President Floyd Bard called the meeting to order at 9:30am.
Remembrance for Barbara Schaumburg: Floyd Bard
Officers: All present.
Appointed Officers: All present except ORDTA, Ken Pratt (Alt: Cece Glidewell).
Delegates: All present except Central Oregon, Liz Teitzel; Lincoln-Tillamook, Wally Brunelle; and South Coast, Cathy Woodworth (Alt: Linda Bell).
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present Genevieve Churchill and Larry Schaumburg.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Lee Ashwill.
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Ray Jones (done by Floyd Bard).
MINUTES: Dale Worthington: The Minutes were posted on the Website. Are there any corrections or changes?
John Guches: I move that the Minutes be accepted. Seconded by Dennis Marsh. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard
Thanks to the Portland Area Council for a GREAT Summer Festival. Even though Jill is not able to dance, which has been the case for the past two years, she still is dancing with us in spirit.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Ray (Zola) Jones
Rogue Sis-Q Council President, Carl Muck, has informed me their council has volunteered to host the November 2011 State Meeting. The Saturday, November 12th meetings will be held at the Josephine County Square Dance Center in Grants Pass. The November 12th Saturday evening dance and the Sunday November 13th meeting will be held at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center in Central Point. We need to start planning for a meeting in June/July 2012, as there will be no Summer Festival. We are going to need a council to volunteer to host that State meeting.
Each of you received this Application for Facilities Committee. That is Dave Cameron's way of inviting you to help take down the Mid-Winter Festival after the Sunday meeting or any time you can lend a hand. His thoughts are that this Federation benefits from the income of that festival and he would like to see all you Federation officers and delegates have the opportunity to lend a hand. Even if it is just an hour someplace but the Facilities Committee has a big job and Dave and his committee can use all the help they can get.
2011 Summer Festival: Tony Haskins
I don't have all of my report as all the numbers and figures are not in yet. Mr. Rooper said we had around 550 to 600 people here.
What a great time I had at the festival. Seeing old friends and making new ones. The weather could not have been better. The facilities were perfect. A big thank you goes out to the committee chairman who worked the tails off for the last 2 years preparing for this event. Also I would like to thank all the clubs and club officers and members for their coordination and implementation of everything from decorations to patrols and from the sound systems to the callers and cuers. I would like to thank George and Patty Hermann and Ken and Diane Pratt for taking care of the featured cuers while there were here. I would also like to thank Janet Shannon and Jim Ruebsamen for being the caller hosts. I would also like to thank Deborah Carroll-Jones and Charron and Casey Parker.
Thank you to everyone who came…and lets give the Buzzin' Bees, Silver Stars and the Happy Hoppers a big thank you for setting up the State meeting and refreshments.
The USO Show went really well.
I would like to thank Kathy Roberts, the Youth Activities Coordinator, for putting on a dance last night for the teenagers over in the hall. Also for thank you to Jonny for putting on the tip in the common area.
Floyd Bard: I would also like to add that the recipient of the Wood Award for the most attendees from a Federated club was the Whirl-A-Ways from Springfield, Oregon. The highest percentage award went to the Coast Swingers of Garibaldi, Oregon. The Oaky Doaks Challenge was won by the Buzzin' Bees.
2012 Mid-Winter Festival: Roger (Linda) Putzler
Just a few points about Mid-Winter Festival coming up January 27th through 29th 2012: We will once again have the trolley running from the fairgrounds to downtown during the dinner hour on Saturday. That worked very well last year and the City and the Visitors Center is more than happy to once again to help us provide that service. Most of your clubs throughout the State should be looking for Mid-Winter visitations to start. We have a pretty good schedule and we will be seeing you on the dance floor.
Some of you that participated in our resale-clothing program last year understand that we had some problems. We have purchased a new program for our point-of-sale. We are anticipating that is going to solve all of our problems. We will be having a dry run in September to make sure it works the way we envision it. If not, then there is another dry run in October, November, December, January, and by Mid-Winter we guarantee there will be no glitches.
We have registration packets available for anyone that would like to checkout a registration packet and help us with our pre-registration sales. Please catch me at the break or at the end of the meeting or catch Linda, because Linda is in charge.
I would like to introduce our Co-chairman Frank & Cathy Dietz and they are the Chairman for the 2013 Mid-Winter Festival.
Frank Dietz: I want to thank you all for letting me be here and I want to submit a budget for our 2013 Mid-Winter Festival.
Caller for our Mid-Winter Festival is Jerry Junck from Arizona and Nebraska. Jerry has called in the area recently but he has never called a festival in Oregon. He is extremely excited to call for us. Our round dance cuers are Gert-jan and Suzie Rotscheid. They spend part of the year in Georgia and part of the year in the Netherlands. Our clogging instructor is Scotty Bilz from Georgia.
If any body has any question about the budget I do have my treasurer here to translate this as much as possible. The vice-president has look at it at our area meeting and the area has approved it.
Barbi Ashwill: I have not had time to really look at the budget but on your income what basically are you basing this on attendance wise?
Frank Dietz: We are basing it on a 1,350 count. We do actually have a caller and cuer onboard at this time. The caller is Tim Marriner and the cuers are Chuck & Sandy Weiss.
Oregon Federation News: Vivian Fairburn
Through the last 10 months, the OFN is in the black.
I have received some interest about the Dance for the Health of It article in the June OFN. I have sent the article to the website for those who would like to use it for recruitment purposes.
I welcome any and all articles from club members. I especially welcome obits about those who pass away that are an integral part of a club or council.
I didn't receive any banner inventory from clubs this month. It is a great visitation-planning tool and the listing is free.
The deadline for lessons listing in the September issue is August 5. It is free and is on a page that can be torn out and carried with you.
The Portland Area Council is planning an OFN subscription dance September 30. Councils should come to the September meeting with their schedule of OFN subscription dances for the coming year.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
The development of the 2011/2012 State Directory is proceeding with all councils updates received and most club updates have been received. The work of making required changes to the Directory will be done on a spreadsheet and will require very little time. We are moving right along on that.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
As part of my duties as Recording Secretary I am responsible for reporting on the "current ness" of the P & Ps at the Summer Festival meeting. After checking with Tim Roberts, he tells me that the copy of the P & Ps on the website is up-to-date. He also told me that he should have it back from the printer and in-hand for this meeting.
Thank you notes to: Virginia Meyers, Rental Manager, Pine Forest Grange; Liz & Bert Teitzel and Central Oregon Council for hosting the State meeting.
Get Well cards sent to: Lori Stevens, Lee Ashwill, Dave Bealey, Bill Cook, and Jill Bard.
Sympathy card to: Lee Kilbourn; Bill Reid for passing of his father; Willamette Squares for passing of Charles Harrington; Neta Minten for passing of her father; Larry Schaumburg for passing of Barbara, his wife; and George & Lorene Griffith for passing of their daughter.
TREASURER: Barbi (Lee) Ashwill
You have copies of the most recent Profit & Loss and Balance sheets. I can tell you for certain that the amount of money in the checking account is accurate. There may be some discrepancies where I have entered some figures into the wrong account. Just bear with me and we will get this as up-to-date as we can as far as the account balances go, but you can see how much money is there.
Floyd Bard: How are we doing with the signatures? Do we have any signature cards that we need to deal with?
Barbi Ashwill: Because we are getting so close to September…(Floyd Bard - We might as well wait and do it at one time.) Yes.
Floyd Bard: Another note, in the Program Book it had Larry & Carol Reetz as the Treasurer for the Federation and, of course, we know Barbi is our Treasurer for the Federation.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis
Everyone has been contacted on filling out the Membership Forms. There are only two that have not sent in their forms already, but will do so by the Summer Festival.
The Lincoln-Tillamook Council will be having a meeting in August and will probably disband. Several of the members are quite sick and they are not having success in lessons, etc.
I have gotten online with the State of Oregon and made a list of all the clubs and when their corporation dues are due. I am contacting those who need to pay their dues about a month ahead of the due date.
Insurance/USDA: Kay (Jim) Rogers
You guys are doing a really great job. Tim has streamlined the process, which makes it so much quicker, more efficient, less expensive, and I really appreciate it.
PAST PRESIDENT: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
The President gave me a letter that he received from the Adaptive Riding Institute. I had a goal this year but did not meet it. I was disappointed with that, but suddenly I am happy again because thanks to the clubs, councils, and individual dancers we contributed over my goal to the Adaptive Riding Institute. They are sincerely grateful and they said that the Oregon Federation, since we took them on as a charity, has contributed over $22,700.00.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
You each have a packet of updates to your P & Ps, about 50 pages which makes it about one third if the document. I would remind the delegates that you each have two updates - one for your copy, and one for your council's copy.
Section VII got a lot shorter because of the streamlining of the Grant Fund procedures. This packet includes everything from there to the end of the section, so you should discard the rest of Section VII from your current copy (after page VII-31).
What a great bunch of good weather for the Summer Festival held in Troutdale July 8th, 9th, and 10th.
The Portland Area Council introduced the Oaky Doaks Challenge Trophy provided by the Oaky Doaks. This is going to help us raise more money for the clubs on an individual basis.
The 11th USA West Square Dance Convention is coming up on August 18th - 20th, 2011. this event will be held at the Cowlitz Conference Center in Longview, Washington. The theme is "Cascade Promenade". For more information see or call 503-396-5537. The Cowlitz Conference Center is at 1900 7th Avenue in Longview.
The Central Oregon Roundup is the second weekend in August 12th & 13th. There is a Trails End Dance at Bronco Billy's Grill & Saloon with the callers from the floor. Featured caller for squares is Dean Black from Yreka, California. The featured cuer is Dave Cooper from Prineville, Oregon. For more information please call 541-385-8904.
The Oregon State Fair is coming up the last weekend in August and the first weekend in September. We have four councils plus the ORSRDC Youth Dancers. This is a list of councils and clubs:
1. Tualatin Valley Council will dance with its clubs on Friday, August 26th on Center State from 10 to 11:30am. The clubs will include the Eager Beavers, the Hoedowners and friends. Ferrous Steinka is the contact person at 503-649-9487.
2. Umpqua Area Council will dance with its clubs on Saturday, August 27th on Center State from 10 to 11am. Those clubs will include the Buckeroo's, Timber 8's, Pioneers 'N' Petticoats and friends. Frank & Rita Schuchard are the contacts at 541-672-0964.
3. OFSRDC Youth Dancers will dance on Friday, September 2nd on the Spirit of Oregon State from 11am to 12:30pm. Kathy Roberts is the ORSRDC Youth Activities Coordinator and contact person. She may be reached at 503-590-4187.
4. Mid-Willamette Council will dance on Saturday, September 3rd on the Spirit of Oregon State from 10 to 11am. The Mid-Willamette dancers are members from various clubs representing their council. Barbara Tipton is the contact person at 503-588-0962.
5. The Portland Area Council will dance on Monday, September 5th on Center State from 10 to 11:30am. The clubs will be the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes and friends. Tom Gay is the contact person at 360-256-8351 or Jim Schira at 503-233-0437.
I had quite a few clubs who wanted to dance at the State Fair this year. I couldn't provide time for all of them so it was first come first served. If you want to dance next year contact Tony Haskins at or call me at 503-674-0204 and sign up today. Umpqua Area Council may not be able complete their obligation for the State Fair. If they can't then the Buzzin' Bees will step forward to possibly take over. If not, then I will be advertising for more dancers.
Let's not forget to promote those new dancer lessons coming up this fall. Now is the time for recruitment. Let's take the dancing outside so the public can see what fun we have. Use those parades and other town/city squares and put on a show. I think of this only because this is such a great venue and a grand social life. If you are injured and can't dance for some reason, just being there and involved with your friends is great.
Mid-Winter Festival 2012 is just around the corner in Albany on January 27th - 29th, 2012. Roger & Linda Putzler are working hard in getting things organized and ready to go. The caller is Jerry Junck from Arizona, the cuers are Gert-jan & Susie Rotscheid from Georgia, and the clogging instructor is Scotty Bilz also from Georgia. Frank & Cathy Dietz are the Co-Chairman and working very hard with the Putzlers.
"Circulate in Washington State 2012" 61st National Square Dance Convention to be held in Spokane, Washington, June 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th of 2012. Our own people from Oregon are helping in putting this event together. Janet & Roy Bellcoff, with the Silver Stars (a PAC club), are the Assistant General Chairman with Don & Cheryl Pruitt as General Chairman. Bill & Neva Reid from The Dalles are Publicity Chairman and Tony Haskins from the PAC is Co-Chairman for Local Publicity. There are other Oregonians helping out also, so you see; Oregon is well represented.
Floyd Bard: Thank you Tony. Being out there and being in the public and taking advantage of the fairs and the communities activities with our activity is always a good thing. When we just hold our dances and we are in our dance halls nobody gets to see us. It is when we are out in the public, like with the Summer and Mid-Winter Festivals when we go in to the restaurants and the motel rooms, other people see us and ask us questions. That is where we promote our activity. It is a great opportunity for that.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
The IRS issued a listing on June 15, 2011 of the 250,000 organizations they are deleting from their records, nationwide, because they have not filed a form 990 N as required when they made a change in their regulations in 2006. Among the names deleted were 26 Oregon square dance organizations. By referring to our directory, it appears that only eight are currently still active. I have tried to make contact with these eight and offered my assistance if needed. I invited them to the seminar held yesterday and hope that helped some. I am available at any time to assist where needed. We had an IRS auditor at our meeting yesterday and she was very helpful. I think we got most of our problems solved, but we still have some to go.
Floyd Bard: I think what we have done with tax-exempt and nonprofit status and working with the IRS and having an IRS auditor at our educational seminar was phenomenal. It gave total credibility on the issues we have been trying to deal with and it gave a single source with an agency that we have to comply with. I think when we have to bring in a subject matter expert, outside our organization, that is a great way to do it, to include even insurance.
EDUCATION ADVISOR: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
An educational seminar was held yesterday, July 9th, 2011, beginning at 10am and lasting until 11am. Ms. Angie Chapman, an IRS tax auditor spoke on the subjects of tax-exemption and non-profit organizations to the 33 persons in attendance, and also answered a wide variety of pertinent questions from the audience. I would like to mention that the whole audience was involved. They were all paying attention to what she said and were really interested in the subject matter. Mr. Bill Rooper and Mr. Tim Roberts added valuable comments gained from their in-depth research into the subject. This seminar provided the information needed by individual clubs and councils to maintain their proper tax status. Each council delegate has been given copies of brochures and tax forms that Ms. Chapman brought for our use. We put them in their folder so every delegate has the necessary documents to take back to their councils and make sure their clubs can get their tax status straightened out.
HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones
We have set up the State Historian display here at the Summer Festival and the "Badge" Board in it also. We hope that there will be more histories of the clubs and councils left at the display tables - as we still need many of these histories.
The next event we will be attending is the Diamond Lake Festival.
All is current and up-to-date with both BMI and ASCAP.
It was my pleasure last night to announce the recipients of the OFSRDC Educational Scholarships. We awarded three scholarships. Berea Little, a member of Sets In Order, received her high school education through home school. She will be attending Southwestern Oregon Community College and will be pursuing a degree in the medical field. Sandra Pinion, a member of the Braids & Braves, graduated from McMinnville High School. She will be attending Western Oregon University and will be pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. Jonathan Roberts, a member of the Toe Draggers, graduated from Tualatin High School. He will be attending both Portland State University and Portland Community College concurrently and will be pursuing a degree in Musical Performance, Opera. Thank you to the Youth Committee, Lee and Barbi Ashwill, Al Wolf and Gail Domine. They evaluated the applications and essays and made the selections.
We had close to 50 people attend our Youth After Party last night. While we only had about 7 or 8 youth, we had a great time dancing with the young at heart. Jonny Roberts was the caller/MC. He was joined by our featured cuer's daughter, Ashley Parker, on a tip. Jonny played a selection of upbeat music for everyone's dancing fun including YMCA, Thriller, and the Cha Cha Slide.
Ann Skoe hosted a youth dance yesterday afternoon. There were five callers, including Ashley and Jonny. There were only about 10-12 youth, but a lot of dancers who were young at heart and enjoyed the great calling.
On Saturday, August 13th, South Coast will be co-hosting a youth dance. The callers will be KC Curtis and Jonny Roberts. We will have an hour introduction to square dancing between 1 to 2pm. The high energy, fun dance will be from 3 to 5pm. Flyers were given to the officers and delegates for this dance. Please take these flyers to your clubs and encourage your families to consider taking a vacation to Coquille and come dance with us.
On September 2nd the youth will be dancing on the Spirit of Oregon Stage at the fairgrounds between 11 to 12:30pm. KC Curtis and Jonny Roberts will be calling this dance. Please invite all of the kids and the young at heart to this dance. We need your support. If you are planning on coming, please contact me so that I can put you on the list for free fair admission.
It is time to start thinking about our scholarship benefit dance in 2012. If there is a council who is interested in hosting a youth dance in April or May, next year, please contact me. I would prefer it to be out of the PAC, Mid-Willamette, or TVC area so that we do not detract from the H.O.R.S.E.S. Benefit Dance. Please go back to your council and let me know if you are interested in hosting the dance. We need this dance in order to continue giving scholarships to our outstanding students.
If you have any youth who would like to attend any State supported square dance activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available to help financially challenged youth dancers.
ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt - Alternate Cece Glidewell
ORDTA held a general meeting at the Summer Festival. Newly elected officers will take over at the fall meeting. Nothing else to report except our extreme sadness at the sudden passing of Barbara Schaumburg. She was a beautiful lady with that sweet Texas drawl; she liked to cue, and she loved to round dance. Barbara did a great job for many years heading up ORDTA's committee for selecting rounds of the month. She will be greatly missed.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: (Submitted by Cece Glidewell)
Oregon Round of the Month
September 2011
"Finally Friday"
Chosen by: Interstate Highlanders
WEB MASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
At the time I am writing this, 90% of the clubs have filed their membership updates online. That's very good.
After some prompting by the Membership Chairman, I created a script to go pull the corporation division records for all of our clubs automatically. That helped me find and fix a number of mistakes in the list of corporation numbers. I've also started to scan the IRS list of tax-exempt organizations, but their website uses encryption, so I can't easily automate it.
I have received the dates that are available for the State Fair Square Dance venues.
We moved up to 5 days of dancing, instead of three. I have made the selections on the following criteria: The numbers of clubs who would like to participate and the number of councils those clubs are in. This is a statewide event, as you know. I took one club from each council and included the Youth Dance Club: Portland Area Council, Umpqua Area Council, Tualatin Valley Council, Mid-Willamette Area Council, OFSRDC Youth Dancers.
These are the clubs, contact people, time slots, and stage areas, which have been selected. If your club is not included, I'm sorry. Remember, the club that is dancing supplies their own callers and cuers.
Tualatin Valley Council: Eager Beavers & Hoedowners: Friday, August 26th, Center Stage, 10-11:30am. Contact Ferrous Steinka at 503-649-9487,
Umpqua Area Council: Buckeroo, Timber 8's, and Pioneers 'N' Petticoats: Saturday, August 27th, Center Stage, 10-11am. Contact Frank & Rita Schuchard at 541-672-0964,
OFSRDC Youth Dancers: Friday, September 2nd, Spirit of Oregon Stage, 11am - 12:30pm. Contact Kathy Roberts, Youth Activities Coordinator, at 503-590-4187,
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Mid-Willamette dancers: Saturday, September 3rd, Spirit of Oregon Stage, 10-11am. Contact Barbara Tipton at 503-588-0962,
Portland Area Council: Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes: Monday, September 5th, Center Stage, 10-11:30am. Contact Tom Gay at 360-256-8351, or Jim Schira at 503-233-0437,
Maps, directions, gate passes, and other needed information will be sent as soon as possible. I need to obtain this information from the entertainment director before I can pass it on to you. If your club is short on members please ask other clubs to join you in the event.
This letter went out to Eric Marcus on June 28th, 2011:
Dear Eric,
Hope you are well…
I have attached the letter I sent out to my dance clubs who would like to dance at the state Fair this year. However, I do have some questions, as I know things have changed somewhat on your end.
1. Are you going to handle everything that Sara was doing?
2. Will it be the same format as last year? (Last year I had each club send in a list of names of the folks that were dancing at the fair, which will also include the caller and cuer if applicable.)
3. Two parking passes each day per venue so the callers and cuers can unload their equipment close to the red gate. (These should be issued to the contact person who will be communicating with you on their event.)
4. I will also be there each day of dancing and would also like a parking pass for each day. I do have handicapped parking tags and permit. That would be a total of 5 passes for me.
Thank you.
Tony Haskins State Fair Square Dance Coordinator
I have not received an answer, but as soon as I do I will put it out on the website.
STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard
Oaky Doaks used the trailer for the Starlight Parade. They said it worked great
One of the trailers is still at my house and the other trailer is in Donald. It is going to be used this month and in August and then I will get that trailer back. Those that want to use the trailers get your requests in to me and I will make sure you know how to get them.
Eight out of the ten active councils attended the meeting. We discussed:
Cece Glidewell: One of the things that we had discussed at the ORDTA meeting earlier this morning was doing the meetings via SKYPE. It is a lot of travel and personally, just me as delegate and not including Sarge's cueing or anything and without the reimbursements and we stayed with family and friends where we could and used our travel trailer, we spent over $1,000.00. We are not rich people and we have medical issues and that is a lot of money to spend. A lot of these meetings could be condensed. I don't believe that they are all necessary. I think just because we have always done something a certain way doesn't mean we need to do it that way. So, if I can avoid a meeting and do something via email and/or electronically, I am down for that.
Floyd Bard: We use the website because it is more proactive, you've also got to worry about your band width and who is going to be entering in to a session with SKYPE. Looking at the meetings and looking at reducing one of our meetings has been and is still in the works. But we do have meetings where we do voting, we have certain commitments and requirements that have to be met at some of the meetings. Again it is going to require some P & P changes. I think we have been proactive in that in the last couple three years and we are still working on those things.
Lee Ashwill: Mr. Parliamentarian, can't anybody call for a written ballot at any time and doesn't need a motion to do that? (Response: Yes.)
Ray Jones: You all know that a motion can be handled many ways. First of all it has to be seconded and normally there is some discussion and then there are all sorts of things you can do. You can amend it, you can postpone it, you can vote on it yes or no, but there are all kinds of variables. So, all of you voting members, myself included, because that is what we are, we are voting members, keep this in mind and this is not something that has to be dealt with today. It can be tabled, we can come back in September, there is plenty of time to kick it around and think about it.
I will make a simple motion and it will refer to Section IV, Page 5, line 3, which says, "they are to receive $.30 per mile one-way and $20.00 for one night motel or R.V. lodging." I move that this line be changed from $.30 per mile to $.60 per mile one-way and the $20.00 for one night motel or R.V. lodging be changed to $40.00 for one night motel or R.V. lodging. This is just doubling it as it is written in the P & Ps. I have a hunch that we may have more than one idea on how to deal with this and with that I will look, hopefully, for a second. Seconded by Dennis Marsh. Discussion followed.
Bill Rooper: The item that you are talking about is one of the biggest items in our yearly budget and we need to take that in to consideration. Our income has been decreasing because the Mid-Winter Festival has gone down, Summer Festival has gone down, and interest has gone down. I don't know whether we can afford it without dipping in to reserves.
Barbi Ashwill: I move to table this until the September meeting. That allows the delegates to go back to their areas and discuss it. We need a broad view from the dancers all over as well as it gives everybody here time to think about it too and see how they would like to handle it. Seconded by Ray Jones.
Floyd Bard: Zola Jones will make an awareness point.
Zola Jones: I just want to remind every body when they are considering this to take a look at the balance sheet that the Treasurer handed out and the amount of money we have in checking and savings.
Floyd Bard: Vote was 8 to 7. Motion to Table carried.
Thank you very much. That vote should tell you something that this is a subject that will be taking some time at the next meeting.
John Guches: I just want to make sure that we are going to refer that back to the committee that was set up to do this.
Floyd Bard: No, the motion will be brought back on the floor and we will discuss it during our September meeting.
Frank Schuchard: Was there a reason why we didn't have a dollar figure for the expense of this prior to the meeting? (You mean from the budget?) Yes, how much of an expense would it have been?
Tim Roberts: Mileage and motel, it is listed in the budget and you can double it.
Floyd Bard: I was handed two new badges for a Round Dance Screening Chairperson. Ken Pratt sent me an email and in the email mentioned Goldie & Earl Restorff. They are now officially our Round Dance Screening Chairpersons. The reappointment of them will happen again for Ray's tenure as President and for the next year.
Floyd Bard: I would like to give a heads-up on the Mid-Winter Festival section of our P& Ps. That is Section VIII, Page 7. We have what is called the Disaster Reserve Fund. That Disaster Reserve Fund says, "The net profit from each Mid-Winter Festival is to be divided equally between the Federation and the Emerald Empire Area Council. Each organization is to place twenty percent (20%) of their portion into a "disaster" reserve fund." I want to put a cap on that fund. I don't want it grow and grow and grow and have the money just sit there without being used for appropriate actions that the Federation needs.
There is also an issue, and this will be addressed I am sure by Ray, the Federation is not in the business to tell the areas on how they are to conduct their business and what they are to do with their money. There might be a discussion that the P & Ps also be changed that the Mid-Winter Festival and the Emerald Empire Area not be required by the Federation to maintain a disaster fund.
That is to be put on record that we will be discussing the disaster fund and for Federation we will put a cap on it. That means whatever monies left over or when we meet that cap and that money would just go in to the general fund. There would be no requirement to keep that disaster fund growing.
Ray Jones: My budget is not complete yet. I will have it done within the next 30 days and hopefully I can get Tim to email a copy to everyone. I want to have a good look at it with Barbi before I submit it for approval.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
No Report.
Central Oregon Council: Liz (Bert) Teitzel
The Central Oregon clubs are working hard to prepare for this year's Central Oregon Roundup. It will be held August 12th and 13th at Sisters High School. The Trails End Dance is on Thursday, August 11th at Bronco Billy's in Sisters. There is dry camping in the high school parking lot and there will be a BBQ on Friday night. Tickets for the BBQ must be purchased in advance.
The Bachelor Beauts and the Sagebrush Shufflers will co-host a dance on Saturday, July 16th. There will be a BBQ prior to the dance. The BBQ will start at 6pm and the dancing will begin at 7pm.
The Bachelor Beauts will continue their regular schedule through the summer.
The Sagebrush Shufflers are dark on Saturday nights until September when they will start dancing in the new location at Ochoco School in Prineville. The Sagebrush Shufflers continue their A1 lessons and mainstream workshops on Sunday afternoons from 3 to 6pm. The lessons/workshops are held at the Redmond Senior Center.
The Swinging Mountaineers will continue their regular schedule after being dark for their fundraiser at the Sisters Rodeo in June and the weekend of the 4th of July.
The Red Rock Squares are continuing their regular dance schedule during the summer.
Bert had hip replacement surgery on the 13th of June. His new hip is working great; he is getting around the house, doing all of his exercises, and driving Lizzy crazy wanting to do more. We are both looking forward to getting back to dancing and doing some traveling soon.
Lonna Bramhall continues to do well. The doctors have put the chemo on hold pending a monthly review. Lonna is looking forward to being chemo free so she can enjoy more of her regular activities. She was able to get out for a camping trip the first part of June. Please continue to include her in your prayers.
We hope to see all of you at the Central Oregon Roundup.
Eastern Oregon Council:
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper)
We had a retirement party for Kirby Goode and we had over eight squares there and one hundred people also.
At the May meeting I announced that the Emerald Empire Council had a benefit dance in April for Habitat For Humanity and we had eight + squares there. We raised $2,150.00. On June 25th Whirl-A-Ways had a dance attended by over 90 dancers from six clubs, was a special evening which included a silent auction of many donated items as a benefit for the local cancer funds July 29th and 30th "Relay For Life" in Eugene. This and donations brought in $1,468.00, a special raffle item raised $230.00 and a "Cash Cow" passed around during the dance was a "Live" auction off for $154.00. The Emerald Square Dancers relay team of 15 dancers from three clubs; Whirl-A-Ways, Single Trees, and Danebo Circle 8 have obtained $1,010.00 so far. This adds up to a total of $2,862.00 with more pledges to come in by July 29th. In our last couple of deals we are close to about $5,000.00 that we did in two benefits we did for two important people.
That kind of shows what our council really does. When we talk about Mid-Winter we are looking at what our chairmen are doing and they are constantly listening to what is being said around our dance. We try to correct and/or include it in ways that help the dancers when they are at the festival and when they talk about us. It is an important thing we all need to support especially with the State involved with us. Keep that in mind when you are thinking about Mid-Winter. We really do support other people besides square dancers and try to do the best we can.
Floyd Bard: With the HORSES, Adaptive Riding Institute, and these charities and what the other areas do we have to beat our drum on this. We have got to get out to the media and let the media know that we do give to other charitable organizations and we are just not here to promote our own activity. We use our resources for other charitable donations and charitable organizations. We should also the charitable organization to spread the word that we are donating to them and that the Oregon Federation and the area councils and the clubs are generous in donating to them and help them get the word out about our organization as well.
Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell
Proposed officers for the next 2 years are: Adana (Roby) Gardner, President; Helen (Don) Schreiner, Vice President; Deborah (Craig) Smith, Secretary; Denny Fullerton, Treasurer; and Cece (Sarge) Glidewell, State Delegate. Thanks to all for being willing to accept these positions. The new officers were confirmed at the June 23rd meeting.
Lincoln-Tillamook Council: Wally (Sandi) Brunelle
No report received.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn
May was a slow period for Mid-Willamette with the late spring arriving. Barbara Tipton announced the dates of Oregon State Fair and asked for names of any club members wishing to dance on our designated date.
We are gearing up for hosting the September State Meeting at the Salem Square Dance Center. All of you should have an information packet with maps, hotels, and campgrounds in our area. Should be a great event with new officers and delegates being installed. Hope to see all of you there.
One of the things we would like to look at in the Mid-Willamette Council, and we haven't taken it to our delegates and Council yet, but Vivian and I suggested that we look at hosting the 2013 Summer Festival. I think we have some facilities down there that will work. We will be bringing this to the Council and we will let you know at the September meeting.
Many of our clubs are going dark for the summer months, but enough are continuing to dance to fill our weekend dance calendar.
- Independence Wagon Wheelers held a Disaster Relief Dance on July 2nd to help many of the disasters around the world.
- Lebanon Square Circlers held their annual Strawberry Festival June 3, 4, & 5. They had a great turnout.
- Re-Vu-N-Q Round Dance Club celebrated their 35th birthday on June 23.
- Silver City Squares welcomed their new caller Chuck Garner who replaced retiring Phil Lindsey. He is a great upcoming caller.
- Willamette Squares started dancing only on the 4th Saturday of each month.
- June 1st Salem Swingin' Stars graduated six new dancers along with their own sideline cheering section. Then on June 8th, they started a Plus class and culminated the month with a Mystery Trip with 51 dancers riding a bus to Springfield and joined by 20 more down there.
June was a quick meeting for Mid-Willamette with some of the final decisions on September State meeting preparation decided.
I was very proud to have 100% of my clubs ready to hand in their State dues and money for their Where & When. With very little work I was ready to give my package to Sylvia at this meeting.
Doug Wilkins, our Council Photographer for more years than any of us can remember, recently retired from the post office and he and Janet will be traveling the U.S.A. in their new travel trailer.
July several members of the Braids & Braves went south to Port Orford to celebrate the Beachcombers 58th birthday weekend, July 1-3. Braids & Braves are trying a summer session of lessons.
Many of our clubs will be attending this week's Summer Festival, so hope to see them this weekend.
Regrettably one of our "Old" clubs, Englewood Twirlers, is calling it quits in September. Membership has fallen off and caller Doug Wilkins is retired and going to be traveling more.
Floyd Bard: Thank you for considering putting in a bid in for the 2013 Summer Festival. Did we have another area looking at the same year? I think it was Umpqua and Rogue Sis-Q was going to go together. (Response: It is not happening.)
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
Many clubs are planning for lessons in September. A few clubs won't start until January. Check your OFN for these dates.
Some clubs went dark for the summer. Silver Stars will dance once a month on the 2nd Saturday starting August 13th. Chuck Garner is their new caller. The Swap & Swing in The Dalles will also dance once a month on the 3rd Saturday starting September 17th.
The Tumbleweeds will celebrate their anniversary on July 15th. The Recycles Plus Club will celebrate their 15th anniversary on September 9th.
The Canby Cloverleafs Teen Club participated in the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival in Langley, BC, Canada on May 6th and 7th. They came home with three trophies. They placed 2nd for pre-teen calling. They received a trophy for teen promotion, selling the most promotional pins and coordinators award for being generally helpful and cooperative. Ann Skoe, director of the club, thanked everyone in the May PAC meeting for their support. The Trails End Dance at River City Hall had 115 dancers, almost 15 squares. It was a great dance.
Thanks to Tony Haskins for coordinating the State Fair dancing again this year.
The next 5th Friday dance will be on July 29th with Scott Zinser calling and Jeanine Norden cueing. This will be at the air-conditioned Oak Grove Community Center. See the back cover of the July OFN.
A big thank you to all of the PAC clubs who helped put on this great festival. Also a special thanks to Jolene and Ed Cummings, chairs of the decorating committee, for the beautiful decorations. They worked many long hours with their River City Dancers "helpers" to make all the roses and decorations.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: John (Glory) Guches
Hats off to Chairman Tony Haskins and his staff for a great Summer Festival! And thank you to PAC for hosting the state meeting.
Our council is in summer mode now. We have had class graduations, special dances, monthly club dances, etc. June 26th was the 4th Annual All Clubs Picnic with all our clubs attending. A softball game was enjoyed followed by a great potluck and dancing.
The Charlie Browns danced on floats in the Merlin Parade and the Boatnik Parade. After the Boatnik Parade they held the BoatNik weekend.
The Circle N Square held their annual Gold Diggers dance on June 18 with Scott & Erin Byers calling and cueing.
The Lantz's Dantzers will be hosting a retirement dinner for cuer Freddie Loveless, their club cuer, July 15th, at Shari's Restaurant in Central Point.
The Ronde' Vouz are busy working on their upcoming 2nd Annual Escape Round Dance Weekend to be held September 23rd-25th, 2011, at the Jackson County Fairgrounds in Medford.
The Star Promenaders are putting their finishing touches for their upcoming 38th Annual Diamond Lake Festival being held this month the 20th - 23rd. After enjoying sunny Troutdale come on down and dance beside beautiful Diamond Lake. In the evening you can dance under the stars! Wayne Weaver is calling Wednesday; this is also open floor night for callers and cuers. Thursday evening Daryl Clendenin is our featured caller and he will be calling Friday and Saturday. Our featured cuer is Christina Corelli; she will be cueing Friday and Saturday.
South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth - Alternate: Linda Bell
We have the Federation Summer Youth Dance in Coquille on Saturday, August 13th. It will be at the Coquille Community Building in Coquille. We hope you can get a lot of your youth out there and come down and visit us. We will also have our area picnic the week afterwards and our classes will be starting in September and October this year.
Sunset Empire Council:
Tualatin Valley Council: Mike (Sally) Duyck
TVC will hold the Hahn Barn Dance and Potluck on July 30th at the Hahn Barn in Banks, Oregon. Potluck is at 5:30pm near the barn/lake and pre-rounds at 7pm. Subscription dance for OFN. This is a big and fun event.
Coast Swingers: 50's Sock Hop on July 23rd with all singing calls. Mike Stout calling and Melinda McCluer cueing. Beach Party on August 13th with Maxwell Rounds calling and Jackie Gale cueing. Tools for School on August 27th with Terry Halley calling and Helen Halley cueing. Dance at Garibaldi City Hall with pre-rounds at 7pm and dance from 7:30 to 9:30pm.
Eager Beavers: We regret the loss of one of our members, Barbara Schaumburg. We dance on Mondays to George Clark or Jim Hattrick. We are currently reviewing several dance venues and may be relocating this fall.
Hayshaker: Mainstream dance and classes are suspended currently. They are dancing plus on Fridays at the Wickiup Grange with Harvey Hunsucker. The Seaside Sashay will be October 28th and 29th at the Seaside Convention Center.
Hoedowners: August 13th will have Norm Yoder as our caller for the Knobby Knees Dance with plus and IIIs at 7pm and mainstream and IIs at 8 to 10pm. Class starts September 21st.
Mix 'N Mingle: Root Beer Float Dance on August 6th with Randy Dibble. Dark on September 3rd. Birthday dance on November 5th.
R Square D: Special Dance with Larry Ward on Wednesday, August 10th from 7 to 9pm with every 3rd tip plus. Octoberfest at Longview September 30th to October 1st with Les Seeley featured caller and Tami Helms featured cuer. More information: Bob at 360-425-0583 or Pat at 360-423-7874.
Sunset Promenaders: August 6th Root Beer Floats, August 20th "Under the Sea", and September 17th Anniversary Dance.
Toe Draggers: Baseball, Mom, and Apple Pie & Ice Cream Dance on July 15th, dance 8 to 10pm. Dark August 19th for USA West.
Tri Squares: Class starts September 11th. T-Shirt Dance July 15th with Terry Halley calling and Jackie Gale cueing. Plus 7:30 to 8pm and mainstream from 8 to 10pm.
Valley Squares: July 16th dance with hot dogs before the dance with Chuck Garner calling and Connie Clark cueing. August 20th dark for USA West. Beginning class starts July 12th.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
The Douglas County Fair will be held August 9th to the 13th. We have callers and cuers scheduled for each night of the fair. Check out the flyer I have provided as to who is doing what when.
Buckeroo: The 37th Buckeroo Roundup was held at the barn in Roseburg. They had 10 to 11 squares on Saturday night June 4th and had lots of fun for the 3-day event. Next year the roundup will be held June 8th, 9th, and 10th with Eric Henerlaw calling and Tami Helms cueing. Mark these dates on your calendar.
Larry Ward currently calling out of Reno, Nevada, will be calling at the Buckeroo Barn August 6th with Neil Koozer cueing. Dress is casual dance attire.
The Buckeroo will be starting beginning square dance lessons September 27th at the barn from 7 to 9pm. They haven't decided whether or not to have all the lessons for free as they did last year.
Dancing Friends: No report.
Pioneers 'N' Petticoats: No report.
Timber 8's: No report.
Floyd Bard: I want to thank all of you delegates for your reports. You are very important to our Federation in your Delegates meetings and coming to the Federation meeting and giving us your input. It is always important to our facility. You have to remember that your reports would be great to be sent in advance to our Recording Secretary, especially the lengthy ones, and if not we will do the best we can to get them in to the minutes.
Genevieve Churchill:
No report received.
Floyd Bard: Genevieve and Barbara were very close and I think Genevieve needs to hear from us as well and give her a big hug. You know how much she likes to have hugs.
Kay Rogers: Barbara was working on a surprise party for Genevieve. We haven't been able to discuss it at these meetings because Genevieve was usually here. It is a surprise, and it is November 6th at the Vancouver Square Dance Center following Royal Romp. It is a surprise for Genevieve 100th Birthday.
Ilana Widders: I wanted to make a comment that when Dennis Marsh was President he appointed Genevieve as the Goodwill Ambassador and she was 95 at the time. We got several comments that they thought a five-year term for a 95 year old was a little ambitious. Our reply was, we expected her to fulfill her term, and she has.
Bill & Annadale Rooper:
After a great weekend in Bend we traveled home, packed our suitcases Sunday evening and on Monday about 9am Bill's son was at our door to deliver us to the airport in Portland where we boarded a plane for Fairbanks, Alaska, via Anchorage where we joined square dance friends. We spent a night in a "hot" motel room with no air conditioning or open windows.
The next morning we boarded the train and headed south. A stop over in Denali for two nights (motel room, hot) where we toured the park by park-bus then flew over the same area in a helicopter the next morning. It was interesting to get perspective of how high, steep and sharp the ridges of the mountains really are and how wide the valley is with all the river streams. There was snow on the mountains. Our pilot flew her craft real close to a glacier and we looked for Dall sheep but didn't see any. We saw Mt. McKinley both days. It is said only 30% of the tourist actually see Mt. McKinley. We saw a moose a mile away, lots of caribou, snowshoe hares and ptarmigans while in the park.
We waited for an hour in a cold, wind blown shelter and the sun was behind a cloud (it had been summer you know…) for the train to take us on to Anchorage. Along the way the train stopped so we could watch a mamma bear and two clubs jump a stream to get away from the tracks. It was neat to see wild bears doing their thing in the wild. We saw a few moose running from the train. There was lots of ice in the rivers and along the banks.
We spent a night in Anchorage and made a trip to Portage Lake where large icebergs were floating near the dock. A storm blew in and it rained. From there we bussed to Alyeska Resort, a famous place for skiers and vacationers. We stayed two nights enjoying the surroundings. We traveled to the top of the Alyeska Mountain on the tram where we could walk in the snow and see all the snow covered mountains, glaciers, and the valley below. Absolutely beautiful with weather just as nice.
The next day we boarded a bus that took us to Seward where we boarded the ship for a cruise down the Inland Passage. We saw lots of moose along the roadway. It was reported lots of accidents because of moose and any moose killed are butchered.
The cruise was mostly uneventful. There was a tour offered at Hanes, Juneau, and Ketchikan. Since we traveled the Inland Passage from the south before, the tours were duplications. The weather turned nasty and we decided not to partake as I had a nasty, persistent cough. We did go ashore in Juneau to sightsee and do some shopping. I never saw so many jewelry stores in my life. Everyone had a great deal…we did the tram there. That one goes straight up to a restaurant and nick-knack shop and a miniature theater and a great view of the area all built on a narrow ledge. We did see a large bald eagle in the trees under the tram.
I was disappointed in the Inland Passage as we cruised through at night. I was hoping to see tree covered mountains along the way. We saw lots of water but no whales. We docked in Vancouver, BC early Sunday morning, disembarked to the dock and waited for an hour (no chairs) for a bus t take us t the airport, waited for the plane for two hours for a flight to Portland and a ride home with Bill's son.
We are glad to be home and looking forward to the next adventure.
Larry Schaumburg:
No report received.
Steve & Valerie Murphy:
Since our last meeting, as most of you know, we've lost two cuers from the northwest, Barbara Schaumburg and Dennis Crapo. Both were unexpected and fairly sudden. Please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers.
After the last State meeting we went on a Round Dance cruise to Alaska with over 100 dancers. Mark Prow, one of the hosts, hurt his side when he fell while working on his RV and was in pain for most of the cruise but still managed to cue twice. The weather was great almost everywhere. While we were on the cruise it snowed in Klamath Falls, back home, but not in Alaska. Valerie and I had been on this cruise on our honeymoon in 2005 so we took this opportunity to go on different shore excursions than we did the first time.
After we got back we headed out to Roseburg for their 37th Annual Buckaroo Roundup at the Buckaroo Barn. Dan Preedy called and Dave Cooper cued while the Roseburg area clubs laid out more food and goodies than anyone could possibly eat.
Within a couple of days after the Buckaroo Roundup, both Valerie and I came down with the flu and couldn't dance for a couple of weeks. We did, however, head down to Castroville in the Monterey Bay for Valerie's parents 65th weeding anniversary. It was cold and foggy, as usual.
Valerie, before we were married, has been on a number of Paddle Wheel cruises on the Mississippi, most of them on the Delta Queen, a floating National Historic Landmark. The Delta Queen is now retired and many of the crew and passengers now cruise the Columbia and Snake Rivers on the Queen of the West, a paddlewheel that runs between Astoria and Lewiston/Clarkston. We were invited to spend the day on the Queen of the West by a travel agent who use to be the main entertainment on the Delta Queen, Phyllis Dale. We drove to Astoria and had lunch and dinner on board while renewing old friendships and exchanging pictures and stories of past riverboat cruises. After dinner we went to the lounge and enjoyed an impromptu session of half dozen riverboat musicians playing some of the best riverboat music you've ever heard.
We stayed in Klamath Falls for the 4th of July and enjoyed the festivities there. Happy Dancing.
Al Wolf & Gail Domine: We do not have much to report this month. We have been bush working with Les and Paula Seeley, Tami Helms, and Tim Keck to fill the program with callers and cuers for this festival. We have also been organizing and planning the Trails End Dance at our home club, River City Dancers. As if that were not enough, encouraging club delegates and officers to complete the membership forms of all 19 clubs in the Portland Area Council has required a lot of time and patience. Sylvia has been most cooperative and understanding.
On June 11th River City Dancers celebrated their 21st Anniversary. The club was formed as a result of the merge between the Rose City Squares and Barn Owls in Portland. Nine of those members are still dancing with the club. We both joined the Barn Owls in the 1960 with our spouses.
We will once again be supporting our new dancers class starting September 25th as Les and Paula will be on vacation in Paris prior to that date. We usually start the first Sunday after Labor Day.
Working on the preparation of this festival has been very rewarding. We give a sigh of relief and gratification that all of the hard work was well worth it. Thank you for your participation.
We will see you at USA West in Longview next month.
2012 National Convention - Don & Cheryl Pruitt, Janet & Roy Bellcoff
Don Pruitt: We are all here together because we have all been traveling together since before Detroit, for the last 3 weeks on the road seeing the eastern part of the United States and northeastern Canada. We have been all the way to Atlantic City, New Jersey, and waded in the Atlantic Ocean and all points in-between. We have been working hard getting this convention together and we have less than a year to go. I am glad to report that Oregon has, at last count, 238 dancers registered. I think we got six or eight more over the weekend here. We appreciate it.
Cheryl Pruitt: Our publicity person could not be here today, but we are so glad that our Publicity Committee is. I would like to have our Publicity Committee stand up. (Almost half the room stands up.) You are all our Publicity Committee.
Floyd Bard: Every dancer is a publicity person.
Janet Bellcoff: We won't be at your State meeting in September, like we usually are, because that is our Washington State Federation Meeting the same weekend and installation of our state officers at the same weekend. You will probable see us in November and of course at Mid-Winter in January.
Floyd Bard: I would also like to let everybody know that you guys were holding your leadership seminar this weekend and you chose to come down here. We appreciate that because I hoped that it paid off and we always enjoy having you at our festivals and our meetings.
Don Pruitt: Yea, we caught a little flack because we decided to come down here, but we figured, hey it is time to be neighborly.
Gail Domine: Items have been found at the Mid-Winter Festival. A photo of Pat Hughes, she has a 503 phone number so we assume it is somewhere in the Portland area. Also there was (?) left in lost and found, Mike and Lisa Kious have it. One bag from Carrie B's was there as well as other things and Tony has a pair of eyeglasses. If you know of anybody that needs any of those items, let us know.
Floyd Bard: Can that go in the OFN? I don't know how we would get the information out.
Vivian Fairburn: I have done that for lost and found. There is still a jacket floating around the office.
Kay Rogers: I just wanted to say one more thing about Barbara. You know she had been fighting lung cancer for 11 years and she went through four different complete treatment courses of chemo and radiation. She lost her hair four different times. Even a few days before she went in to the hospital she was at our house talking cheerfully about coming to USA West, Summer Festival, and planning Genevieve's birthday party. It is a tribute to what a valiant person she was. She lived every day, every minute, and it was never about her it was always about everybody else. Unless you were really close to her, you had no idea that she was that close, for quite a while now, to loosing her battle. Think about that when you start feeling sorry about yourself because you have a sore foot or something.
Tim has ribbons for USA West. I know it says July 15th is the last time we will accept your $50.00 registration fee, but you know we are easy. If you send us the money we will keep it. Those of you who can only make it for one day you can buy one day at the door. That is not why we promote it for obvious reasons. Don't let the lack of an entire weekend keep you from coming. If you a spouse, or even yourself, who can't dance, you don't have to pay a registration fee to come and visit and help decorate the place.
Those of you who enjoy dancing this weekend in July come down to Seaside next summer. River City Dancers, Eager Beavers, and the Hillsboro Hoedowners have joined together to put on a fest, a Summer Fest. We will have one dance floor and the second room will be set up for game playing, card playing, visiting, and Carrie B's will be there.
If you really want to see Deborah Carroll-Jones and her husband John Jones they will be in Pendleton the first weekend in April 2012. We have flyers on that too.
Kathy Worthington: Dale and I are two of the four delegates from the State of Oregon to USDA. While we were there everybody received a patch. We would like to present it to the President to put on the Oregon Federation flag.
Lee Ashwill: Being the Treasurer for USA West, I can verify what Kay says. Send money and you won't get it back.
I would like to suggest, Mr. President that we think about discontinuing the POOF Meetings at these festivals. They have become more of an OFN advisory committee than a POOF Meeting and they have an OFN Advisory Committee. The past officers do not seem to be interested in attending that meeting and I know we could all spend our time elsewhere. It is just something to think about.
Detroit at the National Convention had about 3,800 dancers. The 61st (Spokane) has somewhere around 3,300 at this time. However with only 238 from Oregon that is a disgrace. Get out there and promote that Convention. Lets get Oregon on the ball, they need the help, and we want 6,000 dancers as a minimum in Spokane in 2012. We need to promote, promote, promote. They helped us let's get back on the board.
While we were in Detroit we had a chance to visit with Nancy Morrissey, Ms. Cow herself. She is, surprising to us, chairing the WASCA Festival in the Washington, D.C. five state area there. It is a very big festival in the eastern states. Nancy also said for us to bring a big hello to all of you. She misses Oregon and when she retires she hopes to come back.
Floyd Bard: I would like to add a little bit to what Lee said about the POOF Meeting. I know the Advisor Committee is there to help advise the OFN and the editor and all of that. We do talk a lot about that at the POOF meeting, but also if you remember at our meeting in Bend we had a motion to put in the P & Ps that Federation meetings, to include the officers and delegate meetings, are open meeting. They can be attended by anybody. I made a special invitation to the delegates to attend the officers meeting. Past Officers Of the Federation you are welcomed to attend the officers meetings and any issues that need to be brought up.
Jonny Roberts: Yesterday I received a $500.00 scholarship from the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. I just wanted to come to this meeting and say thank you very much and this will really help me on my way.
Floyd Bard: Jonny, it is our pleasure.
Linda Bell: I just wanted to remind everybody again about the youth dance. I have brochures on the back for RV parks and hotels in the Coos Bay. So, I will see you out there.
Linda Putzler: Just want to remind delegates if you want a ribbon packet for Mid-Winter come see me right after we adjourn and we will get you fixed right up.
Kathy Roberts: I want to thank everybody here that made a donation for next year's scholarships. Thank you very much.
Gary Sohn: Just to remind you that in your package, the one we handed out with all the maps and everything else, if you need an extra one there are a couple of them back here back here in the cardboard box sitting on the floor. Also, there is a bunch of flyers back so if you need to take some extra flyers back to your clubs and everything, Vivian printed out enough of them in the pile back there in the corner.
To kind of go along with that, Norma and I celebrate our 50th Anniversary in six days. She needs a medal or a special award.
Vivian Fairburn: Just one thing, I talked about it last meeting. Page 3, my OFN email address is Please do not use it doesn't work, we cut it off; it was getting too much SPAM.
Sunday, September 18, 2011, at Salem Square Dance Center, Salem, Oregon. It will start at 9:00 am.
Floyd Bard: Want to remind you that the September meeting is our installation of officers. So make sure, delegates that you bring your new delegates with you and the officers that are going to be installed need to be there as well. Lets look forward to a great meeting in Salem at the Salem Square Dance Center.
Floyd Bard: I will entertain a motion to adjourn
John Guches: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Gary Sohn.
Adjourned at 12:07 pm.
Dale A. Worthington
Recording Secretary