Hosted by the Emerald Empire Council
MidWinter Festival
Holiday Inn, Albany, Oregon

President Kay Rogers called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.


This meeting is being recorded.

Appointed Officers: All present except: Membership-Sylvia Davis, Parliamentarian/webmaster/Oregon Federation News-Tim Roberts

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Kay Rogers

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Kathy Roberts

MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh- Kay Rogers moved to accept the minutes, Dave Cooper second the motion. Minutes approved as corrected.


PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- I have received an email from a couple who purchased a barn in Willamina. When they went inside, they found a bunch of banners from many years ago. Some are current active clubs and some are from clubs of long ago. Once this couple returns from a trip, I will gain custody of those banners. Should be interesting to see what all is included. I have a partial list here with me if you are interested.

I will be nominating Dale and Kathy Worthington for the position of Western Region Vice President for United Square Dancers of America. If elected, they will assume the position in June during the national convention in Cincinnati. This is a position the Kay Rogers and I have both held previously.

Just a reminder, fill out your club/council forms as your elections are held. It makes doing state directories easier.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Kathy( Tim) Roberts- Thank you Mid-winter Committee for an excellent weekend. The attendees, adults and youth had a great time with great callers and cuers. Thanks to Karyn Buchheit for an excellent youth program, too. I appreciate the Mid-winter minutes reports and communication. Thank you. I attended the last Mid-winter meeting where I was able to meet and visit with a few of the committee members. I am looking forward to attending a Summer Festival meeting in the near future.

I participated in a discussion of a grant request submitted to the Federation for the Beachcombers.

I am working with Youth Activities Coordinator Karyn on the practices and procedures for the Youth Activities Coordinator area.

I had the opportunity of working with a great committee on the Background Check research. Thank you for your dedication to square dancing, our youth, and the safety of our activity. The research information and our recommendations are attached.

2017 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Connie Seamans/Paul Gates- Thank you all for the great festival. Approx. 1065 dancers +/- at the festival this year. We should have a profit, unknown how much it will be. Everything went well, the committee worked hard, and all went smoothly. Thank everyone for the baskets. Harriette Livingston- We are please with all the baskets donated this year. There were 6 more baskets than last year. The baskets brought in $1125 this year.

2018 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Chuck and Sandy Eddings - Caller/Cuers/Clogging contracts are signed. Buddy Weaver and Dan Preedy will be the callers, TJ & Bruce Chadd the cuers, and Russ & Leliaa Hunsaker clogging instructors. Delegates please if you know of anyone wanting to put up display boards next year, a request will need to be sent to the committee by November 1st.

2017 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Neta Minton/Ronda Whaley-Reminder of the dates July 13th 1pm, Free guided tour of the State Capitol, sign up needed. Trails End dance at Salem Square Dance Center, Rounds start at 7pm, Hosted by Capital Callers and Cuers, Featured callers "The Wild Cards" $6 Donation

July 14th Festival Officially starts with a FREE Causal Dance at the Capitol 2:30 till 4pm, please encourage your club dancers that can't make the festival to join in on this.

Featured Callers "THE CREW"

We will have 4 halls for dancing, MS, Plus, A, and Rounds, there will be a few vendors for shopping, a small snack stand that our Youth are sponsoring, and Baskets to be raffled off. There will not be a booklet printed for the festival, you will receive the Callers and Cuers Schedules of "where and when" as you arrive. Featured Caller Johnny Preston Featured Cuers Rey & Sherry Garza

Now that Mid-Winter is over we will be pushing to sell the SF 2017 Ribbons to support Festival Expenses. Please join us in Salem in July for a great weekend of dancing and fun.

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: The Online OFN continues to move along pretty well. I now have 642 names on my notification list.

I wanted to repeat something I put in my editor's column this month. It was a little tricky to find a way to let clubs register their "regular dance days", and still have a way to customize and add individual dances. The way I do that is to create your regular dances 4 or 5 months in advance. If a club should change their regular dance day or regular dance location, those "made in advance" entries will not be automatically corrected. A club can fix them up themselves, of course, but in many cases it's easier just to drop me a line and let me fix them up en masse.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dave (Patty) Cooper- It's a good thing no one took pictures of the parking lot, they did not reflect the number of dancers at the festival. It was a great festival.

SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh- multiple cards have been sent for get well, sympathy, and thinking of you. If anyone sends a request for a card to be sent, please send an address for the card.

TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - Report distributed to all members present, report of a loss of $2210.64. If anyone has paid another person $600 or more a 1099MISC must be filled out. Will discuss by-law changes under old business.

MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis-Membership is up to date. People are still e-mailing Membership Forms all year long. It needs to be clarified in a letter that forms are only needed once a year for the Directory and the Directory only which is printed up in the August time frame.

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers: I distributed your certificates. Please make sure they get to your club. Let me know if you have problems.

PAST PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers: We held a nomination committee meeting yesterday. Officer nominations will be under new business.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim(Kathy) Roberts-No updates this time. I have received a list of suggested grammar fixes from Terry Hoehn in Central Oregon, and I have a set of suggested changes from ORDTA that clarify our existing intent. I should be able to get an update out at the May meeting with this changes.

PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Kathy (Tim) Roberts- The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Facebook page is up to 274 members. I have continued posting flyers and dance information from club and council Facebook pages or scan flyers if clubs do not have Facebook, to the Federation Facebook page if they club or council has not previously done so. I also posted the Mid-Winter dance schedule to the FB page. Many dancers then shared the schedules on their own wall creating interest. During the ice and snow storm, our Facebook page was instrumental in keeping dancers posted about cancellations and dances that were rescheduled during the ice and snow storm

Our Round Table Discussion on "How to Put on a Festival" on Saturday yielded a lot of information for the 6 individuals who attended the discussion. Our panelist provided a lot of suggestions, recommendations, and insights. Thank you, past festival chairmen Zola, & Ray Jones; Kay & Jim Rogers; and Patty & Dave Cooper for leading the discussion

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- No Report


BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert-I have received our annual invoices from BMI and ASCAP. I forwarded copies to our State Federation Treasurer for checks to sent to both organizations.

The forms and checks have been mailed to BMI and ASCAP on 1-23-17.

The BMI amount was $155, same as last year. The ASCAP amount was $250, which is $4 more than last year's $246 amount.

Regarding SESAC, Roundalab has recently received their agreement and now offers the package of BMI/ASCAP/SESAC licenses.

Callerlab is still working on an agreement with SESAC.

After the Callerlab agreement is in place, then I will see about an agreement with SESAC for our State Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Karyn Buchheit- There were 16 youth Mid-Winter festival ribbon scholarships awarded this year. $100 from the youth activities fund was given to Mid-Winter Festival youth activities.

A continuing Education Scholarship benefit dance is set for Sunday, April 2, 2017 at the Maplewood Grange in Aurora. KC Curtis calling and Tami Helms cueing. We will be asking councils and clubs if they will donate something for a raffle basket.

The Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival will be in Oregon May 4 & 5, 2018. The plan is to have it at Silverton High School--this will be confirmed in either May or June this year. The other clubs involved from Canada and Washington are enthusiastic about coming to Oregon.

Nicholas and Caitlyn Brendzy from the Wesburn Wranglers. Burnaby, B.C. called and cued at the MidWinter Friday night pizza party and Saturday night after party. Ken Pratt also put them in the showcase of rounds. Nicholas and Caitlyn are two of the top competitors at the teen festival and place in the top 3 in their categories in calling, cueing, round dancing, and square dancing. They are great kids and it is great fun to listen to and watch them. The Silver City Club paid for the Brendzy's ribbons (2 adult, 2 youth), motel for 2 night at Best Western, and travel expenses to have them here this weekend.

ORDTA: Tammy Helms/Tim Keck:

Last meeting September 17,2016, at the Emerald Dance Center

The OFSRDC issue pertaining to dual representation of ORDTA within the organization. ORDTA met with the OFSRDC board & the delegates concerning the dual representation of ORDTA as a "club" and an advisor in the organization. We presented our opinions and are awaiting a decision.

Summer Festival:

The low attendance of round dancers at the 2016 summer festival was discussed. We wish to suggest that there would possibly be a larger attendance of Round Dancers supporting future summer festivals if the festival included a separate Round Dance Hall with a dance program, an out of area Cuer and a series round dance teaches included in the program.

A nominating committee was appointed to select a slate of new officers. The list of candidates will be presented at the January 28, meeting in Albany.


Cheryl Manley demonstrated GoodSync2Go Software - a great tool for keeping your cueing computer and backup computer(s) current and making sure you don't lose any changes without having to spend hours copying everything.


Roundalab has finished negotiations with SEASAC for a license agreement. They have agreed upon a special rate for Roundalab members. The current Roundalab dues now include fees paid to BMI/ASCAP & SESAC.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tammy Helms/Tim Keck: (combined with ORDTA)

WEBMASTER- Tim (Kathy) Roberts: No updates this time. I have received a list of suggested grammar fixes from Terry Hoehn in Central Oregon, and I have a set of suggested changes from ORDTA that clarify our existing intent. I should be able to get an update out at the May meeting with this changes.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- An email will go to the Fair people in March or April to request dates for 2017.

Delegate Report: None

State Directory-Marylin (Ron) Schmit- No Report


  1. Policy changes in Treasurer's Job description to comply with changes in by-laws. Not a change in policy, need to fix up from motion approved at last meeting. The changes in by-laws allow treasurer to approve writing checks. Article one, Duty of officers need to be changed to coordinate with strikes made at last meeting. Cece Glidewell moved to have wording changed and coordinate between by-laws, policies & procedures. Kathy Roberts second the motion, motion carried.
  2. Background Checks- Kathy Roberts provided all members present with a copy of recommendations with questions/answers from previous meeting.

    Discussion: Michael Wagner voiced the OFSRDC President should be point person for background checks. Several questions about cost, guidelines, who pays, and what felonies are of concerns. Lorri McIntosh clarified felonies against youth and vulnerable adults would be a concern, crimes are not always felonies. All delegates were requested to take the information back to councils and clubs for discussion. Dave Cooper moved to table Background checks until May meeting. Patrick Cox second the motion, motion carried.



    Officer Nominations: Running for Offices are:

    1st Vice President: Dave Cooper and Lorri McIntosh
    2nd Vice President: Ken (Judy) Marifke and Bob (Cathy) Houston
    Treasurer: Lane Clem
    Secretary: Tim (Cheryl) Hagey
    Membership: Patty Cooper, Lois (Carl) Muck, and Glory (John) Guches.

    Nominations from the floor for:

    1st Vice President-No nominations, Dave Cooper moved to close nominations, Kay Rogers second the motion, motion carried.

    2nd Vice President- no nominations, Kay Rogers moved to close nominations, Kathy Roberts second the motion, motion carried.

    Secretary- no nominations, Neta Minton moved to close nominations, Kay Rogers second the motion, motion carried.

    Treasurer- no nominations, Lorri McIntosh moved to close nominations, Zola Jones second the motion, motion carried.

    Membership- no nominations, Cece Glidewell moved to close nominations, Neta Minton second the motion, motion carried.

    Secretary will send ballots as soon as they are ready, all ballots must be returned to secretary by May 1st.

  1. Summer Festival 2018- Lorri McIntosh provided members present with information and bid for Summer Festival 2018 in Grants Pass, Oregon. Cece Glidewell moved to accept the bid for Summer Festival 2018 in Grants Pass, Oregon, Roberta Claudson second the motion, motion carried.
  2. Grant Committee Request- Kay Rogers- the grant committee received a grant request from Beachcombers for $1500 for square and round dance classes.

    Submitted Letter: Beachcombers Proposal to State Federation 2017

    The Beachcombers Square Dance Club of Port Orford is applying to the grant committee of the Oregon Federation for a grant in the amount of $1500 to be able to pay for a teacher for round and square dance lessons.

    Port Orford is a small community of 1000 residents. The Beachcombers is a 64-year-old club whose membership numbers over the years has dwindled to 16 paid members. We own our hall, the Beachcombers Cove and the property it sits upon. We have fundraiser breakfasts and we host Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day Weekend each year to make money to operate on during the year. Since Cape Blanco Music Festival has moved out of the area this year we plan to have a fundraiser breakfast during our Birthday Weekend in June.

    We have had successful lessons in the past. Our students have started out with a lot of enthusiasm, but that enthusiasm has waned and the students have dropped out. We now have a local instructor available. Dave Cooper, who relocated to the area recently has agreed to teach the upcoming classes for us. We know he can keep the students interested. Last spring, he taught a class for free and gained 4 new members for the club. He just completed teaching waltz to 8 students who are excited about joining the up-coming 2-step class on Tuesday nights and the Jive and square dance lessons on Sundays' They have been recruiting their friends and flooding the town with flyers for the upcoming classes.

    Dave will charge the club $50 for the Tuesday night class and $75 for the Sunday classes. The students will be charged $4 for Tuesday and $4 for Sunday classes. The $4 will cover both classes on Sunday. The club will pay for the hall expenses, taxes, insurance, heat, food, and advertising in addition to paying the teacher. New students will only be allowed to join the class the first two sessions. Dave will be calling our regular dance in April and plans to have the students up to mainstream by them. They will be able to dance their first regular dance to a caller they are familiar with.

    Lessons will begin February 7 and February 12 and run through April 25 and April 30, with the graduation celebration on April 30. These new dancers will be strongly encouraged to join our club at that time.

    We are excited about having a teacher with Dave Cooper's enthusiastic personality and teaching ability to teach our upcoming classes. He will make these classes fun for all of the students.

    The Grant Committee brought the request to the federation officers and delegates for approval Rogers moved to give $1500 as requested by the Beachcombers, Lane Clem second the motion, Members unanimously approved the grant for Beachcombers.

  3. Neta Minten moved to have OFSRDC reimburse the Silver City Club for the expenses they encured by providing the youth dancers with caller/cuer Nick and Kate Brendzy, Dave Cooper second the motion. Motion unanimously approved.


Blue Mountains- Dave Stutzman-Not much going on in the Blue Mountains Council. I reported a year ago that the Elkhorne Swingers were no longer dancing. Last fall the LaGrande Star Promenaders voted to stop holding dance activities. This leaves only the Muddy Frogs dancing regularly. The Baker City Elkhorn Swingers are continuing to host their annual Spring Fling. This event is being held on April 28th and 29th. Caller is Darin Keith of Boise and cuer is Debbie Taylor of Cle Elum, WA.

Central Oregon- Things were moving along as usual in Central Oregon and then it happened, the storm of all storms. It all most cancelled Christmas. If not for Rudolph there would have been no presents under the trees in Central Oregon. As it was, it cancelled all of the Christmas dances and everything else that was planned. It hit December 14th and pretty much snowed for a month dropping 50 inches in Bend and our average temperature for the month was 16 degrees. Over a 10 day stretch early in the month we had 10 fatalities from car crashes. Thankfully none of them were from our dance community. The Sage Brush Shufflers did manage to have their new years eve Snow Flake Ball with 5 squares in attendance and called by Jim Steele and cued by Dave Cooper. Prizes were awarded for those who completed the ambassador dance card program for the 2016 dance season.

Finally, Friday 1/21/17 dancing bloomed again in Central Oregon when the Red Rocks broke the ice and had a dance. The following evening 1/22/17 the Bachelor Beauts got back into the swing of things, with a 4 square dance called by Scott Zinser and cued by Joyce Brown. Everybody was really glad to be back on the floor.

Before the storm the swinging Mountaineers had a special Veterans Day dance Called by Darrel Kalmbach and cued by Mark McDonald in which all veterans were admitted free. There was a special presentation detailing the real cost to the veterans and their families (which are often forgotten) for their service to our country presented to the veterans and their families by Kippen Parret. Tissues were needed. The Mountaineers along with the Beauts raised over $800.00 dollars along with sleeping bags, clothing, etc. to donate to the Central Oregon Veterans Outreach.

Bachelor Beauts hosted their Annual Thanksgiving Dinner on November 16th. All Central Oregon dancers were invited to join them, around 100 were in attendance. The festivities started at 6:00. BBs provided the turkey, potatoes, and gravy. Attendees were asked to provide the deserts Kippen Parret acted as M C and provided the entertainment.

The Bachelor Beauts have joined with the Parks Department to have intro to square dance lessons (ABC program). There is three individual sessions independent of each other each with a different caller and a dance on the fourth week with all of the callers participating. Unfortunately, the weather wiped out the first found so the Beauts will try again in February.

Red Rocks lessons start January 8th, on Sunday afternoons from 1-3. They will hold regular lessons, not ABC lessons. Debbie Klug is the instructor.

Swinging Mountaineers will hold workshops targeting newer Plus dancers, rather than lessons. Pending Jim's Availability, Plan A is for Jim to teach them on Saturday mornings for two months in the spring. Plan B is for Friday night's Callers from February until May to teach them, like we did this year.

Sundown Round Dance Club is holding lessons now for Waltz in Redmond and Rumba in Bend. In January, they will have Two-Step lessons in Prineville on Wednesdays and Cha Cha lessons in Bend on Sundays.

Emerald Empire: Zola (Ray) Jones-Four of our area clubs are together sponsoring the New Dancer lessons at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield, once a week by one Caller. The lessons are on the B-51 plan; with four sessions planned of 10 weeks each. Lessons are 1 ½ hours, followed by a ½ hour of mainstream. New Dancers can repeat the next 10 week session, or if ready- go on to mainstream. Lessons started September 13 with 15 New Dancers, and many of the four club's members coming out to help-making four and five squares on the floor! When there are multiple clubs together involved in the lessons it brings out more 'hard badgers' to help. As mentioned, 15 New Dancers started in September and 12 finished the first 10 weeks. Then 17 started the second session on November 22, with 8 brand new dancers and 9 from the first session. The second 10-week session is completing the end of January.

For more information on these lessons and their progression go to this website: daretodamcesquare.info

As I mentioned in my report at the September state meeting; all of our area clubs and our council are very appreciative of the funds sent by the Federation to each of them. The clubs are in the process of planning the use of the funds in bringing in more members and/or improving their club. One club wants to have an "Old Fashion" square dance-with some of the old calls you very seldom hear any more. It will be open to the public, well advertised, and will also have easy and fun dance-moves to include the public. Another club is planning a special "Barn Dance" also to attract and include the public. A letter was read at our council meeting from a member of our Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc. on how Callers and Cuers could join together with the clubs to do special events or projects that all would benefit from. Our Area Council will add the fund they received to the area "Clubs Benefit Fund" the council maintains, where it helps our area clubs financially with special projects or events, lesson expenses, and improvements to the Square Dance Center. I will report further at the next Federation meeting on prospective plans that more of our clubs want to do with the funds.

Interstate Highlanders: A new dancer workshop was started January19 and is free as we are using the money received from the Susan Corbett gift to cover expenses with hope that we will get and retain new members.

The Klamath Country Squares elected new officers for 2017: President: Ron Johnson; VP, Cece Glidewell; Secretary, TBD; Treasurer, Doty DeGarmo.

Mid-Willamette: Our council consist of 13 clubs, 1 Clogging, 1 Caller-Cuer, 1 Round Dance, and 10 Square Dance Clubs. Lebanon Square Circlers just celebrated their 68th Birthday, Silver City Squares, Corvallis Squares and Valley River will be celebrating their birthdays in February, check Facebook and the OFN for dates and times. We all have busy lives but maybe we can make a bigger effort to visit other clubs for their Birthday Dances, it supports all of Square Dancing.

The Salem Square Dance Center was given an AED by the Salem Fire Foundation and there will be a training class the first week of February. I encourage all clubs to check into their area for possible similar programs. The AED Unit was free and the training classes are free to all that are interested in our area.

Like many other clubs due to the weather some of our New Dancer Classes will be graduation later than planned, we expect to graduate about 80 new dancers in our Council.

Portland Area Council: Janet (Roy) Bellcoff- The last several weeks have been difficult for the Portland Area Council and the clubs, much like many other areas of the state, with the snow and ice storms. Multiple dancers and lesson sessions were cancelled and rescheduling of special events in the progress. Be sure to watch OFN and FaceBook for notices of these new dates.

A work day was held in late November at Betty Chipp's property to prepare space for storing the two PAC parade float trailers together. Both trailers are now relocated and are licensed and titles to PAC. Due to the ongoing and continues increase in registration fees to participate in the Rose Festival Starlight Parade, combines with no TV exposure in recent years, PAC has decided not to participate in 2017. Instead, the emphasis will be on local community parade participation which is minimal cost or free for promoting square dancing and our great activity.

PAC has scheduled visitations to clubs within the Council throughout the spring months. The next PAC dance is Friday, March 31 at Oak Grove Community Center. Ian Craig will be the caller and cuer will be Jeanine Norden,

Rogue Sis Q: Roberta (Phil) Claudson- The weather has not been kind to our square dance programs and lessons. Several events were cancelled in December - January because of the snow and icy roads.

Our council restarted the Banner "Stealing" program as of January 1, 2017. We have had a great response. At every dance at least one club has received a banner or was able to retrieve one that was "stolen" previously. To win a banner, the club must have at least 8 dancers present. Since the Circle N Squares are a small club, their quota is 4 instead of 8. These dancers must be "primary" club members. Meaning the club they pay their insurance to.

Several of our dancers belong to more than one club.

Two of our 4 clubs had birthday celebrations recently. The Circle N Squares celebrated 61 years in September, and the Charlie Browns celebrated 49 years in December. For their 50th they have contracted with Charlie Robertson from California calling and Oregon's own Cheryl Manley cueing.

The Star Promenaders are celebrating 60 years on February 25. Randy Dibble is the caller and MaryAnn Callahan is the cuer. Both of these people have ties to the Rogue Valley, so they were specifically chosen.

Three Festivals are in the works. I have distributed flyers for these special dances.

The Pear Blossom Festival is the second weekend in April. Charlie Fagan, caller and MaryAnn Callahan, cuer. All four of our clubs participate in the planning for these dances. The Charlie Browns sponsor 3-day festival over Memorial Day weekend. Hunter Keller, caller and Randy Lewis, cuer. They encourage you to come and enjoy not only some great dancing but the Boatnik celebration in Grants Pass. The Diamond Lake Festival is in its 44th year. The dates always include the 4th Saturday of July. Eric Henerlau and Wayne Weaver are the callers. TJ Chadd from Idaho is back for the third time. Make reservations to camp or rent a room or cabin. There are dances every night and some mornings.

In September Jet Roberts and Ken Ritucci are having a Plus weekend, and Mary Ann Callahan will have a round dance weekend later that month. The council will hold their 5th Friday Council dance with Scot Zinser calling and Elaine Fink cueing.

To keep dancers informed we have our websites, club newsletters, emails and The Circulator published by Glory Guches. Her work is truly a labor of love and very appreciated.

South Coast: Pat Cox: Beachcombers- are excited to finally have Mainstream lessons set to begin on February 12th. Dave Cooper will instruct. Recruitment has begun in Port Orford, Gold Beach, and Bandon. Calls from interested students have started to come in. We dance on the 4th Saturday afternoon all winter from 3:00-5:30 then follow with a pot luck dinner. Our Winter callers: February- Tim Kane. March- Richard Lane. April- Dave Cooper. Cathy Houston is our club cuer. We own our hall and the old girl is beginning to show her age. We have a couple of repair projects on the horizon this year so we are ramping up the fund raising activities by reviving our Birthday Weekend Campout the end of June. This year we have a luau theme to come to the tropics of Southern Oregon to join in the fun.

Mavericks- Mavericks have been busy since moving operations to the South Coast. We just completed a Beginning Waltz class at the Beachcombers Cove in Port Orford. We graduated 7 students. We are starting a new class for Two Step on Tuesday nights and lots of interest in our Beginning Jive to be held on Sunday afternoon prior to the Beachcombers Mainstream Square Dance lessons.

We are now dancing once a month on the 2nd Friday night from 7:00-9:00. We have set the date and rented the building for our 7th Autumn Cascade Campout to be held at Rainbow on the McKenzie River again this September. Be sure to pick up a flyer and get registered. It's a HOOT!!!

Sets In Order-It was our turn to hold the NEW YEARS Dance. We had four squares and Dale and Betty Roberson and Ray and Karen Greaves came over from Roseburg. They always add so much to our dances. It was a GREAT DANCE!

Sets In Order have graduated 7 new beginners. Our Valentine dance is coming up in February with a silent auction and drawing for a special dinner out for two.

We just dance once a month but always get to join Saint n Ain'ts and Beachcombers at their dances so have plenty of dances to go to. Come join us sometime.

SAINTS-N-AINTS-We graduated 8 students from our class in December. Three of them have joined the club.

Some of the monies that we received from the Federation will be used to support our next class in the fall. We will use some for flyers, newspaper and radio ads.

Two of our club callers, Paula Mintonye & Reese Dixon have been holding demos at the local retirement/nursing homes. Dancers from Sets-in-Order also participate in these exhibitions.

Cherie Cox (Saints-n-Aints) is designing a tri-fold flyer advertising square dancing along the South Coast which we will place at campgrounds, RV parks and also in our visitor's centers in Coos Bay and North Bend. We will also share these with the other area clubs.

We have quite a few members who are calling some of our dances and doing quite well.

SOUTH COAST AREA COUNCIL:We are in the process of transferring the trailer from the Federation to our council. There is still some paperwork to be completed, hopefully at this meeting. Meanwhile the trailer is being stored at Patrick Cox's house. A couple of minor repairs are needed but are not critical.

Tualatin Valley: Jim(Kay) Rogers: The TVC is saddened to report the loss of our longtime friend and caller, Harold Kleve. There will be a service on February 4th at 1pm in Hillsboro, followed by fellowship time and the IOOF Hall. Let me know if you would like time and place directions.

At the recent TVC President's Potluck Nan Overall was awarded the President's Award for her enthusiastic support of dancing at the three clubs she belongs to.

On February 12th we will be celebrating the retirement of Les Seeley at a party dance being called by The Crew, of which Les is a member. He will certainly be missed as he is moving to Arizona.

Most of our clubs were dark for several dances during the bad weather in December and January and are looking forward to resuming or starting lessons and dancing.

Tri-Squares are holding a Mardi Gras and Masquerade Dance on February 24th.

Umpqua: Frank (Rita) Schuchard-

Buckaroos- Our September class of students will be graduating February 13th. Seventeen of the twenty students joined our club. We have started a January class of students and sixteen are in the new January class. Looking back at recent months, our largest fund raiser of the year was our December wreath project. The profits help pay for the taxes on the Barn and we were able to meet our goal of selling all of them. When part of Oregon had the big snow storm the first week in January we had a Winter Wonderland dance scheduled and Mike Sikorsky was scheduled to fly into Portland Saturday and drive down to call at our dance. He flew into Portland and made is as far as Eugene before he had to turn around because of icy roads and drive back to the airport. Chuck SImpkins graciously filled in for him. We are looking forward to our Birthday Dance in April with Mike Sikorsky flying back to call and are 100 percent optimistic that at least we won't have to deal with another snow storm. The lesson learned from this was "Don't book callers in January if you are flying them in for a dance."

Dancing Friends- No Report

Unpqua Area Council- The Timber 8's and Buckaroos are having a combined Birthday weekend celebration the first weekend in April. Mike Sikorsky will be calling Saturday night for Buckaroos Birthday Dance and The Crew will be calling Sunday afternoon for a Timber 8's Birthday Dance. Even though the Timber 8's is a plus club, the Birthday Dance will be called at the mainstream level with every 3rd tip plus. So, it's two days in a row of celebrating our Birthdays here in Roseburg and hopefully some visitors will be great Birthday dances while they are here.

Our new dancer dance was last Sunday and we had a great turn out of our local dancers and students. We had 2 experienced callers, 2 callers with some experience, and two brand new callers just learning to call. so our new students got to dance to a variety of different callers. We are looking forward to the May meeting being held in Roseburg.

The schedule will be:

May 6th Saturday

4:00pm Both the officers and delegates meeting will be held at Barn

7:00pm Dance-Rounds begin (Neil Koozer)

7:30pm Dance-Squares begin (Scott Zinser)

May 7th Sunday

9:00 Federation Meeting


Ron and Marilyn Schmit- There is not much to report for this meeting. Weather has prevented some travel to the Portland area for some visitations. I have attended some new dancer dances in the area to support the students.

Dave and Patty Cooper- Busy in Port Orford, Dave will cue for free, call me.


Kathy Worthington- Sylvia is fine, just tired, she was not able to make this meeting.

Kay Rogers- Want to let everyone know that Genevieve is 105 years old and in Hospice care, please send cards.

Karyn Buchheit- youth pins are for sale at $2.00 each. $1.00 from each pin goes for a cash prize.

Steve Murphy recalls a time when Genevieve was a goodwill ambassador, she was unable to get to the mike and give her report. Floyd was able to get her to the mike in a chair, and after all that she said "No Report". It was quite funny at the time.

Next Scheduled Meeting

ADJOURN: Motion to Adjourn

Next meeting May 7th in Roseburg, Oregon with Umpqua Council at Buckaroo Barn.