MINUTES OF MEETING dated September 18, 2005
Hosted by Tualatin Valley Council
Kinton Grange, Beaverton, Oregon

Meeting brought to order by President Dave (Barbie) Cooper at 9:00 AM.

This meeting is being recorded.

ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Marcia (Leonard) Snodgrass.

Officers: All present.

Appointed Officers: All present, except: Jim & Avis Kinkaid, Peter & Beverly Hills-Wood,

Delegates: All present except: Lois Klinok/Sharon Greenman (Alternate Laura Cooley), Interstate Highlanders, Dar Sconce,

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All absent except: Ray & Zola Jones and Lee & Barbi Ashwill

INVOCATION: Carolyn Bosch

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Dennis Marsh.


MOTION by: Carolyn Bosch

I move to accept the minutes as published and the motion was seconded by Coleeta Quigley. Motion passed.


PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper (Barbie)

Thanks to the TVC for a great dinner and dance last night and for the opportunity to serve the Oregon Dancers as your President this past year

Just a couple of things to talk about today. First, I have chosen as my appointees as Goodwill Ambassadors a couple from the Central Oregon Area. This couple are the movers and shakers in our area, outgoing, dedicated, full of great ideas. They both have jobs that allow them to talk with people all over our state, and into California and Washington. They always promote our activity wherever their travels take them. Don and Lonna Bramhall will, I think, make excellent Ambassadors. They could not be here today because they had already committed themselves to helping at the Fort Rock Hoedown. They did send a short letter with me, which I would like to read at this time. (Please put the letter in the minutes)

Second, after our last meeting, during which I questioned who we are and what we are about as a governing body for the state of Oregon square and round dancers, I decided I should try to do something that would help promote our activity, which is what I suggested should be our number one priority. So, I contacted the Portland Trail Blazer organization and asked about us doing a demo at one of their upcoming games. To make a long story short, they were excited about the idea. So, we are set up to do a demo on Sunday, December 11th, at the Rose Garden. But wait, there's more! They are offering the public the chance to obtain tickets for the game at reduced prices if those interested want to come early in the day and learn to square dance. The time for the teach will be from 1:00 until 3:00 on that day. Then, we will come back at 5:30, and dance just before the game (pre game show) starts that evening. The Blazers are also offering reduced price tickets for those dancers who want to stay for the game. I believe this will be a great exposure for us. The Blazers are doing all the flyers, the radio spots, and all the advertising. In order to reserve that date, Barbie and I had to give them $200, which will be used for part of the advertising. As soon as we get the flyers, Barbie and I will be attending the MWA, TVC, and PAC meetings to get volunteers to sign up. We will be allowed to have six squares. We have to wear dancing shoes, or athletic shoes. Cowboy boots will not be allowed on the floor. . This should be a time where we showcase some of the best, most outgoing, and athletic dancers that are available!

To have your lesson information distributed at the game you need to have that information to Vivian Fairburn by November 5, 2005.

I would also appreciate a motion, which would allow Barbie and myself reimbursement for the $200.

MOTION: Carolyn Bosch moved to reimburse the Coopers $200 for reserving December 11, 2005. The motion was seconded by Coleeta Quigley. Motion passed.

1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)

I want to thank Dave for a great job this year. Basically I have been very busy with all the organization of the Mid Winter Festival and meetings have been taking a lot of time making sure that all is running smooth and we will be ready for January. The other thing is that I have distributed my proposed budget for the 2005-2006 year. I think the numbers speak for themselves and I am asking for your acceptance of the budget that is being submitted. I apologize that this wasn't given at the July meeting, but as I was looking at it, I had some questions and concerns about it, so I decided not to submit it at the last state meeting. I am looking forward to a great year of nurturing the seeds that have been planted by Dave's administration.

2005 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Peter Wood (Beverly Hills-Wood)

No Report. Books are closed.

2006 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)

The Mid Winter Festival for 2006 is progressing along into a small growing fervor. We have received several bids for the program book and will be contracting for it to be printed this next week. We are looking to take it to the printers just after October first so it will be ready to be handed out at the November State Meeting. We have signed contracts in-hand for both our featured caller and cuers. We finally got our clogging instructor in June. His name is Matt Sexton from Tennessee. We are awaiting his contract. We have decided not to use the Calapooia Arena and will be using the Cascade building instead and that is where the Fashion Show, Showcase of Rounds, and Grand March will occur in that building as well as dancing. We were able to negotiate with the fairgrounds and get the Cascade building at a better rate. Our figures for registrations are still ahead of last year's even with the 54th Nationals this summer. We are very excited about our team members and their enthusiasm of new ideas for this year as well as the next year to come. We have t-shirts for sale with us again if anyone is interested in getting one.

So please buy your ribbons and come koala-t dancin' down under!!

2006 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Co Chairman: Kay & Jim Rogers and Tim and Kathy Roberts

List of officers:

Registration: Tim & Kathy Roberts
Youth Activities: Amanda Roberts, Kathy Roberts
Treasurer: Lee & Barbi Ashwill
Publicity: Gary & Betty Willoughby
Vendors: Bob & Carolyn Bosch
Secretary: Pat Young
Featured Cuers/cuer coordinator: Dave & Barbie Cooper
Featured Callers/Coordinators: Darrell Kalmbach, Les Seeley, Scott Zinser
Sound: Scott Zinser
Caller Cuer Hospitality:
At Door Registration:

Convention Center Contract has been signed. Registration forms have been printed. Ribbons have been received. Badges will reflect the beach theme. Fabric and outfits have been designed. Tax ID number has been assigned. Pay Pal will be used for credit card processing. Web page is up and running. Trails' End Dance Thursday Night Callers: Darrell Newell Quartet; Cuer: Susan Healea. Featured Callers: Les Seeley, Darrell Kalmbach, and Scott Zinser. Rooms have been reserved for them at the Convention Center Inn. Featured Cuer: Dave & Barbi Cooper. Room has been reserved for them at the Convention Center Inn. Leis have been ordered for promotional purposes. Saturday, September 17, we will set up registration table, etc for state meeting. Callers and cuers will do a regular two-hour dance session in Square Dance Halls. Saturday afternoon will be two-hour mainstream dance called entirely by youth callers. Kathy is taking care of youth callers, t-shirts and badge design. Letter has been written to Seaside Chamber of Commerce regarding dancing outside. Letter has been written to Mike Crow, food contractor for the convention center. Schedule of visitations will be prepared. We have been offered the Seaside Convention Center annually on that weekend in July.

2007 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dan Allen (Ginger)

The Emerald Empire Area has approved the co-chairs: Leonard & Marcia Snodgrass. We have a signed contract with our feature cuers Al & Carol Lillefield. We have a rough draft for our registration flyers.


I am continuing our profitable performance. For January thru September, 2005 our profit is $4549.60

Because we produce this magazine at a profit, we have the flexibility to have special issues and promotions. Our August issue would normally be 24 pages. We printed a 40 page issue with 16 pages of color Convention photos. The revenue for August was -$15.10. Our print costs were approximately $500 more for the color pages and better paper.

The print costs for September were $595 higher due to the better photo page paper and 8 more pages. We added 5 pages of lessons schedule. The September revenue was $377.31

Our average ad revenue for the 9 month period is 31%. We are consistent in that ad revenue percentage.

Each month River Graphics and I determine the revenue of the issue and then determine the cost which determines the number of pages.

Currently I am creating approximately 27% of the average 30% ad inches. Several clubs produce their own ads and several are just updated monthly by River Graphics. Now that she is familiar with our activities, she will start creating more of the ads after the first of the year. Western Web was creating 95% of the ads monthly and I didn't start with them until we changed graphics designers. Now I will turn it back over to the designer again as she is now more knowledgeable. We will still be able to make a profit even with the slight increase in costs.

Subscription orders remain constant. Of our 90 clubs & councils, 32 Presidents do not subscribe (36%) and 18 Delegates do not subscribe (20%). I have left copies of the August issue for each of these Delegates and Presidents with their Council Delegate yesterday. I was going to mail them out but felt that sending them along to the Council would send a clearer message than just mailing them. I enclosed a small letter reaffirming Dennis Marsh's Communication theme.

Here is a breakdown of the number of clubs & councils and the percentage of Presidents and Council Delegates not subscribing:

Council# of # of Pres &# Non- %
Clubs & CouncilsDelegatesSubscribers
Rogue Sis-Q510550%
Blue Mountain612542%
Emerald Empire1122836%

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)

The State Federation directory is done and ready to be distributed to the delegates, officers and ambassadors. It is not to my complete satisfaction but had no choice in the matter. The cover was self-designed by me, shortly after I was installed as 2nd Vice President and I have been waiting for several months to see it in print. I had 850 printed and have about 750 sold and will only have about 100 to sell after the distribution. It is my hope that it will not be a money loser on my part. There are 204 left over from last year with no profit to be gained from them.

I tried to make sure each hall had a physical address as a result from my seed project and I think I accomplished that except for one hall in Ione.

I have turned over the last two years of information to Jim Rogers for his use in next year's directory and will assist in any way I can to help him do a great book also.

Hope to assist the membership chairman next spring in gathering the information needed so the information can get to Jim Rogers in a timely manner and save the phone calls, emails and other things that prevented the directory from getting printed a month ago instead of a week ago.

Congratulations to Mr. Cooper on a successful year. I know he had thoughts as to what kind of year he would have and he has come through very well. My best wishes to Dennis Marsh on his upcoming year. Him and Ilana will have a great time and someday I hope to follow them into the presidency so I can also experience the fears, fun, and responsibility of the office.

I now move to the offices of Publicity/State Reporter/Education. I have a theme already for the Education Seminar at Mid-Winter and will speak on that during the good of the order later.

Thanks for the good wishes during the year and I will still be around as part of the Federation for a long time.

RECORDING SECRETARY: Marcia Snodgrass (Leonard)

I'm sorry Leonard and I couldn't be here last night for the dinner and dance. Funtastic Squares started their 2nd dance year last night and we needed to be in attendance. I am filling in for Virginia today as she and Ed are getting married next Saturday and she is over whelmed with things to do. I will see that Virginia gets the support and mentoring that any new officer should receive. This has been a rewarding experience and I'm looking forward to contributing to the Oregon Federation in any way I can in the future.


I would like to add my thank- you to everyone in the Tualatin Valley Council for the excellent dinner and the great dance called by Darrell Kalmbach. We really enjoyed our self's here!

Get Well Cards:
Dennis Marsh, surgery
llana Widders, surgery

The only condolence card I had at this time was for Bill Helm's family. As I am sure we all know of the tragic loss that our square dance family and Bill's suffered on August 7, 2005 when he was taken from us. In my option and many other's, we feel God must be having a big Hoe Down in the sky and needed an outstanding caller. Bill will be missed by all of us but not forgotten. On behalf of the Oregon Federation with Bill and Annadale's help, we sent a lovely condolence card and $50.00 to help Tami with expenses.

Tammy sent a card - "Thank you so much for the kind gift you gave me for Bill. Square dancers are the best. Bill and I were always proud to be square and round dancers. I still am. Thanks again, Tammy."

TREASURER: Bill Rooper (Annadale)

Report is on file.

MOTION: Bill Rooper moved to approve the $50 donation to Tami Helms for expenses. Glory Guches seconded. Motion passed.

MEMBERSHIP: Judy Gelmstedt (Chuck Bos)

Sorry we missed the dinner and dance last evening. I am sure the food was wonderful and a good time was had by all.

No new applications for membership to the Federation this time.

Clubs that have not paid their corporation dues and are past due are below:

Due in September

The following clubs and councils are due now or during the next quarter.

Due in October

Due in November

Due in December

The following have not paid their State and When & Where fees.

Eastern Oregon Council
Ione Grand Squares
Interstate Highlands Council
Klamath County Squares
Tall Town Travelers
Lincoln Tillamook Council
Mid-Williamette Council
Portland Area Council
Oregon State Cloggers Assoc.
Sunset Empire Area Council
Umpqua Area Council

Would the following clubs please send me their current number of members? This information was not included in the directory information.

Red Rock Squares
Swinging Mountaineers
Ione Grand Squares
Cascade Callers & Cuers
Danebo Circle 8's
Misty Valley Cloggers
Whirl A Ways
Klamath Country Squares
Tall Town Travelers
Oregon State Cloggers Assoc.
Star Promenaders
R Square D

My records show the following clubs disbanded, or have been dissolved by the State. If any of these are errors please let me know.

Capital 8's dissolved by the State 9-9-05
Siskiyou Stompers Dissolution by State 6-10-05
Southern Oregon Singles dissolution by State 8-12-05

At the present we have 92 paid up clubs in the Oregon Federation.

INSURANCE: Jim Rogers (Kay)

I have been working day and night to train my replacement.

We bought a printer and two ink cartridges from the 54th NSDC for $50 for insurance. The old printer does not handle jobs bigger than one or two sheets well and does not make copies at all. The two ink cartridges that we used to copy the material we distributed yesterday would have cost $60, so we are ahead $10 and have a better printer.

We handed out insurance paperwork yesterday to those present and gave a small presentation on insurance.

Please be prepared to hand the insurance paperwork back to Kay at least by the November meeting. You can send them earlier if you have them. If you have any questions or problems, you may call or e-mail Kay.

Our new e-mail address is: kayjim@opusnet.com

Thank you to all of you who have made this an easier job for me this past year.

PAST PRESIDENT: Carolyn Bosch (Bob)

We would like to thank Kay Rogers and her committee from the TVC for putting on a wonderful dinner and dance last night. A job well done.

Bob and I have been members of the Oregon Federation since 1993 and have truly enjoyed our association with all of you around the state. We have made many friendships that might not have happened if we had not been traveling around the state. I sincerely hope that the new board enjoys their time as much as Bob and I have. I know that Dennis and Ilana will do a wonderful job promoting our wonderful activity.

As my last responsibility for the Federation, I will be distributing to the Delegates only the bio's, ballot and instructions for them for voting on the Randall Award. The list this year contains 13 names from all over the state. I commend you the delegates for a job well done. These ballots are to be returned to David Cooper before the November State Meeting in order for him to get all he needs to do done.

Again, thanks to the TVC.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts (Kathy)

Tim reported that he has distributed a short update of the Practices and Procedures in the packets for the new Officer and Delegates.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike Odell (Shirley)

Vivian's audit sheets are matching the black & white ads and color ads for Aug. and Sept. OFN issues. She is following up on slow payers, some from clubs that were dark during the summer, and will make them pay. So far everything seems to run smoothly with Vivian controlling the inflow & outflow of data.


Thanked the board for the long history they have had.. No report.


This will be my final report as Education Chairman for the Oregon Federation during 2004-2005. It has been a pleasure to work with all of you during the past 12 months. Being able to combine this assignment with my duties as Education Chairman for the 54th National Square Dance Convention® made it a special time for me. There are two points I want to cover before closing.

First, I want to salute those of you who will serve as the State Delegates for 2005-2006. When you are selected by your individual Area Council as a Delegate, or State Representative as the position is called in the Federation Constitution, you take on both an opportunity and a responsibility. You become a channel for carrying news from your area Council and the member clubs of that Council to the Executive Board of the Federation, plus taking back and distributing news from the State Meeting. In short, you become part of the glue that holds the Federation of Square and Round Clubs together.

This means promotion of dancing and dancing events, but also attention to those matters that are important to the growth and well-being of square and round dance clubs. When you take a seat at this meeting, representing your Council, you become a member of the State Executive Board. Whereas you first thought about your home club and later all the clubs included in your Area Council, you now have a broader consideration. Your vote at this level can have a bearing on approximately 90 clubs, who have 3,255 dancers connected with the Oregon Federation. Working in tune with leadership from the State Officers, you share responsibility for the full Oregon program. Best wishes as you make every one of your Executive Board actions count!

My last and final point is a big thank you for the work of OFN Editor Vivian Fairburn! She has month by month made improvements in our outstanding state publication and been a big help to the Education Program. Thank you, Vivian!

HISTORIAN: Patty Reese

No Report.

Carolyn Bosch: Because of a disaster at Patty's house when we lost the federation's history, she stated that they have a 1999 summer festival book and asked if others had items or books that could be donated. Dave Cooper asked if anyone had items to donate to bring it to the next meeting in November.


BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert (Linda)

Everything is current with both organizations.


At this time, I do not have a firm date for our next state youth dance. I am looking for a council that has some youth and would like to have a state youth dance in their area. Please contact me at kathy@4roberts.us if your council is interested.

I am also working on some of the ideas I picked up from the California Youth State Advisor. One of the items that interested me was perhaps trying to create a Youth College Scholarship for an Oregon youth square dancer. This would be funded by annual fund raiser dance. Details will be developed and submitted later in the year for consideration.

Remember, if your clubs have a youth that finds financially he/she is unable to attend a festival to contact me --- Last year, we helped 4 youths attend Mid-Winter and the National Convention. All requests will be considered by our Youth Committee.

STATE TRAILERS: Jim Kinkaid (Avis)

No Report.

ORDTA: Dennis Smith (Elaine)

No Report. Our next meeting is October 1 at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield at 10:00AM.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)

I would like to say thank you the federation and all the individuals that sent me sympathy cards in the lost of my sister and my brother in-law. All the cards were appreciated. Thank you.

Oregon Round of the Month

September 2005

"What A Wonderful World" written by: Tim Pilachowski
Record label: Star 119
Phase II
Rhythm: Two Step

October 2005
"Reet Petite" written by: Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
Record label: Star 117
Phase II + 1 (fishtail)
Rhythm: Two Step

November 2005
"A Naughty Lady" written by: Karen & Ed Gloodt
Record label: Coll 4545
Phase II + 1 (fishtail) + 1 (optional leg crawl)
Rhythm: Two Step

December 2005
"No Place Under The Sun Like Oregon"
written by: Neva & Bill Reid
CD Only
Phase II + 1 (hover)
Rhythm: Waltz

Email Notification has been sent out to the OFN, Promenade Shop, Cue Sheet Magazine and all cuers on my email list. A copy of my report has been turned in.

CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)

Leonard stated he and Vivian have had a number of conversations about submitting articles in the Oregon Federation. Attempts are being made to improve the article and say what needs to be said. It is hoped this change can create some feedback through bringing up topics that will get some action in order to improve situations. If people agree or disagree with the article, he is wanting feedback.


Lee and Barbie stated they appreciate that the Federation Board had a very successful year.

They also mentioned that the 54th Convention is finished. They donated a 4' x 8' banner holder to the Federation, indicated that they still have Ways and Means items available for sale, and that there are many extra badges which were offered to the clubs to be used for new dancers.

They reported that the distribution of funds will be available at the November meeting. President Dave Cooper asked for a round of applause for the accomplishments of our Chairpersons. Lee commented that they had the best people in the world working on this convention.

SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)

I have received an envelope of pictures from the convention Publicity chairman to be used on the display for San Antonio in 2006. I plan on getting another copy of the August issue of the OFN so I can put those pictures in the display also.

If any of you have pictures from the convention, the cruise, or perhaps Roundalab, I would be pleased to use them also. Send them to Ron and me at 376 SE Needham Street, Dallas, OR 97338 and we will show off our success to the world and the fun we had in hosting all 8006 participants.


Kay Rogers stated she really enjoyed organizing the Federation Board Meeting and was overwhelmed with the cooperation and help received from the Tualatin Valley Council members. Gifts of preserves from the Tualatin Valley were handed out to all Officers and Delegates. There were 12 different kinds of jams and jellies in hand painted jars, completed by Kathy Roberts. An applause and thanks was given to Kathy to show our great appreciation.

In the meeting with both Delegates and Officers, we discussed the two motions that were on the floor. 1st Motion - $25,000 fund for future national square dance convention. Decision was to rewrite the motion before presentation. 2nd Motion - Holding the Summer Festival each year on the 3rd weekend in July at the Seaside Convention Center. There was much discussion of pros and cons as to whether the 2007 Summer Festival should be held in Seaside. Feedback is needed from the square dancers, as a decision will need to be made in the next couple of months to hold the facility. There was also discussion regarding the demo at the Blazers game.


A. Ralph Lambert - Sound Equipment update.

Report: Sound Equipment Donated by Clyde Charters Disposition

Clyde Charters passed away in 2004. He had been a square dance caller and owned Commercial Design Sound, which provided sound to many Oregon Federation Mid-Winter and Summer Square Dance Festivals. After his death, various speakers, amplifiers, cords, etc. were donated to the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. One of the amplifiers, two speakers, and two speaker stands are now in the custody of the 2nd Vice-President for use to sound the State Federation business meetings.

At the July 17, 2005 State Federation Meeting, a motion was passed appointing a committee to prepare a proposal for the disposal of this equipment not being used by the Federation. The committee consists of Ralph Lambert, Chair; Marilyn Schmidt, Barbie Cooper, Leonard Snodgrass, Kay Rogers, and Sharon Greeman. The proposal was to be brought back to the September 2005 State Federation meeting.

Since the meeting, the committee has communicated mostly by e-mail. Several people have requested various pieces of equipment. They are listed on the attached table. The recommendations are as follows:

1. Give the equipment to the parties who have submitted requests.

2. Place an advertisement in the Oregon Federation News regarding the availability of the remaining items, and to contact Ralph Lambert for additional information. Suggest ¼ page = $35.00. Federation to pay for ad.

Bill Rooper moved that the Board accept the committee's recommendations for disposal of the sound equipment, and Coleeta Quigley seconded. Motion passed.

B. Goodwill Ambassador

Dave Cooper stated that his last official action as President of the Oregon Federation was to appoint a Goodwill Ambassador. Because his choice was unable to attend the State Meeting this weekend, he elected to give the award at the Central Oregon Roundup to Don & Lonna Bramhall.

Open Letter to Officers, Delegates, Goodwill Ambassadors and guests of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Clubs:

Lonna and I were both surprised and very honored when President David Cooper appointed us as Oregon Federation Goodwill Ambassadors at our Central Oregon Round-Up in Sisters on August 27th. This is an unexpected honor and we are challenged to follow in the footsteps of the currently active Goodwill Ambassadors and those who have retired, such as Jack and Rosemary Williams, who have always been active supporters of our efforts to promote dancing in Central Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Our most important task now will be to represent the Oregon Federation and all Oregon dancers in the most positive and respectful manner possible, wherever we go - on or off the dance floor.

We understand that this presentation has broken with Federation tradition as the appointment was made at a local festival rather than at a Federation meeting. Please understand that Dave Cooper went to great lengths to have us attend the September meeting, working with both family and friends in his attempts. However, we were already committed to support a local dance festival at Fort Rock this weekend, so that is where we need to be.

We would like you to know that receiving this appointment at our dance in Sisters where we were dancing with our friends, fellow festival committee members and our guests, made the presentation even more special for us. We look forward to continuing our active support of square and round dancing in the future, and are very appreciative of the honor that we have received with our appointment as Goodwill Ambassadors for the Oregon Federation. We will make every effort to attend the next Federation meeting on November 20th in Grants Pass and, of course, we'll be at Mid-Winter in January. We look forward to seeing you in our square.


Don & Lonna Bramhall

15 Minute Break



Thank you TVC council for the fabulous setting of our installation to the Presidency. Your warm friendship we hope will grow to a strong working relationship between you and this office. We are here this year to work on communication between members-clubs-councils and state. We all sit here with a common goal. We represent clubs and councils. We all need (past and present) to focus on why we are here and what made us to step up to work for this common goal. Today we have an opportunity to bridge the gap. Our actions are always on display. We are watched to see how we lead by example. I feel our efforts are at 65% to 75%, but I am going to challenge you this next year to push this percentage. Our area and clubs are having dances every week. We need to show our members that we care what they are doing. (And to do this we need to work with our clubs on promoting.)

Your challenge is this: go back to your areas and start promoting yourselves! If your club has a dance and the list of visitors include an "area representative" or any officer from the state or other clubs they need to be recognized as such. It will show your members that you have the respect to acknowledge officers and state representatives that we have empowered to work at the state level.

Mr. President introduced the New Officers:

PARLIMEMTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts



HISTORIAN: Patty Reese

BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert



STATE TRAILERS: Jim (Avis) Kinkaid

ORDTA: Dennis Smith


CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard (Marcia) Snodgrass


A. MOTION (Dave Cooper): Mr. President, I move that the Federation hold $25,000 in a reserve fund, to be used in the event that the Federation bids in the next 12 years to host another National Square Dance Convention. If no bid committee is formed by July 1, 2017, the status of the funds shall be reviewed at that time. Seconded by Barbie Cooper.

Discussion: We did exactly this in the fall of 1994 after the 43rd NSDC, and that money allowed us to fund a bid committee by focusing on the package without resorting to extensive begging and fund raising. It seems only prudent that we make the same kind of contingency this time. I believe the 54th NSC has repaid that $25,000, so we can funnel that same money without using up additional dollars.

Motion passed.

B. MOTION (Jim Rogers): Mr. President, I move that the Oregon Federation hold the annual summer festival at the Seaside Convention Center on the third weekend in July each year. Seconded by Dave Cooper.

Discussion: The Convention Center has offered us the facility for that weekend every year. It is getting harder all the time to get councils to step up and offer to do a festival. Seaside Convention Center is reasonably priced and they do most of the jobs ordinarily done by services and/or facilities committees. We could make exceptions for the years other councils want to put on a festival with a couple of years notice.

LaVonne Bussey comment from Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Would like to go on record that we would agree to this motion for the Summer Festival, but only with them taking into consideration having RV sites large enough to accommodate the RV'ers that would like to attend, with shuttle service or as an alternative to absolutely provide a shuttle service to and from the Convention Center from designated RV parks that are located within the Seaside area.

MOTION: Barbara Tipton

To table the motion so we can take this issue to our areas and bring back to the November meeting. Dave Cooper seconded.

Motion passed to table.

Proposed 2005/2006 Budget:

MOTION: Bill Rooper

I move that we operate using the 2004 Summer Festival profits until the next State Meeting per previous P&P's. Seconded by Mike Odell. Motion passed.



Several Clubs have started classes.

4n8ers have started their new season out as a plus club. They dance on the 2nd and 4th Friday at the Odd Fellows Hall in Hillsboro. Ed Craig and Carolyn Stitt are their caller & cuer.

The Toe Draggers are looking for a new caller, since Darrell and Juanita Newell are the new owners of Mondiki.

Everyone had a great time at the annual Hahn Barn Dance on July 30th; 104 dancers attended.

The TVC will be hosting their Fifth Saturday dance with a Halloween theme on October 29th at the Aloha Grange. Ed Craig will be the MC Caller for this dance and Yvonne Clendenin will be cueing.

The TVC is also hosting a New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance at the Odd Fellows Hall in Hillsboro. Norm Yoder will be the caller and Ruth Canby will be cueing.


July and August were fairly quiet, but clubs have been gearing up this month. An Open House was held on Sunday, September 11, 2005 at the Buckeroo Barn. Dale Roberson, Ray Graves, Callers and Pat Hintz and Claude Butler, Cuers graciously donated their time to call squares and cue rounds for the crowd to view and also, they were given the opportunity to participate in these events. Line dance instructor, Patricia Wilson and a performance group danced several dances. She also taught a couple of line dances with audience participation. Area clubs showcased their club activities and club information. Information was distributed regarding the upcoming square dance, round dance, and line dance classes. Lessons started this week for the Buckeroos with a very good turnout of new dancers, approximately 24. More classes will follow next week.

BLUE MOUNTAIN COUNCIL: David Stutzman (Sharon)

The Council does not have a means to generate revenue to meet its expenses which are about $300 per year. The Council's cash flow is expected to exceed its liquid assets prior to other assets being available. The current feeling is that 5th Saturday Dances could not compete for attendance with club dances on preceding and following weekends. At our meeting last week the Council agreed to try split-the-pot at its next meeting which will be held at a regular club dance.

The Council has been discussing the hosting of the State Festival. Potential sites to hold the Festival have been proposed. Facility rental costs have been prohibitive so far. It is felt that 2007 would not provide sufficient time to organize. The clubs in the area are much smaller now days and there is concern that there would not be sufficient number of volunteers to organize a Festival. The Council agreed to take the idea of hosting the 2008 Festival back to the clubs.

The La Grande club is exited about the group of teen dancers who have been taking lessons this year with their parents. They have been helping out with our demo dances this summer.

Two clubs are looking for callers. Baker City's caller has gone into semi-retirement wishing to spend more time traveling and visiting family. Milton-Freewater's caller has sold his house and is moving to western Washington. It sounds like both callers will be back occasionally to call dances. The clubs are looking to find someone to call their dances on a regular basis and to teach lessons.


This is kind of a sad day for LaDauna and I as this is our last meeting as Delegate for the state from Central Oregon Council. It is time to move over and let others take our place. It has been a wonderful experience holding this position. We have had such a great time with this body of officers and fellow delegates. Thank you so much for a great bunch of people who wish to See Square and Round dancing continue to advance and be recognized.

The dancers of Central Oregon would like to thank Doug and LaDauna Hartzell for serving as our State Delegate for the last several years.

As summer came to an end several of our own Oregon callers and cuers forged the trail to Sisters Oregon to make the Central Oregon Roundup a big success. It started with a Trails End Dance under the big tent at Bronco Billy's on Thursday night. It continued with a mainstream dance on Friday night at the Sisters High School. Many of the more adventurous found their way to the top of the McKenzie Pass on Saturday morning for a dance at the Rock House followed by a Plus Dance Saturday afternoon. The finale on Saturday night was a mainstream dance, silent auction, and raffle. There were about 130 dancers with 15 squares on the floor.

Round Dance lessons will begin the first Sunday in October with Dave and Barbie Cooper cuing. It's Two-Step for the beginners and Slow Two-Step for the intermediate dancers. Mainstream and Plus lessons will begin in January hosted by several Central Oregon clubs.

The Red Rock Squares have a new addition to their Friday night dance hall. Sheriff Linda Galloway has had a new jail constructed in the hall to house local offenders of many infractions from "petty coat peaking" to coming to a dance without a badge. 50 cent bail cards are available at the door, but if you land in jail without one you'd better hope a friend will bail you out. Several were arrested the first night including the sheriff. On what infraction you ask? She constructed the jail without obtaining the proper permits.

The Bachelor Beauts started their fall program with their famous Spaghetti feed and "Back to Dancing" dance last night.

Many of our Central Oregon dancers are in Fort Rock this weekend for the Fort Rock Hoedown that includes a Friday and Saturday night dance, daytime workshops and a dance at the "Rock". Jim Steele was the Caller and Joyce Brown the cuer. As we meet this morning that festival is winding down with chef Jim making pan cakes for all those brave dancers that stayed till the end.

Finally, we are extremely honored to have one of our own couples named as this years "Good Will Ambassadors." Don and Lonna Bramhall logged over 2000 miles one year promoting the Summer Festival held in Central Oregon. They continue to be the Wagon Masters that organize most of Central Oregon's Square Dance visitations around Oregon and Washington. They truly are devoted to promoting "Square and Round Dancing"

EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL Lorene Griffith (George)

Ione Grand Squares of the Eastern Area Council have been dark since May. They expect to start dancing in October. By next State Meeting we will have something going, like lessons and such.

EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL Lois Klinok (absent - read by Marcia Snodgrass)

I'm sorry; I was unable to attend last night's dance because of a prior commitment.

All the clubs in the Emerald Empire area have returned from their summer hiatus and have resumed their regular dance schedule.

Along with friends, I spent a weekend in Sisters, Oregon attending the "Central Oregon Round-up" and had a really fun time.

Danebo Circle 8 sponsored a booth at the Springfield Filbert Festival and danced there two days. This was done to recruit new dancers.

Single Trees enjoyed the return of there their former caller, Dale Roberson, when he called a dance for them on September 9.

Whirl-a-Ways spent the summer picnicking, camping and taking their annual trip to McCloud, California. They also hosted an "open house" at the Emerald Empire dance center on September 10 to recruit new dancers.

Wolf Pack held a "red white and blue" dance on September 16th to commemorate "9-11".

Square dance lessons are beginning at all the area clubs. The starting dates:

Wolf Pack: September 10 -----10:00 a.m.

Danebo circle 8 September 13 -------7:30 p.m.

Whirl-A-Ways September 15 -------7:30 p.m.

Single Trees September 21 -------7:30 p.m.



Toledo 49'ers Square Dance Club

Activity Report

During the summertime we presented a demonstration dance at the Whaler RV Park, south of Newport. We had participation from the audience watching and proceeded to teach them some calls and had them dancing. They were enthused about the dance and everyone had fun together.

Our lessons will begin on October 6th at Newport, Oregon, Senior Activity Center. We have bought ads that will be placed for three weeks running two times a week in the local Newspaper. We are basing our sessions on a dance theme to learn and dance at each session, with no set amount of lessons. We will stop earlier if everyone is progressing well or keep on going until they can attend our dances and feel comfortable. We just want them to enjoy. Of course this hinges on if we can obtain enough people to have the classes.

Our regular dances on the First and Third Saturdays starting the First Saturday of October will begin at 7:00 pm and end at 10:00 pm. This will help visitors to our club be able to return to their homes earlier.

One of our members found a scrap book relating to the Tillamook Summer Festival and will donate this to the historian for the state.

Toledo 49'ers wish to thank the Federation for changing the date of the May meeting in 2006, from the first weekend in May to the second weekend in May. We do appreciate this very much as we try to get dancers from the valley to attend our Loyalty Days Festival held in Newport Oregon. This year will be our 7th year and it is our main means of income to enable us to contribute to the various charities.

We have participated at the Sisters Roundup, Diamond Lake Dance, Mt. Hood Labor Day Festival, Port Orford Labor Day Festival, Round R Us Sizzling Saturday, Goldie Restorff's 50th anniversary dance, Sea Twirlers 9th Birthday Dance.

Sea Twirlers Activity report

Fall 2005

The Sea Twirlers 9th Birthday Dance was held on Sunday afternoon, September 11, 2005, at 2:00 PM at the Gleneden Beach Community Center. George and Patty Hermann called and cued. We had a terrific time with 5 squares of dancers attending from 12 square dance clubs. The Mid-Winter "Banner Bandits" attended our dance and captured our banner-we did not have a banner at hand so we agreed to mail a banner to them.

Sea Twirler dancers attended the Diamond Lake Festival, Toledo 49ers, Earl and Goldie Restorff's 50th anniversary party, Valley River Dancers, and the Braids and Braves Barn Dance.


Area demo's at Antique Power Land's Annual Steam Up in Brooks, Oregon generated much interest in Square Dancing. We had a good participation from Clubs throughout the Valley. Our area callers donated there time and enthusiasm. Thanks to all who participated and we look forward to a lot of new dancers in the fall lessons starting this month. The area clubs starting beginner mainstream lesson this month are as follows: Braids and Braves, Corvallis Squares, Funtastic Squares, Independence Wagon Wheelers, Lebanon Square Circlers, Salem Swinging Stars, Timber Twirlers and Willamette Squares.

Independence Wagon Wheelers have invited the youth from the area Home Schools to participate in beginning Square Dance Lessons. They will receive a PE Credit for participating in lessons. The response has been great.

Braids and Braves annual Barn Dance (a real barn) and Barbeque was a huge success, Even though the rain fell it didn't dampen the spirits of the dancers. Callers Georgia Bailey, Leonard Snodgrass, Charlotte Jesky, and cuers Jay and Bonnie Stimler did a great job.

Independence Wagon Wheelers annual Tailgate Party Dance was a huge success with Darrell Newell calling and Ralph Lambert cueing. Food was served on the tailgate of pickups. Again the rain didn't dampen the spirit of the dancers. The dancers wore their favorite team colors like Orange and Black. There was a straggling of Green and Yellow also.

Valley River Dancers first - second Friday dance was very successful with guest caller Daryl Clendenin calling and surprisingly our own Randy and Sharon who had a previous commitment surprised us and we enjoyed the duo calling. Richard Ball is our new second Friday Cuer. Thanks Richard for the great job.


The square dance world was saddened by the sudden loss of one of the great callers of all times; Bill Helms. He was the caller for the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes and Tumbleweeds. The Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes and the River City Dancers have had memorial dances for Bill. The public memorial for Bill was August 22 at the Clark County Square Dance Center with almost 700 people in attendance. He will be missed but not forgotten.

Most clubs have started new dancer lessons but a few will start in January. No report as to numbers as our net PAC meeting is tomorrow evening.

Clubs that went dark for the Summer months are now back to dancing.

The Country Capers are still auditioning for a club cuer and will make a decision after January 1.

The Country Cut-Ups will celebrate their 45th anniversary on October 1.

The Recycles had their 10th anniversary dance on September 9. This may be their last one as they are pondering the continuation of their club. Dick Click has resigned as their caller. Darrell Kalmbach has agreed to be their caller. Hopefully, they will continue as a federated club.

Evergreen Council will sponsor the Washington State Summer Festival in June 2008. This will be in the Vancouver area and the Buzzin' Bees, Happy Hoppers and Silver Stars will be active clubs for this festival. (All PAC clubs)

Suzanne Drake of the Country Cut-Ups is the new PAC area editor for the OFN.

The next PAC dance will be Friday, September 30 at the Oak Grove Community Center. See page 31 of the September OFN for further details. Ed Craig and Tami Helms will call and cue.

ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John (Glory) Guches

Council Activities

July 30th Council dance was well attended

The next Council Dance will be the 29th of October

Plans are well under way for "Hosting & Toasting" The Oregon Federation Meeting on November 19 & 20th, 2005. There is a dance flier with a map of Grants Pass on the back of it; please copy and distribute it to all the clubs in your area. The Redwood Inn and the Super 8 have been recommended as the best priced in Grants Pass, and there is limited full service RV spots at the Fairgrounds for $15.00 per night.

Charlie Brown Squares

The Charlie Browns were Dark for the month of August for the Josephine County Fair but they did not stop dancing, there were several visitations, and a Square of Dancers went to South Carolina for a week of DBD with Tony Oxidine and Jerry Storie.

Some of the Charlie's did a visitation to the Beachcombers in Port Orford for their Battle Rock Dance.

They also danced in the MDA Telethon Dance on September 3rd.

A large number of club members went on a dance cruise to Alaska in September.

Circle 'N' Squares

The annual Club Fund raiser at the Siskiyou County Fair, August 10-14, with a Dance on the13th.

September 12 was their first day of classes.

September 17th, is the Clubs 51st Birthday Dance. Scott Zinzer is calling and the Farleys will cue.

Lantz's Dantzers

Attended the Star Promenaders Teddy Bear Dance in July and donated a truck load of stuffed animals, well over a 1000.

Classes start on the 21st of Sept.

Star Promenaders

Would like to thank all the dancers from throughout the state and nation that attended the 32nd Diamond Lake Festival; Friday night there were over 50 squares and Saturday over 60 squares.

Teddy Bear Dance, netted over 3800 stuffed animals for the Jackson County Sheriffs Department so that they can give them to traumatized children, with so many stuffed animals the Department now shares with all the Emergency services throughout the county.

SOUTH COAST COUNCIL: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley


Labor Day Week-End was fabulous. Our callers were Denny Lentz and Don Marshall. The cuer was Dave Cooper. Other callers present were Darrel Newell, Leonard Snodgrass, and Coleeta Quigley. The four callers ended Saturday night with a quartet call. Wow was it neat! Dave Cooper taught beginner Cha and now many southcoast dancers can Cha. Lessons begin September 29th and we hope to have a great beginning class.

Jefferson State Squares:

Your South Coast delegate blew it and didn't get a report from Jefferson State Squares. Some of them did attend the Beachcombers Labor Day fun. They're caller, Dee , attended and I enjoyed meeting her.

Saints N' Ain'ts:

Saint's and Ain'ts are back with their regular caller, Sherm Welch, dancing and gearing up for lessons. Their lessons begin Sunday October 2nd at 4:00 p.m. Donna Hiserote, their cuer, has a cast on her foot so beginning rounds may be postponed for a bit. Coming back from Sisters Central Oregon Round Up, she "slid" out of their truck (one of those "tall" ones) and sprained her ankle.


Lessons have begun at the Sets-in-Order club. It is starting small...only 2 new dancers, but we have high hope of more in the next 2 weeks. Round lessons also started and as per usual, cuer Denise Harris is doing a great job. Now the BIG THING. Coquille Sets-in-Order's BIRTHDAY DANCE is just four weeks away...October 8th. With Dale Roberson, calling and Denise Harris, cueing it is bound to be a great dance. Hope a lot of you travel down our way to join us.

A personal note from me... The Central Oregon Round-Up at Sisters was absolutely wonderful. It was my first visit and I certainly plan to attend ever year from now on. They are truly a warm, fun loving, gracious group of dancers. Thank you.

SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL: Dale (Kathy) Worthington report read by Delmer (Bonnie) Niemi

The Sunset Council's August meeting was held at the home of Eva Moore in Astoria. Officers for the coming year were installed by President Russ Bean. The only new officers are Craig Holt who replaces Eva Moore as secretary and Dale and Kathy Worthington who replaces Del and Bonnie Niemi as state delegate. Certificates in appreciation of their many years of service to the Council were presented to the "retirees".

Possible Randall Award recipients were mentioned and discussed. It was agreed to not submit a candidate this year as we started to work on it too late to make the deadline, but to make certain that we get an earlier start for next year.

Hayshakers are starting lessons today and hope to have a good turnout. A demo dance was held for residents at Neawanna-By-The-Sea. Many of them and their friends took part in a few simple square dance calls. A good time was had by all. Dine-outs continue to be well attended.

Harvey Hunsucker will begin Plus dances again at Wickiup Grange at Svensen on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. The first one will be October 7th.

The Seaside Sashay is coming up fast - October 28 and 29. Hope you all are planning to be there!


Ray & Zola Jones

In July we attended the Diamond Lake Festival. Spent a great week at that beautiful location in our motor home. The week of the festival is so popular, that we make our reservations 7 or 8 months in advance for specific spots that we like in the Forest Service campground on the lake! Such a fun time of dancing as the Festival always is; put on and organized very well every year by the Star Promenaders club of Medford. We also enjoy visiting with square dance friends from Southern Oregon and Northern California who come every year. It is one of the most popular festivals in Oregon, and dancers attend from all over our state. And-we were also there to help promote 2006 Mid-Winter Festival. While there, a group of us hiked from the rim of Crater Lake on the trail down to its lake shore; there's always so many outdoor things to see and do in the Diamond Lake area.

In August, we attended a special dance weekend with National caller, Mike Sikorsky at the Square Dance Center in Springfield-great dancing! Then later in August we went to the Central Oregon Roundup in Sisters. What a fun 3 days; dancing the first evening outside, beside the old Hotel in down-town, and Friday and Saturday dancing was at the beautiful, new Sisters High School-a very good facility for a big square and round dance, with plenty of room for RV parking in the lot right in front of the building! A lot of Oregon callers and cuers came and provided great dancing, and the town of Sisters has good shopping and eating too. Central Oregon always puts on such a good Festival.

Our own club, the Whirl-A-Ways, go 'dark' in July and August, so the rest of our Summer in those two months-we spent weekends on family outings and events. Now our club is back in "full-swing" going on another great year; lessons have started and we will be 'angeling' at them. We continue to serve on the Mid-Winter Festival Committee; again doing the Program Books-which we plan to have for all of you at the next meeting in November.

This brings us up-to-date. Our 'hearty' Congratulations to Dennis, from our own Emerald Empire Area, as the new State Federation President, and to all of his 'board' as well. We also want to extend our warm congratulations to Don and Lonna Bramhall as our newest Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors. We welcome them in sharing this position with the rest of us ambassadors, and know they will do very well.

We thank the Tualatin Valley Council for hosting all of us this weekend; the dinner, the dance, and setting up this meeting-including very importantly the donuts and coffee!

So-until we see all of you again at our next get-to-gether in November;

Safe Travels and 'Happy Highways'

Al & Fran Westphal - absent

Greeting to all. We hope to have been a part of this weekend. If not, we have been thinking of you and are with you in spirit.

We were able to attend the wonderful memorial service for Bill Helms, where we saw many Oregon and Washington dancers, callers and cuers. It was such a special time and so fitting for the man who had such a big impact on so many of us personally and as a caller.

Last Sunday we were able to spend a few minutes at the Sea Twirlers' birthday dance at Gleneden Beach. It was nice to see so many dancers from throughout the region.

Fran's work schedule and Al's continuing stroke rehab are keeping us hopping. We are planning to continue our usual fall and winter schedule. We will visit family in Colorado towards the end of October and leave sometime in November for winter in Yuma, Arizona.

A past president of the Federation, George Winterfeld, passed away recently. He and Barbara had retired in the Bend area. George was retired from the state police and they danced in various places where he was stationed, including Medford, Roseburg and Portland. They were one of the couples who founded the Diamond Lake Festival.

Ilene Brinson of Bend has been hospitalized several times recently. She is now at home, but her health is very poor. Ilene and Jack were delegate from Central Oregon and were twice chairmen of summer festivals in Bend.

Congratulations to each of the new officers and delegates. Have fun and try to keep always in mind what is best for our favorite activity.

Keep on dancing and keep on hugging.

Harold & Barbara Kleve - absent

Diamond Lake and Central Oregon Roundup are pleasant memories. Met lots of new friends, played games, and had a great time. New classes are started. Attendance is encouraging but not great. We are hoping for a few more.

Thanks go to Barbi Ashwill for arranging a demo dance at the Hillsboro Tuesday Market. It was held Aug 30th at the new Hillsboro Civic Center Plaza. What a lovely place to hold a dance with water shooting fountains and lots of seating for spectators. We had about 8 squares of dancers and got some of our viewers into a tip. Thanks again Lee & Barbi.

Lee & Barbi Ashwill

A lot of what we have been doing during the past 8 weeks has been square dance demos: Salem Hospital, Brooks Powerland, RAH House, and the Hillsboro demo with Harold and Barbara Kleve. It is a neat experience when you are out and try to get some people from the audience to dance with you.

We danced at the Central Oregon Round-Up. As much as we enjoyed working on the 54th National, the one thing we missed was having the time to do the things that we get to do with our Federation. We're glad to be back.

We would especially like to welcome Don Lonna Bramhall to the ranks of the Goodwill Ambassadors. We know they will do a fantastic job in helping to spread the word. We thank Dave Cooper; he made a marvelous choice with that couple.

Lee reported that Benjamin Brown had a heart attack. He spent 3 days in extensive care while he was visiting his folks in Washington. He returned to Portland and they did surgery and put in 2 stents. Talked to him yesterday and he is home. He had hoped to come last night but obviously didn't make it. So if you could send a card to him, he would appreciate it. He and Loretta are going to venture down to Reno, Nevada in two weeks and tie the knot. We're really happy for them. He will be back to round dancing. He said the doctor said he could do that in one week and will be back to square dancing in two weeks. So he's coming along fine.


Dave Cooper

Dave promoted the Central Oregon Horse Benefit Dance at Pine Forest Grange in Bend on April 2, 2006, from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. It will be a Western Theme with Wild Bill and Calamity Neva (Reid) calling and cueing. He suggested that everyone come on Saturday, April 1 and attend the Bachelor Beauts Hawaiian Luau Dance at Pine Forest Grange. Dave said he expects everyone on the Board to attend and to support the Oregon Federation 2006 Benefit Dance and asked for a good attendance from all over Oregon.

Zola Jones

Zola presented a question from the Goodwill Ambassadors: They have not received anything in the mail regarding location and the date of the next State Meeting. Has it been overlooked? They would like to know if RV parking is available as reservations need to be made in advance. They would like this notice to be made in the OFN with required information, including motels available and what type of RV parking is available.

Barbi Ashwill

Barbie gave a special thank you to the Tulalatin Valley Council for a wonderful weekend and gave congratulations to all the new officers and delegates. She also indicated that it is the officer's and delegate's responsibility to attend the potluck dinners and dances. A great deal of effort is made by the hosting club.

Barbie stated that many square dancers are supporting the website designed by Tony Oxindine to give contributions for the Katrina victims. She stated that Lee had sent a letter to the Statesman Journal and encouraged them to support this effort. They did not publish the letter but they did publish the website because two letters stood out, one of which was the Square Dancers support.

Also, Barbie indicated that the National Executive Committee booklets are available, which gives information as to what is involved in organizing a National Square Dance.

Carolyn Bosch

Carolyn reported that they are now members of the Silver Stars, Vancouver, and as of a week ago, they are now President of the Silver Stars. She officially invited everyone to the Stars & Stripes Memorial Weekend May 27, 28, 29, 2006. Plenty of RV parking.

Kathy Roberts

Kathy stated she is placing another order for 2006 Summer Festival fabric. If you definitely want enough fabric to make an outfit, see her for the cost and amount you need.

Buzz Buczkowski

Buzz stated he and Kathy were the Lincoln-Tillamook Delegate for seven years and Education Chairman for one year. He indicated that they enjoyed all the dances around the state and will miss some of the travel. He hopes to see everyone at the various dances.

Kay Rogers

Kay stated as the sponsoring organization for the 2006 Summer Festival, that all of the Officers and Delegates are a member of the Committee and asked everyone to promote and sell ribbons for this dance.

Marilyn Schmit

Marilyn stated that it is her responsibility in the Education Seminar at Mid-Winter to deal with charities, to know how they are working. If you have a club or district charity, I would like letters from those charities by the next meeting in November, telling you how they spent your donations.

I also plan to invite a representative from the Oregon Attorney General's office to give us information on how to choose a charity and things to look out for when looking at donation possibilities. I will proceed with your blessings. If not, I will work on a different topic to put in the Mid-Winter book in November.

Lavonne Bussey

Lavonne promoted the Loyalty Days Festival and Square Dances at the Middle School in Newport, Oregon on May 5 and 6, 2006. Free RV parking is available. Multiple callers and cuers will be there. There will be dancing at the bay front and broadwalk, a potluck and a great silent auction.

Lavonne wanted to meet with Kathy Roberts and Dave & Barbie Cooper regarding a 4H youth group which meets at the Oregon State University in June 2006. They have 300 students that attend this conference, and they would like to have classes for square and round dances. This appears to be a wonderful opportunity to have contact with our young youth of Oregon.

Zola Jones

Very important….Please take Mid-Winter Festival Pre-Registration forms back to your areas and clubs. Please distribute them to all your club members so everyone has them and can pre-register.

John Guches

John stated that anyone who would like to come to Grants Pass for the next State meeting, that he has packets available with maps, flyers, hotels, and some of the activities we have in that area.

Dennis Marsh

Last year, Dave Cooper did a great job and we all appreciate it. We really appreciate the work Dave did, and Dennis presented Dave and Barbie with a $50 certificate.

Dave Cooper

Dave stated that he had a wonderful year, we accomplished some things and are headed in the right direction. He stated he has enjoyed his time as President and thanked everyone for supporting him during the year. Thank you very much for a good year.

Bill Tipton

Bill reported we have taken ownership and possession of the Square Dance Center in Salem, and that improvements are being made - we have put a new roof on it and have painted the front of it.

And Kathy, if you ever want to have a youth dance in our area, we would be glad to donate use of the hall for that function. Everyone was invited to come to Salem to dance with us.

ADJOURN: Motion made by Dave Cooper to adjourn at 12:48 pm and seconded by Marcia Snodgrass. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted

Marcia Snodgrass (Leonard)
Recording Secretary


Virginia Myers (Ed)
Recording Secretary