The meeting was called to order by, President John Guches at 11:00 am.
Officers: All present except Corresponding Secretary, Vivian Fairburn; Membership Chairman, Sylvia Davis.
Appointed Officers: All present except Parliamentarian, Bob Bosch (Alternate: Ray Jones); Financial Advisor, Bill Reid; Historian, Cheryl Lundine; BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert; Insurance Chairman, Kay Rogers; Youth Activities Coordinator, Lisa Kious; ORDTA, Dennis Smith; Round Dance Screening, Barbara Schaumburg; Caller Advisor, Bill Reid; Webmaster, Tim Roberts; OFN Editor, Vivian Fairburn; 2010 Summer Festival, Jim Rogers.
Delegates: All present except Central Oregon, Carol Bro (Alternate: Don Bramhall); Eastern Oregon, Jim Rogers; Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle; Mid-Willamette, Curt Lundine (Alternate: Harriet Livingston); Portland Area, Al Wolf (Alternate: Ann Skoe); South Coast, Chuck Quigley.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Genevieve Churchill and Larry & Barbara Schaumburg.
Floyd Bard: Mr. President, could we have a count of voting officers that are present, based on our roll call.
John Guches: Based on our roll call, we have 15 voting officers.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Marilyn Schmit.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Lee Ashwill.
MINUTES: Correction to the minutes was made. Motion made by Lee Ashwill to accept the minutes as corrected and seconded by Tony Haskins. Carried
Dale Worthington: On the Minutes, just for your own information, there are 2 sets of minutes. One is the Website Minutes, and the second is the complete Minutes. The Website Minutes are minus any financial information and some of the discussion that goes on within the meeting. There are a couple of problems I have in requesting the report. One is Carol Bro, I do not have a good e-mail address, and the other is Ralph Lambert. If anybody has a current e-mail address I would appreciate getting it.
PRESIDENT: John (Glory) Guches
I would personally like to thank everyone that took the opportunity to come down to this meeting on such short notice. The festival staff up here tried to get a count of the number of people, and they didn't have it completed yet, and they were very appreciative of the number of people that came down as state officers and delegates.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
Since our meeting in May 2009, I have been busy contacting dancers and attempting to fill the Appointed Officer positions for the 2009-2010 year. I have all the positions filled with the exception of Historian, Education Chairman and Caller Advisor. If anyone has any recommendations for someone to fill any of these positions, please let me know.
I have also established the dates and locations for the State meetings for November 2009, May 2010 and September 2010. I believe you all received an e-mail identifying the dates and locations of these meetings. But for the Minutes, the November 2009 meeting will be held in Port Orford, Oregon, on November 21-22, 2009. The May meeting will be held in Rogue Sis-Q Council at the Josephine County Fairgrounds, 1451 Fairgrounds Road, Grant Pass, Oregon, on May 22-23, 2010. The September 2010 meeting will be held at the ESRDC, 2095 Yolanda, Springfield, Oregon, on September 25-26, 2010. The September meeting will include the installation of the new officers and it is one of the few times that it will be held at the home Council of the incoming President. I personally think that Mr. Bard's installation is an exciting thing to look forward to and I am eagerly looking forward to that installation, because Ray Jones is also a member of that council.
At this time, does anybody know of any delegate changes for that year? The reason I ask, is that the person doing the installation this September would like to install the delegates as well as the officers. So if there are any changes, please let me know.
2010 Mid-Winter Festival: Sandy (Chuck) Eddings
Registration for 2010 Mid-Winter Festival is going very slow. We have received the loan from the State. All the committees are working and are on track. Everything is going well. We are starting to travel the State to promote Mid-Winter. We will be at Diamond Lake, Central Oregon Round-up, and to many clubs in Emerald Empire Area, and Mid-Willamette Area.
2010 Summer Festival: Kay (Jim) Rogers
"Back in the Saddle Again" Oregon Summer Festival, July 16 and 17, 2010, Pendleton, Oregon.
The beautiful Pendleton Convention Center is the location we have chosen for the 2010 Summer Festival. Plans have been made for a free dance on Thursday night, July 15th. The community will be invited to participate. We will have rounds, squares and some line dancing. The Eastern Oregon Council is hosting the festival and hope to be able to give dancing and lessons a boost in that area. Your support is needed to make this festival a success.
The theme for the festival is "Back in the Saddle Again". The official outfit is anything with a western print. That means that every time you see a western print, you think of our festival, right?
We have some exciting things planned for this festival, too. Ron and Georgine Woolcock, along with Susan Healea will be our featured cuers. They have a showcase, some teaches and great round dancing in the works.
Marshal Flippo of Texas is coming as our featured caller. His good buddy, Daryl Clendenin, is hosting him while he is here and they have some plans for some great dancing. We know some of the callers from around Oregon and Washington will be here to share in the fun, too.
If we get some interest in an ice cream social on Thursday night after the free dance, we can put that on with some great skits showcasing upcoming events. Let us know if you have an event you want to promote, or if you have a secret wish to put on a skit for our entertainment (Skip and Mike?).
There are many businesses in Pendleton waiting to help you build your charm bracelet on the "Charm Trail", and the Oxford Suites are prepared with more of their famous hospitality at reasonable rates. Don't forget the Pendleton Woolen Mills and Underground Tours and the Casino just up the road.
Marilyn Schmit: Everyone here, at the table, should have gotten a registration for Summer Festival 2010. If you didn't, rise you hand up and I will make sure you get one.
2011 Mid-Winter Festival: Larry (Carol) Reetz
We are still waiting for a confirmation on our clogging/cuer instructor. We have purchased our material for the Festival outfit. Volunteers are coming forth to complete our committees. We have completed a preliminary review of our contract for Linn County Convention Center. We do not anticipate any price increases for the center from this year. Flyers are being designed in preparation for the program book.
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
Lee Ashwill: Vivian sent me a profit and loss statement, but she said that she had no report. She did agree with Mr. Roopers figures however.
Bill Rooper: I would like to bring up a question that she brought up. I still have a copy of the OFN contract with her. As some of you remember, she got a job this winter, or this spring, so she asked me to not pay her. Now, she says that since the OFN is at a loss, the contract provides that she may or may not be paid that. I don't know what your feelings are, but I think she should be paid anyway, whether we have a loss or not.
Lee Ashwill: I will need to see that contract, because I thought the contract was written that she would be paid that sum as long as the OFN was in a profit mode.
Bill Rooper: That was my feelings too, that is what I think she should be. But, she did mention it to me that she did feel right, maybe, that the contract was valid since she was at a loss. I would go ahead and pay her anyway, I don't know if there is any objection whether I should make a motion on it or not. I would like to know the feelings of the group. I haven't been sending her a check, but I have been accruing the amount each month as an account payable, and it will be paid to her whenever she asks for it. Is there any problem with that?
Barbi Ashwill: Who has the signed contract?
Bill Rooper: I can dig it out of my file. I do have a copy of it.
Barbi Ashwill: My other comment would be that since we have an OFN Advisory Committee, I would like to see them work on that situation and I think that would first require a review of the contract. Having work on putting that together, I just want to mention that we have an Advisory Committee and they should probably be the ones, but I do think it is specified in there that as long as she kept making enough money to pay her wages, she would get paid.
Bill Rooper: It may be, but I will continue to accrue her payment unless I hear different. That is officially different
John Guches: She also made a statement at one of the meetings too, that being that she was working, that payment would put her over her allotted amount of money before she started losing her Social Security.
Lee Ashwill: According to the Profit and Loss Statement she sent me, if we were to pay her that money, we would definitely be in the deficit.
Tony Haskins: Being I am new to this game, is it all Vivian's responsibility whether the OFN makes a profit or not? Isn't it the clubs and councils responsibility to get the OFN out there and get the subscriptions in so it can remain profitable? Her work is no less whether it makes a profit or not. Is that not true?
John Guches: Yes, Tony you are correct. It is our responsibility to push it. So lets take it out there and push the OFN as hard as we can.
Lee Ashwill: It was Vivian that came up with the idea that "if we don't make a profit, I don't get paid". That was her idea.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
Sylvia Davis has provided the club information. John and Glory Guches have sent me two emails for the H.O.R.S.E. Benefit Dance. Summer and Mid-Winter Festivals are working on submitting their pages for the directory.
Nominating Committee, Goodwill Ambassador Information will be coming in shortly, as well as current pictures for the officers.
Vivian Fairburn will assist with the front cover and the graphics. There was some confusion on who was going to do the directory. Vivian has done it for the past 3-4 years.
I will be making a motion to purchase Micro Soft Publisher with multiple user licenses for the office of the 2nd Vice President.
I need the State Directory order forms from the Area Councils. I have Emerald Empire, Mid-Willamette, and Portland Area.
Best Impressions, is our printer, and they will receive directory information on August 24th and directories will be printed by September 15th.
Sandy Eddings: You mention that Mid-Winter and Summer Festival was supposed to have information for you. Am I supposed to have information for you?
Floyd Bard: That was reported at the last meeting in my report, that there is a page for each of the up and coming festivals, Summer and Mid-Winter. We will put them in the Directory for you to advertise your festival.
Frank Schuchard: So what is the deadline to have all the amounts of Directories?
Floyd Bard: I have to have it in to them by the 24th of August. You send it to me by midnight on the 23rd; I will work until 8 o'clock on the 24th in order to get it in.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
I would like to thank everyone that submitted their report. Also, at the last meeting we had, the Recording Secretary was given the responsibility on reporting on any updates or changes to the P&Ps at the Summer Festival meeting. That would be this meeting. However, because the P&Ps are in a state of review right not, I am going to forgo the report until the questions with the P&Ps have been resolved, or abolished.
Get Well cards sent to: Sherm Welch, Bernice Anderson, Everett Foss, Emmett Chase, Gene Noble, Bill Young, Mel McLain, Dick Frazier, Paul Nees, Janet Wilkins, Candy Ferguson, Clif McKinley, Lloyd Larson, and Wade Boecher.
Sympathy cards sent to: Vern Wheeler - mother, Larry Lauderdale - wife, family of Jack Anderson, and family of Naomi Anderson.
Wedding congratulations sent to: Ed and Sammy Craig; Lisa and Mike Kious.
TREASURER: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
Everybody should have a copy of the Financial Report. The only comment I have is that I did not change the equity figures this time. I overlooked that, sorry. As you notice, the OFN is in the hole. I would suggest everybody talk to their friends and get subscriptions going. That has been going downhill for quite some time.
Dennis Marsh: Bill, in the total liabilities on the emergency fund, Mid-Winter has an emergency fund. It that the grand total you have on us, or is the emergency fund the total amount of Mid-Winter emergency fund, or is that included somewhere and are added together?
Bill Rooper: The Mid-Winter Emergency Fund, is that what you are talking about? Several years ago the Mid-Winter, actually the Federation had twice that much money, but half of it was offered to the Mid-Winter as an emergency fund that they could draw on. It was decided sometime ago to just give the money to Mid-Winter and let them do with it what they wanted. This is the Federation's half of that emergency fund. I don't know on what conditions it is available; I don't think the P&Ps have said. This was an agreement between Mid-Winter and the Federation.
Dennis Marsh: To get back to my question, the emergency fund that you have sitting there. Is that the total amount of emergency fund you have for Mid-Winter Festival or is that with Summer Festival and Mid-Winter too?
Bill Rooper: The Emergency Fund does not have anything to do with Mid-Winter. That is General Fund money. It is not necessarily an emergency fund, it is just monies the Federation has accumulated and not spent. Most of it came from the '94 advancement. That should be added to the Opening Balance Equity and the National Convention Reserve and Retained Earnings all of those figures are the reserve figures for the Federation.
Dennis Marsh: So you don't have that broken out as a separate item that you have in reserve that you are taking out so much of the profits into the emergency fund for Mid-Winter.
Bill Rooper: No, I don't have an emergency fund for Mid-Winter. I really don't know how it came about. Several years ago it was doubled that and we paid the Mid-Winter. Their half, it was decided, that they could handle it just as well as we could.
Dennis Marsh: In our P&Ps and By-Laws that we have, that we have to take a percentage of that and put it in the reserve. And that is what the Emerald Empire has been doing. We have a separate account just for that. Now that is why I am questioning this. Is there is anything separate that you guys are taking out that we can see that you are matching what you are getting each year, also?
Bill Rooper: I am not quite sure I understand what you are saying. The fund is the only thing that has ever been set aside for and designated for Mid-Winter. How it originated or how it was to be spent or for what, it has been there the 6-years I have been Treasurer.
Dennis Marsh: It is alright for now, but I think we will be addressing this issue at the September Meeting.
Someone recommended that the matter be taken off-line and discussed after the meeting.
John Guches: After the meeting Dennis, Sandy, Mr. Rooper and I believe Mr. Jones has some input on it. If you guys can sit down and discuss it.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
As Membership Chairman, I found all sorts of things happening as far as sending in the money for the Clubs and Councils. The majority of the time, the money sent was wrong. I talked to Bill Rooper about this and we decided not to do anything about it this year as we came out ahead. Even I sent in the wrong amount.
The letter that is sent to the Club Secretary or President: The information on how to send the money is clear. Each club sends in $3.00 for State Dues. How often you dance is clear as far as how much money to pay. The part that says in the letter: (If your AREA COUNCIL charges dues that needs to be added also). This should have nothing to do with Membership, so should not be in the letter.
I only need 1 copy, not 3. With everything done on e-mail, I can make more than 1 copy if necessary.
For the letter to the Area Delegate: Most Clubs and Councils get their information on-line so I should not have to send a form, just the letter. Again, just 1 copy is necessary.
When our Council President pulled up the form on-line, it said we needed to send $13.00: $3.00 for the dues and $10.00 for When and Where. Some Councils do have dances so they should pay the $10,00, some Councils do not. So, the automatic amount on the form for the Councils should not take place. If they do have a dance, they can type that amount in. Information on the Council dances should then be in the letter sent out to the appropriate person so they know how to fill out the form. Unless you do 5th Saturday dances, this should not even be brought up in the form. Just the $3.00 dues are necessary. Bill Rooper concurred on this as well.
All the Area Delegates should fill out a form (spread sheet) stating how much each club sent, dues, etc. With some of the Councils being so large, it was guess time.
If you would like me to comp up with the 2 letters that are to be sent out in January, I would be happy to do so. I would like the forms and letters re-done before next January. It is going to be complicated if it isn't done. Also, a form for filling out the information by the Area Delegate would be nice to have on-line.
Grants: There are either 7 or 9 pages to fill out if a Club wants to apply for a grant. This is ridiculous. What needs to be done is: What you want the grant for; Monies needed; and How this is going to help promote square dancing.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
Keep up the good work. See you in September with all of 2010 insurance information.
PAST PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The Benefit dance was a success and lots of fun. A check was written and donated to the Adaptive Riding Institute. I will be handing over a CD of letters that I sent out to John when he goes out of office for his use. Hopefully, he will keep it current for the next Past President to use.
The Randall Award nominations are in my hands and there are four at this moment. The ballot will be distributed to the 13 Area Delegates at the September meeting and those will need to be turned in to John Guches by the November State Meeting so he can get the plaque engraved and ready to give out at Mid-Winter. On the CD that John gets for the Benefit Dance will also be letters and the copy of the ballot for his use when he is Past President. I went into that part of the job blind and I want to make it easier for those who follow to do a great job of dealing with the timeline and the rules and regulations that are in the Practices and Procedures. Good luck to those who are nominated for the award in January.
I haven't done much traveling since the last meeting. Unemployment doesn't give me much spare money for gas. I have been to Long Beach and I went to the new club in Walla Walla for their New Dancer Dance and was back for their first night of round dance lessons in early June when my mom had a pacemaker put in. Nice to do two visits in one trip to Eastern Oregon.
Other duties of club and council have kept me busy and now I add the national office to all that and I am content in the amount of paperwork that will keep me busy for the next year in addition to the 2nd Vice Presidency of the Oregon Federation. I like it and plan to keep everyone informed as to what is going on. That is a critical thing to keep everything in the open and to the dancers so they are informed.
Hats off to the Star Promenaders for having a wonderful festival this year at Diamond Lake. What a beautiful country we have, and thank you to the Diamond Lake Resort for accommodating everyone. It's great to be here.
These things I have been doing since I have seen you last. Some pertains to the Federation and/or not, but all has to do with square dancing.
Before you are the Bid and Estimated Cost and Income Revenue for the 2011 Summer Festival in Portland. Our theme this year is "Rose Promenade 2011" so please write it on your sheets. Location and national caller has been finalized. I don't have to tell you that this has taken quite a bit of time. We have visited several schools and the Portland Convention Center in our selection. We have also had several meetings for discussion. There will be more about this later.
I have written several articles for the OFN over the last months, Spoke to the folks in Roseburg concerning their dances and with Sandy and Chuck Eddings about Mid-Winter Festival. The PAC held an OFN subscription dance with 15 new and renewal subscriptions to the OFN.
Before I go too far, please let me introduce to you Ann Skoe, the PAC's new Alternate Delegate. Welcome Ann! Howling Al Wolf is out camping with his club, the River City Dancers.
As you probably know from my articles in the OFN, I pulled both the State square dance trailer and the PAC wagon in the Starlite Parade. We had a great time thanks to the B&B's and visiting dancers. The River City Dancers will be lead trailer next year.
I also pulled the square dance trailer in the Hillsboro parade on the 4th of July for the Tualatin Valley Council. It was great! I was presented Mr. Billy Bob Bear, the Traveling Teddy, for my efforts. If you haven't seen him, he is as big as Ron (Schmit) or bigger. I will have him on the square dance trailer at the Gresham Teddy Bear Parade in September when we do our square dancing there. I will take some picture for the OFN.
I made all new schedules for the September dance lessons for the PAC clubs. This includes clubs from Evergreen Council and some from TVC. This will be handed out at the State Fair later this summer.
Again, all 3 councils, PAC, TVC, and Evergreen Council, are doing the Providence Bridge Petal Health Fair on the 8th of August in Portland. We will be showing videos of square dancing, handing out flyers, class lesson dates, and doing a demo dance on stage. There are approximately 15,000 people in that area that weekend.
Ann Skoe and I will be working together to enter the Junior Parade in North Portland next year. We will put together some young dancers and callers to dance and have fun. This is one of 3 of Portland's largest parades. Let's get the younger generation into square dancing. As you know Ann Skoe is with the Canby Clover Leafs, which is a teen club. Thank you, Ann. We'll keep you updated throughout the year.
As you know, as a Grange Master, I know a lot of square dancers who are also Grangers. I spent a week in Pendleton at the Convention Center at Oregon's State Grange Session the latter part of June and early July. Also for those of you who have ever danced at the Rockwood Grange in Southeast Portland, we now have air conditioning. Also as a board member at the Oak Grove Community Center we now have air conditioning there. So if you dance with the Oaky Doaks or come to a PAC meeting it will be nice and cool.
The Portland Area Council would also like to welcome the Northwest Callers Association to its ranks as new members. Linda Curtis will be a new Delegate representing that club to the PAC. Ann Skoe is the President and she will talk more about this in her report.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Neva) Reid - No Report
HISTORIAN: Cheryl (Curt) Lundine - No Report
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert - No Report
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Lisa (Mike) Kious - No Report
ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith
ORDTA cancelled their summer meeting when the Summer Festival was cancelled.
ORDTA's fall meeting will be held on Saturday, October 3, at 10:00 am at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield. The tentative education program will focus on DanceMaster and navigating ORDTA's website.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
Oregon Round of the Month
September 2009
"Daydream" Record: Hi Hat #EN027
Choreograph: Peg & John Kincaid
Phase: II + 1 (strolling vine)
October 2009
"Can You Feel The Love Tonight" Record: Star 178
Choreograph: Don & Jean Schultz
Phase: II + 2 (strolling vine / lariat)
Congratulation Certificates have been mailed to the choreographers for their dance. Cuers on the Round of the Month email list have been notified of the rounds that were chosen by the councils.
CALLER ADVISOR: Bill (Neva) Reid - No Report
WEB MASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No Report
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The Showcase in Long Beach left a lot to be desired. The lady in charge has never done anything like this before and it showed. She did not have things put in order and she told us that she arranged it in geographical areas. We were across from Missouri and next to Piedmont from Virginia. Then she tells us she did not get our card. We handed it to the person in the Ways & Means who was designated to take them when we were in Wichita last year.
We had about 100 OFNs and a box of magazines from Travel Oregon. The Travel Oregon magazines went very well. Since I had the bucket from the last Federation meeting, I cleaned it out and took Diamond Lake flyers, Mid-Winter flyers, Muddy Frogwater flyers, and flyers from Leadership Seminar in Washington and laid them out on the table. Those went, as people wanted them.
We have received and turned in our card for next year in Louisville. We have asked for three tables and to be placed next to the Washington and Idaho Federation displays in hopes that they follow through this time.
USDA: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
I am pleased to announce that I have been elected to the position of Vice-President of the Western Region o United Square Dancers of America. I have also been appointed to the Audit Committee. One of my first duties will be to set up the Winter Meeting and I have chosen to go to Tucson, Arizona, the third weekend of January. So I am in the process of setting up the hotel and meeting arrangements and am pretty much decided on the plans. I have enlisted the help of a former square dancer from Salem who lives there and she will be my eyes for a few things.
I will be contacting the Affiliates that are in my region and introducing myself to them via letter and finding out what I can do for them. Will be finding out if their entire state or federation belongs to USDA and if not, then who I will need to contact to see if they want to join and fill them in on the benefits.
Don't forget that USDA offers a youth scholarship and the deadline is February 1 of each year. If you know of a student that is wishing to apply they can contact me and I will be pleased to get them the information they need to get their paperwork turned in. While they are at it, they can apply for the youth scholarship offered by the Oregon Federation also. I already know of one student in Vancouver who will be applying.
The online Shopping Mall and the Long Term Care have been deleted from the USDA web page due to nonuse. There are plenty of publications you can download for free and use as you see fit. They are full of information for all dancers to use.
A resolution was passed that encourages competition at all levels of dance in the local, state, and national activities. It was discussed to be encouraging youth, but all are welcome. They did a trial test of that at National and they had 31 squares signed up for the trial competition there. If your square did something wrong, you left the floor. A square of gay square dancers won first, a square of callers won second, and a square of youths got third. This was the first time for the trial and they are going to do it again in Louisville, as far as I am aware of.
Again, the State Fair Schedule for dancing has been finalized with the River City Dancers scheduled for 1-2 pm and 5-6 pm on August 28th at Center State and the Jackman Long Building respectively. Caller is Les Seeley and cuer Tami Helms.
The Checkerboard Squares will dance 10:30 am to 1 pm on the 29th of August at Center Stage. Caller: George Hermann.
Mid-Willamette will dance September 4th, 1:30 to 3:30 in the Jackman Long Building. Mid Willamette Area Council square dancers are dancing. Sandy Harris and Bruce Lowther will be the callers. We don't know the cuer yet.
Saturday, September 5th from 2-3 pm will be the Bachelor and Bachelorettes on the Spirit of Oregon State. Callers are the Wild Cards.
If you would like to dance this venue, please call one of the above clubs as soon as possible, so you can get a nametag. Thank you, Al Wolf and Marilyn Schmit for helping with this event.
Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
The Hayshakers have been busy with visitations. We visited the Hoedowners, and then we were able to retrieve our banner from the Coast Swingers. At the B&Bs we received one of their traveling Bumble Bees. We are also planning on visiting the Happy Hoppers, R square Ds, Sunset Promenaders, and the Chaps & Petticoats.
We are working on starting a new class in September with the ideas we received from Chuck Quigley.
The Hayshakers are dancing this summer, so when Portland and Salem hit 90+ temperatures, think of us in the cool 70's, and drop by for a visit.
After many years as our caller and cuer, Larry and Barbara Schaumburg are stepping down. We are truly going to miss them, but hope they will come down to call and cue for us now and then in the future. With this in mind, and to provide exposure and experience, we are hiring some of the new callers to call in the upcoming months.
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck
The Coast Swingers: Dance the 2nd and 4th Saturday in Garibaldi and is not dark this summer.
The Eager Beavers: On June 22nd, Jim brought along a young caller by the name of Adam Christman from Bozeman, Montana. Adam started calling at the age of 8 and is now all of 18 years old. Plus class lessons start Wednesday, September 16th, from 10 to Noon and will be at the Aloha Grange.
The Fireballs: The Fireballs will be dark in July and August.
The Hoedowners: August 8th they will be dark. Classes start Wednesday, September 23rd at Aloha Grange.
The R Square D: In July they will dance on the 28th. Classes start Wednesday, September 9th at Longview Square Dance Center.
The Sunset Promenaders: Changed to first and third Saturdays. First of August they will have their annual Crazy Hat Dance. Harold wears a different hat for every tip and his music usually matches the type of hat he has on. Then on the third Saturday, they are carrying on for the 4N8er's and hosting the Corn Feed. Classes begin Wednesday, September 13th at Hillsboro IOOF Hall.
The Tri Squares: August 1st, they will visit R Square D. They plan to have dinner with them at the Sizzler in Longview. September 13th, they will visit the Toe Draggers for their Dance for the Cure. September 18th will be their first dance, celebrating their anniversary. September 26th they will join the Coast Swingers for the Oregon Federation Meeting. Classes: Sunday, September 20th at Tigard Grange.
The Valley Squares: They will be dancing through the summer on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Aloha Grange. Classes: Tuesday, January 5th at Aloha Grange.
The Mix 'N Mingle: They will be dancing through the summer.
Traveling and Dancing. Carole Petranek thinks it would be fun to travel to New Zealand and Australia in the spring (Fall of 2011) and get a group of square dancers to go on the trip. She will research the concept and get back to us with more information.
We had a Chinese exchange group at the Aloha Grange and the Hillsboro Armory who asked us to help them with a square dance class, which was held July 15th. They did appreciate this and remarked it as being the most fun they had had in America up to that time thanks to Harold Kleve and many of the Eager Beavers. About 45 students and 25 Eager Bear angels were present.
The TVC Treasurer has a check for the Youth Scholarship fund. I have one donation from last report to turn in.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Buckeroos: Dance at the barn August 1st, 7:30 pre-rounds. Lessons begin October 1st.
Timber 8's: Dark until September. They will change their dance night from the 1st and 3rd Fridays to the 2nd and 4th Saturday.
Pioneers & Petticoats: They are the host club for the 5th Saturday dance in Canyonville, August 29th. Lesson will begin in October.
August 4th through 8th, there will be dancing at the Douglas County Fair in Roseburg. From 7 pm to 9:45 pm, there is free admittance to the fair if you have a club badge and square dance attire. There will be 5 nights of dancing at the fair.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
The Council will host, along with Bill and Neva Reid, a square dance weekend at Wallowa Lake. The event called the Wallowa Mountain Rendezvous will be held September 11, 12, and 13. Come enjoy the northeast corner of Oregon and do some dancing too. Below the lake you pass through Joseph where full-size bronze sculptures line Main Street. For a panoramic view of the Eagle Cap Wilderness and the Wallowa Valley, take a ride on the tram to the top of Mount Howard.
Central Oregon Council: Carol Bro, alternate: Don Bramhall
Carol sends her greetings from our Nation's Capitol where she is looking after her daughter who is having some medical problems right now.
She says hi to everybody, Diamond Lake is one of her favorite festivals.
Dancing is going strong in Central Oregon. The Bachelor Beauts held a quaint dance a couple of weeks ago. Had a good turnout for that, everybody had a great time. The Sundown Round Dance Club has lost their cuer to some thieves on the Oregon Coast, so that club is looking for how they are going to continue in the foreseeable future.
Carol also asks that you don't forget the Central Oregon Roundup, August 7th and 8th at Sisters High School.
Eastern Oregon Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers
The 2010 Summer Festival report also serves as Jim's Eastern Oregon report.
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh
After today, my email will be changed. It will be
During the break, I talked to Bill, Ray and Sandy and we did find the article we talked about for the percentage is set aside. It was Article 8, page 10, that both organizations are supposed to be putting 20% away.
Interstate Highlanders Council: Cecelia (Sarge) Glidewell
Our council elected new officers in June. The officers are as follows: Adana (Roby) Gardner, President; Helen (Don) Schreiner, Vice President; Joyce Barrett, Secretary/Treasurer; Cece (Sarge) Glidewell, State Delegate; Roby (Adana) Gardner alternate State Delegate. We want to thank our past officers for all of their hard work over the past few years. We also want to thank these new officers for stepping forward as leaders.
The Klamath Country Squares have been focusing on new dancer recruitment this summer with several demos planned or in planning for August and September. On September 19th the KCs are inviting new students for free root beer floats at their annual Brown Cow Dance. Workshops will resume the following Thursday. The 34th annual Potato Festival is October 16th and 17th. It will be a celebration of Oregon's 150th birthday. Friday, October 16th is a plus level dance with callers and cuers from the floor. Those contributing their talents will receive admission ribbons for the whole festival. Saturday, October 17th will be "Saturday Night at the Klamath County Museum". The caller and cuer are Dean Black and Les Farley. The KC's caller Larry Sprout will be the master of ceremonies. Dinner will be in keeping with the historical nature of the evening. There will also be time, if desired, to view the exhibits at the museum.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle
The Sea Twirlers are looking forward to their September birthday dance. They attended the 60th birthday dance of the Toledo 49'rs held in June.
The Toledo 49'rs enjoyed hosting several dancers at their 60th birthday dance held in June. Scott Zinser was the caller and John Juhring cued. This was their final dance as a regular club. They will no longer be hosting dances, but will not function as a traveling club. They will dance to some mainstream, but mostly plus records on Monday evening at the Newport Senior Center. These dances begin at 7:30 pm and end a 9:00 pm.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine, alternate: Harriet Livingston
All active clubs of the Mid-Willamette Area have reported the number of 2009-2010 State Directories requested by each club; that report has been given to Mr. Bard.
All the clubs in the area will be starting their lessons in September. Salem Swingin' Stars; one of their members passed away 3-4 weeks ago, first part of June. There is a new square dance club starting. It has its first dance last night; it had about 4 squares there. Phil Lindsey is the caller and John and Suzette Juhring will be doing the cueing. Whether they will go federated, I did not ask. They will have their dance on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays. There is a group of new callers, they call themselves the Callers Co-op, and they are dancing at the same square dance center on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine), alternate: Ann Skoe
Clubs that went dark for the summer are visiting those clubs that are dancing yearlong. The Rockwood Grange, home of the Checkerboard Squares and Country Capers is now air-conditioned. The Oak Grove Community Center, home of the Oaky Doaks is also air-conditioned. Abernethy Grange, home of the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes and the Milwaukie Community Club, home of the River City Dancers have been air conditioned for some months. This sure makes for cooler dancing.
Many clubs are already planning for lessons in September. Watch the OFN for information as to time and place.
The 5th Friday Subscription Dance on May 29th obtained 15 new OFN subscriptions.
Dennis Smith has resigned as cuer for the Buzzin' Bees. They will have guest cuers. The Country Capers are auditioning for a cuer.
The Tumbleweeds celebrated their 37th Anniversary on July 17th with Dan Preedy calling and Tami Helms cueing. The Recycles Plus Club will celebrate 14 years of dancing on September 11th.
The June meeting was a potluck picnic. Good attendance, beautiful weather and wonderful food prevailed. New officers were installed in an "informal" ceremony.
Don't forget the Carson Campout on August 14th, 15th, and 16th in Carson, Washington. This is sponsored by the Gorge clubs. Daryl and Yvonne Clendenin will call and cue plus and Bill and Neva Reid will call and cue mainstream. 2011 will be the last year of this campout.
The next PAC 5th Friday Dance will be July 31st at the Oak Grove Community Center. Darrell Kalmbach will call and Debbie Combs will cue. See ad on the back of July issue of the OFN for all details.
The new Northwest Callers Association has been accepted as a member to the PAC.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: Glory Guches
The Charlie's have been busy this summer with dancing in local parades, dances and an All Club Picnic and Baseball game with all the clubs in our council.
In the spirit of the 150th Birthday of the State of Oregon, we took two squares to the Schmidt House Museum, which is in the Grants Pass area and helped with their 150th anniversary celebration of Oregon's 150th Anniversary.
The Charlie's are busy planning their visit by charter bus to the River City Dancer's in Milwaukie in August.
Circle N Square held their annual Gold Diggers Dance June 20th. We will be dancing at the Siskiyou County Fair; which runs August 12-16. On the 15th of August wear your square dance attire wear your badges and you will get in free.
Lantz's Dantzers have been busy with Sock Hops, Dad's Chili Cook Off and the All Club Picnic.
Star Promenaders have been busy with their annual Access Hygiene Products Drive for the Senior's held in June. For dancing, a Beach Party, dancing in Parades, in Historic Jacksonville providing a demo of our state dance for the Pioneer's Days and the All Club Picnic. The Stars were really happy to hear about the Oregon Federation coming down to Diamond Lake. They made a special welcome board for all of us and I hope you have seen it. It was sitting at the dance floor area.
South Coast Council: Chuck (Coleeta) Quigley
Sets in Order: Coquille is busy this summer with parades and dances. The Coos County Fair is coming up the end of July and they plan a dance at the fair with over 40 dancers. Our beginning lessons will start the end of September and we hope to have a good group of beginners.
Saints-in-Ain'ts - Coos Bay is having guest callers this summer with their regular caller taking the summer off. It is nice to have different callers and we are thankful they are available and willing to help us. Our lessons will be starting in October.
Jefferson State Squares - Dark
Beachcombers - Our Birthday Dance the week of the 4th of July, - Jim and Joyce Voll were the caller and cuer. They had several dancers "follow them down" and it really added to the weekend of dancing. The weather turned out wonderful. We were down in numbers and really appreciated the dancers that did attend. Our Labor Day dance is coming up in September. Hope to see lots of you there.
John Guches: Basically what I wanted to find out on this, at this meeting, is everybody was asked last meeting to study it and bring it back to the September meeting. I asked Vivian to send out a disk to all the Delegates to see that they get it physically in their hand instead of having to download it. By show of hands, can I see who got that? David, you didn't get one? I also understand that you talked to Vivian about it.
David Stutzman: Not the disk, I got some emails. I am not interested in receiving a disk, I have access to it.
John Guches: Being that it was sent out to most of the people, the new Delegates that are coming on board, I made a copy of that disk and gave that to them today. Mr. Jones asked for one and I gave him a copy also.
Lee Ashwill:
Amendment to Article 7, "Election of Federation Officers": Last sentence of first paragraph: "Any person having served a term as Immediate Past President of the Federation shall not be eligible for nomination to any elected position on the State Executive Board for a period of five years following the officer nomination cycle preceding automatic assumption of the office of Immediate Past President."
John Guches: With that information on that motion I ask all of you to go back come up with some questions so we can have some instructive discussion at the next meeting over this issue.
Lee Ashwill: If there is any word smiting, bring that too.
John Guches: Yes, word smiting, things you think need to be added, cut out of it, whatever. That is what we are looking for. We want to do it the first time; we want to do it right the first time.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill:
Since May, due to increasing health issues, we have done very little visiting since we could not dance.
We did attend the National Square Dance Convention in Long Beach, California, in late June where 4924 dancers were in attendance. We believe the loss of jobs and high gas prices caused the hundreds of last minute cancellations.
The National Executive Committee allowed California to try something new - "competition square dancing" both for adults and for youth. We thing it was well received with 7 adult squares being registered when the Convention opened and which increased to 30 squares by the time for the competition registration to close. Following the competition, we visited with both competitors and members of the audience, most of who were excited to try it in Louisville. Wouldn't it be fun to put a square together and try for a gold medal?
It is always easy to promote Oregon while at Conventions due to numerous conversations with dancers from all over who want to share their experiences of when they were in Oregon for one or both of our Conventions. Also, we have the opportunity to visit with many National Callers and Cuers who always are full of praise for the callers and cuers we have here in Oregon for the great job they do in teaching the Oregon dancers. They say we are some of the best dancers in the United States. So go back and tell that to your callers and cuers.
We hope to have some exciting news to share with you in November. The National Executive Committee is meeting in late October to discuss ways to increase registration numbers for upcoming Conventions as well as modifying the requirements to host a National Square Dance Convention. If any of you have ideas you would like to have considered, please email them to us by October 1st.
John Guches: Barbi can you tell us when the Apple Certificates, which have already been purchased, are going to be issued.
Barbi Ashwill: When we were in Long Beach, they handed ribbon packets to all of the National Executive Committee. So I think they are in the process of getting those mailed out. You should have ribbons showing up. We will contact Don and Sheryl Pruitt and send you an email.
Many of those present indicated that they have already received their ribbons.
Don & Lonna Bramhall
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin
Life with a capital L has definitely changed for us personally over the past months: Don's mom had major surgery and fortunately, she's doing well. Thanks to family and friends, we spent the last week moving her from Medford to Bend. Having her living much closer will undoubtedly change our day-to-day activities and, of course, her life has been changed, hopefully for the better. Unfortunately, we missed a number of dance opportunities but were able to attend an energetic evening with the Bachelor Beauts called by Vern Boggs and cued by his wife, Cathy. The Boggs are from the Spokane area and it was their first trip to Central Oregon - they wanted to meet our dancers because they will be headlining the Central Oregon Round-up in 2010.
All of us here today are witness to change - instead of having our State Meeting in Astoria last week; here we are on Beautiful Diamond Lake, which unfortunately has more mosquitoes. Many individuals were disappointed that Summer Festival was cancelled, but everyone dealt with the change and new plans were made and voila! We're having that meeting right now. What if everyone had decided if we can't have the meeting in Astoria, then we just won't have the meeting at all? Isn't it amazing how creative we can be when the issue is forced upon us?
And then there's that pesky change question that keeps coming back to haunt us about traditional vs. casual dance costumes. Although we love the pretty square dance clothes, didn't they change from some earlier fashion? Years ago, a Mid-Winter fashion show presented a wonderful group who performed an exhibition dance from the turn of the century - well, two turns of the century... the dance had been memorized - no caller - and the ladies wore long gingham or denim skirts and dresses - to the floor. Now I ask you, if that's the way square dancing began, then where the heck did those short skirts and crinolines come from!! Somebody, sometime, changed the rules! Have you noticed bathing costumes lately? We've come a long way from a knee length two piece with tunic... to two pieces of string and not much else! Now that's a real change!! No matter how we try to convince ourselves that things remain the same, they are changing under our very eyes from year to year, from day to day.
The point of this short essay is just to ask ourselves to consider that changes itself is neither good nor bad; it is not something to struggle against, but to profit from. We just need to accept the reality that change happens, adapt to the change, and dress our personalities for whatever occasion may occur, whether it's a dance, a pool party, or just plain Life with a capital L.
Here's a quote from James Yorke, Professor of mathematics and physics at the University of Maryland, know to the general public for coining the mathematical term of "chaos theory" in 1975. "The most successful people are those who are good at Plan B."
Genevieve Churchill: - No Report
Bill & Annadale Rooper:
What do older people do when the body complains and the ambition is raging? So be it with the Roopers.
In our antiquity we have helped angel plus classes and learned there are a lot of aah 'different' moves - feel just like a beginner. Sure been fun learning.
Swap and Swing celebrated 60 years of continuous (with the exception of the two years of building renovation) dancing at the Civic Auditorium in The Dalles in June. Daryl Clendenin called his first gig at Swap and Swing and called our 60th Anniversary dance. Two ladies that danced when the club was an infant, came to socialize. I think they had a good time as we did.
On a Tuesday evening recently, dancers traveled over the bridge into the hills back of Goldendale to Clem's place where two squares danced in their shop/garage. It was a beautiful evening and a view of the Goldendale Valley and Mt. Hood in the distance was spectacular. We had ice cream and cookies after we toured Gwen's fabulous sewing room and Arnie's immaculate shop. We'll probably do that again soon.
We had our house painted. Bill's grandsons did the job. They sure can eat. The house looks so nice. The rose bushes and hydrangeas are beginning to fall back into place and things look normal.
The Gorge Picnic hosted by the Goldendale club was in The Dalles at the park last weekend. It was good to see friends we haven't seen for a while. Lots of chicken and other good stuff.
Swap and Swing's club picnic will be in our back yard; and the Carson Campout is in August. On the weekend before the campout, we gather mowers, weed eaters, tractors, pickups, gloves, rakes, pitchforks, but spray, our backs and water bottles for the annual clean-up day. This will be next to the last campout since the Peyrollaz's have lost the lease on part of their property. Some one plans to build houses on it, unfortunately for us.
Summer Festival 2011 is coming. Plans are in the works. Please support and register early for Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals.
Larry & Barbara Schaumburg: - No Report
Lee Ashwill: At the 58th National Square Dance Convention in Long Beach, California, we were very proud of the group from the River City Dancers known as the River City Riders. This is a group of people who square dance as horses. They have the costumes and everything. If you have not seen them and they are doing an exhibition and you are close enough to go see them it is really interesting. I think they did seven exhibitions during the Convention, and they were one of the featured for the Friday evening ceremonies. They were absolutely great Les Seely has done a tremendous job with them and those dancers have put in a lot of time and have really made us proud of Oregon.
Ann Skoe: I am with the Canby Cloverleafs Teen Club. On the second page of your financial report in the Youth column, you can see you spent money on tee shirts for my club. We are very appreciative and we do think it is working. I am wearing exhibit "A".
Floyd Bard: I have two things I would like to bring up. One of them I brought up in my report and that was the purchase of Microsoft Publisher. Unbeknownst to me, that is the software that is predominately being used now to do directories. In talking to the printer, which is the one they prefer. In the Practices and Procedures it is the responsibility of the 2nd Vice President to do that directory. I don't think it is fair to push it on to the OFN Editor. In order for me and the next and upcoming 2nd Vice Presidents to do their job, I need to do one of two things. Change the Practices and Procedures and put the directory under the OFN Editor or give the tools to the 2nd Vice President to their job. Which I think will cost about $375.00 for a multiple user license to have that software legally on my computer to do that. If this is an inappropriate time to make a motion I will spend the money out of my own pocket and at the September meeting I will have a motion made to have those funds taken care of.
Lee Ashwill: So that software will be handed down?
Floyd Bard: That is why it is multiple user software. It can run by multiple users but only on one computer at one time. If you approve of that Mr. President, I will be glad to use my own funds until we do that or until we make a change in the Practices and Procedures.
John Guches: Let's talk with our Webmaster, Tim Roberts, because I do believe that we already have multiple user copy of Word 2000 with Microsoft Publisher on it.
Floyd Bard: If that is the case and it is on Vivian's computer, when I put it on my computer she has to off-load it off her computer.
John Guches: Understood. I do have a copy of it myself that was distributed throughout the councils several years ago. I have already off-loaded it off my computer and I can just give it to you.
Floyd Bard: It is a good solution. It's a good airing solution; I think that is what communication is all about. We will close with that, I think it is a good solution. The second thing I have and it has been brought before in the Directory that new callers and I am adding also new cuers because we want to retain good relationships between the callers and cuers of the organization, that are not members of federated clubs that do not show their names in the Directory whatsoever. This makes it difficult for the Summer and Mid-Winter Festivals to notify all the callers and send invitations for them to call at their event. It has been requested that I consider adding a page for new callers and new cuers that are not members of the federated clubs and put them in the Directory. Is their any objection to that?
Lee Ashwill: With the printer, would that just have to be one page or will it be multiple pages?
Floyd Bard: It would be at no additional cost, because we already have a blank page so there would be no additional cost for the Directory to do that.
Sandy Eddings: For the callers and cuers, the By-Laws for the Mid-Winter Festival, the callers and cuers we schedule for the Mid-Winter Festival has to be licensed callers.
Floyd Bard: That is exactly what this proposal is. They are licensed/certified but not members of federated clubs. That would be a stipulation that they would be licensed and certified, not just somebody that hasn't gone through the licensing process.
Bill Rooper: I need to mention that both Salem Area and the Portland Area have new caller organizations in the process of being signed up with the Federation. Except that the Membership Chairman wasn't here today, we probably would have been asked to approve their membership today.
Floyd Bard: I will have to get on-line with the Membership Chairman, because that stuff has to get to me post-haste. They being asked to be voted in, or are they members now of those particular areas?
Bill Rooper: Yes, the PAC voted them in last Monday and the Mid-Willamette has already voted in their group.
Floyd Bard: Okay, we will make sure that they get added into the Directory.
Barbi Ashwill: My comment to your suggestion and certainly we need to encourage all new callers and cuers, but let us not forget that all callers and cuers have an opportunity for $10 or $12 per year to have their name in the OFN. I don't remember for sure, but it seems to me when Lee and I chaired the Summer Festival a while back, one of our criteria for inviting callers and cuers was that they had to be calling for a club. That was because the dancers coming were paying money to come for good dancing and that sort of thing. If you have a brand new caller and cuer out there who are not working with a club, they generally do not have the experience, yet, that you are looking for when putting on a Summer Festival. I guess that I am not really for that.
Floyd Bard: I hear what you are saying, and the OFN issue was brought up. We are now putting money into a grant fund to help callers go to school to get certified and get educated. We are trying to build up the callers in the State of Oregon and the Oregon Federation and for part of the new callers to get that experience it is something like the chicken and the egg. How do you get that first job? You get that first job by being guest callers and getting some calling experience. I think if we are going to give out grant money to get them to school, we encourage them to go into the OFN and pay that $12. But not everybody in the Federation takes the OFN, unfortunately. That is the problem. The Directories are out all over the place, so if we are going to give them assistance in one area, why can't we assist them in the Directory. It seems like one way is one rule, and the other way is another rule.
Don Bramhall: Lonna and I were planning to be here at Diamond Lake this weekend we do it quite regularly. We were also planning to be at Summer Festival unfortunately that didn't work out for a couple of different reasons. In our packets we have registration forms for Summer Festival 2010. Been talking to folks about this, don't take this home and set it down somewhere. Fill the durn thing out, get it sent in. Those people need some help, needs some seed money like everybody else does. Don't wait until next July please.
Marilyn Schmit: When Ron and I got to the Showcase on Wednesday in Long Beach, there was this red thing rolled up on our table. Ms Skoe would you like to see what we found in Long Beach? We are holding this Checkerboard Squares thing for ransom. Since we have no idea who left it on our table in the Showcase and why it was on the Showcase of Ideas table in Long Beach. We would like the Checkerboard Squares to pay ransom to get their banner back because of carrying charges for Dale and Kathy to bring it back from Long Beach and for us to take care of it.
Ann Skoe: You have the wrong victim; I am not with the Checkerboard Squares.
Marilyn Schmit: Yes, but you are with the PAC and they are in your council. You can tell them we have it and we would consider a donation to either the Youth Scholarship Fund or for Ron and I to buy stickers and stuff to give away at the Showcases in the future years. I am going to send a picture of it to the OFN and it is going to be lost or found or whatever in the OFN. As soon as I can figure out how to get it sent to the email.
Lee Ashwill: I would like to echo Mr. Bramhall comments. After we cancelled the Summer Festival, I went to the Mid-Willamette Area and announced that and told them how disappointed I was. The comments that came back were, you cancelled to soon we were just getting ready to register. Don't just get ready to register, register! This body should be 100% before we leave that door.
Glory Guches: Mr. President, I was wondering, there is no information for the next State Meeting, where is it going to be held, that kind of information. What should we do?
John Guches: It will be in Garibaldi, sponsored by TVC. Mike do you have any information or package that you can mail out to members?
Mike Duyck: Not yet. (Garbled)
Harriet Livingston: I am not sure what I am supposed to be asking. If I understand correctly, State Federation gave TVC, I don't understand this communication. But Mid-Willamette Area would like to know something about the money.
Marilyn Schmit: Lee has been asking since he went into office last September, what the Federation can do for the councils and clubs in this State. One of our dancers in the area has asked about information on the white corrugated plastic signs that the TVC got. I went back through my TVC minutes that I received and gave this dancer the information on how many they ordered and what it cost. Now she wants to know if the State Federation would be interested in assisting other clubs in the State with making the same thing.
Lee Ashwill: I did receive request from Mid-Willamette Area and he was relaying it from one of the dancers. I told him to go back to her and ask her to submit the request for a grant if it is funds they need to buy it.
Sandy Eddings: I would just like to add to Don and Lee's comment that the upcoming festivals, any upcoming festivals, you need to register for them as early as possible. I see a lot of Mid-Winter ribbons in this room right now, and I thank you for that, but there are a lot of delegates in this room that do not have ribbons. They have ribbon packets, every one of them. One turned it over to one of his dancers in the club because he told his dancer he did not want to have anything to do with Mid-Winter. I am sorry about that, that is his decision but those are the things we are up against are people doing things like that. That gives dancers the wrong indication on any festival that is coming up. You need to register for Mid-Winter, Summer Festival, and Central Oregon Round-up, anything when you see a club that is putting on a weekend festival because they need your support.
Ray Jones: I am not a parliamentarian, I am not familiar with Roberts Rules and I don't intend to become familiar with them. But I can solve any problem or conflict that will ever arise in the organization. With three or four simple tools: Respect, Courtesy, Communication, and the last and most important Common Sense. That is the kind of things I think the parliamentarian should mention once in a while and we should all keep that in the back of our minds.
ADJOURN: John Guches: Do I have a motion to adjourn?
Floyd Bard: So move. Seconded by Dennis Marsh
Adjourned at 1:10 pm.
Next meeting at Garibaldi, Oregon, September 27, 2009.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary