Meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Vice President Marilyn Schmit in the absence of President Jim Rogers who is ill with pneumonia.
She entertained a motion to accept the resignation of Virginia Myers, Recording Secretary, and to seat Annadale Rooper to fill the position until the September meeting. A motion by Coleeta Quigley and seconded by Pat Young passed.
Roll was called.
Absent: Elected officers: Jim (Kay) Rogers, and Virginia (Chuck) Myers
Appointed officers: Mike (Shirley) Odell, Vivian Fairburn, Ronnie Wiser, Kay (Jim) Rogers, Ralph Lambert, Jim (Avis) Kincaid, Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg, Dennis (Elaine) Smith, Barbara (Bill) Tipton, Cynthia Weber & Joan Bean (Dale Worthington substitute)
Goodwill Ambassadors: Al and Fran Westphal and Harold and Barbara Kleve
INVOCATION: Past President Dennis Marsh
FLAG SALUTE: was led by Acting President Marilyn Schmit.
MINUTES: Ilana Widders noted some of her comments were not reported in January minutes. LaVonne Bussey made a motion and seconded by Chuck Quigley to accept the minutes as corrected passed.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
She said she has attended 2007 and 2008 Summer Festival meetings. Both are doing well and she hoped dancers plan to support the Oregon Federation endeavors. She has been challenged the last several months but will do what she can in an intelligent manner. She is planning her board and a budget for next year and is helping 2nd vice President Darlene Sconce with the directory. Dates for Federation meetings next year are: Polk County Fair Grounds September 9, 2007; Newport, November 11, 2007; Mid Winter in Albany, January 27, 2008; Ione, May 18, 2008; Summer Festival Polk County Fair Grounds, July 13, 2008; and The Dalles, September 22, 2008. She asked board members to let her know if they are interested in staying on the board next year so she can make changes if need be.
2007 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Dan & Ginger Allen
$ 2,065.45 was realized at Mid Winter 2007. A special thanks to Dennis Marsh and his crew for all the help they have provided.
2007 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Gary and Joyce Clark
Decorations and entertainment will fit the "50's theme" beginning with the Trails End Dance "Soc Hop" on Thursday night at the Seaside Convention Center. It is hoped dancers will come in attire fitting the theme. The program book is complete and being distributed today. Callers and Cuer schedule is almost ready. Cuer advisor Ruth Canby and featured cuers, Ken and Dianne Pratt have a wonderful showcase planned for Saturday night.
Numerous negative rumors have been flying around. Efforts are being made to quell them with positive information by mouth, e-mail and in the OFN. If you hear rumors please give them the facts. The weather is going to be marvelous in Seaside.
Registrations are down. We are hoping dancers will come through and bring our numbers up to 500. A wonderful festival is planned. Don't miss it.
2008 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Leonard and Marcia Snodgrass
There will be some changes in hall arrangements at the fair grounds. Round dance halls beginner halls, etc, are being switched around to balance dancing needs.
2008 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara Tipton (Bill)
Absent. Written report---Registration forms and ribbons are ready to start selling after 2007 Summer Festival in Seaside. Hopefully, committee outfits will be ready for Saturday night festivities in Seaside. Watch for the Registration Booth at Central Oregon Round up where you can sign up to receive a free $5.00 raffle ticket for seven nights at Sunriver Resort.
Our Trails End Dance is Thursday in the Arts and Craft Building at the Polk County Fairgrounds where the "Crew" will be calling and John and Suzette Juhring cuing. Everyone is invited to attend the next committee meeting June 9 at 1:00 PM at the Salem Square Dance Center.
2009 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Jon and Kathy Rawitzer
Absent-no report
2009 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Dale Worthington
Summer Festival will be in Astoria. The caller will be from Canada and the cuer is from Washington. A BBQ is planned for the Saturday evening dinner. The fair ground is getting new flooring. (Could not understand tape report-no written report)
Absent- Written report---Vivian urged clubs to take advantage of free OFN's for lessons. Issues should be requested somewhere in the middle of lessons and again at graduation time. This helps the student see opportunities available for dancing in Oregon.
She needs information by June 5th when clubs will be dark for the summer and the date you return to dancing.
There will be lesson pull-out pages in the August and September issues again this year. Information (start date, day of the week, start time, instructor name, location address and contact name and phone number) about squares, rounds, clogging, etc needs to be in by July 5. Vivian prefers clubs contact her directly instead of a "master list" from a Council. The reason for this is that she will have a contact person to verify information for lessons and jamborees. The listing for lessons is FREE!
FREE advertising is offered if you give plenty of notice for dates of your club anniversary/birthday dance in the Special Events page for Birthday and Anniversary Dances. Records are not kept from year to year so must be notified annually.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Darlene Sconce
Darlene has attended several club birthday dances in the Emerald Empire Area, Rogue Sis-Q area, and South Coast area. She attended the Umpqua Area Council OFN subscription dance and the State Benefit Dance in Roseburg.
Forms for clubs to order state directories were distributed to delegates. The estimated cost is about $2.15 per directory. Darlene asked to have this information by the Sunday July 14th meeting in Seaside. The directories will be printed in late August and should be ready to distribute at the September 9 meeting at Polk County Fairgrounds.
She thanked Tim Roberts for creating the club membership form on the website. With minor issues the forms work very well.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Annadale Rooper (Bill)
The minutes will be e-mailed to Tim and he will put them on the web. If you don't have e-mail would you please leave your name and address with me so I can snail mail a copy to you.
Note from Virginia Myers-She apologized for not attending this meeting. She is having major back problems and with tests this week may mean surgery and may be in a wheelchair for awhile. She sends hugs and misses visiting with friends. Thanks go to Kathy Roberts and Annadale Rooper for taking care of the minutes.
Condolence cards were sent to:
Don & Vi Korner, Don's Mother passed away; Betty Hana, her Husband Ray passed away; Marie Graham, her Husband Bob passed away;
Frank & Rita Schuchard (Umpqua Delegate), Rita's Father passed away; Jim Forney, his Daughter passed away; John & Glory Guches, John's Grandmother passed away.
Get well cards were sent to:
Neva Reid, health problems; Joyce Frazier, foot surgery; Dave Duff, had surgery; Glen Benjamin health problems; Terry Stoddard, car accident; John Peyrolaz, suffered a hip and leg injury; Dan Ellis, cold; Duane Schambron, leg problem.
Ballot Report
Glory reported she sent out eighty seven (87) ballots and seventy four (74) were returned.
Acting President Marilyn appointed Linda Danner, Valerie Murphy and Ron Minten to count the ballots. They retired to the kitchen.
TREASURER: Bill Rooper (Annadale)
Reports were put in delegate box. If there are any question please let Bill know.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta Quigley (Chuck)
Coleeta said she failed to contact anyone regarding State dues owing. She will notify those who are in arrears in the next few weeks.
She thanked everyone for being so understanding with "misled" instructions in trying to make the packets easier to work with. Thanks, too, in advance, to those who have turned in their clubs directory information. As she studies the information she may have questions and will be contacting you. Note her NEW ADDRESS: PO Box 274, Coquille, OR 97423. Her toll-free phone number is 1-877-741-0560.
Please call her if you have questions.
INSURANCE: Kay Rogers (Jim)
Absent--- Written report-Thank you for the great job. Please keep up the good work and continue to send in names and $4.10 for each new club member.
PAST PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
Dennis thanked the Umpqua Council and everyone for the generous support toward the H.O. R. S. E. S Benefit dance in Roseburg. Bob Ewing did a great job entertaining us on his stick horse. $2100 was collected and donations are still being accepted. Make checks payable to H. O. R. S. E. S. and mail them directly or to Dennis and he will see the check gets to the proper place.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts (Kathy)
Tim explained he is rewriting the membership forms so they can be sent electronically. He explained the difference between non-profit and tax exempt numbers on the forms and why reports should be made. He announced his wife's 50th birthday party at the Kenton Grange.
No report
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike Odell (Shirley)
Absent no report
Absent no report
HISTORIAN: Patty Reese
Patty would like the clubs to write a club history, send pictures, etc. for the notebook she is keeping.
There will be a Federation Scholarship Dance following this meeting. Everyone is invited. Funds collected will go into the Education Scholarship Fund. Three $250.00 scholarships will be awarded at this dance. Kathy thanked those who made donations and suggested baskets, cans or whatever placed at club dances so donations can be made.
Kathy introduced Alyssa Sawyer from the Silver Stars Mini Stars. Alyssa reported on March 18th 2007 the Mini Stars hosted the KA$H for KID$ Benefit Youth Dance. The committee, last August set a goal of $5,000. After seven months of advertising and fundraising they made their goal and presented a $1600 check to the Oregon Youth Scholarship Fund. She thanked the Bramhall's for donating Bev Doolittles watercolor paintings. KA$H for KID$ committee and their advisors have not decided what they will do with the paintings. Next year KA$H for KID$ will have a dance on March 23rd 2008 starting at 1:30 with Wade Driver and Dorothy Lowder.
Kathy said a check for $1600 will be presented to the Washington Youth square dancers.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
Absent-- Written report--- Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP
ORDTA: Dennis Smith (Elaine)
Absent-Written report-- There were several nominees for several positions at the last ORDTA election with a tie for chairman. Dennis and Elaine won. The spring meeting was held at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield. Changes in ORDTA bylaws to address problems with tie ballots and other minor bylaw changes are being considered to align with current practices and other practices to address areas not currently covered in the bylaws. The summer meeting will be in Seaside and the fall meeting will be in Springfield at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center October 13.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)
Absent -Written report
OROM May 07
"YOUR MAN" written by Baldwins
Record: ESP #1094
Rhythm: Two Step Phase II + (fishtail)
Chosen by: Rogue Sis Q
OROM June 07
"AMARILLO BY MORNING" written by Seurer
Record: MCA
Rhythm: Two Step Phase II + 2 (fishtail & Strll Vin)
Chosen by South Coast
OROM July 07
"CHOO CHOO" written by: Sanders
Record: Star
Rhythm: Two Step Phase II +1 (fishtail)
Chosen by: Sunset Empire
OROM August 07
"MONEY CAN'T BUY" written by Restorff
Record: Giant
Rhythm: Two Step Phase II
Chosen by: TVC Council
A thank you note to the Federation was received from Seurer for his dance "Amerillo By Morning" being chosen as OROM for June.
Barbara apologized for being absent. They called and cued dances for the Hayshakers on the coast.
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)
Leonard questioned what percent of square dancing is politics? What percent is education? What are we doing to make square dancing better? Be positive in promoting Summer and Mid-Winter Festivals. Buy Summer Festival ribbons before Winter Festival ribbons.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
Instructions and hours for operation in Charlotte have been received. The Showcase will be open 10 AM to 6 PM Thursday and Friday and 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday. We will get a box of Portland magazines from POVA and OFN's from Vivian to display on a table shared with Washington.
USDA REPORT: Kay Rogers (Jim)
No Report-- Acting President Marilyn reported the annual meeting will be at Nationals in Charlotte Wednesday afternoon. Two delegates are scheduled to go to this meeting in Charlotte. Two more people are needed. Please see Marilyn if you are interested.
Neta reported the State Fair representative notified them dancing will be allowed all 11 days of the fair in the gazebo in the afternoon from 1:00 -2:00 and 3:00-4:00 when most dancers are still working. This is not to our satisfaction and will be discussed at a meeting May 21. Information will be forwarded.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim Kinkaid (Avis)
No report
Delegates recommended that workshops be offered on recruiting and keeping dancers.
LaVonne Bussey made a motion and seconded by Illana Widders to form a committee appointed by the President to review the By-laws and the P & P's to clarify the procedure for filling the vacancy of the President. The motion carried.
Acting President Marilyn suggested Parliamentarian Tim Roberts contact Jim Rogers to set up a committee.
Pat Young, Tim Roberts, and Frank Schuchard were appointed and to report back by July meeting.
Ballot Committee Report:
Committee Chairman Ron Minten reported there were no write in ballots. Marilyn Schmit, President; John Guches, 1st Vice President; Darlene Sconce 2nd Vice President; Glory Guches, Corresponding Secretary; Virginia Myers, Recording Secretary; Bill Rooper, Treasurer; Coleeta Quigley, Membership Chairman were elected.
A motion by Bill Rooper and seconded by Dennis Marsh to destroy the ballots passed.
Central Oregon dancers thanked all who attended Bachelor Beauts New Dancers Dance and a thank you to Aspen Grove Pizza.
" The Sundown Round Dance Club finished Two Step Lessons and will finish the Cha Cha after the Youth Scholarship Dance this afternoon.
" Central Oregon dancers are planning to travel in their RV's to lots of festivals and dances in Oregon and Washington.
" Three dances are scheduled in Central Oregon-June 6 with Doug Davis, Central Oregon Roundup the seconded weekend in August and August 16 with Mike Sikorsky. Plans are to RV to The Carson Campout in Washington.
EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL: Lorene Griffith (George)
Ione Grand Squares have been dancing a regular schedule. Will be dark over the summer. Call ahead to learn where we are dancing.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Ilana Widders (Dennis Marsh)
" The Danebo Circle 8s will be dark in July.
" The Spin Cycle Squares are planning a special mainstream graduation dance. They have two callers Syb EagleWolfe and Tim Matteson. Both will be calling in Portland August 4, 2007.
" The Sweet Home Squarenaders invite everyone to the "Free Pioneer Picnic Square Dance" Sunday June 17 1-4 at the Brownsville Pioneer Park in Brownsville, OR
" The Whirl-A-Ways enjoyed a Caribbean cruise earlier. They are planning a Mystery trip and a craft/hobby dance in May. The Summer Campout is June 15-17 and a pie and ice cream social June 23 rd.
" The Wolf Pack celebrated 9 years recently. They held a special benefit dance for the Oregon Youth fund. A check for $160.00 was handed to Kathy Roberts.
The Highlanders Council paid the caller's ASCAP/BMI and insurance fees for 2007 rather than the caller's fees.
The Klamath County Squares (K. C. Squares) is currently in a build-up mode and the Tall Town Travelers is in survival mode. The Alturas Alemanders are dancing informally regularly and in the process of becoming a legal entity with the proper club structure to allow it to make application to the Oregon Federation. The Council has urged early compliance.
The KC Squares have not had a Round Dance program since their cuer passed away 8 years ago. Stephen Murphy is learning to cue and will begin teaching Round Dance in September.
The next Highlanders Council meeting will be June 30 when new officers will be elected.
" Toledo 49'rs have had visitations from Timber Twirlers, Salem Swinging Stars, Independence Wagon Wheelers, The Sea Twirlers and Corvallis Squares. They are expecting a visit from Danebo Circle Eights when a potluck is planned. Plans are to visit the Crazy Creek Rockers, Braids and Braves and the Corvallis Squares
A $100 donation was made to the Oregon Music Teachers Association for student scholarships.
" The Sea Twirlers are planning their 11th Birthday Dance in September and plan to attend the Toledo 49'ers Loyalty Days Dance.
Happy to report all 17 area clubs have renewed their State Federation membership dues and sent in their information for the 2007-2008 State Directories. Another plus night of dancing has been added in our area. Please check the OFN.
" IWW sponsored a Relay for Life Team. One of their fund raisers was a Chocolate Extravaganza that brought in $1,180.00 in just 3 hours.
" Salem Swingin' Stars have a new dancer class of 28 students.
Reminder: State Meeting is September 8-9 at Polk County Fairgrounds.
PAC will have installation of officers at the Annual Picnic in June.
The KA$H for KID$ dance sponsored by the Silver Stars Mini Stars teen club raised $5,026.00 for Washington and Oregon Youth scholarships.
There is two special weekend dances --- Stars & Stripes Memorial Day weekend at the Clark County Square Dance Center and the Columbia Gorge annual campout in Carson Washington.
The next 5th Friday PAC dance will be an OFN subscription dance. Purchase one year subscription to the OFN and receive one free pass to the dance.
The Oaky Doaks and the Checkerboard Squares will ride and walk in the Rose Festival Starlight Parade in June.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John Guches (Glory)
Local callers and cuers will do the next council dance June 30 at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center in Medford.
" Charlie Brown Squares -Twenty students graduated in April. The annual Howard Prairie Lake campout is in June. The club will be dark in August for the Josephine County Fair.
" Circle N Squares-Regular dance with Jim Steele and Les and Mary Farley
" Lantz"s Dantzers-A benefit for the "Dogs of the Deaf" raised $1200.00 in cash and $300.00 worth of food and supplies for the program
" Star Promenaders-Annual Teddy Bear Drive-This year will collect hygienic products with the bears for Access-
The Annual Diamond Lake Festival is July 25-28 with Wade Driver and Ray and Virginia Walz.
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL: Chuck Quigley (Coleeta)
" Beachcombers - are planning the annual Birthday 4th of July week-end
" Saints N' Aints- will be dark the first week-end of June to attend the Buckeroo Roundup in Roseburg. Will be dark July 7 (Beachcomers 4th of July weekend) and 13 (Summer Festival) and may be dark for Central Oregon Roundup. Round dance workshops will start May 24
" Jefferson State Squares-Classes are being offered. Club is still dark and due to distance to other clubs many are unable to attend.
" Sets in Order-Round Dance lessons graduated students. Plan to have a float in the "Coquille Gay 90's" parade, the "Coos County Fair" parade and dance at the July 4th festivities in Coquille.
SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL: Dale Worthington (Kathy)
" The Hayshakers have been quiet during the winter. Square Dance lessons were 6 weeks long with 4 hours for each lesson. They started with 8 students and graduated 7. Several members traveled to Yuma Square Dance Festival. They have visited the Checkerboard Squares, 4 N 8'ers, and the River City Dancers promoting the Seaside Sashay.
" The 4 N 8'es are having a Rodeo Dance June 8
" Coast Swingers and R Square D's are co-hosting the Tualatin Valley Council's 5th Saturday dance June 30 in Garibaldi
" Eager Beavers every Monday afternoon
" The Fireballs have a Pie Auction June 8
" The Mix N Mingles offer a challenging plus dance
" The Sunset Promenaders are helping with Summer Festival plans.
" The Toe draggers are having a pajama dance
" The Tri-squares are serving strawberry sundaes June 2
" Valley Squares are celebrating 58 years June 16 with strawberry shortcake
The TVC is turning in $268.87 for the Federation's Youth Scholarship Fund.
No written report --- taped report inaudible
Referred to Pizza trailer and bread
Dancing at Douglas County Fair--- Come in square dance attire and badge and get in free
Pioneer Petticoat-Winston Animal Safari?? Fun badge for costume?
Buckaroo workshops
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL: David Stutzman (Sharon)
The Blue Mountains Council is down to three clubs. The Indian Valley Paraders in Elgin has withdrawn from the Federation due to declining membership.
" LaGrande Star Promenaders are not dancing through the summer but are having third Thursday potlucks.
" The Elkhorn Swingers and Star Promenaders have agreed to support each other for community demo activities
" The Muddy Frogs are planning the 25th Annual Muddy Frogwater Festival
Al and Fran Westphal
From Laughlin, Nevada, in between Yuma, AZ and Oregon.
We love you and are sorry not to be seeing you in person. Some great Oregon hugs would be a good thing.
More health challenges for Al. He fell March 24 and broke his right hip. So, add that to the right side weakness from the stroke two years ago and the left knee replacement in August. He is using a walker fairly competently and is gaining strength and balance.
It was a good dancing season in Yuma. We hope to see you at Summer Festival.
In between, we're off to Colorado to visit the "kids". It's way too hot to be in the Southwest any longer.
Harold and Barbara Kleve
I hope this meeting has gone smoothly to everyone's satisfaction. We are busy on the Summer Festival Committee, Barbara working on Hospitality, and Harold scheduling the callers. I am very disappointed at the lack of response of callers from around the state. Due to a lack of volunteers from the ranks of experienced callers we will have a number of new callers on the program, some that have not yet obtained a club of their own. This will be good experience for them. I hope our dancers are generous in their support. It seems many of our long time callers have gotten complacent and have lost their fire. If someone asked me what the biggest problem in square dancing was today I would say "lack of enthusiasm among callers". How can we fire up the dancers if our fire has gone out? How many callers attend Council meetings and state meetings? How many actually go out and recruit dancers for classes? How many are doing the "freebies" to expose dancing to the non-dancing public. How many do one night parties for churches, company picnics or private parties? Come on callers, you can do better.
Lee and Barbie Ashwill
While in Arizona we danced in Mesa to National Caller Lottie Ainsworth, and we saw Jack and Jeanne Petterson, former callers at IWW. A big hello from Don and Shirley White
We have been actively attending as many Birthday dances in the Mid-Willamette Area as we can. We have concluded our year as Vice President of the Independence Wagon Wheelers and attended the last scheduled visitation for the year. This visitation was to the Funtastic Squares in Salem, Oregon where we retrieved our banner, and because we took approximately 5 squares, we also procured one of their banners. This was a tremendous dance for a small club as the Toe Draggers from the Kinton Grange in Beaverton, Oregon arrived with 5 plus squares for their Mystery Bus Trip. It was a great evening and Leonard Snodgrass called a very upbeat program.
On March 25, 2007 we arrived in Wichita, KS for their Pre-Convention. It was a very productive week and the Kansas dancers (plus dancers from the surrounding States) are ready to host the 57th National Square Dance Convention® in June 2008. We recommend that as many Oregon dancers as possible attend this National Square Dance Convention® and support the State of Washington in their bid to host the 61st National Square Dance Convention® in June 2012 in Spokane, WA by sitting with Washington and wearing red and white.
We returned home on April 1, 2007 and on April 13 & 14, 2007, we danced to Tony Oxendine in Hillsboro, OR.
Our upcoming plans include attendance at the Washington State Summer Festival, the 56th National Square Dance Convention® in Charlotte, NC, The package in July 2007 at Cle Elum, WA with Daryl Clendenin, Jerry Junck and Doug Davis and Ray and Virgina Walz providing the cueing and the Oregon State Summer Festival in Seaside, OR in July 2007.
We hope to see all of you at the next State meeting in Seaside, OR in July 2007.
Happy Dancing!
Don and Lonna Bramhall
Although the title 'Ambassador' implies travel, in our case, there has been more 'home' than travel, and frankly, that's not such a bad thing. While it's always educational and fun to visit other places, lots of positive experiences can come to you right in your own back yard. We haven't been traveling much lately due to a few family challenges, however, we are getting the 5th wheel ready to roll. Our summer and fall plans include Summer Festival in Seaside, Diamond Lake, Carson Campout, Wallowa Lake and the Beachcombers Battle Rock Dance-not to mention our own Central Oregon Round-Up!
Locally, we have been supporting our own square and round dancing activities - the Sagebrush Shufflers have a brand new dance hall in Powell Butte - going 'home' means a lot to the Prineville club. And the Red Rocks are settling into a happy routine in the Redmond Grange. The Bachelor Beauts recently finished their square dance lessons and the Sundown is winding down lessons that have gone non-stop since last September. The Central Oregon Council sponsored a special dance with Jim Hattrick, who did an encore performance for the Swinging Mountaineers' birthday dance. We're looking to several other special dances-one in June with national caller Doug Davis and another in August with Mike Sikorsky. Some times you don't need to go anywhere to have a grand time!
Speaking of good times, even work can be an excuse for fun and fellowship - in honor of our guests attending the State Meeting, plenty of volunteers spent last Saturday prepping and polishing Pine Forest Grange. Of course that included jokes and food-any excuse for a potluck.
Being at home isn't always happy but even sad times can be good for fostering friendships. Recently, our dear friend, Don Carnes, passed away and as a long time member of the Red Rocks, he will be missed - as will Jay Strand from the Sagebrush Shufflers. Their wives and families received plenty of support from the area dance community-we were happy to have been a part of the healing process.
So, even though we can't sprinkle this report with travel anecdotes, we are very happy to be here today - to personally welcome the Federation officers, delegates and guest to our own Central Oregon. Thank you for coming. There's no place like home.
Genevieve Churchill
My dancing has been in the Portland area this time but I did attend the Washington State meeting in Cashmere.
It was nice to see many friends and the caller was Edie Harvy who was my escort at the Saturday Grand March, when I was Goodwill Ambassador to the Penticton Jamboree.
Thank you Central Oregon for your hospitality.
Janet and Roy Bellcoff, Proposed Assistant General Chairman from the Washington delegation asked for the support of Oregon dancers at the bid session in Wichita in June 2008 for the proposed National Convention in Spokane in 2012. She asked everyone wear red and white and that she has red apple badges for anyone wanting one.
Acting President Marilyn reported she has paper cups and plates left over from Barbie Coopers' funeral. It was decided smaller councils (Lincoln-Tillamook and Eastern Oregon) could use them for the state meetings they will be hosting.
Barbi Ashwill questioned the number of registrations at Summer Festival. She urged we promote and support the activity.
Al Wolf announced Ed Burcham and Jack Dunlap, both long time square dance callers, passed away recently.
Lee Ashwill challenged dancers young and old to bring one new student to lessons next year.
Neta Minten questioned when dancers will dance on the Capital steps if at all.
Kathy Roberts thanked everyone for all the help and money contributed to the kids.
Acting President Marilyn presented Dave Cooper with the two gavels he received while president of the Federation.
A note from Barbara Schaumburg:
Hi sorry, I can't make the State Meeting. I'm having some surgery the Thursday before. Barbara
ADJOURN: A motion by Coleeta Quigley and seconded by Dennis Marsh to adjourn the meeting passed.
Meeting adjourned 11:40 AM
Annadale Rooper, Acting Secretary