Hosted by the Interstate Highlanders Council
Klamath Falls Fairgrounds, Klamath Falls, Oregon

President Dale Worthington called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.


This meeting is being recorded.

Dave Cooper moved to appoint Lorri McIntosh as Secretary for the July meeting, Marilyn S. second the motion. All members present agreed.

Appointed Officers: All present except: Secretary: LaDauna Hartzell, BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert, Trailers: Floyd Bard, and Caller Advisor: Leonard Snodgrass.

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Dave Cooper

FLAG SALUTE: 2nd Vice President, Sarge Glidewell

MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh, Coleeta Quigley moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Cece Glidewell second the motion. Minutes approved as corrected.


PRESIDENT: Dale Worthington- quick report, nothing going on. Turn it over to Kay Rogers.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers: Thank you to Summer Festival, and for the morning treats (Cece- they were donated). Kay handed a copy of the next year's budget to all present, will be voted on in Sept. For this first time in 20 year we will not be in the red for the year. At this time we have no National Convention scheduled in our area, be mindful of having a National convention in Oregon. Need to be recruiting new members and dancers to put on a National Convention in the next 10 years. One of first Vice responsibility is to be on festival committees. Festival committee will help anyone to put on a Summer Festival, answer questions and help recruit. Request all delegates to go back to your councils and consider having a Summer Festival in your area and ask were they would like to see a summer festival. Midwinter is in the same location every year. Do we want this to continue with summer festival?

2016 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Tim Hagey- We have been very busy getting the word out. We have done a great deal of traveling this year and we don't see an end in sight. We attended a festival in San Francisco Bay spreading the word about Mid-Winter and we also did our best at convincing the National convention attendees that coming to Mid-winter festival was where the fun is. Tim and I were amazed at the number of callers telling us they either wanted to come up or "you have a REALLY good caller this coming to your dance". Really made us feel good to know our choice was the right one. While at the National Convention we spoke to our featured caller, Matt Worley. He's very excited about coming and requested more flyers.

Our committee members are busy with their individual responsibilities. We just had our committee meeting this past Sunday and it was great hearing their ideas and sharing their thoughts with us. We feel our committee will bring Oregon the Best Party ever.

We found out from our Registration chair that a record has been broken. This is the first year she knows of where registrations started coming in in March. She has received at least one registration every month since then. We also told the committee that as soon as Summer Festival began we could go "all out: selling ribbons, so please look for one of our visitation Reps or pick up your ribbon at the table here at Summer Festival.

See you at the next meeting or across a square.

2015 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Cece Glidewell- Thank you for your support. Exact numbers are not available at this time. Charlie Brown's had the most in attendance. The rest of the numbers are still being counted, who ever won the awards will be visited by the Summer festival committee. Figures for the festival is around 300, but this includes caller and cuers. Will have the exact count and information at the Sept. meeting. Excused to return to the festival.

2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kay (Jim) Rogers: Seaside Beach Party is on. We have started selling registrations here this weekend. I have included registration forms to all of you today to share with your clubs. We have ribbons if you wish to register today. In case you forgot, we are at the lovely, air conditioned Seaside Convention Center in the fun summer town of Seaside. Please register as early as you can to avoid panic on our part.

Dale recommended looking for home owners that rent their homes out during the summer.

Representatives, Connie Seamans, from Midwinter 2017 was present to introduce herself.

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy Roberts)- Things are still moving along well. I don't get an awful lot of feedback, but the feedback I get is generally positive. There are still people who are hoping for a resurrection of the printed magazine, but I think that's unlikely now.

I'm planning to write up an OFN job description to replace Section X of the P&Ps. I think things have settled down enough now to make that practical. The current text is all about the printed edition.

I now have 520 names on the email notification list, and it looks like I'm getting about 4,000 hits per month on the OFN web site. Those are good numbers.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT Sarge Glidewell: Thank you to everyone in attendance of Summer festival. Please express your thanks to Cece for a job well done.

SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh, No report.

TREASURER: Marilyn Schmit - report given to everyone present. I have had a short meeting with the incoming treasurer. New incoming treasurer introduced.

MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley - There are 5 councils or clubs that need to pay their corporate fees.

Timber Eights was due in May.
Sagebrush Shufflers in July
Beachcombers in July.
Eager Beavers in July.
Umpqua Area Council in July.

One club has dropped membership: Columbia Gorge Plus

One new club has joined: Columbia River Dancers (in Tualatin Council)

Please see me today if you haven't turned in your membership papers and monies.

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers: Thank you all for doing such a good job. I have been doing this for about 10 years. Is there anyone else who would like to step up and do the job this coming year? All the information, forms are on line for any incidents. All festival facilities have internet access, we need to consider bringing a printer to print information during the festival.

PAST PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper- Looking over the budget, there is something about a gift, is this retroactive, "I never got a gift". My report on the Randall Award. I was getting a little nervous since I had not received any nominations. I have six couples nominated for the Randall award.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim Roberts-No Report

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: no report.

PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Patty Cooper- Yesterday I held a session about square dance day on Sept. 12. At the next state meeting I will have a training session for the new delegates. I will send out a newsletter when I have a time and place. I will put something in the OFN about Sept 12.

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit No report, nothing submitted for the scrapbooks.


BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert-(Not present) everything is current with both organization.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Kathy Roberts- Lorri McIntosh had an excellent program for the youth at Summer Festival 2015, we have had multiple positive comments. J. Alexander has organized a youth and family dance on August 2nd from 11:45-1:15, with Chuck Garner calling. If you are interested contact Jeanine. The activity is at the Tualatin Crawfish Festival.

The kids will be dancing at the state fair Sept 5th with KC Curtis calling to the level of the kids. Please contact Kathy prior to July 30th. Hawaiian theme for the dance. Youth will receive a one day pass, anyone interested please contact Kathy.

Youth activities will pay all expenses and bring outside callers and cuers for a youth dance.

ORDTA: Sharon Greenman- New officers appointed. Next meeting in Springfield on Oct. 5 at 10am.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tammy Helms/Tim Keck: I took over where Goldie left off since she wanted to retire. Cheryl Manley and Marian Cook are helping me to get organized on the committee. PAC selected Round of the Month for August. Rogue Sis Q will be selecting round of the month for Sept. Please contact Tami with any changes in councils so she can update her records.

CALLER ADVISER: Leonard Snodgrass

No Report

WEBMASTER: Tim Roberts - I'd still like to find someone interested in being the Federation's social media person, to handle Facebook and maybe Twitter.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn Schmit - Dates have been obtained (9/1, 9/5, 9/7-youth day), anyone dancing at the fair must submit names by 8/1 to attend. Enter at the red gate, where the list of names will be. There is a place to change your clothes. The youth will be Saturday, ` September 5th. Dave asked about round dancing at the state fair, Marilyn asked for 5 days and received 3. Next year she will make one a round dance day. On youth day, the majority of kids do not round dance, so they would be sitting when round dance is occurring. Marilyn has a list of 35 kids for the state fair dance this year. Zola suggested we have both square and round dance like they did years ago. The dancing at the state fair is only one hour.

DELEGATE REPORT: Cece Glidewell asked Kathy Worthington to sit in: Monies for ODOT was discussed, this goes to a non-profit organization, what are we doing with it. Discussion on Emerald Empire is requesting a grant. 2 delegates want to take back information about having a summer festival in their area

PUBLICITY: Patty Cooper- For the state dance day; there are four event already scheduled, the Toe Draggers, man enough to wear Pink dance, Blue Mountain Council, South Coast is having a council wide dance in Coquille, Crook Count Mavericks progressive food and dance in Prineville, Redmond, and Bend. There will be an article in the OFN.

STATE DIRECTORY: Marylin Schmit- need the numbers from each council delegate.

STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard

No Report


Square dancing in September- clubs are encouraged to dance on the same day at the same time.



  1. Marilyn requested all clubs to provide a count of how many directories were needing to be ordered, the cost would be $3.25 each. They will be going to the printed on August 10th. Clubs need to update information and pay dues, if you are unsure where your council stands get with Marilyn.
  2. Coleeta Quigley moved to accept the Columbia River Dancers into the OFSRDC, Dave Cooper second the motion. Columbia River Dancers are accepted into Tualatin Council. Motion carried.
  3. Kay Rogers moved that the OFSRDC grant $950.00 to Emerald Empire (four clubs within this council) for advertising on the public buses in the Eugene area. Dave Cooper second the motion. A letter of explanation was submitted, copy given to secretary. Zola reports they had a good response to these ads last year and are wanting to double them this year. Emerald Empire is asking for matching funds, they will be paying $950.00 and would like the same amount from the OFSRDC. Discussion on effectiveness of ads. Dave commented on having new dancers attend the festival, there are few. Connie Seamans reported all but 2 of their new dancers were at mid-Winter this year. The festivals are being promoted. Dale called for the vote, Motion carried. Check made out to Emerald Empire Council.
  4. Funds from ODOT for square dance license plates will be given to the HORSES, this is a president discretion. There is approx.. $425.00 in the fund.
  5. Financial advisor: This position is only needed once a year for the annual audit an keeps up with tax changes. Tim Roberts currently holds the position and reports he is not needed all year until the treasure's book are audited. Discussion on pros and cons of abolishing positions. John Guches asked about reviewing club status, Tim does look at this occasionally, this is a membership rsoponsibiity. Coleeta Q. moved to abolish the financial advisor position. Kay Rogers second the motion. Motion carried (10 for the motion, 4 against)


    BLUE MOUNTAINS: Dave Stutzman the May 2016 meeting will be in La Grande.

    CENTRAL OREGON: Patty Cooper- Central Oregon dancing is in summer mode with demos and parades and cancelling dancing for holidays and Summer festival. Clubs are gearing up for Central Oregon Round-up. Mavericks had annual campout in Mitchell with almost every council represented.

    EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones - Our Spring session of Square Dancing lesson graduated 13 dancers in Our Fall lessons will again be sponsored by 3 of our area clubs; and taught by one caller twice a week. This was very successful last Fall, in 2014, due to the time-line and advertising.

    We're getting a much needed new sound system at the Emerald Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda St., Springfield in Hall 'A'. It will extend from the ceiling in the center of the dance floor and will put out 360 degree surround sound! It is to be installed and working by September. Also, there will be 'baffles' hung on the wall behind the caller and cuers stand to help with the sound too,

    Emerald Empire Area clubs always attend special dance weekends during the summer----you'll see our dancers at Summer Festival, also Diamond Lake, Central Oregon Round-up, and Port Orford.

    Some of our area clubs go DARK in August, so if anyone wants to dance with a club in our area during that time-be sure to contact them first.

    INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Sarge Glidewell. Sarge asked everyone to give Cece a hug and let her know how much you enjoyed the festival.

    MID-WILLAMETTE: Nothing much going on.

    PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL: Al Wolf - Congrats to PAC group who won first place at the dance competition.

    Many clubs have gone dark for the summer but some have danced through this "hot" summer. Check your OFN on line for those clubs that did dance all summer.

    A lot of clubs are starting new dancer lessons in Sept. Or Oct. Again, they will be advertising on line in the next few months.

    Sadly to report, another club has decided to go out of business. I can get no response from the Columbia Gorge Plus Club but at the last meeting it was reported that they were contemplating this. I have not heard from anyone regarding paying their state or PAC dues or giving me information for the next directory.

    Again, I want to let everyone know that the Tri-Council dance consisting of the PAC, TVC, and Evergreen Councils ae sponsoring their annual dance at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver, WA on Oct. 31st. Darrell Kalmbach will call and Molly Combs will cue. The PAC will host the dance. We hope many of you can attend. This is always one of the largest and best dances of the year with 15-20 squares.

    It will soon be upon us; that is Mid-Winter 2016. Flyers are out so encourage your members to pre-register early for savings.

    The next state meeting will be in Portland hosted by the PAC. The Rivers City Dancers will be in charge of the meetings and dance. I have given packets to the delegates as well as officers. This is all the information you need to come and stay in Portland and enjoy the dance and meeting. Les Seeley will call and Tami Helms will cue. The date is Sept. 19th for the dance and Sept. 20th for the meeting. There are extra flyers by the food on the table.

    I have been PAC delegate for 15 years. I have decided that is time to retire, so Janet Bellcoff will take over in Sept.

    ROGUE-SIS-Q: Lorri McIntosh - Thank you to Cece, Sarge, and Interstate Highlanders for a wonderful Summer Festival.

    Rogue Sis Q Council has had a few changes. The new Council President is Lorri McIntosh, Vice president is Walt Shontz, Secretary is Gwen Metocha, and Treasurer is Lois Muck. The next council dance is August 29th.

    Lantzers Dantzers have changed their name to Rogue Squares. They have also hired a new caller: Ray Holmes from San Diego, California has agreed to move to southern Oregon. They are dancing the second and third Friday of each month. Phil Ramey is filling in until Ray can move to the area permanently. For this month he is driving back and forth between Medford and San Diego.

    Charlie Brown Squares also hired Ray Holmes for their club caller, He will be calling August 1st for a special dance. The Charlie Browns will be dark in August due to the county fair. The Charlie Browns graduated over 25 new dancers.

    This Summer Festival promotion included "come early and stay late" so come to Diamond Lake Festival next weekend. If anyone can make it to Diamond Lake, it will be a lot of fun. Featured caller this year is Joe Saltel. Hope to see everyone there. Stars will hold just 1 class this year, extending the length of classes to 8-9 months. This will give new dancers more floor time, and feel more qualified to go to dances.

    Rogue Sis Council is organizing a demo dance on September 12, to join other dancers on that same day.

    SOUTH COAST: Chuck Quigley - Beachcombers just celebrated their 63rd birthday with an evening dance on June 27th. We had 4 squares dancing to the great calling of KC Curtis and cueing by Cathy Houston. It was our last dance until Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day weekend. Leonard Snodgrass will be calling for the festival and Dave Cooper will be cueing the rounds. We have the usual fun activities planned for the weekend, dancing in the surf, pie baking, cider pressing, and fundraiser breakfast, and lots of relaxing and visiting. We hope to see a lot of dancers from the South Coast as well as those coming from different parts of the state.

    Set-in-Orders: We are busy with Coos County Fair. We will have a booth and the float in the parade.

    Lessons won't start until October this year.

    Saints & Ain't: The only thing I have is that their next class will start the second Sunday in September.

    TUALATIN VALLEY: Kathy Worthington: The TVC has new mainstream club, the Columbia River Dancers, they dance the 2 and 4 Saturdays. The dance in air condition hall. August 29 is council picnic. Clubs without AC may cancel their dance, so check with the club before you visit.

    UMPQUA: No report


    Al Wolf & Gail Domine: As of this weekend we look forward to resuming our dancing. It has been three months since I had my knee replacement.

    We have attended PAC meetings and a dance May 29th as well as the picnic on June 15th where new officers were installed.

    Our own club, the River City Dancers, also installed new officers on June 20th. At that time, past Presidents were recognized as well as our caller, Les Seeley and cuer, Tami Helms. On May 29th and 30th we participated in a basement sale fund raiser for our hall. Another fund raising event was held on June 28th with a John Denver tribute by Ted Vigil, a true look alike and the voice from the past.

    Next weekend we will be attending our club campout in Cougar, Washington.

    Carolyn & Bob Bosch: It's been very busy few months. The business (sqdini) has been mailing your flyers out to everyone they can. This included the some of the clubs in Colorado, Nevada, California, and a few in Canada plus all those in Oregon.

    Busy, we have been working on a new front porch. It is done now, but the trip was without it challenges. It seems the lady of the house has her ideas and the worker (me the skilled craft man) made many changes (about 5). This seemed to cause changes in the way it was built and added materials. It's done….

    Busy: one baby shower; of course Bob disappeared, one wedding bridal shower, Bob disappeared, one wedding and believe it or not Bob attended.

    We even enjoyed the arrival of our newest family member, our 19th; great-grandchild, 8lbs-3oz baby boy James Bosch 3rd.

    We also attended a fantastic dance and camp out; Mitchell RV Camp out and Nerf Ball gun shootout. Dances were called by Darrell Kalmbach and cued by Dave Cooper. Nerf ball shootout was won by Bob and Darrell.

    Hot during the day, cool at night. Food: smoked tri-tip, chicken, salads, and many desserts every day. Dancing included "last square standing". Men dancing the women's part; women dancing the men's part. The best square without making too many mistakes were given awards.

    The chairs were circled around the camp fires at night under the stars and the bull started to flow. Mr. Dave Cooper will presented the "BS" bucket at the next camp out; included will be a set of rules. These are the good times of square dancing, friendship.

    Next, Central Oregon Round-up and then the Bi-Mart Country Western Festival; hope to see you at each.

    Oh, by the way; where are your flyers?


    Kay- remind you to support Summer festival, take flyers back to clubs. Register before you leave. Make motel reservation in advance.

    Zola- Mid-winter festival flyers are handed out, I have ribbons if you want one today.

    Lorri- Commented on how much fun the youth had with activities at Summer Festival, Please continue having youth activities at all festivals.

    Kathy Roberts- question about helping Emerald Empire with lessons. Would it be possible to have the Federation to offer scholarships to first time new students where they would pay 25% of fees from the Federation to encourage participation at the festivals.

    Marilyn -thank you for your well wishes for Ron, he is doing better.

    Next Scheduled Meeting

    September 20, 2015, Milwaukie Community Center, Milwaukie, Oregon

    Delegate and Officers meeting on Saturday July 18th.

    ADJOURN: Motion to Adjourn

    Dave Cooper motioned to adjourn the meeting, Kay Rogers second the motion, Motion carried.