President Kay Rogers called the meeting to order at 09:30a.m.
This meeting is being recorded.
Marilyn Schmit moved to seat Kathy Roberts into Chuck Garner's position to complete this year. Dale Worthington seconded the motion. Motion Carried.
Appointed Officers: All present
Committees Head not here: Tami Helms/Tim Keck, Floyd Bard, Ralph Lambert,
Delegates not present: David Cooper sitting in for Kippen Parrett
Goodwill Ambassadors not present: Bob and Carolyn Bosch
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Dale Worthington
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President: Marilyn Schmit
Marilyn Schmit introduced L. Paul and Sally Schmidt as the Western Region Vice Presidents for USDA. We also have 2 other prior western region vice presidents: Kay Rogers and Marilyn Schmit.
MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh- corrections-Rogue Sis Q council reports not included in previous minutes, Zola questioned about emailing the reports to the secretary before each meeting. Lane Clem moved to accept the minutes with corrections, Marilyn second the motion. Minutes approved with corrections.
PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers- My theme for this year is communication. A couple of things have happened recently that remind me how important this is.
You may hear more about this from Mid-Willamette Area because they wish to reopen the question of the disposal of the state trailers.
Also a TVC club is unhappy that they did not know about the state fair exhibition dances.
Please take copious notes and give them to your council. Make it clear they can download the minutes. Pass on what you know, even if you personally are not interested in the subject.
Advance registration for summer festival was 213, including ribbons that were complimentary. I have a list of councils/clubs that registered. I will not embarrass some of you by quoting those apathetic numbers. Maybe we should eliminate summer festival completely.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit: the dates for the next four Federation meetings are listed on the website through July 2017 for those of you who need to schedule your time. I have included in the distribution box a copy of my proposed budget for 2016-2017. It will be voted on at the September meeting in new business. I have made contact with my appointed officers and they have accepted.
2017 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Connie Seamans/Paul Gates- We have had several hurdles to overcome, but we just keep moving toward Mid-Winter with the help of my Co-Chairs and committee. We have overcome all the hurdles and speed bumps. First down payment has been made on the fairgrounds. We are on track to be ready for Mid-Winter. Now that Paul is better we will start visiting clubs and encouraging dancers to come to Mid-Winter.
2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kay (Jim) Rogers- Thank you all, it's crowded, and everyone had a good time. Kathy Roberts filmed and posted dancing on the beach on facebook, final count of about 300, this will leave a small profit. Hope everyone enjoyed the caller, Andy, and Dave Cooper did a great job.
2017 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Neta Minton- Ron Whaley- We are on track with the help of Kay Rogers and her guidance. Flyers have been given to the delegates, the 2 national callers and the cuer contracts are complete.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts- My notification list is up to 616 names now. That's quite a reach. The number of advertisements has dropped off. I have no way of knowing if our ads are reaching anyone, so I've asked some of our upcoming advertisers to let me know the response they get from the ad.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts- No Report
SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh- No Report
TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - All present received a copy of the treasurer's report. Report was as of June 30th. $10,000 has not been moved into the general operating fund from the CD, it did not mature until mid-July. It has been moved now, not reflected on this report. The entire amount of the donated funds has been disbursed. The delegates should have the checks.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis- As of July 22, 2016, all the Membership Forms for the various clubs and councils have come in. There were a few problems which will be clarified for next year. Thank you all for getting this information in. We have a new club in the Tualatin Timber Squares, Sylvia made a motion to accept the Tualatin Timber Squares into the Oregon Federation, Marilyn second the motion. Motion approved.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers: Everything is going well for insurance. Thank You.
PAST PRESIDENT: Dale (Kathy) Worthington: Randall Awards- I have contacted all the delegates for nominees, I have 5 nominees.
Kathy Worthington gave report: USDA meeting was on 22 June, at the Iowa National Convention. If you don't know what USDA means it is United Square Dancers of America. USDA was celebrating their 35th year of helping Square Dancers.
The next National Convention is at Cincinnati, Ohio on June 21st through 24th 2017. Then Kansas City, Missouri, June 27 through 30th 2018. Then on to Atlanta, Georgia, June 26th through 29th 2019. Later on we found out that the National Executive Committee (NEC) will be putting on the Convention in 2020 at Spokane, Washington. NEC is doing this because no one put a bid in for 2020. The date is June 17th through 20th, 2020 they are looking at having the Convention a week earlier than normal because they want to miss the "Hoopfest" that goes on at that time. I brought back some information and flyers for the 2017 Convention.
In 2014 there were 38,119 dancers with the USDA insurance. In 2015 it was down to 35,619 and in May 2016 it was only 31,715 down by 6,400 dancers - so the decline in dancers is all over the States.
Thomas Buchheit from Silver City Squares, here in Oregon received the $1,000 Youth Fund Scholarship. At one time the Youth Fund Scholarship was funded by the USDA credit card procedes. USDA earned money whenever someone would use it. But they don't have it now and they are asking for donations from other organization to keep this going. This is a 501 3c so your donation is tax deductible.
USDA handed out service awards and Marilyn Schmit received an 8 year award.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: I've distributed a cumulative update to the P&Ps. Delegates, you all got two copies of the update, because you are supposed to have two copies of the P&Ps -- one for you and one for your delegate. It's been a number of years since we did a full reprint; if your copies have been lost, let me know and we'll figure out if it's time to reprint. It costs about $5 a copy to print the whole thing.
There are some P&P changes we might want to discuss for the future. Right now, ORDTA is listed in our P&Ps as a special non-voting member of the OFSRDC. It's not clear to me that this status does either of us any good. They shouldn't really need to pay the $20 dues if they aren't getting any benefits, and technically they should be paying insurance to satisfy our contract. ORDTA would still have a seat at the table as an appointed officer even without this status, so it's not clear there is any purpose.
PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Kathy (Tim) Roberts: during summer festival education seminar: how to promote square dancing on social media, 4 people attended. Amanda informed those present about facebook, tweet, google docs and other social media.
Every single dance activity should be submitted to the insurance.
Publicity: Facebook members up 140. The Facebook page is Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- No Report
BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert- No report sent
YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Kathy (Tim) Roberts: youth activities fund had salt water taffy to distribute to all present. 4 kids sponsored by youth activities. KC Curtis called on the beach and at the youth dance last night.
Federation Youth dance in July by Lorri McIntosh was a success, 3 youth and 4 adult new dancers were introduced to square dancing.
Zola Jones: Asked if the contest done in Canada can be brought back to Oregon, Is this going to happen?
"Yes Oregon has received the go ahead for the 2018 at Silverton High School- Pacific NW teen festival."
ORDTA: Tami Helms/Tim Keck: No Report
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami Helms/Tim Keck: No Report
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: It apparently causes confusion that the state directory info is the same page as the OFN dance information, so I may be separating those two things in the near future. The OFSRDC web site doesn't get much attention, with the rise of the online OFN and the Facebook page.
State Directories: the data input for the clubs has been completed and waiting for some names for the nominating committee and the OFN advisory committee. The cost will remain at the $3.25 and I will need counts from the area councils by September 1. I will complete the officer pages once we settle the situation with the resignation of the 2nd Vice President. I am also waiting to see if Kay is going to appoint a new Goodwill Ambassador. I have failed to ask the 2017 Mid-Winter chair and the 2017 Summer Festival chairs to submit their ads for the inside of the front cover and the back cover. I will get with them today. I still have a little thought to go yet to design my goal page. The cover is done celebrating 60 years of existence for the Federation.
STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- received dates to dance on July 1 and they are as follows: August 30, mainstream; August 31, round dancing; September 1, mainstream. All days at 12:30-1:30. September 3, Youth day, 12-1 p.m. Ken Pratt will be the cuer for the round dance day and Kathy Roberts is in charge of the youth day. I am still accepting names to submit to the fair. My contact person is doing her job from Tennessee since the new contact did not work out or did not show. I put the dates on the Federation email list and on Facebook. I have names from both sources. I have also sent out a couple of reminders to get more names. Entrance will be on 17th Street at the Red Gate to have your name checked off the list at the gate, located between the Columbia and Jackman Long buildings. Arrive about one hour before scheduled dance time. Restroom is nearby and you will be allowed to change clothes and take your dance clothes to your car and return back in the fairgrounds.
STATE TRAILERS: Floyd (Jill) Bard- No report.
Neta- the last state meeting and MidWinter, was a misunderstanding about the trailers, what effort did we make to ask if the trailers could be stored somewhere else. Is there a way to find a trailer to be used by clubs and councils for a small monetary amount?
Kay Rogers-The trailers have not been sold, they have been given away with a fee of $1.00. Floyd has asked for several years to have someone else store the trailers. PAC kept the trailer that they use every year, Pat Cox stepped up to say he had a place to keep the trailer, and a means to keep it up. South Coast received the second trailer.
Dave Cooper- these trailer are not going to a single person, it belongs to the council with one person keeping it up. The Federation is not responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of these trailers.
Neta- the councils that have the trailer, can we receive information to contact someone to use these trailers.
Janet Belclcoff- PAC will have a meeting to set something up about the trailer and discuss whether other councils will be able to use the trailer.
Pat Cox- I am unsure how the council will advertise the trailer and what is needed to borrow it.
Dave Cooper- other councils have trailers, can we get a list of who has trailers that may be borrowed?
Kay informed the delegates and officers that contact information for trailers can be placed on the OFN and the Facebook page.
Kay entertained a motion, in light of the resignation of Chuck Garner, Kathy Roberts has agreed to seat the 1st vice president seat, Dave Cooper made the motion to have Kathy Roberts finish Chuck Garner's term for 2016:
"I move that Kathy R. be moved into the position of 1st vice and Dave Cooper into second vice president". Dale Worthington seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Dave Cooper-questioned the process on applying for summer festival in a local area. What is the process and what do we need to know? We are looking at doing a summer festival in south coast. Kay: In the P&P's is the information. We need a location, date, and budget, parking, restroom facilities, etc. Time frame to submit is last year. Fran Westphal- shouldn't the 1st vice president be working with clubs and councils for festivals.
BLUE MOUNTAINS: David Stutzman: Held a meeting in park outside of LaGrande, Curtis resigned after serviing for many years. Bill Putman was appointed to fill that position. Muddy frogs are raising funds through a garage sale.
CENTRAL OREGON: Kippen (Debbi) Parrett: Dave Cooper- 4 dancers from Central Oregon, not good. Bachelor Buttes are starting the ABC esson program in September. Central Oregon clubs put n a hamburger feed Dave Cooper is no longer a member of Central Oregon, they sold their house and are moving to Port Orford. September Rainbow campout by Crook County Mavericks have changed to the Curry County Mavericks.
EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones: Went over events for September 17 and 18 meeting at Emerald Empire Area Council to be held at the Emerald Square Dance Hall.
Four clubs from our area, who have joined together the past two years sponsoring beginners' square dance lessons, will be doing it again this Fall. The Lessons Committee, with members from each club, announced that lessons will be once a week on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., beginning September 13, in the Emerald Square Dance Center. They will be taught by one Caller and lessons will be on the B-51 program; the first session for 10 weeks, and then start over with a second session for 10 weeks
with beginners from the first session 'angeling'. Advertising of the lessons is in a 'Video' of Square Dancing, with dancers from the four clubs, in casual attire besides square dance outfits. This video will be shown in many Theaters in the Eugene/Springfield area before and at the beginning of each session of lessons. The clubs will retain the file of the video, so as to have it for future use possibly in other venues. The cost of the video and having it shown in theaters is covered by the Grant from the State Federation and matched by the Emerald Empire Council and a special fund from former lessons.
Sweet Home Squarenaders beginners' lessons this Fall will be on Sundays, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., starting September 11 at the Oak Heights Elementary School in Sweethome, and taught by Jim Voll.
Some of the clubs in our area are DARK in August, so if anyone is planning on dancing with them-please contact the club first.
As previously announced, the Emerald Empire Area Council is hosting the next Federation State Meeting on September 18. We are looking forward to welcoming all of you here; new Delegates, Officers, Chairmen, and anyone else-for an enjoyable and special weekend.
KC s report July 2016:
The club will be dark for all 3rd Saturday dances until the Spud Festival in October. Experienced dancer workshops will resume in September. The plan is to start a new dancer workshop in January.
IH Council July 2016:
The council is also dark until after the first of the year. At that time the council will assist the club in new dancer recruitment.
MID-WILLAMETTE: Neta MInten- Clubs are gearing up for fall mainstream lessons. Several clubs have participated in parades and demos. A Plus class is in progress as is a continuation of Advanced. The Salem Square Dance Center was broken into twice this summer. Fortunately, the first time, a majority of damage inside the hall was cosmetic so that could be cleaned up. Because clubs that use the hall have locked cabinet they soon realized it was a waste of their time to break into them. The big losses were the hearing enhancement, MWA equipment (2 microphones & amplifier) and other equipment belonging to a cuer, a door, a window and the pop machine, which will not be replaced. The second time, the MWA equipment and the hearing enhancement was again taken and the rest was damage to a door which was used to enter. Unfortunately in both instances
the hearing enhancement had been donated. The Salem Square Dance Association is working on making the building more secure by: (1) Putting a fence and a gate at the front of the property. (2) Installing bars on the inside of the windows. (3) Replacing the locks on the doors with heavier locks. (4) Installing a light on the NE corner of the building.
PORTLAND: Janet (Roy) Belcoff: Summer activities started for Portland Area Council on June 4th with the Starlight Parade, coordinated by Danne and Carol Williamson. The two floats decorated and illuminated with lights is always an attention getter and crowd pleaser! The annual picnic on June 20th ended the year and new officers were installed. Council meetins will officially begin again in August. PAC's first dance of the new yearwill be Friday, September 30th, at Oak Grove Community Center.
About half of the PAC clubs dance thru the summer months while the rest of the clubs did not have dancesbut often shared dancing fun with visitations, weekend evetns, campouts, and other fun activies.Country Cutups are having a "Murder Mystery dance"on Sinday, August 27th, from 2:00 to 5:00pmatthe Boring barn. The Bachelor and Bachelorette's continue to dance every Wednesdayat the Abernathy Gangr Hall.This club has decided to affoer waltz lessonsstarting in late September. Another weekday club, the Tumbleweeds, who dance at the Odd Fellows Hall in Milwaukie, have enjoyed their airconditined hall. They dance on Fridays from 11:00 to 2:00pm. Silver Stars have danced throughout the summeron the 4th Friday at Hazel Dell grange in Vancouver. Stars will be dark in Septenber due to a clogging weekend at the hall.Buzzin' Bees will retrun to dancing on September 17 at Hazel Dell hall with KC Curtis, the Harmonics Man! The clubs lessons begin on September11. A group of Bees will be camping at SilverSprings campground for a weekend in August, where their cuer couple, Debbie and Mike Combs, are the camp hosts for the summer.
ROGUE-SIS-Q: Roberta (Phil) Claudson- Diamond Lake was a great success this year.
The youth dance was a great success with 4 squares and 7 beginner dancers present. Jonny Roberts came down from Portland to assist Ray Holmes, the local caller.The plan is to have it an annual dance the first Friday in July.
Boatnik Festival was held over Memorial Day Weekend, sponsored by the Charlie Browns.
In June the Circle and Squares had the Gold Diggers dance. In July the Star Promenaders have the 43rd Diamond Lake Square Dance festival just last week. The extra amount of heavy snow ruined 20 boards of the floor and the registration and concession stands. The members rebuilt the registration and concession stands. But the floor was 2 rows smaller.
We have 2 burthday dances coming up : the Rogue Squares this coming Saturday, the Circle and Squares in September. Circle and Squares will dance at the Yreka fair and Charlie Browns at the Josephine County Fair.
SOUTH COAST: Patrick (Sherie) Cox- BEACHCOMBERS SQUARE DANCE CLUB is gearing up for their annual Battle Rock Festival to be held September 2-5 at the Beachcombers Cove in Port Orford. KC Curtis will be the featured caller and Dave Cooper will cue the rounds. Many fun activities are planned for the weekend including 3 evening dances, dancing in the surf, workshops, a pie making class, hand churned homemade ice cream, chili/soup cook-off, bbq, fundraiser breakfast, and silent auction starring the pies made in the pie making class taught by Patty Cooper. We hope to see all of you there!
TUALATIN VALLEY: Kathy (Dale) Worthington- The TVC Hahn Barn dance is August 21st, which is a Sunday. Terry Halley is calling and Julie Stiers is cuering. This is in Banks.
I reported last time that Columbia River Dancers was having a Great Balls of Fur dance. This helps the elderly, disabled and or needed neighbors in Clark County, Washington with cats and or dogs. All of the TVC clubs are having a dance in August so check them out but be sure to call first in case they go dark. Check us out on the OFN web page. They had 9 squares and the dancers brought in lots of cat and dog food.
UMPQUA: Frank (Rita) Schuchard-
Buckeroo Club
The Buckaroo's have been really active with a lot of different visitations this last 6 months. In September when we began lessons we had a couple of families coming to lessons bringing their small children and if both parents were on the door during the lesson portion, the children were not being supervised so we fenced off a play area in the Barn for young children to play while their parents are taking lessons. There are items in the play area to keep the little ones busy & quiet while their parents are on the dance floor. During the evening when the parents are actually on the floor taking a lesson a volunteer over sees the children, but during breaks it is the parent's responsibility to be in the play area with their own child. We have had a few kinks to work out, but it has been working out great.
Dancing Friends Club
No report.
Timber 8 Club
Their club caller, Don Marshall moved to Texas so they are currently without a club caller.
Umpqua Area Council
Plans are in full swing to square dance at the Douglas County Fair the evenings of August 10th - 13th. Callers will be Scott Zinser, Phil Ramey and Chuck Simpkins. Neil Koozer will be cueing each night. Out of town square dancers are invited to come and join us. There is a flyer in the OFN with more information about dancing at the fair.
Carolyn & Bob Bosch: It has been a very challenging year so far. Family and medical have kept us going. At St. Vincent, we're sure we own 4 floors, main lobby (4 rooms), 2 parking spots, and 6 doctor offices. This gets real old real fast.
This has limited some of our dancing but we go and round dance. We take flyers and the square dance spirit with us. We enjoy the hugs and friendship.
Oregon Federation directories have been distributed. They have been given to two clubs in New Mexico, Yuma dance association, San Jose Jubilee, Idaho Federation including the club, Last Chance Squares, two clubs in Vancouver BC and Reno at Silver State.
We would like to make some comments to the festivals. These comments are insights to the methods and cost taken from Silver State. This is not, not a put down but food for thought. 1: All floors are wooden. 2: Four major halls. 3: Three major callers. 4: Two major cuers. 5: Split the pot. 6: Raffle that has major prizes of $500, $250, 2- $125, and prizes from donors. 7: Rooms for $59.00 and upgrades to $110 and higher if you wish. 8: On site breakfast, lunch and dinner. 9: Parking. 10: Twelve to fifteen vendors with tables, draped and furnished, includes electrical. You know what's remarkable about this: It's run by 8 people. We will be there at their 70 annual festival and we have flyers.
Look out Marilyn, we will see you in September. Congratulation's Kay, job well done. Love and hugs
Marilyn and Ron Schmit: I have not had much time to travel since our last meeting. I went to Woodburn to the Golden Squares, to Milton-Freewater for my hometown festivities and to look at the new siding on my rental. Ron and I went to Des Moines for the national convention. We are on the committee for 2020 in Spokane. I also received a certificate of service from USDA for five years or more as a member of the Executive Committee. It is on my place at the table. I also won a free ribbon for the 2019 convention in Atlanta.
Fran Westphal: Could we receive contact information for the trailers that clubs and councils could use?
It was recomended that clubs provide the information for trailers available for other clubs to borrow or rent.
Dave questioned why it took 9 years for South Coast to hold a state meeting. You may have been skipped and, the rotation has been changed with changes in councils, deletions, and other councils volunteering to fill empty spaces
Dale Worthington- thank you Dave Cooper and Kathy Roberts for stepping up and filling the gap at the federation level. Kathy and I have been going to the National Convention for years. We have several bags of bead necklaces for anyone doing a Madi Gras theme dance.
Kathy Worthington- I brought back flyers for Cincinnati Convention along with the Wednesday Night events.
Harriett Livingstone- we are looking for and would be happy to accept a hearing enhancement equipment. Information is in the OFN about the need for hearing enhancement equipment. Tim put it in the OFN for this month.
Zola Jones- Emerald Empire will be hosting September meeting, please bring cash and Checkbooks for Midwinter ribbons.
Kathy Roberts- thank you to Marilyn for giving the youth a Saturday at the state fair. Janienne will be the caller with Johnny Roberts at the state fair youth dance. Youth will be dancing Saturday Sept. 3, young at heart wanting to join us, I need names by August 15th. 54 dancers have signed up so far.
Cece Glidewell- In the P&P's it does state that prior Summer Festival chairs from previous years will assist in guiding current chairpersons for Summer Festival.
Roberta Claudson- My husband and I are Chairman for the Diamond Lake Square Dance for the last 2 years, we are asking clubs and councils if they would like to provide or sponsor boards for the floor. There is very specific information for preparing the boards. The boards were ruined by snow damage. They were stored in a different building than usual, approx. 20 boards were ruined, these are 4x8, 3/4 inch plywood, 2 pieces of plywood are put together for one section. We are needing additional floor boards more than the ones damaged from snow, many boards are very old and the edges are coming up and chipping. The local football team comes to Diamond Lake to help put down the floor. Kay suggested applying about a grant.
Next Scheduled Meeting
Next meeting Sept 18th, 2016 at Emerald Square Dance Center in Springfield
ADJOURN: Dave Cooper Moved to Adjourn the meeting at 11:52, Lane Clem 2nd the motion. Motion Passed.