President Floyd Bard called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.
Officers: All present.
Appointed Officers: All present except BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert; ORDTA, Ken Pratt (Alt: Sarge Glidewell); Round Dance Screening, Barbara Schaumburg.
Delegates: All present except Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle; Mid-Willamette, Gary Sohn (Alt: Myrt Powell); Rogue Sis-Q, John Guches (Alt: Stephen Murphy); and Tualatin Valley, Mike Duyck.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Larry and Barbara Schaumburg.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Lee Ashwill.
1st Vice President, Ray Jones.
The Pledge first appeared in a slightly different version in a mass
circulation magazine for young people, "The Youths Companion". It
appeared in the September 8th, 1892 issue.
MINUTES: Dale Worthington: The Minutes were posted on the Website.
Ray Jones: I move that the Minutes be accepted as corrected. Seconded by Dennis Marsh. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
We have much to accomplish and I plan to end today's meeting on or before noon. I want to thank the Buckaroo Square Dance Club and the Umpqua Area Council, especially Frank Schuchard and his committee for the great turkey dinner, hosting the dance, and for hosting the State Meeting today.
You will find that the delegates will make their reports in the order from past State meetings. Next meeting the order will be changed to what is reflected in the State Directory and the seating chart will change accordingly, which may have to change the Practices and Procedures, so Ron will not have to jump all over with the microphone.
I want to thank Jim and Avis Kinkaid for being the Trailer Coordinator for many years. Jim has made necessary repairs and I will be moving the trailers from his home to my home within the next couple of weeks. I will publish a map and good directions to our home in the January OFN.
As we all know Vivian Fairburn has agreed to stay on as the OFN Editor and will assist in the recruitment and selection of her replacement. That needs to happen soon. Hopefully we will make an announcement at the 2011 Mid-Winter State Meeting. In talking with her today this is an ongoing thing and we will see what happens. The OFN Advisory Committee has been working the issue. Vivian has done a great job for the past 7+ years and we need to move fast with her replacement so the Federation can meet her wishes.
I plan to revisit the 2012 Summer Festival and may request a motion to withdraw the motion that was made at the last State Meeting to cancel the 2012 Summer Festival so we can entertain a proposal from Kay Rogers.
I will also have a written report from Jim Kinkaid later on in the meeting.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Ray (Zola) Jones
I don't have a written report I do have a couple comments. One is that we had the State Meeting dates established through 2011 except for November, which is Lincoln-Tillamook, and I would like it in the minutes that we need to resolve this as soon as possible, hopefully by the January meeting.
One other thing I would like to mention. I have been a delegate here for many years off and on. I feel that the Delegates from the area councils are the most important people in this Federation. I feel that you people have the responsibility to keep the Elected Officers honest. You have the voting power and you need to analysis your jobs, analysis your issues and the motions that come before this Federation and act accordingly.
2010 Summer Festival: Kay (Jim) Rogers
I want to thank everybody that came to the 2010 Summer Festival and I want to say we had 365 people attend. After we paid the insurance assessment, BMI/ASCAP, we gave the State half of the profit. Our committee consisted of three couples. You can do that if you have a good facility and you have a facility that doesn't charge too much rent. The most important of that rent is do they charge you extra for everything they do for you? If that happens you end up paying more than in a flat rate to begin with. Thanks to all of you for making that festival profitable.
2011 Mid-Winter Festival: Larry (Carol) Reetz
First let me thank Kay and her team for what they did for Summer Festival. In light of the numbers that she just told you for them. I need to remind each and every one of you that Mid-Winter Festival and the Summer Festival are the two primary fund raisers for financing the operations of the Oregon Federation of Square and round Dance Clubs. It is the responsibility of each officer, appointed member, and delegate to promote these festivals. I fully realize that the number of square dancers, round dancers and cloggers in this State are not nearly what they used to be, but we have more than enough to bring at least 1,200 dancers to the dance floor for each festival.
I present this reminder because to date we only have approximately 200 dancers registered for the 2011 Mid-Winter Festival. We are only 9 weeks from opening the doors. To date that should be somewhere in the number about 600.
We need your help to promote Mid-Winter Festival in your clubs and each of your respective areas across the State. If you need additional flyers please let me know so that I can get them or the committee can get them to you.
Last week we completed a mailing to approximately 750 dancers who had previously attended Mid-Winter Festivals. This included a cover letter, the Mid-Winter Festival flyer and an information sheet about the trolley program that we instituted this year for the dinner hour Saturday night and new restaurants advertising in the program book this year. I believe each one of you has a copy of the current program book. I have additional ones for you to take home.
I want to thank Zola Jones for her efforts. She has done an outstanding job each and every year in producing the program book for the Mid-Winter Festivals.
2011 Summer Festival: Tony Haskins
The 2011 Summer Festival to be held in Troutdale, Oregon, on July 8th, 9th, and 10th is in full swing and going well.
The Reynolds High School located at 1698 SW Cherry Park Road has plenty of room for our festival. This is a newer school with ample dry parking for RVs and plenty of parking for cars and trucks. It is vendor friendly with easy access and departure. The school has drive through security at night, it is air-conditioned, and is located just off I-84, easy in and easy out.
The school offers a Main Gym, East Gym, and the Multi-Purpose room for our dancing pleasure. There is also the "Common's Area" which seats up to 250 people and offers the High School Food Court. This area is terraced and large enough to accommodate most of the vendors. This is a great place to meet and talk to old friends, relax and get something to drink or eat, and/or to check out the vendors and their wares.
There are numerous recreational areas along I-84 as well as the Sandy River. There are RV sites in Fairview, Troutdale, Wood Village, and Gresham. This will be in the directory or you may contact Chuck and Judy Gelmstedt-Bos, Wagon Master, at 503-665-5624 for more information. Troutdale and the surrounding areas have numerous restaurants, motels, and hotels. The Portland Airport is just minutes away. There are hundreds of shopping malls and in Troutdale (old town) there are many specialty shops. Gresham Gold Course is just up the hill.
To start the USO Show off we will offer two different tours to OMSI and the Blue Back Submarine. The first will be on July 8th, Friday afternoon at about 1 o'clock. The second will be on July 9th, Saturday afternoon about 1 o'clock. Both tours will be at a discounted price and will last approximately 2 - 2 ½ hours each. There will be transportation from and back to the school. Over 200 interactive exhibits for all ages are available. Five unique halls and eight hands-on science labs such as chemistry, physics, watershed, paleontology, laser technology, and more are available.
Climb aboard the USS Blue Back Submarine and tour the U.S. Navy's last non-nuclear, fast-attack sub. The sub is a 45-minute tour just in itself. OMSI also offers the Omni-Max Dome Theater and the Kendall Planetarium. Don't forget the OMSI science store where you can purchase science kits, books, globes, telescopes, educational toys, puzzles, t-shirts, souvenirs and more. Plus, there will be year round events on a variety of topics from reptiles to robotics.
The USO Show is to be held in the High School Auditorium. This area seats 500 people in a theater style setting. Lights and sound is to be done by the High School Booster Club. This show will feature the "2 Sisters and a Mr. Act". This will feature fabulous 1940 music and entertainment. The show will be 1½ hour long from 6pm to 7:30pm. Tickets will be available at Mid-Winter.
The 2011 Summer Festival T-shirt program is doing very well. We have had to re-order some popular sizes. Pink is out-selling the gray. The raffles for the Dinner Boat Cruise and the Hand-made Quilt are doing well. Businesses throughout the area have donated several large door prizes for the festival. These will also be given away at the Trails End Dance and throughout the weekend.
The Festival committee has voted to Not Charge callers and cuers and their partners if they are performing at the festival. Everyone else will have to pay.
These will be a Show Case of Rounds provided by Tami Helms and MC'd by Patty Hermann on July 8th, Friday evening. Check this out in the program directory which will come out at Mid-Winter.
2012 Mid-Winter Festival: Roger (Linda) Putzler
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
I would like to clarify my status and position of Editor. I did not use the words retire or quit. Whoever did that it did not come from me. I only put out the message that at any time someone who might be interested in the Editor position I would be willing to train and step-a-side. At the time I was working 7 days a week and it was getting a little overwhelming. I don't have to quit I don't have to do anything. I just thought at this point in time after 7 years maybe somebody else would like to step up and be interested in just the Editor's position. Well, I am still here and it is apparent that I am going to be here for some time to come because nobody is interested. I haven't heard from anyone who would be willing to do this work at least for free. So I will continue until we do find someone, the offer is always open, but I think you are going to have me for a while.
I really thought I would get two or three people jump up and say, "I volunteer to do this." It is so much fun. So we will take this off the table for now but at any point in time we will address it when somebody steps up.
Club Directory ad payments are due by December 31st. Reminder post cards have been mailed to the president of each these clubs. Please remind your club to be prompt with payment this year. Last year I was tracking down money through March and they are due December 31st.
After 3 months this fiscal year we are in the black. I really appreciate all the clubs who purchase ads every month knowing that their treasury is not always flush but wish to support the OFN. I do thank these clubs. We have 818 current subscribers, so the subscription dances have really helped. I would like to encourage all club officers to subscribe to the OFN at least for the year that they are in office. Not only does the information contained within help them be a more informed club officer it also helps as an invoice for ads that appear. I don't send out invoices so if the publicity or treasurer subscribed it would eliminate quite a few late payments, reminders, and confusion. Boy, did I have confusion this month with somebody who was out of the country and didn't see what was printed and referred back to what the first draft of the ad was. Actually hung up on me. It would help to at least have some people at least on the board to see what is printed.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Barbara Tipton
Just before taking office in September I was diagnosed with Focal Sigma Scholorosis Increase Kidney Disease. My immune system was telling my kidneys to take the proteins from my blood stream, in which it was doing at a very high level. Due to this my body filled with fluids, so they put me on medications to get rid of the fluids and also put me on Prednisone to reverse the action in the kidneys. The doctor said I had the mildest form of this disease and will get well and it should not reoccur again if I stay healthy.
Thank you all for taking care of my responsibilities while I was ill.
Just a reminder that if you have not checked the Directories for errors and sent them to Vivian to publish in the OFN, please do so or you can forward them to me and I will forward them on to her.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
Everything is going well. I just need to learn how to spell certain individuals names, but I am learning.
Thank you notes to:
Dennis Marsh and Emerald Empire Council for hosting the State Meeting in Eugene
Get Well cards sent to:
Norma Sohn, Ron Woodworth, Jack Herring, Terrence Stoddard, Jill Bard, and Vern Wheeler
Sympathy card to:
Barbara Tipton for her brother who passed away
TREASURER: Larry (Carol) Reetz
First of all if you have not completed an expense form please complete that and get it to the 1st Vice President, Ray Jones, please.
In discussions with the Financial Advisor we will be providing a profit and loss statement. I will send that to the Recording Secretary to be added to the Minutes at this time.
The 2009 - 2010 financial documentation has been provided to the Financial Advisor for an audit.
Floyd Bard: Does anybody have any questions on the Treasurer's Report that was placed in the box?
Barbi Ashwill: I just briefly looked at that and there are still negative figures. Can you explain those to us Larry?
Larry Reetz: I will be going over that with Bill Rooper. I don't understand why those are there either. They should not be there and it is evidently the way I have been putting it in the Quickbooks from the way I understand our files. Bill and I will be looking at that to figure out why.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
I will be talking later on in the meeting so I don't have anything to say right now.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
The insurance process is getting easier every year with the help of Tim Roberts who has helped automate. A lot of the bookkeeping part of this job is so simplified that it is wonderful. As usual the most difficult part of it is communicating with other people and trying to get them to have the same enthusiasm that I do.
The process of insuring for 2011 is well under way. A big thank you to all the delegates who followed the directions and especially to those who turned your paperwork in before this weekend.
This was the first year we tried to do the distributing of paperwork by e-mail. For the most part, it worked out well. The clubs actually seemed to get the job done while some of the delegates may not have understood the process.
Thanks to all of you for your patience in dealing with this new process. Next year we will change things up enough to mess you up again.
PAST PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
Delegates, if you have not yet returned your council's vote for the Randall Award, they are due today! I need the vote from TVC, Umpqua, South Coast, and Blue Mountains.
You all have flyers announcing the Benefit Dance to be held at the Salem Square Dance Center in Salem, Oregon, on April 3, 2011, from 1 to 4 pm. The callers for this event will be Daryl Clendenin, Les Seeley, and Randy Dibble. The cuer will be Tami Helms. I am asking you to start publicizing this event starting today. Our charity of choice, the Adaptive Riding Institute (H.O.R.S.E.S.) has been hit with the recession as well as everyone else. The contributions to this organization have been reduced, but their needs have not. I would like for the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs to set an all-time high with our contributions this year. Please let the dancers know that if they are unable to attend this event, they can still contribute by sending their check/cash to me. Also, please remind them that the checks should be made out to the Adaptive Riding Institute and can be claimed as a tax deduction if they file the long 1040 with the IRS. Following the dance, we take the callers, cuer, and their spouses/significant other to dinner at a location to be identified. All dancers attending the Benefit Dance are invited to go to dinner with this group.
The first weekend of each November, there is an event held at the Square Dance Center in Vancouver/Orchards, Washington. This is the Royal Romp with Tony Oxendine and Jerry Story calling and Tami Helms cueing. The organizers of this event are Oregon dancers and they have asked that I encourage the officers and delegates of this Federation to make an effort to attend. They would love to see support from this body.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I have one quick procedural item regarding the September meeting, which I should have brought up at that time. When the motion to accept the Rosetown Ramblers was presented, it was tabled because we did not have their insurance information yet. The way the Practices and Procedures read, the Federation is expected to vote on the application first. The club is not formally admitted to the Federation until their insurance information is received, but the vote to admit them can occur before that happens. Hopefully, I'll remember that for next time.
Don't forget to register for Mid-Winter's 'Lil Bit O' Heaven in 2011 to be held in Albany, Oregon, January 28th, 29th, and 30th. Larry and Carol Reetz and Roger and Linda Putzler are working hard to put together a great venue for all the dancers. Pre-register so these folks know about how many people are going to be there. Calling will be Joe Saltel out of Pharr, Texas, and cuers will be Pat and Joe Hilton out of Baldwin, Missouri.
Don't forget the 11th USA West Square Dance Convention to be held at the Cowlitz Conference Center in Longview, Washington, on August 18th, 19th, and 20th, 2011. The theme this year is "Cascade Promenade". Tim and Kathy Roberts are in charge of registration for this event.
The Portland Area Council's Summer Festival is coming along nicely. It will be held on July 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2011. It will be held at the Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Oregon. Please pre-register for this event. Check out the OFN for the monthly report on this upcoming event.
Also don't forget the 61st National Square Dance Convention® to be held in Spokane, Washington, on June 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2012. The theme is "Circulate in Washington State in 2012". Please help our neighbors out by pre-registering for this great event.
The Evergreen Council hosted the Tri-Council Dance this year on October 30th at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, Washington. There were 28 squares on the floor dancing to the calling of the "Crew". Those rascals are Daryl Clendenin, Randy Dibble, Jim Hattrick, and Les Seeley. Jim Hattrick also cued. What a great job these folks do. There was a lot of food for the hungry and plenty of dancing for the restless. The PAC Summer Festival and the 61st NSDC from Spokane both had tables set up doing pre-registration for those events.
Rex and Jean Tolstrup from the Happy Hoppers were presented with the Bob Kendall Award. Congratulations to both of you…and thank you both for putting on a great dance this year. The Tualatin Valley Council will do the honors in 2011. Evergreen Council had 93 dancers, TVC had 80 dancers, the PAC had 75 dancers and there were 61 dancers who did not indicate their clubs.
The Checkerboard Squares did a dance yesterday at Metro East in Gresham for Public Television Broadcasting. This is free to anybody who wants to go on public TV and get this put out. So if you have a Metro East building or facility in your area contact them and I think in the Portland area it is going to be on channel 22 or 23. It is not Public Broadcasting it is just Public Television. So they danced down there yesterday at 5 o'clock with the calling of Mark Wheeler from the Country Capers. I will let you know when it is going to be on TV so you can watch it.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
Our committee has a report that will be presented under unfinished business.
My activities have been tied up mostly with this committee report, but I recommend that all club, area, and Federation officers re-read Section VI page 1 through Section VI page 16 to get more familiar with the various requirements for membership in the Federation. We are going to have a problem on of these days trying to figure out what the requirements for membership are because of the IRS $400 fee for exempt organizations.
Floyd Bard: To add to what Bill is saying, I am involved with fraternal organizations, the Elks Lodge for one, and public accommodation, which is not really our involvement, but I am going to guarantee you any non-profit tax exempt organization is under huge scrutiny right now. It is not only in our types of 501(c)(4)s and 501(c)(7)s it is everyone in the 501 series that are being looked at. They are increasing their fees for getting your status and they are going to watch you every year that you maintain that status.
EDUCATION ADVISOR: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
I just want to comment that we are having this Education Seminar at the Mid-Winter Festival on determining tax-exempt status. We are going to have a recap of that at the 2011 Summer Festival just in case so folks are not able to make that one they can catch the other one. It is a very important subject so I think we should have it at least twice.
HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones
I wanted to mention this article that was turned in to me as Historian. It is from this area and it is published in the Douglas County News on September 22nd of this year. It says the Buckaroo Barn carries on an Oregon tradition. Frank Schuchard do you know if they have this article posted up here in the hall anywhere? (Response: It is on the bulletin board.) It is an interesting article as to how the Buckaroo Barn came to be. It started out as a totally different building and it took a lot of work over many, many months to turn it in to this wonderful square dance facility. So during the break, if you have time, go over and read the article. It is just a great article. Of course, I am going to have it in Historian's books on display at the festivals.
We are currently sorting and assimilating the photos we have taken at festivals and State meetings. If anyone has extra photos of these or any other events, please identify them and send them to us or bring them to Mid-Winter Festival. Thank you.
I have given each area delegate here today a list of "Clubs and Councils Histories" we still need from their area. These may be sent to us, or brought to Mid-Winter Festival and left at the Historian Display Table. Thank you for carrying this request back to your clubs and councils.
Floyd Bard: I did receive an email from Christina Corelli and she has a friend that has a lot of old square dance records. I copied her to Zola so we are going to get some other artifacts from the old square dance days.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
Everything is current with both organizations.
During this year I would like to work with two clubs or councils throughout the State to sponsor two youth dances. In order to do this I need to know where the youth dancers are. Delegates please ask your club delegates to contact all the clubs in their area and ask them to send me the number and ages of the kids dancing in their clubs. Once I know where the kids are I will contact two of the councils, or they can contact me, to set up a youth dance in their area.
We have two different kinds of scholarship available in the State. The first scholarship is a continuing education scholarship. Our Oregon State Federation has a $500 scholarship for graduating high school seniors or college freshman. You can direct your students to the scholarship by visiting the Federation website: I also have a copy of the requirements if any of you would like to know what the requirements are for the scholarship. Currently, all of the educational scholarship funds have been from donations from our dancers. In the past we have had three Scholarship Dances where Central Oregon helped co-host the dances. I would like to plan another Scholarship Dance for April or May and would like to work with a council to sponsor this dance. Delegates, please ask your council if you would like to host a Scholarship Dance and let me know.
The other way we raised funds in the past was by asking for donations from all of the clubs and councils. When you have a dance in an area the people who donate to that dance are only in that area. If you take these little buckets that I have set in front of each council delegate back to your councils and also ask all your clubs to set up a bucket. That way all the dancers in Oregon have an opportunity to contribute to the Scholarship Fund. We have done this in the past and I would like to start doing it again. When you encourage them to donate they then bring their donations back to the council and you can turn them in during my report at the State meeting. Since I started this a few years ago the TVC has continued to bring in donations. It would be nice if we kept the fund at a high level so we could accommodate any youth dancer that has been a member of a Federated club for a year and has met the requirements and would like to apply for additional help. That gives them good memories of square dance and hopefully as they move through their life they will continue to come back to square dancing. We need the kids, we really do.
The second scholarship the Oregon Federation has available is a scholarship to help students attend or participate in federated events such as Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals. If you have a student that needs assistance, please contact me with a brief reason why they need assistance. I will discuss the application either with the Youth Committee or on my own that I set up this weekend and let the requestor know the decision. For this Youth Committee for the educational scholarship I need an elected officer and a delegate to be on that committee. If you are interested in helping me with that please contact me.
Ann Skoe of the Canby Cloverleafs approached me this week to ask for assistance in paying membership dues for four of her students. I will be notifying Ann of our decision when I get home.
For our high school seniors who are planning on continuing their education, there is another scholarship available. USDA offers one $1,000.00 scholarship towards continuing education. Rules and eligibility are on their website at: The deadline for this scholarship is February 1st. For your information the last 4 years the USDA Scholarship has been awarded to an Oregon dancer. This is United States wide and our dancers have been the ones that have received it. So please, if you have any high school seniors or college freshman please encourage them to look at these requirements and then submit their application.
Floyd Bard: Can you tell us how many applicants we have had apply for the $500.00 scholarship?
Kathy Roberts: When I first started it, it was at $250, we had three applications. At that time, because it was a brand new program, we did not have enough money to provide for three scholarships. We awarded two based upon the requirements, whether or not they met the deadlines and things. Our next year we had three and we awarded three. Because of the generosity of the dancers our scholarship fund had been growing. The next year we had two and we awarded two. I don't know if anybody applied the first year Lisa was here, but I know no one applied last year.
Floyd Bard: Yes, last year that is what I wanted to know. Nobody applied last year. You have got to stay on top of it to keep people aware that the activity is there. What is the process in the committee that looks at these applications and decides they are worthy of the $500.00 scholarship?
Kathy Roberts: The first requirement is that you have to be a member of a federated club for one year. So encourage your kids that are freshman, sophomores, and juniors to become members of a federated club. Because it is a Federation scholarship, that is a requirement for both the Federation and the USDA. Your next one is that you have to write a 250-word essay for the State on How Square Dancing has Impacted Your Life and whether or not you are going to continue and what you have seen as a result. For the USDA it is a 500-word essay. The next requirement is that you must meet your application deadline. That is one of the rules. The kids need to learn that for Oregon our deadline is May 1st. They have months to prepare for it. For the USDA their application deadline is February 1st and you have to meet that deadline. You also have to have a couple letters of recommendation. You can go to your club caller, your club president, other dancers that you know, and have some letters written for you. Those are your requirement and I don't know about the USDA but I know for Oregon there are some kids that are very brilliant but they write not very well. Grammar is not a consideration. Punctuation is not a consideration. We had one young lady that had a special need and her family of the club was in tears when we presented the application to her at a dance. It was the only scholarship she would be able to receive. It was really great.
ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt - Alternate: Sarge Glidewell
ORDTA held their fall meeting on Saturday, October 2nd, at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield.
This was our newly elected president's, Ken Pratt, first meeting to officiate. He did a great job as our new leader. We thank Dennis Smith for leading us for many years.
ORDTA chose "Dancing Shadows" as the Classic Round of the Month for March 2011.
ORDTA discussed the Mid-Winter Festival's profiles from cuers. It was agreed that ORDTA support Patty Hermann or whoever is in charge of the round dance program and remember that the festival is for the dancers. The suggestion was made that the chairman invites cuers to cue at Mid-Winter, period. The problem arises when too many cuers let the chairman know they can only cue during a small window of time.
ORDTA discussed So You Want to Be a Cuer Session at Mid-Winter. The equipment given to ORDTA by Christi Britton in memory of Bud Roshau will be lent to a person who is interesting in learning to cue for 1 year. Applications for this equipment was attached to each ORDTA member's email along with minutes.
ORDTA discussed ECMA and encouraged everyone to make sure their clubs and members all know what this means and how to do it.
ORDTA's annual meeting will be held on Saturday, January 29th at 9:00am in conjunction with Mid-Winter Festival in Albany.
ORTDA's spring meeting will be held on Saturday, April 12, at 10:00am at the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center in Springfield.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
Oregon Round of the Month
February 2011
"Kansas City Lights" - Choreo: Tony Speranzo
Artist: Steve Wariner - "Trk #9 CD Titled Steve Wariner Super Hits"
Availability: Download from I-tunes and others
Phase: II + 1 (fishtail) Rhythm: Two-Step
Chosen by: Tualatin Valley Council
March 2011 - Classic
"Dancing Shadows" - Choreo: Edna & Gene Arnfield
Artist: Eric Jupp Band
Record: Windsor #4682
Phase: II Rhythm: Two-Step
Chosen by: ORDTA
Cuers on the ROM email list have been notified of the rounds that were chosen by the councils.
Certificates of congratulation have been mailed to the choreographers for their dance.
Anyone with questions, comments, or new dances please email or call me.
WEB MASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I have nothing to report.
I have sent a letter out to all those interested in dancing at the State Fair this year. The letter was sent to Mid-Willamette Council, Harriet Livingston; Evergreen Council, Rex and Jean Tolstrup; Tualatin Valley Council, Ferrous Steinka; Portland Area Council, Tony Haskins.
To those concerned:
As the State Fair Coordinator, I'm taking requests from Square Dance Clubs who would like to participate in this exciting event for 2011. I was under the impression that the Willamette clubs want to dance again, as well as the PAC clubs. There is also room for the Evergreen Council and any other council to have a club come and dance. I'm looking for any information on which clubs want to do this and or the contact person I should communicate with over the next several months. Those who have already requested, please email me with that information again. Dates, Times, and stage area have not been selected yet and won't be until May or June at the earliest. Right now, I just want to know who would like to dance.
Unless things change, I need 4-6 clubs who would like to come to Salem. It will almost be the same venue as last year. The last weekend in August, and the 1st weekend in September are the projected dates.
I would like to see more than several clubs wanting to dance. We could then increase our presence at the State Fair with more days to do square dancing. Of course, this will have to be worked out with the personnel at the State Fair if the opportunity arises.
The last four years have seen an increase in spectators, especially when we are using Center Stage. I will try to get Center Stage for all dancing this year again. As with anything in square dancing, it takes a little work, but the pay off is immeasurable. Everyone gets a free pass to the fair and a great time with me... so sign up today!
The people I have contacted and have heard from: The BnBs, a PAC club, wants to dance on Labor Day so that is taken. The Salem Swinging Stars and the TVC all want to dance. So if anybody else wants to dance the State Fair please email and let me know and I will get you set up.
I would like to thank everybody for allowing us to host this Federation meeting and the dance and the dinner. It was a lot of fun, a lot of work but I think it kind of paid off. We counted about 110 people that were eating last night I think we had about 90 paid dancers so that is pretty nice. I think we had a pretty good turn out. From what I hear a lot of people had fun. People were smiling and actually the barn wasn't too cold either.
Yesterday we had 12 council members come to the meeting, which was good. We had a couple of people speak at the meeting regarding insurance. Kay gave us some good information just to keep on top of everybody and make sure everybody gets the forms in. We had some discussion about our tax-exempt status and we talked about that. There was some discussion about making our Recording Secretary's job a little easier.
I need to apologize to the Committee. Tim Roberts and I did most of the work that was done on this because we were faced with an October 15th deadline. At our last meeting on the 26th of September there wasn't an awful lot of time left to do it. However we came up with something and I hope everybody got the message and worked it out.
Three or four years ago the IRS, Internal Revenue Service, decided that they needed to have contact with all non-profit organizations and came up with a new form for small non-profits. Previously their rule was that if the non-profit had less than $25,000 in annual income they did not have to file or make an annual report.
The IRS apparently did not do a good job of getting this information lout to the non-profit organizations and to complicate things further, unless the non-profit had sent in a form with the IRS asking for exempt status, they were not on the list the IRS notified. A lot of our clubs were in this category. Years before clubs had sent to the IRS an application for an ID number and thought that was all that was required. Come to find out, unless the non-profit organization had sent in another form asking for exempt status, the IRS threw out the ID number after 6 years so no further contact with that organization.
In effect the IRS did not know that a lot of square dance clubs and councils existed because they had relied on the $25,000 rule and thought they did not have to send in an annual report. This was true but the IRS had deleted their ID number so the club was not on record with the IRS anyway.
Our committee members spent several hours talking on the phone with the IRS people before this situation became clear and by that time we were up against a deadline of October 15, 2010. Because of the misunderstanding the IRS people decided that if a club or council contacted them before October 15th and explained why they had not sent in a form the IRS would get the information they needed over the phone from the club or council and register the club or council and prepare the new annual Form 990-N for them. Tim Roberts e-mailed this information to all the clubs and councils he had record of and I hope it all works out because the IRS said it would take 8 weeks to process. After the 8 weeks each club or council who was in this situation and talked to the IRS should get a letter from the IRS stating that every thing has been taken care of for this year and probably giving the club or council a new ID number to use with future years preparation of Form 990-N. At this time that 8 weeks has not elapsed so we are still in the dark somewhat.
Those clubs and councils who were on the IRS list of exempt organizations should have received notice months ago and sent in the Form 990-N with no problem. It is a short form and is filed on the computer.
My experience is I hope different from most clubs or councils. In August I talked to the IRS and because our club, Swap & Swing, ID number had been disposed of they gave me a new ID number and told me to call another phone number. This I did and they took our information and said to wait 8 weeks and I could then prepare Form 990-N. On October 5th my 8 weeks was up so I tried to prepare Form 990-N. The IRS had no record so I called the IRS again and after a bit they said they were sorry but they had not carried through with what they said they would do in August and so I had to wait another 8 weeks, which will expire in December. I cannot therefore tell you that this procedure will work. I would recommend that if you do not hear from the IRS by 8 weeks from October 15 that you contact them again. The IRS people I talked to were quite helpful.
If your organization received $25,000 or more income per year or has $50,000 or more in assets you are required to file 990 or 990-EZ. You can be subject to this rule one year and not the next because of the changing situation.
I believe that what brought all this confusion was that even though the P & P's require clubs and councils to ask for tax-exempt status with the IRS many have not done so. Hopefully, those that have not could take advantage of this one-time telephone filing procedure because to ask the normal way requires payment of a $400.00 fee with the application, Form 1024.
(Discussion followed. For a complete copy contact the Recording Secretary.)
Floyd Bard: I think what we need to have then, based on the December 15th and the timeframe with you and your committee we need 100% report from all the clubs so we can have the status at the Mid-Winter meeting and then we can go from there and make that determination. But we need 100% from all the clubs whether they have something back from IRS or they have not filed, they didn't meet the filing deadline, or they did and have not heard anything back. Those are the three scenarios.
(More discussion followed. For a complete copy contact the Recording Secretary.)
Floyd Bard: That is the issue the committee has put together. The reason we stood this committee up was to answer those questions, which is Bill Rooper, Tim Roberts, Barbi Ashwill, Frank Schuchard, and Larry Reetz that is on this committee. This is all the stuff that's got to come together and get this information to you. Don't get wrapped around the axle don't go home being afraid of what is happening. Are we all in jeopardy? No, just go ahead and know that the committee that we have is really strong and are working these issues. They have our best interest and when we get done with this, which is not an easy task, this is monumental. Putting it mildly, it will get done but it is not going to happen today, it is not going to happen tomorrow, it is going to happen over a period of time. Like I said, we have got to do it right the first time. We might have to sit down with an IRS representative and have a face-to-face talk with somebody.
I would like to deal with the 2012 Summer Festival. Ray Jones is going to make a motion.
Ray Jones: I move to reinstate the 2012 Summer Festival. Seconded by Larry Reetz. There was no discussion. One opposed motion carried.
Floyd Bard: The discussion here is that we had very little if no interest at all in 2012. To move things along I asked for a motion to cancel the 2012. In the meantime there is a plan for 2012 Summer Festival. There is an issue that the Federation needs to have the two festivals, the Mid-Winter and the Summer Festival. It is not just because we generate revenue. We received funds from the Pendleton Summer Festival 2010 that is great. I think this is also a tradition. It is something that we want to maintain and continue. If you start dropping things all of the sudden it just goes on and on. Kay Rogers has contacts and based upon the interest of the Federation has a plan.
Kay Rogers: I felt that we needed to have a Summer Festival on the second or third weekend in July the way that we had long fought to get established. I contacted Pendleton and Seaside. Reason being for both of these facilities is they do all the work. So with a committee of four or six people you can put something on. Pendleton is not an option. Date wise they have one weekend open in July and that is the 6th through the 8th, which is immediately following the 4th of July. Other than that, that is a wonderful facility and I would encourage any club to use it. You don't have to live in Pendleton. Your club doesn't have to be in Pendleton you can have a festival there long distance, via email it is very easy. My next choice was Seaside for many of the same reasons the facility does all the work. The rent is very cheap. They have offered me that facility on the second weekend in July for any year until 2020. So I secured the facility for the second weekend in July in 2012 thinking that since Oregon was not going to have a Summer Festival anyway the TVC, actually the Eager Beavers and possibly the Hillsboro Hoedown may as well have something also. So that is in the works that is going to happen. If the Federation wants to join in and make it a Summer Festival that is even better that is even more wonderful than I thought we were going to have to work with. So what is planned is we have the facility on Saturday and Sunday not Friday night. There are a couple of options for Friday night if someone feels they need to do that. There is an Elks Club a couple of blocks away that have a big beautiful wooden floor and ballroom. There is also the local grange where the Hayshakers dance may be rent able. My plans started on Saturday morning and before noon maybe a sandcastle function down at the beach no dancing just a sandcastle. One dance floor for the entire Saturday and Sunday with round dance time and maybe a plus dance time and then on Saturday night all rounds, plus, and mainstream dance together on one floor in the hall. That leaves the second area completely free for the types of activities and games that Eager Beavers traditionally do when they go to the beach. There is room for bingo, there is room for poker, there is room for a little indoor mini-golf, there is room for throw the ball on the string thing (Snake Ball/Texas Horseshoes), you know games that people could play. If nothing else the men could play while the women shopped. It is available and there are things we could do there. That leaves us plenty of space for seminars, meetings, and other functions that we need to hold. We would not bring in a featured round dance cuer. We would work with the cuers that we have. The two clubs that have already agreed to do this have callers and cuers. It is possible that we could get by very economically in that area by rewarding those people with their hotel room and dinner. I do realize that in the summertime in Seaside or any of the beach towns the rates are higher and they are busy and parking is at a premium. The reason that the beach is crowded in the summertime is because everybody wants to be there. Having a weekend at the beach is a great thing. The hotel right across the street has offered us the entire building for the weekend at the rate of $149.00. Yes that is expensive. It is right across the street. You can walk back and forth the rooms have refrigerators, microwaves in them and they serve a hot breakfast. It is not all bad. I think the high rates for the hotels could be off-set by the fact that many people could come down for one day, Saturday, or they could come down on Saturday morning and stay all night, one night instead of two. There are other hotels in the area. Motel 6 is $90 a night. There are campgrounds up and down between Warrenton and Astoria it just doesn't have to be all right there within a block of the Convention Center. So that is what we are going to do and I hope that the Oregon Federation would like to join in and make this an official Summer Festival.
Dennis Marsh: My main concern is that in 2005 our neighbors in the north supported us when our State held the National Convention. Now we are trying to do something one month prior to the 2012 National Convention. I think our main focus should be on supporting Washington with their National Convention instead of putting on this festival just a month prior to it.
Floyd Bard: The National Convention is in June and this is in the second week in July so it is almost 4 weeks after it.
Dennis Marsh: Still, you are causing Oregon to choose between supporting Oregon and supporting Washington. This is a big cost to go to the National Convention. I think it is better to support our neighbors.
Kay Rogers: The solution to that is if you financially don't feel you can do both is to pick one and don't come to Seaside in 2012. With the overhead being so low we have enough attendance from the two hosting clubs to pay our expenses. It is going to happen anyway, we are just inviting you to join us.
Floyd Bard: Lee Ashwill being the NEC Advisor to the Spokane host of 2012 National Convention do you have a comment?
Lee Ashwill: I am not sure that it would have an affect on the National Convention. You've got Diamond Lake, you've got Central Oregon, and you've got all those other special weekends and people make it to that. I don't think we can cancel them to support. Yes, I want Oregon dancers to support Spokane but I think they will.
Floyd Bard: My final comment is I think from what Kay is saying the Hillsboro Hoedowners, the Eager Beavers, and TVC is going to put on that particular dance in Seaside regardless if the Federation joins this to make it a 2012 Summer Festival. I think they would like to have our participation because it would assist them in drawing maybe dancers in other parts of the State whether they go to the National Convention or Diamond Lake Festival. That is my opinion it is going to happen regardless. Just how we're going to as a Federation work with that particular event.
So at this point in time I would like to entertain a motion that the 2012 Summer Festival be hosted not in areas per say except TVC, Hillsboro Hoedowners, and the Eager Beavers would be working in concert with the Oregon Federation. I would assume that Kay and Jim Rogers would be the chairman of that committee. So I would like to entertain a motion that the 2012 Summer Festival be held in Seaside with Kay and Jim Rogers as the Chairman working with the Federation and the Eager Beavers, Hillsboro Hoedowners, and TVC to put on the Summer Festival.
Dennis Marsh: When we host a Summer Festival or Mid-Winter we have to present a budget and we can not vote to automatically do this if we are going to be involved with it.
Kay Rogers: Okay, since that function is going to happen anyway, we can proceed with our plans and certainly the Federation can come in at a later date. Obviously the earlier the better but it is okay if you want to opt out until Mid-Winter.
Floyd Bard: What I am saying is that we need to move forward. So we don't need to entertain a motion. We have taken the 2012 off the table. We can get the information and present a budget to the Federation at the Mid-Winter to be involved with Summer Festival.
Kay Rogers: I could, I am not sure I want to. This is an invitation to you to share in the profits of a function that we have already planned and booked. So I am not sure I owe you a budget. But I will give you one if I am pressured in to it.
Floyd Bard: We do not need to have a motion to do anything with 2012. You area delegates can take it back to your areas. You can discuss it and we can bring it back up at the Mid-Winter. We will then have a motion at the Mid-Winter on what we are going to do with the 2012 Summer Festival.
Ray Jones: I would like to make something clear. I made this motion because I knew that we needed to discuss it. I personally am not in favor of this. I think we should not have a Summer Festival and I think we should support the National Convention in Washington. But that is just one opinion.
I would like to remove the tabled motion for membership of the Rosetown Ramblers. Seconded by Larry Reetz. Motion carried.
Floyd Bard: The motion was tabled. The motion is now back on the floor. The discussion is do we have the necessary paperwork, insurance, and tax-exempt status, that they can be members of the Federation? What we talked about tax-exempt, until we get this resolved we are going to wave the tax-exempt requirement until we get it all resolved. So basically the two requirements are going to be the membership requirement and the insurance requirement. Have they been met? (Response from Sylvia Davis: Yes.) So the motion has been made to take it off the table and it is still an active motion. Is there any more discussion?
Steve Murphy: I do want to verify that to wave the tax-exempt status for new clubs is that official policy of is that you just said it or we voted on it or what?
Floyd Bard: It is per the advisement of the Financial Advisor. Everybody's tax-exempt status is in question and why we take a new club to meet a tax requirement that nobody is sure that we have met. What we are doing is we are rolling them in to the same status that every other club is in, in the Federation, and now they are going to be resolved through the same process as all the other clubs.
All those in favor to accept the Rosetown Ramblers as members of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. Motion carried.
The State Trailers Report I have that right here and I will read it real quick. This is from Jim and Avis Kinkaid, the Trailers Coordinators that have been doing the State trailers for a long time.
"I stated in our resignation letter dated June 9th, 2010, effective December 31, 2010, we would submit a final usage report at the end of this season. The trailers we used 10 times during 2010. They were used from The Dalles to Grants Pass. Both trailers are now at our place. One trailer needed a little repair on the floor. I also replaced the safety chain hooks with updated hooks that are safer to use. Enclosed is a bill for miscellaneous expenses. The trailers are ready to be picked up by whoever is to be the next coordinator. Sincerely, Jim and Avis Kinkaid"
The amount of the repairs was pretty minimal. I have decided to take on that responsibility so I will pick those trailers up from Jim and have them at my location.
The last business before we go to recess is the stipend for the OFN Editor. There has been an agreement in the past and it has been paid in the past. Sometimes there was a little bit of disagreement between the OFN Editor and the Oregon Federation on whether this is a monthly thing or an annual thing. I am not going there because we actually don't have a contract that is enforce right now and that will change. We will have a contract enforce. But the agreement that had been made in the past is if the Federation was in the black, made a profit, that there would be a payment as a stipend not a salary or anything like that. It was an incentive as well paid to the OFN Editor. We have right now for the month of August, September, and October we are in the black. I have a report that shows September and October but I am going back to August because I told Vivian that that is what I would do. That means that we would pay to Vivian the agreed upon stipend. We will write a stipend check, and thank you Vivian for working really hard with the Subscription Dances, the ads, and everything that is helping the OFN get in the black.
I would like to make a motion that the changes to the P & Ps for the Duties of the Recording Secretary be accepted. Seconded by Lee Ashwill. There was no discussion. Motion carried.
(Term: 1 year)
1. Transcribes the minutes of the Executive Board and special meetings and email to the President and Parliamentarian for editing. Upon receiving edited minutes from the President, make necessary corrections/changes. Condense the minutes to website minutes by removing all financial information, motion discussion, and unnecessary comments. Email the complete minutes and the website minutes to the President. Also email the website minutes to the Parliamentarian and/or Webmaster for posting on the website. This is to be accomplished within three weeks following the State meeting. The original copy shall be kept in the Recording Secretary's records. Only one copy of the website minutes will be mailed to those individuals without an email account. Copy of the complete minutes will be provided upon request.
2. Studies the minutes of past meetings in order to be of maximum help to the State President when references to the minutes are made.
3. Calls roll at the State meeting of the Officers, Delegates, and Active Goodwill Ambassadors.
4. Officers, Delegates, and Active Goodwill Ambassadors email addresses are on file in the Recording Secretary's notebook under OFSRDC email/mail addresses.
5. Provide updates to the three motion books: one maintained by the President, one maintained by the Recording Secretary, and one maintained by the Parliamentarian. These books will contain all motions that have been passed at State Meetings in order to expedite access to passed motions.
6. Request from all Officers, Delegates, and Active Goodwill Ambassadors, 2 weeks prior to a State meeting, a copy of their State meeting report. Read the report of all absent members at the State meeting when requested by the President.
7. Provide by June 1 of every year a letter, for the bank, to the Treasurer showing the newly elected officers of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.
I move to include the State Directory on the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Website. Seconded by Sylvia Davis. Discussion.
Vivian Fairburn: What is the purpose of this?
Floyd Bard: The purpose of this is to have two mediums for the Directory. One is for those of us that have lots of computer savvy and can get the information. That will not preempt the Directory actually being printed but it may reduce the number of copies that may need to be printed because me personally I won't need to have a hard copy but some people will. What it will do is it will also promote making changes that comes out on the Directory that it could be made to the website so current changes would also be shown in the copy of the Directory on the website and would also be made in the Oregon Federation News as it has been done in the past.
Vivian Fairburn: Okay, so now on the website all the clubs and councils are listed with contact information so now you would have, in place of that, you would have all the club officers, club caller/cuer, everything? For every club and council there would be a page?
Floyd Bard: Yes. Here is our Webmaster and he has a discussion on whether that is going to take a lot of space. That is an issue. I think one of the biggest issues would be privacy act because we do in the Directory put out phone numbers and addresses. I know one of the things that we have talked about doing is having a password protected portion of the website that if you wanted to get in to personal information then you would have to have a password and ID to get to that section of the web page. I think the schematics of it would a thing to discuss and something that we might want to make sure we take care of.
Hearing no other discussion, like to have a vote. Two opposed motion carried.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn - Alternate Myrt Powell
Well here it is November already and Christmas and Mid-Winter Festival are approaching rapidly. Where has this year gone?
September Events
You remember what they say about "best laid plans"; well all the plans and scheduling made to dance on the steps of the State Capitol for Square Dance Week were "Washed" away by heavy rains that afternoon!
September saw the installation of new officers for the next year. Bob Wachter took over for Barbara Tipton as President, while Vivian Fairburn was installed as the Vice President and Harriett Livingston as our new Secretary. The rest of us remained in office.
We saw the retirement of Jim and Joyce Voll, a long time caller/cuer couple from the Lebanon, Sweet Home area. They will be greatly missed.
October Events
Vivian Fairburn reported that; every club needs to stress the importance of their club officers subscribing to the OFN to stay abreast of dances and events in their area and the rest of the State. I had an idea that each club should take out a membership for their club and have it sent to their club president.
Our Council's Fall Festival held on October 30th at the Salem Square dance Center was a great dance with five to six squares dancing the afternoon away to an outstanding group of local callers and cuers plus two from the Portland area.
We had only one club celebrate their birthday this quarter. The Willamette Squares celebrated 16 years this month.
As the coordinating person for the club insurance packages sent out to each club, I ran into numerous problems with clubs not getting their packages. I know that Kay Rogers sent them out to each club president, but many went to their "junk" mail or weren't recognized as coming from the State Insurance Chairman. As a result, several clubs had to go back to Kay and have her send out their package again. The delegates need to set down with Kay and see if we can formulate a plan that will assure the club president gets the package and help Kay with having to send out the club packages over and over again.
November Events
We were very proud to read the outstanding article written by Mary Withers "one of our own" Vivian Fairburn in the OFN. The Hoedowners Square Dance Club decided to honor Vivian after many years of publishing the outstanding State square dance magazine. I have personally worked with Vivian on her lovely garden and know that she will find many more things to occupy her time now that she will have all the extra time on her hands. Congratulations to you Vivian for all you have done for the OFN and square dancing.
Mid-Willamette Area will start off their "New Dancers" dance schedule with the first one hosted by the Braids and Braves in the Salem Square Dance Center on November 28th from 1:00 to 4:00pm. We are encouraging all new dancers to pick up an Ambassadors Book and earn a special badge for attending 80% of the New Dancers Dances. Let's all work to get our new dancers out and dancing at club dances as soon as possible.
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
Most clubs have started new dancers classes. A few clubs are starting in January. Many are having jamborees in November or December. Check your OFN. Vivian Fairburn does a good job listing these under the "Upcoming Special Events" page.
The Rosetown Ramblers, the newest club in the PAC have completed all necessary paperwork and are to be accepted, which they were, by the Federation at this meeting. They currently have 35 members.
The Tri-Council Dance held on October 30th was a great success with 38 squares in attendance. I think Tony's (Haskins) report said 28 on the floor but there were 306 dancers. This was sponsored by the Evergreen Council. Tri-Council consists of PAC, TVC, and Evergreen Council. It was held at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver. It was reported that this was the largest dance ever held in this hall.
The December PAC meeting will be a Christmas dinner to be held on December 20th at the Spaghetti Factory in Clackamas.
After 20 years as caller and cuer for the Oaky Doaks, George and Patty Hermann have resigned.
Enid Wheeler has been our treasurer for many years. She has resigned to become PAC Reporter/Area Editor to the OFN. Bill Rooper will be our new treasurer.
The registrations for the 2011 Summer Festival in Troutdale, Oregon, and sponsored by the PAC is now at 95. After 100 registrations a drawing will be held and the person whose name is selected will have their money refunded. In other words, they will receive one free admission to the festival.
The Country Cut-Ups and the Checkerboard Squares celebrated their 50th year of dancing on October 2nd and November 13th. Congratulations to both clubs.
Several clubs are planning New Years Eve dances. Country Cut-Ups, Happy Hoppers Plus Club, River City Dancers, and Swap & Swing are going to celebrate the incoming year of 2011.
Floyd Bard: We had an issue with the September report that did not get put in to the Minutes. It was decided it couldn't be included in the Minutes because it wasn't done at the meeting. You can give the September report if you choose or do you want to have the written report be included in these Minutes. (Response from Al: Yes.)
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine) - September Report
All clubs are back to dancing after summer schedules. Many clubs will soon or have started lessons. A few are starting in January, check your OFN.
The Recycles plus club celebrated their 15th Anniversary on September 10th.
The Country Cut-Ups will celebrate "50" years of dancing on Saturday, October 2nd. Scott Zinser will call and Frances Herigstad will cue. On October 17th they will again sponsor their 34th Annual Pancake Breakfast at the Boring Barn. This is always a great time to enjoy good food and fellowship. This is their yearly fundraiser for the upkeep of their hall.
On September 25th the Happy Rock'rs will have a Luau Farewell Dance. They will disband and many members will join the Oaky Doaks. Les Seeley will call along with tips by past callers of their club. Debbie Combs will cue.
On September 22nd the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes had an OFN Subscription Dance sponsored by the PAC. Chuck Garner was the caller, a member of the B 'n' Bs, and David Trout cued.
The Rosetown Ramblers have applied for membership and were accepted to the Council. Scott Zinser is their caller. They dance the 1st Saturday of each month.
Many clubs will have or have had "Back to School" dances. All school supplies will be donated to agencies or schools for students who can't afford to purchase them.
Forty-Six dancers and friends had a great time at our "Picnic Meeting" on June 21st. Believe it or not, the weather was great.
The PAC clubs are again selling entertainment books. Half of the profit goes to the clubs and half goes to the PAC.
If you haven't noticed, Tami Helms' round dance "Why Don't We Just Dance" was selected as October Round of the Month. See your September OFN.
The Tri-Council dance consisting of PAC, TVC, and Evergreen Council will sponsor a dance on October 30th at the Clark County Square Dance Center. It will be a mainstream dance with every third tip plus. The Crew will call. This is Daryl Clendenin, Randy Dibble, Jim Hattrick, and Les Seeley. Jim Hattrick will do some cueing plus cuers from the floor.
The Pac is very busy planning the 2011 Summer Festival to be held in Troutdale, Oregon, at Reynolds High School. Almost 100 dancers have pre-registered. Thanks to all who have done this? There will be a drawing for one free admission. The winner will have their money refunded.
Lee Ashwill: This was really a tough decision because are an awful lot of dancers out there working behind the scenes that really deserve this honor. But, every time we turned around there was Gail and Al doing something for our activity that we love so well. We also figured if we give this to them we've got them here for another 5 years, and it is certainly well deserved.
Al Wolf: I just want to say one thing. There are a lot of deserving people for this award and it was very, very unexpected just like the Randall Award was.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: John (Glory) Guches - Alternate Steve (Valerie) Murphy
Charlie Brown Squares: The Charlie Brown's classes are doing well. Among the dances held were Coats For Kids and Toys for Tots. At this time the Charlies are looking forward to their 43rd Birthday Dance to be held December 4th and 5th, 2010. This year they are trying a new idea, a full weekend of celebration! Saturday evening will begin at 6pm with A-1 and A-2, pre-rounds at 7:30 followed with mainstream/plus tips at 8pm. National Square Dance Caller Dan Nordbye will be the caller and the cuer is Ed Phillips. Sunday will be a pancake breakfast followed by a Gospel Dance with Dan Nordbye and Denny Lantz. This will be held 9 to 12 noon. You can purchase a ribbon for the whole weekend from: Lois Muck, 282 Ann Roy Drive, Grants Pass, Oregon, 97257. Your check should be made out to the Charlie Browns. For further information contact: Maggie Robson, 541-476-1687 or
Circle N Square: They celebrated their 56th birthday September 18, 2010.
Lantz's Dantzers: They are busy with classes and dances.
Ronde' Vouz: They held an "Escape" round dance weekend with Ken and Dianne Pratt. All who attended had a good time. There was a good turnout for a first time weekend event. Next year it is scheduled for September 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2011. Ken and Dianne Pratt will be the guest cuers again.
Star Promenaders: They held a Night Owl Dance on October 30, 2010, and their annual Thanksgiving Potluck and Party Dance on November 18, 2010.
South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth
As a council, South Coast has been inactive for the past few months, but our clubs have been very busy.
Sets in Order: Sets in Order has a large class of 26 new dancers. Recently the school was unavailable for their lessons so they met at a local pizza parlor where the new dancers were able to get to know club members. There were over 40 people in attendance. Their Christmas dance will be December 11th, and they will host the New Year's Eve dance for the council at the Community Building on December 31st.
Saints 'N Aints: Saints 'N Aints also have a good beginner class going with 15 new dancers. Their November 20th dance will feature a Turkey Trot where a turkey and pies will be raffled off. Bob Ewing will be calling this dance. The club will be doing an exhibition dance at the Filipino-American Association Christmas Party on December 18th with Ray Graves calling in North Bend.
Beachcombers: Beachcombers plan to have lessons beginning in January. They have been dancing once a month with guest callers and cuers. Their next dance will be December 3rd with Charlotte Jesky calling and Dave Cooper cueing, weather permitting.
Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
The Hayshaker Square Dance Club has voted to leave the Sunset Empire Council and go to Tualatin Valley Council. This will leave the council without any clubs. The corporation fees have been paid up until December 31, 2011.
The Council Board has not had a meeting to find out what needs to be done to dissolve the Council. I will get with Tim Roberts to find out what needs to be done.
Hayshaker Square Dance Club: The Hayshakers had a very nice Seaside Sashay. Attendance was down a little, however everyone really enjoyed themselves. The liquid sunshine cancelled the dance at the Turnaround, but it did not deter the participants at the Passport Promenade. The 2010 Mud Wrestling Champions were Sharon Restorff from Everett, Washington, and Bob Minnick from Corvallis, Oregon. Square dance lessons were started in October and November, but because of very low turnout of new dancers lessons were cancelled. Will try again in a few months.
Floyd Bard: Sunset Empire as with Eastern Oregon Council is, will stay in the organization. Eastern Oregon Council, which I was going to report, has paid their corporate fees up through December 31st 2010. The point is that we will maintain those councils in our P & Ps, they will be considered dormant and allow them to refill themselves and become active again if they start clubs up again in their organization.
Lee Ashwill: Will that require a change in the rotation of hosting?
Floyd Bard: What we will do it will probable skip that one but we will look at the hosting schedule in the P & Ps and make changes accordingly.
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck
TVC Schedule of Events.
December 31, 2010, Friday: TVC's New Year's Eve - That Old Black Magic Dinner and Dance. The dance will feature Harold Cleve and K.C. Curtis as callers and Norm Yoder as cuer. Theme is Black and White. Dinner will be Pot Roast. It will be held at Hillsboro's IOOF Hall, everyone bring a dessert.
April 30, 2011, Saturday: Tri-Council 5th Saturday Dance - Dancing In The Rain. Hosted by Tualatin Valley Council. Featuring Randy Dibble will call and Jackie Gale will cue.
July 30, 2011, Saturday: TVC's Hahn Barn Dance and Potluck. Featuring Roger Putzler as caller and Randy Lewis as cuer. Held at the Hahn Farm, 37280 NW Hahn Road, Banks, Oregon. This is a subscription dance; admission will be free for one person with a newly renewed or new subscription. Bring your favorite potluck dinner/dessert to share. Dress is country casual. Potluck will be at 5:30pm with pre-rounds at 6:30pm and mainstream at 7:00 - 9:00pm.
Coast Swingers: Tickets for the Wade Driver dances on 12 March 2011 are available now. Wade will be calling a plus dance in the afternoon and a mainstream dance in the evening. Connie Clark will be the cuer for both dances. This is Wade's only scheduled appearance in Oregon and SW Washington in 2011. We will be dark the 4th Saturday in November, December, (Santa comes to Garibaldi Christmas Day) and January (Mid-Winter Festival). On 13 November we switch to our winter schedule of squares only. Pre-rounds are replaced with a mainstream workshop.
Come join us on December 12th as we celebrate Christmas with our associate caller Janet Shannon. Christmas Party - potluck dinner, gift exchange from 5:30-6:30 - dancing from 7:00 to 9:30pm. Please bring a dish to share and a gender-neutral gift ($5.00 or less) to exchange.
Eager Beavers: Eager Beavers have collected flags from Hoedowners and Valley Squares recently and collected four turkeys from Hoedowners turkey toss.
Hoedowners: Our new format of one hour of plus and phase 3 & 4 round dances prior to our mainstream dance has been very successful. We had seven squares of plus dancers before our mainstream dance. Our lessons started September 22nd. We have 27 new students.
December 5th is our New Dancer Jamboree. December 11th will be a regular dance but will have a lasagna dinner at 6:30pm.
Daryl, our caller, is offering plus lessons on Friday evening from 7:00pm - 9:00pm at the Aloha Grange. Come and brush up on your plus moves. He does a workshop of plus from different positions. You will be challenged.
Mix 'N Mingle: In December we will have our canned food dance. We are hoping that lots of people will come to this Christmas dance and bring food for the hungry on December 18th with Randy Dibble calling and Jeanine Norden cueing.
R Square D: Lessons are doing very well with 4 squares on the floor, including angels of course. Usually we start our dances with half hour of pre-rounds but we are going to try 15 minutes of pre-plus and 15 minutes of pre-rounds so our club members can get in more plus dancing.
Sunset Promenaders: Our mainstream class is in progress. Be sure to mark your calendars for our New Dancers Jamboree, which is scheduled for December 12th, Sunday at 2:00pm. Many TVC cuers are planning to attend our Christmas dance on December 18th. They will be there to help us honor Ruth for her 25 years as our cuer. This will be her last dance as our cuer, she is retiring from cueing and we will all miss her. We hope many of the TVC dancers will attend as we wish Ruth well into her happy retirement.
Toe Draggers: The first dance on December 3rd is our Toy Drive. Our second dance, December 17th, is T'Was The Week Before Christmas. Our lessons start Sunday, January 9th, with mainstream classes from 3:00 to 4:30pm with K.C. Curtis and round class from 4:30 to 6:00pm with Bev Flint.
Tri-Squares: Lessons are continuing successfully with over 20 students per week. Our New Dancers Jamboree is planed for a regular dance on December 17th at 7:30pm at the Tigard Grange. Terry Halley will be our caller and Jackie Gale will be our cuer.
Valley Squares: November we had a major change in our club. Chuck Garner is now our Club Caller. We are very pleased to have Chuck and are looking forward to some fun dances. Chuck will begin on our November 20th dance. Mainstream class begins on Tuesday, January 4th with Chuck Garner.
Boogie Woogie Christmas Train, December 18th "Girls Night Out" calling and cueing.
Will be dark on January 1st.
Floyd Bard: I would like let you know that the Valley Squares new caller, Chuck Garner, is the one that we gave a grant to, to go to callers college and have benefited from that. He is now a club caller and will probably take on more than one club.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Boots & Calicos: The Boots have been a traveling club but due to a lack of membership they chose to no longer remain a club. That is kind of sad, I think they had at least 50 years of being here in the area.
Umpqua Area Council: The Timber 8's and Buckeroos marched in the Veterans Day Parade again this year. Without a trailer we weren't able to dance, but we walked behind the banner in our red, white and blue square dance finery. We had a flyover at about 11 o'clock. A couple of jets don't know where they came from, but we had a flyover. We are going to have a new dancers dance jamboree here at the Barn January 16th, 1 to 4pm. That is a Sunday. So anybody that wants to come to that it is going to be a callers and cuers jamboree.
Buckeroo: Like some of the other clubs, we are struggling to keep the students coming back consistently that started with us at the beginning of the lessons. We currently have 35 students, which for our club is a good turnout. We started with giving free lessons and we were giving free lessons all the way through to the very end.
Our annual Christmas Wreath Fundraiser is about to go in to full swing. Our club hand makes the wreaths and we try to make and sell about 120 wreaths each year.
New Years Eve Dance, which will be the 31st of December, with Dale Roberson calling and Neil Koozer cueing.
Condolences to our caller, Don Marshall, who lost his father-in-law and to our cuer, Neil Koozer, who lost his father this past month.
Dancing Friends: No report. We have a very small group of about six couples attending the lessons this year.
Pioneer 'N' Petticoats: Because they still do not have a place to dance in Myrtle Creek, they are not currently having dances. They postponed their November Birthday Dance and will reschedule it sometime after the New Year.
Timber 8's: No report.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
The Elkhorn Swinger's caller has a spouse that is ill. She has had to suspend calling for the club to provide care. The club has continued their activity dancing to records. They are hosting the annual Christmas dance with caller and cuer from La Grande.
The Star Promenaders had fun at their annual Hobo Dance with a good turnout of guests from Baker City, Milton-Freewater, and Walla Walla. Yours truly was crowned the hobo king with Barbara Walter crowned as queen. The Family-a-Fair Club, from Walla Walla had so much fun they returned again last Saturday to steal a banner.
The Muddy Frogs are continuing their activity with guest callers on a new schedule. They are dancing the 1st Friday and afternoons on the 3rd Sunday. They have been working on their parade float and are planning to enter it in two parades next month.
Central Oregon Council: Liz (Bert) Teitzel
The Central Oregon area clubs are busy with holiday preparations to help raise funds, gather food, and collect teddy bears for Central Oregon charities.
Round dance lessons continue. Mainstream square dance lessons will begin in January with the Bachelor Beauts and the Red Rocks lessons in Bend and Redmond respectfully. Plus lessons will be given by the Swinging Mountaineers; also beginning in January.
The Sagebrush Shufflers will be holding their annual New Year's Eve Dance on December 31st. The Sagebrush Shufflers have completed the acoustics project and the sound in the hall is much improved.
Four couples from Central Oregon traveled to St. George, Utah, in October to participate in the Huntsman World Senior Games. At the square dance competition the Central Oregon group won a Bronze medal in the Mainstream competition. One couple also won a Silver medal in the Random Plus competition. The Central Oregon group had a great time dancing and they are looking forward to next year.
Eastern Oregon Council:
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper)
Sweet Home Squarenaders: They will be having their Christmas Benefit and New Dancers Dance December 11, 2010 from 7:30 to 10:30 at the Oak Heights School gym, 6th and Elm, in Sweet Home. This will be Toys for Tots to support the Fire Department.
Boots and Sandals: They too are having a Benefit Dance on December 11th at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove to support the pre-school children.
Whirl-A-Ways: They will be hosting the New Year's Eve Dance and Dinner and I am sure Zola Jones would love to sell you a ticket or give you more information on this weekend.
Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell
The Council dance on October 30th with Charlotte Jeskey was a success. We had three squares plus a few more. Sarge Glidewell cued the rounds. We are panning a New York New Years Eve party with our own caller, Larry Sprout, and cuer, Sarge Glidewell. We will celebrate Big Apple Style starting at 7pm for pre-rounds. The EST countdown at 8:59pm may confuse a few people but that is Midnight in New York. A buffet breakfast will be served at 9:30pm.
The KC Squares nominating committee was seeking officers for their December 13th election. Thankfully we have a full slate on which to vote. Our October 15 and 16 Potato Festival was good. We even had a couple from Alaska show up. The Friday night jamboree went well and Craig Abercrombie did a fine job Saturday. We even had a plus workshop Saturday afternoon. If you weren't there, you missed a fine meal and dancing.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle
With the approaching holiday season coming the Lincoln/Tillamook area clubs have been focusing on family affairs and wish that all square dancers in the State might also enjoy these holidays.
Floyd Bard: I would like to acknowledge our Birthday Girl, Genevieve Churchill, 99 years old tomorrow. I am looking forward to next year and it will go by really quick because I can't wait to spank you 100 times. Genevieve, your chair of honor with your blankets and everything the microphone is yours. We have to sing Happy Birthday.
Genevieve Churchill
My report is home lying on the kitchen table. But I want to thank everyone for your good wishes and I've enjoyed every bit of it. I hope that you all live as long as I have and are as healthy as I am. That is my report.
Bill & Annadale Rooper
What a beautiful fall we have had. The leaves on the bushes and trees have had spectacular color and the weather has been so mild…no wind with some rain in our part of the country. As I write this, which was 11/21/2010, the geraniums and begonias are still outside. I'm afraid they will be coming in shortly and we will commence raking leaves.
Our travels have been pretty close to home. We attended the Goldendale "Sports" dance where Bill and Neva donned football gear for the occasion. Breakfast in Boring was filling as usual and the Tri-Council dance was a success as approximately 300 dancers attended. The gorge beginner's class started out with 23 new dancers at the first three lessons. We were elated. When we stopped giving free lessons and ice cream our class number dropped to six. Something is wrong here.
Swap and Swing has changed dance times. Pre-rounds will start at 6:30 and mainstream will start at 7:00 and dance until 9:00. This will give those that travel a distance a chance to get home earlier. The second Friday dance will be casual and the fourth Saturday will be square dance attire. It is hoped this will improve attendance.
My grandson will be playing in the semi-final football game in Fruitland, Idaho, for the Weiser, Idaho team. Plans are for us to cheer him on from the sidelines, but we didn't go. They lost the game 35 to 34, which is kind of too bad.
Bill will be helping the Mid Columbia Council of Governments where he will assist clients with their financial problems. He has also volunteered to be the PAC Treasurer among other various treasurer jobs he is doing.
Go Ducks!
Larry & Barbara Schaumburg
I don't have anything to report.
Steve & Valerie Murphy
During the last State Meeting in September Val and I were in Grants Pass for a Round Dance Teach and dance hosted by our newest club in the Federation, the Ronde'vouz. There were about 25 couples that attended this event taught by Ken and Dianne Pratt out of Hillsboro.
The next weekend our home club, Lantz's Dantzers, had a great weekend outing at Lake Selmac, south of Grants Pass. One of the items on the scavenger hunt was "A Fruit Loop". Since no one brought any Fruit Loops nobody had any at the end of the hunt…except for one dancer that presented one Fruit Loop. We were all suspicious because NO ONE has just ONE Fruit Loop. After closer inspection it was found to be a counterfeit. She had painted a Cheerio with red nail polish. You can't say that the Lantz's Dantzers aren't resourceful.
The next weekend saw us in Coquille for their 64th Birthday Dance. It's the oldest continuous Square Dance Club in the United States. Members of quite a few clubs were there to enjoy Ray Grave's calling and Denise Harris' cueing.
It was then up the coast to the 10th Annual Seaside Sashay put on by the Hayshakers. The weather started out good but soon turned to rain. This was a surprise to us because Dale and Kathy Worthington told us that it hardly ever rains in Seaside. I just figured that everyone waters their lawns a lot in Seaside. The cuer, Debbie Taylor, came up with a trick I'd never seen before that she called a Sqround. Everyone that wanted to square dance formed squares in the middle of the hall while the round dancers danced on the outside around them. She cues while the Wild Cards called a square and everyone danced at once. It was easy to listen to just who you were suppose to listen to and ignore the other.
On our way up to Vancouver, Washington, for the Royal Romp we stopped in Hillsboro to visit with Ken and Dianne Pratt and go to their Thursday night Rax-Ma-Taz Round Dance Club workshop. This is the club that usually puts on the high level demos for the "Showcase of Rounds" at Oregon's Mid-Winter. Since it was way above our level we just watched. It was very enjoyable.
This was our second year at Royal Romp and it was an outstanding weekend of dancing. Jerry Story, Tony Oxendine, and Tami Helms put on a great show for the 20 squares that attended. I just can't get over how exciting it is when 20 squares dance to Jerry and Tony harmonizing a difficult Plus Singing Call with no squares breaking down. It is awesome to watch.
With the Holidays coming up we have a lot of dancing to do between now and our next meeting at Mid-Winter. So we will see you there.
Happy Dancing.
Al Wolf & Gail Domine
First of all we would like to thank Lee and Barbi Ashwill for appointing us as Goodwill Ambassadors. Along with receiving the Randall Award earlier this year it's almost more than one can take, but we sincerely appreciate it.
We apologize for not attending the last State meeting. I was on a religious pilgrimage to Croatia. Gail was at Seaside with girlfriends.
Gail has been dancing about 50 years and I have been dancing about 44 years for a total of almost 100 years. We will keep dancing as long as our bodies are able.
We are looking forward to our tenure as Ambassadors for Oregon. In January we plan a relaxing trip to Maui followed by attending Mid-Winter. We plan to spend a few weeks in Arizona and will take in the Yuma festival. We will take with us registration forms and ribbons for the Summer Festival next year in Troutdale, hoping to sell them. We are planning to attend the USA West Festival in Longview, Washington, as we have never been to one.
We are on the 2011 Summer Festival committee so have been hard at work promoting it as well as attending meetings.
Floyd Bard: I would like to say that Jill is doing well. She did have a relapse last Thursday, she did too much, and it did take her down considerably. If you don't know she had total knee replacement a little over 3 weeks ago and she is heavy in to rehab.
I would like to introduce to you Ann Staatz. Ann has considered the OFN position. Ann does dance with the Checkerboard Squares.
Ann Staatz: I have been square dancing for about 3 years and I have been fairly involved. I have been the Checkerboard Squares secretary for 2 years. I have been to two National Conventions, three Mid-Winters, and two Summer Festivals. I have been maintaining a website for the Checkerboard Squares and update it at least two to three times a week since last January. I have been submitting some photos once in a while to Vivian and an article occasionally. My background is that I have been teaching journalism at Multnomah University for over 20 years now and that involves advising the student newspaper and advising the yearbook. Before that was associate editor of a magazine and also the art director of a second magazine. That is the background that I bring. I have expressed interest in possibly looking in to the OFN and wanted to see where that would go.
Kay Rogers: Okay, USA West August 18th to the 20th, 2011, Longview, Washington, 40 miles north of Portland. Beautiful modern conference center and have the Ghost Riders, we have The Crew, we have Fiddlegrass and a little fooling around after the Fiddlegrass with Daryl Clendenin and Jim Hattrick. I gave all you a manila envelope with a few forms and a couple of flyers in it and a fan. The fan I would love you to take those to the dances. If you want more of the same let me know. We have a great website and one of the things you will find is a slide show made up of photographs of the area and things you can do. I have visual aids right here in the form of a topographical map of Southwest Washington and a flyer for our Wednesday evening special event.
Kathy Worthington: On a personal note, our son Darin Worthington has returned from his second tour of Iraq. This time it was a short tour, 14 months. He has also received the Bronze Star.
Kathy Roberts: Delegates please don't ignore the little containers. Take them to your councils or even make up little buckets for all of your clubs and ask them to take them out at dances. You can set it right next to your sign-in book. When they pay for their door fees, they can put something in. Even just doing something like passing it around at breaks saying every body empty your coin purse. I can maybe bring fresh baked cookies to the delegate who brings in the most donations. There are ways of making this fun.
(Question from David Stutzman.) The donation jars are to earn money for the educational scholarship. The educational scholarship is on the website. You can go straight to our website on here it has a scholarship link. You can click on that and print out the requirements. I can also write up something and send it to individual councils if you would like. This is pretty much what I wrote. I think I started it 6 years ago. It talks about what the requirements are, eligibility and guidelines. So far this has been totally funded by donations. We started off at $250 per scholarship. Three years ago we went to $500. My goal is to eventually get it up to $1,000. I don't feel we can raise it to $1,000 until we have money in there so we don't deplete it completely.
Larry Reetz: We have teased you with one copy (2011 Mid-Winter Festival Booklet) or so at your tables. Now that the meeting is just about coming to a close I will let you know that we have additional boxes here by the door. Grab some as you leave to take back to your clubs and your council and distribute them. Make sure your new dancers get them. The new dancers are some of the important one and they need to know what goes on at Mid-Winter and you can help tell them a little about it as well. So we have extras available so you don't think that what we handed out is all you get.
Sylvia Davis: I would like to tell you about Larry and Barbara Schaumburg. About a month ago he was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. He started treatment Thursday or Friday last week. He is going to have six treatments and the doctors are very hopeful. If it isn't gone then they will surgically remove the tumor. When Barbara did her last report to the doctor her tumor had not shrunk at all. So she is taking additional therapy, both chemotherapy and radiation. The doctors say the tumor is less dense.
Lee Ashwill: I did not get a vote from TVC, Umpqua, South Coast, or Blue Mountains for the Randall Award. This is an important award. The delegates can make that vote so I need those before you leave here today. As the Chairman of the Nominating Committee I gave you all a Nomination Form and I would like to have a nomination from each of the delegates areas at our next meeting. If you don't bring one I will fill one out for you.
Barbi Ashwill: I was just so impressed hearing about this Tri-Council dance. I mean this isn't the first time we have heard about it. I think you do it once a year if I am not mistaken TVC, PAC, and Evergreen. I think you rotate who sponsors it. Delegates this is a gold mine. How many people wouldn't relish, just like we had here last night, a nice big group of people. We were all here dancing together and having fun. We weren't split off in little splinter groups of round dancers here and mainstream here and plus over in some other room. We were all together and that is exactly what these council dances are doing. Every council in our Federation, all of you delegates are the mouthpieces, go back and talk to your people and see if you can't get two or three clubs to get together. Figure out a time that you could hold a big dance. Maybe we can get some interest going together that can benefit each of our councils.
Floyd Bard: Like Kay said the Eager Beavers and the Hillsboro Hoedowners are doing that over in Seaside and has invited the Federation to help and assist in that.
Steve Murphy: Earlier about a half hour ago, Frank Schuchard mentioned that he was marching in a parade and some jets flew by and he didn't know who they were. I can tell you who they were. They were the Oregon National Guard is who they were. Just for your information Oregon has two Air Guards, two F-15 units, that are and maybe available if you give them a call for flyovers. I know that Kingsley on Veterans Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, etc, they fly by many communities with less than 100 people if they are having an event. So, it is available to you. So that is who did it. I don't know if it was Portland or Kingsley.
Marilyn Schmit: This is just a reminder that there are nine State Directories left and they are gone after these nine are sold. My order has been paid for from the day of delivery to the State meeting in September.
Vivian Fairburn: OFNs I have some here. Please give me at least 3-weeks notice when you need some for your new dancers. I told you I would give them to you in the middle of the lessons, halfway through, and then at the end. Please don't wait until the last minute and then expect me to mail you some when I can usually get around to the different dances. So right now you are going to be graduating in another month or so if you guys would email me or call me and then I can get them out to you.
Genevieve Churchill: Just to say I wouldn't miss today for anything. Thank you everyone and I hope you have health like I have. Thank you.
Sunday, January 30, 2011, at Mid-Winter at the Holiday Inn Express, Albany, Oregon. It will start at 9:30 am.
Floyd Bard: I will entertain a motion to adjourn?
Larry Reetz: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Dennis Marsh.
Adjourned at 12:09 pm.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary
(For a complete copy of the November 2010 State Meeting Minutes contact the Recording Secretary.)