Hosted by the Mid-Willamette Area Council
Polk County Fair Grounds, Rickreall, Oregon

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am by President Marilyn Schmit

Roll call:

Officers: All present except Past President, Jim Rogers

Appointed Officers: All present except Financial Advisor Bill (Neva) Reid; Publicity/State Reporter/Education Chairman, Larry (Carol) Reetz; Historian, Patty Reese; Insurance Chairman Kay (Jim) Rogers; State Trailers, Jim (Avis) Kincaid; Caller Advisor, Leonard (Marcia) Snodgrass; 2009 Summer Festival Cynthia Weber/ Joanne Bean-Dale Worthington reporting

Delegates: All present except Eastern Oregon, Lorene (George) Griffith; Rogue Sis-Q, Marlene Richardson

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Harold and Barbara Kleve

Invocation: Past President, Dennis Marsh

Flag Salute: 1st Vice President, John Guches

Minutes: Recording Secretary, Annadale Rooper

Minutes of May 18 should acknowledge delegates in attendance. Page 5 under Membership should read three clubs have dissolved: the Crazy Creek Rockers, Funtastic Squares, and Tall Town Travelers.

A motion by John Guches to accept the minutes as corrected was seconded by Kathy Rawitzer and carried.


This meeting is being recorded. Turn off cell phones.

President's Report: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

Thank you for coming to the Mid-Willamette Area for the 50th Annual Summer Festival. Hope you have enjoyed the callers and cuers and the food. The committee has worked hard to provide you with an enjoyable weekend to relax, dance, and get together with friends.

Since the May meeting, I attended a council dance in Bend with the Central Oregon council and their serenading group afterwards. What imaginative minds they have. You should visit and then listen. We all know that they have some great songs and poems for the state reports, so you have been forewarned.

I awarded the Oregon Federation Youth Scholarship to Amanda Roberts at the Youth Benefit dance the next day and she received the money last night.

43 Oregonians attended the square dance convention in Wichita and I have a list of about 29 of them that I actually saw face to face. Don't know who else went but hope they had fun. I attended the USDA meeting and accepted the USDA Founders Memorial Youth Fund Scholarship for Amanda Roberts and awarded it formally last night to her on behalf of the USDA Executive Committee Youth Advisors. That award is worth $1000 to her.

I have been busy working on the State Benefit Dance and have procured the services of three callers and three cuers. I have a theme and will work on getting some newspaper articles put together for the area newspapers for next spring so we can have a good turnout of dancers and those interested in learning about the Adaptive Riding Institute.

As you saw at the last meeting and last night, National Square Dance week is September 21-28 and I look forward to receiving reports from the councils as to how they plan to include the designation in any of their dances around that time.

Oregon 150 still continues on with plans for happenings for next year beginning about February 14 and continuing on through September 2009.

I have 10 weeks until I am out of office. I am having so much fun that I am sad to see it end. My travels once done, will have accumulated 3934 miles round trip to the 13 councils and the two festivals. My thanks to all who have welcomed me and made this year so beneficial in spreading the news that square dance is a fun and healthy exercise. I will be in Coquille in August and Astoria in September to finish out my travels. Then the bars for the state badges for those who have also traveled the state during my term can be distributed. Steve and Valerie Murphy are almost done with theirs as am I. Has anyone else been working on theirs also?

It will be my duty to award the Goodwill Ambassador to some deserving people in the near future. If you have someone that maybe I hadn't thought of, let me know today so I can contemplate my decision and get names to the state directory before it is published. Look around your area and get back to me.

Safe travels home and see you somewhere exciting soon.

1st Vice President: John (Glory) Guches

Budget proposal was distributed for approval in September. One typing error under total receipts should read 14,000 and there is an alignment problem on the second page.

" 2008 Oregon Summer Festival: Barbara (Bill) Tipton

Thank you all for attending the Summer Festival. Our numbers were down coming into the festival. We had less than 300 people but we are happy to say we ended up with somewhere around 460 registered and we are very happy with these numbers. We are sure we will end up with a profit to share. Thank you.

" 2009 Mid Winter Festival: Kathy (John) Rawitzer

Theme is "Dancing in the Wild West" featured caller is Johnny Preston from California, featured cuers are Jack and Judy DeChenne, from Spokane, and clogging instructor is Shane Gruber from the Detroit Area. The committee is working on some interesting additions to the traditional workshops on Saturday. Flyers have been distributed about the wine tours. Cost will be $50.00. Pre-register early if you are doing the tours as bus space is limited. We will be relocating the sewing clinic and the resale shop to better accommodate space and expense. Delegates are asked to take ribbon packets and help promote Mid-Winter Festival. If you would like to help with Winter Festival, call Kathy at cell phone No. 360 991 2005, office 3605749663, John cell 541 953 2147

" 2009 Summer Festival: Joanne Bean/Cynthia Weber-- Dale Worthington reporting

A featured caller and cuer have signed and alternate callers and cuers scheduled. Plans are for a golf tournament Friday and maybe a steak feed on Friday evening. A possible dance on Saturday at the Astoria Column on Saturday is planned. There are RV hook- ups available.

" 2010 Winter Festival: Sandy (Chuck) Eddings

Proposed budget has been submitted to President Marilyn, 1st Vice President John and Treasurer, Bill Rooper. If there is enough support from square dancers, Sandy is proposing the profits of $5346 from the 2010 Festival will be split equally between the Emerald Empire and the state.

" Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn

She reviewed costs for publishing and sending periodicals each year. She suggested:

1. E-mail renewal notices to people to save postage and

2. Combining two issues during the summer months, skipping one making eleven issues per year. Many clubs are dark over the summer.

She asked for feed back at the September meeting.

2nd Vice President: Dar Sconce

Since our last state meeting in Ione, we have traveled back down into California, to Bakersfield, for two graduations of two granddaughters. Then, we came back to Oregon for the 34th Buckeroo Roundup. This year we had Dan Preedy, the Umpqua Valley Boys, as our featured callers and Dave Cooper as our Cuer. Then down to Reno for a Volleyball Festival the end of June. My 14 year old granddaughter's Team Club Jamba won the Championship Division. What a thrill! Needless to say, this has been a very busy 2 months.

Most of our clubs are dark for the summer months with the exception of the Buckeroos, so dancing has been minimal. After Summer Festival, we are heading up the beautiful North Umpqua for the Diamond Lake Festival. Hope to see you all there.

We will be working on the 2008-09 State Directory; your orders are due today. The directories will be distributed at the September meeting. Cost will be $2.15 because we are not ordering as many as before. If you have any changes, please e-mail them to me right away. Thanks

Recording Secretary: Annadale (Bill) Rooper

Thank you everyone for sending written reports. It makes recording the minutes much easier.

Corresponding Secretary: Glory (John) Guches

Condolence Cards sent:

Sherry Little; her husband Rich passed away May 12, 2008. He was a former cuer in the Oregon Area

Chuck and Sandy Eddings; Chuck's Mother, Mrs. Eda Mackey, passed away. She was 95 years old. Mrs. Mackey square danced in Central Point, OR.

Pat Wernicke; her husband Larry passed away

Floyd and Jill Bard; Floyd's brother passed away while hiking.

Sunshine Cards sent:

Ed Warmoth; had a heart valve replacement. Ed has been very active in the State Federation and was a State President. He is a member of the River City Dancers. His wife, Mary has Alzheimer's. She is staying in an advance memory care home.

Buzz Buczkowski: Buz had two heart valve's replaced and two bad arteries by passed.

Marge Pentecost; fell and hurt her back

Joe Mauer; he is in respite care after being in the hospital

Treasurer: Bill (Annadale) Rooper

Everyone has copy of the Financial Report. I would like to point out that the income from Winter Festival was increased by $600 between the last meeting and this one because Winter Festival sold the flooring and sent us a check for $593 which I added to Winter Festival income which was part of the profit. Also, $650 from the assessment of 50 cents per person was added.

Membership: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley

All of the membership reports have been sent on to the necessary persons. Thank you one and all for all your help.

Insurance: Kay (Jim) Rogers -- Written report read

Keep up the good work. Everyone is doing a great job.

Past President: Jim (Kay) Rogers -- Written report read

Randall Award Nominations are due. Please turn in your nominees to Tim Roberts or mail them to me in the next week or so.

Parliamentarian: Tim (Kathy) Roberts

Tim questioned if the motions on the agenda were read previously. If so, a second reading today and then a vote by the membership are in order.

Financial Advisor: Bill (Neva) Reid - Written report read

Subsequent to my last report, I have performed the following Federation related activities:

  1. Reviewed the May and June 2008 bank statements of the Federation's account held at Bank of America, and forwarded them to the Treasurer.
  2. Compared the detail schedule of invoiced advertisements for February, March, April, May, and June 2008, provided by the OFN Editor to the copies of the Oregon Federation News for those same months.
  3. In response to concerns raised about the application for and reporting requirements of tax exempt organizations, I have reviewed the Practices & Procedures of the Federation concerning tax exempt organizations and consulted with an accounting professional who specializes in non-profit organizations.

    The review of the bank statements did not disclose any inappropriate transactions.

    The review of the schedules of OFN advertisements provided by the editor of the OFN raised some questions. Those questions stemmed from lack of information on the schedules. Subsequent conversations via email with the OFN editor clarified all issues. The review did find one Directory Ad that had been undercharged, but this was not significant in dollar amount.

    An additional concern that surfaced during my OFN review is in regard to "discretionary promotional discounts." According to the editor of the OFN these were discussed and approved by the OFN Advisory Committee and POOF. My concern is that they are not mentioned in the Practices and Procedures of the Federation and are not disclosed in the Policy Statement and Advertising Rates that are a part of each issue of the OFN. I recommend that we appropriately include these in the Practices and Procedures and the OFNs, so that all member clubs and other advertisers are aware that they are available.

    In regard to procedures related to tax exempt organizations, further research needs to be accomplished in order to adequately address the issues raised. I recommend that the Federation approve the expenditure of up to $1,000 to engage tax and legal professionals to assist us in the area.

    In conclusion, my observations are for your consideration and further discussion, and are not intended to be critical of the performance of any individual

BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert

Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP

Youth Activities Coordinator: Kathy (Tim) Roberts

Thank you Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dancers for awarding our daughter Amanda, the Oregon Youth Educational Scholarship this year.

Thank you President Marilyn Schmit for presenting Amanda with the USDA Youth Scholarship at Summer Festival.

Our June 1, 2008 Youth Scholarship Dance earned $554.09 for the Scholarship Fund. Thank you Central Oregon Council dancers; delegate Carol Bro; Pine Forest Grange and its managers Virginia and Hal Myers; callers The Wild Cards, and Cuers Dave Cooper and Jessie Shoffner. Thank you everyone that helped, donated and attended the dance.

We received the $900 from the Ka$h for Kid$ for the Oregon Scholarship fund. Thank you again Mini Stars and Silver Stars for your donation.

Please remember that if you encourage all of the councils and clubs to donate during their dances; it gives the entire state the opportunity to donate to our Youth Scholarship.

Thank you Paul Cap, TVC Delegate, for the $127.60 donation from the TVC for the Youth Scholarship fund.

The scholarship application for the 2008-2009 has been updated on the website. Thanks to the generosity of our Oregon and Washington dancers after only 3 years, our Youth Scholarship Fund is now over $5,500.

Coleeta Quigley made a MOTION:

Madame President, I would like to make a motion to increase the Youth Educational Scholarship amount to $500 per student. Seconded by John Guches. Motion passed.

If you know of a youth caller that would like to call a tip during the USA West Youth after party with the Ghost Riders, please have them contact me by August 1 for details.

I hope to have another Teen Dance in September. Please check your OFN for details.

We received a request to help 2 youth attend Summer Festival this year. Their club will present the grandparents with their reimbursement check at their next dance.

If you have any youth that would like to attend any state supported square dance activities and can not afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me.

Coleeta Quigley made a MOTION:

Madame President, I would like to make a motion to increase the amount in the Youth Activities Account to $500. Seconded by Dar Sconce. Motion passed.

Thank you delegates, officers and guests for your $56.10 donation to the Youth Scholarship Fund.

ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith

ORDTA met yesterday, July 19. There were 25 members and 7 guests in attendance - the largest attendance at a Summer Festival for quite some time. No official business was conducted since quorum was not quite met. Reports were made.

Discussion included reports about the Mini-Lab held last week that was hosted by ORDTA. All who attended reported that it was very educational as well as enjoyable. Many indicated that it was the best Mini-Lab they had ever attended.

ORDTA's fall meeting will be held on Saturday, October 11, at 10:00 am at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield.

Round Dance Screening: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg

Round of the Month
June 2008
"When I Need You" by Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
Portland Area Council

July 2008
"Dreaming" by Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
Rogue Sis-Q Council

August 2008
"Keep Away From Sue"
by Ron and June Ashendon
South Coast Council

September 2008
"This Time" by Mike Suerer
Sunset Empire Council

October 2008
"Everybody Wants to be a Cat"
by Tim Pilachowski
Tualatin Valley Council

Showcase of Ideas: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

We set up the Oregon display and condensed it so the Washington people could use part of our space also. I have our sign so you can see it. We assisted the Washington Federation in handing out fresh apples to promote 2012. Must have worked as the convention will be in Spokane in 2012.

Our thanks to Bill and Annadale Rooper for helping out while we went for lunch or dinner. We disbursed Roses to those who walked by and answered questions for both Oregon and Washington.

Our thanks also to Dale and Kathy Worthington for transporting our stuff to and from the convention in their pickup and trailer. That made things a lot easier. They have volunteered to do so again next year for Long Beach.

We have pre-registered our request for tables for Long Beach and will be in contact with them when they reply later in the year.

USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers

Marilyn announced Kay has been re-elected to Western Region Vice-President which will be her third and final year on the executive committee.

State Trailers: Jim (Avis) Kinkaid

Marilyn reported Jim says to say hello and he reports that the trailers have been used more this year than last year and he will be doing some maintenance over the winter.

State Fair: Tony Haskins

Things have changed since early communications with the fair people. The gazebo has been torn down and the stages removed leaving the only place to dance is on grass out back. Al Wolf made a motion we not dance at the State Fair this year. Seconded by Coleeta Quigley. After a discussion the motion carried and it was suggested President Marilyn write a letter to the manager or person in charge at state fair to let them know why we are not at the fair this year.

Mid Willamette Gift bags on tables are courtesy Coastal Farm and Ranch


  1. Second Reading of changes to By-Laws Article 1, Section 4 Treasurer

    The Treasurer shall have oversight responsibility of all collection and disbursement of funds of the Federation and shall have custodial responsibility of all funds of the Federation. With State Executive Board approval, these responsibilities can be delegated, however ultimate responsibility lies with the Treasurer. Disbursement of funds will only take place when properly approved by the 1st Vice President or the President. The Treasurer shall keep an itemized account of receipts and expenditures and shall perform all other duties devolving upon the Office of Treasurer.

    The president called for a second and Coleeta Quigley seconded the motion.

    After a lengthy discussion a motion by Dennis Marsh to table until September so it can be rewritten for better understanding was seconded by David Stutzman. Motion passed.

    (The minutes of May 18 indicate a suggestion not a motion)

  2. Second Reading of addition to By-Laws, Article l, Section 8 Immediate Past President

    The Immediate Past President shall Chair the Nominating Committee, the Benefit Dance and the Grant Fund Committee. He/She shall be a member of the Festival Advisory Committee and the Audit Committee. He/She shall be responsible for other duties as designated by the President and serve as an advisor to the President.

    Seconded by John Guches. Motion carried.

    (The minutes of May 18 indicate a suggestion not a motion)


  1. Motion John Guches

    Madam President-I move that two positions be added to the appointed officers. First is the position of Webmaster and the other is the position of Microphone Person

    Motion seconded by Bill Rooper.

    Discussion-The Webmaster should be a separate reporting position that can work hand in hand with the Board members to help them resolve and work with their personal computers and to help the Federation develop the programs they need to accomplish Federation business in the computer age. The Microphone person is a position that has always been at the meetings that has never been recognized by the Board as an official position. By making this position an appointed officer then the position can be given the recognition that it so richly deserves.

    David Stutzman made a motion to divide the question and Carol Bro seconded-passed.

    The motion to have the Webmaster as an appointed office passed.

    The motion to have the microphone person position as appointed position failed.

  2. Motion (from agenda- no author)

    Madam President-I move that the Federation allocate $500 to retain the services of a tax attorney or tax accountant who specializes in tax-exempt organizations, to help us update the P&P sections on IRS requirements for clubs and councils.

    Discussion--The current section on IRS requirements in the Financial Advisor section was written in the mid 1980's shortly after the Federation dealt with an IRS threat to revoke our tax-exempt status. Many of the regulations have changed since then, but we can't get a clear picture on exactly what has changed and what still needs to be tackled. The recent flurry of activity regarding the Form 990-N "e-postcards" have again raised questions about what our clubs really need to do to maintain tax-exempt status. $500 would get us a 2 or 3 hours of time, assuming we can brief him/her in advance. I imagine that at least the President, Treasurer, and Financial Advisor would want to be in on the meeting. We would rely on the Treasurer and Financial Advisor for help in finding an appropriate resource.

    President Marilyn postponed this motion to the September meeting so Bill Reid can contribute to the discussion.

  3. Paul Cap--- I make a motion that we go to the 11 month subscription to the OFN in lieu of 12 months effective January 2009. Seconded by Neta Minten. A motion to postpone the motion until September was made by Coleeta Quigley seconded by Dar Sconce passed.


Mid Willamette Area Council: Neta (Ron) Minten

I would like to make a motion to change the dancing attire at festivals to casual dress during the day and formal wear at evening dances. Seconded by Carol Bro. Motion failed. Curt Lundine will be the new delegate from Mid-Willamette.

Portland Area Council: Al (Gail Domine) Wolf

Watch the OFN for lessons starting in September and in January.

Clubs that went dark for the summer are visiting those clubs that dance all year long in halls that are air conditioned.

The Canby Cloverleafs Teen Club will be dancing at the Maplewood Grange in Aurora at 4pm during school months starting on the 3rd Sunday in September.

The Tumbleweed celebrated their 36th Anniversary July 18 with Dan Preedy calling. The Recycles Plus club will be 13 on September 12.

Les Seeley has been hired as caller for the Bachelor "N" Bachelorettes for the first Wednesday of each month.

The Country Capers have hired Janet Shannon and one of their club members, Mark "Elvis" Wheeler as club callers. Richard Gipe is their new cuer.

The May 30th Fifth Friday Council Dance was a subscription dance. Twenty new subscriptions were sold.

The June PAC meeting was a potluck picnic. Last year's officers and appointed officers agreed to serve another year and were informally installed. Good attendance, wonderful food and great weather.

The Carson Campout is August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th in Carson, Washington sponsored by the Gorge Clubs. Check the OFN for details.

The PAC and Swap & Swing are hosting the September OFSRD meeting in The Dalles. Flyers are in your files. See Bill Rooper for RV parking downtown.

Rogue Sis-Q Council: Marlene Richardson

The Charlie Brown's have been busy with lots of fun activities. They are dark in August but you will find them dancing at many festival's this summer

Circle 'N Square had a fun Gold Diggers Dance in June. They will be dark July and August.

The Lantz's Dantzer's mystery dinner dance was very successful and lots of fun.

Star Promenader's held their annual Teddy Bear Dance and donated them to the Sheriff's Officer's for children and they raised $150.00 toward Hygiene products for Access. Looking forward to Diamond Lake

A softball game between clubs and a huge picnic and dance was enjoyed in June.

South Coast Area: Chuck (Coleeta) Quigley

Beachcombers: Our 4th of July Birthday Dance was a complete success! Scott Zinser had us dancing our feet off. What fun. Jessie Shoffner did a wonderful job. We are planning our Labor Day Week-end dance with Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper. Be sure to come out for Labor Day Weekend.

Jefferson State Square: No report

Saint's and Aint's --Coos Bay Our last dance of the summer was July 11. We will be dark for Summer Festival, Diamond Lake, Central Oregon Round-up and USA West. We will begin regular dancing in September.

Sets-In-Order - Coquille Sets-In-Order is enjoying the summer with Dale Roberson. We have a float and booth in the Coos County Fair at the end of July

Sunset Empire Council: Dale (Kathy) Worthington

The Hayshaker's have been having regular dances. We are having a Carnival dance the first Saturday in August. Come join us in the fun. Dress is casual and it is cooler at the Beach. Kathy will be the new delegate.

Tualatin Valley Council: Paul (Dianne) Cap

The new TVC board of officers and delegates has taken office.

The TVC purchased 100 yard signs for advertising square dance lessons.

TVC will hold their annual Hahn Farm Barn Dance September 7 with a potluck starting at 5:30pm by the lake and dancing in the barn to follow. Harold Kleve is calling and Ruth Canby is cueing. This is an OFN subscription dance.

Since our last meeting, the TVC clubs and council have donated $127.60 (more funds added) to the Youth Scholarship Fund. The Valley Squares used 50% of their "fine" money for this charity.

Club news:

Umpqua Area Council: Frank Schuchard


Dancing at the Douglas County Fair
Tuesday Bob Ewing and Pat Hintz
Wednesday Don Marshall and Donna Hiserote
Thursday Lenny Ludiker and Pat Hintz
Friday Peter Wood and Denise Harris
Saturday Denny Lantz and Neil Koozer

All dancers are invited. Appropriate square dance attire required to dance. Free to get in to the fair if wearing badge and square dance attire.

Upcoming club picnic in August/September

Lessons begin in September with Don Marshall

Visitation August 30th to Port Orford

Boots and Calicos

No report

Dancing Friends

Round dance schedule for October 25 -Donna Hiserote

Pioneers N Petticoats

Lessons begin in September

Parade August 23rd Canyonville with/float

Timber 8's

Dark until September 1st

Blue Mountains Council: David (Sharon) Stutzman

The Elkhorn Swingers have changed their club dance night to 1st and 3rd Friday evening at 7:30 in hopes of drawing more people from the community to their activity. Lessons will be every Friday evening with a shortened lesson prior to dance night. Yesterday, they were dancing for the Miner's Jubilee held at City Park.

The Muddy Frogs will have a dance at 11:00 on Sunday following the USA West Convention in Pendleton. This event will be held at the City Park in conjunction with the 28th Anniversary of the Muddy Frogwater Country Classic Festival and Corn roast. For festival information, see website at www.muddyfrogwaterfestival.com.

The La Grande Star Promenaders received a grant to help with the cost to replace the roof on the dance hall. This grant from the Confederation Tribes of Umatilla will help toward the purchase of materials. The next task is to get volunteer labor to do the work. The Club will participate in the entertainment at the Union County Fair again this year.

The Council will sponsor a potluck picnic and dance at the Oregon Trail Visitor Park west of La Grande on the 30th of July. The three clubs will be able to get together to visit and discuss ideas for having a dance weekend at Wallowa Lake next year.

Central Oregon Council: Carol Bro

Summer in Central Oregon brings out the creativity of its square dancer. There will be casual dances on hot summer nights, a mystery dance to keep us guessing, and many theme and special dances to entice us out on lazy summer weekends.

We have two die hard instructors that will keep our minds engaged over the summer. Jim Steele is teaching, or trying to teach us A1 and Dave Cooper has several classes scheduled throughout the summer, as well as guest cuer Ray & Virginia Waltz who will conduct a Phase 4 Fox Trot class July 28th through July 31st.

You will find several of the Central Oregon Red Necks headed for the Diamond Lake Festival. It doesn't get any better than the full proof recipe of dancing, camping, good food and fellowship to entice us out.

We want to remind you that we have two great events still to come in Central Oregon this summer:

The Central Oregon Round-up is August 8th and 9th. Featured caller and cuer is Scott Byers. We will be dancing in an Air Conditioned building if nature does not interfere.

A Special Dance: National caller Mike Sikorsky will call a dance at Pine Forest Grange Thursday August 14th. We invite you to join us for the dance as you pass your way to Pendleton for the USA West.

Eastern Oregon Council: Lorene (George) Griffin

No report

Emerald Empire Council: Dennis (Ilanna Widders) Marsh

Whirl-A-Ways summer picnic at a member's home on August 23. Bob Ewing is doing "open" Plus workshops on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8:30 pm in hall B at the emerald Square Dance Hall. They will be dark July and August.

Danebo Circle Eight will be dark all month of July

Wolf Pack is dark for July but will be casual dance for the summer

Boots and Sandals will be dancing all summer.

Sweet Home Squarenaders will also be dancing all summer.

I would like to make a motion to redirect the 50 cent assessment per festival per person to be redirected to the state Youth Fund. Seconded by Paul Cap. Passed

Interstate Highlanders: Steve (Valerie) Murphy

The Interstate Highlanders is down to one club, the K. C. Squares. They will be moving their dance location later this year from Altmont School to the Klamath Falls DAV hall. This move will give them access to kitchen facilities which they haven't had at the school. They are getting ready for their Potato Festival in October.

The Alturas Alemanders application for membership is still pending their incorporation as a club.

Lincoln Tillamook Council: LaVonn (Al) Bussey

The club went dark so dancers could attend the Summer Festival.

We are having a summer barbeque-picnic on July 25th in the afternoon. We will eat, visit and play games. This is an annual affair and is always looked forward to.

On August 16th, the club will sponsor a hot dog picnic, for the dancers before the dance. Remember summertime and casual clothes are the order of the day. Picnic at 6:00 pm and dancing at 7:00 pm at the Gleneden Hall. If you are going to be in the area and need more information, call 541 444 9022

A School Reunion will be the theme for the dance on September 2nd. We are to wear our high school colors and bring our school annual for display.

For the Square dance week in late September, we plan to have a table with square dance information and square dancers available to answer question in Wal-Mart and/or Fred Meyers. A tip or two will be danced.


Harold and Barbara Kleve: No report

Lee and Barbi Ashwill

Since the May 2008 State meeting we have been kept busy with our Committee assignments for the 2008 Oregon State Summer Festival, the USA West convention and the National square Dance convention®.

In addition to those responsibilities, we have been serving as the Advisors for the Washington Federation in their Bid attempt to secure the 61st National Square Dance Convention® to be held in Spokane, WA in June 2012. They were successful in their Bid attempt and the National Square Dance Convention® will come to Spokane, WA in 2012. Make your plans now and be sure and get registered with the Washington Dancers. It is extremely important that you register early so Washington will have the funds needed readily available for the up front expenses that they will incur.

We attended the 57th National Square Dance convention® in Wichita, KS from June 22 to June 29, 2008. It was a great Convention even though the attendance was less than we would like to see. Many factors contributed to an attendance of just over 6,000. We believe one of the major contributing factors was the price of today's travel.

We are pleased to see that summer has arrived in Oregon. It seems like we went right from winter to summer and skipped spring altogether. This type of weather is why I remain a resident of Oregon. You just can't beat our summers.

With all of the "special" dance activities planned for this summer, we encourage all of you to travel safely.

Again, our plea is for you to support Washington in their hosting of the 61st National Square Dance Convention®.

Happy Dancing!!!!

Don and Lonna Bramhall

Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else." - Lawrence Block

Well, we know you were really looking forward to another song from the Central Oregon Rednecks but no music today. However, we took a dance break over July 4th to lead a group of dance friends to the Wheeler County Bluegrass Festival in Fossil. Naturally, with all our raw talent, we just had to enter the song contest and would you believe the audience actually voted for our song with dollar bills! Or maybe they were just paying us to stop!! We even took part in the parade - complete with our very own precision bicycle troop, decorated in red, white, and blue, performing abbreviated square dance moves. The parade watchers thought we were wonderful! Dancing has certainly lead us to unique pastimes, with great music, great friends and a gorgeous setting for a very relaxed weekend.

Thank goodness for Thursday and Sunday right now; those are the only two days each week we are not hearing the call from a Central Oregon lesson, workshop or dance. We are typically on a dance floor somewhere the other five nights.

Central Oregon recently hosted the Federation Youth Scholarship dance on June 1st. Kathy Roberts, Federation Youth Coordinator, is very active with the young people around the state and our local dancers were more than happy to assist her with this important tradition. Guest callers "The Wild Cards" (KC Curtis, Mike Halley and Terry Halley") donated their time as did Miss Jessie Shoffner and Dave Cooper, who shared cuing duties. Having just turned seventeen, Jessie is a very poised and accomplished young cuer and a perfect example of the dedication of young Oregon dancers as she square dances and round dances just as expertly as she cues. Federation President Marilyn Schmit was able to attend the Youth dance and came early to join us for a special Council dance the night before. Special thanks to Marilyn for willingness to drive long distances to complete her state visitations. We would also like to thank all those wonderful people who came to Bend for this special occasion with their donations to this worthy cause.

Next weekend we're off to Diamond Lake and then it's the Central Oregon Round-up on the second weekend of August. For those of you headed to Pendleton for the USA West convention, stop by the Pine Forest Grange in Bend on Thursday night, August 14th and dance to Mike Sikorsky at a special Central Oregon Council Dance. The summer is flying by and there are so many things to do, so have fun and make the most of them!

Final words of wisdom as we part - "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do"-Mark Twain

Genevieve Churchill

When Marilyn was at the National in Wichita she called me and said "Here is someone to talk to you".

It was Peg Tirrell. She and Doc have been part of the "Show Case of Rounds" as long as I remember.

All of the cuers on the Show Case are dressed in their finest and here come Doc and Peg, she wearing bobby sox! They live in Vermont and they choreographed the Round of the Month in Washington and was chosen in Oregon. "Lara".

She is the one who sent the towel that everyone signed at my party. What a dear couple!

The National next year will be in Long Beach, California. When they had it 1964, it was my first National. I was really overwhelmed by the crowd and the beautiful clothes. What a sight that was. Then I wasn't able to be at another one until 1973 at Salt Lake City but now I have attended 25 or 26.

My square dancing has helped me be in every State of the Union and what a wonderful life I have had.

Bill and Annadale Rooper

Well what do you know??? A $5.00 raffle ticket won us a trip to Cabo San Lucas. Thanks Bob Bosch for insisting. We will go in February with Ron and Gailyn Ploeg who have donated the trip to benefit the National Convention in Spokane, Washington in 2012. They have a time share there and have made arrangements for us to fly and stay for a week. How exciting for us.

Now what has happened since the last State Meeting? We spent a weekend with Bill's family in Montana watching a 300 horse roundup go through town and a weekend with my family in Wallowa where we watched 17 head of deer in the door yard. Both events were fun.

We attended the PAC OFN Subscription dance on the 5th Friday in May and the Annual PAC picnic at the North Clackamas Park in June. We couldn't have asked for better weather. Good fellowship and or course, food and made for a perfect evening.

We were guests in Vivian's place at the Wichita National Convention® Press Breakfast Thursday morning. Crisp bacon and hard pears and potatoes were on the menu. We learned how Wichita got its name and some of the doings in the area in the early years. Vivian won the table center piece. Thanks to Dale and Kathy for bringing it home for us.

The parade of states in Wichita led us from the Convention Center to the baseball field between thunder storms. They have BOOMING thunder storms along with light shows. After the announcement Washington had won the bid for the Convention to be held in Spokane in 2012, we gathered at home plate and danced a couple tips. Forty three excited Oregonians were in Wichita and most of them were on the field along with the happy Washington delegation.

On our way home we traveled via Albuquerque to visit Skip and Glenna Napier. They have bought a three bed room home and seem to be happy. They have three cats that run the place. Skip is making golf clubs and Glenna is making quilts for their new grandbabies. They say Hello to everyone in Oregon.

Marge and Dick are enjoying their new surroundings. She is getting around without a walker at home but feels safer when she is out. Dick likes card games.

We are looking forward to summer picnics and other activities coming up.


Roy and Janet Bellcoff, Assistant General Chairman, for the National Square Dance Convention® in Spokane, Washington in 2012.

New T-shirts say "Gotter done". Theme is "Circulate in Washington State". Committees' have been appointed and the Board will be known as the "Apple Core Board". Logos and badges have been chosen. Thank you to Oregon dancers for your enthusiasm. Watch for the website 61NSDC.com. Seed money is needed right now. Pre-registration forms are available. Have 540 registered right now.

President Marilyn distributed a list of items the Adaptive Riding Institute needs. If your club wishes to contribute on an ongoing basis it will treated as an in-kind donation and will count toward the total that we donate for the benefit dance April 5 next year.

Dennis Marsh Read a motion of the May 2006 minutes concerning dress code.

Kathy Roberts-Announced Toe Draggers Dance "Are you Man Enough to Wear Pink" Dance for the cure is September 14.

ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 pm

Respectfully submitted
Annadale Rooper
Recording Secretary