President Kay Rogers called the meeting to order at 09:3\00a.m.
This meeting is being recorded.
Officers not present: Membership-Sylvia Davis
Committees Head not present: Tami Helms and Tim Keck- Round Dance screening and ORDTA
Delegates: All Present
Goodwill Ambassadors: All Present
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Dale Worthington
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President: Marilyn Schmit
MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh- corrections- Kay noted corrections to seating the new first vice and second vice. Zola Jones: Page 2 under parliamentarian, updates an extra copy should go to council and not delegate. Janet Belcoff moved to accept the minutes with corrections, Lane Clem second the motion, motion carried.
PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers- It's been a fast year for me, I hope you all found your financial windfall a big help for your clubs. We look forward to hearing how you plan to spend it.
I want to thank all the delegates and officer this year for making my job easy. I said I was not going to appoint a goodwill ambassador. But, I changed my mind. I am going to appoint as goodwill ambassador: Dave and Patty Cooper.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- I turned in the directory to the printer on August 16th and did the audit on September 7th with a few corrections. It was to be done by September 13th so I could pick it up and get it bagged up for distribution at the state meeting. I ordered 400, which is 125 less than last year. I had four of last year's directories left. The entire directory was done in camera-ready Publisher 2010. All they had to do was gray scale the pictures that were new to the book. All the alignment was done when it was submitted. It has been since 2011 that the directory was submitted that way.
I have been receiving minutes from the Mid-Winter Festival meetings and they are much appreciated and I attend the Summer Festival meetings that have been held so far.
I received a question about the grant committee and responded to the person with the details and have not heard anything else since then.
Don't have my running shoes on yet, but I think I am ready for the new year of the Presidency. See you along the road somewhere.
2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kay (Jim) Rogers-We started out with 120 registered and ended up with 304, including talent, 208 paid. After paying all our bills we have presented the Federation with a check for $1,286.00. We divided the $1286 into the TVC clubs for promotional of pre-registration (each club received between 0 and $200).
Thank you for your support.
2017 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Connie Seamans/Paul Gates- We are on track; both callers have purchased their airfare. We are continuing to make changes as hurdles are put in our way. Registrations are coming in slowly. The committee is doing an awesome job and tasks are getting done on time. I would like to ask everyone to help promote Mid-Winter, if you want flyers to take back to your clubs see me after the meeting.
2017 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Neta Minton/Ron Whaley- Plans are in progress, starting to look at more of the details for getting things set up. There will be 3 halls for dancing, none on carpet or cement. There will be a Trails End dance Thursday night at the Square Dance Center in Salem, Free tour of the Oregon State Capital on Thursday also, so be sure to mark the back of the registration form if you want to attend the tour. but this is limited, so be sure and contact the phone number listed to reserve your spot ASAP.
It's time to buy your 2017 Mid-Winter Ribbons but please write down the dates of Summer Festival 2017 of July 14-16 and purchase ribbons for this as you can.
Some dry camping onsite in gated area
2018 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Chuck & Sandy Eddings- Flyers and ribbons are done, outfits will be back and yellow.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts- Four of our 10 councils (the Willamette Valley councils) consistently send me club news reports every month. Outside of the Willamette Valley, I only get sporadic reports, and never more than one club in a council. This is a great opportunity for free publicity, and who doesn't like to see their work published?
I find statistics fascinating, so here are some OFN statistics. I have about 625 names on my notification list for each month's new issue. We're average about 4,000 hits per week to the OFN web site, which is a good number. Day of the week doesn't matter, but by far, most of the hits come in between 7 and 8 PM. However, coming in a close second is 6 to 7 AM. There must be a lot of early morning Internet surfers in the square dance community.
People do look at the flyers and back issues -- I can see that in the reports.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts- Thank you Marilyn Schmit for editing, printing, and distributing this year's State Directory. Tim Roberts purchased new cords and a microphone stand to help with the sound quality for our meetings. Hopefully this will reduce the static and feedback. Thank you Tim.
SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh- Sympathy card sent to the family of Jerry Lange. Thinking of you card sent to Dale Worthington
TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - Report given to all present with profit and loss with net income noted, balance sheet has funds moved with all in positive balances.
Motion to be discussed and voted on at MidWinter meeting, this motion Article1 section 4 to removed last clause to read pay out and properly approved. I move that the Federation's By-Laws be changed to make the By-Laws consistent with the Practice and Procedures Documents. Article 1, Section 4 of the By-Laws states that the Treasurer…" shall pay out, or authorize pay out of, said funds only when properly approved by the 1st Vice President or the President." The Practices and Procedures, Section V-9 was revised at the May, 2016, State Meeting to permit the Treasurer to pay out funds in most cases without specific prior approval of other Executive Officers. Recommended wording of the proposed change: "SECTION 4. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and have custodial responsibility of all funds of the Federation. He/she shall pay out, or authorize payout of, said funds only when properly approved by the 1st Vice President or the President."
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis- I am just reminding the various clubs that their Corporation Dues are due if they have not sent in their money. I hope you have a good State Meeting.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers- I handed out the paperwork yesterday. Please keep track of who you give them out to at your council.
PAST PRESIDENT: Dale (Kathy) Worthington- Randall Awards nominees and ballots have been given to each councils Avis and Norma Glock, Ray and Zola Jones, Steve and Valerie Murphy, Steinka, Tipton. Submit your ballot to Kay Rogers.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: Marilyn and I are doing an inventory to find out how many of you still have your P&P notebooks. Each elected and appointed officer should have a gray notebook with the constitution, by-laws, and practices and procedures. Each council should have two -- one for the council, one for the delegate. I suspect many of these have gone missing since our last reprint, which was about 10 years ago. If that's true, we may consider doing another full reprint for Mid-Winter. It costs about $5 per copy to print them, and there are about 45 copies.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- nothing has been submitted to store. I have two years of pictures in my camera that I could print and put in the scrapbook, but who would look at them. They are from the State Fair.
BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert- A little longer than normal, due to new people involved. (LOOK IN THe BOX) My license does not cover festivals; we have agreements with the organizations to use the music. Steve Murphy made comment about Round A Lab and they have stopped the quarterly round dance of the month recently, does Ralph know why? Ralph: This could be because of BMI/ASCAP regulations, or it could be due to mechanical license for media distribution (mechanical and public performance license). Tim: is there any opportunity with discussing with SESAC about the high costs? Ralph: I doubt it; they are large organizations and not always open to discussion. Dave Cooper: We have 3 day festival, IE: Diamond lake, Battle Rock. Is this something all festivals will need to get a license? Ralph: It's a grey area. There has not been a problem this far because of the size of the so called festival. Fran Westfall: question about the clogger approach. Ralph: National ASCAP for cloggers has had coverage for all three BMI/ASCAP/SESAC. Janet Belcoff: I am the Grange secretary, we did a BMI/ASCAP survey for the state to send into nationals, having to do with renters having BMI/ASCAP licenses for their activities. Kay: sometime between now and a future meeting, if we want to take action or form a committee, make that public to an officers for future discussion at the federation level. Anywhere the public can hear the music must be covered by insurance. Listed on page 1 is what we are currently paying for the festivals to BMI/ASCAP.
ORDTA: Tammy Helms/Tim Keck- ORDTA held a meeting on September 17, 2016. They discussed the issue about the status of Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association (ORDTA) within the Oregon Federation of Square and Round dance clubs (OFSRDC).
The question to be decided is: Does ORDTA need to have the status of a club within an area council?
We have prepared excerpts from ORDTA history & bylaws that explain how this status came in to being, and the responsibilities that ORDTA affords to the Oregon federation.
We have also prepared excerpts from the Oregon Federation practices & procedures relating to this issue.
Additionally, we have identified three additional issues for discussion.
They are:
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tammy Helms/Tim Keck- The October 2016 OROM has been chosen by Tualatin Valley Council
"The Touch of your Hand" by Nothin' Fancy
Cheo. by Zena and Ernie Beaulieu Phase ll WALTZ
The September 2016 OROM selected by South Coast
American Honky -Tonk Bar Association by Garth Brooks
written by Mary and Bob Townsend - Manning
Album In Pieces at
Two Step Phase 2 + 1 fishtail
OROM August 2016 Rogue-Sis-Q
Play A Simple Melody Phase 2 Two Step
Bing & Gary Crosby
cheo: by Yasuyo Wantanabe
We have checked with the area delegates and now have a corrected list of Round of the Month Coordinators for each area. Delegates need to inform us if they change coordinators.
Certificates have been ordered. The certificates are mailed to the choreographers with thanks for their contribution to Round dancing. SESAC, originally the "Society of European Stage Authors and Composers"] is a performance-rights organization (PRO) in the United States. Since the organization stopped using its full name in 1940, it is now known exclusively as SESAC. SESAC was founded in 1930, making it the second-oldest, and also the fastest-growing P.R.O. in the United States. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, SESAC deals with all aspects of the business, from creation to licensing and administration. The company also has offices in New York City, Los Angeles, London, Atlanta, and Miami.[2
We need to consider joining for further licensing protection. Roundalab is looking at possibilities.
Roundalab has stopped its Quarterly Selections while it evaluates the question of music licensing.
Practices and Procedures for screening committee needs to be updated (example notifying record shops)
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: Web traffic is a funny thing. I saw a big spike in page hits to the Federation web site last week, but looking closer, I discovered that someone in Tillamook was asking for our main page every 10 seconds, all day long. I don't know how or why it happened.
Zola: Do we want to put our Midwinter program on the website, does it go on Facebook? Tim: It doesn't cost anything to add it, sent it along.
STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- a great four days of activity on the Kitchen Craft stage at the Oregon State Fair. First day was Tuesday, August 30 with Sandy Harris calling and 17 dancers showing up to participate. On August 31, the event was dedicated to Round Dancing with Ken Pratt cueing all rhythms and phase 2-6, with 31 dancers showing how beautiful our dancing can be. On September 1 with Mike Halley calling, 25 dancers put on a good show and had the audience clapping along and taking pictures. Then the youth hit the stage on September 3 with 54 dancers coming in many ages and had four squares dancing and making a lot of noise. Jonny Roberts and Janienne Alexander shared the calling duties and did very well after some technical difficulty was solved. Only one misfortune with a ripped skirt occurred and it was accidental. She carried on and tucked the ripped part in her waistband and continued to dance. I gave my name and phone number for referrals three times and gave some dance information to a couple from Enterprise to dance in La Grande. I had my state directory and some scratch paper handy to give information to people interested in dance lessons somewhere. We were listed on the daily schedule as square dancers and will try to correct that for next year to show square dancers and round dancers. I am also going to ask for Labor Day again to assist the working people so they can participate next year. I will be sending in a review to the Fair people I worked with and include my requests and suggestions.
Kay: Should we use choreographed ballroom instead of round dance to the general public.
Delegate Report: Tim and Tami came about status with the state federation, delegates agreed with their recommendation. Discontinuing Goodwill Ambassadors-no recommendations. Background checks on new caller shoud include cuers., no recommendation, more information is needed.
BLUE MOUNTAINS: David Stutzman- Star Promenaders were happy to welcome Mark and Biva from North Dakota at their last dance on Sept. 14. We were state number 48 on their quest to dance in all 50 states.
Star Promenaders will be dancing the 1st and 3rd Thursday beginning in October.
The Blue Mountains Council clubs are planning on using their inheritance money for beginner lessons.
CENTRAL OREGON: Kippen (Debbi) Parret- Central Oregon clibs and council are greatful for the checks. The money will used for multiple square dance activities:
B&B for an ABC program
SageBrush Shufflers for additional lessons
Mountaineers for workshops and lessons.
Recently the grange we use for square dancing was in poor financial shape. Square dancers have become involved with the grange activities and volunteer services there now. The grange is having a dance on September 30th for square dancing. Hopefully the grange will continue to improve.
EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones- The Emerald Empire Area Council and Clubs welcome all of you to our Square Dance Center and the Springfield/Eugene area. And we thank the Danebo Circle-8's for hosting last evenings dance.
New Dancer lessons have started, again sponsored by four of our area clubs; and taught by one caller once a week. At the first lesson, just last Tuesday, September 13, there were 14 new dancers, many from the special Video Ad shown in theaters in Eugene and Springfield. Five squares were on the floor with over 20 'Angels' from the four clubs. We anticipate additional new dancers in the next two lessons!
Our area clubs are all back to their regular dance schedules. The 'Wolf Pack' and Boots & Sandels clubs are now dancing on the 1st Saturday of each month in Hall 'A' of the Emerald Square Dance Center.
Emerald Empire Area Council just meets every other month, and we have not had a meeting since the July 31 State Meeting; so I have not distributed their $967.00 checks to all of our area clubs yet. Thus they have not had a chance to let us know how they plan to use these funds. I will report on this at the January State Meeting. I know our clubs, and council, express their 'thanks' and really appreciate these funds!
Our next State Federation Meeting will be on Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. In the Holiday Inn Express hotel, Albany, Oregon; also hosted by Emerald Empire Area Council, during Mid-Winter Festival-of which we have Ribbons here for purchase today, and we hope many of you leave here today with your Mid-Winter Ribbons.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell- The Klamath County Squares have resumed graduated dancer workshops. New dancer workshops may begin after the first of the year. They are contemplating the best use of the money received from the Susan Corbett gift.
MID-WILLAMETTE: Harriett Livingtone- A number of clubs participated in parades, demonstration, etc. over the summer. Most of the clubs have started their Square and Round Dance lessons. The schedule is set as to when each square dance club will host a New Dancers Dance. The first one will be Sunday, November 27, 2016.
Installation of new officers for the Area will take place on September 19, 2016 Chairman, Neta Minten and Co Chairman, Ronda Whaley are diligently working on Summer Festival 2017 being held in Salem.
PORTLAND: Janet (Roy) Belcoff: It has been less than two months since the last State Meeting in Seaside, Portland Area Council began meeting again in August after taking the month of July off. President Michael Wagner, brings energy and enthusiasm to his new role. The Constitution & Bylaws have not been updated for many years and are now under review, officer and Committee responsibilities are being evaluated and Guidelines for use of the Parade Floats are being formalized. The next PAC Dance is Friday, September 30th at the Oak Grove Community Center with Terry & Mike Halley as Callers and Julie Stiers as the Cuer.
The twelve Portland Area Square Dance Clubs have been busy planning for their new year's activities and enjoying the summer's end with their picnics, campouts, and demonstrations. Some of the clubs have chosen to offer Round Dance lessons beginning in September, while other clubs have scheduled Square Dance lessons. Yet, other clubs are waiting to start lessons in January. This coming Monday is PAC's September meeting, so we should be learning about club special events during the upcoming months at that time.
It was great to see so many dancers from Oregon participating on Saturday, September 10th at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup for the "Mob Squad Square Dance". Simultaneously at 2:00 pm, in the area of three separate stages on the grounds, the choreographed square dance music was initiated with over 600 dancers involved! Each site started with music and one square and slowly grew to twenty or more squares. Dancers were asked to dress in casual attire, instead of square dance clothing allowing the dancers to not be identified in advance. There was also an evening dance for non-dancers, with angels assisting these non-dancers. Planning for this event had been going on for over a year, when signups were available at the Washington State Festival in Longview this past June. If dancers signed up in advance, the Puyallup Fair provided free fair admission tickets. From that June date on, there were multiple emails to the participating dancers, with instructions and keeping everyone's enthusiasm on high! Just as quick as the dancers appeared from the sidelines, they also disappeared into the crowd at the end of the ten or so minutes of dancing! Watch for the dangles that all dancers received. The black and white dangle features a top hat - like the hat that Lane Clem, the Coordinator for this event, was often seen wearing as he publicized and promoted the "Mod Squad" in advance!
ROGUE SIS-Q: Roberta (Phil) Claudson-We are so appreciative of the $967.00 checks given to each club and council. Lorri McIntosh as council president and Roberta Claudson as state delegate will be presenting the checks to each club at their mainstream dance. The council dance night has been moved from the fifth Saturday to the fifth Friday, so our members can support other council dances, such as Umpqua and Klamath Falls. All the clubs have started lessons. We are hoping for great things this year.
Circle and Squares of Yreka, CA are celebrating their 62 birthday this weekend.
Charlie Browns of Grants Pass have a club picnic with dancing. They cancelled both of their club dances in September so the members could support Circle N Squares' Birthday Dance as well as BeachCombers Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day weekend in Port Orford. The Charlie Browns birthday dance is the first Saturday in December.
The Star Promenaders are busy planning the New Year's Eve blast. They are continuing their tradition of having the New Year ring in on New York's schedule. There will be a buffet also. Work is continuing on the process to cover the floor at Diamond Lake when it is stored for the winter. The trusses for the building have been built by our club members, so work is progressing on schedule. They received a sizable gift from an anonymous source to help with the expenses for the materials. But they still need to replace about 20 boards. I have placed the board specification pages in the "mailboxes". Your help is greatly, greatly appreciated.
The Rogue Squares celebrated their first birthday in August. There were six squares in spite of the very hot weather we have had in southern Oregon this year.
The council is encouraging the club members to support the dances of the other clubs as well as their own club.
SOUTH COAST: Patrick Cox- Beachcombers held their 17th annual Battle Rock Dance on Labor Day weekend. KC Curtis called and Dave Cooper cued for an enthusiastic crowd, many attending for the first time. The pie making class produced 8 delicious entries for the Silent Auction and Bob Houston won first place for selling his pie for $40.00!! We will be dancing in October with an Octoberfest theme and November for our Leftovers Dance on Thanksgiving weekend. Dave Cooper calls and Cathy Houston cues both dances. Lessons start in January.
Mavericks are happy to be on the South Coast. We are ready for our annual Camp Out next weekend in Rainbow on the McKenzie River. Dancers from all around the state are registered and ready to dance to Jim Steele and Dave Cooper. Lots of fun activities are planned as well as lots of eating, especially homemade cinnamon rolls requested by Ray Jones. Late to join us.It's not to
Sets-in Order: We are excited about our lessons, which start Sept. 13th. We have advertised in local papers, hand delivered to local business and personally handed out some to neighbors. We hope it all is productive in getting new students. Our club president is full of great ideas and it is so neat to see new enthusiasm. Our 70th birthday dance is October 8th. Dale Roberson and Denise Harris do the honors again and are always great. Come join down and join us.
Saints-n-Aints: We have about 8 dancers at this writing in our new class. Some have danced before. The class is open for two more weeks. A demo dance has been scheduled for October 8 at the Pumpkin Patch Ranch. We will not be dancing in the Fun Fest Parade this year since it conflicts with the State Meeting.
TUALATIN VALLEY: Jim (Kay) Rogers- The TVC Hahn Barn dance was great with cooler weather after a hot spell. 65 in attendance. Our next dance will be New Year's Eve at the Odd Fellows Hall in Hillsboro.
Columbia River Dancers dance on 2nd and 4th Saturday's with Jim Hattrick.
Eager Beavers finished their plus lessons.
Hayshakers are dancing on the first Friday at 6:30 with Harvey Hunsucker.
Hoedowners class starts Sept. 21st with Daryl Clendenin.
Mix N Mingle 32nd anniversary dance Nov. 5th. With Randy Dibble and Jeanine Norden.
R Square D Oktoberfest is Sept. 30-Oct. 1. With Les Seeley and Tami Helms. Lessons start on Oct. 19th with Craig Abercrombie.
Sunset Promenaders dance mainstream on the 1st and 3rd Saturday's with Mike Stout and Ken Pratt. They also dance on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursday's plus with Darrell Kalmbach and Ken Pratt. Seaside Sashay is October 21 & 22nd with Ray Brendzy and Richard Lane and Debbie Taylor.
Toe Draggers lessons began Sept. 14th. With KC Curtis. Oct. 9, will be "are you man enough to wear pink?" Fund raiser for Breast cancer.
Tri Squares new dance dates are Second Saturday's and 4th Friday's with Terry Halley & Sandra Pinion.
Tualatin Timber Squares, our newest club dance on 2nd and 4th Wednesday with Janienne Alexander.
Valley Squares are looking for ways to include singles in our dances and festivals. Classes are on Tuesday nights with Darrell Kalmbach. They are using guest callers at this time.
Wave Steppers are dancing 2nd Saturday's through October with guest callers.
UMPQUA: Frank (Rita) Schuchard-
We had 55 folks at the annual End of the Summer picnic for the Buckeroos and friends. The weather was perfect and we had lots of good food. Our first lesson night was Monday night and we had 26 new potential students show up.
Dancing Friends- No report.
Timber 8s (Plus)
Plus lessons began this past week.
They have now resumed their regular second Saturday dance schedule.
Umpqua Area Council
The Veteran's Day Parade is our next council event. All square dancers are invited to join us. See the flyer online for more info
Carolyn & Bob Bosch- This will be short report since the short time between meetings.
Carolyn and I have enjoyed the last, fast two short years that we have been Ambassadors. We have enjoyed taking the Spirit of Square Dancing, the friendship of this Federation and its clubs, to the many state, organization, clubs and fellow dancers. The hugs, squeezes and more hugs have filled any void we may have had and made the cups and buckets run over. All we want and wish to do is to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Marilyn and Ron Schmit- no travels since the last meeting but I have two places tentatively scheduled later. I am hoping to attend the Washington Federation installation in Olympia on September 24 and a recognition dance in Milton-Freewater on October 9 for Bill and Neva Reid and Merri Anne Huber. They were recipients of awards at the Washington festival held in Longview. I am taking Mid-Winter and Summer Festival registrations with me along with some of the extra Oregon state directories. They will have Washington Federation directories for sale at their meeting, so will be picking up a couple. Any of you want one?
Patty and Dave Cooper- I just want to make a push for our campout at Rainbow at McKenzie River. Everyone, please come.
Dave Cooper- Next year let the person know they will be a Goodwill Ambassador before the meeting so they will be prepared to say something. I am also a cuer, as part of being a Goodwill Ambassador I will cue for free as long as there is a get together prior to the dance to meet and greet people.
Kippen P.-Since the Mavericks have moved to the coast we still have dancers who are looking at forming a new club. Do they go thru the process of becoming a member of the council and then the Federation? He was informed yes this is the process.
Kathy Roberts- Do you all do visitations? I would like to encourage everyone to visit other clubs in your council. Our council is now doing visitations with clubs within the council.
David Stutzman- I was disappointed that so many people were sitting and not joining in with dancing. The club worked hard and they were on the floor dancing while many officers and delegates were sitting.
Next Scheduled Meeting
January 29, 2017 at 09:30, Holiday Inn Express, Albany, Oregon
ADJOURN: Dave Cooper moved to Adjourn the meeting at 11:52, Lorri McIntosh 2nd the motion. Motion Passed.