Meeting called to order by Jim Rogers, President at 9:30 a. m.
Motion by Coleeta Quigley to seat Barbi Ashwill as Corresponding Secretary for this meeting was seconded by Bill Rooper passed.
ROLL CALL: Annadale Rooper, Recording Secretary
Officers: All present except Glory Guches Corresponding Secretary-Barbi Ashwill substitute
Appointed Officers: All present, except Bob and Carolyn Bosch, Publicity and State Reporter; Ronnie Wiser, Education Chairman; Patty Reese, Historian; Jim and Avis Kinkaid, State Trailers; Cynthia Weber and Joann Bean, 2009 Summer Festival;
Delegates: All Present except Lorene and George Griffith, Eastern Oregon Council; Ilana Widders (Dennis Marsh),-substitute Sandy Hill- Emerald Empire Council; John and Glory Guches,-Dale Worthington, substitute- Rogue Sis-Q Council
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present, except Harold and Barbara Kleve
INVOCATION: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
MINUTES: Several spelling errors and format corrections were made.
MOTION was made by Dar Sconce to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Bill Rooper. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT: Jim Rogers (Kay)
Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Thanks for all the cards and calls. I would like to thank Marilyn for taking care of the Federation the last 6 months. Oregon is lucky to have you. Thank you Summer Festival Committee. A great job.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
I have been working on the directory, the proposed budget and filling vacancies on the Federation Board. I will be checking for errors and will list final names for board members, the nominating committee, and the Goodwill Ambassador.
A copy of the proposed budget with comparisons from prior years is in your packet. Look it over and a vote to approve it will occur under new business in September.
Ron and I wish to thank Summer Festival 2007 for a great weekend and allowing me to speak at the meetings I was able to attend.
Ron and I attended the Press Breakfast for Vivian while at the National Convention in Charlotte and enjoyed the guest speaker who was a weatherman in Charlotte who spoke on his most embarrassing TV moments. Very funny.
We attended the USDA meeting as two of the four Oregon delegates. Enjoyed seeing a few people we haven't seen in several years. I was acknowledged as a past member of the Executive Board, which was nice.
The Bid Session was very informative and Detroit came out the winner for 2011.
2007 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Gary & Joyce Clark
Joyce--We arrived in Seaside with 355 registrations and we ended up with 471. We think we have great callers and cuers and a great committee and great dancers. We hope everyone enjoyed a final blast from the past's 'Fabulus'50's" and your "Moon Pies". Gary--The dance in the sand yesterday was a huge success with 12 squares at one time. Leonard did a great job getting the enthusiastic spectators out there. The round dance hall was full and may need a bigger hall in the future. It depends on the callers and who follows them. The Trails End dance was a great hit and the Sunday morning Gospel hour was received well. The competition between clubs for attendance is satisfying. Thanks for good support from our advisors
2008 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Leonard & Marcia Snodgrass
Things are progressing. We have committees but we are not having a lot of meetings just to have meetings. Some individual meetings concerning the fairgrounds and other issues that have come up.
2008 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara Tipton
The 2008 Summer Festival Committee is ready to sell ribbons. We have a great display made by our own Neta Minten. We have a visitation schedule and plan to visit many of you across the state.
Remember to register early and get a free $5.00 drawing ticket for a chance for 7 nights lodging at the beautiful Sun River Resort for 4 people. The last day for this offer is Mid Winter Festival closing on January 27, 2008. We are also selling additional tickets for $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00. This is a great package so get your chances in to win.
We have a tour to the Evergreen Aviation Museum planned and many other fun things in the works. Our committee is working hard to make it a fun filled festival.
2009 Mid-WINTER FESTIVAL: Jon (Kathy) Rawitzer
No report
2009 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Dale Worthington
Contracts for callers and cuers have been received back and will let you know next time who they are. We are now forming committees.
This fiscal year through July we are $2676 in the black. This will help in the leaner months of November and January.
Subscriptions have dropped off this month. There are 80 June and July subscribers who have not yet renewed. Currently we have 900 paid. Postcards have been sent out this week.
There will be a lesson schedule in the August and September issues. If your club has not yet contacted us with your lesson information, there is still time for the September issue.
Remember there are free issues available to new dancer's halfway thorough lessons and as they graduate. This is a good way to get a bigger picture of State activities.
It is hoped Councils are planning an OFN Subscription dance within the next fiscal year. If you need a copy of the guidelines, please contact Vivian.
There will be a New Dancer Jamboree listing on the Special Events page again this year. Please let Vivian know by the 5th of the previous month (or more in advance if you can). This is free advertising.
The Birthday/Anniversary listings are only effective advertising if the clubs let us know as far in advance as they can so dancers can plan on these special events ahead of time. We don't carry over from one year to the next, so will need to be reminded each year.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Darlene Sconce
Directory orders from the delegates are due at this meeting. The directory will be taken to the publishers this August in time for the September meeting. If your club wishes more than they ordered, please let me know prior to the 9th of September. Please remember to bring your checks from your council to pay for the directories at this time. As far as I know, the cost will be $2.15 per directory.
Dancing for this summer has slowed down some, but after chairing the Buckaroo Roundup again this year, I have been attending several family events, a graduation in Roseburg in June and a volleyball festival in Reno in July. I am looking forward to attending Diamond Lake Festival at the end of this month. I am gearing up to dance 5 nights at the Douglas County Fair. I hope to see many of you there.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Annadale Rooper (Bill)
If I have not received a written report and I can not understand the tape your report may not be in the minutes. Thanks for the reports I have received.
No report
TREASURER: Bill Rooper (Annadale)
My report has been distributed to everyone. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Still reconciling Vivian's report with mine.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta Quigley (Chuck)
A big thank you goes to all the delegates for a great job in compiling the directory information and getting it to me at the May meeting. The email updates were great. Everything has been given to Marilyn Schmit, 1st Vice President, Kay Rogers, Insurance Chairman, and Vivian Fairburn OFN.
I will be reviewing clubs for current corporation fees and will be contacting delegates for needed information.
INSURANCE: Kay Rogers (Jim)
Everyone has been doing a terrific job of sending information regarding new members and special events. Please remember that these reports have to be sent to USDA and need to be legible.
Some of you may have heard from or about Dianne Barrick from the Fireballs. She broke her ankle at Mid-Winter during the fashion show.
The USDA insurance chairman and I made sure she had prompt coverage for her injuries because she had no insurance of her own and could not receive the surgeries she needed for her ankle without insurance.
She collected the $10,000 in medical benefits that are available through our USDA insurance. Now she wants to tap into the liability portion of the insurance coverage. That means she is going to try to prove someone other than herself is liable for her injuries. You may have received an e mail from her or a request to supply testimony regarding the floor at mid winter. The insurance company is not our enemy and we should not, in our eagerness to help Dianne, forget that this is our own insurance company we are dealing with.
PAST PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
I would like to thank the Summer Festival and this Council for a great job. My report is small just a reminder that all Randall nominations must be in to me today. End of report.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts (Kathy)
No report
No report
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike Odell (Shirley)
For February '07 to July '07, I have reviewed the OFN ads and compared them to the audit sheets regarding collections for same. All ads were reported paid or prepaid. For those few that were not paid on time, Vivian has and I'm sure will continue to communicate with those who are tardy. All in all, a very good job by Vivian
No report
HISTORIAN: Patty Reese
No report
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
January 28, 2007
For BMI, I have received their invoice for 2007 in the amount of $130.00. This is higher than the $125.00 we paid last year due to a fee increase. I have submitted the bill to the Treasurer for payment.
July 15, 2007
Everything is current with both ASCAP and BMI.
I have provided a memo to the Chair of the 2007 Summer Festival for their use in reporting and paying the fees for these organizations.
A thank you to officers, delegates and dancers who attended the Youth Educational Scholarship Benefit Dance May 20th in Central Oregon and a thank you to Leonard and Marcia Snodgrass, and Dave Cooper for donating their time and the Pine Forest Grange and the Central Oregon dancers for the wonderful feast. Donations totaled $1085 toward the Educational Scholarship Fund.
Recipients receiving scholarships were: Rachel Cook, from the Sunset Promenaders; Jessica Lee of the Silver Stars; and Kelly Powell, from the Coast Swingers.
Twenty Seven youth registered for Summer Festival. Tim and I treated 22 youth to a Hot Dog and Root Beer Float at the 50's diner Flashback. A Youth After Party was held in the Plus Hall on Saturday. New youth callers are: Alyssa Sawyer age 15, Lisa Gibbens age 21, Nicklaus Ayers age 9, Orrin Schnetzky age 14, Max Rounds age 18, Mike Kious age 19, and son Jonny Roberts age 14. Son, Jonny, sang the National Anthem at the Saturday night Summer Festival main event. Thank you TVC.
Wade Driver will call the Mini Stars "Ka$h for Kid$" fund raising scholarship dance March 23, 2008.
Plans are being made with Jan Amerson of the Mid Willamette area to organize a Youth Dance at the Salem Square Dance Center with youth callers and cuers.
If there are youth in your area that would like to attend state square dance functions but can't afford fees or ribbons contact Kathy as there are scholarships available. If you have youth that can't afford transportation or a room, please consider setting out a donation box at your next dance.
ORDTA: Dennis Smith (Elaine)
ORDTA met yesterday, July 14. There were 14 members and 4 guests in attendance. No official business was conducted due to lack of a quorum.
Most discussion centered on the Mini-Lab that ORDTA will host next July just prior to Summer Festival. I would like to invite all cuers to attend that.
ORDTA's fall meeting will be held on Saturday, October 13, at 10:00 AM at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)
Round of the Month
September 2007
"COME BACK" by Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
f/s (Bali Ha'l)
Star 197
Rhythm: Waltz
Phase: II+1 (Imp & Corte)
October 2007
"HIDE NOR HAIR" by Dorothy Sanders
f/s (Footloose)
Star 509
Rhythm: Two-Step
Phase: II + 2 (Fishtail & Strolling Vine)
November 2007
Hasn't come back yet
December 2007
"I'M IN A DANCING MOOD" by Adriene & Larry Nelson
f/s (Love is Here To Stay)
Star 111
Rhythm: Two-Step Phase: II + 1 (Fishtail)
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)
I attended a Caller College put on by GSS (Grand Square Incorporated) in conjunction with the National Convention. The teachers were Tony Oxendine, Jerry Story, and Ron and Debra Jones. Classes were 30 hours of intense training, lectures then broke into three groups; beginners, intermediate and advanced with one on one time with each caller that rotated through with different points of view. Very, very good.
My goal is to set an example for other callers so I will be on for another year and spending more time on choreography and making dances more interesting. "If we don't entertain the dancers they will entertain themselves."
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)
The showcase was short this year. Ron got it set up on Wednesday and helped the Washington Federation set up their display next door.
We ran out of stickers each day early and left the display unmanned for the rest of the day. That is the first time in 16 years that we have done that and it felt real strange. Not something we are comfortable with.
We did support the Washington Federation and answered all questions that were presented. We took 50 Portland magazines and had two left and there were about 10 OFN's left out of a 100.
We will be searching for giveaways for next year along with the pins that we personally pay for.
USDA REPORT: Kay Rogers (Jim)
I did not attend the meeting in Charlotte due to Jim's health situation. Marilyn should be the one to give report.
Marilyn Schmit: USDA was a good meeting. The room was more or less full. Kay and Jim have been re-elected Western Region Vice Presidents. New Insurance Coordinator is Pat English from Georgia. There is a new Eastern Region Vice President. Everyone is back on board with some changes. Go to USDA .org for free print outs, hand outs, zip codes, phone numbers-Lots of good information even a shopping Mall where you can get everything on line. Go to
Dancing at the Oregon State Fair in Salem is set for August 25th and 26th, September 1st and 2nd. As of this time we only have 1 cuer that has volunteered to cue so we will mostly just be square dancing. We still need help to fill in the time slots.
August 25th | 1 pm till 2 pm have dancers but need a caller |
3 pm till 4 pm, we're OK | |
August 26th | 1 pm till 2 pm need caller & dancers |
3 pm till 4 pm need caller & dancers | |
September 1st | 1 pm till 2 pm, we're OK |
3 pm till 4 pm need a caller | |
September 2nd | 1 pm till 2 pm need caller & dancers |
3 pm till 4 pm need caller & dancers |
The names of the dancers and callers have to be turned into the fair by August 1st and only the people on the list will get into the fair free. Entrance for all dancers will be through the red gate which is located on 17th St. There is some free parking but to get close to the fairgrounds you may need to pay to park.
Please call Fran Bunch at 503 393 3405 and get your callers and dancers signed up.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim Kinkaid (Avis)
No report
The committee is Tim Roberts, Pat Young, Frank Schuchard, and Dennis Marsh and at this time we have not reached a full agreement and will comeback at the September meeting with a report.
I would like to make a motion to the fact to have Marilyn Schmit be reimbursed for the amount she spent for the pins she distributed at the showcase in Charlotte. Al Wolf seconded. After a discussion a motion by Mike Odell to amend the motion to allow an additional $100.00 for supplies was seconded by Al Wolf. The amended motion passed.
I would like to make a motion that the Oregon Federation set up a scholarship fund for callers and cuers that might attend a school to get training. Bill Rooper seconded. After discussion, Marilyn Schmit made a motion that this motion be deferred to committee with Leonard Snodgrass as chairman. Coleeta Quigley seconded. Motion carried.
When can ads, fliers, ribbons etc., for the next Summer/ Mid-Winter Festival start?
P & P's-"State wide fund-raisers and the selling of the next Summer or Mid-Winter Festival ribbons may start on the first day of the current Summer or Mid-Winter Festival".
The 4n8r's will be dark in July but join them for the 'Dog Days of Summer" August 10 and an Ice Cream Social on August 24th; join the Coast Swingers for Garibaldi Days on July 28th; if you want an afternoon dance, join the Eager Beavers every Monday; the Fireballs will be dark in July but will continue dancing with their August 10th dance; the Hillsboro Hoedown dance all summer and the dress is casual when the temperatures are high; the Mix 'n Mingles offer a challenging plus dance with high level round dancing; the R Square D's are continuing their "Tuesday Night Madness" workshops on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays and dance the 1st Saturday in August; the Sunset Promenaders are holding their Teddy Bear Dance on July 28th; the Toe Draggers dance casual during the hot summer days, July 20, August 3 and will hold their annual Hawaiian Luau on August 17th; the Tri-Squares are dark in July and August' and the Valley Squares will be holding their annual summer picnic in August. More information on these dances can be found in the OFN.
The Tualatin Valley Council has turned in $53.26 for the Federation's Youth Scholarship Fund.
UMPQUA AREA: Frank Schuchard
There is free admission to the Douglas County Fair August 7-11 if you show up in square dance attire and your club badge. Several local callers and cuers and Fair entertainment will be there for your enjoyment.
The Buckaroos will be casual at the Celebration of America theme dance with hot dogs, pie, and ice cream. They will be traveling to Diamond Lake. They are dark August 18 and September 1st. Mainstream lessons with Don Marshall start September 13th and regular dancing start September 15. Round dance lessons begin September 18. Callers and cuers are Dale Roberson Steve Hoisington and Pat Hintz.
Some of the Pioneers and Petticoats are traveling to Grants Pass to attend Denny Lantz's "Mystery of Mainstream" with the Charlie Brown Club. They will be dancing at "Pioneer Days" in Canyonville.
Boots and Calicos are dark July and August. Their next dance will be a "Westward Ho Dance" at the Buckaroo Barn September 8 with Ray Graves and Claude Butler.
Timber 8's, our local plus club, is dark until September.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL: David Stutzman (Sharon)
Announcing the 25th Annual Muddyfrogwater Festival with Don Cochran and Don Wiggins-- Fliers and schedule of events can be found at
There will be casual dances, a mystery dance and many theme and special dances to entice us out on lazy summer weekends.
This year the Red Rocks have moved their square dance lessons to February '08. The Beauts and the Mountaineers will begin in January as usual. We hope that this will accommodate schedules and allow more folks to take lessons. Round Dance lessons will also begin in September.
Central Oregon Round-up is August 10th and 11th Dan Preedy and Tami Helms featured caller and cuer. We will be dancing in an Air Conditioned building if nature does not interfere.
Special Dance: National caller Mike Sikorsky will call and Dave Cooper, from Prineville, will cue a special dance at the Pine Forest Grange, Wednesday August 16th. The following morning we head to the Carson Campout with the famous wagon master Don Bramhall.
EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL: Lorene Griffith (George)
No report
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Ilana Widders (Dennis Marsh)
Sandy Hill reporting-Most clubs are dark during the summer. Please call ahead. Clubs will start lessons in September. Check the OFN. The Spin Cycle Squares have two callers, Syb EagleWolfe and Tim Matteson, both will be calling in Portland August 4. The Wolf Pack will have a picnic and dance in the park August 11. The Whirl-A-Ways
Caller, Ivan Koehn, is retiring after 44 years but will call their 50th Anniversary Dance September 22. Watch for ads in the OFN.
New officers were elected in June. Valerie Murphy, President and Steve Murphy was elected State Delegate. It is feared the Tall Town Travelers from Lakeview will fold due to lack of attendance at dances. The Klamath Country Squares have been promoting their September beginning Square and Round dance classes with advertising, demonstrations and sign up sheets.
Toledo 49'rs Square Dance Club--- Second Saturday in June dancers were asked to wear wedding attire for the Wedding Day Dance. This was fun and will elaborate more next year. We appreciate different clubs that have visited with us this summer.
Sea Twirlers have been preparing a floor board to donate to the Diamond Lake Square Dance Festival. Our club logo was painted on it and it looks very nice. We are planning our 11th Birthday Dance in September.
Watch the OFN for dates and times for ice cream socials, campouts, fun things to do and when clubs are dark and when to go casual.
Crazy Creek Rockers are having a campout September 14th and 15th and is open to all dancers. Check the OFN for details on how to get registered and get your ribbons. The MWA Fall Festival will be September 29th.
MWA Council just elected new officers for the 2007-2008 year. Many clubs are gearing up for lessons to start this fall. Classes will be listed in the OFN.
Remember to call Fran Bunch at 503 393 3405 to sign up your dancers and callers for the State Fair by August 1st.
You should have received a September State Meeting packet and if not let me know. The packet includes a letter concerning the meeting on Saturday the 18th. The meeting will include instructions on how to complete the insurance forms, club directory forms and other orientation subjects as needed. It will be very helpful for your clubs to have their incoming delegate present. This will be provided by Kay Rogers, Insurance Chairman. There will be a tail-gate dinner so what you wear there will be fine at the dance. Remember that the Sunday meeting will include the installation of new officers. We hope you will all enjoy your time in the valley.
Many clubs are dark in June, July, and August. The Country Cut-ups 5th Saturday dance will be Plus with guest callers and cuers at the Boring Barn. Chaps and Petticoats will have a "Western Barn Dance" August 4 with 'picnic' food. See OFN. The Columbia Gorge Clubs are hosting the 28th Annual Camp-Out in Carson Washington August 17-18-19. Recycles plus club is hosting their 12th Anniversary dance September 14th.
Twenty new or renewed subscriptions were obtained at the last PAC dance.
The PAC entered a float in the Gateway Parade in June. The next PAC dance will be August 31st at the Oak Grove Community Center.
Marge Pentecost, long time cuer, has retired.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL: John Guches (Glory)
No report
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL: Chuck Quigley (Coleeta)
Sets in Order-Coquille is busy this summer with parades and dances. The Coos County Fair is coming up at the end of July and 40 dancers plan to dance at the fair. Beginning lessons will start the end of September. Saints-in-Aint's-Coos Bay is having guest callers this summer with their regular caller taking the summer off. Lessons start Sunday, October 14. Jefferson State Squares-Dark
Beachcombers-Had a Birthday Dance. Guests are really appreciated. Our Labor Day dance is coming up in September.
SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL: Dale Worthington (Kathy)
Hayshakers are not dancing during the summer.
Al & Fran Westphal
Al----It's been 30 years since I sat up there at the front running the Oregon Federation. It's been fun and I've had a good time and I've met lots of good friends. I want to thank the square dancers for furnishing me a chance to run the square dance in 1947.
Fran---We plan to be with you for the meeting. Unfortunately, I recently began working again, so asking for additional time off seemed not to be a good plan.
We will be up the road on the Long Beach peninsula next weekend to do a memorial service for Al's 99-year old sister. She died March 26 in Long Beach the same day Al had surgery in Yuma to repair his broken hip.
Other than visits to our home club, Toledo 49'rs, our dance life has been quiet. We managed one adventure that made us feel all warm and fuzzy. We journeyed to Emerald Dance Center for Ivan and Donna Koehn's last dance as caller couple for the Whirlaways. We were warmly welcomed and so much enjoyed visiting with many old friends.
News of Note:
Gene Wright died at age 94 in Virginia. Gene and his wife Helen founded the Yaquina Squares in the late 50's. He was an excellent instructor of both square and round dancing. He was club caller/cuer for Yaquina Squares for a number of years. The club danced in South beach, just south of Newport. Side note: both Al Westphal and Sam Scott were Yaquina Squares past presidents.
Old News:
Goodwill Ambassador Nancy Morrissey, now of Maryland, shared news of her active dance life on the other coast. She attended square dance festivals in seven different states last year, as well as the Singles National Square Dance Convention in Rochester, NY. She has been taking round dance lessons and is currently president of her local square dance club. Nancy was very active in the Lincoln-Tillamook area when she was in Waldport with the US Forest Service. She was president of Sunset Squares and chairman of the only summer festival ever held in the Lincoln-Tillamook area.
(That Yuma, Arizona weather doesn't seem so hot lately, does it?)
Harold & Barbara Kleve
I hope you have all enjoyed this Summer Festival. As this meeting is being held I am on the stage calling. It appears attendance has been good except for the presence of Callers & Cuers. As scheduler of callers for the festival I was disappointed in the lack of attendance by many experienced callers. As a result you have heard a number of new and beginning callers in the Mainstream hall. I hope you have been generous and encouraging to them. It is rather nerve racking to appear on stage at your first festival. I'm sure they have grown from the experience.
It appears Callers, Cuers, and Dancers all need a shot of adrenalin when it comes to supporting the State Festivals. We have one club in the sponsoring council, the TVC, that chose not to go dark during the festival but, I'm sure, will expect their share of the profit. Come on now!!! What happened to cooperation for the betterment of square dancing. Unless you have a terrific caller and are the only club in town you will not survive by swimming upstream. We need each other.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill
Lee-Harold wanted me to read a correction to his report-"Apparently I was mistaken about the club that did not go dark. They dance in the TVC area but are members of the PAC.
We attended the Washington State Square Dance Festival in Redmond, WA on the 15th and 16th of June 2007. It was a super Festival and it was wonderful to see so many of our Washington friends. Oregon was well represented at this Festival.
We departed for Charlotte, NC on June 24, 2007 and returned home on July 1, 2007. We attended all of the National Executive Committee meetings prior to the start of the 56th National Square Dance Convention ®. On Wednesday night, June 27th 2007 the Convention started with the Special Event. This included a Bar-B-Q meal and a performance by an Elvis look-a-like. It was very lively entertainment.
The 56th NSDC was a great success. We believe that everyone in attendance had a super time. The only negative we know of was the fact that a caller from California passed away in his hotel room on Saturday.
We attended the package at Cle Elum, WA (Circle 8) with Daryl Clendenin, Jerry Junck and Doug Davis with Ray and Virginia Walz providing the cueing during July 5, 6, and 7, 2007. Again, this was a great weekend of dancing. For those who have not attended a package at Circle 8, we would encourage you to attend.
This weekend has been a lot of fun dancing to the Oregon callers and cuers. We commend Gary and Joyce Clark and their Committee for an outstanding Festival and we just wish there was some way to get more dancers in attendance. We will do our best to get the dancers out to Polk County Fairgrounds next year to "Make a Date in 2008".
Don & Lonna Bramhall
Summer is here, and Lonna's landscape consultant suggested removing the hedge in front of the house without any prompting from Don. Things are looking up!
Summer Festival is our first square dance trip this summer, so there's not much we can actually report at this time. We have had a great time in Seaside, and we're looking forward to the upcoming dance activities around the state as the summer progresses.
We were saddened to hear that the Ione Grand Squares were considering reorganizing as a traveling club with fewer participants. We do understand the difficulty involved in getting more rural clubs to attract new members, however.
Central Oregon is putting the finishing touches on the 2007 Central Oregon Round-Up the second weekend in August. They will be dancing at the Sisters High School again and we hope to see a lot of our Oregon Friends there.
Lonna and I are also looking forward to Diamond Lake, Carson Campout and a number of other dance opportunities this summer. We will certainly stay busy dancing and enjoying the socializing with friends both old and new.
Genevieve Churchill
Thank you. No report at this time.
Marilyn Schmit, as former member of the executive board, presented Jim and Kay Rogers a certificate of special recognition for their service to the United Square Dancers of America (USDA) in the capacity Western Region Vice President and for their outstanding leadership to the square dance activity.
Marilyn plans to travel the state during her presidency and explained "Marilyn's Traveling Companions". She said if you attend all 13 councils and both festivals and have the sheet she distributed signed by that council between the dates of August 17, 2007 and September 28, 2008 and bring it to the September '08 meeting she will present a bar for your badge. She is doing this as a way to promote dancing.
She needs one more person for the nominating committee, hopefully someone from the east or southern part of the state.
Kathy Roberts: I neglected to ask councils and/or clubs if they had any donations for the Youth Scholarship Fund. She thanked the TVC for $53.26 donation.
She suggested clubs and councils set out a bucket or can at each dance for donations. The fund will grow faster and less painfully if everyone has the opportunity to donate. She passed a box at this time for donations and thanked State Officers, Delegates and guests for their generous donation of $65.93 for the Youth Scholarship Fund.
Gary Clark, '07 Summer Festival Chairman, presented the little green wagon with the yellow rock to Barbara and Bill Tipton Chairman of the '08 Summer Festival.
The Secretary appreciates written or email reports for the minutes in advance of our meeting if possible. Thank you.
ADJOURN: A motion was made by Coleeta Quigley to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 AM and seconded by Al Wolf. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Annadale Rooper,
Recording Secretary