President Floyd Bard called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.
Officers: All present
Appointed Officers: All present except BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert; Insurance Chairman, Kay Rogers; 2011 Mid-Winter Festival, Larry Reetz.
Delegates: All present except Eastern Oregon, Jim Rogers; Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle.
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Lee Ashwill.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Ray Jones.
MINUTES: Dale Worthington: The Minutes were posted on the Website. Are there any corrections or changes?
Sylvia Davis: I move that the Minutes be accepted. Seconded by John Guches. Motion carried.
Floyd Bard: Before we start the meeting are you ready (Cheryl Lundine) to pass on the ballots for the counting? Response: Sure. I would like the three that I have appointed: Annadale Rooper, Don Bramhall, and Dave Cameron to retire to the anti-room and count our ballots.
PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
It has been very busy since the January 30th State Meeting at the Mid-Winter Festival. Tina Allaway, I assume was presented her Caller Grant check from the Federation. I have not heard back from her or the Muddy Frogs. As you will see later, we have another request from Central Oregon Council for a Caller Grant. Other issues worked were authorized signatures with Bank of America, Councils with no clubs, Area special dances and Federation festival conflicts, and many P & P changes, etc.
I am still working with Dale Worthington to reduce the size of the minutes. Reports need to be short and to the point and business issues will be kept short (I am sure Ray Jones will Call for the Question very quickly). If you have read the last minutes you will see where we spent the most time in a very long meeting. As you can see with this meeting's agenda, we will surely be tested on how we do.
My time is up!
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Ray (Zola) Jones
I have made a promise to Dave Cameron, he is a Facilities Chairman for the Mid-Winter Festival. Be advised at the January 2012 Federation Meeting Sunday morning, the meeting will start at 9:15, and the break will be 15 minutes longer. This change is necessary to facilitate the Festival Facility Committee removing some flooring.
Dave Cameron, Facilities Chairman, also invites anyone with a little extra time on your hands to see him, as he always has a few last minutes jobs that need help, as the Festival winds to a close.
We have no area council for hosting the November Federation Meeting. We need to address that now. Lincoln/Tillamook is unable to host that meeting. They have notified us of such. One other thing, in the next month I will be contacting all the appointed officers to find out if you are willing to serve another term. So please be thinking about this and if you do not wish to serve another term please let me know as soon as possible. I expect most of you to return, no, I expect all of you to return.
2011 Mid-Winter Festival: Larry (Carol) Reetz
No report received.
Floyd Bard: We are supposed to have a financial report on the money that is to be shared between the area and the Federation. Do we have the report? Because it has to go in to the minutes of this meeting so Ray can do his budget for next year.
Barbi Ashwill: Yes. I didn't receive a financial report as such, but I will read to you just little squibs from letters that came in with checks. "Enclosed is a check from this years Mid-Winter Festival for the Youth Enhancement Fund". We also got a payment for the advancement from Mid-Winter that goes in and comes out. And then the one we are all interested in is, "Enclosed is a check from this years Mid-Winter Festival for the State's half of the profit of Mid-Winter Festival 2011." It doesn't say anything about attendance figures or any of that.
2011 Summer Festival: Tony Haskins
We have close to 400 plus registrations in with ribbons sent out. We still have 2 months to go so buy yours now.
We hope to see all of you in Troutdale, Oregon on July 8th, 9th, and 10th. Don't forget the Trails End Dance on July 7th, 2011. Les Seeley and Tami Helms will have the honors of calling and cueing. The PAC and Festival Committee members have been putting together all kinds of raffle baskets with lots of goodies. Some of these will be available at the trails End Dance as well as the Summer Festival.
Janet Shannon who is in charge of the venders has the schedules ready. Contact Janet if you are a vender or would like to be a vender.
Thank you to everyone who has been selling ribbons. Don't forget the USO Show, at $5.00 each this is a steal. We have sold almost 350 seats. Seating is limited to 500.
Don't forget about the OMSI Tour. OMSI is now located on the east side in their new location. You'll also get to tour the Blue Back Submarine for a small fee. Please call Sue Shoemaker at 503-646-5924.
Remember Reynolds High School is a newer school with ample dry parking for RVs and plenty of parking for cars and trucks. It has drive through security at night, its air-conditioned, and is located just off I-84.
Bring your Golf Clubs for extra entertainment. The golf course is just up the hill in Gresham. Come early and call for a Tee time.
2012 Mid-Winter Festival: Roger (Linda) Putzler
Everything is going along, we are getting things coordinated and we are trying to tweak a few things. We do have our next committee meeting next Sunday in Springfield. The only other thing I would like to do is request the advancement for 2012.
Floyd Bard: There is a request for a check for 2012. The request is approved.
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
Through the end of April, the OFN is financially in the black. Our subscriber database has increased to 847, which are up by 45 subscriptions since September. The next two issues will be 32 pages due to less advertising and less club news articles. Our directory ad pages are usually kept full but currently, we have two openings.
Please remind all your clubs that Birthday Dances receive free listings on the Upcoming Events page as well as festivals that are 2 days or more.
Lessons for all types of dancing receive free listings in every issue, but especially in the August and September issues. The information must be received by July 5 or August 5 for those issues. These are usually tear-out pages that can be used for recruitment. We will also send them to the Federation website to be included there.
A new feature that we have activated again is the Banner Inventory. When you do some spring-cleaning in your closets make a list of which banners you have. Send me the list and I will publish it. It is going to run all summer. This is a great tool for clubs to use to plan visitations in the fall and for mystery trips. Many clubs have banners for clubs that have folded. I already made a decision that they would be given to the Historian to keep in the archives.
Change the official email address to the one listed on page 3 in the OFN, which is The OFN email address has been shut down due to an excessive amount of spam and off-color email.
Ray Jones: I have one further item Floyd. At our next Federation Meeting don't expect me to be sitting here during the meeting approving expense requests. These will be done before the meeting or I will take home with me and do them at my leisure. So keep that in mind please.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
No report.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
Just want to thank everybody for sending their reports in. There was only a couple that I have to get here at the meeting.
Thank you notes to:
Dennis Marsh and Emerald Empire Council for Hosting the Mid-Winter Festival
Get Well cards sent to:
Claude Butler, Lee Ashwill, Wally Burnelle, Loretta Brown
Sympathy card to:
Virginia Schmidt
I sent a total of 79 ballots. 56 were returned before the cut-off of May 1st. None came after May 1st.
I contacted people during the active date to make sure they received their ballot and answered any questions they had regarding the ballot, etc. I did two group e-mailings to remind clubs of the deadline of mailing the ballots back.
Floyd Bard: Delegates, ballots are critical. When the ballots go out you need to work with your clubs and with your area councils to have those ballots as close to 100% as possible. I know we won't get them all but that has always been our goal. It is critical that we get that level of support from our organization to vote for the officers that are running.
Cheryl Lundine: We received a thank you note to the Oregon Federation from the Canby Cloverleafs for helping them get to Canada and some pictures.
TREASURER: Barbi (Lee) Ashwill
No report.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
I talked to the delegates yesterday on how to fill out the Club & Council Information Forms and answered any questions they had. I am hoping that you will all have sent in the checks and such before deadline of the Summer Festival or July 31st.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
Thank you for your new enrollments. Keep up the good work.
PAST PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
The Benefit Dance was a very successful venture, although we did not meet my goal. If anyone here today wants to make a contribution to The Adaptive Riding Institute, I would gladly accept your donation.
I hope all the delegates have brought at least one nomination for the Randall Award today. I will be putting the packets together and mailing them out to the delegates for their vote within the next two weeks. So, if there are any delegates who have not submitted a nomination packet, if you still want to submit one, please get it in the mail to me to arrive Not Later Than May 28, 2011. I hope that after the break that there are ten packets setting right here.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Nothing this time, but from the looks of the agenda I will be a busy boy next time.
The Portland Area Council held its 5th Friday Dance on April 29th at the Oak Grove Community Center in Oak Grove. With over 100 people we had 9-10 squares on the floor dancing to Bill Lundin and the cueing of Tami Helms.
The Summer Festival Committee has almost 400 registrations thus far with 2 months still to go. Thanks to everyone who has purchased early.
Don't forget the Star Light Parade to be held on June 4th, 2011 in Portland, Oregon. The Oaky Doaks will be on the first trailer with the Country Capers on the second. Want to dance in front of 250,000 screaming people? Call one of these clubs and sign up.
On April 30th the Tualatin Valley Council held the Tri-Council Dance at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, Washington. Randy Dibble did the calling and Jackie Gale did the cueing. There were 249 total dancers with 133 from TVC, 45 from the Evergreen Council, 46 from the Portland Area Council, and 25 independents. TVC made this event exciting and fun. TVC had 10 raffle baskets filled with numerous items for everyone delight.
Don't forget the annual Hahn Barn Dance and Potluck put on by the TVC on July 30th. Call Judy Schnase at 503-357-6770 for more information.
Don't forget the Diamond Lake Festival July 20th - 23rd, 2011.
The 11th USA West Square Dance Convention in Longview, Washington is coming up. For more information please go to, or call 503-396-5537.
The 2012 National Convention in Spokane, Washington will be a great venue. Please sign up and get your ribbons early. Registrations are out everywhere.
Don't forget about the 2012 Mid-Winter Festival coming up in January 2012. See Roger Putzler for more information.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
Apparently most clubs have come to an agreement with the IRS or have ignored the whole problem that we had last fall. Tim and I have had a few questions from people but it seems, by and large, to have been pretty quiet.
Curt Lundine is scheduling another tax seminar for Summer Festival on Saturday, July 9th in Troutdale. I have been able to get an IRS agent as the main speaker for that meeting. She told me that she has been assigned to auditing non-profit organizations so she should be able to answer any questions asked.
Please inform your clubs to come to this seminar if they need some help. It could save them $400.00
EDUCATION ADVISOR: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
Mr. Bill Rooper has arranged for a representative of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service to speak at the scheduled Educational Seminar during Summer Festival. We expect that this speaker will answer our many questions regarding the tax-exempt status of our member clubs, and we strongly encourage all area delegates and interested others to attend this coming seminar. We will schedule a 90-minute training seminar from 10:30 to 12:00 during the September board meeting for new area delegates. Attendance will be mandatory for new delegates. The proposed speakers are: Kay Rogers, Insurance Chairman; Tim Roberts, Parliamentarian; and Ray Jones, 1st Vice President. The goal is to prepare the new delegates for their upcoming duties.
Floyd Bard: I would like to reiterate that when we opened this up and started working with the clubs last year there was an October deadline. We found out that there were a lot of clubs that were either non-compliance or didn't know what to do. This committee stepped up to the plate and I think we owe them a heck of a lot of gratitude for the work that they have done for the clubs, the areas, and the Federation.
HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones
We have requested two tables, from the Summer Festival Chairman, for our Historian display, including the Badge Board.
We still need Histories from most of the councils and many clubs; so we again ask all of you to continue reminding your clubs and councils to get their histories to us, and also any photos or articles of their special events. As Vivian just stated in her report, banners also, whether they are active banners or non-active clubs. They can be brought, or sent with someone, to the Summer Festival and left at the Historian display table.
We will be arriving at Summer Festival on Thursday in order to set-up the Historian display and will stay in our motor-home at the on-site RV parking. So, we will see all of you July 7 to 10 in Troutdale.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
Things are current with both BMI and ASCAP.
I have provided the Chair of the 2011 Summer Festival the information needed for payment of Festival BMI and ASCAP fees after the festival is done.
The deadline for our OFSRDC's scholarship has been extended to May 20th due to a problem with the computer server. A mail message was sent out to all delegates and officers of the Federation asking for assistance in notifying all of our high school seniors and college freshmen to resubmit or submit their application prior to the new due date. The two students that I knew had submitted were contacted and I have received their applications, plus one additional one. I have sent copies of their application to the Youth Committee for their discussion this weekend. Our son Jonny is one of the applicants so I am removing myself from the selection process.
Since assuming my office as the State Youth Activities Coordinator in September, I have asked for a council to co-host a Youth Scholarship Fundraising Dance. I also discussed the possibility with a couple councils during the January meeting. I am sad to announce that due to a lack of response, there will not be a scholarship dance this year.
I have also asked council delegates to send me information on whether or not there are kids dancing in their council and if so, where they are so that I could schedule a couple youth dances this year. To date, only one council has contacted me with a request to co-host a youth dance. Delegates, I can't do my job if you don't take the youth information back to your councils and then communicate with me. There are kids dancing in the state, and we should be trying to support them. Please let me know how many kids are dancing in your areas.
Now for the good news, on Saturday, August 13, South Coast will be co-hosting a youth dance for the youth in their area. The callers will be KC Curtis and Jonny Roberts.
If any of the councils have donations for the Youth Educational Scholarship Fund, please mention it in your reports. Thank you Ron and Cathy Woodworth, South Coast, for your personal donation to the Scholarship Fund. Thank you also to the Toe Draggers for their donation.
Tony has reserved a spot for the youth to dance at the State Fair in August. When we know our date, please encourage all of the youth in your area to come and have fun. The music will be fast, fun, and upbeat.
If you have any youth that would like to attend any state supported square dance activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available to help financially challenged youth dancers.
ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt
ORDTA officers for the 2011-12 year have been elected and will take office at the October 2011 meeting. The new officers are: President, Ken Pratt; Vice President, Tami Helms; Secretary, Linda Sauer; Treasurer, Suzette Juhring; Members-at-Large, Ed Phillips, Christina Corelli/Kirby Goode, Marilyn Schmit/Ralph Lambert.
The amendment to allow members to vote via e-mail, as well as U.S. Postal Service, passed.
ORDTA made a donation to the H.O.R.S.E.S. benefit.
Members were encouraged to register early for this year's Summer Festival and for USA West.
Chairman Roger Putzler was present at the April 2nd meeting for a discussion of round dancing plans and suggestions for the 2012 Mid-Winter Festival.
Marilyn Schmit presented an excellent educational seminar on dance hall safety, and distributed forms to summarize emergency information.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Barbara (Larry) Schaumburg
Oregon Round of the Month
June 2011
"London Two Step"
By Dorothy Sanders
Chosen by: Central Oregon
July 2011
"Monday Blues"
By Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin
Chosen by: Eastern Oregon
August 2011
"Mercury Blues"
By Pat Hintz
Chosen by: Emerald Empire
Thank you notes and certificates have been sent out to the choreographers in appreciation for their contribution to round dancing.
Floyd Bard: We don't have one, but I will say that with the emails that went around and talking with Daryl Clendenin I convinced him to write an article for us. I asked he condense it to 200 words and it ended up being 2 ½ pages long. I knew that our Editor would say something. We know that Daryl has a lot of good things to say and I appreciate that he did write an article to go in the OFN even if it is going to be in three issues. It is going to say a lot of good things about new club callers and his ideas on getting new dancers. He put this article in 3 years ago, or something like it, but we always need to hear that.
Vivian Fairburn: He has some good ideas on retention and recruitment. A lot of what Les Seeley was talking about too. I actually wrote an article this next issue and it is 400 words.
WEB MASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
We're seeing a lot of the membership updates come in. It's nice to see that process moving along smoothly. If you have issues with that be sure to contact me.
The Internet domain name "," which I own, came up for renewal. I went ahead and purchased another 5-years. This is available for future Summer Festivals if you want to have a nice standard place. You can go right now to and get the web page for the Summer Festival.
There was a little glitch in the online process for submitting scholarship applications. Fortunately, we now believe that all three young people who applied have resubmitted their applications and Kathy will have the committee work on them shortly.
I wrote Mr. Marcuse a letter and I got a response. It said:
Hi Tony,
Here is what we can offer on square dancing.
So I have five slots and eight clubs. Either a couple of clubs will have
to combine or wait till next year.
Floyd Bard: I think combining shows a better count. It shows more
dancers on the floor and I think that is a good thing.
Tony Haskins: I have three different clubs from Mid-Willamette. They
should combine as one club.
Floyd Bard: I would recommend that.
Floyd (Jill) Bard
Eric Foxman from the Oaky Doaks, Portland Area Council, has reserved one
trailer for the Starlight Parade in Portland. They will have the trailer
from June 3rd through June 6th.
I will get the second trailer sometime this month. My address is 2000
River Loop 1, Eugene, Oregon, 97404. My home phone is 541-688-4172. My
email is
Thirty days prior to you using the trailer you need to reserve it so we
don't have conflicts.
Liz (Bert) Teitzel
Sylvia presented information about the new membership process and things.
It is very clear what we need to do. One thing we would like to have when
giving instructions on filling things out. Instead of using you, you
should specifically say the club president or the club or the council so
we know who you is. We support her in the idea of having checks come from
the clubs and the council, and not just from the council. It will make
everything easier, I think for the council too.
No club councils, there was quite a bit of discussion on that and that
will probably come out at the meeting.
On the Grant Committee P & P changes we would like to have further
discussion on that.
Ray Jones: I move that the changes presented to the Tax Committee be
approved. Seconded by Sylvia Davis. Discussion followed. Motion carried.
Floyd Bard: Your concerns are so noted and the committee will go back and
take a look and see if we need to make other changes that might comply
with what your concerns are Dave.
Floyd Bard: I know that we chose as a group to support the 2012 and as a
Federation but not to use Federation funds to directly donate to the 2012
Hospitality Committee, who Dave Krause is the chairman. When we dealt
with the hospitality rooms it was not just the vendors, but there were
other hospitality rooms that were running in to the same issues. There
were some emails that were basically saying: Well I thought the
Federation was to support square dancing. I don't disagree with that.
The reason I wanted to bring it up for limited discussion is to make sure
that we all feel that our concern is to improve square dancing in the
State of Oregon. Granted Washington is our sister State. They supported
us in our National Conventions and we should support them. We found other
ways to do that, for councils to hold dances that the proceeds could be
donated to 2012 or just put a donation can out at our activities and ask
for a donation. To utilize funds in our budget that wasn't budgeted, to
begin with, in my budget year to do that I felt was a little bit beyond
what the scope of the duties and responsibilities of the Federation and
how we support square dancing in Oregon.
Lee Ashwill: Being an adviser to Washington, I think this request came
from an Oregon dancer on his own, I don't think it was generated by the
General Chairman of Washington. They did not contribute to either of our
conventions financially other than the registrations. I am definitely
against this.
Liz Teitzel: As the delegate, the general conscience was that if there
was financial support, it should come from the Federation not the councils
or clubs because we are all have trouble right now.
Floyd Bard: I am not saying the councils or clubs take money out of their
budget. If they wanted to hold a special dance or some activity or put
donation cans out at their particular activity. That would show support
from the clubs and the councils.
Ray Jones: I think we have discussed this long enough and we should move
on to another item. It is not a motion on the agenda.
The results of the ballots are: 1st Vice President, Curt Lundine; 2nd
Vice President, Tony Haskins; Membership, Norma Sohn; Corresponding
Secretary, Cheryl Lundine; Recording Secretary, Kay Rogers; and Treasurer,
Vivian Fairburn.
John Guches: Mr. President, I would like to propose a motion that the
Corresponding Secretary be authorized to destroy the ballots. Seconded by
Ray Jones. Motion carried.
I move that the following changes be made to the Membership Job
description in the Practices & Procedures:
On page V-19, paragraph 6; delete the sentence "The Membership Chairman
must also ensure that each Area Council has a proper supply of these forms
to conduct their business."
On page V-19, change paragraph 8 from:
Is the contact person for all Areas to provide Membership and Directory
information to the 2nd Vice President and the OFN Editor. All
applications and Directory Information forms, with appropriate fees and
dues, must be forwarded to the Membership Chairman.
Is the focal point for Membership and Directory information. When filling
out the Membership and Directory forms online, the information is
automatically sent to the 2nd Vice President and the OFN Editor. Clubs
and councils will send one copy of the paper form, with appropriate fees
and dues, to the Membership Chairman.
On page V-21, regarding payments for membership dues, change line 23 from
"Send to the below address by July 1" to read "Send to your Area Delegate
by July 1."
On page V-23, line 25, change from:
As soon as election of officers has been held, please mail FOUR copies to
your Area Council Secretary, include a check, payable to your area, for:
As soon as election of officers has been held, submit the information on
the Federation's website. Send one copy of the form plus a check for dues
and Where & When as listed below, payable to the OFSRDC, to your Area
Council Delegate.
Seconded by Lee Ashwill. Discussion followed. Motion carried.
I move that the following paragraph be added to page II-2 of the Practices
& Procedures:
The Federation's Constitution states that an Area Council is composed of
members elected from its member clubs. Because of that, an Area Council
with no clubs will not be able to seat a delegate at Federation Executive
Board meetings, nor vote on items of Federation business.
Seconded by Lee Ashwill. Discussion.
Floyd Bard: We are not getting rid of the council. The councils are
retained, but they don't have a vote. There has to be an active club in
the council in order for a delegate to sit at the Federation meeting and
to have a vote
We do have in the P & Ps a list of rotation of hosting state meetings.
With this motion being approved then we will go back and change that list
of hosting meetings. There are some issues.
Motion carried.
I move that the following changes be made to the Grant Fund Committee
Section in the Practices & Procedures.
Change Grant Fund Committee Section, Page VII 25-27 to read:
All Clubs or individuals requesting financial support from the Federation
will submit a written request to the Grant Fund Committee. Only requests
submitted by Federation members will be accepted.
This committee will consist of the Past President, who will chair the
Grant Fund Committee, the First Vice President, and the Treasurer.
This committee will review the written request for funds, and make a
recommendation for approval or disapproval, no later than the next
scheduled Federation meeting. A motion should be made regarding the
request, for discussion and action by the Federation.
Remove Grant Fund Application - Area or Club Section, Page VII 28-32.
Seconded by Lee Ashwill. Discussion.
Ray Jones: If any of you have studied the application for grants, it is
about a 12-month process. We need a system where we can give reasonably
quick response and meet the needs of the people we have.
Curt Lundine: I make a motion that we amend the motion that is on the
table and that we have the Grant Committee make the decision whether or
not to approve the grant and report to the President whether or not they
have done so.
Seconded by Lee Ashwill. Discussion followed.
Tim Roberts: I think what you are saying is that you want the committee
to have the approval authority?
John Guches: I am going to speak in opposition of giving them the direct
authority. As a body we are required basically to approve all
expenditures of funds out of our treasury. I believe that we need to
bring it back to this body. The issue of getting it done expediently is
great and getting it back to the next meeting.
Vote 8 to 8. President votes, amended motion fails.
Motion carried.
I move that the Federation approve the purchase of QuickBooks Pro 2011 (2
user license) for a cost not to exceed $450.00. Licensed copies would be
available to the Federation Treasurer, and Oregon Federation News staff.
Seconded by Lee Ashwill. Discussion followed.
Barbi Ashwill: We need this new software for people to be able to talk
back and forth we are not exchanging financial information with anybody
Vivian Fairburn: No, I can't use QuickBooks. Buying one issue allows for
a second copy on somebody else computer.
Mike Duyck: I move we amend the motion to purchase one QuickBooks for use
by the Oregon Federation. Seconded by Liz Teitzel. Amendment carried.
Motion carried.
I move to approve a Caller Grant for a new caller from Central Oregon
Council not to exceed 50% of the total cost of the formal New Caller
Course, to include travel and lodging which requires successful completion
of said course.
Seconded by John Guches. Discussion followed.
Liz Teitzel: Kippen started dances with Central Oregon about 5 years ago.
After he had been dancing about one year he decided he would like to
become a caller and has been working towards that goal. We think in
Central Oregon he would be a very positive addition to the caller
Floyd Bard: The Grant Committee has come up with amount of $400.00.
Liz Teitzel: I move to approve a Caller Grant for a new caller from
Central Oregon Council for the amount of $400.00 to go towards the cost of
the formal New Caller Course, to include travel and lodging which requires
successful completion of said course.
John Guches: I approve the restating.
Motion carried.
I move that the following be added to Helpful suggestions for Areas
Hosting State Meetings Section, Page II-3.
Insert Line 9 to read: All Federation meetings are open to all Federation
club members.
Seconded by Lee Ashwill. Discussion followed.
Ray Jones: Years ago we use to, upon leaving these Federation meetings,
we would remind the hosting area delegate from the next Federation meeting
to please remember to invite your area members because those are the
people that have shown a willingness to accept some responsibility. Try
to get them out to our Federation meetings. We need to get new thinking,
new people looking and new ideas. The purpose is not in any way to have
officers invading the delegates meetings or visa-versa. The purpose is to
get new people coming to these meetings and listening and hopefully taking
some interest in it.
Floyd Bard: We have talked, at the officers meeting, about having a
combined meeting after the officers and delegates met separately so we
could be a cohesive group and be a team.
Motion carried.
I am making a motion; I am requesting $500.00 to assist us in paying for
the callers and cuers at the Douglas County Fair.
Seconded by John Guches. Discussion followed.
Lee Ashwill: Are you paying your callers and cuers? Have you always done
Frank Schuchard: Yes, we have always done that.
Barbi Ashwill: Do I really understand that these good callers in the
State of Oregon will not come and donate their time as they do at other
county fairs and the State Fair? Have you ever asked them if they would
come without payment?
Frank Schuchard: I have not. I have been under the assumption since I
have been involved with UAC as president that we paid them.
Motion failed.
Floyd Bard: The Blue Mountains Council has the Eastern Oregon Club that
use to be Eastern Oregon Council. Jeff Futter apparently has a club that
he is proposing to the Blue Mountains Council.
David Stutzman: It is my understanding that they are one in the same.
Marilyn Schmit: I got an email from Curtis and Barbara, Curtis is the
Blue Mountains Council President, they asked how to go about getting a new
club. I sent them directly to the P & Ps on how to go about getting a
new club and said they would have to get their club's stuff put together
first and then apply for membership to the council and then the council
would submit that to the State.
We have two domain names. The one we use for most of our stuff is at That one is free and perpetual. I already
mentioned the, which I had bought 5 years ago,
personally. I renewed it this time and submitted an expense so that is
now property of the Federation.
Floyd Bard: Because Eastern Oregon didn't have a functioning committee
person to select Round of the Month she used the second choice from the
previous council. She asked me if that was okay to do that and I said yes.
I brought it up to let everybody think about it.
Floyd Bard: I would like to ask Mr. Jones to take this and come back to
our meeting at the Summer Festival with a recommendation, pros or cons,
for or against, or something in between.
David Stutzman: I move that whoever, be directed to investigate the cost
to the Federation of increasing the lodging allowance to $40.00 and
bringing that information back to a future meeting. Seconded by Gary Sohn.
John Guches: Mr. President, I would like to amend that motion to
establish a committee with a delegate, an elected officer, and an
appointed officer as a committee for investigating that. Seconded by CeCe
Glidewell. Amended motion passed.
Floyd Bard: I would like to appoint John Guches as a delegate, Ray Jones
as an elected officer, and as an appointed officer Kay Rogers, pending her
acceptance of that position. If she doesn't I will choose an alternate.
We received a letter from Daryl about his concern about the survivability
and growth of square dancing. He feels that new club callers are
critical. He has a proposal to work with councils and callers
associations to put together a venue and training session to promote new
callers. I am willing to work with Daryl to try to come up with a
solution and put together a venue and a location to get new club callers
in to the Federation. The new club callers are going to come from your
new dancers that are really motivated and those are the ones you can
really start moving in to the arena for calling. I would like to see the
callers in the State of Oregon be organized similar to how ORDTA is.
Floyd Bard: Is there any other new business?
Tony Haskins: I have one comment about the Summer Festival. Because we
have several gay clubs in our organization there is no policing of
clothes, attire, at the Summer Festival. The Portland Area Council has
passed unanimously that the gay clubs could come dressed like they would
like to come as long as they are classy and well dressed.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
Jim and Kay Rogers are promoting in Pendleton. They have a weekend of
dancing planned for the April 6th, 7th, and 8th of next year at the
Pendleton Convention Center. They have approached the Blue Mountains
Council for support. Some organizational issues need to be resolved which
the Council will help the Rogers with.
Elkhorn Swingers: The Elkhorn Swingers had a good Spring Fling Dance last
month with Gary Davis calling and T.J. Chadd cueing. The Boise area
brought a bus of dancers for the Saturday dance, which boosted attendance
to over 10 squares
Star Promenader: The Star Promenader students did not show up last night
so the club enjoyed a plus workshop. It was a Chinese fire drill!
Everyone was laughing too much to listen to the caller. Dale was having
trouble keeping a straight face also and had to turn away from the dancers
to finish the singing call.
Muddy Frogs: The Muddy Frogs also participated in the Blue Mountains
Council in Washington. Several members are involved in the 2013
Washington Summer Festival. They were not successful in their bid to hold
the event in Walla Walla, the Blue Mountains Council instead elected to
hold the event in Tri Cities.
Floyd Bard: Next is Central Oregon Council, Liz & Bert Teitzel. I
want to thank you all very much for hosting us, putting on a great potato
bar and a great dance. I want to commend you for doing everything you can
to help Kippen be successful in going to school. I applaud what the
Central Oregon is doing to keep him motivated and help him financially to
meet the goals. Thank you.
Central Oregon Council: Liz (Bert) Teitzel
Central Oregon is getting ready for our annual Central Oregon Roundup.
This year the dates are August 12th and 13th at Sisters High School. The
Trails End Dance will be August 11th at Bronco Billy's. Our featured
caller is Dean Black and our cuer is Dave Cooper. We will have the BBQ
again this year, it will be on Friday night and you need to buy your
tickets for the BBQ by August 1st. As always there will be dry camping in
the high school parking lot.
Bachelor Beauts and the Red Rock Squares successfully completed their
mainstream square dance lessons. Ron Bliven was the instructor for the
Beauts and Dave Cooper was the instructor for the Red Rocks. The Beauts
graduated 14 students and the Red Rocks graduated 10 students. The
Central Oregon clubs are looking forward to these new dancers joining the
dance community.
Bachelor Beauts: The Beauts will continue their regular dance schedule
through the summer, which includes a combined dance with the Sagebrush
Shufflers in July.
Red Rock Squares: The Red Rocks will hold their Birthday Dance on June
3rd. Larry Sprout will be the caller and Joyce Brown will be the cuer.
They will continue their regular dance schedule through the summer.
Sagebrush Shufflers: The Sagebrush Shufflers will be dark until September
with the exception of their combined dance with the Bachelor Beauts July
16th. They will resume dancing on their regular schedule in September at
their new location in the Ochoco School in Prineville.
The Shufflers will be holding A1 lessons and Mainstream workshops Sunday
afternoons beginning in June at the Redmond Senior Center. Jim Steele
will be the instructor. A1 will be at 3:00 pm followed by Mainstream at
Sundown Round Dance Club: The Sundown Round Dance Club continues to dance
the 2nd Monday of the month.
Swinging Mountaineers: The Swinging Mountaineers are planning for another
successful fundraiser operating two fixed concessions at the Sisters Rodeo
again this year. About 100 dancers from all the area clubs volunteer to
help each year.
They will continue their regular dance schedule through the summer.
We look forward to all of you joining us for the Central, Oregon Roundup.
We have ribbons available if you haven't purchased yours yet.
Eastern Oregon Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers
We have applied for membership to the Blue Mountains Council as a club.
If this falls through, we will withdraw from the Federation.
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper)
The Emerald Empire Council and The Cascade Callers and Cuers Association
put on a benefit dance on April 30th for "Habitat for Humanity". They had
8+ squares.
Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell
The Interstate Highlanders Council does not have any dances currently
scheduled. Some members plan to travel to festivals around Oregon this
spring and summer. They will be holding election in June and the new
officers will take office in July.
Klamath Country Squares: The Klamath Country Squares held their annual
Birthday Dance in April. They will be planning a new dancer graduation
party later this spring. Our May 21st party night has a pirate theme.
Dancers have been encouraged to come dressed as pirates or beware of the
consequences. There will be a prize for the most scurvy Pirate and Wench
and a non-traditional treasure hunt so as not to interrupt the dancing too
much. The KCs will be dark for the June 18th party night. Instead, it
was decided to make a visitation to the Circle 'N Squares club in Yreka,
California. They have new dancer recruitment demos planned during the
summer and early fall months.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle
No report received.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn
January saw the Mid-Winter Festival come and go with everyone attending
having a great time, except wondering what happened to the Grand March.
Next we start looking forward to Summer Festival in Troutdale. Should be
a great event with tours to OMSI and the submarine.
All of our clubs voiced their opinion on having a Grand March next year,
or some form of a Grand March. They also voiced their opinion on having a
Summer Festival for 2012, which was brought to the Delegates next meeting.
Mid-Willamette Council's Fall Festival in 2011 was to be hosted by Valley
River Dancers, but due to unavailability of their caller, they asked if
another club would be willing to trade dates.
Mid-Willamette Council hosted the last "New Dancers Dance: in March and
had a great turnout of almost eight squares present. We combined this
with a Subscription Dance and received nine subscriptions from the dancers.
In the past clubs from Mid-Willamette have attended the Brooks "Steam Up"
Farm Show, but due to lack of someone stepping forward to coordinate the
square dance event, our attendance will be dropped from out schedule.
Our own Past President, Barbara Tipton, has stepped forward to coordinate
the volunteers attending the State Fair from Mid-Willamette Council.
Mid-Willamette Area is starting to plan for the State Federation meeting
to be held at the Salem Square Dance Center this September. We are
looking forward to welcoming not only the old officers and delegates, but
also any new officers and delegates taking over this September.
Many of our clubs celebrated birthdays in the past three months. Lebanon
Square Circlers 62nd birthday, Independence Wagon Wheelers 51st, Braids
and Braves 50th, Timber Twirlers 24th, Silver City Squares 24th, while
Salem Swinging Stars, Corvallis Squares, and Valley River Dancers also had
birthdays this period.
Vivian Fairburn has asked all of our clubs to send in a list of banners
that their club has captured, so it could be published in the OFN. This
could be a very long list.
Many of our clubs are looking forward to the upcoming training seminar to
be conducted at the Summer Festival, as many of us have let our tax-exempt
status lapse and need guidance from the IRS representative that will be
At our April meeting our President, Bob Wachter, proudly handed out
Ambassador drops to two new dancers and two regular dancers.
Mid-Willamette Area now has two clubs that are only dancing once a month
due to lack of funds. Braids & Braves since last January and
Willamette Squares starting this May. Both are hoping to upgrade to twice
a month if funds improve.
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
The PAC has elected Council officers for 2011-2012: President, Tony
Haskins; Vice President, Mark Engerman; Secretary Mary Theirl; Treasurer,
Bill Rooper. They will be installed at our Picnic Meeting on June 20th.
Several clubs have or are about to celebrate anniversaries. Happy Hoppers
plus club celebrated their 52nd anniversary on April 2nd. The Bachelor
and Bachelorettes were 46 on April 20th with Dan Nordbye calling. Buzzin'
Bees were 53 on April 16th and the Country Capers celebrated 55 years of
dancing also on the 16th of April. Dan Preedy was the caller for that
dance. The Silver Stars turned 31 on April 23rd. The Oaky Doaks
celebrated 51 years of dancing on May 7th. River City Dancers will
celebrate their 21st anniversary on June 11th and Swap and Swing will
celebrate their 62nd anniversary next Sunday, May 22nd in The Dalles.
This is one of the oldest clubs in Oregon.
There will be a "Star Spangled" Memorial weekend of plus dancing at the
Oak Grove Community Club in Oak Grove, Oregon. This will be on May
27-29th. Randy Dibble will call along with Darin Keith from Idaho. Tami
Helms and Jeanine Norden will cue. See the May issue of the OFN for more
The Canby Cloverleafs Teen Club again participated in the Pacific
Northwest Square Dance Festival on May 6th and 7th in Langley, BC, Canada.
Ann Skoe, director of the Canby Cloverleafs gave me the results of their
trip to Canada. Their group won the following: Second place in 10 year
old division for calling. A trophy for coordination for being helpful and
a trophy for selling the most Pacific Northwest Teen Federation badges
(pins). They sold three times as many badges as required.
The PAC will have two floats in the Rose Festival Starlite Parade on June
4th. The Oaky Doaks will be on the lead float and the Country capers will
be on the second float. Country Capers will be on the lead float for the
2012 parade. The Wild Cards will do the calling for this year's parade.
The Country Cut-Ups' 5th Saturday dances were plus but they have now gone
to mainstream. Scott Zinser is now calling for them. The Swap and Swing
will go dark in June, July and August. Mike and Helen Halley are the new
caller and cuer for the Oaky Doaks. Chuck Garner is the new caller for
the Silver Stars starting in August. The club has decided to dance once a
month on the 2nd Saturday. Chuck Garner and Scott Zinser will rotate
calling on the 2nd and 4th Friday for the Tumbleweeds. Debbie Coombs is
the new cuer for the Buzzin' Bees.
The April 29th 5th Friday PAC dance with Bill Lundin and Tami Helms cueing
was enjoyed by 11 squares of dancers. The next 5th Friday dance will be
on July 31st with Scott Zinser calling and Jeanine Norden cueing.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: John (Glory) Guches
Before I start this, Mr. Jones you said you were looking for a council to
do your November meeting. (Response. Yes.) We are in discussion with
our new Council President at this point right now and I will be able to
give you a report on that in two weeks.
Ray Jones: Very good, and any other councils that might be willing to
step up to the plate. Don't forget to let us know, we will have this
coming up again.
Floyd Bard: Not only the November meeting, we have Summer Festivals that
we have to deal with in 2013 and 2014.
John Guches: Our council held a potluck/dance April 30, 2011 with Dan
Preedy calling and Elaine Funk cueing. There was something for everyone
from good food to mainstream, plus, and advance. Everyone had a good time.
The council has elected new officers.
Charlie Brown Squares: The Charlie Browns have been busy with dances,
graduating their winter mainstream class, starting new classes, dancing in
parades, etc. New officers have been elected.
Circle N Square: Circle N Square also have been busy with dances and
mainstream classes. They are busy preparing for a very busy summer,
starting with their Gold Digger Dance with Scot & Erin Byans calling
and cueing on June 18, 2011.
Also in June they will be at the Father's Day Genealogical History Day at
the fairgrounds in Yreka, California. July they will be at: Ride in the
Light Bike Rally held in July, in August they will be at the Siskiyou
Golden Fair and end the summer in September at the Montague Balloon Fair.
At all these events they will have their Pepsi trailer. This has proven
to be an excellent moneymaker for them and provides them with the money
they need for the year to run their club.
Lantz's Dantzers: Lantz's Dantzers celebrated their 19th birthday April
2, 2011 with Lawrence Johnstone calling and Freddie Loveless cueing.
Dances and classes have kept them busy. New officers have been elected.
Their new President, Mary Nutt, was their very first President 19 years
Ronde'Vouz: Ronde'Vouz has moved their dance location from the Josephine
Fairgrounds in Grants Pass, Oregon to the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center
in Medford, Oregon.
Classes and round dance parties have been their main activities. They are
gearing up for their 2nd Annual Escape Round Dance Weekend to be held
September 23rd through the 25th, 2011 in conjunction with the Harvest Fair
and Microbrew Festival being held at the Jackson County Fairground &
Expo Park in Central Point, Oregon.
Star Promenaders: The Star Promenaders celebrated their 54th birthday on
February 26, 2011. The caller was Cliff Nichols and the cuer was Ed
Phillips. Dances and classes are ongoing activities.
They are busy with the final preparations for their 38th Annual Diamond
Lake Festival held at Diamond Lake, Oregon, July 20th through the 23rd.
The featured caller is Daryl Clendenin and the featured cuer is Christina
Corelli. Come on down and enjoy a beautiful lake and dancing under the
stars at night.
South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth - Alternate: Coleeta Quigley
South Coast Council is active again. We met and elected new officers in
April and planned some activities for the rest of the year. We will be
dancing at the Coos County Fair and on the float in the parade in July.
August will bring out Youth Dance to our area and we look forward to our
younger dancers being able to dance to the calling of Jonny Roberts and KC
Curtis. We are reinstating the council picnic, which will be held on
August 21 at Sturdivant Park in Coquille. We will have a council dance at
the Beachcombers Cove in Port Orford on October 29th with a council
meeting before the dance.
Beachcombers: The Beachcombers are graduating their beginner class of 9
new dancers this month and look forward to dancing with them for many
years. Beachcombers are gearing up for their annual Birthday Weekend July
1st, 2nd, and 3rd and their Battle Rock Weekend September 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
and 5th.
Sets in Order: The Sets in Order are dancing twice a month and enjoying
all the new dancers in the area coming out and participating. In October
Coquille will have their 65th Birthday Dance. It will be at the community
building and there is an RV park close by if you want to bring your RVs.
If you want to know about motels give us a call.
Saints N' Aints: The Saints N' Aints graduated 13 new students in March,
installed new officers in April, and will have their Fiesta Night Dance on
May 21st.
I want to praise Daryl Clendenin on maybe a new callers class. South
Coast we need callers. We have two but we are getting old. We need some
young ones to fill in once in a while. It is exciting to know that this
might be going on and we can get some of our younger people that might be
interested in car-pooling to some classes.
Floyd Bard: I wanted to work with Daryl to not just deal with the
Portland area or the northern valley but deal with the entire State.
Zola Jones: I have a comment, correct me if I am wrong, but the club that
is celebrating their 65th anniversary aren't they the oldest active club
in the United States?
Coleeta Quigley: Yes, the key is continual dancing. We have never gone
dark or closed down or anything like that. It has always been continuous.
Zola Jones: I just wanted everybody to know that because this really
something. It is exciting to have a club in our State that is the longest
continual dancing club in the Country.
Floyd Bard: That warrants an article in the OFN.
Sunset Empire Council: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
No report.
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck
Tualatin Valley Council Events: July 30, 2011, Saturday, Hahn Barn Dance
and Potluck.
At the April TVC meeting Kathy Donmoyer, 2012 National Convention
Committee, spoke about the six Hospitality Rooms that will be made
available for workers and key personnel; VIP/International Room, Worker
Room, Entertainment Room, Vendor Room, Youth Room, and a RV Park
Hospitality Area. Although the Convention budgets money for coffee and
water, they do not have enough money for extra snacks for these
hospitality rooms. Some committee groups are holding raffles and other
fund-raising events to assist the Hospitality Rooms.
Reconsider policy of requiring non-dancing partners to pay admission fees.
TVC wrote and read a letter to the Executive Chairs of the 2012 National
Convention requesting that they reconsider the policy of requiring
non-dancing partners to pay admission fees. Janet Bellcoff replied that
the National Convention Committee is already looking into this issue and
trying to figure out a way to make this happen, without having people
abuse the system. Janet further said that this policy also impacts
parents and youth.
Coast Swingers: Our officers for 2011-2012 are: Robert (Bob) Alan,
President; Katie Chew, Vice President; Michael McMullen, Treasurer; and
Opal Powell, Secretary. Installation of officers will be at our May 14th
The Coast Swingers have partnered with the Tillamook County Library to
offer a series of four "Tastes of Square Dancing" sessions on the four
Saturdays in May. They will be held at the Garibaldi City Hall, home of
the Garibaldi branch of the county library, from 1pm to 3pm.
The Coast Swingers have selected The Regional Food Bank of Tillamook
County as one of their club's charities.
Eager Beavers: Sylvia Duncan will continue as our Chief Dam Builder,
President; Dolores Fullmer will be come Assistant Dam Builder, Vice
President; Joyce Hooper is our new Thumper, Secretary; and Donna Byars is
our new Gnawer, Treasurer. Replacing Ferrous Steinka as TVC Delegate will
be Jim Rogers.
Hayshakers: We have as President, Kathy Worthington; Vice President,
Cynthia Weber; Secretary, Dale Worthington; Treasurer, Sylvia Davis;
Members-at-Large, Line Anderson and Gus Schulbach. The club is having 2
more Plus dances in May and will be dark until this fall. We are looking
at having Mainstream classes some time in late September. Seaside Sashay
2011 will take place October 28th & 29th.
Hoedowners: Bart Welch, President; Sally Duyck, Vice President; Deborah
Olson, Secretary; Mark Bendickson, Treasurer; Marion Kehoe and Joyce
White, TVC delegates.
We have an on-going fundraiser to upgrading the bathrooms in Aloha Grange.
We have had generous pledges and donations and hope to meet our goals
Our 2nd dance of the month will be on May 28th with guest caller Les
Seeley. We will be dark in July.
Mix 'N Mingle: We are looking forward to dancing with Randy Dibble and
Jeanine Noonan our regular dance crew. Other callers will be: Les Seeley
will call June 4th, Renee Ruud will call July 16th, and Leonard Snodgrass
will call August 20th. We will be dark September 3rd.
R Square D: This year the incoming vice president couple will be
vacationing so we have moved our change of officers to the first dance in
The last basic class started April 6th with a new class to start again in
On Wednesday, August 10, we will have a National caller, Larry Ward, along
with Craig Abercrombie calling for the evening.
Sunset Promenaders: Judy Schnase will serve as our new President. Our
offers are elected in April but do not take office until the first of
September to coincide with the publication of the State Directory.
May 21st we will honor all Marvelous Mothers and springtime with our May
Pole Dance. Harold should be back from his travels to call this dance
with Goldie Restorff doing the cueing.
Toe Draggers: We just finished up our lessons with 14 square dance
graduates and 14 round dance graduates. Eight graduates decided to join
our club, which we are very excited about.
May 6th we honored our very own Randall Award winners, Tim and Kathy
Tri Squares: New board members were elected and that list includes:
President, Deb Kapfer; Vice President, Sandra Meyers; Treasurer, Bob
Petranek; Secretary, Rebecca Jones; Dance Coordinator, Carol Petranek;
First Year TVC Delegate, Julie Surtshin; Second Year Delegate, Carol Roos;
and Co-delegate, Vida Eppich.
The club will not hold dances this summer on the 4th of July weekend and
also Labor Day.
Terry Halley is now our standard caller.
Valley Squares: After our regular dance on April 2, we kicked off April
in a big way with Mike Sikorsky calling and Connie Clark cueing our 62nd
Anniversary Dance on April 8th. This was a very well received dance by
all who attended. The only complaint was "You mean it's over already?"
Valley is conducting Mainstream classes with the most recent class started
May 3rd and new classes every 8 weeks.
June 4th our dance will be the Potty Dance, our fundraiser for the grange
bathrooms. We will have a Crack Pot fun badge or dangle as it is also
called for those who "dance in the bathroom". Hoedowners have put this on
their calendar so we may have quite a number of visitors.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
The Douglas County Fair is just around the corner August 9th through the
13th. As we will have our favorite spot to dance, right at the front
gate, all five nights, so far we have Denny Lantz on Tuesday the 9th and
Roger Putzler Wednesday the 10th of August. Admission is free to the fair
if you are in proper square dance attire.
Buckeroos: They are getting ready for the Buckeroo Roundup June 3,4,5 at
the Buckeroo Square Dance Barn. You will find more detailed information on
page 23 of the May OFN. Dan Preedy and Dale Roberson are calling and Dave
Cooper is cueing.
They started out with 40 people and recently graduated 33 students and as
of this date they have had 12 of those graduating join their club. With
the free lessons that we gave throughout the lesson program this is our
largest class and the most that joined the Buckeroo Square Dance Club in
many a moon. With a lot of promoting and a strong group of angels and
great instructors in Don Marshall and Dale Roberson this was a very
successful adventure. Their round dance class will have their graduation
May 31st.
Dancing Friends: No Report.
Pioneers N Petticoats: Hosting the 9th Annual Safari Benefit Dance at the
Wildlife Safari at Winston, 8 miles SW of Roseburg. More details are on
page 13 of the May OFN.
They have a new dance facility at the community center in Myrtle Creek on
the first Friday of the month.
Timber 8s: Timber 8s had their birthday dance at the Buckeroo Barn last
night, May 14th, with Denny Lantz calling.
Genevieve Churchill:
First, I don't like being late. Beside that, I don't have a report.
Bill & Annadale Rooper:
Have you ever sat at the computer watching the screen and nothing is
happening? Or, how about the TV while you are dozing? My problem as I
create this report. This happened for several weeks trying to figure out
what am I going to put in here.
Things have been pretty quiet at the Rooper household. As we get older,
travel for distances at night, especially if it is wet, is not practical.
We have usually enjoyed our 90-mile one-way trip in the gorge for the PAC
and Summer Festival meetings. The ice cream breaks with good friends
afterwards is tops. We watched Jasmo dance at the benefit and the
Birthday Bash in Dufur was fun. We had three squares and ate birthday
cake with Bill Reid. Our sheriff had a difficult time controlling the
guest of honor. The PAC Fifth Friday Dance was a success with ten or
eleven squares. It was reported the Tri-Council Dance at the Clark
Country Square Dance Center was a success as well.
The weather is improving so now we can get in the yard and move some dirt.
The Annual Wasco County Pioneer Meeting was last weekend. This is a big
thing for the pioneers of the area. We are involved. It was a real
As I write this, May 2nd, our family plans to be at Timber Line Lodge for
Mother's Dan and we are looking forward to our trip to Alaska. We are
leaving for the airport in the morning.
Keep dancing. It keeps you young and don't forget to register for Summer
Larry & Barbara Schaumburg:
We haven't been down yonder, we had to stay home this year and suffer in
all the rain and cold. There isn't much going on with us, actually there
is a lot going on with us. We have been staying home, Larry is still on
chemo and we don't know how long that will last. We have been going over
and visiting with the Eager Beavers and their dance club and trying to
stay active with them. Not much dancing but a lot of gossiping.
Steve & Valerie Murphy:
A week after our last meeting at Mid-Winter we arrived in Mesa, Arizona
for our annual 2 month snowbird jaunt. While there we went down the road
to the Yuma Festival. There are always quite a number of Oregon dancers
that go to that festival, including some that have moved there. They had
3-featured callers: Wade Driver, Jerry Jestin, and Mike Seastrom. Of
course we knew Ron and Mary Noble, one of the festival hosts and featured
cuers, but it was the first time we met Rey and Sherry Garza, the other
featured cuers from San Diego. As usual in Mesa, we danced about 20 hours
or so every week. It could have been a lot more but our bodies won't hold
On the way home we stopped in Redding for their annual festival. Who
should we see there but Mike Seastrom again? He and Darren Gallina called
all weekend while Sharon and Casey Parker handled the cueing.
We finally got home April 3rd and took a few days to unpack and winterize
the RV. We also got our first look at all the work that was done on our
house while we were in Mesa. The new windows and log siding look great.
We no sooner put the RV to bed than the Pear Blossom Festival had us
driving over the hill to Medford where Nassar Shukayr called and David
Vomocil from Albany cued. Dennis Crapo from Washington was suppose to be
the featured cuer but had to cancel after he found he has cancer and would
be in treatment.
Twelve days ago we got the RV out, de-winterized it, and headed to Reno
for their 64th Annual Silver State Festival. Just like Yuma they had 3
featured callers: Jerry Story; Michael Kellogg from Northridge,
California; and Eric Henerlau from Corte Madera, California. And just
like Yuma they had two featured cuers: Joe and Pat Hilton, who was our
featured cuer at Mid-Winter; and Round-A-Lab's Co-Chairman Ron and
Georgine Woolcock. The square dancing included beginning level all the
way up to C-1 level. They had a number of different halls going at the
same time.
In 1 week we'll be boarding a ship in Seattle for a Round Dance Cruise to
Alaska hosted by George and Pam Hurd and Mark and Pam Prow. Dancers have
booked over 50 cabins and we are looking forward to meeting a lot of
people we've gotten to know since starting dancing 5 years ago, along with
people we know only by reputation. We'll tell you about it at the July
meeting at Summer Festival.
Until then, Happy Dancing.
Al Wolf & Gail Domine:
At the last meeting we reported we would spend two weeks in Arizona in
February. We did so and also enjoyed the Yuma Festival where we promoted
the Summer Festival in Troutdale. It was great to see some dancers we had
not seen for some time. Also, we stayed three nights at our timeshare
near Tucson. We spent one whole day visiting some of the tourist
attractions. They say it only rains three days a year in Arizona. Well,
we felt right at home, those 3 days occurred during our visit.
In March Gail attended her grand daughter's graduation ceremony from the
Navy boot camp in Great Lakes, Illinois. It was a wonderful experience
and she was so proud of her. The weather was cold with a lot of snow.
On April 9th I went to Guatemala for a week to visit the two boys who I
help sponsor. It was nice to see them again. However, it is sad to see
the poverty around their area. I also enjoyed the nice 75-80 degree
We enjoyed the Horses Benefit Dance and were proud of our caller and cuer
for their participation. Visiting some of the clubs in the Portland Area
to promote the Summer Festival sponsored by the PAC in Troutdale has been
a priority. The next couple of months we will continue in earnest to
encourage more dancers to register.
We along with 49 other River City Dancers went on our club Mystery Trip on
April 29th. We rode in a bus to the Mr. Hood RV Village. We stopped in
Rhododendron and had a nice dinner before dancing to the calling of Scott
Zinser and round dancing to Doug Hatch. At the dinner we were entertained
by live western music as well as dancing to the same group at the dance.
The chairs of the trip had their daughter and her friends, who are in a
band, do the entertaining. It was a great mystery trip.
On the following night, April 30th, we traveled to the Clark County Square
Dance Center in Vancouver, Washington, to attend the Tri-Council Dance
sponsored by the TVC. What a terrific dance with 31 squares dancing to
Randy Dibble and Tami Helms.
We look forward to a great Summer Festival and will be happy to see all of
you there.
Floyd Bard: I would like to say again that we do have the Summer
Festivals to come up in 2013 and 2014. It is important to step up to the
plate and see if we can get some areas to host those for us.
Dave Cameron: I am the one asking for the State meeting to start earlier
at the Mid-Winter Festival. First of all I want everybody to go to the
Summer Festival. Secondly, I represent the Mid-Winter Festival and I have
plenty of jobs to do, come see me and I will put you to work.
Steve Murphy: When Valerie and I were appointed as Goodwill Ambassadors
we understood our job was to spread the good word about dancing. We carry
a bunch of flyers into a dance and put them out. Where do we get the
flyers? Whenever we go to a dance there are flyers there. We get them
from our Mid-Winter and Summer Fest people. Also one source is up there
in the mailbox. I would encourage any of you that are sending out flyers
to put them in the goodwill ambassadors. We will make sure it gets to
Yuma, Arizona, Colorado, Alaska, and to everywhere we go.
Bert Teitzel: I just want to acknowledge and thank the Pine Forrest
Grange for donating the hall here for these meetings. I would like to
request the Federation send them a thank-you note.
Tony Haskins: We need dancers for the Showcase of Rounds at the Summer
Festival. So if you want to show your expertise contact Patty Hermann.
You will find her number in the directory under caller/cuer.
John Guches: As of September I will be stepping down as delegate and my
replacement is Lorri McIntosh. We are trying to reestablish the Boatnik
Festival in Grants Pass. We are having a dance this year, Friday night
the 27th, it is over the Memorial Day Weekend, so the 27th, the 28th, and
the 29th. The 27th will be mainstream/plus put on by local callers.
Saturday we will be doing A level dancing in the afternoon 2:30 - 5:00 pm.
Sunday they will have mainstream/plus dancing Sunday evening. Come down
and join us and on your trip back make sure you stop in Roseburg for the
Buckeroo Round-Up.
David Stutzman: At the last meeting there was discussion of Trail Thru
Dances. I tried to pursue that email through the National people and they
haven't responded adequately for me. If anybody has some interest there I
think over in our area we are positioned pretty well to have something. I
was trying to get some information from the National Convention people
before I approached anybody in our area. If anybody is thinking about
doing it in their area I would be interested in coordinating information.
Vivian Fairburn: We all have talked about this ARTS Alliance, there is a
website and it is national, nonprofit, gathering of all different kinds of
dance organizations. They have a website called and they
listed 10 reasons why it is healthy to dance. We are talking about
recruitment and what are we going to do for lessons. We need to
reevaluate whom we are directing our lessons at. Our retention is so low
for the groups that we are going after. 10,000 baby boomers are retiring
every day this year, now this 65 is the new 50. We are healthy, we are
active, and we are interested. How many of you get in the mail those
four-color brochures for your local hospital, wellness centers, or Kaiser
and Providence. Those are the people that we need to go after, but not
just drop a flyer. Take your new dancers who have just joined, they are
enthused give them a job, have them go make a connection with these people
because they have all these little seminars, they have all these little
meetings, and you can even arrange with them to bring some people to a
dance. Not do a demo for them but get them to come see you. Have these
new dancers work with them constantly during the year. Get the
association going because that is where our new dancers are going to come
from this next year.
Lee Ashwill: I have zero nominations for the Randall Award. I am told
that I am going to get one. (Response from Vivian. The P & Ps say
they are not due until July.) I sent out a letter and asked for them.
(Response from Vivian. You didn't send me one.) You are not a delegate.
(Response from Vivian. Well he didn't tell me, Gary Sohn, he didn't get
Floyd Bard: You know what, it worked Lee. All you had to do was bring it
up here on the floor and they just show up don't they. The deadline is in
Sunday, July 10, 2011, at Reynolds High School, Troutdale, Oregon. It
will start at 9:30 am.
August 26th, Friday, Center Stage, 10:00 - 11:30
August 27th, Saturday, Center Stage, 10:30 - 11:30
September 2nd, Friday, Spirit of America Stage, 11:00 - 12:30
September 5th, Monday, Center Stage, 10:00 - 11:30
Floyd Bard: I will entertain a motion to adjourn
Dennis Marsh: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Sylvia Davis.
Adjourned at 12:05 pm.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary