have all the paperwork handled, it did not get done. We hope the Federation will accept this club into the organization.
New elected officers for the coming year for TVC: Gary Clark, president; Janice Sminia, Vice President; Stephanie Kroft, Secretary; Tom Sminia, Treasurer; Pat Young will be the incoming TVC State Delegate in September.
The TVC, PAC and Evergreen Council's combined fifth Saturday dance was a terrific event. Dan Preedy did the calling and it was cued by Ken Pratt. There were 221 people signed in. The TVC won hands down in the annual attendance competition. We donated $100 to buy raffle items, and some of the clubs donated additional items for the raffle. Over $350 was collected to donate to HORSES.
Kathy Roberts has designed a new banner to be awarded to the club with the largest percentage of attendance at TVC dances. The banner has yet to be made.
The Tualatin Valley Council will be dancing in the 4th of July parade again this year in Hillsboro. This is always a fun event, as we are so warmly greeted by the community.
We will be hosting the Oregon Federation Meeting on September 17th and 18th. All activities will be at the Kinton Grange, located 5 miles south of Washington Square. The address is 19075 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton. There is some dry camping available for RVs. The dance on Saturday night will be called by Darrell Kalmbach and cued by Dave Cooper. Further details will be furnished at the July meeting. Call Kay at 503-556-0202 if you can't wait.
4N8ers are now a plus club, dancing on the 2nd and Fourth Fridays.
Coast Swingers celebrated their 14th Anniversary on the 14th.
The Toe Draggers had 21 squares at their April 1st dance.
Wow! The UAC 5th Saturday Dance was a HUGE success. "A Dance for the Cure" was the benefit square dance for the American Cancer Societies, Relay For Life. The purpose of the dance was to sponsor "The Incredible - Twirl-a-Ways", the first team of square dancers who will be participating in the Douglas County Relay for Life on Friday, July 15 and Saturday, July 16 at the Umpqua Community College Track. There were 4 callers and 2 cuers who donated their time to call and cue to over 7 squares of dancers. Callers were Dale Roberson, Ray Graves, Bob Ewing, and Coleeta Quigley with Cuers, Claude Butler and Donna Hiserote. We THANK them for helping with this worthwhile event. Our Super Hero contest winners were Dave Proctor as Mighty Mouse, Bob Sawyer as Superman and Betty, as Superwoman. The Umpqua Valley Line Dance Club was our special entertainment for the evening. The highlight of the evening was the luminary ceremony whereby survivors and those who lost the fight were honored and remembered. A great-deal of credit goes to our wonderful team leaders, Mark and Lori Stern. The local newspaper provided us with an article and pictures to publicize the event. OH, by the way, the last I heard, we collected over $700 in general donations, door prizes, luminaries, and split the pot.
The UAC will be dancing once again at the Douglas County Fair, August 8-12, 2005, and participating in the Rodeo Parade on June 18, 2005. On July 30th, there will be a Western Barbeque and Dance at the Buckeroo Barn as our 5th Saturday dance. We also plan to participate in the Melon Festival in Winston and the Pioneer Days in Canyonville.
On Sunday, May 22, The Pioneers 'N' Petticoats are holding a benefit dance at the Wildlife Safari in Winston. They have adopted a "Wild Child" named Casey, who is an Indian crested porcupine. He was adopted last year with funds gained from the safari Benefit Dance. At the Sew-N-Sew Shop in Canyonville, they have a Second Hand Square section, where you can pick up outfits, which are free, if you are a new dancer.
Activities in the Blue Mts. council are proceeding with gusto.
The Indian Valley Paraders had an exceptionally large group at their crab feed. The cost was only $7.00 and the food was great. After eating we danced to the calling of Paul, Dale and Bill; with Bill cueing a few rounds.
In March, Dale Counsell called and Don Berry cued the Muddy Frogs dance in Milton-Freewater. The gals over the hill served a potato bar before dancing which was extra special. A number from the LaGrande area were present. The Muddy Frogs had no class this year.
The Elkhorn Swingers Spring Fling was extra special with more than a dozen squares in attendance. The Friday night dance was well attended with local callers calling. Dave Cooper filled in to help the cuer. Saturday workshops and dance was highlighted with the calling of Daryl Clendenin and cueing of Dave Cooper. Everyone had a ball. A group
of new dancers thought this was the greatest and learned a lot. The seed was planted just a little deeper.
The April theme for the LaGrande Star Promenaders was backwards or reverses. Clothing was reversed, signs were reversed, etc! Had a wonderful potluck before dancing; called and cued by Dale and Don. We only had 3 class members still with us. The highlight of our club is the new round dance class. Don & Bonnie have 28 people; two large families with kids that are really fired up. We invited them to the dance. Dale got them involved in a square or two and the kids thought this was the greatest. The seed had been planted!
We had our BMC meeting at the Spring Fling. The council has some money made from the 1998 Summer Festival. It was discussed whether or not to distribute these funds among the clubs. A motion was made to bring this matter to each club for their decision and bring this back to the next council meeting
Thank you so much for having all of us dancing here in the great Klamath Basin again. Being a NATIVE Oregonian this is to me where it all began. Those that say they came in on the Columbia River just rushed on down and ended up in the ocean. We didn't even stop to smell the alfalfa.
Central Ore. is doing just great. The Council has hosted some wonderful fifth Saturday dances with a terrific turn out at all. This reminds me of the old days. Ideas have been tossed around about what to do with the money that we have raised at these dances. Sounds like the majority of the folks want it to support lessons and demos.
Sagebrush Shufflers: Have been doing a great job with their lessons under the instructions of Jim Steele with both mainstream and plus one right after the other on Sundays. New officers are out in shadows waiting for their turn to show and improve over the last year.
Sundown Round Dance Club: What can I say, about the round dance club except that it is probably the largest club in the area and the following is tremendous. If Dave and Barbie are there then there is a following that is commendable. It appears that when Dave cues there will be a large crowd following and that means money and money means a successful dance.
Red Rock Squares: The Red Rocks have had some really great dances lately with lots of participation from other clubs and great callers and cuers. New officers will take office with our birthday dance the first Friday in June. We are looking forward to some new ideas, and new adventures. There are several activities planned for the summer. The Red Rocks are going to be honoring other clubs as acknowledgment for their support.
Swinging Mountaineers: Plus lessons are over now and thanks to Ron Blivens and Jim Steele we are on our way to a terrific new year with a bunch of new plus dancers. This makes us feel real good as we are very quickly approaching the Sister Rodeo and only the Mountaineers know that this is the most intense time of the year as we cook for all four of the rodeo performances with little time for a break but the money just keeps rolling in…. enough to support us through the year.
Bachelor Beauts: Have had a terrific year with their lessons in surpassing last year's number. We have a terrific hall and encourage all to join us at a dance on every first and third Saturday.
High Lake Swingers: Are still an active club with dance dates to follow.
Central Oregon Roundup: Linda and the crew are working very had to present to you a wonderful time to relax and wind down after the nationals. Come join us in Sisters for a relaxing good time. ALL Oregon callers and cuers will be there to address you dancing needs and desires. Join us August 25 26 27 for a real Hoedown.
I thank you again for your tolerance as my son says "a rooster chasing a corncob on a string could type better y'all."
EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL: Lorene & George Griffith
Ione Grand Squares have mostly completed their 2004-2005 dance season.
The Grand Squares had their birthday dance, 37 years on May 14.
There was a good number in attendance. Which included James & Sandra and Kay Rogers from Rainier, and Dave & Betty Cameron from LaPine.
The dance was called by Paul Terry, now of Maupin, Oregon. It was a pleasure to have Paul & Jeannie come to our club. Paul taught a number of our members to dance several years ago when Paul and Jeanie were living in Wheeler County. Jodene & Dave Hughes came from Hermiston and Jodene cued for the dance.
The Grand Squares dance in Condon, Ione, Rock Creek, as well as in Heppner. This is so the members don't always have to travel so far. The club is made up of members living in Condon, Ione, Cecil, Heppner, Hermiston and The Dalles.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Lois Klinok / Sharon Greenman
Boots and Sandals, Danebo Circle 8's and Single Trees all held birthday dances in February and March. Danebo Circle 8's held a Red & White Dinner Dance in February and a Hard Times Dance and silent auction in April. These two dances added a substantial amount to the club treasury. Danebo Circle 8 also hosted national caller Dan Nordby on April 19.
Misty Valley Cloggers are hosting the Cloggers Convention this weekend.
Single Trees had a wearing of the green dance and had guest callers Jim Hattrick and Les Seeley in February and March. Along with Whirl-a-ways they also hosted a square dance weekend in April.
Sweet Home Squarenaders held their annual campout weekend in April and I understand everyone had a really fun time.
Whirl-A-Ways were co-host for a square dance weekend in April and it was a well attended event.
Wolf Pack held their charity auction and dance Friday night. The proceeds went to a wolf that they have adopted.
The area benefit dance was held April 30 and the Brass Ring in Albany was thrilled to receive $500 from the area and are considering having square dancing at the grand opening of the carousel in 2009.
Our area is loosing one of our veteran callers Ivan Midlam is retiring after 50+ years of calling. His plus club will hold its last dance on June 3 and everyone is invited. He will call both Plus and Mainstream and I would like to see everyone come and wish him a happy retirement.
Benjamin Brown (absent)
No report
Ray & Zola Jones
We left our home in Eugene on February 2 on our annual winter trip to Southern Arizona; leading a caravan of three RV's - which included three other members of our square dance club, one of which is a single widow and was on her first trip south towing her big 5th-wheel by herself! We all had a good trip, arriving in Yuma in plenty of time to attend their annual Square & Round Dance Festival--our fourth consecutive year to do so, dancing and visiting
with many Oregon friends who Winter in Yuma, and also Zola's brother and sister-in-law who live there. Then we traveled on to Tucson, Arizona. where we again danced and visited with friends from Oregon in that area. Later we went on down to Tombstone, Bisbee and Wilcox, Arizona on sight-seeing jaunts. From there we headed northwest to Mesa/Phoenix area, where we visit with more Oregon friends and dancers in Mesa, and a cousin in Phoenix. When dancing in Yuma, Tucson and Mesa we always distributed Registration Forms for the 54th N.S.D.C., and many dancers told us they were registered, or planning to, and looking forward to coming to Portland!
From Phoenix we headed north; traveling by way of, and stopping in; Laughlin, Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada--our usual route back home to Oregon, arriving in Eugene just in time for our club, the Whirl-A-Ways special dance on April 9 with Bill Helms calling. Since then we have attended our clubs' dances; and also traveled to Newport for the Toledo 49'ers Loyalty-Days dance weekend April 29 & 30--a great time, good weather, and 14 callers on Friday night with a big crowd.
We are still helping on the Program Committee for the 54th N.S.D.C.; and thus the reason we are unable to attend this State Federation Meeting, as we have a National Committee meeting in Portland the same weekend, and as a lot of you know, who are also on a national committee--we are down to "crunch time" and it's really important we be at our committee meetings!
So--we will look forward to seeing all of you next month, for such a fun and rewarding time in Portland, in just 4 1/2 weeks-starting June 22.
Until then, safe travels and"Happy Highways".
Al & Fran Westphal (absent)
Well, who would have thought we would still be in Yuma on May 18 with hundred and umpteen degree temperatures all week. I wouldn't have expected this and would rather be in Oregon in the cool rain.
We expect to leave for home Sunday, May 22. We will be thinking of all of you and regretting that we weren't able to be a part of this state meeting weekend. We just couldn't quite get there.
Al went to therapy twice today and will go again twice on Friday as he continues to re-hab from a stroke he suffered March 13. I am working one more day at Pizza Hut and will be the therapy tour guide on Friday. Then, we will load up and get ready for the northward migration.
We hope and plan to see each of you at the National Convention in June. We are planning to set up a Showcase of Ideas table to promote dancing and other fun activities in Yuma - that would be in the winter months, not in the summer time. Although, Steve and Patty Porter have been holding Sunday evening dances for several weeks now, with good response. They plan to teach new dancer classes next fall in The Foothills area of Yuma.
The majority of the callers and cuers in this area are re-located Oregonians: Ron and Mary Noble, Bob and Jan Stutevoss, Don and Ronda Young, Steve and Patty Porter and even Don and Marilyn Newburn, who were working with a class of new dancers this winter at the RV park they co-manage.
Al is continuing to improve, but there's still work to do.
Greeting and love to all.
Harold & Barbara Kleve
No Report.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill
Since last meeting we have spread Oregon's Goodwill in San Antonio when we attended their Pre-Convention. We were next in Louisville, Kentucky sharing Oregon yellow rocks with everyone who attended callerlab. In between 54th NSDC meetings, we have managed to get to most of our club's dances, to a Silver Stars dance, to the recent Tri-Council dance and to the Silver State in Reno, Nevada.
Happy Trails to you until we meet again.
George Griffiths: To solve a problem means you have to identify the problem.
We need to reconsider the way it used to be.
Leonard Snodgrass: We need to concentrate on retaining the people.
Ed Warmoth: Times have changed. Hook up to community events / fund raisers to show there is a good opportunity.
Barbi Ashwill: Hooking on to events in communities. How about cleaning up roads as a club or council? It was stated that some clubs already do this.
Lee Ashwill: Benjamin is back and dancing.
Don Bramhall: Thank you Doug and LaDauna for all of your hard work as delegate for Central Oregon.
ADJOURN: A motion to adjourn by Judy Gelmstedt and second by Dennis Marsh.
Dave Cooper adjourned the meeting at 12:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marcia (Leonard) Snodgrass
Recording Secretary