President Lee Ashwill called the meeting to order at 9:30am.
Officers: All present.
Appointed Officers: All present except Education Chairman, Barbara Tipton; Financial Advisor, Bill Reid; Youth Activities Coordinator, Lisa Kious; Caller Advisor, Les Seeley.
Delegates: All present except Blue Mountains, David Stutzman; Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle; Portland Area, Al Wolf; South Coast, Cathy Woodworth; Tualatin Valley, Mike Duyck (Alternate: Gary Clark).
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Don & Lonna Bramhall, Stephen & Valerie Murphy.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, John Guches.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Floyd Bard.
MINUTES: Dale Worthington: The Minutes were posted on the Website.
Lee Ashwill: Are there any corrections or amendments to the Minutes as distributed and posted?
John Guches: I move that the Minutes be accepted as published. Seconded by Dennis Marsh. Motion carried.
Lee Ashwill: Welcomes Ivan and Donna Koehn, Al and Fran Westphal, and Ken and Nancy Carson to the meeting.
PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
I would like to thank the Emerald Empire Council for hosting this State Meeting.
We just returned from meeting with the 61st National Square Dance Convention ® committee in Spokane, Washington. They are doing a super job in their planning and all they need is your registration.
This past year has really flown by. I want to thank the Officers and Delegates of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs and the Oregon dancers for their support during this past year. I believe we have made some great strides. The accomplishments of this organization include a successful Summer Festival. This Festival was organized and operated by a small number of people in a one club Council. Although the attendance was small, the success of this Festival was the smiles on the faces of the dancers and the number of dancers who expressed their appreciation to Kay and Jim Rogers. The Federation also provided Grant money to new callers for attendance at a Certified Caller College. Another success. A major accomplishment has been the changes that have been approved for the revision of the Practices and Procedures of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. The committee for this project, led by Floyd Bard, has made great strides. With the continued efforts of this committee the P & P's will be updated. This is a tremendous project and I thank every member of that committee for their dedication and diligence.
As I leave this office, I would just like to encourage each council to consider hosting a Summer Festival. That can be a great experience as well as a financial gain for the council.
Again, I thank you all for your support and congratulate the new Board. I hope you have a great year and God Bless you all.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
Last meeting I issued a Summer Festival interest form to all the Area Delegates. Sunset Empire returned their completed form at Grants Pass. I will accept the other 12 delegates completed form at the break and make a report during New Business.
2010 Summer Festival: Kay (Jim) Rogers
Thanks to all of you who supported the Summer Festival in Pendleton this year. As you already know we had 364 in attendance.
We were lucky in using a facility that provided much of the committee needed to set up for a festival. They even laid down the flooring.
Pendleton Convention Center also charges very reasonable rent. Because of that we were able to pay BMI/ASCAP and the Oregon Insurance assessment and still have a check for the Oregon Federation.
It is our hope and we strongly suggest that facility rent be an important consideration in choosing future locations for summer festivals.
2011 Mid-Winter Festival: Larry (Carol) Reetz
The 2011 Mid-Winter Festival is fine-tuning the program for this year. We will be meeting this afternoon to bring together the information for the program book. Most important, this includes the program information for both square dancing and round dancing as well as the clogging program.
Important to note is the response we received when our committee members were selling/obtaining ads for the program book. Many of the restaurants in the downtown Albany area were reluctant to buy ads. In the past years there is little evidence of the square dancers going downtown for any meals. To help this we have arranged for the trolley and for a bus to transport dancers Saturday afternoon/evening to and from as a convenience and to encourage the dancers to see more of what the City of Albany has to offer.
Registrations are slow. It just seems like the dancers in Oregon do not want to make a commitment too early for either Mid-Winter Festival or for the Summer Festival. However, we are dependent on this income to move along steadily with the payment for the facilities, for airline tickets for our featured caller, cuer, and clogging cuer/instructor. We are asking each delegate and officer of this Federation to get out and encourage the dancers to pre-register. Remember, the portion of profit from the Festival that this Federation receives is used for our operating expenses for the next year.
2011 Summer Festival: Tony Haskins
The 2011 Summer Festival is in full swing and on course for its day view July 8th, 9th, and 10th. Don't forget the Trails End Dance on July 7th hosted by the River City Dancers. Les Seeley will be calling and Tami Helms will be the curer.
Ann Staatz is doing the lay out and set-up for the Program Book/Directory. There will be 58 pages in the book. Anyone wanting to place an ad or any other information must have it in to Ann by December 1st, 2010. There is also a format in the way she wants it sent. See me or email me for that information. After December 1st, the book will be off to the printers and ready to be handed out at the January State Meeting.
Al Wolf, Les Seeley and Tami Helms have been putting the dance schedules together and will have them ready by the 1st of December for the Program Book/Directory.
We have sold enough ads to more than pay for the cost of the Program Book/Directory. We have also received gift certificates and other payment methods, which will be used for door prizes.
Our National Caller and Caller Host are on-line. Our National Cuers and Cuer Hosts are on-line.
Tami Helms will be coordinating the showcase of rounds to be held on Friday evening, July 8th.
Ann Skoe and the Youth/Teen clubs will be doing Demo Dancing Saturday afternoon, 4 - 5:30 pm July 9th. Location will be in the Program Book.
The USO Show will be from 6 - 7:30 pm on July 9th at the High School Auditorium. This is a full theater with seating for 500 people. Sound and lighting will be provided by the High School Booster Club.
We have (tentatively) scheduled two tours for the Blue Back Submarine and OMSI. One will be on Friday and one on Saturday. Exact times, cost and sign-up procedures will be in the Program Book. The Blue Back Submarine is one of the last attack diesel subs still in existence.
The Dinner Boat Raffle is in full swing as well as the Quilt Raffle. Our T-shirt program is going great. We've reordered several times.
The Silver Spinners will not be able to perform at the festival this year due to unforeseen circumstances.
Janet Shannon said 21 vendors have been contacted. We will also have outside vendors like Hot Wings and Curley Fries, Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, Nachos and other items. Ice Cream!
The Food Court, in the commons area, will be operated by the High School Booster Club. This area seats 250 people in a terraced formation. This will also include many of the vendors we have attending
We will have a Caller/Cuer lounge hosted by the Country Capers. Thank you goes out to Mark and Enid Wheeler. The Happy Hopper, Silver Stars, and Buzzin' Bees will be hosting the State meeting. This will be held in the foyer of the auditorium. Meeting rooms for ORDTA and POOF have been established. Location and times will be in the Program Book.
Vern France will be in charge of the used clothing resale. There will be a lost and found, coat and hat area, First Aid Station with an ambulance on call. There is dry camping for the RVs and night security patrols at the school.
2012 Mid-Winter Festival: Roger (Linda) Putzler
The 2012 Mid-Winter Festival is coming along good. The feature caller is Jerry Junck from Arizona and Nebraska. The feature cuers are Suzie and Gert-Jan Rothseid from Georgia and The Netherlands. The clogging instructor will be Scotty Bilz from Georgia.
We are currently working on: Flyer/Registration Forms; ribbons; badges and bars for committee members; material for committee members, ordered; and filling open committee positions.
We have submitted our ad to the Summer Festival for the Program Book.
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
OFNs are available free for new dancer classes when the lessons are halfway through and then again upon graduation. Please let me know at least 2 weeks in advance when you need them.
Seven years ago our average subscriber list was approximately 975 per month. We are now down to 800. It really would help if the council and club officers subscribed so that they are aware of what is happening in their square dance community. It also would help with having their treasurer be aware of an ad being submitted and when payment is due. I do not send out invoices, as it could be incredibly time consuming. When the ad is ordered, it is up to that person to contact their treasurer and request payment by the end of the month. I am chasing down more payments now than ever before. Seeing the ad in the OFN is the "Invoice" proving that it was printed. The payments are due by the 24th of the month. Please encourage your clubs to be more accountable with payments.
We are still having problems with pictures being submitted. Camera settings are not the highest resolution and even though we appreciate the pictures, it is hard to use low-resolution prints. Just be sure that the camera settings are for the highest resolution (largest size, print 8 x 10 size). We can't use pictures that are set for email size.
Starting this month, our Treasurer and myself will keep a different set of accounting procedures allowing us to use the accrual method instead of cash. This will present a more accurate picture of the profit and loss of the OFN on an ongoing basis. According to my reports we have ended the year in the black.
The September issue was sent free to 255 dancers in the Rogue Sis-Q Council. There were a few positive comments but no new subscriptions to date. We also paid return postage for inaccurate mailing addresses. The database was provided by the Insurance Chairman, which worked well. Apparently, the clubs are not providing updated or correct addresses to her when communicating the insurance information.
There were two OFN Subscription Dances July 31st. Mid-Willamette Council picked up 24 new and renewed; Tualatin Valley Council turned in 31. Two weeks ago Interstate Highlanders started off the New Year with a subscription dance. Three new dancers subscribed.
Portland Area Council didn't have a weekend free for the coming year for a subscription dance so the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes decided to hold the dance. I threw them the challenge that they had to pick up at least 32 subscriptions. They surpassed that! Thirty-five dancers either renewed or started a new subscription. This month we have 823 current paid subscribers.
I am looking for a replacement OFN Editor. After 7 years and 84 issues, it is time to step down. The only real requirements are that the new person own MS Office 2007 with Outlook, Excel, and Word. If they have Access it would be nice. Everything is done digitally now. River Graphics has picked up all the ad work. The job requires approximately 20 hours between the 5th and the 10th of the month. Then another 20 hours spread out over the next 3 weeks. This job has been refined and redesigned to a smooth running operation requiring only one person and one computer. Outside advice and help are always appreciated but with using the tools in place, it is fairly easy to track and apply all the information electronically.
Floyd Bard: Would like to thank Vivian. We know that she has worked hard to have the OFN finish the September timeframe in the black.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
Since the July meeting, I have finished the State Directory and made last minute corrections as they were received. Ron went down to Eugene last Monday and picked them up and put them in bags for delivery to the delegates and others who requested them. If there are corrections to be made please let Vivian and I know so the corrections can be printed in the OFN and I can make corrections to the master copy.
I also completed the Mid-Willamette Area Council Directory and it has been printed to the council website.
This will be the first time in over 15 years that I have not held a position at a table on the Federation Board
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
I want to thank everyone for their reports. I talked to the Delegates yesterday about submitting their reports and the format I would like to see it in. Last month the computer that I keep the minutes on crashed. I had to replace the hard drive and they were not able to save any of my files. I had everything in a hard copy so I didn't loose anything.
I have the old tape recorder that we used at the State meetings. I have no use for it since everything is being recorded digitally. Mr. Bard is going to bring it up later on.
Lee Ashwill: The only interest we found when we went out to the folks was that Barbara Schaumburg would like to have it for the Round of the Month Committee. So if you can take that under consideration Floyd.
I have a letter from the 60th National Square Dance Convention®, Detroit, Michigan, dated August 5th. (Letter was read to the Board.)
Thank you notes to:
Jim & Kay Rogers for hosting the State Meeting at the Summer Festival
Get Well cards sent to:
Barbara Schaumburg, Neva Reid, John Peyrollaz, Dan Ellis, Mike McBride, Gil Hayes, Olivera Hall, Dennis Marsh, Al Wolf, Jim Steele, Barbi Ashwill, Barbara Tipton.
Sympathy cards sent to:
Betty and Ron Kline for loss of Betty's son
Marge Pentecost for loss of Dick
Lee Ashwill: Anybody that would like to make a contribution to the youth at the National Square Dance Convention® we would be happy to get that money back to them.
TREASURER: Larry (Carol) Reetz
On the Treasurer report it has been distributed. There is one outstanding issue with the new Financial Advisor, who was the past Treasurer. This has been carrying on now for a while but we have an NSF check that we are going to make progress on and accomplish this year one way or another. The individual has not stepped forward and offered to pay it yet. Youth Funds are increasing and hopefully with the new Youth Activity Coordinator we might get some more scholarships going so we can utilize some of that. All the membership monies and When and Where's are accurate and in with Sylvia and we are in good shape.
Tim Roberts: Why do the CDs show a negative balance?
Larry Reetz: Because I put them in wrong. I have to go back and correct them. I picked up the wrong lines.
Vivian Fairburn: The OFN Fund under Equity, what does that encompass? On the second page, is that deposit on accounts or what? The Where and When don't go in until September 1st.
Larry Reetz: There were some checks written this month.
Vivian Fairburn: Are these deposits?
Larry Reetz: Yes, those are deposits and stuff so the checks will come out that are written in September, after those deposits of August.
Vivian Fairburn: So the Where and When is not in here is it?
Larry Reetz: This is as of August 31st. There were some Where and When's deposited in August, but the balance were deposited and put into the account in September.
Vivian Fairburn: Okay, because we are starting a new year September 1st. When I do the prepaid down on those then need to come out of September, not August.
Larry Reetz: Right! We will get together on that. The first few months are probably going to look a little askew.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
I got paperwork yesterday for a new club that wants to start in Portland. They are called the Rose Town Ramblers. They have sent the check in to the State and they have that back. They have given me a check for the Where and When. I move that we accept the Rose Town Ramblers as a new club to the Federation.
John Guches: I will second that.
Lee Ashwill: Discussion?
Kay Rogers: We can't admit a club to the Federation without insurance. The minute we include them in the Federation we are automatically liable for any of their problems. They need to arrange with us to get insurance. That needs to be done before they are voted in to the Federation. Most clubs, and what has happened a couple times recently in the past, they are holding dances without insurance. That makes us all liable.
Sylvia Davis: The reason that we brought this up today is because the insurance is due by November. We wanted to do this so they could be on track as of November. This is why we did that instead of waiting until the next State meeting.
Kay Rogers: No, you cannot get them to promise to do it. But, it certainly could be done easily. They could take care of their insurance paperwork and get it sent in. Get insured with all the other clubs as of January 1st and they could be come Federated as of January 1st. There is really no way to short-circuit the system with out them dancing with no insurance.
Floyd Bard: I move that we Table the Motion until our next meeting in November in the Umpqua Area, when we will bring it back up when the insurance forms applied and paid for. Seconded by Dennis Marsh.
Lee Ashwill: All those in favor of Tabling the Motion until November meeting? Motion is Tabled.
Kay Rogers: What I would suggest is that the PAC turn in the Rose Town Ramblers insurance with the rest of their paperwork.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
With Tim's help we sent every club a copy of their insurance rosters and forms, new for this year. I don't know how many of you got it, how many were able to download it, because nobody let me know. They should have received the same paperwork that I hand out to you every year in September and you distribute it to the clubs. You will have a new email directed to you, as the council delegates, to fill out. You download it, fill it out, and you need to call all your clubs and make sure they've got their forms downloaded and got everything together that they need. Our phone number and email is on all the forms and all the instructions. Please call and ask. We will be more than happy to help you and walk you through it.
I have instructions here for all the delegates to do their part of the insurance process. Please let me know if you did not understand what happened and want some help. It is imperative you get these back to me no later than the November meeting, as I will need to correlate all the information and get it in the mail by December 1st.
Tim Roberts: I want to make a clarification. There is a little confusion about this email that went out. The insurance forms are not filled out on-line. The forms were sent to you to print. It is avoiding having to haul a huge chunk of paper here. The forms have to be printed out then crossed through and written on just like in past years. They are not filled out on-line.
Frank Schuchard: Kay, if you have a club that doesn't respond or doesn't get back with you. Do we have anything in our Practices and Procedures that deals with that?
Kay Rogers: There are a couple of ways that you can approach that depending on your attitude and how the club is doing. You could go to the club and visit them and offer to help them and make it easy for them. You could explain it to them, do it for them, go through the roster and who is new and who isn't and take care of it yourself. If you have called and asked about it a couple of times then you tell the club that they will be uninsured as of January 1st and they will be dropped from the Federation. A lot of clubs now days, don't care. They seem to think that they need to save the money for the insurance. We do have some clubs that dance in Oregon without insurance and they don't join the Federation for just that reason. Each situation is different on how you handle it. I deal with a lot of the clubs individually because they can't communicate, don't communicate, haven't tried to communicate with their council delegate. Some people don't even know who their council delegate is. We will try to prefect the system every year so we can cover more and more what ifs.
PAST PRESIDENT: John (Glory) Guches
At this point my 3-year tenure setting at the head table is over. Looking back at my tenure, I am pleased to see how successful it has been for the Federation with the coming of age of the computer, insurance, and membership can now be done on-line, or at least the forms can be printed out and turned in, this makes it easier for all. Even a few die-hards have gone out and bought computers to be part of this computer age.
The Federation is going through many changes. I have had the privilege to be in on some of these changes, the P & Ps to name one change. Throughout my tenure I have had a lot of support from most of you and good advice. I thank each of you for your advice and support.
My last job is the Randall Award. Delegates I have placed your Randall Award packets at your chair. Read the letter, complete the paperwork and turn it in at the next meeting to Mr. Ashwill so he can get the bars and things made for the new Randall Award recipient. I was a little bit disillusioned this year about the Randall Award. This year there are only three nominees out of 13 councils. One nominee was nominated by two different people in their council! I am sure there are a lot of worthy candidates out there. I encourage each delegate to go back to their council and take a look at their square dancers for these worthy candidates and let's have a better nomination next year.
In closing, I will continue to work with the Federation giving my support to the new board for the good cause of Square Dancing. I will be working on the Nomination Committee and I am making a lateral move back to my first position as Delegate to the Rogue Sis-Q Council.
For all of us we need to think of our spouses also. They help behind the scenes and help us do what we need to do. My wife wrote both of my reports.
Lee Ashwill: Delegates do go back and work on your councils. This is a really prestigious award and we have so many people that are deserving of it, that never get mentioned. It doesn't take much to put in a nomination. We should have at least 12 every year. I am campaigning this year to get your nominations in early.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
You should have in front of you a full update of the Practices and Procedures, Constitution, and By-Laws. Be sure to recycle your old copies. Delegates each have two copies: one for you, and one for your council. I can print addition copies for personal use at $7.00 per copy.
Thanks to Floyd Bard, Lee Ashwill, and Ray Jones for their efforts in making this update happen.
July was a busy month with all the festivities at the Pendleton Summer Festival. During that event the Portland Area Council kicked off the 2011 Summer Festival to be held in Troutdale, Oregon, at the Reynolds High School.
The PAC had a great 5th Friday Dance on July 27th at the Oak Grove Community Center. Mark Wheeler did the calling and Tami Helms cued. Elvis made an appearance.
The Providence Health Fair was on the 7th of August in the Oregon Square. All three councils: PAC, TVC, and Evergreen Council were represented. Mark Wheeler called to the dancers and those watching the demo dancing on the stage provided. The Oaky Doaks and Country Capers represented the PAC.
The last 2 weeks of August and the 1st week of September I was busy coordinating the State Fair venue with the square dancers. See State Fair Report.
Another year of putting out flyers with all our clubs, areas located, lessons times/dates and contact numbers were completed.
The Checkerboard Squares had their Get-A-Way September 17th, 18th, and 19th up in Birch Bay, Washington, near Blaine.
The Happy Rock'rs are folding this month with most of the club is joining the Oaky Doaks.
The Rockwood Grange is sponsoring the Teddy Bear Parade. The home clubs of the Rockwood Grange are the Checkerboard Squares and the Country capers. They will be dancing on the trailer to the calling of Mark Wheeler.
The Tri-Council Dance is to be held October 30th at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, Washington. This event is hosted by the Evergreen Council.
I also set in on the TVC Exploratory Committee as an advisor regarding their interest in putting on the 2013 Summer Festival.
I along with Lee Ashwill completed the Charitable Events Report, which the Federation and the clubs had done this last year. It was sent out to 15 different papers all over the State of Oregon.
Lee Ashwill: Tony, I would like to thank you for doing that. We finally got some positive publicity that we can certainly use.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Neva) Reid - No Report Received
The final event for National Square Dance Week finally arrived, September 18th. The one thing I wasn't prepared for was our ever-changing weather. I watched the weather news and it was not supposed to start raining until 4pm. Well I guess drizzling rain showers doesn't count, they continued all day. I called Lee and he said let's wait awhile. It was nice early this morning. So at 1pm our callers said that even though they could stay dry under a canopy, they were concerned about our dancers keeping dry and the marble on the Capitol steps might be too slick. I want to thank Leonard and Randy for their concern for all of us as dancers. So we cancelled the Capitol Dance, which was very sad for me. It seems like I have been writing about this dance forever. I learned one thing about planning outside events after September 1st always have a Plan B.
Thank you all for your support in my endeavors, we will survive it. This is my last Education report and I have thoroughly enjoyed this office and I want to thank Lee and Barbi for all their help and support.
HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones
We have finished sorting through the 11 cardboard boxes of the variety of items and information for Historian - which we have been working on, on and off, all summer. We purchased four large, heavy plastic storage boxes with sturdy, snap-on lids (that will keep everything free of dust and protected) and have consolidated and organized it all in to these four storage boxes. Now we will do detailed inventory lists of contents in each box; a list fastened to the outside of each box and also a duplicate inside. I will have a separate sturdy container to keep together the items and albums we use for the Historian Display at Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals.
I have accepted the position of State Historian again for this coming year of 2010-2011. So, therefore I'll keep asking all of you to remind your clubs and councils that we still need their histories, photos of special events, and newspaper articles too.
At the next meeting in November I will bring an updated list of clubs and councils histories that I still need.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
Everything is current with BMI and ASCAP.
It was a real pleasure receiving the report and checks from the 2010 Summer Square Dance Festival within one week of the end of the Festival. The BMI reimbursement check was forwarded to the State Treasurer. As soon as I get this quarter's reporting form from ASCAP, the check will be submitted to them.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Lisa (Mike) Kious - No Report Received
ORDTA: Dennis (Elaine) Smith
This is my closing report after serving for 12 years as ORDTA's Chairman. I do want to invite you to our meeting next Saturday, here. It will be at 10 o'clock. I invite all of you to come and support our new Chairman, Ken Pratt.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
Oregon Round of the Month
October 2010
"Why Don't We Just Dance"
Choreo: Tami Helms & Tim Keck
Chosen by: Portland Area Council
November 2010
"A Bit Of Heaven"
Choreo: Dorothy Sanders
Chosen by: Rogue Sis-Q Council
December 2010
"For Strong Winds"
Choreo: Dorothy Sanders
Chosen by: South Coast
January 2011
"Thorn Birds Love Theme"
Choreo: Connie & Al Ritchie
Chosen by: Sunset Empire
Certificates were mailed to all the choreographers with a thank you note for their contribution to round dancing.
All round dances can be ordered from Palomino Records, downloaded from I-Tunes, Wal Mart, or cuers favorite place.
If anyone has any idea for Round of the Month dance that could be a good State dance, please forward the information to me.
Cuers have been notified of the rounds that are current. Anyone who is not on the email mailing list for the Round of the Month and would like to be, please email or call me. 503-246-3528.
CALLER ADVISOR: Les (Paula) Seeley
I have informed Floyd Bard that I will not be serving as Caller Advisor this next year.
WEB MASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I did lots of work in the last couple of months helping Kay get the insurance packages out by email. There were a few hiccoughs along the way, and I appreciate your patience. I would appreciate any feedback that you might have heard from the clubs. Was it worth the trouble? Was it easier/harder than before? Neither Kay nor I have heard very much about this.
I received a letter yesterday from the Entertainment Director for the State Fair thanking for participating.
The Oregon State Fair had another wonderful year especially with all the square dancing. Square dancers from all over came to dance and entertain the public with their colorful skirts twirling in the warm sunshine.
Vivian Fairburn came on Friday, August 27th, bringing a large bag of Oregon Federation News magazines. We handed these out at all four dance venues this year.
Friday, August 27th, was the start date for the square dance venue this year. The Tualatin Valley Council clubs started this off at 11:30am on Center Stage. George Clark, Norm Yoder and Jonny Roberts did the calling. Those clubs in attendance were the Valley Squares, Eager Beavers, Hoedowners, Tri-Squares, Toe Draggers, and Sunset Promenaders. Thank you goes out to Ferrour and Karen Steinke for helping coordinate this event with their clubs.
Saturday, August 28th, found the Oaky Doaks, a PAC club, dancing on the Spirit of Oregon State. George Hermann and Mike Kious called this dance. Twenty-one dancers from the Oaky Doaks plus other friends from the TVC and the Checkerboard Squares came to the dance. We handed out OFNs and flyers announcing the schedules for square dance lessons.
On Sunday, August 29th, the Mid-Willamette Council clubs danced on Center Stage. Those clubs were: Round aRe Us, Valley River Dancers, Cherry City Cloggers, Independence Wagon Wheelers, Salem Swingin' Stars, Timber Twirlers and the Willamette Squares. Bruce Lowther and Sandy Harris were the callers. Thank you goes out to Marilyn Schmit and Harriet Livingston for helping with this event.
September 6th, Labor Day, found the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes dancing to the music of the Wild Cards; Mike Halley, Terry Halley, and K.C. Curtis on Center Stage. Tami Helms and Tim Keck took turns doing the cueing. Thanks goes out to the President of the B'n'Bs, Chuck Garner, and his partner Julie Stiers for coordinating this event.
DELEGATE MEETING REPORT: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper)
We would like to thank Dale for coming in and giving us insight to what he does with all the reports that we give him and what would make his job easier.
Some of the input that was given from the councils was talking about activities and dances and where we hear about them. Most of it came down to advertisement and looking at having more of a professional image set up instead of us trying to do little stuff on our own. Actually, looking to the Federation for more input and financial backing in getting things done at a professional level. Some of the ideas we were having were business cards, tear-offs, printouts with perforations, having lessons free, having first lesson free and if you bring someone in you get next lesson free.
We heard that Caller Lab has a free DVD that they will give to us to do a professional TV part on the PBS channel.
Other ideas were: first 10 lessons get money from each club for advertising in the council area, that might be difficult because some of the clubs are small and struggling; having grants; advertising yard signs, having them bright so they can be seen; websites like twitter and facebook would be a good way to promote dancing.
We also talked about each council having an emergency kit at their dance halls. That way if something happens we would be able to help take care of it. A defibrillator would be nice if each council could have one in their hall.
Lee Ashwill: We have one item of unfinished business that will remain unfinished business until the next administration. I think the new incoming President has some great ideas on how to resolve that issue. That was discussed at our officers meeting yesterday.
Lee Ashwill: The meeting is called back to order. At this time I will turn the meeting over to Zola Jones.
Zola Jones: Now we come to a time where it says on our agenda "Installation". I think we have a new President and his wife about to be installed. I think Floyd made the remark a while ago about no hazing. Well, maybe after today.
Would Floyd and Jill Bard please come forward in to the center of the tables? Come forward please, this isn't going to hurt, not much.
Zola Jones made some presentation with comments given by Ivan and Donna Koehn, Al and Fran Westphal, Ken and Nancy Carson, and Christina Corelli.
Zola Jones: That concludes this part of the installation. We will let you two people take your seats now and then we will have the swearing in.
Swearing in of new officers by Linda Neuschwander.
Floyd Bard: I would like to have the newly installed officers please take their places at the table if you have not done so already. Marilyn, could you please, seeing how Barbara is not here?
Complete transcription of Installation Ceremony is available by contacting the Recording Secretary.
Dennis Marsh: I make a motion to accept the Budget. Seconded by John Guches. No one had any discussion. Motion carried.
The Committee I would like to be constituted with Bill Rooper as the Chairman, Barbi Ashwill as a member, Tim Roberts as a member, Larry Reetz as a member, and we need to have a delegate on this Committee. At this point in time I am interested in asking a delegate if they would like to serve this Committee. (Frank Schuchard volunteered.) Okay, Frank Schuchard will be the delegate. They will come together and present a plan. My proposal is that at our November meeting we will come up with a plan on how we are going to succeed.
The Mid-Winter Festival we talk to the Festival Chairman and we also talked to the Education Chairman and we are going to use the Education Seminar at the Mid-Winter Festival to really get the information out to the clubs and meet with the clubs and the areas. The clubs and the areas that want to have this Committee go visit them will look at consolidating areas and maybe set up a meeting at a point in-time where they can go out and assist as we come up with solutions on taking care of all of this.
Mr. Chairman do you have any questions? (Response from Bill Rooper: No.)
Lee Ashwill: Mr. President I move that the old tape recorder be donated to the Round Dance Screening Committee for their use. Seconded by Sylvia Davis. There was no discussion. Motion carried.
Having that being the case, you will find out that we do not have anybody for 2012. We have discussed at a couple sessions and one of them was at our officers meeting, that 2012 is the year of the National Convention in Spokane. Having a Summer Festival that would conflict with that and not in support of it probably wouldn't be the best thing to do because Washington for 2 years has supported us. It was discussed that we could do a Trails Through Dance. The Trails Through Dance could be in a couple different places. One was discussed in the Portland Area, combined Portland/TVC. Another was the Mid-Willamette Area; they talked about Pope County Fairgrounds. The other area was Pendleton.
There was much discussion on Summer Festival, Trails End Dance, and Trails Through Dance. For a complete transcription contact the Recording Secretary.
Floyd Bard: Good point. These are all good suggestions and that is why we are good at what we do because we all have different ideas and they are all good. I think the first thing we need to do is entertain a motion that we have no proposal and we will not have a proposal and the Federation would cancel the 2012 Summer Festival. (Comment by Ray Jones: So moved.) (Comment by Dale: We need to get a regular motion of what is wanted.) The motion is to cancel the 2012 Summer Festival.
Ray Jones: I couldn't have done it better. Seconded by Sylvia Davis. There was no discussion. There was a negative vote by Lee Ashwill. Motion carried.
There was much discussion on the Trails End Dance, and Trails Through Dance. For a complete transcription contact the Recording Secretary.
Floyd Bard: Thank you. We will take everything that has been said under advisement and will discuss it again in Roseburg on the 21st of November.
Vivian Fairburn: Tim has given me the file for the Where and When because in the past they had to give me a printed copy. I just run that PDF and I have all 184 pages in a file. When I need to look up an officer I can go right there on my computer. So any time during the year it really works well.
Floyd Bard: We are not going to entertain a motion to do this. It is a little bit early, but we will bring it up again and finalize it. I think we have a very good possibility that this is going to work well for us. Somebody made a comment earlier today about computers and making our life easier. We have the tools and we have technology and we have the people behind all of that. I think we are doing really well. I think we are a step ahead of a lot of the federations on how we use our website and how we use our computers to get our jobs done.
Marilyn Schmit: My plan is to, during the last part of the delegate reports, quietly come around with the Directories for the freebies, the one per person or whatever. Those that have big bundles coming will get them after the meeting is over so you won't sit there and look at them and not pay attention to the meeting. Ron's van is outside the back door. While he is putting the sound equipment away, I will be outside distributing Directories. They are all paid for, so anything we sell after that is all profit now.
Floyd Bard: Thank you, Marilyn that is a lot of work. Is there anything else for New Business?
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn
Mid-Willamette Area was dark for the month of July, but the clubs in our area were busy doing demos, dancing and having fun in many of the local parades.
Janis Pederson, Secretary for Mid-Willamette Area Council for the last 28 years decided to no longer serve on the Council Board. We will certainly miss her guidance and leadership!
Mid Willamette Council attended the "Brooks Steam-up" Festival. This was an outdoor demonstration in the August summer heat. We had a good showing by several of our clubs for both weekends.
Seven of Mid-Willamette Council clubs attended the State Fair on August 27th with 52 dancers present. We all had a great time and the weather and facilities were excellent.
The State Meeting will be hosted by Mid-Willamette Area September 17, 2011. The Salem Swingin' Stars will be the hosts for that meeting, with help from many other clubs!
Barbara Tipton has organized the Dancing at the State Capitol on September 18th. This should be a great opportunity to show off our square dancing to the public.
Mid-Willamette hosted an OFN Subscription Dance on July 31st at the Salem Square Dance Center. We had a great turnout of dancers and sold, 1 believe, 23 subscriptions to the OFN! Vivian Fairburn attended another Subscription Dance at the Hahn Barn Dance and sold approximately that number there also!
Mid-Willamette Area has scheduled their Fall Festival Dance for October 30th, at the Salem Square Dance Center. This is one of our three Special Dances for the year.
Many of the local clubs helped to celebrate Jim and Joyce Voll's retirement with a potluck at Waterloo County Park in Lebanon. Jim and Joyce's retirement will leave a real void in the callers of our area!
I believe that we only had two birthdays in June through September. Re-Vu-N-Q celebrated their 34th Birthday on June 24th, while Englewood Twirlers celebrated their 28th Birthday!
According to the OFN, Mid-Willamette has eight clubs starting Square Dance Lessons and four clubs starting Round Dance Lessons this fall.
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine) - No Report Received
Rogue Sis-Q Council: John (Glory) Guches
Our council has finally got two couples that will constitute a board of directors for the council. Glory and myself as 1st Vice and Treasurer and Lois and Carl Muck as President and Secretary.
Classes from Beginner to Advance 1 & 2 have started this month with a fair turnout for each of our clubs.
The Beachcomber's annual Battle Rock Weekend over Labor Day had a large turnout from our council. Everyone reported on the great time they had.
Charlie Brown's held a bard dance this month. Advise to the ladies with their full skirts and petticoats; do not sit on the bales of hay; it can be a painful experience!
September 18th, the Circle N Square celebrated their 56th Birthday. Donn Thomson from Paradise, California, was the caller and Bob Dingman was the cuer.
South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth
Clubs in the South Coast Area Council are getting back into the swing of things for the fall with regularly scheduled dances and lessons for new dancers.
Saints 'N' Aints: The Saints 'N' Aints are back to having two mainstream dances a month and one plus dance. Their Halloween Dance will be the 3rd Saturday in October with costumes optional. Lessons start October 10 from 4-6 with plus lessons from 3-4. They will be held at the United Methodist Church in Coos Bay. The first 3 lessons are free and there will be a charge after that. Sherm Welch will be teaching the classes.
Beachcombers: The Beachcombers had a very successful Battle Rock Weekend over Labor Day with 8 squares Friday and Sunday nights and 10 squares on Saturday. They served 75 people at the BBQ on Friday and 151 at the breakfast on Sunday. Five squares were dancing in the surf and on the beach at Battle Rock on Saturday morning. Dave Cooper challenged the men to bake pies for the silent auction on Saturday and four brave men accepted that challenge and raised funds for the club. The dances on Saturday and Sunday were called and cued by Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper with a group of seven other callers and cuers on Friday night. Two of the newer members of the club have volunteered to take care of the details of planning and advertising lessons for the club this year.
Sets in Order: The Sets in Order will have their 64th Birthday Dance on October 9th with Dale Roberson calling and Denise Harris cueing. Square dance lessons will begin on October 5th and round dance lessons start after Mid-Winter Festival.
Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
At the last Hayshaker meeting they have decided for the time being to only have classes and no dances. We were able to get the Astoria Senior Center for no charge and that is where the lessons will be held. Harvey Hunsucker will be teaching the new dancers. Date of the first class has not been set but hopefully it should be within the next month. The Hayshaker's Plus Dance is continuing in Svenson.
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck - Alternate Gary (Joyce) Clark
TVC would like to bid for the 2013 Summer Festival. We will be proceeding to produce the budget, committee, and site for this event in the near future. Several clubs have agreed to help with this.
The TVC Hahn Barn dance was well attended this year. The loft was full and there were several squares dancing downstairs on the grass. This was also a Subscription Dance.
Today the TVC turned in funds for the Youth Scholarship Fund. I challenge each one of you to pick up this program again get some funds turned in.
The TVC also turned in money for 12 Mid-Winter ribbons.
Coast Swingers: Mainstream class began Sunday, September 11th. Scheduled dances are: September 25, Harvest Time, Janet Shannon caller and Connie Clark cuer; October 9, Costume Dance, K.C. Curtis caller and Connie Clark cuer; October 23, Dark, going to Seaside Sashay; November 13th, Thanksgiving Time, Michael McMullen caller.
Eager Beavers: On Sunday, October 17th they are having their annual Harvest Dance. They will be dancing at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro from 1-4pm. Chicken dinner will be served at 3:30pm. They will be dancing mainstream for this dance. George Clark, caller and cuer.
Hoedowners: They started their classes September 22nd. The first 10 lessons are free. They will be accepting new dancers until October 6th. The new dance format is Plus with intermediate rounds from 7-8pm. Mainstream will be 8-10pm with Phase II Rounds. October 23rd will be Spooky Boogie Dinner Dance with dinner at 6:30pm. November 13th will be their 3d Annual Turkey Toss Dance.
Mix 'N Mingle: November 6th, Randy Dibble will call the Birthday Dance with Jeanine Norden cueing.
R Square D: Lessons will start Tuesday, October 6th at 7pm. Beginning in September, we will be dancing on 2nd Friday and 4th Saturday.
Octoberfest? It is October 1st and 2nd at Longview Square Dance Hall. Les Seeley will be calling and Tami Helms cueing. We have activities all day Saturday including afternoon squares and rounds with a German dinner in the evening. Sunday morning there will be breakfast.
Sunset Promenaders: Their main focus will be lessons that started Sunday, September 12th. The club has been active promoting lessons with personal contacts, mailings and information tables.
Their 25th Anniversary Dance is coming up on October 2nd starting with a spaghetti dinner at 6:30pm. Harold Kleve will be calling and Jonny Roberts will also be on the program. Ruth Canby and Ken Pratt will be cueing. On December 18th Ruth will be retiring after 25 years as their cuer.
Toe Draggers: September 17th was the Toe Draggers 35th Anniversary and Blackberry Dance. K.C. Curtis and Bev Flint were joined by Scott Zinser for a fun evening of celebration. This was an evening of dance and blackberry desserts and door prizes.
On September 19th, they hosted their 3rd Annual "Are You Man Enough to Wear Pink" Dance for the cure. K.C., Linda, Bev, and Harlan donated their time. The grange donated the hall with proceeds going to cancer research.
October 24th they will be sponsoring a Youth Dance from 2-5pm. The first hour is a free introduction for non-dancers of all ages to learn the first steps. From 3-5pm there will be a Youth Dance called/cued to the level of the youth on the floor. The callers will be K.C. Curtis with Jonny Roberts as the guest youth caller, cuer is Debbie Combs. Youth callers/cuers from the floor will be welcomed.
Tri-Squares: Fall lessons started September 19th at the Tigard Grange. The first five lessons will be free. Terry Halley is the instructor and regular caller.
The first dance in September was their Anniversary Dance on Friday, September 17th. Craig Abercrombie will call/cue the October 3rd Crazy Hat Dance.
Valley Squares: Scheduled dances are: October 2nd, "Oh My Punkin Pie", Mainstream workshop 7-8pm; October 16th, "Monster Mash" with Sandy Harris co-calling, Rounds at 7pm, Mainstream workshop 7:30pm; November 6th, "Send in/out the Clowns" with elections, Mainstream workshop 7-8pm; November 20th, Charity Dance for Doernbecher with K.C. Curtis co-calling, Rounds at 7pm, Mainstream workshop 7:30pm.
Classes start on January 4th and 7th, 2011.
In September, Kathy Roberts will be resuming State Youth Activities Coordinator. Delegates if you know how many youth you have dancing in your clubs, please let her know. Please ask their parents if you can give their email address to her.
September 21st was the 4th Annual Potluck Dance with the PSU foreign students at the Aloha Grange. They needed many angels to help them dance. It's a lot of fun. This was sponsored by FOCUS (Friends of Overseas Citizens and University Students).
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Umpqua Area Council will host the November 20th State Meeting. We will be having our annual traditional Thanksgiving Dinner and Dance on Saturday night. Flyers will be in your folders with information regarding the dinner and dance. Don Marshall will be calling and Pat Hintz will be cueing. I was going to have a list of Roseburg area motels but you are going to have to give me a call and I will give you that. We have three motels right now and the code word is "Buckeroo" and you will get the special rate.
Boots & Calicos: Last week the Boots & Calicos that dance in Winston who began their club in 1954 made the decision to dissolve their due to lack of membership. They were down to five members when they made the decision.
Buckeroo: Lessons begin October 7th. After much discussion, we are going to try for the first time to give lessons free. Also, for the first time we are going to have all three of our callers rotate teaching lessons.
The 5th Saturday dance in October will be our Halloween Dance. Costumes are optional.
Neil Koozer will begin Round Dance Lessons October 12th.
Dancing Friends: No report.
Pioneers 'N' Petticoats: They will remain dark through the rest of September and October but resume dancing in November.
Timber 8's: Have been dark this summer but are now back to dancing 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Plus lessons began September 15th taught by Don Marshall.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
The Elkhorn Swinger's caller has a spouse that is ill. She has had to suspend calling for the club to provide care. As it is uncertain when, or if, she will return to calling, the club is having to decide how their dance activity can continue.
The Star Promenaders are resuming their activities this month after a break for the summer. During the summer two couples participated in round dance lessons provided by the club cuer, Don and Bonnie Berry. The club performed as part of the entertainment for a community event in downtown LaGrande. They also hosted an Old Time Fiddlers Jam at the dance hall. A soup dinner was provided to raise funds for the Grange.
The Muddy Frogs have a new caller in Tina Allaway. She is not only new to the club; she is relatively new to calling. She is however not new to the square dance community as she has been cueing in the SW Washington area for several years. It amazes me when individuals are willing to take on the commitment of calling or cueing for us dancers.
The council helped sponsor the Wallowa Mountain Rendezvous again for the second year. This is a great event to attract people to our activity and we could do a better job in promoting it. Walking by, taking in the sights, tourists frequently are interested in the old dance hall and are attracted by the lights and music. One couple this year stepped in the door just as we started a round dance workshop. We invited them to participate and they had a great experience. Thanks to Neva Reid for adjusting the level of the workshop.
Central Oregon Council: Liz (Bert) Teitzel
The Central Oregon Roundup was a great success and everyone had an excellent time. We look forward to seeing everyone in Sisters again next year.
The Central Oregon Council will hold a Council dance on Saturday, October 30th. The theme is "Things that BUMP in the Night". The caller/cuer is Doug Davis. The dance will be held at the Redmond Grange.
All of the Central Oregon clubs are back to their regular schedules after a fun and relaxing summer. The Sundown Round Dance Club is sponsoring Two-Step round dance lessons starting Sunday, October 3rd. Joyce Brown will be the instructor. No mainstream lessons will be given this fall. The Bachelor Beauts will be giving lessons starting in January. The Red Rocks are considering lessons starting in January and will probably be looking for a caller.
Eastern Oregon Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers
Floyd Bard: For information, Eastern Oregon Council is staying on our roster as an area. At the time that their corporate status expires (December 31, 2010) then we will discuss the outcome of the Eastern Oregon Council.
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper)
We would like to thank everyone for coming out. We would like to thank the Whirl-A-Ways for the dinner and putting on the dance last night. Looking around watching the dancers last night, Tony was walking around; he had a nice western white shirt on with the Summer Festival emblem all over the back like what was on the front. I thought it was very appropriate. It was very nicely done.
I got a phone call yesterday from one of our clubs. This is going to be a 3-part ongoing until January's meeting. A request for handicap assistance from the Federation and this is the first part of it. Just giving you a heads up that it will be coming. There will be a bigger report at the November meeting and then a presentation at the January meeting.
Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell
Our Council has some great dances in the works. October 30th is the Harvest Hoedown with Charlotte Jeskey calling. We are also planning a New Years Eve party with our own caller, Larry Sprout, and cuer, Sarge Glidewell. Mike and Helen Halley will be calling and cueing for our council on April 30, 2011.
Klamath Country Squares: The KC's have been busy this September. Round dance workshops resumed on September 14th. On September 18th we had a demo at the local Farmer's Market downtown Klamath Falls for our National Square Dance week activities. We also danced again that night at our monthly party night with a reunion theme and OFN Subscription dance. I'll have to let you know how that turned out in the next report. Square dance workshops resumed on September 23rd. Now! We are looking forward to our annual Potato Festival October 15th and 16th.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle
Sea Twirlers: The Sea Twirlers celebrated their birthday on September 12th and all enjoyed an excellent day at the beach in perfect weather. George and Patty Hermann provided the calling and cueing. Lou Stovern reported a good time was enjoyed by all.
Toledo 49'rs: The Toledo 49'rs have spent a very quiet summer and have nothing to report.
Genevieve Churchill:
Lee you have been a good President and Floyd you are going to follow in suit.
I have been pondering what to say but I guess after 50 years of dancing I can really say "I have done it all" from a beginner to State President to traveling around the State and abroad. But wait a minute, I haven't been introduced at a National until Barbi did it at St. Louis, so now I guess I can say "I've done it all".
My wish is to say to all Square Dancers - I hope and wish you can do all the things I have done, go all the places I have been, meet the people I have danced with - and say I guess I have done it all. And I have loved every bit of it and all of you.
Bill & Annadale Rooper:
The summer at Rooper's has been slow and relaxed with yard work, except, when chasing chickens. They must have ended up in someone's stew pot, as they seem to have disappeared.
We attended the farewell Carson Campout in August. It was a fun weekend although there were some tears at the end. The weather cooperated completely and I think everyone had a good time. The attendance was down which is disappointing and those not attending will never know what they missed.
Summer Festival in Pendleton was tending a table for the 2012 National Convention. In off times another couple, the Balsigers, and us, entered nearly every store downtown to collect the charms offered by the Pendleton Chamber of Commerce. What fun, and think of the exercise we got.
The annual Swap and Swing picnic and annual meeting were in our backyard on a Wednesday evening in August. The wind was calm and the sun bright. We ate, socialized and enjoyed each other's company.
Al Wolf and Gail Domine asked us to join them at the Wallowa Mountain Rendezvous and then venture on over to McCall for a few days. We put items to sell for the 2011 Summer Festival and the 2012 National Convention on tables in the old roller-skating rink that must be 100 years or more and then danced on the warped wooden floor. I visited with Dorothy Dagget, a Randall Award winner while there. She is still doing what she can to promote square dancing.
While we were there, we did the tram to the top of the mountain. What a view of the country around and the deep canyons and BIG mountains. Beautiful! The chipmunks and ground squirrels were sassy and fun to watch and would eat out of our hands. The friendly deer in the park ate their breakfast in the grass out our window while we ate our breakfast. The Kokanee salmon were spawning in the creek bubbling past our cabin. It's a great place to vacation.
A jittery fox checked the rocks for squirrels where we stayed in McCall. There was a doe and two fawns in the trees outside our window that cautiously watched everything with their big ears and eyes then bounded across the busy highway with a dog chasing them.
I visited with Marge Pentecost over the phone. She said she is visiting with the ladies in the building and getting along okay.
I hope everyone has registered for Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals. Bill has Summer Festival ribbons.
Larry & Barbara Schaumburg:
Larry and I have been dancing with the Eager Beavers. Two weeks ago the Beavers had their annual beach trip to Rockaway. There were 5 motor homes and lots of dancers at the motel. In all there were probably about 50 dancers who attended the 3-day outing. The weather wasn't the best for outdoor games so all games were played indoors. There was one brave soul that tried to fly her kites. She went to the beach with one and returned with broken sticks. She went to the beach with a second kite and returned with an arm full of string, paper, and sticks. She decided to give up on the kite flying till next year.
At the beach there's always too much food. We arrived at 1pm Wednesday afternoon and the food line opens at 1:30. We play games and munch till dance time. There's a plus dance from 7:30 - 9:30. Thursday morning the food line is open again at 8:30am. After breakfast we play games, like pokeno, train, and black jack. At 12:30 food is on again for lunch. From 2 - 3 there is a plus workshop. From 3 till 5:30 game tables are open. At 6 it is buffet dinner at the Cowbell restaurant. At 7:30 plus dancing till 9:30. Friday morning we go back to the Cowbell for a buffet breakfast. Harold Kleve MC's the gifts for the game winners and has some departing jokes for the group. It was a very relaxing fun-filled 3 days.
Steve & Valerie Murphy:
After the July State Meeting in Pendleton, Valerie and I headed directly to Diamond Lake by way of Boise, Idaho. At the time it seemed like the right way to go. After 37 years the Star Promenaders, out of Medford, still know how to put on a great festival, but they haven't figured out how to get rid of the mosquitoes.
After a quick trip home to unpack, clean, and re-pack the RV, we were off for a week at McCloud Dance Country with Mike Sikorski and Chuck and Sandy Weiss. The Whirl-A-Ways from Springfield and the Central Oregon Bunch made up the bulk of the eight squares there. Mike said it was the largest group in the entire month he was there. This was our first time at McCloud Dance Country, but we've decided to make it an annual event.
Another quick trip home to unpack and re-pack, then off to Greeley, Colorado, for U.S.A. West. Despite one of the halls being shut down on the second day because it had an "un-danceable" floor, the event was great. Val and I met a lot of people that we didn't know from all over the 11 western states who make up the U.S.A. West organization. We learned some of the history of U.S.A. West, including the fact that the first time it was held, dates were set, callers and cuers were hired, and a place to have it was rented when someone said that it was about time to figure out a name. As usual the organizers got together in someone's home and a number of suggestions were made. Then someone had to make a phone call and pulled out the phone book to look up a number. The phone book was U.S. West; the caller made the winning suggestion, and the meeting was over.
We had about 2 weeks before we had to be on the Oregon coast so we took the scenic way home, including a trip to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. We toured most of the base including the base Chapel. The word "Chapel" is an understatement because it's as large as a cathedral. It's actually 4 churches in one building to provide services for cadets of all faiths. The largest is Protestant with a 4400 pipe organ. The second largest is Catholic with an 1100 pipe organ. Then there is a Jewish Synagogue and a small Buddhist temple. Services in all 4 churches can be held simultaneously without interfering with each other. It's really an amazing building. Being retired military, we were able to stay at the Academy RV Park, or Family Camp. It's one of the best RV parks we've ever seen, beautifully set in a forest. On our last day there we watched the cadets flying gliders at the Academy airfield.
It was then on to Port Orford for the Beachcombers' annual Battle Rock Dance weekend. I cued a little on Friday and danced the rest of the weekend, including dancing on the beach Saturday to Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper. We counted almost 25 RV rigs parked around the hall. Joe Matocha from Lantz's Dantzers got a kite for his birthday and decided to fly it. Don George dug one out of his rig and, for the next hour, a crowd formed watching these two trying to keep their kites in the air. Even though there was wind gusting, the kites would only stay up as long as they ran with them. As soon as either of them stopped running the kites dove straight to the ground or an antenna on an RV. More than one RV owner had to climb on the top of their rig to untangle the kites. The crowd offered encouragement by shouting "Run, Joe! Run, Don!" It was better than watching Laurel & Hardy.
The next weekend was a first for us. It was the first time we've taken the RV out with no dance clothes on board. We headed for Shasta Lake to visit with an old friend of mine who I haven't seen since we were teenagers.
Last weekend we attended the Circle N Squares in Yreka for their 56th Birthday Dance.
Right now we are in Grant's Pass for a weekend teach by Ken and Diane Pratt. We've missed their annual teaches the last 2 years in order to go to State meetings, so this is the first State meeting we've missed in over 4 years. We're just sorry the one we missed is Don and Lonna's last meeting as Goodwill Ambassadors. They've been Goodwill Ambassadors since we started attending State meetings as Delegates.
We'll be back for the meeting at the Buckaroo Barn in November.
Al Wolf & Gail Domine: - Absent, just selected as Ambassadors.
Floyd Bard: Before we start the Good of the Order I would like to make a presentation to Lee and Barbi. Would Lee and Barbi please come up?
There is a little story you see the little yellow signs over here? I feverishly have been trying to get a recent purchase over here. I bought a Model A Ford and I was going to pick up Lee and Barbi and bring them here in the rumble seat in my 1930 Model A, 2-door coupe. But, it is having problems keeping the contaminated fuel tank from putting contaminated fuel in the carburetor. I tried today and got a mile and Jill and I had to tow it back to our house. So we put the sign up here and we will give them a ride.
I want to tell you, Lee and Barbi have been wonderful for the Federation and have been great friends, and we love them to pieces. Lee was really responsible for a lot of my Warrant Officer career that is why he made the comment about my hairdo. I always surprised him in various venues. At this point in time (the flowers) I would like to present to Barbi too. They are leaving on a trip so we knew we couldn't give her a lavishing bouquet because it would set in her living room and wilt. So here is a budding rose, she is my budding rose and as beautiful. She can take that and then we also have these beautiful yellow and green mums for her to plant. Lee has made comments about my golfing and of course I've got my hole-in-one trophy. Lee does weird things to his body, his leg, his hand, his head, his arm, and the main reason for that is that he doesn't want to play golf with me. So we have something for Lee that will help him on the golf course so he will stay dry and he is in the appropriate colors.
The other thing I would like to do is I would like to thank all the officers the ones that served under Lee you've done a great job. Those of you that are going to serve under this next year, I thank you for continuing or volunteering to be our new delegates, our new officers, and our new committee chairman. This operation does not work without all of us. I do have a State of the Federation Address that I would like to give but I am not going to do it today. I am going to tell you a little bit about what my plans are for the year at the November meeting.
Kay Rogers: USA West is coming to Washington in 2011 in Longview, Washington, which is right off I-5. The Convention Center is about half mile from I-5. We've got the Ghost Riders, we have special events, we are going to have all of our education and callers sessions, the Crew, and RV parking. We have outfits, kits, and patterns, designed and sewn by our lovely Kathy Roberts. We have registration forms that I gave all of you.
Lee Ashwill: Please register.
Kay Rogers: That is the third weekend in August.
Sandy Eddings: I realize the computer age is great and it does a good job for some things. Being a past Chairman for a Mid-Winter Festival it's great. But I think we are coming to a point where we are losing a lot of the camaraderie in square dancing because of the computer age. When we start putting everything we do on the computer nobody is talking to anybody. Nobody is seeing anybody one-on-one. We need to think about this before we put everything we do on the computer.
Floyd Bard: I have a solution on that. I figured what I would do to counter the computer age I would add another 2 hours on our State meetings so we can spend more time together. (Laughter)
Kathy Roberts: I think most of you know me but I am coming back as the Youth Advisor. As of the next meeting I will be distributing information on the types of scholarships we have available through the State for our youth. We have two different kinds of scholarships so I will give you information on that. I would like to have two youth dances throughout the State during this next year. What I need to know is where are the kids? So if I can have the delegates and officers can go back to your clubs and find out where the kids are. Then contact me and let me know where they are because I don't want to take a youth dance to an area that doesn't have any kids. So please get back to me. I am in the Directory.
The Toe Draggers are going to have a Youth Dance on October 24th. If you want any more flyers or if the guests would like to have flyers please take them. It is for kids and anybody who is young at heart. It will be called to the floor level of the kids. So if you like to dance fast? Come. We look forward to seeing you.
I will be planning a Youth Scholarship Dance in the April/May time but it will not be in this area. I do not want it to conflict with the H.O.R.S.E.S. Dance. So I need a location for that. The Central Oregon has sponsored three of them for me. I would like to look outside of the area.
Zola Jones: I just want to let everyone know that at the November State Meeting the Mid-Winter Program Books will be here for all of you delegates to take supplies back to your areas.
Floyd Bard: We have our lovely Barbi Ashwill. On Tuesday some of you know that she had liposcopic surgery. She did very, very well and thank you for taking the time to be here with us.
Barbi Ashwill: What I would like to do is share with all of you because I think networking and sharing information is how we can help each other. I recently was handed this beautiful flyer and it happens to be from the Salem Swinging Stars. On the front it's got a picture, its got a big phone number, and it says "Square Dance for Fun and Fitness". When you open it up there are various topics inside with headings such as Calories, Cardiovascular Conditioning, Strong Bones, Rehabilitation, Socialization, and it go on about Modern Square Dancing and the kinds of music they use and all of that. Talks about when their lessons are and again has contact information on the back. This is a classy piece of work. Don't hesitate to have your clubs contact Salem Swinging Stars. We are always saying we need to upgrade our image. This is a good way to begin and still it is not too cumbersome that people would just throw it on the ground. I think they would take it home with them. So, keep in mind those kinds of things.
Janet Belcoff: Thank you Floyd. We wish you and your wife a very successful year as Oregon State President.
Floyd Bard: You can tell I have an uphill battle.
Janet Belcoff: Yes you do, don't you. All we have to do is look up there at the head table and we know that. Thank you also to the Oregon Federation for supporting the 61st National Square Dance Convention®. As Lee shared, the Spokane meeting was 2 weeks ago with the Apple Core Board and our dancers. On Saturday at that meeting we had over 140 people attend the second day of our weekend meeting. That tells you a little bit about the enthusiasm right now 2 years before our Convention in June of 2012. Our Washington dancers are right there, the enthusiasm is there, and their energy is contagious as we're preparing for our National Convention and for the pre-Convention week of activities that is only a little over 7 months, very short months, away from the pre-Convention. In fact the kickoff dance is March 26th and today is September 26th. Lee also shared with you that we would gladly take registrations. If you would like to pay for those he would take them. In fact, we can exchange those with the ribbons for registration and give you a confirmation letter today. We just happen to have brought that with us. We kind of travel with that right now so we will give that to you and exchange it. We are privileged to be here and I apologize that we won't be at your November meeting. As pre-Convention Manager that weekend we will be attending the Services Committee Meeting in Spokane as we prepare for the pre-Convention week of activities.
Lee Ashwill: $40.00 for an advance registration, consider that for 4 days versus 2 days State Festival. A bargain you will get.
Janet Belcoff: Annadale reminded me she has cookbooks for the Convention.
Ray Jones: There are a couple people I would like to thank that put a lot of work in to this weekend. Dennis Marsh, our Area Delegate, and one that doesn't get to speak very often Sharon Greenman, our Area President. Sharon is also our Area Secretary and our Area gopher and our Area this and our Area that. But they do a lot of work here and we really appreciate it.
Gary Sohn: I want to thank them for putting on a fantastic meeting here today. It is a great facility.
If any of you don't have anything to do on the fifth Saturday in October Mid-Willamette is hosting their Fall Festival Dance. We would love to have you come down and celebrate it at the Square Dance Center in Salem.
My wife sitting over here in the wheelchair is going in for surgery Monday. Hopefully it will be successful so she can get back to square dancing again. She is having surgery to remove a cyst from her spine. Hopefully, we've got a good doctor and everything works out well.
I thought that was a fantastic little flyer too. I proceeded to borrow their same flyer, reorganize it, redid it, and published it for our club. I took it downtown and stuck it in every doctors' office, every dentists office, every physical therapy center I could find. I was surprised the doctors were very willing to have you put them around in their office so I just tossed them on all their tables. Hopefully it did some good. I haven't got a reply back to see how they responded to it.
Tony Haskins: I have a last comment. We are having our next Summer Festival Meeting in The Dalles at the Rooper's.
In the Umpqua Area, Sunday, November 21, 2010, at the Buckeroo Barn, 5051 NE Stephens St., Roseburg, Oregon. It will start at 9:00am
Floyd Bard: I will entertain a motion to adjourn?
Lee Ashwill: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Sylvia Davis.
Adjourned at 1:00pm.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary