MINUTES OF MEETING dated May 20, 2012
Hosted by Blue Mountains Council
Milton-Freewater, Oregon

President Ray Jones called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.

Motion to approve the appointment of Marilyn Schmit to serve the remainder of Tony Haskins term as 2nd Vice President. Motion made by: Doug Hartzell, Seconded by Gary Sohn. Motion approved unanimously.

Ray Jones: The Oregon Federation First Vice President, Curt Lundine, has had to resign for personal reasons. I will, in the future, be filling this position before the July meeting. At this time I am appointing Lee Ashwill to sit I that chair for this one meeting. Hopefully by the next meeting we will have that situation resolved.


This meeting is being recorded.


Officers: All Present except: Curt & Cheryl Lundine,

Appointed Officers: All Present except Kathy Roberts, Ken & Diane Pratt, Goldie & Earl Restorff, Ralph Lambert, Frank & Kathy Dietz

Delegates: All Present except Wally & Sandy Brunelle and Frank & Rita Schuchard

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Larry Schaumburg

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Floyd Bard

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Lee Ashwill

Ray Jones: At this time I would like to ask Ladauna, Jill and Annadale to count the ballots.

MINUTES: Kay Rogers: The Minutes were posted on the Website. I did get one edit.

David Stutzman: I believe there are two edits to the January meeting minutes. Page 4 - Under Tony's statements the year of the summer festival should be 2013. Top of page 15 - again the year for the summer festival should be 2013. Stephen Murphy pointed out completely wrong report for Goodwill Ambassador. Corrected report follows:

2011 was a very busy year for us. We attended 14 festivals in Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada and Arizona, in addition to a week-long round dance cruise to Alaska, A week workshop at McCloud Dance Country, a week-end round dance workshop/dance in Garibaldi, the USA West Convention and two months in Mesa, Arizona. With all that fun we still had the energy to go to our once a week round dance classes in Medford and to enjoy many dances with our clubs in the Rogue Sis-Q Council. Steve did several cueing jobs throughout the state including two biggies…USA West and Summerfest.

We pretty much stuck around home for the holidays except for going to Christmas parties at Lantz's Dantzers and Star Promenaders in Medford and The Beachcombers in Port Orford where Steve was invited to cue. We spent New Years Eve in Medford where we danced out the old and danced in the new.

We want to mention, too, that we were pleasantly surprised to see Don and Lonna Bramhall at the Garibaldi teach in November. Lonna has completed her cancer treatments and is looking wonderful and is excited to being back in the dance field.

After today's meeting we'll pack up and take off for home where we'll spend a couple of days unpacking and repacking the RV with summerish clothes and head south.

Hope everyone has a great winter and we'll see you in Milton-Freewater in May. Happy dancing till then.

Roger Putzler noted the mid- winter report said attendance was 1,365 and the actual attendance was 1,355.

MOTION to approve minutes as corrected.


PRESIDENT: Ray (Zola) Jones

No Report!

At this point I would like to for Ladauna, Annadale, and Jill to pick up the ballots for counting as first item under new business.


No report. I defer to Mr. Putzler.

2012 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Roger (Linda) Putzler

I delivered a check to Barbi this morning for $1,700. The state's half of 2012 profit.

2013 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Frank (Cathy) Dietz by Roger Putzler

Frank and Cathy could not be here. I believe they submitted a report on line. (recording secretary does not have one). There are a couple of other things I have here:

  1. Frank and Cathy have both had some medical issues recently. They are both doing well and everything is on track.
  2. Left flyers & registration forms for all the delegates. I do not have registration packets with me as they did not send them with me. If you are looking for packets, you can get them from Lisa Kious in Portland and her address is on the bottom of the flyer.
  3. Also I did submit to the head table a budget. I would like to formally request the $6,000 loan for 2013.

I should share with you that our Treasurer, Chuck Eddings, just had bypass surgery. He is doing well. It will take about 6 weeks for recovery.


Even though subscriptions have dropped to 760, we are still in the black, almost $1100 for the fiscal year. The 30 3- month subscriptions that Rogue Sis Q council gave out in January have not had any renewals yet. Single Trees held an OFN subscription dance in February and brought in 23 subscriptions.

The next subscription dance is July 29 at the Hahn Barn sponsored by TVC.

Everyone is encouraged to send in articles of interest as we usually have room to publish. Please let your dancers be aware that we love getting pictures and articles. I have taken the limit off the area editor articles. Sometimes we have a full page left. It is easier for us to cut than for them. It may encourage some areas to send in articles.

Ray Jones asked if Councils were submitting articles. Vivian said they are not allowed to.

Council business is council business. You can write about interesting things you do as a council activity to support square and round dancing. Lori McIntosh stated she also includes council news with the club reports for Rogue Sis-Q.

2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

Welcome to my hometown. I am glad you have been given a chance to see where I am from and hope you have enjoyed all you have found. Enjoy the drive back home and enjoy the scenery as you travel. Drive safely.

After I was officially notified that I am going to be seated to finish out the term of Tony's office, I made contact with Anne Staats to arrange to get the paperwork for Tony's positions. Approximately two weeks after Tony's memorial service, I drove to Portland and went to Anne's house. We spent about an hour together talking about Tony and I left with a big pile of paperwork. I went home via Highway 99 and left the State Reporter/Publicity paperwork at Gary Sohn's residence in Lafayette.

I have started to receive notifications about the clubs and their new officers and have them in a folder on my computer. Don't have anything to make the updates on so will see what Vivian has for me so I can get started as the notifications come in.

I picked up the sound equipment at the Salem Square Dance Center a few weeks ago. That was the storage place that Tony had made arrangements for so he would not have to carry it all. He could not lift that much weight, and the equipment was carried to the state meetings by Gary Sohn for a couple of times.

I am very pleased to be back on the board and will do my best to fill the empty shoes that Tony left behind.


Thank you to everyone who sent reports. It really helps me to have half the job done before the meeting. At the last meeting I used two recorders and they both worked well.

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Cheryl (Curt) Lundine Read by Kay Rogers after vehemently denying having received it several times.

Dennis Marsh & Emerald Council for hosting the January State Meeting
Roger & Linda Putzler for the Mid-Winter Festival

Richard Smith retired; 46 years with Statesman Journal

Chuck Eddings
Al Wolf
Nancy Beck
John Sauer
Joyce Jeanine Hooper
Thelma Freeman
Larry Schaumburg

The Family of Donna Byars
The Family of Tony Haskins
Dola Ellis
Shirley Rawlinson
Nancy Thornton


79 ballots were mailed and 58 returned. I did have to contact a lot of clubs three weeks before the due date to remind them about the ballots. More address corrections were given, which really helps keep information current.

TREASURER: Barbi (Lee) Ashwill

The reports speak for themselves. A copy was distributed. Are there any questions?

MEMBERSHIP: Norma (Gary) Sohn

According to Section 1 of Practices and Procedures, RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE, Area and Club Membership forms are to be retained for four years. I have gone through the files I received from the previous Membership Chairman and shredded all those files up to the last five years. I will continue to shred the remaining files as soon as we either fix or replace our shredder. The shredded files were placed in plastic bags, securely tightly tied, and put in the garbage.

I have been notifying clubs when their State Corporation dues need to be paid. Some clubs were upset because I sent them a notification and they had paid their dues early. However, that information had not been printed on the Sec. of State website (which I had checked), so I did not have that information. Perhaps the clubs need to be notified that I am just doing my job.

I am still working on getting some of the kinks out of the membership Excel programs and am learning more about entering the information into my system. However, I am getting more confused about just what my job as Membership Chairman entails.

I have been trying to follow the guidelines as printed in the Practices and Procedures, but they are not clearly stated and some paragraphs contradict other paragraphs. When I asked some of the Board members (and previous Board members) for clarification, I often get the reply "that we don't do it like that anymore. We now do most of the membership forms through the internet and use the forms that are on the State Federation website." And our club officers and members are as confused as I am. How can I be expected to help them fill out their forms when I don't even understand them? I am requesting that a Task Force be appointed to update the section of Practices and Procedures for Membership Chairman so that the job description follows what is actually being done. We also need to look at a few changes to the instructions for Admission of a New Club.

I apologize for not sending out the letters the Delegates needed for the clubs to send their updated Directory/Where & When information online. I thought the club already had that information. Therefore, I have prepared letters for the Delegates to send to their club who have NOT already sent in their updates. Please notify the clubs who have not updated their information that it is due now. Then the delegates need to collect the fees from all their clubs for State dues and the listing in the OFN (When and Where) by July 1. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep a record of the payments of the clubs. Clubs need to send only the State dues and When and Where payment to their Area Delegate, made out to OFSRDC. Any council dues will be handled by their Area Council.

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers

Keep up the good work. Everything is going great. Our new clubs are insured and all is right with our world.


The 2012 Federation Benefit Dance on March 25th was well attended, over 9 squares with total donation of $1,327 for the Adaptive Riding Institute. Fun was had by all dancing with Jasmo, with Sox being there for the first time. Sox is a mule being trained by Jasmo. A special thanks goes to the Callers and Cuers for donating their time, Bob Ewing and Chuck Garner calling and Christina Corelli and Sharon Greenman Cueing. Harriet Livingston, President of the Salem Square Dance Center and Barbara Tipton were wonderful hosts, donating the use of the Square Dance Center at no cost is greatly appreciated. I am presenting them with a Certificate of Appreciation. The donated funds will be given to the Adaptive Riding Institute next week. 77 dancers, callers and cuers attended.

I have received verbal nominations from Jim Rogers and Dennis Marsh for the position of 1st Vice President. Nominations will be opened during New Business.

Square Dance Trailers have been reserved by the Country Capers and Checkerboard Squares for the Starlight Parade on June 2nd. Tags were renewed for a total of $172.00

Randall Award Nomination forms were distributed to the delegates at the Mid-Winter State Meeting. I have provided additional nomination forms if needed. It is encouraged for each Area Council submit at least one nomination, not necessarily from their Council, which is due to the Immediate Past President at the July 22nd State Meeting in Klamath Falls (see the P&Ps).

Don & Pat Wiggins request the OFN and Footnotes reciprocate ads for their festivals.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts

We had one or two P&P updates this time, but I decided to wait until September to print up the changes. Parliamentarily, things are in a bit of an uproar right now.

Now that we are halfway through the year, if you know there are things in your P&P job description that are not accurate, please type up the way it SHOULD be and send them to me. The P&Ps are supposed to reflect the way we really do things.


Well here goes - in the footsteps of Tony Haskins! Hope I can match his humor and wit and still cover all the upcoming events.

I know that the Oregon State Fair is a long way off at this time, and most of the slots for dancing have been filled, but both the State Fair people and Marilyn Schmit would love to see more Square Dancers walking the Fair Ground and the exhibits with your square dance outfits on. This will be very close to National Square Dance Week (Sept.10-15) and we could be "advertising" our favorite pastime by doing so!

Finishing out the month of May:

If you are in Southern Oregon next weekend, May 25-27, I encourage you to attend the Charlie Brown Squares "Boatnik Weekend "is a three day event in Grants Pass. Friday night will be pre-rounds and Mainstream/Plus, Saturday after the parade will be advanced dancing, Sunday will be pre-rounds and Mainstream/ Plus again.

If you are not visiting Southern Oregon and want to dance the "week-end" away, I suggest you try Oak Grove Community Club in Milwaukie for their "Star Spangled Memorial Weekend" dance May 25-27; Friday thru Sunday will have workshops mixed with Dances of all levels.

In June we have several festivals and a benefit dances coming up.

June 2 will be the Starlight Parade in downtown Portland. This parade is sponsored by the PAC. Tony use to drive the trailer in this parade; I hope they can find a replacement for Tony and his truck!

Lebanon Square Circlers 63rd Annual Strawberry Festival Dance and Campout is coming up on June 1, 2, and 3.

Also Roseburg will be hosting their "Buckeroo RoundUp" on June 8, 9, and 10 at the Buckeroo Square Dance Barn in Roseburg. This will be three days of dancing and workshops , with national caller Eric Henerlau from Corte Medera, Calif. Sunday will end with a "trail's Out Dance" for those heading to the 61st National Convention in Spokane Wash.

In between these events is a great chance to visit the Wildlife Safari in Winston for the Safari Benefit Dance, June 10. This dance will be to raise money for the Wild Animal Park in Winston, Oregon. As always, all dancers get to drive through the park for FREE this day. In addition to a great dance, there are always lots of raffle prizes and things to do in the village area.

Then don't forget that we have a great opportunity to attend a NATIONAL CONVENTION in our own neighborhood. June 27-30 Spokane Washington will be hosting the national convention in our neighboring state. There will not be another opportunity to attend a National Square Dance Convention this close in many more years. Spokane has a great new convention center that should be fun to dance in. In addition to all the dancing, there will be some great side trips, local sights to see and discussion groups, training sessions and showcase of ideas to check out between dancing!

July 14 & 15 Seaside Community Center will be used to put on the "Seaside Summer Fest". Seaside is always a great place to visit whether you dance or not. The Convention Center is air conditioned and almost on the beach, so you can take a break from dancing and walk the boardwalk! Members of the Crew, Daryl, Les, Jim, and Randy will be calling all weekend. As "The Crew", they will be calling on Saturday night. Yvonne Clendenin will be cueing, along with George Clark and some of the guys.. This should be a great week-end.

Of course July 21-22 will be the State Federation Meeting and Dance hosted in Klamath Falls this time. Norma and I will see you all down there for both the Dance Saturday night and the meetings.

On July 29, the TVC will be putting on a SUBSCRIPTION DANCE again this year at the Hahn Family Barn in Banks. I have attended this dance several times and always enjoyed the picnic along the beautiful lake and then moving into the quaint old barn loft to dance. Vivian has always added a large number of new and renewal subscriptions to her OFN mailing list. This is a good time and a chance to remember to renew your annual subscription to the OFN. Hope to see many of you at this dance!

Watch for clubs having "Trail's In Dances" around the state in preparation for the traveling to NATIONAL'S in Spokane. As you drive from home to Spokane you should be able to take in a dance or two along the TRAIL!!

Another dance weekend to put on your calendar is the Central Oregon Round-Up August 10-12. Sisters High School is a beautiful air-conditioned facility set in some of the most gorgeous landscape in all of Oregon. Hope to see you there!

Last but not least, National Square Dance Week is usually recognized the second week in September. We as the State Federation need to contact the State and have it officially designated again this year, and then EACH of our Councils should find ways of advertising Square Dancing in our community during this official week. I am available to help your clubs and councils with articles in your city newspaper, ideas for promo.

Barbi had a question regarding the Boatnic weekend not dancing on Saturday night and asking if the Hahn Barn Dance was casual. Boatnic does not have a dance on Saturday night because the local dance club has the hall on Saturday night. Hahn Barn Dance is casual.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Annadale) Rooper

No Report!

Ray Jones: We do not have an Education Chairman at this time. I would like to see one. Is there anyone here who will volunteer? Marilyn Schmit volunteered to do an Education Seminar at Mid-Winter if it does not conflict with her USDA winter meeting. Barbi noted that the Education Chairman does more than just a seminar. She said the chairman they had appointed when she was president took an idea and ran with it to have everyone dancing all over the state on the same day. Ray asked Marilyn to remind him later about the Mid-Winter seminar.

HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones

I still need the 'Histories' of many clubs and most of the councils; the same list I distributed to all the area delegates at the November meeting, as I did not receive any histories at Mid-Winter Festival. Thank you for your help in getting these to me, along with any photos or news items of clubs and councils or Federations activities.


BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert read by Kay Rogers

Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Kathy (Tim) Roberts, Read by Tim Roberts

Thank you, South Coast for hosting a Youth Scholarship Dance on March 30 in Port Orford. Their council raised $275.00 for the Scholarship Fund.

The youth dance on March 3 at the Kinton Grange had about 3 squares of youth and the young at heart. CV, Jonny, and Bev put on a great show full of lively and fun music. The Silver City Squares and their youth dancers, Silver Knights, provided refreshments. Their youth caller, Thomas Bucheit, also had an opportunity to call a tip during the dance.

The Silver Knights attended the teen festival in May. They had a great time and received many accolades. They came in 3rd overall. The judges and adult dancers were impressed with them and are looking forward to seeing them again next year. Thank everyone who donated towards their expenses.

We are no longer accepting Youth Scholarship Applications for this year. Thank you to the students who submitted their applications. Once our committee has an opportunity to discuss them, the students will be notified and an announcement will be made through the OFN.

If there are any councils who would like to host a youth square dance in August or September, please let me know. If there are any councils who collected money for the Youth Scholarship Fund since the last meeting, please let us know during your report and thank you for your donations.

The youth will be dancing at the state fair again. We appear to be scheduled for September 1st. Please spread the word that we need youth dancers and the young at heart. Once I have a firm date and time, I will let everyone know.

If you have any youth in your federated clubs who would like to attend any state sponsored activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available.

ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt, Read by Cece Glidewell

The 2012-2013 slate of ORDTA officers was presented at the April 14, 2012 meeting in Springfield:

President - Ken Pratt
Vice President - Tami Helms
Secretary - Linda Sauer
Treasurer - Suzette Juhring
Members-at-Large - Sarge & Cece Glidewell
Christina Corelli/Kirby Goode,
Marilyn Schmit/Ralph Lambert

A number of housekeeping changes have been made to the ORDTA's by-laws.

Christina Corelli reported that six prospective cuers attended the "So You Want to be a Cuer" session at Mid-Winter festival.

There was discussion of whether or not members are required to have a BMI/ASCAP license to join ORDTA. There is no mention of this in the by-laws and therefore, it is not a requirement. Consequently, the ORDTA membership application has been revised.

In addition, a proposed amendment to the by-laws was read for the first time, requiring that applicants must apply for membership in person at an ORDTA meeting. The second reading of the amendment will be at the October, 2012 meeting.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Goldie (Earl) Restorff: read by Kay Rogers

Sorry that Earl and I won't be able to make it to Milton-Freewater because I have been under the weather.

The rounds chosen for the last three months have been May: Tennessee Waltz, June: Love Done Gone, and July: Lucky. I am waiting to hear back from the Interstate Highlanders for the August Round of the Month. I have been using email to both send and receive the music and cues from the area councils. I will continue to do this unless the council round dance coordinator chooses to receive by snail mail.

Have fun at the State meeting.

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts

Please remember to check the information about your clubs and councils on the web site, and drop me a note if something is out of date.

Also, a quick reminder, remember that you have to file your Form 990-N EVERY YEAR. If you skip it two years in a row, you will lose your tax-exempt status in the third year.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

Shortly after the official email came out, I made contact with Eric Marcuse, of the State Fair, and let him know that Tony had passed away. He was out of the office, but I left a copy of the memorial service program for him. To quote Eric, "I really enjoyed working with Tony and he will be missed. He was a good man. Please extend my sympathies to the Oregon Federation square dance family on his passing."

Eric called me later that day and we got reacquainted as I had met with him several years ago when we got started in dancing with the fair again.

He has offered us Tuesday, August 28th, Senior Day at the Fair, and I have had one phone call with interest in dancing that day.

He is working on scheduling now and is looking at Friday and Saturday both weekends, and Labor Day. Do not have times as of yet, but hope to hear later this week. No middle afternoons and probably no Sundays.

Don't forget you can dance on any of those dates when another club is hosting. You do need to let Marilyn know so she can add you to the schedule to get in free.


I have phone calls or emails from the following regarding dancing at the Fair:
Bachelors 'N' BachelorettesLabor Day
YouthSeptember 1
Rogue Sis Q Area Council (same weekend as Youth)
Mid-Willamette Area Council/Salem Swingin' Stars
Tualatin Valley Council
Eager BeaversSenior Day (August 28)

STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard

No Report.


In attendance
Ladauna HartzellCentral Oregon
Cathy WoodworthSouth Coast
Zola JonesEmerald Empire
James RogersTualatin Valley
Gary SohnMid-Willamette
Lori McIntoshRogue Sis-Q
Cece GlidewellInterstate Highlanders
David StutzmanBlue Mountains
Al Wolf (Gail Domine)Portland Area Council

There was a consensus to support Motion to remove specific charitable organization as beneficiary of our benefit dance.

There was support for accepting the proposed motion to clarify payment for lodging and mileage.

Lori talked about her motion to request a grant to help defer the cost for publicity through TV media. There was general support for a grant to Rogue Sis-Q Callers and Cuers Association.

Gary brought up the old topic of procedure for membership. It was evident from the discussion that councils are handling the procedure for collecting directory information and making payment for membership dues. Delegates had differing opinions on procedure that worked for them.

The group generally supported the proposal for new sound equipment for Federation meetings. Cost was an unknown factor in making a decision. Also warranty on new equipment. This old business is not on the agenda for today.

The delegates are concerned about the new rotation schedule for meeting with 3 councils no longer being involved in the Federation.

Ray Jones wants to point out that when you find something like this that needs attention; the best thing to do is come to this meeting with a motion. We encourage you to make motions.


We only have one item here and that is the motion by Floyd Bard to eliminate any indication of a specific charitable organization as the beneficiary of our benefit dance.

  1. Motion made by Floyd Bard: to remove this motion from the table.

    Marilyn Schmit seconds.

    The motion is the restated: Motion to remove any indication of a specific charitable organization as the beneficiary of our benefit dance from the P&Ps. After some discussion motion passed.



  1. Results of Election: First Vice President, Tony Haskins, and we will deal with that situation later. With a special election which Floyd Bard will be sending out shortly.
    Second Vice President: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
    Membership: Norma (Gary) Sohn
    Corresponding Secretary: Cheryl (Curt) Lundine
    Recording Secretary: Kay (Jim) Rogers

    My biggest hope would be a ballot with two people for each position. Many years ago on the nominating committee, I volunteered for positions just because I believed in that. I am impressed with all the clubs responding. We never get 100%.

    Barbi Ashwill: I think we got back 77 clubs from the 79 clubs we have.

    MOTION: Made by Barbi Ashwill: Mr. President, I move the ballots be destroyed. Second by Lori McIntosh. Motion passed.

    Lori McIntosh made the comment that she realized yesterday at the delegate's meeting that the ballots were mailed to the secretary of each club. Her club did not receive a ballot as their secretary goes south for the winter and were gone for the past three months. She will go back to her council and see if the ballots can be mailed to their post office box because of lot of their council's officers go south for the winter.

  2. MOTION read by Floyd Bard. Second by Barbi Ashwill

    I move that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs provide a grant of up to $2,100 to the Rogue Sis Q Council for the purpose of providing local publicity through TV Media to advertise our square dance activity. The Federation will be given two copies of the video.

    Explanation by Floyd Bard: Rogue Sis Q Council has proposed to have a video professionally created, to be played on four local TV channels in the Medford/Grants Pass area, of which two channels will reach the South Coast Area and Interstate Highlanders Area. The total cost is estimated to be $4,570 and the Rogue Sis-Q Callers and Cuers Association have agreed to fund a large portion of this expense and the Council and Clubs will help a they can afford and indicated that they could raise up to $2,500. Rogue Sis-Q Council has requested a grant for the balance from the Federation.

    After discussion Motion passed.

  3. MOTION: Barbi Ashwill 2nd by Lee Ashwill - Addition to Practices & Procedures Sect. IV-5.

    I move Section IV-5, #1 of the Practices & Procedures of the Oregon Federation of Square & Round Dance Clubs be changed to read:

    None of the officers of the State Federation are reimbursed for the duties they perform. However, they are to receive $.60 per mile one-way and $40 for one night motel or R.V. lodging for Executive Board members and Area Delegates (one travel and lodging reimbursement allowed per couple, per Executive Board meeting). [It should be noted that even though couples may be serving the Federation in different positions of responsibility, only one travel and lodging reimbursement will be allowed per household.] Various members sharing a vehicle for transportation to a non-festival Federation meeting shall only be allowed one mileage reimbursement. [i.e. Six members riding together in a van shall only be authorized

    one mileage reimbursement.] Various members sharing a room at a non-festival Federation meeting shall be allowed one $40 reimbursement plus the charge for additional people in the room, if one is assessed. [i.e. Two members share one room, thus no extra charge by the motel, thus, only one lodging reimbursement will be authorized. However, if three members share one room and the motel assesses a charge in excess of the normal room rate for the third person, one lodging reimbursement plus the excess fee shall be allowed.]

    After much discussion including Ray Jones reminding everyone that when a motion passes it is not written in stone forever and can be modified or changed as the need arises.

    Motion passed.

  4. Motion: Made by Marilyn Schmit. 2nd by Norma Sohn

    I move Oregon Federation purchase a publications rack similar to the one USDA uses.

    Motion passed.


Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard

We will probably not be able to attend the meeting. We are leaving Wednesday for our son's wedding in the Mammoth Lakes area in California and time wise it will be difficult to be out of town just prior to leaving.


June 8 - 10th Round-Up plans are in full swing.

Free dry camping is available. More info on the flyers and in the Fed. News.

Dancing Friends

No report

Pioneer 'N' Petticoats

Wildlife Safari Benefit Dance June 10th

Jamboree Callers

(Dark until further notice)

Timber 8's

Had their Birthday Dance last night.

Umpqua Area Council

Douglas County Fair line up for Callers & Cures has been decided. All dancers wearing square dance attire and badge get into the fair free. Dancers need to wear square dance attire to be on the dance floor.

Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman

I welcome you all to our corner of the state. I understand the effort you all made to get here today. I commend your dedication to this activity of ours. I hope you all make it safely home after our meeting today.

Our P&Ps dictate meetings on fifth Saturdays during the year. The last few years we have only conducted two meetings a year which were associated with special dances being held within the Council. Our Council is concerned about the travel that is necessary to attend to the business of the Council. Winters in Eastern Oregon are a bad time to be traveling over mountain passes to attend meetings. Summers find people too busy to attend a meeting an hour or two away. Fewer people are available with the dedication to travel to meetings of the Council. With this in mind the idea was presented to conduct teleconferences for business meetings of the Council. Some members expressed an interest in participating in meetings if they did not have to travel. A couple of us have been tasked with researching the feasibility of internet teleconferences. If any of you have experience with this form of technology for conducting meetings please contact me.

The Blue Mountains Council now has a presence on the web. Richard Rubicam was webmaster for the LaGrande Star Promenaders before he moved to Baker City. He agreed to continue as webmaster expanding his scope to include the three clubs in the council. (He was pretty much doing this anyway.) He has had major problems with the domain (whatever that is) but he has persevered and he is happy with the results... and so are we. The website is "square-dancers.com" and is posted on page 34 of the May OFN. Check the site out for special dances in our area. This summer there is Craig Abercrombie in Baker City, the Muddy Frog Festival here in Milton-Freewater, and the Wallowa Mountain Rendezvous at Wallowa Lake.

Central Oregon Council: Doug (Ladauna) Hartzell

The Mountaineers had their birthday Fiesta dance on May 11th with caller Les Seeley and cuer Christina Corelli.

They soon will be getting ready to serve at the Sisters Rodeo in June. They handle two Concession Stands at the Rodeo.

No Report

The Bachelor Beauts just celebrated their birthday Luau (49 years) in April with 9 squares.

They are raising their door donation to $7.00 per person.

On August 4 there will be a joint dance with the Sagebrush Shufflers, which includes a BBQ. Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper.

The Mavericks had 14 members attend the Baker City Spring Fling along with the Red Rock Squares. All had a great time.

They have added 4 new members to their club.

They have been asked to go to John Day to help caller, Ron Dowse recruit new people in hopes of starting a new club.

The Second Annual Shaniko weekend is coming along great and looks to be a really fun time.

SAGEBRUSH SHUFFLERS: The Sagebrush Shufflers have three big events coming up: June 10th they have been asked to do a demo at a ranch for a farmers meeting; June 23rd they will be in the Crooked River Roundup Parade; July 4th they will be doing a demo at the Prineville festivities.

RED ROCK SQUARES: The Red Rocks have added 10 new members to their club from their lessons this year. Dave Cooper did an excellent job of teaching and making the lessons fun. The Red Rocks gave their new dancer/members free membership for one year plus a free admission to the dance of their choice.

Several Red Rocks travelled with the Mavericks to the Baker City Spring Fling and had a great time.

May 4th was the Red Rock new dancer graduation dance with 6 squares on the floor. Leonard Snodgrass and Dave Cooper did an excellent job.

Emerald Empire Council: Zola (Ray) Jones

Area Delegate, Dennis Marsh resigned as of the April 15 Council meeting; and on that same date the council appointed me, Zola Jones (the current Alternate Delegate), as now the Area Delegate. I was also elected as the new Area Delegate at the Council Election of Officers in February for a 2-year term beginning September 1. Thus-following is my Delegate's Report:

From our annual Council Benefit Dance in March; door proceeds along with a voted amount from council treasury, a special fund in the amount of $1,267.00 has been established to help our area clubs with the cost of lessons, and/or gaining new members, or whatever their special needs are at the time of their request.

A "Mystery Bus Trip" is being sponsored by the area council on May 19, an evening when no area clubs happen to be dancing. The council is covering the cost of the 55 passenger bus, which filled up right-a-way with members from all our area clubs!

Council officers are currently going through the council's Constitution, By-laws and Practices and Procedures for updating and needed changes.

Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell

The Interstate Highlanders Council does not have any dances currently scheduled until summer. The council is looking forward to hosting the State meeting and dance July 21 and 22.

The Klamath Country Squares held their annual birthday dance in April. They will be planning a new dancer graduation party later this spring. The KCs will be dark for the June 16 party night. Instead they will dance on Friday, June 15. On June 16 they will visit the Circle'N Squares club in Yreka, CA for their annual Gold Diggers Dance. They have a new dancer recruitment demos planned during the summer.

Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn

Mid-Willamette started out the new year attending Mid-Winter. All had a great time as usual.

We started our Council meetings with a full schedule of topics to improve Council operations by getting all the Club Delegates to participate by having inputs into how to improve club membership, dance attendance, and retaining our graduates after lessons. After returning a survey from their clubs inputs, we started evaluating these ideas and worked on solutions. Each club picked three ideas to try and implement into their clubs activities.

We were proud to host the benefit dance for H.O.R.S.E. again this year and it had a very good turnout and raised some much appreciated funds.

Many of our clubs are starting new lessons and Norma and I hope to drop in on these lessons and see how things are going.

Sweet Home Squarenaders hosted a week-end campout at CAMP KOINONIA east of Sweet Home on April 27-29th. Everyone attending had a great time and got some much needed rest and fun.

Lebanon Square Circlers celebrated their 63rd Birthday, while Sweet Home Squarenaders celebrated their 55th Birthday.

Braids and Braves will be hosting a demo dance at the Yamhill County Fair on Friday Aug. 3, from 6:30-8:30 pm. This will be Senior Admission Day, so come early and see the rodeo and then come to the main stage in front of the office and dance with the Braids and Braves. We will be near the food court and there should be room for four to six squares at a time. After the dance, the entertainment group called the "Kentucky Headhunters" will be performing; tickets are only $7.00. There will be NO cost to Square Dance, only admission fee to get into the Fair Grounds.

Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)

Several clubs have or are about to celebrate their anniversaries. The Silver Stars turned 32 on April 14th. The Bachelor & Bachelorettes were 47 on April 18th. The Buzin' Beas celebrated their 54th on April 21st. The Country Capers also celebrated their 56th on April 21st. Happy Hoppers celebrated 53 years of dancing on May 5th. The Oaky Doaks were 52 also on May 5th. River City Dancers will celebrate 22 years on June 9th. Swap & Swing will be 63 today, May 20th.

Swap & Swing have voted starting in September to change their dances once a month from the third Saturday to the fourth Saturday. River City Dancers changed their dancing time to 7-7:15pm plus, 7:15-7:30pm pre-rounds and 7:30-10:30pm mainstream with break at 9pm. Casual attire for months of June to September.

There will be a "Star Spangled" Memorial weekend of plus dancing at the Oak Grove Community Club on May 25-27th. Randy Dibble and Darin Keith from Idaho will call and Jeanine Norden and Tami Helms will cue. Check the full page ad on page 21 of the current OFN. Anyone not subscribing to the OFN on a monthly basis is missing a lot of dance information.

The PAC will again have two floats in the Rose Festival Starlite Parade. It will be on June 2nd. The Country Capers will be on the lead float and the Checkerboard Squares will be on the second float. All dancers are welcome to dance on the floats or walk beside them. Check with the president of their club if you plan to do this. Their name is listed in the state directory.

Several clubs have cancelled their July 14th dance so members can go to the Seaside Summer Fest'.

Due to the unexpected death of our PAC president, Tony Haskins, Mark Engerman our vice president has taken over as president until our next meeting, which is a picnic on Monday June 19th.

The March 30th 5th Friday dance was a great success. Over 9 squares danced to the calling of the Wild Cards and the cueing of Debbie Combs.

There will be no PAC 5th Friday dance on June 29th due to the National in Spokane. The next dance will be a benefit dance on August 31st at the Oregon City Museum. Details will be in the OFN.

At this time I would like to introduce Mark Engerman, who is our 2013 Summer Festival Chairman.

2013 Summer Festival: Mark Engerman

My name is Mark Engerman. My wife Beverly and I have been chosen to be the General Chair for the 2013 summer festival, should we be awarded the bid. First I would like to thank the Oregon Federation for the opportunity given to the Portland Area Council to bid on the 2013 Summer Festival.

We, along with our Co-Chairs Janet Shannon and Jim Ruebsamen have conducted a caller and cuer search. From those candidates, the festival committee decided to have two Featured Callers. They are Eric Henerlau from Corte Madeira, CA and Mike Seastrom from Los Angeles, CA. The Featured Cuer Couple will be Randy and Marie Preskitt from Everett, WA. I have included their biographies in the packets placed before you. We have received commitments from the callers and cuer couple, and have contracts ready to be signed when the bid is awarded.

The location we have chosen for the festival is the Reynolds High School in Troutdale, OR. This was the location of the 2011 Summer Festival. We picked this location because of the many positive responses we received from the previous festival. We will be using the Main and East Gymnasiums and the Multi-Purpose Room for dancing. The Commons Area will be for the Vendors and Food Service. These areas are highlighted in your packets. We will have a meeting room available for ORDTA, POOF, The Education Chairman, and Other Committees needing a room. The meeting room will be selected based of their needs as they are expressed to us. The location of the Sunday State Meeting will be in the entry of the school's auditorium. This location is the same as 2011. There will also be an area in the parking lot set aside for those with RVs who wish to dry camp and a separate area for the vendor's trailers and RVs. On the back of the first page in your packets is a list of Full Hookups RV Parks and Hotel/Motels located close to the facilities.

Included in the packet is an estimated budget for the festival. These numbers were derived from the 2011 festival and we feel it is a realistic accounting for the 2013 festival.

Since the "USA Show" entertainment program in 2011 was so well received, we are currently looking for another act to offer in 2013. We will have the use of the auditorium for this.

The Portland area also has many other local attractions. I will name just a few. Troutdale is on the West side of the Columbia River Gorge. It is only a short drive to Multnomah Falls and some other beautiful waterfalls and to Crown Point, which affords a terrific view of the river. On Portland's West side, we have the Oregon Zoo, the home of Packy the Elephant, who turned 50 this year. Also, there is Washington Park with the Rose and Japanese Gardens. So, come early and stay late to check out what the Portland area adds to the state.

Again, I want to thank you for the opportunity to bid for the 2013 Summer Festival.

Motion: Made by: Al Wolf

I make a motion that the Portland Area Council host the 2013 Summer Festival.

Ray asked if there was a plan for meetings on Saturday. I feel that the P&Ps should be changed

To reflect that we are not having meetings, or we should hold to it and have them.

Motion passed.

Motion: Made by Al Wolf Second by Barbi Ashwill

I make a motion that we obtain a loan from the state federation in the amount of $3,000.

Motion passed.

Rogue Sis Q Council: Lori McIntosh

The council will be providing all January new dancers wit three months of the OFN.


KTVL Channel 10 showcased our part in the Pear Blossom Festival live on Tuesday April 10th. Several dancers took us up on the early morning dancing at 5 - 7 AM. There are 4 videos on their website at ktvl.com. The Channel 10 events broadcaster, David, stepped into a square to learn a few moves to take back to the newsroom.

The 46th Pear Blossom Square Dance Festival was a huge success and tons of FUN!! Ken Ritucci sure kept all of us on our toes and movin' along! He put us through our paces in A1 & 2, showed us a few new twists in Plus and moved us quickly around in our Mainstream! Elaine Funk gave us some wonderful rounds that kept most of us on the dance floor all weekend. We had 2 Mystery Prize winners each night along with some great raffles & door prizes! The float we had in the Pear Blossom Parade was awesome! It was a great day for a Parade and the dancers had a lot of fun!


Charlie Brown Squares have been busy square dancing at The Lantz's birthday dance and Pear Blossom Festival. The third Saturday was April Showers. May 5th the Charlie Browns had one plus squares ready to dance in the Magical Merlin Parade. The youngest dancer, 5 years old, was on the float waving, smiling, and having fun. Charlie Browns won a first Place trophy in the parade.

Several visitors came to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a potluck and dance. Thank you to our visitors from Portland area. The new officers were introduced to the club. Denny made the dance a success for the new dancers who came for their first dance. The new dancers are still in lessons on Thursday nights. Mainstream and plus were also challenging to the six squares on the floor. Rikki Lobato won the free ticket to Buckaroo round up. Rikki is one of the Charlie's newest dancers.

The Charlie Browns are busy getting ready for Boatnik Festival the last weekend in May. And then there is Hunter Keller coming June 19th at the Josephine County Square Dance Hall.


What an exciting last few weeks we've had. Our "20th" Birthday dance started off the month of April. Our guest caller, Andy Garboden, put us thru the paces. The following week the 46th Pear Blossom Festival took over Medford. Three days of fun activities and Sq. Dance/Round Dance a real plus. The fun continued the following week with the "Crazy Hat" dance, Oh yes, there were some crazy hats !!

South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth

March 31 South Coast Council sponsored a dance which raised $275 for the State Scholarship Fund. The Beachcombers donated the hall, Saints N Aints donated the caller, Sherm Welch, and Sets in Order donated the Cuer, Denise Harris. Everyone had a great time and donated to a great cause.

Beachcombers have been enjoying the calling and cueing of the Halley brothers and Helen, and the Red Hots, sisters Sandy Harris and Jackie Gale. They will be dark in June and August, but are planning two fabulous weekends. Their 59th Birthday weekend will be celebrated July 6-8 with Leonard Snodgrass calling and Jackie Gale cueing. Their annual Battle Rock Weekend will be August 31 through September 3, with Denny Lantz calling and Dave Cooper cueing.

Saints N Aints just celebrated their 34th birthday in April. Their 3rd Saturday dance in June will be an ice cream social. All dances in June, July, and August will be casual dress.

Tualatin Valley Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers

TVC new officers for the year: President, Kay Rogers; Vice Pres, Judy Schnase; Secretary, Tom Sminia; Treasurer, Lalani Radford

Three clubs are sponsoring a weekend festival July 14 & 15 at the Seaside Convention Center. We will be starting on Saturday morning at 10am with members of the crew calling a 2 hour casual mainstream dance. From 1-2:30pm will be a workshop for mainstream dancers. 2:30 -4pm will be a workshop for plus dancers. 7-8pm pre-plus with intermediate rounds. 8-10pm mainstream with "The Crew". On Sunday morning starting at 10am there will be a Heavenly Hoedown with "The Crew". Following the hoedown George Clark will MC callers and cuers from the floor for a casual festival dance. One day ribbons are available for $20 today.

The Hahn Barn dance this year is July 29, 2012. This is the TVCs OFN subscription dance. We always have a wonderful picnic down by the lake prior to the dance in a Century Farm family barn. See the OFN for more information and directions.

We have written a note to the TVC clubs giving them some guidance in getting through the annual reporting with Where and When and directory information. It is included in our report.


Bill & Annadale Rooper:

It's not easy writing a report on something when you haven't done anything. We watch the birds at the bird feeder and the wind blow the windmills out of the maple tree. There is always something to do in the yard, you know, mow the lawn, pull weeds, trim, etc.

Bill did celebrate his 89th birthday with most of his family in our back yard with a pot luck picnic. It was a perfect day with very little wind and the sun was warm.

Last weekend we helped with the annual Wasco County Pioneer Reunion luncheon and meeting. Almost 300 people attended. Bill collected the money and I socialized. I'm the membership chairman. I did all the work before and after. I plan to retire next year.

We are on the PAC Summer Festival Committee and looking forward to a big event next year and we are planning on a trip to Spokane for the National Convention next month.

We have a grandson graduating from high school in Weiser, ID over Memorial Day and my little seven year old great-grandson gymnastics "star" is supporting himself in a handstand on the rings among other things that amaze me. He is striving to be on the gymnastics team.

Guess this is pretty good for not doing anything-huh.

Larry Schaumburg

No report.

Kay reported that she had heard Larry was not doing well after his last treatment for his cancer and that Hospice has been called.

Steve & Valerie Murphy:

Right after the Mid-Winter Festival meeting we headed to Mesa, Arizona. Unlike past years we had company on this trip. Another Lantz's Dantzers couple, Chuck & Pauline Dunn, followed us in their RV. All went well until the second day of the trip when Chuck had a blowout 60 miles from Needles at 6:00 in the evening. After 3 ˝ hours we were on the road again headed for Kingman, where we had reservations at a KOA. Approaching Kingman at 11:00pm Chuck had another blowout. He limped into Kingman to the KOA and we finally got to bed about midnight. The next day he bought new tires all the way around. We finally got to Mesa and set up at the Mesa Regal RV park, our home for the next 2 months. With Chuck & Pauline not sure whether they would like it in Mesa, we started to dance about 20-30 hours per week. Within a month they reserved a spot for 5 months next season. During our stay in Mesa we headed down for the Yuma Festival, where we ran into more Lantz's Dantzers and a number of Oregon Dancers.

Shortly after arriving home in early April we went to the Redding Festival with Bob Baier & Hunter Keller calling and Sharon Parker cueing.

As I write this we're getting the RV ready to head out to the Silver State Festival in Reno. We've been going to Silver State since we first started dancing and it's one of our favorites.

Al Wolf & Gail Domine:

My surgery for diverticulitis was postponed one week and occurred on February 17. Following a few weeks on recovery I was back on the dance floor.

March 11-14 we spent a few days of rest and relaxation at Depoe Bay. We were surprised when we awoke Sunday morning to about 2 inches of snow. It was beautiful.

We attended the PAC dance on March 30. The Wild Cards were callers and Ken Pratt cued. It was a very successful dance with about 8 squares on the floor most of the evening.

April 24 through May 4 we spent a week at Eagle Crest near Redmond. The sunshine every day was a welcome site, even though it was chilly at night. We had lunch one day with Gail's sister that lives in Bend and her sister-in-law who lives in Prineville.

On May 5th we chaired a Mystery Trip for the River City Dancers to the Sunset Promenaders of the TVC. 35 of us rode the MAX line from NE 99th in Portland to 3rd and Main Street in Hillsboro, Oregon. We had a great time dancing to national caller Dan Preedy and cuer Ken Pratt.

We plan to attend the national in Spokane the weekend of June 30th. We will travel by car and hope to make it a "leisure" drive rather than a tiresome one.

We also plan to attend the Seaside Summer Fest' on July 15 & 15, the weekend before the state meeting in Klamath Falls. Looks like a lot of traveling this summer.

We have been attending meetings for the 2013 summer festival. Most of the committee members are new to this experience with new ideas.

In addition to the passing of our friend, Tony Haskins, we have recently lost two long-time and active members of River City Dancers, Len Thorten & Bill Lebedz. It makes us appreciate the good times and many friendships we have experienced as square dancers.


Fran Westphal writes:

Is this the way the quote goes? "Man plans; God Laughs."

First part of our trip went fine. We enjoyed two nights in Laughlin, NV and during that stay made a trip to Las Vegas to visit with nephew Richard Westphal. On to New Mexico, where we had a nice time with Allen Brown in Santa Fe.

Next night we were in Alamosa, CO and got to see snowy sleet on the cars and roofs. We had two more reunions. We had lunch with Fran's college roommate, Dr. Margery Herrington, a professor at Adams State University. Also, saw the other grandma, Eva Martinez, at Blanca. She wasn't feeling well, so we didn't get to take her out to lunch as we had planned. And now she is in the hospital in Alamosa. We journeyed on to Colorado Springs to see our son and daughter-in-law.

Then, up jumped the devil.

Thursday morning, at our son's home, Al awakened with problems. He said his face and left arm were numb and he couldn't sit up. Off we went with the paramedics to Memorial Hospital. He had another stroke. This time the problem is brain stem, left side. He is now on the Rehab floor of the hospital. We think the care has been very good and the therapists seem to be very capable and well-trained. They have a plan. He's having physical, occupational and speech therapy each day. He is having several problems, including standing and walking, swallowing and vision impairment. We've seen a neurologist the past two days and a neuro-optometrist today. He will have exercises for the left eye, which has some double vision just now. He has had two treatments for swallowing problem, but he is able to eat. The threat is for liquids to go into the lungs, so he only gets thickened soups, drinks, etc. He can eat real food and is doing that quite well; it's just the liquids that are the concern. Tentative date for us to leave the rehab facility is June 6. That is not even close to definite. It is a prediction the various therapists made after one day. I am able to stay with our son and daughter-in-law, so that's a plus. Thursday thru Sunday nights I stayed in the hospital room, but now Al has a roommate, so that isn't happening. He is working hard and we think the recovery is likely to be good. We're praying so.

Tim Roberts:

The Toe Draggers are doing a Trails Through Dance before the National in Spokane on June 15th. We are having KC Curtis and the Lovely Roger Putzler. Bev Flint and Jackie Gail are doing the cueing. We are going to have a BBQ of sausages and hot dogs. So come on down and make it an evening before we head up to Spokane. June 15 at the Kinton Grange.

Dale Worthington:

We want to mention that we were in Spokane yesterday. They say they have 5200 registered.

They need more so be sure and go.

Lee Ashwill:

I would like to thank Blue Mountain council for hosting this, but one of the hardest workers that gets very little consideration, Merri Anne Huber.. Also I want to tell you about Floyd's dedication to this Federation. Floyd went to Mesquite, Arizona and played 18 holes of golf on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday. Then he jumped in his car and drove to Twin Falls Idaho, spent the night and then came on in. Now that is real dedication.

Merri Ann Huber:

I am the president of the Muddy Frogs here in Milton-Freewater. I want to thank you guys for coming. We are not at the end of the earth, but you can see it from here. I am the Co-Chairman for Washington's 2013 Summer Festival in Kennewick, WA June 14 & 15, 2013. Spend the weekend in wine country. It is going to be at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick, all air conditioned, very nice, we are going to put a floor down. There are some registration forms back there. Thank you!

Barbi Ashwill:

I want to add my thank you to the council for the dance and meeting. Everything was just wonderful and I know it doesn't just happen without a lot of work. I also wanted to encourage you to go to Washington's Summer Festival. Every one that Lee and I attended has just been

marvelous. Unfortunately because of our membership in the NEC we have to go a week early to National Convention so that is why you don't see us there. (MerriAnn remarked that there is two weeks in between next year). Also I wanted to mention that I don't know how much publicity you are getting because the NEC email blast has 11,000. Sometime this month will be the last issue of National Square Magazine as it is going to be on-line from then on. If you have extended subscriptions, you will be refunded so that is not an issue. Anyway, the one thing I don't want you to miss if you are going is I believe it is on Thursday I don't remember the time, but Jon and Deborah Jones are teaching dances to all those very old calls. They are going to teach them all.

They are easy to learn so everybody who comes to that two hour session will be able to dance those dances. This is an opportunity of a lifetime so if you go, plan to do that. For any of you who are first time convention goers, the first thing you should do after you pick up your registration packets is to go through and see what is going on each day. Otherwise the convention will be over and you will have missed some really important things. They are using some American Indian tribes for some of their opening ceremonies. I understand it is going to be fairly spectacular, so you don't want to miss that. The convention coming up the next year will be doing their invitation on Friday night. So there is just a lot to do and see.

Marilyn Schmit:

To add to that: the Organization Round Table on Thursday afternoon at 1pm is on The Heritage Center. For those of you who have been to that, I will be doing that on what it takes to get started.

That is at 1 o'clock in the conference center. I also want to remind you that since I have taken over as Second Vice-President, I am doing the directory. Those of you who did not get a letter from me, go home and get a count of how many directories you need. So I know how many to print. And whoever is going to be President remember I need your appointed names and meeting dates, too. Just one of my nagging reminders.

Kay Rogers:

Most of you know that in April we did a Boots in the Blue Mountains in Pendleton. We did not have a large registration and attendance. Jon and Deborah were so impressed by the quality of the dancers and by the participation. The dancers attended every session. Even Jim Hattrick was impressed that on the Sunday morning Heavenly Hoedown instead of the one square he expected, there were several squares on the floor dancing. The people were from Bend, WallaWalla, Milton-Freewater, that club went dark to support us. And they all had a wonderful time.

So when you go to Spokane and dance with Deborah and Jon, and they are so personable and you hear her sing the National Anthem, just remember next year, first weekend in April they will be here in Pendleton Convention Center. Marilyn remarked that Deborah said that was the most comfortable she ever was calling. To see her in her jammies with no make-up was quite a site.

Gary Sohn:

I just wanted to assure you when you are driving home about 5:30 or 6 this evening and it gets very dark outside, it is not because the Federal Government did not pay their electric bill. It is because there will be an Eclipse, so don't get too afraid. It will get dark.

ADJOURN: Motion: To adjourn made by Gary Sohn, seconded by Barbi Ashwill. Meeting adjourned.


July 21 & 22, 2012
Klamath Falls Oregon

Kay Rogers
Recording Secretary

For a complete copy of these minutes contact
Kay Rogers

Approved 5-28-2012
Ray & Zola Jones
President OFSRDC