President Dale Worthington called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
This meeting is being recorded.
Appointed Officers: All present except: Membership Chairman, Coleeta Quigley; ORDTA, Sharon Greenman; Round Dance Screening, Goldie Restorff.
Delegates: All present except South Coast.
Goodwill Ambassadors: All present.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Dave Cooper
FLAG SALUTE: 2nd Vice President, Sarge Glidewell
MINUTES: LaDauna Hartzell
Zola Jones mentioned a correction regarding where the January State meeting was to be held. Not really a correction of minutes. Minutes were approved as printed.
PRESIDENT: Dale Worthington
In September I sent a letter to Joyce Sherman terminating her services as OFN Editor effective December 21, 2014. Through the work of Tim Roberts, Kay Rogers and Vivian Fairburn, the Oregon Federation News is now totally on-line. It will still take some time to get all the bugs worked out but Tim Roberts is staying on top of it. We do need to educate the clubs and get the information about the OFN all the way down to the dancers, but this will be done in time.
The 2nd Vice President, Sarge Glidewell, and Publicity/Education, Barbara Wines, have been working on the Special Dances/Festivals pamphlet. This should be ready for downloading soon and I would like the delegates to encourage their clubs to check out the dances that are available throughout Oregon. Let's make square dancing fun.
2015 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: George & Patty Hermann
Our preliminary accounting is approximately 1199. It has gone well, it all came together. Jet did an excellent job of "blowing" everyone away. Everyone seemed to have a great time and even with the frustration and glitzes, it was fun and we believe we put on an excellent Festival.
2015 SUMMER FESTIVAL: CeCe Glidewell
Much work has been done and there is much more remaining. The contract with the Fairgrounds is in place, the callers and cuers have been recruited and the schedule is coming together. There are youth events, a square dance competition and a relay for life after-after party for those dancers who like to stay up late. The website is http://www.2015.oregon, there you can find all the information about the festival as it is updated. Don't forget to tell dancers about our Trail's End Dance on July 16, 2015 with caller Roger Putzler and cuer Christina Corelli.
2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kay (Jim) Rogers
We are on track, we have our callers and cuers under contract and right now we are moving right along.
I've just finished publishing the 4th issue of the online OFN, and so far it is going pretty well. Each month, I've been able to add things that weren't in the previous month. I want to offer thanks to the folks who have sent me encouraging words.
One of the challenges has been and will continue to be training the clubs to do all of their own input. Maybe half of the clubs already have the habit of entering their own dance information and uploading flyers every month, and I'm sure that number will continue to go up. The Area Editors are doing a great job of collecting the club news items and sending them to me. I'm getting a good number of photos every month. About 350 people have signed up on the email list to be notified of new issues.
Now that the printed publication has ended, we're starting the process of offering refunds. The flyer at the OFN table explains the basic process. We will be sending a postcard to each paid up subscriber telling them how much of their subscription remains unused. Because of the overhead involved in issuing the refund checks, we are going to suggest that anyone with less than a year remaining consider leaving that money in the Federation as a contribution towards our ongoing expenses. The Treasurer will be handling that project.
We also have a relatively large amount of outstanding unpaid advertising. The Advisory Committee is still considering how to handle that.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Sarge Glidewell
SECRETARY: LaDauna Hartzell
I would like to thank Mid-Winter Festival for a great weekend. I would also like to give a big Thanks to Kay Rogers for filling in for me in September and thanks to everyone for the cards, prayers and thoughts for Doug's passing.
The following cards were mailed between October and January: 4 Get Well cards, and 3 Sympathy cards.
TREASURER: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
Everyone should have a treasurers report in your packet of papers. With everything that we have put together, we have $74,000 in CD's. At the moment we are ok, we'll see when the refunds start going out.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley
There are 8 councils or clubs that need to pay their Corporation fees: Emerald Empire Council; Klamath County Squares; Cherry City Cloggers; Silver City Squares; Country Capers; Floordusters; Tualatin Valley Council and the Buckaroos.
Two clubs in an inactive status NOT A PART OF THE ASSOCIATION. They will not be in our directory: the Muddy Frogs and the Northwest Callers Association.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers
I distributed hard copies of the certificates of insurance to the delegates. Please check all details and make sure they Are correct. and if need more copies, please see me. Good job this year and there will always be those who can't seem to get their insurance in on time, just have to deal with it as best you can. Please do not take your vacation during insurance time, this is an important delegate job.
First of all, George, this Festival has been a great one. Jet Roberts was awesome. The energy was most high for the most part. You have in your packet, I believe, you have the forms for the Randall Award which is coming up again pretty quick. I will say that the Swensons were in tears when we presented them with this award. They weren't here Friday night, but on Saturday when we gave them the award, they were so happy to get that award. Knowing how those folks felt, I am sure there are couples in your Council or your area who are deserving of at least being nominated for that award. It takes a lot of people behind the scenes to make this work. Please nominate them and get the forms back to me by the Summer Festival meeting in July.
Not much activity since September.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Nothing to report this period. In fact, thanks to the reduced financial activity in the Federation, it may be time to consider eliminating the Financial Advisor position and rolling the duties into the Treasurer's job.
We had a really nice seminar yesterday and had a lot of imput from clubs, and we had a lot of fun. I was disappointed that Susan Healea couldn't be here for hers but we are working on trying to get her for another state festival. Dale was a part of our seminar yesterday and it was really fun to have him.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
I either have done or will do pictures from State Fair and will add the pictures of Paul and Dottie that I took yesterday, but other than that, clubs have been very lax in getting material to me, so other than what I have done there has been no activity.
It is the first of the year, so both BMI and ASCAP have submitted their bills to the Federation, and I have given those to the Treasurer and have the checks back to get in the mail. Our fees are BMI $155.00 and ASCAP the fee is $246.00, and we get reimbursed these fees from the Festivals to put back in the Federation funds.
The USDA $1000 scholarship application form is due by February 1st, 2015. If you have a student who is planning to apply, don't delay. You need OFSRDC President Dale's signature on your recommendation letter.
Oregon's $500 scholarship application form for graduating high school seniors and college freshman who are continuing their education is due by May 1st, 2015. Applications are on-line at ScholarshipApp.php.
Our Youth Activities Fund paid for 19 ribbons this year. Preliminary assessments are that the Mid-Winter Youth attendance was at least twice as many as last year. $100 was also sent to Mid-Winter to pay for the Friday night event fee for the 19 youth that we assisted. I have one comment to make about the youth. THEY ARE FANTASTIC. They are cheerful, respectful, and a lot of fun.
I have received a $100 request from Summer Festival to help with their youth activities. Lorri McIntosh, 2015 Summer Festiival Youth Coordinator, has put together a great program for the youth. I think everyone should plan their summer vacation around Summer Festival to not only take advantage of Summer Festival, but their special activities. Bring the kids and have fun.
Floor Dusters, Portland Area Council, will have a donation dance for the South Clackamas Community Church on Saturday, March 7th from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. (South Clackamas Community Church, 8950 S. Schneider Road, Canby, OR 97013). Caller MC will be Tim Kane, callers from the floor are welcome.
Please remember that if you have kids in your council who would like to attend Summer Festiival and cannot afford the ribbons, please contact me. We have scholarships to help kids who need financial assistance. Since our funds are from Federated events, youth applying for scholarships MUST be a member of a Federated Club or taking lessons from a Federated club.
ORDTA: Sharon Greenman
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Goldie (Earl) Restorff
CALLER ADVISER: Leonard Snodgrass
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts
The Webmaster has been working closely with the OFN editor to make sure everything is covered.
I will be contacting State Fair in March or April to let them know we are again interested in spots at the Fair. We had three days last year and I am hoping for four this year; one of which is a Saturday for Kathy and the kids. We had a great turnout last year and hoping for more this year.
STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard
The only thing I have on the state trailers is that they all came back in good shape and are in storage. We have one trailer that has to be worked on as the wiring. They are looking really good and will be ready to go out this spring and summer. We need to use them more and the floors are in really good shape.
In unfinished business we have the migration of the OFN to live publication. Dave Cooper asked "does every Council have their own editor that is sending in material to Tim. Tim answered he thought he was getting material from all of them, but will check closer.
We met yesterday and have a slate of officers. At that meeting we were short one person for 1st Vice President and so we went out looking and one lady was excited to fill that position. Therefore, we have put the list of officer candidates on the wall as is required last night, hope everyone has had a chance to see them. Here Is a list of nominees we have as of yesterday: 1st Vice President: Jolene Cummings; 2nd Vice President: Richard Burdick and Chuck Garner; Secretary: LaDauna Hartzell; Treasurer: Lane Clem and Marilyn Schmit; Membership: Coleeta Quigley.
President, Dale Worthington, opened up nominations from the floor for anyone who might like to run. Kay Rogers: I would like to nominate Marilyn Schmit for 1st Vice President as she has agreed to drop from running for Treasurer and to run for 1st Vice President. Nominations will be open until the first of February. So, please if you know of anyone else, contact Dave Cooper and get the information to him.
For 2nd Vice President we have Richard Burdick and Chuck Garner; do we have any other nominations at this time. None given.
Secretary, LaDauna Hartzell. Are there any other nominations at this time. None given.
Treasurer: Lane Clem. Any other nominations for Treasurer at this time. None given.
Membership: Coleeta Quigley. Sylvia Davis has been nominated for Membership also.
Sarge Glidewell, I would like to make a motion to form a committee to look at the possibility to migrate the State Directory to an on-line publication. Lorri McIntosh seconded. Discussion: When the directory is dis- tributed in September, it is already out of date. I would like to have a committee to look at the pros and cons if it would be acceptable for the dancers.
Kay Rogers, I think that the directory is still a very valuable tool and irregardless that most of us are on line and computer literate, a lot of us are not. I got a lot of concerns regarding the OFN going on-line, but the OFN was a financial decision. The Directory is not a financial decision. We have the capability of charging the clubs to cover the cost of producing and printing. I use them all the time and carry them everywhere. I don't think there is a substitute for the real thing. Ray Jones says he has one concern about this as Zola carries one in her purse at all times and is able to answer many questions from dancers because of that. We have a tendency to want everything on-line, but this is one thing I don't think we should get rid of. Dave Cooper stated he agreed with that as they use theirs all the time and we do have the ability to charge for them. Think this is something we should keep. Frank Schuchard mentioned he has a valid point, but how up-to-date are they when we get them. What we could do, maybe, is put the changes on line.
There was other discussion on the Directory, before the Call for the Question by Dave Cooper. There were eight (8) yea and five (5) nays. The following are committee members: Sarge Glidewell as Chair; Marilyn Schmit; Lorri McIntosh; Harriet Livingston and Nita Minten.
Marilyn Schmit, I move to modify the Practices and Procedures to raise the club and council annual dues From $3.00 to $20.00 a year. Kay seconded. This affects P&P pages III-4, III-6, III-7, III-8, V-20, V-22, and V-23. This is Mostly a psychological change. With the demise of the printed OFN, the concept of charging a fee for printing the Where and When seems somewhat quaint.
To simplify the motion, we are going to eliminate the Where and When fees that the clubs pay with their $3.00 with their Federation fees. Clubs now pay $10, $20 and $30 fees for the Where and When. By making one fee per year for the clubs in the amount of $20.00 it covers their Where and When that will be put in the OFN and will cover dues and everything. Cece stated that yes their one club would have to pay a little more, but she is okay with that as it will be even for all clubs. Barbi Ashwill mentioned that there will be some clubs pressed to pay even the $7.00 extra. Why are you charging for the Where and When when is on-line and they don't have to pay for the OFN. We are not, we are charging for dues. Zola Jones, is this something that the Federation can do without sending it back to the clubs? Dale said yes we can.
Discussion continued regarding this motion. There are funds available for clubs that need assistance with the addition of dues. They would go through the Grant Committee: Kay Rogers, Marilyn Schmit and Dave Cooper. There are a lot of questions on this and if you would like, we can table this and bring it back up in May, or we can go ahead. Dale called for the vote. The motion passed.
Next motion: made by Marilyn Schmit: I move to modify the package to eliminate the Where and When fees Cece 2nd. Discussion called for. None. Motion passed.
Reports are to be sent to the Recording Secretary.
New dancer lessons, sponsored by four of our area clubs an taught by one caller twice a week were very on January 13 graduated 14 active and enthusiastic New Dancers who had all attended the previous New Dancers Dances by the host clubs, and projections are they will all be joining clubs. There are now "workshops" being held one night a week. Our lesson Advertisement on the back of city busses in the Eugene/Springfield area were also successful - they ended up running for 1 ½ months and created a lot of response, including quite a few of our recent new dancers. We still got a lot of inquiries after lessons closed from the bus. We took names and contacts, kept in touch and now another session of lessons will begin February 4th, once a week, with one caller and sponsored by the same four clubs.
Our area council's Annual Benefit Dance this year will be on Saturday, March 28th at the Emerald Empire Square Dance Center in Springfield; calling and cueing again donated by the Cascade Callers and Cuers Association. There also will be a Silent Auction of many items. Our recipient this year is the South Willamette Chapter of "Honor Flight", and besides World War II Veterans, they are now also honoring Korean War Veterans.
The Elkhorn Swingers did something different for their dance this month. They invited a band and a Contra Caller from La Grande to provide the music and lead the dancing. Their intent was to generate some interest i their club; and of course, to dance.
The Star Promenaders started lessons this past Thursday. There was interest shown by some people so we will see how that goes. I will find out if we will have enough for a class when I get back next week.
This is lesson time in Central Oregon. Every club in the area has lessons of one type or another. Weather caused cancellation of three different dances in November and December. The Red Rocks held their Annual Cancer Survivor Dance in September. As a result of their efforts $891 was donated to the Sara Fisher Fund at St Charles Medical Center. The Bachelor Beauts Annual Teddy bear dance was successful and gathered in a large number of bears, which are given to the police for children in accidents.
KC's report. New officers and directors were elected: President, Denny Fullerton; Vice-President, Carol George; Treasurer, Doty DeGarmo; Secretary, Don & Helen Schreiner. Board of Directors: Dorothy & Afton Herndon, Jim Icenbice, Sue Fisher. The club party night will remain on the 3rd Saturday of each month; however, the May 16 and June 20 dances are cancelled to support State Meeting in Central Oregon (May) and the Gold Diggers Dance-in Yreka (June). The club meeting is changed t the 3rd Monday of each month.
Most clubs are about to or have graduated their new dancers. Some clubs are restarting lessons due to the fact that they could not get enough dancers in September.
Since the last meeting in September, several clubs have celebrated anniversaries. The Country Cut-ups had their 54th anniversary on October 4th and the Recycles Plus Club celebrated their 19th on October 21st.
The Dance-A-Rama weekend sponsored by Bachelor n' Bachelorettes of Portland the Salem Swinging Stars was a great success, thanks to Helen Clark and Harriet Livingston and their committee. 468 dancers from as far away as Maine and Australia Attended. Seven national callers did the calling.
Since the Country Capers no longer dance as a club, the Buzzin' Bees asked caller Mark Wheeler "Elvis" to have an "Elvis" dance. It was in November. They hope to make this an annual event.
The Chaps and Petticoats will have their annual Flintstone dance on February 8th.
The Squaws and Paws have decided to dance once a month on the 4th Saturday. They will no longer dance on the second Friday of the month.
Some clubs had New Year's Eve dances, with so many to choose from attendance at some was not that great. However, all had a great time.
Thanks to all the PAC clubs that went dark for Mid-Winter. The next PAC dance will be on Friday, January 30th at the Oak Grove Community Hall. K.C. Curtis will call and Helen Halley will cue. The PAC will hold elections in March. The nominating committee is busy gathering names of prospective officers.
We are busy planning the Tri-Council dance to be held in October. We are hoping to have a national caller For this event.
The clubs of Rogue Sis Q Council have been participating in multiple demonsration dances at the Rogue Valley shopping mall and anywhere else dancers can gather and perform for audiences. September classes are On-going for all clubs and January classes have just begun for Lantzers Danzers and Charlie Browns. All clubs are working to increase membership.
Pear Blossom Festival will be April 10 and 11 at Rogue Valley Square Dance Center in Central Point, Oregon. Caller this year is Hunter Keller. Cuer will be David Vomocil. If you see anyone with the Pear Blossom Committee badge on, ask for a mystery raffle ticket. We have had some pretty great mystery prizes in the past and it looks like another great one for this year. The raffle tickets are free; you just need to be in attendance.
The Charlie Brown Squares received good news again this year, the Josephine County Fairgrounds will remain open for another year. This will allow the club to go ahead with the Boatnik Festival on Memorial Day weekend in May. Look for flyers for Boatnik weekend.
Lantzers Danzers will be celebrating their birthday on April 4th. Calling for squares will be Scott Zinser and cueing will be Elaine Funk.
Star Promenaders birthday dance is February 28th with Eric Henerlau calling and Mary Nutt cueing. Diamond Lake is the 4th weekend in July after Summer Festival. This will make traveling much easier for anyone wanting to participate in both festivals. Calling for Diamond Lake is Joe Saltel and cuer is T.J. Chadd.
SOUTH COAST AREA: Coleeta Quigley
Saints n Aints: Classes are over until September. Our birthday dance will be the third Saturday in April. The turkey and ham raffle/fund raisers in November and December were successful. We will also be selling cookbooks as a fund raiser. The cost will be $5.00. The deadline for submitting recipes will be February 1st. They will be small books that can fit in a purse and be used at the grocery store when looking for dinner ideas.
Sets in Order: We didn't have enough beginners to do lessons, so instead, supported the Saints n Aints classes by doing some additional plus - lessons and practice. It was good for the dancers and really enjoyed. We have our annual Clash Dance coming up in March. It's fun seeing the outrageous "clash" outfits.
Beachcombers: We are back in business after another break-in where about $100 worth of items were Stolen, damage has been repaired and we hosted the South Coast New Year's Eve dance. We had a nice turnout and everyone enjoyed dancing to our local callers and our own club cuer this year. We are going dark for our January dance since it is during Mid-Winter Festival, but we will resume our regular schedule in February of dancing on the 4th Saturday from 3-6 p.m. We have opted to discontinue our 4th of July Birthday weekend and will be having our Birthday dance on June 27th from 3-6 p.m. K.C. Curtis will be our caller and Cathy Houston will be cue the rounds.
South Coast Area: We are going to have 4th Sunday dances again in Bandon until summer. Everyone enjoys the afternoon dances and this year we are going to use our callers and cuers that are learning to call and cue for us. It is a win-win situation as they get practice and we get to dance.
The upcoming events for the TVC are:
January 26 is the potluck meal for past and present presidents of each TVC clubs. This is to thank them for being involved in square dancing and helping lead this activity into the future. This is where the TVC Recognition Award is presented, it is given to recognize a person or couple for their outstanding contribution in the past to square dancing. At this meeting/dinner we ask for nominations for next year's officers. March is when we elect them. On January 31st there is the TVC Mid-Winter Rebound Dance.
As some people know Jim Hattrick has been ill. Here is the last report that I have from Daryl Clendenin. Jim is having some good days and bad days. He might have another C.T. Scan next week. With a bit of luck and positive healing, he'll have the tubes removed and can start functioning on his own, His spirits remain high and is doing his best to be a "patient, patient". He is sorry to have missed Mid-Winter but wants everyone to have a good time. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Buckaroo's: Our club changed their beginning time of our dances to begin one half hour earlier while we Will have the dance end at 10:00 p.m. instead of at 10:30 p.m. Rounds will begin at 7:00 and squares will begin At 7:30 with the exception of our Birthday dance in April.
Both Dale Roberson and Don Marshall, our two long time club callers have retired. Unfortunately, we do not have any other local callers, so at this time we are depending on guest callers from out of the area. Don and Dale have said they will continue to "fill in" but they have plans to travel and are retiring from having commitments to a regular dance schedule.
Upcoming: Our Birthday dance will be April 4th with the Umpqua Valley Boys (Don Marshall and Dale Roberson). Our Round Up is June 12, 13 and 14.
Dancing Friends: February 13th will be our Sweetheart's Dance Party with Neil Koozer cueing.
Timber 8's: Birthday Dance in April, TBA.
Umpqua Area Council had our New Dancer Dance on January 11th. Chuck Simpkins who is our instructor this year came down from Grants Pass and called. He brought a new student caller with him, Phil who also called a tip. We had a total of 35 dancers attend and of those 13 were students.
As we look back over the last few months, it appears we were very busy. We attended all of the PAC meetings as well as the Christmas dinner meeting December 19th at the home of past dancer, Norma Harrington, located at Cherrywood Village retirement center. The attendance was quite small but those who did attend were treated to a delicious spaghetti dinner with salad and dessert.
October 19th, we attended the Country Cut-ups breakfast. This function raises money for their expenses throughout the year for their dance hall, the Boring Barn.
October 24-25 we were at the Seaside Sashay and enjoyed visiting with friends we had not seen for several months, as well as dancing to the terrific calling of Jim Hattrick and Craig Abercrombie. This was our first year of attending this event. The following weekend we were at Lincoln City for our club Beach trip. The weather at Lincoln City was pleasant. Seaside not so nice.
November 22 we danced with the Silver Stars in Vancouver. This was our club visitation for November.
December 6th we dined at Saylers Country Kitchen with other club members, the River City Dancers. There was a gift exchange and we sang Christmas carols.
December 21st we attended the benefit dance at Milwaukee Community Center for Jim Hattrick. Many dancers came to support Jim. Over $6000 was received at the door and sealed envelopes with cash and checks were also given to Jim and Judy. Many callers and cuers donated their time. The following is a report we received last Monday: Jim is having good and bad days. The bad days consist of feeling a bit "punk" (his word). He is still at least a few weeks from returning. He is assuming that there will be C .T. Scan next week and with a bit of luck and positive healing, he'll have the tubes removed and can start functioning on his own. He is sorry to have missed Mid- Winter but wants everyone to have a good time.
January 11th we attended our class graduation at the hall. A large number of club members came to support the new dancers.
Carolyn and I would like to thank Mr. Cooper and his bride for the appointment to roster of Goodwill Ambassadors and the Oregon Federation for the confirmation. It feels strange to be appointed to something we have been doing over 50 years as dancers. Everyone that dances should consider themselves as an ambassador.
The appointment came as a surprise while we were making badges for the Red Hatters at their Funvention in Portland. The spooky or strange part was we had just sold two square dance badges to ladies returning to our sport and were talking it up with another vendor that was thinking about dancing. We have been visiting clubs as well as taking round dance lessons (phase 3, 4 and some 5 moves), passing on the Goodwill spirit from the Federation, Councils and Clubs.
We ask a favor of each Council and club; please provide us with flyers; special dances or activities, because we distribute them at festivals and club dances as well as sending them through the mail when we send the badges out from the business, which includes commercial customers.
Federation: we would like directories if you have some left over. These would go to other festivals out of State, such as Yuma Square Dance Festival, Yuma, Arizona; Silver State Festival, Reno, Nevada and Idaho State Festival as well as others within our travels. Thanks again - see you at a festival or dance.
ADJOURN: ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by LaDauna Hartzell