Meeting brought to order by President Dave (Barbie) Cooper at 9:00 AM.
ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Marcia (Leonard) Snodgrass.
Officers: All present, except Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos), Membership; and Carolyn (Bob) Bosch, Past President.
Appointed Officers: All present, except: Bob (Carolyn) Bosch, Publicity & State Reporter; Jim (Avis) Kinkaid, State Trailers; Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg, Round Dance Screening; Peter (Beverly) Woods, 2005 Mid-Winter.
Delegates: All present except: Reta (Phil) Harkins, Interstate Highlanders.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All absent except: Lee & Barbi Ashwill.
INVOCATION: Lee Ashwill.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Dennis Marsh.
This meeting is not being recorded.
Marcia Snodgrass pointed out that the last set of minutes were published and distributed with the following correction:
The education report on the May minutes was OK but the second set in the May Minutes is a repeat from another meeting.
MOTION by: John Guches
I move that we accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Dennis Marsh. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper (Barbie)
Hello again everyone! Thank you to the Emerald Empire Council for hosting this meeting and the dance last night. It is always fun to be in the Eugene area at this time of year.
During the meeting with the Officers yesterday, we talked about: who are we and what are we about? This is the second time we've had nothing to talk about when the Agenda arrives. This is disturbing because our meetings should always be important. My opinion is that we are about dancing and trying to recruit and maintain dancers in our activities. Our focus should be about this every meeting. What can we do to support our activity? If we were a business, and started loosing people, we would be trying to fix our problem and get serious. We need to do something - spend some money and fix what we are doing. We are losing more people than we are gaining. Why are we here? We should have a reason to come so that all of the people outside of our meeting care about what we are doing.
Hope you are all enjoying summer, and are making preparations for the upcoming lessons in the fall. Now is the time for some serious seed planting, be out, be festive, wear clothing that says you are a square dancer when you go to public places, and be ready with flyers, handouts, cards for free lessons, etc. Hard work now pays off later!
As you may be aware, Patty Reese, our Historian, lost her house to a fire. Luckily she escaped without any personal injuries, and we are glad about that! However, most, if not all of the Historian articles perished in the blaze. So, if you have any items, or know of someone who does, we can rebuild the Historian files. See Patty and she will gladly accept anything you might have.
Hope you all took the opportunity to attend the 54th National Convention in Portland. What a great event, fun dancing, workshops, buying from all the vendors, dancing at the Lloyd Center, and meeting people from all over the world. Personally, I was dismayed by the mediocre attendance from Oregon dancers. What's wrong with us if we can't take the time to attend a square and round dance function of this magnitude?
There are a lot of dance weekends left to attend this summer. I want to put in a plug for the Central Oregon Roundup the 4th weekend in August. This event is held in Sisters, a laid back, easy-going, fun weekend. Hope to see all of you there, I guarantee a great time!
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
Thank you everyone for supporting the dinner and dance last night. It really makes a difference to the council sponsoring the State Meeting when people show up. Next year we need to start talking about some things like:
" Planting the seed, this is just a start
" You don't just plant and walk away
" We need to communicate with others
" We have the tools, we just have to utilize them in the future
2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter Wood (Beverly Hills-Wood)
No Report.
Per Dennis Marsh, the area is getting ready to close the Mid-Winter books, so everything should be finished by the September meeting.
2006 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
Dancin' Down Under has finally got a clogger! We are getting a contract ready to send to Matt Sexton from Tennessee. He is one of the top instructors in the nation. We are very happy to welcome him to our festival. Our area, the Emerald Empire, bought flooring from the 54th National Convention to be used at Mid-Winter. Unfortunately, this has increased our flooring and storage costs, but we believe it will be well worth it. We have had a couple of extra meetings with a few of our committee chairs and you will see some changes in RV Pre- Registration as well as an expanded youth program. Your club should have received by now, a letter aimed at the youth for a scavenger hunt.
We want to thank everyone that was able to attend our sound check dance on Tuesday, July 12. We had more than 100 dancers attending. Good job Oregon!! We believe that it was very beneficial in allowing us to make more use of that hall. This will help us avoid the high cost of the Cascade building that Linn County is not longer giving us a discount on. Please let our advertising chair, Dale Luckman, know if you would like to purchase advertising space in our program book. He needs to hear from you by September 1 if you would like to be included. Please see Dennis or myself for more information or contact Dale at 541.967.796 or
New this year we are selling Mid-Winter Festival T-shirts. These are a great way to promote and show your support. They are terrific for wearing to casual dances, especially this warm summer weather. I have plenty of shirts with me if anyone is interested. The large and x-large are ten dollars, the double x are $12, and the triple x are $13.
We were pleased to see many of our committee at the 54th National Convention on Friday evening in their Mid-Winter Festival outfits. We are pumped for a great year, so expect to see us at a visitation soon! Make sure you have your ribbons because you don't want to miss this dinkum good time.
2006 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Co-Chairmen Kathy &Tim Roberts and Kay & Jim Rogers
The Festival committee has not had its first official meeting yet. At the last state meeting Tim & Kathy wore our Summer Festival outfits. Tim has been working on getting a Registration form together. We will be asking the State Treasurer for a balance of the loan to get an account together. This summer festival is being sponsored by the Federation, so we welcome everyone to step forward to help. Rogers & Roberts are Co-Chairmen. Lee & Barbi Ashwill is Treasure. Gary & Betty Willoughby will serve as Publicity, and Ron & Marilyn Schmit have volunteered.
2007 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dan Allen (Ginger)
We have the caller contracts signed for the 2007 Mid-Winter Festival. We are still in the process of contacting a cuer. During the 2006 Mid-Winter after party, we will feature all teenage callers and cuers. Please contact Dan & Ginger Allen if you know of a teen who would like to call or cue during the after party. The Mid-Winter callers we have signed are: Mike Sikorsky, John Jones and Debra Carroll Jones.
MOTION: Dennis Marsh
I move to accept to add OFN Job Description into the P & P's. Coleeta Quigley seconded the motion.
" Back to Vivian - This job description will give us a scope of what the job involves.
" A concern was expressed by Ed Warmoth that since the Job Description document was a major document, that it needed to be reviewed by & approved by officers
" Back to Vivian - the job description was first talked about during the January meeting. There was a POOF meeting yesterday where the document was discussed. It was also discussed and accepted during the Officer's meeting on Saturday.
" Vivian is not asking us to approve anything that we might do - this document describes what we ARE doing.
" We also don't need all of the people listed in the P&P's anymore. This will help clean up and update the P&P's.
Dave Cooper - vote on the motion: Motion Passed
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
I have tried to work on the state directory but since the information from last year is "Read Only", I have gotten nowhere.
I have received some assistance so I can get started now. I sent emails to the persons I need information from and have heard from one. So I still need information and will be making calls in the next week or so depending on what I receive here at this meeting. Be prepared for the phone calls or emails. Please answer them.
Hopefully I have received the papers from the Area Delegates telling me how many directories they are requesting. If not, I need them ASAP so I can put together an order. The tentative amount to be printed is somewhere between 750 and 1000. Remember, I still have 200 left over from last year.
The rest of my time will be given to Ralph Lambert to discuss the excess of sound equipment and how it is to be dealt with.
Hello everyone! Thank you to Interstate Highlander Council for hosting all of us this weekend.
MOTION: Marilyn Schmit
I move that we form a committee on how to deal with the excess sound equipment that is currently at the home of Ralph Lambert. Motion was seconded by Dennis Marsh. Floor yielded to Ralph Lambert.
Ralph Lambert referred to his packet of information on Clyde Charters Equipment that he submitted.
Dave Cooper asked for the vote and the motion passed. He has already appointed a committee: Leonard Snodgrass, Barbie Cooper, Ralph Lambert and Marilyn Schmit. The committee will decide what to do with the equipment. Ralph recommended that we deal with his option #2 on the second page. The committee will let us know next meeting what option they select. Barbi Ashwill stated that we need a delegate on the committee. Dave Cooper asked for a delegate to volunteer. Kay Rogers (TVC) and Sharon Greenman (Emerald Empire) volunteered. Sharon Greenman was accepted on the committee. Lee Ashwill said he felt that Clyde would be upset if the equipment was sold. He felt that if there is a caller or cuer that wanted the equipment and could use it, that it should be given to them.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Marcia Snodgrass (Leonard)
My apologies in advance, I forgot the recorder and my computer is having some major problems. Thanks to Kathy Roberts and her very adept fingers and generosity, she will be taking notes for me on her computer and I will combine them with reports I have already received from you.
I would like to thank the Emerald Empire Council and their delegate's, Lois Klinok and Sharon Greenman for holding the state meeting in their lovely square dance center. As always, good food and a good dance. Thank you!
Card's I have sent out:
Condolence Cards:
Greg Peterson's wife, Muriel passed away.
Judy Gelmstedt's brother passed away.
Rick and Kathi Sharrard, Kathi's brother-in-law passed away.
Barbara Schaumburg's sister passed away.
Get Well Cards:
Dick Frazier, a longtime member of the WyEast Whirlers had a stint placed in him the first week of June.
Wedding Card's:
August (Augie) and DeAnn Yerger's of the Rogue Sis-Q Council married May 28,2005 at Battle Rock Beach at Port Orford, OR.
John and Sheila Roach of the Rogue Sis-Q Council married June 12,2005 at R-HAUS Restaurant in Grants Pass.
Please note, at each of your seating I have placed a form for the incoming Officer's, Delegate's and anyone changing positions, to please fill this out and return to me at break time or end of this meeting so I can order the correct name badges, bars, etc for the September Meeting. Thank you.
TREASURER: Bill Rooper (Annadale)
Report is on file.
I have received a check from the National Convention to pay off the $25,000 receivable today. I will buy a certificate to earn interest.
MEMBERSHIP: Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos) report given by Clara Evarts
Sorry we missed the state meeting, and the dinner and dance last night. We are in California trying to clear up my brother's estate.
I have asked Clara Evarts to sit in for me. Thank you Clara.
All directory information that I have received has been forwarded to the OFN and to Insurance. I understand that Insurance does not need the information but that the 2nd VP does. It was forwarded to them on July 6. Jim Rogers will turn the Insurance copy over to Marilyn Schmit at this meeting.
Notice of Corporation fees that will be due in July and August will be sent to the respective clubs the end of July when we return home.
We have one new club applying for membership in the Federation. It is "Spin Cycle Squares - Emerald Empire Council."
MOTION by: Clara Evarts
I move to accept the Spin Cycle Squares into the Emerald Empire Council join the Federation. The motion was seconded by Ray Fenn. The motion passed.
Dave Cooper introduced the President of the Spin Cycle Squares, Wendy Eagle Wolf, to the Federation. Wendy thanked the Federation for voting her club into the Oregon Federation. The Spin Cycle Squares have been dancing for two years. We have 22 members. We have enjoyed excellent hospitality - especially from the Wolf Pack. We are happy to be in the Federation. We have a dance coming up. Please check out the flyers on the table.
INSURANCE: Jim Rogers (Kay)
No Report
PAST PRESIDENT: Carolyn Bosch (Bob)
So sorry we are unable to attend this meeting. We have had a prior commitment for a long time. I'm sure the Emerald Empire did a great job of hosting all of you.
Now that the 54th NSDC has finished its fabulous run it is time to turn our thoughts to the Randal Award. Please remember the forms must be in my hands by September 1st, thus enabling me to get the ballots ready for the September State Meeting. My address is 8465 SW Parkview Loop, Beaverton, OR 97008, Fax # 603-646-5754 or our e-mail address is Only the delegates vote for our new award winner, WHO WILL that be????
See you all in September.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts (Kathy)
I have only received a few comments about the reorganizing plan I proposed at the last meeting. All of the councils that are not affected by the reorganization are very much in favor of it. Councils that are affected are against it. If we need to, we will drop it and talk about it again another year.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike Odell (Shirley)
We really need to think about whether or not we are a Sales Organization? Are we promoting?
My duties include looking at Vivian's reports and audit sheet. Vivian is doing a great job following up on everyone. Everything seems to be running smoothly.
No Report.
(1) Thanks To All for a Great Convention Education Program! We had excellent presenters and good attendance for all the Education classes and events at the 54th NSDC. For Club Leadership Certification (CLC); 163 enrolled, 75 received certificates for completing the seven classes, including these 15 from Oregon: Lee & Gloria Borgaes, Bill & Marsha Francis, Helen Halley, Lee Klibourn, Debra Margeson, Dick & Doris Muralt, John & Dorothy Nelson, Darlene Sconce, Mike Tindall, Sue Trautwein, and Gary Wells.
(2) Looking Ahead to Christmas for Sharing Opportunities - A club or Area Council project to provide food and gifts for children and needy families during the Christmas holidays can be beneficial in many ways. It can provide: (a) for club members a coordinated channel and teamwork for planned giving, (b) a boost for the recipients, and (c) an opportunity to show your community that square dancers are caring people and create interest in your club or group.
There are many ways to go. The Mid-Willamette Area Council coordinates club donations and creates a bit of competition to give to Food Share. The River City Dancers of Milwaukie connect directly with the Annie Ross House of Portland to create a specific target for member donations. Many other clubs have outreach projects, as well as their member celebrations.
Advice for club officers is -- start early, have a plan and chairman, select and publicize where your gifts will go, and let the community know what you are doing. This is a good time to take photos for the club scrapbook.
(3) Get Acquainted with the ARTS Dance Alliance - There was lots of information about the ARTS Dance Alliance at the 54th NSDC. This newly formed entity is made up of nationally recognized dance organizations. The ARTS will allow for more effective public education of the square dance image, the health and fitness benefits of related dances to obtain corporate sponsorship, without diminishing any of the autonomy, or unique qualities and programs of any individual affiliate member. It can function like a roundtable for square dance ideas and promotions, plus offering a coordinated voice at the national level. Membership to show support is $25 a year. Information at the Web site is all free. Check it out at or read one of information leaflets.
MOTION: Dar Scounce
I move that the Oregon Federation become an Associate Member of the ARTS Dance Alliance. The motion was seconded by Kay Rogers and the motioned passed.
HISTORIAN: Patty Reese
It's nice to see everyone again. I'm sorry I missed the last meeting and the National Convention. As some of you already know, my home burned on June 15th. Even though I lost everything I consider myself very lucky because my daughter and grandson were home at the time and barely escaped. I have excellent insurance and will rebuild. But, we also lost all the historical material stored in my home while I waited for a small storage unit to become available.
All issues of the OFN are backed up at two locations so we still have those valuable records of square dancing in Oregon. There are also a few scrapbooks floating around with others to start off a new collection. We will never be able to replace everything lost but with everyone helping gather material, by Mid-Winter next year we should have a nice new collection of pictures and mementos to display.
I'd like to thank all of you for your understanding and expressions of concern.
Vivian Fairburn assured everyone that every month OFN copies are sent to the Multnomah Library and the "Night Lite Library". Old copies of the OFN are available for viewing there. Dennis Marsh also has a lot of stuff that she will need to pick up. Patty will set up a guideline for items that she would like submitted to her by the next meeting. If you have items to mail to her, Patty's address is 95245 Sixes River Rd, Sixes, OR 97476. Her e-mail address is and her phone number is 541.332.1425.
Dave Cooper requested a standing ovation for the Aswill's for their successful 54th National Square Dance Convention®. He read the following letter sent to the Federation on July 11, 2005:
The 54th National Square Dance Convention® is history and we are in the process of finalizing all of the billings. It is our opinion that this was a very successful Convention. From the smiling faces of the dancers to the flowing comments we have been receiving, we believe that we attained our goal of showing the dancers the great Northwest hospitality.
We want the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs and the dancers of the State of Oregon to know how deeply we appreciate all of their assistance. Their support in volunteering and registering for the Convention was the only way that Oregon could be successful and they insured that we were.
It is our desire to have you extend our personal "Thank You" to all of the Oregon dancers who participated in this Convention. If you could have this letter read into the minutes at your next State meeting, it would be greatly appreciated. It is impossible for us to write to each dancer who took part in this Convention, however, it is extremely important to us that they know how much we appreciate their efforts.
With the number of dancers declining, it is possible that the State of Oregon may never again bid to host a National Square Dance Convention®. However, with the number of attendees at the National Square Dance Convention® now being in the 8,000 to 10,000 range, it does not take the large facilities that it once did to host a Convention. We hope that the State of Oregon may consider joining the State of Washington to submit a bid to host a National Square Dance Convention® sometime in the future.
To all of the Oregon dancers, we say "Thank You" and we hope to see all of you in a square in the near future.
God Bless the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill
General Chairman
Lee added that the 54th National Square Dance Convention® is now history. We are in the process of finalizing all billings. It appears that we will be able to pay all the bills and it is our hope that there will be some finances remaining to distribute to the State Federation, the councils and clubs. It is our hope that we will have everything finalized by the September 2005 State Meeting.
Barbi and I would like to thank all of the Oregon and Washington Dancers for the long hours and hard work they put in to make this a success.
Though we did not reach our goal of 9,000 attendees, the 8,006 in attendance had a good time and the 54th National Square Dance Convention® accomplished many firsts. We hope some of those will be adopted by future Conventions and will continue. One of the best things to happen is that we are receiving more compliments than complaints.
Barbi extended their appreciation of the support that everyone gave - all of the volunteers who gave so willingly of their time not only in the four years leading up to the Convention, but during the Convention. We have received volumes of e-mails and thank you cards thanking everyone. Many letters were from people that haven't attended a Convention before, or hadn't been to a Convention in a long time. Thank you EVERYONE.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert (Linda)
2005 Mid-Winter Festival
On May 19, 2005, I received the following from the 2005 Mid-Winter Festival:
BMI/ASCAP Report Information
Check to Federation for BMI.
Check to ASCAP for their fee.
Check to Federation for Insurance.
The listed attendance is 1637.
I forwarded the Federation's checks to State Treasurer.
I forwarded a copy of the insurance check to the State Insurance Chair.
I filled out the ASCAP report and submit it and the check to ASCAP.
July 17, 2005 Status
Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP.
During the National Convention, I attended a Youth Roundtable Discussion hosted by Marilyn Schmit. The topic of conversation was how the Youth in Square Dancing see the future. There were several youth dancers attending the discussion who participated with excellent ideas for future Conventions and Festivals. Some of the items they mentioned were:
During this Round Table discussion I also had the opportunity to meet the California Youth Advisor. We met afterwards and discussed different ideas for our Square Dancing Youth. One of the items we talked about was setting up a web site for all of the State Youth Advisors to meet and exchange ideas.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim Kinkaid (Avis)
No Report.
ORDTA: Dennis Smith (Elaine)
No Report. However, their next ORDTA meeting is October 1, 2005. It will be held in the Emerald Empire Square Dance Building at 10:00 am.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)
No Report
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)
No Report.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
We had a successful display. The Oregon Federation had three tables and we gave two of them away. One went to a display for Montreal and the other table was handed over to the Square Dance caravan. They had a pictorial display of the stops along the way and the dance halls visited. We got some OFNs to give away and Mike Smith brought us some Portland magazines and they were gone by Friday afternoon.
We filled 125 of the 126 tables available and we met 30 of the 48 Danish dancers who were in attendance. We even received an e-mail picture of us and four of them taken during the Convention. Great time for all.
Patty Reese received the Beach Combers plaque for their display in the showcase.
Barbi Ashwill added that the National Conventions go on every year, they are going to continue next year. In the past when we were working on the Convention, we discussed various Showcase ideas with the Schmits'. It is also the responsibility of the President of the Federation to give ideas to the Schmits' long before they go the Conventions, on what you would like to see representing our state.
Emerald Empire Council: Lois Klinock, delegate.
The delegates met yesterday and discussed the two motions. The delegates approved both.
The Sea Twirler's area representative requested that information be sent to the Naitonal Square Dance Directory. Marilyn Schmit will take care of that.
The delegates requested that each Area/Club president and delegate subscribe to the OFN so that clubs and councils will know what is going on around the state. If the State Meeting is going to be in your area, please make up a flyer with a map on it so that people know where to go. It was also discussed what to do if there is no business on the Agenda.
They would like to see forms for the Randal Award be distributed during the Mid-Winter meetings since some clubs are dark in the summer and some clubs and councils have a long time between meetings.
Smaller areas are afraid of loosing their identity. They would rather redistribute the clubs into area councils by moving clubs into the area they are close to rather than consolidate the small councils.
15 Minute Break
Dave Cooper - Who are we and what are we about?
Dennis Marsh will bring some ideas to the next meeting as to what we can do as a body for those of us who are struggling. What can we do next year and the years after to promote our activities. We need to concentrate on new dancers and youth dancers. We need to build square dancing back up. You can just start with as few as 8 people. Train those 8, take those 8 out and show others and find 8 more - go with smiles and happy attitudes. Go out and show people with enthusiasm what we do. Take our laughter and smiles and go out into the public.
Vivian Fairburn - At the press breakfast, Tony Oxendine was the keynote speaker and stated that in the Midwest you dance the first and last tip with your spouse or the one you came with. By doing this the singles would have some dances that they wouldn't normally have and people would leave the dance feeling like it wasn't a waste of their time sitting on the sidelines. Vivian tracked 8 new dancers that bought new subscriptions but didn't renew. One takes lessons but never joins a club. One won't come if her partner doesn't. One has stopped dancing' one joined the Buckaroos - etc. She wanted to know what we are doing to hold on to the women that don't have dancing partners. She suggested that we consider offering dance cards - when the men come in sign up to dance with women to make sure everyone is dancing.
Dave said for his last meeting in September, please bring back ideas on how we as a body can do to maintain and keep dancers. He would like to have a discussion during his half of the meeting.
Sweet Home Squarenaders and Whirl-A-Ways are both dark for the summer
Danebo Circle 8 hosted the Taco Bar and Fiesta Dance last night and hopes everyone enjoyed the event.
Single Trees held a "Fishing Derby" dance in June and a Red White and Blue dance in July. Bill Helms and Peter Woods were the guest callers.
Wolf Pack had a T-Shirt Dance and a Hawaiian Luau Dance in June and July.
The Emerald Empire Area was well represented at the National Convention and a good time was had by all.
Mike Sikorsky will call on August 13, 14 and 15 at the Emerald Square Dance Center. The Dances are sponsored by the area.
The area meetings have been cancelled for July and August so no other club information is available at this time.
Please check the state directory for further information on dances in the Emerald Empire Area.
No Report.
The Sea Twirlers 9th Birthday Dance will be on Sunday afternoon, September 11th at 2:00 p.m. at the Gleneden Beach Community Center. George and Patty Hermann will call and cue.
The Sea Twirlers had two couples attend the National Convention in Portland on June 22-25. Three couples attended the Lebanon Strawberry Festival on June 4, and two couples attended the Braids and Braves Birthday dance on May 21. Two Sea Twirlers couples are planning to attend the Diamond Lake Festival on July 20-23.
The Toledo 49'ers donated fuzzy animals to the Newport Hospital for the third time in two years. The hospital is always happy to receive these for the children.
The club donated $50 each to Toledo and Newport High School for their drug-free graduation parties. $100 was donated to each program, KidSwim and KidsZone. KidsZone is an after school program for K to high school students in the Depoe Bay area. There are about 50 youth involved at this time and various activities and subjects are taught and the children receive a snack or small meal. KidSwim provides transportation for children ages 6 to 13 from the Waldport and Yachats area to Newport for weekly swim lessons. Transportation, lessons, snacks, and even swim wear is provided free to needy children.
The continued success of our Loyalty Days weekend dance is a major source of income to help keep supporting these community activities and HORSES.
Four couples from the club worked long days at the convention on their respective committees. It was a pleasure to be part of such a great convention. Kathy and I went on the cruise to Alaska and that was a nice way to finish up our time with all the great square dancers that came to Portland.
Club members attended the Strawberry Festival, the Convention and are now off to the Diamond Lake Festival next week. The club will be dark over Labor Day so members can attend various other clubs' special events.
The National Square Dance Convention is over. Thanks to all the Mid Willamette Area Dancers that volunteered there time and thanks to our wonderful Oregon Trail Board that made it all possible for us.
Save the Salem Square Dance Center is now the Salem Square Dance Association, Inc. The dancers through out the area and State are now the owners of the Salem Square Dance Center purchased from Ray and Virginia Walz. Thanks to all of the Dancers through out Oregon and beyond that contributed and made this Dream come true for the Mid Willamette Area.
Clubs around the Mid Willamette Area have been busy marching in parades, doing Square Dance and Clogging demo's at fairs, parks, picnics, to promote interest in Square, Round, Clogging Dancing for our fall Dance lessons.
Sandy Harris, President of the Mid Willamette Area has put together a dancing exhibition at Antique Power Land's Annual Steam Up in Brooks, Oregon. This is just north of Salem a few miles. Several of our area callers will be calling and any interested dancers can participate on July 30th /31st or August 6 and 7 at 11AM and again at 1:30 PM.
New Council officers for the 2005-2006 are:
President: Dan (Shirley) Mathews
Vice President: Dwight (Nita) Jacobsen
Secretary: Annadale (Bill) Rooper
Treasurer: Enid (Mark) Wheeler
State Delegate: Al Wolf (Gail Domini)
Membership: Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos)
The Silver Stars Memorial Day weekend, "Stars and Stripes" was a great success even through the Friday night attendance was quite small due to the unusually warm weather.
Many clubs are dark for June, July and August. This gives them a chance to dance o n the same night their club dances. Of the clubs that are dancing during these months, most of them have gone to casual attire.
The Country Capers have hired Georgia Bailey as their new club caller. She will call her first dance on September 17. They are still auditioning for a cuer.
Chaps and Petticoats sold raffle tickets on a camping basket which included camping chairs, lap quilt and other "goodies" one can use when camping. Proceeds of $75 went to the Salem Square Dance Center fund.
Approximately 16 squares enjoyed the Oaky Doaks annual "Gospel Sounds" dance on March 19. It was called by George Hermann and Mike Combs. Patty Hermann and Debbie Combs cued.
The Canby Cloverleaf Teen club came home with three trophys when attending the Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival in Everett, Washington. This will be held next year in British Columbia, Canada. They are not sure if they will be able to participate as passports will be required as of January 2006.
The "First Timers Welcome" party hosted by the River City Dancers at the Nationals was very successful. They were hoping for 80 dancers and ended up with 258.
Remember the Columbia Gorge Plus Club's campout on August 19, 20 and 21 at Carson, Washington. See your OFN for details.
The next PAC 5th Friday dance at the Oak Grove Community Center will be July 29 with George and Patty Hermann, caller and cuer.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL - John Guches (Glory)
At the 54th NSDC we had a good representation from the four clubs in the council, and everyone that reported back to me had nothing but favorable comments, and thank you's to all that were on staff for providing an outstanding convention.
The next major activity is Diamond Lake the 20th thru the 23rd of July.
The Jackson County Fair is starting during the week of 18 thru 24 July and we have 2 nights scheduled for Square Dance demos.
The November State Meeting will be held in Rogue-Sis-Q on the 20th at the Josephine County Fairgrounds.
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL - Coleeta Quigley (Chuck)
We had a very successful 52nd Birthday Dance Weekend July 1st - 3rd. Everyone enjoyed a fish barbecue, 3 nights of dancing, afternoon plus workshops and dancing on the float. We had over two squares on the float. We've enjoyed several "out of town" (Snowbirds) at our dances this summer. Remember the Labor Day Weekend at the Beachcombers Cove with Denny Lantz, Don Marshall, calling and Dave and Barbie Cooper cueing and come join us. Our lessons are scheduled to start October 3rd.
Jefferson State Squares:
We are still having lessons which are on Monday night for the summer. In the Fall we will switch back to Tuesday nights. Most of us are so tangled up in trying to catch up on work while the "sun" shines we have not been able to get out to visit other clubs. Ten of us will be taking a cruise up the inside passage, which is one of the reason we are working so hard to get ahead. Everyone is doing well and in good health and we feel thankful knowing that is one of the important things.
Saints N' Ain'ts:
We have been dancing all summer either at visiting clubs or our own club. Callers this summer have been Lennie Ludiker and Leonard Snodgrass. A big thanks you to them for filling in while Sherm Welch had some time off. Many of our members danced at the Coos County Fair on Saturday evening, July 30, 2005. Our lessons begin October 9th with squares (Sherm Welch teaching) and October 10th with rounds (Donna Hiserote teaching).
We received a first place ribbon on our float in the Coquille Gay 90's parade. We will have a community involvement booth at the Coos County Fair, a float in the Fair Parade and a dance on the Fairgrounds on Saturday July 30 with Area callers and cuers. It will be a great way to advertise the fun of square dancing. Summer dances have been called by Coleeta Quigley, Ray Graves and Dale Roberson. Our lessons are set to begin again the 13th of September for squares and the 15th for rounds.
SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL - Delmer Niemi (Bonnie)
Hayshakers attending the National Convention had a great time. Even though some of us (namely my wife and I) were not able to do a lot of dancing, we thoroughly enjoyed being spectators and visiting old friends. Lee and Barbie rate a standing ovation for a job well done!!
The Lewis and Clark Caravan consisting of approximately 108 persons was treated to tours of the Astoria area, two dances, a dinner and two breakfasts before sending them on their way to the Convention.
The Hayshakers will do a demo dance at Neawanna By-The-Sea in Seaside on Sunday, August 19th. Lessons are to begin Sunday, September 18th, 3 - 5 p.m. at the Pacific Grange. You all are reminded that the Seaside Sashay will be the 4th weekend in October.
The next Sunset Council meeting and installation of officers will be on Sunday, August 21st at Eva Moore's home, following a 1:30 p.m. potluck.
The TVC participated heavily in the 54th National Square Dance Convention and they can all be proud of a job well done. All in all, everyone had a good time doing their part for the good of square dancing in Oregon.
The Tualatin Valley Council had a fun time in the Annual Rotary Hillsboro Fourth of July Parade this year, and earned a second place ribbon for our work. Pete Schettek was in charge and got a lot of help from dancers from several clubs including Sunset Promenaders, Hillsboro; Tri-Squares, Tigard; Toe Draggers; and Mix and Mingle club . Their work earned them a second place ribbon for the entry. We had a good turn out of people to decorate the trailer early and also a good bunch to both dance on the trailer during the parade and to walk and hand out cards to the crowd giving them information about square dance lessons and phone numbers to contact if interested. Ed Craig's children, April, Amber, and Johnny, did the calling during the parade, and Ed furnished the equipment and music. There were several youth dancers along with adult dancers to help promote dancing for the whole family. Don Bruno used his pickup to tow the trailer, which was borrowed from the Bachelors and Bachelorettes Dance Club. We all had a lot of fun and it was good to see new dancers out helping and having fun, too.
Most clubs are gearing up for lesson season.
We are hosting the September weekend dance and meeting at the Kinton Grange, which is five and a half miles West of Washington Square. Delegate's meeting is at 2pm, Officers at 3pm. There will be a time for questions and answers regarding duties and responsibilities of delegates and officers and insurance questions at each meeting. The potluck supper will feature pot roast, so bring your appetite. The dance will be with Darrell Kalmbach calling and Dave Cooper doing the Cueing. On Sunday during the meeting, I heard some plans are being made to welcome Dennis Marsh as the new president.
In response to the question, "what are we doing here?" We are here for the mutual benefit for all of the clubs in Oregon. We are sharing ideas, we publish the State Directory, we publish the OFN, we supply lo cost insurance for dancers in the state. Fully half of what we are here for is to help clubs be insured and incorporate themselves to protect clubs and councils from lawsuits. It seems like we are not doing anything because we have done such a great job setting up and organizing that things are running smoothly. We are doing a lot of good things. There are probably two areas we could improve - helping the new dancers. Also, we should read the P & P and know what is in it. Wear your state badge. People will come up and ask you things. Be willing to answer questions or at least direct them to the right people. We are doing the right things - we just don't realize we are working so hard because we are having fun doing it.
UAC Clubs participated in the Umpqua Valley Rodeo Parade on Saturday, June 18th. We square danced away with the first place trophy in the float division. We used one of the State Trailers and Bob Ewing was our caller and did an outstanding job!
The Pioneer 'N' Petticoats were successful in their fund raising event at the Wildlife Safari in Winston. They collected $975 in donations. The funds will be used to create a display for their adopted Indian Crested Porcupine named Casey. The Pioneer 'N' Petticoats will be participating in the Pioneer Days in Canyonville. There will be a square demonstration on Thursday, August 25 at the city park. There will be a square dance on Friday, August 26th and they will be participating in the parade on Saturday, August 27th.
The council is gearing up for the Douglas County Fair - August 9-13. We have secured callers and cuers for each evening. Admission to the fair is free to square dancers who wear square dance attire and their club badge. The entertainment at the fair this year will include country western singers, Trace Atkins and Terry Clark.
The Twirl-A-Ways the UAC team for the Relay for Life event at the Umpqua Community College track on Friday, July 15, 2005 and Saturday, July 16, 2005 were out if full force this weekend. Our "hero team" theme was the "Incredible Twirl-A-Ways" with Bob and Betty Sawyer, Mark and Lori Stern, and Dar Sconce representing the team for UAC. We collected over $2,000 for the American Cancer Society.
Activities in the Blue Mountain Council have slowed considerably since warm weather checked in.
The Alpine Twirlers will have their big dance in September featuring caller Dick Spooner and cuer Neva Reid. This is always a real fun time.
The Elkhorn Swingers are down to one dance a month if they have a caller. However, this is only a summer slowdown and they will be eager to increase their schedule in the fall.
The Indian Valley Paraders are in a similar situation. Some of their dances are cancelled because they don't have a square.
The Star Promenaders danced in a demo at the LaGrande crazy days. Most of the dancers were the young folk from our new class. These kids are full of energy and they really entertained the crowd. They are the life blood of our activity and we will do what is necessary to keep them dancing.
The Muddy frogs are gearing up for their Frog Festival in August. This is a fun event that dancers are eager to attend. Daryl Clendenin, calling with Pat Wiggings cueing.
CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL - Doug Hartzell (Ladauna)
Sagebrush Shufflers:
What a class we had this year. We graduated 18 new dancers this year, that's about 16 more than we've done in some time thanks to the angels and Jim Steele. Just finished our mystery dance last Sat. night with every one meeting at the Crook County Courthouse, putting together some clues and the first to guess where wins a prize. Still waiting to find out who guessed and who won the prize the clues were really tough. Go east stop at big brown building past reservoir turn in parking lot and dance.
Sundown Round Dance Club:
What can I say about the round dance club except that it is probably the largest club in the area and the following is tremendous! If Dave and Barbie are there than there is a following that is commendable. The club is learning more things all the time. After the Nation Convention finished Barbie seems to be doing better by the day.
Red Rock Squares:
The Red Rocks after three years have a new Pres. Don Bramhall and Lonna are going to carry the whip now, as Ladauna says no way no more! Don has taken the bull by the horns and is running with it.
We have just finished a fundraiser for the club. It was an omelet party with everyone brings an item to throw into the pot. And paying 5 bucks a bag to eat. As of the time we Left they still had not totaled up the whole proceeds. For a meager token I will tell you how to make milluns$$$$$$$
Swinging Mountaineers:
Didn't get a report from them but if the Sisters Rodeo was anything like it has been in the past, they have made enough to get them thru another year. Those that worked the concession probably still haven't got all the grease from their hair
Bachelor Beauts:
With the Council meeting not until this coming week the reports were very slow in coming. None from the beauts but they also had a good year for their lessons.
High Lake Swingers:
No report.
Central Oregon Roundup:
Linda and the crew are working very had to present to you a wonderful time to relax and wind down after the nationals. Come join us in Sisters for a relaxing good time. ALL Oregon callers and cuers will be there to address you dancing needs and desires. Join us August 25 26 27 for a real Hoedown. The city of Sisters is looking forward to us being there and Bronco Billy's is hosting the trails thru dance on Thursday August 25th.
A great time down town in front of a lot of peoples. Wear your best, we will do the rest.
EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL - Lorene Griffith (George)
Ione Grand Squares:
They have not danced since May. They are making plans to start by October if not before.
They got together in June and worked a rest stop along Highway I-84, West of Boardman. They were there when some of the dancers that came to the National Convention in Portland, where going home and they stopped by.
Will report to the OFN when the Grand Squares start their season.
Benjamin Brown - absent
No report.
Ray & Zola Jones - absent
Since the State Federation Meeting in May; we have attended our own club's dances, and also traveled to Roseburg to go to the Buckaroos Club's annual "Round Up" on June3, 4 and 5. It's always such a fun weekend, and they really know how to put on the 'Feed-bag' too!
After attending and working at the 54th National Square Dance Convention in Portland, June 22 to 25; on Sunday morning, June 26 a special Charter Bus picked us up at our hotel and we were on our way to Seattle, Washington, along with four other bus's of square dancers, to board the Holland America ship "Amsterdam" for the post-convention 7-day cruise to Alaska! The Amsterdam is a 1300 passenger ship, and there were 645 square dancers on board-one-half of the passengers. The first couple of days a lot of us convention workers were enjoying "R & R"- Rest and Relaxation. The four representatives from the travel agency, 'Cruise Masters' on board did a great job for all of us; beginning with a 'Welcome Aboard' party on Sunday afternoon where we each received a special box of chocolates, with pieces that had square dance figures on them, accompanied by lots of champagne. What a way to begin a wonderful cruise! We also each received a special Cruise Masters name badge-so when you saw the badge on someone you knew they were a square dancer too, which brought greetings and many interesting conversations. There was square and round dancing four times in two areas on the ship, organized by Rick and Carolyn Ewing, and there were a number of Callers and Cuers on board. Our last day of cruising, Saturday, July 2, was a beautiful, warm and sunny day; and we danced on the very top outside deck. What a setting-cruising through the islands of the inside passage, dancing on the top of a big ship! There was a special square dance arranged for us in Juneau, Alaska's capitol, at the convention center near the waterfront the day we docked .Over 300 dancers from our ship attended, there were entertainers from Juneau, and food provided from our travel agency, Cruise Masters, and their representatives. Our cruise destinations were Glacier Bay National Park-where we saw a glacier 'calving', and cities of Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan, and our last evening at Victoria, B.C. It was a wonderful cruise, and being part of the large group of square dancers was a big, additional "Bonus". There were a lot of Oregon dancers and many of them we knew. Also Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors were well represented; besides ourselves there were-Harold and Barbara Kleve, Lee and Barbi Ashwill, and honorary ambassadors, Dick and Marge Pentecost. As you've probably assumed by now-did we have a great time-YOU BET! And a big, 'Thank You' to Rick and Carolyn Ewing for organizing it all. We also want to congratulate Lee and Barbi, their Trail Board and all the committees for a wonderful Convention. Many dancers, from out of Oregon, on the cruise kept praising the Convention and what a great time they had-and that is what makes it a success!
We are unable to attend the July 17 State Federation Meeting, as we are out of town this weekend due to previous reservations. So-we will look forward to seeing all of you again at the next meeting in September.
Until then; Safe travels and 'Happy Highways'.
Al & Fran Westphal - absent
Greetings to all and regrets that we couldn't be with you this weekend. My work schedule included a Saturday banquet shift beginning at 3:00 p.m. Don't know about my Sunday shift yet, so there's a slim chance we can make the meeting.
Our new "normal" includes lots of therapy and medical appointments for Al. Fortunately, we have a few friends willing to help shuttle him back and forth. He is not yet driving, so there are lots of round trips from Toledo to Newport and a few to Corvallis, Gleneden Beach and Depoe Bay for a variety of tests and stuff.
He is progressing and we are so thankful for what he is able to do. The stroke definitely has had a major impact on our quality of life, but he is walking, talking and thinking and the right hand is coming along much better.
We were pleased to be able to be at the National Convention. We enjoyed seeing folks and getting some good "yellow rocks". We were so sorry not to be able to do more, but walking those long distances is still too much to manage. Endurance is a big issue.
Thanks to all for your support.
Harold & Barbara Kleve - absent
We have had a very busy last few months. A lot of our time was consumed by the 54th National Square Dance Convention. Our area of responsibility was Seminars. We provided 21 Seminars over three days of the convention which kept us hopping as M.C. and Room Hosts. One speaker didn't show up on time, so Harold presented half of a Seminar before the speaker arrived. Nothing like an impromptu performance. We really didn't have time to see and do much else, but we met some wonderful people. We hope you had time for a seminar or two. There was some great speakers with powerful messages.
Harold taught some square dancing to P.E. classes at Beaverton High School. That's an experience and an eye opener… for the Caller. One boy was wearing headphones. Problem was he was listening to his own music, not me or my music. We have done several one night parties for teens and young adult church groups. They always seem to have so much fun by we haven't found a way to get them into our classes.
After the National we took the square dance cruise to Alaska. We danced three times on the ship and in Juneau the cruise agency threw a big party for us. They called it a "hootenanny". There were about 650 square dancers on the ship and I think they were all at the Juneau Convention Center for the dance and FOOD.
See you at Diamond Lake or the Central Oregon Roundup.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill
We are sorry we missed yesterday's meetings and last nights dinner and dance. We would have been here except we were scheduled in the kitchen at our club dance.
As part of our Alaska Cruise we danced in Juneau at the Hootenanny as well as on board ship. We had one session as an intro to square dancing and we understand some of those folks are looking to take lessons this fall.
We participated in Mid-Winters recent sound check and we look forward to another magnificent Mid-Winter January 27, 28 & 29, 2006.
We are still spending a fair amount of time winding up Convention business but our schedule is less hectic than it has been and we look forward to again having time to peruse the OFN from cover to cover and schedule when we can make some of the dances in each of your areas.
We remind you that Lee and I are now members of the National Executive Committee and we encourage your questions and/or comments for us to take back to any of our meetings at either Pre-Convention or Convention.
Vivian Fairburn - The job description that was accepted today states that the editor needs to be personable and have salesmanship skills. Buzz was talking about community involvement - stuffed animals, omelets, etc. This type of information needs to be in the OFN - interesting things need to be in the OFN - not who called what dance. If we want to bring in new people we need to have new ideas. We have enough ads to pay for the magazine. Now we need to hear about your fun, exciting and interesting things. We need to hear about what it takes to put on a special event - who they contacted, insurance, etc. You can send in information about how you are setting up a special event the month before it happens, and then the next month, you can state whether or not it was successful and what you would do different.
Starting this month, the OFN information will be on the Website. If you lose your subscription - go to the Oregon Federation website and click on the OFN.
Leonard Snodgrass - When you send your article in to the OFN, leave out the information about who called or where the dance was held. If you don't have a lot of interesting, different information don't make a report on who called your dance. If you don't have a report with different, interesting information, don't make one. In answer to why are we here and what are we doing? There isn't anything we do here that makes a difference to anyone anywhere. What makes a difference is what we do on the dance floor - helping people have a better time. If dancers aren't having a good time we've wasted our time.
Lee Ashwill - Who we are and what we do is proven by this body. The 54th NSDC lost their Decorators late in the game. Five councils stepped forward and decorated stages beautifully for the Convention. Thank You.
Sharon Greenman - Insurance question. In reading the treasurer report, since it was voted on not to put the $.50 per head in the Festival Insurance Fund, but into the General Fund, why is there still a Festival Insurance fund of $5,099.50. Please do something with this money, don't leave it in a fund that we aren't using.
Bill Rooper - Made a motion that the left over amount in the "Insurance Fund" be deleted and moved dto the General Fund. Kay Rogers seconded. Motion passed.
Marcia Snodgrass - Question about when the state meetings are sest up. Most of the meetings are on the w3rd weekend of the month. Can meetings be on a different weekend so that the same clubs are not always left out. In response, the meeting dates are scheduled by the hosting Councils and the President. It depends on what dates are available in the council.
Dennis Marsh - At break there was discussion about getting the Mid-Winter Festival books closed. This does not mean that the State and Area have not been paid. What is left is a very small amount of money that needs to be dispersed since the largest percentage of the money has already been dispersed.
Tim Roberts - Skip Napier and Glenna Getz are getting married. They've sold theiry house and bought a motor home. They are becoming full time RV'rs.
Annadale Rooper - At the Press breakfast the editors were given a gift of a book about Celilo Falls. The book has been autographed. The books retail for $19 each. They have some left over. If you would like to purchase a book, they are selling them for $10. Contact Bill & Annadale Rooper if you'd like to purchase one.
Marilyn Schmit - Following are the next scheduled State Meetings:
September 17-18, 2005 Sponsored by TVC, at the Kinton Grange.
November 19-20, 2005 Sponsored by Rogue Sis-Q at the Josephine County
January 29, 2006 During Mid-Winter Festival at the Linn County EXPO
May 6-7, 2006 Sponsored by South Coast Council, Port Orford
July 15-16, 2006 during Summer Festival in Seaside
September 23-24, 2006 Sponsored by Emerald Empire Area, Springfield
Dave Cooper - Please everyone needs to plan on attending the State Meeting in September.
Barbi Ashwill - Encouraged each of us to run for a State Office or accept an appointed office, but keep in mind your responsibility. That means coming to the meetings that are scheduled on both Saturday and Sunday. Also, plan on attending the Saturday evening dinner. The sponsoring Councils spend hours cooking and preparing. It is discouraging when only a handful of people show up and so much if left over.
Coleeta Quigley - When you are having your elections for your Area Council officers, consider talking to your councils about paying for the President to attend a state meeting. This may encourage the council presidents to come to the meetings and be energized about what is going on in the state.
Lee Ashwill - Mr. President, when considering Good Will Ambassador, think about who can attend meetings.
ADJOURN: Motion made by Al Wolf to adjourn at 11:58 a.m., Marilyn Schmit seconded.
Respectfully submitted
Kathy Roberts (Tim)
Marcia Snodgrass (Leonard)
Recording Secretary