Meeting brought to order by President Barbie Cooper at 9:00 a.m.
This meeting is being recorded. Reminder, when you are on the microphone, this is being recorded. Also, please announce your name before you speak.
ROLL CALL: Recording Secretary, Virginia Myers (Ed)
Officers: All present, except Coleeta & Chuck Quigley
Appointed Officers: All present, except Vivian Fairburn, Patty Reese, Jim & Avis Kinkaid, Dennis & Elaine Smith, Gary & Joyce Clark, Barbara & Bill Tipton
Delegates: All present, except: Chuck & Coleeta Quigley, Pat & Ted Young
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present, except: Harold & Barbara Kleve, Lee & Barbi Ashwill
INVOCATION: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Jim Rogers (Kay)
MOTION was made by Dar Sconce to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Dennis Marsh. Motion approved.
PRESIDENT: Barbie Cooper
First of all a big thank you to Dar Sconce and the Umpqua Area for the wonderful dinner and dance last night. I really enjoyed the evening.
I need to take care of something very important that I forgot last meeting. With all the excitement, I forgot to properly thank Dennis and Ilana for the outstanding job they did as President of the Federation and give them this THANK YOU gift. It's a tradition that we always give a little thank you gift to the President and his partner for all the effort and work that they have put into the previous year; and these two were everywhere and did so much with all the hats they were wearing last year and this year. I just wanted to say thank you. (Applause) It's a gift certificate for them to use this coming year with all of their travels.
I have had the honor to attend a lot of different square and round classes in Oregon these past few months and what a joy to see such large and enthusiastic groups of dancers. Thanks to all the angels, callers and cuers for all the time and energy they give to help this activity that we all love. Continue to grow. Still keep your eyes open for me. I am still planning on continuing that pace and trying to get to as many lessons, dances and festivals and weekend events that I'm able to get to. It has been just wonderful.
I spent last weekend at the Seaside Sashay dancing, been to Eugene for a council meeting and a lot of other clubs around Oregon. I hope to attend activities in all 13 councils this year. The best part is visiting with all the dancers.
I encourage all of you to visit as many weekend events and dances that are going on. Of the classes that I have attended, there has been many new students. Whatever you're doing, you're doing a wonderful job. You need to pat yourself on the back. Thank you.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Jim Rogers (Kay)
Thank you for the great dance and dinner last night. We had a lot of fun.
We still have a few directories for sale at $2 each. They make great gifts to your new dancers and class members, or how about as a stocking stuffer?
We danced at the TVC Harvest Dance, and the Toe Draggers Halloween Dance. Now is the time to look forward to dancing New Year's Eve and Mid-Winter. Time goes by fast when you're having fun.
2007 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dan & Ginger Allen
All committees of the festival are progressing very well. We have a great group of people working this year.
We have gotten the contract signed with the Linn County Fairgrounds last month and a deposit has been made to them.
The program books are available and we have placed 3 in front of each of you. At the end of the meeting, come see us and we can give you more to take back to your clubs.
2007 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Joyce and Gary Clark (Read by Kathy & Tim Roberts)
Our committee is feeling great about our progress on the festival. The Sunset Council will be working with us on the Trails End dance and will act as hosts plus help us advertise the entire festival. We complimented them on the Seaside Sashay program book and they offered to produce the program book for our festival. What a relief, we know they will do a great job. They provided us with a table and treated us like royalty during the Seaside Sashay this year.
As you can see, we have a wonderful tri-fold display created by Kathy Roberts to help us advertise our Summer Festival 2007. We have set our tentative dance schedule for the weekend and are beginning to contact Callers and Cuers to fill the schedule. An exciting youth program is coming together and the Vendor's are being contacted so we can also have a fulfilling shopping experience at the festival.
The most exciting news of all has come together this week. The Trails End dance planning is complete. Thursday evening, July 12th will be a 50's Sock Hop. We will have prizes for socks people are wearing, possibly coziest, prettiest, brightest, craziest and best couple socks. We will not ask you to dance without shoes, just wear socks also. The Caller will be a new quartet; JOKER'S WILD. Members of this quartet are KC Curtis, Terry Halley, Mike Halley and Dean Stitt. The Cuer will be Tami Helms. Of Course, 50's music will be featured and we expect this Trails End dance to be a great kick-off to a fantastic festival. It will be an all singing-call dance.
Again, we ask that you help us advertise this festival and get the word out to all dancers that there will be a Round Dance Hall, Plus Hall and Mainstream Hall along with special events for the youth dancers at Seaside's Revvin' in 2007. Put on your 50's Attire and join us for a rockin' good time. Tim Roberts has ribbons and registration forms here today.
The Committee will meet again on November 30, 2006 at 7:00 pm in Hillsboro, you are welcome to attend.
2008 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Leonard & Marcia Snodgrass
We have one more chairman position to fill which is Facilities Chairman. This is a critical position to still have open as we would like this person to shadow Jon Rawitzer in 2007. If any of you would be willing to volunteer or know of someone that would be a good fit for this position, please come see us.
We have ordered our material and have a pattern for our outfit.
We have added a byline to our theme. It is now "Winter Wonderland Wish Upon A Snowflake.
2008 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara Tipton (Bill)
The first meeting of the 2008 Summer Festival Committee was held on October 29th at the Salem Square Dance Center. There were 21 enthusiastic people in attendance.
The Festival will be July 18, 19, 20, 2008 at the Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall, Oregon. Our featured caller will be Tony Oxendine and our featured cuers will be Ray and Virginia Walz. Our theme is "MAKE A DATE IN 2008".
We need people to volunteer to be on the committee to help make this a wonderful Festival. We are contacting the area clubs and asking them for their support in getting people to volunteer. Any and all dancers from the State are welcome on the committee.
We have a raffle and a fun tour in the works that we will tell you about later.
As I am writing this report October 25, I have sad news. My dad passed away tonight. He had a stomach ache at 6pm and by 10, he passed away quietly and at peace in the ER with my sister and me by his side. He wasn't sick and was involved with all this moving we are doing and was happy.
My house is being made ready for moving and should be back up in place at the new site in McMinnville by the time you hear this report.
Remember the new OFN address: P.O Box 566, Lafayette, OR 97127-0566. Phone number stays the same. I don't have a fax number yet.
Everything else is running smoothly. Remember that there are free OFN's to give to your students. I have two boxes of the November issue.
Also, please take note of the expiration date on the subscription label and renew on time. It makes the paperwork easier.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
I haven't done much state Federation business since our last meeting. I have been taking OFN subscription forms with me wherever I go and try to make the announcement every chance I get.
It is time to think about filling out your nomination forms and getting them signed by your council president so they can be turned in by Mid-Winter. Help out the nomination committee and get some others signed up to run for Federation offices.
Have been busy being a landlord in Eastern Oregon and that has taken away some of my square dance time but hope to make it better in the next few weeks.
A big thank you to the Umpqua Area Council, Dar Sconce and Buckeroo Square Dance Club for a wonderful dinner and fun dance last night. We also enjoyed plus dancing on Friday night. And I really enjoyed dancing to Dale Roberson again, my very first square dance caller.
I would like to thank Dar Sconce and the Umpqua Area Council for the wonderful potluck followed by a fun dance. We really enjoyed ourselves last night. A special thank you for everyone who helped me after the dance to set up the tables. It was really appreciated.
Cards I have sent out:
Cards of Condolence:
Get Well Cards:
Cards that will be sent out to square dancers that I was told about at this meeting:
Get Well Cards:
I would like to remind all of the outgoing officers of 2005-2006 to please pass their bars to the new officers of 2006-2007.
I would like to make a special request to all the Delegates. Please, I cannot emphasize how important this is. The Oregon Federation 2007-2008 voting ballots will be mailed by the first week of March 2007. Please have the correct Secretary's Name and Address to Membership, Coleeta Quigley, by January 15, 2007. If your secretary is going to be on vacation more than a week, please have an alternative person designated to receive the club's ballot so we can have a successful election this coming year.
Please note: My e-mail address in the State Directory is incorrect. Please correct to
TREASURER: Bill Rooper (Annadale)
Good morning. Congratulations to the Umpqua Area Council for a good weekend.
All of you should have received a copy of the financial report.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta Quigley (Chuck)
Coleeta asked me to read her report because she was in a bad car accident. She is very bruised and banged up so is not going to try to come to the State Meeting this weekend as she had planned. She asked that I tell everyone to have a ball!
First, Thank You for the opportunity to be Membership Chairman for the Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs in Oregon. I accept the challenge and will do my best to work with everyone in keeping all the membership information accurate and current.
Second, thank you to Judy Gelmstedt and Chuck Bos for their excellent record keeping that they passed on to me. They certainly are to be commended for all their hard work.
My address in the Directory is incorrect. It should be PO Box 274, Coquille, OR. 97423. Also we do have a toll free phone number 1-877-741-0560 or email address: that everyone should feel free to use to contact me.
Please be patient as I learn the ropes; and as I contact each of you regarding corporation fees or membership items, let me know if I am in error.
The list below is the clubs or councils that need badges for the State Badge Board. We need them BEFORE Mid-Winter. I have also e-mailed each club and/or council if they are missing a badge.
The following clubs were removed from the Badge Board. Please let me know if this is incorrect.
INSURANCE: Kay Rogers (Jim)
Thank you for the great dance last night.
I hope everyone has turned in their insurance papers if they haven't already sent them in.
This year there were a lot of questions about filling out the forms by the delegates so in September we will do another Q & A session to bring everyone up to date on what we need to do. Anyone who has insurance questions for this year can call or write us for help.
Please remember to continue sending in your class lists, new members with $4.10 each, and remember to send us the Notice of Event forms throughout the coming year.
We brought the old insurance computer with us this weekend for disposal. I think we got the new one just in time. If there are no objections, I would like to turn this old computer to Tim Roberts for proper disposal.
President Barbie Cooper:
If there is no objection, we will turn the old computer over to Tim Roberts. Hearing none, it is done.
PAST PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
Thank you Umpqua Area Council for the dinner and dance, I had a great time. As we take on our new duties I would like to thank all counsels for their efforts on getting nominations for the Randall Award. I know you all made this a priority and I thank you. We have given you your packets with a ballot to take back for voting. We will need these back to us no later then Post Marked December 10, 2006. This will give me just enough time to finish and be ready by Mid-Winter. Also in the packets for the delegates, we have given you a stamped and a pre-addressed envelope to me; please use it. The postage will cover the ballot only.
This year's Benefit Dance for H.O.R.S.E.S. will be held right here in Roseburg Or. April 1, 2007, Buckeroo Barn, 1:30 to 4:00 pm. Now is the time to set your plans to attend. We have free RV parking for dry camping and you can join the council's dance the night before. Last year Dave and Barbie Cooper did a great job in putting on the dance and made over $4,000.00. I would like to beat their $4,000.00 and challenge all clubs and councils to match or beat.
These amounts are not unreasonable for most; you can put a donation can out and make the challenge. The H.O.R.S.E.S. do great work in assisting the less fortunate so let's get behind them and show your support; so let's give from the heart.
I have a special Thank You to Ilana for the work she has done while I am in Portland; she receives all the e-mails and then forwards them on to me. Also I would like to say Happy Birthday to Ilana. (Applause)
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts (Kathy)
I have distributed a short update of the Practices and Procedures. The council delegates each received two, one for your notebook and one for your council's notebook.
I am giving a little procedural reminder about the motion we have today, which is a proposed change to the bylaws. This has to be passed by a two-thirds majority; I believe there are 18 people voting and this means we have to have 12 votes for it to pass.
I want to thank Umpqua Area Council for the dinner and dance last night.
The report for the issue of the OFN Oct. was received very well. Enthusiastic responses keep rolling in, in favor of this type of report. Many club members thought it was a good idea to put forth what the Federation was doing at their meetings. They were interested in their actions as far as the clubs and councils were concerned. Reports in the OFN will also contain small written articles about upcoming events such as new dancer jamborees and club or council events. It will also contain events we have attended and those events that clubs have discussed with us.
Discussions and reports at the state meetings will be kept to a minimum, for all of this information will be in the OFN. So, those officers that do not subscribe, you will be in the dark as to what this reporter has written, about motions, fun times or you as the representative of the state or council. Your name may be in there.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike Odell (Shirley)
No report.
I want to thank everybody for the dinner and dance last night.
We are having an Education Meeting on Saturday, January 27, 2007 at 10:30 am at the Holiday Inn, Room 10A. We have Darrell Clendenin as our guest speaker and our own caller advisor, Leonard Snodgrass, assisting him. The topic will be "Need for Callers."
HISTORIAN: Patty Reese
I'm sorry to miss what I'm sure was a fantastic weekend of dancing in Roseburg, but a previous engagement could not be postponed. I have been working to compile pictures onto CD's in order to have square and round dancing displays at fairs, bazaars and community events. Send me your pictures and I'll archive all of them.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
Everything is current with both organizations.
I have provided a copy of the instruction memo to the Chair of the 2007 Mid-Winter Festival for their use in handling this item.
Thank you for a wonderful evening last night. It was great visiting with everyone and dancing to Dale and Pat.
It is time for all graduating High School seniors to start thinking about applying for their college scholarships. Currently, Oregon youth have 2 different square dance scholarships they can apply for. The first scholarship is our very own OFSRDC's scholarship. The number of $250 scholarships we will be awarding is determined by the number of applications we receive and the amount of money we are able to earn towards these scholarships. Students that apply must be a member of an Oregon Federated club for at least 1 year. They must be planning on attending a college, university, technical or professional school. Students should have a record of volunteer service in square dancing, round dancing or clogging and express an interest in continuing their involvement in square dancing, round dancing or clogging. Applications and complete guidelines and eligibility can be found on the OFSRDC web site at: This scholarship is also available to any Washington graduating high school senior who belongs to a club that is a member of OFSRDC. Please note that all scholarship applications and supporting documents must be sent to me prior to the May 1st deadline. Recipients will be announced at the May meeting.
The second scholarship that both Oregon and Washington seniors can apply for is the United Square Dancers of America (USDA)'s Memorial Youth Fund Scholarship Program. Each nominee must also be an active square dancer; a high school senior or college freshman planning to continue their education; nominated by a USDA affiliate club or organization, and committed to the promotion and perpetuation of the total square dance movement. Their application and guidelines and eligibility can be found on the USDA website at: Their website indicates that they will award at least 1 scholarship each year. Last year Silver Stars' Kobuk Kastella received a $1000 scholarship from USDA. Their deadline is February 1st, 2007.
Students that belong to a Washington square dance club and Oregon Federation can also apply for the Washington Youth Scholarship Award. They require that applicants be an active member in good standing of a Washington State Federated Club; that the applicants will be between the ages of 17 thru 22; the applicants must have shown a commitment to the promotion of square dancing and that funds must be used to further education beyond high school. Their application, guidelines and eligibility requirements can be found on their Washington web site at: Their website indicates that they will award one $500 youth scholarship. Their deadline is February 1st, 2007.
During our last 2 meetings, I asked everyone to go back to your councils and clubs and ask them to help support our scholarship efforts now by "passing the hat" at dances. With the number of our youth dancers increasing, we need to start now to raise money so that we can give more scholarships and hopefully larger ones to our worthy square dancing youths. I've placed a sample donation bucket in front of all of the delegates. If you have not had the opportunity to encourage your clubs to start collecting donations at the door - please consider making something like this container for all of the clubs in your council. Pat Young, TVC Delegate, gave all of her clubs a sports bottle with instructions that it should be sent around during the break. I know this has been successful already. Our own club the Toe Draggers has collected at least $40. People can insert money if they want while the bottle passes from hand to hand. Our club delegate has then given the money to Pat at the next council meeting. I am going to start writing a few articles for the OFN giving information on youth activities, youth scholarships and acknowledging the councils that contribute to the scholarship during our meetings. Thank you in advance for supporting our youth scholarship.
The TVC Council donated $145.84 towards 2007 Oregon Youth Scholarships. Thank you TVC! (Applause)
Our second annual Youth Scholarship Benefit Dance will be April 15th, 2006, from 1:30-4:30 p.m. This year, the Benefit Dance will be a New Dancers Jamboree at the Pine Forest Grange in Central Oregon. Dave Cooper has agreed to cue this dance. Be watching for more information as it becomes available.
March 18th,, 2007, from 1:30-4:00 pm. the Mini Stars in Vancouver will be hosting their first annual "Ka$h for Kid$" fundraising scholarship dance. It will be held at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, WA. This dance is being planned and organized by the Mini Stars Kids. I would like to ask each of you to help support these admirable youth dancers:
Bob Bosch:
The Country Cut-Ups with the PAC had a quilt on raffle. Kobuk Kastella won the quilt and the Mini-Stars, Ka$h for Kid$, are putting it in as a silent auction item. It's a beautiful purple and blue quilt. Come and bid on it, please.
Kathy Roberts:
I still do not have information from the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival. Without this documentation as to what would be required from the state of Oregon, I am still unwilling to offer to host the 2008 Festival.
If you have any youth that would like to attend Mid-Winter or other state supported square dance activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available to help youth dancers.
Thank you delegates, officers and guests. You donated another $80.27 towards the Oregon Scholarship program during this meeting. Thank you!
Ilana Widders:
Kathy, that was a great report. There was a lot of information that I would like to give to my Council. Could you e-mail a copy of this report to the Delegates?
Kathy Roberts:
I will e-mail a copy to all the Delegates.
ORDTA: Dennis Smith (Elaine)
ORDTA held their spring meeting in October at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield. 13 members were in attendance.
A get-well card for Barbara Schaumburg was circulated to collect greetings from the membership in attendance.
We recently had a change in the office of Treasurer. Our new Treasurer reported that since 9/11 it is much more difficult to change corporation signature cards at the bank. Banks are requiring very thorough documentation from organizations and corporations.
We decided to apply to ROUNDALAB to host a Mini-Lab just before Summer Festival 2008. This will be held at the McMinnville Grange.
More discussion was held concerning Phase III figures in Rounds of the Month. Some cuers are able to teach these figures during pre-rounds. Some have added a teaching session before pre-rounds successfully.
The Round Dance program of the 2006 Mid-Winter Festival was discussed. We will be placing an ad in the OFN for the "So You Want to be a Cuer" session at Mid-Winter Festival.
ORDTA chose "Fireman Two Step" choreographed by the Eddins for March's Classic ROM.
Christi Britton has donated equipment and records in memory of her friend Bud Roshau for use by a new cuer. A committee has been formed to determine exactly how these will be made available. One possibility is to reveal this information as part of the "So You Want to be a Cuer" session at Mid-Winter.
ORDTA's winter meeting will be held on Saturday, January 27, at 9:00 AM in conjunction with the Mid-Winter Festival in Albany.
ORDTA's spring meeting will be held on Saturday, April 7, at 10:00 AM at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield.
ORDTA's summer meeting will be held on Saturday, July 14, at 9:00 AM in conjunction with the Summer Festival in Seaside.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)
I'm sorry Larry & I missed the dinner & dance last night. We had to call / cue our club dance, the Hayshakers in Astoria, so needless to say it's been a very short night.
I would also like to apologize for missing the May & September meetings. Hopefully I'll be able to attend from now on.
Oregon Round of The Month
January 2007
"Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy"
written by: Bill & Virginia Tracy
f/s: (My Gal Country Style)
Record label: Belco #421
Phase & Rhythm: Two Step
Chosen by: Lincoln / Tillamook Council
I will know about February's ROM about November 20th, so that will be reported at the January meeting.
March 2007
"Fireman Two-Step" Classic
written by: George & Johnnie Eddins
f/s: (What Did You Expect Me To Do)
Record Label: MCA #52588
Phase & Rhythm: Two-Step
Chosen by: ORDTA (Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association)
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)
No Report.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
We are still waiting to hear from North Carolina with an invitation to participate in the Showcase of Ideas in Charlotte. An e-mail has been sent to the Education chairpersons and that has not been answered since I sent it over two weeks ago.
We will also take suggestions as to what would be nice to see in the Oregon Federation display. Remember we will be situated next to the Washington Federation display in support of the 2012 bid for the National Convention.
We need some suggestions so we can make plans for shipping and putting a display together.
USDA REPORT: Kay Rogers (Jim)
USDA funds many programs that help member organizations. Such as: Youth Scholarship & Handicapable Dancing. They also run an insurance program that allows clubs to insure themselves against liability and provides low cost secondary insurance to dancers. There is an extended care program available, too.
There is a discount prescription card available that is useful to anyone not using insurance to pay for their prescription drugs. Please hand these out to your waitresses and gas pumpers or anyone else you think may be without prescription drug insurance. These cards will help them and dancers at the same time.
There is a new On-Line Shopping Mall, where your dance organization gets a percentage of what you spend shopping. Check it out at You will find Macy's, Target, Sears, Home Depot and many more. Check it out.
USDA also has a credit card program. You can find out more about that at .
USDA News is the magazine published and distributed throughout the dancing world with all the little tidbits you may be interested in. National and local dance conventions and festivals are a regular feature. There is a list of free publications and educational materials available to all dancers, just by asking. This magazine can be ordered by logging onto
I have again set up the rack with USDA information. You are welcome to take the brochures; it is free.
DELEGATE MEETING REPORT: Umpqua Area Council, Dar Sconce
The Delegates met yesterday for quite some time. There was considerable discussion about the motion to change the bylaws of the Federation regarding the number of meetings. There was concern expressed about the motion as to the number and specifically which meetings would be eliminated because there are many major deadlines that people need to meet. We heard information from several who supported the need to cut back financially and to place documents online. We also had those that felt we would be losing the opportunity to travel throughout the state and meet with square dancers, see the country and let them know outside of Oregon what we do as square dancers and what the Federation is. There was mixed emotions as to whether or not to change them or to allow the bylaws to remain as they are. If the motion does not pass, we would like to pursue looking at other solutions.
Madame President, after the Delegate's and Officer's meeting yesterday, I did a lot of soul searching and a lot of thinking and I would like to withdraw the motion at this point for further discussions and bring it back to a Federation meeting at a later date.
President Barbie Cooper:
I would like to appoint a Committee and John Guches, if you would be the chair of that committee, looking into the possibility of doing more things online and looking at the whole process to see how things could be streamlined and brought up to modern use of all the computer and electronic systems we have in place these days. I would appreciate it if you could report back at the next meeting. We will put this as an Agenda item. Thank you.
Fran Westphal:
A question, are you appointing a committee and if so, who are the members going to be?
President Barbie Cooper:
I did appoint the Chair of the Committee and I will talk with some Delegates at break time and get back to you to let you know the rest of the committee members. Thank you.
The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Club has stickers that were bought 10 years ago. They have sold very little. Barbie stated that if you want them, we will pass them out to you and you can take them back to your councils and clubs.
Barbie Cooper:
I do want all of you to realize that we have taken in enough money that we did break even on these. I know I've carried them around and I think every officer has carried them around, and I don't think we're getting any use carrying them around in a package. I would much rather see them distributed and have everyone put them on the window of their vehicle, their RV, whatever so it is out there visible and people are seeing them.
Ilana Widders
Bob, could you tell me how much these sold for?
Bob Bosch: $1.00 a piece.
Ilana Widders:
I would like to have 4 of them and I would like the money to go to the Scholarship Fund.
15 Minute Break
President Barbie Cooper: Is there any new business? None
We were glad to have all the dancers at our Buckeroo Barn. We enjoyed having you here and we hope in the future you will come back.
Not a whole lot has transpired in the area clubs since our last meeting, but we are moving forward. The Council will be participating in the annual Veteran's Day Parade on Saturday, November 11th. The Pioneers 'N' Petticoats will be celebrating their birthday on Friday, November 10th in Canyonville with Denny Lantz calling. The Buckeroos will have their annual Thanksgiving Dinner/Dance on Saturday, November 18th beginning at 6:00 pm with the dinner and dancing to follow. New Dancers Lessons for square and round dancing have been started and the dancers are doing great! The UAC has scheduled a New Dancer's Jamboree on Sunday, January 7, 2007 from 2:00-4:30 pm at the Buckeroo Barn. We will be putting flyers out on this; put this on your calendar. We hope you will bring your students and come to dance with us.
BLUE MOUNTAIN COUNCIL: David Stutzman (Sharon)
The La Grande club is doing Plus on their Thursday night workshop. Last weekend they held their annual Hobo Dance. The hall was filled with guests from Joseph, Milton-Freewater and Baker City. Club members will be traveling to Baker City for the annual Christmas Dance on the 16th of December.
The Elgin club will be hosting a New Year's Dance, Saturday, December 30th, the day before New Year's. The Council will hold a meeting prior to the dance.
The Alpine Twirlers square dance club has withdrawn their membership in the Blue Mountain Council. For several years they have not had enough membership to hold dances. Without an income, insurance expenses made it unrealistic for them to retain membership. Dorothy Dagget has joined the La Grande club to maintain her position as Council treasurer. She (and Charlie, before he passed away a few years ago) has been a great value to the Council over the years. We are fortunate that she wants to remain active in the Council. They are keeping their corporation status as a club.
First, I would like to announce that Central Oregon will be hosting the May meeting in 2007. We have set it for the third weekend of May, which is May 20th, and we are looking at some great plans for that meeting so you need to mark this on your calendar. We're looking at the Eastern Star Grange for the Sunday meeting and the Pine Forest Grange for the Saturday night dance, and we will confirm this as soon as we can.
Twas the night before Winter, when all through our land
Square and Round dancers were lending a hand.
With thick wooly gloves and a warm winter hat
The RV's were settled for their long winters nap
The dancers however, will spring into action
For Holiday dances are the major attraction
The Red Rock Christmas dance, will be festive indeed
With warm gloves, hats and lap robes, for our Seniors in need
The Beauts Christmas dance, The Teddy Bear Fling
The Bears comfort small children, with the smiles that they bring
The Shufflers New Years Eve dance, to end a great year
Provides dancing, fellowship and lots of good cheer.
Sundown is attracting the youth to its club
8 students - 4 angels make up the hub
The youth are coaching their parents, a site that is rare
Truly make are activity, a family affair
As the New Year begins and the long winter sets in
Our dancers keep going, as more lessons begin
Sundown is excited and we're busting with pride
Dave has found an amazing new talent, to work by his side
Then comes the call from our great wagon master
Fire up those Four Wheel Drives, we need to move faster
Its time, Don says, circle up the wagons and head for the west
Our destination, The Willamette Valley and Mid-Winter Fest
We're honored to bring Jesse, our new Youth cuer to cue
And at the Showcase of Rounds, a performance we'll do
After a weekend of dancing, with such wonderful friends
There's so much more to look forward to, as Mid-Winter ends
EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL: Lorene Griffith (George)
Ione Grand Squares started the season off with a picnic at Shirley & Lloyd McNary's home in Ione in September. Following the meal we gathered to plan our coming season of dancing.
Our first dance was held at the Gilliam County fair building in Condon. Our schedule is about the same as it has been for several years, mainly because our members live in the Condon area, the Ione area and in between.
We always enjoy company and we do dance to live callers. Come see us.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Ilana Widders (Dennis Marsh)
I want to thank the Umpqua Council for a great dinner and dance last night.
Since we last had our state meeting, most all of our clubs have had some great Halloween dances. Our Whirl-A-Ways had a friendship Dinner on Oct. 21st .
The following clubs have these dances scheduled for the next couple of months until Mid-Winter.
Boots and Sandals:
November 25th, HoBo dance with Lennie Ludiker calling and Pat Hintz cueing. They will be serving hobo stew and cornbread. Call 541-942-4086 for more details on any of their dances.
December 9th, Bake sale and Christmas Dance.
December 31st, New Year's Eve Dance They say this is the dance to go to if you don't like large crowds and but do like lots of fun.
Sweet Home Squarenaders
November 11th, Thanksgiving Dinner Dance with Jim Hattrick calling and Joyce Voll cueing. It will be at their regular dance location, Oak Heights gym. The cost is $12.00 a person for dinner and dancing, with dinner served at 6:30 pm. For more information call 541-466-5536.
December 9th, Christmas Benefit Dance for the Sweet Home Fire Dept. "Toys for Tots", Jim Voll will be calling and Joyce Voll will be cueing.
January 13th, New Dancer's Dance with Jim and Joyce Voll calling and cueing.
Dec 2nd, Casino Night Benefit for Toys for Tots. They raised over $1,500 last year and hope to top that this year.
Dec 31st, New Year's Eve Dance at the Emerald Square Dance Center.
Wolf Pack
November 17th, Potato Bake Dance serving baked potatoes with all the trimmin's.
December 15th, Christmas Dance in the large Hall A of the Emerald Square Dance Center and we are inviting New Dancers.
Our Emerald Empire Area is also having two New Dancer Jamborees this year, sponsored by the Cascade Callers and Cuers Association. The Dances will be held on Sunday, Dec. 3, 2006 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Jan. 21, 2007, time yet to be decided. They will feature area callers and cuers. The jamborees will be held at the Emerald Square Dance Center.
Our Emerald Teens also would like the state to know that they have 10 new members that have joined from the Canyonville area and more are welcome. As a traveling club they invite as members any teen along the I-5 corridor; that is the area where they will hold dances for those teens that express interest. They ask that at least one adult couple oversee the teens in each area. Their dues are $5.00 per year; those funds will be used to put on dances in the members' areas. Dances are called at the level of the floor and as requested by dancers present. They say "Remember, we take no prisoners, only volunteers in Emerald Teens quest for good clean fun!"
As new Interstate Highlanders Council Delegates to the Federation, Valerie & I are delighted to be here at our first Federation meeting.
Klamath Country Squares
The Klamath Country Squares held their annual Potato Festival Dance in October with great success. Guests included members of the Tall Town Travellers in Lakeview, the Star Promenaders and Lantz's Dantzers in Medford, the Charlie Brown Squares in Grant's Pass, and the Dudes & Daiseys in Mt. Shasta, members of the California Federation. They heard about us and decided they wanted to support all local dances. In August, fifteen K.C. Squares members made a visitation to the Star Promenaders, who were holding a dance in their honor. This was quite an accomplishment because over a year ago, they could barely make a square; now they're doing visitations with 15 to 20 people.
K.C. Squares member Dorothy Herndon is recovering nicely from knee replacement surgery and even danced one tip at the Potato Festival. Connie Pilcher, K.C. Squares Secretary, is not yet back to dancing after knee surgery. Everett Bohannan has been absent for several weeks after he had a heart attack, and Leroy Schell is back dancing after suffering a stroke several months ago.
Alturas Alemanders
A group of new dancers in Alturas, California, has asked for membership in the Interstate Highlanders Council, using the name of an old defunct club, Alturas Alemanders. The council is helping and advising John Burke, their caller, about the steps they must take to gain membership in the Highlanders Council and the Oregon State Federation. We anticipate that their request for membership will be received by the Federation in the next few months. On September 30th the Interstate Highlanders Council sponsored a dance in Alturas to meet with them and show them what a Square and Round dance is like. The dance was a great success with K.C. Squares, Tall Town Travellers, and Star Promenaders from the Rogue Sys-Q Council making 6+ squares. These dancers are mainly students from the local community college that are taking dancing classes from John Burke, sponsored by the community college, and they now want to form a club. John is doing his best to find out what he can do to help them. (Applause)
President Barbie Cooper:
That was a wonderful report. It is so exciting to hear of new organizations wanting to join the Federation and to form a club instead of disbanding. It was wonderful. Thank you.
Thanks again to the Umpqua Area Council for a wonderful dinner.
Sea Twirlers Traveling Club
We had a fun and successful 10th Birthday Dance on Sunday Afternoon, September 10, 2006. We want to again thank George and Patty Hermann for calling and cueing for us and look forward to having them again for our 11th Birthday Dance scheduled for September 9, 2007. We have attended the Toledo 49'rs 57th Birthday Dance and the Crazy Creek Rockers 21st Birthday Dance.
We are looking forward to the Lincoln-Tillamook, Sunday afternoon area Dance on October 29th and the Mid-Winter Festival in Albany, in January 2007.
President, Lou Stovern
Toledo 49'ers Square Dance Club
We were pleased to have as our guest caller and cuer, Mo Owens and Jay Stimler for our Fall dance on the 3rd Saturday in October. On the 3rd Saturday in November Bruce Lowther will be our guest caller
We now have Andy Rawlinson as our regular caller on the First Saturday with Goldie Restorff cueing. Sharon Greenman is our regular cuer now for the 3rd Saturday and starting at the December 16th dance, we are happy to announce we will have as our regular caller Sandy Harris.
We were asked to do a demo dance on Halloween at the Lincolnshire Rest Home in Lincoln City. We had a square plus going and had a good time introducing everyone there on how much fun we have square dancing.
On a beautiful afternoon on October 29th, we hosted the Lincoln-Tillamook Area Dance. Everyone really enjoyed the enthusiastic calling of Craig Abercrombie and smooth cueing of Donna Hisorite. It was a great dance, wish you all could have been there to enjoy it with us.
The first thing I'm going to talk about is the State Fair, and I would like to know if this needed to be added to the New Business. Shall I table or leave this item until the next meeting?
President Barbie Cooper:
We will put this as a separate line item on the Agenda if it's something we're going to talk about at each meeting.
Neta Minten:
Discussion was held among the area officers and delegates, it was decided that the MWA would offer to organize the dancers for the State Fair in 2007. If this is acceptable to the State Federation we will contact the State Fair and get the dates and times lined up. We would also ask that each area council sign up for a year to organize the fair; dancers could come from any and all areas but each year a different council would take responsibility for lining things up.
There are many holiday dances lined up in the valley, all levels to pick from, new dancers, mainstream and plus; please check the OFN for dates and further information.
Independence Wagon Wheelers requested that they be considered for hosting the State dance and meeting in September 2007. It was decided that any club wishing to host this event should submit it in writing at the November MWA Meeting.
Several clubs are having new dancer jamborees. Silver Stars are having theirs on November 25th on their regular dance night. Swap & Swing also are having one on November 25th in The Dalles. This will be on their regular Saturday dance night. Bill and Neva Reid will call and cue. River City Dancers will be at the Milwaukie Community Club on Sunday, December 3rd from 2:00 to 4:30 pm with Les Seeley and Tami Helms calling and cueing. Country Capers will invite new dancers to their regular dance on December 2nd with new dancer level tips. On Sunday, December 10th the Country Cut-Ups will hold a jamboree at the Boring Barn from 2:00 to 4:30 pm with Scott Zinser calling. Squaws and Paws will sponsor a new dancer jamboree on Friday, December 29th from 8:00 to 10:00 pm at the Maplewood Grange in Aurora.
Two clubs are celebrating anniversaries. The Country Cut-Ups celebrated 46 years on October 7th, and the Checkerboard Squares will also celebrate 46 years of dancing on November 11th with Ed Chouinard calling and Patty Hermann cueing. See your November OFN for details.
The Country Cut-Ups annual pancake breakfast held on Sunday, October 22nd was a great success with over 400 attending. This is their annual fund raiser for the upkeep of their dance hall: the Boring Barn.
Several clubs are already planning New Year's Eve dances. Happy Hoppers plus club in Vancouver are having "An Evening in Paris" celebration at the Clark County Square Dance Center. The Country Cut-Ups will have George and Patty Hermann call and cue their dance. The River City Dancers are planning a "Music Man" extravaganza with Les Seeley and Carolyn Stitt calling and cueing. There will be a sit-down dinner before the dance. Swap and Swing will host a dance along with Columbia Gorge Plus Club and Wy'East Whirlers at Goldendale, Washington Jeans and Calico's hall.
Recycles are back in business as a plus club. They dance the 2nd Friday of each month at the Winona Grange in Tualatin. Darrell Kalmbach is their caller and Jeanine Norden cues.
Georgia Bailey has resigned as caller for the Country Capers. They will have guest callers until they hire a new caller some time next year.
Everyone is invited to Genevieve Churchill's 95th birthday celebration (Applause) on Sunday, November 19th from 1:30 to 5:00 pm at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver. Several callers and cuers will help her celebrate this eventful occasion. Genevieve is Oregon's newest Goodwill Ambassador.
There will not be a 5th Friday PAC dance in December due to New Year's Eve falling on Sunday. The next 5th Friday dance will be on March 30, 2007. All details will be in the March issue of the OFN.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John Guches (Glory)
The Council dance on September 30th was well attended by all the clubs in the council with 11 squares dancing alternating mainstream/plus tips with Charlotte Jeskey calling and Freddie Loveless cueing. The report I received was the dancers really enjoyed being able to do both instead of two mainstreams and one plus tip.
Charlie Brown Squares:
The class started with 50 new students and has settled to 42 students each week, mostly families.
Nov. 4th is the fourth Annual Toys for Tots mainstream dance.
Nov.18th is their Gobble Plus dance.
On Dec 2nd the Charlie's will hold their 39th birthday dance with Ed Craig calling and Marion Cook cueing.
Circle 'N' Squares:
On the November 18th they will hold their Thanksgiving Dance with Dean Black calling and Les Farley cueing.
Lantz's Dantzers:
On November 17th the club will hold a Running Bear Dance with Denny Lantz calling and Freddie Loveless cueing.
Star Promenaders:
New dancers class has 26 students.
On November 11th the Stars are honoring the Veterans; all veterans will get into the dance Free.
On November 25th they will honor the Pioneers "N" Petticoats of Canyonville as a visitation dance. They would like members of the Umpqua Area Council to attend this dance.
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL: Chuck Quigley (Coleeta):
Lessons have been going very well. We have 8 new dancers and understand that is the most of any club on the South Coast. Getting new dancers remains to be very hard in this area. We are planning a New Year's Dance.
Saints N' Ain'ts:
Our beginners are now experiencing the excitement of square dancing. Caller Sherm Welch is doing a super job as usual. Donna Heisrote has begun round dance lessons and line dancing is being included in the lessons a half hour at the end.
Our 60th Birthday Dance was a great success with Dale Roberson calling and Denise Harris cueing. Our beginner round dance class is going well; they are working on two-step and having a great time. We have suspended our beginner square dance class until January in hopes of having more students.
Jefferson State Squares:
No report
SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL: Dale Worthington (Kathy)
The Hayshakers started basic square dance lessons in September. Also, two-step and plus lessons started in October. They have been very busy with the Seaside Sashay, which just ended last weekend. Attendance was down a little, but it went very well. Everyone enjoyed dancing at the Turnaround and participating in the Passport Promenade. Congratulations go out to Jeff Holwege and Joyce Clark, the 2006 Seaside Sashay Mud Wrestling Champions.
This year at the Seaside Sashay we added a Craft Fair to bring in more visitors to view square & round dancing. We also made flyers listing who to call throughout the State to get information about learning to square & round dance.
Alternate Delegate: Kay Rogers
The Harvest Dance held on September 30th was a great success with over 15 squares participating and twenty new or renewed OFN subscriptions. The Fireballs earned the TVC Banner for the highest percentage of their club attending this dance.
The plans are well in hand for the New Year's Eve dance to be held at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro. Come and join us.
Six of the Council's clubs are busy with lessons starting this month. The 4n8r's held a Crystal Ball and a Ghost & Ghouls Ball; the Coast Swingers earned $400.00 from their garage sale which helps support the club; six of the Cross Trailers attended the Falling Leaves Festival in Leavenworth, Washington; the Eager Beavers danced at the Zoo for Senior Day and had their annual beach trip to Rockaway; the Fireballs danced at the Sauerkraut Festival and have five students in their class; the Hillsboro Hoedowns held their pie dance where six pies were auctioned off for $160.00; the Mix 'n Mingles have fun evenings of DBD plus dancing; the Sunset Promenaders had their 21st Anniversary Dance and have 25 students in their class; the Toe Draggers 31st Anniversary dance was very well attended and they served the granges annual turkey dinner (I believe over 700 dinners were served that day); the Tri-Squares held a Crazy Hat dance; the Valley Squares attended the Sherwood Senior Players to see two of their fellow dancers perform; and R Square D's had a campout at Skamokawa with kayaking, agate and antique hunting.
President Barbie Cooper:
Thank you. That's the first time in, I think, over 3 years that we have had 13 reports. All Delegates reported this time. That was wonderful!! (Applause)
Al & Fran Westphal
Thank you Umpqua for the sweet gift, and our first order of business is to congratulate our newest Goodwill Ambassador, our youngster Genevieve Churchill. (Applause) It is a wonderful appointment.
And last night before the dance we made a visitation, here locally, to a very special lady, Florence Engdahl. Florence and Warren were active in this area for many years and worked on three festivals at least, 1967, 1977 and 1987. They managed to keep the committee's in place and held excellent festivals, as all festivals in Roseburg have been. Roseburg has always been a wonderful venue for dancing and the festivals held here were always terrific. Florence is living in an assisted-living residence; Warren died about ten years ago; and she just had her 90th birthday. So we were very pleased to be able to visit with her again.
Greetings once again from Al and Fran.
These past few days certainly make us wonder why in the world we would be planning to go to Arizona for a few months. It will be so hard to pull ourselves away from this dreary, soppy weather.
We hope to be looking at most of you in person this weekend. We will be missing Mid-Winter festival once again, so we are looking to collect some "bon voyage" hugs.
Lincoln-Tillamook held a successful area dance last Sunday afternoon at Gleneden Beach. Craig Abercrombie called and Donna Hiserote cued. We had a nice time visiting and participating on a limited basis. Fran danced a teensy bit and Al won a door prize. Yippee.
We need to note the passing of Roy Taylor, former square dance caller. He and Gale retired to the Waldport area, where they called for the Sunset Squares for several years. Prior to that they lived in Salem, where Roy called for the Smiling Squares and was active in the Capital Callers and Cuers Association. Gale died in 2000. Their son Stu was a very good teen/young adult caller, as well. Stu called for the OSU Promenaders, in between Roger Putzler and Steve Johnson.
A memorial gathering for Roy is to be held today in Waldport. We will try to attend.
Another note: Past First Lady Dorothy Murray has moved permanently to an assisted living situation. Her new address is: Aspen Court, 470 N.E. Oak Street, Madras, OR 97741. She has retained her phone no., (541) 475-3177. She was able to take her poodle pest/pet Susie to the new home, so that is a big plus. (Ray and Dorothy Murray, Federation President 1978-79)
We will remind you once again that Yuma Festival is the place to be on the second weekend in February. Gary Shoemaker will be featured this time. If you don't come for the dancing, come for the sunshine and the friendliness.
President Barbie Cooper:
Thank you and we hope you have safe travels to Yuma.
Harold & Barbara Kleve
We are very sorry to miss another meeting but my calling schedule and other commitments have kept us pretty busy. We are teaching a class for our home club, The Sunset Promenaders, and the Head Angels for the class at the Eager Beavers. We have called at several Schools and churches as well as our home club. We are active in the Tualatin Valley Council and are currently working on the 2007 Summer Festival Committee.
We hope to see all of you at Mid-Winter and will attend that state meeting.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill
We apologize to all for not being at this meeting. It has been a short time since our last report and we are currently in Vancouver, WA attending the Royal Romp with Tony Oxendine and Jerry Story. We will be spreading Oregon goodwill to all the dancers in attendance.
We just returned from a three (3) day meeting of the National Executive Committee in Oklahoma City, OK. It was an extremely beneficial meeting and of course we are doing all of the "politicking" we can with the NEC members to get them thinking "Spokane, Washington in 2012."
Other than that, we have been dancing locally with our home club and visiting as many other Oregon clubs as time will allow.
Again, we urge all of the Oregon dancers to get behind the State of Washington in their bid to secure a National Square Dance Convention . If there is a particular area you would like to be involved in, please provide that information to us and we will get it to the proper folks in the State of Washington.
Happy Dancing!!!!
Don & Lonna Bramhall
Thank you to Dar and the Umpqua Area Council for the great dinner and dance. I'll bet few of you know that Lonna grew up in Riddle and Canyonville. Roseburg was the best place to buy school clothes in Douglas County!
Although it has only been a couple of months since the last Federation meeting, we have managed to stay very busy with our local club lessons. Since each of us is president of different clubs that just happen to have lessons miles apart on the same day, Don has developed a complicated logistics strategy to get to both of them. That GPS unit is finally paying for itself!
We were very pleased to visit the Funtastic Squares on Saturday, October 21. Dave Cooper was the guest cuer, so we gave him a ride, along with friends from the Bachelor Beauts, Bill and Marlene Jensen. As Goodwill Ambassadors, we think it's important to share our travels and adventures whenever possible - everyone benefits from going to new places and meeting new people. Every trip widens personal horizons in some way. We arrived early enough to meet some of the club members for a great Mexican dinner before the dance and enjoyed having the opportunity to visit. It was a very long day - we traveled from Bend to Salem, danced until 10:30 PM and then drove home. We got to bed about 1:30 AM - but don't feel sorry for us --Bill and Marlene live in Prineville and didn't get home until after 2:00 AM! Thanks again to Leonard and Marcia Snodgrass and the Funtastic Squares - that's the way to spend "Saturday Night in America."
And speaking of traveling, we enjoyed a special weekend getaway to the Lava Beds National Monument several weeks ago - our last RV trip of the season. We hiked, explored lava caves, bird watched at Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge, admired the ancient art at Petroglyph Point and walked in the footsteps of the Modoc Indians at Captain Jack's Stronghold. Although dancing wasn't on the agenda this time, we traveled with our friends Lucy and Ron Moore from the Checkerboard Squares. They say that dancing is friendship set to music - but we have found that dancing is also a doorway leading to deep and lasting friendships that endure long after the music is gone and the dancing is done.
After the coming holidays, we are looking forward to Mid-Winter Festival in Albany. We'll see all of you there, with or without Snow! (Applause)
Genevieve Churchill
I want to thank the Outgoing President, Dennis Marsh, and his partner for appointing me as Goodwill Ambassador. It has been a nostalgic feeling as I was the Goodwill Ambassador to the Penticton Jamboree for many years. Thank you both.
As for now I am excited about the Birthday Party my daughter Cory has planned for me. She lives in California and with the help of many friends in Oregon has planned the party which was a surprise to me. I hope that all of you will come to it. It's going to be in Vancouver. It should be a great party.
My dancing has only been around Oregon and Washington but hopefully will expand like all of you. Thank you. (Applause)
Fran Westphal
I forgot to mention that Florence and Warren Engdahl were the second recipient of the Randall Award.
Al and I want to mention that this afternoon, there will be a memorial service in Waldport for a former square dance caller, Roy Taylor, who called in the Mid-Willamette Area and then he and Gale retired to the Bayshore Area near Waldport. He called for the Sunset Squares for a few years. Also their son, Stu Taylor, was an excellent youth caller in Oregon before he relocated to Texas. Al and I plan to get back to Waldport in time to attend the memorial gathering.
Leonard Snodgrass
I give square dance lessons for Funtastic Squares and the Braids and Braves in McMinnville. Last Sunday at our class at the Funtastic Squares, I announced to the new dancers that I would like them to start coming to our dances. I mentioned that I would not make it required but they should start coming to dances so they could see what dances are like; and that I would do some of the tips at their level so they could do a little bit of dancing. The Braids and Braves gave the same announcement. So last night we had both clubs at our regular dance and we did two maintstream tips and the rest was at the new dancer level. I would like to recommend that you go back to your clubs and talk to your caller about getting the new dancers to the club dances, even if they only do one tip. Get the new students out there and get them involved.
Bill Rooper
I think that's a good idea, and someone mentioned the OFN subscription dance. I want to point out to all the Delegates and people attending that when a Council or Club holds a subscription dance, the Federation reimburses the Council or Club $50 towards the hall rent. We have had a couple of them this year.
Kathy Roberts
I want to thank all of the Oregon dancers and people here for their generosity in supporting the Scholarship Fund. Thank you very much. We are going to have a lot of students graduating and it's nice to see the support and encouragement from the Councils and all the dancers in Oregon.
On behalf of Vivian Fairburn, I have November issues of the OFN for Delegates to take back to their clubs
Dan Allen
Mid-Winter has 9 units of dance flooring they would like to sell. They sell for $3.00 a piece. Another question, do you have your Mid-Winter ribbons yet?
Dennis Marsh
Since we lost a lot of information, do we still have bylaws from all the councils? In the Federation's P & P's, it refers back to the Council's P & P's. Is it possible for us to get that information?
Barbie Cooper:
We'll have to get back to you on this, Dennis, because we're thinking Membership has this information. So we'll contact Coleeta Quigley to see if she has it. If there are any changes from the Councils or if they need to update their P & P's, please forward that information to us.
Neta Minten
I need to know if MWA should forge ahead in organizing square dancing at the Oregon State Fair in 2007.
Barbie Cooper
My understanding at the last state meeting is that they were going to take this topic back to the MWA. It was our recommendation that they do the Oregon State Fair for 2007.
Neta Minten
The fact that we said we would do it for 2007 means MWA will do it for that year; then at a later time we will vote on whether another Council will step up and do it.
Barbie Cooper
Correct; it will be on the Agenda at the next meeting.
ADJOURN: Motion made by John Guches to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 am.
Seconded by Jim Rogers. Motion passes. Meeting adjourned.
Virginia Myers (Ed)
Recording Secretary