MINUTES OF MEETING dated May 19, 2013
Hosted by Umpqua Area Council
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg, Oregon

President Vivian Fairburn called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.


This meeting is being recorded.


Elected Officers: All present except: Recording Secretary, Kay Rogers (Alternate Dale Worthington); Corresponding Secretary, LaDauna (Alternate Patty Reese); Treasurer, Barbi Ashwill; Insurance, Kay Rogers; Financial Advisor Bill Rooper.

Appointed Officers: All present except: BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert; Youth Scholarship, Kathy Roberts (Alternate Tim Roberts); ORDTA, Ken Pratt (Alternate Sarge Glidewell); State Trailers, Floyd Bard.

Delegates: All present except: Central Oregon, Doug & LaDauna Hartzell (Alternate Patty Reese); Tualatin Valley, Jim & Kay Rogers (Alternate Kathy Worthington).

Goodwill Ambassadors: All present

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Ray Jones

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Dave Cooper


Dale Worthington: The Minutes were posted on the Website. Are there any corrections or changes?

Cece Glidewell: On page 8, Unfinished Business, Motion to eliminate the May and September State Meetings, it should be November not September.

Ray Jones: I move that the Minutes be accepted as changed. Seconded by Dave Cooper. Motion carried.


MIDWINTER: Frank & Kathy Dietz

Absent No report!

PRESIDENT: Vivian Fairburn

I have a committee of three people who will be counting the ballots. They are John Guches, Chuck Quigley, and Ricky Lobato

The garden is flourishing with ideas throughout the state. There is quite a bit of interest in the articles and ideas that have been flowing. Many of the ideas are new and many are redundant throughout the area. It is heartening to see the workshops and meetings that are happening to discuss ideas for recruitment and retention of square dancers.

Now that we are aware of the special challenges we face, we need to

to prioritize them and find solutions. The ideas that are forthcoming are just new ways to address the old issues. What we now need is new ideas to structure our organization in new ways.

What can we do with dancers who don't want to commit to volunteer their time? What can we do with clubs losing membership? How can we help newer callers become more effective? Do we need to combine clubs within the same area to share callers and dances yet keep their independence? Do we need to create a council unit to plan and coordinate dances and hire callers and cuers and allow dancers to enjoy themselves without the commitment of volunteerism?

These are questions which need to be answered. We need to find a way to restructure ourselves in new ways to meet the future.

I have appointed Floyd Bard to chair a Standing Committee to help us with the next stage. This committee will include some credible, experienced people to reach out to the clubs and hopefully help them implement their ideas. Everything has to start at the club level. We think it will help to have a committee to meet with clubs to share ideas and resources that they wouldn't necessarily do on their own. This Committee will be the Landscapers. I hope you will avail yourselves of what they have to offer.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper (Patty Reese)

No written report, but do have a report about LaDauna Hartzell. She did spend a night at the hospital. The doctor thought she may have had a mini stroke. They have headed home and will see their family doctor. She seems to be in good spirits.

2013 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Mark & Beverly Engerman

Absent No report received.

2014 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Lee & Barbi Ashwill

Absent No report received.

2014 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Jim Rich - Alternate Patty Reese

The Committee had a shocking surprise just after Mid-Winter Festival.

We found out the biggest annual event in Prineville was scheduled for the same weekend as our festival, even though we had been assured it was on a different weekend every year. After much back and forth we rescheduled so those attending the festival will have motel rooms available. The callers, cuers and facility have been rescheduled for the weekend before...June 19th-22nd. We have flyers and registration forms in the printing process, ribbons are ordered and our t-shirts are hot off the press. Our promotion committee has a fantastic After Party planned for Troutdale complete with singing and food. You won't want to miss it. Our goal is to prove that a successful Summer Festival can happen off the I-5 corridor.


Things are still running smoothly. We are still profitable even though the number of subscriptions this month are down to 740. What is interesting is that more than 22% of the subscribers do not belong to a club. Another fact that was uncovered is that from 2010 to 2012, 26% of the subscribers didn't belong to a club.

Also in that period of time, almost 100 new dancer $3 subscriptions were signed up but were not renewed.

In 10 years we have lost 200 subscribers, yet the Federation has lost several thousand Federated dancers. We have discovered that we have a core of subscribers who value the magazine and appreciate the format and what it has to offer.

It is my hope that by next year we will consider an online magazine with a small newsletter in print for those who don't have email or computer access. Thecosts would be considerably less as our printing costs would be decreased. Also, the value of being online is more flexibility in format and more benefits to all clubs to promote their events.

As with the future of the OFN, all things change. After producing 116 issues over 10 years and almost 5000 hours, I formally resign as OFN Editor effective June 1, 2013. There is a plan in motion to replace me which will be discussed under New Business. I have enjoyed the work and appreciate the support of all those who have embraced the new concepts that we have continually added over the years. I have enjoyed working with all the club and council members who have worked with me so willingly and appreciate all they have done.

2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Dale (Kathy) Worthington

We were looking at putting the State Directory on-line however we will be postponing it for a year. I have asked Marilyn Schmit if she would assist me with the Directory for this year and she has agreed.


Thank you, Dale, for taking the minutes. Please email me your reports.


The following cards were mailed between Feb and May 2013.

Get Well Cards:
Bo DallasNeal Harringto Vivian Fairburn
Judy Gelmstedt-BosDwight JacobsenWalt Eby
Ann SkoePhil LindsayDennis Rosse
Dorothy Sullivan

Sympathy Cards:
Pat Faires (loss of mother)Don Bramhall (loss of wife)
Suzette Juhring (loss of husband)Family of Pat Hintz
Nesbett's (loss of daughter)Jiggs Freeman (loss of wife)
Merri Anne Huber (loss of longtime male friend)

Thinking of you cards for various illnesses:
Myrt Powell
Fran Bunch

TREASURER: Barbi (Lee) Ashwill

Absent No report received.

MEMBERSHIP: Norma (Gary) Sohn

Most of the clubs are up-to-date with their Corporations fees paid. However, I had to send renewal reminders to five clubs that they were overdue with their payment. Hopefully all clubs will be current by the end of this month

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers

Keep up the good work!

PAST PRESIDENT: Ray (Zola) Jones

Annual Benefit Dance

The Benefit Dance was not enthusiastically supported by our organization. We can thank those who participated, as well as our callers Lenny Ludiker, and George Hermann, and our cuer Patty Hermann, and Chuck Eddings (our MC), for an excellent job.

A special thanks for a generous donation from Independence Wagon Wheelers, and the Emerald Empire Area Council.

It is time we take a serious look at how, when, and why we do this community service. I will be asking our Delegates and Officers to give this some thought in the future!

Our total income was $753.00, less expenses.

Randall Award

I have received one nomination for the Randall Award at this time. Remember, these nominations are due back to me at the Summer Festival meeting. If any additional information is needed, visit the federation website, or check P & P's, Sect. VII, page 23. If you wish to resubmit nominations from last year please contact me!

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts

Nothing to report this time, but I'm guessing I'll be plenty busy after the ballots are counted.

Remember, if you know there are things in your P&P job description that are not accurate, please type up the way it should be and send them to me. The P&Ps are supposed to reflect the way we really do things.

PUBLICITY/STATE REPORTER: Kathy (Dale) Worthington

Kathy reported that the booklet Dale was working on is finished and Tim is posting it on our web site. She handed out several books to those at the meeting.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Annadale) Rooper

No Report.

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

No report.



Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP. I have provided a memo to the Chairs of the 2013 Summer Festival, for their use in complying with the BMI and ASCAP requirements.


The OFRSDC will be awarding two $500 scholarships this year. Both youth dancers are tremendous assets to their clubs. Their names will be announced during Summer Festival.

Thank you to the area delegates who sent me your youth dancer information.

If there are any councils who collected donations for the Youth Scholarship Fund since the last meeting, please give it to our treasurer Barbi Ashwill. Thank you TVC Toe Draggers for your $15.80 donation to the OFSRDC Youth Educational Scholarship Fund.

I have not received our date and time for our youth dancing at the State Fair, yet. When I have the information, I will send out an email.

If you have any youth in your federated clubs who would like to attend any state sponsored activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available.

ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt, Read by Sarge Glidewell

Members at the recent ORDTA meeting again voted unanimously to continue to print the long cues for Rounds-of-the-Month in the OFN. (They don't need front-page placement; just somewhere in the magazine.) It was previously suggested that the long cue sheets be posted on the ORDTA website, and that will be done, also.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Goldie (Earl) Restorff:

During the past year I have been able to communicate more with the councils Round Dance Coordinators via email. This has saved postage costs. Only a few of the councils still wish to receive by snail mail. I will still be mailing certificates to the people who choreographed the song chosen. I learned last evening that the Umpqua Council Coordinator is stepping down and Neil Koozer is to be his replacement.

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts:

As your clubs fill out the membership forms online, if you get feedback from them, please pass it along to me. I can't improve things if I don't know what people hate.

Please remember to check the information about your clubs and councils on the web site once in a while, and drop me a note if something is out of date.

Also, as a quick reminder, remember that you have to file your Form 990-N EVERY YEAR. If you skip it two years in a row, you will lose your tax-exempt status in the third year.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

I emailed the coordinators for the fairgrounds about a month ago and about a week ago with no reply. He said that he would have some information ready for this meeting. Since I have nothing at this time, delegates please watch your emails for dates and times when they become available. I will accept clubs and councils who wish to participate. I already have the youth on the list because I was unable to accommodate them last year.

STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard

The State Trailers are doing well, there was a flat tire on one trailer and it was fixed for free, because one tire on the other trailer was so badly weather checked it needed to be replaced. I received bids from $130 to $102. I chose the $102 tire. Other repairs are sanding and resurfacing and filling in spots where the plywood was showing wear. I also added flashing to cover the ends of the plywood and i bought a 2-5/16 hitch ball for the extension on the rear of one of the trailers. Total cost for repairs so far is $137.84. I may have more expenses when I finish trailer #2 before it goes out.

Trailers are being used as follows:

Trailer 1 - Lebanon Square Circlers (Frank Cawrse/Bill Jesky), May 25 - June 5.

Sweet Home Squarenaders (Dan Allen/Roger Dorsey), July 4 and July 14.

Trailer 2 - Mark Engerman - Twilight Parade June 1-2.

Chaps and Petticoats (Betty Chipps) July 4, July 20, August 10.


Absent, no report.


After discussing the needs and requirements of our Federation meetings, the Sound System Committee has come up with a set of recommendations. The details of our recommended setup are below. The basic concept is that we will have two PA systems with built-in speakers that can be daisy-chained together. Each PA system can handle three inputs. We will have two wired microphones (one dedicated for the president, one dedicated for the audience), and two wireless microphones, one for each half of the room. We will have two relatively lightweight speaker stands to hold the two systems. Each PA system weighs 18 pounds. The speaker stands come with a carrying bag.

All of this equipment is available at Guitar Center. They are a nationwide retail chain with several stores in the Portland area, so we will have a live person to go to if there are problems. The prices below are from the Guitar Center web site, and include several equipment bundles. In addition, Guitar Center has regular sales that we may be able to take advantage of.
KustomPW50Amp and speaker$1002$200
ProLinePLSP1Pair of speaker stands$801$80
ShurePGX24/SM58Mic, wireless xmitter, wireless recvr$3001$300
ShurePGX2/SM58Mic, wireless xmitter$2001$200
ShureSM58Mic with stand and cable$1101$110
ShureSM58Mic by itself$1001$100

We will also need a 12' cable for the president's mic, and a 12' cable to connect the two PA systems. We should add about $50 to cover these additional cables.

Thus, we recommend that the Federation authorize the spending of $1,100 to purchase a replacement sound system. This sound system should carry us well into the future, and its light weight should represent much less of a burden on the 2nd Vice President.

We would like to acknowledge the assistance and advice of Ralph Lambert. Ralph also believes he may be help us dispose of the existing equipment.

Vivian Fairburn: Do we have a motion to accept this Sound System Proposal?

Zola Jones: I make a motion to accept the Proposal by the Sound System committee for a new sound system at a cost of $1,100.00. Seconded by Ray Jones. Discussion?

Dave Cooper: What funds will this come from to pay for the sound system? Whose budget is this coming out of?

Vivian Fairburn: It will come out of General Funds. It will come out of this year's funds.

Ron Schmit: How long are the cords? Should have at least a 40 footer.


  1. Constitutional Amendment Change: Eliminate May and November State Meeting.

    Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs By-Laws be amended to eliminate the May and November State Meeting." At this time you can vote it down and make a new one for November or amend the motion to just November and not May.

    Frank Schuchard: I move that we amend the proposal to only eliminating the November State meeting. Motion seconded by Ray Jones. Discussion followed. Motion to amend the proposal passed.

    Vivian Fairburn: The motion on the floor now is "Shall the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs By-Laws be amended to eliminate the November State Meeting." Motion passed. The Corresponding Secretary will send proposal out to be voted on by the clubs.

    Dave Cooper: I have a question. This amendment will eliminate the November meeting. The original amendment was to eliminate the May and November meeting. I am confused because someone also wanted the May meeting eliminated but we just did the November meeting.

    David Stutzman: I make a motion to eliminate the May meeting.

    Vivian Fairburn: Motion died due to lack of Second.


The delegates recommended the November meeting should be eliminated but keep the May meeting.



  1. Results of Ballots - Vivian Fairburn: President, Dave Cooper; 1st Vice President, Dale Worthington; 2nd Vice President, Lisa Kious; Treasurer, Marilyn Schmit; Membership Coleeta Quigley; Recording Secretary, LaDauna Hartzell; Corresponding Secretary, Sylvia Davis.

    I will now entertain a motion to destroy the ballots.

    Dale Worthington moved; Cece Glidewell 2nds. Motion passed.

    Vivian Fairburn: The Constitutional amendment "Shall the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Constitution be amended to merge the positions of Publicity/State Reporter and Education Chairperson into a single position called Publicity & Education Chairperson." That proposal passed.

    The Constitutional Amendment "Shall the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Constitution and Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs By-Laws be amended to merge the positions of Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary into a single position called Secretary." That proposal passed.

    The publicity & Education Chairperson and I will entertain a motion as to the effective date.

    Dale Worthington: I make the motion that the effective date of the combination of the Publicity/State Reporter and Education Chairperson be September 1, 2013. Motion seconded by Ray Jones. Discussion followed. Motion passed.

    Lorri McIntosh: I make a motion to reconsider the effective date of the combination of the Publicity/State Reporter and Education Chairperson. Motion seconded by Ray Jones. Motion to reconsider passed.

    Lorri McIntosh: I move to amend the motion to have the combination take place on September 1, 2014. Motion Seconded by David Stutzman. Motion passed.

    Lorri McIntosh: I move that the combination of the Publicity/State Reporter and Education Chairperson be effective September 1, 2014. Motion seconded by Coleeta Quigley. Motion passed.

    Vivian Fairburn: I will now entertain a motion of the effective date of the Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary.

    Lorri McIntosh: I move to combine the Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary into the position of Secretary effective September 1, 2014. Motion seconded by Dave Cooper. Motion passed.

  2. OFN Editor Bid - Ray Jones: I move that the Federation Board accept the recommendation of the Past Officers of the Federation of contracting River Graphics to manage and operate the Oregon Federation News in the current format with a transition start date of June 1, 2013 and finishing by August 31, 2013. Motion seconded by Cece Glidewell. Discussion followed. Motion passed.
  3. 2015 Summer Festival - Vivian Fairburn: This was put on the schedule because it is time to start looking at bids. I know of one that is being considered, is there any others that are thinking of putting on the 2015 Summer Festival?

    Cece Glidewell: Still doing some research and checking with clubs and the available facilities. We are also looking at getting with Rogue Sis-Q Council to put one on.

    Vivian Fairburn: I will put this on the agenda for the July meeting. By that time the other interested council will know for sure.

  4. Charity Dance - Vivian Fairburn: Ray alluded to the charity dance that we had only 30 some people and maybe we need to rethink how we handle the charity dance as a State sponsored dance. Maybe we need to do it through the councils.

    I am appointing a committee of Ray Jones, myself, and Frank Schuchard to come up with some ideas for the July meeting.


Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard


The Buckeroo Round Up is June is 7, 8 and 9th. Eric Henerlau will be Calling and Tami Helms will be Cueing. Scott & Erin Byars from California have agreed to call and cue in 2015 and 2016.

This month we held our elections for officers for the coming year.

Our April 27th Dance was dedicated to Pat Hintz and our cuer, Neil, cued mostly songs that Pat had choreographed.

Dancing Friends

No report.

Pioneer 'N' Petticoats

They are dark except for the Wildlife Safari Benefit Dance which is June 9th.

It is the afternoon after our Round Up ends so folks can plan on making a trip out to the Wildlife Safari and dancing if they are in town for our Round Up. It is from 1:00 - 4:30.

Timber 8's Plus club

Although Timber 8's is a plus club, they decided to have their Birthday Dance April 27th called at the mainstream level with a few plus calls, they had a great turn out.

The club will be DARK until September.

Umpqua Area Council

July 10 - 13 Douglas County Fair. Square dancers get in free if they are wearing their badge and square dance attire. We dance in the evenings, near the front gate. Caller and Cuer line up TBA. Blue Mountains Council: David Stutzman

No report, I should mention to call ahead if you are going to a dance.

Central Oregon Council: Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell


The Bachelor Beauts lessons have been going really well, with a large enthusiastic group of beginners.

On March 2nd, they had approx 30 Red Rocks visiting them for a fun night of dancing.

The Bachelor Beauts held their annual Luau Birthday dance on April 3rd this year with Dan Preedy calling and Ken Pratt cueing. This was their 50th b/d.


The Red Rocks had their Sweetheart Dance with Scott Zinzer caller and Dave Cooper cueing. It was a great dance with lots of red and white and heartd. The Sweetheart couple for 2013 was Dave Cooper and Patty Reese, and they were totally surprised.

There was a motion to eliminate the May and November meetings. This was voted on and approved. There will be a May meeting this year, but November is already eliminated and so from 2014 on both May and Nov meetings will not be..

April 5th was our Crazy Apron dance and there were some really CRAZY aprons, but also a great time was had by all.

Lessons are still going well with over 30 new dancers still hanging in there. In fact some of those new dancers have already joined our club. Yeah THANKS to Dave Cooper and Patty Reese.


The Mountaineers FIESTA Birthday dance was held on May 10th with Jim Hattrick calling and cueing. Food was excellent and dance was great. Jim always does a great job of calling wherever he is.

Ron Bliven will be back to calling around May 24th. We have heard that he is doing great.



On our dance Mar 23, they had a total of 7 squares, with a visitation from the Bachelor Beauts.

Lessons continue on Tuesday & Thursdays with 12 new students and Jim Steele as instructor. The Shufflers are also doing A1/A2 lessons with Jim Steele and have two squares. The Shufflers visited the Mavericks in March and had a visitation to the Red Rocks in April.

The Shufflers and the Mavericks hosted the Council Dance on March 30 with hot dogs, chips, salads, etc. before the dance. It was a huge success with a great turn-out from Central Oregon clubs.

Emerald Empire Council: Zola (Ray) Jones

How does our garden grow?-our area is planting seeds to sprout:

On Saturday, March 30 the Emerald Empire Area Council sponsored a special 'Workshop', in response of the ideas and request to the council by an enthusiastic and concerned dancer from one of our clubs. This workshop covered ideas for Recruitment and Retention of dancers, and was facilitated by state president, Vivian Fairburn as a special guest. (see her president's column in the May OFN). A great turnout of 44 attended; including new dancers, experienced dancers of many years who are active in clubs and council, and callers & cuers! The small groups breakout session produced over 200 ideas, which in the general session were condensed into 36 Recruitment ideas and 54 Retention ideas. Through follow-up e-mails after this workshop, attendees were asked to choose 5 of the ideas from each of the two topics. The percentage results were distributed to those who responded, and also brought to the April council meeting. The council then appointed a committee of a Chairman couple, a co-chairman, a council representative, caller representative, cuer representative, new dancer representative to be selected, and delegates from five clubs. This committee is to review the results report and come to the May 20 council meeting with suggestions-especially for Recruitment so we can work with clubs to get things going in time for beginning of lessons in September.

One of our area clubs; the "Boots and Sandals" of Cottage Grove has changed to a 'Traveling Club' designation due to the loss of their dance hall 'barn', they had danced in for over 40 years and has become unuseable because of structural damage. On Friday, May 31 they will be having a special 60th Birthday Dance at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield.

The Whirl-A-Ways club's annual Pie and Homemade Ice Cream dance on June 22 will also include a "Silent Auction" of many special items to raise funds for a wonderful cause; the World War II Veteran's "Honor Flight" which takes the veterans to Washington D.C. to be honored at the new World War II Memorial. Also Whirl-A-Ways are 'dark' in July and August.

Safe travels to all, and we look forward to seeing everyone again for a special Time in July at Summer Festival. Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell

Interstate Highlanders: The June 5th Saturday Dance is cancelled. They will plan another dance later this year.

KC Squares: The new dancer graduation on May 9 was great fun. Recruitment ideas continue to be solicited for next season's class. They are planning dance Demos and summer events. The KCs will be dark for the June 15 party night so they can visit the Circle'N Squares club in Yreka, CA for their annual Gold Diggers Dance. The Klamath Country Squares Facebook page is up and running. Please give us a visit and invite any pals you might have to visit as well. Mid-Willamette Area Council: Harriett Livingston

We are continuing to keep our gardens growing with suggestions that have been made as we go along. Some of those suggestions are being used by some of the clubs. Is it helping? Out come from changes take time we can only hope for the best. President, Vivian Fairburn encouraged the clubs to make a change, even a small one, to see if there is any improvement.

Earlier in the year a list was made of general changes we thought would make our gardens grow. At various meeting we have taken one of those ideas and expanded it to more concrete suggestions which some of the clubs have adopted. Is it working? Time being the key word means we will just have to wait and see. A recent topic was countering negativity. We were able to come up with 9 suggestions to prevent this from happening or at least down playing it. Leonard Snodgrass suggested a book "The Law of Attraction" by Steve Pavilna. It is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, on can bring about positive or negative change. Simply stated it says that one attracts into one's life whatever one thinks about.

There has been some discussion regarding guidelines for "visitations/banner stealing" one undisputed guideline now is: callers do not have to be present at these events.

There is a change in the way eligible new dancers received their New Dancers Ambassador bar. Originally they were given the bar to the dancer when/if they attended an Area meeting. Now it is given to the dancers at the last New Dancer's Dance which is an Areas dance.

Cherry City Cloggers had 90 cloggers in attendance for their annual "Oldies but Goodies" special event. Cloggers past and present are invited to participate.

The Silver Knights and Silver Dragons, the youth group from Silver City Squares, attended the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival in Renton Washington the first weekend in May. There were 7 squares in the junior level; they had such a good time they are already looking forward to next year. There were two within the group that are interested in becoming a caller and had an opportunity to test the water during the Festival.

Barbi Ashwill, State Treasurer and with husband Lee are Chairmen of next year's Mid-Winter Festival attended a meeting asking for input regarding the Mid-Winter festivities. The comments expressed were so noted and felt some changes can be made. Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)

Several clubs have or are about to celebrate anniversaries. The Bachelor 'N' Bachelorettes celebrated their 48th on April 17th. The Buzzin' Bees celebrated their 55th on April 20th. The Country Capers celebrated their 57th on May 4th. The Happy Hoppers turned 54 on March 16th. The Oaky Doaks were 53 on May 4th. River City Dancers will celebrate their 23rd anniversary on June 8th. Swap & Swing will be 64 today, May 19th. Silver Stars turned 33 on April 13th.

Bill and Neva Reid have resigned as Swap & Swing caller & cuer. They will, however, call and cue for the club on occasion. The Checkerboard Squares and the Country Capers who dance on opposite Saturdays at the Rockwood Grange are starting "talks" as to the possibility of merging. Hopefully they will come to an agreement as both of their memberships are quite small. As of April, the Silver Stars are dancing on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month at the Hazel Dell Grange in Vancouver. May 3rd was the last dance for the Columbia Gorge Plus Club as they go dark for the summer. They will resume dancing in October.

There will be a "Star Spangled" Memorial weekend of plus dancing on May 24-26th at the Oak Grove Community Center. Randy Dibble and Richard Lane will call and Jeanine Norden & Tami Helms will cue. See add on Page 31 of the May OFN. Rogue Sis Q Council: Lori McIntosh

This starts the year for festivals and fun at Rogue Sis-Q Council.

Pear Blossom Square Dance Festival, April 12th and 13th was a success. Charlie Fagan and Christina Corelli kept dancing fun and exciting. Charlie Fagan joined the parade calling for the dancers on the parade float.

From the Charlie Brown Squares, thank you to Emerald Empire Area Council for having a mystery visitation and bringing 40+ dancers last night. Circle 8's took their banner back home as they brought a square plus to the visitation.

Charlie Brown Squares participated in the annual Magical Merlin Parade on May 4.This year was Western Days, everyone wore traditional square dance attire and prairie skirts. The float was decorated with saddles, Charlie Brown and the gang characters, and colorful streamers, winning another trophy for the showcase. Charlie Brown Squares sponsored an OFN subscription dance with several new subscriptions and renewing subscriptions for the OFN.

The next festival will be Boatnik in Grants Pass during Memorial Weekend with dancing on a float and every night at the hall. Don't miss the parade, fun, and festivities.

Lantz Dantzers turned "21" at their Birthday Dance, April 6th. The "Garden Party" dance was a first. We brought in our extra seeds and plants to trade and share with fellow dancers. Lily of the Valley was a popular plant for many dancers. Lantz Dantzers will continue an "Afternoon Delight" dance on the fourth Thursday of the month from 2pm to 4:30pm.

Star Promenaders are supporting new dancers at every dance, increasing the easy level dances. Club members are out dancing demos around the community. Diamond Lake Festival is coming up on July 24-27 this year. South Coast Council:

Well, our lessons didn't pan out... so we hope to begin this month or February and try it again. The three people that were coming to them just switched to Saints & Aint's for lessons. I'm so glad on the South Coast we all work together!

It is certainly the rainy time of year! Winter hit seriously in December. Made is really seem like Christmas! Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and are now starting a great New Year!

Remember----Sets-in-Order dance ONLY ONCE A MONTH NOW! The 2nd Saturday.

We are hoping many of our dancers will be at Mid-Winter. Hope to see many of you there. Tualatin Valley Council: Jim (Kay) Rogers

The Hahn Picnic and Barn Dance will be June 29th at the Hahn Farm which is a subscription to the OFN dance, each subscription gets one person in free. KC Curtis to call, Ken Pratt to cue. There will probably be callers and cuers from the floor, too.

The TVC is hosting the State Meeting on the third Saturday and fourth Sunday, September 21st & 22nd. The location will be the Kinton Grange and there will be dry RV camping available. There will be a dinner and dance on Saturday and the meeting will be on Sunday morning. Chuck Garner and Mike Stout will call, Lonnie Sycks will cue. November 30th there will be a TVC Round Dance Party. Ken Pratt will be the MC, with cuers from the floor, Phase II through IV dances will be cued. It will be at the Aloha Grange at 185th and TV Highway.


Steve & Valerie Murphy:

We missed the last meeting because we were in Colorado Springs, Colorado for an army reunion with the guys from the unit I served with in Vietnam. It was held at the Colorado Springs Embassy Suites. There were a couple hundred people there from all eras of the 22nd Infantry Regiment, from WWII thru Afghanistan and active duty soldiers from nearby Fort Carson. I did meet several people I served with but since they were in the mortar platoon I didn't recognize them. We did compare stories, though, and verified that we had indeed had some of the same experiences. This was the first army reunion I have ever gone to and I hadn't seen anyone in my old unit since I left Vietnam. The active duty soldiers of one of the Battalions of the Regiment from Fort Carson hosted the Saturday night 'Dining Out' and I have to say, the infantry still knows how to throw a hell of a party.

Shortly after we got back from Colorado we headed to Seaside for the annual Seaside Sashay. As usual the weather was not real good in October. We still had a good time dancing, though. A couple of weeks later we went to Garibaldi for the annual Garibaldi weekend teach by John Juhring and Ken Pratt. Next year Randy Lewis will be taking over for Ken Pratt. We stayed in the northwest Oregon area for the next few days and spent Thanksgiving at the Independence Elks. Every year they feed a Thanksgiving dinner to anyone and everyone that shows up, Elks or not. One night when we stayed at the Lincoln City Elks RV park the winds got up to 60+ mph. All the power went out and the local roads were closed due to fallen trees. A couple of trees in the RV park blew down and I noticed one large tree that was bending our way, so in the middle of the night I moved the RV to a clear spot in the middle of the park. I also pointed the front of the RV into the wind so we wouldn't shake as bad. We just hunkered down and hoped the wind and storm wouldn't damage the RV. We survived intact.

This week we're headed for 2 months of sun and dancing in the 'Round Dance Capital of the World', Meza, Arizona. Since it's been below freezing most days and every night in Klamath Falls for a month, we're ready for the warmer weather of Arizona. Al Wolf & Gail Domine:

We have put in a lot of hours on the dance floor since our last report. In February we attended the Benefit Dance for the victims of Hurricane Sandy at our hall. Joe Tune was the chairman with the assistance of many other dancers. Members of the Northwest Callers Association donated their time as there was continuous dancing from 1:00 PM until 10 PM. A total of $4,011.00 was raised with more donations promised.

On March 15 we attended the celebration and roast in honor of caller KC Curtis at the Toe Draggers. He had recently retired from Owen Illinois. KC and Linda graduated from lessons with the River City Dancers and will always have a special place in our hearts.

We attended the PAC 5th Friday dance on March 29. River City Dancers supplied refreshments. Les Seeley and Tami Helms were the caller and cuer. 12 squares of dancers enjoyed a delightful evening.

The following night, March 30, was the Tri-Council dance sponsored by the Evergreen Council. The Crew did both the calling and cueing. There were 36 enthusiastic squares.

April 5-7 we travelled to Pendleton to enjoy the entertainment and dancing with Deborah Carroll-Jones and her husband Jon.

April 21-28 we were on vacation at Lake Chelan in Washington. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed a boat ride on the lake, as well as the Riverwalk. A visit to a vineyard overlooking the lake was breathtaking.


Zola Jones: Lorri, regarding the video that was made, where is it?

Vivian Fairburn: Tim has it now and has volunteered to make copies.

Patty Reese: I would like to address something that I have had several people talk to me about and I have had some concerns about, and I would like some answers from the Board about the status of the Eastern Oregon Council. Kay Rogers is sponsoring a dance, Boots in the Blue Mountains. I would like to know what is the Federation's connection to that.

Vivian Fairburn: I talked to Kay about that on Friday morning. I brought it up myself because I had the same concerns. Before Eastern Oregon Council went defunct they gave her money, about $2,000, for seed money to form a new corporation to put on Boots in the Blue Mountains and continue to make dances. She assured me that the Eastern Oregon Council is no longer. But she is using the name for her own organization. Now is this something we want. I found out that, yes the money is hers. She is not running it through the squares Council Is this something we want to address? How do you want to handle it?

Patty Reese: My concern is that it is still called Eastern Oregon Council on the flyer. Are people under the impression that it is a Federated dance; it is like all the other dances. I think we should address that.

Vivian Fairburn: Does anybody have any comment? What do you think we should do? She does have a checking account and the name on the checking account is Eastern Oregon. Nobody wanted to address this issue because people are under the influence that it is a Federation insured dance.

Coleeta Quigley: And one of the festivals sponsored by the federation.

Vivian Fairburn: That is what we think, but it isn't. She gets all the money herself in her own pocket. They gave her the seed money and they folded. Now she is using the name, has her own checking account, runs her own money, if she wants to run a Summer Festival, a Seaside Sashay, or whatever, it is her money.

Coleeta Quigley: How does the State handle that as a business name?

Tim Roberts: it is none of our business. It is a corporation. All the councils are independent corporations who also happen to be members of the Federation. The same with her, except they are no longer a member of the Federation. But they are still a corporation called The Eastern Oregon Council. She happens to have kept that name and she is still insured. You can still get insurance through the Federation insurance policy, through the USDA. We could ask her to consider changing the name because of the confusion, but I don't think we have any legal authority to do so. As a courtesy it is a reasonable thing to ask.

Tim Roberts: I have two things. Of course my wife had to have something for the good of the order. Mariah Buchheit from the Silver City Squares and a junior at Silverton High School is trying to raise money as part of her senior project to purchase an Automated External Defibrillator for the Bethany Charter School in Silverton. She is hosting a fundraising dance on Friday, June 14th at the Walton Hills Community Club in Silverton. Caller and MC is Leonard Snodgrass. She is also raffling off a cute fish quilt. You can contact Kathy is you are interested in sending a donation.

The other thing, I handed out in your packet a little mini flyer to save the date for September 20th. The Tri-Squares and the Toe Draggers happen to have the same anniversary date. Last year we started to do those together. This year the theme is going to be the "Harvest Moon" dance, the day after the harvest moon. The nice thing about this is that it is also the day before the State meeting that will be held in Beaverton. So you will be there in the area and might consider dropping by. Because we do not have enough room at the Kenton the dance is at the West Hills Christian School. I can have maps to help you find it. Last year we had a good time, there were 104 people there. It was a good dance. The callers will be the Wild Cards with Jackie Gale and Bev Flint Cueing.

Marilyn Schmit: On the back table there is a Publicity Rack which you guys gave to me to be in charge of. It has been refilled with publications and other stuff. Whatever I am short on I will swipe a few as I go through the publicity display at USDA area at The National in Oklahoma City. Also on the table are six or seven bound books of OFNs for a year at a time. I was asked to bring those that I could find to the meeting for people to look at. If a delegate would like to take one of those books to show your area what a year's worth of OFNs look like, and what is in them, you can do so. I will sign it out and you can bring it back to the July meeting. Vivian has asked that they no longer be bound so the one for 2012 will be the last one. The publicity rack will be back at Summer Festival so Mark if I could have a table at Summer Festival for my publicity rack I will bring it back again. Dale and Kathy are taking part of the Oregon Display with them to Oklahoma City and we are mailing some stuff to our hotel room to put on a table. So there will be one table at the National for the Oregon Federation.

Zola Jones: One thing I forgot to mention under my Emerald Empire Area Report. On Sunday, June 2, the Crew is going to be at the Square Dance Center in Springfield. The cuer will be Yvonne Clendenin. I want to announce that any of you from this end of the State who have not had a chance to dance to the Crew, come on up to Springfield on Sunday afternoon, June 2nd. They are great fun to dance to. Times 1:30 - 2 pm for pre rounds and 4-4:30 p is Mainstream with every third tip plus.

Mark Engerman: I wanted everybody to know that there will be tables for your flyers for all your councils and clubs at Summer Festival. Also there will be a table for the next year, 2014 Summer Festival and a table for Mid-Winter. They are also doing after parties at which time they will have a tale in the hall that they are doing their after party in and hopefully you will show up and register for their festival.

Steve Murphy: Earlier there was some talk about the OFN and what direction is was going and everything else. Vivian couldn't find a new editor to take over and maybe go to the internet, have it on-line, and that will alleviate everything. I would just like to remind you that we still have to get an editor and I don't see any less work for an editor on-line that for a printed thing. The talk here was generally, if we go on-line everything is solved. No, it is not, so keep that in mind.

Ron Schmit: This is for Mr. Cooper. Have you improved the showers for summer festival?

Dave Cooper: They added more sprinklers, so that will help.

Ron Schmit: Will one be over 6'6"?

Dave Cooper: One will be high.

John Guches: I want to put a plug in here for next year's Pear Blossom Festival in Medford. It is the second weekend in April and also, I am putting in a plug for the Buckeroo Roundup for next year. The caller and cuer for the Pear Blossom Festival are Scot and Erin Byars out of Sacramento and he will be the caller for the Buckeroo Roundup for 2014. If you like a showman, Scot Byars is one of the greatest showman callers I have seen in a long time. For the ones that were in Anaheim he was the one that did the National Anthem for the opening ceremony.

Vivian Fairburn: How many people want a copy of the video? One per council to start with, and they can make their own? This is the one from the TV production down in Rogue Sis-Q that the TV station created a video. Tim will send out one per council. If you don't want a copy, contact Tim. The cost of a copy for each council will come out of our printing budget. You will get it when Tim gets around to it.

Lorri McIntosh: Just a note on the video. The initial cost was high. After the production and making of the video there is a cost for the TV station. Each TV station has different costs to run that video for you. Or, you can use it as a general display when you go to county fairs and things like that. So it can be used for several different functions and dances. The video itself doesn't have any phone numbers so you will have to add that to it if you want. The initial cost the Federation helped pay 50% to get it all done. So if you get the video, please use it. There are 2-3 different videos and they are each about 30 seconds long.


Next meeting will be Sunday, July 21, 2013 at Reynolds High School, Troutdale, Oregon. It will start at 9 am.

ADJOURN: Vivian Fairburn: I will entertain a motion to adjourn.

Dale Worthington: I move that we adjourn. Seconded by Cece Glidewlll.

Adjourned at 12 pm.

Submitted by Kay Rogers (with great help from Dale Worthington)
Recording Secretary