President Lee Ashwill called the meeting to order at 9:30am.
Officers: All present except Corresponding Secretary, Cheryl Lundine.
Appointed Officers: All present except Financial Advisor, Bill Reid; BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert; Youth Activities Coordinator, Lisa Kious; ORDTA, Dennis Smith; Round Dance Screening, Barbara Schaumburg; Caller Advisor, Les Seeley; and OFN Editor, Vivian Fairburn.
Delegates: All present except Eastern Oregon, Jim Rogers (Alternate: Lloyd McNary); Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle; and South Coast, Cathy Woodworth.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Larry & Barbara Schaumburg.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, John Guches.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Floyd Bard.
MINUTES: Dale Worthington: The Minutes were posted on the Website.
Lee Ashwill: Are there any corrections or amendments to the Minutes as distributed and posted?
Floyd Bard: I move that the Minutes be accepted as published. Seconded by John Guches.
Lee Ashwill: It has been moved and seconded that the Minutes be approved as published. Motion carried.
Lee Ashwill: At this time Mr. Bard has a special guest with us today. Also we have a special guest, Al and Fran Westphal.
Floyd Bard: I would like to introduce Chuck and Julie (Stiers) Garner. If you remember in Grants Pass we had a request for a Caller Grant to send Chuck up to Cle Elum, Washington, for the Daryl Clendenin Callers College. That was held on July 3rd through July 8th. Over the 4th of July is an amazing time to be doing that. Chuck wrote a great letter requesting the funds and I will tell you I am very proud of our organization to have acted as quickly as we did in approving the funds that we gave to Chuck to use to help divert his expenses. He also got some funds from Caller Lab and he also did a fund raising dance in the Portland Area. It shows his commitment to his new profession, he probably has a day job somewhere. I tell you he is going to be a great asset to the Oregon Federation and to the callers.
Chuck Garner: I want to say thank you and I want to explain that thank you to you. We started several months ahead in preparing to go to Daryl's college, in addition to coming to Summer Fest the week after. I wanted to be up here for the Trails End Dance and get up on stage and start getting use to the festivals. I did Mid-Winter and it was a blast. I got up there and we had about 12 squares on the floor. It was very overwhelming, I don't hardly remember it. I remember the dancers but I don't remember anything else that I did, I was shaking so much. But it is an introduction to doing these kinds of things. I wanted to do Summer Fest and then the Callers College came on and I started struggling with the money and how we were going to get this all done. So we planned the donation dance and of course you never know what that is going to produce. So I kind of decided when we did that dance it was going to be the idea that we got the dancers together in support of me and see where it went from there. It was a success, I spent a lot of money on advertising, which was a benefit because a lot of people around the Portland area are familiar with me but they didn't really know I was becoming a caller. They saw my name in the OFN and we ended up with about 6 squares. One particular club came in interest of me in the future, so that was a success. The scholarship and help from you guys and CallerLab took the pressure off me tremendously. There for about 1 ˝ month I didn't know how I was going to pull all this off, go to Callers College and then turn around and come up with Summer Fest. So once that happened I was able to relax and it turned it in to fun. I think you all understand that. It is overwhelming when you get that support because you the dancers and the councils and the Federation are all behind you. Caller Lab it was tremendous that they gave me the gift that they did. So again I thank you all. It has been very helpful. I hope that for years to come that I am able to give back to square dancing, so thank you.
Lee Ashwill: We appreciate it and we think that was one heck of an investment for this organization and we will be here to support you.
Chuck Garner: It goes a long ways. Thank you.
Lee Ashwill: I would like to thank Kay and Jim Rogers and their minuscule committee that put on this Festival and the comments have been wonderful, Kay. I think that if we went 2 years without a Summer Festival, Summer Festival would be history in the State of Oregon. I think you have probably saved Summer Festival in this State, at least for the time being. We appreciate what you and your committee have done.
PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
We just retuned from the 59th National Square Dance Convention® where our own Genevieve Churchill was recognized for her attendance at 55 National Square Dance Conventions®. We were so very proud of her.
Attendance was up about 1,500 dancers from the 58th NSDC held last year in Long Beach, California. We hope this increase will continue. Next year will be the 60th NSDC in Detroit, Michigan. All reports are that Detroit is very safe and it truly is a clean, modern city. We hope that many of you will register and attend that Convention.
The following year, June 2012, the 61st NSDC will be held in Spokane, Washington. Register now and help Washington get up to the 8,000 mark that we are all hoping for. 10,000 would even be better, but we will take a slight increase in the numbers each year.
Thank you to the Eastern Oregon Council and the Summer Festival for hosting this meeting.
Now that Summer Festival is history, let's all get registered for 2011 Mid-Winter.
Lee Ashwill: I do want to read an item from our Practices and Procedures and it was given to me by an interested square dancer who said this use to be read once in a while.
1. The President shall call the meeting to order at the designated time and place.
2. The 1st Vice President leads the flag salute.
3. The Past President leads the invocation.
4. A roll call of Officers and Delegates shall be made by the Recording Secretary.
5. The minutes of the previous meeting, which have been distributed, shall be approved as distributed or amended and approved.
6. The President shall call for the reports of all officers and standing committees. Only communications of general importance shall be presented at this time.
7. Old business shall be discussed in the order it was in the minutes, including reports of special committee.
8. New business shall be introduced as follows: Correspondence, by Officers, by Standing Committees, by Delegates.
9. At the installation meeting, the installation of officers will be the last item of old business. (And this is the important one.)
10. The President shall call for reports of all delegates. Area Delegates should make references to their Area business during their short (and this also goes to upcoming Summer Festival Committees and State Fair reporting) overview oral report, and have full details in their written report handed in to the Recording Secretary before the General Meeting.
11. When all old and new business has been disposed of by motion to table, act on or refer to committee, the meeting shall be ad journed.
That is just for general information and I thank you for your time.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
The Federation is doing well with the Mid-Winter in January, the Summer Festival here in Pendleton, and the up and coming Festivals in Portland in 2011 and the Mid-Winter Festivals in 2011 and 2012. I have received the budget for the 2012 Mid-Winter and things are really looking good. We now have the proposed budget that I received earlier with the correction.
So far, there is not a bid from an area council to host the 2012 Summer Festival. There are some statistics over the past few years that indicate that the Summer Festivals have done better financially than the Mid-Winter Festivals. I want to say, that the State Festivals are not meant to compete with each other, instead should promote square and round dancing and the area that is hosting the State Festivals. The Federation's operating expenses come primarily from the profits derived from the State Festivals that are shared 50-50 between the State Federation and the hosting Area Council.
I have placed an "Interest to Bid" form in the Area Delegate's Folder. This form will be returned to the 1st Vice President at the September State Meeting with either a decline to bid or a consideration to bid for 2012, 2013, or 2014.
2010 Summer Festival: Kay (Jim) Rogers
Eastern Oregon Council thanks you for coming and being supportive. I know it is off the beaten path but it is proof positive that the road does run in two directions.
Our goal this weekend was to help increase the awareness of square dancing in this area. There is no club here. There is one, the Ione Grand Squares, and that is 80 miles away. Milton-Freewater, Muddy Frogs, they are an hour away. So this area is really in need of support of square dancers. During this weekend we had three or four young ladies sign up with an interest to know about lessons. A father and son pair showed up and they hadn't danced in 15 years, they use to dance here in Pendleton. I asked them how they heard about it; did they see the ad in the paper? They said no, they saw it on one of posters we had placed around town. Laurie Stevens, Lloyd, Shirley, and Ed went around Pendleton encouraging people to support the square dancer. They got the Dairy Queen to stay open an hour later. We were successful in that venture and on the advice of Les Seeley and Daryl Clendenin I didn't set heart on getting some neighborhood dancers in, which was my real intention all along. They warned me that that really wouldn't happen.
I have two of the charm bracelets left. Both of them are bracelets with an Oregon charm and you are welcome to take them to either fill out or take them back to your favorite little girl. It was Jim's idea to distribute these early in the weekend so you would have time to buy the charms. I hope you all appreciate Jim just part as much as I do. He isn't well, his heart is not good, he does everything he can to drag me around to all the places I want to go and present a cheerful front and be a good guy.
This Club and Council are disbanding as of when their corporation dues expire. For the last year or so they have been holding maybe one dance a year. They have been distributing funds to charitable organizations, fire department, whatever. They are going to disband. They have to admit defeat. What I hope they do is encourage people to go to LaGrande, Muddy Frogs, and other places to dance. In the meantime their corporation, and Tim could probably tell you how this is done as their corporation is available for use by someone else. There are some complications and problems and some people think it is insurmountable to incorporate. The easiest way to do it is to take over somebody else's corporation. Change the name, change the address, change the officers, pay the fee and you have a corporation. It couldn't be any easier than that. So let me know or Lloyd know if you are interested in doing that. Tim can assure you that it is easier than it sounds to become a corporation.
We came into this week with 265 registered. We ended up with 354 people.
2011 Mid-Winter Festival: Larry (Carol) Reetz
With the successful completion of the 2010 Summer Festival the Mid-Winter Committee will get into full swing visiting and promoting the 2011 Mid-Winter Festival. The 51st Mid-Winter features a caller a lot of you know, Joe Saltel. He has been away from the Northwest for a while. He is just starting to come back and we look forward to having him in January. The whole program we anticipate to be good. There will be some changes and over the next few months we will put more word out in the OFN on some of those changes and on how we are hoping to make Mid-Winter a lot more fun and a lot more open to the dancers. Our whole aspiration is that the dancers will come and have fun, especially in Mid-Winter. We need something to get us between summer and the next year and such. Mid-Winter will be there. In March in Spokane will be the Pre-Convention for the Spokane National Convention and we want you to be thinking about that. They will be in attendance at the Mid-Winter so come prepared to sign-up and hopefully attend the Spokane Pre-Convention.
2011 Summer Festival: Tony Haskins
By now you should have received your 2011 Summer Festival Packets. There will be more information later on. The T-shirts which most of you have seen have been selling like hotcakes. The Quilt Raffle and Dinner Boat Raffle have also been doing well.
As for the flyers in your packets, the USO Show with the Two Sisters & a Mr. Act is going to be a great part of Saturday Evening and a nice addition to the festival.
Please pre-register early. As you all know, nothing comes cheap in the Portland Area including rent. We need a lot of dancers to overcome the cost. We still have the Caller and Cuers with expenses to pay for among other things. This is why we are trying to make this festival a fun-filled venue with lots of things to do. The Trails End Dance will be on July 7th. This will be held at the River City Dancers House located on 42nd and Jackson in Milwaukie. The actual address is: 10666 SE 42nd at Jackson Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222.
There will be door prizes (surprise) and a tour to the OMSI/Submarine that is docked there. More will come on this as it progresses forward.
On the 8th of July (Friday) the Silver Spinners (a wheelchair club with Bruce Lowder) has expressed an interest in doing a demo dance. Tami Helms will be doing a Showcase of Rounds that same evening.
There is in the works a food court to be sponsored by the Reynolds High School participants. There may be a couple of food venders outside the school for your enjoyment, such as Ice Cream, Snow Cones and soft drinks. There are also other restaurants and shops around the area for your pleasure. Remember, there is RV (dry) camping at the school. There will be parking with full hookups at other locations, which will be mapped out for you, as well as many motels and hotels within the area.
There is easy access off and on I-84. Come to dance and see old friends and make new ones. You will be within 5 minutes of the great Columbia River and all it has to offer. Bring your boats and fishing gear - golf clubs, Gresham Golf Course is just around the corner and up the hill. There are lots of things to do in the Greater Portland Area. Come and enjoy the city and the great hospitality of the Portland Area Council and all of its' clubs.
2012 Mid-Winter Festival: Roger (Linda) Putzler
We have our caller and our cuer. We have been working on designing the outfit and are just about ready to get material. We worked very hard on our budget, which you have a copy of. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. The caller is Jerry Junck and the cuer is Gert-jan and Suzie Rotscheid.
We do have a Co-Chairman for 2013 and that will be Frank and Cathy Dietz from Florence.
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
Delegates - please remind your clubs that lesson information is printed in the OFN starting in the August issue and it is free. The deadline for the September issue is August 5th. There is a two-page listing for lessons everywhere in the State. If anyone would like copies to take to Square Dance Week functions or demos or fairs, please let me know. It is great advertising for recruitment. Lessons will be published all year long so it is important to give us the information in a timely manner.
We will again have a section in the Upcoming Events for advertising Jamborees. This is free. Please send this information along to your clubs. In that section there is also the Birthday/Anniversary listings. This too is free advertising.
It is again important for delegates to encourage club and council officers to subscribe so that they can share the information in the OFN with their members. We would have more listings for lessons and upcoming events if those officers read the OFN and were aware of its features.
Another issue that has surfaced is that a few treasurers would like an invoice for billing for ads. The ones that are asking are not subscribers. The general rule has always been that when the treasurer sees it in print that is the "invoice". I cannot possibly send out approximately 40 invoices every month for billing. The payment is due prior to publication and quite often there is communication breakdowns between the person authorizing the ad and the treasurer receiving notice to pay. Every month I have to follow-up on several unpaid ads.
The increased pricing doesn't start until October 1st yet I have had quite a few subscribers already paying the increase when renewing. The comments I receive are that this is such a great magazine and they don't mind paying a little more. I received compliments every month regarding the fact that dancers like the organization and content of the magazine.
My accrual accounting system shows the OFN just barely in the black at the end of 11 months. We are doing well with ads and have increased the number of color ads this past year. We are only allowed so much percentage of ads versus text to meet US Post Office requirements. We are usually at the upper limit of our percentages most months.
I have agreed to be the editor for one more year. While working full time this past year, it has been a challenge to put the magazine together. It takes 20-25 hours in 4 days to get it ready for the graphics person. Then there is about 25 or more hours during the month to take care of the subscriptions, paperwork, accounting, etc. This past year I personally purchased an upgrade to MS OFFICE and Quickbooks and am creating accounts in Quickbooks to help the Treasurer get us on the accrual system for more accurate fiscal reports.
Floyd Bard: We did have a POOF Meeting yesterday and I am going to just briefly talk about some of the things. We discussed the Subscription Dances that can be hosted, typically by the area, some times the clubs take that on, but there are funds that has been granted to the organization, whether it be a club or an area, that is hosting a Subscription Dance that the Federation will give funds to help off-set the expenses for the hall and caller and the advertising. That is good money spent because we need the subscriptions. So be aware of that.
We print extra OFNs by contract and we always have them around here. We talked about taking those extra magazines and doing mailing. Using an area per month and finding those that do not subscribe to the magazine and send them a free copy of our magazine and tell them just a little bit more so they can see what our magazine is all about. Instead of just having the extra copies sit around and do nothing or bring them to the festivals which most people take it here anyway.
We also talked about paying the OFN Editor. You will see here that Vivian is close to being in the black. She hasn't been paid now for probably the last 8 to 9 months because we have been in the red. She has been working hard, it is the Federation's responsibility also to help out and promote the magazine and get the subscriptions up and get the ads in. So we talked about changing the fee for Vivian. She would get paid if it were in the black. If they are in the red we would like to do a stipend just to help her and pay her. I came up with an amount, but we are going to discuss that later on.
We talked about saving expenses and canceling one of our issues. At one time we talked about 2 months, this time we talked about July only because June is an important issue and August is an important issue.
I wanted to remind everybody that the rates do go up in October for the subscription to the magazine. Pay for 3 years and take advantage of the lower rates. We have some ideas about promoting subscribing to the magazine as well.
We talked about the Federation being on the same accounting system as well, but that was already talked about by Vivian and that is being done.
We also talked about insurance issues and we also talked about tax-exempt. We have a great team coming up with Bill and Barbi is going to help out and our Treasurer, Larry, and all of us are going to work on what we can do with being incorporated if we have to be and our tax-exempt status. We are going to try to make it a lot easier for the clubs and the areas and the Federation and that is a big issue we will be working on.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
Happy Summer everyone! Hope you are enjoying the weather and the sun, finally.
Since our meeting in May I have been busy working on the State Directory and have the clubs completed for what I have received as of July 9th. Still need a few and I have been keeping the delegates informed of their council's progress. As of Friday afternoon about 3:30 the last club has been submitted on the computer. So all the clubs are in for my directory purposes. Have sent a few emails to delegates to have some clubs update the special dances section because of wrong dates. Some of them came in with dates that have already happened. They need to be for the 2010 - 2011 dance year. So I sent them back with a very nice request to the delegate or the club reminding them that this is for the next year. They have been very kind and I have gotten a lot of thank you's. They have been updated and resent. I worked on the Officers section a few days ago and still need dates for future meetings, POOF Committee Member addition, and the new members of the Nomination Committee.
My travels have taken me to Roundalab in Louisville prior to joining Ron at the National Square Dance Convention. It was warm and somewhat muggy but it was fun and we enjoyed the bowling alley food we found instead of the convention center buffet line.
I finally made it home to see my parents, which are 30 miles down the road from here in Milton-Freewater, for the first time since October. They are doing so-so but going downhill. Not sure what to expect in the future. They are 89 and 94 and still living at home.
Will be traveling back home in August to attend Muddy Frogwater and working on the last remnants of the State Directory to get it ready to print in late August or early September.
School is coming along and will be finished with Summer School in mid-August. I got a 4.0 grade point average for Spring Term so will make the honor roll again.
I will be contacting the delegates by email to ask them to get a count of how many directories they would like to order so I can have a count for the printer in August. If anyone would like to order more, please let me know. I will start a list.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
I want to thank everyone for submitting their report. It is getting easier to do the job of Recording Secretary and, I might say, enjoyable. Once the system is in place and things are working like they should it doesn't take that long to get the Minutes out. That is greatly due to all of the Delegates and Officers. Again, thank you.
I have also been asked to read the following on Lucille Barnes and John Anderberg.
We have recently lost two long-time Oregon dancers and leaders.
Lucille Barnes died July 12th in Corvallis. She and Clint were Federation president couple in 1979-80. They were active at the club level (Corvallis Squares, Spinning Antlers, Sophisti-Kats, Roadrunners) in the Mid-Willamette Area and in State positions. They served as Summer Festival Chairman in 1974 and as OFN Editor, among many other positions. They taught and cued round dancing for several years.
John Anderberg died June 22nd in Yuma, Arizona. Hope and John were round dance leaders, primarily in the Eugene and South Coast Areas. They served in 2009 as Yuma Festival Chairs and Yuma Association President Couple.
Thank you notes to:
To Rogue Sis-Q Council for hosting the State Meeting in May
Get Well cards sent to:
Lonna Bramhall
Jim Feeley
Sue Forsman
Joyce Holliday
Sympathy cards sent to:
Cyndi Siliki for the loss of her husband, Ron
David Holliday for the loss of his wife, Joyce
TREASURER: Larry (Carol) Reetz
We are in very good shape and there is a report and balance sheet in everybody's folder. We are looking forward to another continued good season.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
I want to thank all the Delegates for working on getting in the forms. There were four clubs that really made the Delegates work, for free of course. We got the last one, on Friday night. So they are all in and I am not sure I have all the checks so during the break I will take any checks. So thank you very much I really appreciate all the help.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
Thank you all for your requests and reports. Every year it gets better and better with people turning in their information ahead of time. And particularly they love us at USDA when we add our new members and pay for them throughout the year. I appreciate that effort. I hope the on-line reporting is as easy for you as it is for me. Tim has it figured out now where you can go on-line and add new people to your club or request a certificate. The only thing I ask you not to do is push submit more than 4 or 5 times. Once works well and you can always call me if you have a question or a problem. My phone is 503-396-5537. Thank you.
Lee Ashwill: As long as we are saying thank you, I would like to thank the Putzlers for the budget. It is really great that we got Mid-Winter onboard and submitting a budget on time because that didn't always happen. It is a really big help for this body.
Larry Reetz: I would like backup something for Kay. She and I spoke yesterday and as a past area council president and such, I am aware of deadlines. We have our next State Meeting at the end of September. As you all know the turnaround time for the insurance paperwork is going to come real quick in October. The turnaround time is short. I would like to encourage you to go back and remind all of your clubs that they have got a couple of months to sit down and look at names, addresses, special events, everything. Start getting it in order so when you get that insurance paperwork in September it is ready to go. I just wanted to help promote that and get it ready.
Linda Putzler: I was just curious, I need a date and we didn't get a date on the flyer. For the State Meeting? (September 26th)
Kay Rogers: I want to thank you Larry because this is what happens when you have ideas and you know you can make it easier and helpful and you suggest to each other. It makes all of our jobs easier. Larry has brought it to my attention that the September meeting is late. I also confided to Larry that my number one most favorite grandson was getting married that weekend. So I am not even going to attend on Saturday. I could, because believe me I really don't have anything else to do, I could print rosters for everybody and mail them to them early so they could be working on them before the September meeting. It is just a suggestion. It will cost a little bit of money but it will sure make things a lot easier.
Lee Ashwill: First of all, John, I would like to apologize to you and Glory. I wrote an article for the OFN and congratulated you guys on the Benefit Dance, great job, and on hosting the meeting down South. Vivian took her editorial license and did not print it. So I want to publicly thank you guys.
John Guches: So that is why there was no President's Report.
Lee Ashwill: That is exactly right and I want people to know, thank you for your job.
John Guches: I can definitely understand that because there were a few I did not get turned in either.
PAST PRESIDENT: John (Glory) Guches
A reminder for those who have not turned in their Randall Award nominee, please do so.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I actually had an easy time this time. My next period will be busy because we are reprinting all the Practices and Procedures for the September Meeting. So I will have a big stack of paper. If you have your notebook be sure and bring them so you can replace the contents.
Hi everyone out there in Square Dance Land...
I looked outside this morning and I couldn't believe it-- "Sun Shine" and it wasn't liquid.
Things have been pretty busy with many different venues happening around the State in the Square Dance Community: Dances, Festivals, BBQs, Campouts, Parades, and, of course, the National Convention down there in them hills of Kentucky. As a Checkerboard Square I can proudly proclaim that seven of our club members attended the Convention and all made it back home safe and sound. Even my dance partner went, and where was I? Well, I was doing several parades, and getting the PAC ready for the Summer Festival in Pendleton.
We've also been busy making plans for the PAC to start promoting its own 2011 Summer Festival to be held in Troutdale, Oregon, at the Reynolds High School. The Festival T-shirts are in and ready to be sold at Pendleton along with other raffles such as a handmade Square Dance Quilt, completed by Dixie Read and Keith Miles. The quilt is a pretty blue with square dancers on each corner and a nice picture of me in the center -- just kidding. There will also be a raffle for the Dinner Boat Ride up the Columbia on the Sternwheeler. There will be much more to come on this venue later on. Saturday night at the After Hours Party we will have a drawing for the first 100 people who pre-registered for this festival. The winner will be given a free ribbon to attend the 2011 Summer Festival.
The Portland Star Light Parade went extremely well on the 5th of June. This was the 4th parade I had the honor of pulling the State and PAC trailers in this venue. I arrived at about 10am with the PAC trailer while Ed and Jolene Cummings trailed in behind with the State trailer. A big thank you goes out to the River City Dancers, Chaps and Petticoats, Happy Rock'rs and the Squaws & Paws for doing such a wonderful job with this venue. The Happy Rock'rs who will disband at the end of September of this year will also be doing the lead trailer next year - okay, okay, I know that doesn't make sense, but as the Happy Rock'rs disband most of their members are joining the Oaky Doaks -- and guess what? Not only are they taking their money, but also the duties for next years Star Light Parade. Congratulations to the Oaky Doaks for stepping up and doing this venue next year. To see more of the Star Light Parade, story and pictures, go to.
I attended the Gay Pride Parade in Portland on the 20th of June to watch the Rosetown Ramblers Square Dance on the PAC trailer with Michael McMullen calling. The weather for both venues was very nice. The Rosetown Ramblers did a bang up job square dancing on the trailer. A big thank you goes out to them for helping in keeping square dancing in the public eye. These parades are a lot of work, sometimes, but the payoff is the best. Everyone is laughing and having a good time with lots of hugs, handshakes, and great food. What a life!
Upcoming events I'd like to touch on are: 61st National Square Dance Convention in Spokane, Washington, on June 27th to the 30th, 2012. Pre-registration is available now. Sign up and lets help the Apple State in increasing their attendance.
Don't forget the 35th Annual Potato Festival in Klamath Falls, Oregon, on October 15th and 16th, 2010, with Craig Abercrombie. Friday night Larry Sprout will MC with Jamboree Callers & Cuers. Call 541-884-1106 for more information.
Central Oregon Roundup is putting on another great dance August 13-14, 2010, at the Sisters High School on 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road in the Sisters, Oregon. Caller and cuer are Vern and Kathy Boggs from Spokane, Washington. The Deep Pit BBQ is back on. There is a Trails End Dance on August 12th at Bronco Billy's. This is going to be a great fun time.
Roseburg has dancing all week long starting Tuesday, August 3rd through August 7th. Come join us and dance at the Douglas County Fair. Look for the flyers. They have a list of callers and cuers you wouldn't believe.
The 11th USA West Square Dance Convention is August 18th - 20th, 2011. This will be held at the Cowlitz Conference Center in Longview, Washington. The theme is "Cascade Promenade".
The Braids & Braves will dance under the Trees on August 7th and 8th at the McMinnville Grange at 1700 Old Sheridan Road. The registration fee includes Plus Workshop, Round Dance Lab, Saturday night BBQ and Dance, and Sunday morning breakfast. There is a fee for RV dry camping and the activities will begin on Saturday at 10am. Leonard Snodgrass, Marie Hathaway, and Gordon and Jackie Gale will lead us in the Plus Workshop, West Coast Swing, and Cowboy Cha Cha. There is a Campfire After Party so bring your marshmallows.
Mid-Winter Festival is coming soon, January 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2011. Again to be held at the Linn County Fair & Expo Center in Albany, Oregon. The National caller will be Joe Saltel from Pharr, Texas, and the National cuers will be Joe and Pat Hilton from Baldwin, Missouri. The Clogging instructor will be Simone Pace from South Carolina. Registration will be raised after January 14th, 2011. This Festival's Chair is Larry and Carol Reetz with Roger and Linda Putzler on second chair.
Hats off to all you great people for helping and making square dancing one of the friendliest activity in this country.
I have one comment that I received late and it is from the Toe Draggers. It says the Toe Draggers will be hosting the 3rd Annual Are You Man Enough to Wear Pink (Lee Ashwill will be there) Dance for the Cure. The fundraiser dance will be on September 19th from 3 - 5 pm at the Kinton Grange. KC Curtis will be the caller and Beverly Flint will be the cuer. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. KC and Bev will be donating their time and the Kinton Grange will donate their hall.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Neva) Reid - No Report Received
National Square Dance week will be September 12th through September 18th, 2010. On Sunday, September 12th, 2010, the Wild Cards from Portland Area will start the week with a dance at the Salem Square Dance Center from 1:30-4:30pm in honor of National Square Dance Week. On Saturday, September 18th, 2010, we will conclude the week with Square Dancing on the front steps of the Oregon State Capitol from 2-4pm. Leonard Snodgrass and Randy Dibble will be the featured caller and others from our area are asked to participate. We would like as many dancers as possible to attend this function.
State Council Delegates are asked to include in their reports what their area and clubs did in celebration of National Square Dance Week and how many dancers participated in this event in their area.
I have the proclamation and I will pass it around for you all to see. The Governor signed it and it is official.
Another thing, I put in your packets the flyer for National Square Dance Week. If you want to type in Randy's name at the bottom when you put the flyer up I would appreciate it.
Lee Ashwill: Delegates please get those numbers of dancers that participated on that date back to Barbara as soon as you can so she can add up a total for us.
Barbi Ashwill: Barbara didn't ask for this but I am curious as a dancer around the State. From the Delegates, how many of you have something planned for Square Dance Week in your home areas? Can you raise your hands? Come on guys we have to go back and make this work. The last time something like this happened, happened to be the year I was President and we danced all at the same time on the same day throughout the State of Oregon. My goal was to have 1,000 people dancing all at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. We ended up with a little over 800 I think. I was very pleased with that. Make this happen. This is how you promote square dancing just one way. Any place that is visible. Many years ago they were dancing in gas station parking lots, they were dancing at malls, any place that you can be visible to the public. That is why Square Dance Week is when it is. A lot of people are gearing up to get started with lessons. So it is called promote, promote.
HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones
We arranged and set up the State Historian display tables here at Summer Festival.
We are working on our summer project of sorting through the 10 boxes of historical information and getting them organized. We have already numbered the boxes and after the "sorting", will compile an inventory list of the contents of each box. We hope to have it all completed by the September State Meeting.
I have received a few more club histories; I appreciate any effort from Delegates and Officers for your help in this - and ask you to please keep reminding your clubs and councils to get their histories to us! Also, if there is, at any time, newspaper articles and/or photos of square dancers, callers/cuers or square dance activities, we would like to have these too.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Lisa (Mike) Kious - No Report Received
ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith
No report for ORDTA.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
Oregon Round of the Month
September 2010
"I Got A Love"
Choreo: Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
Record: Columbia 38-77020
Chosen by: Mid-Willamette Council
Round of The Month Certificate was sent to choreographers. A thank you note was also sent thanking them for their contribution to round dancing.
Information has been sent to the cuers on where to purchase the music.
CALLER ADVISOR: Les (Paula) Seeley
In the role of Caller Advisor I have spent time with a number of members belonging to various clubs and with callers discussing the need to put the necessary effort into recruiting and retaining as we have "preached". In just about every (if not every) case, the clubs that put out the effort showed some real gains. It was gratifying to be told by two more clubs that by putting forth the effort and using our seminar outline as a guide, they had made nice gains in club lesson attendance and the securing of new members into their clubs.
We have also made a point of reminding the interested persons that caller school grants are available and that we always need to be encouraging the adding of new competent callers to our rosters. Not everyone is aware that Daryl Clendenin is an accredited caller coach and one of the best. We should be taking advantage of his talents.
WEB MASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Keep reminding your people to send me updates when things change. I get those about once a week or so and I try to keep it up-to-date. I need people to tell me when things are out of date.
I have been in contact with Eric Marcuse (Entertainment Director) for the State Fair. The following is slotted times, dates and area to dance when the time comes.
Remember: The times for these events are not set in stone and may be changed by the Fair Entertainment Board.
Friday, August 27th, 2010 at 11am to 12:30pm
Center Stage -- This time slot has been requested by the TVC's Eager Beavers and Hoedowners
Ferrous Steinka at 503-649-9487 -
Saturday, August 28th, 2010 at 11:30am to 12:45pm
Spirit of Oregon Stage -- This time slot has been requested by the Oaky Doaks
Dave and Tina Waldrep at 503-515-8182 -
Sunday, August 29th, 2010 at 11:30am to 1pm
Center Stage -- This time slot has been requested by the Mid-Willamette Dancers
Barbara Tipton at 503-588-0962 -
Monday, September 6th, 2010 at 11:30am to 1pm
Center Stage -- This time slot has been requested by the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes
Jim Schira at 503-233-0437 - or Julie Stiers at
The Wildcards will be calling and Tami Helms will cue at this venue.
Any clubs interested in dancing at the State Fair should contact me or one of these contact people on the 4 days that was listed above.
Lee Ashwill: Hi, Genevieve, it is nice to have you here. Just want to tell you all that back in Louisville, which was the 59th National Square Dance Convention®, Genevieve was recognized as having attended 55 of those Conventions®. I seriously doubt if there is anyone else out there who has attended more of those than you, Genevieve. We were very, very proud of you.
State Trailers: The guy who has been keeping the State Trailers for us for about 20 years at no cost at their place, under cover, has sent in a letter to Floyd and me that this is his last year. So I just sent that on back down to Floyd. He is going to store the trailers at his place.
The Delegates voted to unanimously accept the P&P changes. They did that in the hopes that it would shorten today's meeting.
Floyd came in and explained his ideas for the OFN.
Al Wolf wants to know more about Mid-Winter and the decision not to do the Grand March. Apparently there are a couple of rumors going around and Al would appreciate knowing which of those rumors are true and which isn't.
Lee Ashwill: Larry, did you want to address Al's concerns at this time?
Larry Reetz: In relationship to the Grand March, yes we have determined that we are going to, this next year, not have a Grand March. We will still have ceremonies on Friday Evening and Saturday Evening. Friday Evening will be an opening type ceremony to welcome the callers and the dancers in to Mid-Winter. Saturday Evening immediately after the Showcase will be a Presentation of Colors and then the presentation of the awards and the Mayor to speak. In an attempt to shorten the ceremonies and in relationship to the size of the festival area we just have tried so hard over the last several years to incorporate the Grand March and make it work. It just is becoming more of a cumbersome effort, not real enjoyable. We found last year that roughly, between the 1-hour standing before you ever start the Grand March to the 30-40 minutes to the end of it, it is a long time standing on cement. We opted not to do it. It is a change we hope will be accepted, but we are going to try it and see how it works out.
Lee Ashwill: No report on the CPA. That is going to be resolved next year with our new committee.
We have six postponed motions. The delegates have had time to go back to their clubs. All the officers have had those since our last meeting. We do not intend to read the motions in their entirety in an effort to shorten this up. So Floyd is just going to give you a synopsis of what the motion is and we will call for discussion.
Floyd Bard: Motion #1 is the changes made to BMI/ASCAP which basically had to do only with the increase in the rates per attendee to our festivals and the increase of their licensing fee.
Lee Ashwill: Is there any discussion? Question has been called for. Now we have to vote on accepting the question call. Call for question carried. Now we call for the vote on the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Bard: Motion #2 was making changes to the Publicity & State Reporter in the P&Ps. It was changing the years that it was running. It was also dealing with the National Square Dance Directory, which is now different. It doesn't operate the same way as National Squares does. We are changing the P&Ps to be current with the National Squares Directory. We also made some grammatical corrections and also we referred to the National Squares in Footnotes and Travel Oregon having website access rather than regular address access. We changed who the Webmaster works with instead of reporting to the Publicity & State Reporter.
Lee Ashwill: Is there any discussion on this motion? No discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Bard: Motion #3 is the Reimbursement of Lodging/Mileage Expense. That was to change the approval of reimbursement of lodging and all expenses would go to the 1st Vice President instead of the 2nd Vice President, which is the way we have been currently doing business for quite a few years.
Lee Ashwill: Is there any discussion? No discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Bard: Motion #4 was the Elected Officers and Delegates Duties in the P&Ps were changed. They are to meet with their successor prior to the September meeting. We moved that from the 1st Vice President in to the President Elect position.
Lee Ashwill: Any discussion? No discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Bard: Motion #5 was changing the sentence to read: "Schedule a joint meeting between the incoming and outgoing Executive Boards." And to remove: "Each incoming officer should contact their predecessor between election and installation to find out their jobs." Move that in to the Elected Officers and Delegate Section rather than having it where it is currently.
Lee Ashwill: Any discussion? No discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Bard: Motion #6 was the Grant Fund Committee and we shortened the timeframe and we also shortened the number of copies that needed to be processed to the Grant Committee. We also said that we needed to correct: "All supporting documents between applicant and to the State" to read: "The area will make its recommendation and so notify the applicant." "The area will then mail one copy, instead of two copies, of the application and all supporting documents to the State Federation Grant Committee Chairperson, the Past President." Also in Grant Fund Application we removed the remaining sentence after President on line 6 and replaced it with: "in a timely manner to ensure prompt processing by the Areas and Grant Committee." The intent here was to remove all the intents of a long timeline on processing grants through the Grant Committee.
Lee Ashwill: Is there any discussion on this motion? No discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Lee Ashwill: Before we get into New Business I would like to thank Dale and Kathy Worthington and Dave and Kathy Krause for representing Oregon at the USDA Meeting in Louisville.
Lee Ashwill: Is there any New Business that needs to be brought before this body?
Floyd Bard: The first thing I would like to say under New Business is to present to you my Proposed Budget. Each of you have received a copy.
There was discussion on changes and corrections to Proposed Budget. This will be presented to Dale as a corrected Proposed Budget.
Lee Ashwill: A motion has been made and seconded. Discussion followed.
Floyd Bard: May I make an Amendment to the Motion that the Youth Scholarship Fund is exempt from the $1,000.00 cap. I should have said that because I forgot that does say fund on the end of it. It is the Youth Scholarship money.
Lee Ashwill: Floyd, wait until we get a second on it. John Guches seconded the Amendment. Discussion followed:
Floyd Bard: Okay, here is what I would like to do. Good discussion. I think this is the reason why we bring it up and discuss it. Tim has made some great points. I would like to remove my motion from the floor. I would like to do some more discussion and research on it and then bring it back at the September meeting.
Lee Ashwill: John, do you withdraw your second on the Amendment? (John, yes) Floyd, do you withdraw your Amendment? (Floyd, yes) John, do you withdraw your second on the motion? (John, yes) Floyd, do you withdraw your motion? (Floyd, yes) Motion is withdrawn.
Thank you all for your input. Again delegates, you guys are doing one heck of a job and I appreciate each and every one of you.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle
The Toledo 49'rs celebrated their 61st Birthday on June 13th with a birthday dance. Approximately 10 squares showed up to help enjoy the fun. K.C. Curtis, the caller, was ably assisted by several callers who came with their clubs while Christina Corelli cued assisted by cuers in attendance. Congrats to the 49'rs for being almost as old as I am.
The Sea Twirlers will be celebrating their birthday in September. Look for the dates and time in the OFN.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn
On the flyer that Tony read about our Campout Workshop, just to let you know that the barbecue is going to be barbecue chicken, ribs, and if you get there quick enough we are going to have a bushel of oysters barbecued also. Dry camp spaces are going to be limited so get your notification in.
Well here it is, Summer Festival time, and finally some "summer" weather at last.
Mid-Willamette Area Council has been busy getting everyone to sign up for Summer Festival, while working on a demo at the Antique Power Land program in Brooks this July 24-25 and July 31 - August 1st. We will be using one of the State's Square Dance Trailers to dance on.
Barbara Tipton has been working on the demo to be put on at the State Capitol in September for National Square Dance Week. For all of the clubs in the State, we would like to see some of your dancers on the steps of the Capitol, September 18th from 2 - 4pm. This is a good opportunity to show non-square dancers how much fun we have dancing!
We have set up the date of July 31st for Mid-Willamette's OFN subscription dance and hope to get lots of new subscriptions for the OFN at that dance.
We have also set up dates for New Dancers Dances for those cubs having lessons this year. We will post these dance dates in the OFN as soon as all the clubs get their request dates in to the Council. We want to encourage all our new dancers to attend these dances, and it is up to our clubs and their experienced dancers to take their "new dancers" to these dances. If they learn to dance to other callers, they will feel more at home on the floor!
One of our club dancers traveled back to Colorado to visit family and while there attended two square dances. They were able to finish filling out their "Century Book". Several order callers in the area had never heard of this program and as a result made a big celebration honoring their accomplishment! Those of you not familiar with the Centaury Book, you have to get the signatures of 100 callers within a two-year period. Congratulations to Myrt and Evan Powell of the Braids and Braves Square Dance Club!
Mid-Willamette Council clubs will also be dancing at the Oregon State Fair again this year. Our date will be August 29th, Center State, in front of the Ewing Long Building. Hope to see some of you other clubs dancers there that date.
Mid-Willamette Council will be hosting the State Meeting September 17, 2011. The Salem Swingin' Stars volunteered to be the hosting club and will ask other clubs to help with food and activities for that great event.
We had several Birthday Dances this quarter to attend within the Mid-Willamette Council: Salem Swingin' Stars celebrated their 60th Birthday, Re-Vu-N-Q Round Dance Club celebrated their 34th Birthday, while Lebanon Square Circlers put on their Annual Strawberry Festival June 4th - 6th. Capital Callers and Cuers Association Spring Fling on May 29th had a good turnout of 50's - 60's "flower children". Yours truly and wife made it into the OFN.
I know it's hard to get people to come out in the middle of summer for a Festival Dance, but back in 1965 we didn't seem to have any problem. Mid-Willamette Area hosted the 1965 Summer Festival on the football field of Linfield College in McMinnville. They laid down a wooden floor over the entire field, so that the 1,860 dancers could dance. What has happened to our enthusiasm today, when we can't get but 200 dancers to dance in an air-conditioned facility?
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
Many clubs are already planning for lessons in September. A few clubs won't start until January.
Clubs that went dark for the summer are visiting those that are dancing yearlong. More and more halls are being air-conditioned.
The Tumbleweeds celebrated their anniversary on July 16th with Dan Preedy calling and Tami Helms cueing. They have moved from the Eagles Hall on SE 50th Avenue to the Odd Fellows Hall at 10282 SE Main in downtown Milwaukie. The Recycles plus club will celebrate their 15th Anniversary on September 10th.
Many PAC clubs will again participate in the Bridge Pedal on August 7th-9th.
The Happy Rock'rs are disbanding after their dance on September 25th. Many members are joining the Oaky Doaks. They just celebrated 48 years of dancing.
The April 30th PAC dance was a benefit for Jim Steel.
Tony Haskins is again coordinating the dancing at the State Fair. He has most spaces booked. If you want to dance, contact Tony.
The Canby Cloverleafs Teen Club took 2nd place trophy in the novice category at the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival in Langley, BC, Canada. Lots of donations helped them make this trip.
The last campout sponsored by the Gorge dancers will be at Carson, Washington, on August 20, 21, and 22nd. You won't want to miss this. A big crowd is expected.
Congratulations to Alyssa Sawyer of the Silver Stars who has received the United Square Dancers of America Scholarship.
Our next 5th Friday Dance will be on July 30th at the Oak Grove Community Center. Mark Wheeler will call and Tami Helms will cue. The hall is air-conditioned so come and have a "cool" time.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: Glory (John) Guches
The clubs in our council held their annual All Club Picnic in Grants Pass at the Riverside Park and this included the annual baseball game.
Charlie Browns: The Charlie Browns have been busy with classes, parades, and dances. They will be dark for August for the Josephine County Fair held at the fairgrounds every year.
Circle N Square: The Circle N Square held their annual Gold Digger Dance on June 19th with Ed Kremers calling and Les Farley cueing.
Lantz's Dantzers: The Co-Presidents, Tom Ferguson and Dena Chester, were married June 13th in a lovely outdoor wedding followed by a Honeymoon to Hawaii.
Ronde'Vouz: The Ronde'Vouz held the Boatnik Extravaganza and will do so again next year, making it a 2-day festival.
Star Promenaders: They are busy preparing for their 37th Annual Diamond Lake Square Dance Festival held at Diamond Lake next week, July 21-27. This year's featured caller is Nasser Shukayr and the featured cuer is Sharon Parker.
South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth
The South Coast Council has been quiet since the last State Meeting and has held no 5th Saturday dances, using the 5th Saturdays to travel to other councils who are having dances. The annual Council Picnic will be held in August.
Saints 'N Aints: The Saints 'N Aints are having casual dances during the summer and have only one dance per month as their caller, Sherm Welch, goes on vacation for a couple of months. Instead of a plus dance in July and August, there will be mainstream with plus tips and Roger Putzler will be the guest caller for July. The third Saturday in August will be a luau theme and the third Saturday dance in September will be a Back to School Dance. Lessons will begin on Sunday, October 10th with plus lessons from 3-4 and beginner lessons from 4-6.
Sets in Order: The Sets in Order had a float in the Gay 90's Parade and will have one in the Coos County Fair Parade later in July. They will be dancing at the fair this year too. The club will be holding their regular dances all summer with Dale Roberson calling a couple of their dances. Ray Graves called the last dance and did a great job. Former Council Delegates Chuck and Coleeta Quigley are celebrating the birth of their newest grandchild, Ember Joseph, who was born on June 15th.
Beachcombers: The Beachcombers have been dancing the first Friday of each month with guest callers and Dave Cooper cueing. They just had a great 57th Birthday Weekend with Jim and Joyce Voll calling and cueing. They served 145 adults and 9 children at their fundraiser breakfast. Larry Sprout will be calling for the annual Beach Party Dance in August and plans are well underway for a big Battle Rock Weekend over Labor Day Weekend. A beef BBQ will be held before the casual Friday night Kick-off Jamboree Dance with scheduled callers and cuers. There will be dancing on the beach plus two evening dances with Denny Lantz calling and Dave Cooper cueing.
Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
The Hayshakers held a meeting to discuss if they wanted to disband the Club or come up with other options for continuing the Club. They decided to try one more time to recruit members for the Club. Since National Square Dance Week is in September, we are going to write an article for the local newspaper. We are going to follow-up this with ads for lessons in the newspaper, on the radio, and the local cable TV. We are also going to visit local clubs, churches, and organizations to promote the upcoming lessons.
Though we are dark for the summer, any club that would like to come down to the beach to dance can contact us and we will help set up a dance for them.
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck
Tualatin Valley Council regularly meets the fourth Monday, Pizza Caboose at 185th Avenue north of Highway 26 at 7:30pm.
Special Dances: July 31st, 2010, Saturday: TVC's Hahn Barn Dance and Potluck. Held at the Hahn Farm, 37280 NW Hahn Road, Banks, Oregon. Michael McMullen calling and Ruth Canby cueing. Tickets are $5 for adults, $2 for youths, and a family maximum of $14. Since this is a "subscription dance", dance admission will be free for one person with a newly renewed or new subscription. Be sure to bring your favorite potluck dinner/dessert to share! Dress is country casual. Potluck at 5:30pm, Pre-rounds at 6:30pm, and Mainstream at 7:00 - 9:00pm.
October 30th, 2010, Saturday: 2010 Tri-Council Dance. Hosted by Evergreen Council. Featuring The Crew (Randy Dibble, Darrell Clendenin, Les Seeley, and Jim Hattrick). Pre-rounds will begin at 7:30pm and square dancing from 8:00 - 11:00pm. This is a mainstream dance with every third tip a Plus dance. Costumes are optional.
TVC Council, Tri-Squares, Eager Beavers, and Hoedowners are scheduled to dance at the State Fair on August 27th from 11:00am to 12:30pm. The contact is Ferrous Steinka for this date.
Coast Swingers: They are planning on dancing in the Tillamook Dairy Days Parade the morning of June 26th.
July 24th they are hosting a Community Square Dance in conjunction with the annual Garibaldi Days Celebration. This dance is a benefit for the Tillamook County Regional Food Bank. All proceeds after expenses will be donated to the Tillamook County Regional Food Bank. The dance is open to everyone. Basically it is a one-night stand dance. The club caller, Michael McMullen, will be the caller for the dance. This dance also kicks off their marketing and recruiting efforts for their fall class. 2010 is the 50th Anniversary of Garibaldi Days and the 100th Anniversary of the Port of Garibaldi so they are hoping for a large turnout.
Classes: Because they have a large geographic area that they draw on, their target market for the fall class is North Bay, Tillamook City north to Manzanita. Their target market for the winter/spring class is South Bay, Tillamook City south to Pacific City.
This year they are trying something new with their classes. Instead of offering the usual 26 weeks of class one night per week, they are offering a "Blast Class" over 3 Saturday afternoons and evenings plus 9 Thursday evening review workshops. The first class will be on Saturday, September 11th, 2010, and will consist of a teach session in the afternoon, a pizza party dinner, and a dance that evening. The class will start at 1:00pm and the dance ends at 9:30pm.
Eager Beavers: The Eager Beavers dance easy plus every Monday at Elsie Stuhr Center from 1:15pm to 3:15pm. Dances will be at Aloha Grange when Elsie Stuhr Center is closed. Plus class is held in the spring.
Hoedowner: We had almost 10 squares at our June 26th Banana Split Dance with many visitors attending, including visitors from New Hampshire and Arizona.
Daryl Clendenin will be back for our July 24th Ice Cream Sundae Dance.
We are changing our dance format and starting time beginning in August. Our dances will start at 7pm with the first hour being Plus and intermediate rounds. Mainstream will be from 8pm to 10pm, same as it is now, with break at 10pm. No Plus at 10pm. We are very excited to have an hour of Plus before every Mainstream dance. August 14th will be the Fruit of the Loom Dance. August 28th is Knobby Knees, Shorts and Tee Shirts Dance. Norm Yoder will call the August dances.
Regarding weather and dancing, if the temperature in Beaverton reaches 90 or about on the day of a dance, we will cancel the dance. We will post the information on our website as soon as a decision has been made.
Our Mainstream class will begin on Wednesday, September 22nd at the Aloha Grange.
Mix 'N Mingle: There will be a Root Beer Float Dance on August 7th with Randy Dibble and Jeanine Norden. Will be dark September 4th.
Anyone wondering whether M'nMs will be dancing on a hot night can check at
R Square D: Starting in June we will be casual this summer. Summer schedule is the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 6pm to 9pm, June, July, and August. 6pm to 7pm will be Plus workshop and from 7pm to 9pm will be Mainstream. Beginning September we will be dancing the 2nd Friday and 4th Saturday.
Mainstream lessons will begin October 6th, Sunday.
Sunset Promenaders: We kicked off on the 5th of June with our Teddy Bear Dance. We donated more than 50 bears to the Officer Buddy Bear Program in Washington County. This program provides a comforting cuddle to children in a crisis situation and we are happy to help them again this year.
Don't forget the Stub Stewart State Park Demo Dance on July 24th. We need you to come help us out and use this opportunity to advertise your lessons starting in the fall.
Crazy Hat Dance will be on August 7th and Corn Feed Dance on August 21st, all you can eat. September 18th is the Hawaiian Luau. October 2nd will be the Anniversary Dance with dinner.
First Mainstream lesson is on September 12th at 6pm.
Toe Draggers: Starting in June the Toes are going to be casual for the summer.
The Toes finished their lessons and they graduated 8 from Square Dance lessons and 6 from Round Dance lessons. They gained five new dance members.
August 20th will be the Tropical Island Paradise Dance.
Mainstream lessons begin January 2nd, Sunday.
Tri-Squares: This year we will not be dancing in July. Starting in August, Terry Halley will be our club caller. Jackie Gale will be our Friday cuer. Doug Hatch will be cueing for most of our Saturday dances.
Tri-Squares are planning on starting lessons this fall with Terry Halley on Sunday, September 12th.
Valley Squares: They are going casual for the summer, July 3rd through September 8th. Dances are cancelled if temperatures reach 90 degrees by 5pm, Portland weather.
August 7th will be the T-Shirt Dance. August 21st the co-caller with Ed, TBA. September 4th, Labor Day, there will be Hamburgers & Lemonade at 6:30pm before the dance. September 18th will be the Chocolate Dance, co-caller with Ed, TBA.
Mainstream lessons will begin January 4th, Tuesday.
I have a TVC check for the scholarship fund from one of the TVC clubs. There will be more donations from TVC clubs for this fund as our clubs are active in this area.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Dancing at the Douglas County Fair every night during the Fair, August 3rd through the 7th. A different club will be hosting the dance each night. Any square dancer in Proper Square Dance Attire, with badge, will be admitted to the dance free to dance. All square and round dancers are welcome to come and join us. If anyone would like to bring their motor home and park at our Barn the week of the Fair, dry parking will be available in the parking lot of the barn. Square dance attire is required to be on the dance floor.
Umpqua Area Council will be hosting the November State Meeting at the Buckeroo Barn November 20 & 21, 2010. Saturday night prior to the dance we will have a traditional turkey dinner. More information will follow regarding the dinner. Dry parking will be available.
Boots & Calicos: No report - Traveling club.
Buckeroo: Annual summer potluck/picnic, August 28th at the home of Neil and Doris Koozer 2 - 4 pm, everyone welcomed.
Dancing Friends: No report.
Pioneers 'N' Petticoats: No report - They are looking for a new facility. They lost their dance hall so they are looking for something else.
Timber 8's: First dance September 11th. The club is going dark for the summer. Plus classes begin September 15th from 7 - 9pm. Don Marshall is instructing.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
Nothing to report.
Central Oregon Council: Liz (Bert) Teitzel - Alternate: Linda & Gary Danner
Even though many of the Central Oregon clubs go dark during July, it has been a busy time for us.
The Bachelor Beauts and the Sagebrush Shufflers held a joint dance on July 10th with a barbecue preceding the dance. The caller was Denny Lantz and the cuer was Carol Bro. The two clubs have done this for the past two years and plan to continue this cooperative effort next year. Both clubs are dark in July so this gives Central Oregon dancers a chance to enjoy a casual fun event.
The Central Oregon Council is exploring the possibility of sponsoring lessons for our area clubs. The idea is to help the clubs and also help to build interest in Square Dancing in the Central Oregon area. There are still a lot of questions to answer, so it may not happen this year. If any of the other councils have done this and would be willing to share their experiences, good or bad, please let me know.
Bachelor Beauts: After being dark for the month of July, the Beauts will continue their regular schedule with their modified "new dancer" format in August. They have all mainstream tips until the end of the dance when they have a plus tip. This format is helping the new dancers build their skills, and hopefully will help to keep them dancing.
Red Rock Squares: The Red Rocks are dark also for the month of July. They were not inactive however. They participated in the Redmond 4th of July and Centennial Celebration with a float in the parade and a demonstration in Redmond's new Centennial Park. They will return to their regular dance schedule in August.
Sagebrush Shufflers: The Shufflers will continue to be dark in August. They will resume dancing in September.
Sundown Round Dance Club: The Sundown Round Dance Club continues to dance on the 2nd Monday of each month with guest cuers. These dances are fun and we get a chance to enjoy an evening of just good Round Dancing.
Swinging Mountaineers: The Swinging Mountaineers are not dark during the summer months and continue their regular schedule.
The Central Oregon Roundup will be held August 13th and 14th in Sisters. The Trails End Dance is on Thursday the 12th at Bronco Billy's. There is dry camping available in the parking lot at the Sisters High School where the dances are held. Also we are having a barbeque again this year on Saturday the 14th. The deadline for registering for the barbeque was July 14th, however I have been authorized to extend this deadline to all of you folks if you sign up this weekend.
We have really great callers and cuers. Our featured caller is Vern Boggs and his wife Kathy is the cuer. They are a lot of fun to dance to. We know you will have a great time and we look forward to dancing with you at the Roundup.
Other Central Oregon Happenings:
Ann Shoffner is one of our Central Oregon youth square and round dancers. She suffered a serious head injury in a horse riding accident two weeks ago. She is undergoing rehabilitation and therapy and recovering well at St. Charles Hospital in Bend. Please keep Anna and her family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Jim Steele is conducting a Plus workshop on the 4th Monday of each month. He is challenging us and giving us a lot of fun and different things to do.
Joyce Brown's intermediate round dance workshop continues on Tuesday nights. They are learning West Coast Swing, which everyone is enjoying.
Eastern Oregon Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers - Alternate Lloyd McNary
Lee Ashwill: Lloyd, I am sorry to hear that the Council is going to fold. I understand it but we are certainly going to miss them.
We really don't have much choice. There are only about three couples left. I really don't have anything to say outside of what Kay has reported.
We have done what we can to help increase the awareness of Square Dancing in this area. We have a place for lessons and if we get some response, we will go forward.
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper)
Many of our area members have been participating in parades around the area. We are looking forward to the Lane County Fair where we will be dancing Wednesday through Saturday from 5-7pm in august.
Please look forward to September State Meeting on the 26th when we install our own Floyd Bard as President, (is he in trouble) with his sidekick Vice President Ray Jones. You have received your packets for the meeting. We have a special price from the Village Inn & Restaurant on Mohawk of $59.00, double occupancy, normally $99.00. They are less than 5 minutes from the hall. If you have questions you can contact me at: 541-521-0239.
Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell
Our council is busy planning dances and booking callers and cuers for the next season of dancing beginning this fall. We will be having a picnic/potluck at Diamond Lake on Saturday, July 24th at noon. The location will be somewhere in Broken Arrow Campground. Roby and Adana Gardner, the Council President, will be hosting it at their campsite, which most likely will be close to the shower house in loop F or G.
Our club has been in contact with past dancers and is in the process of getting the history of local clubs that have disbanded over the years. We are hoping that this can be accomplished by our reunion dance the 3rd Saturday of September. The KC's President, Doty Degarmo's, main focus now is this year's Potato Festival October 15 and 16. It will be at our prior location on Summers Lane, Triad formerly Altamont School. We hope to see many of you at the festival this year.
Don & Lonna Bramhall:
I would personally like to thank everyone for the thoughtful cards and emails as a result of my accident in April. My broken ribs have healed nicely but I'm still wondering exactly why we drove 200 miles from Bend to Burns to visit more lava!
Our upcoming travel itinerary includes Diamond Lake, followed by a full week in August at McCloud, California, with Mike Sikorsky, and then the Central Oregon Round-Up.
My quote for the day -
"Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place or circumstances, are brought into closer connection to you."
--Augustine of Hippo
For those who may not know, Augustine of Hippo is also known as St. Augustine and, among other attributes, is the Patron Saint of Brewers. I thought Don would appreciate that!
Today, we'd like to talk about personal connections.
Have you ever danced in a square when you felt like the time, the music, and the group was perfect, like you couldn't make a mistake, that you felt the electricity jumping from hand to hand? The simple, physical connection from person to person was the catalyst. Those moments are rare and always remembered. The thing about square dancing is that we connect all the time, physically and personally. Sometimes it's working as a team to decorate a hall or clean up roadside litter; maybe it's when everyone hangs around a summer barbecue; maybe it's sweeping floors and cleaning coffee pots; maybe it's at the pizza parlor after a dance. But it goes beyond those simple connections - every square is a new group of friends, every round dance brings couples together to develop learned skills. Every dance, meeting, demo, parade, festival - every picnic, every social event reinforces a particular connection that makes us all friends way beyond our shared hobby. The majority of our friends are dancers and we've become very close to each other: we work together, play together, dance together, and share past, present and future dreams.
We spent the July 4th holiday week in Fossil at the Wheeler County Bluegrass Festival, one of our favorite annual musical events. During the concert on the courthouse lawn, through amazing serendipity we reconnected with friends who had somehow fallen out of our lives - the best man at our wedding and his wife! We spent a laugh-filled evening reminiscing about the past and catching up to the present. We're sorry we let these important people disappear from our lives, but we've been given a great opportunity to reconnect and we intend to nurture our friendship.
The moral here is a quote by Lois Wyse, author and columnist. "A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in an insane world."
We all know that square dancing is friendship set to music. True friendship is a gift - don't break the connection.
Genevieve Churchill:
My daughter Cory and I met at Louisville, Kentucky, and stayed with friends in Elizabethtown about 30 miles from the National Convention®.
It is always a treat to see people I have met at other Nationals, from Vermont, North Carolina, and wonder who will be here from Oregon. I always wonder about that. "Horses" from my club, River City Dancers, performed many times and were well received. I was very proud of them.
My family was "Army" people and stationed at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, Missouri, among other posts. But it is no longer a post, which I found interesting and one thing we did was to see if we could locate a cemetery to check the name Ledford. We finally found it. We had to look a long time though.
The 61st National is in Spokane, Washington, and we need to offer our help as they did for us when we had our National in Portland. I hope we will do that.
I was stunned to be introduced at the National by Barbi Ashwill but after the first shock I really enjoyed it and was proud to represent Oregon.
Thank you all for your support in my great losses.
This was about my 55th National and I have enjoyed every one of them and it is interesting to see how they have changed.
Bill & Annadale Rooper:
After a long, cool, damp spring I believe warmer weather has arrived along with the neighbor's chickens. The raspberries are at their prime and the begonias are so pretty right now and the chickens are having a ball. So that's our world at the moment.
Dancing has been slow for us as I am still feeling the results of my tumble down the trailer steps. We did attend Swap and Swings' 61st Anniversary Dinner (sub-sandwiches, etc.) Dance. Daryl Clendenin and Neva Reid did a great job keeping the dancers on their toes. From my chair it looked like everyone was having a good time.
We've attended several 2011 Summer Festival meetings. Bill and I are responsible for the arrangements for the River Cruise on the Columbia. Al Wolf and Gail Domine joined us on a dinner cruise on the river several weeks ago. We highly recommend the dinner and cruise. So, from our soapbox, we recommend you purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win a trip on the river. The prize can be used on any cruise, Willamette or Columbia, indefinitely. This is what he told me over the phone.
Our families joined us at Wallowa Lake for our annual retreat over Memorial Day weekend. Twenty-three were around for meals, garage sales, shopping, hiking, sleeping, etc. We learned Bill would be a Great Grandpa again.
We joined the other Carson Campout crewmembers for a barbecue/meeting at Hank and Linnie Ballsiger's country home awhile back to plan the clean up party August 14th at Peyrollaz's farm. This will be the last Carson Campout, August 20, 21, 22. Come and help us remember the fun times. We got word that Johnny Peyrollaz has been in the hospital. They don't know what is the matter he had a high fever. He is home and he is still having tests to see what is happening.
Bill joined his son in a car rally in the Troutdale/Gresham area. Have him tell you about their 4th place finish.
A visit with Dick and Marge Pentecost revealed Dick is at the Veterans Home in The Dalles and in a wheelchair but can walk some. I'm not sure he knew who we were at first. Marge is at Flagstone Retirement Home. She was real chatty, misses Dick but seems to be doing okay. She is using a walker and visits Dick at least twice a week when someone takes her up to the Veterans Home.
Thanks for a great time.
Bill Rooper: On our car rally my son and I took 4th place in novice class but we made 9th place overall including the semi-professionals that were involved. We felt we did pretty good. I am the navigator and he is the driver.
Larry & Barbara Schaumburg:
Since we've been back in Portland our lives have been on a roller coaster. On April 23rd I went in for my 6-month chest x-ray. On the 25th the doctor called and said he wanted a CT Scan and a PET Scan. From the PET Scan the doctor told me I have two spots on my right lung. I started chemo 7 weeks ago.
And since that wasn't enough to upset me, I got into a little argument with the lawn mower on June 23. I went to step over the mower and my toe caught on one of the pull cords and I landed on top of the mower. The mower wasn't running, but somehow the mower managed to cut up both my legs and I spent the night in ER getting sutured up. My wounds are still healing and the black and blue areas are getting lighter black.
On a brighter side, we went out to Hillsboro for the July 4th Parade with some of our friends from the Eager Beavers. This year for the first time in a long while there wasn't a square dance float. We were all disappointed in that. We had a potluck after and listened to live music from some of the talented dancers in the group. We've been plus dancing with the Eager Beavers to the calling of George Clark.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it to Summer Festival
Y'all have a good summer and I hope to see you in Springfield in September, The Good Lord Willing.
Steve & Valerie Murphy:
Right after the May State meeting Valerie and I headed to Reno for their 63rd Annual Silver State Festival.
As usual we stayed at the Grand Sierra Resort RV Park. It's a 5-minute walk to all the dancing. The next week found us in Roseburg for their annual Buckaroo Round-Up Dance weekend.
The Co-presidents of our home club, Lantz's Dantzers, were married on June 13th. Tom Ferguson and Dena Chester were married at an outdoor ceremony in Shady Cove. Part of the reception consisted of Round Dancing cued by Denny Lantz. Tom, being retired military, looked very chic in his mess dress (military tuxedo). As Glory reported, they headed directly to Hawaii but she didn't mention that they went Space-Available military and they got stuck there. They had to stay there for an extra week.
The Rogue Sis-Q Council had their annual baseball game, barbecue, and picnic at Riverside Park in Grants Pass on June 27th. The Grants Pass baseball team whipped the Medford team, as usual. We danced in the park gazebo after the barbecue with Denny Lantz and Steve Spleen calling and Ed Phillips cueing.
Les and Mary Farley have both been having health issues. Les cues in the Northern California area for several clubs including the Rogue Sis-Q Council club Circle & Squares in Yreka. He's been unable to cue and Steve filled in for him at Mt. Shasta, cueing for the Dudes & Daisies on June 26th with Denny Lantz and July 10th with Mike Sikorsky. Speaking of Mike, he's at McCloud Dance Country for a month and we're going to be there for the first week in August. It will be our first time there.
It looks like the rest of the summer and fall will be pretty much non-stop for us as far as dancing and RVing. That's the way we like it and plan to continue for the foreseeable future. We won't be able to make the next meeting in Springfield because we'll be doing a weekend workshop with the Pratts. It will be the first meeting we've missed since becoming delegates in 2006.
We'll be traveling to Greeley, Colorado, for the USA West in August, then doing some sight seeing afterwards. Since I'm retired Air Force, we plan on visiting the Air Force Academy, which I have never been to.
Larry Reetz: At Mid-Winter over the last several years we have had some tri-pod stands down the center in the vendor area. We are going to be making some changes. Last year we had a small turn out of clubs that put together their boards. They were put there to kind of promote your clubs of your councils. In an effort to help promote in other ways we are going to open those boards up. We are going to put display racks on them to where you can put flyers on them. We will try to have that as a display area. As such, we are anticipating having six to nine of those easels available for anybody that would like to have some for their clubs to help make display boards. They are very well made they are out of 2x4 construction, with plywood and such. If you would like to have some of those at Mid-Winter, we will make them available to you. You can take them home or whatever. We are either going to give them away or dispose of them somehow but we are trying to lighten the load of what we put in storage but still utilize them. The flyers get out on a table and quite often they are hard to find. Maybe we don't have enough display space but this is an effort to help promote every body's dances in one way or another out there. Contact me or Roger or Linda if somebody is interested in those easels.
Roger Putzler: There has been a rumor running around this weekend that I would like to clear up. I am not retiring from calling. I am backing off a little bit and taking fewer commitments. I am only going to be calling once a month for the Independence Wagon Wheelers. I am not going to be teaching lessons in the fall. I am just backing off for a while. So if you heard the rumor that I am done, it is close.
Tony Haskins: I just want to remind everybody that I do have more ribbons if you would like to take them and sell them. I need your first child and your signature. I have more registration forms.
I have one question. You said Vivian, is she ending as Editor after next year?
Lee Ashwill: She said she would do one more year.
Sunday, September 26, 2010, at the Emerald Square Dance Hall, Springfield, OR
Lee Ashwill: I will entertain a motion to adjourn?
Floyd Bard: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Gary Sohn.
Adjourned at 12:28 pm.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary
For a complete copy of the Minutes contact the Recording Secretary.