MINUTES OF MEETING dated September 9, 2007
Hosted by
Mid-Willamette Council
Polk County Fairgrounds
Rickreall, Oregon

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Rogers at 9:00 AM


Officers: All present

Appointed Officers: All present except Ronnie Wiser, Education Chairman; Patty Reese, Historian; Jim and Avis Kinkaid, State Trailers; Dennis and Elaine Smith, ORDTA; Dan and Ginger Allen, 2007 Mid-Winter Festival; Gary and Joyce Clark, 2007 Summer Festival; Cynthia Weber and Joanne Bean, 2009 Summer Festival

Delegates: All present except David Stutzman, Blue Mountains, George and Lorene Griffith, Eastern Oregon;

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Lee and Barbi Ashwill, Don and Lonna Bramhall

INVOCATION: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Marilyn Schmit (Ron)

MINUTES: MOTION was made by Coleeta Quigley and seconded by John Guches to accept the minutes as presented passed.


PRESIDENT: Jim Rogers (Kay)

I really want to thank Marilyn Schmit for the great job she did in representing the Federation this past year. I am sure she will continue to do a great job in the coming year. Thank you, Marilyn.

1st VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)

In July the state directory was completed, the board was finalized, and plans for the installation completed.

I attended the 25th Anniversary of the Muddy Frogwater Festival and was roasted. My parents celebrated 60 years recently.

I danced at Antique Powerland in Brooks and at the State Fair and visited a couple of round dance clubs in the area.

I am involved with Summer Festival 2008 and President of the Mid-Willamette Council for one more week.

Plans are to visit around the state earning my travel bar as I hope you are. My next visit will be the Whirlaways in Eugene. After today's meeting, delegates can report on future events. We can't attend things that have already happened. Your written reports can contain past events but reports at the meeting are for future events and travel plans for us all.

I will let everyone know by e-mail where I am going in October.

Thank you for coming and I hope you have enjoyed your weekend.

2007 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Gary Clark (Joyce) absent-Written report Tim Roberts

We cannot attend the state meeting to deliver the state's share of the profit due to a family obligation. Thank you all for your support of Seaside's "Revvin' in 2007", it was a great success. We have asked Tim Roberts who was our unofficial Co-Chairman to deliver the State's share of the profit from our festival. Tim and the entire Roberts family were key in the success of Summer Festival 2007, so who better to deliver the profit. Even though we were wondering if we were going to end up with any profit the dancers came through and their support was fantastic with a total profit of $5,981.64! Today we present a check in the amount of $2,990.82. Again, thank you all for your support of both the festival and of us as Chairman.

2008 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)

Things are progressing nicely. The program books are being finalized. Everything seems to be on track with moving halls around to make things run smoother.

2008 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara Tipton (Bill)

We have four Vendors committed and two with a verbal commitment.

We are ordering red or white Polo and T-shirts with the logo "MAKE A DATE" on them. We will wear them to casual events. If you would like to be a part of the team you may order them from Sawyer Embroidery, $15.00 for the T-shirts and $20.00 for the Polo Shirts. If you wear XXL it is $2.00 more.

Our first official visitation went well at the Central Oregon Roundup. Be on the lookout for our Registration Booth and sign up early to receive a free $5.00 drawing ticket for seven nights lodging at the beautiful Sun River Resort. The tickets may also be purchased at $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00.

When registering consider the tour to Evergreen Aviation Museum, the home of the famous Spruce Goose!

The next Committee meeting will be held October 21, 2007 at 2 PM at the Salem Square Dance Center. Everyone is invited to attend.

2009 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Jon Rawitzer (Kathy)

Things are progressing smoothly so far. Johnny Preston will be the caller and Jack and Judy Deshane?? will be the cuers. Clogging will be Jane Rivers ?? The theme will be "Dancing in the Wild West". Difficult to understand the tape.

2009 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Dale Worthington Absent No report

2010 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Sandy Eddings: No report


The year end profit for 2006-7 was $476.29. Subscriptions are averaging about 935. They have declined from last year.

Ad revenue remains constant throughout the year.

Please remind your clubs who are having lessons to order issues halfway through lessons to give to the new dancers. Then order again before the end of lessons so you will have them in time for graduation.

I made a serious goof last month and owe an apology to Seaside Sashay for not printing their ad in the September issue. Also, Silver Stars ad was affected by the software so didn't print this month. We will do better next month.


Summers are so much fun with family gatherings, Music on the Half Shell and Square dancing at Diamond Lake and at the Douglas County Fair. Square dancing was promoted at the fair and the callers and cuers did an awesome job.

The 2007-8 State Directories are here for distribution today. I want to thank Marilyn and Vivian for all they did on the directory this year. There are extra copies to take with you today.

If you have any corrections, they will be published in the OFN, just let me know.

RECORDING SECRETARY: Annadale Rooper (Bill) No report


Six (6) Condolence cards were sent and three (3) Get Well cards were sent.

TREASURER: Bill Rooper (Annadale)

Reports are in the box. Fiscal year ending reports will be at the November meeting. New delegates are reminded to turn in your expense forms to Dar for her signature.

MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta Quigley (Chuck)

All clubs have a badge on the State Badge Board.

I will be preparing the Membership packets for each club for distributing to all delegates at the Mid-Winter Festival.

INSURANCE: Kay Rogers (Jim)

If you missed yesterday's meeting and seminar on insurance, please see me to make sure your council receives their insurance papers. I would appreciate it if you would make the extra effort to get the paperwork to every club in your area, even if you have to drop them off at the home of a club's officer.

PAST PRESIDENT: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)

We have handed out the Randall Award Nominations. Please get them back to your councils and vote. Remember you will be voting as a council not by the clubs. You need to have your vote back by November's State Meeting. As I move out of office I look back and see the growth I have made in the last 4 years thanks to all of you. Now as I move forward to my next assignment as The Area Delegate for The Emerald Empire, I wish the best for our new officers taking over and thank the out going for their strong roles they have played this past year. All of your support has been great and I thank you but I would like to thank my biggest supporter, Ilana Widders. With everything I have gotten us into you have always stood beside me and reminded me to think through any situation before acting. And the way you look at things always gave me a wider vision of options that might be better. These words do not express enough of my thoughts and blessings I have for you and our ability to work together and I Thank You!!!

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts (Kathy)

No report.


No report.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Mike Odell (Shirley)

OFN ads and Vivian's audit sheets have been reviewed for July 2007 to September 2007. All ads were reported paid or accounted for as prepaid or to be paid. Vivian has indicated she has communicated to those who are delinquent and will continue her collection efforts.


Absent, no report.

HISTORIAN: Patty Reese

Absent, no report.


BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert

Everything is current with both ASCAP and BMI.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Kathy Roberts (Tim)

Kelly Powell was surprised when her scholarship from the OFSRDC was presented to her at the Coast Swingers dance July 28.

The next youth fun dance will be October 21 at the Chelahem Community Center 500 E 2nd Street in Newberg, OR. Randy Dibble will call and Tami Helms will cue. Youth callers and cuers will be encouraged. Youth square dancers will be taking flyers to George Fox University and various schools and businesses in the area inviting local youth to the dance. High energy mainstream dance with rounds will start at 2:00 and end by 4:00 PM. Everyone is invited. Flyers were distributed to be given to clubs with youths in them. All proceeds will go to the youth general activities fund.

Clubs and Councils are asked to set out buckets or baskets at each of their dances for OFSRDC Youth Scholarship collection. Everyone is asked to contribute.

The Mini Stars in Vancouver will hold their second annual "Ka$h for Kid$" fundraising scholarship dance March 23, 2008. The caller will be Wade Driver. This dance is organized and put on by youth.

It is suggested clubs with youths consider setting out a donation basket for youths that can not afford room or transportation. There are scholarships available to help dancers that can not afford fees or ribbons. See Kathy.

ORDTA: Dennis Smith (Elaine)

Absent, written report.

I have no ORDTA report since we haven't met since Summer Festival. Everyone is invited to attend our next meeting at 10:00 AM on October 13 at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara Schaumburg (Larry)

OROM for November 2007

"BEGUINE" Choreograph: Mike & Michele Seurer

CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass (Marcia)

I am honored to serve another term as Caller Advisor. Thanks Marilyn-Enjoy stirring the pot. He plans to put into practice what he learned at the seminars in June by setting goals for himself and encouraging other callers to do the same. He encourages dancers to hold callers to their goals. He desires to help new callers to do their best.

SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn Schmit (Ron)

No report.

USDA: Kay Rogers (Jim)

There are modern shopping malls on the internet where a percentage of the take goes into square dance activities. There is lots of free information available such as articles for club officers, recruiting new dancers, how to retain dancers and much, much more. There are many tri-fold information sheets and pamphlets and booklets that can be downloaded. Copies of documents can be downloaded such as the dancer insurance program presented at the seminar yesterday. Check the web www.usda.org.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Neta Minten (Ron) Referred to Fran Bunch

There was square dancing at the State Fair on August 25th and 26th and again on September 1st and 2nd. There were 38 dancers and 18 no shows on the 25th. There were 29 dancers and 25 no shows on the 26th. There were 56 dancers and 21 no shows on September 1st. There were 36 dancers and 13 no shows on September 2nd. For a grand total of 167 dancers and 77 no shows.

Dance area changes were made by the fair that was disappointing but we made the best of it.

Free parking at the fair was unsatisfactory making the Red Gate a long ways around.

The sound was good. Better crowds than in the past. Very little information was distributed.

The fair did have a reader board with square dancing on it. Square dance attire with petticoats is the best advertisement. Ann Skoe invited people from the audience and taught a simple dance. The stage was full and the crowd seemed to enjoy it.

The fair changed the rules to accommodate the square dancers. This was a good thing as we had so many people who signed up who for whatever reason chose not to come. It is important to remember that the State Fair needs to make enough money in two weeks to maintain the grounds and keep the base employees for the year. They allowed the dancers in free. The loss to them is between $1200 and $1500.

Suggestions for next year:

1. Check with callers and cuers to make sure they will be supportive and will come and participate.

2. I believe it would be best to have a club sign up for a day and time and have their caller and cuer. It's important that other dancers be allowed to dance.

3. I think it would be better to dance for a two hour block instead of the two one hour blocks.

I believe most dancers had a good time and had time to enjoy the fair. Thanks to all the dancers, callers and cuers who participated. 'Thank You' notes have been mailed and will be in the OFN.

STATE TRAILERS: Jim Kinkaid (Avis)

Absent, no report.


Questions for the board meeting.

1. Could the agenda for the state meeting come out sooner?

Tim-There is a time frame, I think 30 days. I will check

2. Is it possible for people to go on the Internet and obtain names and addresses of clubs?

Tim---State Corporation is all public information. There are no street addresses on our web site.

3. Is it possible to get internet listings that are associated with Square Dancing that would be helpful to new delegates or people new to the computer?

Kay---www.squaredance.gen.or.us or www.usda.org

4. Not all councils were represented at the meeting yesterday. It is hoped there is an alternate delegate.

5. We discussed that we would like all the State Delegates to go back to their councils and push the sale of the OFN to new and old dancers alike.


  1. Committee Report on the progress for Presidential Succession

    After a fair amount of spirited discussion, our committee is ready to present its recommendation on how to modify the by-laws and practices & procedures to cover the situation when a sitting president is no longer able to serve. This is the majority recommendation of the committee, with one dissenting opinion.

    We propose that Section 2 of the By-Laws (1st Vice President) be amended to add:

    In the event that the office of President becomes vacant prior to its regular term ending, the 1st Vice President, after approval by a majority of the executive board, shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the balance of the term. The appointed person should be a Past Federation President.

    We also propose that, in the Practices & Procedures, on page V-6 in the duties of the 1st VP, a new section 6 be added:

    6. If the office of President becomes vacant before the end of the term, the by-laws require that 1st Vice President appoint a replacement to fill the term. The replacement should be a Past Federation President, to ensure that there is an experienced hand at the helm. The most recent Past Federation Presidents should be contacted first, since they will still have the job fresh in their memories.

    If no Past Federation President is able or willing to fill the term, then the 1st VP needs to use good judgment in appointing a qualified replacement. The replacement must be approved by a majority vote of the executive board. It should be made clear to the appointee that the replacement term extends not only through the rest of the current year, but to sitting as Immediate Past President for the following year as well.

    By making this change, a vacancy in the president's chair will be handled just like vacancies in other board positions, without having to introduce a lot of new procedures for a situation which, as you know, has only arisen once in our 50-year history.

    Since we are proposing a change to the by-laws, it cannot actually be voted on until our next meeting. This report represents the first reading, as required by the by-laws. However, procedurally, I think it would be appropriate to have someone to make a motion to accept the committee's recommendation. Again, this would not ADOPT the change; it would only start the amendment process. The actual vote on the change would happen at the next meeting.

    Tim Roberts, Parliamentarian
    Pat Young, TVC Delegate
    Chuck Schuchard, Umpqua Delegate
    Dennis Marsh, Past President

    A motion to accept the recommendation was made by Marilyn Schmit and seconded by Steve Murphy.

    After a lengthy discussion a motion by Neta Minten and seconded by Sylvia Davis was made to table for further review passed.

  2. Announcement of the new Goodwill Ambassadors.

    Bill and Annadale Rooper were named Goodwill Ambassadors.



Fran Bunch installed the new officers with an impressive candle lit ceremony.

President, Marilyn Schmit
1st Vice President, John Guches
2nd Vice President, Dar Sconce
Recording Secretary, Annadale Rooper
Corresponding Secretary, Glory Guches
Treasurer, Bill Rooper


President Marilyn gave each officer, delegate and appointed member a Mild Stone charm, "Essential Piece", commemorating the value of each member of our organization. Her goal is to support the OFN and for each council to set a date for a subscription dance. She encourages clubs use the Federation trailers for functions other than just parades. She plans to visit around the state depending on her work schedule, Federation meetings, and events. She hopes people will offer her a place to stay. Square Dance is the official dance in Oregon and she encourages everyone to join her in her effort to collect travel bars. She thanked Fran Bunch for installation ceremonies, the Independence Wagonwheelers, the Muddy Frogs, the Ashwills, Ralph Lambert and her husband Ron.

MOTION by John Guches to accept the 2007-2008 Budget was seconded by Bill Rooper and it passed.


Mid Willamette Council: Neta Minten (Ron)

Many dancers came together to dance at the Antique Powerland and the Oregon State Fair to promote Square Dancing and to announce the start of classes for new dancers.

Dancers are invited to come see the improvements at the Salem Square Dance Center Saturday September 29th at the Mid Willamette Area Fall Festival sponsored by our Callers & Cuers.

Fran and Ray Bunch were thanked for all the work they did setting up and organizing the State Fair Dances and all were thanked who were able to come to the dinner and dance last night.

Check OFN for upcoming dances and activities for our area.

Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)

Most clubs are back to dancing after Summer schedules and many clubs have or will soon start new dancer lessons. Check the current OFN for information.

The Country Cut-Ups will be celebrating their 47th Anniversary October 6th at the Boring Barn. Scott Zinser will call and Doug Hatch cue. Their annual pancake breakfast will be October 21st 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Their 5th Saturday Dances will be "plus" with guest callers and cuers.

Larry Rice of the Silver stars is the 2007-2008 president of the Evergreen Council. Their next 5th Saturday dance will be September 29th at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver with the Wild Cards and Lonnie Sycks.

Many clubs are having "Back to School" Dances in September. School supplies are being collected and donated to agencies for students who can't afford to purchase them.

The Happy Rock'rs are having a "Luau Dance" on September 22nd and the Silver Stars will honor Darrell Kalmbach who has been their caller for 20 years on September 22nd.

PAC's next 5th Friday Dance is November 30th at the Oak Grove Community Center in Oak Grove with Randy Dibble and Debbie Combs.

Rogue Sis-Q Council: Marlene Richardson

New council officers were installed at the 5th Saturday Dance in June

The Charlie Brown Squares are hosting a Masters in Mainstream, a spin off on learning Mainstream by Definition. It is like a standard college class with home work, flip charts, and handouts with homework websites where the student can go to see the moves in 3D animation. There were 91 students registered with at least 10 squares dancing each week. Summer school was offered for those wanting extra instruction.

There was a Baby Shower dance to help a local charity raise needed baby items for needy families.

Lantz's Dantzers are continuing to hold 2nd Friday A1/Plus dances each month and are planning the 2nd annual Dogs for the Deaf Dance in April 2008

Star Promenaders-Next year's caller for the Diamond Lake Festival will be Mike Sikorsky of Mesa, Arizona

South Coast Council: Chuck Quigley (Coleeta)

Sets in Order will celebrate 61 years October 13th with Phill Lindsey and Denise Harris.

Saints-in-Ain'ts start lessons October 14 4 to 6 PM.

Beachcombers start lessons October 14th.

Sunset Empire Council: Sylvia Davis

Hayshakers Seaside Sashay is October 26-27th with Dan Preedy and Randy Dibble featured callers and Debbie Taylor cuer. Mainstream lessons will start September 26 and plus lessons September 28th.

Tualatin Valley Council: Paul Cap (Dianne)

The annual Hahn Farm Barn Dance and potluck dinner is September 29 starting at 5:30. Harold Kleve is calling the dance and Jeanine Norden cueing.

December is the tri council (TVC, PAC, Evergreen councils) Christmas dinner party. All are welcome.

January brings a New Years dance still in the planning. The TVC holds a Presidents Potluck which recognizes all the past and present club and council presidents and awards a plaque to an individual or couple for their contribution to square dancing.

TVC members Rachel Cook and Kelly Powell were winners of two of the three youth scholarships award.

4n8 ers will start lessons September 10. Their annual corn feed Harvest Dance is September 15

Coast Swingers start lessons in January and are planning a BBQ and Dance September 22.

Eager Beavers are having a Mainstream Harvest dance October 21 at Hillsboro Hall. Lessons start September 19

Fireballs are back to regular dance schedule and lessons start September 24.

Hillsboro Hoedowns are dancing regular schedule and lessons start September 28.

M&M plus dancing regular schedule.

R Square D Dancing will be dark in September returning to regular schedule in October

Sunset Promenaders Anniversary dance will be October 13 along with a chicken dinner. Lessons start September 9

Toe Draggers are dancing regular schedule with their anniversary dance September 21.

Tri Squares are back to regular schedule after being dark for the summer. Anniversary dance is September 21 featuring Jim Hattrick.

Valley Squares are dancing regular schedule. There will be a Halloween dance October 20 and a Black and White dance November 17.

Umpqua Area Council: Frank Schuchard (Rita)

Boots & Calicos are dark until November 10 when Ray Graves and Claude Butler call and cue. Planning a visitation to Sets & Order birthday dance at the end of October.

Buckaroos starting mainstream lessons September 13th

Dancing Friends Round Dance Club is planning their anniversary dance. A prize to the individual that can tell us what year the club was chartered.

Pioneers & Petticoats begin mainstream classes September 13th

Timber 8's Plus Club dance September 21st with Roger Putzler and Claude Butler

Umpqua Area Council is planning to participate in the Veterans Day parade in November

Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman (Sharon) absent Written report

I will not be in attendance at the Federation Meeting on Sunday. I have a conflict with our annual fall Wallowa Mountain Hoedown weekend. Our Council meeting is being held this weekend so no Council business to report to the Federation.

Central Oregon Council: Carol Bro (Ben Oakes)

Thanks to all who attended our 25th Central Oregon Round-Up. Central Oregon is getting into the swing of fall with lessons starting and full dance schedules.

The Sundown will begin Phase II Waltz lessons and the Fox Trot in September

Shufflers start mainstream this month

The Beauts and Swinging Mountainers are back to regular fall schedule with lessons scheduled for January

The Red Rock Squares will begin lessons in February

A dear friend and fellow square dancer Patty Davis passed away August 30th. Prayers go to the family.

Easter Oregon Council: Lorene Griffith (George) No report

Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)

Danebo Circle 8's will have a Halloween Chili Feed and silent auction October 20th. Classes start September 15

Single Trees Wear your colors on September 14 for the Duck and Beaver Party Dance

Sweet Home Squarenaders Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner Dance November 10. Saturday December 8 the Christmas Benefit Dance for the Sweet Home Fire Department Toys for Tots

Whirl-a-Ways Lessons start September 13 Whirl-A-Ways will celebrate 50 years September 22

Wolf Pack start lessons September 22 with morning lessons

New caller Bob Ewing, is using a program fashioned after a method used by caller, Jim Hattrick. He believes the biggest difference in the actual lessons is that he spends a lot of time with the new dancers in a big circle rather than trying to force them into a square right away. Many of the moves that are used in a square can be learned just as well in a large circle.

He has the lessons on an 8 week rotation. The first 8 weeks they learn the basic moves. The second 8 weeks they learn some of the more advanced moves while reinforcing the moves they already learned by helping the next set of new students. At the end of the second 8 weeks, they are main stream dancers.

Interstate Highlanders Council: Steve Murphy (Valerie)

Klamath Country are having a Root Beer Float Social September 15.

KC Squares are having a Ticket Festival Dance. There is a flyer

Tall Town Travelers are doing a demonstration at the Lakeview Elks Club for Governor Kulongoski September 17th. He is in town for the opening of the Biomass plant.

Alturas Alamanders will host the Interstate Highlanders Council September 29. There will be an inquiry as to how close they are to joining the Federation.

Lincoln-Tillamook Council: LaVonne Bussey (Al)

Arrangements for the State Meeting and dance to be held in Newport Middle School November 10-11 are being finalized. There are flyers in your files.

Toledo 49'ers It has been "come as you are" for the beach. Visitors are always welcome. The third Saturday Dance in September will be a 50's theme so get your poodle skirts out.

Sea Twirlers Our birthday dance held in Gleneden Beach is September 9th with Patty and George Hermann. Looking forward to assisting at the State Meeting in November.


Harold and Barbara Kleve

We haven't traveled much this summer. We stayed pretty close to home and got caught up on some yard work. We did spend four days at Cape Kiwanda with our three grand kids. That was a little tiring. Family comes first and then square dancing.

I hesitate to say anything here but I want to respond to the full page opinion in the OFN. I didn't know the State Reporter and Publicity Chairman were to investigate and analyze the ills of the Federation. I didn't know the Federation needed to be stabilized nor did I know there was a stigma in the Federation.

We have weathered a difficult period but with a good group of officers and delegates they will keep us on course.

If there is a problem it is in the makeup of the same people serving only in different chairs. This is not all bad because of the character of the people and the experience. This is a non profit group running a non profit organization. We don't need a bunch of new committees. Let's lighten up and have fun.

Lee and Barbi Ashwill

We are sorry that we are unable to attend the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs meting this weekend. We are in Spokane, WA helping Washington prepare their Bid Package for presentation in Wichita, KS at the 57th National Square Dance Convention® in June 2008.

Our Square Dance activities have been somewhat limited since the July 2007 meeting. Our home club is dark in August and we staffed the Admission Gates for the Polk County Fair on August 9 - 12, 2007. This is our Annual fundraiser for the Club.

We spent 10 days in Las Vegas from August 17 through August 26, 2007. This was a time for R & R as we were using our Time-Share points.

We hope that everyone has enjoyed this weekend and we are positive that the Independence Wagon Wheelers were excellent hosts.

Once again, we urge everyone to get registered for Mid-Winter Festival 2008 and the Oregon State Summer Festival 2008. The committees for these two Festivals work extremely hard to insure that you have an enjoyable time and all they ask of you to register early so they have operating funds. REGISTER TODAY!!!!

Happy Dancing!!!!

Don and Lonna Bramhall

We are sorry to miss the September meeting, but Don is sneaking through the woods looking for Bambi right now and Lonna is planning meals when Don comes home empty handed.

This is turning out to be a difficult year for Central Oregon square dancing. It's with deep sorrow that we report the passing of Patty Davis on August 30, 2007, following open heart surgery. Patty leaves behind her life-long dance partner and husband Roger, and a sad family of square dancers in Central Oregon. As a member of the Star Promenaders, the Bachelor Beauts, and the Swinging Mountaineers, Patty was involved in square dancing throughout Central Oregon. She held numerous offices in each club over the years as well as serving on a number of each club's committees. Our deepest sympathies are extended to Roger and their family.

Lonna and I have been able to enjoy some excellent square dancing and fellowship this summer. Although we missed Diamond Lake due to some pressing family issues, we did have a great time at Carson Campout following the Central Oregon Round up. This was the first time we were able to attend the Carson Campout and we got to travel with thirteen other dancers from Central Oregon. Dancing to Daryl and Yvonne Clendenin and Bill and Neva Reid was a real treat, and the food, sight seeing, and companionship of a great group of Mid Columbia Plus Dancers and their guests made for a great weekend.

We have just returned from another fun filled weekend of dancing. Lonna and I would like to thank Molly Culley, President of the Beachcombers, and her club for a great Battle Rock Dance weekend in Port Orford. What a great way to spend Labor Day weekend. We danced for three days (including a dance in the surf), pot lucked for three days, found some great seafood (and Patty's famous cinnamon rolls), and had a wonderful time dancing to Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper. Having spent two plus years in Tillamook Lonna and I found the weather on the south coast to be fantastic. Sunshine and blue sky every day!

Looking back at the three different festivals we attended in August-Central Oregon Round-Up, Carson Camp Out and the Battle Rock Dance, it's gratifying to see so much enthusiasm and originality in these similar, yet totally different events. It's good to be reminded that no matter how long you've been hosting a festival, there are always wonderful new ideas to learn from each other -like Carson's Saturday night ice cream social or the Beachcombers' surf dance and rockin' in the Dee Wright Observatory at Sisters. As Goodwill Ambassadors, we hope to encourage more people to try something new, to travel just a little further down the road (and outside their comfort zones) to experience something different. Sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence. Every festival has something extraordinary to offer!

As summer winds down, we are still looking forward to upcoming dancing opportunities, helping with lessons and, of course, Mid Winter!

Genevieve Churchill

Since the last State Meeting I have danced in both Oregon and Washington. Many kudos to Gary and Joyce Clark for all their hard work. Along with their co-workers it was a great Summer Festival-there were poodle skirts every place you looked. Great fun!

There are two friends in Sisters who really take care of me. Each year they make reservations at a motel, put it on their visa for the Round-Up and welcome me with open arms. Wonderful friends!

This year was the 25th Anniversary of the Round-Up and I have attended all of them. It has been at various places in Central Oregon. Some still are dancing but many are not. I am sorry to say the attendance at the Portland Area Council dance was small but the young people from the Canby Cloverleafs and their caller Ann Skoe were having a good time.

I also attended the funeral for the Halley's son who was killed in an accident.

I am looking forward to the Tri-Squares Anniversary.

Bill and Annadale Rooper

My, what a surprise. Thank you Jim and Kay.

Bill "Speechless"


President Marilyn noted it has been a difficult year for all of us and presented the retiring President Couple a token of appreciation to Jim and Kay Rogers.

Kay Rogers made an announcement about the USA West Convention to be held in Pendleton, OR the 3rd weekend in August next year. Agreements have been made with the Carson Campout and the Muddy Frogs. The Central Oregon Round-Up will be the following weekend so there should not be a conflict. Registration forms are available.

Leonard Snodgrass- Invited everyone to take Mid-Winter flyers and to register.

Carolyn Bosch-- McGregor Award went to Roy and Janet Belcoff. Silver Stars are hosting a special dance Oct. 27 to honor them-- all are invited. Clark County Square Dance Center-- 2008 WA State Summer Festival is in Longview WA June 20-21st. Will be raffling a quilt 3 for $5.00 T-shirts available.

Barbara Schaumburg-Will delegates check with their councils to see if they still have cuer coordinators for rounds of the month. Do Interstate Highlanders?? Yes

Fran Bunch---I need to add to my report. A man from Portland took a taxi to the fair because his car broke down. It cost him $124.00. He took a ride home with friends. An Assisted Living representative requested dancers for a demonstration.

Larry Reese---Whirl-a-Ways of Eugene are celebrating 50th Birthday dance September 22. Auditioning for new callers.

Tim Roberts announced Ed Smith passed away recently.

Kathy Roberts-Thanked officers, delegates and guests for generous donation to the Youth Scholarship fund of $62.05. Looking for local contact numbers to put on flyers being distributed in the areas.

Virginia Myers thanked everyone for cards and thoughtful wishes during her recovery. She hopes to be able to round dance again soon.

Vivian Fairburn OFN subscription dance: Remember to check so there aren't two subscription dances on the same night in your area. New delegates, there are guide lines. If you don't have them please see me. I have lists of web sites.

Barbara Tipton-I have ribbons and flyers. See me.

Fran and Al Westphal

It was a surprise to be appointed once again to serve as active Ambassadors. Thanks to Linda Lambert for the honor. Who would have thought another five years would fly by so quickly?

Al is back to round dancing on a limited basis. We did a couple of rounds about a month ago and four rounds a couple of weeks ago. Hooray for Al.

Last Sunday we had a nice visit with Floyd and Evelyn Carson (past president Mid-Willamette area and Mid-Willamette delegate to the Federation and founder and first president of Spinning Antlers). They are retired now and living in Salem. 1310 Madrona Ave. SE Salem 97302.

Then, we journeyed across town to visit Bernice Gruchalla in her teeny home. She was busily crafting note cards, which she sells through the senior center. She is still energetic and enthusiastic, always off to a card game, church or a gambling trip or somewhere. Her gardens are lovely and we almost got to meet her cat. 2210 Laurel Ave. NE 97303.

We visited by phone Monday night with Dorothy Murray in Madras. She asked us to give her best wishes to all. Aspen Court Retirement & Assisted Living, 470 NE Oak St. Madras 97741.

We expect to migrate to Yuma, Arizona in November. We will be eagerly awaiting an invasion of Independence Wagon Wheelers and other Oregonians who will be "coming on down" to support/harass Roger Putzler. Roger will be one of the featured callers on the Yuma Festival program in February. Chairmen this year are Hope and John Anderberg of Eugene and Yuma. Mark February 8, 9, and 10 on your calendars and start making plans. We'll have the sunshine out for you.

Hasta la Vista

Officers and delegates will you please e-mail your reports to me at baroop@charter.net . Thank you.

ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned 11:40 AM

Respectfully submitted

Annadale Rooper
Recording Secretary