The meeting was called to order by President John Guches at 9:33 am.
Officers: All present.
Appointed Officers: All present except Publicity & State Reporter, Tony Haskins; BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert; Webmaster, Tim Roberts; Oregon State Fair, Tony Haskins; 2010 Mid-Winter Festival, Sandy Eddings.
Delegates: All present except Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle; South Coast, Chuck Quigley; Umpqua, Frank Schuchard (rep Marty Wheeler)
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Genevieve Churchill.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Marilyn Schmit.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Lee Ashwill.
MINUTES: Motion made by Dennis Marsh and seconded by Floyd Bard to approve the minutes as presented. Carried.
PRESIDENT: John (Glory) Guches
I would like to thank the Sunset Area Council and the Hayshakers for the dinner and dance last night.
Since the last meeting Glory and I have been dancing at our local clubs. We attended the Lantz's Dantzer's Dogs for the Deaf dance where they presented the representative with a check that the club had collected through silent auctions, raffles, and door receipts.
Our next benefit dance was with the Charlie Browns for their annual Toys for Tots kick off dance where each dancer donated a new unwrapped toy as part of their door donation, and they continue to collect toys throughout the month of November.
We also attended the Star Promenaders Salute to Our Veterans dance where they honored 30 square dancers that were veterans from the Korean War through the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
No report at this time, however, there is a need by many of the clubs for help. I would like to have the club get information to me on what the Federation can do for them.
Summer Festival 2008: Barbara (Bill) Tipton
No Report.
Mid-Winter Festival 2009: Jon (Kathy) Rawitzer
We hope everyone is promotion Mid-Winter Festival at your local dances and with the New Dancers. Now is the time to be reminding folks about Mid-Winter at every dance between now and the festival. If you have never danced to Johnny Preston before, you are in for a real treat! He has a great singing voice, and is very good at choreography. He calls all levels from Basic to Challenge. Jack and Judy DeChenne also do their own choreography, and we have heard lots of positive things about them from the round dance community. Shane Gruber has a professional dance background, and he coaches a performance group, "The Shane Gang Cloggers". He is a certified clogging instructor. We have the winery tour available on Saturday. We are raffling off some weekends at 3 different casinos, as well as a carved picture of John Wayne, and some gift baskets. The youth have a fun program planned, so be sure to encourage them to participate! Don't forget to tell your new dancers about all the other things Mid-Winter has to offer - be sure to share the program book with them! Don't forget to let people know about our website.
The Mid-Winter Festival committee has been very busy since my last report. Much of our focus has been in publicity and advertising. We have mailed registration forms to dancers on our mailing list, as well as club presidents, callers, cuers, and new delegates. We have a visitation schedule now and we are encouraging our committee members to participate. Our Visitation Coordinator for MWA has a very full visitation schedule planned, and we are working on visitations in other areas as well. We have a number of new dancer dances and jamborees on our visitation list. We still are short staffed in this area, but we are doing the best we can.
Our program books have been printed, and I have them available for the delegates today, during the break, or after the meeting. I also have ribbon packets available for anyone who would like one. Only a few delegates took ribbon packets last spring, and we are hopeful that more people will participate in direct ribbon sales. As a reminder, be sure to mail in the registration forms and checks regularly. We have had some registration form turned in which were missing the ribbon numbers. Please remember to include this important information.
In December, we will be sending out publicity flyers to the Albany merchants, explaining about our event. We have a radio station interview in Albany to promote our festival, a few days prior to the festival. We have been working out other details with the Albany Visitor's Association.
We have done some recent work on our website and have additional updates planned. Be sure to check it occasionally, as there might be something new there. Our website is:
We have about 1000 people pre-registered for the festival, and they are starting to come in regularly. We need to have 1500 registered. We have set a deadline of January 11th, for the ribbon packets to be turned in.
We are getting in a few winery tour registrations. The deadline for winery tour reservations in December 15th - this is just around the corner.
We always have a need for people to help fill in here and there during the festival for an hour or two. Usually, this is something sedentary, such as monitoring a hall for security for an hour or so. Other areas that always need help are the Ticket Booth Sales, and checking-in and tagging clothing items for resale clothing. We will be circulating volunteer sign-up sheets at the visitations, and posting volunteer opportunities on our website. Please consider using your 'rest time' during the festival to help.
I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns, whether it is here or by email or phone. My email is and my phone number is 360-991-2005.
Summer Festival 2009: JoAnn Bean
We have the Clatsop County Fairgrounds contract. Main caller and cuer contracts.
Will have a concession stand by the main entrance.
We will have a clam chowder feed Saturday afternoon from 5:00 to 7:00pm.
There will be lots of RV parking with water and electricity. The dump is in Astoria at the turn-around next to the hill. Trailers up to 20 feet will be able to park next to the dance hall.
Have contacted Jim Rogers for the insurance.
Going to try and get the US Coast Guard to present colors and there will be no grand march.
Working on committee on sound, will have hearing enhancement systems.
Have vender letters ready to go out, just need addresses.
Have our Publicity Committee and Wagon Master.
Will have a booklet similar to the Seaside Sashay booklet.
Someone is working on the direction signs.
Will have a silent auction along with a drawing for a week vacation in Mexico.
Working on a singles lunch Friday, Festival web site, photographer, 1st aid, and on having an Astoria Column Dance and badges, hospitality room, and starting on the info packet so can have it ready to mail after Mid-Winter dance.
Casual dress for the trail end dance on Thursday night.
Mid-Winter Festival 2010: Sandy (Chuck) Eddings
At this time we have nothing different than last meeting to report. We are still working on flyers, and getting committees together. Sorry we cannot attend this meeting. See you all in January at Mid-Winter.
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
The OFN is still operational and profitable. We are in the black this fiscal year. However, our subscriptions are declining. In September we had 872 and as of today, we have 841. A few are not renewing but are not giving reasons.
Quite a few have changed their membership status to independent.
Remember that we always have plenty of extras to give to new students. New student memberships are $3 for 3 issues and $12 for the first year.
We only had 4 returned postage due from the Post Office this quarter which was $2. More subscribers are being diligent in reporting their address changes. See you at Mid-Winter.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
Good morning everyone. A little information on Veterans Day, World War I veterans, many of you may not know that there are still 13 known WWI veterans that are still living. The oldest one is 112 years old, living in Great Britain and there is only 1 World War I American veteran left, he is living in Florida and is 108 years old. So it is just a short amount of time till we loose our veterans from World War I, and World War II is just around the corner. Make Veterans Day a very significant part of your life when it comes around November 11th every year and we all appreciate veterans very much.
My report is on the Directory. Blue Mountains were short 4 directories, they were supposed to receive 15 and there were only 11 in the packet, so I gave David his 4 remaining. I didn't mention this to him yet, but you are the only area that hasn't paid for you directories. Lorene Griffith was notified last meeting by Dar that she hadn't paid, she was unaware of that. If there is a discrepancy in your records and our records, we will talk about that at the break. Umpqua Area, this is in Dar's area, paid a different amount than my ledger says.
Bill (Rooper) I would like to have a reconciliation of the money received for this year's directory, so I can compare my ledger here.
I have 2 updates for the Umpqua Area; I will pass them on to the Secretary to include in today's minutes. Will see about getting them posted to the website so everyone can see them. If anybody else has current changes to the Directory, please pass it on to me so we can get those corrections out.
Bill Rooper: On the Directory sales all got was one deposit slip showing the amount of Garbled financial report. I have no idea as to who paid what. I assume you have the figure on that.
Floyd Bard: All I want is the total amount
Bill Rooper: The total is in the financial report.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
As Annadale mentioned at the last meeting, I do appreciate you submitting your reports prior to the meeting. This way I can sort out and understand what is being said, because it is sometimes hard to hear it on the recorder.
I mailed the following get-well cards: Jim Reubsamen, Pat Benjamin, Dick Pentecost, and Lloyd Mutinsky.
I mailed on Wedding Congratulations to Wendellk & Loyce Mann.
The following received sympathy cards: Coast Swingers, Jack Shelley; Family of Beck Chew, Sandy Strassel, Wanda Ott, and Howard McDonald. Barbara Schaumburg - son; Hank Balsiger - bother; Mary Jane Hunt - mother; and Chuck Bos - brother for a total of 14 cards this quarter.
Per the President's request, I printed off 55 copies of the agenda for today's meeting.
TREASURER: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
Everyone should have a copy of the financial report for September through November 14th. If you don't have one you need to check the box. I wanted to point out that on the Summer Festival for 2008, was approved on the August 31st report, and when I got the final check, it was more than I had approved. So when you are making up your budget for next year Mr. Ashwill, remember that. If anybody has any questions on anything else, be sure and let me know.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
In January, instead of handing out the Council Forms and the Club Directory Information Forms, I will be emailing them to you, the area delegates. You in turn need to make sure they get to the proper people, fill them out and duplicate them. I would like them back by the May, 2009 meeting. Sending them by email will be done for the first time and we need to see how this works. Thanks for your cooperation.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
I really appreciate the battle that all of you have had in getting this information to me and I am appreciative of every one of you who managed to do this on time. I haven't even looked to see if they are right yet, the main thing is just getting them. Thank you.
PAST PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The Randall Award biographies and ballots have been sent out and are due back by December 10th. So far, I have received eight (8) back. There are seven (7) nominees.
I have given each delegate some officer nomination forms to take back and get filled out. There is one for each club and council. They are due back to me by Mid-Winter for the nomination committee meeting on Saturday afternoon. I have delegated, so now get busy.
The Benefit Dance is on track. Plans are falling into place and I have written an article for the December issue of the OFN. It will fill you in on the 2009 move for the HORSES therapy to a new location.
Donations can be mailed anytime. The checks can be mail to Bill Rooper or me and a grand total will be given in May 2009.
Vivian Fairburn: Correction, Marilyn, I'm sorry it won't get in until the January issue. There are almost 14 pages of ads this month.
PUBLICITY/STATE REPORTER: Tony Haskins: Absent, no report.
Subsequent to my last report, I have performed the following Federation related activities:
How many clubs account for their gross receipts by the categories that their IRS tax-exempt status requires? Do they separate receipts from Square Dance activities from receipts from non-Square Dance activities? Do they know the amount of their receipts that came from members versus that coming from non-members? By "members" does the IRS mean just their club members, or does that include those new dancers taking lessons? How about those dancers visiting from another club?
For too long, we have been lulled into thinking that because of size (gross receipts of less than $25,000) clubs have no reporting requirements to the IRS. However, if a club falls outside certain limits on gross receipts set by the IRS, then they must submit a Form 990 or 990EZ to the IRS and their qualification for tax-exempt status will be reviewed. Those limits are: 1) clubs may receive up to 35% of their gross receipts from sources outside the membership, and 2) clubs may receive up to 15% of their gross receipts from activities not furthering the social or recreational activities of the members.
In order to assure the Federation that its member clubs are compliant with IRS regulations, I will be contacting all clubs to obtain their financial information for their last fiscal year for review and determine those that may have a reporting issue.
In conclusion, my observations are for your consideration and further discussion, and are not intended to be critical of the performance of any individual.
HISTORIAN: Cheryl (Curt) Lundine
I have started a scrapbook, please send me any articles that you want in it. I also would like to ask the delegates to go back to their areas and ask their clubs to send in a history of their club to me so I can put it in the book.
Lee Ashwill: I think that Mrs. Lundine has not received anything from the previous Historian. If there is anybody from Central Oregon that can get those records to her, I think she would appreciate it greatly.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert: Absent, no report
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Lisa Gibbens (Mike Kious)
I will make this quick. Actually, this was left over from when Kathy was still in office. Money was approved out of the budget to help Tammy Koberly purchase t-shirts and Garbled report that that has gone through. So the Youth Expense Fund Garble approval of money to help them purchase shirts for new members, and I hear that they have 25 new members. So that is off to a great start. I have been keeping myself finding out what Kathy has been doing and it has been brought to my attention that some scholarship guides needs updated and the youth need forms done. I will have a proposal at the next meeting regarding update on scholarship guidelines and such.
ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith
ORDTA met October 11th in Springfield. There were 19 members and 2 guests were in attendance.
Plans for the upcoming Mid-Winter Festival Round Dance program were presented, including the "So You Want to be a Cuer" meeting.
ORDTA chose "Tips Of My Fingers" as the Classic ROM for March 2009.
Sarge and Cece Glidewell were accepted as new members. Sarge is cueing and teaching in Klamath Falls.
There was considerable discussion concerning Daryl Clendenin's letter to the editor published in the October 2009 issue of the Oregon Federation News. The Chairman was directed to draft a response, poll the membership for consensus, and forward the response to the OFN for publication.
ORDTA's annual meeting will be held on Saturday, January 24, at 9:00am in conjunction with Mid-Winter Festival in Albany.
ORDTA's spring meeting will be held on Saturday, April 4, at 10:00am at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
Oregon Round of The Month
January 2009, "WALK ON FAITH", by Mike & Michele Seurer, Phase II Two-Step
February 2009, "DREAMING WITH MY EYE OPEN", by Goldie & Earl Restorff, Phase II Two-Step
March 2009, "TIPS OF MY FINGERS", by Palmquist, Phase II Waltz
I would like to thank the Federation and all the individuals that sent me sympathy cards for the loss of my dear son on Oct 24th. It is greatly appreciated and I do thank y'all.
Larry and I will be leaving for Texas tomorrow for the winter. I will miss the January meeting, but I will send warm greeting to y'all from So Padre Island. We will return when spring or summer returns, which ever comes first. Smile…..Just kidding, we'll be back in April.
CALLER ADVISOR: Bill (Neva) Reid
For those of you that have followed the rhetoric in the OFN concerning caller and cuer fees, what began as a question to ponder, has turned into a somewhat heated and an emotional issue, and justifiably so. Needless to say, the opinion of one called does not represent the opinion of all callers, but certainly that caller has the right to his opinion. Some points callers and others need to remember:
In summary, callers, cuers, and prompters play a part in our recreation. What they get paid is up to the group that asks them to participate in their dance.
Remember - callers don't run the Square Dance world, dancers do.
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Kathy and I will not be able to attend the meeting in Warrenton. I have updated all of the officers and delegate information on the Federation web page, and the big Federation mailing list. If you did not receive an email notice telling you about the September minutes or the November agenda, please let me know. Also, if your club has recently changed its dance night, its dance location, or its class information, let me know that as well. The only way I learn about these changes is when someone tells me.
My email address is timr at probo dot com.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
No report at this time. We haven't heard from Long Beach yet for next summer.
We have volunteered to work the Showcase for Spokane in 2012. Will keep you informed as we know more.
STATE FAIR REPORT: Tony Haskins: Absent, no report
DELEGATE MEETING REPORT: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
Bob Bosch handed out a "Why Parliamentary Procedure?" paper and he answered the questions that we had.
On the Summer Festival bid, we want to hear about it, and see the paperwork.
Steve Murphy talked to us about the problems with the wording in the By-Laws. His report will be at Old Business.
Lee Ashwill proposal B. The question came up on "didn't we vote on this once before?" Some didn't like the wording. Need to elaborate more on the wording.
And on proposal C, we had a discussion on it and it sounded good. We did have Kay Rogers come in to answer some questions.
I would like to thank Phil, one of our club members, for procuring the tree and Dale for making the plants boxes.
For the Goodwill Ambassadors, since you do not have a spot at the table, we put your in the entrance hall.
The next step in the process for the committee is basically looking at the P&Ps related to tax exempt status. Is to gather a representative sample from clubs as to what their financial situation is in the way of gross receipts. Collecting from some of those clubs their constitution and by-laws, and collecting from those clubs their tax exempt application and approval from the IRS. Once we have those we will know what we are up against, and can converse with the CPA as to what the next step should be. If we don't have a problem with nonmember receipts or non square dance activity receipt, then it is a whole different situation if we do. If we get into a problem, we will look at the various options in resolving that problem.
Several meeting ago our Financial Advisor, Mr. Bill Reid, pointed out that the procedures that the Federation was doing did not match what the P&Ps said. It was decided that what we would do was change the P&Ps to match what we were doing. Because, what we were doing was an efficient way to do things. This was attempted and the delegates and a number of other people had some concern about what this new wording was actually saying when you looked into it. It was decided that we did not this particular change to that wording. So, at the last meeting the motion to change the P&Ps was withdrawn, and President, John Guches, basically asked those involved to go back and do it again with those concerns in mind. There were 3 people involved; Treasurer, Bill Rooper; Financial Advisor, Bill Reid; and Kay Rogers, the Insurance Chairman. There was no delegate on it, I was appointed to that committee to look into it. I did, I came up with new wording to the P&Ps. It was immediately pointed out to me by Mr. Bill Reid, that the corrections or changes to the P&Ps were inappropriate because it did not match what the By-Laws said. I re-looked at all of this and found that the By-Laws under the Treasurer, Section 4, Treasurer, specifically says that the Treasurer will accomplish all of his duties. You all have copies of that and you can look at that in the By-Laws. It says the Treasurer will do everything. There is no explicate or implied authority of the Treasurer to delegate any responsibility. He must collect every penny and disburse every penny. That needs to be changed before the P&Ps can be changed to authorize somebody else to pay for something. The Federation has always delegated responsibility for sending and collecting money for the Federation, that is the way we operate. It was Mr. Bill Reid that finally noticed that after 51 years of doing this, that the By-Laws did not match what the Federation has been doing for 51 years. I went back and looked at it, and got some input from the committee members and also some of the delegates. What we came up with was a change to the By-Laws, new wording change to the By-Laws to insert a minimum amount of words into the Section 4 of the By-Laws to allow the Treasurer to delegate some of his responsibilities without taking away any thing that deals with checks and balances. So the word responsibility was inserted rather than the Treasure will do this. We do have the new wording, the delegates, at yesterday's meeting, made one further recommendation on that, and that was to eliminate one of the sentences, the second sentence. That was totally duplicated by the third sentence. I can read the old wording and the new wording if you would like.
John Guches: Steve do you want to read that as the First Reading for the By-Laws change?
Steve Murphy: At this time I do not, because I am not making a motion at this time, I just wanted to inform the officers and delegates of the wording so they will know what is happening with this.
Bill Rooper: I make a motion that the By-Laws be changed pertaining to Section 4. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and have custodial responsibility of all funds of the Federation. He/she shall pay out, or authorize payout of said funds only when properly approved by the 1st Vice President or the President. He/she shall keep an itemized account of receipts and expenditures and shall perform all other duties devolving upon the Office of Treasurer. Seconded by unknown.
John Guches: Bill what we are going to do right now is accept that as a First Reading of this By-Law change. At the January meeting we will have a motion at that point, and a vote on the same item.
Floyd Bard: I need to make a correction to my report. It was not Blue Mountains that owes money, but Eastern. Blue Mountains were short 4 directories. Umpqua Area and Eastern Oregon owes for directories.
I would like you to meet Lloyd, Ed, and Lori of Eastern Oregon Council back there. George and Lorene couldn't make it, they had to stay and watch the town.
We make a proposal for the festival for July 16th, 17th, and 18th, 2010, Pendleton, Oregon. Proposed Chairman Kay and Jim Rogers. We have distributed the packets that have the layout, plus a list of Garbled. We made 38 copies of the bid package.
Steve Murphy: I have one question on the budget. It says on the budget that there is dry camping available at the Convention Center with some electrical at $15 per night. The electrical, is it the same as it was during the USA West, where there was one pole and you had to have a 100' extension cord?
Kay Rogers: It is going to be the same as it was for USA West. They did install some additional 50amp hookups and there is 30amp electrical there. For the most part, it was 116 degrees when we were there and pretty much everyone was satisfied.
Lee Ashwill: I make a motion that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs accept the Eastern Oregon Council bid to host the 2010 Summer Festival in Pendleton, Oregon. Seconded by Bill Rooper. Discussion: About the 2010 Summer Festival Committee. Motion carried.
Mr. President: I move that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs establish two annual scholarship for actual expenses, not to exceed a set amount, for new Callers and/or Cuers to attend a Callers School/College or appropriate Cuer classes. The President of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs to appoint a committee of three annually to review applications and select the Callers/Cuers to attend a Callers School/College or Cuer classes. The current President to appoint a committee to design an application form and place this form on the website. The application year to run from June 1 through May 31. The selection committee is to meet at the Mid-Winter Festival each year, beginning, with the Mid-Winter Festival in 2010, to make their selection. An announcement of these scholarships to be placed in the Oregon Federation News once the application form is designed. This action to be placed in the Practices and Procedures of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. Seconded by Bill Rooper. Discussion: The need to get more callers and cuers into the system, and how the application would work.
Dennis Marsh: Even though I am not opposed to this motion, I think it will help our activity further down the line, but I would like to commit this to a committee. Have better guidelines on how all this will be put together and to how the appointees will be picked.
John Guches: Basically, what Dennis has asked is as a motion to commit it to committee. Seconded by Carol Bro. Discussion: Commitment by those who are chosen to receive the scholarship. Also brought up was the that there was already a grant in place that could work the same as the scholarship.
Vote to commit to a committee: Carried.
John Guches: At this point I would like to appoint a committee to review this and any comments the delegates have or needs they see that needs to be included needs to be sent to this committee. As Chairman of that committee, I would like to have Mr. Worthington, Mr. Bard and Mr. Duyck from the Tualatin Valley Council be on this committee. Just as a, for informational purpose, that committee without power, they are to bring the recommendations back to this body and we will proceed with a vote on it.
Floyd Bard: I would like to make a Point of Order for the Parliamentarian and for the voting process. Is it not true that there is no extension in Roberts Rules of Order that for business meetings, that if it's a person doesn't vote, it is considered a No vote.
Mr. President: I move that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs support the USA West Conventions. Seconded by Steve Murphy. Discussion: Pros and cons of supporting the USA West Conventions.
Vote on motion carried.
Marilyn Schmit - Past President
John Guches - President
Lee Ashwill - 1st Vice President
Bill Rooper - Treasurer
Motion seconded by Lee Ashwill. Discussion: Why this was needed.
Vote on motion carried.
Floyd Bard: I have been hearing a lot of comments and devotions that have been put into committee and some that have been passed with seconds, some voted on and some not. We are making a lot of changes to Practices and Procedures and which affect our By-Laws, which take a long time, at least two meetings, and sometime three meetings to go through the process to vote on Constitutional By-Laws changes. I think we need to have a committee that will be chaired by the Parliamentarian, since the Parliamentarian is responsible for the Constitution, By-Laws, and Practices and Procedures. To really take a microscope look at the Practices and Procedures and bring them up to our current standards, to include the expense/reimbursement form that totally out of date. I know it is hard to keep up on it, but that is part of your job of having an organization such as this.
John Guches: We can ask the Parliamentarian to do it and bring back certain recommendations to this body.
Floyd Bard: I would like the Parliamentarian do that in the form of a two-person committee, besides himself, so we can get input from a delegate and from an officer on the board.
John Guches: For a delegate, Mr. Marsh can you do that? Dennis Marsh - sure. Okay Vivian, just to let you know it will not be done electronically. It will be the three of you meeting directly. Again this committee will not have the power to provide a motion. It will be brought back to the body and the body takes your advisement and vote on it. Mr. Bard, after this meeting is over, I would like you to get with Mr. Bosch so he knows exactly what you want.
Steve Murphy: It seems to me, and this is just an observation, to go over every procedure that every single person in the entire Federation does, is going to be a very lengthy process to submit that back with us. I can see a 2-week solid meeting going over 190 pages of procedures. I don't know how this would be accomplished with everyone involved with it. You can't read the P&Ps in 2 hours, let alone go over and discuss it.
John Guches: Each individual will go through the P&Ps and see what they find as changes needed. Then they can get together and it can be accomplished, at the minimum, in one meeting. They would have to review the P&Ps a couple weeks prior to that meeting.
Dennis Marsh: Without calling a point of order on the vote you did on item C for the USA West, I would like my vote to be counted as negative.
Kay Rogers: Under New Business, I neglected to tell you that the Pendleton Convention Center is in the process of rewiring all their RV hookups.
Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
The Hayshakers would like to thank everyone that came to the Seaside Sashay. We had about 200 people, the largest one yet. This year we gave two couples free ribbons and a hotel rooms for pre-registration for 2009.
The Hayshakers are having a Christmas dinner on December 6th. Instead of gift exchange, we are donating new toys for children at Les Schwab. There is a food drive for the local food bank.
We are working hard on the Summer Festival and it is going well.
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck
Someone said that we could highlight these, so I think I will. My report will come out in the minutes. Last year we had 10 free classes, we got 50 students to start with. However, our club is putting money into it to keep that going.
Six of our clubs will start lessons in square and round dance in January. We believe the TVC signs worked well this Fall and they should be picked up and displayed by all of our Council clubs during November and December.
The 4n8ers: On November 14th "Toys for Tots Dance", and we are asking dancers to bring a new toy when they come. November 28th, will be our annual "Sadie Hawkins Dance". 58th Anniversary dance is coming in February, "Black and White Dance".
Coast Swingers: The club will be dark the 4th Saturday of November, December, and January.
Hillsboro Hoedown: November 8th is our Pajama Party and November 22nd will be our Turkey Toss. December 7th, Sunday, we will have The Crew from 3:00 to 5:30 pm. December 13th, dance will be toys for the less fortunate. We will have Lasagna Dinner at 6:30 pm. November 29th will be the TVC dance at Aloha Grange.
Toe Draggers: Bev Flint, the Toe Draggers, Cuer, is having a FREE "round dance party" before the 1st Friday dance each month from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. November 21st is our Western Dance. We will be collecting can food or non-perishable items to donate to families in need at both of our November dances.
Tri Squares: Lessons start January 4th, 11th, and 18th at the Tigard Grange. Thanksgiving Dance, November 21st.
Valley Squares: We will have a Snowflake Dance on December 6th with the Wildcards. Our new dancers class will begin Tuesday, January 6, 2009. Our Anniversary Dance (60 years) is Saturday, March 7, 2009.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard - Alternate Marty Wheeler
Buckeroo: Lessons are continuing with 13 new students. December 4th, 5th, and 6th, we will be working on our annual yearly fundraiser, which is our wreath project. Dark December 6th, visitation to Grants Pass for their Birthday Dance. December 16th, Round Dance Christmas party &:00 - 9:00 pm, phase II rounds, (Neil K. cueing). December 20th, Christmas Dance (Dale Roberson calling and Pat Hintz cueing). December 31st New Years Eve Dance (Dale Roberson calling and Pat Hintz cueing).
Boots & Calico: They are now a traveling club. They may have a birthday dance in March.
Dancing Friends: No Report.
Pioneer & Petticoat: December 12th, Christmas Dance with new caller Kenji Wheatly calling. Lessons are continuing with 8 new students.
Timber 8's: December 19th, Christmas Dance (Roger Putzler calling and Claude Butler cueing).
Blue Mountains Council: David (Sharon) Stutzman
This year it is the Elkhorn Swingers' turn to host the Christmas Dance shared by the Baker City and La Grande clubs. Admittance to the dance, in part, will be donations of food for the local food bank. For a few years now, donations have been requested instead of a gift exchange.
The Backer City club took off on a Thursday, last month, to retrieve their banner from the Tanglefoots in Boise. It is quite an achievement for a small club to accomplish. They were invited to a potluck before the dance at one of their club member's home. Ten dancers made the 2-hour trip and returned late that same evening. Everyone enjoyed the food and hospitality offered by the Boise club.
The Muddy-Frogs are progressing with their lessons on Tuesday evenings. The Elkhorn Swingers will start their lessons in December on Thursday evenings and the Star Promenaders will start in Janua5ry, also on Thursday.
Central Oregon Council: Carol Bro
Twas the night before Winter, when all through our land
Square and Round dancers were lending a hand.
With thick wooly gloves and a warm winter hat
The RV's were settled for their long winters nap.
The dancers however, will spring into action
For Holiday dances are the major attraction.
The Red Rock Christmas dance, will be festive indeed
With warm gloves and hats, for our Seniors in need.
The Beauts Christmas dance, The Teddy Bear Fling
The Bears comfort small children, with the smiles that they bring.
The Shufflers New Years Eve dance, to end a great year
Provides dancing, fellowship and lots of good cheer.
A new format for Sundown, you may have heard
Our cuers head south, just like the snowbird.
Guest cuers, they will come, to keep us prancing
We all look forward to some really fine dancing.
As the New Year begins and the long winter sets in
Our dancers keep going, and more lessons begin.
Then comes the call from our great wagon master
Fire up those Four Wheel Drives, we need to move faster.
Its now time to gather together and head for the West
Our destination, is the Mid-Winter Fest.
After a weekend of dancing, with such wonderful friends
There's much to look forward to, as Mid-Winter ends.
Now! I have a message from home, as my report ends
Have a wonderful holiday from Central Oregon Dancers and Friends.
Eastern Oregon Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers
I have nothing to report except to attend the Summer Festival.
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Ilana Widders)
I have no report. Our area is working on the Mid-Winter Festival, making it the best that we can for all to come and have fun.
Interstate Highlanders Council: Steve (Valerie) Murphy
Not much as happened with the Interstate Highlanders Council the last two months. The Klamath Country Squares held it's annual Potato Festival in October. They have 15 new students in their square dance class. The State Federation meeting in May of next year, will be hosted by the Interstate Highlanders Council at Altimont School in Klamath Falls. They have changed their dance location, however, this is the old dance location. The new one is not big enough for the meeting. All the snow should be gone by then.
John Guches: Are there going to be RV spots there for people with RVs?
Steve Murphy: There are RV spots, they are dry, right outside in the playground there. No hookups at all.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle
The Toledo 49rs continue to hold their dances in Gleneden Beach on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays on the month. The Halloween dance featured several dancers in costume. The dance on December 20th will be a potluck and will include a Christmas gift exchange program. The annual canned food collection for the food bank also continues. Planning has begun for our birthday dance next May.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
The MWA is proud to have 114 new dancers in class this fall. The Cherry City Cloggers have 58 students in their class alone!
The first MWA new-dancers dance will be sponsored by the Capitol Callers and Cuers Association, and will be held at the Salem Square Dance Center on December 20th from 12:00 till 4:00 pm. The Mid-Willamette Area is also accepting donations of use clothing that will be on sale for new dancers at that dance. The next Mid-Willamette Area meeting is tomorrow night, so if you want to bring some clothes over for the sale tomorrow night, that would be fine.
Please review the OFN for news about special dances and events taking place in our Area, and also please support the Mid-Winter Festival by buying your ribbons and coming to Albany this January!
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
Thank you to Dale and Kathy Worthington, Sunset Empire, and the Astoria Hayshakers for all their hard work putting on this State Meeting.
Many clubs are having new dancers jamborees. Country Capers are having theirs on Nov 15th. Checkerboard Squares on the regular dance night, Nov 22. Silver Stars will also hold their jamboree on their dance night, Nov 22nd. Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes will have theirs on their regular Weds dance night on Dec 3rd. River City will have theirs on Dec 21st. Country Cut-Ups are planning theirs for Jan 3, 2009. Check your current OFN for times and location.
Checkerboard Squares celebrated 48 years of dancing on Nov 8th.
The PAC Halloween dance on Oct 31st was a huge success with over 19 squares. Most everyone was in costume trying to win the 1st prize of $100.00, second prize of $60.00 and third prize of $40.00.
Several clubs are already planning New Years Eve dances. Happy Hoppers Plus Club will have a "Roman Holiday" theme with Jim Hattrick calling and cueing. The Country Cut-Ups will have Scott Zinser calling and Janet Shannon cueing. River City Dancers there will be "Romance in Venice" and will have a spaghetti-meat ball dinner. Les Seely will call and Stephanie Croft will cue. Jeans and Calicos will host a dance along with the Gorge clubs; Swap and Swing, Columbia Gorge Plus, and Wy'East Whirlers at the Civic Auditorium in The Dalles. This will be a "free" dance with the Wy'East Whirlers paying the admission and all expenses. They will be disbanding as of 12-31-08, so they will be using the money in their treasury for this.
The Tri-Council dinner will be on Dec 15th at the Super King Buffet in Portland, hosted by the Silver Stars of the Evergreen Council. This is always a fun time and gives everyone an opportunity to socialize with the other councils which are PAC and TVC.
Many clubs are collecting non-perishable food to be distributed to the less fortunate at Christmas. The need this year is greater than ever due to our economy. Please be generous.
In comparing the number of PAC club members with last year, I find that there are 50 less dancers. This includes the three Washington clubs that hold PAC membership. Deducting the membership of these three clubs, the loss is 53. The Wy'East Whirlers, who are disbanding at the end of this year, had 16 members last year so this accounts for some of the loss.
The next 5th Friday dance would be on Jan 30, 2009. However, since the Tri-Council dance is on Saturday, Jan 31st, we will cancel this dance and join with the other two councils and support this dance. The Crew, consisting of Daryl Clendenin, Randy Dibble, Jim Hattrick and Less Seeley, will call. Tami Helms will cue. This will be held at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, Washington.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: Marlene Richardson
Charlie Browns lost long time member Bob Conners due to Cancer. His wife Carol is our caller, Denny Lantz's sister. Among the dances that we have had, this last month have included is the Annual "Coats for Kids" and special dance with Nasser Shukayr calling. At this time they are looking forward to celebrating their 41st Birthday, December 6th, with Dan Preedy calling and Bob Dingman cueing. We had a great turnout to the new Round Dance class on Sunday nights, there were 19 couples attending with Ed Phillips teaching. There will be a Wild West Dance held on November 15th, at the Josephine County Fairgrounds. Denny Lantz will be calling and Bob Dingman Cueing.
Circle N Square celebrated their 54th Birthday in September. Lawrence Johnston called and Less Farley cued. A carload of our members went to the Potato Festival held October 18th in Klamath Falls.
Lantz's Dantzers held their 2nd annual "Dogs for the Deaf" Benefit Dance with a potluck dinner October 17th, at the Rouge Valley Square Center. Denny Lantz's Crockpot Army was hard at work fixing food for the Jazz Jubilee Musicians. This is the 9th year they have prepared meals in the hospitality rooms at the Red Lion and Ramada Inn. September 20th, Lantz's went to the Circle N Square Birthday Dance. They had 13 dancers that went to the dance. Lantz's Dantzers "Masters in Mainstream" class with their other classes, Mainstream, Plus and Round Dancing are going well.
Star Promenaders beginning classes started on September 11th, with a good core of graduates from the September 2007 and the January 2008 class. Guest caller Dean Black from Yreka, California, will be calling a EZ Mainstream dance on November 8th. Bob Dingman will be cueing.
South Coast Council: Chuck (Coleeta) Quigley
Beachcombers: We are only dancing every other month at this time. Our next dance will be the first Friday in December with Sherm Welch and Donna Hiserote doing the dance. We will be sponsoring the New Years Dance for the South Coast so if you are in the area come join us.
Jefferson State Squares: No Report
Saint's and Aint's: Beginning lessons are in full swing with over 17 new dancers learning the ropes. It is so much fun seeing their enthusiasm. We have our plus lessons for an hour before our beginning lessons on Sundays. Round lessons are on Thursday evenings.
Sets-In-Order: Due to lack of beginners we are not doing square dance lessons at this time. We are doing Round lessons on Thursdays, and have several new couples. We are still dancing the 2nd and 4th Saturday nights of the month so feel free to come on down!
John Guches: Next meeting there will be a new agenda that will be aligned with our current P&Ps and By-Laws. Reports must be written, motions must be written and that will make it easier for the recording of the minutes.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill: Since the last Federation meeting in September our square dance activities have been centered around meetings with other square dance leaders to discuss the status of our activity and brains6torming to identify the challenges we all face and to identify possible solutions.
One such discussion was held at the cabin of Floyd and Jill Bard with the Bards, the Ashwills, and Ray and Zola Jones in attendance. The following challenges were identified:
We know these are not new thoughts as many of us have heard them over the years from many of you, but most of us have not taken this seriously, and now we are faced with issues we can no longer just talk about, we must take action!
The end of October Lee and I spent in Columbus, Indiana, where we participated in the National Executive Committee's Fall Meeting. These three days were not spent socializing as our meetings often ran between seven and ten hours each day. As we compared what is happening in our respective areas, Square Dancing seems to be a bit more stable on the West Coast, and we believe this is influenced due to the continuing push of the Mainstream program.
This year many hours were devoted to the new NEC Website which is: Lengthy discussions were held regarding what information should be available on the website that could help market our activity to John Q. Public. We also discussed what information could be useful to dancers around the world. We are convinced that people use their computers today for information seeking much more than they use their telephone books, so maybe the Federation needs to consider offering Educational Seminars on setting up and maintaining Websites, for Clubs and Councils and how to link them to the Federation and NSDC Websites.
Without taking more of your time, I would only add that 99% of the discussions held at this Fall Meeting centered on the plight of the Square Dance activity and how the National Executive Committee, as leaders in their respective communities, can offer assistance. As challenges arise in your areas, please let us know what they are, maybe we can help or find someone who can.
As time permitted, we enjoyed our club dances, attending the wedding of two of our club members, Wendel Mann and Loyce Taylor, attending our Area Meetings, and we even managed to get to the Royal Romp at the Clark County Square Dance Center.
John Guches: Just for everybody's information, we do have an Educational Seminar set for Mid-Winter. It deals with computers.
Don & Lonna Bramhall: "A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues." Cicero.
It has only been 2 months since the last Federation meeting. We have been busy doing Autumn chores; raking leaves, storing the patio furniture, raking leaves, stacking fuel for the pellet stove, raking leaves, cleaning gutters, raking leaves.
Garbled center we enjoyed the 3rd annual World Fest at the Palview Community Center, home of the Garbled. World Fest is a local social gathering for local craft, sampling fresh garden produce. Garbled enjoying a great Garbled and fest feed. And we join our Garbled dancing friends in a square and round dance exhibition. We are happy to report that some of the audience were interested enough to sign up for the Garbled square dance lessons. Garbled
Central Oregon Garbled this Fall with counseling activities with dances and lessons.
Don and his friends Garbled year an elusive elk, but there was no joy in Mudville. All the hunters Garbled. As always in the fall our RV has been winterized. We had wonderful adventures all summer long, but its time to come indoors and get back to dancing. There are plans being made already for participation in Christmas parades, Holiday potluck, and special times with friends and family. Oh yes, we are going to Hawaii too. We are going to go to the Aloha State Garbled. In February we will probably have something to talk about. Thanksgiving will be here in just a few weeks and we all need to take some time to appreciate what we have and important people in our lives. We would like to take a moment to express our personal thanks and appreciation to Carol Bro, who recently celebrated her retirement. She remains steadfast to her responsibilities in Central Oregon dedicated State Delegate. Thank you Carol for your deep commitment to your Federation duties and deep respect. We also sincerely wish each of you a happy Thanksgiving. In the words of that Garbled . . and humorist Emma Baumbeck "Thanksgiving dinner takes 18 hours to prepare, they are consumed in 12 minutes. Half-time takes 12 minutes."
Genevieve Churchill: As Goodwill Ambassador I attend many dances, but I am cautious about dancing yet, so I just visit.
The Halloween Dance for the Portland Area Council was a big dance and I helped Marilyn judge the costumes.
Also was at the benefit dance for Sandy Strassel, and was glad so many helped with donations for the bills that piled up before she died. She was a Dear.
Thank you all for your goodwill for me and I hope to see you soon.
Bill & Annadale Rooper: My goodness where does the time go? November is here and almost gone already and the holidays are upon us.
Now, what have we accomplished in the last few months?
In September Annadale was invited to a 'hen party' of former gorge, square dancers. Your ears may have burned because we chatted and ate and had a good time catching up with the goings on with each of us. Annadale wrote this up and she should be reading it.
We are attempting to prepare the yard for winter; that is, putting the geraniums, oleanders, fuchsia, amaryllis, and other stuff in the garage and then now the lawn. The weather has been so nice.
Annadale and I have attended lessons for our beginners. It seems more like a workshop since most of our dancers are re-runs. We have two energetic young people very eager to learn. They are such fun. Then we rake leaves.
Our "Roaring 20's" gala in September, called and cues by Don and Pat Wiggins, was fun and Mike Kious called a fine dance for the teens in White Salmon. Amy Strom had taught the teens at White Salmon for several years to square dance. She has moved to Slovakia to teach school there. Swap and Swing hosted a dance for those young people in hopes they would continue square dancing. Two squares of mostly adult angels were disappointing.
The adventure to the PAC Halloween Party/dance was a hoot. So many interesting 'things' in attendance - I'm glad I wasn't a judge. And, we danced with the Gorge Plus Club last weekend. We will host Swap and Swing's Executive Board at our house this week. I mowed leaves - beautiful weather.
We traveled to Ione to dance with the Ione Grand Squares this past Sunday. Sure have good food and the hospitality is great. We're sorry there weren't many dancers. We danced a tip with George and Lorene Griffith. We dropped off registrations and flyers for Mid-Winter and the National in Spokane.
We were honored when Past President Marilyn Schmit stopped and had lunch with us as she was heading to Milton Freewater to winterize her house. Bill mowed the leaves this morning.
Larry & Barbara Schaumburg: I don't have much to report. I just want to say I did manage to Garbled recently that I did manage to go to that memorial dance for Sandy Strassel. The dancers they raised a substantial amount at that dance that night. It was a wonderful turnout. Other than that, we have been raking leaves also.
John Guches: Before we get in to the Good of the Order, can I have Dale, Kathy and the committee that put the dinner on last night stand please. (Sylvia Davis, Jo Ann Bean, and Eva Moore)
*Janet and Roy Bellcoff, Assistant General Chairmen of the 2012, 61st National Convention: We are glad to be here again, as we said before, we are both Oregon and Washington dancers and members of the Portland Area Council and the Evergreen Council in Washington. We are wearing part of our Ways & Means things as well as our bags, which you will see us at Mid-Winter Festival. We are going to début all of these Ways & Means samples at the Washington State Federation Meeting in January and at Mid-Winter Festival. This is an example, it will be trimmed in black with a white binding. This will be one of the bags for sale. The t-shirts just arrived last weekend. Both of these Items will be selling for $15.00 at our Ways & Means table. You will also see some unique things at our Ways & Means. We just finished a contract with the Washington State Apple Commission, who has a lot of registered trademark items. They are not available at stores, except at the Commission office. We have a contract to be one of their sales outlets. So you will see some trademark items that you can't buy elsewhere. The lighted button that Roy is wearing, that's one of their trademark items and a lot of other things too that will be at our Way & Means tables. As well as the kits for the skirts and the man's shirt so you will be able to buy those things and get the instructions for making them. So this is some of the things that are going on for the 2012, 61st National Square Dance Convention in Spokane. There is also going on, a lots of work on the budget. Four of the seven committees have met and are getting started with their planning. And just a lot of background work on policies and activities like that at the National Convention. We are getting ready to travel to Louisville, Kentucky. Getting ready the pre-convention for their convention, and of course we are getting ready for National Square Dance Convention in Long Beach, California in June. We just happen to have registration form for Long Beach and our own pre-registration forms are back on the table.
*Lee Ashwill: I would like to tell all of you that our delegate from MWA is own council and I am really proud of him today. He is a mushroom hunter extraordinaire. When he looked around the table today and saw all this finery, he was looking under the tables for mushrooms Garbled building and attended the entire evening and I am extremely proud of him.
*Don Bramhall: I would like to thank Vivian for always finding something interesting for us to talk about in the OFN. The callers and cuers who make our life enjoyable, I would like to say thank you very much, and please remember that while we would have a difficult time stumbling around the floor without you guys and ladies, without us you wouldn't have anything to do.
*Dale Worthington: Just want to mention on the trees, if any of you would like additional trees, we do have them out there. Also for the audience, if you would like to take one home please feel free, if you would like to take two home go ahead. Just make sure that everybody that wants one gets that wants to have one.
*Kathy Rawitzer: Thank you everybody who mentioned in their report that they are promotion Mid-Winter Festival we appreciate your help very much.
ADJOURN: John Guches: Now I will entertain a motion to adjourn.
Floyd Bard: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Marlene Richardson.
Adjourned at 12:05 pm
Next meeting 2009 Mid-Winter Festival, Albany, Oregon, January 25, 2009.
Complete copy of these minutes is available by contacting the Recording Secretary.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary