Hosted by the Tualatin Valley Council
Kinton Grange
Kinton, Oregon

President Marilyn Schmit called the meeting to order at 09:05 a.m.


This meeting is being recorded.

ROLL CALL: Absent-Sandy Eddings: MidWinter Festival 2018, Larry/Carol Reetz: MidWinter Festival 2019, Sylvia Davis: membership, Karyn Buchheit: Youth Activities, Tami Helms/Tim Keck: ORDTA and Round Dance Screening, Ralph Lambert: BMI/ASCAP.

Dave Cooper moved to seat Patty Cooper as membership for this meeting due to the absence of Sylvia Davis, Cece seconded the motion, motion carried.

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President Kay Rogers

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vic President, Kathy Roberts

MINUTES: Lorri McIntosh - Correction to the Minutes:

Complete Emerald Empire Council report not MWC in corrections for minutes at last meeting. Change the spelling on name from Minton to Minten in the area of the Background checks.

Cece Glidewell moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Zola Jones seconded the motion, motion carried.


PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit. Appointed Dale and Kathy Worthington as Goodwill Ambassadors

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts. I would like to thank the Toe Draggers for all of your work this weekend. Thank you also to everyone who attended the dinner and dance last night. It has been an outstanding weekend full of great people, dancing, and food.

2017 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Neta Minten/Ronda Whaley. Registrations: 443

Callers & Cuers: 1 Natl Caller and 1 Natl Cuer Couple, plus 34 Oregon callers and cuers volunteered

Halls: MS, Plus, Advanced and Rounds

Dry Campers: 19 RV's

Vendors: 4

Sound Equipment: Donated by Clubs, Callers and Cuers including Hearing Enhancement equipment. (Callers & Cuers provide own music and Mics)

Fund Raisers: Split the Pot, Basket Raffle and Concessions stand

Water Coolers: 4(1 in each Hall) used 13 5gal. jugs

Additional Rooms: Hospitality Room, 2 Education rooms, 1 for the State Education class and 1 for a round table discussion that was requested.

Callers Workshop & ORDTA Meeting: 1-hour time slot in 2 different locations

Opening Ceremony: Saturday Night, kept it to ½ hour, Presented the Woods Award to the Sunset Promenaders of Hillsboro and the Chairman's Trophy to Oaky Doaks of Oak Grove along with Introductions and entertainment.

Registration Flyers: Printed them 4 different times for a total of 600, did have some left over.

Trails End Dance was sponsored and held by the Capital Callers and Cuers, not Summer Festival. 119 Dancers attended

Air Conditioning was on, Blanchet provided an on the grounds maintenance person the entire time we were in the building.

Host Couple was provided for the Natl, Caller and Cuer for the entire weekend.

Supplies in the Hospitality Room for the Callers and Cuers were largely donated by the MWA Dancers and members of the Federation Board.

Program was only 1 sheet of paper with schedule on 1 side and Ads and thank yous on the other side

Sunday, held a Heavenly Hoedown and then we only danced in MS Hall with Natl Caller and Cuer, used 1 of the other halls for the State Meeting

2018 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Sandy/Chuck Eddings. No Report

2018 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Lorri McIntosh/Elaine Funk. Summer festival is coming along well. We had our committee meeting this week. We are working on sponsors and donations. We will have a hall for round dancing, Mainstream/plus hall, and an advanced hall. We have had multiple people step up and volunteer as we need help. We are planning an after party at MidWinter with Janienne Alexander calling and Christina Corelli cueing.


OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts. We have 667 names on our notification list. Several of those people are forwarding our notifications to their own lists, so we are getting pretty wide exposure within the square dance community. Most of the council editors are doing a great job of gathering the club reports and getting them to me on time. Remember to send me photos of special events in your club or council, but, remember it is difficult to take a clear picture with a cell phone. If that's all you have, please try to hold the phone very still.

It has been suggested that I add links to Facebook pages to the club and council listings in the OFN (I already have links to the web pages). That's an interesting idea, and I'm going to explore that.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Dave (Patty) Cooper. No report, this is my last meeting. I do want to report that South Coast council had a good representation at the dance last night.

What's happened to all the Fun in Square Dancing? I've asked Lee Ashwill, Bob Bosch, and Billy Smith what they remember the most about square dancing. Responses were: bed races in Central Oregon, suitcase race in La Grande, water balloon tosses, the fun stuff, not always who the caller and cuer were. Billy remembered finishing at 11pm, visiting the caller at home and dancing until midnight. Many of the things remembered is the fun and community of square dancing. Outhouse racing in Prineville, Dunk Tank for 0.25 a throw, cow pie stomp with bags filled with pudding, and so on. We need to get back to having fun at square dances.

SECRETARY: Lorri McIntosh. I have enjoyed attending the Federation meetings as your secretary, I will not miss the time required for the minutes. I want to thank Tim Roberts for all the assistance in coordinating the minutes and formatting for the Federation Website. I also want to thank everyone for helping get this job done, and for your patience when it took a little longer than expected to get the minutes sent in and posted. The only thing I would recommend for this position is it be a 2 year term, especially with only 4 meetings a year, once you learn the format and have the tools to do the job, the job is over.

TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem. Report handed out to all officers and delegates present. July-August: net income $986, net income for the year: $2357.

MEMBERSHIP: Sylvia Davis. I have thoroughly enjoyed my terms as Membership Chairman. I have met many square dancers on e-mail or on the phone. Thanks. Sylvia Davis

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers. We handed out all the paperwork to each delegate. Please check through your packet to be sure you have everything. If you have any problems or questions contact me at rogers3045@comcast.net or call 503.397.5537. All forms are available on line at our website www.squaredance.gen.or.us

Keep up the good work you have been doing.

PAST PRESIDENT: Kay (Jim) Rogers. Everyone needs to vote for the Randall award.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts. I have distributed full reprints of the Practices and Procedures, including all of the accumulated changes from motions last year. Delegates, you have two copies: one for you and one for your council (usually the president). Please note, if you are leaving your position at break time, leave the P&P's for your replacement. Extra copies will be $5.00 each. You are missing the By-Laws and Constitution and I will provide those at the next meeting.

PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Kathy (Tim) Roberts. The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Facebook page is up to 327 members. Our Facebook page continues to be an excellent means of advertising dances and special events. If you wish to add someone to our Facebook page, please check with that individual first to be sure that is something they want.

Dave Cooper has agreed to lead a Round Table discussion on bringing the fun back into square dancing during our Educational Seminar at Mid-winter. If you have any ideas on things that we can do to bring fun things to our clubs, councils, festivals, and meetings please contact Dave or myself. We will be sharing the ideas that we discuss during the seminar in the March OFN. If you would like to help Dave during our Mid-Winter seminar, please contact me.

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit. No report, no activity


BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert. No Report

YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit. We had almost 2 squares for the youth dance at the Oregon State Fair. Calling was done by Thomas Buchheit and Leonard Snodgrass.

It has been confirmed with the school that the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival will be at Silverton High School in Silverton Oregon on May 4th & 5th, 2017.

ORDTA: Tami (Tim Keck) Helms. No Report

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami (Tim Keck) Helms. No Report

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts. Not much to report here.

STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit. I have already contacted the state fair representatives for next year. Hopefully we have the same number of days as this year, I am trying for an additional day next year. The youth dance will remain on Saturday. We had good participation this year on all the days available to dance.

DELEGATE REPORT: Jim Rogers. Discussed background checks, budget, and the future of MWF.

STATE DIRECTORY: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit. Directories are in, make sure you pick them up today and deliver them to your council.


  1. BACKGROUND CHECKS: Kath Roberts motioned to withdraw the Background Check motion from the table. During the last meeting, we tabled the motion - "Kay rogers motioned to accept the background report, Clem second the motion. Neta moved to post pone the discussion to the September meeting, Dave Cooper second the motion, motion carried, with 2 opposed. President called for the vote, voted carried. Kathy will reappoint new committee members during new business.

    If the motion passes, we are ready to insert the Background Check procedures into the P&P's. I will appoint another committee to continue working on Background Check questions and concerns in New Business.

  2. SUMMER FESTIVAL 2019- Still under discussion with Umpqua council and South Coast council.



President's Remarks - Thank you everyone for a wonderful weekend and for your part in our new officer installation. Tim and I would also like to thank the entire OFSRDC Board for your dedication to square dancing and your support of the ORSRDC. We really appreciate your traveling to these meetings and all of your efforts on behalf of the square dancers in your area and the state. We hope you enjoy the jars of jams. The jam & jellies were made with fruit that was grown in this area.

This year, I would like to focus on how we can all work together to help each other. During the next year, Delegates please include how your clubs are working together within your council, how neighboring councils are working together, and if you have any ideas on how the Federation can work with you to help promote dancing in your area. Delegates also please include your council & special dances in your reports. As I mentioned last meeting, I would like to try to visit all of the councils during the next 1 ½ years. I would like to set up a visitation schedule for any officer or delegate who would like to go with me. Working together, we can help support each other.

  1. 2017-2018 OFSRDC Budget - Thank you Lane for helping me calculate our budget for the next year. The figures are based upon the last year's actual figures and projected income or expenses for this year. Please note that the budget includes a caller grant and funds for grants for clubs. Please encourage people in your areas to consider attending caller and cuer schools. We have the funds to help defray some of their expenses. If clubs need financial assistance, we can help. Please contact past President Marilyn for help applying for grants. Lorri McIntosh made a motion to approve the budget, seconded by Frank Shuchard. Motion passed.
  2. The 2017-18 Background Check Committee will be Lorri McIntosh, Cece Glidewell, Karyn Buchheit, and Janienne Alexander. Tim Roberts will continue to be available to assist with parliamentary matters.
  3. Mid-Winter discussion about the future. It was recommended at the July meeting by the current Mid-Winter Festival chairman and the past Emerald Area Council President that the area give up Mid-Winter. It wasn't the Emerald Area Council recommendation. In the previous minutes it states that right now there are four clubs in the EEAC. That was stated by the current Mid-Winter Chairman, and that is not so, because we have eight active clubs in our council, one of which dances every week. No decision has been made by the EEAC as to what we're going to do with the festival. At the May EEAC meeting, all the club delegates were asked to go back to their clubs and take a vote regarding what to do with MWSDF and bring those votes back to the EEAC at the September meeting. Until that happens, no decision can be made regarding MWSDF.
  4. Lorri McIntosh made a motion to purchase a voice recorder for the secretary to use when recording Federation meetings, the purchase price not to exceed a cost of $120 including shipping costs. Tim Hagey seconded. Motion passed. Tim Hagey will purchase.
  5. Fun Committee -- Dave Cooper? Dave recommends postponing until Mid-Winter. Neta Minten suggests that Dave Cooper compile "fun" ideas from clubs/members and have them posted to the OFN website.


BLUE MOUNTAINS: Dave Stutzman - The Blue Mountains Council held a meeting last month. New business was an interest in updating the council's Practices and Procedures. The documents found were dated 1995 and are no longer relevant to current practices. There was a discussion of who would do the Round of the Month for Blue Mountains Council now that Don Berry is no longer cueing.

On June 22, 2017 a meeting was held to plan for a council meeting and at the same time club items were organized. On August 17, 2017 the La Grande Star Promenaders hosted a Council Meeting and held a dance.

The Elkhorn swingers held their annual Spring Fling in April of this year. The event is supported by caller Daren Keith from Boise, Idaho and cuer Debbie Taylor from Cle Elem, Washington. This next year the dance will be held the second weekend in April with the same caller and cuer.

The Muddyfrogs is the only club dancing regularly and will start lessons October 1st. The club sponsors the Wallowa Lake Rendezvous which was held this last weekend. They plan to hold the dance again in 2018 also on the second weekend of September.

CENTRAL OREGON: Kippen (Debbie) Parrret - Well the Central Oregon is still here we haven't burned up yet. We are completely surrounded by fires. The air quality rating system says that anything above 300 is considered hazardous to your health. we have had weeks between 400 and 700 so physical activity has been cut down quite considerably. The clubs are still trudging along. The Bachelor Buttes report that all the members have paid their dues, that the Central Oregon Round UP was a success. They are going to be introducing a prepaid dance card to members in hopes that members will buy the card at a discount and since they've already prepaid for dances they will show up more regularly. They are going to try the club 50 lessons this year and they will be starting at the end of the month.

The swinging mountaineers are still in action also they've got several great dances planned in the upcoming months Roger Putzler, Scott Zinzer, Jim Hattrick amongst others will be calling. They are encouraging anyone traveling to Central Oregon to stop in at their dances. Check the OFN website because the posters are on there for you.

The Sundown Round Dance Club was a dark over the summer not a lot going on. They have kicked off the new season with their back to school dance on September 11 it was a good turnout and they did get lots of donations of school supplies to give to the local schools in Central Oregon they will be starting rumba lessons on September 17 and having other lessons throughout the winter and they are looking to have a very good year.

The Redmond Red Rocks did have dances this summer they had a nice dance in July with Adam Chrisman and Debbie Klug calling and Kathy Houston Cueing. The dance was supposed to be an outside dance but because of the heat and smoke it was move back to the Grange Hall. That was better than being canceled. They did cancel the eclipse dance because of all the bad traffic conditions and they were dark over the Labor Day weekend. They are looking forward to their double down triple up dance held with the Bachelor Beauts this weekend. They are dancing on Friday and Saturday nights and are workshopping Saturday day. They are toying with the idea of dance cards to make sure that everybody dances with everybody and that nobody gets left out, hoping that it will increase participation.

The Sagebrush Shufflers are still shuffling along. Their president Sharon Dale has stepped down, they have sold her house and will be moving to Nevada and getting married. Sharon Schrader has taken over as a president, Tony Harvey is the new vice president. The club has been doing dance demos over the summer. At the last sagebrush shuffler board meeting they discussed an issue which they brought to the council to ask for help from the other clubs. It appears that better than half of their new dancers that had graduated from last two lesson sessions have quit. Most of them giving the reason that they were treated rudely by other dancers when they went to other dances and demos in the area, they felt that they weren't wanted, given dirty looks when they made mistakes, pushed, shoved and jerked around. All in all they thought they got a very crappy dancing experience. The worst part about this is that every person that has a bad experience tells 10 others. All the clubs are going to pay close attention to this and try to educate their experience dancers to be a more welcoming, Respectful, and show a little bit more kindness to the new dancers. We spend a lot of time getting them to come, teaching them to dance, we can't afford to lose them.

I myself was not overly active this summer in the area. I had dances out of state and the square dance cruise that I called and I did manage to call a dance down in Klamath Falls for their council. They are very hospitable people. Sarge and Cece were great hosts. That is one thing that the central Oregon Council is trying to do is develop a list of members who are willing to host incoming callers and cures. If they are all as hospital as Cece and Sarge were the caller and cuers will be very pleased and want to come back.

Last but not least Terry Hoehn took an axe and gave Tim Roberts 40 wacks, and just when Tim thought she was done, she started again and gave him 41. Central Oregon Council would like the word link after their name in the OFN so that any one reading the OFN would realize that the Central Oregon Council has a web page and be directed to it by clicking on the link. We have had several people comment that they couldn't tell we had a web page from reading the OFN or that it was hard to find.

EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones - New Dancer lessons in our Area are beginning soon. It is to be the same format as before; on the B-51 plan of three 10-week sessions. Again, sponsored by four clubs, once a week and by one Caller, and lessons will be on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 p.m., beginning on September 26, at the Emerald Square Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda St., in Springfield. The first two; September 26 and October 3 are open lessons and free.

Advertisement for lessons is a Video in local theaters, Radio Ads, Press Releases, and also on Facebook. A public announcement has gone out regarding a special, Free Dance as an introduction to modern Square Dancing that will be on Friday, September 29, 7:30 p.m., at the Emerald Square Dance Center. Jim Hattrick and Sandy Harris will be calling.

A club in our area; Danebo Circle-8 has disbanded as of August 31, 2017. I've been told that this club was 67 years old, the second oldest in Oregon.

2018 makes 58 consecutive years that the Emerald Empire Area Council and Clubs have put on Mid-Winter Festival, and as always we are all looking forward to seeing all of you at another great festival in January.

INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell - The KCs received a resignation letter from their club caller, Larry Sprout, due to his medical issues. A special meeting was held on September 7. The membership voted to keep the club active by use of guest callers until a permanent caller is secured. There will be no workshops for the time being. The membership is hopeful that they can get a permanent caller who will teach lessons on their workshop night as well as call their dance on the 3rd Saturday party night.

MID-WILLAMETTE: Neta (Ron) Minten - September starts mainstream lessons for many Square Dance Clubs and various levels of rounds for the Round Dance Clubs. All the clubs are working hard to get new dancers. The local newspaper in Salem holds what is called "Open Court", it's a time when organizations can present upcoming events and classes. This past week 2 members of Willamette Squares went down and talked about Square Dance lessons, this appeared in the paper the next day with a photo of the 2 dancers.

September 30th the Braids and Braves will be hosting the Annual MWA Fall Festival Dance at the Salem Square Dance Center. Leonard Snodgrass will be calling and Sandra Pinion will cue, rounds start at 7pm.

MWA will host the State Meeting on 20 September 2018 at the Salem Square Dance Center.

Many specialty dances are being held this fall, be sure and check out the OFN for upcoming dance flyers.

PORTLAND AREA: Janet (Roy) Bellcoff - Thank you to Tualatin Valley Council for hosting this great State Meeting Weekend.

The August Portland Area Council's meeting was canceled due to it being scheduled on the same day as the Solar Eclipse. The decision to cancel was made due to expectations of road travel being limited, which proved to be problem in the greater Portland area. The September meeting will be on Monday, the 18th. This meeting will kick-off the activities for the 2017-2018 year and is a great opportunity to distribute the new Directories.

If dancers are visiting the Portland area on Saturday, September 30th, be sure to mark your calendars for the Tri-Council Dance, hosted by Tualatin Valley Council at Oak Grove Community Center. As is tradition, PAC's fifth Friday dance in September is cancelled as well as Evergreen Council's dance in Vancouver is cancelled this same weekend. The

Tri-Council Dance is a tradition that has rotated between the three Councils hosting for approximately 15 years. PAC's next dance will be Friday, December 29, 2017. The PAC clubs welcome visiting dancers to their dances and activities; information can be found in the OFN and on Facebook.

ROGUE-SIS-Q: Steve (Valerie) Murphy - The council is having a dance on September 29th at the Fruitdale Grange with Scott Zinser calling and Elaine Funk cueing. We sponsored advertisement on the Grants Pass Transit buses, unsure how effective it was at this time. We should be able to give a better report at the next meeting during MWF.

SOUTH COAST: Patrick (Cherie) Cox - South Coast Council held their Annual Picnic in Coquille on August 20th. Lots of dancers attended as well as many who no longer dance but like to visit and stay connected. Jim Harris once again did a great job with the burgers and hot dogs which were complimented by two tables of Pot Luck salads, sides and desserts to keep everyone well fed. Dancers from the South Coast performed at the Black Berry Festival in downtown Coos Bay on August 27th and ended up getting front page coverage in the Coos Bay World newspaper, including a picture.

BEACHCOMBERS: Beachcombers had a very successful Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day Weekend. 25 Rvs were parked at the dance hall and over 7 squares enjoyed the dancing and assorted activities, including Tri-tip BBQ, dancing in the surf, demo at a local store and the famous pie making class. Dave Cooper has started beginning square dance class and has 7 new students as well as many dancers from the last class back to angel.

MAVERICKS: Mavericks 7th Annual Cascade Camp-out is coming up at the end of September at Rainbow. Fires in the area and the camping area being used as a fire camp has led to a little apprehension and nervousness. Hopefully all will be back to normal in three weeks so all those registered will be able to have a fun but relaxing time. If fires and smoke remain a problem, last minute change of location may be in the works. Mavericks held dances during the summer months and have instituted a workshop/dance format for Fall and Winter. Last week several dancers learned new Rumba moves for the first hour then stayed to dance various rhythms the rest of the night. Beginning waltz starts mid-October on Sundays prior to square dance lessons.

SAINTS & AINTS: Saint's & Aint's held summer dances with jamboree callers and cuers. This gave the new local callers a chance to practice their skills. They did great and the dances were well attended and lots of fun for all. A demo dance was held during the Coos Bay Blackberry Arts festival. Flyers regarding the benefits and availability of square dance in the area were handed out to the crowd. The club has gone dark for both dances in September. The first dance so members could attend Port Orford's Labor Day Weekend, and the second due to multiple member's absence. Another demo dance is to be held at a local medical clinics grand opening of their remodel. We will bring visitors into the squares to introduce the fun of square dance. We are hoping this will bring interested new dancers and so have delayed the start of fall lessons until the first Sunday in October.

SETS IN ORDER: Sets In Order are starting Round Dance Lesson September 12th. We are going to try Round Lessons now and do Squares the first of the year. Our club enjoys our once a month dances and always have at least two squares thank to the other area clubs. Coleeta Quigley is the new president for our club. We are trying to recruit new dancers. Our 71st birthday dance is October 14th. We have Dale Roberson and Denise Harris as our caller/cuer for the evening. Come join us!!

TUALATIN VALLEY: Jim (Kay) Rogers - September 30th there will be our annual Tri-Council dance at Oak Grove Community Center with Wild Cards and Lonnie Sycks. TVC is hosting this year.

Dec. 31st Sunday New Year's Eve at Hillsboro IOOF Hall with Dan Nordbye and Julie Stiers.

Columbia River Dancers lessons are first Tuesday each month. Turkey burn off will be the 25th of November with Dan Nordbye and Julie Stiers.

Eager Beavers are busy planning for lessons. We are having a trip to the beach in October.

Hoedowners lessons Sept 13th. October 14 Octoberfest with German inspired treats.

Mix N Mingle is a high energy plus club.

R Square D dance second and 4th Saturdays with Craig Abercrombie and Lonnie Sycks.

Sunset Promenaders October 7th, 32nd Anniversary Dance with Mike Stout and Darrell Kalmbach calling and Julie Stout and Ken Pratt cueing.

Toe Draggers October 1st. Man enough to wear pink donation dance, with proceeds going to Breast Cancer Research being done at OHSU.

Tualatin Timber Squares is having a raffle for a Mid-Winter ribbon. Each paying dancer gets a raffle ticket for each dance they attend until December 13th Ugly Sweater Dance.

Valley Squares first dance in October cancelled to support Sunset Promenaders.

Wave Steppers dance March through October.

A motion was made to change the Caller Advisor title to Caller Liaison. Frank Schuchard seconded. Motion passed.

UMPQUA: Frank (Rita) Schuchard -

Buckeroo Club

Summer has been a busy one for the Buckeroos. We accomplished a barn sale this summer to help raise money for our operating expenses, and have done some rearranging of things in the Barn so if you visit us you may see a new look to the inside of our Barn. Our dancers have had quite a few visitations to other clubs & danced their regular dances at the Barn so they have kept active all summer long. Despite the temps being in the 90s we had a good turnout at the Douglas County Fair dancing. We ended the summer with our annual Buckeroo and Friends picnic and despite the smoke in the air from the forest fires and the almost 100-degree weather we had a good turn out and a fun afternoon together.

Like everyone else, we are gearing up for the start of lessons. The Buckeroos have a flyer that will be in your folders with all the dances scheduled between now and Mid-Winter so take a look at it, and if you are passing by Roseburg, we would love to have you stop and dance with us. We do have 5th Saturday dances scheduled in both September and December.

Timber 8's

They have now resumed their fall dance schedule after taking the summer off from scheduled dances.

Dancing Friends

No report.

Umpqua Area Council

Our New Dancer Dance has been scheduled for Sunday afternoon, Jan 21st so please reserve that date if you are within driving distance to join us for "Dancin' the Afternoon Away "with your new dancers so they can dance one last time before Mid-Winter. All tips will be at the new dancer level. We will again be walking in the Veteran's Day Parade. See the flyer in the upcoming OFN for more info.


Patty & Dave Cooper: As we complete our first year as goodwill ambassadors, Dave and I continue to approach this appointment with enthusiasm. We continue to hand out lots of fliers and attend as many dances around the State as possible. Summer has been busy with demos, county fair recruitment booths, and some pretty fun trips that included dancing with perfect strangers that have now turned into friends. State meetings always energize us to try to do more recruiting since we always hear about clubs on the verge of folding and drops in attendance. After this great fun weekend, we're anxious to get back out there and spread the goodwill at grass roots level. And Dave has recruited some people at Dutch Brothers - they were do-sa-doing this morning, so someone needs to go to Dutch Brothers and get them signed up.

Kathy & Dale Worthington: Send me all your fliers, because as you know, we are the USDA Vice President so we're going all up and down the United States.


1. The spring State meeting, held in the South Coast, will be 28-29 April to avoid a conflict with the Pacific Northwest Teen competition.

2. Zola Jones -- Our next Council dance will be 31 March at the Emerald Square Dance Center.

3. Cece Glidewell -- has passed out 200 fliers for the Potato Festival Dance, October 20-21, Scott Zinser calling and Dave Cooper cueing. We've added a potato dinner -- cutoff to register for the dinner is 30 September. Dinner will be October 21, 5:00 pm.

4. Steve Murphy -- Please pre-register for Summer Festival. They need the seed money. Whenever we have a State meeting that doesn't coincide with a State Festival, there's a lot of coordination required, and I'd like to thank the Toe Draggers for the dance, dinner, and the snacks, and thanks to Kathy for all the information.

5. Dave Cooper -- Funster -- send ideas to me for fun things clubs/festivals can do. Our job as federation officers is to help clubs -- make sure clubs don't fold. Please consider attending the Potato Festival to support them.

6. Frank Schuchard -- I don't think that we as an organization do a great job marketing what we have. Marketing has to do with trying to sell what we're doing. How do we get people there. I think there's things we can do -- for example the Klamath Falls dance -- say the first five people register get a potato. It sounds funny, but you're going to get someone's interest. We don't do a good enough job of incentivizing. I complained about 12 years ago about Winter Festival not handing out enough ribbons as an incentive to get people to go to Winter Festival, because numbers were down, and that's gradually gone back up. We could do a better job of handing something out or maybe the first people to register would be entered into drawing for something special.

7. Dale Worthington -- at our Seaside Sashay we have a drawing of pre-registered for the next year -- we have anywhere from 28-40 people pre-registered, and we draw a name at Saturday dance -- the winner gets 2 free ribbons, hotel stay, and dinner.

Next Scheduled Meeting

January 28, 2018 at 0930, Holiday Inn Express, Emerald Empire Council

Albany Oregon

ADJOURN: ADJOURN: Pat Cox moved to adjourn the meeting, Patty Cooper second the motion. Motion carried