President Marilyn Schmit called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
This meeting is being recorded.
Appointed Officers: All present except: Tim Roberts, Parliamentarian, Webmaster, OFN; and Dale Worthington, Past President; Sylvia Davis, Membership; Ralph Lambert, BMI/ASCAP; Karyn Bucheit, Youth Activities; Dave Stutzman, Blue Mountain Council.
Before the meeting starts board to seat Larry Reetz as temp Parliamentarian to take Tim Roberts place and Dale Worthington Past President pro-tem to take Kay Rogers place.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President protem, Dale Worthington
FLAG SALUTE: 2nd Vice President, Dave (Patty) Cooper
MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh- Corrections- meeting brought to order by Marilyn Schmidt and Rogue Sis Q report had wrong council in their report. Dave Cooper moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Cece Glidewell second the motion. Minutes approved as corrected.
Ballot counting committee: Janiene Alexander, Kathy Worthington, Bob Whaley were requested to count voting ballots.
PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- I attended the award recognition dance in Blue Mountains Council. It was to recognize Bill Reid as the Parker Award winner and Merri Anne Huber for the McGregor Award winner. Even though both awards are from the Washington Federation, they are also Oregon Federation members. I attended the council meeting as they dealt with the future of the council. They have decided to continue as they are now. One active club, two traveling clubs with one dance a year for the traveling clubs. The visit also got another council visit off of my list. I will get the Umpqua Council off of my list this weekend.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts: I am in the process of reading the Practices and Procedures and making a list of the areas that need to be brought up to date due to motions that have been made in the past. In September, we will be distribution a hardcopy of the P&Ps and notebook to each of the positions.
Thank you, Summer Festival and Midwinter, for continuing to keep me up to date with your committees' activities. Officers, delegates, and guests, iIf you have not had an opportunity to buy your Summer Festival ribbons, yet please do so as soon as you can. The Festivals depend upon early ribbon purchases to help cover their operating expenses.
Our Background Committee met yesterday and decided it might help to alleviate confusion on the recommendations if we distributed a clarification report. Hopefully everyone will have a chance to read through it before we continue our discussion in Old Business. I would like to thank the committee again for their efforts.
Remember to take your information from the box. You will find all kinds of special treasures in there - flyers for great dances, the Treasurer's report, and other goodies your fellow delegates and officers would like to share with you.
2017 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Connie Seamans/Paul Gates- We feel that the festival was a success. Good reports
2017 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Neta Minten/Ronda Whaley- The MWA Council continues to prepare for the summer festival to be held in Salem Oregon this July. As of this time we have reached the 200 mark in registrations but are working to get another 100 ribbons sold by July. Dancers are signing up for the free Capital tour on the Thursday before the Festival starts and we are looking forward to many dancers coming for the Trails End Dance that is being called by "The Wild Cards" and held at the Salem Square Dance Center that evening. Please encourage your clubs to support this festival, we have over 30 Oregon callers and cuers that have signed up to participate in the festival.
2018 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Sandy/Chuck Eddings- dancing the night away, caller and cuers are under contract.
2018 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Lorri McIntosh/Elaine Funk: Everything is coming together slowly. We have a small board and are forming our committees. Everyone is working hard to get the beginnings of Summer Festival 2018 organized. Ribbons are ordered, flyers are almost done with the design. Caller and cuer contracts are signed, the place has been set for Josephine County Fairgrounds. We have a lot of ideas for activities to plan. Dan Nordbye will be the caller and the Storms will be the cuers.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: There are now 650 addresses on the distribution list, and I know several of the folks redistribute the link to their own lists. Thus, the OFN is getting pretty wide distribution. In the large councils, the area editors are doing a great job of getting the club report information to me, but I never get anything from Blue Mountains, Central Oregon, or Interstate Highlanders. It's a great way to get free publicity.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dave (Patty) Cooper: I was going to thank Dale for the sound equipment, but it doesn't work.
SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh, No report.
TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - I have changed the way I am accounting for the finds, this makes it easier for me and easier to read the reports, I have done away with various "funds" they are still there but the report is easier to read. N report is the total for charities fund, on page 3 totals= total of all activity for the period. Pag 4- starts the balance sheet in accounts, all of the monies is broken down into individual accounts with total. Nothing exciting this period. One thing that is changing without a financial advisor, we do not have a procedure for audits annually. We are going to make a motion to take care of that.
Dave Cooper: I make a motion that each year, the President will appoint a qualified financial analyst to audit the Federation's books, papers, bank statements, invoices, etc. for the previous accounting cycle September 1 through August 31.
This change will be added to the President's responsibilities, Line 35, item #16, section V-5.
In addition:
This motion will affect: line #34, item #3, section V-9 under The Treasurer's responsibilities. It will need to be changed from "Turn previous records (Sept. 1-Aug. 31), books, papers, bank statements, invoices, etc. over to Oregon Federation Financial Advisor for audit review and reporting of financial conditions to President and Executive Board. Financial Advisor prepares tax returns.
To: "Turn previous records (Sept. 1-Aug. 31), books, papers, bank statements, invoices, etc. over to the auditor selected by the Oregon Federation President for audit review and reporting of financial conditions to President and Executive Board. The Treasurer prepares tax returns.
Motion second by Dale Worthington. Lane cannot and does not want to do the audit himself. Pat Cox questioned were this person would come from, Marilyn has a friend she will ask to do the audit. Motion carried.
MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis: I have sent out the instructions for filling out the Membership Form. I have also brought a copy for you Delegates. This form needs to be complete by the Summer Festival, July 14 - 16, 2017. I am hoping the forms will all be sent much earlier. I already have 12 forms. 23 Councils and Clubs have already sent in their paperwork. Also, South Coast Council and their Clubs have sent everything in already and they should get a big thank you.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers: Keep up the good work and continue to send in class rosters
PAST PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers- Remember to submit your Randall Award Nominees to me by Summer Festival. I have included a brief outline explanation
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts-It has been a number of years since we did a full reprint of the PnPs, and I suspect quite a number of you delegates no longer know where your second copy is. Thus, it is my intention to distribute a full reprint at the September state meeting. The total cost will be less than $300. I'll make a run through the text this summer to make sure all of the changes made by motions in the last year are included.
Lane requested PnP's be placed in a soft binder, all embers present agreed. The request will be given to Tim for distribution.
PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Kathy (Tim) Roberts- The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Facebook page is up to 287 members. Our Facebook page continues to be an excellent means of advertising dances and special events. Please use it to help promote your clubs' events.
During Summer Festival, we will have a special seminar on how to recognize consumer scams or fraud. The seminar will be presented by JoAnn MacDonald who is the Volunteer Coordinator for the "Consumer Protection", "Financial Fraud" section of the Department of Justice. In addition to presenting her information, JoAnn will be able to answer your questions and concerns.
During the September meeting, we will have another training session for our incoming and current delegates and officers. If you would like additional information about a specific topic, please contact me.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit-no report, end of report.
BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert-Everything is current with both BMI and ASCAP items.
I am still waiting for Callerlab to complete their negotiations with SESAC, so that I can make inquiries on how to handle our two state festivals. (Roundalab has their contract with SESAC and things seem to be working well with it.)
YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit- Youth Report - We had 42 people attend the youth scholarship benefit dance on April 2nd. $481.50 was raised for the scholarship fund. This is a lot of work involved for so little amount raised. We also did not receive sponsorship from any individual club or council. Several individual dancers did donate baskets for a basket raffle. We have received scholarship applications and the youth committee is in the process of reviewing these and making award decisions. They placed first in the junior division.
ORDTA: Tami (Tim Keck) Helms: TVC has a round dance on the forth Saturday in July, ORDTA will be making a visit to that dance. ORDTA is in the process of coming up with a logo. Lots of ideas but still in the planning stage.
We are working on a mentor program to help new cuers get training and answer any questions.
Teen Festival will be held in Silverton in 2018 we will need a lot of help round dance and square dance if interested contact Tami Helms.
We are working to get Dance classes listed on our web page.
February 2017 OROM chosen by Emerald Empire
"Love is a Beautiful Song by Daniel O'Donnell, CD "the Ultimate Collection",
choreographed by Kathy and Tom Nickel.
Phase II + 1 Interrupted box Waltz
Download iTunes or Amazon.
OROM Classic March 2017
Selected by ORDTA. "ROONEY" choreographed by Ron and Georgine Woolcock. Roger Whittaker CD Danny Boy and other Irish favorites. Phase II Two Step 45 RPM 2:11. Download iTunes, Amazon, or Walmart.
OROM April 2017
Chosen by Interstate Highlanders. "Men", The Forrester Sisters album Great Divorce Songs TRK 3. Choreographed by Casey & Sharon Parker. Phase 2 two step.
Portland Area Council has chosen for May 2017 OROM, "Home On The Range" Phase 2 Waltz, Written by: Yasuyo Watanabe, Artist Moe Bandey CD Cowboy Songs 2:45, Download iTunes 95% or Amazon or similar.
June OROM chosen by Mid Willamette. "A Place in the Choir," Fred and Linda Ayres Celtic Thunder, Phase II Two Step.
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: Action on the Federation web page is relatively quiet. Much of this has moved to the online OFN and Facebook.
STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- I am still waiting to hear back from the Fair. I have alerted them that we want to dance again this year. One day for squares, one day for rounds, Saturday of Labor Day weekend for youth, and Monday of Labor Day weekend for those who work. I should hear from them by mid to end of June.
DELEGATE REPORT: Frank (Rita) Schuchard- We had 8 out of 10 councils represented, two topics discussed were background check, we had questions, also talked about BMI/ASCAP.
STATE DIRECTORY: Marylin (Ron) Schmit- ---I have been entering the club info forms into the state directory as they come in. I made a list of when they elect officers, and when they come through, they are crossed off so I know which ones have yet to fill in the form on the Federation website. The directory will go to print by mid-August, so go home and find out how many your council clubs will need and let me know by Summer Festival or sooner. Price will remain the same as last year, $3.25 each.
Zola Jones- if a club or council want a background check does the federation pay for this. Kippen- Central Oregon concerns, wanted to make sure there was an exclusion, Kathy verified this will be a seven-year report. Kippen- if a club does a background check and it comes back with something criminal, the club can establish policy of evaluation of caller/cuer on individual basis. If the club or council establishes a background check policy you cannot make exceptions.
Roberta-at the last meeting it was discussed who would see the report, Kathy_ all the motion is to establish a background check for a callers and cuer, then the committee will meet on recommendations to bring back to the body at the OFSRDC, any youth activity or dance sponsored by the OFSRDC. Dave- want to make a motion to set up committee for the rules that will occur. This motion to set up an account needs to be addressed first, then the recommendations will be addressed and brought back to the federation. If this passes then we move forward to establish procedure and policies. A lawyer will need to be consulted.
Tim Keck- if this does move forward, what is the frequency of the background check. Kathy- the original information, the background check would be every 2 years.
Motion re-read " an account be set up for background checks on callers/cuers involved with youth activities in the Federation." Cece moved and Lorri second to remove the motion from the table, approved b majority of members present.
Motion- All those in favor 10 all those opposed 2. Motion carries.
Marilyn requested the current committee to continue to set up the next phase of the background checks.
Neta recommended a qualification for youth activities be clarified.
Zola- If the state gets half the funds then the state representatives should support the festival. As you can see we have not made plans, we think we have a place ad it would be fun. Bu, we are competing with Diamond Lake and Central Oregon, and all the other festivals. If you are willng to work on the committee, we will send a letter of what everyone will do and make a decision.
John Guches- Glory and I volunteer to help. Marilyn recommended to send a letter to the entire federation
Historically, the continuing education youth scholarship fund has been funded through fund raising efforts and the $500 that may be transferred annually from the general fund. Thanks to early fundraising efforts, the state has been able to award 3 qualifying scholarships annually. The last couple of fundraising efforts that have been embarked upon have not been successful as in the years past, therefore the amount in the account due to donations is almost depleted. Adding the last donation dance receipts to twat is currently in the account amounts to appox. One scholarship. Increasing the amount that may be transferred from the General Fund would allow state to consistently recognize up to 2 recipients per year. It is very important for our youth to feel that they are a valuable part of our Federation and to know their contributions are valued and appreciated.
Mary- part of the problem is the fund raising scholarship dance and there is little support. Dancers need to support these dances. Tami- suggestion- when you see a youth fund raiser dance ask the clubs and councils for donations.
Question is called for: Motion re-read by Marilyn.
Lane- currently the policy is the funds may be donated not will be transferred., Kathy withdrew her motion, Cece withdrew the second, Kathy motioned: the amount transferred from the general fund to the youth fund be increased from $500 not to exceed $1000. Cece second the motion. Motion carried.
BLUE MOUNTAINS: Dave Stutzman- No report
CENTRAL OREGON: Kippen Parret- News from Sonny Central Oregon is as follows.
We have had two days of sunshine since our last meeting three months ago. But there is more on the way.
Other than our usual dances that are always posted in the OFN They is only a few things to report. After 4 or 5 years of hard work by several different boards the Bachelor Beauts adopted new bylaws on April 15, 2017. A big thank you to all of those who have worked on this over the years.
Hal Meyers has resigned as treasure of the Swinging Mountaineers This marks the first time since I started dancing 10 years ago that Hal and or Virginia have not been serving on one if not several boards. They have been a part of the Square dance community holding several offices in different clubs, decorating and setting up dances, and cleaning up and locking the door when the dance was over. Age and health is dictated that they need to let go of the reins and let other people take care of some of the daily business of clubs. Though we will still see them at a dance once in a while they will no longer be a driving force of Central Oregon square dancing. My personal thank you to Hal and Virginia for all of their years of dedication and support to square dancing and their support of me in my calling. I would not be calling or be a recording artist on the Cheyanne record label if not for their constant encouragement.
All of the Central Oregon clubs have participated in some forms of lessons, community dances and other forms of promoting square dancing. A new dancers dance was held April 29th. The clubs will continue to do things to try to promote square dancing in the Central Oregon area in hopes of garnering new dancers. The Sagebrush Shufflers will be hosting a street dance June 21 to start off the Crooked River round up and also dancing on a float in the parade Saturday 24th. What started as a flash mob at the Sisters Community auction and art show in conjunction with the Central Oregon round up five years ago has turned into a please come and do it again not so flashy flash mob as I have just received my request to bring dancers to the auction and do it again.
Most of the clubs have completed their elections and new, or maybe not so new officers will be assuming their duties. I will get that information to the state board as soon as everything is official.
A piece of news that I do want to bring to everybody's attention is ASS CAP (ASCAP) that's exactly what I mean. Representatives from ASCAP been harassing the Central Oregon clubs. Calling the clubs wanting to know if they have a license wanting to get a list of the callers and cures that they have used so that they can check to make sure they are licensed. Now you understand why I referred to them as ASS CAP.
There have been other issues that other officers have brought to my attention that leads me to believe that maybe, if we don't have one already we should have a little officers training booklet. Two or three pages of things at officers need to know to run a club without getting in trouble. Things like music licensing, tax exemption, banking, how to run a meeting etc That we could send out to new officers or publish in the OFN each year after elections.
EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones-Our new dancer lessons, sponsored by four area clubs, are now into the 4th and final session of the 10 week sessions on the B-51 plan, and should finish about the middle of June. There are
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell: The club party night is on the 3rd Saturday of each month. However, the June 17 dance is canceled to support the Gold Diggers Dance-in Yreka. The club meeting is changed to Bi-Monthly on Saturday prior to the dance. The next meeting is May 20. Aug 19 is the club picnic. There will not be an evening dance on August 19. Club caller, Larry Sprout, seizures have been getting worse, no longer working, still calling.
A 2017 council dance is in the planning stage. Date and time will be announced when available.
MID-WILLAMETTE: Neta (Ron) Minten- Some of the clubs in our Council go dark during the summer so be sure to check the online OFN "Where and When" before planning your visits.
Round Dance Club Re-V-N-Q is celebrating their 41st Birthday this year and graduating 10 students soon. Our area has 4 Round Dance Clubs.
Next year, 2018, the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival and competition will be held in Oregon. The location is still being set up.
Salem area has many fun things to do and see, like the Oregon Gardens, Silver Creek Falls, Willamette Queen paddle wheeler boat ride, Carousel at the River Front Park, the State Capital and more. We hope you will consider visiting us for the 2017 Summer Festival and take in some of the sites while you're in the area.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL: Tami Helms- (alternate) 1. The PAC voted unanimously to support the work of the Background Check Committee and thanks Kathy Roberts for her work on this item.
2. The trailers are being stored at Betty Chips at her home in Aurora. They are covered in all-weather tents. The PAC has reregistered and put permanent plates on each trailer which will save the PAC about $800.00 over the next 10 years. A Parade Committee has been formed and is lining up 6-10 local parades. The PAC is not going to do the Starlight Parade because it is to costly and unproductive. The PAC is finalizing a rental agreement that includes a $100 refundable deposit for all clubs plus a rental rate of $50 per trailer, per parade event for non-PAC clubs.
3. The PAC web page is up and running at
4. The PAC has elected new officers and Gil Shoemaker is the new President effective June 2017.
5. The PAC has adopted new By Laws and Constitution, and Instructions for New Delegates.
We gave Silver City Squares $100.00 for teen competition
ROGUE SIS Q: Roberta (Phil) Claudson- All clubs have been busy planning special dances. The cities in Southern Oregon have lots of events in the spring and summer. Our square dance clubs tie into these events with special festivals of our own, bringing in great callers and curers. So you can enjoy parades, vendors, and boat races in addition to dancing during those weekends. The Pear Blossom Festival held the second Saturday in April each year is a joint effort of all four clubs. This year Charlie Fagan was the caller and MaryAnn Callahan the cuer. The committee meets several times each year and produce a great dance weekend in Medford. In downtown Medford there is a parade and a well published race.
The Charlie Browns keep coming up with attention getting theme dances. Their big event is the Boatnik Festival which is always held Memorial Day weekend in Grants Pass. That weekend has lots of activities besides Square Dancing. The parade is Saturday morning and lots of boat racing throughout the weekend.
Circle N Squares have a dance during Yreka's Gold Dust Days the 3rd Saturday in June. They also promote square dancing as they dance at the Yreka County Fair in August. Their members staff a vendor booth at the fair selling soda.
The Rogue Squares are dancing on the 3rd Friday of each month starting in June. They will use guest callers. The Star Promenaders are gearing up for their annual Diamond Lake Festival held the week which includes the fourth Saturday each July. Lots of work goes into this festival including putting down a wood 4oor on the parking lot. You are specially encouraged to attend these big dances. Lots of great caller and cuers.
The council elected the following slate of officers for the coming year:
President Lorri McIntosh
Vice President Philip Claudson
Secretary Gwen Matocha
Treasurer Lois Muck
SOUTH COAST: Patrick (Cherie) Cox: Mavericks have been spending some time settling in on the South Coast. They have gained a few new members and are dancing monthly on the 2nd Friday. A Friday evening of Round Dancing cued by Dave Cooper is being sponsored by the Mavericks in conjunction with the Beachcombers 64th Birthday weekend June 23-25. Registration are starting to come in for their big campout weekend on the McKenzie River in September.
The Beachcombers are nearing the end of lessons for this winter/spring season. A total of 30 students in 4 classes on 2 different days have learned square dancing as well as Jive and Two Step. Some have already joined the club and attended dances in Coquille and Coos Bay as well as Port Orford. The Beachcombers 64th Birthday Weekend Luau will be held June 23-25th. Round dancing with Dave Cooper on Friday night then George Hermann calls and Cathy Houston cues the Saturday night dance following a dinner of roast pork and chicken, fried rice and lots of other goodies. Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast happens on Sunday morning and new members get a taste of club membership with that event.
Saints-N- Aint's are finishing up their 2nd set of lessons in a few weeks. Cherie Cox, a new caller is teaching the class. We are trying to be more flexible and are offering different times and days for lessons.
Sets-in-Order has been getting ready for our busy time of year. Gay 90's is the end of May with a parade and often demonstration followed in July with are Coos County Fair dance and parade. We have many new "younger" dancers now so expect a great time at both events.
Coleeta Quigley is doing a stint as Club President. Like many clubs, it is hard to find or hold members willing to be an officer. The other officers remain the same: Vice President Mike Arrenllo, Secretary- Denise Harris and Treasurer- Norma Glock.
Summer would be a nice time to travel to the South Coast and dance with our clubs down here. Come join us!!
TUALATIN VALLEY: Mary Schneider alternate- The TVC has been enjoying some great dancing both at our fifth Saturday dances and our club anniversary celebrations. Our past VP, Kathy Roberts, has done a great job organizing some great dances and visitations. We are going to miss her next year as she is not returning to that position.
Our next council dance in July 29th at the Odd Fellows hall in Hillsboro. It will be a round dance party, which the TVC has hosted successfully in the past. Ken Pratt will be the Cuer MC.
August 27th will be our yearly Hahn Barn dance. This is a Century Farm with a wonderful pond to picnic under before the dance. Let us know if you are interested in finding us for a unique dance, would be a great mystery trip.
UMPQUA: Frank (Rita) Schuchard- State Report, on behalf of the Buckaroo barn and we had over 10 squares dancing last night, Buckaroos had voting last night and we had 42 voters, part of the vote was keep the wreath sales and the barn sale.
Buckeroo Club: One of the two large annual fund raisers that we have each year that helps raise money for the upkeep of our barn is the Barn Sale. This year we had it in April and we cleared $1300.00. Dues and door money at lessons and dances do not cover the expenses we have and although we are proud of owning the Barn the reality is we do have pesky expenses like upkeep, taxes and insurance that we have to raise money for. We are looking forward to the Round Up scheduled for the week end of June 9-11tH. This year instead of having a Sunday morning dance at the Barn we will be having our Sunday morning dance out at the Wildlife Safari. Dan Nordbye and Mary Ann Callahan who are our featured Caller and Cuer will be calling and cueing at the Wildlife Safari from 10am-noon and from 1:00-3:00 we will have jamboree callers and cuers.
Timber 8's are dancing once a month and they had a successful birthday dance in April.
Marilyn & Ron Schmit----I attended the memorial service for Genevieve Churchill and spoke about some of our travels together. I made it through without crying. Several of us got to dance on the stage behind the pulpit to honor Genevieve, including her daughter Cory Martin. Genevieve's surviving sister and son George, were unable to attend. I stopped at the Rooper residence on my way to Eastern Oregon. Annadale looks great and Bill was at the Senior Center helping with taxes. Annadale says he has a few medical problems but otherwise doing OK. Annadale said that the service for Marge Pentecost was sparsely attended, as was Genevieve's service. Less than 100 in attendance.
Patty & Dave Cooper- We have had a very busy few months since Mid-Winter Festival. We started beginning squares, Jive and Two Step classes the first week in February. Then Dave's substitute bus driving became full time when another driver decided to wear his flip flops on an icy deck and ended up with shoulder surgery and rehab. But...we still attended as many dances as possible and have taken part in demos, grand openings, weddings and clean up days for community gardens and windy beaches. At each and every event we've attempted to represent square and round dancing as a fun, friendly. healthy activity. Dave loves to teach a little dancing to waitresses in restaurants, fellow students at first aid classes or parents at his grandson's basketball games. He just can't help himself...he's always spreading the goodwill!!
We've had a great time traveling with our new dancers to other clubs and helping them recruit their friends and relatives wherever they live. We're looking forward to lots of summer dances and festivals, parades and campfire visiting. We'll see you all in Salem in July if not before.
Larry- ORDTA and Round Dance in the P&P's have dropped the 30-day notice for changes, I do recommend you get it out early for councils to read before the summer festival.
Dave Cooper- Dave is looking for backup about the banner for Beachcombers, "I stole the banner" it is my opinion since I stole the banner, I should be able to take it back, we brought a whole square last night. I changed my ways, LOL. Since I stole the banner I want to take it back.
Kathy Roberts- During the next 1 ½ years, I would like to try to visit council dances. Delegates, please send me a list of all of your council dances for the next 1-2 years so that I can set up a visitation schedule. I'd like to invite the rest of the officers and delegates to consider visiting, too. Working together, we can help support each other. Our next meeting after summer festival in TVC with the Toedragers hosting it with an old-fashioned country picnic. In the federation is a list of the meetings for each council hosting the meetings. Kathy will provide information about costs and dance information for the federation meeting.
Next Scheduled Meeting
July 16, 2017-Blanchet Catholic High School, Salem, Oregon at 0930am
ADJOURN: Motion to Adjourn Dave Cooper and Patrick cox