President Kathy Roberts called the meeting to order at 09:32 a.m.
This meeting is being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Marilyn Schmit
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Lorri McIntosh
MINUTES: Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey - Correction to the September 17, 2017 minutes:
Flag Salute -- add an "e" so that it reads Vice vs. Vic
Youth Activities -- at the end of para 2, change 2017 to 2018
Central Oregon Delegate -- remove extra "r" from Kippen's last name.
Zola Jones made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Marilyn Schmit seconded. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts. Thank you Sandy & Chuck Eddings and Larry & Carol Reitz for another fun Mid-Winter. You and your committee have done a great job. The calling and cuing were fantastic, and as always, it is wonderful to see friends we haven't seen since last year. Thank you.
I have had the opportunity during the last few months to hear how clubs and councils are working together, helping each other. I hope the delegates will share some of these times during your reports to help inspire all of us. Also, delegates please include the dates or your council dances or a special dance in your area that you would like the Federation to try to visit. Several of our board members would like to visit every council during the next 18 months, and I need to your help to plan the visitation schedule.
Thank you again delegates, officers, and volunteers for all that you do for square dancing. Your commitment, time, energy, and dedication are appreciated more than words could ever say. Thank you.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Lorri McIntosh. I want to thank MWF for a great festival this year. I would like to encourage everyone to continue working together promoting square and round dancing. My grandchildren and I have enjoyed Midwinter for 10 years.
2018 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Chuck (Sandy) Eddings. Mid-Winter Festival 2018, was a great weekend. Dancers were having fun and the callers were exciting and did a wonderful job. We ended up with 1040 paid dancers, plus 60 committee people. Chuck and I are very happy with "DANCIN' THE NIGHT AWAY".
2018 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Lorri McIntosh. The committee is working to get everything coordinated for a great festival. We have several dancers volunteering and being volunteered to work at the festival. The Storms have several round dance teaches scheduled and Dan Nordbye will be having a fun workshop on Saturday morning. The youth activities committee is working to provide fun and dancing on Friday and Saturday. The program is almost done; we have a little more tweaking to do before it's complete. I hope everyone has either bought their ribbons or is prepared to buy their ribbons today. The ribbons sales is down, we hope it starts to pick up now that Midwinter is over.
2019 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Larry (Carol) Reetz. We have our callers and cuers (round dance and clogging) all signed and ready to go.
We are progressing nicely with our committee for next year. I must note that we have had several individuals provide contact information as volunteers for next year's committee.
The sale of ribbons at this year's festival has been surprisingly good. We sold a total of 145 ribbons to include a handful of ribbons to youth. This will help with the early expenses as we move forward.
Our vendor chairman was able to procure deposits from all but three of this year's vendors. A few even paid in full. This will allow the chairman to concentrate on finding additional vendors to fill the holes.
We are looking forward to promoting Summer Festival as our next State festival.
Thank you all for the support you provide.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts. Things continue to work pretty well. I'm now getting monthly reports from 6 of the 10 councils. We have about 680 names on the notification list, which is as close as I can get to a "subscriber count". We added "Caller's Corner" this month, to run articles from our new Caller Liaison.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Bob (Cathy) Houston. No report.
SECRETARY: Tim Hagey. Based on the motion made by Lorri McIntosh at the September meeting, "to purchase a voice recorder for the secretary to use when recording Federation meetings, the purchase price not to exceed a cost of $120 including shipping costs", I have purchased a voice recorder for $71.99. It has a 4GB internal memory, which I have since found out will hold 35 hours worth of recording. I had also purchased the smallest micro-SD card available -- 32GB -- for an additional $19.99, but I will return it for a refund, as I do not anticipate any of our meetings lasting more than 35 hours. As Sunshine, I have sent out several sympathy/get well cards on behalf of OFSRDC. Delegates, please let me know when a member of our family is injured, loses a loved one, or passes so that I can get cards out in a timely manner. I'd like to thank everyone who has submitted their reports and would ask that all reports either be in the body of the e-mail or in Doc format so that I can cut/paste directly into the minutes. If you print and then scan it as either a .pdf or .jpg, I have to sit and retype your submission, and I'd prefer not have to do that.
TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem. I move to standardize the start time for Federation meetings to 9:00 am. Patrick Cox seconded. Motion passed.
MEMBERSHIP: Patty (Dave) Cooper. All information on clubs and councils are up to date and current at this time. Thanks to all for filing your annual reports with the Oregon Corporation Division in a timely fashion. Two Councils and one club renewed in February. I am in the process of updating the State Badge Board which is on display in the entryway of the main hall next door. I have contacted the clubs I have no badge for. I have combined the display from 2 big boards down to one since many clubs have folded since the last update. Badges retired will be archived with Membership material.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers. Thank you all for the great job this year. All the clubs did a fine job on their reports.
There were a couple of problems getting forms into me on time. When I mail on December 1st, the cost is about $14.00. I received one council late and that was an additional $6.90 for the mailing. One club came even later and that was also $6.90. Should we charge the council with those extra fees?
Also this year there was new forms. Please disregard instructions to bypass me for accident reports. Continue to send those to me.
The new forms this year insure the facility for the entire year, thus eliminating the need to resubmit for individual functions.
When you send in new members on line, please send the check asap. I hold the forms until I get the funds.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
PAST PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit. I received nine of ten Randall Award ballots back from the councils. The engraving was done in mid-January so the awards could be presented on Friday evening of Mid-Winter weekend. I am sure that Elaine Funk will be pleased she and Bill were voted to receive it this year. Just a reminder that nominations will need to be turned in at the June Summer Festival meeting, if not before.
I have attended three celebrations of life since the first of January. Two are cuer related, husband of Goldie Restorff, husband of Bonnie Stimler, and a member of my home club, LV Medford. Another member chose to not have a service and that was Spencer Lewis. Not a good way to start the year. Finished last year with the memorial for Bill Rooper. Still have the memorial for my mother at the end of February.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts. I have incorporated all the P&P changes from the September meeting, including the significant update from the background check committee. The updated P&Ps are now available on the Federation's web site. I will distribute a printed update at the April meeting.
I wanted to address the scam issue, which is going to come up in new business. In one of our Federated clubs, the treasurer received an email that appeared to be from the club president, asking him to write a check for $1,900 and send it to an address. When the treasurer followed up, the person responded that it was for legal expenses. The president was out of the country and couldn't be reached by phone, so he wrote the check, almost draining their treasury. It turns out the email was a scam. It wasn't actually from the president. The email had the president's name, but not their email address. Many of the TVC clubs have received these emails, as has the Federation's treasurer. You need to be vigilant. When you receive a suspicious email, double-check the email address. If you're not completely sure, use the telephone. Clubs might want to consider temporarily requiring that all check requests be verified by telephone, or setting up a "secret word" that must be present.
PUBLICITY/EDUCATION: Kathy (Tim) Roberts. During our Education Seminar yesterday, head Funster Dave Cooper and his cohort Lee Ashwill led a great discussion on how to find and create fun in our clubs, councils & festivals. Many ideas were presented and talked about by additional the 13 people in attendance. I have asked Dave Cooper to give a recap of the seminar. We will also be publishing the ideas that Dave and Lee presented during the seminar in next month's OFN. If you have any additional "fun" ideas you would like included, please talk to Dave or myself.
The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Facebook page is up to 354 members. Our Facebook page continues to be an excellent means of advertising dances and special events. If you wish to add someone to our Facebook page, please check with that individual first to be sure that is something they want.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit. The Federation plaques for the Randall Award are displayed in the foyer of the convention center along with the original Wood Award. I had planned on getting the Chairman's Award updated and re-engraved, but with the death of my mother, things got delayed. The Chairman's Award is messed up with a combination of Wood and Chairman winners and needs to be fixed. I will get back on the search for the various winners in the history stuff in my garage and get it fixed. No other submissions for the Historian have been received.
BMI/ASCAP COORDINATOR: Ralph Lambert. Both BMI and ASCAP have provided me invoices for the Federations dues for 2018.
The BMI amount is $160.00 (Last year was $155.00)
The ASCAP amount is $256.00 (Last year was $250.00)
Both invoices have been forwarded to Lane Clem, OFSRDC Treasure for the appropriate checks.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit. The youth committee awarded 14 Mid-Winter ribbon scholarships to youth this year with 4 of those being for just Saturday. The Mid-Winter Youth Committee was given $100.00 from the youth activities fund to assist with the Friday night youth pizza.
For the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival: it will be May 4th & 5th, 2018 at Silverton High School, Silverton Oregon. A projected budget has been worked up and given to the teen festival. A copy is with the Silver City Squares youth scrap book. A list of volunteer jobs and descriptions is available. See Karyn Buchheit to look these over and sign up. If people are interested in being a judge or timer for either squares or rounds, they need to contact the chief judges - Tami Helms for rounds and Helge Jackson for squares. Change of chief square dance judge is by request from Michael Kious due to health issues.
I was informed Saturday evening about an incident that happened during the Friday night youth pizza party where one of the adult men tried to force one of the youth girls to join a square by trying to pick her up by the waist. This adult has been reprimanded/talked to by my husband. Side-note: this particular adult has been talked to before by other clubs/officers. He also works in a job that requires an extensive background check.
ORDTA: Tami (Tim Keck) Helms. After several years of retirement, we are pleased to welcome Patty Hermann back as a returning member.
A nominating committee was appointed to select a slate of new officers. The list of candidates will be presented at the January 27, meeting in Albany.
Cuers need to register if they want to cue at The Summer festival 2018 in Grants Pass. The deadline is Feb 15 2018 any questions contact Elaine Funk 541 476 2539.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami (Tim Keck) Helms. Note to all Councils: when a change is made for your Cuer Advisor please make sure I am notified so the Round Dance selection information gets sent to the proper person. I need name, address, phone number, and email address.
Buckle Bunny Boogie by Neil and Doris Koozer was selected as March 2018 Classic. February 2018 Interstate Highlanders chose Farewell Waltz by Bob & Linda Berka.
CALLER LIAISON: Janienne Alexander. No report at this time, but I would like to suggest that callers at Mid-Winter announce the youth pins at the start of each hour they're calling.
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts. The web site is kind of losing importance to the online OFN and the Facebook page, both of which are getting more traffic, but I do still get inquiries that show people read it.
STATE FAIR REPORT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit. A letter will be sent to the Fair in April to let them know we are interested in dancing again at the Fair in August/September. I will again ask for Saturday of Labor Day weekend for the Youth themed day, a round dance day and two mainstream days. Hoping to get four days this year. The theme for the 2018 fair is "Where the Fun Shines".
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: Lorri McIntosh/Marilyn Schmit: Yesterday's meeting was attended by Lorri and me. Nominations are open until February 1. Tim Hagey has agreed to run for Secretary again, and Patty Cooper has agreed to run for Membership again. The position of Treasurer is a 2-year position, and Lane Clem will be starting his second year following elections in April. Kathy Roberts opened nominations for 1st Vice President. Kay Rogers nominated herself -- she later rescinded her nomination. Dave Cooper and Karyn Buchheit were also nominated for First Vice President. Kathy Roberts opened nominations for 2nd Vice President. Kay Rogers nominated Gary Clark for Second Vice President. Bob Houston agreed to run for a second term of Second Vice President.
An email was sent to USDA asking if they were able to offer any suggestions or guidance from other states. Dale & Kathy Worthington were going to discuss the issue during Friday's USDA's meeting and will report back to us.
We have not set up an account, yet. The company that we have been working with recommended that we switch companies to "One Source", since upon their following up with what we were requesting, they were unable to provide all of the required background data at the National and county levels. The new company, One Source, meets and exceeds our requirements.
One Source also works with nonprofits and youth organizations. Their fees are about 30% lower than Good Hire due to our nonprofit status.
During the last meeting, we mentioned that we may want to consult a lawyer before we start the background check. After reviewing the information from One Source, if we have any questions about our procedures, we would like to hire a lawyer to review them. Therefore, I move to authorize up to $500 for an attorney to review our background check procedures and policies if it is deemed necessary. Marilyn Schmit seconded. Motion passed. Janienne Alexander offered to take this to CallerLab to see if their lawyers would look at this at no extra cost.
Dale and Kathy Worthington provided a verbal report from USDA. All USDA can do is offer recommendations. They can not tell clubs what to do.
Marilyn Schmit made a motion to reimburse the Rogue Squares and Star Promenaders $250.00 for the advertisements they placed in the Coffee News. Lorri McIntosh seconded. Motion passed.
Lorri McIntosh made a motion to reimburse Central Oregon 50% of their trailer repairs, not to exceed $225.00 contingent upon receiving a receipt or invoice for their actual expenses. Cece Glidewell seconded. Motion passed.
UMPQUA: Frank (Rita) Schuchard - If you have not been to our Barn in the last six months we now have a new look to the barn, thanks to several of our club volunteers. The front doors have been painted barn red with white trim to look like a Barn door, the entry way no longer has a desk when you enter but instead has a painted mural with a western theme on the wall and our antique buggy has been moved to the front entry way of the barn. Our club has been trying different "fun" things the last six months.
A local line dancing group that rents our Barn for their lessons visited us on the 5th Saturday dance in December and for the first time ever, instead of having rounds between tips, we had line dancing which was led by the line dance instructor.
In December we had our first craft fair which was open to the public and it was a success. Attendance was great. Even Santa Claus made an appearance.
We have had different fun activities that we have not tried before. We started off January with a dance that was a chili competition cook off…..followed by the mid-January dance called "Stock the Shelves." Each person coming to the dance who brought a roll of paper towels or toilet paper received $1 off at the door. The goal was to stock the shelves in the supply closet.
Twelve September students will be graduating soon. Our 66th Birthday Dance will be April 7th with Mike Sikorsky calling.
Our annual Round Up June 8th and 9th will be centered around a 50s theme so don't forget to make plans to join us for the week end. At last summer's Round Up the theme for this summer's Round Up was voted on by folks who were at the Round Up and we will be voting again this year for the 2019 theme. Next year's theme will be announced Saturday night at the dance. We expect to see plenty of poodle skirts, saddle shoes, white tee shirts with the sleeves rolled up and other 50's attire this year. On Sunday morning we will again have a pancake breakfast at the barn and then finish the week end dancing at the Wildlife Safari which is hosted by the Buckeroos. Scot and Erin Byars will be finishing up the week end calling and cueing at the Wildlife Benefit dance 10am-noon and from 1-3pm we will dance to jamboree callers and cuers. It should be a fun weekend dancing to Scot and Erin Byars.
TUALATIN VALLEY: Jim (Kay) Rogers - At the recent TVC President's Potluck, Andis Garuts was given the Presidents' Award for outstanding participation in TVC dances, lessons and activities.
Officer nominations are underway and consist of Judy Schnase for Vice President, Andis Garuts as Secretary, Joann Switzer as Treasurer, Jim Rogers as State Delegate. Obviously missing is a nomination for TVC President.
One of our clubs, Valley Squares, fell victim to a clever scam and ended up giving a check for their entire treasury to a scammer. They wish to thank the Federation for the $1,000 grant. Cautionary tale to others to be careful, as these scams are getting more clever all the time.
SOUTH COAST: Patrick (Cherie) Cox.
BEACHCOMBERS: Dave Cooper and his angels have completed their Fall Beginning Square Dance lessons. The new dancers felt confident enough to dance at the New Year's Eve dance called by Mark Wheeler with cueing by Cathy Houston and Dave Cooper. The Beachcombers are proud to have a square of dancers representing their club attending Mid-Winter. Plans are under way for hosting the Federation meeting in Port Orford in April as well as Battle Rock Festival Labor Day Weekend and 65th Birthday Dance in June.
New square dance class starts February 11.
MAVERICKS: Mavericks have been dancing monthly thru the Fall and Holiday Season. They sponsored a Slow Two Step Class during December and students have really enjoyed learning a new rhythm. In March they will be holding a 6 hour Weekend Jive Class in Port Orford in conjunction with the Beachcombers regular monthly dance. Watch for flyers.
SAINTS & AINTS: Saints-N-Aints are doing well, continuing to dance twice a month on the first and third Saturday. Five of our dancers are attending caller clinics and learning to call.
Donna Hiserote officially retired as our club cuer at the end of December. Cathy Houston and Cherie Cox now share Cueing. Donna will substitute as needed with dances and lessons.
Fall square dance lessons have finished with 5 new dancers. We will start new square dance lessons on February 4.
SETS IN ORDER: Sets In Order is finishing their round class lessons. We had a great turnout but they weren't too regular. It makes it difficult for the teacher to move forward. Denise did a great job (as usual). Now to see if any come to the dances.
We might start square dance lessons in February but as of now only have 2 people interested. Hardly enough to pursue it.
As the first of a new year starts we again wonder if our club members really want to continue. It is always a discussion we put off. Maybe this is the time.
ROGUE SIS Q: Roberta (Phil) Claudson - The biggest project we are enjoying is the planning for the 2018 Summer Festival. We truly hope for a good turnout. Grants Pass has many things to do: rafting the Rogue and seeing the bears are just two of the ideas.
The council is continuing with their 5th Friday dances rotating locations among our four dance clubs.
Our emphasis this year has been to bring along our new dancers so they have fun both at the lessons and at our dances. The Rogue Squares and the Star Promenaders are sharing a punch card idea. Angels who attend either clubs lessons can have their card punched. After eight punches the angel can attend a club dance for free.
Our area caller and cuer's association sponsors several Sunday afternoon dances at the student level. The Rogue squares had a pajamarama dance in January with all tips at the student level. Students and angels from all four clubs attended. There were also visitors from the Buckaroos.
Wayne Weaver, long time caller in southern Oregon has announced his retirement for this coming August. The Stars are planning quite a retirement gala honoring both Wayne and his wife Debbi. They have been very instrumental in keeping Diamond Lake Festival running.
Circle N Squares dance on the third Saturday of each month. Their moneymaker is selling pop, etc. at the Siskiyou County Fair each August. They host the Gold Diggers dance each June.
The Charlie Browns are using guest callers and cuers for their two monthly dances. This year they are experimenting with starting the dance program ˝ hour earlier. They celebrated their 60th birthday with a dance in December 2017. Their Boatnik Festival coincides with Grants Pass' Boatnik celebration, which includes a parade and boat races. Toni Oxendine is the featured caller.
The Rogue Squares are also using guest callers. They are dancing on the 3rd Friday of each month.
The Star Promenaders are busy working on the upcoming Diamond Lake Festival. Hunter Keller and MaryAnn Callahan are the caller and cuer this year. At the student level potluck and Christmas dance, they danced around Christmas trees. Each square had a tree set up in the middle of the eight dancers. All who danced received a special dangle to remember the event.
All four council clubs work together to organize a 3 day dance festival during the Pear Blossom Festival held by the City of Medford each April. The city's festival activities include a parade and several races. Eric Henerlau is the caller this year.
PORTLAND AREA: Janet (Roy) Bellcoff - Winter Festival Committee for hosting another great weekend event "Dancin the Night Away". It is always a pleasure to head south and enjoy ourselves here, in Albany!
The Portland Area Clubs have hosted a variety of New Dancer Dances, theme Dances New Year's Eve Dances and special activities in the last few months. Some clubs are starting a new series of lessons. In the near future, PAC will be hosting a New Dancer Dance on Friday, February 23, Scott Zinser will be Caller with Doug Hatch, Cuer. On the 5th Friday, March 30 the PAC Dance will be held with Caller Ian Craig and Cuer Doug Hatch. Both of these dances will be held at Oak Grove Community Center.
Looking further into the future, PAC will be the host for the 2018 Tri-Council Dance on Saturday, September 29 - Caller, Cuer, and Hall location are still to be announced. This is an annual dance with the host rotated between TVC, PAC, and Evergreen Councils.
Two clubs in PAC have experienced significant events in January. 1). River City SD Club had a "Welcome Dance" for their new Caller. Darrell Kalmbach, with his wife Erin, is now the full time Caller for this Club. River City Club dances at the Milwaukie Community Center. 2). The Happy Hoppers SD Club in Vancouver, has told PAC that the sale of the Clark County Square Dance Center was finalized in January. The club is able to continue dances & lessons in the hall until this coming summer and then will relocate to a different facility.
On a personal note, if you are using the email to reach my husband and me, please discontinue its use. We are discontinuing that address. That was an email we created for the 2012 National SD Convention in Spokane. Please use Thank you.
MID-WILLAMETTE: Neta (Ron) Minten - The past activities and upcoming events of the 13 Clubs in the MWA Council can be found in the OFN monthly. Check out the OFN for Flyers of upcoming dances.
Items to make note of:
1) A new Website for the MWA is being developed and will be available soon,
2) Watch the OFN for information on the 2018 Northwest Youth Competition that is being held in Silverton Oregon this year. Buy your buttons from the Silver City Youth Dancers, it is your ticket to get in to watch the competitions and to go to the dance Saturday night, which is open to all dancers.
3)September 2018 State Meeting will be held in Salem Oregon on Sept. 22 and 23, by the MWA Council with the Willamette Squares hosting. It will be held at the Salem Square Dance Center. More details will be provided at the June State Meeting.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell - The KCs have good news to share! They have a new caller as of January 2018. Roy and Teresa Morgan of Merrill, OR. They recently moved to the area and attended the clubs Potato Festival last October where they got acquainted with the club members and have been actively attending the club's meetings. Roy Morgan attended one of Tony Oxendine's caller school several years ago and is a member of caller lab.
Graduated dancer workshops resumed on January 11 at Triad school with Roy Morgan practicing his teaching and calling skills on the clubs graduated dancers. Once he and the club feel comfortable with his calling the club will start advertising a new dancer workshop. The club is using guest callers for their party nights for the time being.
The club is hopeful that having a new caller will be a shot in the arm and revive the club and eventually increase their membership.
EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones - Our first session of New Dancer lessons, sponsored by four clubs, started in late September; finished the middle of December, and graduated 11 dancers (we started with 16). They are all out dancing, and some have already joined clubs.
The second session of lessons started on January 3, 2018 and will be 12 weeks this time -- on Wednesday's at 7:00 pm, again sponsored by four clubs at the Emerald Square Dance Center. There are 12 new dancers this session.
One of our clubs, "Boots & Sandals" will be celebrating their 66th birthday at a special dance on Saturday, February 24, 2018, at the Emerald Square Dance Center.
Our Councils' annual Benefit Dance this year will be on the 5th Saturday, March 31, 7:30 pm at the Emerald Square Dance Center, with calling and cueing by the Cascade Callers & Cuers Association. The recipient again this year is "Honor Flight: -- where veterans of World War II, Korea, and now Vietnam, travel to Washington, D.C. to be honored at the memorials there. Everyone is invited to come to this dance and help us support this special event for these veterans. For so many of them it is a trip of a lifetime.
CENTRAL OREGON: Kippen (Debbie) Parret:
This report will be kind of anemic as I caught the flu just before Thanksgiving. It morphed into pneumonia and seven weeks later I finally was well enough to get off the couch. During that time I did not attend any dances or meetings, trying to recover and not wanting to share it with others. Those clubs who did post their council reports have been copied and pasted to let you know that Central Oregon is still kicking up out heels
October: Poor Club attendance reported for the one mile litter patrol project held this month. Our Halloween Dance was held at the Redmond Grange featuring Jim Hattrick had fair attendance.
November: Photos of the trailer were sent to Joyce in regards to appropriating funds for repairs. Renea S. has obtained contracts from callers and cures for all of 2018 club dances. Low attendance reported for our past dances. Club still looking for a better venue to hold dances.
December: The Snow Flake Ball was hosted by the Shufflers at the Pine Forest Grange with good attendance, five squares reported. Sharon Schaedler did an excellent job overseeing the evening beginning with a Taco Soup dinner. All enjoyed Scott Zinzer calling and Mark McDonald cueing. The New Year was rung in with sparkling cider at 12:00 EST.
Following suite with other local clubs, 2018 dance entrance fees were moved up to $7.00 per person.
REDROCKS: In November, the Redrocks hosted a Community Appreciation Dance in conjunction with the Redmond Grange and collected donations for NeighborImpact. We collected 33 pounds of food and donated $111.00.
We had a fun Christmas dance with Adam Christman and hosted a Mainstream workshop the next day in conjunction with the Beauts for a Triple Up weekend.
Our lessons began last Sunday from 1-3 pm at the Redmond Grange with instructor, Debbie Klug, and will continue into April. Our upcoming fun dances include a Popcorn Dance on Jan. 19th, (National Popcorn Day), our Sweetheart Dance on February 2nd and a St. Patty's dance on March 16th. We're planning to do some local club visitations in the near future, so be on the lookout for us!
SWINGING MOUNTAINEERS: The highlight dance on our Fall and early Winter schedule was definitely our Christmas Dance on December 8th. Darrel Kalmbach and Mark McDonald called & cued a great dance for us and our "canned food & non-perishables drive" resulted in 10 grocery bags & boxes full of food which were donated to the Bethlehem Inn. We are grateful for the fantastic generosity displayed by the Central Oregon Square & Round dancers. THANK YOU DANCERS!!!
This past Friday night, we were happy to host Mark McDonald's PLUS calling debut. Mark put in a huge amount of time preparing and really did a great job for a first-time PLUS caller. If you missed this dance, for whatever reason, you might want to come dance to Mark the next time he's scheduled. (By the way he cued too!) This was our only dance in January as we'll be "dark" on the 4th Friday for Mid-Winter Festival in Albany.
We encourage all of our Central Oregon dancers to join us for some great Plus dances with really fantastic callers & cuers in the coming months each 2nd and 4th Friday.
BACHELOR BEAUTS: The Bachelor Beauts currently have 53 current members. We have introduced a prepaid dance card for members to purchase, 6 dances for $35, and these have been gaining popularity.
We had a good turnout for the Annual Thanksgiving dinner, and it was a big help to begin decorating at 4:00!! Great job and serving went well by drawing the table numbers. The majority of the 65 guests were Bachelor Beauts members. Suggestions for next year include considering an Emcee, holding an ice breaker or short game afterwards. We may tactfully ask that side dishes be sized for 10 people as some offerings were gone after the first few people went through the line. Also, we may have the food list out in October at all club dances to encourage knowing what will be brought & a possible head count. Seven students started Lessons on September 21. Most have paid for the full set of lessons. As the class size is small and some have prior skill, Ron will teach Club 50 list in 9 lessons instead of 12 by extending the class a half hour. We will be offering another set of lessons beginning in February. Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 February 12 to April 4. The second set will be on Thursday and Sunday evenings from 6:15 - 8:15 April 8. Female Bachelor Beaut members wishing to learn the left hand dancer's part may attend lessons without charge provided that the first 3 lessons have 8 paid students and Lessons 4-16 have 6 paid students. The Board agreed that all mainstream calls will be taught using the Club 50 format, so on graduation the students can dance with our Club.
Dance Local 2018: Marial said she has good response for the Local callers and cuers on February 3 and November 3, 2018 Local Dances Night.
The Bachelor Beauts and Swinging Mountaineers purchased a Williams Hearing Sound Equipment. This is a very helpful tool for persons with hearing aids. Scott Zinser facilitated better use of the system at one of the last dances. The system includes 2 sets which can be use at Bachelor Beauts and Swinging Mountaineer dances. Dancers can buy a set for their personal use at these dances and also take their personal set to other festivals.
The Grange: Don Bramhall came to speak with the Board about the nature of the Grange, a fraternal organization with rituals and by-laws. The Pine Forest Grange could use new members who could be active with projects and to take leadership roles. The heating and cooling system has just been replaced with a new system, but some ductwork will be needed in the future. The building was a church built in the 70's and has some additional challenges - a roof leak and cracks in the parking surface. When the cost to repair the roof / reroof is known, the Grange can apply for a grant from the State to cover the cost. All square dancers are invited and encouraged to attend the Grange meetings on the 4th Monday of each month at 5:30, followed by a potluck.
The club has been brainstorming ideas on how to increase participation in the Roundup. Ideas have included coupons, booster ribbons, and contests. This year we sent out holiday cards to all the callers and cuers that came to our dances. We are now working on some ideas on how to increase mainstream dancer experience at each dance. We will be sending a survey to club members with some different dance evening "scenarios" to see how they feel about making some changes. The tentative schedules will also be posted at the dances to allow people to visualize them.
FYI: Dan Nordbye will live in Oregon from the spring to fall. There is an opportunity to hold a Summer Camp.
The club will participate in several fundraisers this year. It is a great way for us to raise money.
BLUE MOUNTAINS: David Stutzman - The annual Spring Fling at Baker City is the second weekend in April. Information for the event can be found on the Facebook page, Elkhorn Swingers Square Round Dance Club.
Patty & Dave Cooper: There have been many opportunities for us to spread goodwill throughout Oregon.
Many dances, weekends, demos, and dances. The Saints N Aints had two demos, one at the North Bend Medical Center grand reopening and then at Shore Acres grand lighting during the Christmas season. Lessons were held at all the clubs on the South Coast. New Years Eve dances were held at many clubs in Oregon. Visitations made to clubs. Club meetings, elections, some disagreements among club members, and many fun club dances have happened since out last federation meeting in September. Sadly we were not at most of these happenings due to some unfortunate health issues.
But, since September we have not been idle. Patty went on a trip to visit family in Alabama and while there she visited with members of the Dothan Do Sa Doers club in Dothan, Alabama. Dave spent a long weekend in Central Oregon cueing at three dances while there. We were able to attend and cue at the Potato Festival in K Falls. A fun weekend which was poorly attended by Oregon dancers and Federation officers and delegates. During the covered bridge dance during the Rainbow Campout we visited with people who came to watch and from that we received a call from a lady there who wanted to set up a demo and teach at the community center. We handed the info to the Whirl A Ways who have set it all up. Hopefully they will get some new club members for their efforts. We have held lessons at our club both square and round, and for the first time in many years we brought a square of Beachcombers to this mid winter! We, like most of you, are constantly talking to people about our activity. We have commitments from a few of these to come to at least one lesson starting in February.
At yesterday's education seminar many ideas were shared from those attending. As promised, we will now introduce you to Rocky Yellowrocker.
Kathy & Dale Worthington: Kathy and Dale were very please and honored to be appointed as the OFSRDC Ambassadors by Marilyn Schmidt. During September to November we attended several dances/festivals in Oregon and Washington, to include the R Square D October Festival and the Seaside Sashay. Around October 2016, Sandy Eddings asked if Dale would serve as the Vendor Coordinator for the 2018 Mid-Winter Festival. This Dale was more than happy to do. In June 2017 at the National Square Dance Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, we were selected as the Western Region Vice President for the USDA. We also found out that we were responsible for putting on the USDA Mid-Year Meeting. This meeting happened to be on the same days as the 2018 Mid-Winter Festival in Albany. We thought it might be good to have the USDA meeting there. However, transportation and lodging issues soon eliminated that possibility. We were able to find a suitable place at the Hampton Inn in Vancouver, WA. This also added a problem of being the 2018 Mid-Winter Festival Vendor Coordinator. With the help of Sandy Eddings, Bill Cohen volunteered to set up the vendors in the Vendors Hall. In November and December we went on a "Road Trip" down to Lake Havasu City, Arizona; Fort Worth, Texas; Gainesville, Florida; Branson, Missouri; Wakefield, Kansas; (because of a snow storm, back to) Lake Havasu, Arizona; and finally home to Oregon on Christmas Day. It was over 9,000 miles in a little over 5 weeks. We had looked at square dancing at our various stops, however the day of the dance and distance precluded our attendance at any of the dances. Maybe next time we will have more time.
Next Scheduled Meeting
April 29, 2018, 9:00 am
South Coast Council, Beachcombers Hall
Port Orford, Oregon
ADJOURN: Lane Clem moved to adjourn the meeting, Patty Cooper seconded the motion. Motion carried