Hosted by the
Mid-Willamette Council
Blanchet Catholic School
Salem, Oregon

President Marilyn Schmit called the meeting to order at 09:30 a.m.

Motion by Dave Cooper to seat Bob Houston as Membership Chairman, Cece Glidewell second, motion carried.


This meeting is being recorded.

ROLL CALL: Absent- David Stutzman: Blue Mountain Council (no alternate)

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Kay Rogers

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Kathy Roberts

MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh- Correction to the Minutes:

Page 7 - B. Ballot Results
Vice-President should be 1st Vice-President
2nd Vice President should be Bob Houston

Complete Mid-Willamette Council report as follows: Our New Dancer lessons, sponsored by four area clubs, are now into the 4th and final session of the 10-week sessions on the B-51 plan, and should finish about the middle of June. There are 3 New Dancers, and also 8 dancers from the previous session who are angeling and improving on the B-51 they have already done. And there are dancers from previous sessions who angel and then stay for the mainstream workshop right after the new dancer lesson. Some dancers from the earlier sessions have already joined our host clubs.

The Emerald Empire Area's annual Benefit Dance, the 5th Saturday on April 29, raised funds for the Silver Knights youth group to go to the Teen Square and Round Dance Competition in British Columbia, Canada. The group sent our council a letter of request for help as they have in the past-and we have sent them a check from council funds; but this year at our March meeting our area clubs voted to make them the recipient of our benefit dance. The dance was well attended, including the Teens and their leader from the youth group. Our dancers were so generous and with the council matching the door donations, we raised $ 2,136.00 for the Silver Knights trip expenses to British Columbia! And-as many of us know the competition next year in May 2018 will be here in Oregon at Salem.

Two of our area clubs for the third year are putting on a joint Mexican "Fiesta Dance" in May; including a special Taco Bar and South of the Border singing calls. This has been a popular and fun dance.

Some of our area clubs go 'Dark' in July and/or August. So if anyone is in our area and wants to dance with one of our clubs-please contact them first.


PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- Now that I am home from convention, I have taken care of a few personal items and it is time for me to work on getting the rest of my President visitations scheduled. I have PAC, Central Oregon, Rogue Sis Q and South Coast to finish up. See you somewhere along the roadways. I also have the next Goodwill Ambassadors picked out. Stay tuned.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts: Thank you Summer Festival for an outstanding festival weekend. You had an excellent committee and leaders who worked well together. Thank you Karyn and Neta for allowing me the opportunity to present the educational scholarships during the opening ceremonies Saturday evening. It was a privilege which I enjoyed immensely.

Thank you, Mid-Winter, for keeping me current on your progress. I am looking forward to attending your meetings in the near future.

I will be giving Tim the list of items that I have found in the P&P that need to be updated. It has been interesting reading.

I will email my 2017-18 Budget to you prior to the next state meeting for your review. It will be discussed and voted on during the September meeting.

One of my duties this year has been to work with the councils in scheduling our May and September 2018 state meetings. South Coast will be hosting the first meeting next spring. Due to several circumstances beyond their control, they are unable to hold a meeting during May. They have come up with a solution. They would like to host the State Meeting the weekend of April 28, 2018, at Beachcomber's in Port Orford. The only foreseeable conflict is the date that the ballots are due back to the Federation Secretary which is normally May 1.

I move that, during the year 2018 only, we move the deadline for mailing the OFSRDC Officer ballots to one week before the date in the P&P's and the deadline for them to be returned to the OFSRDC secretary to April 24, 2018. Second by Dave Cooper, motion carried.

The new deadline for the secretary to mail the ballots will be February 22, 2018. This will cause a minimum impact on the voting procedure and allow South Coast the opportunity to host our state meeting on schedule. Our fall meeting in the Mid-Willamette will still be held in September

Our Background Committee has established proposed procedures for your review. You will find the proposal in your folder. If you haven't had a chance to pick up the information in your folders, please remember to before Old Business. I would like to thank the Background Check Committee again for their efforts.

2017 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Neta Minten/Ronda Whaley-. We are pleased for the turnout of dancers, as of this morning we have 441 registered dancers. As Chairman of the event it has been a real learning experience to say the least. Our committee wants to thank all of you that supported our festival and hope that you had a great time. And I personally want to thank Ronda Whaley for Chairing the event with me and ALL the rest of the committee chairs and volunteers that made this a great event. The most important thing you need to put on a Festival is the people, great Square Dance people, that includes our wonderful Callers and Cuers for giving of their time and talents.

Thank you all so very much.

2018 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Sandy/Chuck Eddings- MWF is moving along quite well. My committee is complete. We can now move forward and plan a great festival for the dancers. We have made changes with the dance program that we believe will make the dancers happy. We have programed the two features callers to call together Friday night in the same hall. We have three hours of dancing Friday night; the opening hour will have both callers in the Mainstream hall. the second hour will be both callers in the Plus hall, and the last hour will have both callers in the New Dancers hall. We think this will start the Festival with a bang and give the dancers a great time.

I am sure most of you have heard about the problems Mid-Winter Festival is having in the Emerald empire area. It seems no one in the area even though that are the sponsoring area, does not want to step up and chair or even chair a committee for Mid-Winter. At this time, the area has been discussing this problem and will make a decision at the area meeting on September 18, 2017. I have recommended that the Emerald Empire area give up Mid-Winter. We have a contract with the Linn County Expo through January 2020. When the Emerald Empire makes the decision, then the State Federation will need to determine what happens with Mid-Winter Festival.

Discussion about MWF: will 2020 be the last festival sponsored by Emerald Empire Council. The decision will be decided September 18, 2017

Zola Jones- The council president asked the other area council presidents to discuss with their clubs before a final decision is made.

Tami- if Emerald Empire does not do MWF does it go back to the state? According to the P&P's if Emerald Empire council decides not then it reverts back to OFSRDC.

Right now there are 4 clubs in the Emerald Empire, as of 2020 there will probably only be 1 club in the council.

Right now there about 100 people on the committee, in the past there have been about 150 people on the committee. About 50 from Emerald Empire, and 60 from other councils. In the P&P's the Emerald Empire has MWF, but it is a Federation festival and they made need to take it back.

2018 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Lorri McIntosh/Elaine Funk: Summer Festival is coming along. The committee is putting together a fantastic festival. We will have a separate round dance hall, mainstream/plus hall, and advanced hall. We are excited to start selling ribbons now at summer festival 2017. I have turned in my request for the seed money of $3000 to assist with paying expenses for Summer Festival 2018.


OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: 660 names on the OFN distribution notification list, which is about as close as can get to a "subscriber count". I know people are reading the flyers and reports, because I get messages when there are problems.

Next month's issue will include a copy of Eric Henerlau's keynote speech from the 66th NSDC in Cincinnati, entitled "What's Right with Square Dancing". It's an excellent speech, containing many points to inspire thoughtful conversations.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dave (Patty) Cooper: No report, to the Summer Festival, I have had a wonderful time, thank you.

SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh, No report.

TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - treasurers report in each person's folder.

MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis: All the clubs have sent in their Membership Forms. For a couple of clubs, I went directly to the Club President instead of waiting for the Council Delegate to get the information. I enjoy doing the Membership Office a lot. Tim helped me on the Corporation Dues so I want to thank him for that. I also got to meet new people through the e-mail and phone and I enjoyed that very much. Many of you are wonderful people. Thanks again for letting me be Membership Chairman. Good luck to Patty Cooper who takes over this office in September. Danebo Circle 8, as of September 1st, will be closing down.

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers: We have not received any information for 2018 yet. Please do not send any requests for 2018 until enrollment time this fall. September meeting, I will distribute all the paperwork. Keep up the good work.

PAST PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers- I need your Randall Award Nominees sent to me as soon as possible, I have 3 at this time. Will distribute nominees' information at September meeting. Ballots will be returned to Marilyn Schmit, who will present the award at Mid-Winter.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim(Kathy) Roberts- I am preparing to do a full reprint of the P&P's for the September meeting. I have received collections of editorial corrections from Tim Keck, from Roberta Claudson, and From Kathy Roberts that I intend to include before I do a reprint. Virtually all of these corrections are clarifying ambiguous points or correcting things I missed when motions were made over the years. None of these corrections reflect a change in policy, so I don't believe that they need to be approved individually by this body.

PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Kathy (Tim) Roberts- The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Facebook page is up to 299 members. Our Facebook page continues to be an excellent means of advertising dances and special events.

We had a 17 people attend our Scam seminar yesterday. Ann MacDonald from the Department of Justice had an excellent presentation. She discussed several types of current scams, what we need to look out for, and how to be safer in this digital age. Thank you, Harriet Livingston, for arranging for Joann to be our speaker. It was a great seminar and those who attended felt that it should be repeated every few years.

Last week, another hour opened up in the classroom which allowed us to host another educational opportunity. We had a round table discussion about this wonderful activity we call square and round dancing. The idea for the panel came from Eric Henerlau's Keynote Address, "What's Right with Square Dancing" to the 66th National Square Dance Convention last month. Thank you Barbi and Lee Ashwell for bringing the address back to us for sharing it with us. Thank you also to George & Patty Hermann and Tim Roberts for leading the discussion. We had 15 attend and participate in a positive and helpful discussion. Eric's presentation will appear in the August OFN. Please take a few minutes to read it.

During the last meeting, I mentioned that during the next 1 ½ years, I would like to try to visit council dances. Delegates, please remember send me a list of all of your council dances so that I can set up a visitation schedule for any officer or delegate who would like to go with me. Working together, we can help support each other.

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- No report, no activity


BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert-Everything is current with BMI/ASCAP, still working with SESAC.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit- Youth Report -. There were 3 youth ribbon scholarships given for attendance to Summer Festival.

We had 3 applicants for the $500 scholarships this year. I excused myself from discussions and decisions on these this year due to conflict of interest as 2 of the applicants were from Silver City Squares - one I had written the letter of recommendation for and the other was my son. My youth committee did all of the discussion and decision under the guidance of Kathy Roberts. The committee decided to award all 3 applicants a scholarship. These were: Talitha Hempel of the Floordusters; Micaela Vallejo of Silver City Squares; and Thomas Buchheit of Silver City Squares.

ORDTA: Tami (Tim Keck) Helms: We continue to work on our new cuers, working on new logo's, welcome Rikki Lobato as our newest member. The teen festival, we are asking for volunteers to help. Tim and I just returned from ICBDA (International choreographed ballroom dancing association), Ron and Mary Noble with awarded the golden globe award, Next year for ICBDA will be in OKLAHOMA next year.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami (Tim Keck) Helms- All awards are sent/issued and are up to date. The screening committee's function is to assist the Ares in the selection of Round of the month(ROM). The Round Dance Screening Chairperson is appointed by ORDTA.

The Chairperson will appoint 2 ORDTA members that will assist in selecting dances for the suggested ROM list that is to be sent to the areas for selection. The Chairperson will send information to the area responsible for selecting the ROM approximately one month before selection is to be turned into the chairperson. The information will consist a) requirements set by the state on picking ROM, b) a list of suggested dances with cue sheets and a copy of the music, c) an accompanying letter that specifies the return date for the selection made by the area council. When the chairperson receives the information, they will then notify the Oregon Federation News or the selection one month prior to the ROM date and provide a cue sheet of the selection. The chairperson will attend the State meeting.

Every year in March, the ROM will be a classic round chosen by ORDTA. This classic ROM will meet the Federation guidelines, as listed on page 138 of the P&P's

USDTA Dale and Kathy Worthington are on the board, the west coast will be holding their January meeting in Oregon.

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts: It was suggested yesterday to add a message board to the webpage, I am going to attempt to add a message board to the webpage.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- I have received confirmation for three days and have asked for one more as was requested in my original request in April. August 28th, 1-2:30 p.m., for round dancing. September 2nd, 11-noon, for youth dancing; and September 4th, Labor Day, from 11-noon, for mainstream dancing. I put the same information out in an email last week. Ken Pratt has emailed back about the round dancing Monday, Karyn Buchheit, Youth Coordinator, is in charge of the youth day. You may start collecting names and get them back to me by August 15th so they can be turned into the Fair for the check-in sheet. The theme this year is "Color the Fun". How colorful can the dancers be?

DELEGATE REPORT: Neta Minton- No meeting, no report

STATE DIRECTORY: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- The state directory is about ¾ finished. My computer failed and I have a new one, so when the weekend is over, I will be adding the last entries, and receiving info from my prior email requests. I expect to hear from you this weekend how many each council will need and requests from individuals who would like some. I have heard from a few of these. They are the same price as last year, $3.25.


A. BACKGROUND FOLLOWUP DISCUSSION- Information given and read to everyone present. Document follows (copy/pasted from original):

Background Check Proposed Procedure

If the proposal is approved, we need a Motion to add a Background Check Coordinator and duties to the P&P's

1. … Page V5 - add to The President appoints a Background Check Coordinator and monitors the reports. If there are red flags on a report, the President will meet with the Background Check Coordinator and the Requestor to discuss the report in confidence. The President will also have access to running reports and monitoring the reports as a second Administrator with a separate password.

2. … Page VII-2 add Background Check Coordinator to list of Standing Committee Members

3. … Page VII-25 add to Youth Activities Coordinator a. The Youth Activities Coordinator shall agree to a Background Check before commencing term of office. If the report has any red flags, the Youth Activities Coordinator will not be allowed to take office. No exception.

b. …. The Youth Activities Coordinator shall work with the Background Check Coordinator in requesting Background Checks for any individuals who are paid or are volunteers that will be involved in a leadership capacity with the youth at the Federation level. This includes, but is not limited to Mid-Winter, Summer Festival, OFSRDC Youth Dances, and OFSRDC Youth Scholarship Benefit Dances

Initially ? An account will be set up with the company Good Hire for background checks ? Establish a spread sheet with appropriate headings for information ? Set up a billing procedure with the OFSRDC Treasurer ? Establish who may request background checks ? OFSRDC President ? OFSRDC Youth Activities Coordinator ? Club Presidents ? Establish who may order a background check ? OFSRDC President ? OFSRDC Background Check Coordinator Thereafter ? Each incoming State President will appoint a Background Check Coordinator to oversee background checks on individuals ? The Background Check Coordinator will agree to a background check which will be run by the President or the outgoing Background Check Coordinator ? Will agree to having their background checked by the President every 2 years if they remain in this position for more than 2 year ? Will be an individual who has discretion ? Will be an individual who respects the confidential nature of the reports ? Will be computer literate ? Will serve one year term to coincide with the other appointed State Standing Committee Members' terms ? Will report directly to the President ? Will work with the Youth Activities Coordinator and Club Presidents whose club is a member of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs ? Will be the Administrator of our account with Good Hire Background Check company ? Will process each request to run a background check after the request has met the following criteria ? The need for the background check has been established. ? The individual will be in a leadership role with the youth in the Federation in some capacity ? The incoming 1st Vice President of the Federation ? The incoming President of the Federation, if a report was not run during the previous year ? Caller for a Federation level youth event ? Cuer for a Federation level youth event ? The OFSRDC Youth Activities Coordinator ? Youth Activities Coordinator for Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals ? Adult volunteers the Youth Activities Coordinator has signed up to help with an event that is sponsored by the Federation ? This includes, but is not limited to Mid-Winter, Summer Festival, OFSRDC Youth Dances, and OFSRDC Youth Scholarship Benefit Dances ? If a club president orders a report for their club caller and club cuer ? Must run both caller and cuer. Cannot run just one without the other. No exception. ? An individual requests to have background report run on themselves for their own records ? The individual has given permission to have a report run and has provided their contact information ? The individual's last report was run over 1 ½ years ago ? Will notify the treasurer to authorize the payment of $29.99 for a basic background check if the request for a report is made by the Youth Activities Coordinator or the OFSRDC President. ? Will collect the cost of the background check ($29.99) from the club president and send the payment directly to the Treasurer who will deposit their check and send a check to Good Hire from the OFSRDC checking account prior to ordering the report ? Will electronically send the individual's name and contact information to Good Hire where they will obtain the individual's written permission to proceed ? Will maintain a spreadsheet with the following pertinent information from the report ? Name of requestor ? Reason for the background check ? Name of the person to have the background check ? Date the person agrees to the background check ? Whether or not there are any violent crimes or sex crimes noted on the background check --- this will be a yes there are convictions (red flag) or no conviction (ok to proceed) ? Date information is given to the requestor ? Will receive notice the report is on our Good Hire dashboard and will check it. ? If the report has no red flags, enter information into the spreadsheet ? Contact the requestor advising them of a clear report.

? If there are red flags, bring the report to the attention of the President and enter information into a spreadsheet ? Contact the requestor advising them the individual has a red flag. ? The individual may not volunteer or work with the Federation. No exception ? If further information is requested from the requestor, the Background Check Coordinator with the OFSRDC President will meet with the requestor to discuss the information ? If there is a red flag in the violent crimes or sex crimes area, the individual will not be allowed to work with or volunteer with the youth during a Federation sponsored event. No exception ? If the red flag is on the report requested form a club, the club is advised to not hire the individual. ? The club must adhere to the procedures they have established on how to handle red flag or reports with violent crime or sex convictions ? Clubs may not make an exception to their procedures. All reports must be treated the same regardless of the individual ? If there are no red flags i.e., no convictions, the requestor will be advised that the individual may proceed in the capacity they had agreed on. ? Will not print out a copy of the report, but instead leave it on the Good Hire Website where it will be available for immediate access for 3 months. After that, it will be archived and will need to be requested if we need access to the actual report ? If a club orders a report on an individual who has already had a background check completed, the club will still pay the $29.99 ? The club will have the option of having the background check run again or receiving the data that may be up to 1 ½ years old ? If the club accepts the current report, the $29.99 will be deposited into the OFSRDC General Fund ? For individuals who may be asked to continue in their current capacity, reports will be rerun every 2 years

Neta- who gets information about the report? Kathy-The coordinator, OFSRDC president, and requesting person. Discussion on how confidential the information will be, ALL information is accessible on the internet and can be retrieved by others with basic knowledge about given person. Tim-Procedurally we cannot have this discussion without a motion for policy and procedure. We need a motion to accept the committees report. Kay rogers motioned to accept the background report, Clem second the report. Neta moved to post pone the discussion to the September meeting, Dave cooper second the motion, motion carried.

B. SUMMER FESTIVAL 2019- We do not have man power to put a festival on in south coast. We are not willing to put on a Summer Festival at this time.

Kay Rogers was approached by Pruitt's that suggested we drop summer festival and Supporting Washington Summer Festival.



A. Mid-Winter Discussion about the future- there is discussion recommending after 2020 MWF will be discontinued. We need to start worrying about it NOW. The federation depends on the income and socialization is important. Barbie Ashwell: the federation needs to determine what they want to do, whether to open it up to other councils or the Federation take it over. Federation needs to put it out there for other councils to take on this opportunity. The federation does not need to sit on this. The national executive committee are putting the festival on in Spokane in 2020 because no one else stepped up to do the festival. If we give up MWF it will probably be its demise. Sandy Eddings: MWF at Albany, the city has totally supported the festival every year. Zola: as Sandy said if you keep MWF as is, there are 6 dance halls, used clothing brings a substantial income, 2020 will make it 60 years that Emerald empire has been running MWF. If the federation takes on the festival, maybe they could get a committee together. Kathy Roberts; we encourage our new dancers to festivals at MWF, it's an excellent location for everyone in the state. Maybe each council could be responsible for each part of the festival, and then it would be a federation event. Question: budget- the fairground expense corrects of $22,750 for the entire weekend. This includes 6 halls, complete parking front and back, all the bleachers, tables, and chairs. They set out tables, the committee sets up the tables. Gary: this is tremendous job for a council to do for 60 years. I think the suggestion of combining the councils for the responsibilities and distributing these responsibilities to each council. Tami: since it's the federation, the federation could be in charge of the contract at the fairgrounds.

B. Summer Festival Future: Dave Cooper- After I said what I said about Summer festival, you have a good participation. Frank Schuchard has said they may have summer festival in Roseburg. In order to keep Summer Festival Frank Schuchard: spoke to Dave about summer festival not doing 2019. I think we have at least 3 facilities that a festival can be put on at. I am going to look at putting the festival on in Roseburg. Dave and Frank talked about putting the festival together.

C. Kay Rogers-I make a motion to give a $500 grant to Lane Clem for Caller School expenses. He has been working with Daryl Clendenin. He has some talent folks. The grant committee approves this grant. Joyce Welton second the motion. Motion carried.

D. Kay Rogers-I make a motion to include some guidelines into the P&Ps regarding grants for caller school attendees.

Grant shall be up to $500 to cover cost of class and hotel. Attendee must be mentored by a current Federation caller. Receipt must be submitted for school and hotel bill. Joyce Welton second. Dave- I'm not opposed to giving callers funds for the school. Tim Keck- you should include the opportunity for cuers to obtain a grant, there are possibility's for cuer schools. Lane Clem-Is there a maximum number of times a caller can ask for funds? Kay- not at this time. Barbie- the national level the committee has set up $1000 annually for callers and schools/labs. You need to apply through round a lab and caller lab for the funds requested. Funds are for callers and cuers in the USA. They will be awarding 4 $250 scholarships. Patrick Cox- we took the same class; can we request the grant? You need to fill out a request and submit to the grant committee. Kay: I need to amend my motion to include cuers. Joyce second the amendment. Motion carried.

E. Kay moved that we authorize for the purchase of 2 new wireless microphones up to $500. Dave cooper second. Motion carried.


BLUE MOUNTAINS: Dave Stutzman- No Report. Marilyn- Muddy Frogs are still going and supporting relay for life in Milton Freewater.

CENTRAL OREGON: Joyce Welton- Round- up is coming up the second weekend in August. We are in the final stages of the festival,

EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones- Our New Dancer lessons, sponsored by four area clubs, held once a week by one caller, started the middle of September. There were 4 - 10-week B-51 sessions which finished the middle of June. After each new dancer lesson, there was a Mainstream Workshop; so after the completion of the first 10-week session those dancers would come to the next session and angel at the lesson and then stay and dance mainstream. This continued through the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sessions.

We had a total of 32 new dancers over the 4 sessions; with 6 finishing the 4th session, 16 moved on up to finish mainstream, and so far, 11 have joined three of the host clubs.

Plans are underway for again the B-51 lesson sessions this Fall, beginning September 26.

Some of our area clubs are DARK in July and/or August, so if anyone is in our area and wants to dance with one of our clubs-please contact them first.

INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell: Proposed officers for the next two years are: Tina (Wade) Millett, President; Sandy Marks, Vice President; Cece (Sarge) Glidewell, Secretary; Adana (Roby) Gardener, Treasurer; and Cece (Sarge) Glidewell State Delegate…Thanks to all for accepting these positions. The new officers were confirmed and installed at the last meeting. An afternoon demo and council dance, hosted by the KCs, is set for July 29.

The KC's have no workshops or dances planned, barring the council dance until September.

MID-WILLAMETTE: Neta (Ron) Minten- Summer's here, some clubs are dark and not dancing but many activities take place that keep us close to our Square Dance friends. Remember to check the Online OFN before making a visit or call the President of the club. Have a great summer.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL: Janet (Roy) Bellcoff- I owe a great big thank you to Tami Helms & Scott Zinser for filling in for me at the May State meeting. We were in Arizona, attending a grandson's graduation from Arizona State University. It only seems like yesterday when he and his younger brother were our shadows, when Oregon hosted the National Square Dance Convention, at the Portland Convention Center in 2005. As we were doing Security Committee work, they learned their way thru the hallways and shortcuts, along with us.

Portland Area Square Dance Council finished the year with the annual picnic and potluck in June. There were lots of visiting, a little business to be done, and the installation of new officers. Following the picnic, the June 30th Dance with Darrel Kalmbach and Tami Helms, as Caller & Cuer was a great success. It is now the middle of summer and the PAC will begin monthly meetings again on the 3rd Monday in August after taking the month of July off from meetings. The newly elected President, Gil Shoemaker, will be presiding. I am happy to report that all twelve clubs in PAC have elected officers, paid their PAC and State Federation dues and renewed their membership for 2018-2019 year.

As reported in May, the focus with the dance floats has moved away from the Starlight Parade, due to the high cost of participation in the parade, minimal TV coverage, being placed in the parade next to loud motorcycles and that type of other loud float participants, and few results of new dancers from this venture. Instead, the focus has been placed on community celebrations and festivals within the dancing areas where the local clubs exist. We believe being at these events in person, dancing on the floats in their own parades, and then communicating with local residents as we share their celebrations will be more beneficial to the promotion of square dancing for the future. An active committee is coordinating this project.

ROGUE SIS Q: Blake Smith: Rogue Sis Q council has had 2 dances since the last meeting. The most current is the Fountain of Youth dance held At Table Rock Square Dance Hall. Chuck Simpkins called mainstream for experienced dancers and taught at least 14 calls to new dancers. We have a new cuer in our council--Rikki Lobato did a beautiful job of cuing for the round dancers. We plan to have an annual Youth dance every July.

Charlie Browns are going to be dark in August, but, still have a lot of dancing planned. They will be at the Josephine County Fair dancing on Friday, August 18, and Saturday, August 19. The club picnic is on August 19 before dancing at the County Fair. Chuck Simpkins will be teaching classes starting in September.

Star Promenaders are prepping for Diamond Lake Square Dance Festival July 20-23. Everyone is invited to come dance in the lake on Saturday. There is a potluck planned on Friday, sponsored by the Star Promenaders and on Saturday sponsored by the Pear Blossom Square Dance Festival Committee.

Rogue Squares are dancing once a month, the third Friday of every month, except July. The club has gone to guest callers only and Elaine Funk cueing.

Circle N Squares will be having their Pepsi truck at Siskiyou County Fair in August. They are still needing help for selling drinks at the fair. They will not be starting square dance class until October.

SOUTH COAST: Patrick (Cherie) Cox:

Beachcombers- won 1st place with their 4th of July parade float in Port Orford. @0 dancers helped decorate and then danced, clapped, and smiled their way through the throng of enthusiastic onlookers. Special guests Terry and Jerita Holmquist from Vanderhoof, British Columbia joined dancers from Coos Bay and Port Orford for the parade, then joined a burger BBQ at the Coopers. A fun time all day.

Labor Day Weekend brings the Battle Rock Festival to Port Orford for its 18th year. KC Curtis and Dave Cooper will be calling and cueing Friday and Saturday nights as well as at the beach dance. Chuck Simpkins and Cathy Houston call and cue on Sunday evening for the wrap up dance.

Lessons start on September 6th.

Mavericks- have been dancing n the 2nd Tuesday night of the of the months all Summer Registrations are rolling in for their 7th Annual Campout the last weekend of September at Rainbow. No one wants to miss the good food, fun times, and great dancing in the fresh air of the Cascades.

Sets in Order- The club will be dancing at the Coos County Fair on July 29th. Round dance lessons will start in 2018 with Coleeta Quigley. Dale Robertson is calling the Birthday dance in October.

Saints N Aints-Graduated 3 new students from the last class. Summer dances are open mic with callers and cuers from the floor. Demo dances are planned for several parades, a grand opening at the local clinic, and joining the Sets in Order at the Coos County Fair. Next class starts in October.

TUALATIN VALLEY: Jim (Kay) Rogers- July 29th, Round Dance Party with Ken Pratt at IOOF Hall in Hillsboro. 7:30-10: pm. Cuers from the floor are invited to cue. Bring finger foods.

August 27, Hahn Barn Dance potluck at 5:30 pm Pre-rounds at 6:30. Check if it is over 90 degrees in case we cancel.

Sept. 16-17 Kinton Grange OFSRDC meeting and dance. Country style dinner served by the Toes. At 6pm. Dance starts at 7pm. Everyone welcome to dinner and dance. (there will be a donation pot there). In

State directory orders are due now. Please let me know how many you want before Friday.

TVC still needs a vice president. Kathy has planned most of the dances for the coming year.

Columbia River Dancers are offering a $5 bounty for new dancers. Payable to the member who brings them. $20 if that new dancer finishes lessons.

Eager Beavers have changed their P&Ps to limit lessons and membership to those over 16.

Hayshakers are now dancing every week. Plus, on the first and third Fridays, Mainstream on first and third. Please call ahead to make sure they are having a dance.

Hoedowners classes start Sept. 13th. Their special anniversary dance is scheduled for Feb. 24, 2018

Mix N Mingle will cancel dances if temperature is 90 degrees or more. August 19th is their watermelon dance.

R Square D June through August dance 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at Kelso Senior Center.

Sunset Promenaders dance 1st and Third Saturdays mainstream. They dance plus on the 1st, 3rd & 5th .

Toe Draggers lessons start Wednesdays beginning Sept 13th 7-9pm

Tri Squares are dark July and August. Their anniversary dance is on Sept. 22nd with Adam Christman.

Tualatin Timber Squares dance on 2nd and 4th Wednesday.

Valley Squares are dark this weekend for summer festival. They have guest callers.

Wave Steppers dance 2nd Saturday October through March.

UMPQUA: Frank (Rita) Schuchard-

The Buckeroo's had a very successful Round Up the second week end of June and have already begun making plans for the 2018 Round Up. This year for the first time ever the Buckeroo's did not have a western theme but instead had a Jungle Theme. The Round up was capped off with a wildlife safari benefit dance at the Wildlife Safari on Sunday. On Sunday dancers continued to dance to the featured caller and cuer in the morning and then to Jamboree callers and cuers in the afternoon at the Safari. Proceeds from the benefit dance Sunday went to the Wildlife Safari.

The new Buckeroo President was sworn in at the first dance in July. Bruce Knotts will be replacing Doris Koozer who did a great job as Club President for the past three years and had spent countless hours behind the scene keeping the club running smoothly.

Timber 8's: They have been dark this summer but will resume dancing in September.

Dancing Friends: No Report

UAC: We were saddened by the loss of one of our long-time dancers in June. Claude Butler cued for the Boots and Calicos, Timber 8's and also taught round dancing. He was an active round and square dancer and danced regularly with the Buckeroos, Timber 8's and Dancing Friends until his health declined and he was unable to continue dancing. He will be greatly missed.

The Douglas County Fair is just around the corner and we are looking forward to four nights of great dancing at the Fair. The Fair runs August 9-12th and we will be dancing from 7:00-9:00 pm near the entrance. All dancers need to be in square dance attire to dance. See the flyer in the OFN for more info.


Marilyn & Ron Schmit: Ron and I attended the national convention in Cincinnati. 3629 was the last count we saw. 22 of them were from Oregon. I have a list of those we knew about and need two more names to have it completed. We attended the Tuesday evening sunset dinner cruise and enjoyed the open-air deck for dinner and dancing. Six squares danced on the boat that night. We set up the Oregon display on Wednesday with the memorial program from Genevieve's service hung on the curtain. The Wednesday evening entertainment was pretty good but we left early because it was too cold in the room for Ron and his feet.

Thursday through Saturday we attended the Oregon display during the required hours and checked in frequently during the rest of the day. Dale and Kathy Worthington took the supplies to and from Cincinnati and we are appreciative. We attended the bid session for 2021 for Jackson, MS. We did not attend the closing ceremonies as there was no Parade of States. Only upcoming conventions. We are on the committees for Atlanta in 2019 and Spokane in 2020. Both are Showcase of Ideas related.

Next year's convention is in Kansas City, MO. I think a trip to Branson is in store for us afterwards. Thanks to the Federation for our last two years as Ambassadors.

Patty & Dave Cooper: Here is the deal about goodwill ambassador, I feel like I am bragging, and I'm not a bragger. We have not traveled much since the last meeting.


Norma Sohn- Thank all f you for helping us celebrate our wedding anniversary. Thanks to Kathy Roberts for the split the pot aprons, they will be used at future festivals. Gary and I don't dance anymore, but this year has been enjoyable to get together with Friday night was 125 and Terry Holly won it, Saturday night was 225 and Gary Eagon from Portland won it.

Next Scheduled Meeting

September 17, 2017--- Kinton Grange, Tigard, Oregon

ADJOURN: Dave Cooper moved to adjourn the meeting, Blake Smith second the motion. Motion carried