MINUTES OF MEETING dated September 28, 2008
Hosted by Portland Area Council
The Dalles Civic Auditorium, The Dalles, Oregon

The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Schmit at 9:00 am.


Officers: All present.

Appointed Officers: All present except Publicity/Education Larry & Carol Reetz; Historian, Patty Reese; Caller Advisor, Leonard Snodgrass; 2008 Summer Festival, Barbara & Bill Tipton; 2009 Summer Festival, Cynthia Weber & Joanne Bean.

Delegates: All present except Blue Mountains, David Stutzman (rep Curtis Walter); Eastern Oregon, Lorene Griffith (rep Lori Stevens)

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Harold & Barbara Kleve and Don & Lonna Bramhall

INVOCATION: Immediate past President, Jim Rogers

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President John Guches

MINUTES: President Marilyn Schmit stated that there would be a deviation on the agenda, motions A and C will both not be discussed today and dropped. The only one discussed will be B today.

Motion made by Bill Rooper and seconded by Coleeta Quigley to accept the minutes as corrected. Passed.


PRESIDENT: Marilyn Schmit

A year has gone by so quick that I'm not sure where to start. First of all, my thanks to the 13 councils for their hospitality when I made my official visitations. I had a great time everywhere I went. Might do it again. Then my thanks to my traveling companions for the various trips they went with me. Genevieve Churchill, Ralph Lambert, and of course my husband, Ron. Each trip was unique, fun, silly, and rewarding. All of you are special to me. My appreciation goes to all the delegates and the board members for doing a great job in their positions. The entire bunch of us made a complete picture of the "Essential Pieces" that I gave each of you when you were installed. We may not have had a complete puzzle in the beginning, but it looks wonderful now.

The input from all of you during our discussions was worthy and I appreciate the civility with which we all behaved. Remember that we are here because of the dancers who voted us into our positions at the state and council levels and because of my thoughts about your abilities for the positions to which I asked you to take. I leave this position with my head held high and a smile on my face for a fun year and many accomplishments:

National Square Dance Week, first time since 2005

Visited all 13 councils, & both festivals

National and USA West conventions

Did not miss any club dances while in office except for one which was a

State meeting weekend

Steve and Valerie Murphy have completed their travel sheet, as have I, 3934 miles round trip for what was listed, and we will soon be sporting bars on our badges that say something about our accomplishment. Congratulations and thanks for the support during my term. I encourage all of you to travel the state like I did and support the dancers you visit. They are glad to see the state officers and appreciate our efforts on their behalf.

I will now focus on the Randall Award and the Benefit Dance. You haven't heard the last word from me yet!

My selection to the list of Goodwill Ambassadors was given out last weekend in Astoria. Will Ashwills, Roopers, and Genevieve please stand. You are the current Goodwill Ambassadors. I would like you to welcome to your elite group of people Larry and Barbara Schaumburg. Many people have learned the difference between "ya all" and "all ya all" because of them. The round dancers enjoy great dances because of Barbara's efforts as Round Dance coordinator. She is not thanked enough for all her efforts. Larry is the quiet supporter and is the rock that Barbara depends on daily. Congratulations and go forth and spread the word. And she is finally going to Texas for the first time in 2 years, so Oregon will be talked about as she goes down the road. Safe travels Barbara.

1st VICE PRESIDENT: John (Glory)Guches

Madam President, I am going to defer my report until new business.

Summer Festival 2008: Bill and Barbara Tipton

They are not here, no report. Marilyn Schmit; Mr. Ashwill do you have money for us? I do not have, the reason is the account has not been closed

Mid-Winter Festival 2009: Kathy (Jon) Rawitzer

We have a few changes to the Mid-Winter Festival, the winery tour, two of the wineries that were originally arranged for have either opted out or we chose not to use them. We are looking for only one substitute at this time for those two wineries. We are going to upgrade the lunch; we plan to do something a little bit nicer. We are going to move the wine tour up one/half an hour so we will start at 11:00. All of the changes were for better customer service for one and the visitor center we are working with took their entire office on a trial run and it couldn't be done in the time frame. The e-mail address for us on the mid-winter flyers that are circulating around, the one at chairman@midwinterfestival.org no longer works, but the second e-mail address @msn.com does still work. We have added a few RV spots this year. So if there are some people out there that have not got their RV spots in they need to get a hold of us pretty quick. I have some ribbon packets with me today, just a few, so if there is anyone who would like a ribbon packet, I will have them at the break. If there is anyone who has registrations to turn in, I can accept those. The program book deadline is this week, the 30th of September. So if there are meetings, or anything else that needs to be added, the time is now. Otherwise, we won't have them in there in time. The program books will come out at the November State Meeting. Our registrations are coming in slowly; they are a little down. We currently have $13,000 in the bank. We have not yet paid our deposit to the fairgrounds yet, because we have a few little small details to iron out with them. We expect that to be resolved very shortly. That is all I have.

Summer Festival 2009: Cynthia Weber/Joanne Bean - Kathy Worthington giving the report.

On the 20th of September we had a meeting with Marilyn Schmit. We are working on a steak dinner on Friday night, dancing at the Astoria Column. If the weather is clear you can see the bar, most of Astoria, Warrenton and the hills of Washington. We are planning on a silent auction. The club members are making up baskets so there will be a wide variety of baskets to bid on. We are going to have a round dance hall, a square dance hall, plus will be every third tip. We are working on having clogging available. Everyone has received information on the table on the Summer Festival, with the community information booklet attached. Because of the distance we have to travel, since we are on the very top part of Oregon, we are asking the delegates to help promote the Summer Festival. If you need more flyers or anything else, just let us know. Thank you.

Mid-Winter Festival 2010: Sandy (Chuck) Eddings

Good morning everyone. There is not that much for 2010 that have changed, except that I do have clogging instructor, ???? Bills from Rivers in Georgia. We will have that contract shortly. I have all my material purchased and in a couple weeks will start cutting material for patterns so that everyone that wants a packet will have it by mid-winter. Everything else is kind of sitting back and working on my flyer right now. That will be in print in a couple weeks also. That's all I have, does any one have questions? Thank you.


For the year ending 2008 we are in the black $1,490.00. Last year we were in the black $1,490.00 that seems to be a good mix of ads and subscriptions. Last year we averaged 932 subscribers per month. This year it is down about 900. So we are running between 900 and 950, and it has been pretty constant and it has been for several years as people drop off, new people sign up. I think that is a good sign of where we are. River Graphics has created a new logo for the stationary. I have stationary here for anyone who needs it. Tim is going to have it on the web site. I have it in a Jpeg so if you need to use it for anything. She didn't charge us to do it. Yesterday, I spent an enlightening hour with Bill Reid. He did sit down with me and we went through the whole process of everything I do. So he is very comfortable with it. Plus, he is a good back up for me. I will send him the data files and he will have them as a back-up, so that is a good secondary place to have my information and somebody knows how the operation works. Everything we do is on the computer now. So we don't have boxes of files, all is in one little file. So Bill and I are comfortable going forward, and do better things with the OFN and accountability. We delivered OFNs for free, I have given every council some, I have some more here. For lessons, halfway through you should be giving students OFN to let them see what is going on. The sooner you tell me, like today, that you need some for next month, I can arrange to get them to you. With postage, I am not going to send out fifty to a club because you waited till the last minute. But if you tell me a month ahead of time, when I am in the area, or I can find somebody, I can send them down. So as soon as you can tell me that you are going to be need some, next month, or in November, let me know now so I can make plans for it. End of Report.

Bill Rooper: Can I make a comment. Someone once said that accounting was an art, not a science. Therefore, when you read your financial statement, you will see my figures show $171.00 loss rather than a $1,400.00 profit for the OFN for last year. I am not quite sure what the difference is.

Bill Reid: I am going to play the middleman here. We have Vivian with an accounting system that basically is on an accrual basis and I believe that the books of the treasurer is on more of a cash basis so that could very easily be the difference sometime between reconcile between the two, so I can say that could be a project for the future.

2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Dar Sconce

Since our last meeting, the State Directories have been completed and I have them here for us today. I would like to thank Vivian, because Vivian did most of the work and was great. She is super!

Also, as this is my last meeting, I would like to thank Richard and Patty Ann Scoles for traveling with me over the past two years to help me with the equipment. My friend Ray and I will be leaving on October 15th for Southern California for the winter. If you have the opportunity to travel in the winter, stop by and visit. We look forward to coming back to Oregon in the summer and dancing with all of you. Take care; I will miss all of you.

Marilyn Schmit: And what city are you in?

Dar Sconce: Thousand Palms, California.

RECORDING SECRETARY: Annadale (Bill) Rooper

Thank you everyone for all your reports, it certainly makes recording these several a lot easier. I am sure when Dale takes over he will appreciate it too. Thank you everybody and thank you for coming to The Dalles its great.


Marilyn Schmit: And I have a note you can read along with your report.

I would like to thank the PAC also for a great dance and I loved the dinner. The condolence cards I have sent out are:

Mel DeHut, his wife Sue passed away, she lost her battle with cancer.

Frank Lamp, his wife Loretta passed away. She had a heart valve replacement surgery, but she wasn't able to fully recover from the surgery. Loretta and her husband are long time River City dancers.

Essie Pettersen, her husband, Rick passed away.

Carol Conners, her husband, Bob passed away. Members of the Charlie Browns Squares

Ted Combs, his father passed away. Member of the Charlie Brown Squares

Sunshine Cards:

Spencer Lewis, his wife Barbara had a bad fall

The card here is from Amanda Roberts. Thanks a bunch - Dear Oregon Federation Board thank you so much for the $250.00 youth scholarship. It has gone into my first term at PUCC with $1,000.00 scholarship from USDA. See you around, thank you again, Amanda Roberts.

Outgoing Officers and Delegates please remove your Officer/Delegate bar and leave it on the table for the new Officer/Delegate coming in behind you. Here is a pair of pliers for anyone who needs help with those.

The ballot mailing for the motion to add a job description to the By-Laws for the Past President. I mailed a total of 83 ballots and a total of 50 ballots came back.

End of my report.

Marilyn Schmit: I have the unopened 50 ballots that came back. I would like to appoint a couple of people to go and open these and count so that we can either verify that we got two-thirds approval or whatever with these. So would Chuck Eddings and Max Bounds please go and open these and find out how many yes or no's we have out of these fifty. Please and thank you.

TREASURER: Bill (Annadale) Rooper

Good morning everybody. I will give another shot at it. My record keeping is done on a semi-accrual basis, I guess, which is accrual basis as far as the information I get. I won't get information from Vivian as to accounts receivable and accounts payable. So I can't project the information, all the information that she gets. I do have listed on this current balance sheet & financial statement the accounts receivable from the Summer Festival and reported to me. They may not be exactly correct when they get through, but they are as close as I've been able to determine. If there are any questions about financial reports, I will be glad to answer them either privately or publicly or I might mention last time we voted to increase the Youth Fund to $500. And we also voted to put the .50 cent assessment for the summer and winter festivals into the Youth Fund. So I made an entry to transfer money from the Emergency Fund to the Youth Fund so to make it up to $500 then I found out that it was $212.50 coming in from the Summer Festival on the .50 cent assessment, so you will find the Youth Fund shows $712.50. This is the Youth Activity Fund, not the Scholarship Fund. I am trying to do my best to keep them separate as the information comes in. Thank you

MEMBERSHIP: Coletta (Chuck) Quigley

I do want to thank Portland Area Council, it was a wonderful dinner last night, and I really want to thank the caller & cuer, Bill and Neva Reid did a wonderful job. I knew who they were, but I never danced under them, it was wonderful, they do super. You guys are very lucky to have them in your area. This is my last report, I feel a little bit sad, but feel excited about Sylvia coming in. We have had 3 clubs fold in the 2 years that I have had this position, and 2 new ones. One of them that folded was also one of the new ones. So we really haven't done real well with getting new clubs and getting members. I really think we need to think about our organization. I know that it is important, the business end of it and we try to stay on top of that, but I think it is so important to remember why we are here, and it is for clubs. Many clubs are struggling, particularly the clubs that are maybe not in the Portland or Mid Willamette area. The ones that are in the outer areas. say South Coast. We would appreciate, so much, any support we can get by people coming down in that area and dancing sometimes or just letting us know that you are around, because sometimes 1 square or 2 squares gets a little tiring and it would be nice to get a little more than that sometimes. So put the word out. A word of encouragement to everyone to visit the smaller clubs, and when you get a chance get out and encourage them. Thank you

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers

Good morning. Thanks for that great dinner and dance last night. That was terrific. I love this building and I love the drive down the gorge. It is always a pleasure. I came by yesterday; I distributed all the insurance papers to your delegates. I was my usual all sweetness and like. So I know you are all going to do a wonderful job this year. I may have neglected to tell you that if you have a club that has chosen not to continue with the Federation, or send in their paperwork, if you make a note of that then I won't be waiting for a club that isn't going to come. If you have a club that hasn't let me know yet, or you don't know what their final situation is going to be, discuss it with me so that we can figure out the best way to help that club make the decision to stay insured and stay in the Federation. We are here for the clubs and we are always willing to help them if we just know what their situation is. Thank you

PAST PRESIDENT: Jim (Kay) Rogers

I would like to thank the Portland Area Council and all the other councils for the last 3 or 4 years of having fun. Thank you

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts

I have distributed a short update to the Practices & Procedures, containing some of the changes that have accumulated from the last couple of meetings. Remember that delegates get TWO updates, because they are responsible for two copies of the P&Ps: one for yourself, and one for your council.

After we do the installation of officers I am going to hand around a piece of paper for you to sign your name, your position, your phone number, and your e-mail so I can get the web-site updated. So please get that around and back to me. That is all I have.

Bill Rooper: Question. You have a page on lodging and mileage expense does not include the goodwill ambassadors. We have from time to time reimbursed them for travel, but we need to make a decision on it either one way or the other, I don't really care myself, but we need to make a decision.

Tim Roberts: I think that we did pass a motion years ago to reimburse them. So that was an oversight on my part. I will take care of it next time.

PUBLICITY/STATE REPORTER: Larry (Carol) Reetz - absent - No report


Good morning. First of all, I want to apologize for not being able to attend the last meeting of the Federation. I understand that two motions were tabled due to my absence, and for that disruption of Federation business I am truly sorry.

Subsequent to my last report, I have performed the following Federation related activities:

1. Reviewed the July and August 2008 bank statements of the Federation's account held at Bank of America, and forwarded them to the Treasurer. My review did not disclose any inappropriate transactions.

2. I compared the detailed schedule of invoiced advertisements for July, August, and September 2008, provided by the OFN Editor, to the copies of the Oregon Federation News for those same months. I had a few questions, but the editor of the OFN quickly answered them all, and I completed my review, which did not disclose any discrepancies.

I had communications with both the editor of the OFN and one of the OFN Advisors concerning "discretionary promotional discounts." Their position continues to be that these should not be delineated in the Practices and Procedures or the OFNs. In my opinion, for the protection of the editor and as collaboration of the Federation's approval of such "discretionary promotional discounts," at least some broad statement stating that the editor has the authority to give such discounts should be included in the Practices and Procedures.

At the last Federation meeting, the motion to change the By-Laws, Article 1, Section 4., which would change the description of the duties of the Treasurer, was tabled. The rationale behind that By-Law change was that nothing in the Constitution, By-Laws, and Practices & Procedures, allows for the present practice of the Insurance Chairman having control over a separate Federation bank account. Therefore, the Federation is operating contrary to its own rules.

I understand that the working of the suggested change confused some. If that were the case, then I recommend that the motion be voted down and that more understandable working are formulated. Since the Treasurer and Insurance Chairman are closest to this issue, perhaps they could best formulate that rewording.

One area of discontent appears to be a concern over continuing to include the sentence that "Disbursement of funds will only take place when properly approved by the 1st Vice President or the President." In the past, this requirement has been fulfilled by the dual signature requirement.

In our electronic world of today, email approval of checks could certainly fulfill this requirement. The company I work for does not have a dual signature requirement, and in fact produces an electronic signature on the check. Before release of those checks, our Controller reviews and approves an electronic version of the check register.

There is some risk associated with the Federation continuing to operate contrary to its By-Laws in regard to the Insurance Chairman having a separate checking account. The Employee Dishonesty policy currently in place does not cover the Insurance Chairman, and the coverage is based on the practices outlined in the Federation By-Laws and Practices and Procedures.

The next item I believe we are going to talk about in old business so I won't include that part.

In conclusion, my observations are for your consideration and further discussion, and are not intended to be critical of the performance of any individual.

William R Reid, Financial Advisor

EDUCATION: Larry (Carol) Reetz - absent - No report

HISTORIAN: Patty Reese - absent - No report

BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert

Everything is current with both organizations.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Kathy (Tim) Roberts

Our 19-year-old daughter Amanda was in charge of the Ceremonies at the USA West Convention and did a great job. Our 15 year old son, Jonny sang the American and Canadian National Anthems during the ceremony. He was also the only youth caller that signed up to call during the Youth Sponsored After-party with the Ghost Riders. There were several Oregon youth dancing and visiting during the weekend. Our visitors were impressed with our Oregon teens.

Marilyn Schmit forwarded a request to me from Ann Skoe of the Canby Cloverleafs who requested assistance to help them purchase promotional tee shirts for their 4-H Club. They have ordered 50 shirts at the price of $375. A check in the amount of $200 has been sent to them from the Youth Activities Fund to help cover some of their expenses.

Tualatin High School asked me to find a caller for a new multicultural dance class. Ann Skoe of the Canby Cloverleafs has agreed to teach this class. She will be teaching 48 students during six, 1 1/2-hour classes to 48 students.

My nephew has also asked me to find a caller for his high school's Harvest Party.

The scholarship application for the 2008-2009 school year has been updated on the website this week so that it is ready for next year's students. Remember that as of 2009, the scholarship will be $500.

Remember to support the Ka$h for Kid$ dance in Vancouver. It will be March 22, 2009.

Thank you, Floyd, for appointing a teenager to the Nomination Committee this year. Our daughter Amanda is honored to represent the youth and is looking forward to approaching everyone about how they can support the OFSRDC during the 2009-2010 year.

It has been a pleasure to work with everyone on the board. I have really enjoyed working with and for the youth of Oregon and Washington these last few years. I will miss the youth dances and activities. We have some wonderful youth. Thank you everyone for your support. It is amazing how much we have accomplished for the youth these last few years. Thank you again! Good luck to the 2008-2009 Board.

ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith

No report, but I would like to invite you to our next meeting, October 11th, at 10 am, at the Emerald Dance Center.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg

Oregon Round of the Month

November 2008

December 2008

End of Report. I would like to thank Marilyn for selecting us as Goodwill Ambassadors. I will have a great time traveling and representing Oregon as I travel from here down yonder to Texas.

CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard (Marcia) Snodgrass - No report

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No report

SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

There is no report from Ron or I for that. We don't know anything for next year yet.

USDA REPORT: Kay (Jim) Rogers

Jim and I did not travel to the USDA Meeting this summer, but we have been in close contact with the board regarding business as usual. This is our last year as USDA Western Region Vice President. As usual, you can get copies of all information packets on the Website. If you have questions or want additional copies, let Jim or I know and we will be sure you get them.

STATE FAIR: Tony Haskins/Al Wolf

I, Al Wolf and Marilyn Schmit, we all met with Eric Larfuss at the State Fair office first week of September, he is the Director of Entertainment. We are the first ones, he doesn't have an itinerary made out yet, but we expressed our concern about square dancing and how many years we had been there. We were really upset because we didn't get to do it this year. Eric worked with us we got three options, stages, cement/asphalt, and our last option was to set up a couple square dance wagons in a stationary position and square dance on them. We don't have any definite answers yet, he is suppose to get back with us in November or the first of January, so we have some ideas to work with. End of Report


Since there were so many changes, my report is completely obsolete. We discussed a lot on motions A & C, but they are dropped. The B motion we discussed and felt it was a good idea to allocate $500 to retain the services. I see in Bill's letter $325 an hour is not even going to cover 2 hours. We did feel it was necessary though. The requirements for the clubs and councils vary. I understand that there will be a three-way phone conversation with the President of the Federation, Bill (Rooper) and Bill Reid, and that is about to change too. Motion C, Vivian Fairburn said that there fund available for 12 issues, so I am not going to say anything more about that.


  1. Motion by John Guches. Madame President, I move that the Federation allocate $500 to retain the services of a tax attorney or tax accountant who specializes in taxd-exempt organizations, to help us update the P&P sections on IRS requirements for clubs and councils. Bill Rooper seconded the motion.


    Neta Minten: If we all agree that it is something that needs to happen, should we increase that $500 to at least be enough to cover 2 hours before we make a motion and pass it when it is not going to be enough?

    Bill Reid: In talking to the CPA that I did, and we are not locked in to using him. So far his services have been free. He is going to donate another 2 hours pro-bono. I believe that connected with the $500 would get us to the point where we could make another decision to see what the ramifications are and what the options are. This particular firm, my company uses, and I think I can get some other free time possibly. Rather than increase the amount at this time, I would rather use a little pressure on him and get some more free time. My suggestion is to leave the $500 as is. As we progress down the trail, readdress the problem, readdress the options and at that time do another motion for additional funding, if it is needed. It may not be needed. We may face the situation where we don't need to do anything.

    Marilyn Schmit: A discussion they had that he may send all of us home to put paperwork and stuff together, so we may not need that extra time, the 2 hours he is going to give us for free, once the discussion is held, it may be he wants to list the stuff for us for us to come home and put together, and bring back for him to look at.

    Neta Minten: I am certainly not advocating that we spend any more money than we need to. Some of us are feeling a little frustrated because we spend quite a bit of time yesterday discussing something. Now we are being told there is nothing to discuss. It gets a little frustrating when we do things and then we have to come back and do them again in a year. That is why I was asking if we should change that amount now, so that we don't have to waste another meeting voting on it again to change something that could have been done in the first place.

    Bill Reid: We certainly could go with a larger amount, it doesn't lock us into spending any $1 of that amount. If you would feel more comfortable with doing it that way I would support that entirely.

    Dennis Marsh: With the understanding then, do see that this is going to be a one-time, or do we have to do this every year to update our tax laws?

    Bill Reid: We have been a number of years without updating the information available to clubs, councils, and Federation in regard to the tax exempt status with the IRS. So I believe this will be a one-time services with the CPA should get us back up to snuff. Certainly going forward, when there are changes to the IRS regulations, we need to be aware of those. Going forward there may be some kind of updating required, but would not image its to the extent we are going to face right now.

    Sandy Eddings: Bill just a question. If normally the IRS changes their laws every other month. If really change their requirement, do you think this could go into an every year change?

    Bill Reid: I think your question is similar to Dennis'. They're certainly, with the IRS, changes that occur. The situation that we are discussing right now has been in existence for a large number of years, where there is a requirement that certain amount of revenues of clubs has to be from members of that club. We have a 65% of revenues rule that we for a number of years have been ignoring or thinking that perhaps we are small enough that it did not apply to us. That is not the case, so we have to update our thinking for that particular issue. Beyond that, yes there are always IRS regulation changes and we need to keep on top of those each and every year.

    Kay Rogers: I can't make a motion, but I would like to suggest that in order to expedite this, it would be a simple matter to change the motion to read that we allocate up to a certain amount of money. Even if you want to say $1,000, to settle what we need to do in this tax atmosphere. That would be an easy matter, and it would be quickly settled.

    Paul Cap: I disagree with what Kay says, I think it is a lot easier for Bill to have a little bit of pull to say, I only have $500. I think it should be left the way it is.

    Motion passed.

Marilyn Schmit: We are not discussing "C". The vote result for the change to the By-Laws for the immediate Past President is: 49 Yes and 1 No. Motion carried.

A motion by Coleeta Quigley to destroy the ballots was seconded by Dennis Marsh and carried.

Bill Rooper: About motion "C".

Marilyn Schmit: We are not going to discuss that, Vivian said wait a year.

Vivian Fairburn: Regarding motion "C", we were speaking in July because the price of paper had gone up, postage had gone up. We are not in the business of making money for the OFN, though we want to keep solvent. Afterwards when I set down with Bill Reid and realized that the last 2 years have been pretty constant. We would save money for 1 month of what we pay the printer or graphics, and they agree to that. You wouldn't be paying me and we would all get a month off. But culturally, we have had this magazine for 12 month for so many years that I think some people would go ballistic if they didn't have their OFN in July. So we will keep an eye on it this year, and if anything gets out of whack by next year any expenses go up we will revisit the idea. I do think we need to keep it in mind, but this year we are pretty good.

Kathy Rawitzer: I would like to add a little to my report that I forgot. I also would like to ask that delegates and goodwill ambassadors to promote Mid-Winter Festival with their clubs in their areas. We also have a distance issue with ourselves, we have not lived in the Emerald Area for a while and we live in Vancouver now. We are in the middle of building a house and it is really difficult for us to get out for visitations. Our Visitation Committee is really short this year. I think part of that is the cost of gas and everything else going. With that said, we still visitation coordinators for the Portland Area and the Tualatin Area. If delegate could discuss the Mid-Winter Festival with new dancers, that would be good.

John Guches: I get to present something to someone that has supported this Federation for many years. If I could get Marilyn to step into the center. Please turn around and face the audiences. Marilyn for all your support and good job you have done this year, I would like to present you with this basket. There are a few treats, there's a bottle in it too, but being that we do not preach drinking, we are a healthy organization, that is a bottle of Harry & David pear juice. There are two wineglasses in there for you to display in your home that is engraved with your year of presidency.

I would just like to give you some of my goals for this year. We have already started one of them by putting Tim Roberts as Webmaster. What I want to do this year is put more in to supporting the clubs, through the delegates and down to the club level. To give clubs the opportunity to come back to us with some of their concerns and requests. I sat in the delegates meeting yesterday, and one of the questions being asked around the board was "what can the Federation do to help clubs?" which is one of the things we are suppose to do. They wanted to see more of the things of helping them with a possible video or something we can put on TV or on a computer that they can download. And bring that portion of the Federation into the computer age. With Tim's help, I am hoping that we can get that done this year. Next meeting I will have a couple thoughts and might have a couple motions if we can work it out with the people that need it.


John Guches: Does everyone have a copy of the new budget for this year? Are there any questions on the budget. Hearing no questions, can I get a motion to approve my budget?

  1. Dennis Marsh made a motion to accept the budget for 2008-2009. Sylvia Davis seconded the motion.

    Discussion: (?): I have a question. Near the end, I don't know if it is the front page or back, but the Youth Fund is $100. Should that now be $500, since we voted to give them $500.

    Bill Rooper: The motion was to increase that fund to $500. Another motion was to put the .50 cent assessment from the festivals into the Youth Fund, and I understand it to be the Activities Fund, not the Scholarship Fund. This money that was collected the other day goes into the Youth Scholarship Fund. This $100 was set up a long time ago before we really had a Youth Fund and it has just been carried forward. I don't know if it is really necessary to have it. It is no problem.

    (?): My questions just that it has under Special Project Disbursement Youth Fund $100 will be allocated. So that is really does not look like what we here today.

    Bill Rooper: No, this would be in addition to what we have already decided to do.

    Motion carried.

Vivian Fairburn: In reviewing the Corresponding Secretary job description with Glory (Guches), it became readily apparent that we have no budget, no line item, no accountability for the finances of this position. The Corresponding Secretary spends quite a bit of money sending out the ballots in March. There is a lot of cost in postage, mailing, buying cards, buying flowers, printing, etc... There is a lot of cost associated with this job. I know they are absorbed in the budget, but there is no petty cash fund.

John Guches: Vivian would you put a motion forward first before you do this.

Vivian Fairburn: I'm going to, I am going to do three motions.

John Guches: The motion has to be first.

Vivian Fairburn: Alright, I want to do three motions. First, I move that the Corresponding Secretary is allotted a $100 petty cash fund. Seconded by Dennis Marsh.


Vivian Fairburn: The part of the motion is the petty cash fund. I know that Glory puts the money out of her own pocket first and waits until the next state meeting to get reimbursed. So when you are unemployed $100 or $150 is a lot of money. The OFN starts itself with a petty cash fund, so this is what I am suggesting that we do $100 petty cash accountable to Mr. Rooper.

Bill Rooper: The practice in the past has been for these special postage things are to pay for them in advance. In other words, you get a check for $100 to buy postage with it, just before it is time to send the ballots out. If you spend for than that, we reimburse you at the next meeting.

Vivian Fairburn: Okay, can we just say that you ask for the money in advance and then you just follow up with a receipt at a later date? So whose responsibility is it, yours, to follow up a receipt? This is something all year long that she is spending money on. Thing two is for the Parliamentarian. I want to add something to this motion and what I want is an accountability of last year, a report of what was spent. Can I amend this to ask for a report? Or do I have to make another motion?

John Guches: The motion you have on the floor has to be taken care of before you can proceed. Any other discussion?

Dennis Marsh: Even though I seconded it, thinking about what is being said and since we postponed the Treasurer part with the Insurance Chairman petty cash I think it should all be put into one committee and discussed and set it up as a procedure situation.

John Guches: So what I understand is that what you want to do is postpone this motion?

Dennis Marsh: We cancel this and combine with the new committee that is going to be set up to overlook this and have it put in the Practices & Procedures for proper allocations.

Vivian Fairburn: So we vote it down then we vote to do it. That's what I want.

John Guches: So I understand you want to withdraw the motion?

Dennis Marsh: I withdraw my second.

Vivian Fairburn: Okay I do withdraw my motion with the understanding that we add it to that committee.

John Guches: It has to be withdrawn completely.

Vivian Fairburn: Okay, I withdraw it. Next motion I will make then is that I would like to have a report for this last fiscal year that just ended on how much was spend by the Corresponding Secretary. And have the Treasurer have that available by the November Meeting.

John Guches: I really don't think that needs a motion.

Bill Rooper: I don't think that needs a motion, I will give her a report as soon as I get back home and get time to get it done.

Vivian Fairburn: Okay. The thing here of the whole discussion, I would like to see a line item, because there is a lot of money there. Oh, there is no discussion on it, okay. Don't I have a motion on the floor? To change something around here, what do I have to do?

John Guches: Hold 1 second.

Vivian Fairburn: Okay, I will hold it till the next meeting after I get the report, then I will ask for a line item.

John Guches: Any other new business?

Kathy Rawitzer: I would like to address the issue that came up last month with the OFN. We thought it was in Practices & Procedures that the Mid-Winter Festival is allotted a column for publicity and the registration form in the OFN. Our publicity column was bumped last month because of space issues. I think that if it is Practice & Procedures of the Federation then, that should not be something that is bumped.

Vivian Fairburn: I can respond. There were almost 14 pages of ads in September. There are 2 months a year that we have a very high ad content. We put in the lessons between pages, so no text appeared in this issue. I did not realize that it was a requirement that we had to have it in there. I think you are going to see that a lot of stuff is as space permits. And, it was in the next months. Your registration is always in there, but the little article didn't get in there. We didn't give any text to anybody, because we had no room. We refuse to go over 48 pages, we can not afford it. We didn't have enough to fill 48 pages. Barbi you can answer this.

Barbi Ashwill: I am not sure this is going to be the answer you want. In last month's issue, when this got bumped, was there anything in there on the most current upcoming National Convention?

Vivian Fairburn: It is in the October issue, not the September.

Barbi Ashwill: I wasn't sure whether it was the September or October you we talking about. I thought it was September. What I am asking, is whether there was information printed in that issue about the National Convention? Vivian: No. Barbi: As long as long as the festivals take priority.

Vivian Fairburn: That is why we have a limit on the words, and this is for your area editors and some of you club people. I have to write quite a few articles and I have to keep the words down to 135. My priority is on the registration form and the ad. And so it got bumped and I put it in the next month. What do you want me to do?

??: Can I ask you a question?

??: Garbled ... recognize her.

??: I have a question, mid-winter was bumped, but there are also three articles on garbled Summer Festival 2008 and upcoming Summer Festival 2009.

Vivian Fairburn: In the September issue?

??: In the September issue.

Vivian Fairburn: Well yeah, that takes priority.

??: I'm sorry, but they are Federation dances.

Vivian Fairburn: Right, but the Summer Festival is placed in the immediate next issue, will take priority over an upcoming future mid-winter.

??: That's only the last 6 months of the year. The last 6 months of the year both festivals get their garbled .

Vivian Fairburn: Right, their article was less than 100 words.

??: I'm sorry Vivian, it is a Federation dance and you need to support it.

John Guches: I think the question was answered. Any other new business? Garbled

Steve Murphy: One of the motions that was dropped I assume it now has to be reinvestigated and resubmitted at a future time. It is the wording on the insurance money she is collecting and disbursing is a problem. Garbled it doesn't matter what the By-Laws say, and that's our problem. We had last month a motion to fix it. The wording was unclear and so it was dropped. Garbled, others talking if anyone is rewriting that, the thoughts that we had in delegate meeting yesterday, some of my thoughts as to what should be done with that. Is that appropriate now?

John Guches: Before we do that, we need a motion to bring that back to the front, put a motion on the floor for that. Marilyn took it off the table at that point, so we need a new motion.

Steve Murphy: I understand she took the motion for the specific wording. It will be rewritten and I would like to discuss what wording should go in that new motion that will be in front of the Federation next meeting.

John Guches: What I would like to do, is instead of bringing that back to the table at this time, I would like to appoint a committee to

??: It has already been done. It is the same committee that he was talking about earlier.

Many people talking at once. Very garbled and noisy

John Guches: I would like to say something to this real quick like. Noise

Kay Rogers: It is my understand that previous to this when the motion was dropped, that a committee was to be formed of the Insurance Chairman and Treasurer, and we were going to check wording for that motion. Once the wording had been discussed and agreed on between us, then of course it would be represented as a motion to the board and at that time will be opportunity for to go through the normal channels of discussing the motion before having to vote on it.

Bill Rooper: As a member of that committee, I would really appreciate any comments that any of the delegates or officers have. Our e-mail is baroop@charter.net. You can send us your comments. It would be helpful in working out the wording on this I think if we had the comments from the different members.

Steve Murphy: I believe that in effect was what I was looking for, was input to this committee. That might be a better appropriate way to do it, directly to the committee members, rather than through the meeting here.

John Guches: In consultation, I do believe that, we do need to set that committee. If the board has no problem with that, I would like to have Mr. Murphy set in on that with Steve Murphy garbled, and with Bill Rooper. All committees are suppose to have a board member, a delegate, and another member.

Lee Ashwill: I would like to recommend that you get Bill Reid's comments on that

committee, since he is vitally involved in that action.

Bill Rooper: Bill (Reid) and I will get together.

John Guches: Okay, we will put four people on the committee; Mr. Reid, Mr. Rooper, Steve Murphy, and Kay Rogers. With that, if we could have the report back from that committee at the November meeting.

Dennis Marsh: To get back to this item that we are talking about, I think that it does need to be brought out at this meeting that the delegates feel that they were let down not being able to discuss their opinions about this item and the stuff that we wanted put in to it. One is the idea that we do not have a problem with the Insurance Chairman having a petty cash. But we do have a problem when the petty cash turns into a $10,000 check that one person is writing. That is a major concern about this.

John Guches: Thank you, so noted.

Bill Rooper: I would appreciate anybody sending me that in e-mail or writing, so we have that information.

John Guches: Those questions I would appreciate if the delegates would get them all to Mr. Murphy and have him bring them to the committee.

Dennis Marsh: One other thing, going back to Midwinter's' question. On page 38 of September, we did have a square dance haven from the National Square Dance Convention, Wichita, Kansas. There was an article in there.

Vivian Fairburn: There was? Okay, let me explain something.

John Guches: Let us proceed Vivian that has already been discussed.

Vivian Fairburn: I just want to say just one more thing, real quick.

John Guches: Vivian we are going to proceed. You can talk with garbled when this is over.

Vivian Fairburn: This affects everybody. This is real quick. Okay, this affects everybody. When you have two half pages you have to fill in, and you have a 400-word article and you have a 100-word article. So I don't have a choice of where that goes, that get at the very last minutes things get fitted in. I am sorry if it didn't get in when you thought it should but things have to be squished together at the very last minute, so we do the best we can. That's it.

John Guches: On that note, at the next State meeting can we have that addressed? Garbled.

??: Certainly.

John Guches: Any more new business? Mr. Lundine

Curt Lundine: I would request that the President direct the Parliamentarian on behalf of the new members of this council to present at the November meeting a brief outline of Roberts Rules of Order, for those who are not familiar with them. So we would have a better grip on when a motion is appropriate or when the President may call a line item to garbled right at the moment so that we can keep these meeting going orderly and shorter.

John Guches: Mr. Bosch will come to the delegates meeting at the November Federation Meeting and he will give the delegates a complete briefing on that. Any other business? With no other new business, we will proceed with the Delegates' Report.


Portland Area Council: Al (Gail Domine) Wolf

All PAC clubs are back to dancing after summer schedules. Many clubs have or will soon start new dancer lessons. Reports I have heard, indicate fewer dancers at first few lessons. Hopefully, the numbers will improve. Several clubs are sponsoring round dance lessons. Check your Sept. and Oct. OFN for details.

The Country Cut-Ups are celebrating their 48th club anniversary on Oct 4th at the Boring Barn. Daryl and Yvone Clendenin will call and cue. On Oct 19th, they will sponsor their 32nd annual pancake breakfast. This is their yearly fundraiser for the upkeep of their hall, which they own.

Many clubs had "Back to School" dances. All school supplies were donated to agencies for students who can't afford to purchase them.

Sept 27th, the Happy Rock'rs will have their Luau Dance which is always a big dance for them.

The PAC is celebrating square dance week by having a "Teddy Bear" parade, which was yesterday, Sept 27th in the Gresham area. Promoting square dancing was advertised in various ways. The teddy bears were given to the Soroptimist International of Gresham in conjunction with the fire and police departments,. They are given to children facing different crisis in their lives. Thanks to Tony Haskins and the Checkerboard Squares for coordinating this event.

Several clubs are having Halloween dances. Check your OFN for their ads.

The PAC will have a special Oct 31st Halloween Costume Dance. Less Seeley will call and Stephanie Croft will cue. You won't want to miss this one. Best costume 1st prize is $100.00, 2nd is $60.00 and 3rd is $40.00. There will be prizes for pumpkin carving contest (bring your carved pumpkin), pin the tail on the caller and apple bobbing. Should be an exciting-interesting dance. All information and details will be in the October OFN.

The PAC along with TVC and Evergreen Council members volunteered for the Providence Health Fair and Bridge Pedal. They worked in a booth handing out flyers and showed a video on square dancing as well as wearing square dance clothes. Good promotion of our favorite hobby and a healthy way to exercise. Thank Lisa Bivvens and Mike Kious for hard work.

Tony Haskins, myself, along with Marilyn Schmit met last week with the director of entertainment for the State Fair. We received some positive information and he will have times and dates for us to dance by mid-January. I will report this at the meeting in January Mid-Winter.

I heard that the Wy'East Whirlers will disband Jan 1st 2009. End of Report.

Rogue Sis-Q Council: Marlene Richardson

In our council some finished up the summer with the Diamond Lake Festival, and some at the Central Oregon Round Up, also some club dances. Diamond Lake had a great turn out with Mike Sikorsky calling and the Crapos cueing. Central Oregon Round Up had Scott and Erin Byers calling and cueing, we learned new calls that kept us busy.

September 6th, the Charlie Browns did start a Garbled class at the Josephine County Fairgrounds in Grant Pass. On the 28th, will start a new round dance/workshop taught by Ed Phillips. We are dark for the Circle N Square Birthday Dance, so we can celebrate their birthday with them. On October 23rd we are having a special dance with Lantz Garbled.......

Circles N Squares celebrated their birthday dance on September 20th Garbled calling and the Farley's cueing. They have not been doing a lot down there.

The Lantz's Dantzers had three squares attend the Safari Dance in Eastern Oregon. It is always enjoyable seeing all the great animals while you are up there. On October 17th, they will have their 2nd Annual Dogs for the Deaf Benefit Dance, with all proceeds going to Dogs for the Deaf. Denny Lantz will be calling and Freddie Loveless will be cueing.

Two squares of the Star Promenaders dancers rode on a float for the Central Point 4th of July Parade. Thanks to the Federation for making the dancing trailer available. About 350 cards were distributed for Fall classes. Classes started on September 11th and we also started a Garbled class, which started September 14th. End of Report.

South Coast Council: Chuck (Coleeta) Quigley

Beachcombers: Well, Labor Day has gone and if you didn't make it to the Battlerock weekend at Port Orford, you miss a great time. We danced in the surf, had an "all you could eat" breakfast; plus danced the weekend away. There will be no lessons at this time. We have changed our dance night to the first FRIDAY of every other month starting in October, so make note of it and come on down.

Jefferson States Squares - No Report.

Saint's and Aint's: Dancing is back on a regular schedule now for the Saint's and Aint's. Square dance lessons will start Sunday the 5th of October. It will be plus and then beginning rounds will start on Thursday, October 9th.

Sets-In-Order: Lessons began September 23rd for squares and September 25th for rounds. We have our 62nd Birthday Dance coming up on October 11th, Come on down and enjoy Dale Roberson and Denise Harris putting on a great dance.

Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington

The Hayshakers have been very quiet this summer. We have had difficulty in getting squares together. We are getting ready for the Seaside Sashay, the November State Meeting and it is at the Pacific Grange. On the Web, it says the Columbia Grange. I've put information at everyone's place for the meetings and information to pass out to your councils. End of report.

Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck

Our alternate delegate, Ron Murray, has resigned already.

Four of the TVC clubs have proposed to hold classes in the fall with several others to begin in January. TVC has provided yard signs to assist the clubs with this endeavor and has offered to reimburse each club part of the expenses to advertise. The yard signs will be rotated from club to club as needed. Most clubs are offering three free classes to start with one club offering ten free classes this fall. We do need assistance to have our clubs be successful and gain new members through classes.

TVC will have a fifth Saturday dance at Aloha Grange on November 29th. This will be co-sponsored by Hillsboro Hoedown and Toe Draggers.

TVC has held a New Years Eve dance each of the last few years with each dance a little bigger than the last. We exceeded our allotment of ham dinners last year and will be planning again for this year's event

Youth Scholarship donations of $11.00 came from the Sunset Promenaders (plus the St Christopher medal).

TVC collected $18.92 and the 4-N-8rs donated $6.96.

Eager Beavers: This club has collected $17.36 to go towards the Youth Scholarship Fund.

Sunset Promenaders: Be sure to mark your calendars for November 2nd and plan to attend the benefit dance we are hosting for Sandy Strassel to help with the cost of fighting for her life. Donations will be tax deductible, with checks to be made out to Mt Olive Lutheran Church marked as donations to Sandy Strassel benefit fund. Benefit Dance for Sandy Strassel is November 2nd, 12:00 - 4:00 pm at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro. Coming up for us, Saturday, September 27th is our 23rd Anniversary Dance.

Toe Draggers: Our Sunday "Dance for the Cure" was a great success with more than ten squares registered at the door and almost $900 donated to the Koman Foundation, September 14, 2008. They are planning on doing this again next year. End of report.

Umpqua Area Council: Frank Schuchard

The Buckeroos are going to have a Halloween Dance on October 30th, which is our lesson night, for beginning students at their level. The Buckeroos are going to have a visitation October Sets-In-Order's anniversary dance on October 11th. The Buckeroos are making plans for their Annual Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner/Dance for family and friends November 20th, All are invited.

Boots & Calicos: Do not have a report. They are now a traveling club.

Dancing Friends: Round dance lessons begin October 7th, taught by Neil Koozer. Round dance party is scheduled for October 25th with Donna Hiserote cueing at 7:00, and that is at the Buckeroo Barn.

Pioneers N Petticoats: They will begin lessons in September.

Timber 8s: Do not have a report. They haven't started dancing yet.

I have a question regarding our reports. Marilyn, the outgoing President had us give our report on what we were going to do and not what we have done in the past. My question is, how would you like to have us give our reports?

John Guches: I would like you to continue the way Marilyn set up.

Frank Schuchard: Thank you.

Blue Mountains Council: Curtis Walter

David Stutzman's last report had the Elkhorn Swingers changing their club dance night to 1st & 3rd Saturdays. Lessons this fall were also changed to Thursday evenings. On Saturday, rain-washed out a demo in the street in downtown Baker City. They were able to perform later at two retirement homes where Square Dance Week was announced.

The Council potluck picnic and dance in August had a good turnout from the three area clubs. A collection was made for the Youth Scholarship Fund and $28.00 was received. That was updated to $50.00 and it should be coming in the mail.

Carolyn Fesler told about a new club in Walla Walla, Washington, called the Family a-Fair. They have been accepted by the Washington Area Council and have petitioned the Washington Federation to be recognized. As president, she asked for permission for their club to join our council. It was moved and seconded that they be allowed to join.

Mainstream lessons with the Muddy Frogs began on September 2nd, with the first three lessons being free. As of September 23rd, there were three couples and one single in the class. The Frogs danced on the float in the Walla Walla Fair Parade. They had a good time and were much appreciated by the crowd. The club was again invited to dance at the park in Athena for the Fall Festival put on by local churches. The Frogs are fed first, then entertained the group. Two squares turned out, and it was a great deal of fun. The Athena group is always up for getting on the floor for a quick lesson.

Our council is having problems with our clubs finding and keeping new dancers. Any help would be appreciated. End of Report

Central Area Council: Carol Bro

Thanks to all of you that made our Central Oregon Round Up a big success. We had great weather, warm days and cool evenings. We even had air conditioning this year. We were only sorry that the snow and closed roads cancelled the Rock House dance. The Guy Pies were again a big hit of this year's Round Up. Yes, the diverse talents of the Central Oregon guys proved that anything is possible, if you put your mind to it.

Thursday following the Round-Up, we were treated to the calling expertise of Mike Sikorsky and our own Jesse Shoffner Cueing, and then many were off to USA West and other dances and festivals for the remainder of the summer.

We have been challenged this year with the opportunity to further increase our dancing skills with upper level round dance lessons and yes, even A1 and all position Plus. If you find us in a square, please give us all the help you can. Don and Lonna have explained the reason for this request in their report. So listen carefully.

Central Oregon Dancers have had a busy summer and are now getting into the swing of fall. For some of the clubs it is lesson time again and for the rest it is getting back to a fall dance schedule. The Sundown Club has begun Phase II Waltz lessons and 2-Step lessons. The Shufflers started their mainstream lessons this month. Beauts and the Swinging Mountainers are back to their regular fall schedule with their lessons scheduled for January. The Red Rock Squares will also hold their lessons beginning in early 09. End of report.

John Guches: Thank you Carol. Are you (Jim Rogers) going to give the report for Eastern Oregon? Okay, before you do that I would like every one to recognize George and Lorene Griffith, they are the past delegates from that council, and they joined us late.

Eastern Oregon Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers

I would like to thank Eastern Oregon Council, my wife Kathy (Kay) for putting me here. The Eastern Oregon Council submits a bid to hold the Oregon Summer Festival in 2010 in Pendleton, Oregon, at the Civic Convention Center. This would be the third weekend in July, 16, 17, 18, 2010. The theme for this festival would be Back in the Saddle Again in 2010. The special event on Thursday night would be a free dance for everyone registered and local non-dancers who are interested in learning more about square and round dancing. It is our goal to regenerate interest in this area by exposing the local population to dancing. We plan to use the proceeds of the festival to sponsor advertisements and lessons in a couple of different places in this area. There is dry camping available at the Convention Center with electrical hookups at less than $15 per night. There is a dump station within a mile and water is available on the premises. Showers and restrooms are available at the Convention Center, 24 hours. Based on 400 people at $3.00 (meant $30.00) each it should be $12,000. Vender booths would probably be $500, split the pot $300. Total estimated income $12,800. Then it goes on down, down, down, till total profit estimated $4,000. So we would like to make a bid.

John Guches: At this time we will take it under consideration. At the meeting would you have a full package of the presentation for the Board.

Jim Rogers: I have it. (A lot of noise and talking back and forth between members of the Board.)

Sandy Eddings: I just heard you asked to have that he make a full presentation for next meeting. That sounded like a pretty full presentation right there.

John Guches: We need a full budget so everybody can look at it, and we can proceed with that.

Jim Rogers: I can pass it around. (A lot of noise and talking back and forth between members.) What do you want.

John Guches: What I would like to have is that brought in as a motion.

Jim Rogers: Garbled and noise, all right there at the Convention Center. A lot of you people have been there.

??: I would like to say that I talked to the Convention Center, and we had trouble with electricity last time, not having enough power, it is all going to be updated within a year. So we fill we are going to have full power.

John Guches: I understand that, thank you very much. I would like to have that brought to the November meeting in a full package so we can observe it.

Bill Rooper: I make a motion that the Eastern Oregon Council be given the 2010 Summer Festival.

Vivian Fairburn: I second it.

John Guches: That motion is out of order Bill, I have already made a ruling and we will discuss it at the next meeting. Thank you Jim, we do appreciate the Eastern Oregon Council wanting to put a festival on, and I don't want to discourage any council from doing that, because that is what we are here for.

Jim Rogers: Why can't we vote today? (Noise and talk)

John Guches: Put that on the microphone please.

Floyd Bard: The current Practices and Procedures said that a proposal with a full bid, which we have, but it has to be in a packet format according to the Practices and Procedures. Presented to the Federation Officers, the 1st vice President is responsible to ensure that everything is in proper order before a motion can be made. That is what I understand from the Practices and Procedures.

John Guches: Thank you.

Emerald Empire Council: Dennis (Ilana Widders) Marsh

The Boots and Sandals on Oct 25th will be having their Halloween dance. On Nov 22nd they will also be having a Hobo dance. December 13th is their Merry Christmas dance and bake sale. December 31st they are sponsoring the New Years Eve dance, rounds 8 to 9 and squares 9 to ?, dinner at 10:30. New lessons start September 30th.

CCCA and the Emerald Area has a New Dancer Jamboree on Dec 14th, Sun 2-4 and on March 22nd an area benefit dance from 2-5, also on Sunday.

Whirl-a-Ways are back to dancing on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays. They have been dark in July and August. On October 18th they will be having their annual "Friendship dinner" this is a potluck dinner. This is to get acquainted with their old, new, and prospective new dancers. Starting on October 1st, Wednesday evenings, their caller Bob Ewing will begin new lessons and all ages are welcome. For further information call Bob at 541-746-7386.

Sweethome Squarenaders will be having their Hobo dance and barbeque Oct 11th. This will be by donation and casual dance. Mainstream will be 8 to 10:30. October 25th is their Thanksgiving Dinner and dance. Dinner at (?) followed by dance 7:30 to 10:30 with Jim Hattrick calling. Saturday, December 13th, is their Benefit dance, Toys for Tots 7:30 to 10:30.

The Wolf Pack started their new lessons on Saturday, so if you are in the area and need a place to dance on Saturday mornings from 10 to 12 you are all welcome. End of report.

Interstate Highlanders Council: Steve (Valerie) Murphy

In 2005 the Alturas Alemanders petitioned the Interstate Highlanders Council for membership in the Oregon Federation of Square & Round Dance Clubs. The Highlanders Council accepted their application and the OFSRDC began to provide insurance for them. As the Interstate Highlanders Delegate, I provided them with information on how to incorporate, election of officers, bylaws requirements, and insurance requirements. I also provided them with copies of the OFSRDC By-laws, Practices & Procedures, and the Interstate Highlanders Council By-laws. In 2007 they informed me that they still were not a legal club and had lost all the information I gave them. I provided them with copies of everything again. The Council informed them that they had 1 year to become a club or the Council would drop sponsorship of the Alemanders. In August 2008 they still had done nothing to become a legal club. Earlier this month the Interstate Highlanders sent the Alturas Alemanders a letter informing them that the Council would no longer sponsor them for entry into the OFSRDC and would no longer provide insurance for the group.

This leaves the Klamath Country Squares as the only club in the Interstate Highlanders Council. Their annual Potato Festival will be held in Klamath Falls on Saturday, October 18th. End of report.

Lincoln Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle

The Lincoln Tillamook Council is two clubs, mainly one of them is a traveling club. the other is the Toledo 49'ers. Just to inform you we don't dance in Toledo. We dance in Gleneden Beach, which is halfway between Newport and Lincoln City. If you want to get a hold of us or get information about us, we have a website. It has a weird website address, so I suggest you just Goggle the Toledo 49'ers and you can find us there. On September 26th the Toledo 49'ers had a table set up and a roof over it at the Fred Meyers grocery store. There was a display showing the activities of the club. Dancers were in attendance to answer any questions about square dance clubs and sun visors with square dance logo on them were given out. We had a fun summer time of dancing. Many guests came down to the coast with us and we would like to thank each and every one of them, especially that group that came down from Bend, and also over from Albany. We had a great time with them. On October 19th our Halloween Fun and Treat Dance will be given. Costumes if you please. Our Harvest Dance comes on November 15th, bring can food for the food bank program. On December 20th we have our Merry Christmas Dance. There is a dinner before the dance and a gift exchange. It's a tradition with us. On December 17th there is a pajama party. Teddy bears for the children are given to the hospital in Newport. Last but not least, Our club is hurting, we are discouraged and we need ideas from other clubs and help from the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. We have about 30 members and we are the only square dance club on the Oregon Coast from Tillamook all the way down to Florence. That is not very many clubs, if there is only one. We have difficulty. So I am asking you if you are coming down the coast, and know how to square dance, look us up. We dance at Gleneden Beach, at the Community Hall there and we have a lot of fun. We urge you to come on down, and if you don't have your dancing attire, that's fine, we don't care, just come and dance. Thank you

Mid-Willamette Area Council: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine

Our concern at this time is on continuing to gain new dancers in our classes. We don't have any trouble putting classes together, but in the day of electronic information and electronic entertainment it is difficult to get people to come out for square dancing lessons. We are pretty successful this year, but it is a constant struggle. We were unable to dance at the Antique Powerland Event this year, due to their own scheduling. The State Fair was not encouraging in the way of opportunities they offered us to dance this year, so we didn't dance at the State Fair either. We would like to see the State Federation work with the State of Oregon and get us back dancing on the steps of the capitol during State Square Dancing recognition week. It would also be great to have clubs dancing on their County Building steps, or somewhere in the county, at the same time. If we can make it a Statewide event, that would be really great. We need to think about what we need to do to make this kind of thing happen.

The OFN has a list of all our New Dancer classes, along with upcoming club events, please subscribe to the OFN and follow the States Dances and Festivals. Watch for the details on the Lebanon Square Circlers Birthday dance in January, it will be their 60th birthday and we think that makes them the oldest MWA club in existence today. The MWA web site will also show some of the upcoming special dances, you will find it at www.midwillamettearea.org.

This afternoon, today, is the Salem Square Dance Center Association appreciation dance for all those that support the purchasing of the hall by coming to dances that were fundraisers and any other contribution that may have been made to purchasing the hall. So if you are going through Salem on your way home, stop and enjoy the fun, it's free, Dance is from 2 till 4:30 at the Salem Square Dance Center.

We hear over and over that clubs throughout the State are struggling and we need the State Federation to support us and help us build our visibility before we loose more clubs. End of report.

John Guches: Before we proceed on, I just found out, a short note from my 1st vice. One of the things I failed to do was introduce the Board. To my left is the Recording Secretary, Dale Worthington (he's outside). To his left is Vivian Fairburn, Corresponding Secretary. On around the room is Mr. Bill Rooper will be our Treasurer this year (I'm not Mister). That's my training Bill. Our Financial Advisor is Mr. Bill Reid. Portland Area Council Delegate is Mr. Al Wolf and his dance partner is Gail Domine. Rogue Sis-Q Council Delegate is Marlene Richardson. South Coast Council Delegate is Mr. Chuck Quigley and his wife is Coleeta Quigley. Sunset Area Council is Kathy Worthington and her husband (is outside). We are going to have to put nails in that door. To proceed on, Tualatin Valley Council is Mike Duyck and his wife Sally. Umpqua Area Council, on my records it has someone other than Frank Schuchard (it's okay). Okay, Mr. Frank Schuchard and his wife Rita. State Reporter and Publicity, Mr. Tony Haskins. And someone who will probably be at every meeting is Historian, Cheryl Lundine. Okay, next to Cheryl is Kathy Rawitzer, Mid-Winter 09 Chair, her husband is Jon, and I believe he is probably working on their house. Next to Kathy is Ron Schmit, he will be our Microphone Man. On the other side of the table coming up. And the Past his wife Marilyn. I was going to save that for the last Ron. Our Insurance Chairman is Kay Rogers and her husband is Jim Rogers. It could be Kathy too, but I am not going to go into that. Next to Kay is our Round Dance Screener, Barbara Schaumburg. ORDTA Mr. Dennis Smith and his wife is Elaine, and I don't believe she is with you. (Oh, what about my husband?) We hardly ever see your husband at these, I know, yes he is a vital part of that team back there. (He will be coming) Youth Coordinator is Lisa Gibbons. BMI/ASCAP is Ralph Lambert. Is Dave going to continue (yes), okay, Dave Stutzman is going to continue as Blue Mountains Council. Next to him is Central Oregon Council, Carol Bro. Eastern Oregon Council is Lorene and George Griffith, and I think their alternate is (Lorene wants to say something) Okay Lorene

Lorene Griffith: Jim Rogers is representing Eastern Oregon.

John Guches: We will see that is on the agenda from now on. Next to Mr. Jim Rogers is Dennis Marsh, Emerald Empire Council, and his dance partner, Ilana Widders. Next to Dennis is Steve Murphy, Interstate Highlanders, and where is your wife at Steve (outside with the guys) Valerie will you please stand up. Lincoln Tillamook Mr. Wally Brunelle and his wife Sandi. Mid-Willamette Area Council is Curt Lundine, and his wife is the Historian Cheryl Lundine. Membership, Sylvia Davis from the Hayshakers. First Vice President is Mr. Lee Ashwill and his wife Barbi (she better not be outside). I won't go there. Second Vice President is Mr. Floyd Bard and his wife Jill. And I said I was going to save the best for last, my advisor and Past President, Ms Marilyn Schmit and her husband Ron. And my Parliamentarian, who has been whispering quite vividly in my ear, Mr. Bob Bosch and his wife Carolyn. I missed the Caller Advisor for this year Mr. Bill Reid (and I do have a wife) and Neva (she's been in the kitchen). That introduces all the Board, except myself, I am John Guches and my wife Glory. (Do you want Dale to stand up). We will get Dale to stand up so you can see who he is too. With that, I want to proceed on with the Active Goodwill Ambassadors.


Barbi and Lee Ashwill

Although our home club goes "Dark" during the month of August it is always a very busy month for Lee and myself. Lee and I along with another couple, Ron and Neta Minten handle the admission gate at the Polk County Fair. That is a 4-day event and we have to be out there from 7 in the morning till 10 at night. You can imagine it takes a lot of coordination and a lot of people's time. It's a nice fundraiser for our club, we make $1,500 for doing that and that really gives us a shot in the arm to assist if our classes are not as large as we would like to see. We don't have to cancel them, we can still afford the rent and pay our callers to proceed with lessons. I would encourage all of you delegates to go back home and if you have clubs in your area who are struggling financially, looking for a way to earn money, I believe you could talk to Central Oregon, because I think they have done a fund raiser in Sisters at the rodeo. Almost every county has a county fair. There could be some way you can go out and earn some profit, instead of having to do car washes and garage sales all year long. Just an idea to take back with you.

Lee and I also were privilege to work on the USA West Convention that was chaired by the Rogers and the Roberts we had a lot of fun with that. It is just amazing what a small committee group can accomplish, especially when you find the cooperation that we have always found. When George and Lorene did summer festival at the Pendleton Convention Center and this USA West is just another example of how much they want square dancers in their community. The things they did that normally facility chairman would be running crazy having to try and take care of. Pat Kennedy there, is a wonderful person to deal with. There was a nice profit that came from that and I know years ago the Oregon Federation as well as Washington was approached about being one of the western states participating in this, and this has never happened. Something you might consider again, we did have a lot of fun working on it.

The weekend of September 6th and 7th, found us in Spokane, Washington. I can not give you enough glowing reports about the area, about the team that has been put together. Those people are so on top of the work they have just started doing for the 61st National Square Dance Convention. They are going to be needing lots of help and we hope all of you will step forward and offer your assistance as so many of the Washington dancers graciously did when Oregon held the last National Convention.

We recently attended the officer installation for our own Mid-Willamette Area and are glad to see all those positions filled and they are marching forward with new ideas.

We are now back to supporting our home club dances and local dances throughout the area. We hope to be able to see all of you in a square. With Lee now back as part of the Federation, that means we are going to be traveling all over the State again and we both enjoy that very much. We look forward to coming to your areas and being able to share in your hospitality and all the camaraderie. One last thing is I want to give you the website for the 61st NSDC, which is www.61stnsdc,com. Now that is pretty easy. Go online and see what they be able to put together it is just great, a ton of information that will continue to grow. Also the National Executive Committee has a new website. It is www.NSDCNEC.com.

Don and Lonna Bramhall

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you
may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
- John Quincy Adams

First, we would like to congratulate all of the Oregon Federation's newly installed 2008-2009 officers and delegates. It seems especially appropriate to be celebrating a new roster of volunteer leaders since the country is also swiftly approaching the long-awaited U.S. presidential elections. Please do your homework and vote your choice - this is a privilege many people no longer appreciate - and may the best candidate win!

Since the last meeting, we fulfilled several of our January resolutions, including attending our 13th Star Promenaders' Diamond Lake weekend (the weather was perfect), the Central Oregon Round-Up (the weather was perfect) and most recently, the Beachcombers' Battle Rock Dance over Labor Day (the weather was perfect). How DO those clubs control the weather? Following the holiday weekend, Port Orford and the beautiful southern Oregon coast beckoned our group of Central Oregon dancers to stay and play for another week. Besides shopping, eating, beaches and tide pools, one of the highlights of our trip was the absolutely required jet boat trip up the Rogue River from Gold Beach - there were ten of us on the 8-hour trip and the pilot made sure we all got "good" seats. Lonna's convinced he gave her the best (or worst) seat in the boat and she ended up dripping wet! Do you suppose somebody slipped him a bribe? Besides the bald eagle, osprey, herons, egrets, deer, and frivolous river otters, we were especially pleased to see a mother black bear and her young cub helping themselves to huckleberries along the bank.

Central Oregon is already busy this time of year with all kinds of lessons: beginning square and round dance, intermediate round dance, plus plenty of practice for our A-1 class. We finally received graduation certificates; however, it should be noted that the diplomas do not say we can dance A-1, only that we completed the class and are "eligible" to dance A-1. Be patient if we're in your A-1 square!

It has been a wonderful, fulfilling summer and now we look forward to working, dancing, playing and traveling with the new and returning state officers and delegates. All of these elected volunteers are to be sincerely thanked for generously donating their time, expertise and willingness (not to mention personal fortunes for fuel) to take on the challenges of guiding the Federation. It is our privilege to continue to be a part of this organization. Now, if we could just convince the new U.S. administration to run the country as unpaid volunteers....

"If elected I shall be thankful; if not, it will be all the same."
- Abraham Lincoln

Genevieve Churchill - No Report

Bill and Annadale Rooper

The Rooper's have had a pretty much quiet, uneventful summer. We have enjoyed our yard and the couch.

Sometime in July square dancers in the gorge were asked to entertain at a political function in the hills behind Mosier, Oregon, The crowd was very minimal but we danced a few tips and distributed flyers for up-coming dance lessons anyway.

We had a perfect evening for the annual club picnic and general meeting in our backyard in August. It was a relaxed evening with good food and good friends.

A trip to Central Oregon for the Round Up in Sisters was a fun trip. We danced a lot and shopped between tips. Shopping downtown was fun too. We enjoyed watching the llamas and humans from the motel windows. There was deer in the backyard. We got lost in the "back country" along the Deschutes River between Redmond and Madras on our way home. Wow, didn't realize there are so many homes over there.

We had two good weekends in Carson, Washington. With power mowers, tractors, weed-eaters, rakes and gloves, strong backs and a potluck lunch, the farm was readied for campers coming for the Carson Campout.

The next weekend found happy dancers enjoying themselves with Daryl and Yvonne Clendenin and Bill and Neva Reid at a "Night in Las Vegas". Ice cream and huckleberry sauce Saturday night and a sausage and pancake breakfast Sunday morning with fresh air dancing for those still having energy to dance topped off the weekend.

Square and round dance lessons for people in the gorge have started in The Dalles. It doesn't look too promising for square dancers right now.

I celebrated by 60th high school class reunion with classmates in The Dalles 2 weeks ago. History was relived and we were "kids" again.

The opportunity to walk across The Dalles Dam last weekend took me and square dance friends on a 4.9 mile hike over and back. Bill didn't want to go. We were at the locks just as a tug and barge started through. How lucky can we get?

Thank you everyone for coming to The Dalles, We hope you have enjoyed your stay. It has been a joy having you.

Bill: Garbled. One thing I would like to do is to thank the Civic Auditorium and Preservation Committee because they have given us free rent for this weekend. It helps to have Bill Reid on their board. We do need thank them because the rent would have been tremendous if we had to pay them.

Barbara and Larry Schaumburg

As you all know, this was just dropped on us and I haven't really been anywhere. I did go to the Breast Cancer Fundraiser that the Toes put on. I believe they raised about $900 for that event and everybody was dressed in pink, even the men. It was a wonderful thing to go to a lot people, we had fun. Thank you so much for doing this for us.

John Guches: Before we go to Good of the Order, I was handed another note from the left side. During the break we distributed a fun badge for everybody. The fun badge was developed to represent the future of new ideas. The computer age and everything that goes with it. That is going to the theme for this year, where we can go via the computer.

Annadale Rooper: This is for the Secretary's benefit and the new delegates and people who have come in. It is such a help if we have a written report from any and all of you who have come in. When go and records the minutes, this machine doesn't come in very well, it is kind of mushy. If you will write your report for us and get it to Dale before or during the meeting, it would be real helpful. Thank you.

John Guches: That goes for all the delegates and officers when they have a report to present, goodwill ambassadors also. Email those reports in or bring a hard copy to the meeting and give it to the Recording Secretary.


*Janet and Roy Bellcoff, Assistant General Chairmen of the 61st National Convention to be held in Spokane, Washington in 2012. Many of you may not know that we are not only Washington dancers, but we are also Oregon dancers. We belong to the Silver Stars, right across the river in Vancouver, which happens to be an Evergreen Council club, but also a Portland Area Council club. We feel at home at the Oregon Federation meeting, as well as the Washington Federation meeting. We had about 70 people at the Apple Core Board, our first 90-day meeting with the NEC advisor in Spokane on September 6th. When you think about the 17 couples that are on the apple core board, that is 34 of the 70 people, about 10 more people that were representing the Spokane Convention Center in the hotel in Spokane. That 70 tells you how many interested dancers there were across the State of Washington that traveled to Spokane to learn more about hosting the National Square Dance Convention. We were very excited that several couples on the Apple Core Board, on very short notice, were able to free up their calendar. At least one, the Membership, that couple were able to be at that first meeting, and brought up other interested people committed to committees, not committed to committees were there. It helped out in learning more about how to be at Garbled, what was going to be needed, and how they could be a part of that National Convention. They came away with all kinds of enthusiasm, interesting ideals on how to get involved. Many of you asked as we were dancing last night, how do we get the pattern to make the outfit, the shirt, the skirt. Continue to watch the website we have the pattern on the website. We are in the process of getting material and will have it available in the near future, so know that will be coming. She gave the Garbled so that will be coming soon. You also asked about the shirts for wearing. Anybody can order those. If you want to check the website or email us there, I didn't bring a supply of order forms, but you can email us and we can send you a order form at Assistant General Chair that is asstgenchair@61nsdc.com. We have business cards we will hand them to you. That way you can get shirts whenever you want them. It is $20, an extra $2 for the pocket, they comes in red or white. Ways and means items are being evaluated, this one we had for sale for about 6 months, so that shirt is available right now. People that brought apple seedlings or pre-registration will be getting ribbons. The ribbons are almost designed. As soon as it is designed, you will be getting a confirmation letter and a ribbon. That will be coming through registration in the near future. The several committees are in the process of having their first organizational meetings. Those of you that have indicated interest in working on certain committees. As soon as they get organized, they will be contacting you. I know many of you have given me your names, they have been passed on and you will be getting that information very soon. So have patients as we get organized. There is a lot of information Gargled.........but we really appreciate all your support. Garbled.. how many registrations do we have at this point. We went to Wichita with about 330 seedling certificate forms. I ran another 180, and I believe we around 550 right now. We are really ecstatic about that number at this point.

*Amanda Roberts: For those of you who don't know me, I am Amanda Roberts. Thank you again for awarding me the 2008 Scholarship. I have started at PCC and am having a blast.

Floyd Bard asked me to be on the 2009-2010 Nomination Committee along with Lee and Barbi Ashwill and Al Wolf. I have two nomination forms with me right now. Please be thinking about how you can help the Federation next year. It is an honor to be asked to help with an organization that supports the youth of Oregon. Thank you again.

*Kathy Roberts: I want to thank all the delegates, officers and our guests, we took in another $33.86 for the Scholarship Fund today. Bill is in receipt of all of this. The other item, is our son Jonny is a member of Tualatin High School Concert Choir. The choir has been invited to go back to New York City to sing at Carnegie Hall during spring break. It is a wonderful honor not very many school choirs out of the Pacific Northwest are invited back there. Unfortunately, that means the parents of the choir not only has to pay $800 apiece for each student, but we have to raise $120,000.00 to send 100 kids back to New York City. One of the fundraisers is an entertainment book for this year. Entertainment has dropped the price down to $20. It is a real excellent value. A couple purchases using these coupons, and the book is paid for. If any of you are interested in it, for each booklet that is sold, the choir gets $10. So we get half the money. I have eight books with me, and if I run out of books, I hope, I can get more to you. If you are interested, I have eight books in the back for $20 each. Thank you.

*Paul Cap: Well, when I came here I didn't get asked too much from the council, but last meeting they asked me to make a request that the State consider creating a video to use for promotion purposes, to promote square dancing. We did, the Tualatin Valley Council, send off to an outfit called Friendship Set to Music. We got some video, very inexpensive videos. Unfortunately, if you watch the video it is designed for the mid-west, Kentucky, or Tennessee. If you listen to the audio, for people out here it would drive you away from square dancing. The video portion is great and the audio portion is less than desirable and I'm hoping the State can set up a permanent committee, kind of like what was done with the Youth Scholarship or Youth Activity to do promotion type work or at least you have a sounding board so that the delegates can go to that committee and present ideas and needs and get discussed so it doesn't have to go through the motion procedure and then just get shot down. If they could have a committee to set up a motion properly. We do have a need. I remember in the past they use to have funds to advertise for lessons. There are clubs that can't afford to put the lessons on, because they don't get enough students. There could be a subsidy to help clubs make their financial obligations. I think if we had a committee set up, it would help, so the delegates have a body to go talk to. Thank you.

*Kay Rogers: I just want to say thank you to every one who supported USA West. I realize that as a board that wasn't something you were expected to do. But it was great to have the support and we all had a wonderful time. We had so much fun that we are going to do it again. This time it will be in the State of Washington, which will be Washington's first USA West Convention. It will be is Southwest Washington in Longview, the 3rd weekend in August of 2011. We won't be doing a lot of promoting or you won't be hearing too much about it in the year or so, but keep it in the back of your mind that we are going to have another one, so be thinking of ways you can participate. I am not looking for committee members, we have a wonderful team who can just whip these things together, but we do like to have people participate in our exhibitions and fashion shows, education seminars, and if you got a talent, we would like to see it.

*Janet Bellcoff: Garbled till 2012. I didn't say thank you to Portland Area Council to Mid-Willamette and Tualatin Valley. All of you helped the Evergreen Council as we danced at the Clark County Fair. They had 4-days out of 10-days of dancing it was hot dancing in the western theme dancing, but you did a great job helping out and we appreciate that very much. We had Garbled.. successful in resurrecting at the Salem Federation State Fair. We will be dancing again at Clark County if it's not successful, but we will be outside on the stage....Garbled.....maybe Bill who is on the fair board has a little pull for us. We also want to invite you to a dance in honor of Darrell and Erin Kalmbach and their family to be held the afternoon of November 2nd at the Clark County Square Dance Center. It will follow the Royal Romp, Sunday afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30. I know a lot of people will be at the Royal Romp, but (ran out of tape). Washington is unique in that not only to they honor a dancing couple each year, they honor a caller couple and a cuer couple. The caller couple is called the Parker Award and that recognizes someone that is outstanding as a caller that gives to the community and back to the community as well as their calling to their club. This year Darrell and Erin has received that award. Traditionally, their home club has a dance in their honor so that will be Sunday, November 2nd, 1:30 to 4:30 at the Clark County Square Dance Center. We would be glad if you can come and join us as we have a tribute to them and their four children. Thank you.

*Ray Jones: I would like to make an appeal to you officers and delegates to please remember that on behalf of the Mid-Winter Festival let your club know that we may not be able to have a official visitation to a club. This does not mean we are snubbing you or ignoring you, or neglecting you, we just don't have the people to do it, and it is getting more and more expensive all the time for us to come up with people to do all this traveling. We will make every effort to see that every club gets registration forms, flyers, program books and things like that. We need your help, thank you.

*Bill Reid: Just a couple of things. First of all, the apples this morning were provided by Mary Anne Huber, if there are any left, please feel free to take any home with you that you would like. The other thing, is thanks everybody for coming. We really appreciate the fact that you are all here, yes, even you Ron. I talked to the Board of Directors here at the Civic about the possibility of a future summer festival here. One problem that they have, that they are going to fix, is the sound traveling between the floors. Anyway, look for that in the future. Thanks again everybody.

*Lori Stevens: I just wanted Garbled the meeting we had in Ione, just thank everybody, Garbled doing things at the right time. Garbled

John Guches: Do I hear any further business for this body?

ADJOURN: Lee Ashwill: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by (??) many people.

Adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Next meeting Sunset Council, Warrenton, November 15 & 16, 2008.

Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary