Hosted by the Blue Mountain Council
La Grande Senior Center
La Grande, Oregon

President Kay Rogers called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.


This meeting is being recorded.

Appointed Officers: Not present: Parliamentarian/OFN/Webmaster: Tim Roberts, Publicity/Education/Youth Activity Coordinator: Kathy Roberts, BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert, ORDTA: Tami Helms and Tim Keck, Round Dance Screening, Trailers: Floyd Bard.

Delegates not present: Portland Area Council and Umpqua Council

Goodwill Ambassadors not present: Carolyn & Bob Bosch

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Dale Worthington

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President: Marilyn Schmit

MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh- corrections (flag salute by Marilyn, Marilyn's husband-Ron, correction to spelling of Randall award, correction to spelling of Healea), David Stutzman misreport which week the Star Promenaders dance the first and third Thursday's. Minutes approved with corrections.


PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers- I learned a valuable lesson recently when I had to cancel my favorite weekend due to lack of registrations. The saddest thing was in addition to letting down the 100 or so people who had to cancel their weekend plans, there were many more who planned to attend but did not register in advance. First thing learned was that the door price needs to be a lot higher than the registration fee and the cutoff date needs to be earlier than I thought. Dancers need to register if they plan to attend a festival.

This brings me to 2016 summer festival which has very low advance registration. How many of you in this room have not registered? You need to do so now. We have problems getting clubs to step up and host this annual event. Lack of advance registration brings a lot of doubt and stress to the sponsoring organization. Lack of registrations cause clubs to lose money. If we want our favorite pastime to continue we need to support it. Cancelled dance/festival: Boots and the Blue Mountains.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit: I have started to update the state directory with the club info forms that are coming through with new officers listed. Remind your clubs to fill in the "Club Info" form on the Federation website to update your officers after elections have been completed.

I visited the Hillsboro Hoedowners for their Circus Dance. There were lots of clowns, red noses, and various other costumes. River City Dancers made a visitation that evening. Food during the break was circus fare, hot dogs, chili, cheese, peanuts, chips, ice cream bars. Fun evening. I had an outfit made of 2005 handkerchiefs and wore it. Told everyone that circuses were big shows and we considered the convention in 2005 a big show, so my outfit was related.

I plan on making more visitations so I can visit each council between now and the end of my term as President. Would anyone like to earn a Federation Traveler bar for their badges? You have one year to visit all the councils, get signatures that you were there and then give me the signed sheet and we will get a bar for you. Think about it. It is not that hard to do.

Thanks to my original home council for the weekend hospitality. Always nice to see friends and get reacquainted again.

2016 MWF: Tim/Cheryl Hagey- The festival was a success, and we are happy to present the State Federation with your share of the profit of $3546.83. There were 1121 dancers at the festival.

It has recently come to the attention of Mid-Winter Festival Committee that the State Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs were not aware that the Mid-Winter Festival has slowly been obtaining the needed sound equipment to put on the festival. With this in mind the Mid-Winter Festival Committee would like to put in a request of the State Federation, that should they find themselves in the future with sound equipment to distribute, they contact the Mid-Winter Festival Chairman prior to offering the equipment to anyone else. Since the State Federation receives one-half of the profits from Mid-Winter Festival, this request would be a method of cutting down on the expenses of the festival thereby increasing the State Federations share of the profits.

Chuck Garner questioned borrowing equipment/loaning to the festival. Tim reports there are a few callers who charge for using equipment. Chuck will loan equipment with no charge.

2017 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Connie Seamans/Paul Gates- We have new co-chairs: Chuck and Sandra Eddings. We are working hard to fill all the positions on the committee. The one that we are concerned with is finding someone to do all the sound for all the halls. If anyone knows someone that might do it, please contact us. If we have to hire it done this will cut the profits for both the State and Emerald Empire Area. The other positions are decorations and photography. Our next meeting is May 22nd in Albany.

2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kay (Jim) Rogers- Everyone get in line to register for Seaside. We have a 15% discount at the Riverside Inn and at the Inn at Seaside. That probably only pays the tax on the room. Lane has prepared some packets with forms for you to take back to your clubs. Please post them in as many places as possible and help us by announcing the event at every dance you go to.

Kathy has some great adventures planned for youth.

There will be dancing on the beach with Andy Allemao and KC Curtis.

Second hall will be open for dancing on carpet. Wear slick soled shoes.

The Crew will be calling a dance on Saturday afternoon.

Heritage Dancers from San Diego are coming to do an exhibition for us. Andy Allemao is being supported by this group.

River City Riders will also be performing.

You know you love Dave Cooper who is our featured cuer.

Andy Allemao is a fun and popular caller from San Diego.

You can register for one day only at the door $20.

2017 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Neta Minton- Ron Whaley is helping, location is contracted, ribbons are ordered, caller will be Johnny Preston, cuer will be Cherie and Ray Garza, registration is about ready to print.

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts- We're up to almost 600 names on the OFN notification mailing list. This is a great source of no-cost publicity that your clubs should be utilizing. The June issue will be a few days later than usual, because we won't yet be back from the cruise that's keeping us away from this meeting.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Chuck Garner- Good to be here, calling almost 6 years. I have worked very hard these last few years with recruitment, how do we get dancers and dancers to stay, Valley squares is my club and comprised of many new dancers. Pilot program: Goal of the club is to come dance at any time and learn to dance, new dancer's hour then mainstream, then plus at every dance. A lot of unseen areas. Officially this program will not be going fully until this time next year. Chuck is giving certificates for each level of dance completion. I teach a masters in mainstream that will be above plus to improve the dancer's ability in plus, with more singing calls and less patter calls. Lessons are started with 3 basic classes, starting with 8 weeks back to back. The ABC program is year around.

SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh- I request everyone who has a report to please send it in before the meeting. Sending in your report reduces the hours spent to type, listen, and type the report. Thank you note was sent to thank you for refund from OFN, presented from M & M.

There was a request to have all emails added to the Federation email list, not everyone received an email for reports.

TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - Copies of treasurer report given to all present. Quickly, 101 book keeping, profit and loss tells all the money sent and came in divided into specific funds. Confusing part is about the book keeping, balance report has individual funds on sheet one and two, page 5 has the total for the entire federation. Report explains where all the funds are invested, distributed and able to write checks on. Specific funds belong to specific activities that are intermingled in the bank account.

Discussion about the funds and accounts for clarification on the treasurer's report. We have committed funds/loans to MWF and Summer Festival that is not in the account at this time. The funds for MWF are available for the next year as soon as the current festival is over; the current festival has not been refunded from the loan before the next year receives their loan.

MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis- All of you have received information concerning filling out the Club Directory Information Form. You need to go to your Council meeting and instruct the Club Delegates how to fill out the form and then make sure they follow through. Send this information on line as soon as they have their election of officers. You need to collect the money and give it to your Treasurer. He or she will then write one check for all the club dues in your council. You will then send me the check. This is important for the latest election of officers as this information goes into the Directory. All of this needs to be done by July 1st at the latest.

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers: Keep up the good work. Everything is going smoothly with insurance.

PAST PRESIDENT: Dale (Kathy) Worthington: Randell awards, a form was given to each delegate. They need to be in by summer festival. I have contact previous delegates

Counting the Election Ballots: Dale Worthington, Roberta Claudson, and Neta Minton volunteered to count the ballots.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: I will have a fairly big P&P update for you in September, with the new OFN section and (presumably) the new treasurer sections.

PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Kathy (Tim) Roberts: Our new Federation Face Book page is off to a great start. We are already up to 125 members, of which most of them are actively reading the posts. Only a few people are posting, but the flyers and information are being read. If you haven't checked it out yet, from your own Face Book page search for "Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs". When the page pops up, please click on "Join". Once you have joined the page, you will be able post your own flyers and comment on your flyers and other ones. If you do not have a FB page, but would like your flyers posted, please email them to me and I will post them on FB for you. Please remember that this FB page is not intended to replace the OFN, but to work with it in promoting our clubs.

During our Summer Festival in Seaside, Amanda Roberts will be presenting an educational seminar on how to set up and use Face Book to promote your club. She will also be briefly describing other social media like Twitter and Instagram. If there is an interest, she will also cover how Google Docs can help with communication within your club and council.

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- No report, nothing received from anywhere.


BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert- No Report

YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Kathy (Tim) Roberts: will announce during Summer Festival the name of our educational scholarship winner this year. Plans are underway for a youth dance in Tualatin the end of May. Janienne Alexander caller and founder of the new Tualatin Timber Squares is chairing and organizing the dance. Watch for details. There will be a youth dance in Medford on Friday, July 1st - chaired by Lorri McIntosh. Chuck Garner will be the caller. Watch for more information. Please remember to notify your families that we have scholarships available for youth who need assistance to attend Summer Festival.

ORDTA: Sharon Greenman: O.R.D.T.A Report May 2016 we just had an election and

The current Board Members are:

Chairman: Sharon & Royal Greenman, 541-747-9246 (home), 541-731-3130 (cell)Vice Chairman: Tami Helms & Tim Keck, 503-665-1967 (home)Secretary: Cheryl & Geoffrey Manley, 503-263-3858 (home)Treasurer: Connie Clark, 503-649-8346 (home)Members at Large: William & Cecelia Glidewell, 541-892-6646 (home): Ralph Lambert & Marilyn Schmit, 503-581-5071 (home): Christina Corelli & Kirby Goode, 541-688-0711 (home)

However, since the election Sharon Greenman Has resigned for health reasons and Tami Helms and Tim Keck are now chairman. Ken and Diane Pratt are Vice Chairman.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tammy Helms/Tim Keck: No report

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: Nothing new to report.

State Directories: See 1st Vice President report

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- I heard back from my contact to tell me that I will have a new person to work with this year. Her date of hire has not been decided yet, and he understands that we would like four days this year. One for the Youth and one dedicated to Round Dancing Only. So three days of square dancing and one day of rounds. You can start to talk it up, but no dates set yet. The theme of the fair is Big Valley, Big Event. I will let you know as soon as I have more information.

STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard- I move to sell both of the Federation-owned trailers due to the increased maintenance cost and limited use. Read the information below for discussion on the specifications of the trailers, the past usage, and the repairs that are going to be needed. Estimated cost for upkeep would be about $750 to $900 (new coating on the floor, two new tires, rewiring, replacing lighting where needed and touch-up paint), excluding welding on the brackets.

In my opinion, I would not take less than $3,000 per trailer, with the two foot dance floor wings. Someone may want to research what the Federation paid for the trailers.

If it is decided to keep the trailers until after this season's parades and festival, then I will work with those who want to reserve the trailers. I leave for Nevada on May 1st and return on May 8th.

If it is decided to keep the trailers, the Federation will need to find a new home for the trailers. The Bards are no longer able to store them.

Trailer information:

Dance floor is 16' x 12'

Trailer with wings up when towing is 22' x 8', including the front and rear tongs.

Towing requires a 2 5/16 inch ball and six-prong electrical connector.

Work required currently includes rewiring both trailers, replacing lights where needed, replacing one (possibly two) tires, recoating the dance floor, and manufacturing a better way to store the safety rails and chains when towing.

IO took one of the trailers to the scales and it weighed 2,440 lbs, much heavier that I thought. There are no trailer brakes. I also took it to Trailers Plus and they could not give me an estimate of the value of the trailer because it is unique (never saw a trailer like it before). The axles are rated for 6,000 lbs because they are mobile home axles. The closest they had was a dual axle 7' x 18' trailer rated at 10,000 lbs for $3,200.

I got an estimate of $500 per trailer to weld brackets to the trailers to properly attach the end rails when transporting the trailers. That seemed really high to me.

I am sending a motion to the OFSRDC before May meeting to make a decision if the Federation is going to keep the trailers at a different location other than my place or sell the trailers.

The trailers are regularly used by the Starlight Parade, St. Paul Parade, Hubbard Hop Festival, Newberg Old Fashioned Days, Homer Davenport Days Parade, and Aurora Colony Days Parade. Lebanon Strawberry Festival uses the other trailer.

Delegate Report: Delegates met with the officers to discuss motions being addressed today.





Election Ballots Report:

1st Vice President: Chuck Garner
2nd Vice President: Kathy Roberts
Secretary: Lorri McIntosh
Membership: Sylvia Davis

Marilyn S. moved to destroy the ballots, Cece second.

(Copy of motions with additional information from Treasurer were provided to all persons present, a copy will be in the secretary records)

  1. Motion(Marilyn Schmit) to distribute the $75,000 donation equally between all Federated councils and clubs. Sylvia Davis second the motion. Discussion was open to all present. Motion passed.
  2. Motion from Lane Clem to revise the P&P document, Pages V-11 to V-13, "Funds and Budget account descriptions" adding Charity Fund, Youth Fund, Youth Scholarship Fund, Mid-Winter Festival Loan Fund, and Summer Festival Fund. Dale Worthington second the motion. Discussion between all present. Motion passed.
  3. Motion from Lane Clem to revise the P&P page V-11to authorize the treasurer to transfer funds between the various Federation funds to ensure reasonable balances. Neta Minton second the motion. Discussion between all present. Motion passed with Marilyn S. opposing.
  4. Motion from Lane Clem to revise the P&P page V-9 item #6 to delete the sentence "Ensures all checks of the Federation have two (2) signatures." Cece Glidewell second the motion. Discussion between all present. Motion passes. Opposed: Kippen P., Roberta C., Marilyn S., and Neta M.
  5. Motion from Lane Clem to revise the P&P's. page V-9, lines 10 & 11, deleting the requirement that the treasurer obtain authorization for the President or 1st Vice President in advance of billing and replacing it with a requirement that the treasurer ensure that all vouchers and expenditures in excess of $200 are properly approved as follows: a) It is provided for in an approved budget, it is provided for in the Federation By-Laws, it is provided for in the Federation's Practices and Procedures document, it has been voted on and approved by the Federation or it has been approved in writing by two or more executive officers of the Federation. Motion second by Kippen P. Opened for discussion by all present. Motion passed with no opposition.
  6. Motion by Lane Clem to revise the P7P's, Page IV-7, Item 2 (Line 17) deleting the requirement that all Expense Reimbursement forms must be turned in to the 1st Vice President for approval prior to being given to the Treasurer for reimbursement. Cece G. second the motion. Opened for discussion by all present. Motion passed with no opposition.
  7. Lane Clem moved to have the funds moved from the smallest earliest CD to the general fund account. Second by Sylvia Davis. This applies to only one CD. Motion Passed.
  8. Marilyn moved to dispose of the Federation Trailers. Dale Worthington second the motion. Kippen opened discussion about offering the trailers to an entity in the federation such as a club or council.

    Motion passed unanimously.


    BLUE MOUNTAINS: David Stutzman: Amendment to delegate report, requested $100 for hall rent for today. Motion that the federation pay for the Hall rent for today of $100 payable to Blue Mountains Council, Cece second the motion. Motion approved. LaGrande Promenaders are dancing the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. Darin was not actual featured caller but he and the other two are going to work to maintain the Elkhorn Swingers.

    Central Oregon- Kippen (Debbi) Parrett: Redrocks had their final class last weekend, Round up committee had a meeting with Mike Sakorski calling, and

    EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones: Our council's annual Benefit Dance held on the 5th Saturday in April was very successful with 9 squares dancing to 3 callers and 2 cuers. Thus it was attended by every club in our area, and also their support in donating the many items for the Silent Auction that helped towards the total of $1,850.00 given to the South Willamette Chapter of "Honor Flight"! And-a flight taking World War II and

    Korean veterans left Portland for Washington D.C. on Friday, May 13.

    Two of our area clubs are again joining together to sponsor their annual "Fiesta Dance" in May. They take turns hosting, with the non-host club going Dark. This has continued to draw a good crowd for a special evening.

    Election of council officers was held in March, and they serve a two year term. Also our council meetings are every other month.

    Again the same four area clubs are together sponsoring beginner's square dance lessons this fall; and the lesson committee, with members from each club, is already planning the details.

    Some of the clubs in our area go DARK in July or August (or both), so if anyone is planning on dancing with them-please contact the club first.

    INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS- Cece (Sarge) Glidewell-

    KC s report May 2016:

    The club party night is on the 3rd Saturday of each month. However, the June 18 dance is canceled to support the Gold Diggers Dance-in Yreka. The club meeting is changed to the 3rd Monday of each month. Aug 20 is the club picnic. There will not be an evening dance. We will return to our regular schedule in September. We are still struggling to recruit and keep new dancers. We are hopeful that we will get and keep new dancers this fall.

    IH Council May 2016:

    The council held a dance on April 30, Chuck Simpkins, Phil Ramey & Marian Cook did the calling and cuing. A fair number of visitors came from the Rogue Valley.

    Mid-Willamette- Neta MInten- MWA continues to have 11 Square Dance clubs, 1 Round dance club, 1 Clogging club and the Capital Callers and Cuers Assoc. that participate in the activities in our area.

    We will be holding the election of our officers this month, and like many other areas we struggle to get new members to commit to holding offices. Swinging Stars, Willamette Squares, ReVuNQ and the Cloggers are holding dance classes. Silver City Squares are sending 2 squares of teens, 2 teen callers and 1 round dance couple to Canada for competition this month.

    Some of our clubs go dark during the summer so please check you online Where and When before planning a visit. Summer Festival in Seaside would be a great idea. Have a good summer.

    PORTLAND: Janet (Roy) Belcoff: As I write the report from sunny Phoenix, Arizona, Roy & I are enjoying a family vacation with our son's family and attending our daughter-in-law, Martha's graduation, from Arizona State University. At the April meeting, Donna Darling volunteered to represent Portland Area Council at the spring meeting. Looking at the agenda, it looks like an interesting agenda with many items to be discussed.

    Since the January State Meeting, the Vice President has invited volunteers to assist on a Planning Committee to arrange Council Dances. Sunday, April 3 was an afternoon Fundraiser B-51 Level Dance, co-hosted by Country Cutups & P. A. C. at the Boring Barn. Expenses were paid for the dance, and the profits split for this dance, with both organizations benefitting from the dance. The fifth Friday in April Dance theme was "Celebrate PAC Clubs", with the hall decorated with club banners and the emphasis on all clubs being visited by the PAC dancers and invited to the Council Dance. Over ten squares were at the dance, and every club represented. A traveling banner from every club had been collected; these banners were rolled up and a representative of each club chose a banner from a plastic tub near the end of the dance. It is now that club's responsibility to visit the lucky club, and return the banner that was drawn at the Council dance! The goal was increased visitations among clubs.

    New officers for the 2016-17 year have been elected. They area:

    President - Michael Wagner
    Vice President - Anthony Egan
    Secretary - Angie Clark
    Treasurer - Cynthia Ekberg
    Area Delegate - Janet Bellcoff
    Alt. Delegate - Tami Helms

    Planning continues for participation in the Rose Festival Starlight Parade, with coordination by Danny & Carol Williamson. The June Council meeting begins the summer with annual picnic.

    ROGUE SIS Q: Roberta (Phil) Claudson-

    SOUTH COAST: Patrick (Sherie) Cox- Sets-In-Order have new officers. Our President is Dan Barnett; Vice President is Mike Arellano, with secretary and treasurer remaining the same-Denise Harris and Norma Glock. We know good people when we elect them!! Dan has exciting ideas and it is certainly contagious, we are looking forward to new plans. Our Gay 90's Days is just around the corner. We will have a float in the parade and some dance time during the activities in town in the afternoon. It is fun and good exposure. With summer coming why not come to the coast and visit one of our dances. WE ARE LOTS OF FUN!!!!

    SAINTS-n-Aints: We have been dancing at various Assisted Living Homes in the area the past few months. This month we participated in the Coos County Woman's Health "Walk and Talk" (Move to the Music) in Mingus Park. Upcoming are demos at the Relay for Life in Bandon-June 18 and also Coos Bay on June 25th. Our July August dances will ne casual dress with local callers since Sherm will be taking those months off. We will be joining the Sets-in Order in Coquille "Gay Nineties" celebration in June. We plan to have a table set up with information on classes and pass out a questionnaire to collect information regarding preferences about good times to take lessons. We will also collect names and phone numbers of people interested in taking lessons and perhaps enter then in a drawing for something of value.

    Beachcombers: Dave Cooper just finished lessons in Rumba and beginning square dance, he graduated 10 students from Rumba class and 6 from the square dance class. Our birthday dance will be June 25th from 7-10pm with Chuck Simpkins calling and Cathy Houston cueing. Also, gearing up for our annual Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day Weekend.

    TUALATIN VALLEY: Kathy (Dale) Worthington- TVC dances for the rest of the year starts with Summer Festival Dance on the 29the to the 30th of July, then on August 21st is the Hahn Barn Dance. On October 29th is the Tri-Council Dance with the Evergreen Council in charge this year. We are having the New Year's Eve dance on December 31st.

    Tualatin Timber Squares are trying to become a Federated club and wants to join the TVC. They are waiting on the government to issue them a tax ID number.

    On May 28th the Columbia River Dancers are having Jim Hattrick for a special dance, the "Great Balls of Fur" dance. They are asking for dancers to bring dog and cat food or a cash donation to support the Second Chance Companions AniMeals program. They are a no-kill small animal shelter in Clark County Washington. They distribute pet food free of charge to Meals on Wheels recipients and other needy individuals.

    From the Eager Beavers, Mike and Sally Duyck received the Swenson award.

    R Square D celebrated their 63rd anniversary.

    Some of the clubs has classes and the new members are going to other classes.

    As summer approaches be sure to contact the club if they are going to be dancing as some are going dark.

    UMPQUA: Frank (Rita) Schuchard- No report


    Carolyn & Bob Bosch- No report

    Marilyn and Ron Schmit- Part is in the first vice president report. Get flyers to me to deliver. I plan on attending Pie Right at Golden Squares in Woodburn on May 30th. I Will take flyers with me if I have some.


    Kay Rogers: Please support summer festival. Also, Washington summer festival is coming in June.

    Fran Westphal: any update on the Clark County

    David Stutzman: we still have cookies, donuts; please take some home with you.

    Neta Minton: Where do I Who pays for the losses at Summer Festival? The person

    Next Scheduled Meeting

    July 31st at Summer Festival in Seaside, Oregon

    ADJOURN: Dale Worthington Motioned to Adjourn the meeting at 12:07, Cece Glidewell 2nd the motion. Motion Passed.