President Vivian Fairburn called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
This meeting is being recorded.
Elected Officers: All present.
Appointed Officers: All present except: Joyce Sherman, Ken and Dianne Pratt, Goldie and Earl Restorff, & Floyd Bard.
Delegates: All Present
Goodwill Ambassadors: Absent: Stephen & Valerie Murphy.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Ray Jones
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Dave Cooper
MINUTES: Kay Rogers
Minutes were approved as distributed.
PRESIDENT: Vivian Fairburn
This has been an interesting and enjoyable year. I appreciate every one of you and your willingness to serve on the Board this year. Thank you for your support of my garden ideas and for trying some of them out.
The changes we need to make to our organization in order to survive will not happen overnight. It will take many little steps, little seeds, that will grow over time as ideas are nurtured and flower.
My best wishes and support are with the new Board for this next year.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper (Patty Reese)
Patty Reese has her last chemo yesterday. She is doing well.
2013 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Mark & Beverly Engerman
The 2013 summer festival Hot Fun in the Summer Time was a success. I thank the callers and cuer for the fantastic calling. I keep hearing many compliments on the callers and cuers and the styling tips. I thank the Oregon callers and cuers for their calling. We did have a few problems, one was the air conditioning. The control was set too high so we opened the doors. The food vendor backed off so Lee and Helens Putman supplied sandwiches and ice cream for the dancers. The ROTC also was a no show with 30 minute warning. The national anthem was sang by Winter and it was terrific. $800 worth of raffle tickets for the cobra. We were profitable with a profit of $3,805.13. The profit checks were already distributed. The final count on the dancers paid was 444. 308 of those were 3 day adult tickets. We gave 62 comp registrations to the callers and cuers who were on the program.
2014 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Lee (Barbi) Ashwill
We thank Mark & Bev for the summer festival. We are pretty well set to go except for the baskets for the auction. Our gal is here today so let her know you are going to give us one. We have all the tickets bought for the callers except Jerry Story; we are still looking for a cheaper flight for him. We guarantee you the air conditioning will be sufficient for the dancers. The only thing we need right now is some registrations. I just happen to have forms and ribbons with me.
Zola Jones: the mid-winter program books will be coming out. We will be getting them out to them. When we get them please see they get to the new dancers. If you need more, just let me know.
Mark Engerman: I want to add that we had 30 RVs at summer festival which was double from 2011.
2014 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Patty Reese
Planning for the 2014 summer festival is going fabulously. We are meeting monthly. Our promotional visits are going well. We went to Battle Rock weekend. We are working on the program and schedule book to have it out by mid-winter. We procured a raffle item of a one day party boat on Lake Billy Chinook for 25 people.
2015 SUMMER FESTIVAL: George and Patty Hermann
We have our caller and cuer and clogging instructor. We have our flyers made up and going to the printer. I am here to ask for our $6,000 loan. We are handing out budgets. Do you have any questions?
First, my apologies for not being present, but sometimes there are more things to do than it's possible to accomplish.
Having finished the first issue I've done without asking Vivian a raft of silly questions, I hope that I haven't missed anything. I'm beginning to know many of you via e-mail and look forward to meeting those I've not yet met. There are a couple of things you can do to ensure that your information is handled correctly:
Always include the name of the club (or advertiser) in the subject line of your e-mail. Yes, I know that Vivian automatically knew which club you represent, but she's near perfect and I'm not.
Be patient when I cannot return e-mails promptly. Most weekends, we're at our place on the coast, and I'm too cheap to have internet there until we move permanently. I try to download e- mails when I get home late Sunday, but sometimes there are more than I can handle Sunday night.
Because of the changeover, I've cut lots of people a good deal of slack. Don't expect that to be a permanent situation!
Now, to my idea to attract more dancers! We print the minimum number of magazines possible and wind up with lots left over. I take a generous handful to both the libraries near my home and leave them for distribution. Never can tell when someone will pick up a copy and be interested enough to show up for a lesson, or as an observer at a dance. Libraries aren't the only place to leave a few magazines, either. Drop one off on the coffee table while you're waiting to see your doctor or to get your hair done. How often have you been in a waiting room, almost desperate for something to read? Talk about a captive audience!!
This leads into the next idea. To cut down on postage costs to mail copies of the OFN, please plan several weeks in advance when you would like some to distribute, or to give away to your new dancers, or to hand out at community events. There are plenty of locations around the area that can be used as drop off points when possible and others who will have plenty of copies. So, let me know your plans and I will do my best to accommodate you.
Thank all of you for being such great people!
Dave Cooper: I want to say how impressed and pleased I was to see all the green and white badges last night. I appreciate you all coming back and dancing.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Dale (Kathy) Worthington
I thank Marilyn Schmit for the state directory it all printed up and she distributed them. He has 30 left to sell. If you need one, contact Marilyn. The storage box for the sound system has been made and all the accoutrements go in one box except for the stand.
Thank you to everyone who sent me your reports. It makes it so much easier for me. I am sure LaDauna will enjoy the same thing from you. I am going to complete the minutes for today's meeting so she does not have to start mid-meeting. After that if you have any questions, ask her.
For this section of time I only sent out two cards. One for Larry Lauderdale, a sympathy card for his family, he passed away. Ruth Cowan, a sympathy card for the loss of her mother, and Mark Forster, a get well card.
TREASURER: Barbi (Lee) Ashwill
The only thing you are going to need to do, if you look at your P&L: there was a very late deposit of $1,902.56 that was dated August 1st. It should go in this statement. Deduct that deposit from the loss shown to get our actual loss for that period.
MEMBERSHIP: Norma (Gary) Sohn
The State Federation has made it through another year. We now have 10 active Councils, 70 active clubs, and approximately 2891 dancers. As of today, all clubs are up to date with their State Corporation fees. The Central Oregon Council has finally paid their Where & When fee but Mix & Mingle club has not updated their Directory information since 2012. So I can turn over the job of Membership Chairman to Coleeta Quigley with almost every club up to date.
We have recently lost several clubs from the Federation. In my opinion, when a club is considering disbanding or folding, one of the first people to be contacted should be the State Federation Membership Chairman. The Membership Chairman should also be notified if a club is re-organizing or thinking of becoming a traveling club.
No one from Checkerboard Squares or Swap & Swing contacted me about their plans to disband. I did not learn about it until the State Meeting in July from the PAC delegate. Now I am hearing from several people (not club members) that they are talking about re-organizing. Again, I was not contacted nor consulted. It seems to me that the logical person to contact concerning membership issues in the Federation should be the Membership Chairman.
In the case of the questions about a traveling club, I was contacted by the Council delegate about requirements for becoming a traveling club. I could not find any written guidelines so I contacted several other members of the Federation Board. After sending several opinions to the Council delegate about the requirements, I do not know whether the club is still considering that option but I think that this issue needs to be addressed and guidelines written into the P & P's.
I would like to thank the officers of the State Federation for all the help they have given me the past two years. Serving as your Membership Chairman has been an enjoyable and enlightening experience.
Kay Rogers: I contacted Mix N Mingle. There have been no changes. That is why they have not submitted anything. I can go on line and update their page if you like.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers
You have done such a wonderful job on insurance this year. I handed out insurance papers yesterday. If you don't have meeting until too late to get it back to you by Nov. 1st. (That only leaves you two weeks to get it to me). I suggest that you contact each delegate separately by email or phone and ask for the best way to get that packet to them. Thank you!
I have a reminder that each of you has received a file for the Randall Award. You will notice a cut- off date on returning them. Each has a self-addressed envelope. These are the only way ballots will be accepted. Follow the simple instructions.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
You should all have a complete reprint of your Constitution, By-Laws, and Practices & Procedures. Delegates, you have two copies -- one for you, and one for your council. Please remember that these copies belong to the office, not to you personally. When you turn over your position to someone else, that person gets your copy of the P&Ps. If you would like your own copy, I can print them up for about $8 each.
The state meeting rotation schedule has been revised to reflect the new reality of 10 councils and two non-festival meetings per year. I've tried to keep the September meeting among the Willamette Valley councils to keep travel costs down, with the May meeting rotating among the other 6.
These documents also include the changes from the constitutional amendments earlier in the year, even though they won't take effect until next September. I did that because anyone running for office this winter will need to know what their job will entail.
I have already located one mistake, which I will correct in January.
Vivian Fairburn: Tim had to redo about half the P&Ps. He has done a great job, Thank You, Tim.
Lori McIntosh: I want to make a correction that Rogue Sis-Q did not host the May 2013 meeting.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Bill (Anadale) Rooper
I want to thank the Federation and all the people involved for the wonderful time that we have had from year to year. It has been really nice knowing all of you.
Vivian Fairburn: We thank you, Bill, for all your years of service you have been to this organization.
EDUCATION: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
Yesterday we had a very short get together on handing over the books. Hopefully everybody got their questions answered and feel comfortable with the position they are going into. Thank You.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
I have received some stuff from the last state meeting and have not had time to put it away in the scrapbook. I will now add the pictures that I took from the State Fair to the collection.
I have been contacted by Woody Warmoth, son of Ed Warmoth, to see if the Federation was interested in receiving scrapbooks from national, state, and local festivals that Ed has kept over the years. The family is cleaning out Ed's house as he has moved into a retirement facility. He also has some records that are also available and will be donated to the Capital Callers and Cuers, after Woody's conversation with the club president.
I asked Woody to bring Ed to our state meeting and dance, as I was sure he would like to see his square dance family. I have not heard back as of the writing of this report, so don't know what will happen.
I am going to receive some defunct banners from the Swap and Swing club since their closure. I am thinking of putting together a display of defunct banners for the Mid-Winter Festival, as I have others in the history containers. Will see what I can figure out by then.
PUBLICITY: Kathy (Dale) Worthington
I contacted the governor's office about September 15 through the 21st for the Square Dance Week. But I have not heard anything back from him. I made a command decision on the date the 12th through the 21st, which was the same as last year. I also have some more of these books if you want one; let me know after the meeting.
Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP.
The OFRSDC scholarships in the amount of $500 each went to Katie Hohbach with the Floor Dusters and Leslie Woodland with the Buzzin' Bees.
We had about 60 youth and young at heart show up to dance at the state fair on August 30. I really appreciate everyone who showed up, transported kids, or supported us in some way. The kids are anxious to dance again next year and would like to request another Saturday time again. Thank you, Marilyn Schmit, for all of your work and support for the state fair square dancing.
I am planning on hosting a State Youth dance at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro in January. I have had requests from the college age group to hold a dance on the Max Line and to gear a dance towards their age group. The format on this dance will be a little different than my last few dances. The first half of the dance will be designed for the under 18 age group. We will have a square dance styling event in the middle followed by music and calling for the young adult/college age group of 20-30 with the hopes of getting this group more involved in square dancing again.
It's time for your graduating seniors and college freshmen to start applying for their college scholarships. Oregon's $500 scholarship application form has been updated. Completed applications are due by May 1, 2014.
The USDA $1000 scholarship application form is due by February 1, 2014. Their scholarship will be awarded to 1 high school senior who is a member of a club/federation that is associated with USDA (United Square Dance Association).
If you have any youth in your federated clubs who would like to attend any state sponsored activities and cannot afford the fees or ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships available. We have already given 4 scholarships for Midwinter this year.
Thank you to my youth committee Al Wolfe, Gail Domine, Jim, Kay and Jim Rogers. I have really appreciated your help this year.
ORDTA: Ken (Dianne) Pratt, Given by Sarge Glidewell
ORDTA has a meeting coming up on October 5, at the Emerald Square Dance Center starting at 10 am. All are welcome to come.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Goldie (Earl) Restorff:
No Report!
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts:
Based on a question from Vivian, I spent some time last month working on a way to present our state directory over the web. We would want more than just a big document you could print; instead, we'd like something you could search, so you could find callers by name, or find officers by club, etc., all based on the information you folks diligently typed into the web site. This is coming along nicely, and I hope to have something to demo by Mid-Winter.
STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
Five days of dancing at the State Fair in Salem has ended and it was a successful demo season at the fair. I asked for, and received, 300 tickets to give out to the dancers, and returned about 40 of them on Labor Day.
Day one was Eager Beavers and friends with just over three squares participating. Day two was Charlie Brown Squares and some Willamette Squares participating with just over three squares showing Independence Wagon Wheelers, with the help of Richard Smith and a couple from Valley River Dancers, made almost two squares. Day four was Youth Day and almost five squares danced and made some noise. They really enjoyed themselves. Day five was the Oaky Doaks, Bachelor & Bachelorettes, Salem Swingin' Stars, and Chaps & Petticoats dancing with a little over six squares in attendance.
The stage in the Food Court area was a good surface and I heard several comments that it was nice to dance on. Cascade Sound was excellent to work with and the sound out to the audience was nice.
I have heard from the participants that they are ready to come back in 2014 and all are on the list to be contacted next year.
Thank you to Vivian for giving me the opportunity to coordinate the Fair dancing for this year and Dave has given me the chance to do it again next year. Our participation has grown in the last two years. Now, if we could get an afternoon performance time, there would be more audience to observe and promote our hobby to enjoy. I will keep on requesting the later times and see what we get since we are at their mercy for times. I started out with two days and ended up with five.
STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard
No Report!
No Report!
I would like to thank Kay and Kathy for putting on the weekend and the volunteers. I will have Kay read my report.
The officers and delegates met jointly yesterday which created a large friendly meeting. We talked about the two motions that are coming up. Dave had a chance to talk about his vision for the coming year.
We discussed the hosting councils providing dinner at the state meetings. It creates a lot of logistical problems with how many people will attend the dinner and how much food will be brought by the area dancers. Our callers decided to start the dance early so people would have something to do instead of waiting around a couple of hours and we appreciated that. It was decided the delegates like having a meal and we should continue it.
There are two postponed motions to decide.
Dave Cooper: We have a new person on the board. Even though the state did away with the caller advisor, I met with Leonard Snodgrass and he is going to serve as our advisor. He will write a column in the OFN directed at callers. It will not cost the Federation money as he will be attending mid-winter and summer festival meetings only. Welcome Leonard Snodgrass. Also Barb Wines has organized an excellent Education seminar for mid-winter. Make sure you watch for that. I am looking forward to a good year.
Doug Hartzel: I MOVE we approve the budget as presented. 2nd by Vivian Fairburn.
Vivian: I made changes from the budget as presented last meeting. We have a deficit of $8, 680.
All in favor of approving the budget as corrected: motion passed.
Dale Worthington: I make a motion to create a fund of $5,000 for use by the "Rapid Response" team. 2nd by Sylvia Davis. Motion passed.
Harriet Livingston asked if there were written guidelines. No because we don't know what clubs are going to need.
Lisa Kious: I make a motion to accept this proposal to hold the 2016 Summer Festival in Seaside. 2nd by Vivian Fairburn. Motion passed.
Tualatin Valley: Kathy (Tim) Roberts
The R Square D annual Octoberfest weekend will be Saturday, Oct 4th and 5th. Friday's night starts at 8:00 pm with rounds. Mainstream dance with plus starts at 8:30 pm. Saturday's activities start at 9:00 am with a Garage Sale Tour with a German dinner at 6:00 pm. Rounds start at 7:30 with a mainstream dancing at 8:00 pm..Caller Les Seeley. Cuer Tami Helms. For location, directions and a schedule, please visit their website at .
The Sunset Promenaders Anniversary and German Dance is on Saturday, October 5 at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro, OR. The authentic German meal will be prepared by the club member and served at 6:30 pm. Level 3 rounds start at 7:30 pm followed by a Mainstream dance. Mike Stout is the caller and Ken Pratt the cuer. Please visit their website at for additional information.
The Eager Beavers will be holding their annual Mainstream Harvest dance at the IOOF on Sunday, October 20. Dancing is from 1:00-3:30 pm. Dinner will be served at 3:30 pm. George Clark is the caller and cuer. Please visit their website at
The Hayshakers annual Seaside Sashay Square Dance Festival is October 25 & 26 in the Seaside Convention Center. Friday night starts at 7:00 pm with pre-rounds. Mainstream dance with plus starts at 8:00 pm. Saturday's dancing starts at 10:00 am. Callers Ray Brendzy & Denny Lantz. Cuer Debbie Taylor. Please visit their website at for more information on the weekend's events.
The Kinton Grange, home of the Toe Draggers, will be holding their annual Turkey Dinner on Sunday, October 27 from noon to 4:00 pm (or until they run out of food). This is a home cooked turkey dinner, including turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, salad, cranberry salad, and pie. Dinner is $10 and can be eaten in the grange or taken as a To Go Dinner. There will be a bazaar upstairs during the dinner. If you want to stop and say hi to the Toes, they will be working in the back room in the To Go Dinner and pie area. Additional information can be found at
The Toe Draggers popular, Name that Tune token dance with no-money-just-tokens auction will be November 2013. Attend the dance, guess the song and win tokens to be used during the auction. Mainstream starts at 8:00 pm. The Toes will be collecting canned food for the local financially challenged families during both dances in November and collecting toys for financially challenged area kids both dances in December. Additional information can be found at
South Coast: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley
SAINT-n-AINTS: will be having a float in the Fun Fest Parade on September 21. Some of the Sets-In-Order may be joining us as they are loaning us their trailer.
Our new beginner's class will be starting the second Sunday in October.
We will be having a food drive at our third Saturday November dance. The theme is "Thanks for Giving".
BEACHCOMBERS: had a very successful Labor Day week-end dance. We had over 8 squares with lots of fun dancing with Denny Lantz and Dave Cooper.
We are doing our regular dances the 4th Saturday of each month with guest callers.
SETS-IN-ORDERS: is ready for their 67th birthday dance October 12th with Dale Roberson and Denise Harris.
Our lessons will start Oct 1st (Tuesday) for squares and October 7th for rounds.
Coleeta wanted to add that her lesson liaison personally delivered flyers everywhere.
Rogue Sis-Q: Lori McIntosh
Thank You to the hosting council for meal, dance and meeting.
Rogue Sis Q Council clubs have started new classes. Last count the Star Promenaders has 40 new students on Thursday night and the Charlie Browns have 37. Classes are still open for another week, so numbers can still grow. Charlie Brown Squares are dark this weekend for the Circle and Squares birthday dance. All the clubs and members of Pear Blossom Square Dance Festival are planning a visitation to support the club.
Diamond Lake was a great success for the Star Promenaders.
Lantzer's Dantzers are continuing the Thursday afternoon dance the fourth Thursday of each month. This dance has been successful to bring out those dancers who cannot drive at night or just want extra floor time. The level of dance varies, Denny calls to the level of the floor.
Charlie Brown Squares are excited; they have the fairgrounds for at least another year. There was a concern of the fairgrounds closing. The Josephine County commissioners approved a $140 thousand grant for the fairgrounds to continue one more year. This is great for the Charlie Brown and Boatnik Festival is being planned for Memorial Weekend 2014, this year will be a big one with big plans. I will email final flyer when contracts are complete with caller and cuer.
Charlie Brown Squares will be celebrating their 46th birthday the first Saturday in December.
Portland Area Council: Al Wolf (Gail Domine)
The 5th Friday dance on Aug. 30th was a great success with 9 squares dancing to Richard Lane and Molly Combs as caller and cuer. The Oak Grove Community Club members sold refreshments and netted $102.00.
Many clubs held "Back to School" dances donating school supplies to many different agencies who help less fortunate children with school.
The clubs that were dark for the summer months are now back to dancing their regular times. Some clubs are having new dancer lessons and some won't start lessons until Jan. or February.
It is official that two clubs in the PAC have disbanded. The Checkerboards last dance was on August 24th. It was a free dance and dancers were requested to bring a can of food to give to Snow Cap. A full hall enjoyed dancing to Craig Abercrombie and Jeanine Norden. Swap & Swing Club had their last dance on May 26th.
Richard Lane is the new caller for the Silver Stars in Vancouver, WA.
The Country Cut-Ups will celebrate their 53rd anniversary on October 3rd. Their annual pancake breakfast is Sunday Oct.20th. This is their annual fund raiser for their hall.
The PAC is not sure if they will have a float in the 2014 Rose Festival Starlight Parade due to some problems beyond our control. We will know for sure by the Mid-Winter meeting.
We will again have our annual Christmas dinner but have not decided the date at this time.
The 2014 Washington Summer Festival will be June 20th in Enumclaw, WA.
The PAC will again be selling Entertainment books. The price this year is $25.
The PAC next 5th Friday dance will be on November 29th with the Wild Cards calling and Helen Halley cueing.
Mid-Willamette Area Council: Harriett Livingston
Just about all of the clubs have started their mainstream classes. For sheer numbers Silver City Squarest goes to the top of the list with 33 new dancers and by far the majority is teens. They certainly did their job in getting more youth involved. Salem Swingin' Stars, Lebanon Square Circlers and Valley River Dancers are having Advance lessons in addition to their mainstream lessons. The dates are set for the clubs having their New Dancers Dance with the first one being on December 1st. The round dance clubs are offering lessons in a variety of levels and rhythms.
Installation of new officers was September 16th.. Assuming the Presidency was Mark Forster of Silver City Squares. Georgette Hagerman of Willamette Square became Vice President. This is encouraging as they have not held an office previously in the Council.
The annual Fall Festival hosted by Independence Wagon Wheelers is September 29th. George Hermann is caller MC host and Ralph Lambert is cuer MC host. Another successful Area picnic was held on July 28 with all clubs represented.
It was decided to have the clubs electronically send all flyers to the Area website thus cutting the expense of printing a number of them to give one to each of the Club Delegates at the Area meeting. Just sending them to the Area website is a plus because they are available to anyone. This decision would be up to the discretion of the clubs.
Interstate Highlanders Council: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell
The delegate has resigned and the alternate, Doty DeGarmo, wants to remain the alternate. I am staying on as delegate.
The KC's have been busy this summer attending as many festivals as could be worked into the schedule. Round dance workshops resumed on September 8. Square dance workshops resumed on September 12 for experienced dancers. September 26 will be the first new dancer workshop. The KCs annual Potato Festival is October 28 and 29.
The Interstate Highlander Council is planning a Halloween Costume party that will be on the KC's regular workshop, Thursday, October 31. The 2015 Summer Festival chairperson is working to get committee chairs organized.
Emerald Empire Council: Zola (Ray) Jones
Emerald Empire Area Council & Clubs are actively planting seeds to start our Garden Growing:
Danebo Circle-8 club's "A-B-C" dances; they had the 'A' dance in July which just brought 5 New Dancers and had 3 squares dancing-so good support from their club. For the 'B' dance in August, they put out flyers in a larger area and added special lawn signs. This dance brought 10 New Dancers, and had 5 squares dancing-so good support from area dancers. The "C" Dance was September 18, this time a "free" dance with the flyers and lawn signs advertising again. This dance brought 5 additional New Dancers, along with ones from "A' & 'B' dances, for a total of 3 squares on the floor. Much interest was shown in when regular lessons start. As stated in my July report, the area council voted an amount from our special "Clubs Benefit Fund" to cover the cost of hall rent, caller, and some of the advertising for all 3 dances.
Further, the Recruitment & Retention Committee brought a request to the August council meeting for an amount to cover the cost of a large 'post card' advertising all the square and round dance lessons in our area. 5,000 of these would be an 'insert' in the "Eugene Weekly" a free newspaper that has a large distribution in Eugene/Springfield, and we can designate which specific areas and places the inserts would go to. The amount was approved and also to come from the 'Clubs Benefit Fund'. The "Post Cards" are now completed-they are very impressive; size 6" X 11" glossy card-stock printed in four colors, front and back. They went out on the September 19 weekly. Also the Recruitment & Retention Committee has created a 'Facebook' page to promote and advertise square dancing in our area. The address is: with a link to Eugene Springfield Square Dance.
And area council, at the request of the Recruitment & Retention Committee, sponsored a special 'Free' "Kick-off Dance" on Saturday, September 21 at the Emerald Dance Center, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.- just before Danebo Circle-8's 'Tailgate' barbeque party followed by their regular dance.
Area clubs that were dark in July and /or August are now back to their regular dancing schedules, and lessons begin soon; Round Dancing September 23 and Square Dancing the first and second weeks in October. One club is having lessons two nights a week-hoping to attract new dancers who want to finish lessons in a much shorter time-span.
Central Oregon Council: Doug (LaDauna) Hartzell
Crook County Mavericks: The Mavericks along with the Red Rocks have been busy with plans and traveling for 2014 Summer Festival. We made a big splash at this year's Summer Festival.
Plans are to attend Shaniko and the Potato Festival this fall. Then off to Mid-Winter.
Lessons will begin in September with Jive in Prineville and beginning Foxtrot in Redmond.
Sagebrush Shufflers: The Shufflers have been continuing their Sunday workshops and will do so through September.
Lessons will start on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 6 weeks beginning October 1 through November 7.
Sundown Round Dance Club: Sundown elected new officers for the coming year and have decided to have quarterly meetings. Dave Cooper has signed a contract to be Sundown's club cuer. Dave will start two step lessons on October 6.
Bachelor Beauts: NO REPT
Red Rock Squares: The Red Rock's made a big showing at this year's Summer Festival, coming away with two major awards. The Red Rock's along with the Mavericks have been having a ball working and traveling for 2014 Summer Festival. The Red Rock's have been dark some of the summer but back to dancing and looking forward to the holidays and Mid Winter.
Lessons will likely begin in January - date not set as yet, and caller TBA.
Blue Mountains: David Stutzman
Promenaders. Next month LaGrande will host the monthly dance at their annual Hobo Dance. The La Grande club did not participate in "Celebrate La Grande" this year due to weather. At the time of the event a large thunder storm passed over La Grande with a down pour and high winds.
The Star Last night the Elkhorn Swingers held their joint monthly dance with the Star Promenaders are starting lessons this coming Thursday. The Muddy Rrogs will hold lessons beginning in January.
The Family-A-Fair square dance club from Walla Walla conducted a demo on Main Street in Pendleton with one square. When the experienced dancers went out to the audience they returned with enough for two squares. This was done in conjunction with the Round-up activities occurring down town last weekend. They hope to have at least one couple come out to lessons for their efforts.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Our SD lessons began Tuesday, Sept. 1lth. Don has told us this will be the last year he will be giving lessons.
Round Dance lessons began Sept. 19th.
The Buckeroos have scheduled their first New Dancer Dance for
December 7th starting at 8:00 pm. The dance will be at the Student Level. No plus tips will be called.
Dancing Friends
Their Birthday Dance will be October 11th.
Pioneers & Petticoats
Non active club. No report.
Timber 8's
They have been dark this summer, but are now back to dancing.
Their plus lessons began Sept. 11th.
Umpqua Area Council: Frank Schuchard
We are scheduled to walk in the Veteran's Day Parade.
UAC will be hosting the New Dancer Dance January 19th (Sunday 2:30-5:00 pm). Jamboree callers are invited.
Caller Advisor, Leonard Snodgrass: We had a great time in Central Oregon with four new callers who put on a dance on their own. We want to promote that throughout the state. Do a little workshop to get them going. We need callers. I call for three clubs. We would like to get clubs to have amateur nights. We talk about retaining dancers. It all boils down to one thing, one word: FUN! I invite my new dancers to the very first dance after their first lesson.
I enjoy writing the articles in the OFN. I like to stir the pot and write some controversial things. I want to write something to the callers. I could do a part A and part B so I can address both callers and dancers. I can throw a few things in for cuers also.
Steve & Valerie Murphy:
After Summer Festival we had a nice 2 weeks of rest and getting ready for our trip across the United States. Having packed the RV, we headed out August 6th to Boise, Idaho for USA West. When USA West was over we headed east for our grand sightseeing tour. So far we've seen the battle site at Little Big Horn, the Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse sculptures, the town of Sturgis, Yellowstone, the Ford Willow Run plant where many B-24s were made during WWII, the farm where Lawrence Welk was born, the lodge that is owned and run by the von Trapp family of "The Sound of Music" fame, and Norman Rockwell's hometown. We even met a woman running a diner that was the subject of Norman Rockwell's painting "The Babysitter" that was on the cover of the November 1947 issue of the Saturday Evening Post. They were neighbors back then. Right now we're in New Hampshire headed for Maine. We'll then head south and come back west along the southern route on the gulf coast. All during our trip we've enjoyed the beautiful scenery and local delicacies, but we decided that neither of us wanted to try the "fried baloney" advertised as a specialty in one eatery. We're into the second month of our trip and almost halfway there. It's taking a long time because we don't use any freeways, just the local highway systems. In a few eastern states the freeways aren't free anyway. It would cost you $20-$40 to drive a few hundred miles on interstate highway 90 in New York, and we're avoiding all big cities.
We would like to thank the Mid-Willamette Council for choosing our dance "The Last Waltz of the Evening" as the Oregon Round of the Month for September.
We haven't danced since USA West so our dancing shoes remain packed away. We'll see most of you again at Mid-Winter in January.
Al Wolf & Gail Domine
Since our last report at the Summer Festival, we have been busy with club dances and activities. In July we attended our annual club campout at Cougar, Washington.
In August we were at the club picnic in Canby, Oregon. In addition to our own club dances we also visited the Country Cut-Ups, Happy Hoppers and attended the 5th Friday PAC dance. We have attended our club's new dancer lessons which started Sunday, September 8uth.
I enjoyed my hot air balloon ride which was a birthday gift from my children and grand children. All ten of us were in one basket.
Between now and the next meeting in January we will have become world travelers again. In November we go to Mazatlan with friends, which we have done every other year for quite some time. In January we will be on the Eastern Caribbean square dance cruise sponsored by Randy Dibble.
I am going to Guatemala in March to visit two boys who I help support. This will probably be my last trip as it is quite taxing for me to travel such a long distance.
Kay Rogers: We have Boots in the Blue Mountain going on in Pendleton in April. We have Deborah Carroll Jones and Jon Jones come out from Texas for that. We have a pajama dance and this year we also have a "Beautiful Bloomers" contest. Also in Pendleton we have USA West coming in August. We have the Ghost Riders. I am still working on encouraging dancing in the Pendleton area. That corporation is still available if a club wants to take over and have an active club there. The people in that area really love and appreciate it when we do functions there.
Marilyn Schmit: I still have some state directories for sale. I have given 10 to Dale and Kathy to sale at Seaside Sashay. I still have about 20 if you know someone who wants one. I will get it to you.
Kathy Worthington: I am the president of the Hayshakers. I contacted a caller who thought we had folded. We are alive and well and we are still dancing.
Kathy Roberts: Mid-Winter youth are going to have a "passport" that they have to go around and have signed. Please welcome the kids when you see them look at your badge. Offer to sign their passport. There will be prizes at different levels for signers and signees.
Harriett Livingston: All of you have received a packet for Dancerama. Even though it is a National Singles Convention, it is open to anyone who wants to dance. There were many couples at the singles convention. It will be at the Doubletree in Portland. There are many callers and cuers from around the country. I am fighting with the system to allow teens to have a program there.
Vivian Fairburn: Braids & Braves were in a local demo for a Brews & BBQ function. Someone from the Gallery Theatre saw them and invited them to be a part of the cast of "Meet Me in St Louis" which is now in the casting stages for performances in December. They have some cast members who can take the man's part and they have a caller. It should be fun
Marilyn Schmit: In response to question regarding Genevieve Churchill. I went to get her and took her to a demo in the park. She was unhappy later that she did not dress to dance. I also took her to a party for Bernice Bruchard's 100th birthday. She had a wonderful time seeing everyone. She has also been seen dancing recently at the Eager Beavers.
Sarge Glidewell: The third weekend in October is our Potato Festival. We have a caller and cuer there who wears in Pink. We invite everyone down to hear him call.
ADJOURN: Meeting Adjourned:
Respectfully Submitted,
Kay Rogers, OFSRDC Secretary PAST