The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marilyn Schmit in the Oregon Room of the Holiday Inn Express in Albany.
Officers: All present
Appointed Officers: All present except: Publicity/Education, Larry/Carol Reetz; Historian, Patty Reese; 2009 Summer Festival, Cynthia Weber and Joanne Bean; Empire Council, Dennis/Marsh Ilana Widders, substitute, Ray Jones; Eastern Oregon, Lorene/George Griffith
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Harold and Barbara Kleve
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Jim Rogers
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President John Guches
Changes to the minutes of November 11, 2007 should read:
Page 1 - DeChenne should be spelled with 2 n's
Page 3 - 2009 Mid winter chairman's wife's name is Kathy
Page 8 - delegate meeting report---LaVonne's husband name is Al
Page 10 - Saints 'N' Aints-correct spelling is Donna 'Hiserote"
TVC Paul Caps' wife is Dianne
Page 11 - Umpqua- Veterans day is in November not February
Page 16 - In Lee Ashwills report S/B 'Lee' Long rather than Lea
The results of the vote for the motion should be under Old Business and not New Business.
A motion to accept the minutes as corrected was made by Coleeta Quigley and seconded by John Guches passed.
PRESIDENTS REPORT: Marilyn and Ron Schmit
Ron and I want to thank everyone for the Randal Award we received last night and thank Al Wolf who asked me at Summer Festival last summer if we had ever been nominated. I said 'no' and he said send him some information. We are very appreciative of it. Thank you.
Gee, where do I start? What have I been doing since the last meeting? Well, let's see. I had Thanksgiving and Christmas, a boring New Years Eve, too. I attended the PAC council dance at the end of November. A smaller crowd than I expected. Where was everybody? Did I hear the word "cruise" while at the dance?
I also attended the first dance of a new club that will be applying for membership later this year. What a hoot! Several callers and cuers from the Mid-Willamette Area came to support this new club for a first time dance. Eight squares or more were in attendance. The class is made up of some adults and lots of youth and that is a good thing. They have just elected officers and have a schedule of dances planned in the big city of Lyons between Salem and Detroit Lake. There are also other clubs working on getting membership paperwork in line so stay tuned.
I also attended the Washington Federation meeting in Vancouver and had a great time at their Friday night dance. Lots of differences in meeting styles and great friendships that I treasure from when I first started dancing.
The Federation seems to be rolling along on an even keel at the moment and I look forward to an even better eight months for the rest of my term. I have some visitations in the back of my mind but will make the plans public once I know what the weather looks like when I want to go somewhere. Only six more councils to visit, before all 13 councils have seen my cute, perky face. Well, you know a person has to think positive once in a while!
The next few months will be busy with officer ballots, Benefit Dance, and enjoying the arrival of Spring! Oh to be warm again.
See you at a dance somewhere or in Ione for the May meeting. Don't forget that you need to let them know if you are attending for a meal count.
Thanks to Mid Winter for a cold, fun weekend.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: John and Glory Guches
Glory and I have not been out and dancing too much this last couple of months.
At this time I wish to announce the dates for the following Oregon Federation Meetings
November 15--16, 2008 Sunset Council is host at the Pacific Grange 90475 Hwy 101 Cullaby Lake, Warrenton, OR
January 24--25, 2009 Emerald Empire Council is the host and will be in Albany, OR
May 29--30, 2009-Interstate Highlanders is the host and will be held at A. D. Hay Elementary School, 500 I St. Lakeview, OR.
September 2009 is being hosted by the Tualatin Valley Council. At this time, I am still waiting for their response back.
2008 MID WINTER: Marcia (Leonard) Snodgrass
It is estimated $10,000 was collected from resale. No final numbers but maybe 1200 dancers. We need to recognize people working in the resale area.
2008 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Barbara and (Bill) Tipton
The 2008 Festival Committee met January 13, 2008 at the Salem Square Dance Center in Salem, OR.
2008 has finally arrived and we are on track for a wonderful Summer Festival.
We would suggest to all Oregon Callers and Cuers that want to be included in the program, you need to mark this on your Calendars and reserve July 18, 19, 20, 2008 for Oregon Summer festival. If you have not received your invitation to participate it should be coming to you soon! If you would like further information contact Roger Putzler for the Callers and Goldie Restorff for the Cuers.
The free drawing ticket for 7 days at beautiful Sun River Resort expires at the end of Mid Winter Festival. You will still be able to purchase drawing tickets after that for 1 for $5.00 and 5 for $20.00. This is a real bargain. If you were to purchase this package for four people on your own it would be approximately $1,000.
We have seven Vendors committed for our Festival at Summer Festival. We are doing our best to give the dancers what they want for a successful festival.
The next Committee meeting will be February 3, 2008 at 2 PM at the Salem Square Dance Center. Everyone is invited to attend.
I think we had over 40 ribbons have been sold on Saturday.
2009 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Jon and (Kathy) Rawitzer
We are moving along just fine. Our theme is,"Dancing the Wild West". The Emerald Empire Council has been gracious and provided a Western bear (on the table in front of you) as a kick-off for our festival. Ribbons and packets are available. Majority of the RV spaces are filled. Have ribbon packets for those who wish to help us sell them. There will be a new dancer hall and an advanced dancing hall.
2009 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Joanne Bean/Cynthia Weber- Dale Worthington reporting
Dale Sjolin will be the caller and Dennis Crapo will be the cuer. It will be the second weekend in July at the Astoria Fair Grounds. There will be a dinner out there and special activities are planned. No theme yet.
We have just over 900 subscribers. There are still many club Presidents who have not subscribed to the OFN. Please encourage your club officers to consider a subscription if they are not currently subscribing. Not only does the OFN keep them informed, it shows support for the Federation.
Free OFNs are available for new dancers upon graduation. Also it is a good idea to give them a copy halfway through the lessons to give them a peek of what happens in the square dance community. It is helpful to keep expenses down for the OFN if you could make your request for these free issues as far in advance as you can.
Yesterday at the POOF meeting a new idea surfaced. Why not create a classified section in the OFN for callers and cuers who wish to list their availability. We will put an ad in the OFN next month and there are flyers for each delegate to take back to your Council. We discussed several different price suggestions. A modification is suggested at this time and that is 12 issues for $12.00. This listing will be ˝ inch. It would fit at the end of the Where and When section on page 9.
Subscription dances are: March 2, Mid-Willamette Council-March 14, 4 n 8'ers in Hillsboro-March 29, Interstate Highlanders, Klamath Falls-May 30, Portland Area Council, Oak Grove Community Center
Please remember that the OFN will pay for ˝ the price of a color ad for a subscription dance. I have guidelines for holding a subscription dance. Please email me.
The OFN will provide free of charge a full size flyer for ads when requested.
It was moved and passed to approve the OFN Editor's contract for another year at the POOF meeting.
Since our last meeting, I have been busy visiting birthday dances, new dancer dances, helping with new dancer lessons, both square and rounds. Over Christmas I took some time off to visit in Bakersfield with my daughter and her family.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Annadale (Bill) Rooper
I need a written report if you want a report in the minutes. The recorder is not always clear and is difficult to understand. Thank you Mid-Winter Committee for a great weekend. Not so sure of the snow.
Thank you to Mid-Winter Staff.
Cards sent this quarter are:
Get Well Cards:
Special Cards:
TREASURER: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
Financial report distributed prior to meeting. I will try to answer any questions.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley
Mid-winter is upon us. My report is short and sweet. I have the membership packets ready and are handing them out at this meeting. Any questions feel free to call me or email me.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers
This year the insurance paperwork went pretty good. All the clubs reported on time. There were a few problems that should be addressed for next year.
The most interesting one was that a few clubs called to say they did not know who their state delegate was. The letter next year should include each council's delegate information.
The next calls were to ask where to send the paperwork. Even after some of them were given delegate information, I received their paperwork.
The four part form needs to be completed by each delegate and the insurance chairman needs three copies.
The dance locations need to be filled out for each location a club dances or has lessons.
Some clubs still do not understand that we need the original roster back instead of their "new and improved" one.
And the biggest problem was a club that completely missed a page of their roster. This would have left about 28 people uninsured. We corrected this error as best we could, sent in the names and money and let the club reimburse us later.
That brings me to the last problem: When we ask for additional information or clarification, it is important that it is made a priority and handled quickly so the insurance paperwork can be wrapped up for the year. We are all busy!
As most of you know, we are being sued. This is a situation we have feared for some time. Diane Barrick was injured last year at Mid Winter. She went through the $10,000 in medical coverage our insurance provided. Now she has an attorney and needs to prove negligence in order to get a much larger settlement. Mid-Winter, and the Federation are being represented by our insurance company in that suit. We hope all our 'T's' are crossed and our 'I's' are dotted.
PAST PRESIDENT: Jim (Kay) Rogers
It was our pleasure to present the Randall Award last night. They are a very deserving couple. Too bad more dancers do not realize how much some of the dedicated do for the good of dancing in the state of Oregon
I have distributed Randall Award Nomination forms to each delegate. Please actively seek nominees for this prestigious award.
The plans are made for the annual HORSES benefit dance on April 6 1-4 PM. Leonard Snodgrass will be the MC. We will have callers and cuers from the floor. If you or your club can not attend, please send your donation to the Oregon Federation Treasurer, Bill Rooper. This is a very worthy cause.
We started the nominating committee meeting with little or no response. What we bring to the table today is: Membership, Sylvia Davis and Neta Minten; 1st Vice President, Lee Ashwill; Corresponding Secretary, Glory Guches; Recording Secretary, Dale Worthington; 2nd Vice President, Floyd Bard.
Nominations were opened from the floor for Membership.
MOTION by John Guches and seconded by Dar Sconce to close the nominations for Membership, passed.
Bill Rooper will be going in his second year as treasurer so will not need nominations for treasurer
Nominations were opened for Recording Secretary
MOTION to close the nominations was made by John Guches and seconded by Bill Rooper, passed.
Nominations were opened for Corresponding Secretary
MOTION by Al Wolf and seconded by Ray Jones to close the nomination, passed.
Nominations were opened for 2nd Vice President.
MOTION by Dar Sconce and seconded by Coleeta Quigley to close the nominations for 2nd Vice President, passed.
Nominations were opened for 1st Vice President
MOTION by Coleeta Quigley and seconded by Chuck Quigley, passed
Kay and I are chairing the 9th USA West Square Dance convention in Pendleton this August 13th -16th. Single Square Dancers USA are hosting the Thursday night after party with the Ghost Riders. Oregon youth are hosting the Friday night after party with the Ghost Riders and youth callers. Kathy Roberts will be presenting a couple sew-n-save seminars. The Colorado High Country Dancers will be doing a few exhibition dances. You will find registration forms in your packets. Please help distribute this information to your clubs.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
After hearing reports of P & P's being lost or have not been passed down or not being updated, new copies have been printed. Two copies are given to the delegate. The delegate keeps one and the council president gets one. Covers can be purchased and passed to replacement officers.
MOTION to authorize payment of $328.00 cost for re-printing was made by John Guches and seconded by Coleeta Quigley. Carried.
PUBLICITY: Larry (Carol) Reetz
No report
Subsequent to my last report, I have performed the following Federation related activities:
1. Reviewed the October, November and December 2007 bank statements of the Federation's account held at Bank of America, and forwarded them to the Treasurer.
2. Compared the detail schedule of invoiced advertisements for October, November and December 2007, provided by the OFN Editor, to the copies of the Oregon Federation News for those same months.
3. Completed a preliminary audit of the Federation's financial statements for the year ended August 31, 2007.
In reviewing the bank statements, a possible duplicate payment was noted and conveyed to the Treasurer. Two separate checks had been made to the same vendor for the same amount and from the information on each check, in payment of the same invoice. Discussion with the Treasurer disclosed that the payments were for separate invoices.
All advertisements in the October, November and December issues of the Oregon Federation News have been invoiced.
The preliminary audit report will be presented to the Audit Committee in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Federation. The preliminary audit did not disclose any irregularities or abnormalities in the financial records. The Treasurer appears to be doing an outstanding job in the performance of his duties. The preliminary audit did raise some questions and some suggested changes.
1. Controlling Cash. The By-Laws of the Federation state that the Treasurer shall collect and be custodian of all funds of the Federation. Additionally, the By-Laws state that the Treasurer shall pay out said funds of the Federation. This single control of cash is intended to enhance the safeguarding of Federation assets.
Present practice is contrary to the By-Laws. Currently, the "Insurance Chairman" maintains a separate bank account at St. Helens Credit Union in order to facilitate the collection and payment of insurance premiums for the member clubs. Cash receipts and disbursements of approximately $14,000 were transacted through that account during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2007. The rationale for this change, according to the Treasurer, was to cut down on expenses and time. If the Federation approved this change in responsibilities, then in my opinion, the By-Laws need to be appropriately amended. (Just a side note - the position of "Insurance Chairman" is not listed as either an "Elected Officer" or an "Appointed Officer" in either the Constitution or the By-Laws of the Federation.)
The Treasurer is presently the custodian of over $100,000 of liquid assets, i.e. cash and short-term investments. Safeguards in place to protect the Federation from the risks of possible misappropriation of funds or other improprieties include internal auditing, dual signature requirements, and "employee theft" insurance coverage. The coverage limitation on the "employee theft" insurance, established many years ago is $20,000, with a $2,000 deductible. The premium for that coverage is currently $248 for three years of coverage. In my opinion, the Federation needs to consider the adequacy of that coverage
2. Payments to Individuals. Unless there is documentation substantiating otherwise, the IRS normally construes payments to individuals to be compensation to employees. The significance is that such payments are subject to employment taxes.
The Federation makes monthly payments for the OFN Editor for coordinating the publication of the Oregon Federation News. In conjunction with these payments, the Federation put into place a contract between itself and the OFN Editor stipulating the requirements and responsibilities of each. Is this sufficient to satisfy the IRS that the OFN Editor is an "independent contractor", and not an employee of the Federation? If ever questioned by the IRS, they would most likely look beyond the contract to the facts surrounding the arrangement to make a determination.
Recently, the "independent contractor" issue has arisen when an individual is injured during a work related activity. Medical insurance providers are looking hard at whether the injured individual is an employee and therefore should be covered by workers compensation insurance.
Additionally, payments to Federation officers and appointed positions for reimbursement of expenses must be documented; otherwise the IRS could construe those payments to be compensation to employees.
3. 1099's. Internal Revenue Service reporting requirements are strictly enforced and non-compliance can carry penalties. Payments made for services normally require 1099 reporting, but there are exceptions. For the protection of the Federation, W-9 documentation would alleviate any question regarding reasons for non-reporting.
4. Budget versus Actual Comparison. The budget of the Federation is a projection of future financial activity. The actual financial results should be measured consistently with the budget in order to have a meaningful comparison. Additionally, accrual accounting affords the best match of financial results with activities.
In conclusion, the Federation's books are in good order and the Treasurer is doing an outstanding job. My observations are for your consideration in assessing risks and attaining the most useful financial information, and are not intended to be critical of the performance of the Treasurer.
EDUCATION: Larry (Carol) Reetz - Marilyn Schmit reporting
Seventeen people plus the three presenters attended the Education Seminar yesterday. It was a good meeting with lots of questions. An 8 ˝ X 14 handout is in your folders explaining what the Federation, Area Councils and Clubs do and how they interact.
One of the first things to come out of the Education Seminar yesterday will be an article on the Federation trailers.
HISTORIAN: Patty Reese
No report
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
Everything is current with ASCAP. BMI has provided us with our annual invoice for 2008 in the amount or $135.00. I have submitted this for approval and processing of a check that I can return to BMI.
I have provided the Chair of this years' Mid-Winter Festival with a memorandum detailing how they pay BMI and ASCAP fees related to this Festival.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Kathy (Tim) Roberts
Tentative date for the 2008 Youth Scholarship Dance is June 1st at the Pine Forest Grange.
Donations for the Youth Scholarship fund
The Mini Stars in Vancouver "Ka$h for Kid$" fundraising scholarship dance is March 23, 2008. Their caller will be Wade Driver and their cuer will be Dorothy Lowder. This scholarship dance is organized and put on by youth.
Time for your graduating high school square dancing seniors to apply for the OFSRDC's scholarship. The deadline is May 1st. Applications and complete guidelines and eligibility can be found on the OFSRDC web site at
The Braids N Braves of McMinnville have helped form a new 4-H Club Square Dancing Club.
Shelia Swartz from Nevada's Round a Lab for Youth Committee would like information on what Oregon is doing to promote youth round dancing within our states. If your councils or clubs are actively promoting round dancing in the youth, please let me know what you are doing.
Lisa Gibbons and Mike Kious, representing the square dancing youth of Oregon, requested financial assistance for the USAWest Convention youth after party in August. The Ghost Riders will be playing for 1 ˝ hours during the after party at the cost of $300. While this is not a state sponsored event, it is in our state and will be organized and attended by the square dancing youth of Oregon and Washington. Any youth that is learning to call and currently working with a caller who agrees they are ready to perform will be given an opportunity to call with the Ghost Riders. A list of their songs will be made available by the May meeting.
MOTION by Jim Rogers: I would like to request $300 to be donated to the Youth of Oregon to be used for the Ghost Rider's fee for the USA Youth After Party on Friday evening, August 15th, 2008. Paul Capp seconded. Carried.
If you have any youth that would like to attend any state supported square dance activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available to help financially challenged youth dancers.
ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith
ORDTA held their "annual meeting" yesterday January 28.
ORDTA will be sponsoring a Mini-Lab in July just prior to Summer Festival. Please encourage your cuers to attend this educational event.
Proposed by-laws changes were presented and approved.
Frances Herigstad's application for membership was approved.
Nominations for next year's officers were presented. The only contested race is for Members at Large - four teaching units are running for three positions. This election will be held during the next couple of months with the results to be announced at our spring meeting in April.
We finished up with a short Q&A session with Mark and Pam Prow. We heard them make many comments of how well the festival was run and how well the organizations are.
Our "So You Want to be a Cuer" session was held yesterday afternoon. Three new and prospective cuers attended.
ORDTA's spring meeting will be held on Saturday, April 12, at 10:00 AM at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
April 2008
"Footloose" by Ron and Ree Rumble
Record: Star #509
Phase II Two-Step
May 2008
"Trickle Trickle" by Mike and Michelle Seure
Record: Star #160
Phase: II Two- Step
June's rounds are recorded and ready to be mailed out when I get back home. Certificates have been mailed to choreographers.
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard (Marcia) Snodgrass
No report
SHOW CASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
We have received our initial invitation to participate in the Showcase of Ideas in Wichita. We have asked for two tables and that they be located next to the Washington Federation display.
I am asking for Mid-Winter Festival 2009 flyers and Summer Festival 2008 and '09 flyers and will get some magazines from Travel Portland (POVA) and some overruns of the OFN. I need this stuff by the May meeting. If you have any ideas or other items that you would like to see on the Oregon Federation display, please let Ron or me know soon. Dale Worthington is driving to Wichita and will be taking the Oregon display for us. There is a driver from the Mid-Willamette area going and will take things, too.
USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
USDA is a national organization designed to provide help and education to clubs and councils. There are pamphlets and booklets for your taking and you can go to the web site and you will find shopping malls with lots of stores where you can shop on line. Square dance organizations get a percentage or token discounts and travel agencies with lots of information for travel. There is a $1000 youth scholarship available. Only two or three applicants have applied in the last several years. Local youth should apply.
Jim and I are up for our third year as Western Region Vice President and would appreciate a Nomination from the Federation.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim (Avis) Kincaid
Trailers had 11 known uses during 2007 by 8 clubs. One trailer was in Portland area most of the summer. Not sure how many uses it had. Several: above and beyond the 11 here. It is at our place now. The other trailer is in the Cottage Grove-Roseburg area now until needed elsewhere. Possibly going to Medford for a parade in April.
I built a rear hitch for the trailer that does not have a rear hitch. So both trailers are now equipped with a rear hitch. I used mostly scrap materials which I no longer have a use for. Minimal cost to the State.
Both trailers, to my knowledge, are in good condition. The floors are showing use. Hopefully they will be okay for this year.
License renewal for both trailers are due in April this year.
Al Wolf from Portland Area Council has indicated the PAC will head the State Fair in 2008.
After a question was brought up about the voting rights of Round Dance Screener and the Caller Advisor a discussion followed. If said positions are appointed by the President they should not have voting rights. If they are representing a group they should be able to vote. President Marilyn said she would follow up.
A motion by Dar Sconce to reopen the nominations and seconded by Coleeta Quigley, passed.
The nominations are now reopened for nominations for Corresponding Secretary from the floor.
Dar Sconce has nominated Vivian Fairburn for Corresponding Secretary.
A motion to close nominations was made by Steve Murphy and seconded by Chuck Quigley passed.
Question: Why do we have to open nominations then close them, because we can write in names as we vote? No action taken.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Dennis (Ilana Widders) Marsh- report by Ray Jones
Donations will be taken at the door for a benefit dance for Women's Space Saturday March 29 at the Emerald Square Dance Center 7:30 to 10:30 PM.
*All new dancers are welcome Saturday February 9, 2008 for a Chinese New Year's Dinner and Dance hosted by the Boots & Sandals. Dinner at 6:00, rounds at 7:00 and squares 8:00 to 10:30. Lenny Ludiker and Pat Hintz. Boots will be dark February 23 to help Sweet Home Squarenaders celebrate their Birthday. On Saturday March 22 the Boots will celebrate their own 54th Birthday with Lenny Ludiker and Pat Hintz
*Danebo Circle 8's will be celebrating their Birthday and having a St. Paddy's Day Dance on March 15th.
*Misty Valley Cloggers will be helping out at the annual Northwest Clogging Association Weekend on May 16th and 17th at our Emerald Square Dance Center.
*Pie and ice cream and birthday cake will be served Saturday February 23rd at the Oak Heights school gym in Sweet Home when Sweet Home Squarenaders celebrate their 50th Birthday. Socializing 6:30, plus dancing 7:30, squares 8:00 to 10:30. Jim and Joyce Voll will call/cue. The price is $5.00 for adults and $4.00 for teens.
*Bob (Barbara) Ewing is the new club caller for The Whirl-A-Ways. They are from Springfield and will start calling in April. The club will be dark February 23rd in order to attend the Sweet Home Squarenaders 50th Birthday party.
*Wolf Pack is celebrating their 10th birthday on March 21 from 7:30 to 10:30 in Hall A of the Emerald Square Dance Center.
*Many thanks to all the hard working committee members and volunteers at this Mid-Winter Festival.
The Interstate Highlanders Council will hold an OFN Subscription Dance March 29th in Klamath Falls. Jim Steele will call and Dave Cooper will cue.
*The Council has notified the Alturas Alemanders that the Council's sponsorship of their square dance group has been suspended until the Alemanders incorporate and elect officers.
*The Klamath Country Squares elected new enthusiastic officers. There seems to be a renewed interest by many members to travel to out-of-town dances. This Mid-Winter Festival has more members attending than in the last dozen years.
*The Tall Town Travelers in Lakeview have 6 new students in a class that started this month. This is the largest class they have had in the last several years and is great news as the club is fighting for survival.
The Toledo 49'rs plan a Valentine Dance on February 16th at Gleneden Beach. Bring your sweetheart and come dance with us.
*Everyone is looking forward to a visitation from the B'n' B's when they come to the coast to dance and have potluck with us at our March 1st dance.
*Our club will be going dark on March 15th, as we are planning to join the Danebo Circle 8 at Springfield for a fun evening of dancing and to retrieve our banner.
*A Luau Dance will be on April 5th. Hope it will be warm enough for Muu Muus and grass skirts.
*We will not be hosting the Dance we hold on Loyalty Days in Newport this year. There was not enough attendance. Instead, we will have our 59th birthday dance at Gleneden Beach on Saturday, May 3rd, 2008.
*We plan on going dark on the first weekend in June, for the Lebanon Strawberry Festival. Our club has been going to that dance for many years and have always enjoyed it.
*This will be the 100th year celebration for the Newport Fair on July 17 to 20, and the fair board stated they would like for us to dance. We hope to have enough dancers to do this and could use more dancers from other clubs to join us.
We are excited to announce the organization of a new square dance club, The "Santiam Squares" of Lyons, Oregon. They are presently working on all the paper work that is required and plan to submit the information to the State Federation at the May meeting to become members of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dancers. They have 18 new dancers in class and held their 1st dance which resulted in 101 people in attendance, or 6 squares. Their caller is Bruce Lowther. They hope to have dances on Sundays but that is to be determined.
*MWA's last New Dancers Dance will be held March 2 at the Salem Square Dance Center from 1 to 4 pm. This will be our area's OFN Subscription Dance. Join us if you can.
Most clubs will be completing lessons within the next few weeks and will graduate their dancers hoping they will join their club. A few clubs have started classes in January. Check the OFN for details.
*The River City Dancers had a Christmas Bazaar and Christmas tree lot sale making a profit of $3,158.00. They donated $373 to the Milwaukie Meals on Wheels and the balance will go toward a new roof on their dance hall. An overnight Mystery Trip is planned for May 3rd.
*The PAC sold 193 Entertainment books giving them a profit of $701.01 plus $750 profit for the clubs that sold the books.
*The Country Capers will have an "Elvis (Mark Wheeler) Dance" March 1. Check the OFN for details.
*The Happy Rock'rs will celebrate their 46th Anniversary on March 22nd. Club caller and cuer are Mike and Debbie Combs. George and Patty Hermann will be guest caller/cuer.
*Happy Hoppers will celebrate 49 years April 5th with the theme "It's Macarena Time".
*The next PAC dance will be February 29th with a "Leap Year" theme with Les Seeley and Tami Helms calling and cueing.
*Our May 30th dance will be an OFN subscription dance with George and Patty Hermann
ROGUE SIS Q COUNCIL: Marlene Richardson
The caller and cuers are putting on their Winter Jamboree for students on February 24th at the Josephine County Fairgrounds.
*We are having a council dance at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center in Medford, OR March 29th. Local callers are Denny Lantz and Wayne Weaver and Bob Dingman cueing.
*Charlie Brown Squares had their 40th Birthday Dance December 1st. There were all levels of dancing. Classes for Plus and A-1 have started this month.
*Circle N Square had a Christmas dance and a Crazy Hat Dance.
*Lantz's Dantzers are continuing with their Plus and A-1 Dances once a month with great success. Classes are going well and will graduate in the spring.
*Star Promenaders are looking forward to their 51st Birthday Dance with Jim Hattrick calling and cueing and their 35th annual Diamond Lake festival with Mike Sikorsky of Mesa, AZ calling. Dennis and Ginny Crapo of Olympia, WA will cue.
SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL: Chuck (Coleeta) Quigley
Beachcombers-Our fall workshop ended right before Christmas and was a great success. There are no plans for additional lessons at this time.
*Jefferson State Squares-no report
*Saint's and Aint's- are going strong with lessons and hope to have many new ones attending Mid-Winter as beginners. Rounds and Lines continue to be enjoyed.
*Sets-In-Order- Lessons were tried again and are pleased to say we have 17 beginners, mostly teens and young people that were at a "barn dance" at Thanksgiving.
SUNSET EMPIRE COUNCIL: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
The Hayshakers have been rather quiet during the Holiday Season. They have been having lessons, mainstream, and plus dances, however attendance has been down. The council has been exploring different ways to increase attendance and membership. We will find out in the future whether these plans are successful.
The Tualatin Valley Council had a Presidents potluck meeting to honor the current and past council and club presidents. An award is presented to a couple or person to show appreciation for what they have done for square dancing.
*The 4 n 8ers will have a ham dinner to celebrate the 57th anniversary dance February 23. They will host an OFN subscription dance March 14 with baked potatoes after the dance. They have chartered a bus on March 15 for a trip to Grants Pass to visit the Charlie Browns.
*Coast Swingers will have Wade Driver on March 22. Their Anniversary dance is May 10th. Classes are doing great with about 2 squares including 4 youngsters
*Eager Beavers will have their Anniversary dance April 27 from 1-4 PM with a potluck following. This will be at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall 267 E Main.
*Fireballs will have a "Hillbilly Dance" featuring Neil Rosevear and Lonnie Sikes on February 23. A'50's dance with KC Curtis and Lonnie Sikes will be March 22. April 26th is 32nd Anniversary with Ed Craig and Ron Willcock. Lessons are great.
*Hillsboro Hoe Down: Their Anniversary Dance is February 9 with a chicken dinner. Their "Red and White and Blue Dance" with shortcake, blue berries and strawberries is May 10th.
*Mix n Mingles are dancing their normal Plus schedule and supporting A-level dancing by visiting in mass to the Oak Grove Community Center to dance with "A mazing Saturday Nights".
*R Square D's next big dance is the Octoberfest, October 3rd and 4th, 2008 with garage sale. Watch OFN for details.
*Sunset Promenaders have a new website. Sweetheart dance February 9 and a Mardi Gras dance February 23. The Irish Fling is loaded with bakers (potatoes) March 8.
*Toe Draggers: Lessons have started with 15 square dancers and 20 round dancers. The Kinton Grange has met their fund raising goal and will install an elevator in the hall.
*Tri-Square: A new dancer's jamboree is planned for April 13 4-6 PM
*Valley Square: All chocolate desserts and a chocolate fountain will be the theme for their Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate dance February 16. Their Anniversary dance is March 15 when present and former callers are invited and acknowledged. A new dancer dance is April 5.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Timber 8's Plus Club dance April 4 with Eric Henelaw from California and Claude Butler. Buckaroos 56th Birthday dance with Dale Roberson and Pat Hintz on April 5th.
The 5th Saturday dance is March 29th
*The Boots and Calicos 55th Birthday dance is March 8th.
*Buckaroos new square dance lessons start January 31st. June 6-8 is Buckaroo Roundup at the barn with free RV parking.
*Umpqua Area Council New Dancer Jamboree had 7 squares with seven clubs sending their new dancers January 6.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL: David (Sharon) Stutzman
The LaGrande club started lessons with 20 new dancers. The second lesson was less but hopes are high. The club is struggling with upkeep on an old grange hall.
*The Baker City club is continuing with lessons and has started a waltz class. The Spring Fling is April 25th, 26th, and 27th.
*The Milton-Freewater club is holding dances but unable to get a class started.
Several people in our area have been concerned about the Blue Mountains club's news not getting printed in the OFN. Vivian responded that there was a computer crash and information did not get to her until later.
Swinging Mountaineers are holding Intermediate Round Dance on the third Monday at the Pine Forest Grange in Bend.
*Sundown Round Dance Club continues to hold all level round dance on the 2nd and 4th Mondays and will celebrate their 6th anniversary in February
*The Sage Brush Shufflers: Jim Steele is teaching an A1 class to about four squares of challenged dancers.
*The Bachelor Beauts and Swinging Mountaineers are both holding lessons. See the OFN for dance schedules.
*The Shufflers have completed Mainstream lessons. See the OFN for dance schedules.
*The Central Oregon Council will hold their next dance Feb 29th with Jim Hattrick.
EASTERN OREGON COUNCIL: Lorene (George) Griffith -Annadale Rooper reporting
The Eastern Oregon Council is preparing for the state meeting in May. Meetings and dance will be at the Ione Legion Hall in Ione. Dale Counsell and Jessie Stouffer will call and cue.
The officers and delegate meetings will be at 3:00. A dinner will be at 5:00. A donation will be appreciated. Pre-rounds at 7:30 and dance 8:00 "'till everyone goes home."
There is a small City RV park with water and lights-no sewer. Call 541 422 7414 in the morning. Dry camping is available anywhere downtown. There is a Bed and Breakfast - Woolery House - 541 422 7218 in Ione. The closest Motel is in Arlington about 28 miles away.
Flyers will be coming.
Harold and Barbara Kleeve- No report
Lee and Barbie Ashwill
Who would have thought last a year could pass so quickly? It seems like last week that we were celebrating the start of 2007. We toasted to that year and said that it was going to be a great year. In actuality it was. Barring the loss some friends and family members, it was a great year. In our opinion, 2008 will be better yet.
Since the last Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs meeting, we have been dancing locally and enjoying the Holiday Season with friends and family.
We attended the FIRST New Dancers dance in the Mid-Willamette Area. This was an extremely fun dance and the enthusiasm of the "New" dancers was infectious.
We attended the New Years Eve dance with the River City Dancers in Portland, OR.
In December 2007, we took a five-day tour of New York City. This was something that Barbi has always wanted to do. I was not very excited to go there, but am happy that I did and now I have no reason to return. We saw Liberty Island, Ellis Island, Ground Zero, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Empire State Building (from the top and it was cold enough to freeze what little hair I have), a Broadway Play (Phantom of the Opera), the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall and Central Park. In addition, we probably saw 200,000 taxi cabs. The only thing that we wanted to, but did not have the time to accomplish was to ride the subway and take a carriage ride through Central Park. We left those items for someone else to accomplish.
While in New York City, we stayed at the Sheraton New York in Manhattan. One would think that would be a top-flight hotel and it was. However, one morning as we were getting ready to meet the Tour Group, Barbi saw a mouse run under the bed. We notified the Hotel staff three times, but they did not get to our room before we had to leave. We just assumed that everything was taken care of in our absence. Not so! When we returned to our room, I opened the door and there was Mr. Mouse staring at me. I should have done as I usually do and let Barbi enter the room first. I trapped him under a cup and we finally got the Hotel staff to come up and remove him. The Hotel did move us to the 48th floor from our room on the 17th floor. This gave us the amenities of Happy Hour at their bar and a full breakfast the next morning. This did us absolutely no good as the Hospitality Bar was closed when we returned from the Broadway Play and we had to depart the Hotel at 5:30 am for the airport and the breakfast did not start serving until 6:30 am. Oh well, such is life.
We attended the Washington State Federation meeting on January 12, 2008 at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, WA.
We wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous 2008 and we hope that everyone will register for the Oregon State Summer Square Dance Festival to be held in Rickreall, July 18-20. Remember, there is ample RV parking and the rate is good. Water and electrical hook-ups are available. There is a dump station on site. This Festival will feature a full restaurant facility. You will not have to leave the Fairgrounds unless you choose to.
Then in August 2008, to continue your dancing pleasure, the USA West Convention will be held in Pendleton, OR on August 14-16, 2008. You probably will not need your heater for that Convention. If you need more information on the Convention, see Kay and Jim Rogers.
Happy Dancing!!!!
Don and Lonna Bramhall
"Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let them go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true."
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
New Year traditions remind us that the old year is past and a bright, shiny, New Year is waiting to be experienced. The British tradition of 'first footing' says it's good luck on New Year's Day to have a dark haired stranger enter you house carrying bread, salt and coal (which represent abundant food, money and warmth for the following year). Blondes or redheads aren't welcome because they represent the dreaded Norsemen. (Don't mention that to Don since he used to be a redhead!)
In America, we toast the New Year with something carbonated (hopefully champagne), sing various, incorrect versions of "Auld Lang Syne" and resolve to do everything better that we did last year.
Here are a few of our resolutions for 2008.
Central Oregon is already busy this new year with all kinds of lessons: beginning square and round dance, intermediate round dance, plus dance and now A-1! Jim Steele has a group of three squares of dedicated, if not particularly gifted, A-1 dancers who meet once a week. This is a truly humbling experience for those of us who thought we could dance pretty well! Even though we stumble around, we laugh a lot, and that's the most important lesson we've learned -- just to enjoy the moment and not take Life too seriously. The serious things - birth, death, poor health, aging - will come at us without warning, so we'd better resolve to experience as many good things as possible and build up a stockpile of memories of happy times, dancing and laughing and shared golden moments with family and friends. These things will make 2008 the best year of our lives.
Happy New Year
Genevieve Churchill
Thank you Leonard and Marcia - A great weekend and no snow.
I wonder how many remember the year of the big snow at Mid-Winter. Some of us didn't get home for several days.
The Washington State Meeting was in Vancouver, WA. It was so nice to see many friends.
Lee Ashwill had an interesting article in the Foot Notes asking should we keep Square Dance clothes as they are now or change them.
When we had Oregon Centennial 1959, in Portland there was a "huge" Square Dance on top of roof of the old Farmers Market on Front Street. I had never seen Square Dancing and thought that's for me, and 50 years later I would like to see our costumes stay the same.
Thank you Marilyn for a good meeting and nice to see everyone.
Bill and Annadale Rooper
The cozy comfort of home has been very inviting to the Roopers' since our November meeting. The weather in the gorge was horrific on the nights we planned travel to some special dances and the chair tugged pretty hard.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving with family in Washougal and dined with our square dance family at the annual Tri-Council Christmas dinner in Portland. Christmas Eve was rowdy at our house with seventeen family members in our living room---FUN. New Year's Eve came along in The Dalles when Gorge dancers gathered and danced the night away under dimmed lights. It was loud at Mid-night. Silly adults.
The Country Cut-up Beginner Jamboree was fun. The enthusiasm new dancers have certainly is catching. And a trip to the Ione Grand Squares was rewarding. They served a full fledged dinner for us. They may be small in number but they are mighty. We hope everyone will support them when they host the May State Meeting. They have a beautiful hall for dancing and there is lots of space for RV's. Spring in Eastern Oregon-Come and enjoy.
Don and Cheryl Pruitt: 2012 National Square Dance Convention®
Register for Wichita's National Convention. Right now Oregon has 39 people registered, Washington has 103. Wichita has 4,297 dancers registered for the Convention in June. That is as of 1/3/08. We will meet with our advisors next week to finish our bid presentation that will be presented in Wichita. We will have a practice on Thursday night and hope people from Oregon and Washington come to this practice. We will let everyone know when and where. There will be post cards to those that are registered. For the Bid session Friday morning, we would appreciate everyone wearing red and white. I would like to thank people from Oregon for their support in Charlotte last year. We appreciate Marilyn allowing us to use part of Oregon's Show Case tables.
Dar Sconce has Directories available.
Kathy Roberts reported she collected an additional $37.87 for Youth Scholarships.
Janet Bellcoff announced the Evergreen Council is hosting the Washington State Festival in Longview Washington June 20-21.
After serious & cautious consideration...
your contract of friendship
has been renewed for the New Year 2008 !
My Wish for you in 2008
May peace break into your house and may thieves
come to steal your debts.
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for
$100 bills.
May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may
laughter assault your lips!
May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires
and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of
May the problems you had forget your
home address!
In simple words...May 2008 be the best year of
your life!!!!
ADJOURN: With no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Annadale Rooper
Recording Secretary