President John Guches called the meeting to order at 9:04 am.
Officers: All present
Appointed Officers: All present except Financial Advisor, Bill Reid; BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert; Caller Advisor, Bill Reid.
Delegates: All present except Blue Mountains, David Stutzman; Central Oregon, Carol Bro (Alternate: Don Bramhall); Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle (Alternate: Lou Stovern); South Coast, Chuck Quigley (Alternate: Kathy Woodworth).
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Genevieve Churchill.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Marilyn Schmit.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President Lee Ashwill.
MINUTES: Dale Worthington: It had been brought to my attention that the minutes for the May 2009 meeting listed all the 2009-2010 Elected Officers, except Corresponding Secretary, Cheryl Lundine. That has been corrected.
Corrections to the July 2009 Minutes were made. Motion made by Lee Ashwill to accept the minutes as corrected and seconded by Floyd Bard. Carried.
Dennis Marsh: For a point of information are the meetings on Saturday closed?
John Guches: That is correct, unless one or the other is invited in by that committee.
Barbi Ashwill: What about Oregon's laws that says organizations won't hold close meetings?
Bob Bosch: If it is not a public meeting, but for our own purposes, therefore you can have a closed meeting. If you want to go into it, the P&Ps say that they would be individual meetings and no other person is allowed in it, unless they are requested.
John Guches: Dennis I do apologize to the delegates for my own personal entry into the room. Mr. Ashwill and Sylvia Davis also apologize.
PRESIDENT: John (Glory) Guches
I would like to thank the Coast Swingers and the TVC for hosting the State Meeting in this nice hall.
I would like to thank everyone for their confidence in me to be President for this year. Some of the things I worked on as your President, bring the Federation in to the computer age, and to work at getting the P&Ps updated. I hope the new administration will continue these worthy endeavors.
One of my last things to do as President was to nominate a couple as Goodwill Ambassadors. There were a couple of people on my list I looked at for this worthy office, but one couple stood out. Last night at the dance I announced my choice, Steve and Valerie Murphy from the Interstate Highlanders.
This year as Past President, I will have two more important tasks to accomplish. First as head of the Nominating Committee I am requesting this committee to find at least two nominees for each office. I am asking the delegates and anyone else that knows of anybody that would like to run to give them a nomination form and bring it back to the January meeting. Second the H.O.R.S.E.S. Benefit Dance. I will be holding it in the beautiful town of Bend, Oregon, at the Pine Forest Grange. The caller will be Darrell Kalmbach and the cuer will be Dave Cooper. The MC for the event will be Don Bramhall. It will be the second weekend in April the 11th.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
Since our meeting in July 2009, I have been successful in finding dancers to fill all of the Appointed Officer positions for the 2009-2010 year. I would like to thank all of those dancers who stepped up and accepted this responsibility. In this busy world of ours, I know there are more things to do than we have time to accomplish and I appreciate each of these dancers giving up their personal time to take on these positions. So to you, I say THANK YOU.
All of the Councils are supposed to provide their minutes to the President of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs and also to the 1st Vice President of the Federation. I cannot speak for the President, but during this past year I have received minutes from four of the thirteen councils. That tells me that either the councils are not meeting or they are unaware that they are to provide their minutes. So delegates please take that back to your councils.
This is certainly not intended to put down any council, but the format used by the Tualatin Valley Council is certainly very professional and easy to digest. If any of the other councils are interested in seeing this format, please contact the Delegate of the TVC or me and we can show you how TVC does their minutes.
This past year has certainly gone by quickly and I am sure the next year will pass just as quickly. I thank all of you for your dedication to this activity and as a group, we will find answers to make it grow.
Mr. President, may I now make a motion from the Grant Committee?
John Guches: Yes you may.
Lee Ashwill: We received a letter from the Sunset Empire Council. What they have done is they have spent their money to print flyers and brochures. They printed 3,500 flyers and inserted 3,000 of them in the Seaside newspaper and invited people to lessons and the lessons are free. They have a caller who is donating his time and they are paying the rent on the Bob Chisholm Community Center. I would like to make a motion that this committee, approve a Grant Committee recommendation, to reimburse the Sunset Empire Council the amount they paid for the printing cost. Seconded by Vivian Fairburn. Discussion followed. Motion carried.
2010 Mid-Winter Festival: Sandy (Chuck) Eddings
We are not getting the number of registrations that we should. The numbers are down. We have 150 registrations, with 65 RV's. This is quite low and our committee is working very hard to promote this Mid-Winter. We really don't know what else to do. We have visitations to clubs all over the State. Chuck and I have gone to many of these. We have a full schedule of visitations in the Mid-Willamette area, as well as Emerald Empire, Portland, Southern Oregon, and the coast. We would like to ask all delegates to please promote Mid-Winter every dance you go to. Thank you.
Today we placed a flyer, in the box, for the tour of Thompson Mill Heritage State Park. Please feel free to make copies of you need to in black and white and make sure all your clubs have these flyers. This will be a very interesting tour.
We are also putting together a White Water Rafting trip to be raffled along with the Casino's. Watch for more information on this in the OFN.
We have information from the motels in Albany that most are filling up quickly, but we do not have registrations for Mid-Winter Festival to match those motel reservations. Please register as soon as possible for Mid-Winter. We don't want to lose Mid-Winter Festival and unfortunately if we don't get dancers we can't do the festival or pay the Expo Center for the facility. We have registration forms and ribbons with us today if anyone needs to register.
2010 Summer Festival: Kay (Jim) Rogers
Eastern Oregon Council is busy planning and promoting the 2010 Summer Festival. Each person at the table has been given a supply of registration forms that we ask be posted in your dance halls, at your club and council meetings, and at your dances around Oregon and Washington.
Don't forget to wear your favorite western print to help promote the Festival. Proceeds will go to encourage dancing in the Pendleton area. You are all invited to participate in the Thursday evening FREE dance. We are also looking for clubs and functions that would like a spot on the program after the ice cream social on Thursday night to promote their own event. Ideas for skits, etc, are also welcome. Please Register!
2011 Mid-Winter Festival: Larry (Carol) Reetz
We now have a complete program for 2011 with Joe Saltel - caller, Joe and Pat Hilton - round dance cuers and now Simone Pace - clogging cuer/instructor. Simone is from the Carolina's and has a tremendous background in dance to offer the cloggers of the Northwest.
I anticipate that we will not raise the fees for Mid-Winter 2011.
I want all to remember just as you are supporting 2010 Mid-Winter and 2010 Summer Festival in Pendleton, we too are anticipating your support for 2011 Mid-Winter and 2011 Summer Festival in Portland.
These are significant to the lasting support of the Oregon Federation.
2011 Summer Festival: Tony Haskins
The Committee for the 2011 Summer Festival has had another meeting to discuss our venue for the event. Things are coming together and committees are being formed. Reynolds High School has been confirmed for this event. But, I want to add to that now with - I have also hired a USO Show for Friday Evening Entertainment. Length of the show and time will be determined shortly. This has been paid out of my own pocket with my costs given back after the show and the balance of the proceeds going to the Festival. This will be published in the papers and open to dancers and non-dancers alike. Another way of showing the general public how much fun square dancing is. This will also be a great show with World War II music and songs - an era many square dancers will remember and think back to yester-years. This USO Show performed at the State Fair this year and are excellent entertainers. The price of the show is $5.00 per person.
We'll be having a meeting on October 12th, 2009, in The Dalles, Oregon, at Bill and Annadale Roopers home at 7pm. Their address is: 3722 West 8th St, The Dalles, Oregon, 97058, 503-296-6335.
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
At the close of this fiscal year, we are close to breaking even. Our intent is not to produce the magazine to make a profit, but to make it available without being subsidized by the Federation. I stopped the Contractor payments April 1st as I could see that it would affect the balance sheet. The contract states that I will not be paid if the magazine is not profitable and had I been paid this year, we would have been in a negative position. I don't intent to charge the Federation for this next year unless we see a drastic improvement in the financial statement.
In 6 years our subscriber database has decreased by 150. In that same period of time the Federation has 25 less clubs so it appears that we are stable. Our costs have not increased significantly in 4 years. We don't perceive any major increases during the coming year.
I would like to remind the delegates to remind their clubs about taking pictures for the OFN. I love receiving pictures of club activities. However, apparently those with good intentions still are not understanding what size of picture can be used. The camera needs to be set at the largest setting (print size - not email). The file size of the picture should be at least 1mb, which will be a deterrent for a photographer who has dialup Internet connection. If anyone would like more clarification or help, please contact me. I have been known to go online, find the manual for the make and model of camera, find the information for settings and send it to them. Whatever it takes to educate so I can have more pictures.
This month starts my 7th year as editor. I still enjoy the work and River Graphics and Eagle Web Press still enjoy working with us. They are both professional and timely and meet our deadlines every month. Eagle Web willingly ships me 100+ free issues along with our contracted extras. Please let me know in advance when you would like issues for your students about halfway through your classes and then in time for graduation.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
Thanks to Sylvia Davis and Vivian Fairburn! 670 directories have been printed by Best Impressions in Eugene.
I must apologize for not doing a good job getting accurate counts from all the area councils. The counts I have are: Emerald Empire, 70; Interstate Highlander, 4; Mid-Willamette, 101; Portland Area, 141; Rogue Sis-Q, 37; Sunset Empire, 6; Tualatin Valley, 54; Blue Mountains, 10?
Will the other areas, at the break, give me an estimated count and I will distribute all Directories at the break. Need 185 more directories sold to break even. The cost is $2.50 per directory. Make checks payable to OFSRDC and mail to Floyd Bard, address is in the directory.
Additional Directories will be made available when areas finalize their counts. I am providing each officer, elected and appointed, 10 directories to sell to help offset the cost and get the directories out to our dancers.
2009-2010 State Directory Updates
Pg 12 | Zola (Ray) Jones | Correct email | |
Pg 22 | Sagebrush Shufflers | Location | Powell Butte (not Redmond) |
Pg 46 | Tumbleweeds | President: | David DuBose 31855 SE Oxbow Dr Troutdale, OR 97060 (503) 663-3818 |
Pg 64 | Timer 8s | Dance days | 2nd & 4th Saturdays |
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
Would like to thank everyone who had provided me with a copy of their report. It really does make it easier to type the minutes up and get them out in a timely manner.
Get Well cards sent to: Dail Adams, Jean Getze, Lee Ashwill, Laverne Bennett, Nancy Thornton, and Pat Hintz
Sympathy cards sent to: Barbara Tipton, Chuck Hoover, Tami Helms
80th Birthday - Jim Rundall
For this fiscal year I sent out 37 Sympathy cards, 45 Get Well cards, 2 Wedding congratulation cards, and 1 birthday card.
TREASURER: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
My report will come under new business. I would like to make a motion that the Northwest Callers Association of the Portland Area Council, be accepted in to the Federation. Seconded by Marilyn Schmit. Discussion, motion carried.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
There is a big change in the insurance process this year. Each club must return a signed statement that they have included ALL members on the roster. I will include this sheet in each club's packet, along with this year's roster. Each club must update the roster and sign the form to be returned to me. We know this is going to be a logistical nightmare as most clubs follow their own course, but it must be done. We do not think this is aimed at Oregon, but a rule must be applied to the entire body, not just the guilty ones.
We have distributed to each delegate the paperwork for the clubs in their area. Please make sure these packets get out to each club and back to you by October 30th. You will need to do your part to get this done and back to me by the November meeting.
PAST PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The ballots for the Randall Award are ready to be distributed to the Area Delegates and I encourage you to take the information home and share it at your next Council meeting and have them assist you in voting for the person/couple who most deserves this award. There are seven nominees this year and all are worthy. The ballots are due back to John Guches by the November State Federation Meeting. His name is on the return envelope if you want to mail it.
Ron and I attended the NEC Advisors meeting in Spokane with Annadale and Bill Rooper. We were the only Oregonians in attendance other than the Ashwills. There are plenty of positions open for volunteering in Spokane for 2012. Barbara Snyder is in charge of collecting names of volunteers for Spokane and her email address is
Other than that, not much visiting going on in order to attend other family events like family reunions and my daughter's wedding. Ron went to a class reunion also. I attended Muddy Frogwater and visited with my parents while there.
I look forward to the next year of the Federation, as there is many challenges to handle and forge ahead with the good things that square dance bring to all of us.
Floyd Bard: I move that the Federation pay for a subscription to the National Square Dance Directory. Seconded by Vivian Fairburn. Discussion followed, motion carried.
Tony Haskins: One other thing I would like to touch on before I get to my report is concerning the River City Dancers, and this is for information only until the next meeting. The River City Dancers would like help with their expenses for traveling to and from the events when they are doing the Horses, the River City Riders. The cost is hurting the club above and beyond the call of duty. We all, the dancers in Oregon, benefit from this exposure. They went to Long Beach, California, and were asked to the National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, which they accepted. They are going to Pendleton and do the 2010 Summer Festival, and the 2011 Summer Festival, and dancing in between. They have a lot of Horses, which weigh 25-35 lbs apiece, and they need a trailer to haul these and gas expenses to get them to and from. We are going to have a little more in-depth request at the next meeting. This is open for consideration. They need a special trailer to haul the costumes. These costumes weight 25-35 lbs each and they have 16 to 20 of them.
Along with my report on the State Fair and our Square Dancing Program there I'm going to touch on the Diamond Lake Venue this year. I submitted a publicity report to the OFN regarding this issue. I had a really great time and appreciate everyone's concern regarding my sister's heart attack. She is now doing fine and back to her old self. Again, Thank You.
Mary and Jerome Fulton with the Happy Hoppers did a wonderful job concerning the Providence Health Fair this year. The TVC, Evergreen, and PAC Council all three participated in this event. Jerome had a lap-top up and running with square dancing on it while members of all councils handed out informational tidbits on dancing and up-coming lessons in our area. Michael Kious did an excellent job calling at our demo dance and in getting the crowd involved. Thank you.
Jerome had worked tirelessly in getting a few of the Providence Health Care and Wellness Programs involved in square dancing. The LifeBalance Program extended an invitation to have our clubs get involved by discounting our lessons by $1.00 and then they would send people our way for lessons and other social activities that their clients would enjoy. This is still work in progress but another way for us to increase square dancing membership. More on this later on.
Linda Curtis was introduced at the PAC Meeting in August as the new delegate for the NW Callers Association. Their main purpose is to support and educate new callers. Application for membership by the NW Callers Association (PAC Council) was not put on the agenda, as the membership chair was not present at the last meeting. It is presumed that it will be voted on at this meeting?
Larry Rice from the Evergreen Council announced that there would not be a Tri-Council Dance as usual this year because of Mid-Winter Festival. (This is all Sandy Eddings fault). No just joking Sandy!! But we do have our eye on you - smile. Rex and Jean Tolstrup are the Presidents for the Evergreen Council and told me that they were thinking of October 2010, 5th Saturday on the 30th, for the Tri-Council Dance. Stay turned. More will come on this issue.
Carson Camp Out is ending their event in 2010. 2010 will be their last dance. It has been suggested by some members from the PAC that we put on a different venue with live bands. Linda Kennel would like the PAC to promote a dance with live music using a Blue Grass Band (Fiddle Grass) which Daryl Clendenin and Les Seeley have both called to. Of course, other bands would be involved. If we can get John Doe and Mary Jane with Farmer Brown to bring their kids and themselves just to listen, the callers could get them up and involved in square dancing while some of our clubs were dancing. It was discussed to have a one-day event in 2011 and if it went well to extend it to two or three days the following year. This would be prior to dance lessons usually given in September and may help increase involvement from the public. The 2011 PAC Summer Festival will be in July and would not conflict with this event in August. A committee has been appointed to investigate this further. They are Vera Black, Jim Schira, Mary Theirl, and Mark Wheeler along with Linda Kennel.
The Committee for the 2011 Summer Festival has had another meeting to discuss our venue for the event. Things are coming together and committees are being formed. Reynolds High School has been confirmed for this event. I will have more on this at the next meeting.
Also as the President for the Portland Area Council, I can't let you go until I tell you about our October 30th, 5th Friday Halloween Dance. Caller will be Les Seeley and Tami Helms will cue. The theme is Halloween but with a western flair. Come in costume because like last year we will be giving away very nice prizes to the winners. We will have a Costume Prize 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Judges will be Janet Bellcroff with the Silver Stars; Penny Haight with the Country Cut-ups; and Tom Gay with the BnB's. There will be a Pumpkin Carving Contest (Do it at home). There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes there also. Judges will be Judy Bos from the River City Dancers; Tina Waltrop from the Oaky Doaks; and Michael Kious one of our youngest callers. There will be a Halloween Original Poem Contest. These poems must be original and no more than 3 minutes long. There must be 4 copies - one for the writer to read and one for each of the judges. The judges are Vivian Fairburn, Editor of the OFN; Ann Staatz, Professor of Journalism at Multnomah University; and Mr. Ed Warmoth from the River City Dancers. This is going to be a great dance and I was told by a little birdie that the River City Riders were going to perform. So if you've never seen the Riders, here's your chance.
So with this western theme on Halloween we will know that there can only be 1 Lone Ranger! Oh by the way, the Lone Ranger and Tonto were camped out one night when Tonto nudged the Lone Ranger. Kim-a-saba!! Wake up!! Tonto said... What is it Tonto? The Lone Ranger asked. Look up, Tonto said. What do you see? Hum!! Let's see - Oh, I see the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper, said the Lone Ranger. A few more seconds passed by then Tonto says Kim-a-saba, what else do you see? Well, let's see - said the Lone Ranger, I see the moon up in the sky and maybe a little cloud or two. You dumb cowboy, said Tonto - Someone stole our tent!!
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Neva) Reid - No Report
HISTORIAN: Cheryl (Curt) Lundine - No Report
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert - No Report
I have been working with councils to try and raise money at individual clubs. We have not sponsored any dances yet due to the busy nature of the advisor. There is a dance being put on by the TVC Council on October 18th. There has been lots of money raised through clubs in the PAC, the amount has not been determined due to the fact that the clubs haven't handed in all of the money. I would also like to request a committee to look at changing the requirements of the Scholarship. I would like to expand the requirements because we have not had very many if any applicants since I have taken over. Vivian is more than willing to publicize the scholarship in the OFN. So that is not an issue. But I would like to see if we can encourage more youth dancers to apply. So can I please request a committee?
John Guches: Mr. Ashwill I would like to ask you to during your time to set up a committee.
Lee Ashwill: We can do that.
Kathy Roberts: Is it the requirement that they have to be a member of the Federation for at least a year? The only other requirement is that they have to write a 250-word essay.
Lisa Kious: Actually the requirement is a graduating senior. I am looking at including college freshmen and sophomores as well. The age has been the biggest issue there are a lot of juniors and I have had a lot of college freshmen come back and say I wish I could apply or I wish I had known about it.
Kathy Roberts: What about repeats, can they apply twice?
Lisa Kious: I would say so.
ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith
Since ORDTA has not met since last spring, I have no report other than to invite anyone interested to the next ORDTA meeting at 10:00 am on October 3rd at the Emerald Dance Center. The education portion of the program is DanceMaster, so please invite your cuers and potential cuers to this meeting.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
Oregon Round of the Month
September 2009
Written by: Kincade
Chosen by: Rogue Sis-Q
October 2009
Written by: Schultz
Chosen by: South Coast
November 2009
"ROUTE 66"
Written by: Baldwin
Chosen by: Sunset Empire
December 2009
Chosen by: Tualatin Valley<
CALLER ADVISOR: Bill (Neva) Reid - No Report
WEB MASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
After we change chairs and the new folks set down I will distribute this paper and anyone that is sitting in a chair that they weren't sitting in at the beginning of the meeting. Please put in your Name, Position, Phone, and email so I can put that on the website.
SHOWCASE OF IDEAS: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
Nothing at this time, it is too soon to plan for Louisville.
USDA: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The annual winter meeting for USDA will be held in Tucson, AZ, the third weekend of January at the Hotel Arizona. I am the host as Western Region Vice President and I have been making arrangements by email with the lady at the hotel. They will be meeting all day on Friday and half a day on Saturday and then dance at the Convention Center that is attached to the hotel. It is a Festival sponsored by the Southern Arizona Callers and Cuers Association. We will be dancing to Randy Daugherty, Bill Harrison and Tom Miller and the cuer is Barbara Haines. We plan on having a lot of fun and supporting the dancers there.
Oregon State Federation and its clubs create fun and excitement at the Oregon State Fair this year. The River City Dancers and friends started the fair off on August 28th dancing on Center Stage. Les Seeley did a great job calling and getting the crowd involved. Al Wolf handed out flyers and class lessons to everyone. Their second venue was at 5-6pm in the Americraft Building. Everyone danced up a storm and had a lot of fun. Thank you River City Dancers!
On August 29th the Checkerboard Squares and the Oaky Doaks together with other friends were dancing on Center Stage from 11-1:30pm. George Hermann was the caller along with his grandson Mike Kious. Patty Hermann cued the Rounds. There was a 21-gun salute for the Veterans of America along with a Veterans Parade and a Fly Over. George put his hat on backwards and did a Rap Song. Now that's a sight to see with those twirling skirts and cowboy boots squaring 'em up on stage. Good job - Folks!
September 4th found clubs such as the Independence Wagon Wheelers, Willamette Squares, Corvallis Squares, Lebanon Square Circlers, and the Salem Swingin' Stars (5 ½ squares) dancing in the Americraft Building. They had a lot of fun mingling and mixing with the crowd as folks made their way to the other exhibits around the building. A lot of folks stopped and even sat down to enjoy the demos and tapping their toes to the music. Sandy Harris and Bruce Lowther did an excellent job mixing it up with the dancers and crowd. Thank you both very much! Marilyn Schmit made several contacts and gave out information to those interested. Good job Mid-Willamette Dancers!
September 5th out on the new Spirit of Oregon Stage; those bad boys, K.C. Curtis, Mike Halley and Terry Halley (The Wild Cards) were singing their hearts out for the BnB's, Oaky Doaks and other dancers who were visiting the Bachelor N Bacheloretts. What a great time everyone had kicking up their heels and enjoying life in a square. The Oaky Doaks did a second weekend at the Fair to make sure there were plenty of dancers to do the job. Special thanks to all the Oaky Doaks for stepping up and covering this venue!
I would like to thank Mr. Al Wolf for his help in putting the venue together this year. It took a lot of hard work and follow-up with the State Fair Personnel. A special thank you goes out to Sara Hamler-Duprea, the State Fair Public Relations and Entertainment Coordinator. Sara did an excellent job for having this event up and running for us. Some dancers didn't have their names down on the entry sheet, but they were let in anyway. Thank you State Fair!
Thank you Vivian Fairburn for the supply of OFNs (about 100) so we could hand them out to potential square dancers.
I would like to take this time to thank all the Clubs, the Dancers, the Cuers, and the Callers for making this event successful - entertaining and a lot of fun. I am very proud of all square dancing and the folks involved in it. Hats Off to all of you.
Motion to delay Past President succession: Of the delegates present, delegates reported their councils against this motion more frequently than for it. It was most often remarked that this delay to succession could be three years rather than five. Items brought up included the attempt to find new people willing to take these offices and the experience and expenses related to holding these offices, which these officers willingly accept as part of these jobs. Also, these officers are known to the square dance community and actively communicate with individual square dancers and assist with square dance problems. Part of the discussion fell on recruiting new individuals for offices. It was pointed out that part of the resume for persons seeking office includes a short 50 words statement. This statement could be included as a voter's pamphlet when the ballots are printed to allow the square dancers a chance to know the individual seeking office. Currently, there is no campaigning for office other than being placed on the ballot.
Emergency fund. Per review this has already been deleted by changes made in 2001. (Lee Ashwill)
CPA's review of non-profits regarding square dance clubs & changing the P&Ps. These items are still being worked on by committee.
Additional discussion. Contracts for callers and cuers by square dance clubs and councils are in use that should be improved. These contracts may not include clauses for exiting prior to the event being contracted, for arranging substitutions in emergencies, or for weather related cancellations. It would be useful to have sample contracts written for distribution to the clubs, which would include properly worded clauses. It was suggested that the Education Chairman, Barbara Tipton, could be the collection point for the contracts in use and originator of the sample contract. Also, Mid-Winter Chairman, the Caller Advisor and Cuer Advisor would also be good candidates to assist with these sample contracts.
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck
Saturday, October 31, 2009, will be TVC's Graveyard Stomp Halloween Dance at Hillsboro's Odd Fellows Hall. George Clark is calling and Ruth Canby is cueing.
Coast Swingers are hosting the State Meeting on September 26th and 27th with a crazy hat dance. They are working on their Fall Garage Sale. October 10th is a costume party. They will be dark October 24th for the Seaside Sashay.
Eager Beavers first plus class on September 16th was a washout other than angels having fun dancing and talking. There were no new students. The dances on Mondays are back at Elsie Stuhr Center except on holidays, which will be at Aloha Grange.
Fireballs are dancing this fall until the treasury is depleted. They expect to fold at the end of the year.
Hoedowners started mainstream class on September 23rd with the first ten classes free. On September 26th, join us for our 2nd Annual Bar-B-Cue Dance with dinner before the dance at 6:30 pm. Dessert will be served after the dance. They plan to have dinner prior to the dance on the second dance of the month through the end of the year. October 10th will be our Leaf Peepers dance. October 24th will be the Spooky Boogie.
Mix-N-Mingles Anniversary Dance (25th) will be October 17th.
R Square D Classes will start October 7th with a potluck at 6:00 and lessons from 7:00 to 9:00. Dancing on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Friday at the Longview Square Dance Center. Friday night this year Steve Haslett is calling and Ron Woolcock is cueing.
Sunset Promenaders 24th Anniversary dance is October 3rd. They will be serving a spaghetti dinner at 6:30, dancing begins at 7:30. They began classes on Sunday, September 23rd.
Toe Draggers second annual Dance for the Cure "Are you man enough to wear pink?" was on September 13th at the Kinton Grange. They had five squares. September 18th was the "Blackberry Festival and Anniversary Dance", 34th anniversary. The October 2nd dance will be at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall. October 16th will be "Legend of Sleepy Hollow". October 18th will be the Fall Youth Dance designed for school-aged dancers; the young at heart are also invited. From 1:30 - 2:30 pm an Introduction to Modern Square Dancing for non-dancing friends and family. From 2:30 - 4:30 pm there will be High Energy Mainstream and Rounds.
Tri-Squares Anniversary Dance was September 18th. They began class on September 20th. October 3rd dance is Fall Festival. October 16th is the World Series.
Valley Squares will have regular dances on October 3rd and 17th. Class will be in January.
F.O.C.U.S. from Portland State sponsored a bar-b-cue and square dance class for the international students from Portland State on September 22nd at the Aloha Grange. This was the third annual event. Terry Halley called the first event with Norm Yoder doing the second. Both of these had 60 to 75 students in attendance and over 100 for dinner and dancing. This year's event had nearly 200 students in attendance and assistance from Eager Beavers. Toe Draggers, Tri-Squares, Hoedowners, and Valley Squares. David Trout called for this event. We were well behind at the start of this event, as the number of attendees is not known in advance. The graduate students are now attending. One of the students had learned of this event and had rescheduled her arrival to attend directly from the airport. This was successfully completed although we were late completing all events. They ate everything.
There is great interest in square dancing. We just have to find the keys to unlock it.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Buckeroos: Annual Fall Barn sale September 26th. Lessons begin October 1st, first 3 lessons free. October 29th, Halloween Dance, lesson night, for beginning students at their level, costumes encouraged. Visitation October 10th to Sets-N-Order. Making plans for our annual traditional Thanksgiving Dinner/Dance for family and friends November 21st. All are invited.
Boots & Calicos: No report.
Dancing Friends: Round dance lessons, waltz and two-step, begin October 13th. Instructor Neil Koozer.
Pioneers N Petticoats: Lessons every Tuesday in Canyonville. Instructor Kenji Wheatly.
Timber 8s: Plus lessons every Wednesday at the barn. Instructor Don Marshall. They have changed from dancing 1st and 3rd Fridays to the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, which fills the barn up every Saturday night.
Umpqua Area Council: Council Dance 5th Saturday Dance October 31st at the Buckeroo Barn, hosted by Timber 8s. Costumes optional. Planning to participate in Veterans Day Parade November 11th.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
The new Wallawa Lake Rendezvous was a great success for its first year. It has been two years since there was a dance held at the lake. It felt like old times at the same old dance hall. There were dancers there from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Bill and Neva Reid did a great job and I am looking forward to dancing there with them again next year.
Central Oregon Council: Carol Bro, alternate: Don Bramhall
This is my farewell report that I bring with such mixed feelings.
It is with Liz and Bert, that you will now be dealing.
They have danced for two years, they've had lots of fun.
But they both realize, there is lots more to be done.
They are very very busy, they are always on the run.
This is the message you will hear, if you call and they are gone.
At square dance activities, is where they feel that they belong.
They have served many offices, in our square dance community.
As Secretary, Treasurer and President, they always strive for unity.
They have traveled far and wide, with a friend, a real dazzler.
We called him Bronco Bunny, He's Washington's Lake Fair Traveler.
At Diamond Lake, Fort Rock, Port Orford, He's see Oregon's Best.
And then off to Hawaii, and finally to Pendleton for USA West.
He is now back at home, with many stories to tell.
As Liz and Bert continue, the fun of Square Dancing to sell.
So welcome them with pleasure, and open up your heart.
They are very very excited, just to do their part.
Now here is a sample of reports, that are to come.
From our talented new delegates, for Central Oregon.
Eastern Oregon Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers
As you know, Eastern Oregon Council is putting on the Summer Festival that Kay told you all about. There is 100% of the council down here this weekend. We would like to see 100% of you at the Summer Festival.
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper)
We have good news Boots and Sandals are dancing again at the Trinity Lutheran on Quincy and 7th Street in Cottage Grove. Their times are still the same, rounds are 7-8 and square dancing is 8-10:30.
They have started repairs on the Barn and it is going slow, but it is going.
Interstate Highlanders Council: Cecelia (Sarge) Glidewell
The Interstate Highlanders Council will be holding its next three dances, November 2009, March 2010, and May 2010, on the first Saturday of the month rather than the fifth Saturday because of scheduling conflicts. Our November dance will begin at 2:30 in the afternoon. We are hoping the early start will make dancing more accessible to our friends living in the outlying council areas.
The KC's have been doing demo's all summer to promote square dancing in our area. Their beginner's class started September 24th. It is too soon to predict how many will be graduating this spring. Plans for the 34th annual Potato Festival on October 16 & 17 are coming together. Friday night is callers and cuers from the floor at the DAV Hall. Saturday night at the Klamath County Museum will include a celebration of Oregon's 150th birthday. There will be a full dinner this year not just the potato bar. Pre-registration ends October 10th.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle, alternate: Lou Stovern
The Toledo 49rs traveled to Silverton and enjoyed a very good dance. A complete square rescued the 49rs' banner and returned it to its place of honor back at the coast. They also attended the birthday dance of their fellow area club, the Lincoln City Sea Twirlers. Congratulations to the Sea Twirlers for a fantastic afternoon of fun.
Sea Twirlers had a very successful birthday affair with many people attending. George and Patty Hermann provided the calling and cuing with a bit of help from John Juhring.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
On September 21st the Mid-Willamette Area Council elected the following officers for the 2009-2010 year: Area President is Barbara Tipton; Vice-President is Bob Wachter; Treasurer is Marilyn Schmit; Secretary is Janis Pederson; and the Delegate to the State Federation is Gary Sohn.
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
All PAC clubs are back to dancing after summer schedules. Many clubs have or will soon start new dancer classes.
Several clubs are sponsoring round dance lessons. Check your September OFN for details.
The Country Cut-Ups will be celebrating their 49th Anniversary on October 3rd. The Clendenins will call and cue. On October 18th, they will sponsor their 33rd annual all you can eat pancake breakfast. Check their ad in the October OFN. This is their yearly fundraiser for the upkeep of their dance hall.
Many clubs had "Back to School" dances. All school supplies were donated to agencies for students who can't afford to purchase them.
On September 26th, the Happy Rock'rs had their Luau Dance, which is a big dance for them.
Several clubs are having Halloween dances. Check your OFN for details. The PAC will have their big Halloween costume dance on Friday, October 30th at the Oak Grove Community Club. Les Seeley will call and Tami Helms will cue. Lots of nice prizes for different activities. Bring your carved pumpkin and win a prize. All information will be in the October OFN.
Several clubs are having New Year's Eve dances and are starting to plan and advertise for them.
The Recycles Plus Club is having a hard time staying afloat. They dance at the Winona Grange in Tualatin, Oregon, on the 2nd Friday of each month. Hopefully, more dancers will support this club.
The River City Riders are busy doing demonstrations at different locations. They will hoof it up to Longview, Washington, on October 3rd for the R Square D's German dinner and dance. On October 30th, they will trot down to the Oak Grove Community Club and horse around at the PAC Halloween Dance. In June 2010, they will ride down to Louisville, Kentucky, for the 59th Nationals.
The PAC is busy planning the 2011 Summer Festival to be held July 8th, 9th, and 10th, in Troutdale, Oregon. Lots to do in such a short time. We plan to make this the largest and best festival ever. We need every ones support.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: Glory Guches
Our Council has had two of the clubs go dark in August for the Annual County Fairs.
September our clubs had their fall classes up and running with good attendance.
Circle N Square celebrated their 55th Birthday September 19th. At this time, President, John Guches, of the Oregon Federation presented Steve and Valerie Murphy the Goodwill Ambassador's nomination as his selected couple
South Coast Council: Chuck (Coleeta) Quigley, alternate: Kathy Woodworth
South Coast clubs have been busy this summer putting on demos, dancing at festivals and having a float in a parade.
The Beachcombers just hosted a very successful Battle Rock Dance, a 3-day event.
Lessons, the Beachcombers have lessons going on right now, as do the Sets in Order. Saints-N-Aints starts on the 11th of October.
The Sets in Order will have their Birthday Dance on October 10th, their 63rd birthday.
There will be a Council Dance at the Saints-N-Aints on October 31st in Coos Bay. We are all looking forward to having you down on the South Coast for the next State Meeting at the Beachcombers Cove in Port Orford.
Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
The Hayshakers started classes on September 15th. We had 32 new students attend the first lesson. On the second lesson, we had dropped to 12, but we had expected that because of prior commitment by some of the new students. We anticipate that the average class size will be between 16 and 22. We went for broke, and it seems to have paid off. We would like to thank those who provided suggestions and information on getting students to the lessons. Also thanks to the Federation, through the Grant Committee, in allowing funds to keep the club going until it's students become members.
We have come to a crossroads on this because this is a final report. We intend to turn it back to Floyd. If it cannot be passed, the committee cannot be passed from one President on to the other without the approval of the upcoming President. Before we get into the actual final report, Vivian has a summary of some of the changes.
Vivian Fairburn: Apparently we were a little too ambitious in our endeavors to review the current Policies and Procedures. We have scaled back our efforts to some workable changes. We have not changed the intent or intended to delete any policy. We have attempted to revise, reword, and update the information specifically for Elected and Appointed Officers. These are job descriptions and should be a supportive tool for each officer to be able to work effectively in their position. We should include our new use of the web and email in these descriptions.
The Synopsis presented here is for your reference. The Membership Chairman has updated hers based upon the new electronic method of obtaining Club and Council information annually. The Corresponding Secretary will have an updated one ready for the next meeting. We hope that each Officer would review their "job description" and help with this undertaking.
Briefly the proposed revisions are in:
Section I - Purpose: Just need some current information
Section II - Area Activities - Hosting State Meetings could use some clarifications.
Section III - Club/Council Admission - Also some working revision would be helpful.
Section IV - State Meetings - Again, just some clarifications
Section V - Elected Officers. The changes refer to the 2nd Vice President, State Directory duties, and timeline. Recording Secretary making the minutes and agenda available online and other current duties of the elected officers.
Section VI - Appointed Officers. Some of the sample letters need to have updated information. Publicity has many updates and it is hoped that it will be made available later this year.
If a new committee is appointed for the coming year, we hope this will serve as suggestions for revisions and updates to continue on instead of starting at the beginning again.
Bob Bosch: We also have some updates. We have gone through and read this thing, at least myself, 5 times. We have taken the information that we had scratched and Vivian had reported on and we started reading it again. There are conflicts between one section and another. We came up with the Appointed Officers, which our Vice President was to do. It is in the Constitution. It doesn't need to be repeated into the P&Ps. In the P&Ps, under the Appointed Officers, it also indicates that there is a Caller Advisor, which is not an Appointed Officer. And then you go on to the other Standing Committee, and there are conflicts between that and the positions in there. All this needs to be revised and looked over. Our suggestion to Floyd at this time and to the incoming President is to take this one person, not the Parliamentarian, not anybody else, just one person, go through and retype this and take the conflicts out. Then come back to this organization and have it approved title by title, or position-by-position, not section-by-section, because one section evolves into another. There are a lot of conflicts in there. We did overstep our bounds in a way because we went through more than we were supposing to. We did give information, wherever we could take the fluff out, to Floyd, and we turned this back over to Floyd. We would like to suggest at this time if the new incoming President would agree to continue this Committee and he could select his people.
Lee Ashwill: This will be a work in progress.
Floyd Bard: The work that was done by the Committee and fluff. Being aggressive is not always bad because I think they just opened up Pandora's Box, which I think needed to be done. I tell you the Practice and Procedures have been worked on, on an ongoing basis, but there were conflict. There were issues that were out of date. I think the subject matter experts in the Practices and Procedures are the individuals that are actually performing the duties that are in the Practices and Procedures. That was an element that was not included in the Committee to have those look-sees. The other thing is that it is a large file and I am not sure that even at this late date all the delegates have read the changes. I know there are some alternate delegates here so you cannot answer for the delegates that were at Klamath Falls or Diamond Lake, but did you Delegates actually get to see all the changes that were purposed and get a look at it. Can I see a show of hands of those who have never seen the proposed changes to the Practice and Procedures? That is good to know, but what we need to do is take the elephant in small bites. I think all the work you have done in the lineouts and everything and the changes are good because it basically open our eyes. I talked with Lee, and I know I brought this up 8 or 9 months ago. There really is not a magic timeframe on this. It is a matter of doing it right when we do it. I am not saying what the Committee did was wrong, but we need to make sure when we get to the voting portion we all know what we are voting to change, not blanket voting on something we can't digest in one big bite.
Bob Bosch: We have had positive suggestions from officers and we have also had some negative suggestions from officers and delegates. We were getting very little input from them. I would say that we need to have a person take this from beginning to end and type it up with all the revisions in it. I would assume, right at this present time, not to have a vote on this, but to leave it to the Committee to iron out all these things and then bring it back and go section by section. That is our recommendation. Final Report.
This needs to be a second reading does it not John?
John Guches: Second reading.
Lee Ashwill: Dale do you want to read that?
Dale Worthington: Amendment to Article 7, "Election of Federation Officers":
Officers shall be elected in the following manner:
Last sentence of first paragraph; Any person having served a term as Immediate Past President of the Federation shall not be eligible for nomination to any elected position on the State Executive Board for a period of five years following the officer nomination cycle preceding automatic assumption of the office of Immediate Past President.
Discussion followed.
John Guches: Any further discussion? We will call for the vote. I would like to call this as a standing vote. So instead of your paddles, I would like the vote to be when we call for the Yeas, the Yeas stand and when we call for the Nays, the Nays please stand. Vote for the Yeas. Five stand. Vote for the Nays. Twelve stand. The motion is defeated.
At this point, we have reached a crossroad of this meeting. We are going to have a recess and then come back for the installation of officers.
John Guches: I would like to introduce your new State Federation President, Lee Ashwill, and turn the meeting over to him.
Lee Ashwill: I was really happy to look out this morning and see all of my friends from the Independence Wagon Wheelers here to do the installation. Then something starting turning in my head and I see just a whole hell of a lot of orange and I expected a sea of green. Fran, it is your program.
Fran: First of all it is a real privilege for IWW to be here to install Lee as the new President, so I would like all of our Wagon Wheelers to please stand. You know Wagon Wheelers are kind of a split club because we have Beaver fans and we have some Duck fans and Lee is a Duck fan. So any other Beaver fans would you please stand up.
Now Lee we would like you come and sit in this special chair. We have a couple of things, first, to present you with. These are good things. Maybe we ought have Barbi come up. And you will notice that this duck is in proper attire with green on and a green vest, so this one is for you. We also found a little something I know that you can't wear, but maybe that duck in the front of your van can wear this new sleeping costume. And now Neta has a very special presentation and you may have to put this on and wear it.
This is an adventure for this new Oregon Federation Square Dance Officers and all of these Appointed Officers and the Delegates. Everybody comes with a wide variety of experiences and everybody has their own flair. You are going to be committing to a specific role and to ensure the success the oath of office is going to take. So Lee will you please stand now.
As President you are going to be looked upon as the authority in running the meetings and be a positive role model. You need to keep an open mind and an open ear to make sure that all voices and opinions are heard. You will give guidance and directions for the Oregon Federation. You will preside over meetings and appoint committees. Do you accept this responsibility as President?
Lee Ashwill: You're darn right!
Fran: Okay, now Mr. Vice President Floyd we need you to stand up.
As Vice President your duties will require you to serve between the President and others and be available to assume the responsibilities here. Do you accept these responsibilities as 1st Vice President?
Floyd Bard: Can I put that into committee? Yes!
Fran: As 2nd Vice President, Marilyn, do you accept the responsibilities as listed in the Practices and Procedures?
Marilyn Schmit: I do!
Fran: Past President, John, need you to stand. The Organization requires you to be a role model and to be an advisor to the President so things can move real smoothly. You need to set an example and provide guidance to the incoming officers as listed in the Practices and Procedures. Do you accept the responsibilities as the Past President?
John Guches: Yes!
Fran: Membership. You have a vital role as Membership to promote square dancing and support the clubs of the Federation and maintain a current list of members. Do you accept these responsibilities as Membership?
Sylvia Davis: Yes!
Fran: Secretary, Dale. Your responsibilities will require you to stay organized and be prepared to record minutes and other responsibilities as listed in the Practices and Procedures. Do you accept this responsibility of the office of Secretary?
Dale Worthington: Organized? Yes!
Fran: Corresponding Secretary, Cheryl. As Corresponding Secretary you will need to maintain any correspondence as directed by the President, be prepared to assume the role as Secretary as needed and other responsibilities as listed in the Practices and Procedures. Do you accept the responsibilities of being the Corresponding Secretary?
Cheryl Lundine: Yes I do!
Fran: Treasurer, Larry. You are the one who will keep financial order for the Federation. Your duties will include keeping an accurate account of all monies received and paid out. You will coordinate the payment of all bills promptly and retain the receipts. As Treasurer you must give accurate financial reports at each meeting. Will you accept the responsibilities of the office of Treasurer?
Larry Reetz: I will!
Fran: Okay, now I need all these Delegates and Alternate Delegates to stand up. You will attend Oregon Federation State Meetings and share club and area information and then report that back to your area and clubs anything that is happening in the State. Do you as Delegates accept this responsibility?
Delegates: Yes's and I Do's!
Fran: Now will all the Appointed people please stand up? You each have important tasks as described in your job description in the Practices and Procedures. You will need to attend the State Federation Meeting and it is important to be a positive role model for all dancers. Do you accept the responsibility of your appointment?
Appointed Officers: I Do's and Yes's.
Fran: I need to have you all repeat after me. "I here solemnly promise on my honor as an Oregon Federation Officer that I will carry out the duties of an officer to the best of my ability. In loyalty to my area and in harmony with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Oregon Federation so help me God." As these officers have stepped up and taken on a new adventure may they all be equipped with to make a better, best. I do declare all these officers, appointed and elected, and delegates as well to be duly installed and with all the privileges and responsibilities their positions entails. Congratulation!
Dennis Marsh: Lee as a representative of the Delegates I am sure you are going to rule us with firm commitment and know that you will do a fine job. We want to make sure that you have the right tools. So as the Delegates, we give you. (Very Large Hammer)
Lee Ashwill: Friends, IWW thank you very much. And Floyd I think we are outnumbered pal. My goal for this next year is to create harmony amongst the square dancers and the round dancers of our great State. Also I want to have fun at these meetings. If anybody comes here and doesn't want to have fun, please don't say anything because we are going to have a good time. We've got some challenges facing us this next year and with your help I am positive we will be successful.
Lee Ashwill: Under New Business we have a motion by Al Wolf for Mr. Rooper.
My reasons for this motion are that it is not needed, and has not been kept up to date since 2001. The original plan was to provide for a loss at Mid-Winter Festival and the Emerald Empire Council is supposed to be matching our fund. If Mid-Winter was to have a loss, the Federation is obliged to reimburse them for one-half, regardless of whether a fund is set aside for that purpose or not. The money would have to come out of our emergency fund.
Lee Ashwill: Do I hear a second? Hearing none, the motion is defeated.
Sylvia Davis: I would like to hand over this time to Vivian.
Vivian Fairburn: In order for it to be new business, you need to make a motion. We move that we accept the updated Membership Chairman job description for the P&Ps.
Sylvia Davis: I move that we accept the job description information on the Membership Chairman. Seconded by Gary Sohn. Discussion?
Lee Ashwill: Any other discussion? Call for the vote. All those in favor of this motion? It looks unanimous.
Lee Ashwill: Any discussion? Being none we call for the vote. All those in favor of accepting Budget as published? Carried.
Lee Ashwill: I failed to do two things. One was I was asked to make an announcement by Kathy Roberts, anybody who is new at this table who did not get one of these (jam jar) please raise your hand and she will be happy to bring you one.
For the second item I need John and Glory to come up here please. On behalf of the Oregon Federation we would like to present you with a small token of our appreciation for you leadership during this past year and we hope you will enjoy it. Thank you very kindly.
Don & Lonna Bramhall:
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."
Robert Louis Stevenson
That quote is dedicated to all retiring officers, delegates, Goodwill Ambassadors, their spouses, significant others and the people who helped each of them do their important jobs over the past year. You have planted important seeds, each and every one of you. Thank you.
Somehow the September Federation report seems like the first assignment during the first week of school - "How I Spent My Summer Vacation." Briefly, Don's still retired. Lonna is not. Don's learned to cook. Lonna's learned to laundry...and ironing...and grocery shopping. Don would like to go back to work. Lonna says, "Never!"
Actually, we've accomplished quite a bit since the July meeting - Don's mother had successful surgery and was able to move from Medford to Bend, where she has settled in a nice new home very close to us. Don and his mom have started a tradition of Sunday night football. Since Lonna hates football, she entertains herself by writing Goodwill Ambassador reports.
Next was the Central Oregon Round-up in Sisters - possibly the best one ever (until next year!). The nice folk at Bronco Billy's once again provided a great Trails End Dance. The local enthusiasm and cooperation from the Sisters merchants was most welcome and Lonna discovered that being a really "good" Goodwill Ambassador was to reciprocate that support and go shopping!
The week following Round-Up, Central Oregon Council hosted a special dance featuring Mike Sikorsky. Even though Mike's a great caller, the guys just don't understand why all the ladies show up for any dance where Mike is calling... maybe it's just the clothes he wears?
In August, Sundown Round Dance Club said good-bye to Dave Cooper, who needed to move on to a new beginning of his own - but Central Oregon dancers are well served by up and coming new cuers such as Ross Weakley and Carol Bro; and special thanks must go to Joyce Brown and Ron Wells, who are working overtime for the round dance community.
Don and his sister-in-law spent a delightful day climbing to the top of Mt. McLoughlin in late August. Lonna and her brother were happy to stay at base camp and provide encouragement via cell phones, Quoting Don, "The mountain was higher and steeper than it was when I was a Boy Scout."
We began our report with a quote directed toward the retiring officers and delegate. So, with thanks in advance to all of the new volunteers, who have a great opportunity over the next year, here is a quote just for you-again, by Robert Louis Stevenson: "Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was." Think about it.
Genevieve Churchill:
My daughter Cory met me at the National in Long Beach - we watched the "Horses" put on by my club - River City Dancers. They were very good and were enjoyed.
It was a treat to visit with Darrel Newell, who was a caller in the Portland area and now has the shop and travels all over the States.
The attendance was down due to our economy - it is a huge facility and was the 58th National. I was at Long Beach when they had it is 1964 - my first and now I have attended 26 Nationals all over the States.
At that time the "Spruce Goose" was beside the Queen Mary. Now it is in McMinnville.
Don why should we be haunted by square dance dresses - they were long at the time you mention and that was the tradition and still is.
See you next time.
Bill & Annadale Rooper:
(Bill) I would like to say something first. She's got the report. I will be glad when Don and Lonna Bramhall are no longer just ahead of us because they are awfully hard to follow.
(Annadale) I had an irritated bunion taken off my big toe in August so reclined in the rocker while Bill did all the cooking and bottle washing. He was up early and did all the watering in the yard and I watched. Consequently, we missed the Carson Campout weekend and a good share of the plus workshops and other fun things over the summer.
Early on, Marilyn and Ron Schmit had graciously asked us to travel with them to Spokane to tour the Convention Center where the 2012 Convention will be held and to attend the meeting and dance that followed. The new facility along the Spokane River is a great place for the Convention. The meeting was informative as well as a fun trip with lots of laughs. Ask the guys about the orange cones placed at their places at Denny's.
We hosted the Swap and Swings board at our home for its monthly meeting. Our club is trying something different to recruit new dancers by sponsoring three family dance nights where all types of fun dances (line, mixer type, and square, etc.) will be offered. It is hoped we can snag some individuals who want to learn to square dance.
We have attended several planning meetings for the PAC sponsored 2011 Summer Festival to be held in Portland. It sounds like it's going to be a great festival, I hope everyone will want to register and attend.
We will be attending the rehearsal dinner on Friday and the wedding of one of Bill's sons Saturday evening September 26th in Portland so will miss Saturday's activities at Garibaldi. We will be there on Sunday to hand over the Treasurer's books Bill has been carrying around for awhile.
We do have a box full of goodies from the National Convention like their tee shirts and jewelry and all that stuff. We didn't bring it with us to this meeting but will have them in the future and if you have anything you want to order please let us know because we want to get rid of it we don't want to have to carry it back. We also have registration forms and don't forget to sign up for the Nationals and come see us in Portland for the 2011.
Larry & Barbara Schaumburg:
We're finally getting caught up on all the work around the house. We have been taking breaks every Monday afternoon to dance with the Eager Beavers and George Clark calling. We went on the Eager Beavers' beach trip to Rockaway for 3 days. The first day it rained so all games were inside with a plus dance that night. The next morning the sun was out and wonderful shirt sleeve weather. Breakfast and lunch were served. Games were played all day with a plus workshop in the afternoon and a buffet dinner that night and with a plus dance afterwards. On Friday, our departure day we had a big all you could eat buffet breakfast, again at the Cowbell. I don't believe I eat this much in a year. Every time we turned around we were eating.
It was a fun time with Harold Kleve as MC at breakfast. You know that he is a retired sheriff and very seldom do ya'll see him smile but he is funnier than a crutch. Prizes were given to all the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize game winners. A great time was had by everyone in attendance.
Larry and I are fixin to head to Deep South Texas in the Rio Grande Valley for the winter. If any of you are down yonder in our neighborhood, which is Harlingen, during the winter months do stop by and see us. I will keep in touch while we are gone through emails. We will be back in May or when the weather is warm again.
If anyone needs to call us or email us, that information is in the Directory and I will give that information to Dale Worthington. So ya'll have a good winter and I will see you when we get back.
Stephen & Valerie Murphy:
First I would like to thank John for having the faith in us to appoint us Goodwill Ambassadors. This is perfect for us. When Marilyn was President she had Marilyn's Travels and she challenged everyone to go to every council and dance with every council, Summer Festival, Mid-Winter Festival and then we would get a badge. We got the badges and that was perfect for us because we were looking to head out and dance and RV. This is perfect for us because we are assigned to do exactly what we want to do. I apologize to Dale for not having a written report. I knew about it last week, however, I just had it in my mind that Barbi was going to be up here rather than us. The only thing I can say is maybe you want to think about upgrading the sound system for Smiley here.
Thank you every body we will do the best job we can traveling and promoting squares and round dancing.
Lee Ashwill: I would like to thank all of you for your cards and the email.
Tony Haskins: Everybody I would like to introduce Mr. Jerome Fulton from the Happy Hoppers. He is going to talk to us on how to increase our square dancers through Providence Health Care.
Jerome Fulton: My Square Dance Club, Happy Hoppers of Vancouver, WA, has voted to participate in both LifeBalance and ActiveandHealthy programs. I have also made presentation or provided information to the Portland Area Council and the Evergreen Council. I have sent information to the TVC but I have not made direct contact with them as yet. The more I get into this project the more that I see that it has statewide, maybe nationwide, implications for recruiting square and round dancers. I think the Oregon Federation should consider recommending that member clubs consider joining LifeBalance, ActiveandHealthy or similar programs offered by other health care providers. Of course, the decision to join would be up to individual clubs. Since the marketing is primarily web based, clubs may need assistance from the Oregon Federation in setting up websites that are linked to LifeBalance and ActiveandHealthy.
Both will market square and round dancing to their members primarily online via websites and email. Square Dance Clubs can offer discounts to ActiveandHealthy members who belong to Kaiser Permanente and to LifeBlance members who belong to Providence. Potentially square and round dance opportunities would reach thousands of potential dancers who might never find out about dancing as a healthful and enjoyable activity. "Moving to the Music" as Jim Hattrick our caller and teacher, says. Eventually we should be able to kook up with Legacy, Southwest Washington, Adventist, Regency, and others for similar marketing strategies. Both groups cover much of the West including Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada and others.
It would be nice if all clubs offered similar discounts. I have suggested $1 off a $5 per lesson fee. The Happy Hoppers Board voted to offer a series of 8 lessons at $32 rather than $5 per time. We also will offer the same deal to any prospective dancer. This avoids the problem of different dancers paying different fees for the same lesson. The series is discounted not the individual lesson. The plan is to use a punch card for people who buy the lesson series at a discount. The good thing about these types of discounts is that they are ongoing and not one-time. Also, it is a significant (20%) and not trivial. This is an exploratory effort. We have no idea if this will help us recruit people to dancing. I think it is worth a try. If nobody asks for a discount, it costs the club nothing. If it is wildly successful, we will have to decide if additional members offset the cost of the discounts given. It may take a few years to tell what the effect is on our membership. Clubs could set an upper limit on the total discounts given per year to limit any possible losses. Email me any questions that you may have. I will try to find answers.
All kinds of non-profit and private business providers of health activities have already signed up. You can see the variety on the websites of the two organizations. Also the type of discounts are similar to what I am suggesting. The Oregon Federation might consider a "billboard" type addition to the website to connect with prospective dancers with photos, music, and videos, in addition to the current very functional and complete website that is useful primarily to club members and officers.
Links to these are:, and
Sandy Eddings: I am just wondering if maybe can the Federation join that with the application and then have the link to the website and it can be used for the councils and so forth?
Jerome Fulton: On the way I was figuring it anyway, it would be up to the individual clubs as to what they wanted to do. This organization could encourage individual clubs but I think it would be the immediate market, where you would go to dance, because it does have some implications for the club. If you give a discount that is money that is not in your treasury, however, if you increase the number of people that come into your dances you are not going to lose money. No matter how you end up paying it the idea is just to increase the visibility of square dancing and get more people involved. I think the wave of the future is going to be through websites and online. Most of us do that sort of thing right now. I get my health care information before my doctor does because they post it online. There are implications for individual clubs they have to decide. Like our club didn't want to go the route of doing a dollar off per lesson. They wanted, first of all, for it to be available to everybody, make that deal open to everybody. Then the Treasurer brought up how we are going to keep track of all this so they went with a punch card system.
Sylvia Davis: What I wrote and am going to read to you today I wrote over a month ago and I looked at it before I came and I decided I still needed read it to everybody and I hope you take it the way I meant it to be.
I am very embarrassed, ashamed and troubled concerning a few of the people here in this room and the conduct that you have shown this past year. John stepped forward when a President Elect was needed and he was elected by the square dancers in Oregon. He has not been shown the proper respect and it seems to me that egos have spent most of the time trying to break down anything positive that could have taken place.
Believe it or not, square dancing is in trouble. We, the officers and delegates, have not done much if anything to help square dancing this year. There are several new officers and delegates now. We need new faces and new ideas. We will lose them if we continue to argue and bicker.
I hope that we will give respect to the new President and I sincerely hope that we spend 100% of our time on saving square dancing and not on ego trips!
Barbara Schaumburg: I don't know how many of you are aware that Genevieve is going to have her 98th Birthday on November 22nd. Anyway, why don't we all try to send her a card on her birthday it would just absolutely delight her to death. That is November the 22nd and if you need her address, it is in the Directory. My email is in the Directory and ya'll can email me and I would be glad to send it out.
Kathy Roberts: For those of you who don't recognize little Jonny, this is our son Jonny. We would like to invite you to the Toe Dragger's Youth Dance. It is for the youth and the young at heart and the caller will be KC Curtis and our new guest caller will be Jonny Roberts who has just finished Daryl Clendenin's caller class at Circle 8 this summer. The dance will be October the 18th and we would like to encourage you to bring all the youth in your area and also any kids in your area that you would like to encourage them to consider taking square dance lessons. Between 1:30 and 2:30 there will be an introduction to square dance lesson. KC has put together a really fun program to introduce the kids to the idea of square dancing. Debbie Combs has a couple mixers she is going to do for that first hour, so if you have some friends and want to encourage them to come to an high energy dance just to see what it is all about, the first hour will be to try it and then 2:30 will be the dance. It will be held at the Kinton Grange October the 18th and any of your kids that are learning to call or cue and would like some mike time, this is the place for that. It is only guest callers and cuers. It will be the kids between 19 and 20 and under. We would love to experience the dance with them. Johnny has flyers if any of you would be interested. I mailed out a lot, but if anybody would like to have flyers please raise your hand. If not, we will select you and give you one anyway.
Kay Rogers: Any of you who has been to one of Kathy's youth dances know that they are a riot, a good time is had by all. It is just the next best thing to going to a circus. So go and have fun.
Carol Reetz: I just want to thank you guys praying for me when I was going through a lot of things. The good Lord answered those prayers and I am getting along pretty well. I don't always remember names very well but I recognize faces. So thank you.
Don Bramhall: At Diamond Lake I whined a little bit about registering for festivals. So after Sandy did her little spiel I got noisy and right now Mid-Winter is about 600 registrants short of being able to put on a festival. So this is how the cow ate the cabbage folks. It is not her responsibility to get everyone in Oregon to register for this thing. It is not Chucks or even the Mid-Winter Committee's responsibility by themselves. So when all of you go home we need to talk to our club members and find out who all these people are who have motel reservations and then hand them a Mid-Winter registration form and have them fill it out and mail the darn thing in. Okay!
Lee Ashwill: Backing up what Don said, you know we had to cancel the Summer Festival this year. I never want to see that happen again. These festivals need your money upfront. We know we are going, write them a check and lets get registered.
Zola Jones: I am Zola Jones and I am the new Historian. In the Directory on page 12 our email address is wrong. There is an "l" left out. It should be On page 4 we are listed under Nominating Committee and it is correct there.
Dennis Marsh: Just a question. Were you going to pick your committee for the P&Ps or let it die?
Lee Ashwill: Are you talking about the P&P changes?
Dennis Marsh: Yes.
Lee Ashwill: Mr. Bard is working on that.
Linda Neuschwander: March the 14th, 2010, there will be a very special Birthday Dance in Salem. The Independence Wagon Wheelers will be celebrating 50 years. It will be at the Center 50+, which is our brand new Senior Center. It has only been open a year. We have a beautiful wood floor. Please come and dance with us. We would love to have you here. We are planning on having a theme an old time jamboree type dance. So come out and have a great time. It will be in the afternoon March the 14th, Salem Senior Center, Club Center 50+. It is only about 2 blocks from the State Fairgrounds where all of you were dancing a couple of weeks ago.
Barbara Schaumburg: One more time. Lee mentioned if we wanted to see a real cowboy. I was wondering if ya'll know what the real cowboy dress is. Boots not tennis shoes.
Lisa Kious: I had a quick question. Can I call for my committee today so that we can get some work done on it before the November Meeting regarding putting together changes for the Scholarship.
Lee Ashwill: Would you like to ask for volunteers?
Lisa Kious: Sure, I can ask for volunteers. Who wants to work with me on doing a committee for the Scholarship? (What is involved?) Well I would imagine we need to put together a motion regarding changing what is currently standing in the P&Ps for the Scholarship. Vivian, cool. I need probably a couple more. I think I need 3 or 4.
Lee Ashwill: Did you raise your hand Kay? Yes!
Lisa Kious: Kay, cool. (And we need a delegate on that committee) Yeah, thank you Gary.
Lee Ashwill: Okay you got it. (The Scholarship Committee will consist of Lisa Kious, Vivian Fairburn, Kay Rogers, and Gary Sohn)
Tony Haskins: I have extra 2011 Summer Festival bids if anybody doesn't have one and would like one I have them here.
Sandy Eddings: Just a quick note because I forgot to say this when I was doing my report. There is one area that nobody has stepped up to be a Visitation Chairman for me. That is PAC. There is nobody in the Portland Area that has stepped up to be a Visitation Chairman to make sure of visitations to the clubs in that area. If anybody is interested or knows of somebody please let me know. (Joking, didn't Tony say yes) Thank you Tony. That could be part of the problem. That is the biggest area in the State and we don't have anybody promoting Mid-Winter on a regular basis.
Don Bramhall: My feet are so much more comfortable in these. Just one other thing that was pointed out to me that we are going to look a lot better when we're talking to folks about Mid-Winter if we have our Mid-Winter ribbons on. So for all of you who have forgot, I believe you forgot, to put your Mid-Winter ribbon on your badge. Please do that before you talk to folks.
Floyd Bard: I said I would take a final report on the counts for the Directory. I do have Directory changes here and I do include Zola and Rays email address so you can have it in writing plus the changes. I have already received 3 changes in emails from Vivian and that is going to go into the minutes. We will have paid for 452 Directories, 146 remaining needs to be paid for to break even. I have 96 Directories for the areas that are not going to be paying for their Directories. Some of them are going to be picking them up so that leaves only about 40 more Directories that we need to pay for to break even. So I feel good about that. The Directories right over here with the assistance of the incoming 2nd Vice President and my self. We will hand out the Directories to all of those that have paid and also to the Umpqua Area, 50, Blue Mountains is not here so they won't get it. Central Oregon will pick up their 42 and Interstate Highlanders will pick up their 4. So we are all good to go. So everybody that paid will also pick up your Directories.
Lee Ashwill: Anyone else? Folks thank you very much for spending your morning and afternoon with us. We really appreciate it.
Lee Ashwill: Do I have a motion to adjourn?
Floyd Bard: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Dennis Marsh.
Adjourned at 12:20 pm.
Next meeting at Port Orford, Oregon, November 22nd, 2009.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary