MINUTES OF MEETING dated September 30, 2012
Hosted by Portland Area Council
Rockwood Grange, Portland, OR.

President Ray Jones called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.


This meeting is being recorded.


Elected Officers: All present except Cheryl Lundine

Appointed Officers: All Present except Ralph Lambert, Ken Pratt

Delegates: All Present except David Stutzman from Blue Mountain, Cathy Woodworth from South Coast.

Active Goodwill Ambassadors: All present except Stephen & Valerie Murphy

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Floyd Bard

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Vivian Fairburn

MINUTES: Kay Rogers: The Minutes were posted on the Website. Are there any corrections or additions?

Al Wolf corrected minutes of May 2012 with Page 6 State Trailer Report should have read the trailer is in Aurora, not Aloha.

Bill Roopers' ambassador report is included here due to my losing it for the May minutes.

The Portland Area Council held its annual election of officers at a potluck picnic at North Clackamas Park. It is always an enjoyable evening with good fellowship and lots of food. This event takes the place of our monthly meeting. The weather was good. Good means no rain.

Memorial Day weekend we always decorate the graves of our loved ones that are no

longer with us. We visit two cemeteries, Gethsemane in Clackamas and Willamette National Cemetery. Most of the time our supply of fresh flowers from our yards are in between the blooming period.

On June 23 we attended the pre-convention plus dance at Clark County Square Dance Center. It was a great dance with the calling by Ken Bower, Tony Oxendine and Gary Shoemake. We visited with several dancers we had not seen for some time.

Then it was on to Spokane. We stayed in a dorm at Gonzaga University, which was quite an experience in itself. We volunteered at Registration and met dancers from all over the United States. The dancing was great with so many talented callers and cuers.

Last weekend we attended Summerfest in Seaside. We always enjoy dancing to the Crew. George Clark and Yvonne Clendenin shared the cuer duties.

Next weekend is our annual club campout in Cougar, Washington.

Labor Day weekend we will join many of our club members at Mount Hood Village and enjoy the calling of Dan Preedy. This is a plus level weekend.

It has been a busy summer and it is not over yet.

MOTION to approve minutes made by: Doug Hartzel 2nd by: Gary Sohn

Minutes were approved as corrected.


PRESIDENT: Ray (Zola) Jones

Zola and I have enjoyed our past year in the Presidents' office, and would like to thank all the members who have helped us through some interesting times. We are proud of the Officers and Delegates who keep this Federation moving, and are sure you will all give Vivian Fairburn the same cooperation. We look forward to the new and innovative leadership Vivian will provide.

This is an opportune time to remind everyone it is time to actively promote Mid-Winter Festival. We did not have a Summer Festival, and will not have a November meeting. All Federation members need to put forth a little extra effort at this meeting, and during the remaining few short months prior to the Festival. We need your help! Thanks!

1st VICE PRESIDENT: Vivian Fairburn

I put out a budget by category. Bill Rooper and I have a difference of opinion on that. So now you know where the money is going.

2013 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Frank (Cathy) Dietz

Plans for Mid-Winter 2013 are going smoothly. The program book is at the printers. Any missing information should be given to Zola Jones.

Our caller, cuers, & clogging instructors are all excited about coming to have a great time with the dancers.

Dance schedules have been compiled with hopes of giving the dance a good variety of local callers as well as the National Caller.

Anyone wanting to sew a dress for Mid-Winter 2013 we have extra kits available for $25. See Frank or Cathy.

Zola Jones: Normally I would bring the program books to the November meeting to start distributing, but we are not having a November State Meeting this year. I asked the delegates if I could get program books to them to distribute in their areas. They were more than willing to help. When you get them in your area please give them to the new dancers because they have ever been to a festival before.

2013 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Mark & Beverly Engerman

The Festival is proceeding. We will soon be on the fast track. We now have ribbons. The registration committee chair will be back from vacation on Monday, October 1. They will number the ribbons and begin sending them to those from whom we have received registration forms. I do have more forms with me for anyone wishing to take them back to their councils.

I have been in contact with Reynolds High and have been informed the classrooms where they were planning to remove the separating wall to make an extra-large room was not done. I was hoping to have it for our meetings, and informational presentations. I need to know your needs for classroom space. We would like to have all meetings on Saturday morning so we can use the space for A1/A2 Saturday afternoon and evening. We can get another room if necessary, but with their current format it will cost us an additional $30.00 an hour. Therefore, I want to be certain that any room reserved will be used.

The letters of invitation to our local Oregon callers and cuers will be going out next week. We want to have the schedule with all participating callers and cuers in the directory when it is printed.

2014 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Lee & Barbi Ashwill

We are pleased to announce the following accomplishments regarding Mid-Winter 2014:

We have our Featured Square Dance Callers under contract. We are not announcing this information because we have no intention of stepping on the toes of the 2013 Mid-Winter Festival.

We have our Featured Round Dance Cuer under contract.

We are working on a contract with the Clogging Cuer/Instructor and hope to have that finalized in the near future.

Barbi has selected black Tee Shot (Cotton/Poly Blend) material for the 2014 Mid-Winter attire. We will be going with aprons for the ladies and vests for the men. Each of these items will have the Mid-Winter Logo/Patch attached. Just as the Mid-Winter Festival no longer provides new badges to members continuing on the Mid-Winter Festivals from one year to the next, no new material will need to be issued to Committee members continuing from one year to the next. A smaller version of the Logo will be provided for a pocket on the apron and a larger version of the Logo will be provided to be attached to the back of the vest. The Logo/Patch will be produced in Emerald Empire Area Council colors and will be carried over to subsequent Mid-Winter Festivals.

The theme for the 2014 Mid-Winter Festival has been selected and it will be: "Mid-Winter's Night's Dream in 2014."

We have prepared our budget and have had it approved by the Empire Area Council and have received the $6,000.00 loan from the Emerald Empire Area Council. We are presenting our budget here today and request the loan from the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.

The advertisement of the 2014 Mid-Winter Festival for the 2013 Mid-Winter Festival Program Book has been completed and has been sent to Zola Jones for inclusion in the Program Book.

We have submitted the names of our selection for Co-Chairman of the 2014 Mid- Winter Festival to the Emerald Empire and they approved our selection. That couple is George and Patty Hermann.

2014 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Dave Cooper (Patty Reese)

We have our contracts in place for the school, two callers and two cuers in place. We have most of our committee positions in place and we have a BEAUTIFUL, beautiful festival outfit designed by Barbara Wines. It is beautiful. We are well on our way. I know it is a long way off but when it is our turn to start we are going to be ready to go. Mr. Ashwill and I have a wager going as to which festival makes more money. We are geared up and we are going to whip you, buddy.


This year we finished the year $830 in the black, $91 less than the previous year.

Our subscriptions numbers at the end of the year were 750 which was about 50 less than the previous year.

Advertising revenue is fairly constant year to year due in part to the support of those clubs who advertise monthly. Their support is greatly appreciated.

Lessons continue to be listed in each upcoming issue. Please keep us informed to obtain the free advertising.

We always have plenty of free issues to give to students and to hand out at demos. Please let us know what you need.

We always love articles about people and clubs. It is always nice to write about volunteers who go above and beyond. Even though you may not nominate them for the Randall Award, please consider sharing their time and talents with the rest of us.

2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

The state directory has been my main focus since the last meeting. I got all the changes made, and Vivian and I went through it page by page and it was ready for delivering to the printer. The directory has been delivered to Eugene on the 5th and a proof will be mailed and gone over and then the final product will be ready for pick up on the 20th or 21st. Changes were still coming in on the day before it was delivered. All the delegates will be notified as soon as a price is set and then checks will be received at the meeting on the 30th. The directory order is for 550 and there will be about 32 extras when all have been delivered.


Thank you to everyone who sent reports. It really helps me to have half the job done before the meeting. I have been using two recorders and they both worked well.


I sent thank you notes to Cecelia Glidewell for Interstate Highlanders and Klamath Country Squares for hosting the dance and the State Meeting in July 2012. A Get well card went to Roger Newell.

TREASURER: Barbi (Lee) Ashwill

I distributed the treasurer's report to each of you this morning. One thing concerns me is that ever since we double the reimbursement for mileage and motel; it's taking an average of $3,000 to cover those meetings. Keep in mind that we have cancelled the November meeting. Our summer and midwinter festival has not been bringing in that much money. We have been trying to make our expenses with our income. I expect you may need to make some decisions about that in the near future.

MEMBERSHIP: Norma (Gary) Sohn

Notifications to clubs regarding due dates for renewing Oregon Corporation fees are up to date through October. Most clubs have been doing a good job of keeping their fees current.

With a few exceptions, the updates for the Directory and payment for State dues and OFN Where and When is complete. Elkhorn Swingers from Blue Mt. Council have paid their Corporation dues and are now in compliance with Federation requirements; from Central Oregon Council , Sagebrush Shufflers and Swinging Mountaineers have not paid their fees, but have submitted Directory updates and Crook County Mavericks have been accepted as Federation members; Ronde' Vouz club from Rouge-Sis-Q Council has resigned from the Federation as of Sept. 1; from South Coast Council, Jefferson State Squares have been dropped from Federation membership as of 2011; Coast Swingers, from Tualatin Valley Council, are now DBA Wave Steppers Tillamook Bay; from Umpqua Area Council, Pioneer & Petticoats are listed by Oregon Corporate Division as INACTIVE as of July 22, 2012.

I brought the badge board today because we did not have a summer festival. We are still missing a couple of badges from Emerald Empire. We need a badge for Spin Cycle Squares and I did not find a badge for Sweethome Squarenaders. I do not know whether Coast Swingers is going to change their badge, but I will need one if they do. (Kay remarked they are changing and she will ask for one.)

Thank you to all the delegates for the great job of encouraging the clubs to make their updates and sending in their payments. It makes my job easier, although there is a lot of paperwork.

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers

Thank you to all who attended the insurance seminar yesterday. Are there any questions? With this late meeting and no meeting in November you are all going to have an extra burden in collecting your insurance stuff back to me in time. You can email me or call. You may even come by for a cup of coffee and discuss what problems you are having. I am also available to make a trip to your council if we plan a couple of months ahead of time to do a seminar.

PAST PRESIDENT: Floyd (Jill) Bard

No Report! I am glad to be back in the Good Old USA.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts

I distributed the updates that we made at the July meeting. Delegates have two copies. One for your copy and the other is the Councils' copy.


Here is the beginning of another school year and kids are on every corner waiting to catch the bus for school. I'm sure all of us remember those days!! But we are waiting for Square Dance lessons to start again- no break for us!

Many of us can think back only a month or two to the great National Convention in Spokane and wonder were the rest of our summer lipped off to! The Beachcombers Weekend at Port Orford slid by along with SummerFest at Seaside. Now here we are at the end of another year for our State Federation Officers and new people on the agenda. WELCOME ABOARD!!

October 5-6 is a good time to take in a little of German Octoberfest eating and dancing. Visit R square D in Kelso Washington for a great weekend. There is FREE RV Parking available along with two days of great activities!

Next we have a "Wild West" week-end in the wilds of eastern Oregon! Visit Shaniko for Crook County Mavericks "2nd Annual Shaniko Campout" Oct. 12-14, and dance to Leonard Snodgrass and Dave Cooper while enjoying Shaniko's Vintage & Ragtime Music Festival also. Dave says if you want to really "ruff it" you can sleep on the floor of the school in sleeping bags!!

And if you feel like venturing to the other end of the state, on Oct. 19-20, Klamath Falls K.C. Squares is hosting the 37th Annual Potato Festival with Larry Sprout Calling and Sarge Glidewell Cuing Friday, then Saturday Dean Black will call while Dave Cooper will be cuing. This will all be happening at the Triad School in Klamath Falls. For info contact kcsquares@aol.com .

October 26-27 will see Seaside Sashay Square Dance Festival once again. This will be a last chance to dance on the beach, unless you like dancing in rain gear! Here's hoping we have a long "Indian summer"!

Last but not least, January's Mid-Winter Festival is coming up fast! Get your early ribbons and save $5.00 if purchased from a Mid-Winter visitation person at one of your dances. They need the money to get our guest caller to Oregon!!!

Did everyone get a copy of the Governors Proclamation declaring September 16-22, 2012 as OREGON SQUARE AND ROUND DANCE WEEK? If you need a copy contact me and I will forward you a copy.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Annadale) Rooper

I had the opportunity to express my opinion three times since July. Hopefully it was worth something to recipients. I welcome phone calls asking for my help; 541 296 6335. We have changed our email address to: baroop5@centurylink.net

HISTORIAN: Zola (Ray) Jones

This is my last Historian Report since I am the elected Delegate for the Emerald Empire Area, and a new Historian will be seated here today.

I want to thank all of the Area Delegates for helping in getting the Histories of their clubs and councils to me these past three years, and also to everyone else here who have brought me articles and photos of their clubs and dancers.

This is my last Historian Report since I am the elected Delegate for the Emerald Empire Area, and a new Historian will be seated here today.

I want to thank all of the Area Delegates for helping in getting the Histories of their clubs and councils to me these past three years, and also to everyone else here who have brought me articles and photos of their clubs and dancers.



No report.


Thank you Gail Domine, Al Wolfe, and your PAC committee for all of your hard work on the youth dance on September 8. KC Curtis and Debbie Combs put on a really fun dance. While there were a couple squares of adults, there were very few youth. Al & Gail will talk more about the dance during the PAC report.

It has been a privilege to work with and for the youth of Oregon as the Youth Activities Coordinator. Thank you to my committee Kay & Jim Rogers and Gail & Al for your assistance this year. I am stepping down from the position this year. However, I will continue to maintain the scholarship funds. The OFSRDC will continue to help youth (age 19 and younger) in any of the federated clubs who would like to attend any state sponsored activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons. Please contact me if your youth dancers need financial assistance attending Mid-Winter.

I will submit information on how to apply for the Educational Scholarship for the 2013-2014 school year in November OFN and at Mid-Winter.

ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt by CeCe Glidwell

No report from ORDTA this time- we will be meeting the first Saturday in October... lots of news then.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Goldie (Earl) Restorff:

No report.

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts:

No report.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

188 tickets were distributed to various dancers throughout the state and five days of dancing at the State Fair commenced on August 24th with the Mid-Willamette Area dancers and friends on the KOIN Channel 6 Center Stage. Over two squares filled the area that day. The next day, Rogue Sis Q area dancers and friends attended the fair and brought over two squares for that day, also. On August 28, Senior Day at the Fair, the Eager Beavers brought over two squares of dancers and entertained the audience.

On September 2, the Oaky Doaks and friends and the Wild Cards had the pleasure of dancing on the Spirit of Oregon stage in the Grove part of the Fairgrounds. Over two squares attended that day. September 3rd, Labor Day, red, white, and blue clad dancers from the Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes and friends along with the Wild Cards brought over three squares of dancers for the last day of the Fair.

Over all, the experience was a good one. We handed out flyers with class information and gave out OFNs to those who were interested. The opening gate time for dancing was not the best time as there was not a whole lot of audience at that time of the day. I have asked for later morning times for next year and hopefully one afternoon time so I can entice the Central Oregon dancers to make a day of it. I have sent in my remarks to the State Fair personnel that I had contact with and they have acknowledged the receipt of them. I wrote thank you notes to each group who came to dance and to each of the callers and cuers who took time out of their schedules to participate. I also asked to not be placed in a slot near the France School of Dance due to the 'Toddlers & Tiaras' attitude of some of the mothers. Saving places and asking the square dancers to move to another seat is not my idea of Friendship.

STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard

No Report!


All delegates were present except Blue Mountain.

We felt there was no need to have a delegates meeting at either Mid-Winter or Summer Festivals. If there were urgent items the host delegate would send an e mail to all the delegates before the meeting to let them know. The delegate meeting is at the discretion of the host delegate.

The delegates thought the positions of Publicity Chair and Education should be combined. This would take effect for 2013-2014 as Vivian has already appointed Kathy Worthington to this position for the years 2012-2013.

We talked about combining the positions of Membership and Insurance for the years of 2013-2014. The delegates were not in favor of this and felt it was too much work for one person to do both.

MOTION: Made by Al Wolf 2nd by: Vivian Fairburn

I move that the P&Ps be changed to read: The position of Publicity & State Reporter and Education be combined under one heading.

After some discussion the MOTION was made by Al Wolf to amend the motion to read that were changing the Constitution and By-Laws and not the P&Ps, as was previously read. Motion was seconded by CeCe Glidewell. I MOVE the Constitution and By-Laws be changed to read. The position of Publicity and State Reporter and Education be combined under one heading. The MOTION to amend the motion passed.

Vivian Fairburn MOVED that we table the motion until the January meeting. CeCe Glidewell 2nd. The Motion to table this motion was passed.



New President's Address

Vivian Fairburn: I appointed Marilyn Schmit to continue on this year to be the State Fair Chairman since she is doing such a good job.

Cheryl Lundene has resigned as Corresponding Secretary. I am appointing LaDauna Hartzell to fill the term as Corresponding Secretary. MOTION: Made by Ray Jones and Seconded by Doug Hartzell. I MOVE that we approve the appointment of LaDauna Hartzell. Motion Passed. Thank you, LaDauna.


For years I have been listening to the question at these State meetings as to what can we do for the Clubs. I have yet to see a response or request come back to the State from a Club or Council with an idea. Could it be that there are too many things wrong and it is overwhelming to try to fix things with fewer volunteers? Could it be that Clubs lament the loss of members and attendance but don't have the ideas to reverse the situation? Could it be that there is a breakdown in communication and support between the Clubs and their Council?

I am proposing a new program this year to reverse the recruitment, retention, and financial problems that beset our clubs. THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN THIS PROGRAM IS THAT EVERYONE SUPPORTS IT AND TRIES IT. We have nothing to lose. Also, WE NEED TO USE A RIFLE, NOT A SHOTGUN approach when choosing ideas to implement. It is over-whelming to have too many ideas and volunteers just tend to fade away. Choose one topic at club meetings and work with it until success is achieved or if a new direction needs to be taken.

We are all aware that the Council Delegates take notes at the State Federation meetings, give a brief report to their Council, at which time the Club Delegates take notes and deliver an even briefer report to their clubs. But in the bigger picture what are we all doing to help our business (our clubs) grow, modernize, and look to the future?

Many of us worked in the corporate world and had experience with Board and Department Manager meetings. These Department managers are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that their departments meet the Corporate goals, be efficient and productive. They also are responsible for the personal growth of their Department personnel.

This organization isn't any different than any other corporation. We are involved in a mission, have an activity and have financial responsibilities. Our delegates are our Department managers and can have a positive or negative impact on the growth of this organization depending upon their willingness to be involved.

Shouldn't our work really start with the clubs and work its way up instead of the other way around? Shouldn't we be (the State Board and Council Delegates) sharing our experience and ideas of the bigger picture with the clubs? If we don't start working together more successfully then the picture will look even bleaker in the future than it is now for successful square dancing activities.

I am asking each of the delegates to take this program back to their Council and try it. Be sure to obtain time on the agenda to discuss it each month. Work with your clubs and help them implement new ideas.

I would like to have a report back in January from each of you as tothe success of this program. One Council has already put this program in place and it is working which gives us proof that it can help. It won't be overnight, it will be an ongoing project for a long time to come but it is imperative that we start doing something now.

I gave you a second page with ideas of "Seeds to Sow". Such things at dancer retention, attendance, visitation, how do we deal with solos. Go back to your council and take 20 minutes to hand them out and allow the clubs come up with the ideas. Get them typed up in the minutes and get them out to the clubs. You are the gardener and have the tools, the clubs are the gardens. On the third page are ideas of how you can get into it and get your clubs to support it. Some councils are trying this Mid-Willamette Council has been trying it and TVC has tried it. That is all I am asking is that you give it a try.

At Mid-Winter we are not having a regular meeting. We are going to work shop together at the Council to Council level.


  1. MOTION: Made by: Dale Worthington 2nd by: Ray Jones

    I move that we change Page 2, Article 4 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Federation by deleting the position of Corresponding Secretary and placing its duties and responsibilities under the Recording Secretary.

    Dale Worthington: The reason I brought this up is because we currently have 8 voting officers and 10 delegates. This is a club run Federation, so we cannot have more officers than we have delegates. We have some areas that are struggling and we may have even less delegates in the future. I have checked with past Recording Secretaries and feel there is not too much work for them to take on the duty.

    After considerable discussion between Dave Cooper and Kay Rogers about what the

    Federation should be doing a MOTION: was made by Ray Jones and 2nd by (??) : I move that we postpone the this until the next meeting. Motion Passed.

    Lori McIntosh was appointed to a committee to make a report regarding putting together a committee to submit ideas for a brochure to let the clubs know what the Federation is doing.

    MOTION: Made by Ray Jones 2nd by Dale Worthington:

    I make a motion to combine the duties of Membership Chairman and Insurance Chairman: I am making it strictly to get it in the minutes and then we can make a motion to postpone it until the January meeting.

    MOTION: Made by Doug Hartzell: 2nd by Coleeta Quigley

    I make a motion to postpone this motion indefinitely. Motion failed.

    MOTION: Made by Lori McIntosh and 2nd by Frank Schuchard:

    I MOVE to postpone the motion that Ray made to the next meeting. Motion passed.

    Kay Rogers spoke about her idea to combine the positions to make things easier for the clubs to provide information once a year. Zola Jones spoke about the need for pre meeting discussions. Dave Cooper asked about the wisdom of making that change.

  2. MOTION: Made by Barbi Ashwill 2nd by Ray Jones

    I move that the Mid-Winter Contingency Fund and the Emergency Funds be allocated back into the General Fund, rather than keeping them as restricted funds.

    Barbi Ashwill: I talked with Bill Rooper because he was familiar with this fund. There is never going to be a time when this body is not going to do their share should be a defunct Mid-Winter or Summer Festival. The MOTION passed.

    Lee Ashwill asked for the $6,000 loan for Mid-Winter. Vivian Fairburn: We have received the budget and we give them the check. Barbi Ashwill cannot sign the check until she gets Vivian's name on the account.

  3. President Vivian Fairburn: I am appointing some special committees for the year; I am suggesting visitation guidelines be developed to make it less confusing for councils to understand each other's guidelines. I appoint Lee Ashwill to chair that committee and he will contact other members.
  4. I appoint Tim Roberts to chair a committee to come up with a solution to our new sound system. Dale Worthington and Doug Hartzell will also be on the committee.
  5. I appoint Kathy Roberts to administer the youth scholarships this year.


Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard


Lessons began Sept. 18th. We are trying free lessons again this year, but we have a donation jar on the front counter at each lesson. Round Dance lessons began last Thursday. Neil Koozer is teaching the Two Step and Waltz.

Dancing Friends

No report.

Pioneer 'N' Petticoats

No report. Dark until further notice.

Timber 8s

They have been dark this summer, but are now back to dancing.

Their plus lessons began Sept. 19th.

Umpqua Area Council

We are scheduled to walk in the Veterans Day Parade.

Our New Dancer Dance will be held January 20th (Sunday 2:00-4:30 pm)

Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman

No Report!

Central Oregon Council: Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell

Thank you to the Checkerboard Squares and the Country Capers for a great meal and dance.

Things have been a bit slow for the Mavericks with Dave Cooper recuperating from knee surgery. Dances will be going full strength here in October. Dancers are looking forward to Shaniko weekend with camping, good food, and spud gun competition. Come join us Oct. 12-14th

Bachelor Beauts spent time at the Knott Landfill picking litter off the fences as a fund raiser ad received a little over $400 for their efforts. They had a "Dump Day Dance" afterwards.

In August the Bachelor Beauts and the Sagebrush Shufflers got together and did a BBQ and a dance that was very well attended. They had approximately 35 dancers for the meal and dance.

The Beauts annual Thanksgiving dinner will be held November 14th. All dancers are invited to this celebration.

The Red Rocks have had a summer lots of activities and dancing. They again did the BBQ at the Roundup and as usual it was well attended, and fun. Lots of new dancers helped this year and it was wonderful.

The Red Rocks did a park picnic and dance in Redmond and wow what fun that was. Food was great as usual and caller ad cuer did a wonderful job.

The Red Rocks have done some traveling this year; our latest was to Port Orford and dancing in the ocean. We are looking forward next to Shaniko Campout and dance.

Emerald Empire Council: Zola (Ray) Jones

We installed council officers for the next two-year term at our September meeting.

Also at this meeting one of our area clubs, the Boots & Sandals informed us they are becoming a Traveling Club so will not be having regular scheduled dances.

We are still working on updating our Constitution, By-Laws and Practices & Procedures.

Since there is no November State Meeting, our next state meeting will be at Mid-Winter Festival in January and Emerald Empire Area Council will be the host as we always are for that meeting. It will be at 9:30 a.m., January 27 at the Phoenix Inn Hotel in Albany, in their meeting room. I will send out reminders prior to the festival.

Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell

The council has not planned any dances since hosting the State meeting and dance in July. However, they will be planning another dance for after the first of the year.

The KCs have been busy this summer attending as many festivals as could be worked into the schedule. New Dancer recruitment has been the main focus this fall with several demos planned. Mainstream intro to plus workshops resumed on September 6th. Round dance workshops resumed on September 18th. Now they are looking forward to the annual Potato Festival in October. Our new dancer workshops will begin on October 25th.

Mid-Willamette Area Council: Gary (Norma) Sohn new delegate Harriett Livingston

1. Our council continues to "brain storm" how to increase attendance a5t lessons as well as our dances. We have taken a number of ideas back to our clubs and asked them to implement some of these ideas into their club procedures and report back as to their effectiveness. This will be a slow process but hopefully will benefit all our clubs in time.

2. Mid Willamette's Fall Festival will be occurring as we meet here this weekend. I hope it was a great success.

3. Mid-Willamette will be hosting their New Dancers Dance on February 10 this year.

4. We had a great Council Picnic this year thanks to Willamette Squares planning and hosting a club function which MWA was invited to join. Everyone had a great time and we have chosen to continue it again next year. Hopefully next year it won't fall on the same date as our State Federation meeting as it did this year.

5. Many of our clubs are preparing to start lessons again this September and will be using the Proclamation from the Governor to bring emphasis to Square Dancing around our area.

6. Many of the clubs of MWA have been bringing attention to our Favorite Pastime by participating in parades, street fairs, demos at city functions, and doing demos for retirement homes while waiting for fall to cool off the dance halls. Here is hoping these efforts pay off come lesson time!

Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)

I want to express my thanks to the Checkerboard Squares and Country Capers for all their hard work in putting on the meetings, dance and dinner. They are both small club but worked together to make this a successful weekend.

The fifth Friday dance on August 31st was a great success with 65 dancers attending and $401.00 was donated to the Salvation Army.

Many clubs held "Back to School" dances donating school supplies to many different agencies who help less fortunate children with school supplies.

The clubs that were dark for the summer months are now back to dancing their regular times. Some clubs are having new dancer lessons and some won't start lessons until Jan. or Feb.

The Swap & Swing club is going back to dancing on the 4th Sat. each month starting Sept. 22nd. The current state directory will have the correct information.

The Washington Evergreen Council advised that the Jeans & Calico Club in Goldendale, WA. will have their last dance in April 2013. This might be the end of operation as a club.

The Checkerboard Squares and Country Capers participated in the Gresham "Teddy Bear" parade on the morning of Friday, Sept. 29th. This is an annual event for these clubs.

The Country Cut-Ups will celebrate their 52nd anniversary on Oct. 6th with Roger Putzler calling. Their annual Pancake Breakfast is Sunday, Oct. 21st.

On Oct. 8th the PAC sponsored a Youth Dance at the Milwaukie Community Club. There were 24 adults and 6 youths in attendance. We are saddened that more youths from Canby Cloverleafs, Floor Dusters, and Silver City Knights did not attend. However, it was a fun dance and we were able to donate $190.61 to the Youth Fund. $70.61 of this was collected at a PAC meeting. The caller & Cuer charged a very minimal price and the PAC paid this as well as Milwaukie Community Club donated the hall use.

Several clubs are hosting Halloween dances during the month of October. See your OFN for advertising of these dances.

Jackie Gale is the new first Friday cuer for the Chaps & Petticoats.

The next PAC 45th Friday dance will be on November 30th at the Oak Grove Community Center. All details as to caller (Scot Zinser) & cuer, etc. will be in the ON. Mid-Winter is invited to have a table to sell ribbons at this dance.

Rogue Sis Q Council: Lori McIntosh

Thank you to the Portland Area Council for this weekend of festivities, fun and providing a place for meetings.

Rogue Sis Q Council is encouraged with an increase in several classes for beginning square dancers. The television ad appears to have been success to provide square dance information to several communities within the council area, and outside the area. A few calls were received for South Coast Interstate Highlanders councils.

Charlie Brown Squares are up a running again. The square dance hall has been put together after Chuck Simpkins sanded and re-varnished the floors. The floors look beautiful again. Many Charlies have had a busy summer visiting clubs and festivals. There were 19 Charlies who traveled to Central Oregon Round-up and received the boot for having one of the largest number of traveling club members, there was another club with the same number of member who received the boot also. Several Charlies were also seen dancing at the Courier Parking lot rummage sale, Josephine County Fair, Douglas County Fair, Oregon State Fair, Battle Rock Weekend, and Circle N Squares Birthday dance. Several Club members got together for the annual club picnic, a family of new dancers opened their home and swimming pool for a barbeque and swimming afterwards. The club started new classes September 28 new students. Students have continued to role in to class the next three weeks, we have more than seven squares on the floor during beginning square dance class. Many of the new students noted seeing the television ad enticed them to attend class. The angels have been vital during each class. In October is the Coats for Kids dance, where we collect coats for kids in the community. November is Toys for Tots month, collecting toys to be distributed by the young marines. December 1st is the Charlies Birthday dance with

Circle N Squares, our California club, has been trucking along with a small group of square dancers. All council clubs had members attend the birthday dance September 15th. The Charlie Brown Squares went dark for a visitation to the birthday dance. Rodger Putler dazzled the dancers with his unique mainstream and plus calls. Pear Blossom Festival committee made the birthday dance a visitation as well. The club has started new classes in September and hopes to see an increase in students this year.

Lantz's Dancers have started new classes and are encouraged with an increased number of new students. The club is struggling to survive and appreciate the support from all square dancers. They are sending the motto from Dave Berry: "Nobody cares if you can dance well. Just get up and dance".

Star Promenaders new classes have seen a high numbers of new students dancers, with 25 students the first night, September 13th.. The Stars are offering free classes for the next three months to beginner square dance students. This was a success last year when every student joined the club when mainstream lessons were complete. The Star's have several demos planned in the next few months, the first will be a booth at the Talent festival October 6th where the dancers will be dancing from 10am to 4pm. One of the members will be coordinating dates, times, and places for demo dances. A visitation was made by 14 club members to the Beachcombers on Battle Rock weekend. Club members enjoyed dancing in the hall and on the beach and playing Mexican Train Dominoes.

South Coast Council: Cathy (Ron) Woodworth given by Coleeta Quigley

Sets in Order have had lots of exposure to the public this summer and have many new people interested in joining the lessons beginning in October. Their 66th Birthday dance is coming up October 13, with Dale Roberson and Denise Harris doing the honors of calling and cueing. They are hoping that their many dancing friends from far and near will be joining in the fun. President David Lillie and his wife Shari have been an exciting part of the club this year, adding that young, enthusiastic attitude to the club.

Saints n Aints recently danced in the Fun Festival Parade with members of Sets in Order. Their new dancer class will start on October 14.

Beachcombers had a successful Battle Rock Festival this year with dancers from all over Oregon and California. Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper did a great job of calling and cueing as

usual, plus fun and fellowship among the field of campers is always a big part of the fun. The club has been working hard getting ready for winter, recently making repairs to the hall, a new roof and painting the building. The club hopes to be able to offer lessons again this year if there is enough interest.

Tualatin Valley Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers

The TVC is in full swing with lessons and weekend dances planned. As a council we have made up our dance schedule for the upcoming year.

New Years Eve this year will be at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro with the Wild Cards calling and Randy Lewis cueing.

March 30th will be the annual tri-council dance with TVC being the host.

June 29th will be our annual Hahn Barn Dance and picnic down by the pond with KC Curtis serving as caller MC and Ken Pratt as cuer MC with talent from the floor.

TVC will be hosting the State Meeting at the Kinton Grange on September 22nd. The dance will be at the grange also on Saturday the 21st.

November 30 we are hosting a Round Dance Party, Phase II-IV with a pre-round session of Phase V&VI rounds

That will bring us back to our New Years Eve 2013 at the IOOF Hall.

Vivian Fairburn reminded us that LaDauna's email address for cards is doughartzell2@gmail.com. It is printed on page 21 of the directory, the same as Doug's.

Also do not forget to pick up your paperwork from the file box that were put in late. Also do not forget to pick up some of the extra OFNs.


Steve & Valerie Murphy:

Shortly after the last State Meeting we headed to McCloud Dance Country for a week of dancing with Mike Sikorsky and Chuck & Sandi Weiss. The weather was great and the dancing very educational.

The following week we headed for the Sisters Roundup. I got to cue a little and I believe the festival was bigger than last year. That's great news for Central Oregon. After the Sisters Roundup we stayed an extra day in Bend and checked out a few places in Prineville. We looked at where 2 of Prineville's clubs dance and we looked at the school where the 2014 Summerfest will be.

Two weeks later we flew to Nashville to board the Queen of the Mississippi on her maiden voyage. She is a paddlewheel that is the replacement for the Delta Queen. We watched as a bottle of champagne was smashed across her bow as she was named. We spent a week traveling from Nashville to St Louis cruising on the Cumberland and Mississippi rivers. We did a

Round Dance demonstration on board and got a lot of questions asked about dancing. During the cruise we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary.

Right now we are in Colorado Springs for a reunion of the Army unit I served with in Vietnam. This is the first time I've ever attended a reunion and it should be interesting.

Al Wolf & Gail Domine:

This summer has been filled with River City Dancers activities. In July we attended the club campout at Cougar, Washington and in August our annual picnic in Canby. What great weather we have had for outdoor events!

Labor Day Weekend we were at Mount Hood Village in Welches. This is also an annual square dance event. Dan Preedy was the caller and various cuers filled in for

John Juhring. He was unable to attend due to his wife's recent surgery. We stayed in a quaint little cabin called Cabins Creekside. It would have been more impressive if the creek right outside our room was not dried up.

On September 8 we were the chairpersons for a Youth Dance sponsored by the PAC. KC Curtis and Debbie Combs did a great job as caller and cuer. We were disappointed in the low attendance, but a great time was had by all. 24 adults and 6 youth participated.

October 26-28 will be our annual club beach trip in Lincoln City. The following weekend we will be on vacation in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico.

Bill & Annadale Rooper:

This is our Swan Song...

What a rush way back 5 years ago when Jim and Kay Rogers appointed us Goodwill Ambassadors.

Goodness, what does that mean?? We went to the Practices and Procedures to see what Square Dance Ambassadors do. Well it seems we do what we've been doing all along and that's what we did. What a blast.

We've attended all, I think, the state meetings in places we probably wouldn't have visited other wise and learning the geography of our state; Summer and Winter Festivals, special dances, visitations, benefits, parades, demos and angling as well as the involvement in two National Conventions. All the time, keeping up and promoting our favorite activity in our own club in The Dalles.

We will miss the fun and camaraderie of visiting other clubs. Bill will continue as Financial Advisor for the state for another year. Maturity is creeping up so we must slow down. We will continue to push square dancing as the best social exercise there is. We love it---


Floyd Bard: What I have for good of the order is in regards to the delegate's meeting with the officers being a one half hour after the meeting. I actually think it should be 30 minutes as a group and then break out into delegates and officers groups. So that whatever is being discussed as a group could be addressed at the meeting. I would like to present a gift to the outgoing President. Mr. Jones, I am going to give your lovely wife, Zola, a gift certificate to McMenamins.

To make sure we go out to dinner and you are on your best behavior. I would also like to give a gift certificate to Lee and Barbi Ashwill, which is also a gift certificate to McMenamins. Al & Fran Westfall, who are here today, were our Presidents 35 years ago.

Mark Engerman: On behalf of the Checkerboard Squares and our sister club, Country Capers, we would like to thank you for all your kind words. We enjoyed having you here. My wife made all the desserts and there are some left. There are some muffins my wife made and we would like you to take some with you.

Lee Ashwill: Nobody gets out of this room without having bought a mid-winter ribbon.

We are trying to save money for Mid-Winter. One thing we did was present to the Emerald Empire a proposal researched by Dave Cameron, to purchase a storage container for the Mid-Winter supplies. The Emerald Empire approved it. They invested $4,800 and it is now on the grounds at the fairgrounds. We can keep it there for nothing, which saves us the $132 a month for storage we have been paying, plus the $500 to have it delivered here every year come to $2,000 a year. Mid-Winter will continue to pay the $132 a month until the container is paid for. It will be paid for in less than three years. Then we will have the extra $2,000 a year to split with the Emerald Empire.

Janet Belcoff: We are from the 61st National Square Dance Committee would like to share a few words from Don and Sheryl Pruitt. "We would like to thank the Oregon Dancers that attended the convention, as well as all the volunteers who helped us put it on. You were great and we really appreciate your being there. We would also like to say Thank You to Lee and Barbi for serving as our advisors. We couldn't have done it without you. Thank You very, very much." Our counts are complete. Registered dancers 5,545; Standard Registrations were 88; Visitors Ribbons were 198; and guests 104. That makes a total of 6,235. That is the largest convention ever held in Spokane at the Convention Center. And as Don Pruitt proclaimed "We got 'er did!" We are very proud and thank you for being a part of our convention.

Marilyn Schmit: Just a reminder that I still have some directories left. If you would like one, they are $3. I would like to get rid of what I have left. Come see me today or send me an email. I'll mail them to you. And as your new Historian, I am charging each of you between now and January to take a picture, find a newspaper article, from each of you for the January meeting. You will have to take the picture and bring it to me as I do not do photos. I have 30 pictures from the state fair I am going to put in. I have picture of Muddy Frogs on a float at Muddy Frogwater. I have an article on Vince Till of Silverton, who is a Willamette Square. And I have an article on the Walt and, MarieLou Eager, from Corvallis Squares on their being Green. So I have a start on my historian stuff, and no I am asking you to contribute your fair share.

David Cooper: This is your last chance to sign up for Shaniko. The board is in the back. We want to get the food on Friday. We have 53 coming. When you appointed Mr. Ashwill to be in charge of visitations, I guess that is about banner stealing. You may not know that at the last meeting in K Falls, Mr. Ashwill stole the banner off the wall and I got blamed for it. I don't think he is the one to appoint to a position like this. (Followed by a lot of laughter).

Floyd Bard: I forgot to report I got a letter from the Adaptive Riding Institute. It said we had donated from our benefit dance over $2,300. Our Federation has donated over $22,700.

Harriett Livingston: I represent SSDUSA. That is the Single Square Dancers USA. They have a convention every year over Labor Day Weekend. They dance on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They are having trouble finding states that will host these conventions. This year a member from Portland attended and was a roommate with the President of SSDUSA. This friend recommended

Harriett to host the convention in 2015. What I am asking is 16 committees. Singles, Solos, and Teens. I would like you to go to your clubs and have singles, solos, and teens serve on a committee. I can go into Washington for volunteers also. I have been on a lot of committees to help other events.

Barbi Ashwill: What city is this being considered for?

Harriett: Portland, at the airport is what I am being told. Their organization will come to Portland and scope out the hotels and they will be at the airport. The attendance at the last four years is between 300 and 500. I am aware that I won't get 16 committees.

ADJOURN: Dave Cooper moved to adjourn Kay Rogers 2nd.

Meeting adjourned.
November Meeting Cancelled
Mid-Winter meeting
Hosted by Emerald Empire Council
January 27, 2013 9:30 am
Phoenix Inn Meeting Room
Albany, Oregon
Respectfully Submitted,
Kay Rogers
Recording Secretary