President Dave Cooper called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
This meeting is being recorded
Elected officers: All Present except recording secretary, LaDauna Hartzell;
Appointed officers: All Present except State Trailers, Floyd Bard; ORDTA Ken Pratt; Round Dance Screening Goldie Restorff.
Delegates: All Present except Lorri McIntosh, Rogue Sis Q Council,
Goodwill Ambassadors: All Present
INVOCATION: Immediate past President Vivian Fairburn
FLAG SALUTE: 2nd Vice President Lisa Kious
MINUTES: Kay Rogers
There were 2 corrections on page two made by Al Wolf. Jet Roberts is the caller for 2015 Mid-Winter Festival and the cuer is Peter and Chama Gomez. The minutes were approved as corrected.
PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper
I was thinking about what we would do if all the clubs folded. We used to have fun. I hope we can go back to that and stop fighting. My last act as president is to appoint a Goodwill Ambassador. I do not have to do that, but I thought if I could find someone who was actually out visiting and promoting square dancing anymore I would. I asked this couple who did not want a five year commitment. When I get out of this seat I may make a motion to change that. But hoping that will pass, I am appointing Carolyn and Bob Bosch. Notice I put Carolyn first because she runs the show.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Dale Worthington
Kathy and I have been traveling around. Square Dancing is dropping not only here in Oregon, but in the whole U.S. We were in the Dallas/Fort Worth area trying to find a place to square dance. We had to go to Dallas about 75 miles away. Even at the National the numbers are down. In Florida we had to go to Jacksonville. Dances are hard to find. I can see where Dave had a hard time in meeting his goal. We are going to see if we can persevere and have fun. I am going to encourage everyone to attend anniversaries and special dances outside their own council.
2014 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Patty Cooper
The Rimrock Rendezvous is in the history books. Red Rocks and The Mavericks worked diligently to plan, promote, and present a festival we could be proud of. Those of us who attended heard nothing but positive remarks. The facility and weather was beautiful, the dance program kept the dancers happy. We had dancers from other councils, but not many. There were many excuses. We had a pathetic attendance from Bend, only 13 miles away. Summer Festival is in trouble. From the rumored 2500 dancers, we planned on 400. We got 265. Adding in our generous callers and cuers we only ended up with 325. Despite the poor response, we are presenting to the federation today a check for $3,573.15 as their half of the profit. That is darn good. Good luck to future summer festival committees. They have their work cut out for them.
2015 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: George and Patty Hermann no report
Zola Jones: The schedule is going fine. I am working on the program book. I forgot to bring my list to the delegates meeting yesterday on how many program books each council would like to have. Since we do not have a November state meeting, the delegates help me. I will e mail the delegates to find out how many they want when the books come out in November. I have registration forms here. This is the last meeting before winter festival so get your ribbons and get the forms out. The pre-registration price is good until January. When you get your program books please see they get out to your new dancers. Look into the hotels because a lot of them have lowered their rate.
Dave Cooper: I remember the days when Mid-Winter used to come around and promote mid- winter. Zola Jones: I will pass this on. We now have visitation chairman from each council now. Kay Rogers: Resale clothing is up and running now. This is a good time to go on line and put your clothing in before the rush.
2015 SUMMER FESTIVAL: CeCe Glidewell
We have been visiting around the state promoting the summer festival and we have more planned for October. The festival chair and the caller coordinator are working on the festival schedule. We used a couple of budget given to us to use as a guide. I used a smaller amount of dancers since it is so hard to get people to come to Klamath Falls. We are hoping for 300 dancers. Some of the halls are air conditioned. I am working with a home improvement store to supply us with portable air conditioner. We have several offers of volunteers to help. Even though this is a small council with only one club, we need to do this to increase our funds and hopefully recruit more dancers or we are in trouble. We got some unused ribbons and some signage from 2014 summer festival. We have some youth activities planned: Pizza and bowling party for Friday night, a demo on Saturday and a trip to the Klamath County Museum.
I have the request here for the Mid-Winter loan of $6,000. I have copies of the budget here for the treasurer and I have extra copies here if anyone wants to see it. CeCe moved and Lisa seconded a motion to loan Mid-Winter $6,000. The Motion passed.
I know subscribers have continued to trail off. I will miss all the square dancers.
Thank you for the great year.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Kay Rogers for LaDauna Hartzell
LaDauna's report is that Doug passed away peacefully Monday evening.
I have sent out only 6 cards this quarter. I will send LaDauna a card from the state also. I sent thank you cards to all the officers of the Oregon Federation. I would like to thank the delegates also. Without you there would be no Federation.
TREASURER: Marilyn Schmit
The treasury has gone up and down this year because of the cashing in the certificates. That makes two of them in the past year.
DIRECTORIES: Marilyn Schmit
We got 500 directories this year and ladies, as you can see by the bright coil in the directories, they will not disappear in your purse. Corrections can be emailed to me. I will collect them and send to Joyce for publishing in the OFN.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta Quigley
I have two clubs that I need to report on. Portland Area Council corporation fees were due in August. Cascade Callers ad Cuers are inactive at this time. Rounds R Us is folding also.
Insurance paperwork was handed out today. If you did not get yours, please ask. If you are taking paperwork to another council please get it to them in a timely manner. I did not print copies of all the documents that are available on line because in the past 10 years I have only received a handful of those forms. I did include for most of the clubs a copy of last years' enrolment form so you can see how it should be done.
PAST PRESIDENT: Vivian Fairburn
There are two nominations for the Randall Award this year: Dottie & Paul Swenson, Eager Beavers Club, and Ed & Jolene Cummings, River City Dancers Club.
Each delegate has a white envelope in front of you containing the nomination forms, a ballot and a return envelope. Please send your ballot to Dave Cooper by November 1.
Charity Dance: Last spring I notified the Adaptive Riding Institute that we would be supporting a new charity this year. I received this reply:
"On behalf of our staff, volunteers and Board of Directors please pass on our appreciation to each member of OFSRDC for their timeless support. You have brought so many smiles and life changing experiences to the children and adults who participate in our equine assisted therapy program.
I whole-heartedly understand the Federation's decision to choose annual charities from the local communities of the clubs. Although Jasmo will miss our annual dance and his visit with old friends, the OFSRDC members will enjoy learning about new organizations and the good work they do.
I commend your troupe on their desire to do-good while having a good time and it has been a pleasure to be associated with such a fine group of people.
Susanne J. Rosen,
Executive Director / Co-Founder"
As you remember last year there was a proposal to eliminate a state sponsored benefit dance due to lack of participation. The suggestion was to encourage and support the councils to sponsor a local community event. Of course, the motion didn't pass so we sponsored a charity dance this year. The last two dances had less than 40 dancers participating and few Board members. So, this year I decided to make changes to see if I couldn't encourage a better attendance. I realize it was the same weekend as the National Convention but there were so many dancers in the area who didn't travel to Arkansas. There were only 3 clubs dancing that night in the Metro area.
The dance was on a Saturday night instead of a Sunday afternoon. Instead of callers & cuers from the floor of the sponsoring council, George and Patty Hermann donated their services. Oak Grove Community Hall donated the location. 32 dancers along with 4 caller couples attended. Al and Gail were the only Board members there.
Keith Miles, President of the PAC along with Verna France and Ken Barker helped me with everything from set-up to tear down.
We have received $1006 less $160 from two ads and a gift certificate to the Hermanns. With the addition of $404 from ODOT license plate income we will send a check to the Food Bank for $1249.61
I do hope you all revisit this issue of sponsoring a dance when the Board member or the dancing community support is not there. We could do so much more on a Council or Club level with support to local charitable groups.
No Report.
I did not get all the items done. Now that I have received records from Joyce and from Vivian, I will get the audit finished.
At this year's Summer Festival the education seminar was about the B51 program. Leonard Snodgrass represented con, and Chuck Garner pro. This is not necessarily how they felt, but just to present a balanced discussion. We had a spirited discussion as there were mostly callers attending. It was very informative for me and I hope for everyone who attended. Special thanks to Leonard and Chuck for their help.
At this year's Mid-Winter festival I asked Susan Healea, with Round A Lab if she would speak about Cueing in the 21st Century. She has agreed. I am looking forward to hearing what she has to say.
There was much discussion about supplying Susan with a ribbon for Mid-Winter. Dale Worthington moved and Sylvia Davis seconded to give Susan a ribbon. MOTION passed.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn Schmit
No activity since last report. I have pictures to put in scrapbook from State Fair. I also have article from East Oregonian from USA West to add.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert
No Report.
This year we awarded our $500 Educational scholarship to Mariah Buchheit. Mariah dances with the Silver City Squares and is a member of their competitive youth square the Silver Knights. Mariah will be studying Agriculture at Chemekata Community College and plans on continuing square dancing.
We had a great turn out at the State Fair this year. We had 64 kids and adults. Most of the time we had 2 squares dancing on the stage and two on the platform in front of the stage. K.C. Curtis and Jonny Roberts always put on a great show. The kids and audience had a fun time. Thank you Marilyn for being the coordinator again this year you always do a good job. Many of the kids have already asked to dance again next year.
Our Mid-Winter Youth Committee will be sending out our 8 page booklet again this year with our schedule and themes. Delegates, please be sure to forward the booklet to your clubs this year. If you know of dancers who19 and younger, please make sure they receive a copy of our booklet. Please encourage your youth to attend. During our Saturday after party, the kids will have another opportunity to dance to KC and Jonny.
Delegates, if you have dancing kids in your area - please ask your clubs/councils if they would like a youth dance. I am willing to travel to any of the councils to put on a youth dance in your area. If your club/council would like a dance - there are 3 options. 1) The State hosts. The state youth fund pays for the caller, cuer, hall, and advertisement. I will decide on the caller/cuer with input from the area. The club/council will be asked to provide the refreshment and contact information. If there is a profit, the funds go to the State Youth Activities Fund. 2) The Club/Council and the state co-host. I will pay again, but club/council picks the caller/cuer. Club/council will set up and run the door and kitchen. If there is a profit, it will be split. 3) Club/Council hosts - the Youth fund will pay for advertising and promote the dance. The club/council receives the profit.
Please remember that if you have kids in your council who would like to attend Mid-Winter and cannot afford the ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships to help kids who need financial assistance
This year we awarded our $500 Educational scholarship to Mariah Buchheit. Mariah dances with the Silver City Squares and is a member of their competitive youth square the Silver Knights. Mariah will be studying Agriculture at Chemekata Community College and plans on continuing square dancing.
We had a great turn out at the State Fair this year. We had 64 kids and adults. Most of the time we had 2 squares dancing on the stage and two on the platform in front of the stage. K.C. Curtis and Jonny Roberts always put on a great show. The kids and audience had a fun time. Thank you Marilyn for being the coordinator again this year you always do a good job. Many of the kids have already asked to dance again next year.
Our Mid-Winter Youth Committee will be sending out our 8 page booklet again this year with our schedule and themes. Delegates, please be sure to forward the booklet to your clubs this year. If you know of dancers who19 and younger, please make sure they receive a copy of our booklet. Please encourage your youth to attend. During our Saturday after party, the kids will have another opportunity to dance to KC and Jonny.
ORDTA: Sarge Glidewell for Ken Pratt
No Report.
No Report.
CALLER ADVISOR: Leonard Snodgrass
No Report.
WEB MASTER: Tim Roberts
No Additional Report.
The 2014 State Fair has come and gone but not without the dancers of the Oregon Federation making their presence known to the audience and passersby.
Tuesday, August 26, the Tualatin Valley Council, Independence Wagon Wheelers and other dancers came to the fair with over four squares dancing with Daryl Clendenin calling. Yvonne Clendenin cued a couple of rounds. Thanks to Ferrous Steinka for getting the dancers rounded up to dance.
Saturday, August 30, saw the Oaky Doaks and Willamette Squares attend the fair with over three squares in attendance with Mike and Terry Halley calling. We had a dancer from Nevada and two dancers from the Star Promenaders in Medford attend also. Thanks to Eugene and Bonnie Ivy for getting the dancers for this demo. Eugene skipped out and went fishing instead of dancing.
Monday, September 1, saw the Youth from several clubs attack the stages with energy and lots of fun as KC Curtis and Jonny Roberts called an enthusiastic set of dances. Way over four squares in attendance with some doing a Virginia Reel while the callers took a small break. It was very entertaining for the audience. Kathy Roberts did a fine job of getting a list 64 names long to participate. Some did not make it but still a very successful demonstration for the good of Square Dance. Floor Dusters, Silver City Squares, Toe Draggers, Chaps & Petticoats, just to name a few made for a great demo!
All of the dancers have expressed an interest in dancing next year and have been put on my list for starters for the next season. See you then.
Thanks to all the dancers who participated and the callers who made the experience a good one for all. Thanks to the parents of the youth for coming to watch them dance and encourage them to continue on with their dancing in the future.
No Report. Ray Jones noted that Floyd had done a lot of hard work on the trailers, putting in the new floors. We should all appreciate how much he did.
DELEGATE MEETING: Harriett Livingston
We discussed the OFN migrating to the web. There was a lot of discussion and questions.
2014 State Officers Election Audit Committee Lisa Kious reported for the committee that the ballots were destroyed and the occasion was filmed if anyone is interested.
OFN Financial Audit report Tim Roberts had no additional report
OFN Advisory Committee Report Vivian Fairburn
The OFN advisory board has decided to give Joyce a 90 day notice that we are going to the web. Following a series of questions and comments it was MOVED by Kathy Roberts that "The Federation migrate the Oregon Federation News to an on-line publication. Vivian Fairburn 2nd. MOTION carried.
New President Dale Worthington spoke about his hopes for this year with the Federation. He would like to see dancers visit outside their own council and attend other clubs special festivals.
CeCe Glidewell spoke about the current lack of enthusiasm in the clubs for such things as visitations, club outfits, and parade of states. These things are hurting our activity. IWW does a lot of things together. New dancers get disappointed by older dancers talking and not dancing.
Dave Cooper: Mr. President I MOVE that the wording on IX-2 Lines 18 and 21 be changed from 5 years to 2 years. Coleeta Quigley 2nd. After 2 years the ambassador would change to honorary ambassador. Steve Murphy recommended we amend the motion. It now reads that in the OFSRDC Practices and Procedures manual the wording on Section IX-2 Lines 18 and 21 be changed from 5 years to 2 years. 2nd by Coleeta. MOTION carried.
MID-WILLAMETTE: Harriett Livingston
Only three clubs at this point have started lessons. One club has 12 students. The second one had 15, the third club had something going on and had no one there but I am sure they will have a lesson the following week .Our first new dancer's dance will be November 23 held at least one each week and continue until all clubs having lessons are given a chance to host a dance. It is still in the early stages, but the trophy dance seemed to be a draw for clubs more than the banner. One was handed out Friday night and because of it, the club had 11 squares there. Rounds R Us has decided to withdraw from the Federation. New officers were installed at the September 15th meeting.
UMPQUA: Frank Schuchard
Buckeroos have started their lessons last Tuesday. They had 21 new students. Timber 8s, our plus club was dark for the summer. They have resumed their second and fourth Saturday dances. We have several young, single women who have joined our club. One took over as President and one is our web master. Dancing Friends is our round dance club and have no report. Umpqua Council had dancing at the fair this summer. We had over 13 different clubs sign up to dance over the four nights. November 11 we will be marching in the Veterans Day Parade. You are invited to join us. Call me for information.
Sept 28th is the Hahn Barn Dance. Normally this dance is done in June but because the Summer Festival was on the same Sunday it was changed to this date. This was an OFN subscription dance with Chuck Garner and Mike Stout co-callers and Julie Stiers and Julie Stout co-cuers. There is pot luck at 5 pm at pre-rounds starts at 6.
Oct 31st is a Halloween dance at the Tigard Grange, Ken Pratt as the MC callers and cures from the floor
Nov. 29th Saturday dance at the Aloha Grange with the Wild Cards calling and Helen Hailey cueing. Not sure of the time yet.
Dec. 31st. is the New Year's Eve Dance with Scott Zinser calling and Molly Combs cueing. I don't have the time or place yet.
All 12 clubs have been putting on dances this summer, some more than others, but they are trying to stay dancing. Kay Rogers added that the Oct 31 dance is a Round Dance Party.
SOUTH COAST: Chuck Quigley
Beachcombers had another successful Battle Rock Festival with Denny Lantz calling and Dave Cooper Cueing. Our regular dances will start up again on September 27. We will again be holding afternoon dances beginning at 3 o'clock with a potluck at 6. Our new club cuer, Cathy Houston, will possibly having round dance lessons beginning in January if there is enough interest.
Saints N Aints new class is underway. We have about six new students - not that much but we will see how it goes. Saints N Aints and Sets-in-Order will be dancing in the Fun Fest Parade in Coos Bay on Sept. 20. In October we will be dancing at the Pumpkin Patch and may be doing a demo in Reedsport. Round dance lessons will be starting in Coos Bay the first Thursday in October.
Sets-in-Order began lessons Sept. 7 with round dance lessons with Denise Harris. We are so excited having 10 couples participating. Square dance lessons also began with only 6 new dancers but will still open for one night so hopefully more new ones will come. We began a round dance night one night a month. Our birthday dance is coming up on October 11th. Please everyone come!
ROGUE-SIS-Q: Lori McIntosh
No Report
At our last meeting on September 15 we voted not to have meetings in June, July, and August. The June meeting is our annual picnic so no business is conducted. We will vote at our October meeting to have meetings every other month.
The new club "Just for Fun" dance on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at the Rockwood Grange in Portland. They hope to become a member of the Federation sometime in the future. Mark Wheeler is the caller.
Several clubs went dark for the summer but are now in full swing with lessons and regularly scheduled dances. Several clubs had "Back to School" dances and collected school supplies for charitable organizations who distributed them to children in need.
The Silver Star are interviewing for a new club caller. If interested called Roy or Janet Bellcoff at 360-607-4025.
The Country Cut-Ups will celebrate their 54th anniversary on October 4th. Caller will be Roger Putzler and Debbie Combs will cue. They will have their annual ALL you can eat pancake, ham and eggs breakfast on October 19th. This is their annual fund raiser for upkeep of their hall.
The next 5th Friday dance will be Oct. 31st. George and Patty Hermann will call and cue. Costumes are optional.
The Klamath Country Squares have resumed graduated dancer workshops. New dancer workshops begin on September 27th. With the exception of the October Potato Festival, the club has voted to hold party nights on the 2nd Saturday on a trial basis for November and December. Their party night may be moved permanently to the 2nd Saturdays in 2015.
The council is busy planning the 2015 Summer Festival. The next council meeting is scheduled for September 29th at Roosters Restaurant at 7pm.
Four of our area clubs are joining together to sponsor New Dancer lessons. The lessons will be taught by one caller and will be twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. beginning on October 7 at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield. Then at 8:30 p.m., following the new dancers, on Tuesday will be Plus lessons and on Thursday a Mainstream Workshop. A committee of members from each of the four clubs has been doing advertising for the lessons, and the area council gave them $1,200.00 for Ad's on the back of three Eugene/Springfield Transit District buses for 3 weeks of many different routes during the day. The committee also distributed many Flyers throughout the Eugene and Springfield areas.
Three of our clubs are going together to put on one big, special Christmas Dance in December. Then our annual area New Year's Eve Dance is being planned this year by one of our callers and cuer.
As always the Emerald Empire Area Council sponsors the Mid-Winter Festival, and thus hosts the January State Federation meeting at the festival. So-your next Federation Meeting will be on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Oregon State Room of the Holiday Inn Express next to the fairgrounds in Albany.
Officers for this year are:
President Marilyn Waak
V. President Mark McDonald
Secretary Debbie Klug
Treasurer Robin Doglio
The next council dance will be Oct. 31st at Redrocks. Chuck Garner and Julie Steirs will be calling and cueing.
Red Rocks will host the Guest Callers for the fall season. The third annual Cancer Benefit Dance will be held October 3rd. All proceeds which include door receipts and proceeds from the quilt raffle will go to the Sara Fisher Fund. Mainstream lessons will start January 11th with new callers Debbie Klug and Dan Forbes teaching.
Sagebrush Shufflers participated in two parades this summer. They Participated in the Round-Up in August. Lessons will start in Mid-October and meet twice a week.
The Mavericks are busy planning for their Juniper Jubilee to be held in Mitchell Oct. 10-12th
No report for Bachelor Beauts, Swinging Mountaineers, Sundown Round Dance Clubs.
Elkhorn Swingers (Baker City) have moved to a new hall. They have gone from dancing at the top of a long flight of stairs on the second floor of the Odd Bellows Hall to the remodeled basement of the old Carnegie Library building. They worked out a good deal with the Crossroads Art Center, which now owns the building. They are continuing to rotate dances once a month with the La Grande Club.
Muddy-Frogs are continuing their dance activities on Sunday. This summer they have been participating in parades and visitations at care facilities. Their lessons will start next month with Bill and Neva Reid.
The Star Promenaders will resume dance activities next month when the caller, Dale Counsell, returns from vacation. They have dance workshops on Thursdays. Saturday dances are shared once a month with the Baker City club. Our annual demonstration a "Celebrate La Grande" had problems again this year. Last year it was rained out and this year the sound equipment quit on us.
Steve and Valerie Murphy
First of all we would like to thank John & Glory Guches for appointing us as your Goodwill Ambassadors in 2009. We were completely surprised when they made the announcement and we hope you feel you made the right choice.
Here are some highlights as Oregon Goodwill Ambassadors. In the past 5 years we attended about 61 dance festivals, making an average of 12 festivals per year. We also attended 4 USA West conventions. We've met and gotten to know an incredible number of dancers during that time. We're very happy and proud to have represented the Oregon Square and Round Dance community everywhere we went. I hope you've all enjoyed our reports at all the meetings.
If you look in the P&Ps you will find that part of the job description of a Goodwill Ambassador is to smile a lot. We did!
Al Wolf and Gail Domine
June 28 we attended the State Benefit Dance for the Oregon Food Bank in Oak Grove. George and Patty Hermann did a great job calling and cueing.
In July our club held its annual campout in Cougar, Washington. It is always a fun weekend with lots of food, fellowship, playing games, and a little dancing.
River City Dancers held their annual picnic at the estate of Bert LaBedz near Canby in August. Just like the campout, there was lots of food, fellowship, playing games and a little dancing.
I have been suffering with knee pain so our dancing has been a little limited. We have managed to attend our club dances as well as the Tumbleweeds in Milwaukie and Chuck Garners ESP Plus in Gladstone. Both dances were called by or friend, Darrell Kalmbach.
Next month we will have a mini vacation by attending the Seaside Sashay, then spending the rest of the week in Lincoln City. The club beach trip will be the following weekend. We have one more year as ambassadors. I want to congratulate our past president for appointing ambassadors.
Fran Westfall reported that long time financial advisor and Randall Award Winner Jean Brigl died very recently and there will be a memorial service in October.
Patty Cooper reported that all the dancers in the State of Oregon are welcome to attend the Beachcombers on the first weekend in August. They are having the big cake walk and festival about five miles from the Beachcombers hall. They have opened up their ground for camping. If you want to go to the music festival you can dry camp at the Beachcombers for free. You can have the free pancake breakfast that Dave and I are cooking.
Kathy Roberts would like to thank Dave Cooper for a wonderful year as our president. You may think you weren't successful, but you were. Dale, thank you for your patience. Tim would never wear pink. I would like to introduce Karin Bucheit. She is the mother of Mariah, who won our scholarship this year. She is with the Silver City Squares. She is my Mid-Winter co-partner on the 2014 and 2015 Mid-Winter youth program. A lot of our great ideas come from her.
Vivian Fairburn: I just want to make a correction in the directory on page 15. Barbi is not an OFN advisor. It is Ray Jones.
Harriett Livingston thanked everyone for their support of Dancerama. She wrote a letter to the OFN to thank everyone. She especially wants to thank all the delegates. She wrote thank you notes for the delegates to give to their clubs. I had a terrific committee. They worked very hard. I think part of the reason people don't travel to other clubs more. When I went to visit other clubs promoting our convention and they aren't friendly.
Dennis Marsh: You heard that Silver Stars is looking for a new caller. We are not closing. We have a strong board. We are working on our 33rd anniversary.
Dave Cooper: I would like to thank Joyce Sherman. She set to do a job that was very difficult. Not being a square dancer from the past, it would have been a very hard thing to do to figure out what we do and what we expect you to do. I think you did a very good job considering the facts. Thank you.
Last night at the dance I made an announcement that we are having a big weekend. Not a festival, a campout. It is called Mavericks Campout. It is in the big town of Mitchell, Oregon. We are going to have square dancing, round dancing, spud gun shooting, painted hills dancing, whatever else we can think of
on that weekend. 2nd weekend in October, beautiful city of Mitchell, see Patty for more info.
Janet Bellcoff from the Silver Stars announced, Don Wiggins, 2005 publicity chairman, Don passed away in August. His wife, Pat, has also been dealing with memory problems.
Gary Sohn asked for help putting the tables and chairs away after the meeting.
Kay Rogers reminded everyone that in 1962 he was wearing a pink shirt.
Next scheduled meeting is the 25th of January at 9:30 am at the Phoenix Inn in Albany, Oregon.
ADJOURN: Meeting Adjourned.
Submitted by Kay Rogers
Temporary Secretary