Hosted by the Eastern Oregon
Ione, Oregon
The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Schmit at
Officers: All present
Appointed Officers:
Present were: Financial Advisor, Bill Reid; Insurance Chairman, Kay Rogers; Round Dance Screening, Barbara Schaumberg; Caller Advisor, Larry Snodgrass; Oregon State Fair, Neta Minten; Mid Winter, Leonard Snodgrass; Summer Festival 2009, Dale Worthington, substitute
Active Good Will Ambassadors:
All present except: Harold and Barbara Kleve, Lee and Barbi Ashwill
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Jim Rogers
FLAG SALUTE: 1ST Vice President, John Guches
MINUTES: Approved as presented.
PRESIDENTS REPORT: First of all thank you to all of you for coming. We have had a great time here and we thank Eastern Oregon Council for their hospitality.
The official National Square Dance Proclamation has been signed by the Governor and received by me. Arrangements are being made for a special signing ceremony at Summer Festival. Square Dance week has been selected for September 21-27. Clubs and councils can report back at the September meeting as to how they plan to celebrate our state dance.
Oregon will celebrate 150 years February 14, 2009. I have plans to try to get permission to use the sesquicentennial logo on graduation certificates for the graduates of 2009. More information will be coming.
There will be a limit of six squares dancing for one hour on the Capital Rotunda February 14th 2009. This is a great way to show off our state dance. If you are interested in participating let me know.
With my research and the assistance of a past president, it shows the current Federation voting method is OK. If more people were allowed to vote, then the President could stack the board to overrule the delegates in votes. There are 13 delegates and they elect the executive board which numbers eight. It is believed all votes have been discussed and the people who vote are representing the dancers who support the Federation.
My travels have been documented in the OFN. If you aren’t subscribed to the OFN you should be. It’s the only way to know what is going on throughout the Federation. Since Mid-Winter I have been to Klamath Falls, Canyonville and Grants Pass. I will be in Central Oregon Council in two weeks and South Coast in August. I will be in Sunset Council in September and my travel sheet will be complete. How about yours?
I can’t believe my term is 2/3 done already. I am having so much fun and I have been warmly received wherever I show up. All locations have been glad to see me and they ask question that I have been able to answer so far.
Have a great summer and we will see you at Polk County Fairgrounds for the 50th Annual Summer Festival.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: John and Glory Guches
I wish to thank
2008 Mid-Winter Festival: Leonard Snodgrass
Profit for 2008 was $6,377.48. This amount breaks down as: Oregon Federation of square and Round Dance Clubs receiving $3,176.24 and Emerald Empire Council receiving $3,176.24. This is an increase in revenue by $2,221.07 over 2007 Festival considering the attendance for 2008 was down. There were 1300 attendees despite the bad weather
Expenses were: $53,352.48. This was 3% increase over Mid Winter Festival
2007. As the West Region Consumer Price Index was 3.2, the 2008 Mid-Winter
Festival committee was able to control spending such that it kept inline with
inflation rate of the western region of the
2008 Summer Festival: Written report Barbara Tipton
The 2008 Festival Committee is busy with final
arrangements for a fun filled festival at the Polk County Fairgrounds in
Registrations are coming in slowly with 192 registered to date. There are still lots of RV spaces available.
We need more participants to sign up for the
Eight Vendors have committed for your shopping pleasure.
The drawing tickets for beautiful
There will be a Cowboy Breakfast available at
The next committee meeting will be
2009 Mid Winter Festival: John and Kathy Rawitzer--- e-mailed after meeting
We have a working Contract with the Fairgrounds, the same contract as MWF 2008. The only difference is an increase in the RV Rental Fees due to the cost of Electrical price increase.
We will not be using the Cascade Barn in 2009.
Conference Room changes:
· “ “ “ the Middle will be the Committee Room
· “ “ “ the South will have two rooms alternating between the New Dancers and the Advanced Dancers.
· The Style Show has been moved to the Santiam. The Round Dance Program will be affected.
2009 Summer Festival: Joanne Bean/Cynthia Weber-- Dale Worthington reporting
Waiting until 2008 Summer Festival is over. Tape report inaudible.
I really don’t have anything to report for the OFN. Things are doing fine. 13 callers and cuers have purchased ad space in the new section reserved for callers and cuers availability.
I have been back and
forth from
Delegates, I have distributed the Directory Order Form for the 2008-09 State Directory. Please take it with you and return it to me at the State Meeting in July. The cost of the directory will again be approximately $2.15 per directory. Vivian has discussed the cost with the printer and they agreed they could publish for that rate. We also agreed we will order 675 this year. We have 25 unsold directories this year.
My e-mail address is in the OFN and this year’s directory if you have questions.
Annadale and Bill Rooper
Thank you
I would like to thank the Ione Grand Squares for hosting our May Meeting, the great dinner and dance.
Cards that I have sent out:
Condolence cards:
Get Well Cards:
I have received thank-you cards on behalf of the Oregon Federation from:
· Layne and Linda Cooper.
· Don and Ronda Young.
· Leora Frohreich and Family.
TREASURER: Bill and Annadale Rooper
Noted copies of his report are in the box. I have received three checks from Mid-winter. One for half of the profits from Mid-Winter 2008, $3,176.24; repayment of a loan of $6,000 and loaned $6,000 back to the Mid-Winter 2009 Festival and the Mid-Winter Festival 50 cent per person assessment of $650.00.
*I would like to make a motion to change the 50 cent per person assessment to Festivals by putting the money into a fund for education and promotion as requested by councils.
Dennis Marsh seconded the motion. After a discussion a vote was taken and the motion failed.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta and Chuck Quigley
Thank you one and all for a great job in compiling the directory information and getting it to me before or at this May meeting.
I will be working on them with Marilyn Schmit, President, Kay Rogers, Insurance and Vivian Fairburn, OFN and will contact you if I have any questions.
I will begin checking up on all corporation fees to be sure they are current for each club.
Three clubs have resolved: Crazy Creek Rockers, Funtastic Squares, and Tall Town Travelers.
New club requesting acceptance into OFSRDC is the Rhythn Rockers 4-H Club from McMinnville.
*A motion to accept the Rhythm Rockers club was made by Coleeta and was seconded by Tony Haskins passed.
INSURANCE: Kay and Jim Rogers
No report
PAST PRESIDENT: Jim and Kay Rogers
The HORSES benefit has generated $1,728.00 to date from Square Dancers this year.
Chuck Quigley, Don Bramhall and Ron Minten were appointed to count ballots.
Corresponding Secretary reported 84 ballots were mailed, 70 returned and 7 returned after the dead line
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim and Kathy Roberts
No report
No report
Bill and
Subsequent to my last report, I have performed the following Federation related activities.
· Reviewed the January, February, March, and April 2008 bank statements of the Federation’s account held at Bank of America, and forwarded them to the Treasurer.
· Compared the detail schedule of invoiced advertisements for January, February, March, and April, and May 2008, provided by the OFN Editor, to the copies of the Oregon Federation News for those same months.
· Reviewed the Constitution, By-Laws, and Practices & Procedures of the Federation concerning responsibilities in regard to the control of cash and cash transactions.
The review of the bank statements did not disclose any inappropriate transactions.
All advertisements for
January 2008 appear to have been properly invoiced. The detailed schedules of invoiced
advertisements for February, March, April, and May 2008 were received on
In reviewing the Constitution, By-Laws, and Practices & Procedures, there is nothing that addresses the present practice of the Insurance Chairman having control over a separate Federation bank account. Assuming that present practice is acceptable to the Federation, the By-Laws and the Practices & Procedures need to be amended to accommodate the change.
I would suggest the following language for the By-Law change:
ARTICLE 1, SECTION 4. Treasurer – replace the entire section with:
“The Treasurer shall have oversight responsibility of all collection and disbursement of funds of the Federation, and shall have custodial responsibility of all funds of the Federation. With State Executive Board approval, these responsibilities can be delegated; however ultimate responsibility lies with the Treasurer. Disbursement of funds will only take place when properly approved by the 1st Vice President or the President. The Treasurer shall keep an itemized account of receipts and expenditures and shall perform all other duties devolving upon the Office of Treasurer.”
In reviewing the By-Laws, I noted that they have the duties of the officers; however, the duties of the Immediate Past President are not included. Here is suggested language to add the duties of the Immediate Past President
ARTICLE 1 –add
“SECTION 8. Immediate Past President - The Immediate Past President shall Chair the Nominating Committee, the Benefit Dance and the Grant Fund Committee. He/she shall be a member of the Festival Advisory Committee and the Audit Committee. He/she shall be responsible for other duties as designated by the President and serve as an advisor to the President.”
In reviewing the Practices and Procedures, it became obvious that the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer and Insurance Chairman are in need of being updated. This would best be accomplished by the holders of those positions.
In conclusion, my observations are for your consideration and further discussion, and are not intended to be critical of the performance of any individual.
A committee of the Insurance Chairman, Kay Rogers, the Treasurer, Bill Rooper and the Parliamentarian, Tim Roberts was appointed to look into this.
EDUCATION ADVISOR: Larry and Carol Reetz
No report
HISTORIAN: Patty Reese
No report
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert - Written report
I am still working with the Treasurer of the 2008 Mid-Winter Festival to get their report and checks.
I have provided the Chair of the 2008 Summer Festival with a memo outlining their reporting requirements.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Kathy and Tim Roberts – Written report
Our 2008 Youth Scholarship Dance will be June 1st
at the Pine Forest Grange in
Amanda Roberts was the
only applicant applying for a scholarship this year. Kathy has agreed to withdraw from the
scholarship decision this year.
President Marilyn was asked if she would like to present the scholarship
at the dance in
The OFSRDC voted to pay for the Youth After Party during the USAWest Convention in Pendleton. Youth callers will have the opportunity to call with the Ghost Riders. If you know of a youth caller who would like to take advantage of this opportunity call Kathy by August 1. They will need to audition and then practice their song(s) if they are accepted. The list of songs the Ghost Riders perform is on their website at http://www.ghostridersband.com
If you know of any youth that would like to attend any state supported square dance activities and can not afford the fees or ribbons, please call Kathy. There are scholarships available to help financially challenged youth dancers.
ORDTA: Dennis & Elaine Smith – Written report
First, I want to thank the Federation and others for the cards and e-mails sent to me on the passing of my Father at the end of January. It’s nice to know that others are thinking of you at times like that.
ORTDA’s spring meeting
was held on Saturday, April 12, at
ORDTA’s summer meeting
will be held on Saturday, July 19 at
ORDTA’s fall meeting will
be held on Saturday October 11 at
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara and Larry Schaumburg
May 2008
“Trickle, Trickle”
Chore: Mike & Michelle Seurer
Record: Star 160 f/s (Mambo No 8)
Rhythm: Two Step
Phase: II+ 1 (Rock the Boat)
June 2008
“When I Need You”
Chore: Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
Record: Star 242 f/s (Closest Thing to Crazy)
Rhythm: Waltz
Phase: II +2 (overspin trn & sd corte)
July 2008
Chore: Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
Record: Star 221 f/s (Allegheny)
Rhythm: Waltz
Phase: II + 1 (IMP)
August 2008
“Keep Away From Sue” label (Run Around Sue)
Chore: Ron & June Ashenden
Record: Star 138 f/s (Hey Baby)
Rhythm: Two Step
Phase: II + 1 (whaletail)
All certificates have been mailed to the choreographers. I have received two thank you notes for their dances being chosen.
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard and Marcia Snodgrass
No report
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn and Ron Schmit
We have not heard from
Dale and Kathy Worthington are taking our supplies to
USDA REPORT: Kay and Jim Rogers
Go on line with their website and get fliers.
Ron and Marilyn Schmit will attend the USDA meeting on Wednesday.
STATE TRAILERS: Jim and Avis Kinkaid
Attend only the January meeting
STATE FAIR: Tony Haskins
Ron Murray from the PAC is in charge of organizing the State Fair program.
Dancing will be on
Sunday August
Saturday August
September 1
Ed Craig and Jim Hattrick have offered to call. Dancers and callers are needed.
Contact Ron Murray 503 747 6135 or his website for information
Ballot Results
Past President reported 64 ballots counted
John Guches President
Lee Ashwill 1st Vice President
Floyd Bard 2nd Vice President
Recording Secretary Dale Worthington
Corresponding Secretary Vivian Fairburn
Membership Sylvia Davis
Treasurer Bill Rooper
*A motion to destroy the ballots was made by Dale Worthington and seconded by Tony Haskins passed.
Delegate Meeting Report: Dale Worthington
It was noted two delegates did not receive information on the State Meeting. It was generally agreed that appointed officers should not be given a vote.
Paul Cap of the TVC wondered if the State Directory could be put on the web.
Frank Schuchard of the Umpqua Council brought up the question of the Randall Award. There are no restrictions on who can be nominated.
John Guches suggested two new appointed positions to the board--a web-master and a microphone controller.
“We hosted a hot dance last night”. We’re not sure of the future of the club and council. We are the only club in the council. We’ll continue as a non-profit status for now and see what happens. Please express our good wishes to George and Lorene.
The gift crosses at the stations were made by Robert Despaine of Heppner for the Ascension School
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh Ilana Widders
Interstate Highlanders Council: Steve and Valerie Murphy
The Interstate Highlanders Council held an OFN
Subscription Dance March 29th in
The Tall Town Travelers in Lakeview have folded. This leaves the Klamath Country Squares as the only active club in the Council.
Marilyn Schmit and Ralph Lambert attended the Klamath Country Squares’ 37th birthday dance in April. Ralph was gracious enough to cue some rounds for us.
Council Delegates, yours truly and Valerie, joined central Oregon dancers in attending the Elkhorn Swingers’ Spring Fling in Baker City April 25, 26, and 27. This gets us very close to having our “Marilyn’s Travels’ sheet filled with signatures from all 13 councils.
Lincoln- Tillamook Council: LaVonne and Al Bussey - Written report
Al and I are sorry we could not attend this state meeting but had another commitment on the same weekend.
We will be dark on the 7th of June as some of our dancers like to attend the Lebanon Strawberry Festival.
The club will be dark on the 3rd weekend in July so our dancers can attend the Summer Festival held at Rickreal.
We hired a bus and the 49ers’ and their guests the Sea Twirlers attended the dance in Garibaldi called by Wade Driver.
The 49er’s donated $100 to the H. O. R. S. E. S. fund. We are pleased to be able to help with this charity.
We will be casual coast attire for the summer months.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Neta and Ron Minten
The MWA Council had a real treat in March when 6 adults and 12 young adults from the new youth club, the “Rhythm Rockers” from McMinnville attended our area meeting. The council took up a collection to help with their fund raising to support their club.
At our area meeting in April, we had national caller Daryl Clendenin and his wife Yvonne. Daryl spoke on the Changes in Square Dancing and how we can help make a difference in the growth of square dancing. He emphasized the need to keep the new dancers involved and that mainstream should be challenging. New callers will get better with experience so encourage them by asking them to guest call.
Please continue to check the OFN for all the upcoming events and remember that we also have the MWA Website www.midwillamettearea.org And be sure you get your Summer Festival 2008 ribbons ASAP.
The PAC has elected new council officers for 2008-2009. All current officers have agreed to serve another year.
Rogue Sis Q Council: Marlene Richardson
The Charlie Brown Squares had a potluck dinner before
the Blarney Stone dance on March 14. The
4 N 8er’s and our
They had a Grand March on Hunger Dance March 1 to raise food for the Food Banks of Josephine County and the Winter Mainstream class graduated.
Two bus loads of River City Dancers from
The Circle N Squares are looking forward to their Gold
Digger Dance June 21 held at the Greenhorn Grange in
The 35th Annual Diamond Lake Festival is
July 23rd-26th at
Sunset Empire Council: Dale and Kathy Worthington
The Hayshakers have been holding on rather well. With their graduation, they were able to increase their membership by a few more dancers.
The council put on a Community Dance on March 30th with the idea of bringing in participants from the local area to just have fun and to learn a little square, contra and waltz dancing. Jim Hattrick ran the program and did an excellent job. Attendance wasn’t as high as hoped, about 25 people but was well received. It has been requested another community dance be put on. The council is considering the possibility.
The TVC elected their officers for next year. They are President, Veleta Mullen; Vice President, Judy Schanse; Co-Secretary Janelle Janicke and Pat Young; Treasurer, Donna Byers; and State Delegate, Mike Duyck
The TVC is pleased to announce that the Coast Swingers will host the
state meeting at
The TVC will hod a 5th Saturday dance May 31 at the IOOF Hall 267 E Main Hillsboro. The caller will be Randy Dibble with Ken Pratt cueing. This will be a new dancers level
The TVC will again be having a float in the
TVC clubs and council officers and delegates are pleased to have donated $266.64 to the youth scholarship fund.
Our local Motel 6 is offering out of town Square Dancers who make reservation seven days in advance and indicate they are dancing with the Buckeroos will give a special price of $45.99. Reservation can made directly to the Roseburg Motel 6 on line or to the 1-800 number.
Buckeroos recently had their elections. Lack of interest in running for board positions seems to be a continuing concern.
The Boots will host the 5th Saturday UAC dance in May. It will be a Subscription Dance-- $5 off at the door if you purchase a new subscription or renew for a year.
The Wildlife Safari Benefit Dance hosted by the Pioneers & Petticoats is June 1. Proceeds go to the Safari. Dancers also get to go through the drive through Safari free after or before the dance.
The annual round Up sponsored by the Buckeroos is June 4, 5, 6. Free camping for motor homes and 5th wheels in the parking lot.
All of our clubs will be dark the week end of Summer Festival so dancers can be in Rickreal.
Timber 8’s is having their annual Barn Sale June 28th to raise money for their club. Any one coming to the Round Up or to the May 31st dance is encouraged to bring anything they have been meaning to get rid of to the barn for the sale.
All UAC clubs have been trying to raise money to pay for the callers and cuers that will be at the Douglas County Fair in August. Until last year the Fair Board gave us money for the callers and cuers, but as of last year they said they will no longer provide any money so it is now up to the clubs to raise the money.
The LaGrande club graduated 12 new dancers. The club received a Ford Foundation grant to do some repairs to the old Grange Hall. Repairs to the water system have been made, a new floor in the kitchen and some painting has been done; with money left over for our next project. They have also made application for another grant to replace the roof. The club has gone dark for our dances but will workshop on Thursday through the summer.
The Milton-Freewater club was
finally able to get a class started this year.
Jim Swanson, from Tri-Cities, is teaching the class and has officially
been named club caller. They will be
having a dance at
The Council has initiated discussion on starting an
annual dance to be held at
Harold and Barbara Kleve: No report
Lee and Barbi Ashwill: Written report
We are sorry to have to miss this meeting because we know the work and planning that goes into hosting a meeting and especially when it is a small Council. However, our thoughts are with you.
Barbi still does Income Tax Returns for other individuals and she is required to take an Ethics class annually to retain her license. This is offered once a year and this year it was scheduled for May 17.
Since the last meeting, we left
We flew back from
It is our hope that all the delegates and officers are registered for
the 2008 Oregon State Summer Festival, but as treasurers of this event, we know
you haven’t. Please register, as
this is one of the two Festivals held in
We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and that you will travel home safely.
Happy Dancing!!!
Lee and Barbi
Don and Lonna Bramhall
“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all you money.
Then take half the clothes and twice the money.”
- Susan Heller
Unfortunately, this quote is all too true, considering the rising cost
of fuel, but in spite of the expense, we still seem to go just about anywhere
to dance and enjoy new sights and meet new people along the way. And we haven’t been traveling alone
– there are a lot of
On March 29, a carpool caravan of high-spirited dancers headed south to
As you probably know, snow in the passes out of
Daryl Clendenin and Dave Cooper were the stars of Saturday night – and, as always, the Elkhorn Swingers made us feel especially welcome with great food, a lively silent auction and door prizes. No wonder this was the fifth time we have enjoyed the hospitality at the Spring Fling – put it on your calendars for next year.
Despite the rising costs of fuel, dancing, friends, laughter, and travel will continue to be a priority in our lives. The opportunity to visit other clubs, make new friends and strengthen old friendships, to see new sights and learn from one another will always be More valuable than the price of diesel.
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
- Henry Miller
Genevieve Churchill
I wish to thank the Eastern Oregon Council for the fantastic weekend and the job they have done.
As Chairman of the Eager Beavers Class we are finishing plus with 10 doing the class
The Eager Beavers are
a Senior club, many have danced for years.. We dance every Monday afternoon, 1-3 at the
Marilyn Schmit asked me to go with her to
Our motel was on the
We went to the Charlie
Brown Squares and they were expecting a bus from
I was at the door to help welcome them. What a surprise to see me and “Genevieve, What are you doing here?” What fun!
On the way back to
The bus going home also stopped there, so we visited then drove home.
While we were at the Charlie Brown Squares a dear friend came to the dance. Elaine Funk. I have known for years but haven’t seen for awhile. Marilyn and I had a nice visit with her.
It was a great weekend and I enjoyed Marilyn’s company.
Bill and Annadale Rooper
It’s spring---wild flowers on the hills and valleys—rushing water in the creeks and valleys—Take a deep breath, smell the air---ahhh!!
Back to the item at hand---
At this moment
Our family is planning a week-end in Montana next week-end (April 18-19) so will miss the annual Cherry Festival Parade in The Dalles and Swap & Swing’s Birthday Bash in Dufur that evening.
We had a scare the first of March when Bill was in the
hospital for a few days. He is on meds
and seems to be doing fine. We missed a
trip to
It’s a busy season for the Wasco County Pioneers
It’s now
June is around the corner with the National in
We learned last week Marge Pentecost has been in the hospital for a week with severe back pain. She was taken to Columbia Basin Care Facility for a few days for therapy. She called yesterday to say she was going home tomorrow.
On returning from Ione you might like to stop in The Dalles for dinner then to Swap & Swing’s 59th Anniversary Dance with Daryl Clendenin and Neva Reid—6-8 PM at the Civic Auditorium.
Federation Benefit Dance 2009: Marilyn
I have met with Marjorie and Sue from the
Adaptive Riding Institute and with Jude Strader and
Robert VanEpps of the
Mr. VanEpps has an equestrian center that is a work in progress and has agreed to let us have the dance there next April. He will have some theater seating and places to put tables and chairs for seating. We can bring in hay bales for seating also. The dance will be barn casual and the dance floor will be the riding arena dirt or the state trailer that I plan on bringing in. So be prepared for some “Dirty Dancing”. They are working on some plans for horse and buggy rides around the property and the Adaptive Riding Institute will bring some of their clients to show us what fun and the good that the exercise is for the clients.
There will be dangles available for dancing on the trailer and some dangles available for dancing with Jazzmo the horse.
More information will be coming.
Kay Rogers
Everyone should sit in on Les Seeley’s seminar on how to recruit and retain new dancers. He will do a seminar on Friday and it will be repeated on Saturday at the USA West Convention in Pendleton
With no other business the meeting was adjourned at
Annadale Rooper, Recording Secretary