Hosted by the Portland Area Council
Milwaukie, Oregon
President Dale Worthington called the meeting to order.
This meeting is being recorded.
Appointed Officers: Absent- Secretary, LaDauna Hartzell, Membership, Coleeta Quigley, MWF 2016 Tim (Cheryl) Hagey, MWF 2017 Connie Seamans, BMI/ASCAP, Ralph Lambert, ORDTA, Sharon Greenman, Round Dance Screening, Tammy Helms and Tim Keck and Caller Advisor, Leonard Snodgrass.
DELEGATES: All Present
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Dave Cooper
FLAG SALUTE: 2nd Vice President, Sarge Glidewell
MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh, Minutes approved as written. Page 3, item c, the grants is by 4 clubs in Emerald Empire Council. Same page-Last line, check made out to the four clubs for distribution along with council's matching funds. Meeting date changed to September 2015. Dave Cooper moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Cece G. second the motion. Motion carried.
PRESIDENT: Dale (Kathy) Worthington- Anthony introduced- sitting in for Ron Schmit as sound person. Anthony thanked the federation and council for the use of the hall.
This will be AL Wolfe and Gail Domine's last meeting as Goodwill Ambassadors. Dale appointed Ron and Marilyn Schmit as Goodwill Ambassadors.
Dale distributed needlepoint lighthouses to specific committee persons on the board: Tim Roberts, Marilyn Schmit, Patty Cooper, Kathy Roberts, Kay Rogers, Ron Schmit, and Floyd Bard.
Meeting turned over to first Vice President.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers: Budget now or later? This will be done during new business. I distributed a copy of the proposed budget at the last meeting.
At the last meeting I asked each delegate to go back and poll their clubs to see what suggestions they had for summer festival. The main result I got was that wherever it was needed to be air conditioned. Are there any councils willing to host the 2017 festival?
2016 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Tim and Cheryl Hagey: Apologies for being late to the meeting. 2016 MWF is coming along nicely and we are looking forward to a fantastic festival this year.
2015 SUMMER FESTIVAL: CeCe (Sarge) Glidewell- We heard lots of praise from dancers that the dance program was wonderful. Thank you to the state of Oregon. We had Roger Putzler, Tim Keck, and Tami Helms to thank for the dance program. We heard a lot of positive feedback on the youth activities. We have Lorri McIntosh and her crew to thank for all the wonderful youth activities, Many people to thank for the silent auction, all the federation delegates and officers, and those who let me pick your brain when I was uncertain about specific segments of the festival planning. We were frugal with our funds and sought partnerships and discounts where available. We also applied for grant money from the Klamath County Tourism grant funds. Without this money we would not have had the success we had. The council learned a lot during this festival. It was a a success overall. The seed money of $3000 has been returned to Marilyn Schmit. We have a check here today for $673 which is half of our profits, sorry it could not be more.168 preregistrations with a total of 224 paid dancers. We gave out 50 free ribbons to callers/cuers and spouse, and whatnot, for a total of 274. Figures were based on the 268as 6 dancers did not attend the festival. Of the 60+ Oregon clubs 39 supported the 2015 Summer Festival by at least one dancer from their club. Due to unfortunate events the wood award and Chair's trophy were not announced on Saturday night at the festival. Sarge and I made a visitation on October 3 to present the awards to the Charlie Browns for most members/percent in attendance of 23, River City had 13 dancers, Independence Wagon Wheelers had 12, Star Promenaders also had 12. All the councils were represented. We also had many dancers from Washington. California, Idaho, and Montana were represented at the festival.
2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kay (Jim) Rogers: We have forms and ribbons here today for your convenience in registering. Please take forms back to your clubs and halls. We know you will want to register for Mid Winter so register when you can. You should make your hotel reservation early to avoid losing out on your favorite place to stay. I was surprised and happy when two members of the USA West board told me that they really loved to dance with our featured caller. Andy Allemao. The exhibition group California Heritage dancers requested an invitation to come to our festival.
2017 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL: Connie Seaman ask for a loan from the state for the $6000 to help retain the Linn County Fairgrounds and order ribbons, flyers are being made, Caller and cuer contracts are being done. Our goal is to get 1500 square dancers to the festival. Two callers will be at this festival, names unknown at this time. He will be promoted in 2016.
Dave Cooper requested visitations from Midwinter Festival committee members to Central Oregon and South Coast. Tim Hagey reports they do have a visitation planned for Central Oregon and have planned visitations throughout the state.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: Believe it or not, the October issue that I will publish tonight is the 12th issue of the online OFN, which means we have finished our first year. The job has not been as much of a burden as I feared; people are getting into a routine, and I have computer tasks to automate much of it. In fact, that's one of my worries -- I'm concerned that I've developed so many cute computer tricks that it will be hard to find someone to replace me.
I don't get a lot of feedback. I do get the occasional "good job", which I do appreciate, but I'd like more. As you will see, I've asked in this month's editor's note for people to let me know what they read, what they like, and what they don't like. I don't promise to implement all of the suggestions, but if there are any trends, I will let you all know.
The OFN averages about 4,000 hits per day worldwide. Most of those are for the current issue, but people do go back to read the old issues. The Where & When gets downloaded about 800 times a month. I now have 540 names on my notification email list.
Question about past issues, Tim will maintain past issues forever.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Sarge (Cece) Glidewell- Thank you for letting me serve this last year, and thank you for the wonderful dance. We had fun.
SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh, No report
TREASURER: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- No written report, directories are done and I have them to be picked up. If you have a check for the directories, I will take it and give you the directories. Will type a report and send to the secretary. The new treasurer is gone on family occasion. Marilyn will get everything done and turn over to the new treasurer as soon as she is done with arrangements for her father.
Everyone should have a copy of the treasurers report.
Zola had a question about the monies in the credit, this is Kay's insurance money.
MEMBERSHIP: Coleeta (Chuck) Quigley No report
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers: I distributed insurance paperwork to all the delegates. Please make sure you get these to your clubs ASAP. If you have any questions, please ask. You will note that the rate is up to $4.75 this year.
PAST PRESIDENT: Dave Cooper: This is my last meeting. I have been involved since 1994. There is a folder in front of everyone, made by Patty. These folders have all of the Randall award nominees on one side and the bio's on the other side of the folders. Please read theses bio's for the votes and know who you are voting for. There is also a page telling what the Randall award is all about. The soon to be past president is on the ballot, as well as my mother in law, so the ballots will need to be sent to Marilyn Schmit. A stamped envelope is included with each ballot.
As past president, I am in charge of the grant committee. We have received a request. Marilyn, Kay, and myself have approved this request and bring it to the Federation for approval. The request is from South Coast Council and reads as follows:
Beachcombers Proposal to the State Federation.
The Beachcombers Square Dance Club of Port Orford is applying to the grant committee of the Oregon Federation for a grant in the amount of $1125 to be able to offer square dance lessons in our area.
Port Orford is a small community of 1000 residents. The Beachcombers is a 63 year old club whose membership numbers over the years has dwindled to 14 paid members. We own our hall, the Beachcombers Cove, and the property is sits on. We have fund raisers breakfasts during Cape Blanco Music Festival, and we host Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day Weekend each year to make money to operate on during the year.
We have had unsuccessful lessons in the past, but have secured the help this year of a teacher, Ray Graves, from out of our area. We have no funds with which to pay him. He will travel 300 miles round trip. His vehicle gets 20 miles per gallon; at $3 per gallon that comes to $45 per trip. He will charge the club $30 per lesson for teaching. The total will be $75 per week for 15 weeks for a total of $1125. The club will pay for the hall expenses, taxes, insurance, heat, food, and advertising in addition to paying the teacher $75 per week. New students will only by allowed to join the class for the first two sessions. Our goal for class is a minimum of 16 students. The students will be charged $3 per lesson to help defray these costs. Ray has agreed to call our regular dances in October and November at the class level for free, and other students in the area will be invited to these dances.
Lessons began on September 13 and will run through December 20, with graduation celebration on December 20, and other dancers in the area will be invited to this event. Our students will be ready to dance at Mid-Winter Festival and will be strongly encouraged to join our club.
The club flooded the town and surrounding area with flyers announcing the lessons and we handed out flyers at our Surf Dance, breakfast, and demonstration in town during Battle Rock Festival last weekend. We had a good showing of dancers at these events as many dancers from other parts of the state attending the festival participated in these activities. We also had advertisements and articles in the local newspaper. The Port Orford News and the editor came to a dance and took pictures that went into the paper this past week. The South Coast Folk Dance Club group also helped with advertising in the The World, a newspaper out of Coos Bay that is distributed all along the South Coast. Some of their members have also expressed an interest in taking our class.
We are excited about the turnout we had for our class last week as the students were enthusiastic about learning to dance with us. Our teacher did a fantastic job interacting with the students and making the class a fun experience.
Dave Reports the Grant Committee has approved this grant with the stipulation they received half of the grant and at midpoint of the lessons, if they are still going strong, the will receive the other half of the grant. If for some reason the lesson fold and they cannot continue with class, all monies of unused portion will be returned to the Federation Grants Committee. Kay stated we want to help clubs in the Federation and this is a good way to continue our support.
Dave moved to approve the Grant Committees decision to approve this grant. Zola Jones second the motion. Discussion- Chuck Garner offered support for advertising and assist with participation. Kippen supports the grant, he received a grant to attend caller school which help with his success. The motion was read before the members present. Motion carried.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: If any of you missed my fascinating and fact-filled discussion of Robert's Rules of Order yesterday and still have questions, please let me know. The Rules are designed to make the meetings run smoothly, so the better prepared we are, the quicker we can get through the business.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Tim (Kathy) Roberts- no report.
PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Patty (Dave) Cooper- Yesterday we had fascinating and fact filled report from Tim Roberts and Kay Rogers on insurance, offered delegate training, as well as tidbits of information was handed to new delegates.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit : No activity, No report.
BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert-(Not present)
No Report
YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Kathy (Tim) Roberts: Youth and callers organized 4 squares and did a great job. Janienne and Chuck Garner did a great job. There were about 60 kids and young at heart dance at the state fair this year to KC Curtis. Marilyn gave us a great time for the kids on Saturday. I will be putting on a dance in February somewhere with public transportation to make it easy for the kids to get to. Scholarship applications are being accepted for the youth, one for educational scholarships of $500 for high school seniors and college freshman who will be continuing their education. The second allows youth the participate in Federation sponsored activities such as midwinter.
ORDTA: Sharon Greenman -Tami Helms sitting in today. Linda F our secretary has resigned, Cheryl is now our new secretary and approved by the committee, another meeting ic coming up on October 10th, in Springfield. Note: ORDA has a library of 6000 records and are available for cuers to purchase for $1 plus shipping.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tammy Helms/Tim Keck- September Round of the month is "Do you want to dance". It appeared in the OFN. The next one will be from the South Coast and we have not received that back yet today.
CALLER ADVISER: Leonard Snodgrass
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: With the continued focus on the OFN, the Federation web site seems to be fading in importance, although maybe that's only from my point of view. I would still like to find someone to handle social media tasks for the Federation.
STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron)Schmit- Day one of the State Fair on September 1 was breezy but successful. 32 dancers showed up to dance to the calling and cueing of Sandy Harris. The stage was relocated across the lawn from previous years and fully covered with lots of seating for participants and onlookers. We are smack dab in the middle of the food vendors and not too far away from the restrooms located in the historic horse building.
The previous spot is now a beer garden and we danced on an elevated stage that held two squares. Cascade Sound was available to assist on any sounding that was needed and they have been thanked in person.
Day two of the State Fair on September 5 was very pretty with lots of energy abounding with teens and parents attending. 56 dancers played along with KC Curtis, calling. Two squares on stage and two squares on the cement below the stage. Thank you to Kathy Roberts for the water for the dancers and rounding up the names to submit to me.
Day three of the State Fair on September 7 was just right with Mike Halley, Terry Halley calling and Helen Halley cueing for 29 dancers. Even had two couples from the audience join us who had danced before and one of the couples dance currently.
I gave lesson information to a lady for Tri Squares, information to a lady for the Salem area, and answered questions of others who wanted just general information.
All in all, a great three days of dancing and sharing our favorite pastime with the people walking around and enjoying the food and fun at the 150th Oregon State Fair. Pictures have been posted to my Facebook page at Marilyn Rand Schmit.
I will be asking my contact at the Fair if there is a certain day that Rounds only would fit a theme of the day. I have a cuer lined up already if that happens, so stay tuned.
DELEGATE REPORT: Al Wolfe (Gail Domine): We discussed ways of getting people to take lessons. Several ways were discussed. Some thought maybe the ways we are doing now, might not be the way to do it. Some suggested paying up front. That is have those taking lessons pay maybe one half of the lessons when that start and give them a months lesson ffree after about 3 months. We also discussed how to keep this that join as members. No fast answer or solution. Try to be extra friendly and make them feel that they are important to us as members. The subject was brought up about charging angels at lessons. Some charge everyone, some only charge angels from other clubs, not their own. Some don't charge dancers that angel unless they bring a new dancer to the lesson. There were lots of ideas depending on the clud as well as the area.
Regarding giving a grant to the Beachcombers in Port Orford, the delegates were unanimous in giving this grant if they follow all the rules and regulations that go with the grant.
STATE DIRECTORY- The price will remain at $3.25 this year. It will cover the cost and any cost that may rise in the next couple of years.
STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard: The State trailer used by the Clubs in the Portland Area Council was returned by Betty Chipps. Thank you Betty. She is going to give me a list of issues and suggestions to make the trailer better. Some of the items she listed was wiring, a tire that was going down in air (found a screw in one of the tires when the trailer was returned), better storage for the end guard rails, etc.
The trailer used by the Lebanon Square Circulars and Sweet Home Squarenaders has not yet been returned.
As little as the trailers are being used and the expenses the Federation has incurred and the potential of more expenses is it beneficial for the Federation to keep the trailers. I want to find a new home for them, so does the Federation sell the trailers?
Patty (Dave) Cooper- State Square Dance Day: Nobody seemed to have a lot going on. No one informed Patty if something was going on. Cece announced they did dance and do a demo that day. Harriet announced she was contact to dance at the state capital for next year. She will let everyone know information as she receives information. Roberta Claudson announced that Rogue Sis Q council had two dances demos, one in Medford at Harry and David's and one in Grants Pass at the shopping center. Due to the temperature we had to dance in and out.
BLUE MOUNTAIN: Dave Stutzman: We are small council with few clubs. At Wallowa lake festival we were unable to have a meeting. Communication is difficult. We have had difficulty holding meetings. Did not have chance to discuss Summer Festival since last federation meeting.
CENTRAL OREGON: Kippen (Debbie) Parrett- The council had a profit of $97 from the last Council Dance. This is better than usual. The next council dance is October 31st. Richard Lane will be calling and Tami Helms will be cueing and the dance will start at 3ish so the dancers can enjoy other evening Halloween haunting. Dave Cooper re-suggested an idea that I had put before the council a year ago about having a dance that just the local callers and cuers who would work for free and that we might make more money. The suggestion received some discussion and may (hopefully) get a chance. We have some very talented callers and cuers in Central Oregon and I personally would like to see them all working together on an event such as a council dance. Mark McDonald expressed his interest in reinstating the ambassador book program originally developed by Dave and Patty Cooper to increase club visitations in Central Oregon. In keeping with the mission of the council, it was decided to bring this program back beginning in January 2016.
The suggestion that all clubs do a demo in their respective cities on September 12 seems to have fallen on deaf ears. There was a lot of talk about doing demo's when it was first suggested. Everyone was talking the talk but no one walked the walk.
The Central Oregon Round Up's attendance numbers were down a little this year. All participating clubs pitched in and put on a very good dance. The round up council will have their wrap up meeting September 22nd to discuss the highs and lows and to start planning for next year.
The Bachelor and Beauts and Sage Brush Shufflers will have their annual joint dance on September 26 which has traditionally been a well-attended event. Both clubs are looking forward to the fall dancing season and are gearing up for lessons.
The Mavericks Camp out in Mitchell was enjoyed by all. Plans are underway for next year's event which will be at a new location TBD, and back to late September or early October.
The Redmond Red Rocks just had their picnic in the park and I have heard that everyone had a good time. Their cancer fund raising dance is coming up October 2nd.
The Sundown Round Dance Club has started their new two-step lessons on September 13th and is still going around in circles.
The Swinging Mountaineers Sundays on Friday was a good dance with 5 squares right to the end. It's amazing what people will endure for ice cream. It was nice as dance numbers have been down over the summer as usual. There are just too darn many good things to do in Central Oregon during the summer.
EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones- SQUARE dance lessons "Advertisements' have been purchased to go on the back of four Eugene/Springfield transit line buses for one month. They started September 14. The Emerald Empire Area Council also wishes to thank the State Federation for their Grants to help pay for the cost of these advertisements; along with funds from the area council and four of our area clubs.
New Dancer lessons will begin Tuesday, October 6; twice each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield, and taught by one caller. They are again sponsored by the same four clubs, as a year ago in the Fall of 2014, and expectations are to have another large class-as we was last year, mainly due to the advertisements on the buses.
There will also be Plus Lessons once a week on Thursday evenings at 8:30 p.m. following the New Dancer lessons; taught by the same caller and at the same location.
All of the clubs in our area are now back to their regular dances- as listed in the new State Directory, and also are looking forward to another year of "Fun & Friendship".
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell- Experienced dancer workshops resumed on September 10. New dancer lessons begin on September 24.
MID-WILLAMETTE: Harriett Livingstong- Clubs are starting their fall lesson be it square dance or round dance.
Langley, BC welcomed 21 youth from the Silver Dragons and Silver Knights to their Festival this summer. Silver Dragons was second in their division--just one point short of 1st place. Petrina Bucheit will do some calling next year. Two round dance couples received 1st and 2nd in their novice division.
October 31st is the Area's Fall Festival hosted by Timber Twirlers.
New Dancers Dances start November 29th. Following the first one there will be 9 more New Dancers Dance each one hosted by a different club with the last one on January 22, 2016.
New Area officers will be installed at the Sept. 21st meeting.
PORTLAND AREA- The tri council dance hosted by the PAC will be October 31st and Clark County square dance center. Al reports not much to report since they did not have a meeting in June, July, or August.
ROGUE-SIS-Q: Roberta (Phil) Claudson- Corrections to the directory -we have moved our meeting from Elmer's to Denny's Restaurant. On August 29 we had our council dance, adding advanced dancing which has increased the dancers and revenue for the council dances. Our next dance is October 31st with a Halloween dance, Elaine Funk cueing and Wayne Weaver calling. On September 12 we had 2 demonstration dances: on in Grants Pass and one in Medford. There were 2 squares at both places with one square dancing at a time due to the extreme hot weather and asphalt. The classes have started with 18 new dancers for the Star Promenaders, 12 for the Rogue Squares, and 25 for the Charlie Browns. Yreka classes will start in October. Yreka has not had a regular caller until Dean Black moved back to the area recently.
Diamond Lake Festival was held the weekend after the Summer Festival in Klamath Falls. Attendance was up 31% this year, thank you to Cece for the advertisement.
The Charlie Brown birthday dance is the 5th of December with Randy Dibble calling and Steve Murphy cueing.
The Stars collected school supplies for the local schools and the Charlie Browns collected coats for kids in October and Toys for Tots in November. The New Years Eve dance will be celebrated at New York time with the Star Promenaders, meaning at 9pm. Some dancers will stay to dance a couple of extra tips and be home for midnight celebration at home.
SOUTH COAST: Cathy Woodworth- South Coast Council picnic in August was well attended by dancers from all 3 clubs.
Saints "N Aints of Coos Bay will be dancing in the Fun Festival parade on September 19. Square dance lessons began last Sunday.
Beachcombers hosted a fun Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day Weekend with over 60 in attendance. Our featured called and cuer for the weekend were Leonard Snodgrass and Dave Cooper. We kicked off the weekend with a BBQ and dance Friday night, and danced Saturday and Sunday nights as well as our annual Surf Dance on Saturday morning. Saturday and Sunday were filled with activities, a demonstration in town, apple cider pressing, a pie making class, the results of which were placed in the silent auction and brought $187! There was also a fundraiser breakfast, a square dance workshop, two jive workshops, and homemade ice cream churning. The dancers were treated to a grand send-off with delicious homemade cinnamon rolls on Monday morning.
New dancer class began Sept 13 and we would like to thank the Federation for the Grant to help with the cost of our lessons.
No report from the Sets in Orders.
TUALATIN VALLEY: Kathy (Dale) Worthington- Registrations are for the 2016 Summer Festival are coming in. Please get register early so we know how many are coming. We had 89 youth at the State fair on Sept 5th. Some good news, Jim Hattrick is back to calling. Judy Hattrick has recovered from her serious heath problem.
Our new club, Columbia River Dancers have been busy with lots of dances. They lost there caller because of conflict of goals, so they are looking for a new caller.
The Eager Beavers well be celebrating George Clarks retirement at their Sept 28th dance.
The Hayshakers had their annual club picnic, and are dancing on the 1st Friday of the month, most of the time.
Hoedowners have also been very busy, They had a Progressive dinner. The Aloha Grange ballroom was updated, 21 Howdowners were part of the crew that volunteered over 4 days to prep, paint the ceiling and install 8 chandeliers.
Mix & Mingle. There are unfounded rumors that they are changing to an Advance Club, that is not true. They are staying as a Plus Club.
Sunset Promenaders, have been doing club activates such as a potluck dinner, back to school dances, and the club Annual Beach trip. On Oct 3rd they are having their 30th Anniversary with a ham dinner.
Toe Draggers. They have been busy visting other clubs in TVC. They also had a campout. There was a fund raiser for the Susan G. Komen Foundation called Are You Man Enough to Wear Pink dance.
Tri Squares had there annual picnic with almost 100% attendance. They had there 17th Anniversary dance.
Valley Squares have been very busy dancing. Not only at their hall but out visiting other clubs and getting banners. They did a parade and 2 demo dances.
Wave Steppers have had a few good turn out at there dances.
UMPQUA: Frank Schuchard- Buckeroo
We had about 15 new students come and we are hopeful we will
have more come next Monday night. For the second year, we are offering a season pass of $60.00 for the season (minimum of 20 lessons) or pay $4.00 per lesson.
Dancing Friends
Timber 8's
Umpqua Area Council
Between the Timber 8's and Buckeroos we had 50 folks show up for our annual end of the summer picnic in August. We grilled burgers and dogs, and had a lot of salads and desserts. It has become a tradition that we end each summer with a picnic and we always have a good turnout.
We will be walking in the Veteran's Day Parade in Roseburg. All dancers are welcome to join us. There will be more info in the November issue of the Federation News.
Carolyn & Bob Bosch- It has been a short two months and very, very active.
First; we started with the Summer Festival in Klamath Falls. Small but great enthusiasm. It had great callers and cuers, enough space for dancers and venders, top off with great staff to pull it off. Cece, you and your volunteers did a fantastic job.
Home for a few days and we were off to the Central Oregon Roundup in Sisters. Again, fine callers and cuers. Good meals. Fantastic hugs from old and new friends. It was nice for Bob since he won one of the 50-50's for $76.00. We stopped for ice-cream on the way home Sunday; thank you Central Oregon.
Three days home and off to Bi-Mart Country Western Festival; Luke Bryant: Pam Tillis, Band Perry, Rascal Flats, and nine other acts, from one pm to 11 at night, for three and a half days. As we were getting ready to leave, putting the awning away, Bob almost lost three finger tips as the side rail pinched the tips of his fingers to the point that that were white in color. It took three people to free is hand. All is well. Overall the Festival was very good.
During the above two months, we attended two birthday parties, four BBQ's, and a set down dinner which also meant losing 15 games of cribbage and only winning 5.
Almost forgot; we were privileged to see our 14th Great Grandchild brought into this world, 7#-15ozs, 21 inches long, Landon O'Dell.
Bob came in third in the bowling tournament for his age bracket.
Al Wolf & Gail Domine- Our 5 year term as Goodwill Ambassador is completed. We have enjoyed meeting new dancers and visiting with those attending state meetings.
We hope that we have done a good job promoting square dancing at different activities these past five years. We sincerely thank Lee Ashwell for appointing us as ambassadors. We will still be active in square dancing, especially in our home club: River City Dancers.
Thanks to all who have come to this meeting and dance last night.
You are welcome to take the roses in the vases, however, please do not take the vases as they belong to the Community Club.
Dave Cooper- Not one to wine much or speak much but, when I moved over from president to past president, I did not get anything. Just letting you know Dale.
Zola- We have four clubs going together for the new lessons. We had a number of new members from the classes last year.
A question for Rogue Sis Q council about the addition to the dances. Rogue Sis Q Council has added advanced dancing to the council dances which has increased dancers and revenue for the council.
Question about The 50 calls new dancer class offering shorter lessons with the basic calls. It was recommended to start these classes to get people started dancing and have classes more frequently. Chuck Garner- the club 50 is a program stated by Jerry Story and Deborah Carrol Jones. This list has been around for about 20 years, California is pushing the club 50 classes. Club 50 is a combination of the basics with some mainstream calls in it, limited to 50 calls. Students can come to lessons and learn the mainstream calls. The clubs can hold a Club 50 dance for the new dancers.
Summer Festival brought up about the Federation helping with finances so the smaller councils will not worry about losing money. Dale mentioned the Federation gives $3000 seed money toward Summer Festival to help with start up and expenses. The Federation receives part of the profit or share the loss. Zola- not only does the Federation share the loss, 50/50. Maybe we need to look at the Federation covering the other half of the loss.
Open discussion about having square dance day in on the States birthday. Will discuss this when more information is known.
Harriett- Regarding the square dancing during the week of state square dancing week in Oregon. Harriett was asked about doing a square dance demonstration in 2016. Next year at the state capitol Harriett will let everyone know where and when e will be dancing at the state capitol. She has accepted the position of special events at mid-winter. She will be asking for donated raffle baskets and help for 50/50. If anyone wishes to help contact Harriett or Sandy Eddings.
Ray Jones- Extended a thank you to area delegates.
Bob Bosch stated there is a whiner in the bunch, not Dave C., Steve Murphy has ordered his badge 2 times and has not been satisfied with the colors of their badge. Bob presented him with new badges. He also presented Valerie with a new badge before any whining about her badge is made.
Zola- Midwinter program books will be coming out in November. Since we no longer have a November meeting, I would like area delegates to contact me about how many program books are needed and we will work to get the books out to the specific areas.
Kathy- promoting publicity for Summer Festival. Make a challenge for selling festival tickets, such as eating cow pies. We need a publicity person to help sell festival tickets and make it a fun competition.
Cece reported they made a lot on 50/50 at Summer Festival because her granddaughter went walked around helping to sell tickets. Suggest you use a really cute grandchild to help sell the tickets. Each night was over $100. As for the competition goes, I try to sell and we do not have the dancer, and I will always be the one eating cow pies. The average age in our area is 80's. Cece and Sarge are the young un's. The majority of the group does not drive at night.
Kay would like everyone to take Summer Festival flyers back and put them on the walls to promote the festival next year.
Next Scheduled Meeting
January 24, 2016 at Mid-Winter Festival, Albany, Oregon
ADJOURN: Motion to Adjourn
Dale Worthington moved to adjourn the meeting, Marilyn Schmit second the motion, Motion carried.