President Ray Jones called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.
Officers: All present except Floyd Bard
Appointed Officers: All present except Tim & Kathy Roberts, Ralph Lambert, Ken Pratt, Vivian Fairburn.
Delegates: All Present except Dennis Marsh, Wally Brunelle
Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Larry Schaumburg
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Curt Lundine.
MINUTES: Kay Rogers: The Minutes were posted on the Website. Are there any corrections or changes?
Tony Haskins: I move that the Minutes be accepted as corrected. Motion seconded by Norma Sohn. Motion Carried.
PRESIDENT: Ray (Zola) Jones
President has no Report! Sure has been peaceful!
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Curt (Cheryl) Lundene
We have twenty-five unsold directories remaining available. The price is $2.60 per directory. Delegates or Officers who wish to take some with them may have them anytime.
2012 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Roger (Linda) Putzler
Everything is going smoothly and on time. The Program books are printed and ready for you to pick up today at the end of the meeting.. We currently have 300 paid registrations on our way to our goal of 1,500. As usual, the dancers appear to be waiting until the last minute to register. We have registrations coming in daily.
The Recycles are the first club to have 50% of their membership pre registered. As a result, a complimentary ribbon has been sent to their club President to do with as he sees fit. The Hoedowners and Checkerboard Squares are the next closest clubs with around 30% of their members pre registered. Let's hope that more clubs qualify for a free ribbon. If anyone needs more registration forms, I have them with me today.
Lee and Barbie Ashwill have been named Co-Chairman for the 2013 Mid-Winter Festival. They will be Chairman for 2014.
2013 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Frank (Cathy) Dietz no report
No Report
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Tony Haskins
I don't have much on the 2nd Vice-Presidents report except converse with Vivian Fairburn about the set-up of the next State Directory.
However I did learn to transfer all the thumb drive information into my computer for further references.
This will be an adventure for me as I have not served as secretary on a regular basis, ever. If you send me your reports at least a couple of weeks before the meeting, I may be able to keep up.
Thank you notes to:
MWA Area Council for hosting the September State Meeting.
Salem Swingin Stars for hosting the dance for the September State Meeting.
Get well cards to:
Cheryl Hagey
Chuck Bos
Jolene Cummings
Jill Bard
Ron Minten
Tom Ferguson
Sympathy cards to:
Evelyn & Dan Bowser
Birthday Cards to:
Norm Shoop - 90 yrs
TREASURER: Barbi (Lee) Ashwill
Barbi will send out a corrected financial report, as Lee added $167 to the income.
MEMBERSHIP: Norma (Gary) Sohn
I would like to thank Sylvia Davis for her three years as Membership Chairman and for turning over records to me that are very understandable. Becoming familiar with my job has been my priority since the September Federation meeting. I have been going through the files and entering information into my computer, but I still have some questions to be answered. I apologize for not sending out reminders to some of the clubs about their Corporation renewal and will be catching up on that duty within the next month. One person has contacted me about paperwork for becoming a new club in the Federation so I have been reviewing the steps for the action. I now realize that this job is a little more complicated than I first thought, but I will endeavor to continue to work on learning the responsibilities of this job and carrying them out in a timely manner.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers
Insurance is following its usual track, some lost papers, some misunderstood instructions, some refusal to learn. :>)) Anyway, I get a chance at this time of the year to communicate with most of the clubs in some way, and I enjoy that. Please hand in your paperwork if you have not already done so. Thank you to those who have.
Jill is doing okay after her knee replacement surgery on October 26. She is still staying with her Mom. Many have came by to visit her, including Zola Jones. I am unable to attend due to my duties as the Exalted Ruler for Eugene Elks Lodge and hosting the Oregon State Elks Association President this weekend. Thanks to Lee Ashwill for the Invocation. The Randall Award voting results have been forwarded to Lee Ashwill, but I will not be receiving the completed ballots because of a conflict. Jill and I have been nominated for the Randall Award and feel it is not appropriate for us to tally the results, therefore, Lee and Barbi Ashwill will perform those duties again this year. Nomination for Officers for next year are due at the Mid-Winter Festival in January 2012. Neta Minten, John Guches, and Marilyn Schmit are serving with me on the Nominating Committee. Expect to be contacted to serve the Federation in some form or capacity. My goal is to have at least two candidates for each position. Jill and I are Chairman of the 2012 Benefit Dance. Again the Adaptive Riding Institute is the selected beneficiary for the Federation. The Benefit Dance will be on Sunday, March 25 from 1 to 4:00 p.m. at the Salem Square Dance Center. Callers are Bob Ewing and Chuck Garner and Cuers are Sharon Greenman and Christina Corelli. Have a GREAT meeting.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I apologize for my lack of presence today. This is the final weekend for "Seussical, the Musical" at Tualatin High School, where I'm playing piano in the orchestra.
There were several changes in the P&Ps from the September meeting, including the increase in the reimbursement rate. The P&P copy on the web site includes those changes. I will distribute printed updates in January.
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Elena Rae is now maintaining an online calendar of square dance club dances and events. I have added a link to her calendar on the Federation's web site, on the "What's New" page, and on the club page in the Emerald Empire section. It's a lot of work to maintain a calendar like that, and I commend her for undertaking this task.
Hi to all you square dancers out there in the great state of Oregon. Are you ready for winter? Bundle up and put your rubber boots on. It's going to get wet!!
Roger & Linda Putzler and Co-Chairman's Frank & Cathy Dietz are trying to sell ribbons for the Mid-Winter Festival. Let's all help them out and purchase them early. They need a good estimate on the number of people who are going to be there to enjoy the festival.
With Jerry Junck (From Arizona) and Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheir (from Georiga) this is going to be a great dance. Add the clogging instructor Scotty Bilz (also from Georgia) this venue will have something to offer everyone. Of course, you will meet your old friends and make some new ones and……..BRING MONEY!!! There are many vender selling everything from shoes and clothes - to belt buckles and food.
Prices go up after Jan. 15th so buy your ribbons early and save some money.
Christmas Dinners are being put together along with some of the greatest dancing through the month and then on New Year's Eve. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to all of you. I hope Santa will be nice to each one of you. If you get a piece of coal...well you know what that's all about.
The PAC sold 26 subscriptions for the OFN at the dance on September 30th. Thank you goes out to Chuck Garner for calling and Ken Pratt for cueing. What a nice job they both did. Vivian Fairburn showed up and added to the fun. We always have a good time with the OFN Editor and appreciate her in letting us tease her like we do. You're a good sport Vivian. Thank you.
The Rockwood Grange #323 sponsored the Teddy Bear Parade along with the PAC again this year. It was held in Gresham on September 24th in old town. The Checkerboard Squares and Country Capers with friends rode the square dance trailer with Terry Halley as the Caller. The Traveling Teddy Bear sit on the back of the truck on the tool box with the caller. Everyone danced, clapped, laughed and had a great time. What we did do this year was promote the National Convention to be held in Spokane, WA. Our dancers led the parade with the banner supplied by Janet and Roy Bellcoff from the Silver Stars and who are also the Co-Chairman's for that event. Big red apples were plastered all over my truck along with the PAC Banner. What a great time we had in putting this event on. A big thank you goes out to everybody who participated.
The PAC Christmas Dinner will be on December 19th at the Spaghetti Factory located behind Target off Sunnyside Road in Clackamas. Everyone is invited. Time for dinner is - 7:00pm.
Since it is the PAC's turn to sponsor the Tri-Council Dance in 2012 it will be held on September 29th, 2012. The Clark County Square Dance Center has been reserved. The featured caller will be Dan Preedy. The curer has not been selected as of yet.
Eric Foxman has discussed with the PAC about the one-man O'Henry Show that is coming up on March 4th at the Milwaukie Community Hall. He will have tickets available at the January PAC meeting. Tickets will be $12.50 each. This will be a 2-hour plus show. This is a fundraiser for the PAC. Clubs who sell tickets will keep $5.00 on each ticket with the rest going to the PAC after expenses. Eric is donating the show to the PAC. Thank you Eric Foxman.
If you and or you clubs have anything you wish me to comment on or write about in the State/Publicity Report please send me the information and I'll see if we can get it in.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Annadale) Rooper
I have nothing to report except to remind the delegates to be sure their clubs are filing the form 990-N with the IRS on time. They have four and a half months after the end of their fiscal year to get the report in to the IRS via the internet.
EDUCATION ADVISOR: Curt (Cheryl) Lundine
Please don't forget to attend the educational seminar scheduled for 1100 on Saturday during this next Mid-Winter festival if you can. The audience should gain some understanding of the problems of caller and cuer contracting and will have an opportunity to have specific questions answered as well.
HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones
I have placed a 'list' on the table for each Area Delegate of the Histories still needed from the Clubs and Councils in their areas. Again I am asking all of the Delegates, and State Officers too, - to please ask these clubs and councils to get their histories to me. Also any articles or photos of their activities. They can bring or send them to Mid-Winter Festival; there will be a drop-box at the Historian Display table. Thank you to Lorri McIntosh and the Charlie Browns.
Thank you for your help-it is really appreciated.
Raymond and I extend our sincere wishes for safe and special "Holidays", and we look forward to seeing all of you again in the New Year at Mid-Winter Festival,,,,.
Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP.
Midwinter is right around the corner. If you have any youth in your federated clubs who would like to attend Midwinter and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available. I received a request for 4 youth scholarships for Mid-Winter. The request was approved by our Youth Committee and their fees were paid.
I am tentatively planning a youth dance on March 3rd in the TVC area at the Kinton Grange. If there are any councils or clubs in the Mid-Willamette, Portland, TVC or surrounding areas that are interested in hosting this dance in their location instead, please contact me.
I am still looking for a council to host the Youth Scholarship Dance in April or May. This is a fundraising dance for our Youth Educational Scholarship program. We need this dance in order to continue giving scholarships to or outstanding square dancing students.
ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt
There was discussion of having new member applicants present their application in person at an ORDTA meeting. This will necessitate a change to the by-laws, and that process has been started.
Plans were made for a gift basket to be raffled off at Mid-Winter Festival.
A nominating committee was appointed for officers for the 2012-2013 year.
ORDTA is discussing methods to hold meetings via conference calling or on-line. Tim Keck presented his research, and we will continue consider this possibility.
Classic Round-of-the Year for 2012 is Spinning Wheel II. Round-of-the-Month for October is "Hucklebuck;" and for November, "You Are the One."
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Goldie (Earl) Restorff
I have been having good communication with the councils.
The songs that have been chosen are as follows.
October: Hucklebuck, a two step chosen by Portland Council
November: You're athe One a Two step chosen by Willamette Area Council
December: Kiss in the Dark II A waltz Chosen by rogue sis-Q council
January: Boulavogue, A Waltz Chosen by South Coast Council
February: Stuck Like Glue, a Two step chosen by Tualatin Valley Council
March: Spinning Wheel Waltz II Chosen by ORDTA as a classic.
I will be talking to Eric Marcuse and Sara Hamler-Dupras again in January.
As the State Fair Coordinator, I'm taking request for the Square Dance Clubs who would like to participate in the venue next year. I will try to have 5 spots again this year, hopefully with most on the Center stage and at about noon.
The BnB's have requested Labor Day to Dance again this year. Dancing will be the last weekend in August and the first weekend in September. Unless things change I will need about 4-6 clubs. Again I would like more participation from the clubs. Email me if you want to dance.
STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard
I have both trailers for the winter, end of report.
There was a discussion about re-doing the meeting schedule for hosting council due to three councils being currently inactive. They also talked about the Federation in need of a new sound system. This old one is cumbersome and inefficient. They were informed the Midwinter meeting will start at 9:15am and break at 10:30. This is to assist the Festival Committee in removing flooring from adjacent halls. The delegates discussed a motion to cancel the November Oregon Federation Meeting as there is little or no business to conduct during this meeting. They also discussed the canceling of the pre-meetings at Mid-Winter and Summer Festival. They feel if they need to attend the pre-meeting they should be given reimbursement for one of the ribbons they purchase. This would only apply to Mid-Winter and only if they participated in both meetings. (Saturday and Sunday).
There was information handed out from Cheryl Lundine of suggestions for an area hosting the state meetings.
I move that the Federation purchase a new sound system for use at Federation Meetings. Seconded by Tony Haskins. Discussion: Curt Lundine in favor of a wireless system. Gary Sohn concurs and offers to be on a committee. Tony Haskins: Thanks Gary.
Barbi Ashwill: I move we table the motion until Mid-Winter.
Curt Lundine: I second the motion. Carried. A committee of Gary Sohn, Curt Lundine, and Tim Roberts was appointed to look into and make recommendations as to the best system for the Federation to purchase.
I move that the November meeting be eliminated entirely. After much discussion an amended motion was made by Curt Lundine and seconded by Tony Haskins:
I move the Federation Cancel the November 2012 meeting for a trial. Motion Carried.
Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman
The Blue Mountains Council will host the May Federation meeting in Milton-Freewater on May 20, 2012. The dinner and dance will be held Saturday evening at the community building, 505 NE 5th Street. There are two motels in town; the "Morgan Inn" 866-938-6369 and 'Out West Motel" 800-881-6647. Other motels are located in Walla Walla, Washington, 12 miles North or in Pendleton.
Central Oregon: Council: Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell
Central Oregon clubs are busy with Holiday dances and plans for donations to various charities.
SWINGING MOUNTAINEERS: The club will be celebrating the Christmas Holiday with Ron Bliven and Joyce Brown. They will start Plus workshops beginning January 8th.
SAGEBRUSH SHUFFLERS: The Shufflers mainstream lessons will end on
December 4th with a graduation dance. They are busy planning their annual New Year's Eve dance with Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper. They are going to do another set of mainstream lessons beginning January 11th with Jim Steele. The Shufflers will be continuing their A-1 and A-2 lessons into 2012, also with Jim Steele.
BACHELOR BEAUTS: The Beauts are looking forward to the Holiday season, beginning with their annual Thanksgiving dinner for all of the Central Oregon square and round dancers. Their annual Teddy Bear Christmas dance will be on December 17th with Ron Bliven and Dave Cooper - all teddy bears are donated to a local charity. Starting the year off, the Beauts will be doing their annual Casino Night on January 7th with Les Seeley and Tami Helms. Beginning square dance lessons with start on January 5th with Ron Bliven.
RED ROCK SQUARES: The Red Rocks have been getting an increase in membership, which has been an exciting thing. The two-step lessons are still going strong with 12 couples dancing. Beginning December 4th they will start Cha Cha lessons. There will be a "meet and greet" dance on December 19th for Round and square dancers to get to know each other. The Red Rock Christmas dance will be on December 16th with Marc Chambers and mittens and hats will be requested to be donated to a local charity. Mainstream lessons will begin January 8th with Marc Chambers starting lessons and Dave Cooper finishing up lessons.
Central Oregon may have a new club: Crook County Mavericks.
Emerald Empire Council: Dennis Marsh (Lawanna Harper) Given by Zola Jones
The Cascade Callers and Cuer's Association 5th Saturday, October 29 special 'Costume' Halloween dance was well attended by six plus clubs, many fun costumes were worn and everyone enjoyed dancing to all of our Callers and Cuers..
The council is helping recruit volunteers from area clubs to help at Mid-Winter Festival.
Our area "New Dancer Jamboree", sponsered by the Cascade Callers and Cuers Association will be on Sunday, January 15, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Emerald Dance Center.
Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell
The Interstate Highlanders Council will have another Eastern Time Zone New Year's Eve dance. The selected city is Miami, Florida. Breakfast will be served again this year at the end of the dance at 9pm. We are looking forward to hosting the State meeting and dance July 21 and 22, 2012 then heading to Diamond Lake on July 25.
The KCs report the new class turnout was dismal in September. We are optimistic for starting a January class since we usually do better recruitment after hunting season is over. Classes continue with Rounds on Tuesdays and Squares on Thursdays and 3rd Saturday party night.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn
Since Square Dancing has gotten back into full swing after our September meeting in Salem, Mid Willamette Council has had a change of officers and has started with a whole new approach to meeting; more interaction and feedback from all the clubs involved.
1. We revamped some of our Practices & Procedures to match the State Federation format and to bring them more up to date. More changes will be considered later.
2. We are working on a COUNCIL BUDGET. As a result of planning to set up the budget, we realized the need for more emphasis on our two or three fund raising dances we have each year. The Fall Festival Dance we held on October 29 was one of our fund raising dances for the year. The attendance was good with over six squares participating.
3. We have handed out a SURVEY to all the area clubs to help determine the needs and problems of our clubs and will use the results of this survey to determine how our Council and also the State Federation might be able to help clubs in our council & the state. We hope to set up some discussion groups based on the results from the survey that can be taken back to the clubs through their Council delegates. By doing this we hope to stimulate more communication between clubs and members.
4. We have changed the format for our Council meeting to encourage clubs to voice good and bad issues of their club; not just a list of their upcoming dances. We want to know how other clubs have worked together to improve attendance at their dances and lessons. As a result of this format, we had some real stimulating and productive input from many of the clubs.
5. Many of our clubs began classes for new dancers this fall and are going with good numbers in all classes. Corvallis Squares has an unusual situation that most of our clubs would like to have. They need more women in their class as the men outnumber the women!
6. Our Capital Callers & Cuers Association held a dance last month with the proceeds going to the Salem Square Dance Association, which owns the Square dance center. $268.00 was raised for them. They hope to repeat this again next year.
7. Independence Wagon Wheelers hosted a dance that raised over $400.00 for the Red Cross Disaster Relief victims in Alabama and Mississippi flood & tornado area.
8. Many of our clubs will be hosting both Thanksgiving and New Years dances. Braids & Braves will combine their "New Dancers Dance" along with a New Years Eve Dance, so bring your new dancers to this formal dance!!
As Visitation Chairman for MWA Council Norma and I will be visiting all the clubs in our council to promote Mid Winter Festival and will be selling ribbons at these dances. Get your Mid Winter Ribbons now; I have ribbons at this time!!
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
Many clubs have started new dancer classes. A few clubs will be starting in January. Unfortunately, some clubs have discontinued classes due to lack of attendance. Many clubs are sponsoring Jamborees. See your OFN for this information. The 5th Friday dance on Sept 30 was a subscription dance. 26 new and renewed subscriptions were sold. Chuck Garner and ken Pratt called and cued a great dance for over 8 squares. The PAC voted to cancel the 5th Friday dances on Dec. 30th and June 29th 2012 so as not to conflict with New Years Even dances and the National Convention in Spokane. The Checkerboard Squares celebrated 51 years of dancing last night; Nov. 12th. This is one of the smaller clubs in the council but one of the most active.
In preparing the club insurance forms for Kay Rogers, I found that all clubs lost members since last year's insurance report except the Checkerboard Squares, Columbia Gorge Plus, Country Cut-Ups, Rosetown Ramblers, and Tumbleweeds. The losses were quite small but the increases were also very small. We hope this will improve after clubs finish lessons and gain new members.
Several clubs are planning New Years Eve dances. Happy Hoppers and River City Dancers are advertised in the November OFN. I am sure there will be more advertised in the December issue.
Rogue Sis-Q Council: Lorri McIntosh
Rogue Sis Q council members have been working hard to make November 12 and 13 come together and enjoyable for everyone attending both meetings and the dance. Lorri McIntosh and Lois Muck have been coordinating donations, crock pot meals and food for breakfast Sunday morning. All the changes have been a challenge that had to be conquered.
Pear Blossom is meeting every other month until January 2012 when the meeting will return to monthly. Recipes for the Pear Blossom cook book are coming in slowly; Lorri and Sheila are still looking for everyone's favorite recipe to put in the cook book. The committee made a visitation to the Sets and Orders birthday dance and the Stars student level Halloween dance.
Circle and Squares have been trucking along with our weekly classes. Our new officers have been elected and doing a great job for the club. Club members had a good time at our Fall Frolic nominating directors for the upcoming year. Had a great time at the Potato Festival, many of the members got together and had a great time at the Potato festive in Klamath Falls. The club is looking for a great time at our Thanksgiving Dance on November 19th with Dean Black calling and Les Sealey cueing. Happy Thanksgiving.
Charlie Brown's have been having a great time with the beginning dancers. The classes are still having over 25 students every Tuesday. The student level dance on Halloween costume party was great fun, having 7-8 squares on the floor dancing. There were two tables with carved pumpkins needing to be judged.
The Coats for Kids drive went well for the month of October. Carl Muck and Chuck Simpkins were able to get a spot on channel 12 news in Medford to promote the Coats for Kids and square dancing; they aired at 5pm, 6pm, and again at 11pm.
Many of the Charlie's carpooled to Coquille for their 65th birthday. November dancing will be to collect Toys for Tots for the Marine Corps Reserve Program. The club encourages dancers to bring an unwrapped new toy to classes and dances. The Charlie's are getting ready for the 44th birthday dance December 3rd with Darin Keith calling and Elaine Funk cueing. January starts another beginner class and a new Plus class, the first class will be Thursday January 12.
Chuck Simpkins has a "Square up with Chuck" workshop at the Grants Pass square dance center every Sunday, calling what the dancers want to learn from the floor. Chuck is a new caller and a member of the Charlie Brown's.
Lantz's Dantzers have been busy with new students. The Lantzs Dantzers annual campout weekend at Schroder Park was a great success again this year with several dancers attending. Many of the dancers left camp on Saturday night and went to the Charlie Brown Dance just up the road. This Halloween brought out the greatest costumes for our Dances and Parties. The Lantzs dancers have big plans for the Holidays ahead, looking forward to that Thanksgiving feast with family and friends.
Star Promenaders have several students' young and old attending classes on Thursday nights. The student level Halloween party was a great success. The Star's are offering FREE lessons until January 2012. Everyone had a great time at the night owl dance. The Star's will be having their annual New Year's Eve Dance for all mainstream and plus dancers to attend.
Ronde' Vouz- November 4 and 5 the club is having a Christmas bazaar for a yearly fund raiser. November 14th will be the clubs Happy Thanksgiving and birthday round dance party. November 19-21 club members plan to attend a round dance teach put on by John and Suzette Juhring and Ken and Diane Pratt. December 12th is the clubs Christmas round dance party.
South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth
Greetings from the South Coast! We have lessons going at two of our clubs with good participation.
Saints 'N Aints have 27 dancers in lessons, some are those who have danced before and are brushing up. The club placed banners around town that were donated by Pepsi, had articles in local papers and used Community Calendar spots on radio and TV. They also got good publicity by dancing in the Fun Festival parade.
Beachcombers could not get enough students for lessons this fall.
They had a nice turnout for their Hobo Dance in November and are looking forward to the Christmas Dance on Dec. 2 with Chuck Simpkins and Steve Murphy doing the honors. Beachcombers will be hosting the New Year's Even dance on the South Coast this year with a potato bar before the dance. Sherm Welch and Donna Hiserote will be calling and cueing.
Sets in Order are enjoying their 11 beginners. They have only one dance in December due to the way the holidays fall, and want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are planning to host a Youth Scholarship dance March 31st.
Tualatin Valley Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers
The Coast Swingers are working on continuing their club.
Eager Beavers are now dancing at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Portland on Monday afternoons at 1:15pm. Their annual Harvest Dance was Sunday, October 16th had about 80 dancers. Hayshakers enjoyed the largest attendance yet for their annual Seaside Sashay.
Sunset Promenaders are interviewing for a new caller after Harold Kleve's retirement.
The TVC is hosting a New Year's Eve dance at the Odd Fellows hall in Hillsboro this year. Daryl Clendenin will be calling and Bev Flint will be cueing. Tickets are $12 including the fried chicken dinner. I have tickets here for sale.
Eager Beavers, Hoedowners, and River City Dancers are hosting Seaside Summer Fest' on July 14th & 15th in Seaside, Oregon. Members of The Crew will be calling and cueing along with George Clark and Yvonne Clendenin.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Lessons began September 27th. We started with 53
students which is our largest class ever and still have 41 students although it looks like our class will end up with about 30-35 students. We changed lessons from a Thursday night to a Tuesday night and are offering lessons free again for the second year with a "donation" basket on the counter. The basket averages about $1 per student, but we also have split the pot which generates around $50 with half of that going to the winner.
Our largest fund raiser of the year is our wreath project and this year we are experimenting with making and selling the wreaths earlier in November in hopes that we will increase our sales by having them ready for sale closer to the time the big stores start selling them. In order to have the wreaths ready for sale by Thanksgiving, we had to move our annual Thanksgiving Dance to the lst Saturday in November instead of the 3rd Saturday. We had 60 dancers attend the dinner and dance last Saturday night.
Because of a conflict with scheduling, our Annual Buckeroo Round Up will be held the second week-end in June in 2012 rather than the first week-end in June. We are hoping to let folks know so they can plan accordingly.
Dale Roberson will be calling & Neil Koozer cueing our New Years Eve Dance.
Dancing Friends
Had their annual Birthday Dance in October.
Pioneer 'N' Petticoats
They are going dark and have no future dances scheduled at this time. They will decide when it is time for elections next spring what they will do about continuing to dance. They are hoping to host their annual Safari Dance in early June.
Timber 8's
Due to the holidays, they will be dark the Saturday after Thanksgiving & the Saturday after Christmas.
Umpqua Area Council
Although we did not have access to a trailer, we walked in the Veterans Day Parade in Roseburg.
We are going to be having a combination New Dancer Dance & Subscription Dance the afternoon of Jan. 15th from 2:00 - 4:30 pm with jamboree callers.
Bill and Annadale Rooper:
Winter is just around the corner but what a beautiful fall we have had. We have had warm sunshine with very little rain or wind and no frost as I write this on the 2nd of November. The leaves are just turning and few have dropped. Our yard has been winterized.
We have enjoyed Duck and Beaver football. My youngest Grandson has been chosen for the Weiser area All Star team and will play the day after Thanksgiving. My 6 year old great-grandson is doing gymnastics and doing tumbling and flying moves that boggles my mind.
Bill is great-grandpa again. That makes him seven little ones. All live too far away to watch them grow.
We traveled to Antelope several weeks ago to a "Who Done It" Benefit for the school where Bill went to school. The building is being remodeled and will be used for the City Hall. It was great seeing the old black boards still on the wall. Yellow jackets were flying out of the cracks in the ceiling where no remodeling has been done. The floors have been redone and areas where the Ragneesh remodeled in the basement have been updated. A new heating unit and modern plumbing has been installed and a full kitchen and banquet room for special occasions is being completed.
We attended a house warming for Bob and Leslie Tallman in Hood River. They provided the new ladder for the Adaptive Riders benefit last spring. Their new home is along the Columbia River with a spectacular view of the river and the Washington side.
Square dancing for us is almost at a stand still. Bills legs are giving him trouble and my shoulder and leg are complaining. We attended the PAC Subscription dance and the PAC regular meeting.
It's too early for plans for the holidays. I'm sure there will be plenty of turkey when the time comes.
I hope everyone is registered for Mid Winter and the National in Spokane.
Larry Schaumburg:
Larry is dancing with the Eager Beavers and seems to be doing well. He looks good and still has caregivers.
Steve & Valerie Murphy:
Our home club, Lantz's Dantzers, had their annual campout at Schroeder Park just outside of Grants Pass two weeks after our last state meeting. There was no dancing but campout chairmen Bruce & Nadene Powell made sure that there were meals and activities throughout all 3 days.
Two weeks after the campout we headed for, of all places, Shaniko, Oregon. Dave Cooper & Patty Reese put together a festival in which he cued and Leonard Snodgrass called. The entire town showed up for the dance on Saturday night...all 9 of them. Shaniko is a self-proclaimed ghost town 50 miles north of Madras on Highway 97. In the late 1800s and early 1900s it was one of the largest wool shipping towns in the United States because the railroad ended there. All the sheep ranches in Washington and northern Oregon shipped their wool from Shaniko to the east. It also has a history during this time as being a real wild west town with very little law and quite a number of shoot-outs. Since there are no RV parks nearby all 17 rigs parked wherever they wanted, mostly around the old schoolhouse built in 1901 where we danced. A pheasant hunt was organized for anyone that wanted to get up early Saturday morning. All 8 participants bagged at least 2 pheasant each. Yours truly and Dave Cooper pretty much made fools of ourselves during the air cannon shooting contest. We were a 2-man team that couldn't load or pressurize the cannon properly, let alone hit the target. We came in last place.
During the next 2 weeks we stayed close to home. Besides our regular dances and lessons in Medford we attended a couple of musical performances at the Ross Ragland Theater in Klamath Falls, a string quartet and the Air Force Band.
Late October we headed to the coast for the Seaside Sashay put on by the Hayshakers. Randy Dibble and Leonard Snodgrass called while Debbie Taylor cued. We got there on Friday and after the dance the wind and horizontal rain came and lasted all night. The next morning the clouds parted, the sun came out, and the earth warmed up. This allowed late morning dancing for the tourists at the turn-a-round on the beach downtown.
Since it normally takes us 2 days to get from Klamath Falls to northern Oregon and the next weekend was Royal Romp in Vancouver, Washington, we decided to stay up north and go see where the Circle 8 Ranch is outside of Cle Elum, Washington. We'll be spending a week there dancing on our way home from the Nationals in Spokane next year. We then headed east to Prosser, Washington to restock our dwindling supply of our favorite wine. We spent a couple of days looking around the Yakima Valley and Tri-Cities area.
Friday we pulled into Vancouver and set up right outside the Clark County Square Dance Center for Royal Romp. I found out that Royal Romp gets it's name from Royal Records, which is owned by Jerry Story and Tony Oxendine. Both Jerry and Tony call the dance every year, along with Tami Helms Cueing. The hall will fit a maximum of 30 squares if the squares are very close. This year there were about 25 squares. It's a fast paced and very popular weekend that really hasn't dwindled like a lot of festivals. In fact a second Royal Romp is being added to accommodate everyone that wants to go. I highly recommend it, but brush up on Plus before you go cause that's what most of the dancing is. Until Mid-Winter Festival, Happy Dancing
Al Wolf & Gail Domine:
We just returned late Tuesday after nine days of fun in the sun in Mazatlan, Mexico with 15 of our square dance friends. (One of my sons also joined us this year) There was a lot of eating, shopping, card playing, site-seeing and spending time in the pool. The weather was perfect, 85-90.
On September 30th we participated in the 5th Friday PAC dance. Chuck Garner and Ken Pratt were caller and cuer. It was very successful with about 8 squares in attendance.
We attended the annual Octoberfest dance and celebration in Longview at the R Square Ds on October 1st. Les and Renee Ruud and Tami wee the featured callers and cuer. Some of our club members spent the entire weekend full of dancing and activities and shopping at local garage sales arranged by the residents of the city. A delicious German dinner was served prior to the dance.
On October 16th we attended the annual Country Cut-Ups breakfast at the Boring Barn. This event provides the necessary funds for the maintenance of their hall throughout the year and is well attended by all clubs in the area.
Our club, River City Dancers, had our annual beach trip to Seaside the weekend of October 29th. We usually go to Lincoln city but due to the unexpected circumstances we had to spend the weekend in "rainy" Seaside. 40 of us had a good time. Lots of game and card playing as well as ample supply of food and fun. We hope to go back to Lincoln City next year. The weather seems to be better there and the management at the Landmark Best Western Inn treats us royally.
We wish you all a Happy Holiday Season and will see you at Mid=Winter if not before.
Marilyn Schmit:
A surprise party for Genevieve Churchill's 100th birthday was held at the Senior Estates in Woodburn on October 22nd. 145 people attended the dance/party. Her actual birthday is November 22.
Callers in attendance included Daryl Clendenin, Jim Hattrick, Craig Abercrombie, Mike Kious and Harold Kleve. Cuers included Joyce Hooper, Yvonne Clendenin, Connie Clark, and Ralph Lambert.
Two money trees were set up and $396 was raised for Genevieve to take on her cruise to the Caribbean. She also received two cloth calendars for people to sign, from Peg Tirrell, a close friend from Lower Waterford, VT. Two different types of cake were served along with ice cream and refreshments.
Jim Hattrick has the best comment of the day when he asked Genevieve "Have you had any affairs with other men beside me?" The entire room broke out into boisterous laughter.
Genevieve's daughter, Cory Martin from California, was in attendance as was George and Sharon Broom who came down from Bainbridge Island, WA to surprise her.
Zola Jones:
Zola reminded everyone to take 2012 Mid-Winter program books back to their clubs, and to please be sure the books get to your New Dancers--as they've never been to Mid-Winter Festival and they need to read all about it and all it has to offer!
Roger Putzler:
Remember to sell registrations for Mid Winter. You can sell until Jan. 15, at that time I will contact those of you with packets to get the remaining ribbons. Please send in your money and forms when you get them.
Lee Ashwill:
Kudos to Umpqua Area Council, Lori McIntosh and the Charlie Browns for doing such a great job on the dinner and dance last night.
I apologize to Kay for getting the meeting date wrong for next July. The meeting will be July 21 & 22nd. So you can go to Seaside Summerfest', July 14, the meeting on July 21 and Diamond Lake the week after.
Barbi Ashwill:
I just want to remind you that the OFN offers three month subscriptions to new dancers. They are purchased by the club for their students to get them going.
Gary Sohn:
Thank you, Lorri, for putting on a great state meeting. Lorri has put together a check list to help her host the state meeting with all the items not covered in the P&P's. I should have sent her my checklist but will forward everything I did so she can incorporate both hers and mine together and put one out for future delegates to use when it comes time for them to host a state meeting.
January 29, 2012 at Mid-Winter Festival - Time: 9:15 A.M. sharp!
Ray Jones: I declare this meeting adjourned.
Kay Rogers
Recording Secretary
For a complete copy of these minutes contact
Kay Rogers